Angler Magazine April 2009

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MARCO ISLAND: Bandit Takes Top SKA Spot in Open Class with a 43.96! Inspiration Wins Class of 23' with a 34.21!




April 2009 | ANGLER


Inside: Technique | Conservation for Future Generations Gear | Electronic Charts Make Waves More | Standings, Schedule, News…


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ANGLER | April 2009


POWER BEYOND COMPARE – VERADO ® TOP SPEED At Wide Open Throttle, Mercury® Verado 300 hp is than Suzuki® 300 hp four-stroke.

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Source: Tests conducted by Mercury Marine – June 2007. Test conducted on a 23’ fiberglass fishing boat using a Mercury Verado 300 hp FourStroke and a Suzuki DF300 four-stroke. © 2008 MERCURY MARINE. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Suzuki is a registered trademark of Suzuki Motor Corporation. All other trademarks belong to the Brunswick Corporation.

CONTENTS CO ONTTENTSS | April Aprril 2009 20 009 12 | Marco Island Kingfish Tournament | Bandit Takes the Top SKA Spot at Marco Island! 28 | Tournament Preparation | It All Starts With a Positive Mental Attitude 31 | What’s in a Boat Name | Members Share Anecdotes About Their Boat Names

page 6

35 | Kim Bain-Moore | SKA Top Lady Competes in All-Male (until now) Bassmaster Classic

page 12

page 28

“The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.” — John Buchan 1875–1940 15th Governor General of Canada

page 35

columns colu umns

information in nforrmatio on

6 | Red Snapper Revelation | Regulation controversy regarding Gulf stocks by Gary Caputi

20 | Kingfish for the Future | Practice responsible conservation for future anglers by Terry Lacoss

37 | Mercury Trail Schedule 42 | Yamaha Pro Tour Schedule 43 | Mercury Trail Points 44 | Yamaha Pro Points 45 | Members Helping Members

26 | Charting Charts | New digital chart options by John Minetola

59 | Membership Form 60 | Classifieds

Go to

62 | Corporate Partners

On the Cover: Bandit stole the top SKA spot with a 43.96. Third from left, Ron Mitchell and next to him, Will Geraghty. James Ingalls and Cory Burlew won Class of 23 with a 34.21 fishing on the Inspiration.


ANGLER | April 2009


Official publication of the Southern Kingfish Association


FROM THE HELM ■ by Jack Holmes

Change In Tax Code Could Affect Charities!

15 Garnett Avenue Saint Augustine, Florida 32084 Phone | 904-819-0360 Fax | 904-819-0331 e-mail | web site | Managing Partner Jack Holmes

Accounting Deona Holmes

Magazine Director Christine B. Rodenbaugh

Operations Director Bob Flocken

Membership Director Loreen Berlin

Webmaster Daniel Finley

Field Managers Don Ewing Advertising & Sponsorship Bob Flocken Jack Holmes Deona Holmes Don Ewing Contributing Editors Gary Caputi Terry Lacoss Ed Killer John Minetola

Trying to figure out the Obama stimulus plan is more taxing than trying to figure where the winning kingfish will come from in your next event. It doesn’t make any difference whether you agree with his plan or not, the harsh reality is that charities could be in big trouble. Take away the tax deduction we get for our donations and people could think twice about giving. Most of the events we sanction are charity driven. No, we don’t usually take a tax deduction for the events we fish, however this may be their only means of raising money. Take for example the Onslow Bay tournament. They give thousands to several charities each year thanks to their fishing club’s efforts. This year they lost their major sponsor. That could mean the difference between some underprivileged kids going to summer camp or the bicycles they give to the poor at Christmas time disappearing. Don’t blame the sponsor; they’re fighting for their economic life. When these organizations ask the general public to step up to the plate will the funds be forthcoming? I’m hoping they will be.

We as a group have a tendency to forget that we raise over a million dollars for marine enhancement programs and local charities each year. We are a benevolent group. Time after time we are asked to support a cause like the American Red Cross Disaster Relief at the 2008 Nationals or the money we raised for the little girl who needed a transplant in 2007. If the cause is just, we give! This country has always helped the downtrodden and I feel it will continue in the future. Just remember when you fill out that registration form at your next tournament, if they are charity driven, your payout at the end of the event may not be quite as big this year. Sponsors are hard to find yet volunteers feel that they can’t do the event just to go through the motions. They must have a return for the people they support. I’m sure you agree also. Maybe congress will find the heart to make sure that charities are taken care of. A tax deduction to support local charities makes good sense and shouldn’t be tampered with.

comes stories, art, and photos. SKA will

About half of the tournament sanctioning agreements have been returned; however, that means that half have not been returned. Before you panic, it’s normal. You have to understand that most events are charity driven and with that comes tournament management changes. What you should pay attention to is the schedule itself. We post the schedule the latter part of November based on the same dates as last season. Generally it works out just fine, but there will always be some changes so please make sure to check the schedule on a weekly basis at Another delay is also the economic climate. Tournament Directors are scrambling to find some sponsor dollars but it’s not easy. This is the year we must band together and ride it out. Tight lines! —Jack

Live Webcast MAY Tell Your Friends andby Family! presented

Contributions: Angler magazine wel-


Watch the Jensen Beach Leg of the

1st & 2nd

consider, but assumes no responsibility for, unsolicited proposals, manuscripts, and photographs; all such material not accompanied by self addressed stamped envelopes will not be returned, SKA retains reprint rights for resale, republication. Copyright 2009. Angler magazine is mailed to all members of the Southern Kingfish Association and is paid for in part by the yearly association dues.

Weigh-in Friday, May 1 & Saturday, May 2 beginning at 3pm!

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April 2009 | ANGLER



Flawed and outdated assessment methodologies are driving unnecessary over regulation of this important Gulf fishery.


might not come as a surprise, but the so-called “best available science” that is used to drive the management of recreationally important fisheries is again being proven to be flawed, inadequate and not up to the task. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the eight regional fisheries councils that operate under its authority are churning out restrictive regulations on anglers based on highly questionable science and, in the most recent case, science that has been proven inaccurate. The results have been shorter fishing seasons, greatly reduced bag limits, increased discard mortality and severe negative impacts to the economy in the form of lost coastal tourism and hardships for the recreational fishing industry in all its forms. The latest problem coming to light was foretold by the organization I have spent a lot of time and effort with, the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA). It is another example of inaccurate data, be it in the assessment process or the manner in which NMFS estimates recreational landings, that was at the heart of the RFA’s drive to allow a limited amount of flexibility in the management of rebuilding fisheries under federal fisheries law. The RFA fought for months in Congress to allow managers the ability to consider the socioeconomic impacts of the regulations they draft and the reliability of the science they had available for setting quotas and regulations. Instead, they passed a bill that included mandates that force unnecessarily harsh regulations regardless of the 6

weak science or economic impacts. Most people who have been around fisheries management for any length of time, especially people like me who have worked both inside and outside of the system, acknowledge that fisheries science is complicated, predictive, and characterized by uncertainty. One senior NMFS official recently stated that “best available science,” as required by the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA), does not always mean “good science.” Yet even with that understanding Congress put wording in federal fisheries law that took away any consideration of these uncertainties. Managers must treat whatever science they have available at the time as gospel, even when they know it’s not. The situation covered here revolves around what is the most important commercial and recreational fishery in the northern Gulf, but it has implications that go far beyond that one species, as you will see. It also lends credence to the position the RFA adopted during the fight to fix the MSA and how the current wording will continue to whittle away at your ability to fish. The RFA is proud to work on conservation issues and even more proud to fight for your right to fish in a responsible and well regulated manner. That right is under assault so pay close attention to the red snapper issue. Similar problems will be surfacing in other fisheries in the near future.

A recently completed research study conducted by Drs. Robert Shipp and Steve Bortone, experts in the field of red snapper population dynamics, revealed a stock that is far more robust than the assessments coming out of the National Marine Fisheries Service indicate and explains in detail why NMFS

is so far off the mark. Dr. Shipp has been studying red snapper for over 30 years, conducted upwards of a dozen research cruises and tagging surveys each year and done in-depth research on the migration and life stages of this important fish. He is the leading authority on red snapper, the

Red snapper are being encountered on hard bottom in deep water areas of the Gulf. This one was caught on a deep drop outfit targeting snowy grouper in 300 feet of water.

ANGLER | April 2009

chair of the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of South Alabama and the vice chairman of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (GMFMC). “Dr. Shipp’s credentials are impeccable and his knowledge on this subject beyond reproach,” said Jim Donofrio of the RFA, “which makes his most recent findings concerning the undercounting of red snapper stocks in the Gulf something that NMFS and Congress can no longer ignore. The RFA has been questioning NMFS data on the abundance of this critically important recreational fishery for the past few years, realizing that the numbers they were using just didn’t match what landings and on water observations were telling us.” At the heart of the discrepancy is the fact that red snapper are habitat dependent and the hard bottom habitat the species requires for its very existence has been expanded dramatically in the past 25 years. Historical data clearly showed that red snapper populations in the northern Gulf, specifically between Mobile and Pensacola, were small and easily overexploited. The fishery produced about two million pounds commercially for several years before catches dropped off to almost nothing during its first heyday 100 years ago. Today, over 60% of the commercial harvest and 40% of the recreational landings, or approximately six million pounds annually, have been coming from the same area where previously there were few snapper. Yet even with that much fishing pressure the stock continues to grow at a significant pace. So what’s changed? Just a single variable—the availability of hard bottom habitat and it’s man made. One hundred years ago this area was comprised almost exclusively of mud bottom with little structure to support a vibrant snapper population. Today, there are 4,500 gas and oil platforms in the northern Gulf and over 20,000 artificial reefs placed off the Alabama coast alone. The popular view of many at NMFS is that artificial structures only attract fish, April 2009 | ANGLER

but don’t actually increase their stock sizes. That might be true to some extent when the artificial structure is sparse and widely scattered, but when such an extraordinary amount of structure is added to an ecosystem as has been in the northern Gulf, it literally changes the flora and fauna. In this case, the change has been a huge benefit to the red snapper and their stock has literally exploded to levels not previously seen as a result. In fact, Dr. Shipp’s report says the stock of red snapper in the northern Gulf is at an all-time high and probably in excess of what the virgin stock was before man ever started fishing for them! You’d think that was a remarkable achievement and not a cause to continue to constrict fishing on the species, but with the way the MSA is worded and implemented and the manner in which NMFS has stacked the deck against the plan’s ability to reach the goals it has set, good news isn’t necessarily cause for celebration, increasing quotas, and relaxing regulations. The first problem we have to deal with is the survey methodology NMFS is using to make its stock assessment. Shipp noted that it

Man made structure has been the key to the remarkable abundance of red snapper in the northern Gulf. Fishing around rigs like this one can produce nice catches.

does not have a habitat component and, therefore, does not accurately account for this important variable in its stock assessment. It just isn’t figured into the population model they use to assess the size of the fishery, which is a critical component of determining the maximum sustainable yield used to set fishing quotas. The second problem is the definition of “overfishing” and “overfished” in the MSA and the projected harvest levels being used that are driving the assumption that the stocks are being overfished at this time. Here’s what Dr. Shipp has to say about that early in his report. “I’d like to begin with a bit of a reality check. The current stock assessment model predicts that if overfishing is ended, we can ultimately have a snapper fishery with a maximum sustainable yield between 16 and 20 million pounds. But we’ve never harvested anywhere near that number, and in fact have rarely harvested even half that amount. One has to wonder how a stock can be overfished if it has never yielded even half of its potential.” The obvious answer is that the stock size envisioned by NMFS is pie in the sky, a red herring that will cause

Fun in the sun. These fish are a favorite of snow birds.

unnecessarily harsh regulation for years to come; and this is not a problem with red snapper alone. Anglers in the Northeast have been dealing with this same problem with the popular and economically important summer flounder fishery since 2006. While stocks have grown to historic highs under the rebuilding plan and landings remain at near historic lows due to quotas and landing restrictions, the stock of flounder has basically stopped growing and shows no sign of being able to continue to expand to the level NMFS claims can be achieved. The problem is not overfishing, but the only recourse is to continue to reduce fishing to the point of totally destroying the fishery for commercial and recreational fishermen with the resulting economic blow. “The RFA and its Gulf of Mexico members were among the first to bring the red snapper issue to the attention of the GMFMC years ago,” said Donofrio. “Ironically, at the time the RFA was criticized by conservation groups who refused to support the claims by actual fishermen, and instead chose to go along with what is now being proven to be NMFS’s flawed assessments and overly optimistic stock targets. It took several years for independent scientific research to establish the reason for these discrepancies, but now they are out in the open thanks to the excellent work by Dr. Shipp and Dr. Bortone.” The RFA was also at the forefront of bringing the problems being encountered with the summer flounder fishery to Congress and again took the brunt of criticism from conservation groups that said the RFA was not acting in the best interests of the conservation. Conservation is one thing, but these 7

problems have nothing to do with conservation. They have to do with an overly rigid law driven by scientific data and rebuilding assumptions that are fast being shown for what they are— uncertain and in need of correction. Without fixing the MSA, over regulation will continue and fishing will suffer. The Shipp report goes on to recount the socioeconomic importance of red snapper to both commercial and recreational fishermen and the negative economic impact that will result from continuing to ratchet down unnecessarily on these fisheries as mandated by the Magnuson Act. It is a mirror image of the summer flounder situation in the Northeast. “I have consulted with numerous fishery colleagues about the management options facing NMFS and the Gulf Council,” wrote Shipp. “We know of no instance in the history of fisheries management where the stocks may be greater than virgin levels, but the constraints on harvest continue to be more stringent.” The Shipp report closes by acknowledging the socioeconomic hardships the continued reduction in total allowable catch of red snapper has caused and will continue to cause if this problem is not addressed. It further states that “given the unique status of this stock, as described above, best practice is certainly to allow the Councils and NMFS the flexibility to manage the stock in a manner which ensures that it realizes its long term potential while allowing the stakeholders to continue to ben-

Red snapper is the backbone of the charter and open boat fleet in the northern Gulf. These small businesses have taken a heavy hit financially due to the short seasons and restrictive bag limits on the fish.

efit from a reasonable harvest.” “The situation with red snapper clearly illustrates the need for flexibility in managing rebuilding and rebuilt stocks, something the RFA has been saying since 2005,” commented Donofrio. “Denying fishery managers the ability to do their jobs instead of simply rubber stamping mandates fueled by what is increasingly being revealed to be flawed data and erroneous assumptions are denying anglers access to important fisheries. To impose such economic hardships on coastal economies based on outdated abundance estimates that indicate overfishing might be occurring at a time when the stocks are actually at abundance levels never seen before is inexcusable and certainly not the intent of Congress during the last reauthori-

zation of the Act. Fixing the MSA is long overdue and it’s about time more groups get on board and petition Congress to provide the flexibility that even experienced fishery scientists and managers like Dr. Shipp are calling for.” If you think red snapper is the end of the problem we face under the current mandates in the MSA, think again! A number of other habitat-

The unnecessary overregulation of recreational fishing being caused by mandates in the MSA could make taking even a modest catch of snapper home to eat.

dependent species like blackfish and black sea bass in the Northeast and mid Atlantic region and some of the species that make up the snapper/grouper complex in the south Atlantic and Gulf are running up against similar brick walls. The RFA has been working tirelessly for recreational fishermen in an effort to promote conservation and to protect your right to fish. Once again I encourage you to join if you are not already a member. You can do so by going to www.joinrfa. org or by calling 800-JOIN RFA. Together we can work toward a solution that will provide strong, sustainable fisheries and protect the right of Americans to fish. ■ Red snapper are targeted for their fine eating qualities. Overly restrictive bag limits take away the incentive to fish for them while increasing release mortality.


ANGLER | April 2009

Where There’s

Smokers, There’s Fire. Liquid Fire Fishing Team, that is.

31T Mark Henderson's Liquid Fire Team with their 50.56 lb. smoker caught at Jensen Beach.

With a seven-fish aggregate of 256.17 pounds on the 2008 SKA Yamaha Professional Kingfish Tour, Mark Henderson's Liquid Fire Team relies on its Contender/Yamaha combination to get them to the fish and back to the scales. It’s ready. Whatever you have in mind for this weekend, our 31' Tournament can handle it. The 31' Tournament continues to dominate the offshore scene with aggressive lines that tout an elevated level of confidence.

Below, the whole team celebrates the Angler of the Year title: Misty Waters, Joshua Henderson, Mark Henderson, Chris Waters, Lakota Waters, Rachel Henderson, Sue Henderson, Charles Henderson, Crockett Henderson and Audrey Henderson.

Features include a one piece level deck from bow to stern, twin raised livewells, walkthrough transom, self-bailing cockpit, and a walk-in step down console to name a few. Whether it’s a kingfish tournament off North Carolina or billfish tournament off Miami, this is the boat that can put you in the winner’s circle. Just ask the Top Angler of the Year!

CONTENDER Sportfishing Boats 21 | 23 | 27 | 31 | 33 | 35 | 36 | 38 ~ April 2009 | ANGLER


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ANGLER | April 2009

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April 2009 | ANGLER




Marco Island, Florida


March 13–14, 2009

Bandit Top SKA Boat in the Marco Island Kingfish Tournament! ■ by Jack Holmes

Top SKA Boat



ill Geraghty and Ron Mitchell have been fishing the Bandit, a Suzuki powered Contender, for a long, long time. Will is a guide on Florida’s Southwest coast. This weekend they shared the excitement of scaling the second biggest king of the Marco Island KMT, a 43.96. They presented 12


Third from left, Ron Mitchell and next to him Will Geraghty—top SKA team.

the king to Bob Flocken, the SKA’s official weighmaster, just after the scales opened. “We were hoping she would hold up,” said Mitchell. “We also knew that there was a lot of talent in Marco this weekend.” Geraghty went on to inform me, “We caught her around one o’clock. Ted Elliott joined us this weekend and did the honors. We were fishing in 100 feet of water and caught her on the surface.” “She stayed just out of gaff range for what seemed to be the longest time; I thought Ron was going to burst a blood vessel,” he added. “No one is more passionate about his fishing than Ron. He knew this was a money fish and just wanted her in the boat. As Elliott finally got her

up, Ron stuck her and flipped her into the boat and then into the bag.” Will still insists Ron has mellowed out quite a bit. Suzuki certainly has to be happy with the team’s success. They held onto the lead for about 45 minutes before Dan Greenling, fishing Roll On, slid up to the dock and pulled a 46.95 out of his bag. They were non-members, but still bumped the Bandit down to second who still remained the top SKA team. The biggest king scaled last year in this event was a 40.58 caught on the Top Down out of Sarasota. This year both the Roll On and Bandit beat that fish, however most teams recorded unusually cold water south of Naples. You couldn’t

have asked for a better weather however, with winds SW at five to ten and temperatures in the 80s. Next in the standings came P.J. Myers and his Triple J Team. P.J., his son Jake, and Keith Mangus, Jeff Smith and Stevie Cooper ran 75 miles to the southwest. “It was about noon when a blue runner got hit off the downrigger,” explained P.J. “We gave the rod to my eightyear-old son, Jake, and he got her to the boat.” When asked if he was excited P.J. said, “A little. He kept asking why we couldn’t stop for a while and bottom fish. It was tough getting him to understand this was tournament fishing.” Jake is just eight years old and this was his first event. Not only ANGLER | April 2009



Marco Island, Florida

did he catch the fish but picked up $500 from Cedar Bay Yacht Club for being the top junior and also picked up the Mercury Scholarship award worth $500. I’d say that will be very memorable. The boat, a Mercury powered Yellowfin, earned third place money for their 34.76. Equally pleased with their performance were Jim Ingalls and Cory Burlew. Their 34.21, the first king of the afternoon that came to scale, won the tournament’s Class of 23 Division. “We ran south 60 miles where we ran into about 20 boats fishing an area,” said Ingalls. “I was going further south but thought we’d join the pack and see if they knew something we didn’t know.” At eleven o’clock their 34 hit a goggle eye 60 feet down that they had caught off Boca Raton the day before. Jim’s boat, a 23’ Sea Craft powered by Evinrude, is sponsored by Mountain Living from Elk, North Carolina, and is named Inspiration. “All’s I’m trying to do is get Cory and I qualified, said Jim. “If we make a little money that’s great, but I want to get to the Nationals!” Penny Wise was next, but with Jeff Silverthorne at the helm. Mike Penny was co-captain and, between the two, had their hands full. “We were into the fish all day long,” said Silverthorne. “Caught 15 but our biggest, a 34.57 in 65 feet of water, came at 12:30 with Rick Henley on the rod. She ate a blue runner.” Jeff ’s daughter Chelsey caught


the team’s second biggest fish and went on to take second place in the SKA junior category. The Penny Wise is a Yamaha powered Contender and perennial winner in Division 6 & 11 on Florida’s West Coast. Seconds 2 Spare was next on the leaderboard, resting comfortably in fifth with a 34.50. “We were just 20 miles from here,” Captain Scott Rush confessed. “Water temperature was not good to the south and, analyzing some sea temp charts, we found a warm water eddy that wrapped from the west of the Tortugas out and circling back in offshore of here. We found 72

degree water.” The team of Rush, Gifford Kline, and Mike Gavala had a 32 in the boat before ten o’clock but obviously kept fishing.

