2014 SKA Information Book

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Celebrating Our 24th Anniversary

The World’s Largest Saltwater Tournament Trail


CHAMPIONSHIP Biloxi, Mississippi


he Southern Kingfish Association now entering its 24th year. This is the largest saltwater tournament organization in the world, made up of

avid fishers who love the competition. It has Ten Divisions from North Carolina south through Florida and west

through Louisiana. It’s a great profit center for businesses who support the sport!

Jack Holmes Founder and Managing Partner

est. 1991 ©2014 Holmes Communications No part of this document may be reproduced in part or in whole without express permission of publisher.

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INTRODUCTION The Southern Kingfish Association… Celebrating twenty-four years of producing and sanctioning the finest saltwater tournaments in the country! The Southern Kingfish Association (SKA) was formed in 1991 with goals of becoming the B.A.S.S. of saltwater fishing. To accomplish this first we needed a common specie, one that brought little ecological baggage. Hence, the King Mackerel. Its stocks were just being brought back from severe commercial pressures in the Gulf of Mexico. Thanks to government regulation, and better science on the stocks, the kingfish rebounded. They are not on the endangered or over-fished list. In fact they are a model for fishery managers. Members of the SKA, its managers, and the tournament directors are to be commended for insuring the success of the sport. King Mackerel are relatively easy to catch and you don’t need a big or go-fast boat to pursue these wily gamesters. However, if you are 50 miles from where the fish are perceived to be, the game changes. Our first goal was to sell the sportsman on this specie, then get him or her into local competition. It was relatively easy since some events were in place from the Carolinas down thru northern Florida, we simply convinced the local tournaments that we would be an asset if they allowed us to sanction their event. Then we found other philanthropic organizations to produce events as fund raisers. That too panned out with the SKA working with over 40 events from the Carolinas thru Louisiana forming the Mercury Tournament Trail. Then we produced a huge Championship at the end of the season for those who excelled and qualified for the event. Some years we’ve had over 25,000 participants with over three million dollars in cash and prizes, plus we’ve donated over three million dollars per year to local charities. Obviously that has changed with the recession of 2008 however the SKA is still secure and working with nearly 50 events a year, executing a Pro Tour, and still doing charity work. The SKA is owned and governed by a Board of Directors, 26 fishermen and industry executives from every level, who set policy, rules, and settles all disputes that may arise. A set of universal angling rules were devised and approved, plus a strict code of conduct. This unique undertaking sets the standard for all events to use and follow. We also knew that if we were to become successful we needed to develop a hard core group of professional fishermen that could represent manufacturers, sell their products thru endorsements and participation, and teach and encourage more to fish. We have those fishermen today, poised, polished, and eager to go to work, fishing the SKA Professional Kingfish Tour sponsored by Yamaha. So just who are these fishermen, their lifestyles, and their community spirit? What are the products they demand and what will it take to reach this market? Let’s take it one step at a time and explore every facet so you have a true insight into this unique niche market.

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Anglers join the SKA in one of three categories: comlong distances to get to the fish. Now they can competition, associate, or professional. Competition mempete and the Class is really doing well. The Small Boat ber status allows him, her, or the family to compete on Division is for boats with waterlines not to exceed the trail for prizes. They can also choose associate 23'11". membership that gets them membership goodies plus The SKA Professional Kingfish Tour is a separate Angler magazine, but does not allow for tournament tournament trail and that competition determines The competition. The 2014 Mercury Tournament Trail is Yamaha SKA Professional Kingfish Tour Team of the composed of 48 tournaments in ten divisions. Anglers Year. This Pro Tour requires a major commitment in fish in any geographic division they choose, made up both time and dollars on behalf of the fishermen. of three to five tournaments, most of which are local or We also reward our juniors and lady anglers for just within easy reach of their homes. The object is to do being on board, as part of the team. Great prizes await their best in each event they enter. The SKA tabulates our winners. the team’s best fish from each event. Scores are It has been determined that each boat’s crew spends added with their combined best three fish and the top $1,400 to fish any divisional competition while the Pro 25 boats from each division move to the National division player will spend more because of the added Championship. Prizes are awarded in the championtime and expense of some travel. This amount only ship (over $300,000 worth) and make for exhilarating represents out-of-pocket expenses and does not reflect competition. We started the 23' and under class in time away from their professions, boat, tackle, and 1999 and have changed it now to the Small Boat truck purchases. Class. What a treFamily participamendous success! tion is a cornerWe found that stone of the SKA. there was a class In fact, a survey of of fishermen that members showed thought they just that 48% fish with couldn’t compete one or more with the big boys, immediate family and they were, in members in toursome instances, naments. 65% right! The smaller said they compete boats just don’t to share the expehave the range or rience with family the speed to run or friends also. Ladies from divisional competition get their awards rev. 01/14 3


