39,000 Miles and Counting
Back to School Savings
Weighing in on Weight Loss You Can Change the World
Advocating for Your Own Health Safer Schools
Sep/Oct 2009
PUBLISHER His Work Christian Publishing www.hisworkpub.com
Charlie Nardozzi Gardening with Charlie
CONTRIBUTORS EDITOR Angela J. Perez editor@fitchristian.com
Dale Fletcher Chris Chapan Gary Gresham Kim Beardsmore
Jenny Burr jenny.burr@fitchristian.com
Kevin Doberstein Sara Jo Poff
Nancy Napolitano Nancy’s New Beginnings newbeginnings@fitchristian.com
Jenny Burr “Miss Communication” misscommunication@fitchristian.com David Luther Through the Bible david.luther@fitchristian.com Angela J. Perez Scripture & Reflection editor@fitchristian.com
Featured Videos: After-School Fuel: Power Up With Organic Snacks Learn more about organic food from some of the families who farm the organic way.
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The Fit Christian Magazine His Work Christian Publishing P.O. Box 5732 Ketchikan, AK 99901 P: 206.274.8474 F: 614.388.0664 www.fitchristian.com
Dennis Ellingson God’s Healing Herbs
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Jenny Harper Mix it Up With Jenny
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On the cover: Photo courtesy iStock.com/© Bradley L. Marlow . Used with permission.
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved.
Editor’s Blog: Angela J. Perez, Editor of The Fit Christian, is a part-time blogger. You can read “On the Home Front” and more online.
More to Come! We have more Web content coming. Want to see something specific on our site? If so, contact the editor, Angela J. Perez, at editor@fitchristian.com and let her know your suggestions.
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A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing. www.fitchristian.com
6 39,000 Miles and Counting
7 Back to School Savings
Recently I went for a short run before the summer heat and humidity rose too much. The forecast high in Charlotte, North Carolina was 93. On many of my runs, I get ideas for my articles and posts to my blog and that was the case today...
9 Advocating For Your Own Health The number of adults who look to the Internet for health information has nearly doubled in the past two years, from 31 percent to 61 percent, according to a new study conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. In fact, the survey found that 60 percent of adults say their most....
12 Changing the World You can change the world. That's what the people behind the movement "We Are What We Do" believe. People like you taking small actions that add up to big change. It started with the question, "What would you ask one million people to do to change the world?"
Back-to-school shopping is an annual ritual that millions of parents participate in each year. In fact, back-to-school time is one of the biggest shopping seasons of the year, second only to the winter holidays. Last year, Americans spent more than $54 billion on supplies, clothes and ....
10 Safer Schools In 2003, a student's discovery of 8.5 fluid ounces of elemental mercury in an unlocked chemistry cabinet forced a high school in Washington, D.C. to close for 35 days. The cleanup cost more than $1 million.
15 Weighing In On Weight Loss Celeste LaBonte's knee gave out one day at home. Her orthopedist told the Blackstone, Mass. mom that the knee damage was caused by her excessive weight. Celeste found that, at 294 pounds, she had to use a seat belt extender on planes and that she had a difficult time going up stairs. But it wasn't until she learned of her husband's upcoming professional award and imagined embarrassment at the.... and lunch ideas from a registered dietitian, childhood nutrition expert and mom show you how.
Find these articles only at FitChristian.com:
Own Your Own Dream
Thousands of people decide to start a home-based business each Need a convenient way to store bagged bulk items or opened bags year. To have the best chance at success, they need this smart of popcorn or chips? A new kitchen gadget makes it easy and advice from business experts and people who’ve succeeded at owning their own dream. economical to keep foods fresh.
It's in the Bag!
Nutrition 101: Get Smart About Veggies for Back to School How do you make sure kids are eating healthy while at school? By engaging kids in the process and making nutritious food fun. Tips Š 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing. www.fitchristian.com
17 “Miss Communication” 47 Nancy’s New There’s No Place Like Home
20 Kids4Christ
Life is Like a Bicycle
Back to School Games | Get Your Preschool Reader–Back to School Ready
23 24
Food & Nutrition
49 Through the Bible 51 Scripture & Reflection
Back to School Meals | Fast and Fresh Meals in No Time | Smart Meal Ideas | Compete with Afternoon Chaos | School Lunches They’ll Love
Never Alone Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
31 Mix it Up with Jenny
18 Hit the Road
Game Day Meals that Score! | Soup’s On!
Plan a Budget-Friendly Road Trip
33 God’s Healing Herbs
Sabbath by Dan B. Allender
Echinacea, Elderberry, and Eucalyptus
35 Gardening with Charlie
18 Book Review
32 4344
For Women
34 Movie Review
37 Exercise the Right Way 5 Simple Weight Loss Tips | Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer | Women & Bodybuilding | Guide to Natural Bodybuilding Jargon
National Hispanic Heritage Month Sep 15th thru Oct 15th
25 Native American Day 26 Johnny Appleseed Day 27 Gold Star Mother's Day
7 Labor Day 11 Patriot Day 13 Grandparents Day 16 Stepfamily Day 17-23 Constitution Day and Week 19 Rosh Hashanah | Talk like a Pirate Day 21 International Day of Peace 22 First Day of Autumn
The High Holy Days The Jewish year begins in the fall with the celebration of the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. For more information on the Jewish holidays, visit http://www.holidaysmart.com/z _jewishholydays.htm
October Holidays:
Thanksgiving (Canada) 15 White Cane Safety Day 16 National Boss Day 17 Sweetest Day 18 National Forest Products Week 24 United Nations Day 25 Mother-In-Law Day 31 Halloween
National Hispanic Heritage Month Sep 15th thru Oct 15th National Disability Employment Awareness Month National Breast Cancer Month 8 National Children's Day 9 Leif Erikson Day 11 National School Lunch Week 12 Columbus Day Observed
Enjoy Nature the Natural Way
Sprinkles of Good Health
Steps to Success With Bulbs | Extending the Harvest Season
September Holidays:
Supernatural Athletes
The Imposter with Kevin Max
You can stay up-to-date on fitness events in your area by visiting these Web sites: Bodybuilding-Fitness-Figure Upcoming Events http://www.bodybuildbid.com/upcoming.html Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Contests http://www.naturalbodybuildingevents.com/month.html Professional Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Competitions http://www.naturalbodybuildingevents.com/ProShows.htm To list your event here for free, email the information to
Source: www.holidaysmart.com
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing. www.fitchristian.com
Greetings in Jesus! With this “Back-to-School” issue we bring you lots of ideas to get back into “school mode” with great articles, recipes, and more. The school year always seems to slow our lives down a bit. It tends to be more structured– with earlier bed times, less playing and more studying, less gaming and more reading–and I think that is why we look forward to the school days starting up again. Things are less chaotic, more planned and organized, and we know our day-to-day routine–at least Monday through Friday. Maybe some families have well-thought-out summer schedules, but not mine. We tend to go with flow, and you’ll find me sometimes struggling against the current. I like order over chaos and schedules over “flows”. I like to know what I am doing from one day to the next, or one hour to the next, and because of this I am thrilled to be back to school–I hope you are too. Happy Reading!
I spent most of this past month still in recovery mode, and in this I have made great gains. I do still have pain from complications from surgery and have been referred to a specialist to look into the situation. It is frustrating, especially when most women I have talked to talk about how wonderful they felt after their hysterectomy. I’m still waiting to feel wonderful, but I am not letting what I feel get in the way of what I need to do. The kids are back in school–yea! Chris Jr. is now in middle school, which is a whole new experience for him, one that, so far, he is enjoying. Cristina and Zack are re-engaging their minds toward their goals of receiving their high school diplomas. And I will resume my university studies next week, four classes this semester, but one is a mini-class. I can hardly wait when this dual-diploma seeking mom has her degrees on the wall! Crisitna has found the “love of her life”, Matt, and spent a lot of her summer out on the boat with him and they even went hunting a time or two. She also worked at one of the ‘tourist’ jewelry stores and made a little pocket money. While there she was able to ‘model’ jewelry and learned of all the different stones they carried. Engagement rings with big diamonds caught her eyes, especially since Matt has asked Cristina to marry him! She is so young that I am hoping it will pass. I am trying to not be overbearing in this situation. After all, I don’t want to crush her or turn her defiant because of what I think, feel, etc. So I am just quietly watching, carefully monitoring, and gently advising her that she really needs to think about the big picture–like his entire family will be her relatives (and ours), kids, work, college, etc. (Have any of you experienced one of your teens getting engaged? If so, I would like to hear from you.) For now, I am seeking God’s will, and encouraging Cristina to do the same, and I am holding off on an engagement party!
Cristina and Matt out on the boat. Photo provided by Cristina Willard. Used with permission. of His of Work Publishing. www.fitchristian.com © 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication A Publication His Christian Work Christian Publishing. www.fitchristian.com
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We are always looking for articles, recipes, photos, book reviews, suggestions, and new ideas for The Fit Christian. Please feel free to submit yours , as well as your comments to the editor. Feel free to print out this magazine and pass it out at churches, gyms, to your friends and family, co-workers, and anyone else who would enjoy The Fit Christian. © Copyright 2003-2009 The Fit Christian. A ministry publication of His Work Christian Publishing (www.hisworkpub.com), USA. All Rights Reserved. No part of the magazine may be copied and reprinted without the express written permission from the editor, or the writers. Please contact the editor, Angela J. Perez, for reprint permission. Any views listed in articles or advertisements are not necessarily the views of The Fit Christian, His Work Christian Publishing or the owner or its contractors or employees. The Fit Christian and His Work Christian Publishing will not be held responsible for any claims against writers, or advertisers in the magazine or on the Web site. Contact The Fit Christian: editor@fitchristian.com His Work Christian Publishing The Fit Christian Magazine P.O. Box 5732 Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 www.fitchristian.com
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing. www.fitchristian.com
39,000 Miles
By Dale Fletcher
mile. During three years of high school, I logged 1,914 miles. The most covered in one day was 18 and the most in a week was 60. At West Point, I ran during cross country, indoor and outdoor track. At the peak of my competitiveness, I was averaging close to 8 miles/day and on Thursday, December 13th, 1973, I passed the 10,000 mile mark! Over the last 25 years or so, my runs have been about 2-3 miles and I've gotten out two or three times a week. By my estimate, I have covered approximately 39,000 miles over these last 42 years. Wow! I had no idea. I am amazed that my joints, especially my knees, have held out. It's a good thing that I have not continued with the competitive running. I can't imagine that my knees would still be hanging in there if that was the case.
and Counting
I have had a major shift in my overall motivation for working out and staying in shape in the last handful of years. It's so that I can stay healthy which helps me to better do the work that God calls me to do. I know that I am more alert, have more energy and can stay better focused when I work out on a regular basis. Keeping fit also contributes to reducing my chances of the many lifestyle-related diseases that could set in and hamper my efforts to do things for God.
Paul reminds us in Ephesians 2:10 that "We are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Certainly, it is a miracle in itself that God designed the human body so that it could run 39,000 miles and more over a lifetime. He has put our bodies together in unimaginable ways. My heart has beaten at least 1.8 trillion times over the last 58 The thought popped into my mind that I have been running years. Imagine that, another miracle! over 40 years. It's actually been 42 years because I started in the 10th grade in Atlanta, Georgia. Through high school, In 1 Timothy 4:7-8 we are reminded by Paul to "Spend your prep school, college and then for a time afterwards, I enjoyed time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. success as a long distance runner. The longer the distance the Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is more competitive I was. My last major run in a competition much more important for it promises a reward in both this was the Louisville Marathon in 1985. Since that time, I've life and the next" (New run primarily to stay healthy, fit and manage my stress. I also Living Translation – First enjoy it. Edition).
ecently I went for a short run before the summer heat and humidity rose too much. The forecast high in Charlotte, North Carolina was 93. On many of my runs, I get ideas for my articles and posts to my blog and that was the case today.
As my thoughts during my run continued, I wondered how many miles I might have run over the years. I suspected that I could come up with a pretty good estimate because I kept good records when I was competing in school and afterwards for a while. When I finished my run, showered and ate, I went upstairs to pull my running logs off the shelf of my bookcase. I used 3-ring spiral notebooks, typically using one page to log my running efforts during each week.
Clearly there is much benefit to being physically fit, but it is even more important to be spiritually fit. Spiritual exercises like reading the Bible, praying, surrendering to God, serving others and forgiving others are all important as-
Looking over the notebooks revealed some neat facts and memories. On Sunday, September 1, 1968, I ran my 1000th
See “39,000 Miles” page 8 © 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Do Your Homework You might find a great deal on a backpack or computer, but is the cost savings really worth a possible trade off in quality? Find out how products stack up to real world use at sites such as Epinions.com, where users share their product experience. At ConsumerSearch.com, there are expert and user reviews shown side by side for each product. Back-to-school shopping is an annual ritual that millions of A little research can save you time, hassle and money down parents participate in each year. In fact, back-to-school time the road. is one of the biggest shopping seasons of the year, second only to the winter holidays. Last year, Americans spent more Get the Latest Scoop than $54 billion on supplies, clothes and electronics for If you know exactly what you want to buy, sign up for school and college-age kids, according to the National Retail notifications from Craigslist.com and eBay.com. Both sites Federation, with jeans, backpacks and electronics as some of will notify you of new listings matching your search criteria– so when someone wants to sell that Juicy Couture jacket the most popular back-to-school products. you’re looking for, you’ll know right away. Getting what students need and keeping the costs reasonable calls for some smart shopping strategies. The easiest place to If you need help deciding how to get the best product for start is at your computer. These tips will help you study the your money, look at online buying guides. Not sure which laptop to get? Need help figuring out what kind of backpack online possibilities and earn some A+ deals. or desk chair to get? Check out a mix of user and professional reviews at Bing.com/shopping or read Overstock.com Add Up Extra Savings Before you start hunting down everything on the must-have buying guides — there are helpful tips on what to look for and how to make a smart choice. list, check for printable coupons or online coupon codes on Web sites such as: Couponcabin.com: The site is updated several times a day, and you can sign up to get a weekly newsletter alerting you to new deals. Retailmenot.com: Get helpful feedback from users on what coupon codes worked and which ones didn’t. Smartsource.com: Entering your zip code lets you find deals specific to your area. Be on the lookout for free shipping offers on these sites, as well. If you’re not careful, shipping costs can negate any savings you may have found. Photo courtesy of Getty Images © 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Another way to stay in the loop on savings is to sign up for retail newsletters and emails. You can also check online retailer sites for RSS feeds that automatically send you updates on promotions as they occur. A well-timed update on a new sale lets you get in on the savings early. Get Cash Back A growing trend in smart online shopping is participation in programs that give you cash back. Web sites such as Bing.com have partnerships with major retailers to offer items at great prices. Registered users shop for name brand items and when purchases are made through the site, they automatically get a percentage of the purchase price back as a cash rebate. More details on how this works can be found at bing.com/shopping/pages/howtouse.aspx.
