Issue 4 August 2013

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3 1 0 2 t s AUgu Issue 4

Taste | Create | Discover


I love working for Flat White Magazine because I have met the most incredible people along the way. I have connected with a lot of foodies, a lot of coffee addicts and many many creative souls. One such person is the very talented Martinus van Tee, Illustrator and Caricaturist who created the picture of me above. My original picture was me holding wine but he knew well enough to change this to coffee! Please see page 16, under the Create section to find out more about him!

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We’ve had a lot of fun creating this issue! I was also fortunate enough to visit one of my all time favourite coffee shops again, Origin! See page 4! Thanks again for all your support. Go on, have some coffee and enjoy the read. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to contribute articles or whether you’d like to advertise in an upcoming magazine. We’d love to get to you know and to shamelessly promote your company! Flat White Magazine - Made with love and a strong cup of coffee. Yours in Coffee,


Website: Email:

Follow us on Twitter @FW_Concepts | Issue 4



Origin Coffee JHB’s Top 10 Coffee Shops Twisty Cheesy Tuna Mayo Recipe The Birth of Cool


This is Me Q&A with Martinus van Tee Social Media and Photography


Peter’s House We all Scream for Ice Cream The Old Potter’s Inn Book Reviews

DIRECTORY Cool Companies

COMPETITIONS Win Win Win! | Issue 4

Captain Cappuccino recommends the Cortado!



I’ve been living in Cape Town now for five months. When I first arrived here I knew nothing about the local coffee shops or quite frankly how big the coffee culture here had grown. A friend of mine fetched me one day and said ‘right, where do you want to go for coffee?’. I shrugged and asked her to decide. After all, I didn’t even know my own area yet, let alone all the coffee nooks in this big city. She looked at me frankly and said ‘there are so many coffee shops here that you’ll soon discover, and often it’s hard to find one firm favourite. However I’m going to take you to the one that I love the most, and one that so far no other coffee shop has managed to top for me’. She took me to Origin. How lucky that THIS was my first experience of coffee in Cape Town. I remember ordering a Cortado because one of the waiters told me this would suit me perfectly if I loved Flat Whites and Cappuccinos but didn’t like anything too milky. Ah, how right they were. The problem with starting off this good, though, was that I now measure all my coffee against this. It was, in all honesty, PERFECT.

They explain it perfectly on their website: We call ourselves “the artisan roasters of Africa” because we emphasize a hands-on mastery of all the aspects of coffee crafting - from the careful selection of our green beans, to the precise roasting, blending, grinding and pouring of the coffee. By giving credence to the artisans of this world, we hark back to a pre-industrial, pre-mass produced era when artisans took immense pride in their vocations, and superb quality was taken as a given. Every link in our coffee chain has been painstakingly forged with the same passion, patience and pride in our craft. And this commitment doesn’t end at our door; wherever Origin is poured, you’ll know that it’s safe to drink the coffee. It will always be freshly roasted, ground, and poured to perfection by an Origin-trained barista. Take the time to visit us at Origin Headquarters in Cape Town and get the full experience. You can meet the artisans, watch the roasting, sit in on a cupping session, and get to taste the coffee while it’s still fresh..

Please go taste this coffee for yourself. And while I have since been back numerous times and each you’re at it indulge in some of their food. The entime I call the waiter and ask them to recom- tire Origin experience is so worth it. mend a blend for me. Each time I have to order myself a second cup! Visit them at 28 Hudson Street, De Waterkant.

