Issue 5 September 2013

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r e b m e t p Se 2013 Issue 5

Taste | Create | Discover


I came across a poster called Life Lessons. I don’t know who wrote it but the lessons were so beautiful that I had to pass it on to you. Do not waste time in fear. Do something new everyday, even if you think you won’t like it. Stop waiting. Life is short and time will never wait for you. Accept everything that comes your way. Bad things can only make you stronger. Listen to people’s life stories and try to discover who they really are. ‘I’ is a straight, boring line. Give it up for ‘us’. Never stop loving, no matter how absurd your love seems to be. Say hello and give hugs. Lots of hugs. Laugh and make people laugh, even when there are tears in your eyes. Travel as far as you can. Follow your dreams. Don’t let anything stop you. The only limit is yourself. Tell people how much they mean to you. Start creating, but only beautiful things. Put passion, love, fantasy and a piece of yourself in everything you do. PLAY.

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Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to contribute articles or whether you’d like to advertise in an upcoming magazine. We’d love to get to you know and to shamelessly promote your company! Flat White Magazine - Made with love and a strong cup of coffee. Yours in Coffee,



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Starlings Cafe Tasting the wine - home style Simple and delicious stir fry recipe Ways to waste beer this winter


Cape Electric Tattoo Retouching is no horse play Festival photography


Madison Oude Molen Eco Village Coworking - Let’s work together Book Reviews

DIRECTORY Cool Companies

COMPETITIONS Win Win Win! | Issue 5


Starlings Cafe

I posted a link to Twitter recently asking people what the best coffee shop was in the Southern Suburbs, which is where I stay. I got an overwhelming response for Starlings Cafe, in the heart of Claremont. Lucky for me, that’s just around the corner, and yet somehow I had missed it. With a camera in hand, and a keen desire to be where the coffee is (it was still early in the morning and we hadn’t had our cup yet), we went off in search of this hidden gem. What a great find it was! It’s not hugely signposted so if I were to drive past I don’t think I’d even realise it was there. There’s something about this I like, though, because when you do find out about it you almost feel as if you are stepping into the world of the unknown. A secret hideaway. I was surprised at how big it was. Not only do they boast a big inside section but they are blessed with a beautiful courtyard where you can sit and enjoy the morning rays. Despite being winter we were lucky to be going through a few days of almost summer like weather. Although the morning was still chilly, the sun was shining and by 11am the jackets were off and we were already trying to get some rays on our lily white skin. So it was without hesitation that we chose to sit outside. Surrounded by trees, vines and quirky adornments I felt as if I could sit here forever. I ordered a filter coffee and hubby had the Flat White. Both were so good that we immediately ordered another one. Although we had already eaten that morning I still scrolled through their menu and vowed to come back another time for food. Everything looked delicious. If you want to go somewhere with great coffee and a vibe to match, then I’d definitely recommend this little slice of heaven. The beautiful and serene Starlings Cafe. 94 Belvedere Road, Claremont By Christine Bernard Photos by Warren Bernard

TASTE Tasting The Wine Home style Feeling most emboldened (likely due to an accumulation of The Wine in my system over recent months), I braved hosting a small tasting of The Wine at my new humble home. In order to ensure variety (and not bankrupt myself), it was decided that each guest shall supply 2 bottles for tasting (and later drinking) – a rather successful concept if I do say so myself. This also proved a most lovely excuse to use my friends as guinea pigs for my wine-inspired culinary creations. Whether they paired well with The Wines on offer, I could not say. That sort of thing was far too advanced for my understanding at the time. Nevertheless, I spent the day preparing oven-roasted tomato & Chevin tartlets, nacho chips with white bean dip, lemon buttered asparagus with smoked mozzarella and pineapple with mint sugar. The one table I owned was set on the balcony for a lovely summer’s evening – snacks and wine glasses at the ready, wine chilling in the fridge, awaiting the arrival of my guests. Being new to hosting, I was soon to realize I had, of course, overlooked one small requirement for tasting The Wine – especially in summer time. There was no ice bucket! We did, however, overcome this obstacle by making regular (and increasingly faster) trips down the passage to the fridge. Despite this rather minor setback (where there is The Wine, most setbacks can be considered minor), we were soon settled, tasting sheets at the ready, and prepared to begin our adventure. For the sake of clarity across the board, it was decided we would rate The Wines out of ten as opposed to my usual particularly scientific method of making large, enthusiastic ticks alongside the names of wines I enjoy. Being almost-seasoned novice tasters, we knew well enough to begin with The White Wine. Upon further experience, I have learned it may have been advisable to begin with the Chenin Blanc as opposed to the Chardonnay, but this particular Chenin Blanc stood up rather impressively to its buttery (and corked) counterparts.

