May / June Newsletter

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May/June 2009 Volume #9, Issue #3

First Unity Campus | 460 46th Ave. N. | St. Petersburg, FL 33703 | (727) 527-2222 |

Broadcasting the Message

Fueling our Fire with



Prosperity Focus


Campus as Sanctuary

COUNCIL of First Unity

A Family Church

See how we're doing! pg 20 – 21

What’s Happening pg 4-5 Youth & Family News We're growing!

pg 8-9 Drumming is HOT

Drum with Buddy Helm, build your own drum or both!

pg 18 Riches & Honor with Rev. Edwene Gaines


Let Out Your Stories!

Rev. Temple Hayes

"Thank your for

sharing your many beautiful stories

with me. You have

added to my life and my spiritual work immensely. If you have a story you'd like to share,

please send an email to to let us know about it!"

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"In many shaman societies, if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited or depressed, they would ask you one of four questions: When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence? Where we stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experienced the loss of soul. Dancing, singing, storytelling and silence are the four universal healing selves." - Angeles Arrien, cultural anthropologist Storytelling is an ancient way of self-expression that has been touching hearts and building dreams since the beginning of time. As Jesus was walking among people who were determined to hold onto the old laws and old ways of seeing, he would use the art of storytelling to shift their minds and hearts. We love hearing your stories and how the teaching of Unity has changed a condition, a relationship or an experience in your lives. There are many people who have walked through these doors with a pain, a problem or personal issue, and now they are experiencing healing in their day-to-day lives. The beauty of our teaching is that when you learn to apply the laws and principles with one situation of your life, you have the tools which you can use the rest of your life to help you through all things. I love the statement, "Nothing can happen to me, unless I allow it to happen through me." Once a change in consciousness is made, we are forever changed. Last month, the staff and board came together to talk with Rev. Russell Heiland, our new assistant minister from Unity of Wilmington, NC, about First Unity Church and Wings Bookstore. Rev. Alan Rowbotham, our minister emeritus, was also present while each of us were sharing the stories of how we found our way to this magical sacred place. We could feel how each of us had been called to be here at this particular time and the spiritual value of

Minister's Message

the invitation. In scripture, there is a deeper understanding of the invitation when we are called, knowing God has gifted us with the ability to not only answer the call, but also to fulfill the promise of the call. The term "spiritual gift" comes from the Greek phrase chrismata, sometimes referred to as "charisma," and is defined as "a gift of grace." This means we, as spiritual beings, are allowing God’s gifts which are uniquely ours to flow through us. Many of us had no idea where our paths would take us, yet we kept walking forward with one foot in front of the other. It’s like pointing a flashlight into the distance when it is dark all around us and we cannot see anything yet when we put the light of the flashlight in front of us, we can see just far enough to take the steps required. The Board of Trustees and our staff of First Unity Church and Wings Bookstore continue to take steps into the light of building a thriving and loving community for ourselves and our families. Please welcome Rev. Russell to our church home as he brings amazing spiritual gifts. He will focus on many areas, one of which is the SEE (Spiritual Education & Enrichment) credential classes offered by Unity Institute. See pages 10-12 for his upcoming classes. Take special note of some of the stories which are happening around you and also the stories which you would like to see in your own life. Remember, the story held in mind will produce its own kind. The thoughts you are holding today will truly occur before you know it. Your dreams are waiting on you to come true. Loving life, Temple


Introducing our New Associate Minister Unity minister Rev. Russell Heiland joins the First Unity community on May 1 as associate minister. Rev. Russell, like Rev. Temple, was ordained through our Association of Unity Churches Field Licensing Program in 2007. His ordination service served a dual purpose; he was also presented with a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies degree from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington. His thesis, "Inner Vision and Synchronicity: Dream Work as Taught by Charles Fillmore and Carl Jung," was original Unity scholarship in which he documented the history of dream interpretation in the Unity Movement. Rev. Russell spent his first 20 years in Unity at Unity Christ Church of Wilmington, NC – first as congregant and finally as senior minister from 2005 – 2009. He served as co-founder

and first spiritual leader of Crystal Coast Unity in Morehead City, NC. Rev. Russell has keen interests in youth and young adult ministry (including campus ministry), men’s work, humor and puns, the arts as worship and pastoral care. He has served on two Association of Unity Churches ministry teams and cofacilitated last summer’s International Youth of Unity Appreciative Inquiry Summit with church consultant Barbara O’Hearne. Rev. Russell, his partner Anthony Ezzell, and their two dogs are eager to call First Unity and St. Petersburg home.

Rev. Russell Heiland

Spiritual Education and Enrichment (S.E.E) Returns From its beginning, Unity has been a teaching movement. Co-founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore understood the value of asking questions and probing the depths of the mind and heart to discern answers. They were committed to teaching the metaphysical understanding of the scriptures, as well as the spiritual principles that lead to individual enlightenment and liberation. This is one of the great gifts Unity offers to people today: a philosophy, a theology, and a psychology of the spirit—all in one—that leads to the transformation of consciousness and the establishment of “a world that works for all.” Along with augmenting your personal spiritual growth, SEE classes are integral in the process of becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher and Unity minister. At First Unity we are blessed with many spiritual leaders whose service to the world can be greater with credentialing from Unity. Is Spirit nudging you? Visit Unity Institute at education for more information.

