Nov/Dec 2009 Volume #9, Issue #6
First Unity Church | 460 46th Ave. N. | St. Petersburg, FL 33703 | (727) 527-2222 | UnityCampus.org
What’s Happening pg 4 Join Together
We're walking, running and strolling to get healthy, make new friends and share the message of unity
pg 12 Fair Trade Christmas
A greener, healthier, unity-conscious way of giving
pg 23 Not Your Ordinary Seniors
New program begins this January
Finish Strong in Unity "Remember, O God, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes." 2 Kings 20:3
Rev. Temple Hayes, Senior Minister
"When we measure how Unity has
changed our lives and add to it the vision of other
people having those same experiences we need to move from passion to participation."
! s U n i o J
Throughout history, individuals have been inspired to walk in a group representing oneness for things they believe it. There is something very powerful to be experienced when there is a common belief, a common goal and a shared set of values. There have been many walks in ancient times, and in Biblical times. Many Nobel Peace recipients made statements by creating a crowd to go with their ideas and beliefs. We know in our society that crowds have presence, and thus have impact. With one of our visions being that in our lifetime, every man, woman and child will know what Unity is, what Unity does and how Unity can change people’s lives – we are required as an organization to create unique ways in which to be seen and heard in our community. When we measure how Unity has changed our lives and add to it the vision of other people having those same experiences, we need to move from passion to participation. How do we take steps (literally) in order to achieve this? We were gifted last year with an amazing opportunity to join with thousands of people walking in the Tampa Bay Gasparilla event, showing through our commitment as a team, Unity in Action. Our theme this year is to "Finish Strong in Unity," and we will all join together on Saturday, February 27 to head to the finish line. We would like to set a goal of 700 people walking in Unity, spreading the energy of this great community. The walk also offers us the opportunity to receive pledges from people supporting us in this endeavor. This weekend alone offers our campus the ability to receive
over $100,000 if only a small percentage of our community will participate. So how does this magical experience work? 1. You or someone representing you agrees to walk the 5K on February 27. 2. You can also invite people outside of our community to agree to walk with you and be part of this great event with us. 3. You can ask your co-workers, family out of state, people at your different clubs, etc. to pledge for your walk that day. Most people will give $15, $25, or $50 dollars. Aside from the $25 registration fee per person, our campus will be gifted with the remaining funds, thus creating the goal of $100,000. 4. We will have an amazing presence in the race that day with all of us in our Finish Strong in Unity T-Shirts. 5. We are walking and being role models in regards to healthy living, a true Fillmorian principle upon which Unity is built. 6. Register by November 6 and attend our kick-off celebration party, and your registration will enter you to win a pair of Nike shoes! 7. After the race, we will come together as a community and have a grand party with dancing, drumming and sharing on Sunday, March 7. [continued on pg 10…]
annual membership meeting Sunday, November 15 at 1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
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Minister's Message
The Greater Life…A True Story At the June 2008 annual convention of the Association of Unity Churches International, I was talking with my field licensing and ordination classmate Rev. Temple Hayes when the subject of my speaking in her absence came up. She mentioned a weekend in early November addition of the energy and consciousness of she planned to be away, and I thought it this campus, it is all the more so. I feel, I see, would be a great opportunity to visit another and I know that that energy, that consciousness active congregation before the busy-ness of the is growing – exponentially so - and I have no holidays set in. hesitation in committing my time (paid and Rev. Temple explained to me that I would be unpaid), my talents (professional and amateur) a part of a series entitled “Living the and my treasure (the full tithe "As we accept that we Greater Life,” a five-week program and then some) in support of the geared towards the manifestation spiritual work of transformation are now “living the of personal and congregational and illumination to which this empowerment and prosperity. She greater life,” we invite campus is called. also mentioned that if I found the Will you join me? We are the demonstration of experience rewarding, there could be awakening men, women and room for a "further conversation." that reality right here, children to an understanding of That “further conversation,” and their inherent magnificence and right now for all the several others that followed, resulted connection to one another and to in my being hired as associate human family and the God that will make the seeming minister of First Unity as of May earth on which we life." miraculous commonplace. As we 1 of this year. I am grateful to add accept that we are now “living that the congregation I left was very supportive the greater life,” we invite the demonstration of my decision, although we both experienced of that reality right here, right now for all the appropriate grief this change brought. The move human family and the earth on which we life. was so easy as to be almost a non-event, and we I am reminded of Jesus’ words in John 10:10 were able to secure beautiful lodging one block “I came that they might have life and have it from the Gulf of Mexico. abundantly.” Yet he was not a prosperity teacher Since joining the staff of this incredible in the sense of “here are the tools you can use to spiritual campus of Unity, I have had the pleasure accumulate stuff.” In various ways the Gospel of, among many things, teaching six Unity stories recount his method of achieving spiritual Institute Spiritual Education and Enrichment abundance, i.e. the consciousness of the peace, classes, co-founding the Men of Unity gathering, empowerment and presence of God, was in supporting the activities of CommUniteam, and teaching people to live fully, love wastefully and participating on the platform in many different have the courage to be all they could be. And capacities. And - and this is the best part - I have that’s not about getting, that’s about giving – had the awesome grace of being welcomed into giving of one’s true self, and giving up erroneous the community that is First Unity. beliefs of limitation. I share this story with you because, as a So what would you give to “life the greater community, we are now in the “Living the life?” I invite you to take that question into Greater Life” series and I am living the greater prayer. “Christ in you, your hope of glory,” the life myself! My life was full and rewarding fire of the divine in you, will guide you in right before my November visit, and with the ways. Listen and live the greater life!
Rev. Russell Heiland, Associate Minister
October 25-November 22
A Five-Week, LifeChanging Program
Minister's Message
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Walk, Run, Stroll...Just do it! Participate in the Publix Supermarkets Gasparilla Distance Classic 5K with your Unity crew. For our second year, First Unity will be participating in this health-focused fundraising event. Make new friends, get in shape and play an important role in getting more of Unity's message of peace, tolerance and love to the world.
It's Easy!
Just Do It—Enroll Today!
Sign up your sponsors - ask your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors - anyone who will support your commitment to your health and to the presence of unity and peace in our world. There's even an easy online way to accept sponsors at www.firstunity.org/ sponsor-a-runner.
Exercise your mind and body with us and give thanks for life, as we put “Unity in the Community.” Invite family, friends and co-workers to sponsor your participation in the race with a tax deductible donation, or invite them to race with you!
What Do I Do?
You can walk or stroll this 5K at any pace you feel comfortable with. You can also participate by sponsoring a runner by visiting the Gasparilla web pages at www.firstunity.org/sponsor-a-runner.
Complete your registration form, and turn in, along with your $25 registration fee to the Gasparilla table in the Lobby, or mail it in to the church.
What’s Next? When you turn in your completed registration form and registration fee, you will receive your sponsorship form and instructions. You have until January 31, 2010 to collect all of your sponsorship money. Invite family, friends and co-workers to sponsor your participation in the race with a tax deductible donation.
Why Do I Want to Finish Strong in Unity? Participate in this race because you believe in unity! And it’s a great way to build better health, meet new people, build friendships and to spread the message of acceptance, health and love to thousands. Play a vital part in generating the resources we need to grow and expand the Unity message locally and globally.
What If I Don't Want to Run?
