Issue 24 June 2015

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The collaboration issue June 2015 Issue 24


collab 1 Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved - Mattie Stepanek ‘Why would you collaborate with that person? Aren’t they your competition?’ is the common question I get asked. People are so worried about others stealing their business that they stay in their own little bubble and refuse to rub shoulders with anyone. The world is big. There is enough work to go around, I promise. Collaborating with people is one of the biggest and best ways to find growth as it helps you find new ideas and create new opportunities. The more people you interact with the more chance of other people noticing who you are and what you do. I’m not going to go around stealing business from people, but if someone comes to me and I’m either too busy or it’s not exactly in my line of work then I have a great network of people to refer them to. And they’ll do the same for me. We’re a community. This month we take a look at how collaboration has worked for other people! So... if you ever want to collaborate with me... then pop me an email! Lastly, if you want to get involved in Flat White Magazine, through articles or advertising, please contact me. We’d love to welcome you to the Flat White family! With love, laughter and a lot of coffee. Christine

@FW_Concepts | Issue 24

THE COVER A COLLABORATION WITH CUPCAKE MUMMY This month I collaborated with the very talented Cupcake Mummy, well known for her beautiful drawings. We had a lot of fun with this one, taking our two favourite characters and making them hold hands. Please show her some love: Twitter: @cupcakemummy Facebook: TheCupcakeMummy Websites: www.cupcakemummy.

So you’re a coffee lover? You’ve tried most of the top coffee brands in South Africa, have your view on what’s good and what’s not, where the best coffee shops are and what’s the best on their menu... But have you tried to Roast Your Own Coffee yet? Commercially, you’d need a roasting drum set very specifically to a set time and temperature, but for home roasting, you can literally do it on the hob, or on the braai, just like the Ethiopians do. RYO Coffee is South Africa’s first dedicated green Micro lot distributor and we’re here to help you make amazing coffee, yourselves. You can find most required tools on our site (beans, grinder, measuring spoons, French Press), and everything else is probably already in your kitchen (pan / pot, stove, sieve), as well as a host of information to do with the roasting, grinding and brewing of your coffee, and some other interesting facts that you may not know. | 083 231 7439

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On a beautiful Thursday a few weeks ago we were fortunate enough to join the Sideways and Zomato team on their #MysteryTour through the Swartland Wine Region.

Next stop: A.A Badenhorst Family Wines

All we were told was the following: Meet at Gusto Cafeteria at 8am sharp and the rest of the tour will be revealed as the day goes on. Now I'm a sucker for anything that involves clues and mysteries so I knew this was going to be a day that I would never forget. And I wasn't wrong. So first stop: Gusto Cafeteria

On our next stop we were promised a guide that looked like Sean Connery. When we arrived at A.A Badenhorst it was pretty obvious who that was, as the incredibly entertaining Adi took us on a tour of his cellar. He spoke to us frankly about the wines and allowed us to taste straight from the barrels. There were no airs and graces we all immediately felt relaxed (the wine helped with that too of course!).

This was my first time visiting Gusto Cafeteria, situated in the heart of Gardens and I will definitely be back. What a cool place! It's tucked away from the busy road and makes for a gentle retreat in beautiful surroundings. Here we enjoyed muesli and yoghurt, poached eggs on croissants (or on asparagus for those wanting to cut down on the carbs) and a delicious cup of Next stop: Het Vlok Casteel coffee. I'd probably go back and order the exact same thing! Great start to the tour. The day was filled with mysteries and clues to which we all had to deciper in order to determine where we were going next. The only way to figure out the answer was to use our Sideways app. | Issue 24

TASTE The next clue took us to the beautiful Het Vlock Final stop: Riebeek Cellars Casteel which lies at the foot of Kasteelberg (Castle Mountain) in the Riebeek Valley. Here we enjoyed a olive oil tasting which was certainly a first for me, while we were taken through the history of the farm and a detailed look into the olive oil itself. Next stop: Bar Bar Black Sheep

By now we were suitably rowdy and we headed off to our final stop, Riebeek Cellars. Despite being over an hour late they were incredibly accommodating and took us in with good spirits. This was such a fun way to end off our perfect day as we all got to try our hand at blending our own wines. There were seven different wines we could choose from and once we had blended them we had to come up with a name and pass it around to be tested. Our wine, entitled Mister Rie, came third. We then got to bottle them up and take them home.