39,000 Miles cont...
pects of one's spiritual fitness program. The writer of Hebrews encourages us to run the race that God has set before us and we are to do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. (See Hebrews 12:1-2) In the middle of the 12th chapter, we are encouraged to mark out a straight path for our feet so
The amounts, which change daily, can be sent via check to your address or deposited into a bank account or PayPal account, and after a 60-day waiting period, the money is those who follow us will not stumble and fail but will become strong. yours. “This is a great way to save money on school supplies,” said Bridget Tate, Bing Shopping product manager. “When you look at how much back-to-school items such as laptops, clothes, backpacks and tech gadgets can cost, that 5 or 10 percent really helps.” During back-to-school season, adds Tate, Bing Shopping will be offering even higher percentages of cash back (up to 50 percent more).
I'm thankful to God that I'm still able to enjoy my short runs and that while I am on them, He gives me the inspiration and creativity from which I can share spiritual truths with my readers. I'm also thankful that He has given me the 'work' to encourage others of the faith to "remain on a straight path." I pray that He is also using me to share the Gospel with those who do not know Him.
Getting the kids ready for school again doesn’t have to cost In the 'race' of your life, don't give up. Stay the course. If you a fortune. Smart shopping will send them off in style and are a believer, others are watching you and many need to experience the love of Jesus that flows through you. Go leave you with a smile. deeper in your faith. If you don't know God in a personal way To learn more about how to be a smart online shopper and and are looking for spiritual strength to help you cope with get cash back this back-to-school season, visit the stressors of life, consider accepting Jesus into your heart and receive His strength, peace and joy. Bing.com/shopping. H Questions to Ask Yourself What 'work' has God called you to do? Is your health an obstacle for doing this 'work?' How spiritually fit are you? Shopping with the following merchants through Bing.com Are you engaged in meaningful spiritual exercises throughcould give you savings like these: out each week? Do you have real peace, joy and hope because you experiBack to School Gear and Gadgets ence Jesus' love? HP 5% 3 to 5% OfficeMax.com "For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is no BarnesandNoble.com 10% benefit in being circumcised or being uncircumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love. You were Back to School Fashion running the race so well. Who has held you back from Shoemall.com 19% following the truth? It certainly isn't God, for he is the one Sears.com 2 to 8% who called you to freedom." Galatians 5:6-8 Old Navy 4% Ebags.com 11% Dale Fletcher is the founder of Faith and Health Connection. A speaker and wellness coach who lives in Charlotte, NC.. Dale conducts workshops Foot Locker 20% and retreats on personal wellness/wholeness and the link between faith and Benefit.com 2% health. He is a member of the Society for Spirituality, Theology & Health and the Christian Coaches Network. Connect with Dale on his blog at Beautychoice.com 10% Faith and Health Connection Nordstrom.com 3% http://www.faithandhealthconnection.org/blog/
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Advocating For Your Own Health
How One Woman Took Control of Cancer and Achieved Remission
(Family Features) The number of adults who look to the Internet for health information has nearly doubled in the past two years, from 31 percent to 61 percent, according to a new study conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. In fact, the survey found that 60 percent of adults say their most recent online health inquiries had an impact on their own health or the way they care for someone else. For some, the information isn't just helpful, it is life-changing. When Jana Cayne was diagnosed at the age of 40 with indolent B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), she says she "didn't even really know what lymphoma was." Her doctors explained that indolent B-cell NHL is a serious and slow developing cancer of the lymphatic system that is difficult to treat because patients are prone to relapse after therapy. According to the National Cancer Institute, an estimated 65,980 people in the United States will be diagnosed in 2009 with NHL. For Jana, the diagnosis was unexpected, and she was initially overwhelmed with concern for her three children and her family's future. Physicians told her NHL was incurable, but instead of giving up hope, Jana did everything in her power to educate herself about the disease and fight back. As a proponent for her health, Jana conducted extensive research on NHL, learning about available treatment options, and talked online and in person with others who had NHL. She also met with numerous oncologists to get their opinions and then found Dr. Bruce Cheson, Director, Hematology Services, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Care Center at Georgetown University and a leading lymphoma researcher. "It is important to seek information from trusted sources to learn about all available treatment options," says Dr. Cheson. "It is crucial that patients find doctors that they trust and with whom they can truly partner." Like most people with indolent B-cell NHL, Jana tried many treatments with some success but ultimately all of them failed. Then Dr. Cheson enlisted Jana in a clinical trial with Treanda (bendamustine HCl) for Injection. After six cycles
of treatment over six months, Dr. Cheson had hopeful news: Jana had achieved complete remission, meaning all signs of her cancer had disappeared in response to treatment with Treanda. Jana will still need to be monitored to determine that her disease has not returned. "By taking the initiative to educate myself on NHL, I had the ability to play an active role in my treatment," said Jana. "Had I not done the research and sought out second opinions from several doctors, I would have never found Dr. Cheson, who enrolled me in the clinical trial that brought me to remission." H
Š 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Creating safe learning environments for our children In 2003, a student's discovery of 8.5 fluid ounces of elemental mercury in an unlocked chemistry cabinet forced a high school in Washington, D.C. to close for 35 days. The cleanup cost more than $1 million.
In addition to the presence of hazardous materials, more risk comes when school staff is not properly trained in the hazards associated with them, and where there is a lack of protective equipment or health and safety practices.
In August 2008, a school janitor spilled two gallons of With over 97,000 public schools and more than 63 million hydrochloric acid at the Edison Technical and Occupational students and teachers, the potential for problems is becoming clearer. Education Center in Rochester, N.Y. One employee inThat's why the Environmental haled the fumes and had to be Protection Agency (EPA) and taken to the hospital for evaluthe American Chemistry ation. Council's (ACC) Responsible Care companies are working From elementary school with local school districts to maintenance closets to high clean out our schools and help school chemistry labs, outdatthem to properly manage their ed, unknown or unneeded chemicals. amounts of hazardous or inappropriate chemicals are found in K-12 schools across the naThe Schools Chemical tion, potentially putting students and staff at risk. Photo courtesy of Fotolia Cleanout Campaign The Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign, known as SC3, Learning about the chemistry in the world around us is creates a safer learning environment by helping schools essential to a well-rounded education, yet many lab chemi- remove improperly stored or outdated chemicals, prevent cals, if mismanaged, can be hazardous to students and school unnecessary chemical accumulations and raise awareness of staff. Ceramics kilns are sometimes vented directly into safety precautions. schools, releasing carbon monoxide, metal fumes and ozone. The use of flammable and volatile products by maintenance SC3 programs around the country are making a big staff can pose fire safety issues and affect the indoor air impact. To date, SC3 programs have: quality. • cleaned out over 650 schools, affecting more than 685,000 Other potential hazards found in public schools have students • removed more than 100,000 pounds of chemicals included: • trained over 1,800 teachers and administrators • cyanide salts • water reactive metals such as sodium, lithium and potassium "ACC is pleased to be a part of this important initiative," said Cal Dooley, ACC's President and CEO. "ACC members and • arsenic Responsible Care Partners have the knowledge to help • flammable materials such as paint thinner • radioactive materials such as thorium nitrate and uranium schools manage chemicals responsibly and are uniquely positioned to work with federal and state partners to teach tetrachloride See “Safer Schools” page 11
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Safer Schools cont....
school staff how to implement effective and efficient chemical management." Working together, the government and experienced private industry partners of SC3 are helping achieve sustainable chemical management programs by working with schools to:
20 Years of Responsible Care American chemistry makes the products that make modern life possible, while working to promote the environment, public health and national security. Since 1988, members of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) have significantly improved their environmental, health, safety and security performance through the Responsible Care initiative.
Using a modern management system, • provide training on planning and bud- Responsible Care companies undergo geting for chemical purchases, man- a mandatory certification by indepenagement and disposal dent, accredited auditing firms. Their progress is made publicly available. • establish a chemical management plan Responsible Care companies also work • conduct periodic chemical invento- with their customers, carriers, suppliries to identify hazards ers, distributors and contractors to foster the safe use, transport and disposal • train school representatives on how to of chemicals. establish environmentally preferable purchasing policies These companies committed to preserving resources for • encourage schools to use the smallest amounts of the least future generations through reducing emissions, conserving hazardous chemicals energy and developing sustainable materials, technologies and business practices. • offer hazardous chemicals management and safety training for school staff To learn more, visit americanchemistry.com/responsiblecare. If you have concerns about the chemical safety of your local school, there are things you can do. Parents can help their school create a healthy learning environment by: • working as part of a team with school administrators, teachers, and others to identify priority issues and address environmental health issues • identifying and recommending community partners who may be able to lend expertise to address the issue of chemicals in school • evaluating the chemicals (i.e., art supplies, cleaners, etc.) you contribute to the school environment for risk and necessity Chemical cleanout and prevention programs prevent fires and spills, protect the environment and save money. But most importantly, they protect our children and the people who work with them every day. To learn more about SC3 programs and to find out how you can get involved, visit epa.gov/sc3.
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
You can change the world. That's what the people behind the movement "We Are What We Do" believe. People like you taking small actions that add up to big change. It started with the question, "What would you ask one million people to do to change the world?" Thousands of ideas from around the world came in. The ideas weren't sweeping policy changes - they were small and unexpected everyday actions that anyone can do: • • • •
Keep a promise. Read a story to a child. Learn something new. Run an errand for an elderly neighbor or single parent.
the neighbors (Action 45), and dozens of other creative prompts for positive change.
Connecting Online In addition to taking the actions in the book, people can visit Fifty of the best suggestions were published in the book ChangeTheWorldForTenBucks.com to inspire and track "Change the World for Ten Bucks" (Chronicle Books 2009). their progress. On the site you can: This little book has had a big impact, selling over 1,000,000 copies in the U.K., Canada, Germany, Spain, New Zealand • Submit your own ideas for change. and Australia, and now this will be the first time it's available • Update your Connect with Facebook with an application in the U.S. that lets you view all 50 actions from the book and update "Because it's not just politicians and business leaders who change the world," says the book's editor Eugenie Harvey. "Each of us, through the hundreds of tiny actions we take every day, shapes the world we live in." In other words, small actions x lots of people = big change. "This project carries a much-needed message of hope for people everywhere," says Harvey. "Love yourself, cherish life, protect our future."
your newsfeed with the ones you complete. • Buy another copy of the book to give to a friend (Action 47).
The site also provides a unique way to connect people to finding volunteer work in their communities, via VolunteerMatch.org. Enter your zip code, select an area of interest - everything from animals and arts to justice and seniors - and you'll get a list of local organizations that will It's not simply about being green, Harvey says. "We are about welcome your time and efforts. bringing the kinds of lasting change which will positively affect our environment, our local, national and international To find out more about how you really can change the world, communities and ourselves." For example, the book includes visit ChangeTheWorldForTenBucks.com. a postcard to send to someone who inspires you (Action 35), two pages stuck together as a reminder not to throw gum in the street (Action 24), tear-out tabs to make introductions to See “Change the World” page 14 © 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Š 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Change the World cont....
Action 07–Go play in the dirt After all those years of your mother telling you not to, we're making an appeal to the rebel in you. Action 02–Spend time with someone of a different
generation. Flowers, vegetables, herbs, house plants, bamboo, ferns, trees–we don't mind what it is, just get planting. You'll turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, calm your mind, relax your body, and potentially have something delicious to eat. Even being short on space is an opportunity to get creative and connect with your inner child by planting bean sprouts in an egg shell. From "Change the World for Ten Bucks," Chronicle Books 2009. Action 30–Bake something for a friend Next time you need to buy a friend a present, don't. Make them one instead.
Action 43–Be resourceful.
Gingerbread Men 1/2 1/2 1 2 2 2 ¼ 1 1
cup softened butter cup sugar egg, lightly beaten tablespoons light corn syrup cups plain flour teaspoons baking soda teaspoon salt teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon ground ginger
1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Cream together butter and sugar. 3. Beat in the egg and syrup. 4. Sift in the dry ingredients and mix. 5. Chill the dough before rolling onto a lightly floured board, to a 1/8 inch thickness. 6. Cut into shapes, using a gingerbread cutter. 7. Bake on a lightly greased tray for 8 to 10 minutes. 8. Give away immediately. From "Change the World for Ten Bucks," Chronicle Books 2009. H
"We must be the change we want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
eleste LaBonte's knee gave out one day at home. Her orthopedist told the Blackstone, Mass. mom that the knee damage was caused by her excessive weight. Celeste found that, at 294 pounds, she had to use a seat belt extender on planes and that she had a difficult time going up stairs. But it wasn't until she learned of her husband's upcoming professional award and imagined embarrassment at the ceremony that she decided to make a big change.
The Search for a Solution Millions of dollars are spent each year on diet programs, yet up to 95 percent of dieters fail to maintain weight loss. There is often an initial loss of weight, but then many people hit a plateau and stop losing weight. Another problem with many diets is that people just can't maintain a diet long-term. But many of those programs are based on a flawed premise: if you simply eat less and move more, then you'll be smaller. There's more to it than that.
Celeste isn't alone. With challenges to the body like a slowing metabolism, stress, childbearing and easy access to less Metabolism Matters than nutritional food, it's no wonder that so many women When calories are restricted, your metabolism drops. When this happens, you hit a plateau and the pounds stop coming struggle with their weight. off. In order to break through that plateau, most diets call for Weight can affect your health. According to the Centers for a further reduction in calories. This lowers the metabolism Disease Control, being overweight increases your risk for a more, requiring a lifetime of low-calorie diethost of health problems, including: ing to maintain your ▪ Coronary heart disease goal weight. ▪ Type 2 diabetes Celeste joined Curves, a ▪ Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon) fitness franchise de▪ Hypertension ▪ Stroke signed for women. She signed up for their free ▪ Liver and gallbladder disease weight management ▪ Sleep apnea and respiratory problems plan, which takes metab▪ Osteoarthritis ▪ Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility) olism changes into acCeleste LaBonte © 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
count. She's lost over 60 pounds so far. "The Curves plan has changed how I think about food," said Celeste. "It helped me jump-start my weight loss, and I've been following the essentials of the plan ever since." She also found that the program, combined with 30 minutes of exercise three times a week, improved her cholesterol, blood pressure, acid reflux and knee pain. The Real Key to Weight Loss "The secret is not willpower or self discipline," says Nadia Rodman, senior dietician for Curves, "but rather a proper understanding of how we can change our behavior, or, more specifically, our habits." Rodman believes that women can take charge of their health and combat the effects of aging and disease. "We're about fitness, health, and moving away from Nadia Rodman, senior dietician for Curves disease," she says. "We're about International losing weight and gaining strength. In a community of support and encouragement, you can reach your goals."