Important Dates
Join the fun, food and celebration at the Gasparilla Kickoff party Friday, November 6 from 6 to 9 pm. All ages are encouraged to attend...the youth will see the prizes they will be competing for and the adults will have more chances to win a pair of Nike shoes! Learn about the training sessions, how to get sponsors and have fun dancing and drumming later with SoulFire. We're here to train with you to help you get in shape to walk, run or stroll the 5K race! Training sessions will be held January 9 - February 20 from 10 am to noon. Walk, Run, Stroll the 5k Distance Classic with your unity crew Saturday, February 27. Celebrate your successes at the Gasparilla celebration party Sunday, March 7 from 1 to 3 pm
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Gasparilla...Walking in Faith
ss on what we are observing, feeling, Nonviolent Communication Qigong
or at the door. Cash, check and credit cards accepted.
Payment for classes can be made in advance at the churc or at the door. Cash, check and credit cards accepted.
MarkRathgeb Thielmann Facilitator: Lisa 2nd & 4th6Tuesdays, Mondays, to 7 pm 7 to 9 pm First Unity Revenue and Expense Summary Location: Rm #200 “Thank you, God, for unlimited abundance which flows through creates paths growth our service This group is aUnity forumand tochee-gong) practicenew reframing how wefor express QiGong (pronounced is a of form of martial the world.” ourselves and how we hear others, participating in an arts forto ultimate healing. It includes advanced breathing
Many classes require pre-registration, so we have made it easy for you!
Jan-Aug 2009 to Jan-Aug 2008 honest dialogue where everybody’s feelings and needs can % bechange techniques and slow movements expand your magnetic identified andThis met.Qi-Energy As a practice for individuals who “Qi-Energy.” has agroup profound effect on blood Revenues have read or are reading the book Nonviolent Communication circulation, longevity, strength and deep$478,672.21 levels of awareness. Sign UP online at www.firstunity.org, Church 16% chee-gong) is a$554,946.62 form of martial by Marshall our goal is toevolutionary resolve conflicts by On a spiritual level, it awakens process Wings Rosenberg, $110,260.62 your $101,006.71 9% in Friendship Hall or call 527-2222 x 101 g. It includes advanced breathing focusing our consciousness on what we are observing, feeling, and deepens our God connection. It is an ancient scientific Total needing and requesting. system ofto healing that awakens, directs the body’s Revenues $665,207.24 aligns and $579,678.92 15% ovements expand your magnetic Payment for classes can be made in advance at the church own electromagnetic healing force. or at the door. Cash, check and credit cards accepted. ergy Only hasExpenses aanprofound effect onisblood open mind and heart required to experience Church $567,623.75 $500,618.67 -13% Qigong "When it comes andweselling "When it comes to buyingto andbuying selling a home would onlya use rength and deep ofexercise. awareness. the immense benefits of this It is$141,507.54 important to wear Wings * levels $122,526.03 13% Facilitator: Lisa Rathgeb Nelahhome Parker. we She listed and sold our familyShe quickly would onlya condominium use NelahforParker. comfortable clothing while doingprocess this practice in order to Total awakens your evolutionary Mondays, 6 to 7 pm and listed efficiently. We sold told her exactly what we wanted next home allow for maximum$690,149.78 Qi-Energy flow. QiGong shoes are nice Expenses $642,126.21 -7% and a condominium for for ourourfamily Location: Rm #200 nnection. It is an ancient scientific and that is what she found for us. We closed on our home faster then any and can be purchased from any martial arts store. A yoga Net Income ($24,942.54) ($62,447.29) 60% quickly and efficiently. We told her exactly mat or blanket maydirects be required times. Suggested Love wakens, aligns and theatbody’s home we’ve ever purchased...less than 2 weeks from start to finish!” (Deficit) QiGong is(pronounced whatiswe for our next that $10 per class.chee-gong) is a form of martial Nelah morewanted than a professional when home it comesand to real estate. lingOffering force. arts for*33,161.60 ultimate ofhealing. includestrust advanced breathing total is Itmortgage principal/interest payment is what shespecial foundabout for us. on our home There’s something her.We Sheclosed almost immediately develops movements tonot expand your magnetic xslow 8 months). does reflect the liability reduction of and techniques heart($4145.20 is and required toThisexperience Yoga "Whena wonderful, itfaster comesthen to buying and we’ve selling aShe’s home we would personal with you. organized, caring, only us principalThis payments to mortgage Qi-Energy has trust. a profound effect on blood anyconnection home ever purchased... this“Qi-Energy.” exercise. It is important to wear circulation,Aria longevity, strength and deep levels of awareness. Facilitator: Brunson loving, prompt...a looking outto forfinish!” you.” for our family quickl less than weeks from start Nelah Parker. She listed2person and who’s sold a condominium hile Tuesdays doing this practice in order to On a spiritual level, it awakens your evolutionary process & Thursdays, 6:45 pm We used to think of Nelah Parker as our realtor. Now we think of her and efficiently. Wefriend.” told her exactly what weFirstwanted our next hom and deepens our God connection. It is an ancient scientific Location: Rm #401 Energy flow. QiGong shoes are nice as a Nelah special —Bob and Terri Unity for is more than aPhillips, professional when system of healing that awakens, aligns and directs the body’s and that is what she found for us. We closed on our home faster then an romAre anyelectromagnetic martial arts store. A yoga ownyou force. looking for ahealing workout program that’s easy to learn, it comes to real estate. There’s something required at times. Suggested Love Only an open mind and heart is required to experience requires little or no equipment, and soothes your soul while home we’ve ever purchased...less than 2 weeks from start to finish!” special about her. and Sheselling almost immediately "When it comes to buying a home we would only use the immense this exercise. It your is important to wear toning your benefits body? Ifof strengthening cardiovascular Parker.than She listed and sold a condominium our family to quickly Nelah Nelah is develops more professional when foritconnection comes real estate a awonderful, personal comfortable clothing while doing practice order to system, toning and stretching your this muscles, andin improving and with efficiently. We told her exactly what we wanted our next home Helping Unity families buy &for sell allowmental for maximum Qi-Energy are nice There’s something your fitness are on your flow. to-do QiGong list, thenshoes this ongoing you. She’s organized, caring, loving, special about her. She almost immediately develop thanon30 and that is whathomes she foundfor for more us. We closed ouryears home faster then any and can purchased from anyand martial A yoga yoga classbeis for you! Bring a mat enjoyarts the store. benefits prompt...a connection person who’s looking for you.” with you.fromout She’s caring mat or toblanket required times. Suggested Love a wonderful, brings mind, may bodybeand spirit. at Suggested Love Offering home personal we’ve ever purchased...less than 2 weeks start toorganized, finish!” Offering is $10 per class. $10 per class. Nelah isperson more than a professional it comes loving, prompt...a who’s looking when out for you.”to real estate. We used to think of Nelah Parker as our realtor. There’s something special about her. She almost immediately develops 6:45 pm We used to think SPIrItUAL ofthink Nelah Parker as our realtor. Now we think Yoga PrOGrAm Now wepersonal of heredUCAtION aswith a special friend. ” caring, | 13 of he a wonderful, connection you. She’s organized, as a specialloving, friend.” —Bob and Terri Phillips, FirstFirst Unity Facilitator: Aria Brunson prompt...a person who’s looking out for you.” —Bob and Terri Phillips, Unity Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:45 pm We used to think of Nelah Parker as our realtor. Now we think of her Location: Rm #401 orkout program that’s easy to learn, as a special friend.” —Bob and Terri Phillips, First Unity
pment, and soothes your soul while Are you looking for a workout program that’s easy to learn, strengthening cardiovascular requires little oryour no equipment, and soothes your soul while toning your body? If strengthening your cardiovascular ching your muscles, and improving system, toning and stretching your muscles, and improving n your list, then ongoing your to-do mental fitness are on this your to-do list, then this ongoing ng a yoga matclass andis for enjoy the benefits yogathe benefits yoga you! Bring a mat and enjoy brings to mind, body and spirit. Suggested nd spirit. Suggested Love Offering Love Offering
Helping Unity families buy sell Helping Unity buy &&sell Helping Unityfamilies families buy & sell homes forfor more than homes for more than 32years years homes more than 3030 years
$10 per class.