TASTE • Rietvallei Classic Chardonnay (2011): Orange, “bites back”, vague butter, grows more buttery & soft with breathing (6.5/10) • Jackson’s Chardonnay (2009): *Corked. Raisin, salty Hanepoot, pickled kale, Brut, flat bubbly, dried apricots, bitterness, “2 minute wine” (4/10) • Spier Private Collection Chenin Blanc (2009): Limey colour, caramelized pineapple, spanspek, creamy fullness but not silky, apricots, fried butter (8.5/10)

lovely pinkness lingering in our glasses on a warm evening. We moved along so swiftly in fact that my rating system was completely forgotten. • BLANKBottle Kah-Shar (2005): Balsamic & tannins, meaty, Pepin Conde-esque, brown onion soup, metallic, 100% Merlot. • Agterplaas Red Blend (2006): Red berries, smooth with tannins, raw silk

Fairly filled with some rather fine examples of The Wine, we proceeded to re-taste at length while enjoying our little snacks. Despite the advent of my first encounter with The Corked Wine (read The Bad Wine), I believe a merry time was had by all. I do look forward to another occasion to repeat the • Delheim Pinotage Rose (2012): Sweetness & hap- experience come summer. py days, summer & smiles, fizz, raspberry By Leigh-Ann Luckett Even more swiftly, we made our way to The Reds before we lost the courage to move away from the From the ever enjoyable Whites, we moved rather swiftly to The Rose, another fine example of how well educated we were in the process of tasting The Wine.


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simple and delicious stir fry This is my meal in a minute solution - when I come home from work, and need to eat immediately this dish goes from ingredients to a meal in under 10 minutes. It’s also a good stand by for when I need to feel a little healthier, and for the rare occasion I don’t have eggs in the house for my other emergency dinner.

1/2 tsp crushed garlic 1/2 tsp crushed ginger 1 tsp peanut or canola oil

For the sauce: 1 tbsp honey 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp sesame oil This uses what has now become my standard stir- 1/2 tsp chillli flakes fry sauce - I hate buying the ready-made versions out of the bottle, and I really think it’s worth in- Method: vesting in a few standard Asian style ingredients, so you can play around with them at home and see Place the peanut or canola oil in a hot wok or pan, what your perfect combination is. It uses only 3 add the ginger, garlic and tofu or chicken breast ingredients and is for me, the perfect balance be- strips, and stir fry until almost cooked. Add the vegetables and noodles and stiry fry for 2 minutes. Mix tween salty, nutty and sweet. the sesame oil, chilli flakes, honey and soy sauce in a small bowl, and add to the wok, stirring unIngredients: til combined. Add the coriander and stir through. Serve immediately in bowls. 250g udon noodles 300g mix of corn, snow peas, pak choi and carrot By The Gorgeous Gourmet batons 50g silken tofu (or sliced chicken breasts if you pre- Twitter: @GorgeousBlog fer) small handful coriander | Issue 5

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Ways to Waste Beer this Winter While I was mulling over how much I’ve enjoyed my beer lately, my thoughts wondered to the different uses for craft beer. Now, there are weird and wild ideas out there, like using it to trap bugs, washing your hair with it or using it as plant food, but then I stumbled upon these little gems that encompass my two favourite things: beer and food. More to the point, beer IN food. So without further ado, here’s my list of ways to waste beer… in food: 1. Use beer as a marinade for your meat. Apparently (yes, I haven’t wasted my beer this way yet) the acid in the beer allows for the meat to be really tender. As the enzymes work in cooked or uncooked meat, you may even get away with giving your braai a sprinkling post-cooking. A typical beer marinade would include olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, mustard, a dark beer like Brewdog’s Tokyo and as many other herbs and interesting spices as you can find.

2. Add beer to the water you cook your rice in. The beer is supposed to give it a nutty, aromatic flavor. I guess no one likes dull rice. The liquid that the rice is cooked in should be about half water, half beer. If you’re going to give this a shot, try a nut-brown ale like Citizen Alliance and let me know how it goes. 3. Beer batter. So this one I have actually done. I’m thinking fried fish or onion rings. Garrett Oliver from Brooklyn Brewery says it’s the carbonation and the sugar in the beer that makes the batter lighter and helps it brown better. Amen to that. If you choose a good quality beer, you should get a hint of the malty goodness coming through in the flavour of the food too. 4. Hearty winter stew: use beer instead of chicken or beef stock. This seems a little strange to me - I guarantee you I have never tasted a beer that tasted like chicken so using it to replace chicken stock seems like it would alter the taste of the food quite dramatically. If you’re going to give this a try, think | Issue 5

TASTE twice before adding more than 250ml. You still want it to be a stew, not a beer-centered punch. Anyway, Boteler, a gourmet chef, says you can use beer for any meal where the liquid is reduced. In that case, I’d like a beer soup please. 5. Beer bread. Trust the Irish to come up with a bread that uses beer. Ironically, you’re not supposed to use Guinness, but rather a light lager like Darling Slow Beer. Beer bread is definitely something I’d like to taste, but I definitely don’t have the wherewithal or motivation to make it. It’s supposed to be dense, moist and chewy. Sounds like a good bar snack. Feel free to try out a recipe and send me a slice.

