Franklin Key Club July News

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The Ofcial Newsletter of Franklin Key Club

Volume VI, Issue 3 July 2014

Bits and Bytes

Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH District

Franklin High School 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757

The The Ofcial Ofcial Newsletter Newsletter of of Franklin Franklin Key Key Club Club


ISSUE July 2014

Editor's Message



Happy July Monsters! Time really flies doesn't it? A month and a half passed with a month left to go!


Now is the peak time to either relax or start panicking. Why? Well, in my experience, most people are in one of three categories:

Upcoming Events


Member of the Month


A. You are completely done with summer work (or didn't have any to begin with) and have plenty of time to relax.

Bulletin News


Creative Commons & Opinions

B. You have been pacing yourself with summer work and have been relaxing and doing it at the same time.


Past Events


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C. You didn't start any of your summer work at all, so you're either cramming now or waiting until the beginning of August. No matter what category you are in, I encourage you to take advantage of the extra daylight to be productive, be it academics, sports, a list of books on hand, or COMMUNITY SERVICE. Note how that is in capital and bold letters. I implore you to squeeze in time to sign up for the events that Michelle, Cindy, and their crew worked hard to find. In service and in friendship, Pauline Tze

Upcoming Upcoming Events Events

July-August 2014 SUN







































An excited Nommy monster indicates that a Key Club event is occurring day! These events, which are linked, include: 7/19/14 Eppie's Great Race 7/19/14 Solar Cookers International Festival 7/20/14 Cabrillo Park Neighborhood Concert 7/20/14 Weekend Meal Ministry 7/24/14-7/27/14 Strauss Festival 7/26/14 Team Hope Walk - UPDATE 7/26/14 Cal Expo Forest Center 7/27/14 Brides Against Breast Cancer 8/1-8/29 Hot Summer Nights Concert (8/1, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, & 8/29 ) 8/2/14 The Color Run 8/3/14 Kiwanis Family House Clean Up 8/4/14 Mulch Madness 8/9/14-8/10/14 Banana Festival Check frequently for more updates!


Member of the Month

Now... presenting our July Member of the Month... Crystal Chan! She believes that volunteering is important because it is where skills are developed. Crystal says, “For me, it’s the shyness that needs to be improved. Before, I tried to sign in an event that didn’t need me to talk that much or even better, at all. However, as I volunteered more, I became more comfortable... Also, volunteering lets me see how events are held such as the marathon run. Volunteering gives me a peek of how the career is like such as helping a teacher or a chef.” This is why her favorite event is the Crab Feed. There, she was able to see how the kitchen looked, how workers worked, and how it felt to be one of them. Plus, it was the event where she talked to many people and made new friends, including Eileen. This amazing Key Clubber’s hobbies are drawing, reading, playing the guitar, and doing martial arts.


She enjoys the riddles and questions at Key Club meetings and the epically failed attempts to throw candy prizes.“I made friends in there when I never thought I would. Now, I would stay after the club with them. Also, I like how Key Club is a club to lend a helping hand... full of enthusiasm and spirit.” What I love about Crystal is that she makes an effort to open herself up and became more comfortable talking to people she didn't know. During the Sunday Jazz Concert, coordinators asked some Key Clubbers to do face painting. How typical was it to find that no one wanted to draw on little kids’ faces! However, I was extremely happy to see that Crystal volunteered herself willingly. She is a true Key Clubber who jumps to the task at hand and doesn’t goof off. Congratulations Crystal! Keep up the fantastic work! -Lesley Wong

BULLETIN NEWS July District Focus: Focus Go Outside!

Our InterClub Buddies July: Elk Grove

August: Consumnes Oaks

Be sure to sign up for buddy club events!


Want to see your design featured on next year's Tshirt? Click here for more details!