By now we were suitably hungry, so off we went for lunch at one of my new favourite restaurants, Bar Bar Black Sheep. Our table was beautiful, with colourful seats and sunflowers dotting the table, and was set in the corner near the vines creeping up the wall. We were treated to delicious food - such as bitterballen (yes please, more for me), sheeps heart (woah, I actually really enjoyed this), samoosas, slow roasted lamb shoulder, salads, passionfruit cheesecake, espresso and a tot of brandy. Oh and with all of this came many (oh yes, many) glasses of wine. We played various games to get to know each other and by the end we were suitably chatty and secrets were out (as well as a few dance moves on show). We loved it so much we were late for our next venue. Oops.

What an amazing day, once again reminded me how lucky we are to be living in such a beautiful city with such quick access to so many amazing things. I urge you all to download both the Zomato and the Sideways app - for foodies and wine lovers alike. Words: Christine Bernard Photos: Warren Bernard Links: Zomato: Sideways: Gusto: @GustoCafeteria (Twitter) A.A Badenhorst: Het Vlok Casteel: Bar Bar Black Sheep: Riebeek Cellars: || Issue Issue 24 24

TASTE | Issue 24


Chocolate and Thyme Mousse Chocolate mousse has always been one of our favourite desserts. I remember making it with Mum for dinner parties and if I had to go to bed before they had dessert (which often happened) I wouldn’t get any which was basically the worst thing that could happen to me (or so I thought at 7 years old). I remember always waking up the next day and running eagerly to the fridge to see if there were leftovers and then sneakily stealing some for breakfast. This recipe is adapted from our Aunt Annie’s famous chocolate mousse recipe that is impossible to mess up and only requires 5 ingredients. We adapted it as we wanted to incorporate our Golden Thyme truffle into the mousse. We infused the cream with thyme and left it overnight so as to add an interesting flavour to a traditional chocolate mousse.

Method 1. Heat the cream and add the thyme. 2. Leave to cool and then place in the fridge overnight to infuse. 3. Strain the cream (Really squeeze the cream out of the thyme). 4. Break the chocolate into squares and melt with the butter on a double boiler or in the microwave on a low heat. 5. Allow the chocolate to cool for a minute or two. 6. Whisk the egg yolks, then slowly pour the melted chocolate into the yolks while whisking. 7. Whisk the egg whites until sift peaks form and gently fold them into the mixture. 8. Whisk the cream until soft peaks form and gently fold it into the mixture. 9. Pour into whiskey glasses or big glass dish (roughly 25 x 25cm) and refridgerate (we find overnight works best and serves up the best consistency). 10.Top with whipped cream and decorate with grated chocolate, cacao nibs or nuts.

We used a combination of dark and milk chocolate as this was used in our truffle and this allowed the flavour of the thyme to come through nicely but still maintained a good cocoa flavour. We divided the mousse into four whiskey glasses and topped them with a blob of cream and cacao nibs. You can also make the mousse in a Notes large ceramic or glass dish and line the bottom • If you prefer a traditional plain chocolate mousse eliminate the thyme. with boudoir biscuits. • If you enjoy a dark chocolate mousse use 180g of dark chocolate instead of the milk chocolate.


By Saszali

• 250ml cream • 90g milk chocolate • 90g dark chocolate • 2 tbsp butter • +/- 10 sprigs of fresh thyme • 2 eggs Optional • 1 packet of boudoir biscuits (as a base) • Nuts, grated chocolate or cacao nibs | Issue 24

TASTE Our NEW Coffee Academy Officially Open! We offer the following exciting courses: • Team building • Beginners Workshop • Start your own coffee shop • One on One training

Kindly contact us for more information: | Regent Road, SeaIssue Point||Issue 19 20 | Issue 20

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Barista Sponsorship Programme

Young? Great Personality? Eager to Learn? If you know anyone that ticks all three of these boxes then please send their details to The Barista Sponsorship Programme offers selected unemployed young people an opportunity to apply for complimentary training. After which they’ll try and assist them towards finding their first time job. This fantastic collaboration is held by mischu at 85a Regent Road in Sea Point and is a wonderful idea by owner Mikhael Bou Rjeily who wants to share his passion with the right people while also helping the community. Contact him today if you or someone you know wants to get involved! | Issue 24

This is a collaboration between mischu and Byblos Trading Co



Ed's note: I've tried this and it's delicious!