Picking a Plan According to the Weight-Control Information Network, safe and effective weight-loss programs should include: ▪ Healthy eating plans that reduce calories but do not forbid specific foods or food groups. ▪ Tips to increase moderate-intensity physical activity. ▪ Tips on healthy habits that also keep your needs in mind, such as lower-fat versions of your favorite foods. ▪ Slow and steady weight loss. Depending on your starting weight, experts recommend losing weight at a rate of 1/2 to 2 pounds per week. Weight loss may be faster at the start of a program. ▪ A plan to keep the weight off after you have lost it.
Plan the Solution From the book "Curves Fitness and Weight Management Plan": Setting goals is a must. Your goals must be specific, written, exciting and achievable. Begin by asking yourself these questions:
Celeste has a new vision of herself. "I'd always be looking around, asking myself, 'Am I the fattest person in the room?' This has changed the way I view myself. I've always been happy, but now it's about having fun, not making fun of myself."
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
What personal strengths will help you succeed? What are your triggers for making poor food choices? How can you manage those triggers more effectively? What time of day will you take a 30-minute walk? What are your biggest fears about starting a new plan? How could you proactively address those fears?
For more about the free Curves Weight Management Plan, visit your local Curves or curves.com.
How One Plan Works The Curves Weight Management Plan is a cycle made up of three phases. ▪ Phases 1 and 2 are weight loss phases that you use for a combined 30 days. ▪ Phase 3 is two to four weeks of metabolic recovery. Research has shown that by following a strength training program, such as the one offered by Curves, and eating a higher protein diet, metabolism is not significantly decreased. Sometimes, it actually increases - making it easier to burn fat and maintain permanent weight loss. For more about the free weight management classes available to non-members as well as members - visit your local Curves or curves.com.
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
By Jenny Burr for The Fit Christian
There’s No Place Like Home
ust a little more than forty years ago, in the time of black and white T.V. and no videos or D.V.D.’s, my siblings and I would watch “The Wizard of Oz” each year. A cyclone strikes Kansas and Dorothy is whisked away to the land of the Oz and the world of the Munchkins. She makes three friends along the way to see the wizard, whom she is told is the only one who would be able to take her home. Dorothy also makes an enemy because of the ruby slippers she is wearing. One of my favourite parts of the movie occurs when The Good Witch explains to Dorothy that she always had the ability to go home. The ruby slippers would have taken her home at any time. All she had to do was close her eyes, click her heels together three times, and repeat the words, “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.” When she does this, the ruby slippers take her home, and Dorothy awakens from her dream.
It seems that every spring, I become interested in house hunting and look through advertisements, but often I come to the realization that we can’t afford a move. Not only that, some of those houses just don’t have what we have here. We enjoy having a good sized yard and we like living in a village. We like the fact that we have paid off our mortgage. Our house is small and we would like more space, but for now the pros to remain where we are outweigh the cons.
Often when I’m at home and caught up in the busyness of work and life, I desire to escape for awhile. Just a short time away can help me put things into perspective and appreciate the blessings that God has given to me. For example, once a year I make a trip to visit my relatives in May. It’s a long trip, and one that tends to tire me out, but I like to make that connection with my siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles.
“There’s no place like home.” This feeling came to me often while my youngest daughter and I were on vacation at the end of July. We were both excited about our trip but at the same time we missed our family, friends, and our home. It was enjoyable to not have to cook meals or wash the dishes, or do any housecleaning, yet that was also what I missed about being home. (Okay, maybe I did not miss the housePreparing for the drive down means ensuring the laundry has cleaning.) I missed being able to make a cup of tea or grab a been done, the house is in order, and arrangements have been snack when I wanted one, check email, etc. As much as I made for us to stay with family members or friends etc. I desired to be away from routine, it was also what I craved. always enjoy the visit, but not the hours of traveling. Returning means, of course, more laundry to be done and getting When I first went away to university, my mom would call me back into routine. The feeling of, “there’s no place like each Sunday and let me know what had happened during the home,” settles in with the routine. week. For the first little while, I missed being at home and I missed all that was going on. Then, when I began making my Granted, our house needs work and I don’t always appreciate university life my routine and making friends, it became my this fact. Some parts of our house require more work than home. I would visit my family for long weekends and enjoy other parts because it is an older home. After seventeen and seeing everyone, but I was always ready to return home to a half years even the renovations are becoming worn, but it’s my life at university. As I began my career, and later married still home. Am I so attached to our home that I’d never and had a family, my home continued to be where I was move? No, but this is the place where God has us living for living and making my home. now. © 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Hit the Road!
God has given me many blessings. I pray that as I live each day that I remember to thank my Heavenly Father for each blessing that He has given me in my home, my family, my Plan a budget-friendly road trip friends, and my life.
Photo Courtesy of Fotolia
What about you? Do you find that if you go away for a weekend, a week, or even a month that you get the feeling that “There’s no place like home” when you return? Have you been able to see God’s blessings in your life so that you too can say, “There’s no place like home.”
Contact Jenny at misscommunication@fitchristian.com
Sabbath Author: Dan B. Allender
Reviewed by: Jenny Burr
and • Web sites such as RoadTripAmerica.com RoadsideAmerica.com provide tips on how to plan interesting routes, as well as how to save money on entertainment, local events and attractions.
Sabbath is in The Ancient Practices Series published by Thomas Nelson Inc.
• Keep your engine well-tuned and repair any problems immediately: If your car has failed an emissions test or is noticeably out of tune, repairing the problem could improve your gasoline mileage by four percent on average.
Dan B. Allender explores the manner by which he and others define and spend the Sabbath in his thought provoking book called, Sabbath.
• Make sure tires are not over or under-inflated: Keeping tires at the correct pressure can improve gasoline mileage by more than three percent.
“Only four out of thirty students say they practice the Sabbath. Those four vary in their practices but one day every week, usually Sunday, is set aside as an intentional Sabbath. Of the other fifty-six students, 90 percent of them view Sabbath as another word for church. Seventy percent view the Sabbath as a day of rules and regulations that focus far more on what we aren’t to do, while they believe the focus of what we are to do is to be spiritual, pious and God-focused.”
for the rest of the book he recommends that the reader open themselves up fully to experience the Sabbath with all of our senses, with the awe and wonder of allowing the day to unfold itself.
aking a road trip is a great way to enjoy not just the destination, but the journey. And with some planning, it's possible to save money.
• Use the recommended grade of oil in your engine: Following your manufacturer's motor oil recommendation can improve gasoWhat began many years ago, for line mileage by up to two percent. him and his wife, as a six month sabbatical soon became a con- • Make your credit card work for you by saving on everyday tinuous exploration and celebration of Sabbath that continues purchases, like one of the Shell payment products designed to fit different needs. For a limited time, new Shell Card holders who today. activate before September 30, 2009 can get a rebate of 30 cents per Allender posed questions about the Sabbath while preparing to gallon on the first 100 gallons of gasoline purchased within a write his book. He had discussions with his colleagues and peers 90-day period. For more information, visit www.shell.us/cards. about their Sabbath. He also asked his students. This is what he Courtesy of Family Features Source: Shell learned.
The Sabbath can be a day of complete surrender to the rhythm of God. No hectic schedules that our other six days may have. No deadlines on this day of worship. Just experience the peacefulness, joy and holiness of the day. Careful planning can clear up the Sabbath day to be a day just for God. Work, school work, house Perhaps our own views of the Sabbath align with what Allender work etc. can be completed on the other six days. Allender and his learned from his students. What prevents us from actually celebrat- wife ensure that their Sabbath meals are prepared the day before so ing the Sabbath as a day with our Lord? One day in the week that they are not working on that day. completely set aside to commune with Him, to worship Him and to I highly recommend reading Sabbath. The questions, insights, and reveal in His creation and blessings. suggestions offered by Allender tend to leave the reader with a Allender shares the passage from Exodus 20 beginning at verse 8 hope and a desire to make a change in their celebration of the about remembering to observe the Sabbath day as a holy day and a Sabbath. day of rest which is to be dedicated to the Lord. From this verse and Visit my review blog at: http://shewritesbyjen.blogspot.com © 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
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Back to School
"caller" tells the person holding the crayon, "Name five presidents of the United States. © Chris Chapan Now, pass the crayon!" As soon as the caller says to begin, the person holding the crayon begins listing presidents and passes it to the right. Students quickly pass the crayon around the circle. If it returns to the original holder before he or she can name five presidents of the United States, the holder is still the “student.” Otherwise, the person holding the crayon when the “student” lists five presidents is the new “student.” You should prepare the topic cards for this game in advance. Here are some games to get your mind and your body Topics can relate to your curriculum or be general informamoving, and get the school year started with these great, tion topics. The student who is the “student” must name five items in the called-out category to get rid of the dreaded energizing games. crayon! Some Suggested Topics Materials: Book for each player One player is chosen to be the librarian. That player chases the other players, who each carry a book. To save themselves from being tagged, players can stop running, open their book, and begin reading out loud. The "librarian" can't tag them as long as they are reading audibly and standing still. Tagged players are sent to the “library” (section of the game’s space), where they sit and read their books. To free them, other players have to run to the library and swap books with the tagged players. The last player to be tagged becomes the new librarian. The game ends when everyone is in the library.
Materials: Large brown bag and various plastic foods Talk to the group about the importance of having a balanced lunch. In their relay, they take one food item and put it in the bag for each turn. They must have one fruit, vegetable, meat, dairy, bread, and one desert. The group that finishes the task of making a balanced lunch wins!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
fast-food restaurants types of nouns states continents sports teams desert plants vegetables cartoon characters musical groups cereals rivers in the United States candy bars made with chocolate large bodies of water animals cities in states
Each player on the team acts like person at school. The caller or teacher assigns students a type: teacher, librarian, principal, girl, boy, or nurse. Each person must walk as their In this game, nobody wants to hold the crayon. To begin the assigned type in the relay. The group that finishes the relay game, all students sit in a circle. Select one person to be the first is the winner. “student.” That person holds the crayon. The teacher or a Material: Crayon
More.... © 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
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Materials: Dry erase board and dry erase marker
Materials: Parachute and playground ball
Review what is a noun? Divide teams equally and have boards scattered in the line. Have the first person on the team go to the first board and write a person, run to the second and write a place, and the third write a thing. Then, they touch the turnaround line and run back. No one can use a particular noun twice, and the team that makes their list complete first wins.
Have children start with a crossover underhand grip. Mark an imaginary line across the diameter of the chute. Have equal teams hold the edge of the chute on either side. Throw a ball into the middle. The aim is to get the ball off the chute on the other team's side of the line, and stop it from coming off on your own side of the line.
Materials: Balls and parachute Material: Post-it Note and Pen for each group Divide each group equally. Discuss what is a adjective. Give each group a pen. Have the first person in each line run to the midway point and stand. The second person in line comes down with five post-it notes and a pen. They run to the first person at the midway point and think of and write five adjectives to describe that person. Then the first person and the second person run together back to the line and switch roles. The first group that finishes wins.
Place two or three children under the chute. The children under the chute have try to push off the balls while every one else tries to keep them bouncing on the chute.
Materials: Parachute Have children start with an overhand grip. Everyone holds the chute taut. Place a large ball near the edge. Try to make the ball roll around the edge of the chute. To do this, one student starts the ball rolling. As it comes towards the student, lower the edge you are holding, and as it goes past the student raises the edge. When all the players do this in synchronization, it creates a kind of wave around the edge of the chute, which pushes the ball in a smooth steady circle.
Materials: Parachute
Make sure everyone in the group has a good grip on the parachute and then tell them to lean back slowly at the same time. Remind children to roll the edge several times and tuck their fingers in under the roll before leaning. As students lean, the parachute gets tighter and tighter. If all members work together, no one should fall. As an added bonus, have the players face outward and lean back from the parachute.
Materials: Parachute and two colored balls Put two different colored or types of balls on the parachute. Name one ball the “Hound” and the other the “Rabbit.” Hound’s team tries to catch the rabbit by seeing how many times the ball hits the Rabbit ball while the other team helps the Rabbit get away by shaking it off the chute. Designate half of the parachute participants as the Hounds and the other half as the Rabbits. The team that better manipulates the balls wins.
© 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
All Rights Reserved. www.fitchristian.com
Materials: Small ball and parachute A ball is placed on the parachute, representing a canoe. Players wave the chute so that it ripples. Encourage the waves to be ones that will allow the ball to not fall off the edge of the chute. Students try to get their canoe to safety as soon as possible through the hole in the center of the parachute. For a variation of this game try to use an overhand, underhand, and crossover grips.
Place a large ball on top of a flat chute and roll it around the edge. Players should lift the parachute just after the ball passes by. Timing is important. If someone lifts up a section of the parachute too soon, the ball slows down and stops. If someone lifts a section too late, the ball either runs into the player or off the chute. Test and hypothesize with various sizes of balls. Discuss which ones come off first and why.
Materials: Ball and chute Put a few balls on the chute and on the count of three wave your parachute high in the air with one quick motion to the ground. See if you can get all of the balls to pop off the chute. Materials: Playground ball and parachute Divide the class in half down the middle of the parachute. With a soft, medium-sized balloon on the parachute, have students try to flip the balls onto the other team's side. Some adaptations include having the students hold the parachute in various handgrips.
Sources: Back to School Family Fun http://familyfun.go.com/parties/holiday/specialfeature/backtoschool_act_sf/ Back to School Education World http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson169.shtml Fit 4 Fun Fitness http://worknotes.com/IL/Chicago/Fit4FunKidsFitness/
Materials: Small ball and parachute Toss the ball on the chute. Begin waving the chute, trying to maneuver the ball through the hole. When the ball is sunk, name someone to go under the chute, get the ball, and toss it back on the chute. See how many strokes it takes to get the ball in the hole. Have the children count aloud as they wave the chute.
Materials: Parachute and small balls Put balls of different colors on the chute. Call out one color. Have the children work together to sink that ball down the hole. After that ball has been sunk, call out the color of the second ball and try to sink it.
Materials: Ball and parachute Grasp the edge of the parachute with an underhand grip. Place one ball on the parachute. Make the ball slide around the chute by slowly raising the chute up and down. Keep the ball rolling so that it does not go off the edge. Š 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
All Rights Reserved. www.fitchristian.com
Riding Hood" and "Jack and the Beanstalk" with character narrations, illustrations, music and sound effects that allow kids to watch, listen, read and learn independently or with parental supervision and participation. Here are a few tips to make reading more enjoyable for your children:
1. Join a Reading Program through your local library or
bookstore. Programs are available for all ages and reading levels.
Encourage reading while traveling by getting kids to read aloud traffic signs, billboards, and signs. Show your children how to read a map, and let them help navigate.
