Franklin Key Club June News

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The Ofcial Newsletter of Franklin Key Club

Volume VI, Issue 2 June 2014

Bits and Bytes

Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH District

Franklin High School 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757

The The Official Official Newsletter Newsletter of of Franklin Franklin Key Key Club Club



Editor's Message 1 Treasurer's Message 2 Senior Goodbyes & Advice 2 Division Updates 3 Upcoming Events 4 Member of the Month 5 6 Bulletin News Major Emphasis Q&A 7 8 Project Eliminate New Committee Heads 9 Past Events 12

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Editor's MESSAGE

Happy June, Monsters! Summer has arrived! Can you BEElieve it? Summer. A span of two and a half months to spend as we choose. Allow me to enlighten you on your potential Key Club adventures: Service Events: Please be sure to check the forums regularly for new events! Division Council Meetings: Create new relationships with members from other clubs within Division 7 South and hear from the Division Leadership Team! (see page 3) The next one is June 21st! Be sure to attend if you registered for the joint DCM with Division 7N and 7S and Officer Training Conference. Fundraisers: The board is preparing a joint fundraiser involving Vampire Penguin and Tapioca Express. Please come out to support! (More information in Treasurer's Message, pg. 2 and Bulletin News, pg. 6) That's my bit. If you wish to share your own stories, art, or photos so they can be featured on one of my publications, the divisional publications, or even the district publications, please let me know! I'll be releasing a Creative Commons & Opinions Page in July for any and all submissions. For more details, see the back cover of this newsletter. In service and in friendship, Pauline Tze

Senior Goodbyes & Advice

Treasurer's MESSAGE Hello fabulous Monsters,

I'll miss all of my friends that I've made through Key Club and how fun it was to volunteer with them. And for all you future Key Clubbers out there when you're out there volunteering, always think about what great things you're doing for the community and have fun! -Spencer Kwong My advice is to have fun and attend events. Don't be scared to ask anyone questions; they don't bite. Also, don't procrastinate turning stuff in time. -Timothy Tobias

As you all know, the month of June has just begun and that means SUMMER VACATION. Now what would be the most exciting and most productive thing that you guys could do I'll miss my Key Club Ohana and the countless good times that we had together. My advice would be to never while on your long hiatus from school? Community service, procrastinate and to not be afraid of trying new things obviously! because you may enjoy them. I encourage you guys to sign up for as many service events as -Jason Lee you can for this summer, so that you won't be desperately trying to get your hours done at the end of next year, while My advice is to learn how to calculate time or you mess also cramming for finals! Service events will give you an with people's hours and inevitably create disunity within opportunity to help others while hanging out with your friends the club. and getting the hours that you need for school. -Colby Giang Additionally, we'll be hosting a Vampire Penguin and Tapioca The thing I'll miss the most about Key Club is the second Express fundraiser on Thursday, June 26th. While it may be Ohana i was able to form as a member even if I was a tricky to find rides to the fundraiser on that day, I'd like to member for short period of time. I'm going to miss the coax all of you to go with friends and to carpool. Come wonderful moments I spent with my friends while support your club and remember that this money goes towards volunteering for a good cause at the same time. My advice charities and also towards helping make field trips for YOU cheaper. You'll also get to hang out with friends and see what's to new Key Clubbers is to become more active whether it be running for a position or just volunteering more. That changed over the first month of summer vacation for them. will forever be one of my top regrets in high school. Now I'll leave you guys so you can go explore the rest of this -Gurgagn Chand amazing newsletter and to continue with your summer My advice is to get out of your comfort zone and even homework... though upperclassmen can be intimidating, don't let it stop you from meeting new friends. The upperclassmen are your Happy Serving, Fellow Monsters! mentors and are here to help you! Also, attend division and district events! They are a great place to bond with Love, your club and learn new things about the CNH District. Eileen Eto Finally, ALWAYS RESPOND TO HOW YOU FEEL, NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE!!! -Lauren Yee


Division Updates Come to Division Council Meetings to meet other Key Clubbers and to hear updates from 2014-2015 Division Leadership Team! Thank you for those who applied! Even if you didn't get to be a part of this team, it just means that your Monster potential has yet to be unlocked!