Our new associate minister, Rev. Russell Heiland, has a passion for Unity teachings and invites you to step into “the greater life” of spiritual enrichment and education. His first two classes are "Bible Overview: Hebrew Scriptures" and "Myrtle and Charles Fillmore’s Teachings on Healing and Wholeness." (See pages 10-12 for details.) Help co-create this dynamic and effective program of Unity education at First Unity, by helping Russell out. If you have already taken SEE classes, please provide Rev. Russell your most recent transcript. If you do not have one, please contact SEE Registrar Lisa Earl at Unity Institute ( and request yours, with a copy sent to Rev. Russell at Minister's Message

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Youth and Family Ministry News

Steven Krugler Youth & Family Ministry Director

Our Youth and Family Ministry program at First Unity is increasing in size, and now we have added classes at the 9 am service! Our Youth and Family Ministry (YFM) encompasses the following programs: Nursery, Children’s Ministry, Uniteens and YOU (Youth of Unity). Our Nursery (ages 0 - 2) is available Sundays at 9 & 11 am and is located on the first floor of the main building. Our staff of loving and experienced childcare providers offer a nurturing and safe environment for your children while you attend service. A notification system is utilized to inform parents when they are needed. Children's Ministry (ages 3 - 10) meets Sundays at 9 & 11 am above Friendship Hall. Spiritual principles are the focus in the Sunday classes. These spiritual principles are presented through interactive activities that affirm different learning styles such as story-telling, music and movement, crafts and hands-on activities, role playing and drama, and puppets. The practice of meditation and prayer are included in each class, along with Bible selections, tithing and affirmations. All children are also involved in various service projects throughout the year. Our Uniteens (ages 11-13) meet Sundays at 11 am in Rm #401 in The Learning Center. Our mission is to "enhance the teens' natural ability to know God, to love God and to serve God." Our vision is to provide a safe environment for teens to explore their spiritual beliefs, discover their unique talents and purpose, share and serve in loving fellowship, and apply Unity truth principles while having fun!

YFM Booster Club Our newest organization in YFM is our “YFM Booster Club.” This is an organization of adults who may have a limited amount of time for volunteering, but would like to have some connection with our children and youth when they are able to volunteer, and do not want to be Sunday morning teachers. Volunteers may be called upon to help at children’s social events and activities, fundraisers, assist at our teen Saturday Social Night, organize or oversee a youth social outing, or assist in some administrative capacity with computer, filing or office work. We are looking for additional members to join our group, have fun and be a part of a growing children’s program. Please call Steven for more information.

YOU Spring Rally a Success

Our YOU spring regional rally was held in Leesburg, FL March 13 -15 with 12 of our teens and 2 sponsors attending. There were more than 200 teens from throughout the southeast region of Unity who participated in this rally. In order to attend, our teens were required to have at least seven hours of community/ church service, a minimum of 60% Sunday attendance, plus have the Please get in touch with me at or call 527-2222 x109 for financial funds available through more information about any of the events or opportunities listed on these pages. fundraising. The rally consisted of prayer and meditation, small family groups, spiritual workshops with guest speakers, The Youth of Unity (ages 14-18) meet Sunday election/installation of new officers, plus a lot of from 11am to noon & Saturdays from 6:30 to games and activities. We feel so blessed to have 8 pm in Rm #400 in The Learning Center. All the financial support of our congregation which YOU activities are designed to create a balance allows us to attend and thus grow spiritually of individual study, spiritual lessons, service from these rallies. and fellowship which involve, motivate and stimulate young people to be an expression of what they are – children of God.

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youth & Family


YOU'ers Raise $750 at Gasparilla Marathon!

May & June Calendar

May 2-3 YOU lock-in and service project with local Unity churches. May 2 Uniteen bowling party for ages 11-13.

May 10

On March 1 our YOU participated in an aid station for the Gasparilla marathon. On Saturday night, 12 teens stayed overnight at the church and departed at 5 am Sunday morning for the marathon, where they helped set up and staff an aid station. We provided Gatorade and water to more than 1,500 runners as they came by our station. Early in the marathon, a strong cold front moved through with 40 mile per hour winds, driving rain and a 20 degree temperature drop. Through all of this inclement weather, our teens not only stuck through it, but gave extra encouragement to all of the runners as they handed them water. We would like to thank Susan Harmeling for this great opportunity to serve and share in this experience, and we look forward to participating again next year.


Linette McLeod tells us about Spring Rally (March 13-15 in Leesburg, Florida)

My experience was amazing! The theme for this rally was “I AM.” We met at the church on Friday and all 14 of us (12 YOUers and 2 sponsors) piled into a 15-passenger van and off we went to Leesburg campground. We greeted all our old friends and checked in. I was a family group leader and I ran for regional representative. There are two representatives for the southeast region, and they help plan and lead all of the southeast region events like rallies and Summer Connection. They’re in this position for one year. Elections are at Spring Rally. There’s an application you have to fill out, which is not easy. On Friday night and Saturday morning, the candidates are called on to come to the stage, and they are asked questions. There were five of us. The election was held Saturday afternoon, and I came in 3rd place. I was so, so, so, close, but the experience of running was so awesome. I ended up running for zone leader, which represents the churches on the west side of Florida, and won with another YOUer from Tampa. We are responsible for putting on the events for the chapters in our zone. It was one of the greatest rallies. For more details, come find me on a Sunday. I'd like to tell you more.

Mother’s Day Carnation Sale fundraiser — our children will be selling carnations with an affirmation attached for $1. We are hoping to raise enough money to have a children’s (5th grade and younger) lock-in at the church sometime in August where we all get together and play games and activities, watch a movie, tell stories and bond. Buy one for yourself and purchase one for the “nurturer” in your life. It is our vision to see everyone at church on that Sunday carrying a carnation. June 14-19 YOU Summer Connection — this is a time when several hundred Unity teens get together for a week of serving, sharing, learning, self-nurturing and fun in Asheville, NC. Time is spent learning about Unity truth principles, meditating and praying, spiritual sharing and workshops, games and much more. This week-long event costs close to $350 per teen, so our fundraisers help meet some of that expense. June 21 Uniteen fundraiser "POPS" for Pops — enjoy an ice cream float, available for purchase today in Friendship Hall after services. All proceeds benefit the Uniteens. Every Saturday “YOU Social Night” — 6:30 to 8 pm in YOU room (Rm #401). This social night is for any teen ages 14-18. Come join us and have fun!

Youth & Family

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Musical Guests The Canaan Band Sunday, May 3 — 9 & 11 am services The Canaan Band is a rock and soul powerhouse of five accomplished musicians from Tampa Bay. The range of their talent and their blend of energetic musical styles thrills and inspires fans of all ages, as they minister in concert and church services. Their mission is to let people know that God loves them "just as they are,” and that we are all made in God's image.

Mike Davis Sunday, June 14 — 9 & 11 am services A native of Florida, Mike Davis has served several New Thought churches as music director for the past 15 years. He has also played various theme parks and convention centers in central Florida. He is now “on the road again,” as a performing artist and songwriter.