3. Buy audio picture books and listen to them in the car, Get Your Preschool Reader– Back to School Ready!
while waiting at the doctor's office or at home. Audio picture books are especially beneficial for a child with a learning disability. For a good selection of classic children's nursery rhymes and fairy tales, go to www.TodsCircus.com .
4. Read aloud together with your child every day. Make it
fun by reading outdoors on the front steps, patio, at the beach or park. Also, let your children read to you. For younger children, point out the relationship between words and sounds. The long hot days of summer provide a great opportunity to introduce kids to reading. Encouraging them to read will (Family Features) The long, lazy days of summer have help them develop a life-long love of reading and give them a head start when they go back to school in the fall. H settled in, but just because your preschooler's school time schedule is taking a break doesn't mean the learning process has to as well. Photo courtesy Fotolia
A great way to keep your little ones' brains active while they are away from the classroom is to make sure he or she keeps reading (or is read to). Even if your little one hasn't started preschool yet, encourage them to look at books through participation in a Reading Program. Often sponsored by bookstores and libraries, most Reading Programs promise some type of reward and often include fun activities as well as helpful hints and guidelines for parents on how to encourage your child to read. You can make reading more fun and exciting by introducing technology to your child and expanding your home library to include a collection of audio picture books. Audio picture books are easily transported for anywhere, anytime learning because you can download to any laptop computer, smart phone or mobile device with video capability. Whether you are headed to the airport, taking a road trip, or merely running daily errands, audio picture books can entertain kids and make the journey more fun. TodsCircus.com offers a series of nursery rhymes and classic fairy tales such as "Red Š 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
All Rights Reserved. www.fitchristian.com
Back-to-School Meals Moms and Kids Love ¼ cup pizza sauce 3 slices Cook's Spiral Sliced Quartered Ham, diced 2/3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
To prepare, spray cookie sheet with nonstick spray. Separate biscuits and flatten on cookie sheet. Spread 1 teaspoon pizza sauce on each biscuit. Top each biscuit with 1 tablespoon diced ham and 1 table(Family Features) It's time again for the back-to-school rush! spoon shredded cheese. Bake in a 400°F oven for 8-10 With the kids needing rides here and there, deadlines at minutes. Pack in foil for a warm lunch box meal. work, and the never-ending list of chores, it can be hard to find the time to put together a delicious family meal and stay Quick Sit-Down Dinner: As the days get shorter and cooler, in budget. nothing satisfies like pasta. Try this delicious Ham Linguine. Cook's Ham asked one busy mom of a family of four to see what recipes she could come up with using a Cook's Spiral 2 cups Cook's Spiral Sliced Quartered Ham, shredded Sliced Quartered Ham while sticking to her budget. She was 1 pound linguine able to portion her ham into three family-friendly meals. Try 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided her recipes and then take the challenge yourself to see if you 3 garlic cloves, minced can come up with your own delicious recipes while saving 2 tablespoons capers 1 cup peas, fresh or frozen, thawed some much needed money. Zest and juice of 2 lemons 1 teaspoon sea salt Breakfast: With kids constantly on the go, this Bus Stop 1 teaspoon ground black pepper Breakfast Pita is the perfect morning meal. 1 cup mint, chopped 1 cup basil, chopped 4 whole wheat pita bread 4 slices Cook's Spiral Sliced Quartered Ham While pasta is cooking, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a 4 slices provolone cheese non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Sauté garlic. Add Salt and pepper to taste ham and continue to sauté until ham begins to brown. Finally 1 thinly sliced granny smith apple add capers and peas, sauté for one more minute. While skillet Apricot preserves (optional)
is still hot, drain pasta and add to ham mixture. Add lemon Preheat oven to 350°F. Lay a slice of ham, cheese and thinly zest, juice, salt, pepper and 2 more tablespoons of olive oil. sliced apple inside each pita. Wrap each pita in aluminum Sauté for 1-2 minutes to let flavors combine. Remove from foil. Warm in oven for 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. heat and toss with herbs. Serve immediately. Cool as needed and enjoy. For more easy recipes for family meals or entertaining, visit www.HamIdeas.com. Lunch Box: Instead of packing your child's lunch box with the average sandwich, why not surprise them with Hammy Pizza Bites? 1
Source: Cook's Ham
7 ½ ounce package biscuit dough
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
ummer calls for light meals that are full of flavor and can be tossed together in no time. To take advantage of sumThe taste of the Southwest comes alive when Santa Fe Olive Toss is mer's fresh produce, award winning cookbook author and teacher Joanne Weir teamed served on slaw [See recipe next page]. up with Lindsay Olives to create simple and delicious signature recipes for summer eating.
Mediterranean Olive Toss
Quick and easy to prepare, these tosses can be made in advance and enjoyed in multiple ways throughout the week. Fresh-From-the-Garden Olive Toss: Fresh chives, parsley, lively lemon zest and savory olives bring summer to any dish. Mediterranean Olive Toss: All the flavors of the Mediterranean come together in a tasty, sun-kissed marriage of tomatoes, olives, garbanzo beans, capers, garlic, herbs and balsamic vinegar.
Prep time: 30 minutes | Servings: 10 | Serving size: 1/2 cup 1
jar (5.75 ounces) Lindsay Pimiento Stuffed Spanish Man zanilla Olives, drained, coarsely chopped or 1 jar (4.5 ounces) Lindsay Garlic Stuffed Queen Olives or 1 jar (6 ounces) Lindsay Greek Kalamata Pitted Olives 12 cherry tomatoes, halved 1 small red bell pepper, stemmed, seeded, and diced ½ red onion, peeled, and diced 1 cup canned garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed (about 5 ounces) Santa Fe Olive Toss: The taste of the Southwest comes alive 3 tablespoons drained capers with tangy olives, black beans, corn, cumin and fresh cilantro 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar or red wine vinegar to create this Southwestern confetti. 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic, minced Toss any of these with just-picked lettuces or cabbage, mix 3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil with hot or cold cooked rice or pasta, or serve on top of 2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano grilled chicken breast, skirt steak, or a barbecued turkey Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste burger. At approximately 100 calories per serving, each 4 ounces feta cheese, coarsely crumbled
Lindsay Olive Toss recipe is a tasty, healthy way to enjoy summer dining. In medium bowl combine olives, tomatoes, peppers, onions, beans and capers. For more easy summer recipes, visit www.lindsayolives.com. Š 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
In small bowl, whisk together vinegar, olive oil and garlic. Santa Fe Olive Toss Add to olive mixture with basil and oregano; mix well. Prep time: 30 minutes | Servings: 10 | Serving size: 1/2 cup Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add feta and very gently 1 ½ jars (4.5 ounces) Lindsay Spicy Jalapeño Flavor-full toss together. Do ahead: Can be made in advance and will keep for 7 days in your refrigerator. Nutrients per serving: 147 calories, 99 calories from fat, 11g total fat, 6g monounsaturated fat, 10mg cholesterol, 588mg sodium, 8g total carbohydrates, 2g dietary fiber, 4g protein
Queen Olives, drained, coarsely chopped (about 1 1/2 cups) or 1 can (6 ounces) Lindsay Black Ripe Pitted Olives or about 1 1/2 cups Lindsay Naturals Green Ripe California Pitted Olives, drained, coarsely chopped ear cooked corn, cooled and kernels cut off the cob or 4 ounces canned sweet corn small red bell pepper, stemmed, seeded, and diced small yellow bell pepper, stemmed, seeded, and diced green onions, thinly sliced cup canned black beans, rinsed and drained tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice tablespoons extra virgin olive oil teaspoon ground cumin teaspoon chili powder cup chopped fresh cilantro Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 1 5 ¾ Fresh-From-the-Garden Olive Toss 2 Prep time: 30 minutes | Servings: 10 | Serving size: 1/2 cup 4 ½ cup Lindsay Black Ripe Pitted Olives, drained, coarsely 1 1 chopped ½ cup Lindsay Naturals Green Ripe California Pitted Olives, ¼ drained, coarsely chopped 1 small celery stalk, diced Combine olives, corn, peppers, green onions and black 1 medium carrot, diced beans. In small bowl, whisk together lime juice and olive oil. ¼ Maui or other sweet onion, diced Add cumin, chili powder and cilantro to olive mixture; mix ½ cucumber, peeled, seeded, and diced 1 small green zucchini, unpeeled and diced well. Taste and season with salt and pepper as needed. 1 small yellow squash, unpeeled and diced 12 cherry tomatoes, halved 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoons fresh chives, thinly sliced or 2 tablespoons dried chives 1 tablespoon finely shredded lemon peel 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Fresh-From-the-Garden Olive Toss adds a
In a medium bowl combine olives, celery, carrot, onion, cucumber, zucchini, yellow squash, cherry tomatoes, parsley and chives. Add lemon peel, lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil to bowl; mix well. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Do ahead: Can be made in advance and will keep for 7 days Mediterranean Olive Toss transforms rotini - whether served hot or at room temperature. in the refrigerator. Do ahead: Can be made in advance and will keep for seven days in the refrigerator. Nutrients per serving: 89 calories, 72 calories from fat, 8g total fat, 6g monounsaturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 136mg sodium, 4g total carbohydrates, 2g dietary fiber, 1g protein
Nutrients per serving: 115 calories, 79 calories from fat, 9g total fat, 6g monounsaturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 153mg sodium, 8g total carbohydrates, 2g dietary fiber, 2g protein All materials courtesy of: Lindsay Olives
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
A Winning Combination of Taste and Value 6 flour tortillas (6-inch), warmed 1 small tomato, chopped (about 1/2 cup) 1 green onion, sliced (about 2 table spoons)
hese days, people are looking for simple ways to stretch their dollar in all facets of life, and mealtime is no exception. Dining at home is a great alternative to pricey take-out or restaurant visits and doesn't have to require long hours in the kitchen or complicated ingredients. For more than 60 years, Campbell's Kitchen has been a trusted resource for recipes that are quick, delicious and affordable too.
1. Stir the soup, sour cream, picante sauce and chili powder in a medium bowl. 2. Stir 1 cup picante sauce mixture, chicken and cheese in a large bowl. 3. Divide the chicken mixture among Hearty Lasagna Soup the tortillas. Roll up the tortillas and place them seamside up in 11 x 8-inch shallow baking dish. Pour the remaining picante sauce mixture over the filled tortillas. Cover the baking dish. 4. Bake at 350°F for 40 minutes or until the enchiladas are hot and bubbling. Top with tomato and onion. Tip: Stir 1/2 cup canned black beans, drained and rinsed, into the chicken mixture before filling the tortillas. Cost per recipe: $8.54 Cost per recipe serving: $1.42 Cost calculations based on December 2008 national average prices.
Campbell Soup Company recently introduced a "Recipes Under $10 Collection" featuring family-favorite recipes designed to feed a family of four on a budget. From Hearty Lasagna Soup to Easy Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas, each of the recipes in the collection demonstrates that cutting costs does not mean sacrificing great taste. Visit www.campbellskitchen.com for additional budget friendly meal ideas.
Easy Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas Makes: 6 servings | Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 40 minutes 1 ½ 1 2 2 ½
can (10 3/4 ounces) Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken soup (Regular, 98% Fat Free or Healthy Request) cup sour cream cup Pace Picante sauce teaspoons chili powder cups chopped cooked chicken cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese (about 2 ounces) Easy Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas
© 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Hearty Lasagna Soup
Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo
Makes: 4 servings | Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 25 minutes
Makes: 4 servings | Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 20 minutes
1 pound ground beef ¼ cup chopped onion 1 teaspoon minced garlic ¼ teaspoon dried parsley flakes 3 ½ cups Swanson Beef broth (Regular, 50% Less Sodium or Certified Organic) 1 can (14.5 ounces) diced tomatoes ¼ teaspoon dried Italian seasoning, crushed 1 ½ cups uncooked mafalda or corkscrew-shaped pasta ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
½ 1 2 1 1
½ ½ ¼
of a 1-pound package linguine cup fresh or frozen broccoli flowerets tablespoons butter pound skinless, boneless chicken breast, cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces can (10 3/4 ounces) Campbell's Condensed Cream of Mushroom soup (Regular, 98% Fat Free, 25% Less Sodium or Healthy Request) cup milk cup grated Parmesan cheese teaspoon ground black pepper
1. Cook beef, onion, garlic and parsley in 3-quart saucepan over medium-high heat 10 minutes or until beef is well browned, stirring often. Pour off fat. 2. Stir broth, tomatoes and Italian seasoning in saucepan and heat to a boil. 3. Stir pasta in saucepan. Reduce heat to medium. Cook 10 minutes or until pasta is tender. Stir in cheese. Serve with additional cheese, if desired. Cost per recipe: $7.91 Cost per recipe serving: $1.97 Cost calculations based on December 2008 national average prices.
Spicy Salsa Mac 'n' Beef Makes: 4 servings | Prep: 5 minutes | Cook: 25 minutes Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo
1 pound ground beef 1 can (10 1/2 ounces) Campbell's Condensed Beef broth 1 1/3 cups water 2 cups uncooked medium shell-shaped pasta 1 can (10 3/4 ounces) Campbell's Condensed Cheddar Cheese soup 1 cup Pace Thick and Chunky salsa
1. Cook beef in skillet over medium-high heat until browned, stirring to separate meat. Pour off fat. 2. Add broth and water. Heat to a boil. Add pasta. Cook over medium heat 10 minutes or until pasta is done, stirring often. 3. Add soup and salsa. Heat through.
1. Prepare linguine according to package directions in a 3-quart saucepan. Add broccoli during the last 4 minutes of cooking. Drain linguine mixture well in a colander. 2. Heat butter in a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook until well browned, stirring often. 3. Stir soup, milk, cheese, black pepper and linguine mixture in skillet. Cook until mixture is hot and bubbling, stirring occasionally. Serve with additional Parmesan cheese. Tip: You can substitute spaghetti or fettuccine for the linguine in this recipe. Cost per recipe: $9.05 | Cost per recipe serving: $2.26 Cost calculations based on December 2008 national average prices.
Cost per recipe: $8.49 Cost per recipe serving: $2.12 Cost calculations based on December 2008 national average prices.
Spicy Salsa Mac 'n' Beef © 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Compete with Afternoon Chaos afternoon, whether with homework or at their gymnastics practice. Keep the freezer full of convenient, substantial snacks and teach kids how to fuel their bodies.
