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Did you know that…….
Rijeka was a Free State from 1 January 1921 to 24 January 1924.
Rijeka was recommended as the home to the League of Nations – the UN predecessor – by the American president Woodrow Wilson in 1919. Citizens of Rijeka born before 1915 and living through to 1991 would have changed citizenship five times: the AustroHungarian Empire, the Free State of Rijeka, the Kingdom of Italy, the SFR Yugoslavia and the Republic of Croatia. In the late XIX and early XX centuries four languages were used in Rijeka - Croatian, German, Hungarian and Italian. Apart from the majority Croat population, today’s Rijeka hosts 11 minority communities – Albanians, Bosnians, Czechs, Hungarians, Italians, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Romani, Serbs, Slovaks and Slovenians. The University of Rijeka was originally founded as the Jesuit College in 1627. River Rječina was the state border from 1924 through to 1941 when it divided the city into Sušak on the east bank, which was part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and Fiume on the west bank which was ruled by Italy.
During the past century Rijeka had a total of 57 Consulates, with a concentration of 20 Consulates in the period preceding WW I. The city has had two names throughout its modern history – Rijeka in Croatian and Fiume in Italian and Hungarian. Both names mean ‘river’ in Croatian and Italian languages. So do Tarsa in Celtic and Flumen in Latin – as the city was called in the past. Fiorello La Guardia was the USA consul in Rijeka prior to becoming the first elected Mayor of New York. During his stay he played football for Rijeka football clubs.
In 1866 torpedo was invented the local navy captain, Giovanni de Luppis, and designed and built by the English engineer, Robert Whitehead. The first recorded pet cemetery in the world was established in 1920. The first photo of the shock waves made by a supersonically flying bullet was taken by Dr. Peter Salcher in 1886. In 1907 the local surgeon, Dr. Antonio Grossich, introduced iodine as a disinfectant in medicine. In 1813 “Notizie del Giorno” was the first ever printed daily newspaper in Italian language, including Italy. The first international football match in Croatia was played in Rijeka in 1905 when the local side Club Atletico Fiumano played against the team from SS Slavonia (one of Cunard Line ship’s on a regular route Rijeka - New York). In 1852 Rijeka mountain climbers organised the first team climb on Mt. Učka, 5 years ahead of the establishment of the British Alpine Club. In 1885 they formed CAF – Club Fiumano Alpino.
Friends in Rijeka (Fiume).
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Name:................................................................................................................... Address:.............................................................................................................. Phone:.................................................................................................................. Mobile:................................................................................................................. E-mail:..................................................................................................................
Friends in Rijeka (Fiume).
Address:.............................................................................................................. Phone:.................................................................................................................. Mobile:................................................................................................................. E-mail:..................................................................................................................
Name:................................................................................................................... Address:.............................................................................................................. Phone:.................................................................................................................. Mobile:................................................................................................................. E-mail:..................................................................................................................
8 1.
Municipal palace flag pole - St. Jerome church and dominican monastery 2. Museum of modern and contemporary Art (MMSU) - University library (permanent exhibition of Glagolitic script) 3. Governor’s palace maritime and historical museum 4. City museum 5. Natural history museum 6. Palace of justice 7. St. Vitus church - Calvary 8. St. Sebastian church 9. Castrum (late antiquity ruins) 10. Old gateway (The Roman arc) 11. Community palace, old city hall 12. Leaning tower - Church of the Assumption
13. Modello palace 14. The City food market 15. National theatre “Ivan Zajc” 16. Orthodox church St. Nicolas 17. City tower (medieval gateway to town) 18. Adria palace 19. Church of Our lady of Lourdes (church of the Capucines) 20. Kozala cemetery 21. Railway station 22. Old sugar mill 23. Harbour warehouses 24. Lighthouse 25. Torpedo lounch ramp refugee hotel 26. Kantrida footbal stadium
Jeste li znali...