Bring This Ad In For Great Discounts On Camp T-Shirts.

Russell Fox Sunday, May 10 — 9 & 11 am services Music and theatre have been a driving force in Russell Fox’s life for as long as he can remember. He has performed in musical theater and theme parks from coast to coast. He also works as a stage manager for Sea World, Disney World and Gatorland. He enjoys singing at various churches around the state of Florida.

Music By First Unity Choir Sunday, June 7 — 9 & 11 am services It’s the choir’s last performance before their summer break. Be sure to let them know how much you appreciate them! If you’re considering joining the choir, we’ll be starting up again with a retreat on August 29. For more information, please email Choir Director Garry Miller at

Unity Principles in Practice • Weekly Swimming & Field Trips • Drama & Dance Art, Ceramics & Pottery Programs • PeaceGirl Yoga & Activities Program Sports, Games & Drumming Circles • Huge Activities Center & Shaded Playground Girls Empowerment Library & Computer Labs • Fun Science Adventures Girls Incorporated® of Pinellas is supported by the United Way of Tampa Bay. Inc. the City of Pinellas Park, Pinellas Community Foundation, Coordinated Child Care of Pinellas, Inc., Allegany Franciscan Ministries, Gasparilla Distance Classic and Publix Super Markets Charities.


The Story of A Dreamer Sunday, May 3 at 1:30 pm

Are you ready to be inspired to follow that dream that you keep setting aside? Do you feel a strong connection to the ocean and its inhabitants? Then listen to the story of Sergio Bambaren, the author of The Dolphin – Story of a Dreamer.

At the age of 34, Sergio discovered that his successful and lucrative career was creating only the illusion of success in his life. His true passion has always been the ocean and surfing, so Sergio faced his own fears, and courageously left his career in order to follow his dreams. Since then, he has written a total of 12 books, all inspired by his deep connection with the ocean. The Dolphin is a heartwarming book that illustrates the importance of placing our heart’s desires above those of popular opinion, and to move forward in faith as we “follow our bliss.” Similar to Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Dolphin paints an inspirational picture of how to overcome limitations and fears to allow our

dreams to be experienced! Inspired by meeting a lonely dolphin while surfing in Portugal, Sergio Bambaren wrote The Dolphin to convey his lessons learned through his direct life experience. The Dolphin has been translated into 40 languages and has sold more than 10,000,000 copies worldwide! The Dolphin has also recently been recreated in an animated film version that will be released by 20th Century Fox in Latin America and Europe in 2009 and will appear in the US theaters soon. Suggested love offering $15. Childcare is available for $5/child, $10 family. Reservations for childcare are required (allow three days) by contacting Dianna Collins at 527-2222 x107.

Sergio Bambaren

Gain wisdom and insight to living a life of bliss with Sergio at his workshop "Follow Your Dreams" on Sunday, May 3.

First Unity Campus Revenue and Expense Summary

“Thank you, God, for unlimited abundance which flows through Unity and creates new paths of growth for our service to the world.” First Unity Church tithes to the Association of Unity Churches, Silent Unity and others.

Jan-Feb 2009

Jan-Feb 2008

$130,956.85 $46,642.60

$113,520.77 $61,623.34

Total Revenues $177,599.45


Expenses Church Wings *

$144,062.33 $51,223.74

$118,772.86 $71,660.32

Total Expenses $195,286.07




Revenues Church Wings

Net Income (Deficit)

*$8290.40 of total is mortgage trust principal/interest payment ($4145.20 x 2 months). This does not reflect the liability reduction of principal payments to mortgage trust.

YOUR AD HERE Email or call 527-2222 x103 to place your ad. Join our Online Business Directory @ Our website averages 1,200 unique views a month with 90% from the greater Tampa Bay area, and our advertising rates are ridiculously cheap! Each listing includes a title line, contact info, a description of up to 50 words and a link to your website. Featured Event

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This May we are offering you two unique drumming experiences you won't want to miss! Join world-famous drummer Buddy Helm on May 8 for "Circle of Souls," a group drum healing process where we focus on each individual who wants to have a healing while sitting or lying in the middle of the circle. Then, register early for our drum-building workshop May 22 & 23 with DrumQuest and SoulFire Drum Ministry. Limited spaces are available for this hands-on meditative experience.

Healing Drum with Buddy Helm Friday, May 8 at 7 pm

Rhythm is an important balancing tool. It is the language of our souls and our bodies, giving us survival information to successfully complete this momentous shift in human evolution. Share the groove with world-class drummer, teacher, author, martial arts and healing drum meditation practitioner. Suggested love offering $25. Childcare is available for $5/child, $10 family. Reservations for childcare are required (allow three days) call Dianna Collins at 527-2222 x107.

99Secrets of the ancient grooves revealed in a supportive, easy-to-play style with no competition. Lots of fun!

99Some djembes available for playing/ purchase.

99No experience needed! 99Beginners and advanced welcome

Rhythmically create the world we want.

Russell Buddy Helm is classically trained since the age of eight. He has recorded, toured and played with many great musicians: Tim Buckley, Frank Zappa, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, the Allman Brothers, Bethlehem Asylum, Wolfman Jack, Baba Olatungi, Mike Bloomfield, Ray Manzarek(The Doors), Big Joe Turner, Ron Howard, Billy Burnett, and many others. He wrote the Star Wars comic strips for George Lucas, and was post-production supervisor for Lorimar-Telepictures in Los Angeles. His videos and artwork have been in the National Festival of the Arts. Helmtone Drum Protocols is a unique form of drumming meditation that enhances the quality of life-releasing stress and trauma.

Personal drum therapy (310) 650-9438 |

Mission Vision Drum Create with DrumQuest & Soulfire Friday, May 22 & Saturday, May 23 Join DrumQuest and SoulFire for this unique opportunity to intentionally create your own sacred drum. A variety of djembes and ashikos in different sizes and wood types, along with three sizes of Native American hoop (ceremonial) drums, are available in limited quantity to build. Not unlike the birthing process, a drum calls to one’s soul and is conceived through meditation, prayer and play. Intentions, dreams or vision can be

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Featured Event

created on your drum. This is much like vision mapping in supporting manifesting dreams and goals. A guided meditation at the event will assist this process. Feel free to collect special items which represent your vision and bring them to the workshop. Once vision is achieved, shaping and nurturing the appearance of a drum involves getting your hands wet (perhaps painted) and exercising creative muscle.