Joburg’s Top 10 Coffee Shops Amidst the hustle and bustle of Johannesburg there thrives a culture of artisan coffee makers. Serving up great coffee, matched perfectly with delectable treats, these coffee shops are definitely lending to a new wave of workspace and brunch experiences. Father Coffee ~ Corner Juta Street & De Beer Street, Braamfontein This street-side coffee shop has a secret blend they are not willing to part with, and I don’t blame them. Their coffee is absolutely delicious! Father Coffee is a perfect fit in the up and coming suburb of Braamies, and attracts local businessmen, students and creatives. With only a small selection of eats and seating space, Father Coffee is your best grab and go option if you are in the area. Doubleshot Coffee & Tea ~ Corner Juta Street & Melle Street, Braamfontein Another Braamfontein hotspot, this corner cafe is best utilised with a double shot flat white and one of their baked goods. Sit along the bar counter and watch the hum drum of inner city life, while taking in the special aroma of roasting coffee. You can trendy vibe, mismatched decor and friendly staff also select your favourite bean and take this supeare all part of what makes Wolves a Top 10 spot! rior coffee experience home with you. Bean There ~ 44 Stanley Avenue, Milpark When you need a bit of bohemia in your life 44 Stanley Road is the place for you to go. This enclosed web of design, decor and deliciousness is two streets up from Empire Road, and when the sun is out it is possibly the greatest escape from any hum of traffic or busyness. Spend your next morning outing at Bean There with a cup of coffee and a book in hand. Their fair-trade coffee is rich in flavour and their coffee shop is a relaxed space where you can take some well earned time out. Wolves ~ 3 Corlett Drive, Illovo Oreo cupcakes sound good to you? Wolves is a trendy Illovo cafe where you can grab a cup of coffee and a slice of cake, or you can sit down and have a hearty plateful of eggs and bacon. Their

Vovo Telo ~ Cobbles Centre, 4th Avenue, Parkhurst Frothy cappuccinos, amazing food and I haven’t even mentioned their bakery yet. Saturday mornings you will definitely have to put your name on a waiting list but it is worth it. Choose from any of their buttery pastries to match your coffee and simply enjoy. Vovo Telo is located all around Joburg, so to find your nearest bakery indulgence visit Velo ~ 85 Juta Street, Braamfontein Art gallery come coffee shop, Velo is a truly unique space in Joburg. Serving Tribecca coffee to accompany their assortment of cakes and pastries, this coffee shop is nestled in the heart of up and coming Braamfontein. Sit out in the sunny courtyard or inside amongst the art, and who knows, you may just leave with more than just that coffee taste. | Issue 4

TASTE Motherland ~ Dunkeld Centre, Craighall Park & The Zone Shopping Centre, Rosebank Starting up in Joburg, the owners of this coffee shop dream of seeing Motherland around the country. Using a blend of Bean There coffee, Motherland is an upbeat coffee shop which caters to the on the go lifestyle of Joburg. A must try is their cheesecake; it goes so well with a single shot cappuccino. 4th Avenue Coffee Roasters ~ Corner 11th Street & 4th Avenue, Parkhurst Wonderfully eccentric with its giant pink coffee roaster and biscuit jars aplenty; 4th Avenue Coffee

Roasters fits so well into the vibe of this road. This caffeine fix will certainly leave you wanting more and I can also recommend the Rooibos cappuccino, always served with a great dollop of honey. If you are not up for a cuppa then why not buy a bag of beans, freshly packaged while you wait. Warm & Glad ~ Albans Square, 357 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park Food, Media, Culture and Coffee is what these guys live by. With stock of Deluxe Coffeeworks beans, Warm & Glad is fast becoming a favourite (especially when every sip of your flat white leaves you with the taste of Lindt dark chocolate - true story). Sit on the comfy couches or at the coffee bar and enjoy a slice of carrot cake while listening to the vinyl of choice playing in the background. A pleasant place to spend a morning out of the office. The Whippet ~ 34 7th Street, Linden This trendy Linden coffee shop is named after the breed of dog, The Whippet. But not only are they known for this animal loving attribute, these entrepreneurs are striving to change the coffee shop industry by creating a love for neighbour goods and incorporating bakers, butchers and roasters into one space. Coffee, tea, baked goods, preserves, and fudge are a few things to look out for when you visit. Side note: the caramel fudge is to die for! All worth a visit, and all uniquely creative while offering a taste experience true to their origins. It’s been fun compiling these lists of Top 10 Coffee Shops and I’d love to hear about your favourite coffee shop so I can try it out myself. Let me know on Facebook or post a message on the blog. *Coffey and Cake is a blog written by freelance writer/blogger Pippa Rowney, and delves into the delicious world of coffee, cafes, sweet treats and the good things in life. LIKE the Facebook page to find your next coffee fix ( or follow the blog | Issue 4


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Side n tried ote: I’ve this a nd it’s s imply delici ous!