Triple J earned third with this 34.76. P.J. Myers, Jake Myers, Keith Mangus, Jeff Smith, and Stevie Cooper. Jeff Silverthorne, Mike Penny, and Chelsey Silverthorne’s 34.57 was good enough for fourth. Fished Penny Wise.

April 2009 | ANGLER

March 13–14, 2009

“She ate a runner off the long line in 80 feet of water,” Rush added. “Gifford was the man bringing the money fish successfully to gaff. This is the same area they fished the Naples event last year and bagged the winning 65-pound king. Seconds 2 Spare’s Rick Dean was the top senior angler. Old Blue rounded out the money places in the Marco Island event. Jim Vaughan led a trio of college girls, Stephanie Matlock, Alicia Mohler, and Kristina Corcoran, to some nice fish. “We caught five all the same size as our 33.36,” explained Vaughan. “We were flying the kite 50 miles south of Marco. Stephanie hooked up after one o’clock and, shortly after, brought her to gaff. Thinking that the three college girl recipients of the Lady Angler award was a neat thing I asked Stephanie if this was her biggest fish she’d ever caught. “No.” she said, “I’ve brought a 65 pounder to the boat before.” I think Jim has unleashed a young lady and her friends that can do some serious damage at any tournament. I want to thank Scott Hopkins, GM of the Cedar Bay Yacht Club, for all his help. He did a masterful job on the microphone when I was on the docks. His help also ensured the success of the fifth annual event. In two weeks, just up the road, the Naples event will be held. April 10th and 11th will be the final event of Division 11 in Fort Myers. Only eleven class boats turned out for Marco Island so, like last year, many have not seized the opportunity to qualify for the Nationals before the rest of the country wets a line. It’s a no-brainer especially when you know that within the next two weeks the fish should be right out front. It’s weigh a fish, go to the Nationals in this Division for the Class boats. Thanks to all who came out and made this event a rousing success! ■ 13



Marco Island, Florida


March 13–14, 2009

Seconds 2 Spare Scott Rush, Gifford Kline, and Mike Gavala. Fifth with this 34.50.

Jim Vaughan’s Old Blue picked up sixth with this 33.36.

Sparky’s Machine just missed payout. Will Lamneck, Mike Abbott, and Rhonda Morris.

James Ingalls and Cory Burlew won Class of 23 fishing Inspiration.

Still Kickin was second in Class of 23. Chad and Chase Lammert.

Get Snookerd, third Class of 23. Chris Workman, Michelle Jackson, Jim Kurth, and Kevin Weber.

Steven Papen, Doug Speeler Jr., Brandon Fraley, and Brian Simmons., eighth on Lagerhead.

G-Force was ninth. Jason and Debra Gell, Scott Lavieri, and Glenn Carr.


ANGLER | April 2009



Marco Island, Florida


March 13–14, 2009

Kings Wild was tenth overall. Paul Langel, David Faircloth, Rick Baruta.

Rick Dean was the Top Senior Angler.


Roll On was the overall winner of event.

Team Environmental weighed a 27.40. Chuck Melfi, David Dean, Kristi Dean, and Jim Patchett.

Fishin into Wishin. Brian and Charlotte Howell. April 2009 | ANGLER

1. Roll On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. BANDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contender / Suzuki Ron Mitchell Will Geraghty 3. TRIPLE J . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yellowfin / Mercury P.J. Myers Keith Mangus Jake Myers Jeff Smith Stevie Cooper 4. PENNY WISE . . . . . . . . . . Contender / Yamaha Jeff Silverthorne Mike Penny Chelsey Silverthorne 5. SECONDS 2 SPARE . . . . Contender / Yamaha Scott Rush Gifford Kline Mike Gavala 6. OLD BLUE . . . . . . . . . . . . Yellowfin / Yamaha Jim Vaughan NON -MONEY FINISHES: 7. SPARKY’S MACHINE . . . Donzi / Mercury Will Lamneck Mike Abbott Rhonda Morris 8. LAGERHEAD . . . . . . . . . . Contender / Yamaha Steve Papen Doug Speeler,Jr. Brandon Fraley Brian Simmons 9. G-FORCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contender / Yamaha Jason Gell Scott Lavieri Debra Gell Glenn Carr 10. KINGS WILD . . . . . . . . . . Sailfish / Yamaha Paul Langel David Faircloth Rick Baruta

MARCO ISLAND 46.95 43.96








CLASS OF 23 Paid first place in Class 1. INSPIRATION . . . . . . . . . . 34.21 SeaCraft / Evinrude James Ingalls Cory Burlew 2. STILL KICKIN . . . . . . . . . 29.70 Yellowfin / Mercury Chad Lammert III Chase Lammert IV 3. GET SNOOKERD . . . . . . 29.30 Contender / Yamaha Chris Workman Michelle Jackson Jim Kurth Kevin Weber TOP SENIOR ANGLER Rick Dean . . . SECONDS 2 SPARE Won A Live Well Pump TOP LADY ANGLER Stephanie Matlock, Alicia Mohler, Kristina Corcoran . . . . OLD BLUE Won Accurate Reel TOP JUNIOR ANGLER Jake Myers . . . . . . . . . . . TRIPLE J. Won $500 From Cedar Bay Yacht Club SKA TOP JUNIOR ANGLERS sponsored by NBOA Marine Insurance Agency, Inc. 1. Jake Myers TRIPLE J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.76 2. Chelsey Silverthorne PENNY WISE . . . . . . . . . . 34.57 3. Jonathan & Michael Guitard MIDNIGHT MADNESS MERCURY MARINE JUNIOR ANGLER SCHOLARSHIP WINNER Jake Myers . . . . . . . . . . . TRIPLE J.





Marco Island, Florida


March 13–14, 2009

Anchor Management. Mack Brosh, Walter Strache, Pete Lembo, Ernie Brown Jr..

ProMarineUSA.Com / Gatorfan. David Albritton, James Addison, and Anthony Oakes.

Horizon Haze. Chuck, Christopher, and Jason Weldon.

From North Carolina the Dig It team, Tony Carroll, Greg Carroll, Rick Tudor.

Team Liberty, Larry Hellrung, Steve Katich, Patty Hellrung.

Top Junior Angler, Jake Myers.

The Top Ladies, Stephanie Matlock, Alicia Mohler, and Kristina Corcoran.

Great crowd both days.


ANGLER | April 2009

April 2009 | ANGLER


36' OPEN FISHERMAN Designed to set the new standard in the SKA, the Invincible 33 and 36 Open Fisherman have a patented hull with two steps and a tunnel that is air fed by the steps. This gives the boat a vastly improved ride and increased speed over conventional stepped hulls and Deep V's. Speed, dryness, and unmatched rough water ability make this boat a perfect match for those anglers seeking the ultimate center console fishing machine. Huge above deck and below deck livewells can be pressurized to keep bait frisky during long runs in heavy seas. A layout with 360 degrees of fishing room make landing that winning smoker a lot easier. Our boats are a perfect match for any serious fisherman. The Invincible was designed to make long runs in rough seas that are necessary for winning tournaments. The boat is completely vacuum bagged and its modern construction techniques allows it to flourish for years on the most grueling tournament trail in fishing. Invincible had a great year in 2008 finishing second in the National Championship, three teams in the top 15 in Golden Isles and second in the big fish category plus 1st, 2nd, and 4th in aggregate at Greater Jacksonville. But we’re just getting started. Great Boats+Great Fishermen=Success!

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ANGLER | April 2009 12/16/08 3:55:09 PM


The same passion that drives you onto the water every day drives us to create the world’s best downriggers. Our Tournament Series features an indestructible stainless steel spool for serious tournament anglers. And it’s equipped to handle cable or low-vibration, silent monofilament and superline, while carrying the assurance of Cannon’s limited lifetime warranty. Passion – you’ll see it in every downrigger we make. Because at Cannon®, it runs deep.

April 2009 | ANGLER


Kingfish for the Future ■ b y Te r r y L a c o s s

being taken to ensure future generations will ha e r a s p ve the s e t st ny kingfish seasons to come! a m r n o f y e r ame e s h s rel fi Pre e k c a m king


the proper conservation efforts, our king mackerel fishery would pass right through our fishing rod guides and disappear for several kingfish seasons to come. However because of the many saltwater king mackerel fishermen who have fallen in love with king fishing, conservation efforts from both government and recreational fishermen have built today’s kingfish stocks to a solid and healthy fishery. Still there are some portions of our king mackerel fishery that are not quite up to par where continued conservation efforts are needed to insure strong king mackerel stocks throughout the king mackerel’s migratory range. While many king mackerel fishermen are constantly practicing healthy fishing tactics, there are still a lot of fishermen that are not properly educated on the many facets of saving our king mackerel fishery for future generations to enjoy. Jack Wood lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with his wife Robin, and son, Chris and is a prime example of how saltwater king mackerel fishermen should take the proper 20

conservation steps to preserve our king mackerel fishing for years to come. Jack Wood was inducted into the SKA Hall of Fame in February 2008 and is a two-time SKA National Champion. “Although many experts are saying that our kingfish stocks are in excellent shape, in some areas we don’t have the numbers of kingfish that we used to have, particularly along the beaches of North Carolina,” Jack Wood said. “We used to catch from 15 to 20 kings per day while

fishing from the Surf City fishing pier. Today fishermen are lucky if they catch 20 kingfish per year from the very same pier. While in many instances, saltwater fishermen are not handling king mackerel properly when releasing their catch.” “It’s extremely important to keep your hooked king mackerel in the water while releasing your catch. When fishermen grab the hooked king by the tail with one hand and in the belly with the other hand to release their catch, they are deposit-

ing oils from their hands on the fish and at the same time, removing the protective film from the skin of the mackerel. Once the protective film is removed from the mackerel, the skin is exposed to a number of viruses which will ultimately kill the king mackerel.” Jack Wood recommends keeping the hooked kingfish in the water and removing the hooks with an ARC Dehooker when possible. If the hooks are barbed deep in the mouth, or even stomach of the king mackerel, cut the wire and leave the hooks in the king mackerel, they will soon rust and dissolve. “A big mistake that some king mackerel fishermen make, is reaching down alongside the kingfish’s head to remove the hooks,” Jack Wood said. “In many cases you can actually see the eye of the king mackerel roll and look straight at your hand. Next thing that happens, the king slashes at your hand with a mouth loaded with razor sharp teeth! Instead, The Author leaders a hooked kingfish and releases the kingfish in the water. (Insert) Always approach a king from the front of the head as those big kingfish eyes can see your hand from the side, which often results in a big bite!

ANGLER | April 2009

approach the king in the water right in front of its head, which is a lot safer de-hooking tactic. If you have to take the king out of the water, wet your hands first and, after the hooks are removed, shoot the kingfish back into the water head first.” Jack Wood also is a huge opponent of taking pictures at the dock of multiple dead kingfish. “When pictures are taken of several dead kings at the dock, people look at these photos and the first thing that comes to mind, is ‘Why did they kill all of these fish,’” Jack Wood said. “This certainly does not have good conservation efforts in mind.” While Jack Wood has won several king mackerel tournaments, including the 1990 and 1992 US Open kingfish tournaments, the one tournament victory Wood cherishes most, is the one his son Chris won as a junior angler. “Chris was seven years old when he won the 1994 Greater Jacksonville Junior Angler Kingfish Tournament, Jack Wood remembers. “Chris was simply wore out after catching a 30-pound barracuda and a 35-pound cobia. Right after catching those two big fish, a 35-pound kingfish was hooked up, giving Chris only a few seconds of breathing time. As tired as Chris was, I made him fight that king right up to the boat without any help. I still remember all of those big barracuda swimming around our boat and stuck the gaff deep into the water past my elbow and gaffed that big king before the barracuda had a chance to eat Chris’s kingfish.” “Obviously I was extremely proud of Chris winning the Junior Angler tournament. While at the same time, I also thought how important it is to practice sound conservation efforts so future generations of fishermen can also enjoy king fishing for years to come!” Jack Wood’s first fishing boat was a bass boat that he targeted kingfish along the beaches of North April 2009 | ANGLER

Carolina. Jack later purchased a 17-foot center console fishing boat that had a 17-gallon fuel tank. It wasn’t unusual for Jack to fish some 26 miles offshore for kingfish from his small boat, which he called the Ridge Runner. Today, Jack Wood competes in SKA sanctioned kingfish tournaments aboard Dan Upton’s 32-foot, Mercury powered Spud Woodward and Gordon Roger on the Constant Threat in the early days of SKA. Donzi, along with team members, I remember Spud Woodward SKA tournament trail because I was Ann Upton, Steve Shook and David first during the early days of the able to travel to kingfish destinaHeavenridge. Southern Kingfish Association’s tions that I may have never been Brunswick, Georgia’s Spud tournament series when Spud able to visit. There were always new Woodward also has a great story teamed up with Gordon Rogers. challenges that both Gordon and to tell when talking about kingfish Their boat was called the Constant me faced with catching tournament conservation. Spud currently lives Threat and literally was a constant winning king mackerel in different in Brunswick, Georgia with his wife threat in SKA tournaments held waters. While at first we thought Chris, who is the senior writer for both from the East and Gulf Coasts. we would adapt easily to these new Sport Fishing magazine. Spud and “My first SKA membership numkingfish challenges, after learning Chris also have a daughter Sally, ber was #12,”Spud Woodward said. how to catch kingfish from our own who is now 17 years old. “I really enjoyed competing on the waters that had five-foot tides, we found that we still had a lot to learn about new kingfish waters.” Like many kingfish teams, team Constant Threat soon traveled to Cocodrie, Louisiana to fish the famed oilrigs. “During two days of king fishing, Gordon and me caught some 75 kingfish that weighed up to 54 pounds,” Spud said. “I kept looking at these kingfish in the water that weighed 30 to 40 pounds and thought, we could have won last week’s SKA tournament in Georgia with anyone of these kings! Obviously we were extremely careful in releasing the hooked kings while they were still in the water.” The Constant Threat King mackerel fishermen and conservation groups will need to take the proper steps to ensure that future generations will enjoy the same healthy kingfish stocks that we have today. SKA’s Bob Flocken and Cameron Orie’s Scholarship Award presented by Mercury Marine.


kingfish team went on to take 2nd place in the SKA sanctioned kingfish tournament with a two-day aggregate weight of 99 pounds! “During the entire kingfish tournament, I couldn’t help but think how well Avoid taking kingfish out of the water to remove the hooks. Handling king mackerel out of the water results in removing their protective film, resulting in a variety of bacteria and fungi attacking the released king mackerel. recent conservation efforts have worked in building the stocks of healthy, or weak. 1.5 million pounds of the ticket was put into a bowl Gulf Coast king mackerel,” Spud of king mackerel were harvested by where tickets were later drawn for Woodward said. recreational, tournament and comprizes during the end of the tournaSpud Woodward attended the mercial fishermen during the year ment. Today these same kingfish University of Tennessee from 1981 2007. A 27% mortality rate was are being released, instead of being to 1984 while majoring in Fishery recorded, which is the percent of killed for a chance at a prize.” Science and Marine Biology. Today, king mackerel that perish after being While the key to good kingfish Spud Woodward heads up Georgia’s released.” management and conservation Department of Natural Resources Spud Woodward is a board memefforts produces healthy kingfish and is very active in kingfish conserber for the Golden Isles Kingfish stocks, which in turn helps support vation. Tournament and is proud that all of recreational and tournament fishing “I believe the kingfish stocks are the Georgia kingfish tournaments activities throughout the king mackin most part in good shape,” Spud have cut back to weighing in one erel’s migratory range. Woodward said. “Some areas of kingfish per day. “It is very important to have a the migratory stocks, including the “The “Fish Bowls” were really bad sustainable king mackerel fishery Atlantic, South Atlantic, East Gulf for kingfish tournaments, particuwhere fishermen will spend money and west Gulf, are in better shape larly looking at the conservation to kingfish, makes good economic than others obviously. The South side of tournament fishing,” Spud sense,” Spud Woodward said. “To Atlantic Fishery Management Woodward said. “Here, kingfish make this happen, we need data Council depends on angler surveys teams would receive a ticket for each to keep our king mackerel stocks to show where kingfish stocks are king mackerel they weighed in. Half healthy. Here we will need to receive better telephone surveys from licensed saltwater fishermen. We hope in the future that all Georgia recreational saltwater fishermen and charter boats will have to call in their saltwater catches, particularly, king mackerel that are harvested. We must remember that king mackerel are the common saltwater fisherman’s, “Big Game Fish”! “However what some fishermen don’t realize, we also need to maintain healthy stocks of baitfish including menhaden, Spanish sardines, and Spanish mackerel to maintain healthy stocks of king mackerel. While what happens to the water quality of the St. John’s River, ultimately effects baitfish and pelagic species of saltwater game fish, particularly king mackerel.” The Southern Kingfish Association’s Managing Partner, Jack Holmes was also highly instrumental in the “Fish Smart” project. Group representatives from every facet of the fishing industry also participated in presenting a plan to the Southeast Atlantic Fishery Council. The plan was the result of several meetings and efforts to mirror our present king mackerel fishery to what it should look like in 15 years. ■

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ANGLER | April 2009

1991 Clayton Kirby, Fountain/Mercury, Overall Champion 1992 Joe Bruce, Fountain/Mercury, Top Angler of the Year Jim Davis, Fountain/Mercury, National Champion 1993 Wyndall Vereen, Mako/Mercury, Top Angler of the Year Dennis Sergent, Fountain/Mercury, National Champion 1994 Dave Workman Jr., Fountain/Mercury, Top Angler of the Year 1995 Dave Workman Jr., Fountain/Mercury, Top Angler of the Year 1996 Rick Smith, Wellcraft/Mercury Top Angler of the Year 1997 Clayton Kirby, Fountain/Mercury, Top Angler of the Year Gary Unger, Regulator/Mercury, National Champion 1998 Steve Shook, Donzi/Mercury, Top Angler of the Year Forrest Taylor, Donzi/Mercury, National Champion 1999 Dave Workman Jr, Donzi/Mercury, Top Angler of the Year Dan Abshire, Pro Line/Mercury, National Champion 2000 David Van Lent, Yellowfin/Mercury, Top Angler of the Year Jack Wood, Donzi/Mercury, National Champion

2002 Robert Ransom, Fountain/Mercury, ASA Top Angler of the Year 2003 Paul Massey, Yellowfin/ Mercury SKA Top Angler of the Year Robert “Skip” Stritzinger, Trophy/Mercury ASA Top Angler of the Year 2004 Robert “Skip” Stritzinger, Contender/Mercury ASA Top Angler of the Year 2005 Terry Johnson, Yellowfin/Mercury SKA Top Angler of the Year Bill Gavitt, Pequot/ Mercury ASA Top Angler of the Year 2007 Richard Stone Fountain/Mercury National Champion Mitch Mosley, Contender/Mercury, National Champion Class of 23 Chuck Permenter Donzi/Mercury Top Angler of the Year

2001 Chris Chase, Donzi/Mercury, Top Angler of the Year Jerry Dilsaver, Kencraft/ Mercury, Class of 23 National Champion

Congratulations to Mercury’s Latest Winners!

and Muller Otto Lewis Rogers, Travis Crowley, Posse team of Daniel Crowley, the Little River Pro Tour event. had a 63.54 aggregate to win

Ken Upton, Dan Upton, and Jac k Wood won Division 9's Rumble in the Jungle with a 34-pounder.