You could be painting, wood burning, gluing colored cloth, leather, feathers or stone, tying knots, making prayer ties, and sealing your drum. And that’s day one! On day two, you’ll be soaking, kneading and stretching a goat skin, gathering its edges as you place it carefully between cloth-wrapped rings and then affixing the head of the drum via ropes. You’ll weave and pull, and pull, and then pull some more. Throughout the experience we’ll [continued next page]

drum, sing, dance, play, raising spirit and supporting one another in this most powerful and creative opportunity to create a very intentional and sacred instrument and fun drum to play. Come wearing comfortable “work clothes,” and prepared to get a bit messy while having loads of fun. On Saturday, lunch can be purchased at Spice Routes or bring a bag lunch. Due to time necessary for completion, we strongly urge you to plan to eat lunch on site. You may need to make it a working lunch. The more focused you are, the sooner you’ll be able to complete your creation. Suggested love offering for workshop is $25 at the door. You are welcome to attend and participate even if you choose not to purchase and build a drum. Drums and materials – price determined by drum type and availability – must be reserved in advance with a 30% deposit. There is a 5% discount for early registration, so call now! Prices range from $38 to $190 to fit your budget. Visit or call Jimbo at 692-6075 or Kate at 954- 5655 to register and learn more.

Friday, May 22, 6 to 10 pm Saturday, May 23, 9 am to 5 pm Friendship Hall Pre-registration and deposit are required to reserve a drum and materials.

Soulfire Drum Ministry Individuals wishing to join First Unity’s Soulfire Drum Ministry have the opportunity to create a personalized drum for a much reduced price prior to Mission Vision Drum Create, and participate to support Soulfire and First Unity sponsored events throughout the year. A willing heart, mind and body to volunteer throughout the Mission Vision Drum create event, as well as in other capacities throughout the year, are required in order to participate in the pre-event. Contact Mike at 368-3495 to find out more.


The Benefits & History of the Drum

Throughout history hand drums have been used traditionally as sacred tools in healing ceremonies, rites of passage, ancestral worship, warrior rituals and social dances. In almost every corner of planet earth evidence of drumming exists even today, suggesting its timeless application. In America, Native hoop and ceremonial drums remind us of beautiful traditions connecting to Mother Earth. In Navaho tradition, it is said “Great Spirit loved drumming so much as to give everyone a heartbeat.” Even without an actual drum, human beings are biologically wired for rhythm and drumming.

Now, Native American and African drums are found most often in recreational and therapeutic drum circles. Drum play energizes the tired and relaxes the tense, bringing about feelings of authentic community and unity through direct communication of personal rhythms. The effects of fatigue and burnout can be washed away in the workplace through drum circles. Medical research studies show consistent drumming increases alpha brainwaves which are associated with well-being and euphoria. Therapeutic drumming increases communication skills and social interactions, improves

short-term memory and attention span, and can foster healing of the emotionally wounded. Drums produce powerful effects on the mind, body and soul bringing into alignment all aspects of our well being. Perhaps best of all is that drumming requires no musical experience or prior rhythmic training. Christine Stevens, founder of Upbeat Drum Circle and director of Music Therapy and Wellness Programs at Remo Drums, in testing adults without previous drumming experience, found it takes only four minutes to relax and drum effortlessly along with the beat. It’s just that easy!

Featured Event

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Required texts: a Bible (any version) and Reading the Bible Again for the First Time, both available at Wings Bookstore. Suggested love offering $15 per class. To receive SEE credit, there is a $36 registration fee. Childcare is available for $5/child, $10 family. Reservations for childcare are required (allow three days) by contacting Dianna Collins at 527-2222 x107.

The Journey Within: Embracing the Gifts of God

Drawing I: Awakening Your Artistic Creativity Facilitator: Karmene Lusis Mondays, May 18 – June 22, 7 to 8:30 pm Location: Rm #301 Explore your creative side and open up to the unlimited possibilities with the art of drawing! Drawing offers many benefits such as increasing clarity and focus, deepening your sacred connection with Source and creating a greater sense of peace. Suggested love offering, $65 for six classes or $12 per class. No experience necessary. Karmene Lusis, a working artist, brings to us her gift for spiritual connection and evolving consciousness in our community as she guides you to connect heart to heart and soul to soul.

Bible Overview: Hebrew Scriptures Facilitator: Rev. Russell Heiland Tuesdays, May 19 – June 30, 7 to 9 pm Location: Rm #300 This course uses the term Hebrew Scriptures in place of the more commonly used term Old Testament. Overview of the Hebrew Scriptures introduces the rich history of the Hebrew Scriptures, known in Hebrew culture as Tanakh, and provides a framework for future study. Explore the history and development of the Hebrew Scriptures through stories, exploration of events, and discussion of the perspectives from which the books of the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi'im), and the Writings (Kethuvim) were written. The course identifies the main story lines and historical periods of the Hebrew Scriptures. It begins with the allegories of Genesis and traces the history of the Hebrew people from the call of Abraham through the Patriarchal period, the Exodus, the period of the Judges, the United Kingdom, the Divided Kingdom, the Exile, and the post-Exile period.

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spiritual Education Program

Myrtle and Charles Fillmore’s Teachings on Healing and Wholeness (1) Facilitator: Rev. Russell Heiland Thursdays, May 21 – June 25, 1:30 & 7 pm Location: Rm #301 This course is based on the spiritual laws and universal principles that support the expression of health and wholeness in our minds, bodies, and affairs. We will be working with Myrtle and Charles Fillmore’s interpretation of how Jesus used and demonstrated those in his own life. Such laws and principles will be presented to support participants in developing a practical understanding of Myrtle and Charles’ theology as heart centered metaphysicians. It is our expectation that through the development of such practical understanding, participants will be inspired to also become heart centered metaphysicians. We also expect them to develop a “tool kit” for using healing principles in their daily lives and in supporting other people in their own healing processes. Required texts: How to Let God Help You, Myrtle Fillmore, Healing Letters, Christian Healing, Jesus Christ Heals, all available at Wings. Suggested love offering $15 per class. To receive SEE credit, there is a $36 registration fee. Childcare is available for $5/child, $10 family. Reservations for childcare are required (allow three days) by contacting Dianna Collins at 527-2222 x107.