From the start, this salad dressing is so much more interesting and delicious than the title suggests – ‘creamy coriander, garlic and spring onion dressing made in seconds with a stick blender’ just seemed a little excessive for a title. But, that is, essentially, what it is. I got this recipe from an old flat mate years ago – and sadly, haven’t made it as often as I should. After digging out the recipe from an old leverarch file, I was excited to show the Mr the ‘magic’. I’ve been on a bit of a journey through stick blender recipes – making mayonnaise and Hollandaise in jars with one, in seconds. This dressing is no different. Simply place all ingredients into a jar, wait for the eggs to sink to the bottom, and blend from the bottom up. It’s that simple, and has never failed me. You can see a little before and after photograph of this dressing here.

Ingredients • 1/4 cup white or Balsamic vinegar • 1 1/2 cups neutral flavoured oil (sunflower, peanut, avocado, macadamia etc) • 3 raw, whole eggs • 1 1/2 tsp salt • 3 tsp sugar • 2 cloves garlic • 2 tbsp Mixed or Italian dried herbs • 1 cup fresh herbs of your choice – a mixture of rocket and coriander works wonderfully • 3 spring onions, roughly chopped

Method Place all ingredients in a tall jar – I like to use Consol jars – and wait for the eggs to sink from the bottom. Insert your stick blender to the very bottom of the jar and start blending up. Once all emulsified, give it a quick all-overblend, and you’re done. Store in a airtight container in the fridge.

I adore coriander, so that is my predominant herb-of-choice in this, but feel free to add basil, mint – even rosemary could be lovely with a rare roast lamb salad. This makes almost two cups and is amazing on almost any salad – especially my recent quinoa and spinach salad Recipe by Candice Bresler discovery. | Issue 24 | Issue 24

CREATE I wanted to introduce you to one of the most beautiful and creative souls I know, Nicky Rothman from Happy Indie People. I recently bought some pants from her and I fell in love with everything about them. The way they felt on me, the way they were packaged, and mostly what the stood for. I wanted to share her story with you. Tell me more about Happy Indie People Over the past 5 years, I have been struggling with issues like slave labour, human trafficking, unfair wage issues, environmental sustainability, animal cruelty and so many other things. I actually became despondent and questioned EVERYTHING I did and how it linked up with the above mentioned crisis in my heart and head. Jacques (my husband) and I began to change the way we lived; We decided that if we could not afford ‘fair trade’ and true eco brands, that we would just manage without those things. Or make our own. We discovered that the clothing and material industry was one of the largest contributors to everything that was unfair. Them and coffee.So we decided to make our own clothing and drink fair trade coffee. It took me about 3 years to learn how to sew, design and interpret patterns, and I continue to learn. The name Happy Indie People, centralises around the independent culture we find everywhere today. And if you look really closely, these guys are the happiest because they don't belong to the system. They are a self taught culture, helping others like themselves to become something more in this world! I believe that the Indie culture looks at everything they do holistically. | Issue 24

CREATE Take us through your product range At the moment, I have a Japanese inspired minimalistic clothing range. Its based on modesty, simplicity and comfort. I'm trying as much as possible to use natural fibres like cotton, linen and hemp, as these are easy care and have a long life. What would you say your clothes stand for? I would hope they stand for simplicity, comfort and non-consumerism. How would you describe your own style? Oooo, this is hard! I've never really thought I had a style, but if I had to say I think it would be a mix between Japanese/Scandinavian minimalism and Shabby Chic BUT always paired with comfy shoes! What does the future hold for Happy Indie People? I just hope that my label would inspire people to dress with the greater picture in their minds; a move away from labels that ignore their impact on humanity and nature and a move towards supporting companies that desire to make the earth better! Happy Indie People plans to empower others even if it means them sewing just for themselves. What inspires you? Gosh! E V E R Y T H I N G! Especially people who are making a positive impact on humanity and nature. Who is your fashion icon? I guess it would be Amanda Laird Cherry! How can people get hold of you? Email: Facebook: happyindiepeople | Issue 24

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One of the most successful and creative collaborations I have seen happened last year between two talented bloggers: Cupcake Mummy and Green Lydia. Together they created a book by each taking turns writing a chapter. I looked forward to this story each week and I’m excited to hear there is going to be a book number 2 this year! I chatted to the two of them to find out more:

Cupcake tweeted that she had writers block and was out of inspiration for her blog. I suggested she writes a story with me. She writes a chapter and then I do and so forth. You know, like the game you used to play as kids. Little did I know Well it started off as a silly little bit of fun to get she would run with it and it would turn into an our blog mojo’s back; we were going to put a few actual book. words together and write a short story where I would write a chapter and Lydia would write a follow up chapter and so on for about a month. Somehow we got caught up in it and ended up writing a novella together.

