Issue 17 October 2014

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October 201417 Issue

Taste | Create | Discover

The Entrepreneur Issue


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain I’m so excited about this issue. I decided to put together an Entrepreneur issue because I wanted to inspire people that either have their own business or are thinking about going this route. Just as important, I wanted to encourage people to pursue their dreams. If this means working for a company you have always dreamed of instead of working for yourself, then let this be YOUR dream. The dream is about finding what you love and doing it. We spend most of our time at work, so make it a place that you love, and enjoy every minute of your day. Life is too short to be wasted on being unhappy. Thank you to all the wonderful Entrepreneurs that I interviewed for this issue. You guys are amazing. We had such a great response that we are considering a part 2! Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to contribute articles or whether you’d like to advertise in an upcoming magazine. We’d love to get to know you and to shamelessly promote your company! Yours in Coffee, Christine

TWITTER @FW_Concepts





Entreprenuer # 1: Mikhael Bou Rjeily Recipe: Hummus with Basil Pesto Entrepreneur # 2: Carey Erasmus My week of meals from Daily Dish Coffee workshop course at mischu


Entrepreneur # 3: Natasha Clark Entrepreneur # 4: Alice Leah Entrepreneur # 5: Jess & Nicholas Kramer, Walter Louw


Entrepreneur # 6: Dawn Jorgensen The Kenyan Movement De Hoop Nature Reserve Book Review: Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen

COMPETITIONS Win Win Win! | Issue 17


TASTE The Story

mischu first opened its doors in 2012. Since then, this quaint coffee showroom, nestled in the very heart of Sea Point, has been spoiling its customers with award-winning, great tasting coffee.

The name

My nickname is micho and since I arrived in SA, all my family and friends spell my nickname incorrectly, ‘mischu’. It stuck.

The plunge

I started Coffee Initiative in October 2011 after I spent 3 years as the Woolworths coffee academy head in Cape Town. 11 November 2012 my business partner and I made the decision to open mischu. We opened its doors on 21 December 2012.

Best advice

‘Screw it, let’s do it’ by Richard Branson.

Pros and cons

Mikhael Bou Rjeily Owner and founder of Coffee Initiative. Also Co-owner and founder of mischu the coffee showroom.

Pros: Your own business is the best place to showcase all your passion and talent. Cons: No guaranteed monthly income, lots of admin and HR related challenges.

Lists or wing it?

Deadline and list orientated. I believe in making the best out of today so that tomorrow can be a better day.


3 - 6 cups of Espresso, Machiato or Aeropress., @mischucoffee | Issue 17


espresso bar l coffee destination l award winning house blend

Meet Isabella: our award winning house blend.

Countries of origin: Brazil, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Locally roasted. Available in beans, freshly ground and capsules that are compatible with Nespresso & Caffeluxe machines.

85a Regent Road, Sea Point | Issue 17


Hummus with Basil Pesto By now we all know that eating five to six small meals a day helps with all sorts of healthy metabolic things. However, if you love eating like I do, this can become a bit of a problem. I can't do small meals, period. I have, however, become accustomed to snacking profoundly during the day. Maybe it is all in my head, but snacking on wholewheat biscuits with cream cheese, fruits and cheeses, has become my life right now. And it feels better than sitting down for an actual meal, six times a day.

• A crushed garlic clove • 5ml ground coriander and cumin • A squeeze of fresh lemon juice • Salt and black pepper • 4 tablespoons ready made basil pesto • Whole wheat biscuits to serve Method: In a food processor combine the drained chickpeas with the olive oil, garlic, spices, lemon juice and seasoning.

This recipe of Hummus with Basil Pesto can eas- Pulse the ingredients by gradually adding the reily become a favorite in my house. I like the sweet tained liquid from the chickpea can, until you are basil pesto mixed through a rather spicy hummus left with a thick yet spreadable paste. spread, taking the flavors to a new level. Before serving, add the basil pesto, give it a whirl and enjoy a healthy snack. Keep refrigerated. Ingredients: • 1 can of chickpeas, drained and fluids retained • 1 tablespoon olive oil

By Anina’s Recipes | Issue 17

TASTE | Issue 15



Carey Erasmus - Bits of Carey Pro and con of having your own business

Pros: Creative freedom, doing what I love, working from home, the wonderful opportunities I am presented with, the excitement and adrenalin. Cons: Not being able to switch off – I work harder than I have in my 10 years of working for other companies (but it’s worth it, because it’s yours).