Twisty Cheesy Tuna Mayo I’m sure most of us have some recollection of tuna fresh coriander mayonnaise sandwiches from our childhood, and sambal oelek (a Thai chilli paste) salt and pepper to taste I’m sure some of them we’d rather forget! bread / baguette of your choice I’d like to think of this as a grown-up version of a school standard - and the addition of cheese makes anything and everything better, I believe! I served this on sliced baguettes, but it’s equally good on toast. I’m not including quantities below, I believe Quite simply, mix everything together in a bowl, everything in this should be to taste. and spread onto your choice of bread! I topped mine with a bit of grated cheddar for added yumminess.



By The Gorgeous Gourmet tin tuna (I use the one in brine / salt water, drained) mayonnaise Twitter: @GorgeousBlog little lemon juice finely chopped peppadews | Issue 4


The Birth of Cool

In my article in Issue 3 there was a quote that stuck. It was Jake Easton of Tribe Coffee who said; “The Flat White is considered the marker for 3rd wave coffee professionals. If you’re serious about coffee and do not serve a Flat White you’re not considered serious about the revolution we’ve embarked upon.”

These are 1st wave, 2nd wave and 3rd wave coffee.

1st wave coffee is typically what you experience in your local supermarket. They are the mass producers of coffee whose single goal is to sell as much of it as possible.

1st wave coffee introduced the packaging we are Naturally as a coffee roaster there are a few things used to and the concept of pre-ground coffee. that stick out in his words, which make for a very heavy statement. Firstly, he brings up this concept 2nd wave coffee turned to the wine industry for inof 3rd wave coffee and secondly he refers to it as a spiration and was primarily artisan driven. The 2nd revolution. wave philosophy was to present coffee as an artisanal craft rather than a commodity. The 2nd wavers Every so often you hear the term being thrown set up Roasteries and Espresso bars to showcase around amongst the coffee geeks of Cape Town their craft. and very often patrons smile and nod as the concept is beyond them. What follows in this article Starbucks, although unfamiliar to most South Afriis an attempt to explore the concept of 3rd wave cans, is a good example of the emergence of 2nd coffee. It is an exploration of my own thoughts and wave coffee as an attempt to distinguish coffee as reflections on the subject without necessarily eval- an artisanal trade. They invented their own lanuating it. guage and the idea of a coffee shop as a ‘3rd place,’ a place that is built on community (See “Our 3rd 3rd wave coffee is associated with what we know Place in Issue 1). as specialty coffee. The term specialty coffee was termed by Erna Knutsen, a Norwegian immigrant The idea was to create a culture with its own lanto America. She used the term in an issue of Tea guage around coffee where people could find a & Coffee Trade Journal in 1974 to describe coffee sense of identity. beans which are grown and selected for the best flavour as opposed coffee which is merely grown Even though Starbucks does not operate in South Africa you cannot deny that it has had a significant as a commodity. influence in local establishments such as Seattle Three coffee movements have influenced the Coffee and Vida e Café. contemporary understanding of specialty coffee. | Issue 3

TASTE 3rd wave coffee is a reaction to the 2nd wave. Even though 2nd wave coffee introduced coffee as an artisanal trade, 3rd wavers have felt that it has created a fairly automated espresso system where the goal is for a customer to walk in, order and exit with the beverage of their choice within the shortest amount of time.

This could be why 3rd wave coffee personified the idea of the Barista. They are the ones that attempt to bridge the gap between consumer and roaster carefully crating every cup of coffee with coffee stained hands and charming the public with charisma while carefully inserting a jargon or two. They have made coffee cool and the customer has gone from ‘huh’ to ‘ooohhh’.