Terry Nguyen, Emily Nguyen, Megan Shih, and Cynthia Tze (respectively) in a group photo.

Lieutenant Governor Emily Nguyen is an incoming junior from Laguna Creek. Division News Editor Megan Shih is an incoming senior from Pleasant Grove. Executive Assistant Terry Nguyen is an incoming junior from Pleasant Grove. Administrative Assistant Cynthia Tze is an incoming junior from Franklin. If you need to contact any of them, the standard email format is: d07s.cnhkc.positioninitials (ex. Emily Nguyen's is Congratulations to all of them!



Upcoming Upcoming Events Events June-July 2014 SUN






































An excited Nommy monster indicates that a Key Club event is occurring day! These events, which are linked, include: 6/15/14 Superhero 5k 6/21/14 The Slime Run 6/22/2014 Sunday Jazz Concert 6/26/14 Tapioca Express and Vampire Penguin Fundraiser 6/27/14 Movie Night 6/28/14 Midsummer Night's Dream & Ice Cream Fantasy 6/28/14 Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma 6/28/14 Run for Independence 6/29/14 Volunteer Appreciation Picnic 7/4/14 4th of July 5-miler 7/12/14 Outdoor Work Party Check frequently for more updates!




Member of Member of the the Month Month


Vanessa Wong is the extraordinary monster for the month of June! She joined Key Club since her freshman year and now stands as an incoming junior. Vanessa enjoyed her time at her favorite event, the California International Marathon Packet Pick-up. Despite her love for this club, Vanessa also enjoys playing tennis. Key Club brings different excitement for every person, and in Vanessa’s case, it is a place that is “rewarding and it helps [me] make a lot of friends. It is also a way to receive easy hours and is fun because I can make friends and hang out with them.”

Congratulations Vanessa! I have had the honor of going to majority of the events with you and I know that you are always on your feet, ready to do whatever you are told to do. You are a wonderful Key Clubber and your spirit for this club is truly admirable! -Lesley Wong


BULLETIN NEWS June District Focus: Focus Health and Safety division focus: pediatric trauma program

About Pediatric Trauma Program This program was established by our district, Cali-Nev-Ha, in 1994 to develop local projects that can reduce the number of children in our district that are injured or killed by accidents. Please see for the PTP brochure for more information.


! Yum


Questions and Answers Major Emphasis What is this about? Key Club International built a program where all Key Clubs and members could focus their energies on serving children across the globe. The program, our Major Emphasis, is called Children: Their Future, Our Focus. An important element of the Major Emphasis program is the service initiative, which is created on a 2-year basis. It ensures that all our energies are “directed to a single area of need, to make a substantial impact." ( The current service initiative is Project Eliminate (see pg. 8). What role does Franklin Key Club play? The main way we, Franklin Key Club, contribute to the Major Emphasis is by fundraising for charities dedicated to serving children. These include Key Club International's partner organizations: UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children's Miracle Network; as well as Pediatric Trauma Program. How can I, a member, help? Participate in fundraisers and pay your dues on time! These dues also benefit YOU the member.


in May, our division focus was...

Learn more at & share this video-> MNT This is OUR project. We've teamed up with Kiwanis and UNICEF to make it happen. Together, we can make a global impact.

Maternal and neonatal tetanus kills mothers and their babies. One newborn baby dies every 9 minutes from tetanus; 160 die every day; 60,000 die per year Neonatal tetanus causes painful convulsions, extreme sensitivity to light and touch, and excruciating death. It is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere, comes into contact with cuts during childbirth.

Mothers can only watch as their baby sufers because any contact would increase the pain.

The only way to save babies and their mothers from this fate is to provide immunization to the mothers.

It costs $1.80 for the vaccine that can protect one woman and all her future babies. We can protect the connection.