Lists or wing it?

I would say when I’m given deadlines, I’m pretty good at sticking to them, it’s very important to me to deliver work on time. But I do have my days when I tend to faff and procrastinate if I have time on my hands. When I write posts on my website, it isn’t very planned, it’s a case of ‘ooh, I have a wad of potatoes, let me cook something and write about them’. So there’s definitely a bit of left and right brain activities happening at Bits of Carey HQ.

Keeping your cool

Bits of Carey:

Breathe, switch off all social media, bubble bath, sit in silence and meditate. Or a cup of tea helps ;-) I remind myself to take baby steps and not to get frazzled. It’s not worth it.

Working in the food industry for years I found an outlet (my bits of carey blog) to share quick and easy, unpretentious and slightly quirky recipes. My website/blog is now not only a platform for sharing recipes but also my ‘portfolio’ for my food consulting business where I develop recipes, write content and do food styling and social media for clients.

The plunge

Ideal food day

A greasy bacon and egg roll and a fresh veggie juice for brekkers at a local food market. A bit of prop shopping in Woodstock. Lunch at The Kitchen, an afternoon nap at home, then the Gourmand menu at Test Kitchen for dinner. Yes, I’d quite like that.

Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?

While working full time as a home-economist at a Tea, but I LOVE the smell of coffee, weird, I know! well-known retail company I started doing some freelance work that stemmed from the interest in, @bitsofcarey my blog. I took the plunge in September 2013 to work for myself full time under the Bits of Carey brand and created a full-on website (listing my services etc.). It was the right move for me because I was getting so much interest for recipe development and styling and I’ve had great support via social media (especially twitter) over the years which helped me create a presence. | Issue 17

WHY PAY MORE? From only R2.90 per cup (all inclusive)

We always have steaming hot specials. Nespresso速 compatible capsules. | Issue 16

My week of meals from Daily Dish

TASTE There’s been a lot of buzz about Daily Dish lately, and being the nosy person I am I just had to find out more. And so of course, I signed up and enjoyed a week of hassle free food! The idea is simple and clever. Visit www.dailydish.coza and choose from three menu options: Classic, Low Carb and Vegetarian. On Monday your box of recipes and ingredients are delivered straight to your door. The exact quantities of the raw ingredients are all included and already measured out for you and the recipes are incredibly easy to follow. Dishes take around 30 minutes to prepare from start to finish. This procedure appealed to me because I do enjoy cooking but I either have very little time to prepare or I run out of ideas of what to make and end up rehashing the same meals every week. I loved this week because at the end I had discovered four new recipes, and they were all so easy to make. I went for the classic option and my week consisted of: • Chicken Burger with Harissa Mayo (Hubby’s favourite). This had a beautiful lemon flavour infused into the chicken. • Kima Beef Curry with Rice. I’m a huge curry fan but always make the same one so it was great to learn a new recipe. I was surprised at how much this made as the raw ingredients didn’t look like much. We even had leftovers. • Tunaballs in Spicy Tomato Sauce. We both enjoyed this one as we don’t often have tuna for dinner. • Bacon and Spinach Quiche. Ahh.. by far my favourite. This was so simple and so delicious and so much healthier without the crust, which we didn’t miss at all. There are so many variations you can do with this one and I’m definitely trying it again! Overall I was so impressed by the service and loved my easy week of cooking! Daily Dish For You doesn’t work on contracts, so you can just choose the weeks that suit you. I’ll be trying this again soon. Next I’m trying Vegetarian and then Low Carb. It’s such a fun way to find new recipes and one of the quickest ways to get dinner ready for the family. Give them a try. | Issue 17

TASTE | Issue 17



TASTE I spent the most amazing day at the mischu showroom attending their new coffee workshop course. I’m by no means a barista, nor do I want to be, but I AM an avid coffee consumer, so being on the other side was very interesting. In fact I now have far more respect for all the barista’s out there, because what they have to go through in order to get the perfect cup is a very long and very tricky procedure. Every element has to be right, and there isn’t much room for error. It’s like watching an art performance - The coffee dance.