Alright, so you caught me out. It’s like curiosity and the cat here. I’m quite impressed by all that craft beer can accomplish with a dash of elbow grease and imagination. Wish me luck with my beer lollies and braai marinade! By Rob (The curious craft beer connoisseur) The League of Beers is no ordinary craft beer store. Committed to supporting small producers they are inspiring adventures and offer the broadest range of craft beers online with free delivery throughout South Africa.

6. Beer ice cream. Wait, what? Let’s just leave that idea right there and step away quietly. It is now time New to the world of craft beer? to avert your eyes to the next paragraph. Be quick These guys are standing by to cheer you on as you about it before the beer ice-cream notices. crack open your first cold one. To connect with The League of Beers, go to: 7. Boteler says you can even use beer in sauces. If you overdo it, the bitterness of the hops might over- Website: power the rest of the food so don’t use more than Email: about 120ml of beer in a sauce. That being said, Bo- Twitter: @leagueofbeers teler quite happily adds beer to spaghetti sauce, to chilli con carne and even to a cheese soup. Hang on. Who ever heard of cheese soup? As far as I’m concerned, if you are eating cheese soup, you can add whatever you like to it. 8. Steaming mussels in beer instead of white wine. Okay, I can see the connection. You’ll want to use a light beer that won’t overwhelm the seafood. This sounds really simple: add butter, beer and onions to a double boiler and then steam the mussels for ten minutes. Even I can do that. Serve the mussels with a stout to create a good balance of flavours. 9. Okay, they’ve finally got me. This is something I am going to try as soon as the sun peaks out from behind grey clouds. Buy a popsicle (ice lolly) maker from your nearest grocery store and use different beers instead of juice or ice-cream. This.sounds. awesome. Imagine having a Jack Black ice lolly after your beef and beer stew or a Triggerfish popsicle when you get home from work today. | Issue 5


We asked you: How much time do you spend on Facebook and Twitter a day?

Under an hour An hour 1 - 2 hours 2 - 3 hours 3 - 4 hours Over 4 hours

5% 8% 15% 32% 30% 10% | Issue 5 | Issue 5






Around ten years ago, in a moment of rebellion, I decided to get a tattoo. I placed no real thought into what I wanted. I literally just walked into a shop, looked at the designs on the wall, pointed at a picture of a goblin I quite liked and said ‘yep, that one’. I thought it was pretty cute. However, as the years went by people kept saying to me ‘why do you have a devil on your back?’. ‘It’s NOT a devil’, I’d retort with anger, ‘it’s a cute goblin’. ‘Ugly’, they’d reply. This happened so many times that eventually I didn’t want anyone to see it, deliberately choosing outfits that covered it. Now I love tattoos. I think people who get them realise that life is short and life is fun. So what’s the point of having something that I want to hide? One day I came across a beautiful owl design. It was cute and quirky. Also I have always called my mom an owl (wise that she is) so it was a design that actually meant something to me. I swore that one day I would get it done. Would I be willing to do a cover up though? The thought of ending up with a blob of ink scared me. Then I found Cape Electric Tattoo Parlour. I don’t know what exactly it was that drew me to them but I walked into their studio and knew immediately that I wanted them to tattoo me. They were friendly, willing to help, and quite obviously


highly skilled. I took a deep breath and booked my appointment. One hour later and my goblin was no longer. In it’s place is now a beautiful owl that I am finally proud to show off! I decided to find out a bit more about them. The three tattoo artists are David Chaston (tattoing for 7 years), Gareth Lloyd (the guy that did mine, tattoing for 4.5 years) and Waldo Del Rocca (2 years). Each artist has their own unique style but all tend to enjoy traditional tattoos with solid outlines and colour that will stand the test of time. They encourage all newcomers to come for a tattoo and not too worry about the pain. The pain is shortlived and soon you’ll be wanting another tattoo. The studio is open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10am to anywhere between 6 and 7pm. Fridays and Saturdays they open at 11am. By Christine Bernard 11 Buitensingel Street, Cape Town 021 - 423 7646 | Issue 5