The average size boat used by an SKA member is 26.5 feet in length. The king mackerel fisherman portrayed by outside sources as running around the ocean in high powered boats traveling hundreds of miles in pursuit of their quarry is grossly exaggerated. Our marketing studies reveal that the average size boat owned by a member in 1991 was 24.5 feet and had an average age of 5 years. Two years ago we again sought to find what changes had occurred over the past few years and we found that the average length was 26.5 feet but the age had gone from 5 years to just 3 years. They need fresh boats and motors to be able to compete. We’ve also discovered that they want boats that allow them to fish better. The number one consideration was open water performance, while the number two consideration was live well capacity, then speed. The fierce competition drives these anglers to own and use new product. Advertising does not mean as much to them as peer endorsement. The “I want a boat just like Joe’s,” syndrome is predominate. Advertising answers questions and gets the prospective customer to begin his search and questioning. The SKA angler is very loyal. We asked a prominent NASCAR marketing firm to look at our demographics and their response was, “The SKA angler is parallel to that of the NASCAR fan, in some instances possibly more loyal.” One of our sponsors, Igloo, attended a tournament several years ago to determine the number of their coolers being used by our fishermen. The event was unique

in that the event could dock over 80 tournament boats on one dock at the municipal marina, the site of the event. After the boats had weighed, Igloo management walked the docks looking for coolers. Of the 80 boats moored, they could only find three boats with competing product. The loyalty factor to the sponsor prevailed then and still hasn’t changed today! 86% own a center console while 14% prefer a walk around. All boats have a VHF radio and all have GPS and sounder units. 98% run outboard powered boats. Pick-up trucks play an important role in the life of the mackerel fisherman. 72% own a pick-up while 24% own another type, mostly Suburbans and Excursions. As more and more of the top anglers look to the 30 foot plus market, larger trucks have to be considered also. Chevrolet and Ford lead the brand field. Consider this: Over 5,000 boats fished king mackerel tournaments last year. The average boat carries 6 rods; that totals 30,000 rods and reels. If each of these reels were re-spooled twice a year, which is really a low figure, and the average spool carries 400 yards, then the SKA consumes over 23 million yards of line per year. We also know we use well over a million treble hooks a year and over a half a million swivels. 160 boats fished the Championships in 2013. Over 37,000 gallons of fuel was consumed and over a million dollar impact on the community was enjoyed. 750 people were present at the captains meeting and 580 dinners were served at the annual banquet. We had 3,000 anglers, family members, industry leaders, friends, and media descend on Biloxi, Mississippi. SKA King Mackerel fishing is really big business!

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THE SKA ANGLER In 1991, we found the average tournament angler coming to a weigh-in in a dirty T-shirt, in dirty boats with beer cans littering the cockpit sole, and tackle that looked like it had come thru World War II. Today that angler’s boat shines, many with sponsor logos. He or she is dressed in a clean team shirt, and his tackle is new and in pristine shape. He or she is polished and knows how to show off the catch if it’s a good one. They carry the catch in special fish bags designed to keep the fish in good shape to the scale and in every way they extol the virtues of a true professional. We’ve taught them how to relate to the press also and they are quick to mention sponsors, even showing TV people their boats and tackle. What a transformation! The SKA tournament participant is above average in income earnings. Over 69% earn over $80,000 per year. The majority, 68%, fall in the 35 to 60 age bracket, married, and over half take their sons or daughters fishing. More than half are college educated and the majority practice religion. Because of the longevity of the association and easy access to fishing techniques, most of the fishermen have gained intermediate or advanced / expert fishing status. He or she fishes an average of 7 tournaments a year but finds time to get on the water over 30 days per year. 72% also bottom fish when seasons are open. Our professional anglers will put over 20,000 miles on their tow vehicle this year. Most can afford to purchase any boat, tackle, or truck they wish, however because of selected fishery closures and short

“More than 18,000 anglers participated in SKA events in 2013”

The coveted Team of the Year Award.

2013 Team of the Year Marcus Kennedy's Intense team

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THE SKA ANGLER II fishing seasons for some species their trips are selective. To them, kingfishing is a sport as intense and professional as major league baseball or pro football. King Mackerel fishing is a family sport. The most important thing to remember about our members— He or she just wants to belong, to be a part of a team, and to contribute. SKA Top Angler of the Year, Clayton Kirby, with a 50-pound Atlantic Kingfish, a very special catch.

A sponsored SKA team boat.

We recommend that any dealings, regardless of amount, be done on a contractual basis. If you decide to sponsor anglers or teams, make sure that the angler or team indicates what his or her performance will be for the duration of the contract. (How many events will he or she fish, what are those events, what else is he or she willing to do for sponsorship consideration—trade shows, seminars, etc. are some examples.) We have found over the past ten years, that those with performance contracts out-perform those without. We will be happy to help you evaluate your choices.

