Issue 13 June 2014

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JUNE 201413 Issue

Taste | Create | Discover


“Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.’ Orson Welles

It’s no surprise that I like food. Scratch that. I LOVE food. So this issue, in honour of winter, we present to your our big food issue. In our Taste section we review our favourite sushi spot and we ask four food bloggers to share their stories as well as their recipes with us. In our Create section we meet a very talented food photographer. And in our Discover section we visit two amazing places with stunning views and to die for food. Food, for me, is not just about the meal, but also about the experience. I’d love to hear your food stories. What are your favourite recipes? Favourite restaurants? What item of food could you not live without? Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to contribute articles or whether you’d like to advertise in an upcoming magazine. We’d love to get to know you and to shamelessly promote your company! Flat White Magazine - Made with love strong coffee. Yours in Coffee,


FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD We asked you to send us your favourite food images through Instagram and this delicious photo by @spicedweasel was the winner! Taken from her lunch at Black Horse Brewery.

Website: Email:


FlatWhiteConcepts | Issue 13



Mischu Chain Coffee Bar Food Bloggers The Half Pint Chronicles Salushi


Latte Love Jewellery Branch Designs All Organised Tasha Secombe, Food Photographer Annabella


Discover You Brenaissance Wine & Stud Estate Bootcamp Dunstone Country House Book Review

COMPETITIONS Win Win Win! | Issue 13


mischu I visit a lot of coffee shops. A lot. My process is that if I don’t like a place, I don’t mention it. When I do mention it, it’s because I loved it. And boy did I love mischu. What an awesome spot in Sea Point. My husband and I went on a very rainy day and we were desperate for some good coffee. This beautiful coffee shop had everything I was looking for, amazing coffee, friendly service and creative decor. We met the founder Mikhael, who proudly showed us his shop and made us quite possibly one of the best cappuccinos I’ve had in a very long time. We were introduced to the amazing Isabella blend, locally roasted and named after his daughter. We loved it so much that we walked away with a box of pods, ready to use at home. I highly recommend this place, home to two awards from 2012: Best espresso and cappuccino in Cape Town and best cappuccino in South Africa. They definitely have our vote! 85A Regent Road, Sea Point | | Issue 13


espresso bar l coffee destination l award winning house blend

Meet Isabella: our award winning house blend.

Countries of origin: Brazil, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Locally roasted. Available in beans, freshly ground and capsules that are compatible with Nespresso & Caffeluxe machines.

85a Regent Road, Sea Point | Issue 13


Chain Coffee Bar We talk to Johannes Scribante Overview of Chain During the university June holidays of 2013 I was on the look out for an opportunity to do something constructive. I was at häzz coffee shop in Stellenbosch when I decided, ‘that’s a pretty picture in my cappuccino, I would like to know how to make this.’

to make coffee and not have to go to the coffee shop to do this.

So with help from Gourmet Roasters the idea of a mobile coffee bar became the solution to my problem. Quite a bit of negotiating happened with my parents and soon I was able to get a machine, grinder and all I needed for a mobile coffee bar, on one condition: I pay it all back. That is I asked if I could work there for the holiday but what I am doing now, making coffee to one day unfortunately no staff was needed. So I offered to be able to say this is my coffee machine. Hopework for free, on the condition that I could learn fully, though, I won’t stop there with my coffee how to make coffee. journey. That holiday I spent a lot of time in the shop; making coffee, getting to know the staff and everyone involved. Seeing their passion for coffee inspired my passion for coffee. After working part time for almost 6 months, I wanted to get my own coffee machine. The La Marzocco GS3 caught my eye and become that ideal future coffee machine, the only problem was that I wanted it now. I wanted

Coffee as a passion My passion came from the people who introduced me to proper coffee and is driven with every cup with the idea to one make the perfect cup, each time and one day have my own coffee machine. | Issue 13

TASTE The start

changes completely. Luyolo and I like to have some fun with coffee, mostly latte art. In some cases, I I started with research in December 2013. On as kid you not, I have had up to 12 cappuccino’s. much as I could, based mostly on whether it’s a feasible idea to convince my parents, so that I could start Chain Coffee Bar. February 2014 is when I got The perfect coffee all I needed and had my first event at a valentines I am still eager to try as many coffee’s that are picnic. available to me. My favourite would be what I get when I go to häzz. Once the cappuccino has been made, give it a second or two so that the milk Learning curves froth becomes almost crisp on the first sip, after Thus far each has been a great learning experience which it becomes smooth. The milk should be just and I have enjoyed each one immensely. Making warm enough to drink, full in your mouth, rich and great coffee and people realizing the quality differ- creamy. The dark chocolate flavor from häzz with a ence is inspiring. lingering pleasant after taste I cannot yet fully describe in definitely my favourite at this time.

Drinking coffee

Let’s support Johannes on his coffee adventure: I usually drink 2 or maybe 3 depending if I grab a cup with a friend. Otherwise if I’m at häzz this Twitter: @Chain_CoffeeBar Facebook: Chain Coffee Bar | Issue 11



Chantal Edouard-Betsy

Samantha Linsell



Food makes me: Happy, satiated, excited, stimulated, positive, grateful, nostalgic, emotional.

Food makes me: Feel inspired and I get excited just thinking about all the recipes I want to make.

Ideal food day: Oh my taste buds! I have so many food dreams and aspirations. Pressed to choose, I’d have to say it would be a food barge in France with my nearest and dearest, stopping at some little town and discovering incredible local cuisine in a local bistro and feasting on gorgeous breads, cheeses, preserves and wines while some incredible feast is being put together in the steamy kitchen by a passionate chef.

Ideal food day: Would involve some cooking or baking and eating out in a restaurant that I really love.