Retouching is no horse play. On my constant journey through life, I have done many things to bring home the proverbial bacon. Hospitals, offices, factories… I’ve worked in them all. Currently however, I am earning my keep by maintaining a job as a full; time retoucher. Now you may or may not have heard of such a term before. If you have, congratulations! You are most likely within the minority. If you have not, I assure you, you are not alone. Even as I type this, my Word document has underlined the word “retoucher” in red. Not even Bill Gates knows what I am. Recently, I consulted a new physician for the very first time. After filling out various forms, I met with the doctor – a friendly, approachable guy in his mid-fifties. Gazing at my file, a sudden look of bewilderment swept over his bearded face. I knew precisely what was coming. “It says here, you are a retoucher by profession. What exactly is that?” he asked. What I wanted to say was that I was a Photoshop specialist. An image enhancement expert. That I Photoshopped images in the same manner as those countless pictures he saw in magazines and billboards every day. But considering his background in the medical industry, I was convinced that his knowledge of all things graphical, was limited at best, and I feared that my use of the word “Photoshop” as a verb would forever send him into

a bottomless abyss of confusion. “I… erm… take digital photographs and… umm… make them better” was all I could manage. It felt like I was explaining the inner workings of a ping pong ball to a quantum physicist. Thanks to my description, I knew that I had forever tainted the reputation of any future retoucher that he would meet. As he nodded, I could almost see his brain, classifying my career in his hierarchy of job importance. He was probably slotting me right in between “stable cleaner” and “street sweeper”. This was not going to be an easy consultation. On another occasion, I was in the process of applying for vehicle insurance over the telephone. Long durations of intensive questioning and policy explanations left me bored and unfocused. All I wanted to do was end the call. Then came the question of the day. “Sir, what is your occupation?” Here we go again. You think that by now, I would have learnt from previous experience and come up with a suitable, more common term for what I do. But no. I was a mouse and I just could not resist the cheese. “Retoucher” I blurted in my most annoying tone of voice. Snap! The trap shut painfully and I was caught once more. | Issue 5

“Pardon?” came the reply. “Retoucher” I repeated again, as if by some miracle they would understand this time around and just move on to the next question. There was a long pause. Then the consultant spoke. “We don’t have that career listed on our computer. What is it that you do?” I rolled my eyes. This time I would not hold back. “I retouch digital images for commercial purposes. I Photoshop digital photographs. You understand, right?” “Oh, so you’re a photographer?” they replied. “No! That’s an entirely different thing altogether”, I shouted. How dare these people not know the difference? My fuse was nearing its end. Another long pause followed. “Sir, I’ve checked our system and we do indeed have Photographer listed in our database as a career”. At this point, I realised that there was no way I could win this battle. And we all know that if you

can’t beat them, you need to join them. “Oh really?” I replied. “Photographer did you say? Why yes! That is exactly what I am. A photographer”. I heard the consultant chuckle triumphantly, as if he had by some major achievement, brought a crazed psychopath back to their logical senses. I could not help but feel as if I had lost the war once again. Clueless insurance salesman: 1. Experienced retoucher: 0. So what does it take to be a retoucher? Well nowadays, just as many people with a point and shoot camera consider themselves to be a professional photographer, so do people with a valid (or mostly, not so valid) copy of Adobe Photoshop, consider themselves to be a retoucher. On more than one occasion, I have had various people ask me to come over for a few hours on a weekend to “teach them Photoshop”. In my mind, that’s just as possible as | Issue 5


downloading the entire contents of the internet… onto a 1GB flash drive... using a dial up connection... within a few hours. That just isn’t going to happen. Ever. I remember having my first encounter with said software, back in 2002. Almost 12 years down the line, and I am still learning new and improved techniques and ways to utilize this program quite frequently. Granted, now there are countless more resources available to the average Joe to get them retouching their way to the top even quicker. But just as with most things, it is mostly hands on practice that will ensure one’s improvement. Is there a future for retouchers in sight? In my opinion, retouchers of the highest quality will always be in demand so it is therefore vastly dependent on the skill of the artist which will determine whether they succeed in this career or not. This is also where we approach the very fine line between good retouching and bad retouching . We have all seen those overly airbrushed models on the cover of magazines as an example. Some with