• Earnings $31,000 - $40,000 $41,000 - $50,000 $51,000 - $100,000 Over $100,000

5% 22% 24% 47%

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Outboards: 13% run singles 57% run twins 30% run triples A handful run quads


Boats: 54% of boats are 3 years old or newer 79% bought new boats 30% indicated they would buy a new boat in the next year Boats preferred: Over 30' or Small Boat Class (23'11" or less) Trucks: 1st choice: Ford F250 65% own a truck or SUV 2 years old or newer 25% of the membership plans to buy a new truck within the next 12 months 75% of the membership buy after market accessories 42% of SKA members are self employed.

Southern Kingfish Association, LLC Class Comparison 2013 77%


Open Class Small Boat Class

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This very special class was designed specifically for those fishermen competing in boats with a waterline length of 23’ 11� or less who feel that they fish at a disadvantage competing with the larger boats. Now they have a class of their own and all of our tournaments now recognize this group and reward them with cash prizes. The top 20 qualifiers from each of the 10 divisions will go to the Nationals and compete against other boats of their class. A National Champion will be crowned from this group. This very well may be our largest group of fishermen in the Association within the next couple of years.

2011 National Champions Small Boat Class

Southern Kingfish Association, LLC Small Boats Comparison







2012 National Champions Small Boat Class


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

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No Matter How You Slice It, It Makes Sense to Tap Into This Growing Market SKA Yearly Generations: $33,400,000   Boat Sales | A Minimum of 200 Boats Purchased Each Year at an Average of $167,000 Per Boat by Members. Includes Motors and Trailer.

8,000,000 Boat Sales | Team Members or Non-Members Who Fish the Trail and/or Select Tournaments. Some of these buy used.

3,600,000 5,000,000 180,000 2,000,000 3,150,000

Tackle Purchases Fuel Sales, Tournaments Only Oil for Boat New Electronics Tournament Entry Fees | M embers and Non-members

1,281,000 Replacement Parts | for Boats, Pumps, Rope, etc. 564,000 Ice | C aptains purchase an average of Six Bags per Event they fish at $10 per Bag.

810,000 Food and Drink for Boat 1,793,400 Insurance Per Year 40,000,000 New Trucks Each Year | 1 ,000 Members Buy A New Truck Every Three Years. Average of $40,000 per Truck

3,000,000 Truck Fuel | B ased on 120 miles to and from each event at $3.75 per gallon. 90% of the vehicles are 250’s or 350’s

1,200,000 Direct Economic Impact to Host City for the National Championship | Includes Lodging, Slips, Food, Entertainment, etc.


Contact Us to Claim Your Slice of the SKA Pie Today!

• All estimations are considered below average.

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For the 2014 season which runs from the end of January through the final weekend in October, and then is culminated with the National Championship the first weekend in November, there are 48 tournaments in 10 Divisions. Each Division represents three to five tournaments in which members fish as many Divisions as they choose to try to qualify to fish for nearly $320,000 in cash and prizes in the Championship. Each Division will qualify 25 boats in the Open Division, and 20 boats in the Small Boat Division. Add another 70 boats from the Professional Kingfish Tour plus all the past National Champions and Top Anglers of the Year who receive automatic qualification, and you have a possibility of over 300 teams fishing the Championship. There were over 24,000 anglers who participated in the tournaments in 2011 all trying to qualify for the Championship. The majority of those fishermen were SKA members. In these events, anglers competed for over two million dollars in cash and prizes with another half million dollars going to local charities and marine enhancement programs. The formula works as follows: There were an average of 145 boats participating in each tournament in 2012. There are an average of four anglers per boat including the Captain. In 2012 that would represent 29,000 anglers, all of whom could purchase your product! In order to stay in touch with these fishermen and for the SKA to give the members who excel the publicity they deserve we publish Angler magazine eleven times a year. Over 25,000 anglers per month receive and read the publication. Through our own marketing studies they read the magazine from cover to cover. Every Corporate Partner is required to show-

case (advertise) its product in the magazine, the number of times based on the level of sponsorship. This is done to gain impressions plus assists the marketing arm of the SKA in promoting their product. When you factor in the pass along rate magazines in general use, NEWS RELE ASE you instantly gain over 70,000 impressions per month. Each Corporate Partner’s logo also appears on the Corporate Partners page of the magazine. Each Corporate Partner also receives an article of interest each year in Angler magazine to further enhance the Partners participation with the anglers. The SKA generates press releases and e-mails during the year all of which make reference to the majority of the larger participating Corporate Partners. These releases herald an upcoming event, tournament results, and angler accomplishments. The majority of these are to Outdoor Editors and boating and fishing writers. As our tournament trail is the largest saltwater tournament trail in the world, most of our releases get used. If only a few of these releases were used and each source had a circulation of 50,000, that would equate to over four million impressions. In 1999 we kept track of all our releases and calculated over three million impressions. However, without the services of a clipping agency or social media, we cannot determine the use rate. Spectators at fishing tournaments average 500 people. Keep in mind that those numbers are inflated somewhat because of the two biggest tournaments, the Greater Jacksonville and the Alabama Deep Sea Rodeo which represent over 55,000 people. Our National Championship draws over 3,000 spectators. That's well over 100,000 impressions per year if you count them seeing your banner or physiFO

SKA 15 Garnett Ave St Augustine FL 32084 Phone: 904.8 19.03 FAX: 904.819.03 60 31 sokingfish@ aol.com www.fishska.com

Featuring the

2 0 0 3..