Rijecki prvijenci
Kratka povijest Rijeke
Rijeka je bila slobodna država od 1. siječnja 1921. do 24. siječnja 1924.
1866. Torpedo izumljen od strane kapetana Giovanni de Lupis.Projektiranje i izgradnju je izveo Robert Whitehead, engleski inženjer.
180. pr.Kr. Nakon što su rimske legije pobijedile Ilirske pirate, starosjedioce na ovome prostoru, po prvi put se spominje rimsko naselje na području današnjeg Starog grada imena Tarsatica. Keltsko imena za Rijeku su bila Phawlon i Phanas.
Američki predsjednik Woodraw Wilson je 1919. predložio Rijeku za sjedište Lige naroda – preteče Ujedinjenih naroda.
1886. U Rijeci je prvi put u povijesti fotografiran je nadzučni let puščanog zrna. Učinio je to Dr. Peter Salcher.
Riječani koji su živjeli. između 1915. i 1991. su promijenili 5 država: Austro- Ugarsku, Slobodnu državu Rijeka, Kraljevinu Italiju, SFR Jugoslaviju i Republiku Hrvatsku.
1913. Riječki kirurg Anton Grossich prvi je 1907. uveo u praksu primjenu jodne tinkture u pripremi za operativne zahvate.
U kasnom 19. i ranom 20. st. Riječani su ravnopravno koristili 4 jezika – hrvatski, talijanski, mađarski i njemačk.i
1920. Prvo groblje za kućne ljubimce izgrađeno je u Rijeci.
Osim većinskog hrvatskog stanovništva, Rijeku danas naseljavaju i pripadnici različitih nacionalnih manjina Albanci, Bošnjaci, Česi, Mađari, Talijani, Crnogorci, Srbi, Slovaci, Slovenci i Romi. Sveučilište u Rijeci osnovali su isusovci 1627. Rječina je od 1924. do 1941. bila državna granica – zapadna obala pripadala je Italiji, a istočna (Sušak) Kraljevini Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. U prošlom stoljeću u Rijeci je djelovalo 57 konzulata (20 konzulata u razdoblju uoči I. svjetskog rata). U svojoj povijesti Rijeka je imala 2 imena – hrvatsko ime Rijeka i talijansko i mađarsko ime Fiume (fiume na talijanskom jeziku znači rijeka). Fiorello La Guardia je bio konzula USA u Rijeci prije nego što je postao prvi gradonačelnik New Yorka. Za vrijeme svog mandata nastupao je u riječkim nogomentnim klubovima.
1813. Prve dnevne novine tiskane na talijanskom jeziku (uključujući Italiju) “Notizie del giorno” izdavane i tiskane su u Rijeci. 1905. Prva međunarodna nogometna utakmica u Hrvatskoj odigrala se u Rijeci 1905. između lokalnog kluba Atletico Fiumano i kluba s broda SS Slavonia kompanije Cunard Line koji je plovio na liniji Rijeka - New York 1852. Riječki planinari prvi organiziraju pohod na planinu pet godina prije nego što je osnovan British Alpine Club . Na osnovama tog pohoda 1885. osnovan je CAF Club Alpino Fiumano Rimljani formiraju Ilirsku provinciju koja okružuje Tarsatiku i razvija se u urbano naselje sa samostalnom gradskom upravom i vojnom službom.
orlom kojem su obje glave okrenute u istom smjeru i s natpisom “indeficienter” - “nepresušan”. 1719. Rijeka je odlukom cara Karla VI proglašena slobodnom lukom. 1779. Carica Marija Tereza proglašava Rijeku izdvojenim tijelom (Corpus Separatum) ujedinjenim s Ugarskim kraljevstvom. 1809 – 1813. Rijeka je kao dio Ilirske provincije pod Francuzima do 1813. kad ponovno dolazi pod austrijsku vlast. 1848. Ban Jelačić okupira Rijeku, raspušta gradsku upravu i utemeljuje riječku županiju.