From there we moved on to cappuccino’s and we even tried our hand at frothing the milk and making latte art. Now I’m a shaky person without coffee, so you can imagine what I was like with some coffee in me and five people watching me intently. My poor cappuccino was not a pretty sight. Mikhael helped me fix it up at the end until it resembled something I could be proud to call my own. Quite frankly I couldn’t care less about my coffee art... I just wanted to run into a corner and drink my coffee. It was so good.

Mikhael, co-owner and founder of mischu and owner and founder of Coffee Initiative, started off the day by giving us some insight into his own background and how he got involved in the coffee industry. Rather serendipitious it seemed, as he only got a job as a barista after applying for it thinking it had something to do with alcohol. ‘Bar’, ‘Barista’, must be the same thing, right? I think the coffee culture was in his blood before he even knew it. Years later and not only does he own his own coffee shop and coffee training facilities, but his coffee has also won the ‘Best cappuccino award in South Africa 2012 and Best Espresso & Cappuccino award in Cape Town 2012’. So basically, I knew I was in good hands.

There are so many elements that go into making an amazing cup of coffee. The quality of the beans, the amount that you use, the fineness or coarseness of the grind, the temperature, etc. Every element needs to work together perfectly to create the perfect blend.

The course continued with a short video on the origins of coffee, followed by some demonstrations on how to use both a plunger and an aeropress. I use both these appliances and I was surprised to actually learn a few things from him as well as realise a few things I was doing wrong. I came home excited to try my hand at making coffee again and using some of the techniques I learnt.

This is such a great course. The classes are small and relaxed so that everyone gets a chance to be involved. I would highly recommend this course for anyone in the coffee industry, even if that means you’re just a consumer and you want to know more. It’s great to see how things work on the other side, and it will leave you looking at your next cup of coffee quite differently.

After that we moved on to making espresso’s and we all got to try our hand at making our own. I may have experienced my first coffeegasm here, and the best part was that it was a coffee I had made myself. The whole process was actually a lot harder and more complex than I imagined. I think most people assume that once you have a proper Espresso machine that you just have to touch a button and it’s all done. There is far more that goes into it and it was such an honour to be a part of the process.

For the first time ever I drank an espresso and an americano without milk, and absolutely loved it. This is when I knew that I had entered into a new realm of coffee. Thanks to mischu for showing me how good coffee should be made and how it should taste.

Mikahel allowed each person to make a few cups so that by the end of the course the procedure didn’t seem so scary and the process something achievable. As with anything it takes practice, practice and even more practice to get it right. That’s the fun part though and there’s something so exciting about coffee the entire coffee making adventure.

By Christine Bernard. Photos by Warren Bernard. Visit Half a day (3 hours): Coffee Workshop for home | Issue 17

CREATE | Issue 16



Natasha Clark - The Birdhouse The Birdhouse

With a background in PR and Social Media working on some of SA’s biggest brands – I really wanted to bridge the gap between the big budgets and the small business. While we still work on household brands, we don’t turn the smaller guys away. No matter the budget, we’re able to help you! And even if there is NO budget – we’ll train you to run your own social media platforms, create a strategy and provide all the knowledge, notes, templates and support to do so. Everyone is welcome at The Birdhouse.

Being an entrepreneur

I’ve always been an entrepreneur. I’ve had small businesses on the side for years. Working as HOD in a big agency got really frustrating as I was essentially running a business without the full financial remuneration. Red tape and white labels became increasingly frustrating. I wanted to claim the rewards and victories as my own.

and play with them a bit. They’re usually out in the garden or watching cartoons, but they’re HOME. I love that. Cons: All those little perks you got like sick days and leave and weekends aren’t applicable anymore. Even if you’re sick – you gotta keep at it.


Results. We’re so dead-set on results. Although Graeme (our Creative Director) really pushes the creativity. ‘How can we make this awesome?’ is what he’ll usually say.

Lists or wing it?

I use Asana as a management system. It’s free and addictive! Most of our work runs on schedule in terms of writing, design, strat and approvals so at certain times on the month, I know what’s due e.g. Reports.

Best brands in social media

I really love Woolworths and Yuppie Chef, as well as FNB.