Corporate Partn ers: Mercury Marin e Fountain Power boats

Dakota Donzi Pro-Line Sea-Pro Palmetto Rugged Shark Shoes Loadmaster Trailers Boater’s World Penn Hancock Marin e Furuno Ocean Waves Lowrance SPRO Swive ls Turbo Props Hi-Seas Line Flo Scan C&H Lures American Fishin g Wire Bluewater Tower s Silverstar

Corporate Partn ers: Yamaha Outbo ards Contender Boats Loadmaster Trailers Raymarine Electr onics






Contact: Jack Holmes Southern Kingfi sh Association 904.819.0360 Fax: 904.819033 1

20 December 2002



AS PASS! The Southern Kingfish Assoc iation announced Texas Division the second tourn Eight at Arans ament of its as Pass July 11th Pass King Mack thru 13th. Dubb erel Tournamen ed the Aransas t, it will be held Marina in conju out of Conn Brow nction with Coas n Harbor tal Yachts. “We are really happy to be involv ed with the city Coastal Yachts,” of Aransas Pass said SKA’s Mana and ging Partner Jack in Port Aransas Holmes. “Last was a tremendous year’s event success and angle caught big fish.” rs from all over the state John Thomas Dusek’s Yellow fin topped the “We really didn’ leade r board with a t have to run far,” 50 pounder. said the popu 140 feet of water lar Captain. “She . Fishing this part was found in of the Texas coast What was really is as good as remarkable was it gets.” that they had weighed nearl another fish on y as much. board that The tournamen t was so good that it took a 39 ten. “Most of pounder just to our Texas angle make rs told me that they the top year,” added couldn’t wait to Holmes. “We expec get back next t a very large turno of the local fisher ut in ‘03, with men. the support The Southern Kingfish Assoc iation produces the largest saltwa the Mercury Tourn ter trail in the ament Trail, world. Over 10,00 sions from North 0 teams comp Carolina to Texas ete in 13 divito earn the right state in the year to represent their end National Championship. home from Georgia This year the title who went home fell to a team with over $200 Jose Reyes Jr. ,000 in cash and from Houston, prizes although Texas fishing a in the event. boat named Papo tonic earned fifth The Mercury Tourn ament Trail follow Mackerel each s the migration year. pattern of the King The Aransas Pass King Mackerel Tournament is community. The open to the gener Captain’s meeti al angling ng and final regist night the 11th ration will be at Conn Brow held on Friday n Marina from and Sunday from 6 to 8 P.M. Fishin 6 A.M. till 5 P.M. g will be Satur with the weigh also. The large day in happening st king mackerel at the marina weighed will win are prizes for a minimum of ladies and junior $10,000. There s as well. -more-

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CORPORATE PARTNER BENEFITS cal product only one per weekend. At the majority of the events, SKA personnel do the event announcing and SKA Corporate Partners are mentioned frequently. At many of the events, especially the Pro Tour events and National Championship, Corporate Partners in attendance receive personal interviews on stage. When members of the press are on hand, they too are encouraged to get quotes from Corporate Partners to add flavor to their stories. The SKA also recognizes it’s junior anglers who succeed at the event on stage. The SKA presence at each event focuses around the SKA trailers. (We have three we use throughout the year.) Each trailer is logoed or wrapped with sponsor IDs for greater visibility. Each fishing team is required to come to the SKA trailer to fill out a registration form. At the same time they can get the latest tournament information, purchase tackle and SKA and Corporate Partners logoed clothing. Impressions are based on the number of competitors and spectators. Each trailer however is a rolling billboard along the highways of North Carolina, south through both coasts of Florida, and west through Louisiana. The U.S. Trucking Association estimates that there are an average of 102 visual impressions per mile on major highways. As we run over 100,000 miles per year in our truck and trailer

combinations that represents over 10 million impressions per year. You can't believe how many people come up to us at every fuel stop to just talk fishing. The SKA web site (www.fishska.com) is one of the most popular fishing sites on the web. Of course all of our Partners are tied in to this site. Over 4,900 hits per day with the top page being Tournament Trail points and schedules. Second is tournament stories, and the third is sponsors. Most of the SKA marketing information is gathered through membership applications which give a host of personal information. Each year a questionnaire is sent with renewal notices so as to keep track of recent trends. Each member has the opportunity also to rate events they fish. Social Media is also becoming another way to keep our members in touch. We are now communicating tournament results, upcoming events, special opportunities thru sponsors, and other news that can’t wait, through Twitter. However in 2011 we asked each and every member if we could go electronic for Angler Magazine and we received a resounding NO! They want their magazine for two reasons. One to have as a reference for where fish were caught in past years and second, a permanent record of their accomplishments.