April 2009 | ANGLER



ANGLER | April 2009

Look no further. Expect no less. Garmin Marine 2009. This year, the big picture just keeps getting bigger. Thanks to Garmin’s growth and innovation in marine electronics. From sleek color touchscreens and shipwide networking to the latest in 3-D chartplotter imagery, HD radar, sonar, VHF radio, XM™ weather, digital autopilots, NMEA 2000 instruments, sensors, and more: You’ll find ample justification for upgrading your helm station with new Garmin electronics this year. Plus, the latest BlueChart® g2 Vision™ options make it easier to find the best passages and avoid underwater obstacles. For more on the story, you need look no further than

Follow the leader. April 2009 | ANGLER


more detail, more choices ■ by John Minetola

Garmin GPSmap 192 C Raymarine’s new C90W 9” Multifunction Widescreen display with WVGA resolution and built-in WAAS compatible GPS.


too long ago, when you bought a chartplotter for a boat, you had a choice of using C-Map or Navionics or paper charts. Now there are far more choices and the targets are moving as the chart companies continue to add features. Also, if you are not buying a new plotter these days, you may be able to download software into the plotter you own now. That new software will allow you to upgrade the chart chips you use to something with more features. The charts that work with a plotter may be based on Garmin, C-Map (owned by Jeppesen), Navionics, MaxSea (Furuno Navnet 3D), or some derivative of Transas or some government charts. To some extent the basis for the charts affects the detail in some small harbors and fishing grounds, so it is worth comparing the charts for your favorite spots if you can find a variety at a boat show or a marine dealership. However, the chart companies are constantly surveying and increasing detail and adding more photographs. 26

You simply need to keep an eye on the details. GARMIN Of all these chart databases, the Garmin charts seem to have added the most features and detail in the most recent time. It is a product of their business of being in GPS for cars. Garmin’s database originally came from other mapping companies, but they have blended and added so much data that now it is uniquely Garmin. Top-of-the-line from Garmin is called BlueChart g2 Vision. While all the premium databases from all the manufacturers have aerial photos, 3D views and overlays, Garmin has a unique feature called Auto Guidance. Derived from car navigation, this Garmin Auto Guidance will analyze charted depths, obstructions and waterways to plot a course to a destination. Also drawing on the database for cars, Garmin offers a wealth of information about nearby roads from the marinas on your marine charts. Some chart

cards can go back and forth from a marine plotter to a land-based plotter. Some land-based Garmin portable plotters can be carried to your boat as a back-up or used appropriately on a very small boat. Garmin offers updates online for converting large-screen plotters to make them compatible with Vision chart cards. There are also improvements in Garmin’s Trip & Waypoint Manager software. Garmin includes fishing charts on the same Vision SD card as the rest of the navigation charts. PRO FINDER When we say fishing charts with regard to the electronic charts, it means that there is detail about depth and bottom material for the most part, and that information will translate into those cool 3D images. However, if you want information about good fishing spots with actual waypoint information, you still have to go to ProFinder. ProFinder paper charts are built from years of research and a sense of why fish hang around certain

places. More important to winning, ProFinder waypoint lists are provided to you, through SKA, on an electronic Pro Chip card that you can load into most any brand of electronic plotter. Half of the top ten tournament guys use these lists and work with ProFinder for specifics before any tournament. Accuracy and interpretation are what you get with ProFinder. Lifetimes of research are what you save yourself. NAVIONICS Fishing charts with complete depth data used to be on a separate SD card in the Navionics Platinum charts, but they now include them with the navigation chart, too, in their new Platinum+. Since Navionics charts were used in the premium Raymarine plotters that many SKA members had purchased in recent years, it is worth noting that Raymarine also has updated software ready for download on their website. The new Platinum+ chart cards ANGLER | April 2009

work in Raymarine E-Series, but not C-Series. Platinum cards can be upgraded through a purchase program, and an older E-Series unit can be upgraded using software online. The largest difference between Platinum and Platinum+ chart cards is that the memory chips can hold nearly four times as much data, totaling 8 Gigabytes on one card. That means that most of the information and photos are similar, but the resolution of the photos is nearly doubled, the 3D fishing charts are included on the same card, satellite images are accurate to Âź meter instead of 2 meters, and you generally get a betterlooking image on your screen. More data is included about port services. Price of the new Platinum+ card is $499, as opposed to Platinum cards at their reduced price of $299. JEPPESEN Latest leap ahead from Jeppesen is the addition of 2000 photos to their C-Map MAX charts. These photos are valuable when you approach an unfamiliar area or try to pull into a marina at night. Although we all pop up a picture when we get a new chart card and try to find our house or something like that, I still think we all know how valuable these aerial images actually are. Joining Club Jeppesen Marine to get chart card updates is a good value. I would suggest membership to anyone who has C-Map compatibility in their chart plotter. Even more, now that

everybody is keeping their boat and electronics for a longer time. FURUNO If you have one of the latest plotters from Furuno with MaxSea Navnet 3D charts, there is no doubt that you would have been impressed by the Time Zero redraw and zoom speed. However, you may have been a little disappointed at the lack of detail in some harbors. That has been vastly improved in early 2009 and updates and information are available in a Web site called My MaxSea. I tried a couple of the update processes and I found that the steps are relatively easy compared to where we were just a couple of years ago. This is similar to the memory card usage in digital cameras. You owe it to yourself to have the latest data, and anyone can do it. CHARTS FOR PC Running electronic charts on a PC had a vast advantage over the plotters that use chart cards, but the

Garmin BlueChart G2 Vision

recent increases in memory on chips has reduced the differences. If you are interested in bathymetric charts and seeing bottom contour in 3D, then one advantage of PC-based software is its ability to redraw your own charts every time you pass over an area. This ability only comes with the larger software programs that can only be run on a computer. MaxSea and Nobeltec have these programs. For cruisers who travel long distances on a budget, it is also interesting to note that NOAA turned their paper charts into vector charts a few years ago and made them free in 2006. Raster charts are electronic, but look like a photo of the old paper chart. Vector charts have layers of data, which you can turn on and off to get rid of clutter, and

new vector charts from the manufacturers who are described above in this article have data that pops up when you click on something on the chart. These new vector charts from NOAA at www.nauticalcharts. do not have all the features that pleasure boating and fishing would call for, but it is really your tax dollars doing a good job at work. The technology does exist to build solid state computers that would be very durable and suitable for small boats, but the prices are two or three times what you would pay for a laptop. Right now, the systems from Garmin, Furuno and Raymarine, for instance, are essentially little computers, and that makes more sense for survival on a small boat than bringing a computer with its fragile hard drive and ports that are open to salt air. Computer-based charting and Internet updates are gradually becoming a requirement on large ships, and that technology is gradually trickling down for use on small boats. However, the details of chart updates for ships never includes small harbors and fishing hotspots, so we will be dependent on the manufacturers in our end of the business to do the updates described above in photos, marina information and those sort of goodies. â–

The makers of ProFinder Charts now supply Pro Chips for many brands including Raymarine and Garmin. The chips are customized for SKA tournament locations and are available online at FishSKA. com and at the SKA trailers. April 2009 | ANGLER




the years I’ve seen many teams come and go. The biggest excuse I continually hear from those that left the sport is “I can’t compete,” which I’ve never really understood. Those we continue to see year after year on leaderboards obviously have a great degree of confidence in their ability or are teams that just work very well together. They obviously know that they have the ability to win any event they enter. So what separates them from the rest of the field? Confidence is definitely an asset, but I really believe it’s how they approach the tournaments. Tournaments aren’t cheap. Let’s start with the entry fee, usually around $400. Fuel is the biggest expense and 200 gallons burned is probably low so add another $400. Big boats consume more like $600 in fuel, but I’m looking at a one-day event since more than half of the events on the trail are just that. Next comes food and ice. Slap another $200 on the credit card. Drinks, food, and possibly a T-shirt or a hat at the captain’s meeting and you’ve spent another $100. Let’s not forget the TWT—rack up another $200. If you’ve had the time, you already have bait in the pen, but let’s add another $60 for ribbonfish. Chum could run another $40. I’m not adding money for lodging or slip rental because I’ve figured you’re staying at home and trailering to the ramp. All tolled that’s $1,600.

That’s a lot of money unless you’re splitting the expenses. With a team of four that still comes out to $400 each. Without a solid game plan, unless you get extremely lucky, you’ve invested a tidy sum without a return. Whenever I fished an event, and I used to fish an average of 15 per year, I always fished to win. But if I didn’t, as long as my homework paid off and I was in the right spot where the winner caught his or her fish, I was happy. When I was miles away I usually couldn’t sleep for days trying to figure out why my homework missed the mark. Here’s how I prepared. First, I never carried more rods than I could use at any one time but I did carry spare reels. Any time I had to take line off a reel I would just put on a fresh reel—I always had fresh line on every reel. Line is cheap, so why risk losing a money fish due to sub par line? Besides I could fill a reel while watching my favorite show on the telly at night.

Before any event I would check each rod by sliding a piece of my wife’s panty hose through each of the guides to ensure there were no cracks that would cut my line with the pressure of a big fish. I had transom bait wells and a big well in the cockpit sole. I always believed that you never could carry enough live bait, but I also had frozen bait in a separate cooler with my chum just in case. Nowadays we have dry chum that works just as well. I always carried two cast nets, but having 100 Sabikis was not out of the question. Don’t forget spare sinkers of all sizes. I ran a pair of 200hp Mercurys on my 30-foot Intrepid for over six years with virtually no failures. In fact, when I sold the boat, the new owner ran the boat down the Bahamas chain to its new home and two years later still was running the same motors. The secret to longevity is service, service, and service. You can’t get to the scale with a winning fish when your propulsion

system goes down. Electronics are a must. To ensure their operation I added another battery in series to make sure I always had enough power to run them plus the bait pumps a whole day. I then put the batteries on a trickle charge all night if I was fishing a two-day event just to be sure they were fully charged. Make sure to back up all your waypoints on your home computer to ease your mind. Having a ProFinder electronic chip for the area you’re fishing seems to be commonplace among the top competitors. I always carried a spare bilge pump and a spare live well pump for safety. Re-baiting in midday cuts down on fishing time. After every day on the water, the cowlings came off the motors, the block was washed down, and a CRC coating would be applied. Remember, salt is your enemy. It doesn’t hurt to pull the props at day’s end to ensure no fishing line got into the props and cut the

Be at the check out on time. An early fish could be waiting for you. 28

ANGLER | April 2009

was entered into a logbook. He firmly believes that patterns repeat themselves. I believe that, too. Are you logging the fish you catch on your fish finder? If you don’t fish an event for whatever reason, you can still get some information by Birds can help you find the bait. Pay attention reading about the to the environment. event in Angler magazine. I had three rules I never broke: 1) I always went to the captains meeting and paid attention to any rule or other changes announced at the meeting. 2) I was always prepared at that time so this also served me well by circulating in the crowd gleaning information; not that I used much of it. 3) I always read the rules prior to the event to ensure I would not get disqualified when I came in with the big fish. I kept a copy on the boat, too. You would be amazed at the amount of teams coming to checkout that don’t even know what the tournament channel is. Knowledge is a very powerful tool. A tail rope can help you get your hooks back if it’s a small fish and you’re going to release it. If not it avoids Finally, I always kept my radio a gaff hole, which could cause a loss of weight. on. Yes, it is a pain in the butt, but I know I could be the difference seal. Carrying a spare prop saved the same time frame wherever they between someone on the water livme many of times. I made a block were fishing. In fact, when notes ing or dying. If I hear a mayday in inside my console to ratchet it have been compared in different my general area I’m ready to assist. down. events on the same day, times don’t I always expect the same from my A toolbox was also found in the vary much. Being in the right spot fellow competitors. console. Not a large one but it had when the bite turns on is paraI cannot tell you how many times the right tools to get the job done, mount. I see teams come to the scales with especially a plug wrench with spare Tide changes are so important yet a nice king that has not been iced plugs and a prop wrench. Duct tape I would bet that most do not even properly. No ice equals weight loss. works wonders for anything that know when the tide changes on the By now happens to come loose. day of the event. Moon phase can you’ve hopeMy trailer was always serviced determine whether it’s an early bite fully figafter every three or four trips to the or late bite. ured it out. ramps. Can’t win if my trailer can’t How many times have you heard Preparation get the boat to the ramp on day one of a winning fish being in the boat equates to winof the event. just a few minutes after lines in? If ning and I’ve I don’t believe in pre-fishing. I you’re still catching bait at that time just taught you always thought my local knowlyou just lost the event. Early bites the secret of edge plus information gleaned happen more than you think espethe top teams. from friends could get me into the cially on that full moon! Ever notice general area I needed to be. Roffs Keep logs. It is probably the most that the top satellite imagery did wonders for us important thing you can do. Every teams are in finding the temperature breaks. fish you catch should be logged. always at the It costs a little, but preparation is Time of day, waypoint, weather, everything. clarity of water, bait in area, etc. You hear a lot about teams who After a period of time you’ll begin Trying to fish with a call one another when the bite is on to see patterns. hook embedded in your but I’ve noticed, when taking notes A very good fisherman named body is a distraction from winning teams, that most fish Jim Anson has many, many world you don’t need. Pay caught in a day are taken within records. Every fish he’s ever caught attention! April 2009 | ANGLER

check-out first and they know exactly where they will begin their fishing day? After spending all the money it takes to fish the event, why would you not be on the starting line with the top teams? I hear the adage many times, “I can’t compete against the fast boats.” I hope you read in this publication that class boats won eight events last year. I believe having a fast big boat on a lot of occasions helps but events are usually staged when the fish are supposed to be there. If you go back over the years you’ll see the winning fish size has not changed much. We haven’t broken a state record in many years. Wonder why? Because we have become accustomed to fishing far away from the tournament site. Many an event was won at the inlet but we don’t fish there anymore. In the Greater Jacksonville tournament we could always count on one good fish coming from the chum hole. Now no one fishes there anymore. Winning fish have come right from the inlet also. If you make the proper preparations and pay attention to the environment, you will find your name on the leaderboard more often. Fishing is supposed to be fun, competitive fishing even better, but when attitude defeats you before you even start, your name will never be on that first place check! Now repeat after me: Details will get me a check! Yes, I will pay attention to my environment! The words, “I can’t compete,” will never cross my mind! Finally, I will put the letters PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) in plain sight on my console. See you in the winner’s circle! ■


Marine-Related Ethanol Lawsuit Passes Motion to Dismiss in Florida Boat Owners Continue to Struggle with Effects of E10 Fuel The issue of ethanol in the fuel tanks of marine engines continues to cause problems for boaters nationwide, and last week, a Florida lawsuit alleging negligence against six oil companies for failing to warn boat owners of potential harm from ethanol-blended gasoline, survived a motion to dismiss from the defendants. This is a significant milestone for many boat owners who have been forced to repair and replace marine engine systems due to a lack of knowledge of the destructive effects of E10 fuel. The effects E10 fuel, a combination of 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline, though positive for conservation measures, can damage marine engine systems. When introduced into the fuel tanks of marine engine systems, E10 fuel can dissolve fuel system components, creating contaminants that cause plaque to form, which may ultimately lead to the destruction of the engine itself. In 2008, the state of Florida adopted a law which states all gasoline sold in Florida must contain 10 percent ethanol by the end of 2010. However, two exemptions were included allowing the sale of ethanol-free gas for airplanes and boats. Shortly after Florida’s law was passed, some boat owners around the state began experiencing engine failure and other problems after fueling up with gas purchased at gas stations or with fuel bought at marinas. The plaintiffs filed lawsuit against the oil companies in August of 2008, claiming they were negligent because they did not warn boat owners about the negative effects of ethanol additives. The goal of Plaintiff attorney Jeffrey Ostrow is to pursue class action lawsuit certification with the intent to represent all Florida boat owners who have used ethanol-blended fuel and whose boats have been damaged by the fuel. U.S. District Court Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga issued an order allowing the complaint to move forward on one count of negligence, reported. During earlier proceedings, the plaintiffs’ attorney agreed to drop two other counts that the oil companies intentionally concealed the potential harm of ethanol in gasoline and as such, violated Florida’s deceptive and unfair trade law. The defendants include Chevron,® Exxon,® BP,® Shell Oil,® ConocoPhillips® and Tower Energy Corp.,® a California-based independent petroleum wholesaler.

Where does the Marine Industry Stand on E10? The EPACT2005 (Energy Policy Act), Public Law 109-058 requires the use of increased renewable motor fuels. In most areas of the U.S., ethanol is the most readily available renewable fuel that can be added to conventional gasoline without major changes. Simply stated, E10 fuel is here to stay and many in the marine industry are working to find ways to mitigate any negative effects E10 may have on marine engines. In light of this new requirement, NMMA® (National Marine Manufacturers Association) said it sought and achieved a provision in the bill that strengthens the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) approval process by requiring the agency to ensure that mid-level ethanol fuels will not increase emissions from recreational marine engines or damage boat fuel systems and components. “It’s important in the race for renewable energy that we not compromise on boating safety through the introduction of new fuel formulations that marine engines are not calibrated to safely use,” said Scott Gudes, vice president for NMMA government relations. In addition, MRAA (Marine Retailers Association of America) recently issued a statement claiming support of all efforts to retain current federal ethanol gasoline additive standards of E10 and opposition to any attempts to increase additive levels beyond that level due to “the destructive nature of ethanol to marine engine systems and the resulting safety considerations to vessel passengers.” 30

Facts About E10 Fuel As we continue to adapt to our changing environment, we must remain consistent in our efforts to remain knowledgeable about the proper maintenance procedures for boats and outboards. The introduction of E10 fuel in many states requires additional attention to outboard fuel systems and filters, and it is important to understand the following:

How does E10 Fuel Contribute to Fuel System Issues? • Ethanol is a strong cleaner (solvent). • Ethanol is hygroscopic, (i.e. it has a strong attraction to moisture). • Ethanol produces less energy (BTU’s) than an equivalent unit of gasoline. • E10 fuel’s usable life span may be less than the normal length of offseason boat storage. • Ethanol will clean gum and varnish as well as surface corrosion from any surface it contacts in the boat fuel system as well as storage and transport tanks in the fuel distribution system. • Ethanol will increase the amount of water accumulating in fuel tanks. • Ethanol may dissolve plastic resins used to make some fiberglass tanks.

Why am I not having E10 issues with my car? • Boat fuel system contamination from water is increased due to exposure to a high moisture environment. • Typically boats sit unused for long periods during which the fuel degrades and adds more contamination to the fuel system.

Are Yamaha Outboards Compatible with E10 Fuel? • All current models, as well as most motors built since the late 1980’s, have been designed with fuel system components that are tolerant to fresh fuel containing ethanol up to 10% (E10). • Outboard fuel systems can still be affected by: water, dissolved gum, varnish, corrosion particles and dissolved resins that E10 fuel has cleaned from the distribution system and from boats’ fuel tanks.

Although total prevention of issues may not be possible, there are steps we can take to minimize the occurrence and severity of the negative effects of E10 fuel: • If at all possible do not use E10 fuel and never use fuel with ethanol content higher than 10%. • Ideally before switching to E10 fuel, have your fuel tank completely drained and cleaned to remove any accumulated water, built-up varnish and corrosion. • Install a Yamaha 10 Micron Fuel/Water Separating Filter between the boat’s fuel tank and the engine. • Change the 10 Micron filter every 25 hours of operation until there are no indications of excessive water and contaminates collecting in the filter. • Normal filter changes are recommended every 50 hours of operation. • Buy name brand fuel and if possible from the same station. • Regularly add Yamaha Fuel Stabilizer to fresh fuel to retard fuel aging. • Stabilize fresh fuel before storing. • Consult local dealers concerning maintenance procedures and new market developments. As we continue to work through the issues surrounding E10 fuel, we must remember that proper maintenance of fuel systems and filters is it vital to the successful operation of our outboards. Taking these necessary steps is also critical role in keeping us safe on the water, enjoying our boating experiences. The information above is available through the Yamaha Marine consumer web site, ANGLER | April 2009

■ by Christine Rodenbaugh

So, there she is; the boat/motor/ trailer package you have dreamed about, researched, and saved for is in your possession. Now, what to name her? OK, your wife’s name is always a safe bet. Then there are children’s names, your mom, a favorite aunt... There’s actually no law that you have to name your boat at all, but this relationship deserves more than just a registration number. After all, when you’re sitting at your desk it’s so much easier to daydream about AnnMarie than FL67396. Co-owning a boat can really complicate things. Boats are personal, more so than cars or trucks. So sharing the naming process can even turn into a heated discus-

sion. There are several sites online that list boat names by popularity, alphabetically, and by how the boat is used. Maybe you can find something to agree on there. lists thousands of names including the top ten of each year back to 1991. In 2007 the top ten names, in descending order, were: Black Pearl, Liberty, Second Wind, Amazing Grace, Aquaholic, Knot On-Call, Second Chance, Wanderlust, The Dog House, and Carpe Diem or Seas the Day. Now re-naming a boat carries a burden all its own. Some adhere to the superstition that re-naming a boat is bad luck and will go to many lengths to appease the marine gods. First on the list is to rid the

Mr. Magoo Dad was a certified welder for 40 years and when he retired his eyesight wasn’t as good as it used to be. He’d walk around and say he was “‘bout as blind as ol’ Magoo.” My dad passed away about five years ago when I started fishing saltwater. I had been professional bass fishing for about 30 years and lost the desire. When I got my first offshore boat, a 27 Contender, I thought I’d name it in his honor. —Capt. Pete Harper

Barbara Ann Nearly 20 years ago when John and I first started dating, John gave me a small plastic battery operated boat (as a joke). He then said that he hoped one day he could buy me a bigger boat.... Within a few years after we were married, we purchased our first fishing boat, a 20’ Shamrock and John named her Barbara Ann. We have become serious King Mackerel tournament fishermen now and have upgraded our boat four times, each one a little bigger and each one named Barbara Ann. —Barbara Adcox April 2009 | ANGLER

boat of the old name completely by sanding it off, not just painting over it, or removing the vinyl lettering including all traces of the glue residue. Next, be sure the name is off all other items in the boat such as life rings, seat cushions, bumpers, monogrammed towels and the like. (All of you have monogrammed towels on board, right?) And don’t forget the log book—you need to take the old log book off the boat and start a new one with the new name. Finally, hold a proper christening ceremony with the new name and a bottle (or two) of bubbly. You don’t have to break the bottle on the bow, just uncork it, give it a shake, and spray the bow generously with the best champagne you

can afford. Again, let’s not peeve the gods with the cheap stuff. SKA has some pretty clever members as illustrated by the array of boat names that adorn vessels slipping up to the docks to weigh in. Some are catchy, some are funny, some are sentimental, and some just make you go, “Hmmm.” In order to get the backstory of these monickers, Angler magazine will run a series of stories throughout the year. All members are invited to share the story of naming their vessel by sending an e-mail to with “boat name” in the subject line. Here we go, the first raft-up in the series begins with some very familiar boat names...