Your favourite restaurant: What self respecting food blogger could choose just one? I love discovering new places and having new favourites. My favourite restaurant has seasons, at any one time I probably have five favourites! At best I’d have to give a list: best laid-back pizza & cocktails – Blue Dolphin, best Indian – Mali’s, best Italian – Remo’s Fratelli, best sushi – Bamboo Sushi Lounge Durban North, best setting – Oyster Box on the veranda overlooking the pool and sea stuffing yourself on curry buffet, best cool joint – Camden 031 with a comedy show. I could go on and on but I digress! Your chef hero: Nigella Lawson for her home cook indulgence, gluttony, love of butter and enviable hips, and George Calombaris for his sheer delight when eating and his stunning plating skills! I was once fed George’s Olive Oil Chocolate Mousse while blindfolded by George himself, one of my top foodie moments thus far.

Would you rather give up cheese or chocolate: Neither. ever Your favourite restaurant: I defintely do not have one favourite restaurant and love so many. I recently ate at Polpo in London and wish I could eat there more often Your chef hero: internationally I would have to say Heston Blumenthal Favourite cooking show: I watch a n extraordinary amount of food TV shows and recenlty my favourite is Mind of a Chef What kitchen appliance/utensil couldn't you live without: My stand mixer, my mandolin, a selection of sharp knives, offset spatulas, hand held blender and long tongs Compare yourself to one food: A dish that is both sweet and spicy. How many coffees do you drink a day: I dont drink coffee (sorry) - but I do like to use coffee as an ingredeints in desserts and my cooking.

Compare yourself to one food: It would have to be a stunning Bouillabaisse – because I can be sour and salty, complex, generous and luxurious, over the top, extravagant, clear and unpretentious. | | | Issue 13

fOOD BLOGGERS Candice Bresler

Meg Pascoe




Food makes me: Inspired

Food makes me​: Giddy.​

My idea food day would be: Breakfast at Bistro Sixteen28 at Steenberg (Brad’s Eggs Benedict are the best I’ve eaten). Then, onto Live Bait in Kalk Bay for a pile of steaming mussels, ending with my bucket-list dinner at The Greenhouse at the Cellars Hohenhort

My idea food day would be​: ​​Spending the day with family and friends, eating delicious food. A big Mexican feast or even a good old braai. That, or being wined and dined at the worlds top restaurants! ​ Would you rather give up cheese or chocolate​: Probably chocolate. I'm not partial to either cheese or chocolate, but I do prefer savoury food. I can live without chocolate.​ ​ Your favourite restaurant: In Jozi: Parreirinha, Orient, Foundry Cafe, Coobs, Espresso. Cape Town: El Burro or Bread & Wine in Franschhoek. ​ Your chef hero: International: Jamie Oliver, David Chang, Anthony Bourdain. Local: Luke Dale-Roberts, Vanessa Marx from Dear Me Food World in CT and David Higgs. (Had to choose him because we're friends. Kidding, he’s incredible at what he does!)​

Would you rather give up cheese or chocolate: Chocolate Your favourite restaurant: Ah, almost impossible to say. We’ve recently discovered Freres Bistro in Cape Town – it’s definitely stood out at one of the best we’ve visited recently. Your chef hero: I really enjoy Nigel Slater – taking simple, wholesome food and turning it into something special. Favourite cooking show: I love watching Nigel Slater on BBC Lifestyle, but Masterchef Australia is pretty darn addictive (all seasons besides the current one!) What kitchen appliance/utensil couldn't you live without: A wooden spoon and my KitchenAid Artisan Mixer. Compare yourself to one food: A steak – tough if not treated properly. How many coffees do you drink a day: Two – three on a really bad day. Milk, no sugar, please. |

Favourite cooking show: ​Unique Eats and David Chang's 'The Mind of a Chef'.​ What kitchen appliance/utensil couldn't you live without: Definitely my food processor and my spatulas. I am spatula obsessed - even found one in my handbag once! ​ Compare yourself to one food and why: ​I'm going to go with Mexican food. It's bold, colourful and ballsy. And a little spicy, like me! ;) ​ How many coffees do you drink a day: Two or three - mood dependent. Strong, with a helluva lot of full-cream milk.​ (Soon to switch to:​ | Issue 13

Chantal Edouard-Betsy


favourite recipe

Garlic & Rosemary Vinaigrette Marinated 1kg T-Bone Steak! Ingredients:

• 1 x 1kg T-Bone Steak • 150ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil • 60ml Red Wine Vinegar • 60ml Soy Sauce • 2 Tbsp Maldon Salt Flakes • 2 Tbsp Freshly Chopped Garlic • 1 Tbsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper • 75g Fresh Rosemary (2 big handfuls)


1. Go to your local organic and hormone-free butchery (this dish is all about the beef, so the quality of your meat is a big factor!) and ask them to cut you a 1kg T-Bone (this will easily serve 2 hungry people). 2. For the marinade combine olive oil, vinegar, soy sauce, salt, pepper and garlic. Whisk into a vinaigrette. 3. Bruise the rosemary and rip into pieces, mix into vinaigrette. 4. Place T-Bone and marinade into a large Ziploc bag, seal with air expelled and marinade for at least 40 minutes, turning half way. The longer you marinade the better, go overnight if you can! 5. Heat grill/braai to smoking hot. 6. Place T-Bone fat side down and allow the fat to render for a few minutes. 7. Then braai to desired done-ness. 8. Because the steak is so thick, this is very difficult to overcook (which is great!). Bank on at least 8-10 minutes per side for medium-rare, but use a meat thermometer or feel to determine this exactly. 9. Remove from grill and rest for at least half the cooking time. 10. Carve off the bone in thin slices and serve. 11. I love doing roasted butternut and basil on the side and of course a good glug of red wine, but this goes equally well with a delicious buttery mash or simply a salad. | | Issue 13