Don’t give up. There were many months in the beginning when I wanted to crawl back to agen- Social media tips cy life, but by pushing through the scary bits we Honestly, so few people read Facebook’s terms learned so much. of use. I’ve seen big brands get nailed and make themselves vulnerable to competitors.


My parents always had their own businesses. It’s funny when I was small I used to be scared to talk on the phone to anyone – even the pizza delivery guy. My mom made me answer the phone at her office, take messages and gave me loads of responsibility. She even had me loading invoices to her system, doing filing and making calls. I learned everything from her. She’s not scared of anything. It’s incredible!

Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? Iced Coffee, always! @TheBirdhouse_SA @Raising_Men

Pros and cons

Pros: I see my kids more. We took them out of after care and get to see them every afternoon. I can make their lunches and talk about their day | Issue 17 | Issue 17 | Issue 17



Alice Leah - Mum’s Mail Mum’s Mail

Established in 2003, Mum’s Mail is a magazine that has become one of the most indispensable resources for parents, grandparents, teachers, business owners and other interested readers in Durban and Pietermaritzburg/Midlands. Conveniently delivered monthly, for free, to primary schools, pre-schools and crèches, Mum’s Mail is also available at shopping malls, family and baby clinics, doctors’ rooms, public libraries and selected retail outlets. You can even take out a subscription and a copy will be posted to you monthly. Published in a handy, A5 format, Mum’s Mail is the ideal size to pop into your handbag or cubby hole to read on-the-go. Life’s Little Toolbox is packed with useful information from products and services for you and your baby, through to business products, services, advice and interesting articles. If you need to arrange a birthday party or find a school for your child, treat yourself to some beauty therapy or a dinner for two, read a book, or hit the town – just search for it in Mum’s Mail. Mum’s Mail also has a strong online presence. Besides the fabulous website, you can also find Mum’s Mail on Facebook and Twitter, as well as sign up for the e-newsletters. A brand new Mum’s Mail app has also just been launched.

The plunge

After five years as a teacher, and another five years as an advertising sales rep, I decided I wanted to be my own boss. So on the 1st of August 2004 I bought the existing Mum’s Mail from Sally du Plessis who had published five issues of the magazine, and started my career as a business owner and editor.


That is hard to pin down to just one thing. ‘Always trust your gut instinct’ was a vitally important nugget, as was ‘if you can’t do something well yourself, outsource it to someone who can’.


My father owned several of his own engineering businesses, and my mother had her own hairdressing salon.

Pros and cons

The biggest pro is that I do not have to listen to a boss, telling me what I can and cannot do on a daily basis. The biggest con is being responsible for paying so many people’s salaries - the sheer pressure of knowing that they rely on me for their survival each month is scary.

Lists or wing it?

A little of both. I perform well until pressure and thrive on tight deadlines, but I do like to tick things off a list.


I have been inundated with enquiries to franchise. My control freak nature has been putting on the brakes for some time now - I really need to work on trusting and letting go.

Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?

Coffee, coffee and coffee! Black, no sugar! Pure poison. I have several cups of Nespresso in the office every day, but when I get home it’s wine all the way. @MumsMail | Issue 17

CREATE | Issue 17



Jess & Nicholas Kramer, Walter Louw - Chicken and Wolf

Chicken and Wolf

Chicken and Wolf started around the idea of offering affordable marketing and research services to small businesses in the Creative Industry. We are huge fans of this industry and wanted to contribute to its growth. We have since adapted to market demands and are now spending most of our time assisting businesses with their online strategies whether it be through social media, ecommerce or email marketing. We also started a side business called Unsung Art, that promotes affordable original art - we felt there was a need for a market where emerging and established artists could sell affordable art to art lovers on a budget.

things in life come from something completely unexpected. In our case Jess’ background in economics and Nic and Walter’s in brand strategy seemed like an unlikely but beneficial match that differentiated us from the rest of the crowd - we can give businesses a unique viewpoint by combining our skills.