While your teenagers may act indifferent or uninterested with you, they still need parenting and encouragement. Use fun activities, such as a game night, shopping or even an afternoon chat, as a chance to get to know what is going on in their lives (Family Features) Parents can rest easy when they are armed and to bond. By approaching them during something fun, with solutions for busy afternoons and serious snack attacks. they will be more likely to share and participate in the conOlympic Gymnastic Champion Mary Lou Retton and versation. Tyson(r) Any'tizers(tm) have teamed up to provide parents with tips and strategies to create a well-balanced routine for whatever life throws their way. Afternoon plans can change at a moment's notice, so it's good "I compete with my family's afternoon chaos by being one to always have a way of communicating. Use text messages step ahead of the pack, which includes keeping substantial, as a way to quickly get a message to your kids or always have frozen snacks, like Tyson(r) Any'tizers products, on hand," your cell phone accessible, in case they need to reach you. said Retton. "This way, I can show my girls how much I care Another idea is to keep a dry erase board with daily schedby serving a warm snack that satisfies their hunger even to ules on your fridge. dinnertime."
For more tips for balanced afterschool routines, visit Mary Lou Retton also shares other simple fun-filled tips to www.tyson.com. ease busy afternoon schedules, including:
Create a closet for after-school activity gear - whether for the gymnast or basketball player - where equipment can be stored for quick and easy access. This helps everyone get to activities fast, without mom running around at the last minute trying to locate much-needed gear. This also provides an opportunity to teach children organizational skills . Afternoons and snacks go hand-in-hand because active kids need energy to keep them going strong. Make sure you are providing them with quality snacks that are protein-packed, warm and delicious that will help get them through the Š 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
School Lunches They'll Love (Family Features) It's a dilemma parents all over the country Dried apricots face - how to come up with healthy lunches kids will actually Fruit leather, cut into rounds Sliced kiwi eat.
Organic Valley Stringles, cut crosswise into rounds Organic Valley deli sliced cheese The first step is to get the kids involved in planning. They are Oyster crackers much more likely to eat foods they choose and help make Small, round pretzels themselves. Small, round corn tortilla chips
Terese Allen, Organic Valley food editor, suggests establishing a theme for each day of the school week. "You'll save thinking cap time if Monday is soup day, Tuesday is sandwich day, and so on," she says. "Keep a file of recipes for each day's theme, and on the weekend select one from each file for the week ahead." Try to include fiber-loaded fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts, calcium-rich dairy products and lean proteins. "Add in things like roasted nuts, yogurt cups, corn chips and salsa, veggies and dip, and pretzels and barbecue sauce," says Allen. "And don't forget ready-to-eat edibles, such as Organic Valley Stringles cheese sticks, or beef jerky and deli slices from Organic Prairie. Single-serve milks from Organic Valley are a good addition, too - since they're shelf-stable you don't have to worry about refrigeration." Round ravioli, cooked and cooled
A daily theme, a homemade main dish and no-fuss sides: the Garbanzo beans* result? Wholesome lunches and happy kids. For more healthy lunch ideas and recipes, visit Let your child choose his or her favorites from the array of www.organicvalley.coop. finger foods above. Pack the little piles of "coins" into a rectangular container to make a lunch-size treasure chest.
Lunch Money by Terese Allen for Organic Valley
*Call these "gold nuggets" instead of coins–and offer nuggets in other colors, too (think peas, blueberries, grapes, etc.)
Instead of giving them cash to buy junk food, give them coins they can actually eat-that is, offer a balanced meal of round, coin-shaped edibles. Cucumber slices Green or yellow zucchini slices Thick asparagus spears, blanched and cut crosswise Broccoli stems, peeled and slice into rounds Sliced radishes Carrot coins Organic Prairie Hot Dogs, cooked, cooled and cut into rounds Organic Prairie Italian Chicken Sausage or Bratwurst, cooked, cooled and cut into rounds Organic Prairie Pepperoni Sliced dried bananas Š 2009 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Game Day Meals (Family Features) One of the most fun things about this time of year for my family is getting to cheer on our favorite sports teams. High school, college and professional - there's always a favorite to root for or an underdog to cheer on.
that SCORE!
I like to serve up game time food that scores big on flavor. cover; bake for an additional 10 minutes or until lightly Pepper Jack Cheesy Mac puts a little kick into a family browned. favorite with zesty southwest flavors. And Prime Time Pepperoni Pizza "Pie" is a touchdown when it comes to finding Nutrition Information per serving: 520 calories; 260 calories from fat; 29 total fat; 19g saturated fat; 85mg cholesterol; 560mg sodium; 37g carbohydrate; 2g fiber; 7g a meal that is easy to make and that everyone will enjoy. sugars; 25g protein; 15% vitamin A; 70% calcium And for all those at home get-togethers during the holidays, from the neighborhood potluck party to brunch with the in-laws to the "big game", find all the delicious recipes in a free holiday recipe guide (while supplies last) at 1 VeryBestBaking.com. 1
Pepper Jack Cheesy Mac (Makes 6 servings) 2 2 2 1 ½ ½ ¼
cups (8 ounces) dry elbow macaroni cups (8 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese cups (8 ounces) shredded Pepper Jack cheese, divided can (12 fluid ounces) Nestlé Carnation Evaporated Milk teaspoon ground black pepper to 1 cup broken tortilla chips (your choice of color) to ½ teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional)
PREHEAT oven to 350° F. Lightly grease 2 1/2- quart casserole dish. COOK macaroni in large saucepan according to package directions; drain. Return to saucepan. ADD cheddar cheese, 1 1/2 cups Pepper Jack cheese, evaporated milk and black pepper to macaroni; stir until combined. Pour into prepared casserole dish. Combine remaining 1/2 cup Pepper Jack cheese, tortilla chips and red pepper flakes in small bowl. Sprinkle over top. Cover tightly with foil. BAKE for 20 minutes. Un© 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
Prime Time Pepperoni Pizza "Pie" (Makes 8 servings)
unbaked 9-inch (4-cup volume) frozen pie shell package (8 ounces) shredded Italian-blend cheese, divided 2 ounces thinly sliced pepperoni (about 20 to 30, 1 1/2- to 2-inch diameter slices), cut into quarters, divided 1 can (12 fluid ounces) Nestlé Carnation Evaporated Milk 3 large eggs, beaten 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
PREHEAT oven to 350° F. SPRINKLE 1 cup cheese and half of pepperoni pieces onto bottom of pie shell. WHISK evaporated milk, eggs, flour, basil and garlic powder in medium bowl until blended. Pour mixture into pie shell. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Decorate top with remaining pepperoni pieces and any other topping you like. Place quiche on baking sheet (if pie pan is made of aluminum foil). BAKE for 40 to 45 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes before serving. TIP: Choose 1/4 cup of any of your favorite toppings (such as chopped onions, red or green peppers or sliced black olives) and add as topping with the remaining pepperoni pieces. Nutrition Information per serving: 290 calories; 170 calories from fat; 19 total fat; 8g saturated fat; 120mg cholesterol; 520mg sodium; 15g carbohydrate; 0g fiber; 5g sugars; 15g protein; 35% calcium
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Mix It Up With Jenny cont...
Soup's On! (Family Features) Fall is here in all its cool weather glory. I love the changing colors and the nip in the air - and warming up on chilly days with a bowl of comforting soup. Pumpkin Curry Soup is one of the Test Kitchen's most popular recipes. This creamy combination of pumpkin and curry is simple and satisfying - perfect for casual entertaining or as part of a sit-down dinner party. "Vegged Out" Pumpkin and Black Bean Soup is perfect for the vegetarian in your family, but it's hearty enough to satisfy anyone. The pumpkin blends beautifully with the vegetables, black beans and broth, adding extra nutrition and delicious flavor. This soup is low fat and an excellent source of fiber and vitamins A and C, too.
"Vegged Out" Pumpkin & Black Bean Soup (Makes 8 servings) 1 5
tablespoon olive oil green onions (white and light green parts), thinly sliced (slice dark parts and set aside for later) 1 red bell pepper, chopped 3 cloves garlic, chopped 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin ½ teaspoon dried thyme Get out your favorite stock pots and start making batches of 2 cans (15 ounces each) black beans, rinsed and drained cool weather goodness - fall is here and it's time to say, 1 can (15 ounces) Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin 1 can (14.5 ounces) no-salt added diced tomatoes, undrained "Soup's on!" 1 can (14 fluid ounces) vegetable broth ½ cup water For more recipes, visit VeryBestBaking.com. ½ teaspoon salt or more to taste 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper or more to taste
Pumpkin Curry Soup (Makes 6 servings)
HEAT oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons butter or margarine white and light green parts 1 cup (1 small) chopped onion of green onions, bell pepper 2 large cloves garlic, finely chopped and garlic; cook, stirring oc1 ½ teaspoons curry powder casionally, for 4 to 5 min½ teaspoon salt utes or until soft. Stir in ¼ teaspoon ground white pepper 3 cups chicken broth cumin and thyme; cook, 1 can (15 ounces) Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin stirring occasionally, for 1 1 can (12 fluid ounces) Nestlé Carnation Evaporated Milk minute. Add beans, pumpkin, tomatoes and juice, broth and water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; cook for 10 MELT butter in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add minutes. Stir in salt and cayenne pepper. Top each serving onion and garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 2 to 3 minutes with dark green onion tops. or until tender. Stir in curry powder, salt and pepper; cook for 1 minute. ADD broth and pumpkin; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; Nutrition Information per serving: 140 calories; calories from fat; 2.5g total fat; 0g saturated cook, stirring occasionally, for 15 to 20 minutes. Stir in 20 fat; 0mg cholesterol; 270mg sodium; 23g carboevaporated milk. Transfer mixture to food processor or hydrate; 9g fiber; 4g sugars; 7g protein; 150% blender (in batches, if necessary); cover. Blend until smooth. Vitamin A; 45% Vitamin C; 10% Iron Serve warm. Nutrition Information per serving: 160 calories; 80 calories from fat; 9g total fat; 6g saturated fat; 15mg cholesterol; 630mg sodium; 11g carbohydrate; 3g fiber; 5g sugars; 5g protein; 220% Vitamin A; 20% Calcium
© 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
Jenny Harper is Consumer Test Kitchen Project Manager for the Nestlé Test Kitchens and VeryBestBaking.com.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
God’s Healing Herbs
By Dennis Ellingson, Pastor for The Fit Christian
Herbs from A to Z Part Six
For everything there is a season. This is the reminder we get from King Solomon and the 3rd Chapter of Ecclesiastes. Now is the season for harvest. For a gardener and an herb grower it is not just about tomatoes, cucumbers, and such, it is also the bountiful amount of herbs. We cut Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Sage, and many others, and tie them in bundles to hang and dry. Then when they have dried, we remove the flowers, leaves, roots, and everything we can to utilize in the kitchen, medicine cabinet, and bathroom. It is a heady experience because all those herbs are at their fragrant best. It is also time to plant things like garlic and onion and other bulbs for next spring. This is a bittersweet time for me: Sweet because of the bounty and the blessing we have received, but bitter because the growing green season is nearly over. The day light hours are shorter and there is a coolness in the air that hints or threatens of winter rains and snows to come. However, this is the way that God designed it, and in reality we have time for many things and many blessings as the seasons unfold. As we come full circle on this year of considering God’s Healing Herbs, I realize that we have only scratched the surface so we will continue on, Lord willing, for another year. The first of the three plants we discuss this time is Echinacea or also known as Coneflower. If you grow these then late summer and fall is when they really shine out of the garden. Echinacea is a large tall flower that keeps its bloom for a long time. They are easy to grow, spread over the years, and are hardy for most areas. It is the root that is predominantly used, and that being for medicinal purposes. Echinacea has been considered the wonder herb for some time, and that is because of its probable benefits to help build the immune system.
© 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
As we all know, along with fall and winter weather often times comes the cold and flu season. Echinacea’s claim is that it helps to build you immune system, thus protecting you from getting every bug that seeks you out. There has been much research done on this plant with a wide variety of results. I personally believe it helps and certainly won’t hurt and I take it annually. Echinacea is to be taken a few weeks in advance of the flu and cold season, especially if you are susceptible. Echinacea is widely available in tea and capsule form so you might give it a try and see if it doesn’t help you have a healthier winter season. Next is Elderberry. Where we live these small trees grow in abundance and the fall is a great time to witness an abundance of red berries that just add to the beauty of the fall colors. For years people have made Elderberry wine, if they can get to the berries before the birds do. Interestingly enough this herb is also a great benefit for the winter season and the ills that often accompany it. You think God knew what He was doing when He provided these great plants and their abundant harvest for fall? Of course He did, He loves us. Gypsies have long known that Elderberry is a great herb for treating colds and flu. In fact I have purchased Gypsy Cold Care tea which has Elderberry as one of its main ingredients. Most of all of the parts of the plant are utilized. Elderberry is used from everything to making a sweet jam, to helping with digestive issues, acting as blood tonic, helping to heal skin irritations, and even the flowers for a skin conditioner. The berries are also a good source of vitamins A,B, and C. The berries need to be cooked, however, because of the toxic
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
nature of the seeds. Elderberry trees are quite hardy and grow in most climates. There is an interesting legend regarding Elderberry that perhaps it was the wood used to make the cross that Christ died on for us. Other legends suggest that Judas hung himself from an Elderberry tree. But I like this thought: shepherds would utilize the wood to make themselves flutes. It would not be so hard to imagine the shepherds who witnessed Christ’s birth playing songs of praise to God for what He had done on their elderberry flutes. Our third herb is Eucalyptus. This is also an herb that is used to help treat cold and flu conditions. Originally a native of Australia, this is a striking and unique plant, and there are numerous varieties. It is the Blue Gum variety that offers great medicinal properties. It is the leaves of the tree that are used; their pungent odor does everything from chase away mosquitoes, to their use in the preparation of throat lozenges and syrups. Topically Eucalyptus is used for antiseptics and deodorizers. If you live in a milder climate, Zone 6 and above, you can grow a Eucalyptus outside, otherwise you can keep one in a pot and move it in when the frost comes. When you are suffering from a cold or even asthma a refreshing vapor bath of the crushed leaves or in a vaporizer may help you breathe easier. I love the look of these trees, and they are a reminder to me of our wonderful God and all the incredible and distinct things He has provided for us. I hope these herbs will help you get through the cold and flu season easier, and isn’t it nice to know we have the Great Physician who can heal us. H
The Imposter With Kevin Max By Serendipitous Films Reviewed by: Angela J. Perez
The Imposter follows the life of a Christian rock band member who does not “walk his talk” whether on-stage or off. He sings to “the Lord” while high on pills, lies to and deceives his wife, and is not an active member in his family, unless you consider paying the bills and arguing with his wife as “active.” Kevin Max, of DC Talk, plays the lead as Christian rock star Johnny C who eventually hits his lowest low and finds himself homeless, broke, and on the streets.