5 || 13 SPIrItUAL edUCAtION PrOGrAm
SPIrItUAL edUCAtION PrOGrAm We love Our Advertisers! Email Newslet ter@firstunit y.org for Information.
We Say Yes! “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.”
Helen Harvey Hospitality & Member Services Director
"Contact me any
time at 527-2222 x101 to learn more about our Hospitality and
Member services...if you want to usher or greet guests, we'd love to have you!"
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That is part of the famous reply to eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon, who asked the editor of the New York Sun if there was really a Santa Claus. Christmas really is a special time, a time to gather with family and friends and exchange gifts, a time to reflect on and renew those enduring qualities of the holiday season, and a time to remember the peace and joy that is the true spirit of Christmas. We at First Unity are blessed to live in a world that is filled with the many blessings and joys of living life with a belief that says to every child, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus," and there is enough for all you need to thrive in this world. Unfortunately, that is not the reality of many children that live right here in Pinellas County At First Unity, we want to say "Yes" to the children and families who most need love and support by providing them with gifts through the First Unity Angel Tree. Each year we are given a list of the names of children who are being provided services by agencies like CASA (Community Action Stops Abuse), Operation PAR, Coordinated Child Care, Eckerd Youth Alternative-foster care services and individual families who have heard
Communit y in Ac tion
about the generous hearts of First Unity. The name of each child goes on a tag and is hung on the angel tree in the lobby. Beginning Sunday, November 22 you can select your tags and return your unwrapped gift by Sunday, December 13. Last year we said “yes” to 161 children; “yes” to a young mother who wept at seeing the joy on her children’s faces as two bicycles rolled in for them; “yes” to the three and four-yearold sisters that opened the first gifts they had received in their short lives; “yes” to families in transition that feared what a Christmas with no gifts for their children might have been like. We said, “yes,” you matter. With our love, our shining light, our generous hearts and all of our joys and blessings, we can say “yes” to the children and families in our community. We would love to have you as a volunteer to help with our angel tree. The CommUniteam and I will be decorating the tree on Saturday, November 21 at 1pm. Please join us. Peace, Love & Light,
Holiday Services 2009 Advent Garden Ceremony — Friday, November 20, 7 pm Each year, as we approach the Christmas season, we celebrate Advent – a time of anticipation, renewal and preparation. We prepare for the miracle of Christmas by lighting the lights in our Advent wreath. As we do so, we honor the Christ light in each of us – a light that shines through any darkness and can never be put out. This year the Youth & Family Ministry will present a new ceremony, open to everyone in the church, where we prepare for the holiday season with candle-lighting, scripture readings, Christmas songs, and the appearance of the Angel of Light. This will be a magical, inspirational evening for all ages. Thanksgiving Day Service — Thursday, November 26, 10:30 am Bring your family and start Thanksgiving Day with a gratitude service, highlighted with music by Britt Hall and a message by our ministers. You’ll leave with a grateful heart, counting your many blessings! Child care? Thanksgiving Potluck — Thursday, November 26, 11:30 am This year the CommUniteam, First Unity’s outreach ministry team, are inviting anyone who would like to celebrate and share a meal with our church family to join us after the Thanksgiving Service on Thursday, November 26 in Friendship Hall at 11:30 am for a potluck dinner. Here are ways that you can participate: • Volunteer to help set up buffet tables and food at 9 am in Friendship Hall prior to service at 10:30 am • Volunteer to set up and break down drink station (tea, water and coffee) • Volunteer to help breakdown and clean up around 2pm • Volunteer to take any leftover food to homeless shelters or those in need • Sign up to bring a dish for potluck dinner From November 1 to 22 there will be a sign up table in Friendship Hall. Stop by and RSVP and let us know how you want to participate. Anne Kerrigan is the coordinator, and will be available to answer any questions you may have at the sign up table on these dates.
Christmas Musical Drama — Friday, December 11, 7 pm Join us for an inspiring musical theatre production by First Unity’s music and drama ministries, starring Bob Aronson, Sandal Aronson, Taylor Aronson, Geodie Baxter-Padgett, Rev. Russell Heiland, Steve Micklo, Jarrod Padgett, Seanna Ryan, and Elizabeth Watts. “A Baby Changes Everything” tells the story of three individuals in the tiny village of Bethlehem. They almost sleep through the first Christmas night, until they are awakened in time to experience the life-changing miracle in a manger. This musical brings the biblical Christmas story into a bold and unique contemporary focus. Featuring a spectacular arrangement of the title song, made popular by Faith Hill, the musical mixes new theatrical songs with beloved songs of the season, presented by First Unity Choir and soloists. This is one of our most popular services, so make plans now to be there and bring your friends and family. Come early to get a good seat! Child care will be provided, and a love offering will be received. This event is the Creative Arts Ministry’s major fundraiser of the year, with all proceeds benefiting First Unity. After the program, enjoy desserts and holiday cheer at our annual dessert social in Friendship Hall. Christmas Eve service — December 24, 7 pm Join our ministers, narrators and musicians as we celebrate the ancient tradition of Advent. At this candle-lighting service, we honor the mystical experience in which Christ is born in the manger of the human heart and can be born in each of us. Come early to get a good seat at this favorite service. Child care will be provided, and a love offering will be received. Burning Bowl service — January 3, 9:30 & 11:30 am As we stand on the threshold of a new year, we accept the opportunity to create ourselves anew. We let go of worn-out conditions, beliefs, relationships and mistakes of the past as we embrace the gift of a fresh start. Join us for this unique and special ceremony, which includes affirmations and meditation, joyful music by surprise special guest singers, inspiring words by our ministers, and the tradition of writing a letter to God.
We will be decorating our beautiful church for the holidays on Thursday, December 3 at 10 am. If you would like to join us call 527-2222 x 107. Holiday Services
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Youth & Family Pages
Happy holidays to you and your family! We invite you to join us at all of our upcoming YFM celebrations, and to get involved in our thriving children and youth ministries.
Steven Krugler Youth & Family Ministry Director
"Our Mission is not to entertain
the children, but to
call them out. To be always entertained is to be dwarfed and dependent. To be 'called out' is to follow the harmonious law of the soul's enfoldment.” Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity
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Assembly with Mindy Simmons November 1 & December 6, 9:30 & 11:30 am
Parents Day Out! Saturday, November 28, 8 am to 4 pm
This musical worship service is for all of our children and youth from 3 years of age through high school. Please sign-in your children in their classrooms by 9:30 & 11:30 am so we can move them into the assembly by 9:35 & 11:35 am. Any parent or adult may join us if you so choose.