500-700..n.e. Tijekom ovih stoljeća Avari i Slaveni prodiru preko Drave i Save, sve do jadranske obale.
1868. – 1870. Rijeka je Corpus Separatum - izdvojeno tijelo stavljeno pod Ugarsku upravu.
800. Franci razaraju Tarsatiku, tad poznatu kao pomorski grad – civitas maritima.
1896. Michele Maylender osniva Autonomnu stranku.
1230. Prvi put se u dokumentima spominje “Rijeka svetoga Vida”. O njoj pišu venecijanski trgovci. 1281. Nakon pada Tarsatike spominje se novo naselje pod imenom Flumen, što je na hrvatskom značilo Reka ili Rika. 1336. – 1365. Vlasnici Rijeke postaju krčki knezovi (kasnije Frankopani). 1465. Rijeka dolazi pod vlast cara Friedricha III Habsburga i do kraja 1. svjetskog rata ostaje pod vlašću obitelji Habsburg. 1508. Svibanj - Rijeku zauzimaju Venecijanci. 1511. Venecijanci gube Rijeku koja dolazi pod habsburšku vlast kao izdvojeno tijelo - communitas terrae S. Viti. 1530. 25. lipnja Kralj Ferdinand odobrava prvi Statut grada Rijeke koji mu je podnešen 1527. 1595. Turci su došli do Grobničkog polja što uzrokuje paniku i strah u gradu. 1659. Rijeka odlukom cara Leopolda I dobiva grb s dvoglavim
1915. 26. travnja - Predstavnici Engleske, Francuske, Carske Rusije i Italije potpisuju tajni Londonski ugovor o predaji hrvatskih i slovenskih teritorija na Jadranu Italiji, kao nagradu za ulazak u rat na strani Antante, a protiv Centralnih sila (Austro-Ugarske i Njemačke). Prema tom sporazumu Rijeka je trebala biti pripojena Hrvatskoj, no Italija želi ugrabiti hrvatske teritorije da osigura svoju dominaciju na Jadranu. Londonski ugovor je prvi otkrio Frano Supilo u Sankt Petersburgu. Tekst sporazuma je objavila Lenjinova vlada nakon Oktobarske revolucije. 1918. 29. listopada - Hrvatski sabor u Zagrebu proglašava raskid svih državnopravnih veza Hrvatske s Austrijom i Mađarskom i osnutak nove države - Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. 4. studenoga - Talijanska vojska ulazi u riječku luku. 17. studenoga - Američke i engleske trupe s talijanskog razarača Audace preuzimaju kontrolu nad gradom. Američki predsjednik Woodraw Wilson postaje pregovarač u jugoslavensko-talijanskom sporu oko Rijeke. On predlaže da Rijeka postane slobodna država i moguće sjedište Lige naroda – preteče UN-a. 1919. Rijeka je proglašena Talijanskom Regencijom Kvarnera pod vodstvom Gabriellea D’ Annunzija.