During his down time, Johnny C is forced to evaluate himself and why he has sunk so low—losing his family, home, and his money. Many people are put in Johnny C’s path of life who encourage him to seek a deeper relationship with Christ—something he struggles with. While watching the movie, I found myself crying, laughing, and relating to one actor or another. I thought I “knew” how it was going to end, and was quite surprised the how it did end—not at all how I expected. The Imposter draws you, the viewer, into the inner workings of the Christian music business, the life and family of a fallen Christian, and makes you evaluate your own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I enjoyed The Imposter aside from its obvious low-budget theatrics and inexperienced actors. I encourage pastors to purchase this movie for viewing by its members. Learn how to host your own movie event for The Imposter by visiting http://www.theimpostermovie.com/churches.htm
Dennis Ellingson’s books, God's Healing Herbs and The Godly Grandparent, are available through most book stores. Books can be directly ordered from the Cladach Publishing Web site. For an autographed copy of either God's Healing Herbs ($16.99 plus $1.00 S&H) and/or The Godly Grandparent ($13.99 plus $1.00 S&H), order direct from the author by mailing your order and a check / money order to: Dennis Ellingson PO Box 36 Sprague River, OR 97639
The soundtrack of The Imposter is excellent! I never get tired of listening to it, and am now even as I write. The remake of the old song, “Carry on Wayward Son”, originally recorded by Kansas and written by Kansas Band member Kerry Livgren, is fantastic, and one of my favorite songs on the soundtrack, along with “A Better Way” performed by the Christian band Downhere. Livgren performs this remake with Kevin Max with much passion and zeal that it penetrated this listener’s spirit. I encourage all Christian rock enthusiasts to add this soundtrack to their collection. You can do that by visiting http://www.jeff-net.net/jnImposter/products/ The_Imposter_Soundtrack-34-8.html
For info about presentations, workshops or visiting the herb gardens email dennisandkit@msn.com or call 541-533-0919. © 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Steps to Success With Bulbs
Kathie Bond-Borie, Guest Columnist
Photo courtesy of Fotolia
(Family Features) As the days draw shorter and the nights Arrange bulbs. Set the bulbs in a planting bed or in separate cool down, it's time to get ready for the fall bulb planting planting holes with their roots or basal plate downward. If ritual. you can't tell which way is up, lay the bulb on its side. Fill the planting hole with soil and firm it gently. The best time to plant spring bulbs depends on where you live. Ideally, wait until the soil temperature is below 60°F. Water and mulch. Water the bulbs right after planting to As a general guide, plant in September through early October help initiate growth. In mild-winter areas, mulch right after if you live in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 or 5; October to early planting to help keep soil cool and moist. Apply mulch after November in zones 6 or 7; and November to early December soil freezes in cold-winter areas. in zones 8 and 9. In mild winter regions, you can give the bulbs their required cold treatment by placing them in the Fertilize. Bulbs need fertilizer, but the kind of nutrition refrigerator for 8 to 10 weeks in the fall. Then plant them in varies with the plant. Tulips, hyacinths and fritillaria are best late December to early January. served by a 9-9-6 formula fertilizer. Daffodils and snowdrops need nitrogen and potassium and thrive on a 5-10-20 Plant a variety of bulbs to extend the flowering season. In mixture. For both fertilizers, use about 1/2 cup per 10 square addition to daffodils and tulips, include some early-flower- feet. Sprinkle it on top of the soil after planting, not in the ing bulbs - such as grape hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops and hole. Fertilizer in the hole may burn tender young roots. scilla - to herald the start of spring. Late-flowering alliums will continue the show into early summer. Fertilize established bulb beds in fall, too. All the foliage is dormant then, so it may be difficult to locate bulb beds, Pick a Site. Most bulb species prefer well-drained - not especially if they're naturalized. Try planting grape hyacinths soggy - soil, and a location with at least 6 hours of sun a day (Muscari armeniacum) as indicator bulbs. They produce during spring through summer. Determine light levels in small blue flowers in the spring but also send up fall foliage. summer when the trees have leafed out, and make sure the Plant them around the edge of the bulb area. bulbs will not be in the shade when the leaves still need the sun to make energy for next year's flowers. For more tips and garden information visit www.garden.org. Dig Holes. Digging up the whole bed makes bulb spacing, layering and soil amending easier. The depth of the hole should equal three to four times the bulb height. For example, if a daffodil bulb is 3 inches tall, plant so its base is 9 to 12 inches down. In heavier clay soils, plant 9 inches deep; in lighter, sandier soils, plant 12 inches deep. Space bulbs according to the supplier's recommendations.
Š 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A former floral designer and interior plantscaper, Kathie Bond-Borie has spent 20 years as a garden writer/editor, including her current role as Horticultural Editor for the National Gardening Association. She loves designing with plants, and spends more time playing in the garden planting and trying new combinations - than sitting and appreciating it.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Gardening With Charlie Cont.... With Kathie Bond-Borie, Guest Columnist
Extending the Harvest Season The first frost isn't necessarily the end of the harvest season. If you're growing cool-season crops, such as lettuce and broccoli, or trying to tease the last few vegetables from warm-season crops like tomatoes, you can protect them to extend the harvest window. Here are some different types of coverings that can keep your veggies producing well into fall - in some cases, even after the snow flies.
Frost on Nettle. Photo courtesy of Fotolia
Cold Frame. A simple, homemade cold frame can be constructed from a 3-foot-wide by 6-foot-long wooden box, or even by hay bales arranged in a box shape. Place an old window sash, piece of translucent plastic, or plexiglass on top. More elaborate prepackaged cold frame boxes are made of fiberglass, metal, or wood, and some have automatic vents. The best location for your cold frame is a south-facing, Floating Row Covers. Made from lightweight, spunbonded protected spot, such as the side of a garage. You can use this polyester or spunbonded polypropylene fabric, floating row box to shelter potted plants, or plant directly into the soil covers are loosely laid over plants and anchored down with inside the box after amending it well with compost. soil, stones, or wire stakes. They allow the sun, rain, and air to reach plants, yet protect crops when temperatures drop For more tips and garden information visit www.garden.org. into the high twenties. They come in different thicknesses; the thinnest ones won't protect against frost, but the heavier ones can protect plants down to about 28° F. Sheets, Tarps, Buckets. Drape fabrics over plants, making sure they touch the ground to hold in the heat around the base of the plants. You can also place plastic buckets over choice plants when frost threatens, then remove them the next morning.
Grow Tunnels. Grow tunnels are made from row cover fabric stretched over a metal or plastic frame. Some grow tunnels have slits allowing for natural venting so plants don't overheat, but these don't offer much protection against the cold. The thickest grow tunnel fabrics protect plants down to about 26° F. Cloche. Shaped like a bell or dome, cloches are usually made of plastic or glass. You can purchase fashionable glass ones, or make your own by cutting the bottom off a plastic gallon milk jug and setting it over a plant. They're great for protecting individual plants, such as basil. Some cloches are airtight, offering more frost protection, but these need to be removed during sunny days so plants don't overheat. For less maintenance, choose cloches that are vented on top. They won't protect plants from freezing temperatures as well as closed cloches, but plants are less likely to be burned from excessive heat during the day.
Š 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A former floral designer and interior plantscaper, Kathie Bond-Borie has spent 20 years as a garden writer/editor, including her current role as Horticultural Editor for the National Gardening Association. She loves designing with plants, and spends more time playing in the garden planting and trying new combinations - than sitting and appreciating it.
Courtesy of Family Features
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Exercise the Right Way water not only makes you less hungry but you will notice a big difference in the way you feel. I drank a lot of diet sodas all of my life, but changing to water gave me a cleaner feeling and it actually helped me shed pounds once I switched. Any doctor will tell you to drink more water because it's good for your overall health. If you change your mind about drinking more water, it could be the one tip that makes a big difference in your weight loss.
Not long ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and my doctor told me to lose weight or my life would be shortened Tip #4 Walk by many years. Being overweight most of my life, I knew it Oh no, the dreaded exercise word. That's what I used to was time to get serious. think, but just walking 20 minutes everyday helps burn fat and gives you more energy. Go out the door and take a walk I know how hard weight loss is, and I want to share a few whether it's before work, after work, or even during your things with you that I found along the way that helped me lunch. lose 70 pounds in eleven months. I believe these weight loss tips can help you too, no matter what diet you chose to I started by walking around my subdivision before work and follow. was amazed at the difference it made in my weight loss.
Tip #1 Eat Smaller Meals More Often Tip #5 Lose Weight Slowly Eat breakfast, and then a couple of hours later have a snack. Eat lunch, then a couple of hours later then have another snack. In another couple of hours you can eat dinner. Just make sure your choices are sensible. I buy the small peeled carrots in the bag that are ready to eat so I can eat healthy snacks.
You should not lose any more than one to two pounds a week. If you lose weight too quickly, your chances of gaining the weight right back dramatically increases. Losing weight too quickly can also cause health problems.
Look at losing weight as a long marathon and pace yourself so you can cross the finish line. Only concentrate on the next Most diet plans leave you feeling deprived, but all of that pound not the whole amount of weight you want to lose. In chewing makes you feel more satisfied. Eating every few the end, you'll not only complete the marathon but you will hours also raises your metabolic rate, which means your dramatically improve your health at the same time. body will burn fat and stop storing fat. Once you get used to this small change, you'll discover this weight loss tip really I am not a doctor and I would recommend you consult your works. doctor before you start any diet or exercise plan. This weight
Tip #2 Eat Lots Of Vegetables
loss tips article was written only to share my personal experience with you with the hope that you will benefit from it.
Eat raw vegetables and salads because they are low in calories, low in carbohydrates, and loaded with vitamins. But if you cover your salad or vegetables with dressing, you may as well forget about losing weight. Always get your salad dressing on the side because dressing is high in fat.
Choose a healthy diet plan that you can live with the rest of your life because it is the only way you'll keep the weight off. These weight loss tips will work for you if you keep an open mind and believe they will work.
A good weight loss tip I discovered is dip your fork in the dressing before you fork the salad. This gives you a small taste but keeps the amount of salad dressing you eat to a minimum.
Tip #3 Drink Plenty Of Water I fought this tip at first because it was just too hard to believe. But I changed my mind when I saw the benefits. Drinking © 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine.
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Copyright © 2005 1 Stop Shopping Online.com
About the Author: Gary Gresham is the webmaster for http://www.1stopshoppingonline.com He offers you sources to help you choose the healthy weight loss approach that fits you and your lifestyle best through this online link: http://www.1stopshoppingonline.com/health.html
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
5 Simple © Gary Gresham
Exercise the Right Way random genetic error while cells are replicating, which can lead to cancer. In addition, fat centered around the abdomen may increase insulin and insulin-like growth factors in the blood, which may increase cancer risk. "Women who are obese after menopause have a 50% higher relative risk of breast cancer," notes Thun, "and obese men have a 40% higher relative risk of colon cancer…. Gallbladder and endometrial cancer risks are five times higher for obese individuals”. There is evidence that cancer rates in developed countries are increasing at 5 to 15 times faster than developing countries. A major contributor to this alarming reality has proven to be diet. In populations where the diet consists mostly of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains – in contrast to the typical Western diet of fatty meats, refined flours, oils and sugars – the risk of cancer is much lower.
Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer
e hear it all the time…lose weight for your health. Few people however, realize the extent to which this is critical to their physical well-being and ultimately their life expectancy. In January 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association featured a study finding that obesity appears to lessen life expectancy, especially among young adults. The researchers compared Body-Mass Index (BMI) to longevity and found a correlation between premature death and higher BMIs. For example, a 20-year-old white male, 5’10” weighing 288 pounds with a BMI of greater than 40 was estimated to lose 13 years of his life as a result of obesity.Jamie McManus, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. and author of “Your Personal Guide to Wellness” notes that while this study referenced extreme levels of obesity, there are still millions of overweight people in developed countries with a life expectancy rate that is three to five years less than their healthy-weight counterparts. She also estimates that there are 600,000 obesity related deaths each year in America.
The interaction of diet and the development of cancer is an active field of research and Dr David Heber, M.D., Ph.D. and author of “What Color is Your Diet”, says “It appears that diet has its most significant effects after the cancer has already formed, acting to inhibit or stimulate the growth of that cancer”. At the risk of oversimplifying a complex set of interactions, the typical Western diet that leads to obesity may actually act to stimulate the growth of cancer cells. It is never too late to improve your health through healthful eating and adopting a more health-giving lifestyle. Here are simple steps to follow which can make an immediate improvement to your health and vitality.
1. Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine if Just how does obesity shorten our lifespan? The answer to this question is complex, yet there is a clear link between obesity and the development of cancer. An extensive study conducted by the American Cancer Institute involving 750,000 people showed that obesity significantly increased the risk of cancer developing in the following organs: breast, colon, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, kidneys and gallbladder.
weight has become health risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60% of Americans are overweight, defined as having a BMI (a ratio of height to weight) over 25. Of those, nearly half (27%) qualify as obese, with a body mass index of 30 or more. In 1980, just 15% of Americans were considered obese. You can check your BMI at the website below.
Michael Thun, MD, vice-president of epidemiology and surveillance research for the American Cancer Society (ACS) says one reason obesity may raise cancer risk is because fat cells produce a form of estrogen called estradiol that promotes rapid division of cells, increasing chances of a
2. Match your diet to your body’s requirements. If
© 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
you eat and drink more calories than your body requires you will put on weight. Learn to control calories and portion sizes, make recipes leaner, and eat infrequently from fast
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
© by Kim Beardsmore
Exercise the Right Way
Get the Facts:
•Talk to your doctor about your personal risk of breast cancer 5. Rev up your metabolism with activity. If you want to enjoy a lifetime of well-being, exercise is a key ingredient. Colleen Doyle, MS, RD, director of nutrition and physical activity for the American Cancer Society (ACS), says adults should do something for 30 minutes each day that takes as much effort as a brisk walk. Children should be active for an hour each day. We are more likely to develop habits around things we enjoy, so seek activities which you enjoy doing. It is also helpful to build physical activity into your daily routine: use the stairs instead of the escalator or lift at work, park your car in the parking bay furthest from the super marketing and don’t use the remote control to change TV channels.
6. Get support
2. Get screened •Ask your doctor which screening tests are right for you if you are at higher risk •Have a mammogram every year starting at age 40 if you are at average risk Have a clinical breast exam at least every 3 years starting at 20, and every year starting at 40
3. Know what is normal for you and see your health care provider right away if you notice any of these breast changes: Ÿ Lump, hard knot or thickening Ÿ Swelling, warmth, redness or darkening Ÿ Change in the size or shape of the breast Ÿ Dimpling or puckering of the skin Ÿ Itchy, scaly sore or rash on the nipple Ÿ Pulling in of your nipple or other parts of the breast Ÿ Nipple discharge that starts suddenly to ensure you develop a healthful eating Ÿ New pain in one spot that doesn't go away
plan and reach your goal weight. Whilst a small percentage of people possess the discipline to lose weight, many obese people have developed strong thoughts and habits concerning the food they eat. In order to establish new habits, most people respond well to some form of consistent encouragement and coaching. A study, “Effects of Internet Behavioral Counseling on Weight Loss in Adults at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes” shows that participants who had the support of weight loss coaching lost more weight than those who didn’t. The study concluded that the support of a weight loss coach can significantly improve weight loss results.