The current service initiative for Key Club's Major Emphasis: "Children: Their Future, Our Focus� You can help by attending fundraisers, participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, and donating during Eliminate Week.


The New Committee Heads 2014-2015 The new Key Club year has just begun, but your new committee heads are ready to lead and serve you! I look forward to getting to collaborate with my partner and other Key Club members, and also to create scrapbooks that are unique in their own way. I also want the scrapbooks to show how dedicated and caring our club is as well! -Caressa Wong, Scrapbook Head I'm looking forward to working with others in Key Club and having the honor of smooshing all of everyone's beautiful Key Club achievements, contributions, and memories together at the end of the year I want to be able to create something everyone can see and understand and be relatable. Everyone is important in Key Club, like the great emperor of China from Mulan said, "A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat." -Sophia Duong, Scrapbook Head Hey Monsters! I am very excited to able serve as one of your new Project Heads for the 2014-2015 term. In this year, I hope to bring a variety of service events and projects for all of you to serve! I look forward to working alongside my fellow Key Clubbers on new ideas that we have in store. -Michelle Nguyen, Project Head I am looking forward to being one of Franklin KC's project heads and a great year ahead full of fun service events! -Cindy Lam, Project Head I'm looking forward to being able to put my computer skills to use in Key Club. I hope to make out website easier for the members to use and maybe even win an award for the website at DCON! -Kajal Maran, Web/Tech Head I am greatly looking forward to assisting everyone in the effort to give back to our community! I highly enjoy thanking and congratulating people for the work they've put forth and now I'm excited to initiate many recognitions to our well-deserved Key Club members! -Lesley Wong, Member Recognition Head Hey Monsters! I'm so glad I am able to serve you all as your spirit head!!! I'm looking forward to seeing all you BEEuties decked out in orange and cheering your hearts out at all of the wonderful events Key Club offers, like Fall Rally and DCON. I also can't wait to represent Franklin Key Club with all the amazing spirit and motivation we have at our service events alongside both the new and old faces. -Cassandra Zhou, Spirit Head


A Fresh Start, A New Challenge How well do you know your 2014-2015 board and their positions?














Challenge Answers 1. Sunny Hsu (incoming junior) is our Vice President. 2. Michelle Nguyen (incoming sophomore) is one of our Project Heads. 3. Sharon Hsu (incoming senior) is our President. 4. Eileen Eto (incoming junior) is our Treasurer. 5. Lesley Wong (incoming junior) is our Member Recognition Head. 6. Cindy Lam (incoming junior) is one of our Project Heads. 7.Sophia Duong (incoming junior) is one of our Scrapbook Heads. 8. Kajal Maran (incoming junior) is our Web/Tech Head. 9. Pauline Tze (incoming junior) is our Bulletin Editor. 10. Andrew Yu (incoming junior) is our Secretary. 11. Cassandra Zhou (incoming junior) is our Spirit Head. 12. Caressa Wong (incoming sophomore) is one of our Scrapbook Heads. How well did you do? 0-1 Baby Monster CONGRATS! 2-4 Monster Apprentice 5-7 Monster Initiate 8-10 Capable Monster 11-12 Monster Nommy Status Think you can do better? Talk to us during meetings and events and try this test again! To contact anyone on the board, the email is firstnamelastname.d7s


Past Events-HIGHLIGHT Relay For Life what went down At Relay for Life (5/17 to 5/18), Key Clubbers from Division 7 South and many other organizations, including Model UN and American Cancer Society, joined together in a 24-hour relay to show support and fundraise to help cancer patients. Activities during the relay included a scavenger hunt, walking around the track, and hanging out with other Key Clubbers. One of the most delightful occurrences was seeing Mr. Mendoza, a Franklin High School teacher who retired halfway through the 2013-2014 school year because of his own fight with cancer. Franklin Key Club raised $345, but our goal was $1000. Nevertheless, we seek to reach the goal we set next year for sure!

Key Clubbers show their love for one another in front of a sign pledging peace, love, and hope for cancer survivors.

