United Kingdom News
RSPCA Assured clears Mowi of welfare allegations
Above: Mowi vet Ana Herrero checking fish health. Below: Still from Scottish Salmon Watch video
ANIMAL welfare certification body RSPCA Assured has cleared Mowi Scotland, following a complaint of alleged welfare abuse from anti-salmon farming group Scottish Salmon Watch. RSPCA Assured carried out an investigation of four Mowi farms, following the release of covertly filmed video footage which appeared to show dead salmon and cleaner fish, as well as individual fish heavily infested with sea lice. The video was allegedly filmed by Salmon Watch founder and long-time anti-salmon farm campaigner Don Staniford in July. In a statement RSPCA Assured said: “We were concerned by some of the images that were shared with us. As soon as they were brought to our attention, we immediately launched an investigation into those farms we understand are featured in the footage.” “Animal welfare is our absolute priority and the focus of our assurance scheme, therefore any complaints are always taken very seriously and thoroughly looked into as standard practice. “These farms have now been visited by a specially trained RSPCA Farm Livestock Officer and an RSPCA Assured Assessor. During their visit they did not find any of the problems highlighted in the images taken earlier this month and were satisfied that the fish they saw were being properly managed
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and cared for.” The organisation added: “Any allegations of animal welfare issues, or breaches of the RSPCA Assured membership agreement, are taken very seriously and always thoroughly investigated. “Thankfully, welfare concerns on RSPCA Assured certified farms are extremely rare, and many millions of farm animals are having a better life thanks to the work of the charity.” Marine Scotland’s Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) and the Scottish Government’s Animal Plant Health Agency (APHA) also looked into the complaint but also concluded that no enforcement action was required. In a statement following the RSPCA’s announcement, Marine Scotland said: “These investigations by FHI, which include considering sea lice information collected weekly from all sites, have concluded that there are no obvious sea lice or mortality issues at a population level at any of the sites involved in the allegation and that appropriate measures are in place to control sea lice, remove mortalities and ensure adequate fish health management at the sites in question.” Don Staniford and Salmon Watch have brought a number of complaints against salmon farms in Scotland over the past few months, but none of these have been upheld by RSPCA Assured or regulators.
When bringing the most recent complaint, Staniford said: “The Scottish Government should immediately close down Mowi’s disease-ridden farms and supermarkets should stop selling RSPCA Assured Scottish salmon. The RSPCA’s stamp of approval is now synonymous with welfare abuse. Shame on RSPCA Assured for endorsing lice infestation, mass mortalities, infectious diseases and unnecessary suffering.” Supporters of the salmon farming industry have welcomed the outcome of the investigations by RSPCA Assured and Marine Scotland. The Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation said: “We never had any doubts about the welfare standards upheld by our member companies. Images of sickly fish are distressing, even when they are unsourced. However, they are rare and not representative of the high welfare standards that tens of thousands more salmon benefit from.” Responding earlier this month to the initital allegations, Ben Hadfield, COO of Mowi Scotland said: “We care very much for the welfare of our salmon, every day, and don’t like to see even one animal suffer. “Our experienced farmers are supported by fish health experts and veterinarians that help to ensure animal welfare is attended to every day, and these results are inspected by professional third-party organisations. “While we take claims of poor welfare very seriously, this allegation is from an individual who has never worked in the business, has failed his schooling, has previously made similar unsupported claims, has been found guilty of defamation and was described by the court judge as a ‘zealot’. “If he wants a job as an animal welfare inspector, he should apply for work like everyone else.”
09/08/2021 14:04:10