© 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
Being overweight or obese has been identified next to smoking, as the most preventable major risk to developing cancer. Even small weight losses have been shown to have beneficial health
4. Make healthy lifestyle choices Ÿ Maintain a healthy weight Ÿ Add exercise into your routine Ÿ Limit alcohol intake
Breast Cancer.Org http://www.breastcancer.org/ From their Web site, "Breastcancer.org is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the most reliable, complete, and up-to-date information about breast cancer. Our mission is to help women and their loved ones make sense of the complex medical and personal information about breast cancer, so they can make the best decisions for their lives."
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month http://www.nbcam.org/ From their Web site, "While October is recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the www.NBCAM.org Web site is a year-round resource for breast cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and the general public. We encourage you to visit our site in October and regularly throughout the year as we add updated breast cancer information and resources."
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
food restaurants. Also learn how to effects. So it’s never to late to start and you can never be too snack with healthful choices. young or too old to be concerned about your health and do something about achieving a more healthy weight. 3. Color your diet with a large variety of colorful, cancer-fighting fruit and vegetables. There are seven different Kim is a successful weight loss coach who will help you find consistent results. You will learn how to stabilize at your goal weight and never 'diet' color ranges of both fruit and vegetables again. No public 'weigh-ins', meetings that cost you money or and by choosing between 5 to 9 daily fads...simply long term results. Free, no obligation consultation: serves from a wide range of fruit and http://leanmachine.org/?refid=bc-27546 vegetables, we are extending our consumption of cancer (and other disease) fighting nutrients. Useful Links to Help Aid You in October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Your Fight Against 4. Eat lean protein with every meal. Protein provides a Breast Cancer powerful signal to the brain providing a longer sense of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® fullness. The right source of protein is essential to control- http://ww5.komen.org/BreastCancer/BreastSelf ling your hunger with fewer calories and necessary to main- Exam.html Included on this page are tools and step-by-step intain your lean muscle mass. Choices of protein should be structions breast self-exams. From their Web site: flavored soy shakes with fruit; the white meat of chicken and Susan G. Komen for the Cure® recommends that you : turkey, seafood such as shrimps, prawns scallops and lobster and ocean fish or vegetarians may prefer soy based meat 1. Know your risk • Talk to your family to learn about your family health history substitutes.
Determining Your Body Type Š Kevin Doberstein
ounce. Usually a tad bit high strung. Just like someone hooked them up intravenously with double strength espresso. At the office, they can eat a bag of chips and wash it down with a soda and then go to break eating even more. For a bodybuilding diet this person can eat all the bread, rice and potatoes they want. Ectomorph must do enough cardio work to keep the heart healthy.
Mesomorph: This type of person can generally put on muscle very easily. They have more of an athletic build. Broad shoulders, wide back and thick thigh muscles are some of the characteristics of this type. This person does have to watch what they eat or they will be adding fat on their body. This person might have an aggressive type of behavior. Do first, ask later mentality. For the bodybuilding diet, eat enough calories to maintain and build muscle, but keep it a very clean and healthy diet or you will put on the fat. Do enough cardio work to keep the fat off. But don't overdo it or you will waste away your hard-earned muscle.
Endomorph: The only thing this type of person has to do is look at food and they gain weight. And not the right kind of weight. Some possible characteristics are narrow shoulders or a pear shaped body. Watching their diet is a big problem for this person. This person might have to monitor their health more closely for heart disease later in life. This person must strive to keep an active lifestyle to burn the calories. The bodybuilding diet, eat low calorie foods such ne time, a successful bodybuilder once told me that as vegetables and fruits. Preferably in whole and natural bodybuilding is 80 percent knowledgeable training form. Protein should come from very lean sources. and 80 percent nutrition. It is quite obvious this strong-armed man did not have strength in math, but never You can be a combination of two or even all three-body the less he was successful in pursuing a bodybuilding life- types. You can be a bodybuilder no matter what type of body you have. Its just that some will have an easier time than style. Wait a minute that was me who said that. Oh boy. others will. After deciding on the type of body you have you To determine what kind of nutrition and training you should can adjust your workout accordingly.
follow, you must first determine what type of body style you have. It is not imperative to do this but it does help you achieve your desired effect. The three types of body styles are Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph.
Ectomorph: This type of person has a hard time putting on weight. That includes fat or muscle. Typically a thin, wiry type of build. In the bodybuilding circle this is a hardgainer. This person can eat anything all the time and will not gain an Š 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
The author, Kevin Doberstein, is a writer for www.nature-boy-bodybuilding. The site is dedicated to natural bodybuilding and preserving nature and wildlife. Water, forest, soil and wildlife conservation is paramount to Nature boy. You can contact Nature boy at natureboy_bodybuilding@hotmail.com
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
the Women & Bodybuilding Exercise Right Way
Your Guide to Natural Bodybuilding Jargon
Exercise the Right Way
By Kevin Doberstein CFT Copyright Š 2005 Nature Boy Bodybuilding
This glossary contains the definitions of the world of Natural Bodybuilding. It is by no means a complete guide to Bodybuilding. However, I do believe that if you go through this bilingual dictionary, you should become fairly knowledgeable of the Natural Bodybuilding language. This could also become a resource to find quick answers once you start designing training programs on your own. Be sure to add this bodybuilding jargon guide to your favorites for future reference. Rep. Abbreviation for repetition. For example, one repetition or "rep" would be one barbell bicep curl. Rep Tempo. The speed the repetition is done at. A slow tempo works the slow twitch muscle fiber. A fast explosive rep works the fast twitch muscle fiber. Set. A set of repetitions. An example would be 1 set of 8 bicep curl repetitions. Tri-Set. Three exercises work together in one set. Usually done with a muscle group with three or more sections. An example would be deltoids with front raises; side laterals, and rear raises all done continuously in one set. Giant-Set. Four to six exercises done together in one set. Staggered-Sets. Adding a different muscle exercise in between sets. An example would be doing a abdominal crunch exercise in between bench presses. using the pectoral muscle. First do a set of 5 to 6 reps of bench presses with explosive speed to stimulate the Basic-Movement set. A multi-joint exercise. An example would fast twitch muscle fiber. be the bench press. Then do a set of 10 to 12 reps of dumbbell flys with modRest-Pause set. Resting for 10 to 15 seconds in between reps. This erate speed to stimulate fast and slow twitch fiber. Then do a set of is done to further the set and increase intensity. An example would 25 to 40 reps of cable crossovers to stimulate the slow twitch fiber. be doing a barbell curl then stopping on the bottom of the movement (resting) for 10 to 15 seconds and then do another rep. Alternating Set. Isolating one muscle then isolating the other muscle out of one group. This is done to focus on each part of the Muscle Mix-Up. Changing the rep scheme and exercises to force muscle group. An example would be dumbbell alternating bicep the muscles into new growth. curls. You can curl one arm at a time to increase the intensity in each biceps. Holistic Training. The theory that the parts of any whole should be considered in relation to the whole and that the whole is greater Quaker Thunder Blast. Too much oatmeal taken in for carbohythan the sum of its parts. What this means in bodybuilding is drates mixed with squat night. Don't laugh, this is a serious conditraining a body part in different rep speed and volume to stimulate tion. the entire muscle structure of that body part. This is an example Pre-Exhaustion set. Doing a isolation exercise before a basic movement exercise. This is done to focus on one muscle in a group of muscles. An example would be doing dumbbell flys before bench press.
Š 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
End the Confusion!
bodybuilders and will talk to them at anytime, even during a hard concentrated set. A common quote used around this bodybuilder is Baseballs. Sometimes used slang for a well defined bicep muscle "where is the switch to when it is fully contracted. turn it off!".
Exercise the Right Way
V-taper. Refers to the back side of the upper torso. A wide back to a narrow waist which makes a V. Generally to increase the V-taper one must increase the size of the latissimi dorsi muscle of the upper back and decrease the fat around the waist. Negs. The eccentric portion of the strength curve. For example in the bench it is when you lower it to your chest. Negs or negative reps are when you resist the force from the weight and slowly lowering it to your chest. This will cause above normal trauma to your muscle fiber and shouldn't be done too often. This process can also be done with other lifts. Trampoline Lifter. Someone who bounces the weight at the amortization portion of the lift. An example would be someone bouncing the barbell off his or her chest in the bench press exercise. A very bad practice to follow. You drastically cheat the muscle from total development.
Lifting Belt. A leather or nylon belt that is 4 to 6 inches wide. It is usually worn when doing heavy leg workouts even though I seen lifters use them when doing wrist curls. They help support the mid torso.
? ? ?
Tourniquet pants. A lifter who wears a bleached out pair of gray sweat pants that have severely shunken in the laundry.
Squat Rack. An apparatus used in the gym for safety. Most are designed to accommodate all heights with adjustable pins. Leg squats, bench presses, and other lifts can be done using a Squat Overtrained and Strained. Pushing your body to a point that it no Rack. longer recovers from the workouts. Signs of over-training can be sleepless nights, an unusually cranky personality, and losing mus- Lightbulb Man. This is describing a male bodybuilder who only cle size. A change of workout is usually needed but first preceded works the chest and arm muscles. with a period of rest so that the body can recover. Following a periodization program will help prevent this. Rip Up. Can also be called cutting up or lean out. Shedding the body fat by aerobic training and diet to show muscularity. Periodization Program. This program cycles light with heavy training days. This will help the body recover faster and also Melon Sized. Sometimes used to describe a pair of large and provide an ever-changing training program to prevent the body defined deltoid muscles. from adapting to the workout and preventing growth. Split Program. A bodybuilding training program that splits workouts up to one or two bodyparts per training session. This can be further broken down into 2 workouts per day. This is called a double split. It can be a 4,5, or 6 day a week program. This is a very advanced training program and can lead to overtraining from not enough rest between training sessions.
Striated and shredded. A term used to describe a muscle distinguished from other smooth muscle by transverse striations of the fibers. Peeing Nitro. A condition of urinating excess nitrogen from consuming too much protein.
Carbed Up. A process of eating slow burning carbohydrates and Superset. Working two opposing muscle groups in one set. An drinking water three hours before a workout. This will provide fuel example would be doing a set of bicep curls and then immediately for energy for the anaerobic training. follow that with tricep pressdowns. Quarter Barrel Sized. Sometimes used to describe a bodybuilder Forced Reps. This involves doing a set to failure and then having with unusually large leg muscles. Especially if out of proportion to your training partner help you with additional reps. the rest of the body. The Pump. A tight, warm, somewhat burning sensation in a muscle that is from by being worked through manipulation. Can be References: from using a barbell, dumbbell, exercise machine, or some other Joe Weider 1981, Bodybuilder, the Weider Approach. means. PumpOut. Generally, a set of 12 to 15 repetitions added at the end of a bodypart workout. This is done to force additional blood into About the Author the working muscle and deepen the "pump" feeling.
Kevin Doberstein is a Certified Fitness Trainer living in northern Wisconsin. He has been a natural bodybuilder for 25 years. Nature Boy, Your Melon Knockers. Lying triceps extensions. The name came from Natural Bodybuilding web source. Forever for the cause of Natural Bodythe bar being just above the head at the bottom of the movement. building and Fitness.
Gabby Haynes. Also called "all mouth". This fellow bodybuilder can be quite irritating by disturbing other bodybuilders talking to them constantly. This person generally has no regards to other Š 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Bodybuilding Jargon cont....
Here's a short guide to natural prevention and suggestions for possible skin relief:
Insect Bites Prevention: Avoid floral and sweet-smelling scents, including dryer sheets. Essential oils citronella, evergreen and/or eucalyptus have been used to repel mosquitoes, and lavender, basil and/or geranium for biting flies. Relief: Colloidal oatmeal bath or lavender or peppermint essential oils soothe itching. Topical clay or crushed basil leaf for soothing relief.
Minor cuts, scrapes and bruises Prevention: Common sense! Be alert and follow safety guidelines. Relief: Tea tree oil or witch hazel in commercial products is said to help clean and soothe. Comfrey, lavender or calendula ointment, or compresses have been used to help ease inflammation. Arnica gel or cream are options often used for swelling and pain.
Sunburn Prevention: Reduce the amount of sun on your skin with a hat, clothing, and sunglasses. Apply mineral-based sunscreens liberally and often. Relief: Peppermint oil, calendula oil, or St. Johns Wort extract are cool and soothing on burned skin. Witch hazel or green, white or black tea (brewed and cooled) contain tannins which also may offer relief.
Selecting Sun Protection Mineral-based or physical blockers reflect rays from skin with minerals such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide that immediately provide (Family Features) Ahh, the great outdoors. Sunshine, fresh UVB and UVA protection. air, hiking, camping...sunburn, mosquitoes, scrapes and bruises... Because the sun is so hard on skin, choose suncare that not only protects, but nourishes and soothes with high levels of Getting back to nature brings its own set of challenges, but nutrient-rich natural ingredients. Green tea, soy and caffeine that's no reason to stay inside. The skin is the body's largest have been used to potentially block UVA and UVB rays, organ and taking care of it before and after enjoying time while milk thistle, carotenoids (carrot oil) offer additional outdoors is important. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural antioxidant benefits that may help minimize sun damage. ways to prevent and treat damage to your skin. To help you find the right natural products for your needs, A well-balanced diet, plenty of fluids and adequate rest go a Whole Foods Market has an entire department dedicated to long way toward building healthy, resilient skin. helping you look and feel your best. The Whole Body department offers in-store lectures, podcasts and experts to provide When it comes to shopping for body care products, look for product information. Whole Body experts will provide tips products with high quality ingredients that contain fewer and ideas for: artificial additives. Nourish your skin and hair with good amounts of healthy plant-based botanicals, antioxidants and Ÿ Designing a first aid kit with natural options moisturizers. These beneficial ingredients build healthier hair and skin cells over time. See “Enjoy Nature” page 45 © 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Sprinkles of Good Health for
Three of the most powerful health-food items that should be sprinkled into every woman’s diet
To get your daily dose of flaxseed, purchase either whole flaxseeds and grind them at home or get them already ground from your health food store. After opening, keep them sealed and refrigerated. Sprinkle them on hot and cold cereals, smoothies, fresh fruit and yogurt. Use them in baking recipes for cookies, muffins, and bars.