eyes that are extra bright and white. With limbs that have been overly thinned and extended, and skin so smooth, flat and textureless that they may very well be the closest living relative to a mannequin. Sometimes, you can’t even put your finger on exactly what it is that is wrong with the image. But humans have been looking at other humans since the beginning of time, and if something is even just slightly off, we can tell. Believe it or not, it really is difficult to make someone look just like themselves… but better. I read recently of something called “The Uncanny Valley” which can be applied to many different fields – retouching being one of them. It is basically a hypothesis that states that when human features look almost, but not exactly like a natural human being, it usually causes a feeling of revulsion within the observer. In other words, we can easily relate to things that look exactly like us or alternatively, to things that don’t look like us at all. But when it looks ALMOST, but not quite like us, then it starts becoming offputting. This theory makes a lot of sense and is something I can totally relate to. Mostly when I pick up a copy of Men’s Health Magazine and notice how perfectly buff and sculpted the model’s body is. Then I take a look at myself and notice how it ALMOST looks like me. But not quite. After that, I am totally put off buying the magazine. As well as the packet of chips, slab of chocolate and double thick milkshake that happens to be in my shopping basket. As long as digital media exists, and people feel the need to look at beautiful images, retouchers will still have a purpose in life. If not, you will probably find me in the stables, cleaning up after those pesky horses. By Warren Bernard Pleate note: Not all of the photographs shown were shot by Flat White Photography. All of them were, however, retouched, restored and generally fiddled with by them. | Issue 5 | Issue 5


festival photography

“…for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return..”

It is very difficult to keep your eyes open at 5.30am when you are watching the 750th kilometer of tar disappear under the car bonnet as the sun slowly drags itself above the trees and begins to reflect off the silver VW Estate all five that of us are snuggled in. And then you remember you are less than 10km away from Oppikoppi and the excitement begins to build in the car.

day one and then as the chaos begins your plankton barcoded ticket is ripped from your hand and scanned by a dusty scanner, your arm is grabbed through your open window, stamped and a fabric band is placed on it and crimped with the hugest most horrifying pliers by a non English speaking local before you can even complain. And then the adventure begins.

A drive through the little town of Northam showed demented drivers and no robots. We wheeled our way through death defying feats, holding on tight as we solidiered on. Finally, with deep breaths, we were on the main road leading to Oppikoppi.

We were lucky enough to escape general camping or Mordor as it is affectionately known, which means we were able to avoid the near death experiences that come with that name by camping in Band Camp with some of the vendors and musicians. We set up camp wherever there were no thorns and under trees and flew our glow in the dark painted pirate flag above camp for easy finding at night. We set up tents, pumped mattresses, set the gas burners and “made home”.

As you turn right you (almost your last turn before inside the gates) you are met with dozens of warmly wrapped up locals looking to sell you some of the cheapest wood you have ever bought. You hand over cash (for the last time that weekend) and pile wood on your laps because every inch of the car is loaded with human or luggage with only a tiny shoebox sized gap for to see out the rearview mirror. Your car rolls forward into a short line because you were smart enough to arrive before 6am on official

As you contemplate three more days of dust, heat and low hygiene you take a step back and admire “home” as you will know it for the next couple of nights. It is actually such a comfort knowing you have somewhere to be that is yours at the end of the dusty days. | Issue 5

So now that the background is covered, what about the festival, the bands and the people? Oppikoppi is one of the most relaxed multi-faceted gatherings I have ever been to. Everyone is different, everyone has a different agenda, some have come for 15 years and some like us have walked into the dust for the very first time. We were able to witness some of South Africa’s finest up and coming bands to the old classics like Fuzigish and The Narrow, new favorites like ISO, Anchors Up and ShadowClub threw it out there for welcoming fans. There was just so much to see it made you exhausted – but in a good way. In the afterglow I have been trolling various online blogs that covered the event, you had naked bums, borat suits, trashed camps, guys lying upside down in camping chairs but for some reason I am still drawn to the innocent but honest shots captured by my hubby at the festival. He has such a way with capturing people in motion, the spectators and the performers alike. You can almost feel their love for where they are in that exact moment in time. One of our Photographic highlights is a project we started at Oppikoppi around the media tent in benefit to cancer causes. Adrian did a series of secret photographs that will be progressively released along with the concept backed up by various South African artists. Watch this space okay? Then obviously other major highlights included seeing Californian Punk Band Yellowcard perform their hearts out, Ryan Key was very honoured that the crowd knew his lyrics so well! I always giggle to myself at international gigs thinking they expected to perform to a 100% “indigenous” audience, but they get us! Straight after that the amazing, the dynamic and the epic band Deftones performed on the main stage. It was freezing cold and you could barely see the stage from where we stood but Chino was crazy energized and gave the South African fans 150 million percent, even coming off stage and lying on his hands as he performed standing on the pit barrier. After Deftones we jumped into our packed car exhausted but happy and fell asleep until 3.30am. We then picked up our car group and headed into the darkness to miss the 6-hour traffic congestion you get when you leave at daylight on the final day. As we struggled to keep out eyelids from shutting hard and fast we reveled in memory of the three days of freedom from life, organization, electricity and electronic devices. It is off putting how addictive the silence is, by that I mean the blaring music is way more quiet than the bustle of the city, those who have experienced this will understand what I mean.