Writing Down Your Soul Facilitator: Janet Conner Tuesday May 26 - June 23, 7 to 9 pm Location: Friendship Hall Writing Down Your Soul and Janet Conner have been invited back to First Unity for the third time! Writing Down Your Soul, Dec 2008 Conari Press, is the definitive explanation of why writing by hand is the single most effective vehicle into unconscious mind and beyond. In this five-week series you will learn how to enter the mystical theta brain wave state, activate the Voice of Spirit, speak from the heart, listen with your spiritual ear, and literally build new neural pathways in your brain. A copy of the ThirtyDay Guide to Writing Down Your Soul ($24.95 value) is included in the tuition. Get the book Writing Down Your Soul at Wings Bookstore, and have it signed during class. Join us and see why

Janet Conner received stunning evaluations from her previous First Unity classes, and endorsements from the likes of Larry Dossey, August Gold, Victoria Moran, and the Edgar Cayce foundation. Suggested love offering $99 for 5 weeks. Janet Conner is a writer and teacher with a simple but lifechanging message: Everyone has direct and immediate access to perfect, personalized divine guidance. In her book, Writing Down Your Soul, Janet walks readers through the four steps that awaken that guidance and shares a wide array of science that explains why writing is such a powerful spiritual practice. Janet also created Spiritual Geography, the deep soul writing system that heals the broken heart. Before beginning her writing career, Janet worked as a human resource consultant, ran a division of an international search firm, and designed the original video journalist hiring program for CNN.

Journey to Self Discovery Facilitator: Linda McLeod Mondays June 1-29, 7 to 9 pm Location: Rm #300 The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. The journey of self-discovery begins when you can accept your humanness and all the realities of being human. This 5-week class will provide tools for making the first steps toward a lifelong journey of discovering your true self and how to manifest this authentic self in your everyday life. Learn tools to live a life of courage, faith and union with your highest self. The journey is a life-long movement towards loving every moment we are on this planet. Please bring a journal and writing tool. Suggested love offering is $99 for 5-week class.

Many classes require pre-registration, so we have made it easy for you! Sign up online at, in Friendship Hall or call 527-2222 x 107. DATES and LOCATIONS of classes may occasionally change. Please call Wings Bookstore at 522-6657 or visit for up-to-date information.

Each class has a suggested love offering noted in the descriptions. This is given only as a guideline; please give as you are guided. Each teacher, the church, and this program is supported through your generous love offerings. Payment for classes can be made in advance at the church or at the door. Cash, check and credit cards accepted.

Linda McLeod-Alexis is a truth student, book publisher, teacher, chaplain, minister and friend. Linda started her conscious journey to self discovery 25 years ago. She discovered through Unity, New Thought, self-help workshops and recovery how to love herself, God and others. The journey has provided Linda with the tools to teach and support others in finding their path to living an authentic life.

Discover Unity Facilitator: Rev. Temple Hayes and First Unity Staff Wednesdays, June 3-July 1, 7:15 pm Location: Friendship Hall Learn more about Unity principles and First Unity Church at Discover Unity. Make friends that can last a lifetime in this 5-week membership class. Discovery Unity will cover: 1) Getting to Know You and Unity 2) Recognizing God Within You 3) Expressing Health 4) The Art of Prayer and Meditation 5) Transformation This class is required for those who want to join the church. Everyone is welcome, member or non-member are invited to come to review and renew what our teaching is all about. There is no cost for this class. Childcare will be provided for a suggested love offering of $5 per child/$10 per family. The teaching team: Rev. Temple Hayes, Daybree Thoms, Ami Bowen, and Sharon Jebens.

Redirecting Children’s Behavior Facilitator: Gordon Martin Sundays, June 21 – July 19, 1:30 to 4:30 pm Location: Rm #200 Babies will sleep through the night, in their own beds. Kids will do homework, pick up after themselves, speaks respectfully to you and other adults. Temper tantrums and fights over objects will disappear. Bullying, peer-pressure, drug abuse, teen violence and sex will be handled. Suggested love offering $50 plus $25 for (optional) books. Childcare is available for $5/child, $10 family. Reservations for childcare are required (allow three days) by contacting Dianna Collins at 527-2222 x107. Gordon Martin is a certified Parent Educator with the International network for Children & Families. The two incredible classes he teaches are Boot Camp For New Dads (Morton Plant Hospital, monthly) & Redirecting Children's Behavior, an advanced parenting class designed to relieve some of our daily stress! [continued next page] spiritual Education Program

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Summer Solstice Facilitator: Barbara Bertucci Sunday, June 21, 7pm Location: Courtyard Gather under the stars and around the fire for this celebration of the summer solstice. We will drum and sing as we take time for reflection on the spring that has just past and project what is in store for us as we move into summer. We will highlight the energy of the south which is fire. Join us as we connect as one being, one spirit and one life. Dress comfortably and bring your rattles and drums. Families and children welcomed. Ceremony will be held rain or shine; for inclement weather we will meet in Friendship Hall.

Ongoing Classes Belly Dance Facilitator: Susan Rodriguez Mondays: 5:45 to 6:45 pm / 2nd and 4th Saturdays: 11 am to noon Location: Rm #401 Through isolated movements of the hips, arms, and torso, you will express the mesmerizing rhythms and enchanting melodies of authentic Middle Eastern music, both classical and pop. In each beginning belly dance class, students will the learn an assortment of basic belly dance moves and then put them together in short choreographies for a fun and invigorating workout. Just come to class and join the fun! From time to time, longer choreographies will be taught over a span of several weeks. Drop-ins are still possible and encouraged, but coming to class regularly will enhance the experience. Recommended attire is leggings, a midriff or form-fitting top, bare feet or dance shoes, and a hip scarf, just for fun! $10 per class.