This event not only allows parents to have some time by themselves while we provide child care in a safe and nurturing environment, but it also helps financially support our YFM program. Cost is $5 per child per hour or $10 per hour for 2 or more children of the same household.
Gasparilla Kick-Off Party Friday, November 6, 6 to 9 pm All of YFM will be participating in the Gasparilla events in February. This party is a chance to celebrate with others, learn about promoting unity in the community, living a healthy lifestyle, along with helping raise money to support our church and YFM program.
Advent Garden Friday, November 20, 7 pm Each year, as we approach the Christmas season, we celebrate Advent - a time of anticipation, renewal and preparation. We prepare for the miracle of Christmas by lighting the lights in our Advent wreath. As we do so, we honor the Christ light in each of us - a light that shines through any darkness and can never be extinguished. This year the Youth & Family Ministry will present a new ceremony, created and designed not only for children of all ages, but also adults as well. We prepare for the holiday season with a meditative candle-lighting walk, scripture readings, Christmas songs, and the appearance of the Angel of Light. We also will create an Advent Wreath with boughs indicating our gifts to the world. This will be a magical, inspirational evening for all ages. A love offering will be received. Refreshments will be provided at the end of the ceremony.
Youth & Family News
Youth Kwanzaa Celebration Sunday, December 27, 9:30 & 11:30 am During both Sunday services, our children and youth will demonstrate a traditional Kwanzaa celebration. The service will also feature music, a meditation and a message of holiday inspiration by our ministers. Created in 1966, Kwanzaa is a celebration during which candles are lit to represent principles that we all can strive to incorporate into our lives. Like the 12 Powers that we study in Unity, these seven Kwanzaa principles can be seen as the different qualities of God expressing through us.
Children’s Christmas Celebration Saturday, December 12, 10 am to 1pm Children and youth of all ages are invited to attend our children’s Christmas celebration. We will have games and activities, face painting, crafts, storytelling, refreshments and a visit by Santa and Mrs. Claus. Each child attending will be asked to bring a new/unwrapped gift that will be given to those children in need or homeward bound. Love offering basis.
Below are some great volunteer opportunities for you to support out Youth & Family Ministries, contact Steven Krugler at youth@firstunity.org or call 527-2222 x109 for more information. “Rock and Roll” Volunteers: Would you like to rock a baby in our Nursery or roll on the floor with the toddlers on Sunday mornings at either the 1st or 2nd service? If so, please stop by our Nursery right after the service and talk with our Nursery volunteers to get a feel as to the thrill involved in being with our little ones. Children’s Ministry and Uniteen Teachers: If you would like to be a member of a fun and dynamic ministry, consider joining our YFM team. You do not need to be a teacher by profession and will always be part of a team of teachers - never alone in the classroom. We provide the curriculum, teacher training and support whenever needed. We have the following vacancies:
9:30 am
11:30 am
Nursery 3 & 4 year olds’ K/1st grade 2nd/3rd grade 4th/5th grade Uniteens Y.O.U.
1 vacancy 2 vacancies 2 vacancies 2 vacancies 2 vacancies N/A N/A
2 vacancies 0 vacancies 0 vacancies 0 vacancies 1 vacancy 2 vacancies 1 vacancy
Y.O.U. Saturday Social Night Volunteers: We are seeking adult volunteers to assist the regular Y.O.U. sponsors at our Saturday Social Nights (6:30 to 8 pm). These volunteers help coordinate and support us at our social nights. Angel Nurturers: If you would like to be with the kids on Sunday mornings once or twice a month assisting the regular teacher in the classroom, this position may be for you. YFM Booster Club Volunteers: These volunteers help support YFM in whatever aspects that are needed to create a more dynamic and interactive program. This mainly involves social activities (coordinating or helping out) at our various children’s celebrations. One-time Volunteer Opportunities: We have several upcoming events that will give you the opportunity to volunteer once or twice to help the YFM program. Please consider volunteering November 4 from 10 am to 2 pm to help make boughs, stars and core apples for the Advent Garden Ceremony,; join us November 20 at 4 pm to decorate; or plan now to help at our Christmas celebration on December 12 from 9 am to 1 pm. youth & Family News
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Living Well in Today’s Economy Join author, financial expert, TV personality and financial guru Michelle Boudreau Sunday, November 1 from 2 to 4 pm to learn about becoming debtfree and building your wealth.
Michelle Boudreau
"Many of my
greatest successes have evolved
from the ashes of adversity.”
This workshop impacts all people whether they are moving away from debt or seeking to experience great wealth. Join us for this incredible life-changing experience. Michelle has helped thousands of people across America eliminate debt and build wealth. Michelle Boudreau is the author of the "Debt Rescue" book and considered a debt elimination/reduction expert. She's got over 25 years experience working in corporate America with Fortune 500 companies. Her business skills range from marketing, product development, to financial strategies, and she's worked with the likes of Sony, Sanyo, Yamaha, Guthy-Renker, Home Shopping Network (HSN), CBS, and Fox. She is currently considered for a Pulitzer Prize nomination with her book Debt Rescue. Her success came as a result of her own personal struggles as she went through a rough divorce and nearly lost her home. From there she turned
things around from debt elimination to wealth creation as she talks about in the infomercial book she's offering. Michelle's popularity grew as more and more people wanted to know her secrets to success. Michelle Boudreau's numerous other publications include Healthy Habits Of Wealthy People, and the guide to Great Credit In A Snap, as well as several articles such as “Rescue Yourself From Credit Debt,” and “Michelle’s Financial Mistakes to Avoid.” Michelle also puts in a lot of effort working for non-profit, charitable foundations to help children and animals. Michelle currently lives and works in both California and Florida. Workshop will be held in Friendship Hall, at a suggested love offering $25; however please plan to attend this powerful program and give what you can towards making your future debt-free and wealthy!
[Finish Strong in Unity continued from pg 2…]
Each week at Wings Bookstore and at our Welcome center on Sunday, we are surprised when people say they have lived here for years and did not know we were here. These are families consisting of men, women and children that would benefit from our great philosophy and community. This yearly race will be one of the many events we do each year such as the Martin Luther King Breakfast in January, St. Pete Pride Weekend in June and various conventions throughout the year.
! g n o r t S Finish
I am inviting you to move from passion about your life in Unity to participation and see how you, your friends, and family can get behind this idea and make such an amazing impact in Tampa Bay. Wings Bookstore will be joining us as a vendor on this magnificent day. In Oneness, we have a stronger voice. We will "Finish Strong In Unity." Loving life,
Register now for the 2010 Gasparilla 5K. Run, Walk, Stroll...Just Do It!
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Upcoming Event
Introducing the Living Legacy Team In response to a need in our church highlighted by recent financial gifts, a new team - the Living Legacy Team - has been formed to assist those who wish to support First Unity in ways that are in addition to their weekly or monthly contribution. Your spiritual home provides you with understanding, love, healing, educational opportunities, and support on an individual and family level. We want to be here for you. We want to be here for your children and grandchildren. Our hearts are always grateful when we are remembered in a will, or blessed with a current or future gift. The work of our church is carried on into the future because of these blessings. Your gift helps share the Unity message throughout the local community, and now the world, through the power of the internet via our website and podcasts. How wonderful to be part of such a tremendously important moment in our time. We reach out to so many, and though we many never know the number of lives touched, individuals spiritually lifted up, or minds opened up to the positive powers of the universe, we are steadfast on our mission, and forever blessed by the support and presence of those who join us.
