Issue 22 April 2015

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APRIL 2015 Issue 22


My journey to health: Food had has always been a big part of my life. I realised at quite a young age that I thought about food a little bit more than the average person and I could never quite understand people that just forgot to eat that day. How do you forget to eat? How? So I went through the normal teenage years of being overweight and then doing everything in my power to lose that weight. I wasn’t prepared to go the long route and just like so many people I was constantly looking for quick fixes. Which lead me down a very unhealthy path. I saw food as both my comforter and my enemy and continued to have a love/hate relationship with it for many years. When I reached my late twenties I started to change. I realised that what I was doing to myself was not good and that in the long run I would certainly suffer. So I started to make small changes. And bit by bit I was able to determine what worked for my body and what didn’t. The biggest change I made was to introduce exercise into my life and it was through exercise that I was finally able to feel good about myself. And so began the journey that I find myself on now. I’m a lot more chilled when it comes to food and I have finally understand that it is here to sustain us and energize us. Being involved in the food industry so much I am still very interested in the wonderful world of culinary adventures and I certainly won’t say no to a slice of cake every now and again. For me it’s all about balance and I have learnt to cultivate the 80/20 rule. I’m healthy at least 80% of the time and the other 20% I allow myself to indulge. Life, after all, is here to be enjoyed and I’m not going to deny myself of every little pleasure there is. But because I only indulge 20% of the time I have figured out how to really savour those delicious moments. In this issue I wanted to share not only my food journey but also the journeys of others, each with their own ideas and their own beliefs. While some may be vegetarians or vegans, others may be following a low carb high fat diet. To me, there are no rights and no wrongs. It’s all about finding out what works for YOUR body. I’m still figuring things out. I’ve got a fair idea of what works for my body and what doesn’t but I’m still working it out and I’m also always open to other ideas and suggestions. I personally don’t conform to any sort of diet. I just try to eat healthy, I get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in and I drink a lot of water. Although I do not follow the banting diet I have cut down on my carb intake and I have found that to be very helpful for me. But as I said, what works for me might not work for you. Don’t be afraid to play around with your diet and instead of listening to what everyone else is doing, rather spend some time listening to your own body. | Issue 22

Ed’s Note Here is my typical food day: Breakfast: 1 big bowl of oats with a tablespoon of honey. 1 cup of coffee (I grind my beans, use a drop of milk, and no sugar). Snack: Handful (or two) of peanuts and almonds and/or 1 fruit. Lunch: Chicken salad (made up of chicken pieces, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, avocado, seeds, carrots, and a few spoons of fat free yoghurt). Snack: 1 small bowl of cornflakes and milk (yeah, I know this is not nutritious but I love it). 1 cup of coffee. Dinner: Mince and sweet potato bake or maybe a beef stew with cauliflower rice (or brown rice when I’m sick of the cauliflower). Snack: Green tea and popcorn. EXERCISE: 8 - 10km run 5 times a week and 1 yoga or pilates class. So that’s me! Wishing you the best of luck on your own journey and remember to love yourself no matter what. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to contribute articles or whether you’d like to advertise in an upcoming magazine. We’d love to get to know you and to shamelessly promote your company! Yours in Coffee, Christine |

@FW_Concepts | Issue 22


Vegan Chocolate and Coconut Date Balls Yield: 26 date balls

These date balls take just 20 minutes to make As with most of our gluten free bakes or treats it and require only seven ingredients. Hashtag winstarts out with one of us craving something sweet ning! They are also vegan as no eggs or butter but not wanting to resort to cake or chocolate are used and they make the most more-ish after (yes we do get tired of it every now and again). dinner treat. We used to eat date balls or squares as kids and I remember them being simple to make and rather tasty. As we had seen a few alternative recipes we decided to try create some that were gluten free. We also decided to skip the sugar and syrup that traditional recipes add because dates are definitely sweet enough by themselves.

Ingredients • 400g dates • 1/2 cup + 1 tsp coconut oil • 2/3 cup + 2 tsp almond flour • 1/2 tsp salt | Issue 22

TASTE • 3 tsp cocoa powder 4. Add the almond flour, coconut flour, salt, co• 5 tsp coconut flour coa and coconut oil to a bowl and blender into a • 1 cup desiccated coconut, to roll them in once smooth paste. made 5. Roll the mixture into balls. Then roll them in the desiccated coconut.


6. Place in a sealed container in the freezer (or 1. Place the dates in a bowl and cover with boil- fridge if you prefer a softer texture) ing hot water – set aside for 10 minutes. We find it’s best to place them in a container, 2. While the dates soak get the following things separating each layer with wax paper, and keep ready them in the freezer as they are delicious really - melt the coconut oil cold. - spread the coconut onto a plate or tray so it’s ready for you to place the date balls on By Sarah and Jane Saszali Chocolates 3. Drain the water from the soaked dates. Blend into a smooth paste using a stick blender. || Issue Issue 22 22


tell me about The Fat Snack...

Fat Snack. It is ideal as a breakfast snack or onthe-go breakfast or in the afternoon as a snack The founder of The Fat Snack studied biology before ones gym session. It is also suitable to and nutrition and has a background in food in- snack on when cycling, running or doing an engredients, nutrition and sport and one day de- durance sport. cided to create something delicious and healthy for the snack market. The Fat Snack is totally thoughts on exercise and different to current products on the market. nutrition? The Fat Snack is a coconut and almond based bar with no sugar added. No colours, flavours or The 80/20 rule applies. You are what you eat preservatives. and no matter how much exercise you do, what you eat is key. Nutrition is not only about eatThey saw the need for a nutritious, sustainable, ing food it’s about nourishing the body in orlow GI snack bar, containing real food ingredi- der for it to stay healthy and perform optimally. ents, without the sugar. A healthy snack bar op- As Hippocrates said ‘let food be they medicine tion for everyone from the sedentary office per- and medicine be thy food’. We at The Fat Snack son to the triathlete and all people in between. believe in healthy minds and healthy bodies. The Fat Snack ambassadors live simply with a origin of the name? few simple principles; 1. Eat real food, 2. Drink water, 3. Take Omega, 4. Run sprints, 5. Squat Very simple really, since the bar is a high fat heavy, 6. Get exercise, 7. Get sunshine and be snack bar, The Fat Snack sounded funky, fun and outdoors and 7. Have fun and be happy, life is just right. short, enjoy every moment.