Here enters the revolution. 3rd wavers attempt to build on the experience that seems to have been The goal of 3rd wave coffee is to create a very high experience and appreciation of coffee, which is lost in the 2nd wave. why it may be pushing boundaries to create certain The 3rd wavers introduced the idea of the Baris- markers, like the Flat White, that seek to clearly difta; the artists who bring back art into artisan. The ferentiate it from the rest of the coffee world. Barista seeks to bridge the gap between the consumer and the roaster. Coffee roasters are often Have my observations been accurate? Is 3rd wave like mad professors in their ivory towers hardly coffee a good or bad thing? Or is it even necesseen or heard from due to their lack of social skills. sary? Next month I talk to some of the revolutionWhen they speak, they speak a language rife with aries with their coffee stained hands and dig a little academic coffee jargon such as washed coffee, deeper into understanding this situation. sundried coffee, exothermic reactions, endotherBy Carl Anthony Badenhorst mic reactions, 1st crack, 2nd crack and so forth. Coffee roasters wax lyrical about waiting for the perfect ambient temperature in the light of a full By Carl Anthony Badenhorst moon with unicorns dancing around to produce the perfect roast and the customers are left there Twitter: @carlbadenhorst thinking, “huh?”

My name is Carl Anthony Badenhorst and I am a freelance writer specialising in topics pertaining to coffee, culture, creative industries, education, learning, and anything I find interesting. You can read some of my work at Email me at to discuss your writing needs.


We asked you: How often do you eat out? 1%





Once a Month

Twice a Month

Three Times a Month


Four Times a Month


+ | Issue 4

Over Four Times a Month

Warren Bernard | Issue 4


This Is Me Amy Hertzog's Knit to Flatter book grew out of a series of blog posts she wrote about how to choose and adjust knitting patterns. She discussed lengths,widths and proportions, illustrating each point with photographs. What made the series different, and more helpful, was that she showed unflattering choices as well as good ones. I followed the blog posts from the beginning, and bought the book as soon as I could ( took it a step further, and traced around the photo to-flatter/) to make a line drawing of myself (to scale: 16,5cm In the book she instructs high*). I printed out a ton of them, and started you to take a photo of drawing different clothes on them. yourself, and draw lines on it to determine your ba- And finally I understand why long skirts make me sic shape. This is harder than it seems. (And in case feel like a little walking hut. Then I drew some you think I'm exaggerating, the Ravelry forum is full dresses I've been thinking of sewing. of people posting photos of themselves and asking for help in determining their shape.)

It's quite difficult to look at yourself properly, to not be distracted by your face, your hair, your oddly-shaped knees. Possibly it helps to do this over a few days. Eventually the oddness wears off and you can see that yes, that is you. | Issue 3

CREATE I even dove into my Pinterest boards and drew my feet, than wandering through shopping malls, some of my favourite pinned outfits. trying on clothes in badly-lit changing rooms, and coming home with nothing to show for my time. I'd rather spend a bit of time drawing than waste a whole day making a dress that, although fitted and of a gorgeous fabric, makes me feel clumsy and sloppy. *Drawing to scale means that I can take measurements from the drawing and compare it to the schematic of a knitting pattern. I can also draw a schematic to scale, and overlay it on the drawing to get a sense of where things might need to be adjusted. By Jesse Breytenbach This might look like a lot of frivolous work. But I'd rather spend an afternoon drawing next to the heater with a cup of tea, and a puppy asleep at | Issue 4

CREATE | Issue 4


Q&A with Martinus van Tee ABOUT I'm a caricaturist, and illustrator and I specialise in live caricaturing at events, corporates, and weddings. The crowds get entertained by seeing their friends and family get drawn, and also get to take home their own caricatures as a personal gift. I got started doing caricatures by drawing my teachers in high school when I was about 15 so my dad, who is also a caricaturist, took me to a corporate gig where he was sketching at, and kind of threw me in the deep end. I took to live caricaturing immediately, and so my career was started.