1920. –1924. 12.studeni 1920 - potpisan Rapallski ugovor između Italije i Kraljevine SHS kojim obje strane priznaju ‘potpunu slobodu i nezavisnost novonastale Države Rijeka i obavezuju se da će to vječno poštivati’. Prvi i jedini predsjednik nove države je Riccardo Zanella. 24-30. prosinca 1920 - ‘Krvavi Božić’. D’ Annunzio vojnom akcijom istjeran iz grada. 1921. Na izborima Autonomna stranka (uz podršku i većinu glasova riječkih Hrvata) dobiva 6558, a nacionalni blok (fašistička, liberalna i demokratska stranka) 3443 glasova. Predsjednik vlade postaje šef Autonomne stranke Ricardo Zanella. 1922. Fašisti izvode puč, legalna Vlada prebjegla u Kraljevicu. 1924. Novi ugovor bez sudjelovanja međunarodno priznate Slobodne države Rijeka, potpisan u Rimu, dodijelio je grad Italiji dok je Sušak je pripao Kraljevini SHS. 1941. 11.travnja - Talijanska vojska prelazi most na Rječini i okupira Sušak. 1943. 8. listopada - Nakon kapitulacije Italije, Sušak oslobađa Narodno-oslobodilačka armija dok istovremeno Rijeka ostaje pod fašistiščkom okupacijom. 14 listopada Nijemci zauzimaju Rijeku. Početak njemačke okupacije Rijeke i Sušaka. 1945. 3. svibnja – U Rijeku ulaze jugoslavenske trupe i dolazi pod jurisdikciju okružnog narodno-oslobodilačkog odbora. Takva situacija trajala je do 9. lipnja 1945. kad se Beogradskim sporazumom stvara granica na Rječini, a Istra i Rijeka dolaze pod vojnu administraciju Jugoslavenske vojske. 1947. Mirovnim sporazumom potpisanim u Parizu 10. veljače Rijeka postaje dio Hrvatske unutar SFRJ. Većina talijanskog stanovništva bježi pred komunističkim režimom (Esuli). 1991. Rijeka je dio Republike Hrvatske.
A brief history of Rijeka (Fiume)
180 BC First mention of a Roman settlement in the area of today’s Old town on the west bank of river Rječina, following a defeat by the Roman legions of the native Illyrian pirates. The name Trsat (lat. Tarsatica) derives from a Celtic word meaning ‘river’. (Today, Trsat is the name of the hill on the east bank of Rječina as well as the fort crowning it.) 56 BC The Romans formed the Illyricum Province, encompassing the Lapodic village of Tarsatica. It developed into an urban settlement, with the status of a municipium and military post. 500 - 700 AD During those centuries the Avars and Slavs penetrated, across the Drava and Sava rivers, all the way to the shores of the Adriatic. 800 The Franks destroyed Tarsatica, known already at that time as a “maritime town” - civitas maritima. 1230 The name of “Flumen of St. Vitus” is being mentioned for the first time by Venetian merchants. 1281 After the downfall of Tarsatica, a new Croatian settlement was mentioned, under the name of “Flumen”, a Latin translation of the Croatian name of the settlement, i.e. Reka or Rika, both dialectal versions of the name Rijeka. Rijeka, its Italian name, Fiume, and the Latin version, Flumen, all mean river. 1336 – 1365 The Counts of the island of Krk, later the Francopans, became the landlords of Rijeka.
1465 Emperor Frederick III of Habsburg inherited Rijeka. It remained mostly under Habsburg control until WWI. 1508 – 1511 May 1508: Rijeka was taken over by the Venetians, but they lost it in 1511 and Rijeka once again became part of the Habsburg Empire as a separate body – communitas terrae Sancti Viti. 1530 25 July: King Ferdinand approved the first written Statute of the Town of Rijeka, submitted to him for approval in 1527. 1595 The Turks reached the Grobnik Field, 5 km north of the city, causing fear throughout the town. 1659 Emperor Leopold I gave the city the Coat of Arms with two eagles whose heads are turned in the same direction and an inscription “Indeficienter” (Latin for inexhaustible) written below. 1719 Emperor Charles VI proclaimed Rijeka a free port. 1779 Empress Maria Theresa issued a prescript on Rijeka, declaring it a separate body “corpus separatum” united to the Holy Crown of the Kingdom of Hungary. 1809 – 1813 Rijeka was under French rule as a part of the Illyrian Provinces until 1813, when Austrian rule was restored.
1848 Rijeka was seized by the Croatian Viceroy, Ban Josip Jelačić, who dissolved the city government and established the Rijeka district.