HOW CAN WE GET OUR HANDS ON SOME? At the moment The Fat Snack is available directly from us on order. The Fat Snack will be available in various stores from May 2015. Stores will be indicated on our Facebook page closer to the time. Our website will be up and running shortly.

What can we look forward to? We are looking forward to 2015 as we will officially be launching the product into stores. New variants and a brand extension are also in the pipeline. We have some exciting new developments, #TFSlifestyle launches a range of exciting ‘inspiration’ in the next few months. To be revealed on Facebook in the near future.

You can contact us on facebook, twitter and instagram at and email us on We recommend the one a day concept for The

the best time to eat a Fat Snack? | Issue 22

TASTE | Issue 22

TASTE Our NEW Coffee Academy Officially Open! We offer the following exciting courses: • Team building • Beginners Workshop • Start your own coffee shop • One on One training

Kindly contact us for more information: ||||Issue Issue20 19 Issue 20 85a Regent Road, Sea Point

TASTE | Issue 22



We chat to Candice Brestler from A Gorgeous benefits SO FAR? Life, who has recently become a vegetarian. I do feel healthier and lighter - I think it’s simply because my body doesn’t need to work as The decision... hard to digest animal protein any more. I have It’s been a few months coming - after doing the lost weight (unintentionally) and my digestive Cape Town Vegan Challenge last year (3 weeks system definitely seems happier (yay for more of vegan eating), it changed the way I looked at fibre and whole grains). meat. Putting me off chicken for months, it also made me realise how we take meat for grant- reaction FROM FRIENDS/FAMILY? ed - that it is freely available everywhere we go, but yet completely separated from the animal A lot of surprise. My hobby revolves around food it came from, all nicely packaged in plastic in and they were surprised that I would willingly pieces. It’s too easy to forget that every piece of cut out so much from my diet. It also seemed meat comes from a living, breathing, moving an- quite sudden for them - even though it was a deimal. I felt like a hypocrite - I simply couldn’t dif- cision I was thinking about for months. ferentiate between the pets we so dearly love, and the animals we are only too eager to have What has been the hardest and killed for meat. easiest part of the transition?

have you found any health

On the whole, is has been ridiculously easy. The | Issue 22

TASTE hardest part has been eating out - sadly it seems as though most restaurants seem to think vegetarian food consists of pasta and salads on the menu. There is so much room for creativity in this area, if only the chefs would step up to the plate. Happy exceptions I have found so far come from Oishi Sushi, Buitenverwachting and The Greenhouse at the Cellars Hohenhort.

YOUR DAY IN FOOD... Breakfast is perhaps the easiest meal to make vegetarian - unless you are addicted to bacon and sausages to start your day! I love oats (with peanut butter and cinnamon), toast with avocado, or on a weekend a toasted croissant with mushrooms, basil and a poached egg. Lunch is always leftover dinner - I’m going through a serious ‘fritter phase’ - they make a perfect lunch with a side salad or portion of vegetables. I have a lovely broccoli salad recipe that I can’t get enough of (it tastes better than it sounds!) I try not to snack, but nuts, yoghurt, fruit are all popular vegetarian-friendly options. Dinner takes much of the same form as lunch - fritters are fantastic and a new favourite is a lentil cottage pie - always with salad or vegetables on the side. As much as possible we try to eat unprocessed foods, filled with vegetables. Fry’s and Quorn are both vegetarian favourites, but we see them as treats and not standards in our weekly menu.

HELPFUL WEBSITES OR BLOGS? My absolute favourite site is - A fantastic selection of easy to make, accessible vegetarian recipes for almost every occasion. Deliciously Ella ( is a wonderful vegan blog - fantastic recipe ideas, which although vegan, are easy to turn into vegetarian.

PEA AND COURGETTE FRITTERS Fritters may well be my new favourite thing. As our plates are now vegetables, grains and dairy, it can be a struggle to find a focal point for a meal. As previous dishes have been ‘meat’ and something on the side, you can sometimes end up with a plate full of ‘sides’ (which is not a bad thing, if you have a selection of delicious vegetable dishes), but the fritter saves the day when it comes to a vegetarian centre piece. Ingredients: • 2 cups peas (frozen, thawed) • 4 courgettes • 2 tbsp coconut oil • 200g feta, crumbled • 1 tbsp finely chopped mint leaves • 3 spring onions, finely sliced • 2/3 cup flour (or coconut flour) • 2 eggs • 1/2 cup milk Method: Place a frying pan on a medium-high heat and place the 1 tbsp of the coconut oil in the pan. Slice the courgettes into ribbons with a vegetable peeler, and cook until just softened. To make the batter, add the coconut flour and eggs into a bowl. Start stirring with a wooden spoon, adding the milk slowly until a smooth batter forms. Add the peas, courgettes, feta, mint and spring onion. Place the remaining tablespoon of coconut oil in the same frying pan. Place heaped tablespoons of the batter in the frying pan and cook for approximately 3 minutes on each side until golden and cooked through. Repeat with the remaining batter. Makes 16. | Issue 22



We chat to Keri Bainborough, Vegan since early whole concept of farming livestock - it seems a December 2014. waste to breed beautiful living beings who can see and hear and smell, and whom can feel pain and joy, just so that we can eat their flesh. The when/why did you switch from idea of loving and not eating a pet dog, but eatvegetarian to vegan? ing a domesticated cow or pig or lamb, seemed Not one for half measures, I went straight from hypocritical to me and very, very bizarre. omnivore to vegan in two days! I was never a vegetarian - in fact, I used to think the entire concept was crazy. I was a massive meat-eater. That was until my husband sent our hand-reared orphan calf, Marmite, off to slaughter. For some reason, that event triggered a ‘click’ in my head - a connection that all vegetarians and vegans speak about, but which is hard to explain unless you've experienced it for yourself.