CREATE After recovering on the Sunday Adrian downloaded 3000 images into Lightroom for editing which he is still processing this week, two weeks post the event.

pressed with the level of organization and safety at an event that temporarily homes in the region of 20,000 guests in the near desert landscape for a whole weekend.

You would not believe it but you actually get a major case of the blues when you get up on Monday morning and your snot is no longer brown with dust and your toilet flushes. You power up your MAC and drink your hot fresh tea and tears well up in your eyes, “I want to be back at Oppi” and “I wish I could hear those crazy rastas singing about making tea and brushing their teeth”, because that would mean I was back there.

We kept on joking throughout the event when people said “at least next time we will remember to bring this” and we replied “this is the only time, we are moving to Cape Town next year” – ahem we changed our minds, we definitely want to go live in a tent and be dirty for 3 days sometime in the near future, it is just too awesome to miss. We still have our entrance bands on 2 weeks after, which says something.

Crazy, but true, ask 99% of Oppi visitors they will say the same thing. Other than the sad reality of one isolated incident of theft of the band ISO’s entire trailer of equipment to the value of over R100k this event was seamless, Hilltop Live are legends for putting on an event like this. I was very im-

More photos: (these are must sees) By Jaimi Shields Photos by Adrian Shields

DESIGN w WWW.SKRIF.CO.ZA | Issue 1 | Issue 5


I had one of those lucky weeks. When the stars aligned in my favour and suddenly everything was going right. For one, I won a shopping voucher at Madison Boutique. For those of you that have never been then do yourself a favour and go go go. It’s situated at Constantia Village which I had never been to despite it being around the corner from me. With lots of shops, cafes and restaurants you can easily lose a day here. Madison is located at Constantia Courtyard and from the moment I walked in I was treated like a queen. I’m not used to that. Customer service has become almost non existent at most shops so this was a breath of fresh air. I sent hubby out due to the fact that I was going to be awhile! I spent time going through all their beautiful clothes and found it hard to decide. I fell in love with their new range of colourful jeans from the one green elephant jeans range. I have never had jeans fit me as well as they did. I almost

snapped them up but then my eyes fell upon these gorgeous Emu Australia boots reduced from R3800 to R499. Only one pair left, and in my size. I knew I had to have them. I put them on as soon as I got home and wore them to go out that night! Debbie, the lady that helped me decide what to buy, was not only friendly but went out of her way to make sure that I left satisfied. Satisfied I was. I walked away grinning from ear to ear. If you want to feel like the beautiful woman you are, then go visit Madison Boutique. Shop 17, Constantia Courtyard, Constantia Main Road, 7806 Cape Town, 021 794 4447 By Christine Bernard | Issue 5


This is what I love about Cape Town. You think you know an area and suddenly, hidden and tucked away you’ll discover a world of unknown beauty. The reason I found The Oude Molen Eco Village is a strange one. I was simply looking for a place to get hay in bulk for my guniea pigs. Someone suggested I try this place and when I got into my car and put it into my GPS I was surprised to learn it was simply around the corner from me. There is still much for me to learn about this amazing self-sufficient village, so I will have to return. We did, of course, make time to sit and enjoy a cup of surprisingly amazing coffee. I also climbed the treehouse and swore to one day have one for my future kids (not my guinea pigs, but real little people). I’ll use them as an excuse because it’s really me who wants one. We also walked away with one of their home made cheese and onion ciabattas, which we had almost devoured by the time we got home. What a beautiful place.

there are a number of vibrant small businesses operating within Oude Molen - including the coffee shop, stables and a riding school, a childrens’ play space, a pool and braai area, two backpacker lodges, a food garden for the children of Maitland Garden Village, an internet cafe, a few organic vegetable growers, metal workers, carpenters, a Waldorf kindergarten and primary school and a frail care and nursing college. The village offers locals from near and far the chance to experience something of the rural or farm life only a short drive from the City centre. The village is open to the public everyday.