Cupcake, tell me more about the project that the two of you were involved in?

How was the process and how was the response like from friends and fans?

Lydia, How did this project start?

Cupcake: I really enjoyed it, I love writing and have always said I wanted to write a book and I couldn’t have picked anyone better to write it | Issue 24

CREATE with. Fans, we actually gained a few of those to our suprise! No one in my family read it (bums) but friends and others would encourage us to get the next chapter up, they’d cry with us and yell at us when we did something to the characters. They also pushed us to keep going.

Well Lydia and I have decided that we’re going to attempt book 2 this year, Like Love will be making it’s appearance on our blogs shortly so those who enjoyed book one can look forward to that though we do warn that it’s going to be a little slower to post than it’s predecessor as the chapters are longer and the story is more intense Lydia: It was a ton of fun to write. We are by no (bring tissues, we have a plot). I have a few other means professional writers and there are count- collab’s happening as well, one in particular close less mistakes be they story related or grammati- to my heart as it’s raising funds for SADAG. cal. But our readers read on regardless and that made us want to write more.

What was your favourite part about the Lydia, Did you plan the book chapters and process and what positive outcome did the outcome, or did you just see where you receive from it? it was going to lead you? Cupcake: There was no plot but we knew how it

ended so the in-between was a mystery. I loved It was all done on the fly. We had a basic (very not knowing what I was going to write next and basic) story line. No planning what so ever was the anticipation of reading what Lydia would done. come up with for me to follow with. We have completely different writing styles and we challenged each other with every chapter and I think my writing grew a lot during this project.

What benefits do you think comes from the art of collaboration?

Cupcake: Collaborations can often surprise you and make something even more amazing than if you had done it alone so I’d say if you’re given the opportunity take it, you get to learn new tips and tricks and you get to challenge yourself at the same time which is always a great thing. Lydia: Team work is a great benefit. We had to learn to be patient with each other. Because we were just writing as we went along some weeks were busier than others that meant you had to wait to read the next chapter and thus wait to write yours. I reckon we make a good team.

Cupcake, do you have any future collaborations planned?

Lydia: The twist and turns we threw at each other were quite fun. The next person to write only read it the same time as the readers. This kept us on our toes. I was (and am still) overwhelmed by the amount of positive feedback we got. It still blows my mind that any would want to read something we come up with for fun. Follow them and stay up to date for book number two: Cupcake Mummy: Green Lydia: | Issue 24

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CREATE | Issue 24


Meet Meghan Maconochie from The pencil project Meet Meghan...

Tell me more about the Colour in Africa project...

Meghan Maconochie is by far one of my top favourite artists of all time and everyday on Instagram I look forward to her new image. We collaborated to together and she created Colour in Africa is a new project close to our hearts. The Pencil Project, along with the Milkthe coolest image of me! shed, are teaming up to collect colour pencils She creates all her amazing and very detailed to send up through Africa. Initially, our friends doing the Putfoot rally 2015 will take as much drawings using only pencil shavings! as they can carry, but I do hope that this is going to be an on going issue. I have had such We spoke to Meghan to find out more... an amazing response already, and feel very blessed to be able to do this.

How and why did you start this pencil Where can people find your work? shavings project?

I wanted to do a 365 day project. But I wanted You can view my work through Instagram and it to be really unique. I came across the pencil Facebook, but I am also available via email shavings while coming up with an idea for lo- and now sell originals and prints. cal company, Nifty 250. The idea just stuck. To find out more here are her links. Please contact her if you’d like one of her amazing drawings, or if you’d like to get involved in Colour in Africa:

How many pencils do you go through in a week?

Email: It really just depends on what I’m doing. Also, I have collected so many pencils this year which I keep in jars (colour coordinated of course) so Instagram: it’s hard to tell exactly how many I really go meghanmaconochie through. Facebook: ThePencilProjectByMeghanMaconochie | Issue 24 | Issue 24

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#Sch Collab Nobody does collaboration better than the Schwarzie™ sisters. Last year saw a very successful meeting of creative minds as they collaborated with artist Ross Symons and KIN on Kloof to put together a window display. The end effect was beautiful and they quite simply added sunshine to everyone’s day through their creativity and sense of fun. Let me tell you about about the three brains behind this operation:

strongly in staying true to their South African heritage and have a big focus on community and creativity. It’s impossible to walk in and not buy something. Trust me.