Team Rocketman

My oldest son, Judson, actually came up with the name for two reasons. The original Rocketman was a Contender 23 open with twin 200hp engines and at the time (prior to the triple engine rigs) was one of the fastest boats on the water. Light, Rocketman would run 60+mph on the GPS. The other reason for the name was we like the Elton John’s song “Rocketman.” Today we run our fourth Contender, a 23 Tournament Edition with twin 4 cylinder “Supercharged” Mercury 200 Verado engines. —Harry Crump

During the summer of 1986, while Trout fishing with my 11-year-old son off the beach of Cumberland Island, Ga., I was consistently demonstrating my ability to backlash a trout rod. My son’s unrequested comment was that my next boat should be named Backlash. In January of 1987 I purchased one of the early models of the Mako 261 Center Consoles. Backlash was its given name. Twenty years later we sold the Mako and moved the Backlash name to a Yellowfin. We still fish as a family. Along the way we’ve added a son-in-law and a few very good friends. The Mako made a lot of good memories. We enjoy the Yellowfin. No one will take care of you like Wylie does. A few other boats fish under the same name. I am not sure if any go back that far. Rest assured, I can still honor the boat name with a trout rod. —Ken Murray, SKA Member #003























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ANGLER | April 2009

Kim Bain-Moore Is One Classic Lady! ■ by Jack Holmes

Kim heads to the launch ramp on day one receiving much fanfare.


Bain-Moore, our top lady angler in the first 2009 Pro Tour event in Key West, was also the Top Lady Angler on the Ladies Bassmaster Tour. That title entitled her to become the first lady angler to compete in the all male dominated Bassmaster Classic. The event was held in Shreveport/Bossier, Louisiana, February 20th through the 22nd. It is considered the toughest test of skill in freshwater fishing today and crowns the Bassmaster Classic Champion, the highest title an angler can earn in bass fishing. She did not win. In fact she didn’t make the cut from 51 competitors to 25 after two days of fishing. She finished 47th. I was at the first day’s check-out and ran into her husband, Andre. “How is she doing I asked,” while my teeth were chattering because of the 30 degree temperature. “She’s nervous because of all the media attention,” he informed me. Kim was the center of attention, the media darling, and BASS was exploiting it to the hilt, especially after her recent nightly national news interview by Katie Couric. She was upstaging everyone and many of the BASS Pros were not happy about it. “Look at her boat,” Andre pointed out to me. “She’s got not one, but two, cameramen on her boat plus an observer. That’s a tremendous April 2009 | ANGLER

They put all the boats in the water, then turn them loose one at a time.

amount of pressure.” He was right! While I believe it took its toll, Kim still showed the world that she belonged. At the scale she weighed in two fish on day one, then picked up the pace on day two and weighed four. But now she has a Classic under her belt. If she makes it back next year, and I think she will, she’ll live up to her potential. The event, however, showed the ugly side of BASS Pros. Not all of them, but some were heard giving interviews about their disapproval of having her there. One was quoted as saying, “The ladies didn’t have the schedule we have, so they should not be allowed to fish with

us.” He was right, however, they don’t have the sponsors or equal payout either. They do it out of commitment and love of the sport. Of course they deserve to fish the Classic. They should have been able to do so many, many years ago. In fact, they should let any qualified competitor fish their Pro tours regardless of their gender. ESPN, the owner of BASS, shows many female sports on its network and should be congratulated. They made the right decision in their trails and the Classic. Age, race, and gender should never be criteria. It certainly doesn’t factor in SKA. We have had several all female teams.

Donna Gowen Poe earned second in the Nationals with an all female team, plus look at the National Champion husband and wife teams we’ve had. We know in saltwater fishing that the women are on an equal status with the men. Kim Bain-Moore is a tribute to competitive sport fishing. I couldn’t be happier for her and was proud to see her roll into the convention center and weigh her fish. Deona and I, plus Rebecca and Anthony Toups, were there to cheer her on. So were her mother and father from Australia and I know they were proud. Kim was articulate in answering her questions and looked great. Many others I heard did not 35

do nearly as well. I remember 1994 when 23-yearold Bryan Kerchal won the Classic. Prior to the event, Ranger Boats sent him to a Dale Carnegie class to improve his public speaking. He was superb and Kim brought back his image to me on stage. Another thing I learned about Kim: due to her successes, many companies have approached her to represent their products. She told many of those that the sponsors she started with were the ones she

would stick with regardless of monetary increases. That’s class! We will continue to monitor Kim’s success on the WBT and if she qualifies next year, we will again be in Birmingham, Alabama, site of the 2010 Classic to cheer her on. Good luck to her and Andre on this year’s Yamaha Professional Kingfish Tour also. I would also be amiss if I didn’t also recognize the California angler, Skeet Reese, who won the Classic on the final day of the event. ■

Anthony Toups and Andre Moore, Kim’s husband, talk about Kim’s chances before check-out. Andre really supports Kim’s fishing passion and goals.

Study reveals economic reality for Gulf grouper CCA-funded study shows value of 100 percent recreational allocation In an important development in the debate over the proper management of gag and red grouper in the Gulf of Mexico, a newly released economic study of the fishery finds that a 100 percent allocation to the recreational sector would yield maximum economic value to society. Gulf grouper has been a hotly debated issue in the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, which is met in Mississippi to discuss grouper management among other issues. The study’s economic findings should add a new twist to the management of this intensely debated fishery. “Most in the recreational community would not be surprised by these results, but I think many federal managers have ignored this reality,” said Frederic Miller, chair of the Coastal Conservation Association National Government Relations Committee. “This fishery would yield more jobs and economic output from a 100 percent recreational allocation.” The study was conducted by Brad Gentner, who ran the recreational economics data collection program for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for eight years before starting his own company, Gentner Consulting Group. As a NMFS Economist in the Division of Economics and Social Analysis, he specialized in survey design, recreational fisheries demand and welfare analysis, non-market valuation,

and economic impact modeling for recreational fisheries. Gentner’s study used economics to analyze grouper allocations in the Gulf of Mexico. Among other findings, his analysis revealed that recreational gag grouper fishing generates $107 million in value added, $60.8 million in income and supports 1,513 jobs while red grouper fishing generates $35.2 million in value added, $20 million in income and supports 501 jobs. Commercial gag grouper fishing generates $16 million in valued added, $7.7 million in income and supports 322 jobs while red grouper fishing generates $49 million in valued added, $23.7 million in income and supports 988 jobs. The majority of the economic impacts in the commercial sector in both fisheries occur in the retail and restaurant sectors, and Gentner concludes that those sectors would experience very few losses with a 100 percent recreational allocation. “This study cannot be ignored. More than ever allocation is a critical component of virtually every fishery management system,” said Chester Brewer, vice chairman of the CCA National Government Relations Committee. “With this information in hand, it is outrageous that the Gulf Council should establish an Individual Fishing Quota system for Gulf grouper without first addressing the allocation issue.” ■

Onslow Bay Boatworks congratulates Randall Edens, George Edens, and Chris Gaddy of East Coast Sports for their win at the 2008 SKA Nationals in Biloxi, MS. We would also like to congratulate the team of the Mister Stanman for their 2nd place finish. They ran their Yamaha powered Onslow Bay 23TE’s 84 miles each way in 6-8 ft seas to bring the top 2 spots home to North Carolina. The Onslow Bay 23 TE gave them the ride, range, and fishability to go where the fish were and make it back to the weigh in on time. Boat features include a spacious one level deck, dual above deck livewells, recessed bow rail, over 1200qts of below deck insulated storage, and many more features. Call Brad Knight today for information or a demo ride.


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ANGLER | April 2009

Please note that tournament information is published from sanctioning agreements and information packets as it is received from individual tournament directors. Dates are subject to change and tournaments may be added or deleted throughout the year. For the latest information go to

DIV 1 | NC July 17–18, 2009 CARTERET COUNTY SPORTFISHING ASSOCIATION’S KMT Atlantic Beach, NC Fish: Sat., July 18th - One day Contact: Shae Lewis 252-222-0651 | 252-240-2751

July 31–August 2, 2009 RALEIGH SPORTFISHING CLUB'S KMT Atlantic Beach, NC Entry: $300 early | $350 late Capt. Meeting: Fri., July 31st Fish Day: Sat Aug. 1st 6am - 6pm (1 Day) Awards: Sunday at noon Benefits: Take A Kid Fishing Host Marina: Sea Water 252-726-1637 Contact: Bruce Andrews (919)-833-2800 / 602-0232 Fax: (919)-833-5727 |

September 17–19, 2009 ATLANTIC BEACH SALTWATER CLASSIC Atlantic Beach - Morehead, NC Early Entry: $350 (Cash, Check or Credit Card) Reg.: Thurs. 5pm–6:59pm (Meal & Entertainment) Team & Family Meeting 7:00 P.M. (Thursday) Fish Days: 6:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. (Fri. & Sat.) Scales open 3pm | All must Weigh-in or Check-in Awards: 7pm (Sat.) | Alternate fish day Sunday Benefits: Atlantic Beach Volunteer Fire Department Tournament Site: Atlantic Station Host Hotel: AmeriSuites (800) 833-1516 Tournament Director: Terry Adkins (800) 546-4622 |

DIV 2 | NC May 22–24, 2009 29th ANNUAL SWANSBORO ROTARY CLUB'S MEMORIAL DAY BLUEWATER KMT Swansboro, NC First place: $25,000 Pays thru 15th | Jr., Sr.,& Lady | TWT’s & Class of 23' Entry: before 5/15/09 $300 | after 5/15 $350 Capt. Mtg.: BBQ dinner May 22 Rotary Civic Center Fish Day: Sat May 23 (heaviest king) Awards and Fish Fry: Sun. May 24 Rotary Civic Ctr Weigh-in: Hammocks Beach State Park, Swansboro Benefits: Scholarships, youth & community Contact: Jim Davis 252-422-9100 or 910-326 FISH (3474) Visa and MC |

August 14–15, 2009 18th ANNUAL ROTARY CLUB OF SNEADS FERRY Sneads Ferry, NC First Prize: $20,000 pays 20 places based on 200 boats Class of 23: 1st $1,500; 2nd $1,000; 3rd $500 Capt. Mtg.: August 14th 7:30pm, New River Marina Fish Day: Aug 15, 6:00am - 5:00pm Awards: Aug 15, 7:30pm, New River Marina Entry Fee: $300 early, $350 Late Host Marina: New River Marina (910) 327-3953 Host Hotel: The Seaward Inn (910) 327-0469 Contact: Hal Nelson (910} 327-2376 or hal.max57@ |

September 25-27, 2009 THE REEL OUTDOORS ONSLOW BAY OPEN KMT Swansboro, NC One Day Tournament Early Entry: $300 | Late Entry: $350 (After 8-15-09) Capt. Mtg.: Rotary Civic Center, Friday at 7pm Food served at 5pm till gone | Reg.: 5-9pm Benefits: Underprivileged, at risk, terminal kids and April 2009 | ANGLER

Toys for Tots. Each entry required to pay $10 or bring unwrapped $10 toy to Capt mtg. Fish Day: Saturday 9/26/09 7am - 5pm Weigh-in: Casper's 2-5pm Awards: Sunday 11am with auction Pays: 15 places, min. prize $300 HQ: Casper’s Marina, Swansboro 910-326-4462 Info: Captain Stan Jarusinski, 910-340-0813 Cell: 910-326-2392 |

DIV 3 | SC June 11–13, 2009 TAILWALKER MARINE’S OFFSHORE CHALLENGE Georgetown, SC Entry: $350 early | $400 late First Place: $12,500 Pays 20 places (150 boats) Class of 23: $5,000 Pays 3 places (40 boats) Capt. Mtg.: Thurs. 7pm, Georgetown Landing Marina Fish Days: Fri. 6am-6pm | Sat. 6am-5pm Awards: Party Sat. 6pm, Awards about 7pm Host Marina: Georgetown Landing 843-546-1776 Host Hotel: Hampton Inn 843-545-5000 Info: Stuart Ballard 843-527-2495

July 10–11, 2009 SAVANNAH SALTWATER CLASSIC Savannah, Georgia Early Entry: $350 (Cash, Check or Credit Card) Reg.: Fri. 5pm–6:59pm (Meal & Entertainment) Team & Family Meeting 7pm (Friday) Fish Day: Sat. 6:30am-5pm | alternate fish day Sun. Scales open 3pm | All must Weigh-in or Check-in Awards: Sat. 7:00pm Tournament Director: Terry Adkins (800) 546-4622 |

July 23–25, 2009 CHARLESTON SALTWATER CLASSIC Charleston, SC Early Entry: $350 (Cash, Check or Credit Card) Reg.: Thurs. 5pm–6:59pm (Meal & Entertainment) Team & Family Meeting 7:00pm (Thursday) Fish Days: Fri.-Sat. 6:30am-5pm | alt. fish day Sun. Scales open 3pm | All must Weigh-in or Check-in Awards: Sat. 7:00pm | Benefits : Rotary Club HQ/Marina: Ripley Light Yacht Club 877-747-5391 Host Hotel: Spring Hill Suites 843-571-1711 Tournament Director: Terry Adkins (800) 546-4622 |

August 7–8, 2009 3rd ANNUAL BMI KINGS FOR KIDS TOURNAMENT Beaufort, SC Entry: Before 7/4 $375 | After 7/4 $425 Benefits: Beaufort Marine Institute First Place: $13,000 | Pays 15 places Class of 23: First $3,000 Capt. Mtg: Fri. 6:30-8:30pm Waterfront Park Pavilion Fish Day: Sat. 6am-6pm (Alt. Day Sunday) Awards: Sat., Beaufort Waterfront Park Pavilion Host Marina: Port Royal Landing 843-525-6664 Downtown Marina of Beaufort 843-524-4422 Host Hotel: Hilton Garden inn 800-379-9800 Contact: Tom Wilson, 843-525-6664, and Mike Harris, 843-524-3770 Website:

August 13–15, 2009 KEY WEST BOATS FISHING FOR MIRACLES KMT Charleston, SC Capt. Mtg.: Thurs., 6pm Ripley Light Yacht Club First Place: $25,000 pays through 30th Entry Fee: $295 early, $350 late | Awards: Sat. 6 PM Contact: Rob Donlin (843) 554-0177

DIV 4 | GA May 22–24, 2009 SAPELO OPEN KING MACKEREL TOURNAMENT Shellman Bluff, GA One Day Tournament | Capt. Mtg.: Friday Fish Day: Saturday | Awards Dinner: Sunday HQ: Lockwood Marine, Shellman Bluff Weigh-in: Contentment Bluff Campground Dock/Marina: Shellman Fish Camp 912-832-4331 Host Motel: Shellman Bluff 912-832-5426 Days Inn, Eulonia 912-832-4411 Top Prize: $15,000 Cash Info: Jimmy Mason 912-832- 6439

June 5–6, 2009 20th ANNUAL TWO WAY SPORTFISHING CLUB'S KINGFISH TOURNAMENT Brunswick, Georgia One Day Tournament Capt. Mtg.: June 5th Tournament HQ: Two-Way Fish Camp Info: Rick Smith 912-265-0410

June 26–27, 2009 ST. MARYS SALTWATER CLASSIC St. Marys, Georgia Early Entry: $350 (Cash, Check or Credit Card) Reg.: Fri. 5pm–6:59pm (Meal & Entertainment) Team & Family Meeting 7:00pm (Friday) Fish Day: Sat. 6:30am-5pm | Alt. fish day Sunday Scales open 3pm | All must Weigh-in or Check-in Awards: 7:00pm (Sat.) | Benefits: Rotary Club HQ: St. Marys Waterfront Park Marina: Lang’s Marina 912-882-4452 Host Hotel: Cumberland Island Inn 912-882-6250 Tournament Director: Terry Adkins (800) 546-4622 |

July 17–18, 2009 CAPTAIN HAP’S KINGFISH BASH ON THE BLUFF Darien, Georgia HQ: Darien Waterfront Capt. Mtg.: Darien Waterfront July 17 at 6:30pm, Host Marina: City of Darien, Waterfront docks Info: Howard Poe, 912-577-0552 |

July 30–August 1, 2009 GOLDEN ISLES KINGFISH CLASSIC St. Simons Island, Georgia Info: Donna Gowen Poe 912-269-7167

DIV 5 | North FL June 11–13, 2009 KINGBUSTER 400 St. Augustine, FL Tournament limited to 400 boats. (Register early) HQ: St. Aug. Municipal Marina (904) 825-1026 Entry Fee: $374.50 before 3/31/09, $449.50 after Capt. Mtg.: Thursday, June 11th 4pm and 8pm Fish Days: Friday, June 12th & Saturday June 13th Awards: Saturday, June 13th at 8pm Jr. Angler Capt Mtg: June 10, 6pm | Jr. Fish: June 11 Info: Don Combs 904-992-9600 or 904-992-9926 |

June 18–20, 2009 27th ANNUAL NSFA TOURNAMENT of CHAMPIONS Fernandina Beach, FL Tournament Site: Foot of Centre Street Host Marina: Fernandina Harbor 904-491-2090 Entry Fee: $350.00 thru 5/31; $400.00 after

Top Prize: $25,000 based on 200 boats Capt. Mtg.: Thursday, June 18th at 7pm Check out: Fernandina, Mayport & St Augustine Fish Days: Fri., June 19th and Sat., June 20th Awards: Sat., June 20th. Fish fry and entertainment Contact: Jim Wilson 904-607-4224 | Web:

July 10–12, 2009 ANCIENT CITY GAMEFISH ASSOCIATION’S KINGFISH CHALLENGE St. Augustine, FL St. Augustine Municipal Marina 904-825-1026 Info: David Chapman (904) 669-9518

July 21–25, 2009 29th ANNUAL AT&T GREATER JACKSONVILLE KINGFISH TOURNAMENT Jacksonville, FL HQ: Sisters Creek Park, Heckscher Drive Jr. Angler Capt. Mtg.: Monday, July 20th Jr. Angler Tournament: Tuesday, July 21st GT Capt Mtg: Wed., July 22nd at 5:30pm & 8:00pm Fish Days: Thursday, July 23rd & Friday, July 24th Live Entertainment: Friday, July 24th Entry: $350 thru 4/5, $400 after All Day, Every Day: Food Festival, Liars' Tent, Exhibit Tents, Kingfish Boatique Awards Ceremony, Live Entertainment and Fireworks: Saturday, July 25th Host Hotel: Clarion Hotel Airport 904-741-1997 Event proceeds benefit Jacksonville community Info: Bob Gipson 904-251-3011

August 7–8, 2009 JACKSONVILLE SALTWATER CLASSIC Jacksonville, Florida Early Entry: $350 (Cash, Check or Credit Card) Reg.: Fri. 5pm–6:59pm (Meal & Entertainment) Team & Family Meeting 7:00pm (Friday) Fish Day: Sat. 6:30am-5pm | alternate fish day Sun. Scales open 3pm | All must Weigh-in or Check-in Awards: Sat. 7:00pm Tournament Director: Terry Adkins (800) 546-4622 |

DIV 6 | West FL April 3–4, 2009 15th ANNUAL SARASOTA SERTOMA KINGFISH TOURNAMENT Sarasota, FL Capt. Mtg.: MANDATORY- Friday 7PM Host: Marina Jack Fish Day: Saturday | Awards: Saturday Eve. Info: Sandy Blowers 941-232-3474 |