I emailed my friend, Rose, who is vegetarian, to ask for help and advice. She sent me a bunch of links to documentaries and books and articles and I began to educate myself. I initially had thought that I would become vegetarian and just stop eating meat, but after doing my research and finding out that a friend who runs a dairy farm begins his day by slitting the throats of newborn bull calves, I decided that if I was going to I immediately felt sick at the thought of eat- be undertaking this journey for moral reasons, I ing Marmite and became disillusioned with the would give up dairy and eggs too. | Issue 22


Your husband is a chef. Has this made the process harder or Initially, I went through a bit of a detox, which is easier for you? completely normal. After the ‘transition’ period, I felt great - lighter, with improved skin tone and so much energy. I cannot stress how great eating plant-based is for your digestive system too! Works like a charm. I have to stress though, that eating vegan doesn't automatically mean you're going to get skinny and healthy. Just like any other way of eating, you can't consume massive amounts of oil, sugar, salt and refined foods and expect to be slim and healthy, and you do get a lot of unhealthy, ‘junk food vegans’.

Probably both. Harder because he obviously has a deep love for food and cooking, while so many of my friends' husbands end up eating vegetarian or vegan because they couldn't be bothered to cook anything else. My husband initially told me that I had ‘killed his passion for cooking’ by eating vegan. He used to love making us big roasts and elaborate meat-based dishes and enjoys a South African braai just as much as the next man. His refusal to eat vegan means that I was in the kitchen a lot more, preparing my own meals, which made the process easier for me - as I had to just get on and do it by myself. Before, I had always been the one lounging on the couch, while he cooked us dinner! So in a way, going vegan has revived my own passion for cooking - and I'm pretty darn good at it - if I say so myself!

The unhealthiest I have felt so far was when we went away for a week of wedding celebrations with friends. Because we weren't staying at a self-catering accommodation, we ate out a lot at places where the only vegan food was slap chips or pasta. Add to that loads of drinking, sushi, crisps and biscuits (Lays, Oreos, Jelly Tots etc are all vegan) and I returned home bloated and I would be lying if I said that I don't wish every lethargic. single day for him to experience the ‘click’ and to make the connection as I did, as it would make Being vegan still means that you have to stick to life easier for the both us. But you can't force loads of fresh fruit and vegetables, leafy greens, these things on anyone. The change has to hapcooked beans (beans out of the can are full of pen organically. salt and should be used only occasionally) and wholewheat grains such as brown rice, quinoa Reaction from others? and wholewheat couscous and pastas. When I cook for myself at home, I feel great and full of Some good, some bad. Mostly bad at first, but energy. Some evenings it's ten-thirty and I'm still perhaps that's because of the farming commubouncing off the walls, despite having woken up nity I live in, and I think a lot of people thought it at 5am. I think an increase in energy is probably would just be a phase and that I'd be back to eatthe number one benefit of becoming vegan. My ing steak and bacon in a week or two. I'm probskin, hair and nail health has improved too. I genably the only vegan in the area - in fact, I'm the erally just feel more good about myself - physifirst vegan I ever knew in my life! cally, mentally and spiritually. Also excess mucus has cleared up and my sense of smell and taste I learnt very quickly about how personally other has improved dramatically too since cutting out people take your decision to stop eating meat. dairy. I also used to get frequent headaches - and People don't like to consider themselves as being now I’ve only had probably three since going vecruel, so when you explain that you've become gan - and usually only after a big night out! vegan not for your health, but because you don't want to hurt animals, people think that you are | Issue 22


automatically implying that they are ill-treating self, speaks volumes about the unease we all caranimals and that's when either arguments start ry deep inside of ourselves regarding the raising and slaughtering of animals for our own greed. or light bulbs switch on. I also had to learn to reign in my passion for my new lifestyle pretty early, which is hard for me, because I've always been very opinionated and vocal about what I believe in. I'm an open person, and the raw honesty of my writing has been one of the main things that has kept my readers coming back over the years. I've written about crime, race, sex, strippers, gender roles and many other human issues, but as soon as I educated myself and formed an opinion about animal issues - about how we eat and the way we grow and kill animals - people started taking my opinion a lot more personally. Food IS a personal issue. Not everyone is a criminal or a stripper, but three times a day, every day, we all eat. And to say that you have changed how you eat because you feel your former way of eating was harmful to animals, your health, other human beings and the environment... well some people just don't want to deal with that. And I think that that, in it-

what has been Hardest and the easiest part of the transition? The process itself, in terms of meal preparation and diet, has been easy. There is so much information out there to help you transition to a plant-based diet. Most vegan food is quick and easy to make and once you have your pantry basics covered, it's actually so much cheaper to eat vegan than to eat meat and dairy. The hardest part has definitely been the taunting from meat-eaters and the tiresome arguments that often begin after someone asks the question, ‘why are you vegan?’ and then don't agree with your reasoning behind it. Eating out is harder too, but you soon get used to phoning ahead, or picking and choosing items off the menu that you can put together to make a vegan meal. More and more restaurants are starting to ca- | Issue 22


ter to vegans, which is great. I'm actually visiting one of my favourite cafes in the Midlands tomorrow and they've promised me a yummy vegan burger - new on their menu! We're off on a road trip through the UK in July and the amount of vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Edinburgh, for example, has me all dizzy! So I'm excited for change, because it definitely is happening. Two of my really good friends and their partners have gone vegan recently and we're all having our first vegan braai together next weekend!

Take me through a typical food day...