As I said, the Schwarzie™ sisters are great when it comes to collaboration and so they contacted Ross and asked him to be a part of their Natures Confetti collection in the KIN store. Together they created a beautiful window display which was a ™ is a sister-made company comprising welcome sight for all of Cape Town to see. They of two beautiful and talented ladies, Astrid and celebrated life with colour and enthusiasm and Karen Schwarz. I’ve had the pleasure of working showed how important it is to work together. with them a few times and their enthusiasm for life is incredibly catchy. They are in the midst of Ross speaks to us about the experience: building a multi-faceted creative brand through their designs and offer a wide range including “When I walked into the KIN store for the first jewellery, decor and stationery. They spread time I felt welcome and inspired. So working happiness and confetti wherever they go. with the Schwarzie™ sisters to set up the shop’s window was really great as I was able to be part of what the store made me feel. I loved how organised and open to ideas the Schwarzie™ girls is run by Ross Symons who is an were. From the first meeting we had to the end origami artist based in Cape Town. I’ve been of the project it all just fell into place. following his work from the beginning and it’s Although I make different products to what been incredible to see him grow from strength Schwarzie™ does, we both use paper as our base to strength. It seems as if everyone is after one of medium. The combinations of the origami flowhis designs and it’s easy to see why. I urge you to ers and the paper leaves and greenery made for follow him on Instagram to see his designs on a an awesome display. daily basis. He is a fantastic inspiration and quite frankly an origami ninja. I have had a few enquires from potential clients (or follow on Instagram: after the window installation but for me this prowhite_onrice or Facebook: whiteonriceofficial) ject was more about connecting with other crea-


White On Rice

tives. Creating cool stuff by myself is awesome but working with others to create something is is one of the most gorgeous shops in Cape really great and I hope I get the opportunity to do Town, offering a range of locally made prodsomething like this again.” ucts such as jewellery, bags, decor, ceramics, prints, books, toys, cards and more. They believe

KIN | Issue 24

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With this month’s theme being collaboration I knew immediately that I had to something on Pecha Kucha, one of my favourite collaboration events in Cape Town. It’s the epitome of what good collaboration is all about and always sees hundreds of people flocking to the event to be inspired, motivated and enchanted. Each time I have walked out thinking, ‘what amazing people we have in Cape Town’. So what is Pecha Kucha? Their website describes it best: The presentation format is based on a simple idea: 20 images displayed for 20 seconds each whilst the presenter talks you through it. It is a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things interesting. It forces people to reduce, to clear their minds and think about what is relevant. It is amazing how much you can put

across in 6 minutes and 40 seconds. The casual atmosphere of the event makes it easy to socialise naturally. You can speak to any presenter during the beer break and say: “That was fantastic, I love what you do!” – and start a conversation from there. PechaKucha drags you into a live situation with atmosphere, energy and real human interaction. The speakers will inspire you as they share their passions, their creativity, their achievements, just about anything really… PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in 2003 by Klein Dytham Architecture. It draws its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”. It was started as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. It has however, turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring people worldwide. | Issue 24

DISCOVER I met up with the charismatic Dave Cotton, who Diverse and interesting. Our mantra, we are all is the Cape Town License holder. He has been in- creative. volved with Pecha Kucha Cape Town since September 2010, and if you’ve been to any of the events you will have seen him stand up and get the show rolling. It’s amazing what people are out there. Such talent, such generosity, such everything.

Why is the Cape Town Pecha so special?

How would you describe Pecha Kucha to those that are new to it? How can people get involved? It is a public speaking platform with 9 diverse Apply via our website speakers per event. Each speaker has 6 minutes and 40 seconds on the stage.The format is 20 x 20. This trademarked format allows each speaker to speak for 20 seconds per slide for 20 slides. This keeps it concise and keeps the interest of the audience up.

What talk has stood out to you the most?

Where does Pecha Kucha originate from? Tokyo in 2003 Check out

Will it always be free?

A 15 year old computer programmer teaching underprivileged children to program computers. Genius. PechaKucha Night 34 takes place at 7pm on 15 July at The Assembly. Do you have a story to tell? Of course you do! Visit and apply.


Keep up to date with Pecha news:

What type of talks are you generally looking for?