Energy Medicine for Healthy Living Study Group Facilitator: Melanie Smith, DOM, AP First Tuesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 pm Location: Sanctuary Explore deeper realms of Energy Medicine in a practical hands-on environment. Learn to use a variety of ancient healing systems to balance your own energy. Discover your body’s miraculous design

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spiritual Education Program

for natural self-healing. There is a deep wisdom locked into the energies that flow through your body—much like the blood that courses through your veins. Energy Medicine allows you to tap into this wisdom. It teaches you how to work with your body’s energy to increase your everyday zest and vitality, overcome chronic health problems and enhance the simple pleasure of living in your own body. Open to everyone interested in better health. $10 per class at the door. Recommended text: Energy Medicine by Donna Eden (available in the bookstore.)

Qigong Facilitator: Lisa Rathgeb Mondays, 6 to 7 pm Location: Rm# 200 QiGong (pronounced chee-gong) is a form of martial arts for ultimate healing. It includes advanced breathing techniques and slow movements to expand your magnetic “Qi-Energy.” This Qi-Energy has a profound effect on blood circulation, longevity, strength and deep levels of awareness. It is an ancient scientific system of healing that awakens, aligns and directs the body’s own electromagnetic healing force. Only an open mind and heart is required to experience the immense benefits of this exercise. It is important to wear comfortable clothing while doing this practice in order to allow for maximum Qi-Energy flow. QiGong shoes are nice and can be purchased from any martial arts store. A yoga mat or blanket may be required at times. Suggested Love Offering is $10 per class.

Yoga Facilitator: Aria Brunson Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:45 pm Location: Rm# 401 Are you looking for a workout program that’s easy to learn, requires little or no equipment, and soothes your soul while toning your body? If strengthening your cardiovascular system, toning and stretching your muscles, and improving your mental fitness are on your to-do list, then this ongoing yoga class is for you! Bring a mat and enjoy the benefits yoga brings to mind, body and spirit. Suggested love offering $10 per class.

DATES and LOCATIONS of classes may occasionally change. Please call Wings Bookstore at 522-6657 or visit for up-to-date information.

Ongoing Groups

The following groups meet regularly at First Unity Campus. Newcomers are always welcome!

A Course in Miracles is offered both morning and evenings at 10 am on Wednesdays, or at 7 pm on Thursdays. This study group reads and discusses the book that is a modern-day expression of the demonstrations and teachings of our beloved brother Jesus. Open to a richer, deeper experience of your spiritual nature. Suggested love offering is $5 per class. Rm #300.

Deeksha is a sacred experience of Oneness. Helen Dahlhauser, a certified Oneness Blessing-giver will begin a silent meditation, followed by an individual blessing for each person. Additional Blessing-givers attend some sessions, so ending times are flexible, as multiple Blessings may occur. A love offering will be taken. Call Wings at 522-6657 for more information. Rm #300.

CommUniteam. Want to help others in our church family, community and the world? Join the CommUniteam! Find a way to get involved in outreach at First Unity; we meet every second Monday from 6 to 7 pm in the Conference room.

First Unity Choir. Join us in making a joyful noise! We rehearse Thursdays 7 to 9 pm and sing at Sunday services once a month. Contact Choir Director Garry Miller at 527-2222 x108 or choir@ for more information. Friendship Hall/Sanctuary.

Darshan/Meditation/Science of Spirituality. Meets at 1:30pm on the 1st through 4th Sundays. Rm #300. Debtors Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from compulsive debting. They meet every Friday at noon. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt. For more information, call (727) 954-6762. No smoking or fragrances, please. Rm #301.

Florida Insurance Service Providing personal consultation and options to suit your medical and financial needs.

Ladies Auxiliary. Share lunch, fellowship and ideas at 11 am every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Everyone is welcome. Various guest speakers present monthly. Rm #300. The Next Generation of First Unity (NGU). Our purpose is to empower ourselves through service, prayer and personal education to embrace our spiritual potential. Service to our church and community enriches the lives of all involved. Prayer and meditation help us throw off those pesky adult stresses and

reconnect with our inner mystic child. And every so often we do stuff just to have fun and be with friends. We invite everyone from the ages of 18 to 35 to join us on Wednesdays at 7 pm in Rm #205. The Suncoast Community Institute of Noetic Sciences (SCIONS). Meetings are scheduled for March 29, June 28, September 27 and December 27. (Always the last Sunday of months that include the equinoxes and solstices.) Each meeting starts at 5 pm with a potluck. Learn about cutting-edge research such as the science of love. We have experienced the heart field as a quantum hologram in this community. Join conversations about new and innovative happenings and tools we can practice ourselves as well as within our families and communities. Suggested donation $5. Learn more about IONS at Friendship Hall. Sober Spirits. This Alcoholics Anonymous group meets at 7:30 pm every Wednesday in Rm #200, and 10 am every Thursday in Rm #300. No smoking, please.

Tim Eaton 727.302.0000 Health care plans for individuals and families under age 65 Medicare plans for seniors over 65 Representing Blue Cross, Humana, Aetna, Cigna, United HealthCare and Universal HealthCare.

Ongoing Groups

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Sept 5 - 21, 2008

Dec 5 - 21, 2008

Jan 23 - Feb 8, 2009




March 13 - 19, 2009

Apr 24 - May 10, 2009

June 12 - 28, 2009


 Don't Throw Us Out—Go Green! Let us know today if you'd like to receive this newsletter via email. Send us a note at if you'd like to change your subscription method and receive it electronically. Thank you!

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Sign up to receive this newslet ter online - email Newslet ter@firstunit


Saturday, May 16 10 am to 2 pm

Communiteam Pet Fair

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Our church—everywhere you want it to be! Each week our video and podcasts are uploaded to our website for the world to see. If you missed the message, want to hear it again during the week or anytime, or if you want to share it with friends across the globe, visit our website and click on the podcast button. There's an easy way to share any message with friends on FaceBook, on your website or send them an email. We've also made it easy for you to give directly to the podcast ministry, so that we may continue to make this service free for everyone to hear the Unity messages we are so blessed with each Sunday. 16 |

We Love Our Advertisers! Join Them, Email Newslet ter@firstunit for info.