• Lunch: Normally a fresh salad mixed with a grain like quinoa or couscous and either kidney beans or chickpeas. • Dinner: I'll usually make a stir-fry with lots of green veg (broccoli, kale, marrows, squash etc), mushrooms, brown rice and tofu or beans. Or I'll make a tomato-based pasta with vegan basil pesto. • Snacks: Usually fruit, nuts or sliced up veggies with hummus. I try to keep vegan convenience meals, such as Fry's burgers, pies and sausages for weekend treats - although they're great in helping make the transition, they're still ‘fast’ food and so I use them sparingly.

• Breakfast: I'll have a massive smoothie made with almond milk, fruit, oats, almond slices, flaxseed powder and a protein powder (I exercise a lot, so I use a vegan protein powder from the health shop). I also try to have a green juice (apple, lemon, cel- Words by Keri Bainborough ery, spinach, cucumber) mid-morning.

Photography: Kate Martens | Issue 22

{LCHF - Low Carb High Fat}


“I am 20 kilos down and have gone from a 42 to a 38” | Issue 22

TASTE We chat to Emy Diesel who follows the LCHF way Your thoughts on alcohol? of living. I am not a big drinker, but when I feel like a glass CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE CONCEPT BEHIND of wine I have it. I try to stick to this eating plan as much as possible, but on the odd occasion LCHF... where I don't really have many options I just try LCHF is more than a diet, it's a 'way of life', a low to make the best eating choices that I can. It is carb and high fat diet. This means that you cut still difficult going out sometimes as not everyout all the bad stuff - sugar, breads, cereals, rice, one is going to cater for me, but I’m doing my pasta, potatoes and ALL processed food and you best to make the right choice for myself as often start eating foods that are low in carbohydrates, as possible. such a vegetables, meat and lots of good fats What exercise do you DO to go such as cream, cream cheese, cheese etc.

LCHF and Banting, the same thing?

along with this way of living?

I walk a lot and I have joined a gym, which I need to go to more. I found that I didn't start exercisLCHF stands for Low Carb, High Fat. I would de- ing to lose weight but more to deal with all the scribe banting as a Low Carb, Medium Protein, extra energy I had. In the mid afternoon where I would normally be having a slump I was now High Fat and Even higher vegetable diet. full of energy and didn't know what to do with When did you first discover this myself.

new dietary way of living?

I 'follow' Sharon from Blessed Barrenness and watched her journey with banting, the results were incredible and she raved about how amazing she was feeling. Those of you who read her blog will know that she is always honest in her writing and I knew that she wasn't making any of it up. I started in September and have not looked back.

TAKE ME THROUGH A TYPICAL FOOD DAY... The thing about banting is that you start to eat less as your meals are very filling. I typically eat a brunch which is either some left overs or a plate with avocado, ham and cream cheese for example. This will tide me over until supper time which is normally a salad, meat/chicken/fish and some vegetables. I do drink coffee during the day, with Xylitol and some cream or full cream milk and snacks are nuts, biltong or droewors.

HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW? I feel amazing, and I look amazing - when compared to September last year. I am 20 kilos down and have gone from a 42 to a 38. Although the 38 is starting to get a bit baggy, so soon it will be a 36. My skin has cleared completely and my body feels clean. I no longer have stomach problems, and my blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol are all exactly where they should be.

ANY ADVICE FOR OTHERS? It will be difficult to start this way of life because sugar is an addiction and your body goes into withdrawals, top that with no carbohydrates and you go through what is known as The Carb Flu where you experience things such as headaches and body pains. Be aware that this is going to happen and just get through that first week, you will not regret it! | Issue 22


We talk WINE with Port2Port THE COMPANY Our love for wine is undeniable and it seemed like the natural next step, with South African wines on the trajectory it currently enjoys. The versatility of an online platform, in terms of user interaction and product information rivals that of a physical store. Coupled with our experience in the digital industry, the stage was set all we had to do was read the opening line. Port2Port was founded in January 2014 and took one full year of research and development before the site was launched in January of 2015. The founders are: Nicolò Stortiglione Pudel, founder of the award-winning agency Pier2Pier (; Vincent Buehrer, owner of Saxenburg Wines and a third silent partner abroad.


tering personal relationships with the wine farms individually, they inform our choices and allow us to accurately represent their wines on site. Of course we also feature what we like, including our favourite expressions of terroir and ensuring that we always offer a consistent selection in terms of quality and recognition.

UNIQUENESS Thanks to our experience as a digital agency and our resources as such, we were able to create a uniquely tailored user experience and digital environment. We are constantly analyzing user behavior to ensure we give our users what they want. Unique functionalities include tailored content creation, vintage offerings, single-bottle checkout and a high-level of personal service, though as we evolve we expect to add to this list.


The Port2Port Wine Selection is a very personal thing. We’ve been very lucky in fos-

It’s too early to tell. We are collecting the data to introduce a best seller and top rat- | Issue 22

TASTE ed wine section. We’ve written an algorithm to calculate these weekly to accurately chart the preferences of our users; we’ll let you know when the results come in!


Follow us on Facebook for news from our wine world, including events, new offers, competitions and basically anything we find interesting within that general theme. TEAM MEMBERS COMPARED Our Instagram account will offer you visual TO WINE wine-spiration to get you through the day and Nicolò would be a Pinotage, a hybrid of the our weekly newsletters will follow-up with perold and new world, a foreign seed that has tak- sonalized offerings to ensure you don’t miss out en root in South Africa. Vincent, a Pinot Noir has on anything. a light, cool exterior that belies the complexTHE FUTURE ity within. Preferably served chilled. Our silent partner, a Brunello di Montalcino the perfect We have nothing but plans! Most pressing balance of wisdom and passion. Then the heart would be expanding our portfolio to include of the Port2Port team includes: Daléne would be an MCC, sparkling and delicate. Werner, a international wines and spirits. As we monitor Bordeaux Blend, carefully crafted and precise. our users’ behavior we predict a number of new And Gerhard, a big Stellenbosch Cab, silent and features to further personalize the experience and implement our loyalty program when we powerful. get the chance.