FIRST CARICATURE I think the first caricature I drew was probably of my dad, which basically consisted of circles. He got me back by emphasizing my Bugs Bunny teeth and stick out ears in a revenge caricature. SELF CARICATURE I have a caricature of myself on my business card, not to be mistaken for the chimp on the other side, which also bears a strong resemblance. | Issue 4

PREFERENCE The caricatures and illustrations that I do feed into each other. The more I caricature, the more reference I have for future illustrations, and the more I illustrate, the more I learn to stylise my caricatures. I often use amalgam faces of people I have drawn as caricatures to create new characters for my illustration work.

cot for Sure Travel, and apart from the live caricaturing and illustration work, I have been working on my own animated short films. (Found on my website on the animation tab)

FUTURE ENDEAVORS I am currently expanding the wedding caricaturist aspect of the business, and I am keen to do more and more animation work. I also do a tiny bit of REACTIONS voice-over work, and mainly voice the characters Most people who sit for a caricature know what to in my animated cartoons. I would love to get into expect, and are good sports, but you do occasion- voice overs so I have an outlet other than just irally get a person who gets offended. The good thing ritating my friends with impressions of celebrities. about live caricatures is that if they are offended, there is always a crowd of friends, colleagues or FAVOURITE ARTIST family laughing hysterically about how much the There are hundreds, but I think the artist who incaricature captures their looks and personality. It's spires me most would be Dr Seuss. His style was hard to argue with a group of laughing acquaint- completely unique, and he was funny and creaances. Having said that, I never go out to be cruel. tive and could get a message across without being For me the ideal caricatures are stylised and funny. preachy or corny. A true genius. Cruelty definitely has a place in caricature, but it's not my scene. MUSIC I love listening to old blues musicians like Blind WilHARDEST FEATURE lie McTell, and LeadBelly, but I also have a someI don't find that there is a more difficult feature what guilty pleasure of listening to the Ricky Gerthan others, but what I do find is that some people vais show podcast. are more difficult to draw than others. Conversely some folks are already walking caricatures, and they are always the most fun to draw. LATEST PROJECTS I have recently designed all the caricatures for the 702 Voices competition, I designed a wild dog | Issue 4 | Issue 4


Social Media and Photography They’re married you know ;)

In the wake of small businesses cottoning on to the importance of social media presence for marketing their business, many then question, what do I post? Or what do I post about? Without giving away too many secrets about the trade since social media is my game now (little evil laugh), I thought I would enlighten those smart and eager marketers out there just what social media can do for you. With the right content of course. When I say content I mean the things you post about. Instagram is a huge tool in documenting the here and now but what about the real, foundation, brand type stuff. Well this is where content creation comes about. I will give one thing away here, you need to keep it personal and interesting.

rapher. This means I can abuse his talents to assist my social media clients with the success of their Facebook Page. How? Well two minds are always better than one, and after some thought and brainstorming the This is Me shoot was born. This Photo-shoot is geared at creating an awareness of who you are and what you do, this valuable content is then usable on all your online platforms, from your website, to blog and of course Facebook. It is called FACE-book after all. You need to show your face.

I am going to use three examples of how a shoot can change everything and create a feel to whatever you are about. As many of the readers now know, my husband, One of our very first subjects was Debbie, we have Adrian Shields is a wedding and portrait Photog- come to know Debbie more and more intimately | Issue 4

over the last few years and the other day I asked her how her This is Me shoot (then un-named) made her see herself and her life in a new light. You see Debs has been suffering the loss of infertility for many years now and as the years limped on, where she found the space between her arms felt emptier and emptier, she felt the need to fill her life with rediscovery instead of pain and sadness. Little did we know, that the few hours we spent with her would mean the world to Debs and her self-discovery. Her family were amazed by her bravery in taking on the task of being a "model" for the day, her husband in love with her courage to face a fear of shyness in the face and we were touched that we were chosen to Photograph this important step in her life. Debbie has now completed a short book on her struggles trying to have a baby, ran the comrades this year and has completed a Get Fit challenge! Another example is Keynote Speaker and Social Media Coach as well as CEO of DigitLab, Mike Saunders. Mike is invited and travels South Africa helping people understand the connection between technology and people who live on the other side of it, your target market. His This is Me shoot was done at a local hotel where we photographed him smart, relaxed and even jovial and happy. Again Mike un-

derstands the connection between what you do online and how people will perceive the service or product you are trying to sell. Connecting with him is the first step toward a thriving business and for Adrian and myself, personal enrichment from the knowledge he shared with us that day is something we will never forget. So in this particular instance we have a high-profile professional who believes in the correct kind of content for his online portfolio and marketing in order to stay present in the minds of his clients. I think if you asked him he would tell you even more amazing things about the online world around you! My last and final example is a girl named Lindy who owns Labola Weddings, a flower, decor and hiring professional in Kloof, Durban. Lindy understands the importance of social media and how it conveys her style, progression in her field and personality as a wedding decorator and event coordinator. Lindy's shoot took place in her studio where we photographed her interacting with her staff, creating bouquets and just having a good laugh with us over a glass of wine, exactly the way she acts everyday with her clients. Her shoot targeted her market, educating them that although her brand name "Labola" is a well known concept of weddings, that is not just a name, but that it is backed by a helpful, | Issue 4

