Water treatments, systems and analysis
New ways with water A range of technologies exists to help manage and monitor water quality
OLLOWING a period of successful tes�ng, Norway-based farmer And�ord Salmon has verified the “laminar water flow” technology at its first pool at Kvalnes, Andøya. Laminar flow is a type of flow pa�ern for a fluid in which all the par�cles are flowing in parallel lines, as opposed to turbulent flow, where the par�cles flow in random and chao�c direc�ons. A flow-through system with laminar water flow reduces energy consump�on and associated costs significantly, as there is no need to li�, filter or heat the seawater. For And�ord’s site, the seawater is clean and already at the right temperature, as it is sourced directly from the nearby And�orden. The laminar water flow is the heart of And�ord Salmon’s flow-through technology. It is this technology that enables the crea�on of a natural environment in which the salmon can thrive. It also enables the company to produce fish at an energy cost at only 1kWh per kilo. Mar�n Rasmussen, CEO of And�ord Salmon, says: “In prac�ce, this confirms that we have been able to recreate wild salmon’s natural habitat on land. In the wild, salmon swims in laminar water flows in the ocean, similar to what we now have in our pool at Andøya. Never have I been more certain that we will meet our ambi�on of building the world’s most sustainable aquaculture facility of its kind.”
The tests have included u�lisa�on of the complete water inlet and outlet infrastructure, filling of pool, ac�va�on of power adapters, gradual increase of the laminar water flow – from minimum to maximum – and measurements of the water flow, plus analyses of how the pool infrastructure reacts to the laminar water flow. Mar�n Rasmussen adds: “This is a major technological milestone for And�ord Salmon and a really nice Christmas present for our shareholders [the results were announced in December], u�lising our own technology. We were always confident in the technological capabili�es, but… demonstra�ng it in prac�ce is what ma�ers. As such, the successful verifica�on of the laminar water flow helps to de-risk our business case substan�ally. The tes�ng and fine-tuning of the laminar water
Above: Mar�n Rasmussen Left: And�ord laminar flow test Opposite from top: FiiZKfiltra�on skid model; Aquacare Inline Tanks, Barramundi farm, Australia; Havlandet Norcod
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11/01/2022 15:02:57