Have you included First Unity in your will? Team Leader Beverley McLain did by asking her financial advisor for a Beneficiary Designation form for her IRA. She has two children to provide for and a disabled brother. By leaving a portion to each, including First Unity, she was able to accomplish her intentions. Peace of mind was an added outcome! If you wish more information on the Living Legacy Team, or on planned giving, you may email Beverley McLain, team leader, at bmclain@ tampabay.rr.com, or you may call Barbara Zagaria at the church office at (727) 527-2222 x104. Some interesting research done by Richard Radcliffe (from an article by Tom Ahern): People without a will die at the average age of 69 in the UK. People with a will die at the average age of 79 in the UK. And people who leave a legacy gift in their will die at the average age of 82. Give to charity: you'll live longer!
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Shopping Consciously
Sharon Jebens, Bookstore Manager
"...find a gift that appeals to the
heart, not just
because of what it is, but because of how it’s made."
In Unity, we know that change is good. We know that what appears as a challenge is always an opportunity in disguise. We also know that the shift that we are all experiencing collectively in our country and on our planet is not only predicted and expected—but also welcomed! We are graduating into a greener, healthier, unity-conscious way of living. So, how do we incorporate this new consciousness with our traditional holiday customs—like gift-giving? As the retail ministry at First Unity, we at Wings Bookstore have given this question much contemplation, and we feel good about where we have been led. The holiday focus this year at Wings revolves around Fair Trade products— environmentally-friendly, handmade, and/or socially conscious items. Unity and Wings Bookstore have long supported the principles of Fair Trade social consciousness and sustainable lifestyle. Now it has a name. Fair trade products often are manufactured by impoverished or disadvantaged communities that otherwise might not have the opportunity to earn a living wage or work in humane conditions. Additionally, many of the companies and organizations that produce these goods adhere to certain guidelines of social and environmental responsibility in the manufacturing process. The products and gifts include home décor, jewelry, musical instruments, Christmas ornaments,
and even coffee. Pieces come from Uganda, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Guatemala, Kenya, and all around the globe. Some Fair Trade companies operate here in the U.S., supporting struggling mothers or teaching artisan skills to the poor. The companies that we buy from are mostly nonprofit organizations and members of the Fair Trade Federation. Change the way you think about Christmas shopping this year. When you purchase gifts at Wings, you are not only contributing to First Unity, you are helping to support people in building a better life. Just inside the entrance at Wings Bookstore is our Fair Trade Marketplace. Stroll through there, and also look for the “Fair Trade” cards around the store to ensure that your giftbuying is a conscious selection. You will find a gift that appeals to the heart, not just because of what it is, but because of how it’s made. By the way…Did you know that the espresso drinks created in our Wings Coffee Bar are made with Fair Trade organic Mirembe espresso beans from Uganda? (Try the Thanks O’Latte) (Yummm…Maple spice, caramel, and dark chocolate)
Injoy, Sharon
Go Green! Let us know today if you'd like to receive this newsletter via email. Send us a note at newsletter@firstunity.org if you'd like to change your subscription method and receive it electronically.
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Wings...More Than A Bookstore
Musical Guests Two New York City musicians, Britt Hall and Rosena Hill, will be our guests for Thanksgiving week, providing the service music on Sunday, November 22 and on Thanksgiving Day. Britt and Rosena will also provide musical master classes for our choir and worship leaders. A graduate of the University of Florida and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City, Britt Hall has worked as an actor, singer, model, producer, teacher, and personal trainer. He has performed and originated numerous leading roles in musicals and plays from Off-Broadway to regional and dinner theatres around the country to national tours. His work has included film, television, commercials, cabarets, jingles and recordings. He is music director at Unity of New York.
Originally from Sarasota, Florida, Rosena Hill is an accomplished, versatile singing actress who enjoys performing musical theatre, jazz, gospel, spirituals, pop and classical music. She has performed in seven Broadway shows and tours, including “The Color Purple,” “Riverdance,” and “Ragtime.” She has also performed in countless regional and international theatre and opera productions. In 2008, Rosena sang with orchestras in Sicily and Sardegna, and she made her Carnegie Hall debut with the New York Pops.
Britt Hall Sunday, November 22
Rosena Hill Thursday, November 26
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Let There Be Light, Sound, Art! November 11 is the first day of an extraordinary art event on Unity Campus! “11:11 – Let There Be Light, Art, Sound" is a three-day interactive, spiritual, creative art experience, this multi-media show is intended to open hearts and minds through the inspired use of art, sound, vibration and light.
Visionary artist AlexGrey will be performing a 6-hour live painting
Wednesday, November 11 Doors open 6 pm Show 7 to 9 pm Love offering $22 Thursday 6, November 12 Doors open 6 pm Show 7 to 10 pm Ticket price $44 Friday, November 13 Doors open 6 pm Show 7 to 11 pm Ticket price $66
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Upcoming Event
The 11:11 event is designed to take you beyond the ordinary into a personal, participatory experience unlike anything you have previously encountered. See for yourself — you are more than what you think you are. 11:11 symbolizes the path of spiritual awareness and knowledge beyond the grasp of others. It is also related to open-mindedness, intuition, idealism, and visions. In Unity we believe art and music are a vital part of our life experience and should be shared and celebrated. Artists' contributions to society help shape the community, raise our collective level of consciousness, and promote the progress of humankind through imagination and innovation. We want to unite and ignite local artists and those who appreciate art in our community in a positive way, and at the same time, promote and support the arts. Our intention is to create an experience of personal transformation through art and music. Local, national, and international artists will be featured during the three days of 11:11. Visionary artists like Alex and Allyson Grey will perform a six-hour live painting in conjunction with stunning video painting by Johnathan Singer, inspired by original live music. Music itself becomes a multi-sensory, physical art form in the hands of Scott and Anne Kennedy. Kennedy uses light feedback to illustrate and project the sound as it's playing. Eva Ruiz, a self taught artist born in Colombia, will present her large-scale visionary paintings reminiscent of the styles of Dali and Gaughin. Jason Jenson, a local architect and light installation artist, will transform Friendship Hall into a lively, interactive playroom. Using space, light and blank fabric as his medium, Jason brings art to life with full color, life-size installations. There are three distinct days of artistic
enlightenment, beginning Wednesday, November 11, when we embark on our journey of recognizing the Divinity within through sound and light, a crystal bowl light performance and other live performances. Earlier on Wednesday, Alex and Allyson will be at Wings Bookstore for a meet and greet from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. On Thursday, November 12, you will hear poetry by Alex with live musical interpretation, live music and the beginning of Alex & Allyson's live painting. We will begin creating our peace flags and painting on the community vision mural, so come early to participate before the show; this portion of the event will be available on Friday too. Friday, November 13 is the gala event, full of lights, music and more painting with Alex & Allyson. Soulful Arts Dance Academy joins us for a performance, as do many other local musicians. During the "Paint Your Plate" dinner you can enjoy movies by Elevate Films, a production company based in L.A. that is a playground for the world’s biggest hearts and minds to merge and manifest revolutionary visions. Each night the doors open at 6 pm, and you are encouraged to come early to experience the interactive light installations, the artwork on display, to step inside the drum atrium, and more. This is an experience like no other you have had here at Unity, so make sure to reserve your seat today! Be among the first 200 to purchase the official 3-day pass ($111) for guaranteed reserved seating. You will have the best seats to view all of the performances and live painting all three days, plus you'll receive a special piece of jewelry created by Allyson Grey.