April 17–18, 2009 PROMARINEUSA.COM TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS Gator’s On the Pass, Treasure Island, FL One Day Tournament, Fish on Saturday Registration: Friday 4-8pm Captain’s Meeting: Friday 7pm First Place $10,000 - pays 10 places and 3 Class of 23’ (all prizes based on 100 entries) Entry Fee: $350 by 4/8/09 | $400 4/8/09 Contact: SKA 904-819-0360

May 8–9, 2009 18th ANNUAL GATOR’S SUNCOAST CLASSIC Gator’s On the Pass, Treasure Island, FL First place $10,000 (based on 100 boats) Registration: Friday starts at 4:00pm at Gators Cafe Capt. Mtg.: Fri. 7:00pm | Fish Day: Sat., May 9th 37

Checkout 6:45-7:15am, John’s, Mary’s Pier & Clearwater Pass Contact Gators at 727-367-2942

October 23–24, 2009 GATORS FALL KING MACKEREL TOURNAMENT Gator’s On the Pass, Treasure Island, FL Registration: Friday starts at 4:00pm at Gators Cafe Capt. Mtg.: Friday 7:00pm Fish Day: Saturday, Oct. 24 Checkout 6:45-7:15am, John’s, Mary’s Pier & Clearwater Pass Contact Gators at 727-367-2942

DIV 7 | Northern Gulf May 22-23, 2009 MILLER LITE MACK ATTACK Pensacola, Florida All Proceeds Benefit Pace Center For Girls, Inc. HQ: Lost Key Marina & Yacht Club, Pensacola FL (850) 492-2612 or (866) 897-0360 MANDATORY Capt. Mtg. & Signout: Friday, 6:30PM Registration: Now until May 22, 2009 8pm Top Prize: $10,000 based on 70 boats Entry Fee: $400.00 per boat plus optional T.W.T.s Fish Day: Saturday, May 23, No Check-out (Signout at Capt. Mtg.) Scales Open: 4pm | 6pm all boats must be in line Contact: Brad Sauers (850) 723-8834 or

June 4-6, 2009 KAJUN SPORTSMAN Port Fourchon, LA HQ: Kajun Sportsman Capt. Mtg. & Dinner: Thursday, June 4th 6pm Registration: Noon - 8pm Thursday. Fish Days: 6/5 6:30a - 5:30p, 6/6 6:30a - 4:30p Info: Anthony Toups 985-396-2727

July 3-5, 2009 GOLDEN MEADOW RODEO Port Fourchon, LA Info to follow

July 16–20, 2009 77th ANNUAL ALABAMA DEEP SEA RODEO Dauphin Island, AL HQ: ADSFR grounds on Dauphin Island Mandatory Sign Out: Thurs, 7/16, 6pm Rodeo site. Fish Days: Friday, July 17th – Sunday, July 19th Awards: Monday, July 20th at Aircraft Pavilion, Battleship Memorial Park

September 4-5, 2009 SKA / PALACE CASINO RESORT KMT Biloxi, Mississippi HQ: Palace Casino Resort | 1-800-PALACE-9 Capt. Mtg.: Friday, Sept 4th, 7:30pm Registration: Friday, September 4th, 4pm - 8pm Top Prize: $10,000 based on 70 boats Entry Fee: $400.00 per boat Fish Day: Saturday, September 5th, 6am Check-out Scales Open: 4pm | 6pm all boats must be in line Awards: Saturday 7:30pm Contact: SKA 904-819-0360

DIV 8 | FL May 1–2, 2009 FRANCES LANGFORD MEMORIAL FISHING TOURNAMENT Jensen Beach, FL Presented by the Jensen Beach Chamber of Commerce HQ: Four Fish Marina 772-334-0936 Capt. Mtg: Fri., May 1st at 7:15pm, Four Fish Marina Multi specie tournament pays 10 places for Kingfish plus top three for each other specie. Pay outs are based on 75 paid entries. Tournament is a one-day check out tournament with a "long" fishing times will be light to safe light Fish Day: Saturday, May 2nd Boat Ramp: Jensen Bch Causeway at ICW & Sand Sprit Park, SE St. Lucie Blvd., Port Salerno, FL 38

Hotels: River Palms Fish Camp - 800-305-0511, Caribbean Resort 772-334-4759, Four Fish Inn 772334-0936, Courtyard by Marriott 772-229-1000 Host Bait & Tackle: Snook Nook 772-334-2145 Awards Party: Saturday 7 PM at Tournament Site Contact: Jim Scharfschwerdt 904-669-8353 or |

May 29–30, 2009 FORT PIERCE SALTWATER CLASSIC Fort Pierce, FL Early Entry: $350 (Cash, Check or Credit Card) Reg.: Fri. 5pm–6:59pm (Meal & Entertainment) HQ: Ft Pierce City Marina Team & Family Meeting 7:00pm (Friday) Fish Day: Sat. 6:30am-5pm | Alternate fish day Sun. Scales open 3pm | All must Weigh-in or Check-in Awards: Sat. 7pm | Benefits: Rotary Club Host Hotel: Sandhurst Hotel & Suites Tournament Director: Terry Adkins (800) 546-4622 |

June 11–14, 2009 MERCURY/SEAVEE POMPANO BEACH SALTWATER SLAM Pompano Beach, FL Capt. Party and Registration: Thursday, June 11th 6pm to 10pm at the Pompano Beach Civic Center - 1801 NE 6th Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 SKA members can register Friday, June 12th Fish Day: Saturday June 13th - 7am to 4:30pm Awards: Sun., 6/14 - 1 to 4pm at the Civic Center Prize Structure: Over $150,000 in cash & prizes! More than 50 cash prize categories. Incentive awards for SKA members. Boat Ramp: Alsdorf Park - 2850 NE 14th Street Causeway, Pompano Beach, FL 33062. Reserved trailer parking for teams from out of town. Boat Slips & Local Marinas - Lighthouse Point Marina - 954-941-0227 ext. 206. Sands Harbor Marina - 954-942-9100; Lighthouse Point Yacht Club - 954-942-6688. Hotels: Beachcomber Resort - 954-941-7830; Ocean Point Resort - 954-782-5300; Sands Harbor Resort - 954-942-9100 Contact: Jamie Bunn 954-725-4010 or jbunn@

August 21–22, 2009 CANAVERAL MAC ATTACK Cape Canaveral, FL Site: Fish Lips Bar and Grill Entry Fee: $395 Capt. Mtg.: Friday, August 21, 7:17pm Fish Day: Saturday, August 22 Multi specie tournament pays 10 places for Kingfish plus top three for each other specie. Pay outs are based on 75 paid entries. Tournament is a one-day check out tournament with "long" fishing times will be light to safe light Contact: Jim Scharfschwerdt 904-669-8353 or |

DIV 9 | Southern NC June 19–21, 2009 YELLOWFIN/OIFC.COM JOLLY MON KING CLASSIC Shallotte, NC HQ: Ocean Isle Fishing Center, Ocean Isle Capt. Mtg.: June 19th at 7:15PM Fish Day: June 20th or June 21st – Capt's choice Awards: June 21st 8pm Charity: Teaching Youth to Fish Foundation, Long Bay Artificial Reef Association Entry Fee: $215 by 06/10/09, $250 after. First Prize: $15,000 Pays Thru: 31st - Based on 275 boats Class of 23 Prizes: 1st $1,000, 2nd $750, 3rd $500 Jr Angler prizes thru 20th, Lady Angler prizes thru 10th, Sr. Angler prizes thru 3rd Info: Brant McMullan 910-575-3474 |

July 10–12, 2009 EAST COAST GOT-EM-ON CLASSIC Carolina Beach, NC One Day Tournament

HQ: Carolina Beach, Municipal Marina, NC Fish Days: Saturday or Sunday, sunrise till 5PM Awards: Sunday 8pm Top Prize: $25,000 based on 200 boats Host Motel: Golden Sands Motel 1-888-458-8334 Info: Ty Cobb 910-512-0542

August 28–29, 2009 BRUNSWICK ISLANDS SALTWATER CLASSIC Holden Beach, North Carolina Early Entry: $350 (Cash, Check or Credit Card) Reg.: Fri. 5pm–6:59pm (Meal & Entertainment) Team & Family Meeting 7:00pm (Friday) Fish Day: Sat. 6:30am-5pm | Alternate fish day Sun. Scales open 3pm | All must Weigh-in or Check-in Awards: Sat. 7pm HQ/Marina: Holden Beach Marina 910-842-5447 Hotel: Comfort Inn (Shallotte, NC) 910-754-3044 Tournament Director: Terry Adkins (800) 546-4622 |

October 9–10, 2009 7th ANNUAL RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE Little River, South Carolina Entry: $200 early | $250 on site First Prize: $10,000 pays thru 20th (150 boats) Class of 23: 1st $2,500 | 2nd $1,500 | 3rd $1,000 Awards for Lady, Junior, Single Engine and Local Bounty Capt. Mtg: 7:00pm, Harbor Gate Marina, Little River Fish Day: October 10, 2009: 7:00am Bimini Start Check-in: 3:00pm, must pass check point by 4:30 Awards: Oct 10, 2009 at 7:30pm Marina: Harbor Gate Marina 843-249-8888 Host Motel: Harbor Gate Resort 843-417-1160 Tournament Director: Alan Paynter 910-579-6966

October 23–25, 2009 YELLOWFIN / FALL BRAWL KING CLASSIC Ocean Isle Beach, NC HQ: Ocean Isle Fishing Center, Ocean Isle Capt. Mtg.: Oct 23rd at 7:15PM Fish Day: Oct 24th or 25th – Capt's choice Awards: Oct 25 at 7pm | First Prize: $10,000 Pays Thru: 26th - Based on 200 boats Charity: Teaching Youth to Fish Foundation, Long Bay Artificial Reef Association Entry Fee: $215 by 10/15/09, $250 after. Class of 23 Prizes: 1st $1,000, 2nd $750, 3rd $500 Jr & Lady prizes thru 10th, Sr. prizes thru 3rd Info: Brant McMullan 910-575-3474 |

DIV 10 | FL January 23–25, 2009 YACHT CLUBS OF THE AMERICAS, KEY WEST KINGFISH TOURNAMENT Key West, FL HQ: Yacht Clubs of the Americas 305-292-3121 Reg.: noon till 7pm Friday Capt. Mtg.: 7pm at YCOA Top Prize 21' Contender Boat, Evinrude Outboard, Continental Trailer. Dockage: YCOA 305-292-3121 ext 2, King's Pointe Marina 305-294-4676, Sunset Marina 305296-7101, Key West City Marina 305-292-8167, Hurricane Hole 305-294-8025 Host Hotels: Radisson 305-294-5511 code FISH, Comfort Inn 305-294-3773 code HOG Contact: Lee at Murray Marine 305-296-0364 / SKA 904-819-0360

May 7–10, 2009 MERCURY/SEAVEE POMPANO BEACH SALTWATER SHOOTOUT Pompano Beach, FL Reg. and Party: Thurs., May 7th - 6pm to 10pm SKA members can register Friday, May 8th HQ: Pompano Beach Civic Center - 1801 NE 6th St Entry Fee: $325 / $425 (late) Payout: First - $7,500 ($80,000+ purse) - Pays thru 15th Place (Over 50 prize categories). Top team money is guaranteed Fish Day: Saturday May 9th - 7am to 4:30pm Awards: Sun., May 10th, 1–4pm at the Civic Center. Boat Ramp: Alsdorf Park - 2850 NE 14th Street Causeway. Reserved for trailer parking for teams traveling from out of town. Boat Slips & Local Marinas: Lighthouse Point

Marina - 954-941-0227 ext. 206. Sands Harbor Marina - 954-942-9100; Lighthouse Point Yacht Club - 954-942-6688. Hotels: Beachcomber Resort - 954-941-7830; Ocean Point Resort - 954-782-5300; Sands Harbor Resort - 954-942-9100 Contact: Jamie Bunn 954-725-4010

May 15-16, 2009 GREATER PALM BEACH OFFSHORE 440 Lake Park, Florida Presented by: Friends of 440 Scholarship Fund, Inc. Host: Town of Lake Park, FL and Lake Park Harbor Marina 561-881-3353 Multi specie tournament pays 10 places for Kingfish plus top three for each other specie. Pay outs are based on 75 paid entries. Tournament is a one-day check out tournament with a "long" fishing time will be light to safe light Contact: Jim Scharfschwerdt 904-669-8353 or |

June 5–6, 2009 YAMAHA/CONTENDER KINGFISH MASTERS Miami, FL HQ: Haulover Park & Marina Capt. Mtg: Fri., 7pm Awards: Sun. 5pm Haulover Park Fish Days: Sat. 8am-3pm and Sun. 8am-2pm Contact: Tony at Ocean Promotions 305-461-2700 |

DIV 11 | West FL March 13–14, 2009 MARCO ISLAND KINGFISH TOURNAMENT Marco Island, FL Capt. Mtg.: Friday, March 13th, 7:30pm HQ: Cedar Bay Yacht Club Registration: Friday, March 13th, 4pm - 8pm Top Prize: $10,000 based on 60 boats Fish Day: Saturday, March 14th, 7am Check-out Scales Open: 4pm | 6pm all boats must be in line Awards: Saturday 7:30pm Contact: SKA 904-819-0360

March 27–28, 2009 FISHIN' IN PARADISE SALTWATER CLASSIC Naples, FL Presented by: Friends of 440 Scholarship Fund, Inc. Offshore and Inshore Divisions Multi specie tournament pays 10 places for Kingfish plus top three for each other specie. Payouts are based on 75 paid entries. Tournament is a one-day check out tournament with a "long" fishing times will be light to safe light Tournament Site: Naples Bay Resort Contact: Jim Scharfschwerdt 904-669-8353 or

April 10–11, 2009 FORT MYERS BEACH KINGFISH SHOOTOUT Ft. Myers Beach, FL HQ: Salty Sam's Marina 239-463-7333 Registration: 3:00pm - 6:30pm Friday Entry: $350 by 3/20 or $425 at event Pays 7 places plus Lady, Jr, Sr based on 75 boats Capt.: Mtg: 5–8pm Friday Fish Day: Sat. Safe light (±6:45am to 5:30pm) Boundaries: S to 24.50 | N open | W open Motel: Pink Shell Beach Resort Spa 239-463-6181 Dockage/ramp/fuel/trailer parking: Salty Sam's Benefits Hope Hospice and Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation Contact: Alberto Abad 239-495-1841 |

NATIONALS November 19–22, 2009 2009 SKA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP This year-end event determines who will be the 2009 SKA National Champions. By Invitation only to Divisional qualifiers. More Info at www. ANGLER | April 2009


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Look for Ocean Waves at your favorite retailer, at the SKA tournament booth, online at, or call 904.819.0360. 800.555.7034

April 2009 | ANGLER


2 0 0 9 January 23–25 Key West, Florida (Please note that for this tournament the Captain’s Meeting is on Friday with fishing on Saturday and Sunday)

April 30–May 2 Jensen Beach, Florida June 4–6 Fourchon, Louisiana July 30–August 1 St. Simons Island, Georgia October 8–10 Little River, South Carolina More Details at 42

This is a special tour of five events held in prime locations from the Carolinas to Louisiana. It is the toughest test of team skills in any fishing contest in the world. Not only do these highly skilled contestants have to fish in unfamiliar waters but in all types of sea conditions. They are allowed to weigh one fish per team per day, total of ten if they weighed a fish each day in the five events. The SKA tabulates the team’s best seven fish and the winner, the team

with the best aggregate, is crowned “Top Angler of the Year,” sport fishing’s most coveted title. The tour is named after its title sponsor, Yamaha. The 2009 season is also sponsored by Contender Boats, Raymarine Electronics, Boater's World Marine Centers. The Yamaha Professional Kingfish Tour will host most Captain’s Meetings on Thursday nights with tournament fishing on Friday and Saturday. However, for the first tournament in Key West, the Captain’s Meeting will be on Friday night with fishing on Saturday and Sunday. ANGLER | April 2009

2009 SKA

POINT STANDINGS Please note that tournament points are downloaded from the SKA database near the 10th of each month. For the latest point standings, go to the Southern Kingfish Association Web site at, click Mercury Trail, then Point Standings, then your division.

thru Key West

KNOCKDOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.05 CONTENDER / YAMAHA RALPH SMITH, JR.

TEAM DUPREZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.83 WELLCRAFT / YAMAHA JEFFREY OSBORNE

CRIKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.35 INVINCIBLE / EVINRUDE ANDRE MOORE


THE REEL WON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.72 CONTENDER / YAMAHA ROBERT WOITHE, SR.

TWIN VEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.02 TWIN VEE / SUZUKI CHARLES CHANDLER


BARBARA ANN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.70 WELLCRAFT / YAMAHA DR. JOHN ADCOX, JR.

DIV 10 | 24' & over

TEAM SALT ROCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.12 CONTENDER / YAMAHA CODY CHIVAS BAR FLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.91 CONTENDER / YAMAHA BILLY GREEN SAKE' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.19 WELLCRAFT / YAMAHA NEIL NIX KERI-N-ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.85 CONTENDER / YAMAHA JASON NAUMANN TRIPLE GOBBLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.93 CONTENDER / YAMAHA JEFF WEATHERS BANDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.84 CONTENDER / SUZUKI RONALD MITCHELL TEAM DONZI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.73 DONZI / MERCURY KEN UPTON BLACK GOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.71 HYDRA SPORTS / YAMAHA MIKE MCDUFFIE BOTTOM LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.68 CONTENDER / YAMAHA REID MACY WOUND TIGHT / FISHBOATLOANS.COM . . . . . . . . . 44.60 DONZI / YAMAHA THOMAS MULLIGAN QUADRA PELAGIC/CHAMPION ANGLER.COM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.54 MIDNIGHT EXPRESS / MERCURY JACK VASILAROS FOUR SUNS II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.43 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA WILLIAM GRESSETTE MILLER TYME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.95 SEA HUNTER / EVINRUDE DOUG MILLER TEAM CHARTER LAKES / THE A TEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.34 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY ALDEN THORNTON CONCHED OUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.81 CONCH / MERCURY COREY MCBRIDE TRIPLE J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.72 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY PAUL MYERS, JR. ALL IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.71 WELLCRAFT / EVINRUDE TERRY MCCRAY REEL CONCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.37 CONTENDER / YAMAHA RANDY STERLING, JR. PRO MARINE USA.COM / HANNON'S CANNON . . . . . . . . . . 41.08 INVINCIBLE / YAM/MERC/EVIN KEVIN HANNON April 2009 | ANGLER

SURREEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.80 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY STEVE HAYS ON THE BRINK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.75 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY KELLEY CLEMENTS YOUNG GUNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.44 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY LANCE IRVINE RAT PAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.26 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY DARREN RATLEY TRIPLE TAIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.48 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY JIM MCLAUGHLIN LUNASEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.90 CONTENDER / YAMAHA RICH SUJAT POSSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.51 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY DANIEL CROWLEY MAD GAFFER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.08 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY STUART FITZGERALD NATIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.07 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY ROBERT SNIBBE III HAULIN ACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.87 CONTENDER / YAMAHA MARK STRICKLAND HARD ROCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.64 SEA VEE / MERCURY CHRIS OSCEOLA PERRO LOCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.55 WHITE WATER / YAMAHA RON CARE IN THE MOMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.85 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY BYRON PEARSON SIMRAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.50 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY MARK MAUS SPICED RUM III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.35 CONTENDER / EVINRUDE WILLIAM WUMMER MISTER MAGOO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.93 CONTENDER / YAMAHA PETE HARPER WILTSHIRE FISHING TEAM . . . . . 33.69 CONTENDER / YAMAHA ANDREW GUNN OBX GIRL / TEAM CALCUTTA . . . . 32.51 CONTENDER / YAMAHA JIM DUPREE, JR. KAJUN SPORTSMAN . . . . . . . . . . 32.00 CONTENDER / YAMAHA ANTHONY TOUPS BIG BAD WOLF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.97 CONTENDER / YAMAHA STACY WESTER

CRAWGATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.48 INVINCIBLE / YAMAHA BILL BUTLER KILL-N-ME / TEAM INVINCIBLE . 31.38 INVINCIBLE / MERCURY HOWARD POE SIMPLY STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.23 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA MICHAEL KENNEDY LIQUID FIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.99 CONTENDER / YAMAHA MARK HENDERSON CAT DADDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.98 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY DANNY MATHIS OCEAN ISLE FISHING CENTER . . . 30.87 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA BRANT MCMULLAN KNOT RIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.48 MAKO / YAMAHA CORY BLACK KWAZAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.15 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA MARCUS KENNEDY CALIENTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.69 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY ARIK BERGERMAN LIL DEVIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.41 CONTENDER / YAMAHA MICHAEL JACQUIN MAD MOUSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.32 SEA CRAFT / MERCURY ROB FERRIS STEEL FISHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.69 WELLCRAFT / YAMAHA RANDY SPAINHOUR SALTY MARINE FISHING TEAM . . 28.43 CONTENDER / YAMAHA DONALD TESTA WAYT-N-SEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.71 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY DAVID WAYT THE LAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.01 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY JEFF DRAKE STRIKE ZONE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.58 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY DAVE WORKMAN, JR.

JUNIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.65 SEA CRAFT / YAMAHA JOHN THOMAS

KINGPIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.76 JUPITER / EVINRUDE KEN DELLANE

KAT'S RIVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.88 WORLD CAT / EVINRUDE FRANK LANGDON




NO LIMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.66 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY GRANT CLOUGHLEY

LIBERTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.79 PURSUIT / YAMAHA LARRY HELLRUNG

REEL ADDICTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.10 SEA HUNT / YAMAHA MIKE SENIOR

REHAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.14 DONZI / MERCURY LARY MORRIS

JUDY BEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.54 CONTENDER / YAMAHA PHILLIP BROCK

PROMARINEUSA.COM / GATORFAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.01 CONTENDER / YAMAHA DAVID ALBRITTON




R-RATED II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.47 SPECTRE / YAMAHA REMBRANDT GRAY

DIV 11 | 24' & over

RASCAL MEISTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.06 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA DAVID HAYNES, JR.

BANDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.96 CONTENDER / SUZUKI RONALD MITCHELL

LONG HOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.93 WHITEWATER / YAMAHA MICHAEL SHRAMKO

TRIPLE J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.76 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY PAUL MYERS, JR.

MY THREE SONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.38 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY TERRY GRANTHAM

PENNY WISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.57 CONTENDER / YAMAHA JEFF SILVERTHORNE


SECONDS 2 SPARE . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.50 CONTENDER / YAMAHA SCOTT RUSH

SEA QUAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.93 PRO-LINE / EVINRUDE INMAN COLEMAN

OLD BLUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.36 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA JIM VAUGHAN

STROKE IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.83 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY GUS IBANEZ


TEAM FOOTLOOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.75 CONTENDER / YAMAHA STEVEN TRUSSELL THE REEL OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.05 DONZI / MERCURY JEFF KEETON

LAGERHEAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.31 CONTENDER / YAMAHA STEVE PAPEN

PAPOTANIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.58 CONTENDER / YAMAHA JOSE REYES




FISH FEVER / STRIKE ZONE MELBOURNE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.99 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA ED MECCHELLA OUTTA CONTROL II . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.54 SEA CRAFT / MERCURY RALPH HAWKINS REELIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.50 MARLIN / YAMAHA MARC PINCUS OLD BLUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.03 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA JIM VAUGHAN LOOSE LUCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA MIKE KAMINSKY

THAT'S MY DOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.39 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY FORREST TAYLOR

DIV 10 | 23' & under

SUNDANCE KID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.29 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY SCOTT LAMBETH

KNOT ME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.90 CONTENDER / YAMAHA BRIAN HASSON



thru Key West

BRUTE DUSKY 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.21 DUSKY / MERCURY DICK RUSSELL

thru Marco Island

G-FORCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.07 CONTENDER / YAMAHA JASON GELL


DIG IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.38 CONTENDER / MERCURY TONY CARROLL, JR. CALIENTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.82 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY ARIK BERGERMAN TEAM MARLAGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 MARLAGO / YAMAHA JOHN SMITH, SR. BLACK PEARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.33 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA ROBERT YARISH WALLEYE II FISHING TEAM . . . . . 12.54 CONTENDER / YAMAHA JOHN THOMAS

DIV 11 | 23' & under thru Marco Island INSPIRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.21 SEA CRAFT / EVINRUDE JIM INGALLS STILL KICKIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.70 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY CHAD LAMMERT III GET SNOOKERD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.30 CONTENDER / YAMAHA CHRIS WORKMAN KINGS WILD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.90 SAILFISH / YAMAHA PAUL LANGEL FIN ADDICT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.85 MCKEE CRAFT / EVINRUDE TIM PACKARD PROMARINEUSA.COM / GATORFAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.22 CONTENDER / YAMAHA DAVID ALBRITTON LUCKY KOI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.51 BLUE FIN / MERCURY WENDELL MIXON KNOT ME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.75 CONTENDER / YAMAHA BRIAN HASSON TEAM K.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.54 CONTENDER / YAMAHA JOHN FORD D-SLAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.90 DONZI / MERCURY LEWIS HAYES


2009 PRO POINTS THRU KEY WEST CRIKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.03 INVINCIBLE / EVINRUDE ANDRE MOORE

RAT PAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68.87 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY DARREN RATLEY

ON THE BRINK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.52 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY KELLEY CLEMENTS


REELIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.43 MARLIN / YAMAHA MARC PINCUS

STRIKE ZONE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.58 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY DAVE WORKMAN, JR.


FOUR SUNS II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68.27 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA WILLIAM GRESSETTE

LIQUID FIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.43 CONTENDER / YAMAHA MARK HENDERSON



THAT’S MY DOG . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.39 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY FORREST TAYLOR

BANDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.26 CONTENDER / SUZUKI RONALD MITCHELL


TEAM DUPREZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58.60 WELLCRAFT / YAMAHA JEFFREY OSBORNE

SIMRAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.28 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY MARK MAUS

FISH DANCER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.88 CONTENDER / MERCURY JEFFERY DUNBAR

CONCHED OUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.92 CONCH / MERCURY COREY MCBRIDE

MISTER MAGOO . . . . . . . . . . . . 67.59 CONTENDER / YAMAHA PETE HARPER


CAT DADDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.21 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY DANNY MATHIS



KOOLAU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.59 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY CONRAD LAU

BLACK GOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66.50 HYDRA SPORTS / YAMAHA MIKE MCDUFFIE

CALIENTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.09 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY ARIK BERGERMAN

BARBARA ANN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.96 WELLCRAFT / YAMAHA DR. JOHN ADCOX, JR.

SEA QUAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.91 PRO-LINE / EVINRUDE INMAN COLEMAN

YOUNG GUNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.31 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY LANCE IRVINE

SAKE’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.76 WELLCRAFT / YAMAHA NEIL NIX

HAULIN ACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.91 CONTENDER / YAMAHA MARK STRICKLAND



TEAM DONZI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.89 DONZI / MERCURY KEN UPTON

SURREEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64.92 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY STEVE HAYS

BIG BAD WOLF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.31 CONTENDER / YAMAHA STACY WESTER

KAT’S RIVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.14 WORLD CAT / EVINRUDE FRANK LANGDON


POSSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69.31 YELLOWFIN / MERCURY DANIEL CROWLEY

NATIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.29 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY ROBERT SNIBBE III


HOLD’N ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.43 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY J. ALAN HOLDEN



MAD GAFFER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.62 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY STUART FITZGERALD

CRAWGATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.82 INVINCIBLE / YAMAHA BILL BUTLER

PAPOTANIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.80 CONTENDER / YAMAHA JOSE REYES

KWAZAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.99 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA MARCUS KENNEDY

MAD MOUSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.77 SEA CRAFT / MERCURY ROB FERRIS



OLD BLUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.03 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA JIM VAUGHAN LOOSE LUCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA MIKE KAMINSKY RASCAL MEISTER . . . . . . . . . . . 21.06 YELLOWFIN / YAMAHA DEAN SPATHOLT STROKE IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.83 FOUNTAIN / MERCURY GUS IBANEZ TEAM FOOTLOOSE . . . . . . . . . . 18.75 CONTENDER / YAMAHA STEVEN TRUSSELL TEAM CENTURY YAMAHA - YO-ZURI . . . . . . . . . 15.09 CENTURY / YAMAHA OZZIE FISCHER

RFA Welcomes New Managing Director As The Fisherman Editor Joins Lobbying Effort Galloway, NJ—The Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) has announced the hiring of Jim Hutchinson, Jr. as the group’s new Managing Director. Hutchinson joins the national saltwater lobbying group after seven years as fulltime editor for The Fisherman Magazine, the last 2 1/2 years as the weekly publication’s Executive Editor. “This is quite a coup for the RFA and our membership,” said Jim Donofrio, the RFA’s Executive Director. “Hutch has immersed himself in many national fisheries issues over the past few years and is extremely passionate about protecting angler access rights. We expect this to be a big year for the organization and our members.” Hutchinson joined The Fisherman as Managing Editor of the New Jersey edition in 2002 and was promoted to the magazine group’s Long Island, NY headquarters as Executive Editor in 2006 following the retirement of publishing icon Pete Barrett. Hutchinson was later elected to the RFA’s Executive Board of Directors. “Many folks in New York and New Jersey have gotten to know Hutch personally in the last few years, and his work on behalf of anglers and local businesses in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic is well-respected,” Donofrio said. “I’m looking forward to introducing him to our national membership.” A Jersey Shore native and lifelong angler, Hutchinson has spent a lot of time traveling along the East Coast, but says he’s well aware of the issues affecting Gulf and Pacific coast anglers as well. “I’ve had a great opportunity as an editor to get to know our national tackle manufacturers and boat reps, so I understand the business concerns and how the industry has been hammered by both economic factors and one-sided alliances,” Hutchinson said. “From the MPA initiatives in California, Oregon and the southeastern United States, to questionable science hampering our Gulf and Atlantic Coast fisheries, these are serious issues that require revisiting through the legislative process.” Hutchinson believes his editorial work gives him valuable insight into the relationship between recreational anglers and business owners. “What’s 44

critical right now in terms of the success or failure of the recreational fishing industry can be found at the consumer level, with the individual fishermen,” Hutchinson said. “As anglers, we’re being denied access to our natural resources and shut out of the fisheries management decision-making process. Personally, I see RFA as the only consistent voice out there today on the side of recreational anglers’ rights.” “Executive Editors, by their very nature, are organized, ‘get-it-done’ types, and that’s exactly the kind of person RFA needs in this position,” said RFA Executive Board member Dean Travis Clarke, himself being the Executive Editor of Sport Fishing Magazine, Marlin Magazine and Fly Fishing Salt Waters Magazine. “I’m thrilled that we’ve found someone of Jim’s stature and capability,” Clarke added. Fellow Board member Dick Wood, President of outdoor media specialists H.D. Wood Advertising said “Jim’s uncompromising work ethic, drive and dedication to the enhancement and expansion of recreational saltwater fishing encapsulates this agency’s decade-long interaction with this true professional.” Hutchinson was unanimously approved for the position by the RFA Executive Board on January 29 and officially joins the RFA fulltime as of February 23. “Hutchinson knows the issues and he knows the players, so you can expect him to hit the ground running,” said Donofrio. “I’m proud to join Jimmy (Donofrio) and the staff in working on behalf of our nation’s saltwater fishermen. There’s so much the RFA has accomplished thus far, but there’s a lot more at stake in the future. I can’t wait to get started,” Hutchinson said. Hutchinson is married and splits time between his family residence in Forest Hills, NY and his hometown along the Jersey Shore. To contact Jim Hutchinson, Jr. at the Recreational Fishing Alliance, email ■

ANGLER | April 2009

Members Helping Members Check out the products and services offered by these SKA members! If you need it, chances are one of your fellow members can provide it.

SKA Launches Members Only Advertising Opportunity! During these rough economic times, it is apparent that members should be using fellow members for services needed. Therefore the SKA will begin publishing special pages in Angler magazine with emphasis on your employment or trade. The section will be called “Members Helping Members.â€? Cost for this service is just $300 for the whole year, that’s only $27 per month. You will be billed for the $300 as a one-time charge and we will accept Visa or MasterCard. Ad size is just a little bigger than a business card (4 1â „2" wide by 2" deep) and we will do the lay out for free. We just need any logos or artwork and the information about you and your company. Ads will be grouped by region or state. Mail instructions, art, and payment to 15 Garnett Avenue, St. Augustine, Florida 32084, or e-mail to rkocken@ďŹ If you need more information contact Bob at 904-819-0360. South Carolina Specializing in Leasing OfďŹ ce and Warehouse Space in Charleston, South Carolina

135 Prather Park Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 Phone/Fax 843-236-8516

Residential & Commercial Repairs, Waterproofing Certified High Wind Mitigation Inspector/Contractor With South Carolina Safe Home Program SERVING THE SOUTH CAROLINA COAST

WWW.LOOSELUCYS.COM Upper Gulf Restaurant Snack Bar Motel C-Store South Louisiana’s Premier Sports Fishing Destination 27900 Highway 1, Port Fourchon, Louisiana 70357


Gas Marina

When You’re in Grand Isle, Louisiana, Make Sure You Stop By for a Great Meal!

Good Luck & Safe Fishing!



Commercial, Industrial & Fastrack


: ' 'DQQ\ 0DWKLV 3UHVLGHQW Louisiana: (225) 293-9735 Alabama: (251) 679-8925

Mobile: (225) 907-4709 FAX: (225) 292-7785

SKA Members Only: To see your ad on this page call Bobby or Deona at 904/819.0360 or in the Carolinas call Don Ewing at 910/695.6818 April 2009 | ANGLER


Remembering Larry “Huffy” Hoffman! Larry Hoffman passed away March 3rd. His wife, Cathy, found him at five o’clock in the morning sitting in front of the television. His ragged breathing spurred her to call paramedics. He died several hours later. He had been suffering from sleep apnea. He was 61. I first met Larry in the ’90s when Sid Rice, owner of Gators on the Pass in Treasure Island, agreed to put on an event for the SKA. Larry, a charter boat captain in the marina at Gators, was Sid’s go-to guy and fishing buddy. Larry saw more than just an event and encouraged Sid to formulate Treasure Island Charities. He not only turned the Gator’s event into a first class show, but also went out and formulated tournaments from Sarasota to Tarpon Springs, all SKA sanctioned and under the TIC banner. That’s how Division 6 was started and it raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local charities. In the early days of the SKA, Treasure Island was a go-to place for many, many out of town fishermen. They will all remember Larry. Born in Saginaw, Michigan Larry attended and graduated from the Command and General Staff College in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Larry went on to serve 26 years in the US Army, attaining the rank of Colonel. Larry was a Green Beret serving two tours of duty in Vietnam and served under General Schwarzkopf during Operation Desert Storm. During his time in service he received many medals and ribbons, including two


Legions of Merit Medals, Three Army Commendations Medals, two Bronze Stars, and one Bronze Star with Valor. He came to the Bay area in 1990. Larry is survived by his wife Cathy of 34 years, daughters Michele Weissman and Margot Das. He had a sister Susan Campbell and one great grandaughter. Larry was a true friend and was a part of the formation and success of king mackerel fishing on Florida’s west coast. Larry, Sid, and I spent many a day eating lunch at Gator’s planning each and every event. We all seemed to pull the best out of one another all with the same goal of producing the best events in Florida and models other events could learn from. I could write about many people like Larry who were instrumental in SKA’s success, but Larry is certainly one of the best. I know many of our members will miss him—none more than me!

Manny Galvao on the Justin Time came across this whale on their way to port for the Marco Island tournament. They had been fishing the rock pile 30 miles due west of Sanibel in 80 feet of water. There are 29 marine mammal species found in the Gulf of Mexico. If you encounter a deceased marine mammal, please call the Marine Mammal Stranding Network at 877/433-8299.

31T Contender “Kingfish One”

Ice Blue Hull – Dark Blue Bottom Loaded and Ready to Fish – 4 Live Wells

TWIN 350 YAMAHAS Raymarine Electronics C-120, Radar,VHF, Airmar Transducer, Clarion Stereo w/ Speakers


COST OVER $170,000 Approximately 30 hours on motors.

Twin Spares & Hubs, Triple Axel for Safety, Mag Wheels Outriggers with Poles



Deluxe T-Top with Kingfish Rod Holders, Console Rod Holders & Shotgun Transom Mount Rod Holders Freshwater System and Saltwater Washdown Custom Leaning Post / Livewell & Bolster Backrest Cockpit Coaming Bolster Polycarb Enclosure 46


Serious Inquiries Only. No Trades.

904/819-0360 or 386/801-3200

ANGLER | April 2009

April 2009 | ANGLER



$10,000 C A S H


ANGLER | April 2009

Members Helping Members Check out the products and services offered by these SKA members! If you need it, chances are one of your fellow members can provide it.

Florida Residential • Commercial • Industrial

Randy Nader

• Grills • Grill Parts • Fish & Turkey Fryers • • Ranges • Water Heaters • Heaters • Service & Repair • • Accessories • Home Delivery • Tanks Filled on Premises •


direct (904) 395-0209

Southern Propane Locally Owned and Operated 5923 Soutel Drive Jacksonville, FL 32219

10066 Sawgrass Drive West Phone (904) 285-0091 Georgia (912) 544-0866 Toll Free (866) 462-3377 FAX (904) 273-0682

Bruce & Cindy Rutledge Phone (904) 764-0065 Fax (904) 764-7458

Nader’s Pest Raiders is an authorized representative for the following termite protection products. Call today to schedule an appointment!

YOUR KINGFISH STORE orkman, Jr... Call Dave W 1/4 Mile East of St. Johns Bluff • 11702 Beach Boulevard 904-641-2433 – Store Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9:00-7:00 – Sat. 9:00-5:00 – Sun. 11:00-4:00

SKA Members Only Courtesy Discount














Just CALL Diane E. 904.565.1314 x208 STINSON & PARTNERS, INC. 50 A1A North, Suite 104 Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 32082-1342 Phone 904 .280 .4622 E-mail:

C A B I N E T RY C O U N T E RT O P S F L O O R I N G 11732 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville 904.565.1314 x208



TELEPHONE (904) 732-9701 TELECOPIER (904) 732-9702

SKA Members Only: To see your ad on this page call Bobby or Deona at 904/819.0360 or in the Carolinas call Don Ewing at 910/695.6818 April April 2009 2009 || ANGLER NGLER

49 49

Members Helping Members Check out the products and services offered by these SKA members! If you need it, chances are one of your fellow members can provide it. Florida

Brenda Legel

Light tackle fishing for Reds, Snook, and Tarpon.

Massage Therapist • Electro Therapeutic Point Stimulation (ETPS) • Reflexology • Swedish & Therapeutic Massage

Featured on ESPN, ESPN2, Versus, Sunshine Network & Outdoor Channel.

Call Today for an Appointment! 954.554.4897 MA# 0029978 • Member of FSMTA

Commercial & Residential Concrete & Block Construction SKA Member Owned

Free Estimates

Wages make you a Living. ProÀts make you a Fortune.

JAMES STECKI Independent Distributor #378672


Health & Wealth, Call Me

Laurie Crowley • (904) 219-4390 Dan Crowley • (904) 219-2739 Tom Taylor • (904) 334-3078

CROWLEY’S CONCRETE, INC. 540 20 Mile Rd. Ponte Vedra, FL 32081


All Powder Coated In Any Color, Any Size, Any Number of Rod Holders! Will Never Rust • Lite Weight See them on our boat, the R-Rated Includes backing plate. Made for any boat that you can get to the back side of.

Call Rembrandt Gray 325/589-1849 or 352/516-5573


Coastal Marine Center Capt. Howard Poe 4718 New Jesup Hwy. Brunswick, GA 31525

ion nstruct sod • athletic ½eld co po box 1912 tifton, ga 31794 tel 229-386-8061

866-231-6767 toll free 912-267-6767 Off. 912-577-0552 Cell 912-267-6690 Fax

Custom Rigging Available • In-house Financing

Paul Massey fax 229-386-1207

SKA Members Only: To see your ad on this page call Bobby or Deona at 904/819.0360 or in the Carolinas call Don Ewing at 910/695.6818 50 50

ANGLER NGLER || April A April 2009 2009

Members Helping Members Check out the products and services offered by these SKA members! If you need it, chances are one of your fellow members can provide it.

North Carolina

LINWOOD CLARK MASONRY PO BOX 33341 RALEIGH NC 27636 LINWOOD CLARK 919-291-3465 150*26*33465

BRAD CLARK 919-291-3466 or 150*26*43466 DONNIE BARNES 919-291-3685 or 150*26*33685 ANNETTE THOMAS 919-422-6904 Contact Donnie or Annette if we are fishing

FULL SERVICE EXTERIORS Home Improvements • Additions • Remodel Garages • Entrance Doors Vinyl Windows • Decks • Siding 20 yrs. Experience • Free Estimates From Raleigh to the Coast Ashley Jones • Miss Teny Fishing Team 252-747-5373 phone/fax •

Ocean Isle Fishing Center Capts. Brant & Barrett McMullan Expert Advice and the Equipment You Need to Succeed. • Shop Online • Competitive Pricing

(910) 575-FISH •

Skirts For “REEL” Men

Manufacturer of quality trolling and jigging products. Visit 910-270-3718

407 W. MAIN ST. • HAVELOCK, NC 28532 TIM NEWTON • OfÀce: (252) 447-7372 • Cell (252) 422-4033 SKA Members Only: To see your ad on this page call Bobby or Deona at 904/819.0360 or in the Carolinas call Don Ewing at 910/695.6818 April April 2009 2009 || ANGLER NGLER

51 51

Members Helping Members Check out the products and services offered by these SKA members! If you need it, chances are one of your fellow members can provide it.