CREATE smiley, creative person ready to create your dream event. Maybe you will ask yourself the questions, (1) how well will people get to know me by the images I post (2) how can I convey that to my clients through photographs (- a picture says a thousands words, instead of a thousand words say nothing) (3) does my current content help them recognize the amazing product I am offering's worth? All of these are valid questions with very easy answers. Good content, is like good milkshake, it brings the boys to the yard, by that I mean - if you have interesting, enlightening, positive and meaningful content, your clients will subscribe to your page long after the service date and keep coming back for more! So, maybe you should do a This is Me shoot? by Jaimi Shields


I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. -Susan Sontag | Issue 4


Peter’s House

Peter’s House has got a very good online presence. I follow them on Facebook and Twitter and I’m always intrigued by their photos and updates. There’s just something about them. A sort of quirkiness perhaps. A feeling that they are different to the other venues out there. I knew that I had to go and check them out, and finally booked myself a dinner with my husband. Situated just off Kloof Nek Road, in a hub of creativity, my first impression was definitely good. Little carrots line the door of this very cute establishment, and the room itself is adorned with interesting and funny novelties. We ordered a glass of red wine and settled and cheered each other to a rather successful day. We had both been very busy and it was nice to finally sit back and relax. We had also stepped right into happy hour which is always an added bonus to any night out. For dinner I ordered the bacon and butternut cous cous dish which came with a block of feta so big I actually whooped

with delight (yeah I’m easy to please). The husband had the spaghetti and ostrich meatballs which he loved and which I loved too (yep, I tasted his food – for the article sake, okay!). A little snippet from their website says it all: Think Mad Hatter meets Peter Rabbit interior and a menu reminiscent of Gran’s hearty and wholesome cooking with plenty vegetarian options. Tasty meals and treats adorn our chalkboard walls and amazing local artists have contributed their work to the over all happy and colourful atmosphere. By Christine Bernard 021 424 3451 14 Kloof Nek Rd, Cape Town, South Africa | Issue 4


We all scream for Ice Cream

Ice Cream is one of those things that you can enjoy come rain or shine! It is a perfect solution to any bad day and most often will bring a smile to your face. My favourite ice cream flavor is the classic Vanilla Bean but I also like to experiment and try new flavours. Let’s face it we all need a bit of indulgence in our lives! With this in mind, I thought I would share My Top Ice Cream Shops in Cape Town, there are many more but these are my favourites! The Creamery Unit 22A, corner of Weymouth and Wyecroft Road, Mowbray, 021 447 7690 I had the pleasure of sampling their delicious ice cream, for the first time, at the Constantia Food & Wine Festival a while ago and all I can say is yum! My all-time favourite was the Lime Curd flavour! Their ice cream is handmade; most of the ingredients are sourced locally and organic. I actually got to meet Kate the lady behind the Ice Cream and was treated to my own private tasting. Although The Creamery is in | Issue 4

essence not a retail shop, you can pop into their kitchen to pick up a pint (cash only) from 9am5pm, Monday to Friday, or even better you can order from their web shop if you have a specific flavour you would like them to keep aside for you. You can collect your order from; either their kitchen in Mowbray, or any one of the markets and pop up shops they stock. The Creamery was recently featured on SA Masterchef, showing one of the contestants how to make Naartjie Choc-chip Ice Cream – Yum!!! The Creamery is soon to open their very own Ice Cream Shop, The Creamery Café, which will be situated in Newlands Quarter, overlooking Dean Street.

gelato (traditional home-made Italian style ice cream).Using an age-old traditional recipe, Gelato Mania offers taste sensations, which are refreshing bursts of exceptional flavours, leaving you craving more! Every scoop of Gelato Mania is a unique blend of quality, flavour and an unforgettable experience, bringing to life their promise of “memories you can taste.”