2. Wheat Germ 2009 By Sara Jo Poff
One of the two most essential parts of the wheat kernel is the germ (the other being the bran). The word, coming from “germination,” means the part of the seed that is responsible for the development and growth of a new sprout. Wheat
oncerns of high-blood pressure, breast cancer, high cholesterol, abnormal ovulation, menopause symptoms, and bone loss affect millions of American women. Pharmacy aisles abound with synthetic vitamins, fiber pills, and over-the-counter remedies. Unfortunately, the artificial nature of these supplies can not compete with the benefits that naturally-grown plants offer. Just as God intended, there are unbelievable nutritional properties in certain plants that offer women relief and protection from these problems with just a sprinkle on your daily meals. Here are three of them.
1. Ground Flaxseed Originating in ancient Mesopotamia, flaxseed has been used for thousands of years to treat hundreds of different conditions, from tonsillitis to mental illness. Today, it is most popular for promoting normal ovulation, restoring hormonal balance, and preventing breast cancer. Flaxseed is high in fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, and lignans. Because of its fiber content, it has been used for hundreds of years as a laxative. While many health experts are stressing the importance of consuming fish for adequate omega 3 fatty acid intake, flaxseed is a much safer way to get your omega 3s without the danger of ingesting toxins fish now carry. Lignans are a type of insoluble fiber that has received a lot of attention lately because of its highly anticancer properties. They also contain antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties and have been shown to limit menopausal symptoms. Because flaxseeds help restore hormonal balance, women who consume flaxseed on a regular basis may notice a decrease in estrogen-dominance symptoms such as mood swings, weight gain, irritability, fluid retention, and heavy bleeding. In fact, a study by Mayo Clinic published in 2007 showed that women who added 40 grams of crushed flaxseed to their daily diets for six weeks had a fifty-percent reduction in hot flashes.
germ has 23 nutrients, and, per ounce, has more nutrients than any other grain or vegetable. It’s very high in fiber and protein. In fact, wheat germ contains more protein than most red meat products. It also contains vitamin E, which is helpful in preventing heart disease and signs of aging. Wheat germ also contains more potassium and iron than any other food source. Because the flour in processed breads has See “Good Health” page 45
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Good Health cont....
had the wheat germ taken out, store-bought bread lacks the germ’s nutritional properties. Since bread makers take these nutritional properties out of the bread, the government ordered them to be replaced with synthetic versions of iron, calcium, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. Unfortunately, their version of these nutrients can’t compare to wheat germ’s natural advantages. To get these nutrients back into your diet, purchase wheat germ at your local health food store in either the toasted or raw varieties. You may even be able to find wheat germ in the cereal aisle of stores like Wal-Mart and Target. Sprinkle it on cereals, vegetables and meats. Use it in your baking recipes for things like muffins and quick-breads. Just replace a small amount of the flour with wheat germ.
It’s important to distinguish between this and other forms of yeast, such as brewer’s yeast and active dry yeast. Nutritional yeast flakes are not live, active yeast, and are pasteurized at the end of the growth period. Nutritional yeast flakes often come in a container much like grated parmesan cheese designed for shaking over foods. The flavor is most often described as cheesy but is sometimes also considered a nutty or creamy flavor. Because of this, it is a great topping for popcorn, pizza, and anything else you would normally sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
Since all of these super-ingredients are a good source of fiber, make sure to begin them in a gradual progression. Too sudden of an increase in fiber can cause bloating and gas, especially in those whose diets are not accustomed to adequate amounts of fiber. During this progression, make sure to increase your daily water intake, which will help with bloating and gas symptoms. Lastly, don’t forget to thank 3. Nutritional Yeast Flakes Grown on molasses exclusively for its nutritional value, God for his creative design of plants and our bodies. nutritional yeast flakes are a rich source of protein with 18 essential amino acids (making it a complete protein). It’s Sara Jo Poff is blessed to spend most of her time homeschooling her four also a rich source of the B-complex vitamin and folic acid. children, ages 3 to 13. When she’s not learning with her family, Sara Jo B-complex vitamins are helpful for stress reduction. It is is constantly learning new ways to improve the family’s diet and share this also a very important and rare source of B12 for vegetarians. information with others through her writing. The Lord recently relocated Trace mineral chromium found in the yeast is a great regula- Sara Jo, her husband Pete, and their children from Minnesota to Claremore, Ok tor for diabetics and those with low blood sugar. Enjoy Nature cont...
Ÿ Herbs and homeopathy for protecting against bug bites and relieving poison ivy and oak Ÿ Protection from the sun and relieving sunburn Ÿ Options for natural deodorants and body care with plant-based botanicals, antioxidants and moisturizers Ÿ Supportive nutrients for an active and healthy lifestyle If you can't attend an in-store lecture, listen to these podcasts on the Whole Foods Market website: Beat the Bugs http://blog.wholefoodsmarket.com/2009/06/beat-the-bugs/ Effective, Natural Deodorant is No Secret http://blog.wholefoodsmarket.com/2009/06/effectivenatural-deodorant-is-no-secret/ Summer Skin Care from Sunburns to Scrapes http://blog.wholefoodsmarket.com/?s=Summer+Skin+Care Summer Fun, Not Sore Muscles http://blog.wholefoodsmarket.com/2009/07/summer-funnot-sore-muscles-2/ Check local listings for in-store lectures in your area, or visit wholefoodsmarket.com for more information. © 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Get started at www.smallstep.gov
Nancy’s New Beginnings
By Nancy Napolitano For The Fit Christian
her best friend who has seen her through so much. She asks herself, “Why doesn’t he just take me?” My son Jeff fights a war in Iraq to protect our freedom.
Life is Like a Bicycle
My friend Josh battles heart transplant rejection.
So, I turn to Jesus and cry out, “Why? I don’t understand your ways. Help me.”
here is a saying that life is like a bicycle, you don’t fall off until you quit pedaling. Sometimes I pedal and pedal until I can pedal no more, then I fall off … Yes, that’s right, I fall off. Sometimes it is by conscious choice, other times I am literally thrown over the handlebars head-first. Life’s challenges!
Years may pass before I know, if ever. It is called faith. I draw on spiritual experience, stress management training, and scriptures such as Romans 12:2 “…transforming my mind not to the things of this world, but things above.” Positive thoughts envelope me. My memories of happy times, family ties, and things that can never be taken away; the love, the enormous love, from God and my family. I am reminded of these words in scripture, “Be joyful always, pray continually—to give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (I Thessolonians 5:16—18). Yes, thank you God for this time of life, for my family, and for my friends. Thank you for a loving husband, my children, and my grandchildren. Thank you for all the blessings you’ve given me. Sometimes these tragedies are blessings in disguise. My weight issues seem to pale in comparison, but
Nancy, dealing with the challenges of life.
The question then becomes what do you do? Do you keep trying or just give up? I can honestly say this column is a God-send. It helps me take stock in the progress I have made and continually strive to do better. This issue finds me at a crossroad … troubled, hurt, losing confidence. I quit pedaling when life’s troubles begin to weigh me down. You see, my father was recently diagnosed with Melanoma. My mother, a five-year survivor of cancer, at the same time struggles with congestive heart failure. There has been hospitalization after hospitalization. Even 28 years of nursing experience has not prepared me for this. It is so incredibly difficult to see those you love in their aging years. (Those Nancy with her mom once healthy, robust go-getters.) My 107-year-old grandmother begs for Jesus to take her in a I know God is in control. He is alive and well in the faces of body too old for the wear and tear; longing to be with Jesus, my mom and dad. I think I can keep pedalin’ after all! H © 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
New Releases Coming This Fall From His Work Christian Publishing
These New titles will be available this fall at your local bookstores or online at Amazon.com and other online booksellers or at www.hisworkpub.com/bookstore.
A beautiful flower arrangement my sweet son sent me after he had been home on leave and then left again for Iraq ... I really cried with that one. The picture I took of the flowers has a background sign I have hanging on my wall that says PRAY OFTEN. I have certainly been doing that.–Nancy
Nancy with her dad. Š 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Supernatural Athletes Through the Bible Series © David Luther
And the LORD said to Aaron, Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. And he went, and met him in the mount of God, and kissed him. And Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD who had sent him, and all the signs which he had commanded him. And Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel: And Aaron spake all the words which the LORD had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people. And the people believed: and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped (Exodus 4:27-31). Moses found his family and nation ready to accept deliverance from God. Everyone was ready to come together in agreement in the Lord. Pharaoh was not quite as ready to be agreeable though. The name of the God of the Hebrews did not impress this king of Egypt. He just made their labor more difficult.
Jacob; and I will give it you for an heritage: I am the LORD (Exodus 6:2-8). What is there about “I AM THE LORD” that you don’t understand? The people could not remember who was boss either, and they refused to believe Moses. Finally, God tells him that he has been made as a God to Pharaoh. And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land. And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them (Exodus 7:1-5).
The people demanded that God judge Moses for the evil they now endured. Moses even began to question his direction himself. He challenged God to explain his failure to deliver the people. But God had already told him that the Pharaoh The stakes have been raised, and Pharaoh is to see the power would resist him. God reminded him who was boss: this time. But he will NOT be free to make a common sense decision. His heart will be hardened so Egypt can see who And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the the boss is too. HE is LORD. This may seem unfair, but God LORD: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto is building a case for much greater things in the future. One Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHO- king is prevented from hearing the truth so we can hear it VAH was I not known to them. And I have also established now. Jesus also spoke in parables so evil men would not my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the understand and be saved. land of their pilgrimage, wherein they were strangers. And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they covenant. Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the might not see, and hearing they might not understand (Luke LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of 8:10). the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great Some are already known by God, and their evil will be barred judgments: And I will take you to me for a people, and I will from gaining eternal life. They have a religion that does not be to you a God: and ye shall know that I am the LORD your follow the rules of faith. God, which bringeth you out from unde r the burdens of the Egyptians. And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, un© 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
thankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was (2 Timothy 3: 1-9). Israel needed to see a reminder of truth and faith. They had been living in comfort under Joseph, and needed to be weaned from wealth and complacency. A season of bondage had prepared them to consider leaving their hosts again. They still needed to see the advantage of walking by faith, instead of trusting the world. We too can learn to trust the comfort of prosperity, and forget the God who is our source. We can begin to take shortcuts in or walk. And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent. And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent (Exodus 7:8-10).
Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men (Titus 3:1-2). This says that we should obey the laws of our nation and states. It is NOT a suggestion. Christians must obey our laws. These are not laws that resist our Christian beliefs. They are made for our safety. Today we see law officers being arrested for violating the laws they are paid to enforce. This is not right for the church. I want to propose a better way. I am not promoting natural training. I am promoting SUPERnatural training. I suggest that we gather our church prayer groups to support those athletes who take a stand for drug free training. No one has to sign up, just make a point to stand for the truth, and pray for each other. The Lord will reveal his works in the athletes who stand in the light. I believe the Family of God must come together in the power of the living God again. We have some who claim Christ while living in the power of the world. We need a people who will stand against the armies of the world armed only with the power of our God. We remember his name, and must show it to the world again. Fitness must not become an excuse for temptation. Steroids are a real threat to young and old alike, and the church cannot be ignorant of the danger. Children as young as 10 are involved in power-lifting now, and some have already tried these drugs. Role models for evil populate bodybuilding and wrestling magazines on every newsstand.
This was a powerful spiritual demonstration. But Satan has We can overcome by trusting God to show a better way. God always had power in this world too. The magic of Egypt will can enable the athlete to win in competition without drugs if demonstrate power as well: they have the power of mass prayer behind them. Can we count on your prayer group to remember the SUPERnatural athletes who still stand for Jesus Christ? Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner We have a Savior who is not timid, and needed no brother to with their enchantments. For they cast down every man his speak for him. He faced the enemy and overcame the power rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron's rod swallowed of the grave and death. Can we follow Him when he comup their rods (Exodus 7:11-12). mands the prince of this world to let his people go? Will we cross the sea with the Pillar of Fire himself? This was a satanic power greater than we see even in this evil age. The world is impressed by the power of Satan, and we should know that this is real. The saints should not recoil in horror at the evidence of evil spirits in this world. Fear not: THE LORD is greater. In our society, we have been imDavid Luther is a former contract designer travelpressed with the power of mind-altering drugs over our ing far from his original home in Michigan's auto youth. Now we see drugs giving power to athletes as well. industry. Health problems sent him to the gym to become a body re-builder. In Texas he fell in with They gain real strength, even while using banned substances. Christians at the Metroflex gym, home of 8 time There is a form of witchcraft in our modern world. Are we to Mr. Olympia, Ronnie Coleman. The economy is be impressed by the power of Satan? I think we are called to forcing changes to his employment and training speak up for the power of Jesus Christ. plans now. David writes bible studies, Through the Bible, as a way to be involved in ministry while living in his new home in Mesa Arizona. Š 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
Scripture & Reflection
© Angela J. Perez
Never Alone
A scripture to help you focus on your Christian life. Meditate and pray on this verse from the Bible and see how it applies to your life, or how you should apply it. Ask the Lord for revelation and understanding on the scriptures and He will grant your request. “It's better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps, But if there's no one to help, tough!” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 The Message. You may have heard this scripture more often in the King James version rather than in The Message version, but The Message says it loud and clear. Here is the original: “Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NKJV. Loneliness is difficult to endure. God created us to be social people, not loners. So when we are forced into isolation, whether it be a small cubicle at work, a jail cell, or a tiny home office (hand raised) you find yourself wanting to break out. I have been struggling with loneliness the summer. I have been forced into isolation by many factors: bed-rest, no running vehicle, miles away from the bus line, and no ‘friends’ to come visit with me. I have also been feeling lonely in my spiritual life, mainly because I have been unable to attend church and I have no prayer partner. Yes, I call fellow Christians and have them pray with me over the phone, but that is not the same as experiencing face-to-face prayer and fellowship, and besides that, I have very few numbers listed in my “Christian friends Rollodex”. I have been praying for Christian friends for quite some time now, and have even made some ‘virtual’ friends by searching the Internet. One those days where the loneliness overwhelmed me, I cried and prayed and asked God what I can do to ease the pain of loneliness. He replied, “Read the Bible.” I was sarcastically thinking, Yeah, right, that’s really gonna work. But, out of pure loneliness and no other suggestions, I picked up my Bible and read. Soon after reading, I realized I was no longer alone because I was spending time with God. His Holy Spirit entwined with mine, and the loneliness and heartache I was experiencing lifted like a vapor that dissipates into the heavens. I had a Rhema moment–a revelation–of what He meant when He said, “I will never leave you.” He is always there waiting for us to fellowship with Him–waiting, and waiting, and waiting ever so patiently to spend time with His child. It is us that leave His side. I was lonely because I was not spending enough time with God and in His Word–and I was on bed-rest! Now when the feeling of loneliness creeps in on me, I grab my Bible and spend time with the Lord. And yes, I still pray for face-to-face friends, while enjoying alone time with my Best Friend–Jesus!
Are you dealing with loneliness? Is Jesus your best friend? What is this scripture saying to you? © 2009 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.
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