Can we build one for you? Call for an appointment to Tune Up your trailer.

mustard seed 10105 Cedar Run Without Tampa, Florida 33619 UESTION Phone: 813.689.3096 Fax: 813.654.3267 E-Mail:








Christine Rodenbaugh






Business Cards | Rack Cards Booklets | Letterheads | Envelopes Magnets | Posters | Sell Sheets | More! New! Metallic Inks and Round Corners

Go to for SKA members-only pricing!

NOAA to Establish Eight Federal Marine Protected Areas in the South Atlantic Industry and fishery conservation groups learned recently that the Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is preparing to announce the final rule creating eight marine protected areas (MPAs) off the coasts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Known as Amendment 14, the rule is a change to the federal South Atlantic Region’s Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for the snapper/grouper fishery. This ruling does not affect coastal waters under state jurisdiction. Although the amendment will establish eight MPAs for the snapper/ grouper fishery, the ruling itself does not ban sportfishing altogether, bottom fishing in the designated areas is prohibited. Trolling over the top is a permitted activity. The ruling was prepared and submitted by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council only after an extensive science-driven and transparent public process. The sportfishing community contributed to the decision making process over several years of deliberation and fact finding. The MPAs are intended to protect a portion of the habitat of long-lived, slow-growing deepwater snapper and grouper from current fishing pressure within the proposed MPAs, while at the same time seeking to minimize the adverse social and economic effects on the sportfishing industry, recreational anglers and the coastal communities that benefit from marine fishing. There is also a provision in the rule that allows for review and lifting of the restrictions if the data indicates that the fisheries goals have been met. “Do we like restrictions on recreational fishing? Of course not: however, this was a deliberative and public process where all the known facts were laid on the table. In this case, the facts said that restricting access to the snapper/grouper fishery in certain designated areas was in the best interests of the fisheries and the communities and industries that depend on them and we support that,” said American Sportfishing Association President and 52

CEO Mike Nussman. “For decades, the sportfishing industry and anglers themselves have supported efforts to improve our nation’s fisheries. These MPAs were created using a public process, driven by sound science, which took into account the economic and social impacts their creation will have in South Atlantic.” “This is the way MPAs should be established,” said Jeff Crane, president of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. “This process brings together federal and state agencies, along with industry, academia and other groups in a process that balances the economic, social and recreational uses of the area under consideration with the needs of the fisheries and their supporting habitats. The regional fishery councils study, consider and propose changes to the FMPs using a governance system that will closely monitor and appropriately adjust any established areas over time.” The South Atlantic MPAs range from 50 to 500 nautical square miles in size and range from nine to 30 nautical miles offshore. The sites were chosen on the basis of maximizing the biological benefits while minimizing the adverse social and economic effects. “Sportsmen and women are the backbone of conservation in this country. For over a hundred years, anglers and hunters have adhered to seasons, bag limits and other management measures designed to sustain and improve our fish and wildlife resources,” said ASA Vice President Gordon Robertson. “We are encouraged that President-elect Obama recognizes this as reflected in remarks he’s made on the campaign trail and in recent interviews supporting public access to public lands and waters.” “The thoughtful, thorough and transparent process leading up to this final rule is the collaborative way to reach the best decisions regarding our environment. Using other means, such as proclamations, subvert what should be an open process and don’t achieve a result that is in the best public interest for our public resources,” Robertson concluded. Q

A NGLER 2009 A April NGLER 2009|| |April ANGLER

May 1-2, 2009


Four Fish Marina

2225 NE Indian River Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957

772.334.0936 Captain’s Meeting: Friday, May 1st 7:00pm Fishing Day: Saturday only Check outs at St. Lucie and Ft. Pierce Inlets Inshore and Offshore Divisions Multi Specie Format Kingfish, Wahoo, Dolphin, Snapper, Grouper, Cobia (Offshore) Redfish, Snook and Trout (Inshore)

For more information call

904-669-8353 or visit

May 15-16, 2009


Tournament Site & Host Marina:

Lake Park Marina 105 Lakeshore Drive, Lake Park, FL 33403 561-881-3353 (boat slips, fuel, ice) Hosted by: The Town of Lake Park, Florida at Lake Park Marina Host Hotels: Check our web site Fishing Day: Saturday only Multi Specie Offshore Format Kingfish, Dolphin, Wahoo, Grouper, Snapper, Cobia

With check outs at Jupiter and Lake Worth Inlets Fish from 6:30 am till 6:00 pm For more information call

904-669-8353 April 2009 | ANGLER


2 . 1 5 More than 50 cash prize categories



Shot at more than $12,000 for the heaviest fish Exclusive prize $$$ for SKA teams Free fishing clinics for kids ® Kingfish ® Dolphin ® Wahoo ® Tuna ® Cobia

51 .2 po un d K in gf is

in th e 20 08 Sa u kt bu im K am te g in h – w in n

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June 13, 2009 oked On Ho




ANGLER | April 2009

April 2009 | ANGLER




TOURNAMENT June 5–6, 2009 Two-Way Marina, Brunswick, Georgia


* 1st . . . . . $10,000 2nd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 6th–10th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 11th–15th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300

23 & Under

$10,000 cash

1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 2nd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500

Contact: Rick Smith 912.265.0410

• Pays 10 places •

Special Prizes Lady Angler—Biggest King . . $1,000 in memory of SID STEVERSON sponsored by C.I.C.

Jr. Angler —Biggest King . . . . . $500 Sponsored by Justified Customs *based on 100 boats


$100 entry per boat (Pay back 85%) 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50% 2nd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30% 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20% 56

ANGLER | April 2009

Captain Larry “Huffy” Hoffman Memorial

18th Annual




* FIRST PLACE PRIZE! *Based on 100 boats.

PAYING 1 PLACE FOR EVERY 10 BOATS • 3 PLACES CLASS OF 23 LADY & JUNIOR 1st & 2nd PLACES Registration: Friday, May 8 Opens at 5:00 pm Early Entry: $300 (tax incl.) if received by May 1 Entry Fee: $350 (tax incl.) on May 2 and later


Captain’s Meeting: Friday, May 8 at 7pm Mandatory for all boats at Gator’s Cafe & Saloon.

SKA Division 6 Event

Fishing Schedule: Saturday, May 9 4 Check-outs | Sarasota, John’s Pass Clearwater Pass & Pass-A-Grille Scales Open: 3pm at Gator’s Cafe & Saloon Must check in by 4:30 pm Awards: Immediately following weigh-in

Ya Gotta Go To Gators! FUN • FOOD • DRINKS!

Information: 727/367-2942 | 12754 Kingfish Drive, Treasure Island, FL 33706

April 2009 | ANGLER



Prizes for Ladies & Juniors!

Payout 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


. $10,000 . . $5,000 . . $4,000 . . $2,500 . . $1,500 . . $1,000 . . . $900 . . . $800 . . . $700 . . . $500

Entry Fee: $350 before 4/8 $400 after

Class of 23 1 . . . $3,000 2 . . . $2,000 3 . . . $1,000 Every prize is a primary prize. You will be placed in the position where the dollar value is highest.

April 17–18, 2009

One Day Tournament Produced by SKA

Treasure Island, Florida

Schedule of Events


Gator’s on the Pass Treasure Island, Florida


7:00am Gatorʼs, Maryʼs Pier


Gatorʼs on the Pass April 17th, 4:00–8:00pm


You must be under the Johnʼs Pass Bridge by 4:30pm


One hour after last fish is weighed. Approx. 6pm

CAPT. MEETING: 7:30pm FISH DAY: Entry Form at under Div 6 Tournament Schedule 58

Saturday, April 18th One Day Event (Weather Day - Sunday)

*BIGGEST KINGFISH | Based on 100 boats. | SKA Rules to Apply

ANGLER | April 2009

Join America’s Premier the Tournament Trail! Enjoy Benefits of 2009 Membership Application SKA New

Professional Tour Captainʼs Dues . Competition Member . . . . . . . . . Competition Family . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Member . . . . . . . . . . .

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. . . . . . . . . ❑ $140 . ❑ $70. . . ❑ 65 ❑ 90. . . ❑ 85 ] . ❑ 40 (magazines only)

Family membership includes one Primary Member plus one family member. A Family Member is a Spouse/Partner or a Child who has not exceeded his 22nd birthday and still lives at home. Additional family members as defined are $30.00 each.

By submitting this application for membership each person/family hereby agrees to adhere to all SKA sanctioned and SKA produced tournament rules. Each primary member will receive 11 issues of our Angler magazine, which is for SKA members only. Group marine insurance is available through Charter Lakes Marine Insurance. Group boat financing available through

Return to: SKA, 15 Garnett Ave., St. Augustine, FL 32084 Fax with Credit Card no. to: 904.819.0331 APPLICATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED

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11 Issues of Angler magazine


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Membership Card and Embroidered Patch FREE d Classifie Ads Members Only Forum at FishSKA.c om Boat g Financin le b a Avail

Marine Insurance Available 59

C Boats 24' & Over 04 WELLCRAFT 35, (3)300 Yamahas, under warranty, Road King Tr, Simrad electronics, EPIRB, SAT stereo, charger, dual live wells, coffin box, Cannon dnriggers, oversz tabs,raw/fresh wash, custom rod hdrs, kept in covered storage, well maintain $105,000, 9194895658, 2008 32' Yellowfin, Merc 275 HP 4-stroke Verados, E-120 Raymarine electronics, Sirius satellite weather radio, aluminum heavy duty dual axle ameri-trail trailer, electric brakes, Sony sound system, VHF, below deck live well and rear live - well, coffin box, Scotty Downriggers, and much more! Boat is kept indoors, and maintained very well, asking $125,900. Vero Beach, Florida. Call Anthony at (772) 359-4197 2007 36' Yellowfin Triple 275 verados w/warranty 2 Raymarine E120's with radar VHF Radio AM/FM/CD/ Sirus Stereo Outriggers 2 Livewells Fresh & Saltwater washdown Load master trailer Dan Crowley - $135,000 - 904.219.2739 36 Contender 2001, with brand new twin 08 Yamaha F350's-warranty thru 2014. TR-1 auto, Northstar, Icom, Si-tex CVS 106... Also, brand new Magic Tilt tri- axle trailer with electric brakes. Boat is turn key ready. top speed-55mph/66gph, cruise- 38mph/32gph- Email or call Brant McMullan - (910) 3672945. MAKE AN OFFER! Asking $105,000. 2009 38'CC Open Fountain Untitled w/ Triple Verados, 450 Gal. Fuel Cap. Electric Bolster, Coffin Box, Transom Rocket Launcher, Pompanette Sail Fish Chair. Rup Outriggers, 12 Lee Rod Holders on Gunwals. Garmin 5212 GPS/Radar/Fish Finder. Icom VHF. Pioneer Stereo System. Loaded w/ MYCO Trailer. Full Warranties $189.9K Call 904.838.3230. 1999 26 Regulator 26FS,2x250 Yamaha's EFI‚ V6 cylinder, models LZ250TXRB,Port engine 33 hours; Starboard engine 34 hours,230 gallon fuel capacity, Icon, model IC-M45,Garmin, model GPS MAP 180,Furuno FCV 582C fish finder, Stereo:Clarion, model M-455 with amplifier, $55,000OBO 954-658-0451 2007 Regulator 29FS in excellent condition. Twin Yamaha F250. Furuno Navnet, openray radar, Icom radios, Simrad auto, glenning controls, led underwater lights Evry option you can get this boat has and some. 500 hrs. service just completed. $136K 910-520-4308 2009 26' Twin Vee, CC, Twin Suzuki 140h.p. four strokes, dual axle trailer, t-top, fresh and saltwater washdown, Steal this boat for $49,500, need money asap. Call 772-359-3641 1998 31' Fountain TE 2005 225 Opti's with low hours (Warranty). New 2007 triple axle trailer, furuno electronics, new custom leaning post, new pumps and wiring and much more. Call anytime $60K OBO Must Sell!! (843)333-5336 2004 27' Contender, Yamaha 300HPDI's w/warranty till Feb. $75,000 obo '09, Loadmaster, Garmin 2010C,ICOM VHF,CD,36'CC console,full curtains w/wings,oversized livewell with 2 pumps, bait/Tuna tube, wired for elect. downriggers, excellent condition! 904-994-5230 2000 32' Sea Craft, 2005 225 Mercury 4-stroke, warr. until 2011, 2007 Load Master trailer. Furuno GPS, fishfinder, radar, icom vhf and Simrad auto pilot. New curtains and coaming pads. Boat only has 380 hrs on it and motors have 200. 2005 32 Fountain 08 300 Verados, twin 10"Furuno NavNet, radar, 2 Icom radios, stereo/xm radio, full custom cover, 2 Penn elec. downriggers, black sides, triple loadmaster trailer. $119,500.00. Jax Bch,FL 904219-1950 Clay Philips excellent condition 34 Yellowfin Triple Yamaha 250 Four Strokes 700 Hrs 2005 Loadmaster Trailer W Mags and New Brakes and Tires Loaded Garmin 4212 Etc Etc Etc Call Mark 843 345 60





5290 $175,000 2690 cc Triton,Twin Yamaha 200 hp, outriggers, curtains, loaded electronics, Fighting yellow hull, Too many options to name. Excellent condition,Low hours. Warranty till 2010.A steal @ $75,000.00 Call Chris @ 910-262-2223 2006 Hydra Sport 33 vector 2-250 4-stk Yamaha, 260hrs,warrenty thru 2010 dual e-120 Raymarine, auto pilot, sirius sat. weather Myco triple ax trailer, 4 elt. reel stat. many extras, always covered $134900,386546-0994, will nego. 1998 Intrepid 323 w/ '04 250 XS Mercs. Remanufactured in 7/08 w/ transferable 6 yr wrrnty. '05,new Ray E80,C80, radar, depth & chart. '08 rebuilt trler Kodiak discs, new vinyl, full cover. Killer stereo 843-795-1341 or 404-617-6521 C $75,000 OBO 11/08 2004 Fountain 29' Sportfish Tour Edition w/2-225 HP Mercury Optimax (warr til 2010). Road King Trl includ, full electronics, bright red w/gold hook graphics. Garage kept. $63,000 (firm). 919-422-0886 32 2005 Fountain CC w/twin 275 verados. Furuno Navnet electronics w/twin screens and open array 4kw radar. Loadmaster trailer. Engine warranty till 2011. Like new. 904.545.3176 $90,000. obo. '08 31T Contender "Kingfish One"-Ice Blue Hull - Dark Blue Bottom, Loaded and Ready to Fish, 4 Live Wells, Twin 350 Yamahas, Raymarine Electronics, C-120, Radar, VHF, Airmar Transducer, Clarion Stereo w/ Speakers. Custom Loadmaster Aluminum Trailer, Twin Spares & Hubs, Triple Axel for Safety, Mag Wheels, Outriggers with Poles. Boat Options: Deluxe T-Top with Kingfish Rod Holders, Console Rod Holders & Shotgun Transom Mount Rod Holders, Freshwater System and Saltwater Washdown, Custom Leaning Post / Livewell & Bolster Backrest, Cockpit Coaming Bolster, Polycarb Enclosure. Cost over $170,000. Approximately 30 hours on motors. $144,900. Loaded and Ready to Fish! Serious Inquiries Only. No Trades. 904/819-0360 or 386/801-3200. 27' Contender (2005) for sale with twin 275 Mercury Verados. Extended warranty on motors until February 2011. Loaded with extra fuel (290 gallons total), electronics, and 2005 Loadmaster Trailer. Asking $88,500. Contact Tyler @ 904-219-1611 2004 Wellcraft 32ccf w/ 2 Yamaha 250 HPDI's. It has a 10" Simrad CE44, a 2KW Radar, Icom 604 VHF marine radio. Clarion Sterio, 2 Cannon downriggers, Taco outriggers, a 2007 Road King Trailer, ETC. Asking $90,000 OBO Call Cecil Holcomb 919-796-0184 1999 fountain center console ,twin 200 hp mercurys new power heads sept 04, aluminum loadmaster trailer . $ 36,000.00 or best offer can be seen at nationals or contact joe gilleland @ 713-852-7317 or gilleland_3@ 2005 Robalo 27 CC powered with twin F225s and under 110 hrs. Still under warranty. 55,000 or best offer. Can be seen at Call 912577-0552 Capt. Howard Poe 2006 36 Yellowfin $170,000, triple 275 Merc Verados (war til 9/11),coffin box, 2 Raymarine E-120's, radar, Furuno Loran, stereo (cd, 6 speakers, sirius sat ready), 2 livewells, lean post, cover, Loadmaster trailer. Divorce forces sale! 904-229-6086 1999 Contender 25 Open Cc & Magic Tilt Trailer 2008 Twin 200 Yamaha Hpdis - 125 Hrs & 5-Yr Warr New Si-Tex Electronics Excellent Condition, Many Options $65,000 Obo Call Mark, 910-376-4144. www. Mark@Liquidfirefishing.Com 2005 Contender 36' Open, (3) 300 Hpdi's. Full Furuno Elec. Nav Net, Auto Pilot Souner,4kw Radar And A Stereo That Will Rock The Dock. To Many Extras To List. Asking $135,000 offers welcome. Call Zach 228-2193931 or e-mail







2006 regulator 32 classic twin 250 four stroke Yamahas Raymarine c12 electronics with radar. boat with trailer $142,000 300 hours with warranty. contact Michael Woolard 912-237-1146

Furuno 1650, vhf radios Taco outriggers, Penn down riggers, alum dual axle trailer, full curtains and boat cover. Wrty on eng. Kingsville Texas 361-592-7394 cell 910-389-2332 27,000

2008 Cape Horn 31 Offshore. $129,000. Twin Yamaha F-350's, Star Line Alum trlr. Motors, hull, trailer all under warranty & just had 100 hr. svc. Custom T-Top, Garmin 5212, Furuno 585 Sounder, TR-1 Auto, Aquatics Stereo, Icom VHF. Like New. 281-808-8702

1992 31 FT FOUNTAIN SF CRUISER twin 1999 250 HP Yamahas. V-Berth, convertible dinette and enclosed head. Garmin GPS, Furuno Depth. T-Top. Fast and comfortable. $34,900.00 Bob Nordstrom at WCYS 978852-4844 /

06 34' Fountain w/ 3 - 275 Verado's. Warranty thru 2012. White hull w/ purple trim and top. 325 gal fuel, Ray Marine e120's, radar, EPIRB, Wilson raft, TR1 Autopilot, too much to list! Less than 400 hrs. $165,000. (985) 855 3150

2008 McKeeCraft Freedom28CC, Yam 250F's warr until 3/2014, $27K worth Furuno Electronics, swordfish light, VHS, stereo, has every option except windlass, Ameritrail 3 axle w/elec over hydraulic brakes. A steal @ $120Kobo. Call Tom @ 904 568-4219

05 TE 31' Fountain twin 250xs, Furuno fish finder,radar, white cannon downriggers, extra props, saltwater washdown,200gal fuel tank, lots of storage, loadmaster trailer, custom rims, new tires. $87,500.00 (904)753-3000 or e-mail

1988 25' boston whaler outrage twin 99 150 evinrudes 06 trip axle trailer very clean 409-750-1510 Matt

**NEW** 25' Contender twin 200 Yamaha's Best offer over $85,000 call Mike Crabtree 912-399-9467

2006 Yellowfin 34 275 Verados Twin Raymarine E-120's 4kw Open Array Twin Raymarine VHF Clarion CD/Sirrius Loadmaster w/Spare Taco outriggers $170,000 OBO Call Richard 904-806-0157

2000 264 Cobia center console. 2000 twin 150 HP Yamaha HPDI. T-top, leaning post, Eisenglass, baitwell, 2004 Triple Axle 10,500lb trailer. $29,900 Call Steve at 850-897-2985

Contender 31/250 4stroke Yamaha's 2005, 16" Furuno NavNet, 24 mile radar, color bottom machine, vhf, stereo w/cd, phone, auto pilot, clear lw lids,kfish lw set, custom offshore t-top & leaning post, fw/sw wash, trp axl trlr , loaded boat $115,900. 850.934.0076

2004 31 Contender w/300 HPDI's. Warranty til 6/09. Northstar, ICOM, Elec Downriggers, Trailer, Radar, Auto Pilot, Digital Phone, AM/FM/XM/CD Stereo, Live well under leaning post, T-Top w/full curtains. Exc. Cond. 910-617-4281or $89,900

2007 36' Invincible, trip 250 E-Tecs, Triple Axle Myco Trailer, Furuno Navnet System, Full Curtains, Coffin Box, Wrap around seats with tackle station, Icon Radio, Outriggers, 2000 Watt AM-FM-CD Stereo, Call Albert 713-252-2422

2006 Fountain 32 CC with 275 Verados, 110 hours, Furuno Electronics, warranty, Magic Tilt trailer, VacuFlush Head, Transom Backrest, Contact Andy @ 910264-4818

2006 donzi 35 zf twin 275 verados all service complete 165hours on motors furuno electronics,12kw radar, chartplotter,1kw bottom finder,JL audio stereo,garmin backup electronics. aluminum trailer,located in florida (321)431 5902 Rob $115,000 obo

31' Contender Cuddy w/2006 Yamaha 250 4 Strokes 4 Year Warr 140 HRS 3 Axle TRL06, T Top, Side Curtains, Wings, Rudd Outriggers, 2 Cannon Mag 20 Downriggers, NstarGPS Radar, Full Elect Ultimate Fishing Mach, Excel Cond, Garage Kept, $90,000 912496-7469 912-282-2105

04 contender 31' cc, 07 twin Yamaha 4 strokes with new controls,gages steering 260 hours, warranty10/2012, furuno instruments,2 radios, loadmaster triple axle trailer ,new brakes, 3 live wells $112,000 email or call 843-830-4536

2000 31ft contender w/ 2003 Yamaha 250 HPDI.10 inch Northstar 6000i sitex bottom machine, 2 sitex vhf"s and an awesome sound system. You will not find a nicer one anywhere. This boat must sell today. 67,000 Baby on the way bring any offers 843-446-6833

2008 Donzi, 35ZF with twin 350 Yamahas. (2)additional cleats, (4)additional rod holders, battery charger, Powdercoat Package, Second Baitwell Pump, Second Tackle Box, Stereo w/ Sirius Satellite Radio and T-Top w/ Radio Box. Wesco trl. 843-399-9283

2008 36' Invincible, Triple 300hp Mercury Verado's 150hrs, Float On Trailer, Furuno 1852 Nav Net w/ radar. 1kw transducer. Garmin 3210 w/Sat radio, XM weather, DVD, 2 Icom radios, Head, Fresh and Raw water, underwater lights. Taco Outriggers. Please call Chad @ 904-237-6118.