Visit | Issue 22

{The Healthy Blogger}


We chat to Jessica Ackerman, from Living Healthy up” on the weekend. I try to eat about 1g protein for every pound of lean body mass and drink a Doha. lot of water.

Tell me about the blog...

My blog began as a Facebook page, specifically targeting people living in Doha struggling to keep fit and healthy, as well as anyone who struggles to keep healthy without depriving themselves. I began to share recipes that were healthy and delicious, and now I have started to make workout videos to help people understand what to do. My blog is about clean eating, fitness, sharing great finds in grocery stores that people struggle to find out here, health and fitness gadgets, reviews of workouts, diets and other things relative to being healthy.

The decision to start the blog...

What is your exercise regime? A combination of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) three times a week followed by ab circuits, LSD (long sustained duration) cardio (twice a week), weight lifting approximately four times a week and Pilates once a week. I love Pilates and would do it more than twice a week if there were more hours in a day. I have also recently started using a Fitbit step counter to try to be more active when I am not in the gym. Having challenges with friends has really spurred me to be better.

Thoughts on alcohol and cheats? Alcohol has 7 calories for every gram, compared to 4 for protein and carbs and 9 for fats. The difference is that alcohol contains empty calories. I don’t drink very often, once, max twice a week, but when I do I choose vodka and soda with fresh lemons/lemon juice or I have red wine as it has lower sugar content and let’s be honest, it’s good for us.

I spent about a year adapting my life into a fit and healthy one. When I first moved to Doha I gained the infamous Doha Stone, mainly around my middle section. I started to have a look at my lifestyle and diet and made a change for the good. I decided I needed to share what I had learned, not only to help others but also to keep myself accountable to the lifestyle I had chosen. I find it very motivating to share encouraging informa- Cheat days are an absolute MUST for me. Withtion with people who need help or motivation out them I would go insane. Many people say themselves. you should just have a cheat meal but I tend to have a bit more than that. I tend to still “keep it Do you follow a particular plan? clean” because I have come to prefer it, but will very occasionally enjoy a slice of carrot cake or a Currently I am doing LCHF (Low carb high fat)/ pizza. I never feel good afterwards however. Ketosis/carb cycling/clean eating. I know it sounds complicated but it really is simple. I must YOUR DAY IN FOOD... first add that I have only recently started experimenting with ketosis and carb cycling (you can Well now this is difficult because I am experiread more about it on my blog). I am really an menting with something new, so I will tell you advocate of clean eating on the grand scale of about a typical day for me when simply eating things; it’s what helped me get to where I am. No clean. processed and refined foods, no sugar (as best as possible), lean proteins, vegetables and yes, Breakfast: carbs…the good ones. At the moment I am eating • ¼ cup oats with 1 cup homemade almond less than 30g net carbs in the week and “carbing | Issue 22

CREATE milk, a sizeable teaspoon of natural peanut butter (possibly more like a tablespoon – I can’t lie), sprinkled with flax seeds and chia seeds. • 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites scrambled. • Black coffee.

Snacks: • Fat bombs… yup you heard correct. Made with cacao powder, peanut butter, coconut oil, butter and frozen into ice cubes. (I have these when struggling to hit my 75% fat goal)

Snack (normally after a workout): • 100g cottage cheese (full fat preferably) • 3 Corn Thins • Beetroot/Gherkins (not pickled with sugar)

THE FUTURE? I am starting work on my ebook to be able to provide people with online training and support, especially for those who can’t afford a PT but really want to make a change.

Lunch: • 100g lean protein or oily fish • Salad (dressing: Olive oil, apple cider vinegar, wholegrain mustard and lemon juice) Instagram: @livinghealthydoha • Sweet potato Facebook: Living Healthy Doha Snack: • Protein shake or biltong Dinner: • Chicken (or any lean protein) and vegetables Dessert (not all the time): • 2 squares Lindt 70% cocoa; because who only has one My current average day LCHF: Breakfast: • Bulletproof coffee: Black coffee with 1 tblsp butter, 1 tblsp coconut oil, 1 tblsp cream and flavour (I use Sweet ‘n Low sugar free caramel syrup). Lunch: • Spinach and rocket, mackerel, olive oil, walnuts, pine nuts and cream cheese (measured into specific portions) Dinner: • Chicken pieces, skin on and rubbed with spice and cream and spinach or broccoli and cheese sauce made with cream | Issue 22


Some people have turned their love of healthy eating or fitness into a blog journey. We share their creative blogs with you for inspiration.

A Gorgeous Life Hello, my name is Candice Bresler. I am a vanilla-obsessed eater, baker and cook. I live in a beautiful little corner of Cape Town with my fantastic husband and a balcony filled with home grown vegetables and herbs. I try to lead a gorgeous life.I love food. Sometimes it’s that simple, and that complicated. My obsession with all things culinary has led to a few TV appearances and an appearance on Season 1 (as a Top 50 contestant) and Season 2 (as a guest judge) of Masterchef South Africa – and ultimately, led me here. ‘Here’ is the culmination of four years of blogging : A Gorgeous Life is rooted in food, but also delves into health, fitness and lifestyle – with some great wine and events along the way. I strive for balance and health, but sometimes get distracted by a good looking chocolate eclair, when I should be heading out the door for a jog. | Issue 22

HEALTHY FOOD ON A BUDGET The first tip: shop the specials. I go to the shops with a very short shopping list – with the items I really need for the week – ie tinned tomatoes, coconut milk, milk – but when it comes to vegetables and meat, I almost only shop the specials. Yes, this may mean that you need to be a little more inventive in the kitchen, but you can easily save a few hundred rand a week. Yes, really. READ THE FULL ARTICLE: healthy-food-on-a-budget/


3 easy, frictionless ways to improve willpower Willpower of steel

BETTER MAN My name is Erik Kruger, founder of BetterMan. I am a qualified physical therapist with a special interest in habits, motivation, strength training and nutrition. In healthcare you quickly learn that the mind has tremendous power over the body. The biggest thing I have learned up until now, is that you never stop learning. Why is this website useful for you? BetterMan is my search for answers. My journal of figuring things out. On the site you will find articles written by me but also interviews with people I consider top in their fields. Here is a taster of what you can find on the site: • Principles for a better, healthier physique • A beginners guide to meditation • How to be better by changing your habits and much more. If you want to be better, faster, stronger, smarter and harder to kill. Then I am sure the site can help you out. The best way to stay updated is to subscribe to my newsletter.