Samantha Linsell


favourite recipe Clementine Upside Down Cakes

Click here to view the recipe | | Issue 13

Candice Bresler


favourite recipe

Jamie Oliver’s Guinness Lamb Shanks ( Serves 6


• 3 red onions peeled and finely chopped • Olive oil • Sea salt and ground pepper • 2 handfuls of raisins • 3 tbsp thick-cut marmalade • 1 tbsp tomato sauce • 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce • 200ml Guinness or smooth dark ale • 6 lamb shanks, roughly 350g each • 8 sprigs of fresh rosemary • 1 litre chicken stock For the mint relish: • A small bunch of fresh mint leaves • A few tablespoons olive oil • 2 spring onions, trimmed • Cider vinegar


Place the onions in a large casserole-type pan (roughly 26cm in diameter and 12cm deep), with a little olive oil and a good pinch of salt and pepper. Cook over a medium to high heat, stirring as you go, until the onions start to caramelize. Add the raisins and marmalade, then add the tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce and ale. Stir to combine, and leave to simmer for a few minutes. Put the lamb shanks into a large frying pan (roughly 30cm wide) on a medium to high heat with a little olive oil (you’ll need to cook them in batches). Turn them every few minutes until evenly browned. Use tongs to move the shanks into the pan of onions, then pour in all their juices. Add the stock and rosemary sprigs, put the lid on, turn down the heat and leave to slowly simmer for around 3 hours, or until the meat falls off the bone easily. Try to turn the shanks halfway through so they cook evenly. When the lamb shanks are ready, carefully move them to a plate, making sure the meat stays intact (I found tongs and an egg lifter worked well here). Blend and strain the gravy through a sieve until smooth, then allow to reduce down and thicken back in the pot, over a high heat. Place half the mint leaves in a pestle and mortar with a pinch of salt and the olive oil, and muddle till the leaves are broken. Add the spring onions, remaining mint leaves and cider vinegar, and sprinkle over the shanks before serving. | | Issue 13

Meg Pascoe


favourite recipe

Easy Apple Crumble

Coconut Ginger Curry

Every once in a while you stumble onto a recipe that is so simple and so delicious that you literally find yourself making it once a week or so. This coconut ginger curry sauce is one of those recipes. I’ve been making this curry sauce for years, thanks to Jamie Oliver. Originally dubbed ‘Jamie Oliver’s Favourite Curry Recipe’ in 2002, I would imagine that it is still at the top of his list. It’s THAT good. I make litres of this curry sauce and freeze it for hunger emergencies. Yes, those are real. The fact that it is super healthy is also a win.


• 5 tablespoons vegetable oil • 2 teaspoons mustard seeds • 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds • 3 fresh green chillies • 1 handful of curry leaves • 2 thumb-sized pieces of fresh ginger • 3 onions • 1 teaspoon chili powder • 1 teaspoon turmeric • 6 tomatoes • 1 can coconut milk • Salt


Heat the oil in a pan, and when hot add the mustard seeds.Wait for them to pop, then add the fenugreek seeds, sliced fresh green chillies, curry leaves and grated ginger. Stir and fry for a few minutes. Using a food processor, chop the onions and add to the same pan. Continue to cook for 5 minutes until the onion is light brown and soft, then add the chili powder and turmeric. Using the same food processor, pulse the tomatoes and add these to the pan. Cook for a couple of minutes, then add 1 or 2 wine glasses of water and the coconut milk. Simmer for about 5 minutes until it has the consistency of double cream, then season carefully with salt. At this point you can add either chicken, prawns, fish, vegetables – anything really – to finish the curry off. Serve with fresh coriander and a bit of toasted coconut for crunch. | (Soon to switch to:​ | Issue 13



Lakeside Beerworks American Pale Ale Beerhouse just blew our minds for Free Beer Friday. Honestly, they had me at free beer, but when they mentioned that it was the Lakeside Beerworks American Pale Ale, I knew I had no choice about going. While this ale has a sweet malty start, it is well balanced by a bitter finish with a strong hops presence. Mixed in with the subtle herb notes, I picked up faint traces of citrus and litchi in the aroma. Compared to an IPA, the Lakeside American Pale Ale has a smooth and light mouthfeel. The Nightjar family definitely gives this their stamp of approval, so keep ‘em coming Lakeside… Devil’s Peak King’s Blockhouse IPA You might think that the cappuccinos in the background have no relevance to beer, and you would be right. By now you might also have heard that if you have not experienced Truth Coffee then you have not been to Cape Town, and this is true. But it was here that I was reintroduced to the King’s Blockhouse IPA. I was still in my early stages of beervelopment when I first tried the Blockhouse, and how I struggled! A strong hops aroma filters through citrus, pine and passion fruit notes, and the initial flavour is just as intensely fruity. However, a smooth malty backbone supports the bitterness of the hop character for a balanced and dry finish. I can finally appreciate the Blockhouse in all its glory; proud and impressive, it fits well with the steampunk ambience of Truth. By Half Pint, | Issue 13


Salushi is fast becoming my new ‘local’ restaurant, a place I’m starting to visit very frequently. After even just a week of no sushi I start getting what I like to call ‘the crave’. I’ve been a sushi fan for many years but I’ve never found the perfect place. Either the price is right but the sushi isn’t great, or the sushi is great and the price range is far too exorbitant Or the sushi and the price is good but the atmosphere is terrible. I’ve never been able to find a place with a balance of all three. Until I went to Salushi. Set in the heart of Claremont it is perfectly located with the most beautiful view of Table Mountain looming above. The menu is extremely affordable and they even offer a value menu daily from 12pm to 5pm as well as Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings. They have something to suit all budgets. The sushi is what keeps me going back for more. My personal favourite is the Princes Prawn Kisses which not only looks beautiful but tastes oh so decadent. It’s a strange flavour combination of rice and prawn, topped with strawberry and sweet chilli sauce and covered in avocado. It’s become my all time favourite sushi piece and it’s what keeps me coming back for more.