Facebook: PechaKuchaCapeTown Twitter: @PechaKuchaCT | Issue 24


The Wine

I was lucky enough to get my hands on the amazing Tangled Tree collection. Firstly, as a designer, I was impressed by their packaging. The beautiful bottles are so aesthetically pleasing that I immediately wanted to try them all. I started off with the Rose first. Now I’m not a Rose fan, I like dry red wine and I very seldom stray from that. So I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it, and found it almost too easy to drink (admittedly the second bottle was opened quite quickly). I’ve been doing a little digging from those around me to find out what the most popular wine is and so far the general consensus seems to be the Tangled Tree Chocolate Cabernet Sauvignon and the Tangled Tree Moscato Rose. I’m yet to try the Cabernet Sauvignon as I have a feeling it’s going to be the best and I’m keeping the best for last, but I’ve tried everything else except that and the Chardonnay and I loved them all. With their eco-friendly packaging they obviously have a lot of respect for the world around us. I was very impressed. Keep a look out for my Facebook and Twitter posts where I’ll be letting you know how the Chocolate Cabernet Sauvignon tasting goes!

And guess what - you can win a box of 6 wines from Tangled Tree. See our competitions page for more!

TANGLED TREE TROPICAL SAUVIGNON BLANC This crisp and fruity Sauvignon Blanc has bona fide aromas of tropical fruit including guava, melon and slight undertones of gooseberry. With a crisp and fresh finish, abundant tropical fruit flavours - this wine is a true “wine for any occasion”!


This deep red wine has a veritable spicy nuance with rich and powerful red berry essence. The spice on the palate is well integrated and the smooth, well structured tannins makes this a wine for any occasion or just pure indulgence.



Fruit-driven dry white


An oaked matured, fruit driven red wine



90% Sauvignon Blanc 10% Colombar


100% Shiraz








15 – 20 Years old


10 Years old


Well drained alluvial sandy soil; Karoo


Sandstone; Karoo


4 Wire Perold system


Drip irrigation controlled by a computer system through meters and tensiometers



Harvesting is done by hand and machine. Night harvested at optimum ripeness



These grapes are vinified with minimal intervention to allow this spicy variety to express its individual characteristics. This wine was matured for four months in French oak to further enhance the natural spices.

4 Wire Perold system


Drip irrigation controlled by a computer system through meters and tensiometers


Hand harvested. Harvested at optimum ripeness


Grapes are hand-picked, crushed and juice is cold settled. Fermentation temperatures is kept low and post-fermentation lees contact is given to enhance flavour.


Alc: 12.33% R/S: 5.1g/l T/A: 6.25g/l pH: 3.59


1 year from vintage


12 x 750ml


600 2269 001 198


1600 2269 001 195

PET Eco-friendly IPW

w w w . t a n g l e d t r e e . c o m

FOOD SUGGESTIONS A food-friendly wine. Try with roasted meat dishes, pork, lamb, venison, ham, duck and cheese.




Alc: 13.75% R/S: 6.3g/l T/A: 5.54g/l pH: 3.56



2 years



12 x 750ml



600 2269 001 235


1600 2269 001 232

PET Eco-friendly IPW | Issue 24

w w w . t a n g l e d t r e e . c o m


FOOD SUGGESTIONS A food-friendly wine. Enjoy with veal, roast beef, hearty stews or slow roasted lamb shank.

A W AR D S :


A W AR D S :

Enjoy with mild Cape Malay curry, grilled fish, glazed gammon or paella and creamy mussels.



A W AR D S :




w w w . t a n g l e


The Story

If trees could speak, what stories they could tell! This is certainly true of the botanical collection to be found in the tranquil garden at Van Loveren. Their tales would weave the chapters of a unique South African heritage – enticing chronicles of a family, of change and growth. One of these is the anecdote of the Karee tree planted in the 1940's. Jean Retief had ordered a hardy Rhus lancea sapling from a nursery in far-off Natal. When it finally arrived by train at the tiny Klaasvoogds railway station, some local farmers recognised the tiny specimen as a Karee, a fairly common tree. Jean however, disagreed and insisted the newcomer was what she'd ordered. To settle the dispute, her husband Hennie fetched a branch from a Karee growing by the river and planted it beside Jean's Rhus lancea. The two turned out to be identical. Over the years the pair has grown entwined and become a symbol of enduring love, reflecting the life Jean and Hennie spent side by side on the farm. These trees and their symbolism provided the inspiration for the Tangled Tree range of wines. The wines represent the commitment of the farmers and winemakers of Van Loveren to conservation, and the Retief family's deep respect for nature.