Marshmallows are awesome. We all know that. But did you know that marshmallows have also given us some incredible insight into human willpower? In 1960, Walter Mischel and his team studied a group of children. The study was straightforward. Each child was presented with a marshmallow that they could eat straightaway, or they could wait twenty minutes and receive two marshmallows. Delayed gratification is what’s important here. The key point is that when years later they followed up with these children they found that those who were able to delay gratification had fared much better in life. The problem is that delayed gratification is so difficult to manage for most people. Why? Because willpower fatigues. READ THE FULL ARTICLE: | Issue 22


MY BREAD AND ALMOND BUTTER This is a Cape Town based food blog about (you guessed it) food. It is full of healthy recipes and meal ideas, healthy nutrition tips, the BEST foodie spots in Cape Town, yoga and some personal anecdotes about the (sometimes awkward) adventures of a glutard (me). I am an unashamed foodie at heart. Food makes me happy and healthy food makes me happiest. I am that girl who takes photos of her food before she eats, and, more likely than not, instagrams it straight away. I was raised with a great appreciation for food; good, wholesome food. A woman named Anna Thomas puts it perfectly: “We all eat, and it would be a sad waste of opportunity to eat badly”. From as far back as I can remember food has always been central to my family and the way in which we spend our time together and I wholeheartedly blame my parents for my inability to eat vienna sausages. I was diagnosed with an allergy to wheat and gluten almost three years ago and, if anything, this has made me even more passionate about food than I was before. I am not a chef or a certified nutritionist, (although I have studied it formally and informally given my bookworm tendencies). I won’t tell you what to eat or what not to eat, but I will share with you a way of eating healthy food and living a healthy lifestyle that makes me truly happy. I believe in food that is gluten-free, sugarfree and wholesome. This is not just a food blog, this is the bread and (almond) butter of my soul.

THE GLUTEN AND WHEAT RANT Right, this had to happen at some point, and I thought it should be sooner rather than later. Seeing as this blog is gluten and wheat free I thought I should write a post about exactly what those terms mean because it seems like they are increasingly being used as buzzwords by people who probably can’t tell you the first thing about either gluten or wheat. If you know someone who is gluten or wheat intolerant; this post might help you to understand their frustration when you tell them to “just have a bite of cake”, or pizza, and why they look like they want to kill you when you ask them if they miss pasta. If you are considering giving up gluten or wheat, this post might help you make the right decision. If you are one of those people who don’t know what you are talking about, like I was, and just throw in the odd “mmm gluten is so bad for you” comment when people start discussing it, then hopefully this post will hit you with some knowledge. Finally, if you are already gluten and, or wheat intolerant, just bear with me because you might just learn something new. (Please know that you are my people. We share a bond that only people watching other people devouring a pizza while you can just pick the toppings off will ever be able to understand) READ THE FULL ARTICLE: | Issue 22

CREATE ZUCCHINI SPAGHETTI WITH CREAMY AVOCADO SAUCE RECIPE: http://ctveganista. com/2014/07/19/zucchini-spaghetti-withcreamy-avocado-sauce/

CT Veganista By way of introduction I am Leozette Roode, editor if CT Veganista and newly-transformed vegan living in the mother city. My first ever vegan encounter was whilst completing my honours degree in Public Relations at CPUT Cape Town. We were instructed to write an article on “My first” experience and while the rest of my classmates decided on some sort of adrenalin activity, I opted for something culinary… I wrote an article on My first vegan experience entitled: Is there egg in there? As this was a once off experience, I went back to my meat-eating ways, but going vegan every once in a while for detox purposes. It was only after watching Earthlings in June of 2012 that I transformed to being a fulltime Pescatarian. In January 2014 I decided to give up fish, eggs and diary as well and take on the Veganuary challenge of supporting veganism for the month of January. During this time I got completely hooked on living a healthy, raw vegan lifestyle and decide to convert permanently. So here I am… a 100% veganista opting to help other potential vegans make the switch and survive in the mother city of Cape Town. My objectives for this blog are to: • Educate readers on how easy it is to cook wholesome, home cooked vegan meals • Educate the public on the benefits if being vegan and to prove that you do get all the nutrition you need from a plant-based diet • Identify vegan products and where to buy them and how to use them • Identify vegan dishes at restaurants or dishes that can be easily modified to suit vegan needs • And finally to educate restaurants on veganism and hopefully convince them to add vegan friendly dishes to their menus I sincerely hope CT Veganista will serve its purpose in your vegan needs! | Issue 22


Let’s get fit! I’m a big advocate of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I exercise and eat well and allow myself treats often. Life, I believe, should be lived fully. I wanted to share with you my four great loves when it comes to exercise.