The service and management is excellent which to me always makes a place stand out from the rest. I highly recommend this place. Look out for me when you go, I’ll be the one with love in my eyes as I stare at my plate of kisses and roses. “Signature dishes include Bon Bon Gifts (salmon fashion sandwiches wrapped in salmon and topped with mayo and caviar), Prawn Passion (Deep fried prawn California rolls topped with teriyaki sauce, Japanese mayo and spring onion), Malay Chicken (a rice noodle dish with wok seared chicken strips in a coconut milk, coriander and fresh chilli sauce) while the wok seared Salmon Salad continues to receive rave revues. The Wasabi Truffle (Lindt chocolate and wasabi base topped with a delicious Crème Bruleé topping) is simply decadent while a selection of refreshing cocktails make Salushi the perfect venue to unwind at after a long day.” By Christine Bernard 25 Protea Road, Claremont 021 671 4271 | Issue 13



021 671 6020 | Issue 13


When coffee meets jewellery I just adore Latte Love. They have just brought out some gorgeous coffee jewellery.

EARRINGS - R299 Silver-plated earrings.

CHARM - R149 Silver-plated charm/pendant

PIN - R159 Silver-plated pin

You can view more on the website on or pop them an email on | Issue 13


CREATE | Issue 13


Time is your most valuable resource. When time is lost, it’s gone forever ‌ All Organised is passionate about people. We cater to a variety of clients, ranging from corporate businesses to private individuals looking to improve their management and organisational skills. We promote order and through education enable you to become more productive and effectively remain organised. Together we will streamline your life and your environment, creating balance and restoring energy, so you can spend more time doing what you love most! | | Issue 13

CREATE Biggest organisational tip for home? Assign a ‘home’ to everything you own. By doing this nothing will be left floating around causing clutter and when you look for something it is easily retrievable. Items can also be returned to their ‘homes’ quickly and easily enabling you to remain organsied. Labelling plays an important role, so everyone in the household knows where items belong.

Biggest organisational tip for work? MEET JOANNA Joanna Murphy is a Cape Town based professional organiser with All Organised. She has gained enormous experience and knowledge from her background in the field of accounting and business administration. Joanna is highly efficient and productive. Joanna approaches her work with great passion and a dedicated mindset. She believes in delivering unrivalled personalised service to her clients. She enjoys seeing projects materialise, turning a desire into reality and witnessing others reach their full potential. With great interpersonal skills and her passion for people, she is able to adapt to many situations and environments and is a great motivator. Joanna is organised by nature and believes that everything has a "home". She enjoys travelling and is always on the hunt for new ideas. Family is very important and Joanna believes that by being organised you will be able to create balance in your life and essentially have more time at your disposal.

You need a filing system based on easy retrieval. Keep your filing system simple, it will be easier to maintain. Labelled hanging files are ideal. Use a cable box and cable clips to tame your cables and wires. You will feel much better if the area surrounding your desk is tidy.

Favourite item of stationery? I don’t leave home without my moleskine journal and clutch pencil. I am an obsessive note maker.

Favourite place to shop? This depends on what I’m shopping for? I do love browsing all kinds of shops, always on the lookout for new ideas and fun goodies! I love Typo! For storage solutions I usually shop at Mambos Plastics Warehouse or Mr Price.

Favourite website/blog? My favourite South African website/blog is definitely Yuppie Chef. I also love, plenty of useful organising tips and ideas!

Favourite Coffee shop? Starlings in Claremont. I love the buzzing atmosphere, and the mismatched furnishings gives it a real homey feel. I particularly enjoy my flat white served with Le Creuset crockery.

How many coffees do you drink? I usually drink 2 to 3 cups a day. I only drink black coffee at home but enjoy my flat whites when out and about! | Issue 13


Meet Food Photographer, Tasha Secombe I am a wedding and food photographer based in Elgin in the Western Cape, South Africa and I find so much beauty in the little details of life, love and food. I want to photograph dishes that inspires you to go cook something delicious, happy kisses, bear hugs, hand-me-down jewellery, crusty bread, feet in the sand, light through the window, Karoo sunsets and misty mornings. I absolutely adore my job! From very early on I knew I wanted to do something visual with my life and was fortunate enough to be encouraged to follow that dream by my creative and enterprising parents. It was while I was studying Fine Art at the University of Stellenbosch that I first discovered cameras, film and the pure joy of photographing beautiful things. While my husband finished his winemaking studies in England I had the great luck to be able to meet and assist some of my food and lifestyle photography heros and so came to realise there wasn’t a future for me without a camera (and a lot of lenses!!) in it! Since coming back to South Africa and settling in the Cape, my beloved little business has found it’s feet and this journey is now really underway! | Issue 13

CREATE | Issue 13


My ideal food day: Any perfect day would have to start with a cup of Earl Grey tea in bed with a great homemade rusk or my favourite Anzac biscuits. Breakfast would be Eggs Benedict (this isn't going to be a fat free day!!) with creamy hollondaise sauce, light fluffy crumpets, smokey ham and a plump free range egg to top it all off! This would ideally be accompanied by an amazing view. Lunch would be a feast of a cheese board (I'm dreaming about L'Ami du Chambertin, some ComtĂŠ and a soft goats cheese) with cured meats (Proscuitto Toscano and some fennel salami), homemade pickled courgettes and a crusty ciabatta with farm butter and figs. Afternoon tea (if there's still space!), outside with my girls and some legendary ginger cake from a Stephanie Alexander recipe that we've tweaked. A little siesta and then on to dinner... It's a toss up between a wonderful meal out somewhere (I'm thinking scallops, risotto and maybe some cardamom ice-cream) or a warm wintery stay-at-home supper by the fire with my husband's classic and simple slow roasted tomato and basil pasta with some ricotta and honey for pudding. I'm not sure if I would still be standing after all that, but I couldn't imagine a better food day if I tried. | Issue 13