Ice Café Main Road, Kalk Bay, 021 788 4816 This was another reader recommendation and her favourite flavour is Blueberry and Fudge, two separate flavours that are combined and it must be in a served in a sugar cone! Situated in Kalk Bay, you can buy your ice cream Häagen-Dazs and enjoy it while taking leisurely stroll, taking in Shop no. 129, Lower Level, Victoria Wharf, the sights. Other delicious flavours you can try in021 421 0744 clude blueberry and cream, rum and raisin or ginHäagen-Dazs is a family favourite! Whenever we ger and cinnamon. visit the V&A Waterfront we pop in to their shop, the girls love the Raspberry Sorbet and I am quite The Venezia Ice Cream Parlour particular to their Vanilla Caramel Brownie. Their 92 Main Road, Sea Point, 021 930 2952 ice cream has an incredibly rich flavour, smooth A quaint little Italian spot where you can indulge texture and creamy taste, because it contains less in gloriously creamy gelato. With an array of gorair, Häagen-Dazs is denser and richer than other geous flavours this ice cream parlour never fails to luxury ice creams, creating its signature slow-melt- impress. ing creaminess. Lecca il Gelato Gelato Mania 15 Church Street, Stellenbosch, 021 886 4694/5 65 Main Road, Green Point, 021 439 2074 Lecca il Gelato, situated in the picaresque town of Gelato Mania, situated in Green Point Cape Town, Stellenbosch, was the first real Italian ice cream is a unique gelateria, which specializes in Artisan parlour in South Africa and opened its doors in | Issue 4

DISCOVER ruary 2006. It is owned and managed by an enthusiastic team of Italians, who are committed to creating an authentic top quality ice cream. They only use fresh, individually selected ingredients from across the globe and do not add any preservatives, additives, vegetable fats or artificial colouring to our ice cream. Their flavours include exotic taste experiences such as Champagne ice cream, Portofino (chocolate and whiskey) and they even have Soya gelato for those that are dairy intolerant. Marcel’s Lower level, Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, 021 425 2633 Marcel’s is the home of delectable frozen yogurt, which is great, if like me you like to watch your calorie intake! It was established in 1989 and now has 12 outlets. A family favourite in our house is their English Toffee or you can try other exciting flavours, such as Lemony Cheesecake and Rich Espresso. Wakaberry To find a store near call their Head Office 031 572 4971 Wakaberry is a fairly new kid on the block and is very quickly becoming über popular! Wakaberry is the first South African frozen yoghurt brand to offer a unique self-serve concept that allows each customer to be the boss of their own creation. The froyo flavours vary from store to store, but customers can expect a wide variety including classics like Strawberry, Vanilla, Mixed Berry and English Toffee and quirkier taste sensations like Green tea, Pomegranate, Kiwi and Watermelon. Toppings wise, for the fit and healthy we offer fresh fruit, nuts, and cereals, and for the downright wicked there are deliciously decadent desserts such as sweets, chocolates and sauces. By Fiona Rossiter | Issue 4


Nestled amongst the oaks, this charming heritage house that was once a pottery, is now a small personalized bed and breakfast. Greyton is well known for its idyllic calm and our lodgings offer easy access to the gentle pace of this historic town. Also Ideal for hikers and mountain bikers with the choice of both rooms and self catering cottages. So spend a few days with us and enjoy all that the Overberg has to offer! 16 Main Road, Greyton, 7233 076 441 5753 || Issue Issue 3 4

The Old Potter’s Inn


I’m a city girl. I’m always looking for new things to see and do, and rushing from here to there. My social media mind is always buzzing and as I’m married to a photographer so we are always looking for photo opportunities to capture. So leaving the hustle and bustle behind is not just a good thing for me to do, it’s a necessity, because we all need to get away sometimes. So I was lucky enough to discover a little place all the way out in Greyton to spend some time relaxing. This was, The Old Potter’s Inn. I was drawn immediately to this place because of the name, and I knew that by going here I would be transported to a world that was completely different to my own.

comfortable couches and the stone faced wall I immediately thought that this would be the perfect place for a writer to come to for inspiration. I could actually picture myself sititng here alone, logs ablazing, while I sipped my coffee and lost myself in my stories.