The plunge

The business really started going in January 2014 (although we were semi-operational last year) but it kicked off when Jess gave a talk at the Design Dialogues about The Economics of Art in September 2013. The response was great and a couple of people who owned small creative businesses requested assistance. We took the opportunity and Name The name originally came from Jess’ nicknames. ran with it! She was known as both Chicken and the The Lone Wolf - so when she started the business, she Pros and cons thought of incorporating both identities. She liked Ah there are so many of both! We love having an the idea of how a seemingly mismatched pair can unconventional office space, being able to manage actually work well together - making use of each our own time and having the ability to implement other’s unique strengths. Sometimes the best new ideas. Actually since starting Chicken and Wolf, | Issue 17

CREATE we find that we have more and more ideas - it’s almost as if when you take the plunge to start your own business, you really start to trust yourself, and give yourself permission to think bigger. There is never a day without a challenge! For us, we think our biggest challenge has been to be able to identify what niche products we are able to and want to deliver (emphasis on the want). There is no point in providing a service if it doesn’t resonate with you (even if it sells well). Another big challenge is not being able to ‘turn off’ from the business. If you don’t work, the business doesn’t either. Getting that work-life balance can be difficult.

Keeping your Cool


Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?

‘Big things have small beginnings’

Go for a walk. We are lucky to be working in the Cape Town CBD which is very pedestrian friendly. When things get overwhelming, you will find us walking the streets of Cape Town (which often includes a stroll through Company’s Gardens), often listening to one of our favourite podcasts for inspiration and motivation.

One Word

Jess - traveller Nic - techgeek Walter - beard

We are loyal to both coffee and tea. Our ritual is to start the day with a coffee (usually a flat white), Lists or wing it? and then have at least 3 cups of tea (Ceylon, splash Definitely deadline and list orientated (although of milk, no sugar, steeped in a teapot) during the there is always good dose of winging it)! We make remainder of the day. use of Todoist to keep track of all our projects and associated tasks. These are all timelined and as- signed to team members so the whole team is al- @Chicken_Wolf ways aware of what is being done and what still needs to be done. | Issue 17

CREATE | Issue 17 | Issue 17

DISCOVER | Issue 17



Dawn Jorgensen - The Incidental Tourist The Incidental Tourist

I established and ran a bespoke tour operating company for over ten years. When I sold it I started The Incidental Tourist with the express purpose of sharing my accumulated travel experiences and those that were yet to come. It forms a portfolio of my works, words and photography; which has allowed me to branch into the freelance world of travel writing.

The plunge

I’m a natural entrepreneur that hasn’t considered formal employment in over 15 years. I am most likely unemployable by now given the flexibility and freedom that I have come to live by. Writing is something that has always burst through me and creating a platform from which to professionalise my passion was something I couldn’t resist. I started The Incidental in March 2010 and within two years and hardly any sleep, it was starting to create wonderful opportunities for me.

Keeping your cool

I’m an emotional creature that takes criticism straight to the heart. But I’m also a hard worker and have learnt that ‘the harder you work the luckier you get’ really applies. After a tough day I try to pick up the pieces, learn from my mistakes, accept that not everybody will like me and try and keep my confidence going. Afterall this is what I do. I am The Incidental Tourist andThe Incidental Tourist, is me. Oh, and copious amounts of chocolate!

Favourite destination

I always say Madagascar as it holds a piece of my heart, all of Africa does. But I am just back from a trip to the Ticino Italian region of Switzerland and am completely smitten with it.

Where would you take a tourist in Cape Town

Up Table Mountain, to walk Bree and Long Street, to the glory that is Cape Point, for a swim in False Bay, a sunset cruise out of the Waterfront and on Travel essentials an uplifting township tour with Uthando SA. InbeMy camera, iphone, battery pack, note book and tween all the inevitable eating, of course. a bundle of multi-purpose scarves.

Pro and con of having your own business

Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?

Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, hot There’s no salary, which is never easy. Also not chocolate at the airport. Almost always. much is done to support small to medium businesses in South Africa. But with a lot of hard work and dedication, I get to live my dream and follow @dawnjorgensen my heart. Nothing can replace that sense of fulfilment.

Lists or wing it?