CREATE | Issue 13


Look gorgeous with Annabella We are Claire and Gillian, sisters-in-law and the team behind the annabella maternity and women’s ranges. From underwear and sleepwear to outerwear and accessories, our full range is available to purchase through our online shop while a more limited range is supplied to boutiques across South Africa and internationally. We manufacture in our design studio in Cape Town and take great care to ensure that each garment is of a high standard. Annabella is proud to support the South African manufacturing industry, especially other women in business. We are both moms to gorgeous little girls so know the joys as well as the difficulties of being pregnant and breastfeeding. Ourannabella maternity label is designed to keep you looking and feeling beautiful throughout your pregnancy and into motherhood. Styles that are feminine and comfortable with a strong emphasis placed on the ability to easily breastfeed without compromising on your style. A new addition to our range is our woman collection. The same classical styling with touches of fashion trends designed to flatter at any stage. Every season, we add new styles to our collection and have put together our suggestions for building your winter 2014 maternity wardrobe. The secret to building a versatile wardrobe is to find key pieces that can be mixed and matched to create different looks that reflect your personal sense of style. A maternity wardrobe is no different, except for the fact that you will need those items to be super comfortable and to accommodate your changing shape without compromising on style. When you first start showing, you may be able to continue to wear your pre-pregnancy clothes for a while but as your bump grows larger you will become desperate for something comfortable! Fabrics with stretch provide the most comfort. However, don’t be tempted to buy ‘normal’ clothes in a larger size as they will not fit properly on your

shoulders, arms or legs and you will simply look overweight. Maternity styles are designed to flatter. Features like gathers and side ruching will look beautiful and create that extra bit of space where needed. A good rule of thumb to avoid looking too big is to balance your look when wearing a loose fitting skirt or pant by wearing a fitted top. Visa versa applies – a loose top looks best with a slim pant or fitted skirt. Bear in mind that you might not be able to wear all the seasons most fashionable styles. You might have to avoid things like cropped tops or belted dresses and you may find that comfort (and your bump) dictates what you want to wear. Our Annabella range is designed to look gorgeous during your pregnancy but also to flatter the post pregnant figure and most of the styles transition easily into the next season. So let’s take a look at what we suggest for this season:

1. The slim fit pant is one of winter’s hottest looks. Fitted to the ankle, it can be dressed up

with heels or kept casual with ankle boots or pumps. Our stretch version, the Ponte pant, is made from a thick, soft fabric that will hold its shape and is very comfortable yet has a smarter look than leggings. It features a roll top which is a real secret to comfort during pregnancy ! It can be worn up over the tummy or rolled down underneath according to what is most comfortable for you during the different stages of your pregnancy.

2. A basic long sleeved tank is the most versatile top. The side ruching ensures a great fit no

matter the size of your bump. It can be worn on its own, dressed up with a necklace or layered with another tank in a different colour. It is also great for wearing under many other items.

3. Layering is an easy way to create a great look this winter, especially when using contrasting tex- | Issue 13


tures. It also allows you to remove a layer if the day unexpectedly heats up as one often feels the heat more when pregnant. We recommend layering our cosy textured knit v- neck tunic over the basic tank and Ponte pant… just add boots and away you go.

neck accentuates that great perk of pregnancy – cleavage!

6. Add an investment piece to the mix: Something to make a statement. Our new cowl neck in

a fashionable print will look gorgeous during and post pregnancy and is cleverly designed to allow The cardi with tie is also an easy item for lay- for easy and discreet breastfeeding. It looks stunering as the slim silhouette does not create a bulky ning with the Ponte pant, just add the cardi and look. It can be worn open and gently tied at the boots for extra warmth. back or it can be tied in the front. The ties are perfectly positioned to tie under the bust and create Only 6 items that create many outfits - your matera flattering empire line as the cardi falls open to nity wardrobe is off to a good start! All these and show your beautiful bump. much more are available online at


5. A gorgeous, classic dress is a must have for any season! It is more than likely that you will have

Delivery is FREE and we are offering 15% discount off your first purchase. See our website for more details.

some function to attend, so choose a dress that you can dress up for a cocktail party or team with a denim jacket for a casual lunch. Our twist front dress is neither too fitted nor too full, so it’s is the By Gillian Cary-Baddeley perfect silhouette to wear under a jacket or our (Annabella Clothing Designer/Partner) cardi. The front twist detail creates just enough flattering fullness over the tummy while the V082 972 1110 | Issue 13


Discover YOU

The topic of knowing one’s self, discovering your purpose and knowing WHO you really are has come up countless times – yet, so many of us struggle with this one!

what it should have been or could have been or still can be – just know and ACCEPT that it is what it is, for you, right now and that is ok – actually it’s more than OK.

How do we come to understanding of who we are is not as half as difficult as ACCEPTING who we are and allowing the ‘me’ to just be! TURN IT AROUND to first ACCEPTING before DISCOVERING.

Embrace your worthiness. Believe that all that you see right now is perfect and beautiful and that you have achieved so much more than what you realised, that you have grown beyond measure and that you have accumulated beautiful gifts Right now, you are a beautiful human being, who and learnings. has, through your past journey embraced many learnings, gained vast experiences, created beau- IT is at this point that you have discovered YOU. tiful memories and lived a full life of ups and From here on, the journey continues with selfdowns – right? What have you discovered about talk. The next time you want to feel guilty for putyourself thus far? What strengths have you gained ting yourself first, for complimenting yourself, or so far? for acknowledging yourself, STOP. And this is where acceptance comes in.