2008 SeaCraft 32 Twin 300 Verados. Every Option. Twin E80 Raymarine, Radar, GPS, Weather, 1000 w Sounder 154 VHF, Stereo with Amp. 180 Gal of Livewell. With Trailer. MSRP 152 k Asking $122,000.00 Novemeber sale Call Rob (704) 458-4669

03 Fountain 34CC, trip 225 optimax, 12kw furuno radar and Navnet (GPS numbers included), stereo, VHF and plenty of rod holders.Also Loadmaster tri axle trailer and canvas boat cover. "must sell new boat ordered" 80K Call Jim at 407-947-9628 anytime 2002 25.96 Hydra-Sports CC, counter-rotating 2001 HPD1 200-HP Yamahas; 320 hours on complete package, down riggers, out riggers, trim tabs, GPS, curtains, leaning post, cushions, tri-axle Loadmaster trailer with disc brakes on front axle and power winch. $64,000. 919-778-3736 EST after 7:30 pm 2004 28' Privateer 2008 225 optimax Garmin 3208C & 206C Simrad auto polit 2 icoms vhs poly planer radio CD gore t-top and comand center new bolsters 3axel load master trailor this is a nice boat and great ride $80K Call Jason 910-367-7287 2005 Fountain 29' Sportfish, Twin 225 Optimax O/B. 200 hours. 2008 McClain Aluminum Trailer. 2 mpg. Garmin GPS, Furuno Bottom Machine, Kenwood stereo, Raw water washdown. 50 gallon Livewell. $75,500 OBO. 250 C Ranger 97, Twin 225 Opti's 05's, smart guages,

351 cc Triton trip 275 2008 model. Boat is 05 with new t/top, windshield from factory. Nice boat with out&down riggers windless 2 livewells lots of storages &cooler space. call Tony@281-830-7001 50 to 60 hrs raymarine elect 2006 JUPITER 29FS, 29, This Jupiter Factory Demo boat is and offshore boater's dream in mint condition with many extras. Jupiter 29FS. The owner is moving up in size and this captain maintained beauty is close to perfect. It features twin Yamaha 4 stroke 250's with extended warranties, ice blue hull sides with name is a decal that can easily be removed, a Furuno 1834 color radar, plotter/fishfinder, interior head,tri-axle trailer and much more. Please see the full specs for a detailed listing. $139,000 850-206-2225 2005 Wellcraft 32' Twin 300 HP Yamaha's New Simrad Electronics, Head, Satellite Radio, Two VHF Radios, Fresh water, Two Livewells, Trailer, Battery Charger, 286 Gal. Fuel Tank and Trim Tabs. Boat is in excellent condition. Selling due to health. $90,000.00 Telephone 919-271-2277 1998 Intrepid 322 for sale. Boat was redone in 2004 with 250 Optimax's, new Loadmaster trailer, and canANGLER | April 2009

vas. Electronics were new in 2006 with full Raymarine package to include two 8' screens. Call for more info. Asking $79,900 Call (843)708-5298 2005 29' Fountain SFC Twin 225 Optimax's. Top of the line electronics including color radar. Downriggers included. Less than 100 hours. Warranty. $82,000 obo Call Mike at 912-312-0696. 1998 Contender 27 Open, 27' 0'' Boat is ready to fish! Turn Key. Tandem Axle Alum. Trailer, 800 Hours on 2001 Yamaha SX250's. Furuno 1650GPS, Furuno FCV582 Depth Recorder, VHR Radio, AM/FM/CD, Raytheon AutoPilot, Rupp Outriggers, Curtain Wingouts, New Bench Cushion, No Bottom Paint, Yamalube Fed, All Maintnence Records from current owner, Offered by Carolina Boat Brokerage, LLC $49,995 843-458-5912 2007 DONZI ZFO with the best of everything.Triple brand new 0 hours 300Mercury XS's,Coffin Box,150gal LW,1-70gal LW,30 fresh water, Saltwater washdown,SIMRAD15" W/12KW radar,Sounder, GPS,SIMRAD34 W/GPS/Sounder, 2- radios, $168,900 941-809-0548 289 Intrepid 1998 with 2005 Yamaha 250 four strokes with 1000 hours and all service records,new triple axle trailer, Garmin 3210 w-radar,furuno 585,icom vhf,poly planer cd.boat is completely redone and immaculate. $80,000 call Kevin (727) 647-1149 If you are looking for a fast economical ride then look no further this 32' 05 Fountain CC has all the bells and whistles.Load Master Tri axel Trailer, Ray Marine Electronics Package. 275 Veredos, Full Cover, Asking $129.0000 E-Mail 2004 Contender 31 33 LOA TWIN 250 HPDI FULL Warranty till 09. Mint Condition. NEVER TOURNAMENT FISHED. Trailer and Full electronics included. Every upgrade possible. Asking 108K. Please email me for pics 2006 29' SEAVEE W TWIN 250 Verados 5 Years Ext Warranty + 280 hr. Key West Style Top, Two Livewell pumps, Coaming pads, Loaded with factory optins. Furuno Elect's. JL Audio Sound System. Continental Tandem Axel Trailer. Call for more details and pics. $122k. Call Jeff at 910-279-3538. $98,900 -- 2004 DONZI 35ZF factory maintained and powered by twin 2007 Mercury OptiMax warranted through 2012. Full SKA package including reinforced T-Top, Radio Box, fore and aft Spreader Lights, upgraded and redundant Live well plumbing, 50 gallon Bait Tank, dual Battery Charger, Porta-poti, step down head under console, low profile Grab Rails, Coaming Bolsters, 6 extra Rod holders, integrated Raymarine GPS, SONAR and 24 mile RADAR with twin color screens, dual VHF Radios, Map compartment and light, Mechanical room lights, Loadmaster tri-axle aluminum Trailers with two spares, boat has been dry stored, treated with TLC and is in great condition, ready to fish the trail or cruise to the Bahamas for family fun. Purchasing a new boat and must move this one. More pictures and details can be seen at click on the equipment section, call Jeff at 770.855.3751 or email

Boats Under 24' 1997 17ft Montauk Classic.90HP Mercury. Nicest around. Fresh water boat til 06. Full Sunbrella cover. Low hours, good compression, no rust -solid. Garmin color depth & chart. Icom VHF, Magictilt AL Trailer w/ new radial tires, springs and galvanized hubs. New steering cable w/ lub fitting in 2008, Seats and vinyl good. New Molller 28 gal gas tank. All fuel lines upgraded for ethanol and water separator. Open checkbook maintained - Charleston,SC. Asking $13,900 Make offer Pete 843-795-1341 H or 404-617-6521 cell. Will consider trades for a bay/flats boat. 2000 Model Key West 2020 Center Console; Mercury 135 HP Optimax engine with +/- 800 hours & SS Propeller; Magic Tilt aluminum single axle trailer with spare tire & w/o brakes. $15,000 OBO Contact Lewis @ April 2009 | ANGLER

919.538.6764 or 21 ft Mako, 225 Mariner, T-Top, Leaning Post, Dual Axil Towmaster Trailer. Asking price $11,000.00 Call 979865-8382 or 979-877-4169. 2001 Sea Craft 21 with 200 mercury, garmin gps icom vhf tandem axle trailer, sony sound system , the mercury comes with smart craft very nice boat need to sell new one on the way if interested call me at 251-7531018 willing to make deal call!!! 1999 Contender 23 Open, 250 OX66, less than 800 hrs. 2007 Road King trailer, Lowrance GPS/depth finder, VHF, CD player, like new full curtains w/ wings $32,000 call Doug 843-514-6247 21' Sea Hunt Triton 2006 ctr console w/ ttop, 2006 Yamaha 200 HPDI, less than 200 hours, new trailer included, Lowrance GPS, Sounder, VHF, cd player, like new, boat cover incl, asking $28K. Call 912-657-3168. 2006 Kencraft Challenger 235 w/ 2 Mercury 225 Optimaxes, 7" Lowerace Chartplotter, Furuno Deptfinder, Uniden 525 VHF Radio, Sony Sterio, Livewell with 2 pumps Washdown, and Dual bank battery charger. Asking $50,000 Call Cecil Holcomb 919-796-0184 2005 sailfish 238 tournament, twin 200 hpdi, 560 hrs., garmin gps, furuno radar, furuno bottom machine, simrad autopilot, cd player, uhf radio, professionally installed excellent condition, $58k contact john (912) 687-1088 2000 Trophy 19' deep V powered by 150 Mercury. Furuno GPS. Aurora VHF radio with 8' ant. Raytheon L365 Fishfinder. Pyle AM/FM/CD with 8' ant. and 6" Pyle tower speakers. Custom built T-Top. Great running condition. 12K OBO (912) 690-3857 1999 Cape Horn 19 -T -Top, radio box ,VHF, GPS, Sitex Color depth finder. Tandem axle trailer, leaning post ,outriggers ,Bennett trim tabs ,new tires. Johnson 150 hp Ocean Pro Motor-low hours. Pictures upon request. Ready to fish! 16,500.00 OBO 2004 Trophy 1703 CC, 90 Hp Mercury 2-stroke, 54lb thrust motorguide great white trolling motor, 13 gallon livewell, 54 quart cooler, galvanized trailer, approx. 100 hours. Email for more information. $11,000 OBO. 2003 Prosport ( Plumbfun ) 150 HPDI,Salt & Fresh Washdown,Garmin 498,(2) Cannon Downriggers,30 Gallon Livewell, AM/FM/CD,VHF,700 HOURS ,25,000.00 . DAY 912-265-5294 NIGHT 912-262-9535 2003 Fountain 23 TE Fully Loaded with Furuno Electronics package. Contact Brian:727-434-0865 07 Contender 21 open center console,Yamaha 200 HPDI,Garmin 3206,Sony CD/MP3 player, Infinity kappa speakers,150 hrs,loaded,asking $45K,Negotiable,Call 912-270-3040 23' Pathfinder DV twin 150 4stroke yammahas. Great tournament class boat. Full electronics Raymarine C80, Key west style hard top, 45 gallon livewell, 2 pitchwells. E-Z loader trailer. $49,500 Call 321 302-8039 for pics. 2007 2380cc Tournament Edition Sailfish Twin F250 Yamaha's, Full Electronics,T-Top, Curtains,60 Gal Livewell, Al. Trailer, Tournament Ready, Low Hours Call For Price, 843-908-4066 Or 843-835-3300 2007 Ranger 183 Ghost Bayboat. Yamaha 150 4stroke with 70 hrs. Jackplates, Power Pole, Trim Tabs, Furuno electronics. $36,000 Don Ewing 910.695.6818 2003 21 contender 250hpdi yam/450hrs. white/ navy offshore tower,t-top,raymarine rl80c,clarion cd,pioneer,loadmaster tandem trl w/alum. wheels,very nice, well maintained,not a tournament boat 33,500 obo 772-201-0203 or 2003 Ranger Cayman flats boat, the baddest flats boat on the water! 225 yamaha v max with low hours, and custom ranger trailer, call 772 359 4197 for Anthony Asking $28,000.00 2005 2200 Nautic Star Bay Boat with all options including Hydraulic Jackplate and trim tabs. Garmin color

178C sounder/GPS. 2007 Mercury 225 Optimax with 120 hours and 5 years factory warranty. Stainless steel REV-4 prop. With trailer 910-579-7424. 2003 RANGER CAYMAN 223 with 225 Yamaha V Max. This is the most impressive flats boat on the water. Sold with custom Ranger trailer, Raymarine electronics, vhf, pole platform, factory seats, and full power trim and jack plate. call 772 359 4197 2000 C-Hawk 235 Center Console, alum. magic tilt trailer, 225 Johnson Ocean Pro on Armstrong bracket. Awesome rough water boat, runs great. LMS 337 GPS/Sounder, Icom VHF, Penn downriggers, curtains, $25,000 obo, 336-798-7000 or 2006 23T blue hull white bottom, twin 200hp optimax's penn 625 downriggers, raymarine elect, fresh and saltwater wash, heavy loadmaster with custom rims and tool box, Boat is immaculate $70k firm 251675-4411 Mitch Mosley 2002 Triton 2486 Cuddy Cabin. Fully Rigged, 2-150HP Merc. EFI Mtrs w/ 535 hrs; Loadmaster Trailer; Lowrance equip, cd am/fm & marine radio, izman glass attachments, too many things to list $48,000.00 obo Todd, 941-809-7601, 06 23' SEA HUNT With 250 yam with 100 hrs fully rigged, 48,000 obo (DOUBLE TROUBLE DIV 4) contact jason at 912-270-5930 1984 Dusky 23CC w/1989 Yamaha 225 Custom T-top with extra rod holders, bow cushions, leaning post, 30 gal livewell, Armstrong ladder, 100 gal fuel, dual axle trailer & Furuno electronics. Runs strong! Asking $6,500. Call today at 727-410-4171 (FL) 2005 CONTENDER 23T, twin 200 Yamaha hpdi's with warranty thru 1/10/2010. This one-owner boat has been meticulously maintained and is fully equipped and ready to fish. $62,900 obo. Call Steve 251-3440707 or email

Marine Engines

294-4449 New in Box- 2008 or 2009 Mercury 250-Pro-XS -20" shaft. $14,200 Firm. Call Sandi Thrasher 334-7990011. 2-08 225Merc Opti 25" sft, warranty thru 4-2013. Exc condition, will have approx 100 hrs.In NC-will ship at buyers exp. Shipping prep costs by seller. Props not incl.available in Feb 09.$22,900 for both will separate.919-920-9133 2 2008 Yamaha F 250's. Yamaha Warranty to September 2013. Will sell one if the other is also sold. 256 hours on a 23 T/E Onslow Bay. Getting 2009's, look and run like new. Call for pricing, 910 326 2392. No props or controls, engines only. Will ship. 2005 Yamaha 300hpdi. Factory warranty until 2010. Original 250hrs on engine. All updates performed, and runs perfect. Can be run, as it's still on boat. Comes with all controls, harness ect. $11500.00 obo CALL: 727-460-8644 Brand new 07 Mercury 275 Verado 30 inch shaft. Warranty starts when engine sells. $14,500.00 910579-7424 or 910-264-2010. 250 Suzuki 4 stroke, 2005 with 230 hours and 30" shaft. Motor comes with all controls, gauges, harnesses, etc. Motor is extremely clean. $7500 Joe (561) 723-2411 Two 1996 Mercury motors 1 reg. and 1 counter with 30in.shafts good working powerheads but the lower units have crack in housing call Rob@910-330-6102. 2000 31ft contender w/ 2003 yamaha 250 HPDI. 10 inch northstar 6000i sitex bottom machine, 2 sitex vhf"s and an awesome sound system. You will not find a nicer one anywhere. This boat must sell today. 67,000 Baby on the way bring any offers 8434466833 Triple 275 Verados (2005) included with digital steering, digital shifters & wireing harness. A package deal for $24,000. Warranted until 6/26/09. Call Jason 912657-0037 or email

2- 2008 Merc. 225 opti's, approx. 100 hrs. fact. warr. thru 6/2013. 22k firm. 904-463-1492 Jax. Fl.

2006 Mercury 225 HP Opti-max in box Warranty until 3/11 13000.00. 252-241-0076 or

07 275HP Verado, 30" shaft. 9200$

Pair of 2007 225 HP Mercury Opti-maxes, 1 CW and 1 CCW with 150 Hours, Factory Maintained With Warranty Until 6/10 22,000.00 for pair or will separate for 12,000.00 each

2007 Yamaha F250's. Twin engines with warranty thru 2013. Well maintained and in perfect working condition. 1200 hours. Price includes engines only. $18,000. (910) 367-2945 or (3) 300 Evinrude E-Tecs, 2008 Motors with under 250hrs on them, Will break up if needed, $13,950 each. Call Bill Wummer, FL, 561-315-3722 or e-mail me at Pair of 2007 225 hp Optimax Motors. 25" Shaft. Warranty good thru March 2012. 19,900. Call Gary McBride 786-282-3101. Brand New 2009 Mercury OptiMax 225 - PAIR. In the crate. With full factory warranty. Delivery included in the price. $12,000.00 each firm. Will split up. These are brand new motors in the crate with full factory warranty. 305-206-8252 Tony 2001 200 opti max 450 hrs needs minor work some new parts asking $2,000. if interested please call me at 251-753-1018. 2008 Mercury 250 HP Optimax - approximately 100 very easy hours. Used on personal boat and not for tournament or charter fishing. 25" shaft length. Accepts all Mercury cable controls; Smartcraft or analog gauges. Run on Merc DFI oil only. Looks and runs like new. GREAT FUEL ECONOMY!!! Full warranty thru 2013. $12,650. Contact Gary Caputi at caputifish@ or call 732-899-9988 days. 1 pr 2006 F250 Yamaha with 490 hrs warr. to 4-12 SS props $22,000. 1 pr 2006 F250 Yamaha with 1150 hrs warr. to 2-09 SS props $15,000. 1 pr 2004 250 HPDI's 500 hrs $10,000. All 25 inch shafts, make offers Jim 1-252-883-9999 (3) 2008 Evinrude E-Tec 300 H.P. 175 Total Hours Each. (2) 25" (1) 30" Shafts. Motors are like brand new. Trailer kept. Flushed after every use. $36,000.00 (954)

(3) 275 2005 Mercury Verado 2 XL Shafts (25" Regular & Counter) & 1 XXL Shaft (30" Regular) 525 hours. Well maintained and clean. $9k each, or 26k for all three. Call Matt 727-692-4698 pair of 2004 mercury optimax 225hp 25" shaft 340 hours well maintained always kept inside warranty until july 09 $17500 call jason @910-367-7287 or Single or Pair of 2007 Merc. 225 hp. Opti's, warr. 5/2012, 135 hrs. Like new, no scratches. $10,500 each firm 904-463-1492 Jax. Fl.

SKA Web Site and Angler Classified Advertising is periodically purged of the oldest listings. Too often items sell and the seller forgets to notify the SKA office. If you would like your advertisement to continue, please resubmit the ad at SKA Classified advertising is for individuals only. Current SKA members may advertise their boat, motor, or vehicle for no charge. Dealers who want to list items for sale in SKA classifieds may contact Deona at 904.819.0360 or for rates. 61


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ANGLER 2009 April 2009| |April ANGLER

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ANGLER | April 2009

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