Tickets on sale now at Wings Bookstore and
Follow Your Calling A Hands-On Workshop Sunday, December 6 “A calling is an organism, a living entity, with an animus all its own. It exerts a centrifugal force on our lives, continually pushing out from within. It drives us toward authenticity and aliveness, against the tyranny of fear and inertia and occasionally reason, and it is metered by the knocking in our hearts that signals the hour. If we are at all faithful to our calls, to the driving force of soul in our lives, it will lead us to a point of decision. Here we must decide whether to say yes or no, now or later, ready or not. And it will keep coming back until we give it an answer. Saying yes to a call tends to place us on a path that half of ourselves thinks doesn’t make a bit of sense, but the other half knows our lives won’t make sense without. We find ourselves following the blind spiritual instinct that tells us our lives have purpose and meaning, that this calling is part of it, and that we must act on it despite the temptations to back down and run for cover that will divide even the most grimly resolute against themselves. One part of you wants to awaken, one part wants to sleep. One part wants to follow the call, the other wants to run. Courage is joined at the hip with anxiety. We want to feel called, not just driven. We want work to be a channel through which we express our passion and vitality, not a chin-up bar we have to pull ourselves up to every morning. And we want success to be a way we feel, not just a thing we achieve.”
*Excerpted from Callings: Finding and Following An Authentic Life (Random House) by Gregg Levoy. Any leap you want to make in your personal or professional life that will align or re-align you with your passion and sense of purpose, with your deepest values, with a fit between who you are and what you do is, by definition, a calling - an urging from the deep self that tells you what it will take to make your life literally “come true.” The key issues explored in this interactive workshop will be: • Clarifying your callings • Working with resistance that naturally arises • Identifying who and what can help you make the changes • Creating an action plan of specific steps to anchor your callings in the world • Gaining a renewed sense of direction and possibilities Gregg Levoy is a dynamic speaker and writer who works with both the heart and mind to assist you in following your passions in life. Sign up for this interactive workshop at Wings Bookstore, or call (727) 522-6657. Suggested love offering $25. Please bring writing materials. Workshop is from 2 to 6 pm in First Unity's Sanctuary.
Gregg Levoy
"Saying yes to a call tends to place us on a path that half of ourselves thinks doesn’t make a bit of sense, but the other half knows our lives won’t make sense without."
The winged globe or sun disc...represents the relation existing between Spirit, soul and body. Soul (the wings) gives wings to the body (the disc). Spirit is the (invisible) enveloping Principle, like the atmosphere in which both soul and body exist, and from which they draw their original inspiration. The winged globe is also a symbol of the earth and its soul. When people of the earth lift up their thoughts to God, then the planet takes wings into a higher radiation of universal life. As we develop spiritual consciousness, we attain the realization of the soul as the wings of the body. Back of the Soul is Spirit, which quickens and energizes the soul; that is, gives the soul wings. Artists paint their angels with wings representing in this way their freedom from physical fetters. But the soul does not have wings like a bird. The life activity of the soul is quickened by Spirit until it rises above the thought of matter and floats free in the ether of the fourth dimension, which Jesus called the kingdom of the heavens. ~ Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity
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Our Spiritual Education Program offers various ongoing classes, workshops and support groups. Registration for classes is greatly appreciated. We have made it easy, simply sign up online at UnityCampus.org, in Friendship Hall or call 527-2222 x107. Dates and locations of classes may occasionally change. Please call Wings Bookstore at 522-6657 or visit UnityCampus.org for up-to-date information. Each class has a suggested love offering given as a guideline; please give as you are guided. Each teacher, the church, and this program is supported through your generous love offerings. Payment for classes can be made in advance at the church, online dafter registration or at the door. Cash, check and credit cards accepted.
Health Rhythms Introduction & Class Facilitators: Jim & Kate Talbot Introduction: Sunday, November 1, 1:30 to 3:30 pm Location: Courtyard/Rm #300 FREE (See class description below) Class: Sundays, November 8 –29, 5 to 6:30 pm (4 weeks) Location: Rm #300 “Health Rhythms is a researched-based group drumming protocol with demonstrated biological and psycho-social benefits.” Health Rhythms is different from most drum circles, as it goes beyond in-the-moment music making. Following a protocol specifically designed for wellness, participants play drums & percussion, dance, and sing while experiencing wellness movement, guided imagery, meditation, and communication through drums. Our goal is to encourage self-discovery, personal empowerment, community bonding, increased wellness, and a deeper connection with the Creator. Introduction is free; continued classes suggested love offering $20 per class. (4 weeks) Jim & Kate Talbot have 25-plus years experience combined in music, performance, facilitation, teaching, and healing arts. As trained Health Rhythms Facilitators - sponsored by Remo and trained by Christine Stevens and Dr. Barry Bittman - they have a passion for sharing music and drumming to raise consciousness, foster healing, empowerment and wellness.
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The 100th Human Facilitator: Sheila Kaye Tuesdays, November 3- December 8, 7 to 9 pm (6 weeks) Location: Rm #301 Are you the One? Will you be on time? Are you prepared? Will you brave the resistance? Are you committed to the purpose? Will you embrace Truth? Participation in this class is of paramount importance to the world! The Mayan calendar reaches the “end of days” on December 21, 2012, causing speculation, as the circumstances of our world appear to be in turmoil. Eight keys can activate the “Age of Gods” instead; learn how you can influence the evolution of our human nature. Suggested love offering is $20 per session. Sheila K, LCSW, spiritual counselor and teacher, has been questioning, seeking, studying, and sharing all of her life. Sheila’s intention is to hold sacred space for others as they awaken to the whispers of their soul and embrace their true spiritual nature of divine expression. The quest has drawn her onto many less-traveled paths, combining her traditional training with the study of spiritual practices, complementary healing modalities, energy medicine, metaphysics, nature, and a love of the arts for healing. Based on the book The 100th Human by Chris Fenwick. Available at Wings Bookstore.
Tis the Season Facilitator: Rev. Helen Hornaday Tuesdays, November 3 – December 8, 7 to 9 pm (6 weeks) Location: Rm #300 Would you like to move and flow with ease and joy without stress or worry this holiday (holy) season? If the answer is yes, please come and join this interactive class. We will be working with the Law of Attraction, some NLP tools, visualization and of course, the creative process to create what each of us wants to experience this season as we deepen our connection with Spirit. Just show up, no books are needed, just a willing heart, mind and spirit. A love offering will be received. Rev Helen Hornaday has been teaching classes for over 25 years on spirituality, creativity and personal growth. She is a master practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programing and been practicing, leading and teaching visualization for many years. Helen's classes are a safe place and lots of fun with the purpose that each person to expand, grow and express who they really are at their own pace in a loving environment.
Tae Kwon do Facilitator: Pete Thibado Saturday, November 14, 11 am to 2 pm Location: Rm #300 The first hour will be lecture and discussion defining martial arts and Tae Kwon do as it relates to spirituality. Bringing the practice to the path of engaging in one's own enlightenment. The second hour will include movement. Stances for grounding, a four direction pattern as metaphor in motion. Symbols and shapes of movement bring the action principle to life. The third hour is about relationship, student/instructor, to the group, to each other, with the self! Suggested love offering $30. Peter Thibado is a 7th Degree Black Belt, A Master Instructor of the Art of Tae Kwon Do. Teaching and training in the Art for over 30 years. Serves on the International Tae Kwon do Federation Moral and Ethics committee teaching the philosophy and moral structure of the art world wide.