Turn the conversation around and say: I am all that I have discovered and more and Naturally we ask these questions of ourselves. therefore right now, I am confident in who I am, The thing is, we more often than not, focus on the where I am and with what I have. negative aspects first. We think of our hardships, our trails and errors and perhaps we focus on how What is to come is then only more learnings, more weak all of this has left us. We focus on what we gifts and ultimately self-love. In essence, this is still need to do in order to grow, learn, and de- who you are. You are Love. velop spiritually, mentally or physically. The challenge instead should be for us to think of all the beautiful gifts we have gained from our journey thus far. Take a look inside at all the positives you have gained in life. Look at all you have overcome and how it has allowed you to see things differently. Add all those amazingly creative aspects of yourself that has contributed to your success and to where you are today. By Michelle Vooght - Channel for Spiritual TeachAnd accept it. ing, Healing & Divine Guidance, Angel Readings, Focus for a moment just on accepting YOU, in all Virtual/Face 2 Face, Inspirational Speaker & Trainthat you are RIGHT now. Remove the judgement er in Turn Around Principle from this conversation and think for a while with-, 076 576 1664 out the right and wrong boxes. Don’t think about | Issue 13










DISCOVER | Issue 12

DISCOVER | Issue 12

DISCOVER I struggled when deciding whether to put this write up in our Taste section or our Discover section. I had originally planned for this to be a Taste article, because the reason we went to Brenaissance was for their wine and pizza pairing, but there is just so much more to this estate that I changed my mind. This is a place that I am so grateful to have DISCOVERED. So, with that in mind, I present to you the breathtaking Brenaissance Wine & Stud Estate, in the heart of Stellenbosch.

again, but made a mental note to revisit for my ten year wedding anniversary.

It was a gorgeous Saturday afternoon that my husband, my two friends and I decided to visit this wine estate, after hearing some good things about their wine. I was looking forward to a day out with some good food, good wine and good company, and my expectations were not only met but exceeded. Nestled in the beautiful Devon Valley it is hard not to get lost in the scenery which boasts mountain views, rolling hills and flowing lakes. It is obvious that a lot of time, effort and passion has gone into making this place so special. We sat down with owners, Tom and Hayley (referred to in their wine selections as Lord T and Lady H), and enjoyed an interesting conversation with them over a glass of wine. As a side note, the wine we drank with them was Lady H, the Sauvignon Blanc. I’m not normally a white wine drinker but I loved this one so much I immediately bought myself a bottle to take home. But back to the story (see how easy it is to get distracted by good wine)... The name Brenaissance stems from a combination of their surname ‘Breytenbach’ and the word ‘Renaissance’ meaning new beginnings.

Tom informed us that it took them three months of careful planning to put together this pairing, making sure the wines and pizzas made for a perfect complimentary partnership. I must admit, they perfected it!

The Estate offers everything under one roof, from an amazing wine selection, delicious food at their Café Blanc De Noir, modern farm accommodation, a beautiful chapel (which the owners themselves got married in), to even a sighting of their distinctive Boran Cattle Stud.

Then there was the food. As I’m sure you’ve gathered, I’m a bit of a foodie. You know the type, I am wondering what to have for lunch while eating my breakfast. So when I get the chance to eat out somewhere new I’m always excited. Also, it was Pizza and Wine Pairing, and quite frankly you just don’t get any better than that.

“EAT WITH YOUR LEFT HAND AND DRINK WITH YOUR RIGHT...” Here’s what you can look forward to: The Knight of White Chardonnay 2009 was paired with the Parma Ham Pizza. The Queen of Hearts Merlot 2010 was paired with the Caramalized Onion Pizza. The Full House Red Blend 2010 was paired with the Biltong and Fig Pizza. The Jack of Diamonds Shiraz 2009 was paired with the Cajun Chicken Chorizo. After our pairing we ordered coffee and brownies, which was the best way to end quite possibly a perfect afternoon. Details:

75/2 Devon Valley Road, Stellenbosch After visiting their chapel and their honeymoon 021 - 200 2644 (Café ) 021 - 200 2537 (Office) suite, I immediately wished I could get married | Issue 13


Brenaisance Wine & Stud Estate radiates the passion & energy of its owners | Issue 13


Bootcamp “Christine, what are you doing? I said do push ups, not lie on the floor”. Damn, I thought she wasn’t watching me, so I smile politely, offer a bit of a grin and attempt the push ups. This is what bootcamp is all about, it’s having someone make sure that you get the most out of your exercise, because quite honestly when we are left to our own devices we’ll probably just slack off.

points lay and where I was obviously lacking. For example if they asked me to run around the field a few times I had absolutely no problem with it, but as soon as we did anything that involved core work, strength training or agility then I would find myself battling. Each week they focus on a few different elements to exercising, making sure that your entire body gets a work out.