The Thought Exchange—New Thought is More Than What You Think Sunday, May 24 at 1:30 PM

On Sunday, May 24 we will be blessed with music, message and a workshop by two of Unity's well-known speakers, Rev. Shawn Moninger and David Friedman. They will present the message entitled "Let Me Fly." "Like a bird at the edge of the nest, we often must leap into mid-air, not seeing what will catch us, but having faith that there are invisible forces which are always there to support and guide us," said Rev. Shawn. He shares his journey and how he learned to "fly" by applying spiritual principles to his life. Rev. Shawn Moninger is an ordained interfaith minister and a Licensed Unity Teacher. He has been the senior minister at Unity of Fairfield County in Norwalk, Connecticut, since September 2004. He is the founding president of Unity Church of New York in NYC. His mission in life to let everyone know, including himself, that they are good. Award-winning composer David Friedman will provide music during the services, as well as an afternoon workshop. David has written countless songs of inspiration, love and hope that take on new emotional meaning in these challenging times. David has, in recent years, come to realize that his true mission in life is to help heal and enlighten people in whatever ways he can. With this in mind, David recently wrote a book entitled The Thought Exchange – A Practical Method of Moving Beyond Positive Thinking and spends a great deal of time travelling around the

country lecturing, giving concerts and teaching Thought Exchange principles in workshops and private sessions. So often, we think that the reason we think or feel a certain way is because of what has happened to us in the world. Perhaps it is the other way around—the world is simply a mirror that shows us exactly, accurately and always what we are thinking. In this workshop, developed by David Friedman and given all around the country, we explore the notion that our lives and the situations we see before us are merely a reflection of our thoughts. It is impossible to change what you see reflected in a mirror by trying to change the mirror, but the moment you change what is standing in front of the mirror, the mirror immediately reflects that change. We leave the workshop knowing how to use this powerful technique to change what is appearing in our lives as easily as putting on a different outfit and seeing the immediate results in the mirror. Childcare is available for $5/child, $10 family. Reservations for childcare are required (allow three days) by contacting Dianna Collins at 527-2222 x107.

Rev. Shawn Moniger

David’s new book “The Thought Exchange” plus his CD “Listen To My Heart” will be available for purchase at the workshop.

David Friedman

Featured event

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Riches & Honor with Edwene Gaines Sunday, June 14 at 1:30 pm

Rev. Edwene Gaines, author of the book The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance, owner-director of Rock Ridge Retreat Center in Valley Head, Alabama has made a 100% commitment to the transformation of the abundance consciousness of the world! At this workshop with Edwene, you will learn about: • The metaphysics of prosperity • The function and practice of forgiving • Faith...the mystic mandate

Edwene Gaines

• How to have the understanding heart • The purpose of Divine mission • Playing the giving game at the Olympic level • Mindfulness & mastery • The prosperity power of compassion

A love offering will be taken. Childcare is available for $5/child, $10 family. Reservations for childcare are required (allow three days) by contacting Dianna Collins at 527-2222 x107.

Unity’s Reawakening: Unity and the Soul June 28, Sunday at 1:30

A two-hour experience that brings Unity’s core teachings into a 21st century understanding of: 99Desire for the Soul

99Healing of the Soul

99Evolution of the Soul

99Transcending the Soul

99Moving into the Soul

…and answers these questions: • How can I shift from “the Secret” to “the Source?” • From personal desire to soul growth? • How can spiritual growth help me with personal problems?

Greg Barrette

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Featured Guests

Unity’s Reawakening is a marriage between 19th century practical Christianity, as taught by Fillmore and Cady, and 21st century integral spirituality, as expressed by Eckhart Tolle, Jane Hart, Ken Wilbur and others. Greg Barrette is lead minister of Renaissance Unity in Warren, Michigan. He is Unity’s all-time best-selling audio media author (The Gift of Sleeping/The Gift of Healing, The Tao of Unity, Dreams: Letters from God) and has ministered for 30 years. Let’s reawaken Unity together! Suggested love offering $15. Childcare is available for $5/child, $10 family. Reservations for childcare are required (allow three days) by contacting Dianna Collins at 527-2222 x107.

Weddings at First Unity Explore the beauty of the Unity Campus to create an extraordinary wedding! We provide a spiritual, non-denominational environment for weddings and holy unions at an affordable price. Whether it is a large wedding or a more intimate group, we look forward to helping you create a memorable day.

Contact wedding coordinator, Wendy Armstrong at 235-3770 for a free consultation and tour today!

Barbara Bertucci, 727-360-9697 Linda Morris, 727-345-2722 OR


Fueling Our Fire With Faith FAITH

COUNCIL of First Unity

With laser focus, our mission to "encourage awareness of Spirit within and inspire a way of life that brings love, freedom, peace and joy" has brought us to focus on five areas that are very meaningful to us and our future. For several years your Board of Trustees, staff, and leadership teams from various ministries and many congregation members have been gathering, focusing and compiling information to help First Unity focus on our larger purpose of spiritual expression in the Unity movement and in the world. Through this dedicated and prayerful work we have found our focus in five key areas: Broadcasting the Message, CommUniteam, Campus as Sanctuary, A Family Church and Prosperity Focus.

CommUniteam CommUniteam means reaching into the community to impact people’s lives. It means building our community at First Unity, helping people connect with each other from the

Broadcasting the Message

Have you ever considered if 10 of us shared the podcast message with 10 of our friends and they shared it with 10 of their friends and so on, we could potentially reach one million people with our weekly Sunday services? Connect with us on FaceBook and share the message there too!

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Broadcasting means sharing our message outside the Sanctuary, from the Lobby to Friendship Hall to Wings Bookstore and beyond. TV and internet broadcasts are in our future. But this all begins with production capability within our current Sanctuary. Production capability will include professional quality lighting, cameras and recording equipment and the talent to operate it. It means having the technology to transmit video out to the world through our website, both live and recorded. Broadcasting the Message means reaching people beyond our current time and space restraints—reaching people anytime and anywhere, easily and simply. It means helping people connect with First Unity’s message of love and healing, whether or not they can be at the church on Sunday. Our accomplishments in this area are already far-reaching; in the last quarter of 2008, 2,800 people listened to our podcasts, while more than 3,000 watched our Sunday messages online. Our vision for 2009 is to be able to broadcast our Sunday services live and in real-time!