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Angler magazine is the bible of our association and, while we do use direct mail for membership drives and renewals, most of the yearly tournament news comes to the fishermen in the pages of Angler. Hard-hitting editorials, a calendar of events, fishing tips, and the most comprehensive tournament results are included in each issue. Angler is circulated to every member 11 times a year, (no issue in December) plus tournament distribution. Angler is printed on newsprint with an 80 pound gloss four color cover. Newsprint is used because of tight deadlines and printing schedules. Angler magazine is the official publication of the Southern Kingfish Association.

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Angler Magazine Rates Rates Black and White

1x 3x 6x 11x

Full Page





Junior Page





2/3 page





1/2 page





1/3 page





1/4 page





1/8 page






1x 3x 6x 11x

Full Page





Junior Page





2/3 page





1/2 page





1/3 page





1/4 page





Special position ads, when available, 10% premium. Spot color inside magazine, add $100 per color, limit two plus black.

Cover Inside Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,545


Insertion Order Due

Ad Materials Due

Inside Back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,247 Outside Back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,861


November 25, 2013

December 1, 2013


January 2, 2014

January 10, 2014


February 3, 2014

February 10, 2014


March 3, 2014

March 10, 2014


April 1, 2014

April 10, 2014


May 1, 2014

May 12, 2014


June 2, 2014

June 10, 2014


July 1, 2014

July 10, 2014


August 1, 2014

August 11, 2014


September 1, 2014

September 10, 2014


October 1, 2014

October 10, 2014

DIMENSIONS Ad Size Width x Height (inches) Full page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.25 x 12.25 Full page bleed. . . . . . . . 10.75 x 13.75 Junior page. . . . . . . . . . . . 6.875 x 10 2/3 page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.25 x 7 1/2 horizontal. . . . . . . . . . . 9.25 x 6 1/2 vertical. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 x 12.25 1/3 page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.75 x 6 1/4 square. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 x 6 1/4 vertical. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.125 x 12.25 1/8 vertical. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.125 x 6

(No December Issue)

Fax insertion orders to: 904.819.0331 attn.: Deona

Trim size: 10.25" x 13.25" 1/4" inch bleed all four sides. Keep all live matter .375" from trim edges. E-mail materials to: anglerpages@fishska.com For more advertising material specifications go to: www.fishska.com/angler_mag_specs/ rev. 01/14 13

FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS Discounts are allowed only with a signed and approved contract. 2% DISCOUNT, on all accounts paid in full and received within 10 days from invoice. 15% DISCOUNT of net billing allowed to recognized advertising agencies on all ads (excluding production charges) providing they are supplied to digital specifications and account is paid in full within 30 days of invoice date. PRODUCTION CHARGES Billed at a cost plus 10% basis. Creative charges quoted in advance. REGULATIONS: For Copy and Contracts 1. Ad position is at the discretion of the publisher. 2. P ublisher/SKA is not liable for any omissions or errors if at the publisher’s option, publisher publishes a corrected advertisement in the next edition. In no event shall the Publisher/SKA be liable for damages in excess of the cost of advertisement. 3. P ublisher/SKA reserves the right to decline advertising for reasons of inappropriate content, deception, or poor taste. Only advertising in concert with the intent of the publication will be accepted. 4. Advertising must be inserted consecutively to earn frequency discount. Frequency discounts not applicable to multiple insertions in a single issue. 5. N o cancellations accepted after closing date. Canceled contracts will be re-billed according to the actual number of insertions that occurred during the contract term. Make-good ads due three working days prior to closing. MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS

Trim: 10 1/4" x 13 1/4" Bleed: 10 1/2" x 13 1/2" Double truck trim: 20 1/2" x 13 1/4" Interior: Web offset, 40# newsprint, grayscale 85 line screen, color 100 line screen. Cover: 80# gloss, 133 to 150 line screen. Media: CD, DVD File Specifications: Digital files are required. PDF files preferred (no crop marks, no slugs). Additional charges may be incurred for other platforms or files that require digital manipulation. Files should be built at 100% trim size, as single pages, with bleed. Acceptable Formats: Adobe CS5: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop. Include all printer/ screen fonts, logos, and linked artwork. All artwork must be in grayscale or CMYK mode and saved as TIF or EPS (do not use jpeg preview). Images must be 250 to 300 ppi (pixels per inch) at actual size. Do not use image compression or include ICC profiles or postscript color management. PDF Preferred: (ver. 4 or higher) Do not include color bars, slugs, trim marks, or registration marks. Be sure to follow all industry standard pre-press guidelines. Fonts and hires graphics must embed properly. To download settings for Distiller, go to FishSKA.com

and click the About tab, then Media, then Angler Specifications. Electronic File Tips: The ppi (resolution) of a file cannot be increased. Scan to achieve 250-300 ppi at required size; do not enlarge pixel-based images in InDesign. Do not nest EPS or TIFF files in other EPS files. Word, WordPerfect or other text-based formats will not be accepted as final digital artwork. PICT, JPEG, GIF, and WMF file formats are not supported. Proofs: Digital proofs or laser file printouts must be provided with all art submissions at 100% size. If the file is sent through e-mail, fax a hard copy of the ad to 904.819.0331. Publisher will not run ad without a hard copy. Industry standard contract proofs such as digital Iris or MatchPrint are recommended for all full color ads. In the event the client does not supply a color proof, the publisher will not be held responsible for color reproduction. Color comps, color laser, thermal wax or most ink jet proofs can be used for comprehensive and content checking only.

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www.FishSKA.com This highly-informative website receives thousands of hits per day during our season. The site covers our history, membership information, tournament trail schedule, points, standings, tournament results, and so much more. FishSKA.com serves our anglers the latest information which helps them fish and qualify for our National Championship. Sponsor logos are listed on the site with links to their sites. Advertising is also available. The graph at left illustrates how usage ramps up as the kingfish tournament season progresses. On average, 39% of visits are new to FishSKA.com.

New Visits

Nationals Webcast

Nationals 2008 viewership was nearly double what it was in 2007 due to increased number of families viewing from home. Clearly website activity peaks during Nationals as indicated by the spike in the above graph.

Nationals Webcast Viewers 2008 2009 12,235 14,320

2010 2011 19,354 18,589



Tournament Webcasts

Webcast viewers are regional with a range of 35-40% of the traffic being outside the state the tournament was located. 30% of all Webcast traffic is from the state of Florida regardless of Tournament location.

2008 3,107 2,838 3,636 3,484 2,471

2009 2010 5,459 ----- 4,884 5,628 4,931 ----- 5,442 3,650 ------ -----

Location Key West, Florida Jensen Beach, Florida Fourchon, Louisiana St. Simons Island, Georgia Little River, South Carolina

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www. FishSKA.com Rates

Target the Internet! Premium Banner (rotating, above the header) 750 x 100 pixels Non-Sponsor Rate: $2,000 per year or $1,100 for 6 months Sponsor Rate: $1,500 year or $800 for 6 Months Featured Medium Rectangle (rotating, below the header) 320 x 200 pixels Sponsor Rate: $150 per month (minimum 3 months) Inline Banner (rotating, mid page) 460 x 60 pixels $125 per month (minimum 3 months) Footer Banner (rotating, below the site map) 460 x 60 pixels $110 per month (minimum 3 months) Schedule Rectangle (premium placement by division) 250 x 150 pixels $200 per calendar year (Jan. 1 – Nov. 24) Classifieds – non-member (private party) $100 for 6 weeks 250 characters with one photo $5 per extra photo Classifieds – broker or dealer One ad: $100 for 6 weeks 250 characters with one photo $5 per extra photo Two ads: $80 per ad for 6 weeks 250 characters with one photo $4 per extra photo Three ads: $70 per ad for 6 weeks 250 characters with one photo $3 per extra photo Four or more ads: $60 per ad for six weeks 250 characters with one photo $2.50 per extra photo

Schedule Rectangle ads offer a unique opportunity to advertise next to a particular tournament. When anglers check the schedule, they will see a link to your dealership, store, restaurant or hotel.

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www. FishSKA.com Rates

Live Webcast Spots! The final webcast is in November at the Mercury Tournament Trail National Championship and the Yamaha Pro Tour Championship. Choose to be a part of one or all of the webcast tournaments in between. Minimum five spots per event. SKA has been running an average of nine per event. All events: $8,000 per year Pro Championship: $1,500 National Championship: $2,000 • L ive announcements of your sponsorship in the open and close of the event. • Various mentions throughout the event plus your prerecorded 30-second spots. • Your logo will be placed on the banner displayed at the tournament site proclaiming your involvement with the live webcast. • You also receive logo placement on the SKA Web site in the announcements of the pending webcast. Do you have a local SKA sanctioned tournament? We’ll be happy to provide a live webcast of your event. $2,500 per event