An oak matured, fruit driven red wine


Expressive but lovely aromas of butterscotch and crème brûlée is balanced by the subtle intensity of the fruit in this Chardonnay. The palate is round, creamy and full - making every glass of this wine as enjoyable as the next.


A delicate pink, aromatic wine with a luscious nose and upfront muscat and rose petal flavours.


A fruity, semi sweet Blanc de Noir


A lightly wooded, medium bodied dry white wine.


100% Muscat de Frontignan (Red Muscadel)

100% Cabernet Sauvignon


100% Chardonnay







10 – 15 Years old

10 Years old


10 Years old


Well drained alluvial sandy soil; Karoo

Sandstone; Karoo


Well drained alluvial sandy soil


4 Wire Perold system

4 Wire Perold system


4 Wire Perold system


Drip irrigation controlled by a computer system through meters and tensiometers

Drip irrigation controlled by a computer system through meters and tensiometers


Drip irrigation controlled by a computer system through meters and tensiometers


Hand harvested. Night harvested at optimum ripeness

Harvesting is done by hand and machine. Night harvested at optimum ripeness


Early morning hand-picked



Oak matured for 10 months with French oak alternatives. This allows this fruit driven wine to express delightful chocolate and mocha aromas.

Fermented and matured for 5 months on 100% French Oak staves

Cold fermentation, unwooded, 30 minutes skin contact after crushing. Minimal intervention in the natural process of vinification, allowing the cultivar to express its individual characteristics and the soil of its origin


Alc: 13.38% R/S: 6.2g/l T/A: 5.2g/l pH: 3.61


Alc: 9.77% R/S: 26.8g/l T/A: 4.98g/l pH: 3.54

Alc: 13.89% R/S: 6.0g/l T/A: 5.14g/l pH: 3.81


2 years


12 Months

2 years


12 x 750ml


12 x 750ml

12 x 750ml


600 2269 001 204


600 2269 001 037

600 2269 001 228


1600 2269 001 201


1600 2269 001 034

1600 2269 001 225

ET co-friendly PW

e d t r e e . c o m

FOOD SUGGESTIONS Good with creamy pasta dishes, roast pork, veal, grilled fish, cape salmon, shellfish, chicken and creamy cheeses.

PET Eco-friendly IPW

FOOD SUGGESTIONS Good with flavourful dishes, like Thai food, mild curries and desserts. This wine is best enjoyed shared with friends. | Issue 24

w w w . t a n g l e d t r e e . c o m

A W AR D S :


This ruby red wine boasts delectable chocolate and mocha notes, elegantly layered with notes of cassis and blackberries. This wine has a full and fruity palate with delicate tannins and a long, lingering chocolate aftertaste.

A W AR D S :



PET Eco-friendly IPW

w w w . t a n g l e d t r e e . c o m

Strong2 Run

I was very excited to start the Strong2Run course at The Sports Science of South Africa and after my first lesson I was immediately hooked. Then, unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Anemia and had to go on a course of iron pills and stay away from exercise for a few weeks, so I regrettably had to pull out. I caught up with the course facilitator and instructor Greg Hyson to find out more about the programme...

Strong2 Run Runners are a passionate and committed group of people. They do not like being held back or told they cannot run (as you have experienced), and unfortunately many runners are experiencing that problem due to injury. Sport Science needed to create a programme specifically for runners to prevent and manage injuries. Many injuries are a result of 1) lack of strength and its implications on running form/biomechanics and 2) training errors such as too much distance too soon. Thus, Strong 2 Run aims at combating these errors by educating runners on how and when to add strength training to their running programmes. The programme also includes topics like cross-training, speed work and stability training.

DISCOVER gramme has evolved over the years. We are highly receptive to client feedback and ensure that our programme stays up-to-date with the latest progressions and scientific recommendations. We are also constantly challenging ourselves to ensure that the members get the most out of their programme by adding new offerings and initiatives. Our latest being the incorporation of the Grucox Eccentric Trainers which have proved extremely beneficial with our members. (

Abilities Strong2Run is aimed at any level runner. Previous members include novice runners aiming at their first 10km and all the way through to ultradistance marathon runners. We have also seen some of South Africa’s best trail racers come through our programmes. The common goal of all the runners is to decrease risk of injury and improve running performance.