Running Yoga

- bikram at Yo Yoga

Pilates Gym

- the road and the great unknown

- at Studio 2 Pilates

- at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa

I believe in finding what works for you. This is my journey... | Issue 22



Running plays a huge part of my life. Growing up I was always a little on the chubby side and I realised very early on in life that I loved food a little too much. I was never very good at sport at school and my lack of coordination made me very unsuitable for most team sports. It was only in my late twenties that I discovered running. I definitely didn’t enjoy it from the start and my training basically started out by running to one pole, walking to the next pole and so on. I remember the first time I ran 3km without stopping and I felt so proud of myself. I think that is the best thing about running, the fact that it is so easy to see your improvement. I also liked the fact that the only person I was trying to beat was myself. I’ve never been very good when it comes to competition with other people, but I absolutely love the idea of constantly pushing myself. Then the bug bit... Suddenly I started to love the feeling that running gave me and I understood what was meant by a ‘Runner’s High’. I started added more and more km’s and soon entered my first 10km race. The feeling of camaraderie and accomplishment you get after finishing a race surprised me. After that I joined a club (Stella Athletics Club) and surrounded myself with other running lovers. I continued to do more and more and eventually found myself running marathons and yes eventually even ultra-marathons. I discovered that I loved running long distances and I still count the Comrades Marathon to be one of my greatest achievements in life. I’ve now moved to Cape Town where I am I am blessed to run with the view of Table Mountain each day. I have recently joined the most amazing group of runners, Carbineers Western Province and it feels great to be part of a team again. I also do Park Run most Saturdays which is a fantastic place for runners or walkers of all abilities to take part. Why do I run? I run for freedom, to clear my mind, to find inspiration, to stay healthy, to eat cake, to meet new friends and to challenge myself. I will always be a runner. | Issue 22



Yoga has been a great love of mine for a very long time, and I seem to go through stages where I go all the time and then I hardly go at all. But I always seem to find myself coming back and I know it is something I need to start embracing on more of a full time basis because there really is nothing quite like the feeling of a yoga class. I’ve toyed with the idea of one day becoming a teacher myself so it’s definitely something that captivated me from the very beginning. The thing with yoga is that you need to find a class that suits you. So if you go to one class and don’t enjoy it you should definitely try another yoga style or another teacher. When I first found Yo Yoga I knew that it was the type of yoga that had been missing in my life and that I would never want to do anything else. Yo Yoga offers bikram, yo bikram, ashtanga and vinyasa flow yoga and all their classes are done in a hot studio (either 40, 35 or 30 degrees depending on the class you are doing). What I love about Bikram (90 minutes) and Yo Bikram (60 minutes) is that it is an unchanging sequence of 26 postures so it is quite easy to judge how you are improving through each class. Is it easy? It’s as easy as you want it to be. I love anything that allows me to really push myself and I cannot quite explain the feeling of exhilaration that passes through you when you leave the hot room to the cool air outside. It’s a rush of endorphin and a feeling that you can take on the world. As a runner I feel that the combination of running and yoga is a match made in heaven. All those muscles that I tighten through running get a wonderful chance to release through yoga. Just writing this is making me look forward to my class later on today. Visit 021 - 671 0888 Cavendish Close, Warwick Street, Claremont | Issue 22



I was fortunate enough to meet the lovely Dianne who runs Studio2Pilates through her husband Phaedon who I know through his awesome company Cape Coffee Beans (and while this is not a page to promote his company I have to seriously encourage you to visit and order some coffee!). I met Dianne to do some design work for her and my immediate thought was ‘damn, I want to look like her’. So I quizzed her about what she does in terms of exercise and she told me that she runs Studio2Pilates. She invited me to try it out. I had already decided years ago that Pilates was not something I would enjoy. I don’t know why but in my mind I thought it was going to be boring and so I didn’t even give it a try. So I was quite sceptical the first time I went. Well Dianne changed my mind. The class was intense and the small deliberate movements worked my body far more than I thought they would. I realised how little attention I actually pay to my body each day and I loved how much more aware I was of every part during the class. You really start to figure out where your strengths and weaknesses are and after going to a few classes I’m already feeling the benefit of it. Benefits of Pilates? (from their website): • Improves muscle tone and definition • Addresses postural problems • Improves both strength and flexibility • Complements other forms of exercises • Improves balance, coordination and circulation • Relieves pain and tension. They offer classes to suit all levels of fitness. I am now going every Monday and I’m loving the way my body is starting to feel from the classes. If you’re interested please visit 1 Milldene Avenue, Claremont | Issue 22



I’ve never been much of a gym person. I think it’s the thought of all these body builders staring and judging you that put me off. Then I went to the Sports Science Institute of South Africa and my mindset changed completely. I still cannot pinpoint exactly what it is about this gym that I love so much but I always feel so comfortable when I’m there. There seems to be a very big variety of different people that go and nobody is bothered about anyone else but themselves. It has a great layout too and I was of course extremely persuaded by the 140m indoor running track that runs around it. This makes it the perfect place to go in Winter, when running around outside doesn’t seem quite so appealing anymore. Other than the track they also offer a 25m swimming pool and a wide variety of different machines for both cardio and strength training. When you sign up you also get a fully comprehensive health and fitness assessment with one of their biokineticists who help you figure out where you are in terms of health and wellness and where you want to be. I recently suffered from some terrible shin splints and I had no idea what to do. I called up SSISA who recommended one of the physiotherapists to me. I immediately made an appointment. They definitely knew what they were doing and after careful examination, a sports massage and some great advice I was left feeling confident that I was on the mend. As I type this I can now say that my legs are almost fully healed and to be honest I wouldn’t mind going back for another sports massage. As they state on their website: They use exercise and health promotion as tools and they strive to improve human performance at all levels, whether it be for • lifestyle, recreation and enjoyment • competition and improved sporting performance for any athlete • high performance. There’s just something about this gym that makes me keep coming back again and again. If you’d like to find out more about it visit or contact June Knight on 021 - 659 5718, | Issue 22

DISCOVER | Issue 22



We chat to Elan, founder of Sleekgeek.


WHEN AND WHY DID SLEEKGEEK START? At the time I was involved in the "geek" com-

munity on twitter. Everything was geek this or geek that. So Sleekgeek was what I aspired to be :) I never knew I was creating a mass market brand at the time but all kinds of people seem to love the name and love wearing our gear and representing.