Where: North Laguna Creek Park Date: 7/26/14 Times: 12pm-1pm: DCM 1pm-4pm: Division Olympics Why: To socialize with people from Division 7 South!!! How: Register here


Creative Commons & Opinions “Bad Day� Parody Where are the opinions I wanted to hear Where are the people I hold most dear I wanted to avoid asking people to write I wanted to keep the demands light And I don't want to carry on A voice in my head told me no one would submit I told it was wrong, I did not want to quit It told me to write my own new song I decided not to make it too long I guess I better carry on Cause there is a problem It's taking me down I write a sad song just to turn it around I said I did know It told me not to lie I work at this song and it went for a ride Cause there is a problem This page doesn't lie I'm writing this down and I really do mind there is a problem there is a problem

-Pauline Tze

I highly encourage that you share your opinions and passion about our club, to the club! Articles are welcome, as well as creative forms of expression i.e. poetry, art, and comic strips. Requirements: -If you use Key Club logos digitally, please follow Graphic Standards rules, which can be found in this downloadable brand guide: -Inclusive content is encouraged; offensive submissions will not be published -Submit by the 10th of the month you wish the content to be published in


Past Events-HIGHLIGHT The Slime Run At the Slime Run (6/21) Franklin Key Clubbers were assigned to pass out water bottles, hand out lanyards at the finish line, sell T-shirts, and slime runners. Since there were 30+ members who showed up, we fundraised $750. A huge thank you to everyone who participated!!

Kenny Nguyen

Cindy Lam Slime Run was a great event!

Rachel Yee During the Slime Run, I passed out ice cold water to the runners. Though my hands almost froze from the cold water, I had a great time with my friends. It was fun volunteering, while we fundraised money for our club at the same time!

Lots of peoples. Lots of volunteers. Lots of fun. Probably, the most slimiest job I had to date.

Left: Kenny Nguyen hands out water bottles to the runners as Jamie Adachi reaches for more. Above: Rachel Yee, Vanessa Wong, and Kajal Maran (respectively) prepare to hand out water bottles to runners. (Courtesy of Cindy Lam)


Past Events (continued) Superhero 5k Race

Left: Key Clubbers work together to roll up a deflated bounce house. Right: Evelyn Nguyen helps lift a metal structure. (Courtesy of Eileen Eto)

The Superhero 5k (6/15) was quite literally like no other run I've ever been to. The race is meant to honor the fathers and men of the world. How much more honorable can you get when being rewarded with your own port-a-potty. Yes. A Porta-potty, only for the fathers. My job was to make sure only fathers got to use this special toilet. It was a fantastic bonding experience with Eileen Eto. I'm glad I was able to help out at such a great event. -Samantha Tai

Sunday Jazz Concert The sun was out, but the breeze was out as well, making the weather perfect for today. The beautiful jazz music playing in the background also made this event just that much more fun! There were various jobs for us such as preparing food, monitoring bounce houses, and painting cute little children's faces! I really enjoyed doing all of these things and seeing my fellow Key Clubbers hard at work. Today was the ideal day for service and I'm glad that I went to this event! -Eileen Eto

The Sunday Jazz Concert (6/22) was really fun; seeing everyone's smiling faces while I was working hard either on yelling at kids to take turns or yelling over the awesome music playing in the background just made my experience worth it. That and free hot dogs. --Sophia Duong

Above-Left-Right: Jenny Ho and Alison Tom monitor bounce houses; Kajal Maran hands out hog dogs; Crystal Chan paints a little boy's face. (Courtesy of Eileen Eto)


Past Events (continued) Midsummer Night's Dream Festival & Ice Cream Fantasy

Lesley Wong (left) and Biana Giang (right) scoop ice cream for festival attendees. (Courtesy of Kajal Maran)

Run For Independence

During the Midsummer Night's Dream Festival (6/28), I was able to work and chat with other great volunteers who came from different schools. I was given the task of scooping ice cream and while doing so, it felt so nice to hear so many people thanking us volunteers for our hard work. I was also able to help children make cards and books and it was surprisingly very fun. Seeing children pour glitter on their cards as their eyes brightened with joy made my day. If I were able to volunteer there again, I definitely would. -Biana Giang

The Run for Independence (6/28) was a race that benefited nonprofit groups, the Elk Grove Food Bank Services, and People Assisting the Homeless. Key Clubbers helped direct traffic and set up the event. Left to Right: Kajal Maran and Jessica Su direct traffic; Willliam Hoang brings out tables for set up. (Courtesy of Kajal Maran)


Thank you for Reading!

A huge thank you to everyone who shared their photos! Got photos you want featured in a newsletter, scrapbook, or possibly a video? Please send them to me or share/post them on* *(username and password will be provided on request) . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us! All officer and committee head emails are formatted: firstnamelastname.d7s A Kiwanis-family Member 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 – 317/875/8755 - US AND CANADA: 1-800 KIWANIS

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