I make lists and try to match them, but working on my own with other projects on the go to supplement my income, I am always chasing a collection of things I haven’t done. Actually I work best to a deadline and do most of my writing between 9pm and 2am. Not optimum, but my head decides when I write best, not me. And I’ve come to love the routine. | Issue 17


THE KENYAN MOVEMENT of my profile name, but also because I was hoping it would take off and become something people wanted to be a part of. I created the hash tag #runwithpassion and added it to all my tweets wherever I could. I wanted people to share experiences, knowledge and encouragement for other runners and to simply create a group of people who were passionate about running. I never expected it to become what it has with a little over 600 followers in just over two years, worldwide, from novice runners to pro athletes. I continue to send out motivations and touch base with as many runners as I can, creating a bond and sharing with all who have joined. I created a little hype, as no-one knew who this Angry Kenyan was, which is what I wanted. I It made me smile the whole way to the finish! wanted to stay anonymous, be that person who inEveryone knows that Kenyans can run, so can you spired from afar. I wanted the Kenyan Movement imagine an angry one? I had been thinking about to be about the people in it, not me. joining the social media circles, not a big Facebook fan, so it was going to have to be Twitter and when I took on the Two Oceans Marathon AND Comrades it came to a name for my profile, this name and the in 2013, as a novice, having only been running for emotions it brought to mind when thinking about a year and a half and tweeted through my entire it, was an obvious choice. journey. I ran for charity on both my runs and loved being a part of that, giving back to someone and I didn’t want to be one of these people who tweet- something else and still managing to be anonymous ed about ‘I’m having coffee with John today...’ or (to a point). This year I was set to go back down to ‘what do you think of my outfit...’. I wanted to use Cape Town to do The Two Oceans Marathon again this as a platform to encourage and motivate other and there was no getting away from meeting runrunners, novices like me. It started off slowly and ners who had been following me for over a year I tweeted daily motivational pictures and sayings now. I met with nine complete strangers, all runand even went through a stage where I posted ners from Cape Town, who had come together to the ‘Exercise of the Day’. I’m currently a Personal meet me... I was so humbled and absolutely blown Trainer, so sharing this knowledge, as well as my away that I had made the impact I had on complete running stuff, came easily to me strangers. It meant that everything I had tried to do had worked! I was getting people to share running I called it the Kenyan Movement - mainly because and their passion for it! I haven’t been a runner for very long. In fact I only did my first “big” run, the Dischem 21km in January 2012. I always said I wasn’t a runner but after having given up on cycling, as it just wasn’t safe anymore, I found I actually quite enjoyed it and it was way easier to run. You just needed some good running shoes and a piece of tarmac and you were away. It was on the route of the Dischem run, somewhere about the 15km mark, that I saw a little guy at the side of the road holding a sign up that said...

“Run like an Angry Kenyan” | Issue 17

DISCOVER I met Stephanie Schultzen from The Two Oceans Ultra Marathon and Bronwyn Freeman from the Comrades Marathon and it became clear that the Kenyan Movement was strong and making a difference in peoples lives and sometimes not just for running, but merely helping people to be more positive about who they were and their place in this world. I get emotional just thinking about it because I am just me (as I keep telling people), a no-one really and yet this impact has been made and continues to be made. From Dubai to Kent, to Kimberely and even some followers in Kenya itself. I’d love the opportunity to tell my story world-wide and meet as many of my followers as possible! I’ve run with a few people in the Movement and they have been the best runs ever. I can only dream of running on each continent where there are Kenyan Movement Runners - London Marathon, New York Marathon and top of my list actually, the Kenyan

Marathon - how amazing would that be! On the Comrades Marathon this year (I went back for the Back To Back medal) I was just struggling through and I got ‘come on Angry Kenyan!’ from a complete stranger who had seen my tweets, knew I was running in pink and spotted me. It meant SO much! Doing my small part in a running community on a small scale and I suppose in the world on a bigger one, has made me realise, one person CAN make a difference and by doing so, that one person (the Angry Kenyan himself) can be changed and motivated for the better! That is the story of the Kenyan Movement and the Angry Kenyan who runs with passion... @theAngryKenyan #runwithpassion | Issue 17