Our Vision - Fueling Our Fire

moment they have contact with our church, to actively volunteering in any of our many ministries. We believe that active volunteering, tithing time and talent, is an essential step on the journey of spiritual awakening and growth. Events and projects of CommUniteam are wide ranging, from helping families, connecting with people who are down and need healing, or projects that bring peace and love as a solution to problems faced by our city. CommUniteam is about extending the reach of our message and the impact of our beliefs through projects and activities that make a difference within, and beyond, First Unity. CommUniteam also means education and growth through ongoing small groups. Groups will form around common interests, connecting people on their journey of spiritual development. In 2008 our CommUniteam collected and donated more than $40,000 in money and goods to those in need in our community and beyond. Their first quarter project in 2009 focused on the elderly in St. Petersburg, and they collected more than $2,000 in items and goods for the Suncoast Community Senior Center in St Pete. Thank you for your continued support in helping us make lives better.

Campus as Sanctuary

We see our campus becoming known as one of the most dynamic spiritual centers in Tampa Bay. We want to create a space that generates a feeling of peace, comfort and love. We envision purchasing several properties surrounding our current church home, in order to increase the size of our campus. Some visible changes we want to make: • Build a small chapel for prayer and reflection • Improve outdoor lighting • Improve and increase landscaping • Create pathways that take you easily from space to space • Install better signage • Paint all buildings to unify their look • Install a fence to match the gate for the rose garden • Refurbish the parking lot In 2008 we accomplished many constructions projects, including upgrading our restrooms, installing new carpeting and our campus-wide spring clean that kept us moving towards our campus as a sanctuary.

A Family Church First Unity is a home for people of all ages. “Encouraging the awareness of Spirit within” need not be an adults-only activity! It is our vision to have a complete children's program at both the 9 & 11 am services, with an abundance of dedicated volunteer teachers. These teachers are committed to teaching every Sunday and are inspired to create loving, safe, joyous and fun-filled classroom for children to experience and discover God within.

A family church provides dynamic and interactive classroom that helps children develop and apply Unity principles using a wide array of modalities such as music, drama, crafts, puppets, storytelling, dance and more. A family church also means that there is a cohesive connection between the adults in the Sanctuary and the children and youth in their various classrooms. It is also our vision to provide support for parents and guardians through various parenting classes, as well as providing a safe and nurturing environment for our youth to experience many various social activities. In 2008 our intense focus allowed us to bring in a new full-time Youth & Family Ministry Director who has already grown our programs tremendously! Our program has almost doubled in size over the past year, and we have also been able to open additional classrooms at our 9 am services.

Prosperity Focus Prosperity consciousness is part of who we are. We will put this front and center, practicing what we teach. Building the prosperity consciousness of our First Unity home means: • Establishing a prosperity team as a ministry. • Communicating regularly to the congregation about church financial matters. • Educating our First Unity family about planned giving, starting by using the “Legacies of Love” brochure more actively. • Providing an estate planning attorney able to do pro bono work. • Creating a legacy society for those who put First Unity in their wills. This includes listing names in the newsletter and creating plaques to acknowledge current givers. • Put “talent” on the treasure map bulletin board to make it easy for people to see how they can get involved. • Have staff positions endowed. In 2008 we kicked off our new program, "Living the Greater Life," which was a great success in showing how we can live a thriving and prosperous life in our principles, as we deepen our commitment to our spiritual growth. And last June, First Unity was acknowledged for being the largest contributor to Unity churches. Our Vision - Fueling Our Fire

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Contact Us

Our mission: To encourage awareness of Spirit within and inspire a way of life that brings love, freedom, peace and joy.

Sunday Schedule

First Unity Staff

Services.......................................... 9 and 11 am “Upper Room” Meditation.................. 10:30 am

Rev. Temple Hayes, Minister, x 106

Youth & Family Ministry

Rev. Russell Heiland, Associate Minister x 110

Nursery (one month - age 2).......... 9 and 11 am Pre-school (ages 3 through 5)......... 9 and 11 am Kindergarten through 5th grade................ 11am Uniteens, ages 11-13................................ 11 am YOU, ages 14-18...................................... 11 am

Wednesday Schedule Silent Unity Prayer Service ................ 12:10 pm Prayer & Healing Service .....................6:30 pm Youth of Unity, ages 14-18.........................7 pm Next Generation Unity, ages 19-35............7 pm

Church Information Office Hours........... Mon – Thurs, 9 am – 5 pm Website........................................ Phone . .....................................(727) 527-2222 FAX .........................................(727) 526-1277 Recorded Prayer........................(727) 525-1757 Silent Unity...............................(816) 969-2000

Bookstore Information Website............................ Phone........................................(727) 522-6657 Hours . ...................Mon – Fri, 8 am – 9:30 pm ....................................Sat & Sun, 8 am – 6 pm

Unity Chaplains Daybree Thoms....................

Licensed Unity Teachers Linda Carney Lynn Colt Nancy Joy Hudnall Gloria Paul

Diana Rankin Patricia Starwyck Mildred Tyler Joyce Volz

Connie Barrett, Office Assistant, x 100 Ami Bowen, Communications and Design, x 103 Dianna Collins, Administrator, x 107 Steven Krugler, Youth and Family Ministry Director, x 109 Helen Harvey, Hospitality and Member Services, x 105 Sharon Jebens, Bookstore Manager, (727) 522-6657 Andrew Mayes, Webmaster, x 103 Garry Miller, Choir Director, x 108 Jamie Norman, Audio/Visual Director, x 351 Sandy Cromp, Communications & Design assistant, x 102 Laura Watts, Creative Arts & Programming Director, x 108 Barbara Zagaria, Bookkeeper, x 104

Board of Trustees Donna Burnette, President, Alan Armstrong | Nancy Devlin | Mary Gerken Cindy Guerra | Laurie MacDonald | Don Sandin Daybree Thoms | G. VanGils Rev. Alan & Rev. Kathryn Rowbotham, Ministers Emeritus The editorial staff has made every effort to ensure that the information in this newsletter is correct; however, we reserve the right to make changes to times, locations and teachers should the need arise. Please check our website regularly for updates about upcoming events or classes, and visit our home page to sign up to receive important emails about all of the exciting things happening here at First Unity Church.

Contac t Us


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