This is Bootcamp. Offered throughout the year by The Sports Science Institute. The one I’m doing is run over eight weeks with the choice to belong to the morning group or the afternoon group. I chose the afternoon group and found myself working up a sweat three times a week from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. Our group is made up of eight, including our instructor, who we’ve all grown to love and of course hate. We’re almost at the end of my eight weeks and I am definitely going to be signing up for another one. I’ve been a runner for many years and although it is still my first love, it felt good to get out of the monotony of my normal routine. I also realised, through bootcamp, where my strong

I remember after the first week thinking to myself ‘I didn’t even know I could feel pain in those places’. In fact I became acutely aware of how little I actually push my body and how much we are in fact capable of. It certainly makes you realise how we take our bodies for granted and I now feel compelled to see how far I can push myself. My group has been awesome and I’m definitely walking away with some friends. We had to attend one workshop before the course began and the girl I sat next to on that day ended up becoming my biggest friend throughout the camp. Numbers given, twitter handles swapped, and soon I’ve

Eugene Yiga, Janey Mills, Louise Maree, Kaylynn Palm, Me, Jacqueline Kotze (our instructor), Amanda Welthagen and Terence Steenkamp. Photo by Nici Clifton | Issue 13

DISCOVER found myself messaging her every week. It’s been an incredible encouragement. The group itself is diverse, with varying degrees of fitness levels, and where one person might be good at running, another will be good at planking, so the playing field was pretty much evened out. There certainly is a great feeling of camaraderie throughout the camp, the knowing that you are not in this alone and that someone else is feeling both your pain and your accomplishments.

about it. I think that’s what is most important. It’s having a place to come to each week where you can feel motivated and to be surrounded by like minded people who are all experiencing the same thing. And so, as I sign off, I get ready for another class. I’m almost at the end of the eight weeks and I’m sad that it’s going to be over.

Take back control over your body, your mind, your The workouts start and end always in the same eating, your life! manner. The start shows the group together complaining about not wanting to be there, how tired As the quote goes: ‘Suck it up now, so you don’t they are and perhaps how they shouldn’t have had have to suck it in later’. that wine the night before (that one would be me), and then ends with everyone talking about how Want to join the next bootcamp? Contact June Knight on 021 - 659 5718 or great that session was and how good they feel. email Honestly, if it wasn’t for bootcamp I think I’d be sit- ting at home most of winter, talking about how I wish I could be fit and healthy and doing nothing By Christine Bernard | Issue 13


Dunstone Country House | Issue 13


Exclusive Four Star Guest House and Self Catering Accommodation in the Heart of the Cape Winelands. We had the most amazing time away recently, visiting the gorgeous Dunstone Country House (previously Bovlei Valley Estate). It’s only about a 45 minute drive from Cape Town and yet when you arrive it really feels like you are far removed from city life. It’s actually just what I needed - to get away from the bustle of life and finally put my feet back and relax. It also doesn’t harm when the place you have chosen to do this relaxing is in the heart of Wellington, with a breathtaking view. Dunstone Country House is family owned and the vineyard lies on the foothills of the Hawequa and Limiet Mountains. We enjoyed a wine tasting experience with our favourite wine being the Shiraz Rose, wich we enjoyed so much we immediately ordered more to drink. I was completely blown away by the staff and owner, who were so friendly and made us feel at home. I also have to mention the food. I always judge a place by their food, being the food addict that I am. We enjoyed a butternut soup starter as well as a smoked salmon salad. Our main was ostrich fillet and vegetables and we ended off with a chocolate pudding topped with custard. If only I could eat like this every night! We dined liked Kings and Queens. Amazing food. Amazing service. Amazing view.

“Five well appointed guest suites are housed in the converted stables or farm cottage: all enjoy stunning views of the mountains, flowers and vines. All modern comforts are provided, including private veranda, television with Dvd player, air-conditioning, tea tray and pure cotton linen or enjoy self catering in the guava orchard. A beautiful guest lounge has amazing views over the vineyard, mountains and valley beyond, with a large library of DVDs,books,. honesty bar and snacks.” | | Issue 13


“The book is sharp, clever, painful, raw and even amusing.” Carpe Librum: Seize the Book!

Rosemary Cooke is the daughter of a research psyschologist. She lives until the age of 5 in a farmhouse with her father, her mother, her sister, Fern, her older brother, Lowell, and some grad students. Rosemary’s father and the grad students are working on research focusing on Rosemary and Fern’s development. Like all families, the Cooke family is complex and dysfunctional in their own way which both leads to Fern’s disappearance when Rosemary is 5, and shapes the way in which none of them ever get over it. The story is narrated by Rosemary in her 40s. She tells us about her early life -her childhood before and after Fern, briefly mentions her adolescence, and resumes her detailed account when she is in college aged 22. Rosemary is a fascinating character with a complex inner world to which we are privy through the narration of her older self, who manages to neither catastrophise nor sanitize her own struggles and experiences.

I was first attracted to We are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler by the cover (how unusual for me). Then, the title caught me (again, how unusual for me). On closer inspection, I noticed that it was written by Karen Joy Fowler who wrote The Jane Austen Book Club1 which is one of my favourite favourites. With all of these things going for it, it was bound to be a success. And a success it is. I ended up buying it on my Kindle for the purposes of space-saving. My hand luggage was dreadfully full already2. Also, I could then pretend that I had not, in fact, purchased yet another book this month. Thing is, now I want to own the hard copy so that I can clutch it to my breast and call it ‘my precious’. Because I’m weird like that. The thing about We are All Completely Beside Ourselves is that it is just so very, very clever. Which is what makes the book such a wonderful reading experience, and what makes this review so hard to write. Can I be clever enough When we meet her, Rosemary is clearly bright, but about such a clever book? No. But I shall do my seems to lack direction. She has studied aimlessly for 4 years with no plans to complete a degree in best to do it justice anyway3. the near future. She enjoys the stimulation, and | Issue 13

DISCOVER the opportunity to ignore her past and her future. The loss of her sister and the subsequent disappearance of her brother continue to plague her. The extent and meaning of her own role in these events, and the role of her father, are things with which Rosemary continues to grapple. Rosemary meeting the volatile and dramatic Harlow is the catalyst for her to begin to face her past and work through her present. She learns the truth about what happened to Fern and why. She meets her brother for the first time since he walked out. She hangs out with a ventriloquist’s doll.

my vocabulary forever. Refulgent, for example, go on look it up. Delightful. Words that that make my toes curl. The book is sharp, clever, painful, raw and even amusing. The dramatic slowing of pace towards the end of the book left me feeling a little off-balance, but this is a small matter. It is the honesty of the book, and the fascinating subject with which it deals that make it unputdownable. I am completely beside myself about this book. And so will you be. 1

A must read. Don’t waste your time watching the insipid Film. The book is like a hot cup of tea on a cold evening next to the fire. 2 I had already purchased Frog Music by Emma Donoghue in preparation for the trip. Highly recommended. 3 Please excuse me for the footnotes. They’re inexcusably poncey, but I am sometimes an academic and have become somewhat attached to them, being someone who tends toward the verbose.