Nick Stringfellow I was chosen out by Wanda to be "cancer" and people had to beat me. One little girl actually started pounding me with her fists, but that was okay. I got to see a lot of the Key Clubbers from our division and meet a lot of new people. It was a lot of fun. Even though I'm graduating, (like you think I would chill and do my own thing), I was able to outreach a little bit more instead. Next year you should go if you can. Raising even a little bit of money helps, and even though we didn't reach our team goal, we had a lot of people come and donate, which was great, participate. It was a lot of fun.

Key Clubbers thank cancer survivors for coming to the Relay.

Sharon Hsu For me, personally, this was my first Relay for Life and it was really fun. Though there wasn't as many people as there probably were last year, it was really cool because I got to meet a lot of people from other schools. Consumnes Oaks kept a jail where you pay money to get people arrested. There was one person from Laguna Creek who kept getting arrested, which was really funny because we'd be playing a game, and in the middle of the game, he'd get arrested; that happened like 10 times. Perfect right? Ryan Santiago (incoming junior) “kills� cancer, which is represented by Nick Stringfellow (graduated senior).


Past Events (continued) Chili Cook-Off

During the Chili Cook Off event (5/17), volunteers helped supervise jump houses and game booths, as well as breaking down canopies after the event was done. Lawrence Lee found the event to be enjoyable. "This event was nice because we managed jump houses and a game booth." Left to Right: Shannon Ngo (incoming sophomore) breaks down a canopy; Gurnoor Kaur (incoming sophomore) manages a jump house.

Now Glowing Fun Run

Do you know what's lovelier than wearing glow gear? Assembling it in mass quantities in one hour. Yeah! During the Now Glowing Fun Run (5/17), volunteers prepared glow gear to be handed out to the runners. I thought we were going at a decent pace, even though the wind was blowing ferociously, causing some of the gear to roll away.How wrong I was. When Cassandra Zhou


attempted to pull the glow sticks out of the box we threw them in after stringing them, the outcome was atrocious. Even Celena Yee, who is really great at untangling things, couldn't salvage the majority of the wreck. When the runners came, we were left to hand out all the other glow gear and the packages we didn't have enough time to assemble. -Pauline Tze

Left to Right: Tommy Ku (graduated senior) assembles glow necklaces; Samantha Tai (incoming junior) prepares a string for a glowstick; Key Clubbers string necklaces onto glowsticks.

Past Events (continued) Stone Lake Elementary's Ice Cream Social

Andrew Yu (incoming junior) supervises a ball toss game.

No Excuses 5K Run

“Children, ice cream, and games. This was all at the Stonelake Elementary’s Ice Cream Social (5/16). Key Club helped out at the event by monitoring the children games. For one ticket, a child can play one game. Games include mini golf, tic-tac-toe, a prize wheel, and many more! After a child has won a game, the volunteers give out prizes suitable to him

or her. The children were really happy whenever they got a prize. For the volunteers, it was wonderful to see the children smiling and being energetic whenever they won and obtained a prize. To thank the Key Club volunteers for the energetic attitude and kind manners, the coordinator gave out free ice cream to everyone.” -Andrew Yu

Clockwise (left-rightdown): Cynthia Tze (incoming junior) helps a man register for the race; Christina Wang (incoming junior) and Jessica Su (incoming senior) organize race Tshirts by size;

At the No Excuses 5K Run (5/24) Franklin Key Club volunteers helped out by registering runners, sorting through Tshirts, handing out medals, distributing food after the race, breaking down tables and canopies, and loading everything into a U-Haul truck. We were delighted to team up with students from Laguna, McClatchy, and John F. Kennedy Key Clubs.

Jessica Su prepares food trays to be handed out to the runners.