The Millstone which opened in 2007, serves excellent coffees, delicious wood fired breads, homemade preserves and jams and a great range of home baked butter biscuits and cakes. No artificial ingredients are used in any of the products and only butter and free range eggs or chickens are used. The garden is a great place for tired parents to enjoy a leisurely meal with a freshly squeezed juice or slice I emailed them to learn a bit more and I got this of cake while the children play happily in the garden reply from Linda Malone, which sums out what this or the tree house. interesting village is all about: Oude Molen Eco Village is to be found on the banks By Christine Bernard of the Black River, and is bordered by wetlands and Photos by Warren Bernard paddocks which are home to a large herd of horses, many of which have been rescued. The Oude Molen Oude Molen Village refers to the first windmill built in South Africa in Alexandra Street, Pinelands 1718. The Oude Molen no longer exists but the mill- The Millstone Farmstall is open on Sunday and stone remains - and is currently to be found in the Monday from 8am to 3pm and Tuesday to Saturday garden of the Millstone Farmstall & Cafe. Currently from 8am to 5pm. 021 447 8226 or 082 40 78910 | Issue 5 | Issue 5


LET’S WORK TOGETHER! Coworking / shared space is fast becoming one of the hottest new trends in Cape Town. In this article I asked four coworking companies to share with us what they are all about. If you are an entrepreneur and you need a little bit of time away from your home office, then perhaps you should consider this. It’s a great way to meet new people and to immerse yourself in a completely different environment.


Coworking is about much more than renting a desk in a shared office space. At Growth Space, coworking is about being part of a community of like-minded people. It's a place where you can find motivation simply by working amongst driven, independent workers and find ways to grow your business network and find opportunities for collaboration simply by showing up at the office on a regular basis. For many, your coworking space may not be where you perform the principle activities of your profession but a place where you can dedicate time to social media, strategy and planning sessions and doing those mundane administrative tasks which you try to avoid in your home-office environment. Boost your productivity by surrounding yourself with driven, like-minded individuals in a vibrant, creative work environment which gives you all the tools you need to reach your full potential at an affordable price together with the flexibility you need as an independent worker. Growth Space is the first coworking space in the Helderberg Basin with new branches opening soon around Cape Town. Visit to book your free 1 week trial (a standard offering to all potential members) or call Wayne on 082 967 5129 for more info. | Issue 5


• A shared work-space for like-minded photographers and videographers • A creative office space to edit, up-load, connect and share ideas • Our photographic studio is just across the passage-way • Our photographic agency promotes the skills of us as photographers and videographers to prospective clients • Super-fast, reliable internet, sunny, open-plan space with membership options to suit you. • The hub where it all happens for photographers and videographers including events, classes, workshops, presentations • Variety of new food and coffee shops in the same building A busy photographer/videographer still needs some time in ‘the office’. Any experienced photographer/ videographer gets to a stage when the truth hits home. A large amount of time is spent away from the camera - time spent in post-production, invoicing, marketing, client negotiations, other admin and general communication. No-one wants to willingly pay rent for their own office if they can avoid it. The idea behind The Bureau is that we can share a productive space that is customised to suit the ‘office space’ needs of successful photographers and videographers. We are looking for members that have similar goals including keeping admin costs down, work from a cool space that maximizes productivity and is conveniently located, learning new things from different people every day. Conveniently located on the first floor of what is fast becoming the ‘cool’ block, The Bureau is proud to call the creative hub that is The Woodstock Exchange it’s home. 66 Albert Road is where we are at, a secure block close to the city and arterial access roads. We have opened our photographic studio and event venue across the way from The Bureau photographic office. The studio is available to all photographers and videographers, although preference is given to Bureau members when it comes to bookings and rates. Opening special of R650 for half day and R1,000 or full day. Rates subject to change. | Issue 5

DISCOVER Company. Shared Work Habitat

Company shared work habitat offers rentable desk space to like-minded entrepreneurs and small businesses within a creative environment. R1,500 per desk per month. Limited space available for the right mix of businesses. “People are always good company when they are doing what they love” Samuel Butler Security, electricity, water and cleaning all included in rental. Contact and 083 325 3322.


• WHY - There’s good work to be done in the world, and we believe great people need to be in the room together. • WHO - Whether you’re a designer, entrepreneur, academic, or astronaut, we’re less interested in what you do and more interested in how you do it. • WHAT - Twenty Fifty is a place to sit down and get things done while surrounded by a community of extraordinary people working across disciplines. • WHERE - Twenty Fifty is located in a grand old building in Buitenkant Street, right upstairs from the Truth Coffee Roastery. We’re just a short walk from the centre of town and major public transport hubs. • HOW - Membership is by invitation or application. Find out more about what we offer and how to join., | Issue 5


Nestled amongst the oaks, this charming heritage house that was once a pottery, is now a small personalized bed and breakfast. Greyton is well known for its idyllic calm and our lodgings offer easy access to the gentle pace of this historic town. Also Ideal for hikers and mountain bikers with the choice of both rooms and self catering cottages. So spend a few days with us and enjoy all that the Overberg has to offer! 16 Main Road, Greyton, 7233 076 441 5753 | Issue 3