The book deals with complicated, uncomfortable issues: trust, family relationships, ethics, animal testing, domestic terrorism, the unreliability of the memory. Despite Rosemary’s obvious intelligence, Fowler has woven a vulnerability and naiveté into her character, even as her older, narrator self, which lends a tenderness to the story. Without being inappropriate pedagogic, the book is packed with in- By Lisa Wiebesiek formation and glorious words that have changed | Issue 13


Time to win some competitions! All competitions must be entered by 28 June 2014

1 Win a 1 x Value Red & White Mixed Case from Wine Web – This includes 6 bottles, 3 red and 3 white and includes delivery. Email, Subject: Wine | Issue 13

DISCOVER 2 Win a Wine and Pizza pairing for two from Brenaissance Email, Subject: Brenaissance

3 Win a one night stay at Dustone Country House for two. Prize includes Dinner, Bed and Breakfast. Dinner for Sunday, Monday or Tuesday is a picnic hamper. Dinner between Wednesday and Saturday is at the restaurant. Prize must be used between June, July and August. Email, Subject: Dunstone | Issue 13

WIN WIN WIN 4 Win a case of beer for you and your dad! Email, Subject: League of Beers

5 GLAD is offering 2 hampers valued at R250 each. This innovation from GLAD brings a whole new, versatile food storage wrap that combines the benefits of wraps, foils, and food storage bags or containers. It goes where no wrap has been before. While other wraps cling, GLAD Press'n Seal wrap actually seals to surfaces including plastic, paper, wood, metal and glass. It's the first sealable plastic wrap. GLAD Press'n Seal wrap lets you create a custom fit to seal freshness in and is a completely new way of storing foods in the fridge and freezer that seals in freshness and seals out freezer air. Its secret is in their latest Griptex速 technology which literally grips to itself and seals. Interestingly, the sealing actually works with the help of the primary ingredients typically found in chewing gum! Microwave-safe. Thousands of uses - throughout the kitchen, around the house and outdoor. Win this and a selected range of GLAD products to the value of R250. Email, Subject: Glad | Issue 13

WIN WIN WIN 6 Two lucky readers can win an online Personal Productivity and Time Management Course (valued at R1500 each) from Adapt To Change. The course material and supporting practical worksheets are in English. The course takes place over a six week period and requires an investment from the participating individual of approximately one hour per week. All correspondence takes place via email, so you will not need any fancy equipment, a lot of bandwidth or a high speed internet connection. During the course the following 7 modules are covered: • Module 1 - Introduction • Module 2 - Personal Efficiency Made Simple • Module 3 - Reducing Wasteful Activities • Module 4 - Eliminating Procrastination • Module 5 - Getting Organized with 5S • Module 6 - Tools to Optimize Your Time • Module 7 - Continuous Improvement Email, Subject: Adapt To Change

7 Win BIG with mischu a. 5 people stand the chance of winning 2 medium cappuccinos b. 5 people stand the chance of winning Isabella’s blend Coffee Pod boxes (10 capsules in each) c. 1 person can win a coffee plunger + 250g of beans or freshly ground coffee d. 5 people stand the chance of winning 250g of Isabella’s Blend beans To win please either follow and TWEET: I want to win big with @MischuCoffee and @FW_Concepts ( OR like mischu on Facebook and comment: I want to win big with mischu ( | Issue 13


Win a beautiful Ster-Kinekor DVD hamper to spoil your Dad this Father’s Day by telling us what makes your Father special to you. The hamper includes the below titles along with 4 other DVDs that you can enjoy together. 1. BROOKLYN BROTHERS A singer-songwriter hits the road with a self-appointed music revolutionary. 2. KNIFE FIGHT A political strategist juggling three clients’ questions whether or not to take the high road as the ugly side of his work begins to haunt him. 3. AFTERSHOCK In Chile, a group of travellers who are in an underground nightclub when a massive earthquake hits quickly learn that reaching the surface is just the beginning of their nightmare. 4. DRAGON A papermaker gets involved with a murder case concerning two criminals leading to a determined detective suspecting him and the former's vicious father searching for him. 5. DON JON A New Jersey guy dedicated to his family, friends, and church, develops unrealistic expectations from watching porn and works to find happiness and intimacy with his potential true love. 6. CROOK In the course of one fateful day, the lives of a drug kingpin, an obsessed cop, a small time dealer and a cunning call girl converge with deadly consequences.

Sterkinekor Entertainment is a leader in entertainment in South Africa and has consistently been voted one of the top 10 most recognisable brands. Sterkinekor delivers gaming, cinema movies and DVD’s format movies to a vast audience. Sterkinekor is the official PlayStation Distributor in South Africa, distributor of DVD's and Blu-ray products. Both Local & International content including Sony Pictures Releasing Internationally, as well as Games on all formats (Playstation, Xbox, Wii, Nintendo DS & PC)

Prepared by Craving Novity Email, Subject: Ster Kinekor | Issue 13 | Issue 13


Do you want to advertise with us? Email Christine on Go on.. all the cool kids are doing it. | Issue 13

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