1868 – 1870 Rijeka became “corpus separatum” – a separate entity under Hungarian jurisdiction. 1896 Michele Maylender founded The Autonomist Party in Rijeka 1915 26 April: The representatives of England, France, Czarist Russia and Italy signed a secret London Treaty which gave Croatian and Slovenian territories on the Adriatic to Italy as a reward for her having entered the war on the side of the Entente, against the Central Powers (Austria-Hungary Empire and Germany). According to the Treaty, Rijeka was to be annexed to Croatia, but Italy wanted — through the Treaty and by seizing the Croatian lands - to ensure its predominance on the Adriatic and to turn the Adriatic sea into an “Italian lake”. The existence of the London Treaty was first discovered by Frano Supilo in Petersburg. The text of the Treaty was made public by Lenin’s revolutionary government after the victory of the October Revolution. 1918 29 October: The Croatian Assembly in Zagreb declared the severance of all state and legal links of Croatia with Austria and Hungary, and the joining of the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (SCS). 4 November: Italian military ships entered the Rijeka harbour.
17 November: The Italian destroyer Audace brought American and English troops which took control of the city. American president Woodrow Wilson became the arbiter in the Kingdom of SCS - Italian dispute over the city. He suggested that Rijeka should be a Free State and home to the League of Nations – the predecessor to the UN. 1919 Rijeka was proclaimed the Italian regency of Carnaro, under the leadership of Gabriele D’Annunzio, following his “Rijeka raid” in November 1919. 1920 -1924 12 November: Rijeka was made an independent state by the Treaty of Rapallo between Italy and the Kingdom of SCS by which both sides agreed to the “complete autonomy of The State of Rijeka (Fiume) and promised to comply with it forever”. Riccardo Zanella was elected as its first and only President. 24 -30 December: “Bloody Christmas” - D’Annunzio was forced to leave the city. 1921: The Autonomy Party won by getting 6558 votes against the National Bloc (fascist, liberal and democrat party) who got 3443 votes. Riccardo Zanella, the president of the Autonomist Party became the PM. 1922: The fascists performed a coup d’etat government went into exile to Kraljevica.
and the legally elected
1924: A new treaty, signed in Rome, awarded the city and district to Italy, leaving the suburb of Sušak to the Kingdom of SCS.
1941 11 April: The Italian army crossed the bridge on river Rječina and occupied Sušak.
1943 8 September: After the capitulation of Italy units of the People’s Liberation Army of Yugoslavia took control of Sušak, while Rijeka remained in the hands of the fascist troops. 14 September: German troops took over Rijeka, and that was the beginning of the German occupation of two towns, Rijeka and Sušak. 1945 3 May: Yugoslav partisans entered Rijeka and pushed out the German troops. Rijeka came under the jurisdiction of the District People’s Liberation Committee for the Croatian Littoral. This state of affairs lasted until 9 June 1945, when the Belgrade Treaty set the national border along Rječina, and the Istrian peninsula and Rijeka came under the military administration of the Yugoslav Army. 1947 The Peace Treaty signed in Paris on 10 February recognised Rijeka and Istria as an integral part of Croatia within the framework of Yugoslavia. Once the change of sovereignty was formalised, most of the Italian-speaking population fled the communist regime and went into exile (the Esuli). 1991 Rijeka became part of the newly formed and independent Republic of Croatia.
VIZE-VISAS Riječka turistička putovnica Nakladnik: VSDR Za nakladnika: Danko Švorinić Autori: Zlatko Moranjak, Slobodan Milošević
Uredili: Zlatko Moranjak, Vanja Dobre, Slobodan Milošević Preveo i uredio: Slobodan Milošević eng. Lektura: Sanja Perinić, hrvatski tekst Likovna obrada i dizajn: Vanja Dobre Priprema i tisak VSDR & Tiskara Helvetica Naslovnica: Stari povijesni grb grada koji mu je dodijelio car Leopold I, dvoglavi orao kojem obje glave gledaju u istom smjeru i natpisom “Indeficienter”- “nepresušan”
CIP zapis dostupan u računalnom katalogu Sveučilišne knjižnice Rijeka pod brojem 120611038 ISBN 978-953-55706-2-2
© Copyright protected // Slobodna Država Rijeka 2010.