Past Events (continued) Elk Grove GO Festival At the Elk Grove GO Fest (5/31), Franklin Key Clubbers cheered on runners while monitoring the race course. Upon coming to the event, Christina Wang and Jessica Su were separated from everyone else for a different task: monitoring the parking lot. However, Christina Wang found her task to be just as enjoyable. “I really enjoyed volunteering for the EG GO Festival because it was really fun to watch people

interact in all of the various activities. I liked that my shift did not involve much heavy lifting work and thus I was able to fully appreciate just aiding the event and spending time with other fellow volunteers.� At the end of the race, we were assigned to set up umbrella tables. Also, we were delighted to find that Zach Groves, a Franklin Key Club alumni, had won the race. Go Zach! Key Clubbers work together to fix a broken umbrella.

May DCM apparently, everyone was on their way. After leaving the Elk After a lot of waiting around Grove GO Festival, I took nap in under random trees, the Caring for Crafts my mom's car near Rotary Grove event finally started. I handed out cookies to wait for the DCM to begin. and wandered around talking to other Upon waking up, I found a bee Key Clubbers happily as I loomed a baby on the window and quickly took hat. a photo of it. CNH Bees mascot Since the event started late, the right? Awesome! Caring for Crafts event ended earlier than I liked. However, I continued to loom as Presidents rapped out their club updates and bade for pies to throw at peoples' faces in the name of fundraising for Project Eliminate. It was quite hilarious. After my siblings and my mother returned from their fun at the park, they told me that Rotary Grove was occupied. 'Odd. Isn't that usually where the DCM is?' I thought. I spotted Eileen Eto rolling water balloons on a skateboard and decided to join her. We tried contacting Cynthia Tze, the Administrative Assistant, for information, and


At the conclusion of the updates, the Division Leadership Team attempted to begin a series of civilized water balloon games in exchange for $4 each from participants. Haha. Were they in for a surprise. It erupted into an all out water balloon war within 10 minutes. I opted out and chose to loom under some trees with Eileen Eto and Andrew Yu. It was quite peaceful until our soaking wet fellow Key Clubbers decided to share their love. At the very end of the event, everyone who came to the DCM took a group photo.

Past Events (continued) Dreamnight at the Zoo

Cassandra Zhou (incoming junior) and David Keet (incoming sophomore) clean up their station.

“At Dreamnight at the Zoo (6/6), Tommy, Cassie, Celena, Sammi, and I, volunteered at the arts and crafts stations. Whether it was making tie-dye seahorses and turtles or making circular art out of paper using table spinners, we all had a blast. As the event started, we helped set up the stations under very windy circumstances, which was

fun yet also very frustrating. When we did complete the setup of the stations, everything went extremely smoothly. We helped the kids work with paints, bracelet making, glitter, and coloring. All in all, the event was very interesting and the members who attended this event said that they would go again!”

Park Festival

Clockwise (above-right-down): Angie Yan (incoming junior) gives a young girl a prize; Jennifer Tham and Alison Tom (both incoming seniors) run the face painting booth; Sophia Duong (incoming junior) manages the obstacle course bounce house

-David Keet Despite the blazing summer heat, I enjoyed seeing the kids smile and laugh when they play and when they see the paint on their faces and/or arms.” -Alison Tom

“The Park Festival was a lively event in which Franklin Key Club volunteers helped out with managing the bounce houses, game booths, and face painting.

"For me the Park Festival was a really fun experience because I got to help out children and see the smiles on their faces as we gave them candy. I ran around doing different tasks and they were all very fun. Seeing children help each other to make sure that they were all playing fair was very inspiring. The event was overall a very fun event and it was 100% worth it to go out on a hot summer day to help make a difference!" -Eileen Eto


Thank you for Reading!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us! All officer and committee head emails are formatted: firstnamelastname.d7s Creative Commons & Opinions Page I highly encourage that you share your opinions and passion about our club, to the club! Articles are welcome, as well as creative forms of expression i.e. poetry, art, and comic strips. Requirements: -If you use Key Club logos digitally, please follow Graphic Standards rules, which can be found in this downloadable brand guide: -Inclusive content is encouraged; offensive submissions will not be published -Submit by the 10th of the month you wish the content to be published in A Kiwanis-family Member 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 – 317/875/8755 - US AND CANADA: 1-800 KIWANIS

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