The Old Potter’s Inn is conveniently situated right in the center of Greyton, with shops and restaurants just a stones throw away. The Inn itself offers four cottages, each self-catering. With the fireplace, the

16 Main Road, Greyton, 7233 076 441 5753

Being the coffee lover (addict?) that I am, I found myself hopping between all the cafes, sampling their cappuccinos. I was surprised that even all the way out in Greyton the coffee culture has hit big, and Flat Whites were offered all around. It’s a great place to go for a bit of tranquility and of course, for antique shopping. I walked away with a few treasures myself including the first Charles Dickins novel The two hour drive to Greyton was scenic. The clos- for only R10. er we got to our destination the more our scenery started to change. The roads became quieter, the If quiet and peace is what you are looking for then scenery more vast and certainly more beautiful. It visit The Old Potter’s Inn and allow yourself to finally relax. felt good to get away.


The Silver Linings Play Book by Matthew Quick Dear Bibliophiles I swear this has never happened to me before! I didn’t know that the movie was based on a book. I blame my PhD. I’m so busy thinking about it (not doing it of course. That would be too productive and easy. Just thinking. A lot.) that I’m battling to keep up with other things in my life (like work, for example, or yoga). Anyway, I watched The Silver Linings Playbook a few weeks ago because Jennifer Lawrence won an Oscar for it (and I think she’s gorgeous), and the story seemed interesting. It was only later that I came across the novel while browsing for something to read on my kindle. I have a perplexing relationship with my kindle. It is a truly amazing device, but as a life-long booklover who was addicted to books long before the advent of the e-book, I kind of resent it at the same time. I love the way

books feel – the weight of them in my hands, turning the pages. I love the way books smell. I love the words printed on each page. I love the cover art and the way that they look on a bookshelf. But, instant access to pretty much any book that you want to read? I can’t deny that that is some kind of magic as well. It is a testament to how brilliant my wife is that she got me a kindle as a wedding present. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving – a source of endless excitement, joy, escape, relief. How well she knows me. Also, she got tired of the piles of books lying around our house. But mostly the mushy bit. Anyway, back to the book The Silver Linings Playbook: A Novel by Matthew Quick. As I said, this has never happened to me before (that I can recall). I’ve never read the book after watching the movie. It was weird. I have to say…wait for it…the book was better. It was. It always is. The story centres | Issue 4

DISCOVER self, with Nikki, with his parents individually and as a collective, with his brother (Jake), with the enigmatic Tiffany, with his therapists, with Danny, Ronnie & Veronica and Emily; Pat’s parents’ relationship with each other; Tiffany’s relationship with her sister; Ronnie and veronica’s relationship, and Jake’s relationship with his wife. Sound complex? Well, relationships are and life is. I love that the book is honest. It doesn’t catastrophize, it doesn’t apologise, and it doesn’t compromise. Mental health is a difficult thing to write about. Quick does The reader only finds out towards the end of the the most superb job. book what prompted Pat’s stay in “the bad” place, and so gets to know Pat through his voice narrating P.S. The movie is really quite good. They did a good his confusion, his struggles, and his ultimate belief job of adapting the story to the screen. The book in there being a silver lining to everything. I would is still better. like to sit down and have a cup of coffee or a beer with Pat Peoples. He is complex, multi-faceted and utterly fascinating. For me the book is essentially By Lisa Wiebesiek-Pienaar about relationships – Pat’s relationship with himaround Pat Peoples who has recently returned to his hometown to live with his parents after a stay in what he refers to as “the bad place” and other characters refer to as a neural health facility. Pat’s goal, which he pursues with single-minded determination, is to end “apart time” and be reunited with his wife, Nikki. If I could have a do-over, I would have read the book first (and then I would have probably not watched the movie, as I rarely watch movie-versions of books that I have loved).

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