Holotropic Breathwork & The Enneagram Facilitators: Karen Castle and Peter Thibado Saturday, November 21, 9 am to 5 pm Location: Rm #401 Holotropic BreathworkTM is a powerful way of deeply opening to one’s inner wisdom and incorporates material from Yoga, indigenous shamanic practices, and experiential psychotherapies. With deep and fast breathing and music allows one to let go into a holotropic state of consciousness. Each person’s experience is unique and an expression of your own inner healer. We can learn more about how we appear to others with this ancient wisdom of the Enneagram. This ancient symbol of nine represents wholeness and the nine personality archetypes. With this knowledge and awareness one can heal parts of the Self and grow to understand their highest potential. Suggested love offering $70. Come prepared to open your heart and allow deep transformation in your life. We will begin with the Enneagram and move into Holotropic BreathworkTM.
Dances of Universal Peace Facilitator: Tamara Short Saturdays, November 28, 7:30 to 9:30 pm Location: Friendship Hall The Dances of Universal Peace, founded in the latter 1960’s, are simple multicultural circle dances from many of the world’s traditions. The inspiration of the dances is to promote understanding and unity of religious ideals. Join the circle of dancers on November 28 and dance to the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic. $10 love offering. Tamara Short began her journey with the Dances of Universal Peace in 1986. She began as a dancer and musician. She is mentored and received her Dance Leader certification in 2005 through the International Dances of Universal Peace Organization.
[continued on next pg…]
A Note About Childcare...First Unity recognizes the value in providing childcare during classes, events and programs at the church. To do so in a way that supports our commitment to wise stewardship of our shared resources, it is important that everyone understand our childcare practices. Reservations for childcare ($5/child, $10/per family) must be made seven working days prior to the class/event by contacting Dianna Collins at 527-2222 x107. To provide childcare, there must be reservations for a minimum of four children.
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Christmas in New Thought Your Questions Answered and Your Answers Questioned
nature, Father Sun and Mother Earth. This is the longest night of the year, and we will welcome the birth of light as the days will begin to lengthen.
Facilitator: Rev. Russell Heiland Tuesday, December 1, 7 to 9 pm Location: Friendship Hall
We will chant, drum, dance and do symbolic rituals as we reflect on this past year. Bring your family and noise makers, and join in this wonderful relaxing heartfelt event. Just what is needed this time of year! Ideas and cultural songs are welcomed; call Barbara at (727) 360-9697 to add your ideas.
How do we celebrate Christmas in light of New Thought metaphysics? What does Christmas mean in light of contemporary Bible scholarship? What do we really know about Jesus and his family? What does Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, say about the birth of Jesus? These and other questions that surround the Advent season will be addressed by Rev. Russell Heiland as he shares from his years of Unity and academic study. This lecture and dialog is open to everyone regardless of depth of knowledge of the Bible or New Thought metaphysics; however, participants are encouraged to read the nativity stories in Mark (wait… there isn’t one!), Matthew (1:1-2:23), Luke (1:1-2:20) and John (there isn’t one here either, but read verses 1:1-5 anyway…). Don’t have a Bible? You may purchase one at Wings Bookstore. This is a great opportunity to ask your questions, question your answers and experience the holiday season in a deeper and more thoughtful way than ever before. Additionally, Rev. Russell promises a few laughs along the way. A love offering will be received.
Winter Solstice Facilitator: Barbara Bertucci Monday, December 21 at 7pm Courtyard between Rose garden and Wings Bookstore Come casual to gaze under the stars, around a fire pit. It is a time for celebration of the Solar New Year. Take this night and honor
Ongoing Classes Qigong with Lisa Rathgeb meets every Monday from 6 to 7 pm in Rm #200.QiGong (pronounced chee-gong) is a form of martial arts for ultimate healing. It includes advanced breathing techniques and slow movements to expand your magnetic “Qi-Energy.” This energy has a profound effect on blood circulation, longevity, strength and deep levels of awareness. It is an ancient scientific system of healing that awakens, aligns and directs the body’s own electromagnetic healing force. It is important to wear comfortable clothing while doing this practice. QiGong shoes are nice and can be purchased from any martial arts store. A yoga mat or blanket may be required at times. Suggested love offering is $10 per class. Yoga with Aria Brunson meets every Tuesday & Thursday at 6:45 pm in Rm # 401. If strengthening your cardiovascular system, toning and stretching your muscles, and improving your mental fitness are on your to-do list, then this ongoing yoga class is for you! Bring a mat and enjoy the benefits yoga brings to mind, body and spirit. Suggested love offering $10 per class.
Basic Principles of Unity
Unity has many teachings, all of which are taught with the understanding to take what is right for you and leave the rest. We have no creeds or doctrines to which members must ascribe because only the living Spirit of Truth within the individual can identify what is true for him or her. Our most common and universal teachings are these: 1. The nature of God is altogether good - active in all things, at all times. 2. All individuals are inherently good because God’s divinity is inherent in everyone. 3. People create their life experiences by what they choose to think, believe and feel. 4. Through affirmative prayer and meditation, people can connect with God and manifest the best that life has to offer. 5. Talking about the Truth is not enough, everyone must live their own Truth.
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Spiritual Education Program
Ongoing Groups A Course in Miracles meets at 7 pm every Thursday in Rm #301. This study group reads and discusses the book that is a modern-day expression of the demonstrations and teachings of our beloved brother Jesus. Open to a richer, deeper experience of your spiritual nature. Suggested love offering is $5 per class.
Oneness Blessing-giver will begin a silent meditation, followed by an individual blessing for each person. Additional Blessing-givers attend some sessions, so ending times are flexible, as multiple Blessings may occur. A love offering will be taken. Meets every Wednesday at 7 pm in Rm #300. Call Wings at 522-6657 for more information.
spiritual potential. Service to our church and community enriches the lives of all involved. Prayer and meditation help us throw off those pesky adult stresses and reconnect with our inner mystic child. And every so often we do stuff just to have fun and be with friends. We invite everyone from the ages of 18 to 35 to join us on Wednesdays at 7 pm in Rm #205.
CommUniteam. Want to help others in our church family, community and the world? Join the CommUniteam! Find a way to get involved in outreach at First Unity; we meet every second Monday from 6 to 7 pm in the Conference room.
First Unity Choir. Join our choir and make a joyful noise at Thursday evening rehearsals and monthly Sunday performances. Contact Choir Director Garry Miller at 527-2222 x108 or choir@ firstunity.org for more information.
Darshan/Meditation/Science of Spirituality. Meets at 1:30pm in Rm #300 on the 1st through 4th Sundays.
Ladies Auxiliary. Share lunch, fellowship and ideas at 11 am every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month in Rm #300. Everyone is welcome. Various guest speakers present monthly.
The Suncoast Community Institute of Noetic Sciences (SCIONS). January 10, 2010. (Always the last Sunday of months that include the equinoxes and solstices.) Each meeting starts at 5 pm with a potluck and is held in Friendship Hall. Learn about cutting-edge research such as the science of love. We have experienced the heart field as a quantum hologram in this community. Join conversations about new and innovative happenings and tools we can practice ourselves as well as within our families and communities. Suggested donation $5. Learn more about IONS at www.noetic.org.