You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. - Plato | Issue 5


Learning to Swim by Clare Chambers Dear Bibliophiles As book-lovers, we all have our own, unique way of choosing books. As you may already know, I judge a book by its title. If the title is boring, trite or cheesy, I won’t even pick it up. If I fancy the title, I’ll pick up the book and read the first page. If the first page doesn’t intrigue me immediately, I move on. I cannot stress enough the importance of the first line. This is probably the main reason why I will never write a book myself – the pressure of the first line. So many marvellous first lines will have gone before it. Hands down, one of the best first lines EVER is from the book I am reviewing this month. Learning to Swim by Clare Chambers is by no means a new release. I first read it when I was in high school which was too long ago for me to want to tell you how long ago it was. Since then, I’ve re-read Learning to Swim countless times. The re-read value of a book, the intensity with which you wish you could read it again for the first time, and the brilliance of a first line are the true markers of a great book. So, here it is: “Loyalty never goes unpunished.” And so it begins! Learning to Swim has it all without being excessive. It’s a coming of age story, a romance, a drama, a comedy, and a mystery all in one. It’s not just a book, not just a story, it’s an experience. Abigail Onions is an unremarkable girl with unremarkable parents living in an unremarkable suburb around London. One seemingly unremarkable day, Abigail’s

neat and ordinary life is irrevocably transformed when she meets and is befriended by the entirely remarkable new girl at school, Frances Radley, and her entirely remarkable family. The Radley’s are intriguing and exciting in their free-spirited eccentricity and Abigail is powerfully drawn to the family’s unashamed weirdness so different from her very conventional family. As Abigail becomes part of the Radley household she is particularly captivated by Frances’ brilliant and handsome older brother Rad (given name Marcus). A shocking revelation about Abigail’s own family, a terrible misunderstanding, and a tragedy unravel the haphazard lives and relationships of Abigail and the Radley’s. One unremarkable day thirteen years later it looks like Abigail’s well-ordered, unexceptional life is once more to be thrown off balance. Clare Chambers writes life like a pro. She crafts characters that are complex, fascinating and so easy to relate to. The pace of the book is perfect. Chambers has skilfully managed to avoid excessive or self-conscious eccentricity in this exceptional story centring around a seemingly unexceptional girl. The book in no way fails to live up to the expectations created by that superb first line. I suggest you go and read it immediately, and then again and again and again… By Lisa Wiebesiek-Pienaar | Issue 5

DIRECTORY The Gorgeous Gourmet Twitter: @GorgeousBlog

Skrif Jewellery

Simply Awesome 021 683 5216 082 786 5123

Leauge of Beers 021 824 1893

yuppiechef Twitter: @yuppiechef

Madison Boutique Shop 17, Constantia Courtyard, Constantia Main Road, 7806 Cape Town, 021 794 4447

Brookside Outsource Franchise Business Opportunities with Brookside Outsource We are looking for Experts in their Field, who would like to join a growing brand, of Business Growing Business. Mail your c.v. to U & Me Graphics and Photography

Schwarzie™ Telling stories through design.

16 Main Road, Greyton, 7233, 076 441 5753

Want to advertise on our directory page? ONLY R150 per month, or R120 per month for a three month contract Email | Issue 5

*All competitions MUST be entered by 28 September 2013


Win a box of mixed beer from The League of Beers. “The August mixed case from the League of Beers is aimed at craft beer fundi’s and local foodies. You can expect a hand-picked selection of 12 craft beers with suggestions of food ideas to compliment them. Mixed case buyers can expect some South African favourites (think Jack Black) as well as a few new-kids-on-the-block like Lakeside. All in all, the League is promising one of the most diverse and delicious mixed case. Don’t miss out.” Email, Subject: League of Beers


Win a R200 voucher from Send your details to, Subject: yuppiechef | Issue 5



Win a R600 voucher towards a tattoo at Cape Electric Tattoo Parlour. Email your tattoo ideas to and Subject: Flat White Non-refundable, non-transferable, and entrants must be over 18. *Please note that this competition closes on the 15 September 2013.


Win a 1 x Value Red & White Mixed Case from Wine Web – This includes 6 bottles, 3 red and 3 white and includes delivery. Email, Subject: Wine | Issue 5



Win a 1 month membership to the Sports Science Insitute of South Africa Including a comprehensive fitness assessment and personalised training programme. Prize value R1492. Email, Subject: SSISA


Win with Skrif 1 x Pair Handmade, Fine Silver Single Hoop Earrings With Texture. (Value R300) Email, Subject: Skrif Must reside in Cape Town | Issue 5


Do you want to advertise with us? Email Christine on Go on.. all the cool kids are doing it. | Issue 5

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