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There are several ways to participate with the Southern Kingfish Association. We’ll look at them all, but number one on the priority list must be team boats. Forget those washed down magazine boat tests; if your product can withstand the rigors of a season on the SKA trail, you’ve got something to talk about. Do some boats fail the test? Absolutely. We can tell you stories from hull failures to trailers spilling boats on I-95. Keep in mind that these stories make it to the rank and file fisherman by word of mouth. We don’t publish these stories for obvious reasons. The seasoned pros know how to run a boat plus rig them too. What better place to learn from the experts? If your engineers sit in their cushy offices, never to grace the waterfront or talk to consumers, a sponsored team eliminates all this. Our guys and gals will keep them hopping. No one on the trail is getting free boats. Our fishermen fully expect to pay for the product they run and accessories they put on their boats. They also work out their own engine deals. What they look for is deals that allow them to fish the boat one year or two, then to be able to sell it and recoup their investment. They are now also looking to pick up some expense money from local sources. Think also what this team can do for you. Boat show appearances, fishing seminars, instore promotions, dealer meetings, advertising endorsements, and public relations at tournaments. Just think of them as part of your staff, plus they have stature and credibility in the fishing fraternity. Look at what Donzi did with Dave Workman Jr., and Fountain with Clayton Kirby even though these brands

went south due to management problems. They not only appeared in their ads but are the main salespeople in their booths at major shows. Who would you rather talk to at a show about your next boat, a real fisherman or a salesperson who for the most part can’t even talk fishing? Other manufacturers have also announced unique incentives including rewards for fishing their boats. It’s a very positive statement and sells product. Next is Angler magazine. An ad schedule will show the association you’re a player and deserve their consideration. Out of sight, out of mind. More and more manufacturers believe this publication is a must buy. Most sponsors also gets a banner or hot link on our website that directs consumers from our site to yours. Low cost, big results. Most manufacturers believe the only thing needed is a Web site and have had one built. Just because you have one doesn’t guarantee you’ll get response, but a tie-in to selected sites enhances your success. Of course there are sponsorship opportunities which you’ll find on another page. While this document covers all the levels, we ask that you call the experts at SKA to tailor a program for you that will maximize your exposure and results. Then there’s tournament sponsorship. Contender Boats discovered the value of tournaments. In 1997 they sponsored two events, only one being SKA. Just look at the number of their boats you see at the tournaments and you can see just how well this is paying off for them. Plus they’re bringing Yamaha along with them and they’re selling product they never had a chance of selling.

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SKA SPONSORS CORPORATE PARTNERS mercury tournament trail

Mercury Outboards When the SKA was founded you couldn’t find a black motor in tournament competition. Today it’s the motor of choice. A typical SKA member’s biggest goal is to make it to the Mercury Saltwater Team. Look at the transoms; you’ll see the power of promotion. Contender Boats began several years ago as a Corporate Partner, developed boats for the market, and today enjoys a 20% market share among the rank and file of the membership. They utilize Angler magazine advertising and tournament sponsorship. Their success story is one for the record books, a brilliant marketing strategy that has rewarded them with double digit sales increases each year. Loadmaster Trailers, the success story of the '90s. They now build trailers for most of the top builders, plus nearly all pros fishing the circuit tow their rigs with a Loadmaster. Try over 65% of our membership base. Yamaha Outboards, when you visit an event, you either see Yamaha or Mercury. Many fishermen rely on dependable Yamaha power to get to the fish and than get back to the scale. They sponsor the Yamaha Professional Kingfish Tour Championship. Yamaha and Mercury dominate over 95 % of our market leaving nearly nothing for any other brand! NBOA Marine Insurance The vast majority of the membership now use NBOA marine insurance. Enhanced coverage to fish our member base and the best rates for the coverage in the country.


Raymarine and Garmin Marine Electronics have literally captured our entire market. Over 95% of all member boats have one or other of the brand on their boat.

CHAMPIONSHIP Biloxi, Mississippi

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Not only do SKA members buy a new truck every few years— Then they pile on the accessories


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CHAMPIONSHIP Biloxi, Mississippi

This is a special tour of events held in prime locations from the Carolinas to Louisiana culminating in its own Pro Championship in November. It is the toughest test of team skills in any fishing contest in the world. Not only do these highly skilled contestants have to fish in unfamiliar waters but in all types of sea conditions. The SKA tabulates the team’s points based on where they finish in each day of fishing and the team with the most points at the end of the year is crowned The SKA Professional Kingfish Tour Team of the Year, sport fishing’s most coveted title. Yamaha is the presenting sponsor of the Pro Tour Championship. The 2014 season is also sponsored by Contender Boats and Raymarine Electronics. The Top Angler of the Year Captain will receive a ceremonial gold ring and all members of the team receive a gold cup trophy engraved with his/her name, boat name, and year. The quest for the 2014 Team of the Year title begins in April and culminates in November in Biloxi, Mississippi.