De Hoop Nature Reserve I have just gotten back from a weekend break at De Hoop Nature Reserve, which I can only describe as ‘good for my soul’. It was one of those holidays that we all need from time to time, one where you really and truly relax. There’s just something about this place. The wide open spaces, the beautiful scenery that quite literally envelops you, the naughty baboons and the friendly faces. The fresh air made me realise how important it is to get out and experience nature at its best. With most holidays you come back feeling like you need another holiday. Not this time. I came back completely refreshed and restored. There are many accommodation types to choose from to suit all budgets, from houses, cottages, rondawels and even camping sites. We were lucky enough to stay in one of the Opstal Houses, a beautiful six sleeper which included a kitchen, lounge and dining area and full kitchen facilities. Outside, we had our own private braai area, secluded under the trees (which I named ‘my happy place’). The De Hoop Nature Reserve is situated east of Bredasdorp. The reserve is about 260km by road from Cape Town and may be reached via either Bredasdorp or Swellendam. Make sure you have your camera at the | Issue 17

ready. We had to stop a few times to snap some pictures as a lot of the route is incredibly scenic. The Fig Tree restaurant is open for Breakfast, Lunch and dinner, as well as for snacks and picnic hampers. We enjoyed a long lazy lunch in the sun, with hubby choosing the Traditional Bobotie with Rice and Poppadoms, and myself choosing the Roast Vegetable Cous Cous with Harissa Paste. Delicious! There is no doubt in my mind that I will come back here. The beauty of De Hoop is unquestionable and it’s a place I would recommend to everyone. I can imagine having a wedding here would be incredible - a photographer’s dream. A place for family, for friends or romantic getaways for two, it has something to suit everyone. I can even imagine someone coming alone, using it as a time for self-reflection, or as inspiration for a book or artwork. There is just something about this place. Treat yourself to that holiday you deserve. By Christine Bernard. Photos by Warren Bernard ( | Issue 17

DISCOVER ACTIVITIES AT DE HOOP NATURE RESERVE Guided Bird Walk - (+-2 hours) A wonderful walking experience with a qualified field guide focused on the identification and behaviour of the prolific birdlife found in De Hoop Nature Reserve. Length of walk dependent on fitness levels of participants. Depart from the meeting tree at the Opstal at 6am October - March and 8am April - September. RATE: R100 per person. Included at no charge in any three night stay excluding campsite bookings. Interpretive Marine Walk - (+-2 hours) A walking trail exploring coastal rock pools and sandy beaches while a qualified guide points out interesting marine life forms. Also a great way to experience the Southern Right Whales in the bay between June and December. Depart half an hour before low tide from Koppie Alleen Parking Area. Times of daily low tide should be confirmed with the guides the day before. RATE: R150 per person Guided Mountain Bike Trail - (2 – 3 hours) Get the chance to cycle among herds of eland, bontebok and other game species with a qualified field guide who will share his knowledge of less obvious natural and historical aspects of De Hoop. Depart from Activity Room at various times during the day. To be booked and confirmed with the guides. RATE: R150 per person Guided Eco-Quad Bike Trails The duration of the activity could be anything between one to three hours with a beverage/ snack stop at a picnic site overlooking the Vlei. The purpose of the activity is for it to be an awareness of the natural environment and an ecologically friendly slow paced biking experience. The route will give guests the opportunity of viewing spectacular Fynbos and absorbing breath-taking vistas over the De Hoop Vlei. The activity will be guided by trained De Hoop Collection staff. RATE: R295 per person / hour Stargazing & Star Identification - (1 hour) Experience the magnificent stars and constellations that the clear De Hoop night sky has to offer. Learn about the various star signs and other interesting facts about the sky. Meet at the Fig Tree Restaurant from 20h30. Times may change according to season and weather conditions. Please discuss and confirm with the guide. RATE: R85 per person

DISCOVER | Issue 17

DISCOVER McDermid, as part of The Austen Project (http://, because, well, it’s Jane Austen re-imagined. I have also read Sense and Sensibility by Joanna Trollope which was delightful. The original was better, and Trollope’s modern-day re-telling would not have captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of people in the same way that Austen’s original tale has since it was first published; but it was solid and enjoyable, and did not offend which is a great relief (not like casting Keira Knightly and her teeth as Elizabeth Bennet in the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice!).

Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid Carpe Librum: Seize the Book! It is a little-known fact about me that I am a huge fan of Jane Austen. Okay, everyone who knows me knows that. It’s just that, being rather introverted, I don’t know that many people. Of all of Ms Austen’s novels, Northanger Abbey is my least favourite - the reason being that I cannot connect with the book’s heroine, Catherine Morland. She is deeply silly. Even the air-headed protagonist of Love and Friendship offered some sensible advice when she implored us to “[r]un mad as often as you choose, but do not faint”. Nevertheless, I read Northanger Abbey as re-imagined by Val

Catherine ‘Cat’ Morland has waited all of her 17 years for adventure and romance – an opportunity to be the heroine in her own thrilling paranormal escapade. While, the original Catherine was heavily influenced by the gothic romance novels that were popular at the time of writing, Cat’s imagination is filled with vampires and werewolves from novels like the Twilight series (don’t even get me started on how deeply I detest these books. Really? We must think that it’s romantic to be obsessed with a guy who is extremely controlling, and is at all times seconds away from killing you because he can’t help it?! Ew!). When she is offered the opportunity to join family friends, the Allens, on their trip to Edinburgh for the Edinburgh Festival, Cat can’t believe her luck. The hustle and bustle of the big city is vastly different from her quiet upbringing being home-schooled in the small Dorset town she calls home. She soon makes friends with Bella Thorpe – an intimacy that is encouraged by her older brother, James who is mates with Bella’s over-bearing brother Johnny, and rather interested in Bella himself. Ready for romance, however, the charming Henry Tilney captures her attention and Cat develops a friendship with Henry and his sister Eleanor, a pair who could not be more different from Bella and Johnny. Misdirection and artifice leave our naïve protagonist perplexed on a number of occasions. Cat is thrilled when General Tilney, the austere father of the lovely Henry and Eleanor, invites her to spend some time at their ancient family home – Northanger Abbey. She eagerly anticipates the | Issue 17

DISCOVER mystery and adventure waiting for her in what ticularly McDermid’s occasional witty observations about youth in the modern day, which contrast could quite possibly be a haunted Abbey. nicely with Austen’s sharp comment on her own soOver the course of the novel, Cat is forced to ciety. It is fascinating to have one’s attention drawn confront her naïve world view, and grow up a lit- to how similar some things are between 2014 and tle. McDermid handles this tumultuous time and 1817 when Austen’s novel was published posthuCat’s confusion gently, almost indulgently. While at mously. I particularly enjoyed the somewhat subtle times I really wanted to shake Cat and give her a references made to feminism in the re-imagining. stern talking to to bring her back to ‘reality’, I found Fan of Ms Austen or not, it’s worth a read. re-imagined Cat far less frustrating than Catherine in the original book. The story does jar a little, Also read this month: How to Build a Girl by Caitlin mostly because of the age differences between the Moran – I loved it, but it is not for the faint-hearted; female characters and their love interests. The age The Awakening of Miss Prim by Natalia Sanmartin differences aren’t massive, but it’s far less common Fenollera – I thoroughly enjoyed parts of this raththese days for a 17-year-old girl and a 26-year-old er unusual novel, but can’t decide whether I liked guy to be in a relationship. Or perhaps this is just it or didn’t over all; and Daughter by Jane Shemilt an example of my own naïveté. *WARNING: SPOIL- – a marvellous, human crime novel; if you enjoyed ER ALERT* If you’ve not read Northanger Abbey Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, you’ll enjoy Daughter. don’t read the following sentence!: I also found the reason for Cat’s shocking eviction from Northanger Abbey in the middle of the night rather a stretch. By Lisa Wiebesiek Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the novel, par- | Issue 17










Time to win some competitions! All competitions must be entered by 28 October 2014


1 Win a 1 month membership to The Sports Science Insitute of SA This fantastic prize includes a comprehensive fitness assessment and personalised training programme. Prize value R1492. To enter please email: with your details. Subject: SSISA |


Three lucky readers can win a week of meals from Daily Dish This prize is only valid to Cape Town, Pretoria or Johannesburg readers (please check delivery areas on the website). To enter please email: with your details. Subject: Daily Dish


Win two Hug in a Mug’s To enter please email: with your details. Subject: Mug | Issue 17

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Win a 1 x Value Red & White Mixed Case from Wine Web – This includes 6 bottles, 3 red and 3 white and includes delivery. To enter please email: with your details. Subject: Wine

5 Two lucky readers can win a half day coffee workshop from mischu To enter please email: with your details. Subject: mischu | Issue 17


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