Debtors Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from compulsive debting. They meet every Friday at noon in Rm #301. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt. For more information, call (727) 954-6762. No smoking or fragrances, please. Deeksha is a sacred experience of Oneness. Helen Dahlhauser, a certified
The Men of Unity group at First Unity, led by Rev. Russell Heiland, is at 7:15pm every Monday in Friendship Hall. This group is an intentional gathering of men in which we will explore our spirituality and humanity in a safe and sacred setting. The Next Generation of First Unity (NGU). Our purpose is to empower ourselves through service, prayer and personal education to embrace our
Sober Spirits. This Alcoholics Anonymous group meets at 7:30 pm every Wednesday in Rm #200. This is a 12-step discussion group. No smoking, please. 164 Pages Study Group. This AA big book study meets at 10 am every Thursday in Rm #300.
Email newsletter@firstunity.org or call 527-2222 x103 to place an ad in The Heart Connection and reach more than 3,000 people in your Unity community!
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Ongoing Groups
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Save the date! Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Annual Leadership Awards Breakfast
Monday, January 18, 2010 at 7:30 am St. Petersburg Coliseum | 535 4th Avenue North Tickets are $25. Call 527-2222 x107 for more information.
Support our advertisers - let them know you saw them in The Heart Connec tion!
UnityCampus.org Each week our video and podcasts are uploaded to our website for the world to see.
Spiritual weddings and commitment ceremonies at an affordable price.
If you missed the message, or loved it so much you want to share it with friends, just visit our website and click on the video podcast button. There's an easy way to share any message with friends on FaceBook, on your website or send them an email. We've also made it easy for you to give directly to the podcast ministry, so that we may continue to make this service free for everyone to hear the Unity messages we are so blessed with each Sunday.
Your church — everywhere YOU want it to be!
Explore the Beauty of Unity Campus for Your Special Day! With many diverse settings to fit your specific needs, our facility provides a sacred space for a large wedding or a more intimate group, use of the entire campus or just our sanctuary. We even have private dressing rooms, a nursery for child care during your event, and First Unity’s talented musicians have a beautiful selection of music for your ceremony. Our reception hall comes equipped with a kitchen, a bar and seating for up to 150 people. Please contact our wedding coordinator, Wendy Armstorng for a free consultation and tour at 235-3770.
FirstUnityWeddings.com Spiritual weddings and commitment
First Unity is a proud member of the Tampa Bay Bridal Association (TBBA), supporting their code of ethics and members in the community. To learn more visit www.tampabay-bridal.com
FirstUnityWeddings.com ceremonies at an affordable price. Visit our online business direc tory at FirstUnit y.org | 21
Would you like your business listed on our website? This is a great opportunity to gain exposure by offering your
Contact Us
Our mission: To encourage awareness of Spirit within and inspire a way of life that brings love, freedom, peace and joy.
Sunday Schedule
First Unity Staff
Services...................................9:30 & 11:30 am Sunday Meditation (in Rm #301)............ 11 am
Rev. Temple Hayes, Minister, x 106 reverendtemple@firstunity.org
Youth & Family Ministry
Rev. Russell Heiland, Associate Minister x 110 russell@firstunity.org
Nursery (one month - age 2).....9:30 & 11:30 am Pre-school (ages 3 through 5)....9:30 & 11:30 am Kindergarten through 5th grade.......... 11:30 am Uniteens, ages 11-13........................... 11:30 am YOU, ages 14-18................................. 11:30 am .........................................Saturdays at 6:30 pm
Connie Barrett, Office Assistant, x 100 office@firstunity.org Ami Bowen, Communications and Design, x 103 newsletter@firstunity.org Dianna Collins, Administrator, x 107 admin@firstunity.org
Wednesday Schedule
Steven Krugler, Youth and Family Ministry Director, x 109 youth@firstunity.org
Silent Unity Prayer Service ................ 12:10 pm
Helen Harvey, Hospitality and Member Services, x 101 newmember@firstunity.org
Prayer & Healing Service .....................6:30 pm Next Generation Unity, ages 19-35............7 pm
Church Information Office Hours........... Mon – Thurs, 9 am – 5 pm Website........................................ FirstUnity.org Phone . .....................................(727) 527-2222 FAX .........................................(727) 526-1277 Recorded Prayer........................(727) 525-1757 Silent Unity...............................(800) 669-7729
Sharon Jebens, Bookstore Manager, (727) 522-6657 bookstore@firstunity.org Andrew Mayes, Webmaster, x 103 website@firstunity.org Garry Miller, Choir Director, x 108 choir@firstunity.org Jamie Norman, Audio/Visual Director, x 351 av@firstunity.org Sandy Cromp, Communications & Design assistant, x 102 Sandy@firstunity.org
.................................................. SilentUnity.org
Laura Watts, Creative Arts & Programming Director, x 108 music@firstunity.org
Bookstore Information
Barbara Zagaria, Bookkeeper, x 104 bookkeeper@firstunity.org
Website............................ WingsBookstore.com Phone........................................(727) 522-6657 Hours . ...................Mon – Fri, 8 am – 9:30 pm ....................................Sat & Sun, 8 am – 6 pm
Unity Chaplains Daybree Thoms.................... chaplain@firstunity.org
Licensed Unity Teachers Linda Carney Lynn Colt Nancy Joy Hudnall Gloria Paul
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Contac t Us
Diana Rankin Patricia Starwyck Joyce Volz
Board of Trustees Donna Burnette, President, board@firstunity.org Alan Armstrong | Nancy Devlin | Mary Gerken Cindy Guerra | Laurie MacDonald | Don Sandin Daybree Thoms | G. VanGils Rev. Alan & Rev. Kathryn Rowbotham, Ministers Emeritus The editorial staff has made every effort to ensure that the information in this newsletter is correct; however, we reserve the right to make changes to times, locations and teachers should the need arise. Please check our website www.firstunity.org regularly for updates about upcoming events or classes, and visit our home page to sign up to receive important emails about all of the exciting things happening here at First Unity Church.
People of Purpose & Power (Not Your Ordinary Seniors' Group) Beginning January 2010 a new seniors group will meet twice monthly on the second and fourth Thursdays. If you or anyone you know is looking to join a seniors group with purpose and power, then you're invited! We will begin the first half hour of the program with spiritual time, music and meditation, sometimes led by leaders of various faith groups. During the second half hour, selected topics of special interest to seniors will be presented. At noon, lunch will be provided by Spice Routes for a nominal fee. Depending upon interest, those wishing to stay after lunch may participate in other activities. Join us for our very first meetings on January 14 & 28 at 11 am in the Sanctuary, and join a group of people with purpose and power! Fill out the information below to let us know of your interest in this program.
PLEASE FILL OUT THIS PORTION OF THIS PAGE INDICATING YOUR DESIRE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS EXCITING NEW PROGRAM. You are encouraged to invite your friends, relatives, neighbors and all other interested seniors. I PLAN TO ATTEND. NAME: __________________________________________________________ PHONE #: _____________________________ # OF GUESTS: ___________
TOPICS AND ACTIVITIES OF INTEREST TO ME: _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Please return this form to First Unity by placing it in the offering plate on Sunday, giving it to an usher, mailing it in to the church office, emailing it, or in any other creative way you may think of!) Get Invovlved!
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