PROFESSIONAL KINGFISH TOUR ONLINE ANGLER SHOWCASE Published after all teams have joined the Pro Tour, usually after April 1st, the Pro Tour special edition is the official guide for the pros. The pros are ranked in order of their current points, making it easy to see who is the best of the best. This is another reason to showcase your product on this portion of www.FishSKA.com

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When the SKA was founded, conservation was just a word with very few tournaments practicing moral responsibility. Slowly, working with the National Marine Fisheries and state agencies, we’ve convinced our sanctioned tournaments to go to a one fish per boat format. Aggregate divisions are a thing of the past. Fish Bowls that allowed anglers to turn in fish for raffle tickets (in North Carolina) have been terminated by state officials citing lottery laws. As most tournaments still collect fish that are weighed, they sell kingfish to help earn money for their charity. While we favor the collection of fish to ensure no waste occurs, we know the days are numbered for the sale of these fish. Commercial interests claim that the fish are caught by recreational fishermen but are charged against the commercial quota. A nitpick item; however, they will push their cause until the law is changed. The SKA has asked the National Marine Fisheries for a quota of their own and it’s expected it will happen in 2014.

Each year, the SKA keeps records of every fish that is weighed in a tournament. We compile statistics to prove and ensure our fishing has very little pressure on the resource and we are not killing too many brood stock fish. Our findings are shared with the government agencies. In the last study, approximately 100,000 pounds of kings were weighed by tournament anglers which went against a quota of over 11 million pounds. The total commercial quota this year is 32% of that quota. The SKA is working diligently with Washington and state legislators to repeal Magnuson. We are held in the highest regards in Washington for our conservation record and ethics. Unfortunately, because of the size and the teeth in a king mackerel, they cannot be kept alive and released after being weighed. The SKA is proud of its record in conservation and resource management.

Typically teams like “Kwazar” bring only one fish to the scale.

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The Next Generation

The SKA recognizes that the junior anglers of today are the champions of tomorrow. Getting the family, and especially the kids, involved in fishing is one of our primary goals as a family-oriented organization. To encourage members to participate and share the experiences of competition with their kids, we award the top SKA juniors in every tournament with beautiful custom plaques. They don’t have to catch their own fish to win an award, just be on the boat and participate with the team. Mercury Outboards gives the top Mercury junior angler of each event a $500 college scholarship. We are very proud of the accomplishments of our junior anglers and will continue to promote their efforts in every way possible. After all, they are the future of our sport.

We have almost an equal number of juniors‌ boys and girls.

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So after 23 exciting years where do we go from here? Onward and upward. Our goal is to slightly reduce our tournament schedule, but put more emphasis on the tournaments themselves to heighten sponsorship awareness and increase participation. The events are developing better captains meetings and awards ceremonies. We have found that the more fun you make a tournament, the more participants you get. A few dollars or some prizes from manufacturers can make a big difference in accomplishing our goals. The SKA is also producing more events to set examples and to heighten major market areas for our sponsors. We are tying in major sponsors for multi-tournament series like Mercury. We have also successfully produced the GATE Jacksonville Fishing Rodeo and are now looking for major sponsors to take this series on the road. It is a series that not only encompasses king mackerel but up to 18 other species. This event is now the largest event in North Florida and Southern Georgia. We are expecting over 1,500 anglers which equates to 500 boats this year. Innovation breeds success!

We will also be putting more emphasis on our Small Boat Class. Manufacturers have built the product, now it’s up to us to make this our biggest class. Remember, these are the fishermen who will buy a 23' today, a 27' two years from now, then move even higher. Our pros need more attention, especially from the sponsor side. Not in terms of their sponsorship, but in added prize incentives. Just like B.A.S.S., there are only a few pros compared to

The future is in our kids and our small boat program.

our rank and file members, but it’s these pros that have so much influence on what others buy.

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The Southern Kingfish Association produces several tournaments per year, including Professional Kingfish Tour, The Gate Rodeo in Jacksonville, plus the SKA National Championships, saltwater’s most prestigious events. It also sanctions 45 charity-driven events as well.

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The Tournament Trail‌

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Tournament Fishing is Big Business!

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For Sponsorship Opportunities with the Southern Kingfish Association, please contact Jack Holmes, Managing Partner

SOUTHERN KINGFISH ASSOCIATION, LLC 15 Garnett Ave St. Augustine, Florida 32084 904-819-0360 fax: 904-819-0331 Web Site: www.fishska.com E-mail: sokingfish@fishska.com

Can you really afford not to be involved with the number one saltwater tournament organization in the country?

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“Getting Started on the SKA Tournament Trail� as featured in the March 2004 issue of Salt Water Sportsman by Gary Caputi

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Salt Water Sportsman, March 2004

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Salt Water Sportsman, March 2004

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Salt Water Sportsman, March 2004

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Salt Water Sportsman, March 2004

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