It was an accident really. In November 2011 I decided I needed to lose some weight and for the first time in my life I experienced how much better it is to be healthy. I started a small challenge with a group of friends to lose weight in 6 weeks and created a Facebook group for us to chat together. In September 2012 I left my EXPLAIN SLEEKGEEK... corporate career to take on Sleekgeek full time. Now we have over 26,000 people in the group We want to inspire 100,000 South Africans to and I have two employees. live a healthy lifestyle as our first milestone. Everything we do is intended to improve people's lives. 99% of what we do is free of charge so

Our very own Warren Bernard recently did the 8 week Sleekgeek Challenge and lost almost 7kg!


DISCOVER people can gain tremendous benefit for nothing. My vision is to never charge people for support because everyone deserves it. Our main revenue stream are our 8 Week Challenges which 1000's of people do each year.

How has Sleek Geek grown?

It is just kept growing in every way. More members, more products, more content. Growing has lost some of the initial intimacy but on the whole I think the community is more diverse and benefits more people. Our goal is to simply get more Do you advocate a particular awesome each day! The exciting part for me is type of diet or exercise? that I still do not know where we are going or We support different lifestyles but we encourage how we will get there. The possibilities are endpeople to eat real food. Eat less processed foods, less. less sugar and lots of vegetables. We want people to eat food that is actually food provided by THE FUTURE nature and not man. Meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds and drink water. We do Soon we will launch a Sleekgeek Marketplace Dinot believe in quick fixes or magic wonder diet rectory listing for business owners in the health and fitness space to list their services for our pills or supplements. members around the country. I am very excited about that. We have big plans to take our 8 Week HOW CAN PEOPLE JOIN? Challenge to the next level. Our REBOOT 30 day You can simply start by joining our Facebook Nutrition Challenge is getting a 100 page success Group at guide for download. Plus a whole lot more that I or check out to see all do not even know about yet ;) that we offer. Most people, in fact over 16,000, people have started with our 30 Day REBOOT Nu- Take me through a typical day of trition Challenge because it gets such life chang- food for you... ing results. It can be found at www.sleekgeek. and it is 100% free. We have built I wake up and have a Battle Brew MCT Coffee to an amazing support community around it to help give me some good fat fuel. Otherwise some eggs our people succeed. and avo or eggs and free range bacon with no sugar in it. If you read labels you will see most bacon has sugar in it. I am not scared of fat. Lunch is I HAVE NOTICED THERE IS A big COMMUNITY FEEL with SLEEKGEEK... typically a big tuna salad with some home made Paleo style Mayo which is far healthier, dinner is First and foremost we are a community. People either meat, fish or chicken with vegetables. I try interact online via social media at first but then eat a lot of vegetables. I do not eat fruit. My only start to make friends and interact in real life. We carbs are from vegetables and I do not eat sugar. also have a monthly dinner in JHB and CT where I only drink water, tea and coffee that has been the community comes and socialises with one decaffeinated by the Co2 process. I have cheats another. Many of our people attend the parkruns because I am human but I am always mindful in groups too. There are always events and activi- that they undermine my health. I remind myself that I eat to live and I do not live to eat. ties happening | Issue 22


LIVE MORE | Issue 21


Brookside Admin Brackenfell Expert Bookkeepers and Tax Practitioners 021 - 828 2119 | Issue 21


Time to win some competitions! Winners announced 25 April 2015 unless stated otherwise


three lucky readers can win two tickets to the south african cheese festival AT sandringham, stellenbosch Tickets are for Monday 27 April (Public Holiday) ENTER: Email with the subject line: Cheese. Winners will be announced 20 April 2015. | Issue 22


Two lucky readers can each win a set of double tickets to the Whisky Live Showroom in Durban Details: Whisky Live Festival, the organisers of the popular Whisky Live Festival and Showroom tasting events, have announced that three Showrooms will be held in South Africa in 2015. The Showrooms will take place in Durban on 24 and 25 April 2015, in Pretoria on 14 and 15 May 2015 and in Cape Town from 18 – 20 June 2015. The Whisky Live Showrooms are intimate, handcrafted events that display some of the best local and international whiskies, presented under one roof by the world’s leading experts. Some of the whiskies available for tasting include firm favourites from House of Walker, Chivas Regal, Glenfiddich, Glenmorangie and Bunnahabhain as well as newcomers Tomatin and Smokehead. Innis & Gunn, a craft beer made in whisky barrels, will also offer an intriguing interlude for the curious and adventurous alike. The Durban Showroom will return to Suncoast, giving Durban fans of the dram the opportunity to enjoy their favourite whiskies and encounter new expressions of this ancient drink. Twitter: @WhiskyLiveSA Facebook: ENTER: Email with the subject line: Whisky | Issue 22


Win two free group classes with studio 2 pilates ENTER: Email with the subject line: Pilates 1 Milldene Avenue, Claremont

4 win a week of unlimited yoga with yo yoga ENTER: Email with the subject line: Yo Yoga


win a fat snack diary and stay on track with your health ENTER: Email with the subject line: Fat Snack

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram @thefatsnack | Issue 22



Win an entry into the next sleekgeek and fitness 101 ‘ultimate you’ challenge ENTER: Email with the subject line: Sleekgeek


win a r300 voucher to ca gourmet sushi ENTER: Email with the subject line: CA Gourmet

Winners must reside in Cape Town. Please note that free delivery only pertains to those living in the Southern Suburbs. Email: Facebook: CA Gourmet Sushi Production Twitter: @CAGourmetsushi | Issue 22


Win a 1 month membership to The Sports Science InsTitute of SA This fantastic prize includes a comprehensive fitness assessment and personalised training programme. Prize value R1492. ENTER: Email with the subject line: SSISA | Issue 22


Win a 1 x Value Red & White Mixed Case from Wine Web – This includes 6 bottles, 3 red and 3 white and includes delivery. ENTER: Email with the subject line: Wine | Issue 22


Do you want to advertise with us? Email Christine on Go on.. all the cool kids are doing it. | Issue 22

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