The programme

The programme consists of 8 highly informative, expert lead sessions over 4 weeks. Each session has a specific purpose ie strength/ staStrong2Run was born in 2012 with the first bility/ track. The sessions are all practical and programmes being rolled out in 2013. The pro- the members will have the opportunity to | Issue 24

DISCOVER learn, practice and master the exercises by the time they complete the course. The programme also hosts an informative introductory workshop in which the group is introduced to the importance of strength training. On completion of the course runners also receive a comprehensive training programme. The programme covers the exercises taught over the 4 weeks and gives both gym training and home training options. The key principles of the course include: • Strength Training • Cross Training (especially when to use it) • Core and Stability Training • Speed work and Track Training • Circuit Training

The Lessons We hope that once runners have completed Strong2Run that they will confidently be able to supplement strength training into their running programmes. The runners will know the importance and benefits of strength training. Seeing the benefits in actual running performance should then improve adherence to strength training. Additionally we would like to see a decrease in injuries and training errors on completion of the programme.

Strength training and cross training Cross training for running is any cardiovascular training that does not include running. Alternate training such as rowing, swimming and cycling do have benefits for running. Aside from the obvious cardiovascular benefits it also helps with strengthening other muscle groups and helps with recovery (both physical and mental). Strength training is using your bodyweight or external items such as dumbbells or kettle bells to add resistance to your movements. There are many exercises in which bodyweight is the only requirement so can be performed almost anywhere. Incorporating both of these into your programme will help your running. Strength training should ideally be done twice a week for 30 minutes and cross training once a week for 45 - 60 minutes, or on rest/recovery days.

ADVICE Add strength training! Give it a try consistently for 4 weeks and you will see the difference it makes to your running. Keen to join? to find out more or email | Issue 24

DISCOVER | Issue 24


The Glen Boutique Hotel & Spa

“Cape Town's best kept secret” It was one of those strangely hot days at the start of Cape Town’s winters that saw us arriving at The Glen Boutique Hotel & Spa. This beautiful day set the scene perfectly as we arrived, our eyes wide at this gorgeous hotel. Almost unassuming from the outside, we were immediately impressed. The staff were incredibly attentive and we felt relaxed the moment we walked in. We received welcome drinks and enjoyed them by the pool while they sorted out our bags and checked us in. The hotel has 24 individually styled en-suite rooms and each one includes a private garden, a terrace or a balcony. We stayed in the Suite which was absolutely stunning and the attention to detail was prevalent everywhere you looked. That and, of course, the fact that it came with an Apple Mac computer and a Nespresso machine to use free of charge. They got me at coffee. Our room was ideally situated next to the Glen Rain Forest Spa and as guests we were able to use the steam room, sauna and indoor jacuzzi whenever we wanted. So as you can imagine this is where you’d find us most of the day. The second day was cold and rainy and instead of complaining about it we celebrated it by staying warm in the jacuzzi. I found my happy place and I never wanted to leave. Can I go back? They offer some amazing treatments at the spa using only Rain Africa products. Due to our extended stay in the jacuzzi we never actually got a chance to try a treatment but after having a look at what was on offer we’ve decided we have to go back. The one that intrigued me the most was this one: | Issue 24

DISCOVER initiation© 90 minutes Initiation in Africa represents a rite of passage into a new phase of life, celebrated as a symbolic coming of age. Our ritual begins with an anointing of oil, where warmed coconut oil or Biology Hair Mud is slowly trickled through your hair and massaged through, giving your hair a boost of mineral goodness! In the manner of initiates in rural Africa, your entire body is painted with our Rain Relaxing Massage Oil, which will then be massaged into your skin with long, strong movements with deep pressure applied all the way down your body, releasing pent up tensions. We complete the ritual by wrapping your head with an Iduki head wrap – the rite of passage is complete! See why I’m coming back? Situated in the heart of Sea Point it’s in walking distance to the beach as well as to all the restaurants and cafes in the area. But if you don’t want to leave the hotel then they also offer a full breakfast, lunch and dinner menu at their restaurant, BOA. On the first night we enjoyed a few glasses of red wine with our food (did I mention Friday night has happy hour?). For dinner I had the beef fillet with mushroom sauce, vegetables and roast potato wedges and Warren had the BOA burger. Then, in the morning, we continued to dine like kings and queens over a delicious breakfast where you choose from the buffet, continental, a la carte or full English breakfast. There was so much I loved about this hotel. The passion they have for creating a space where people feel relaxed and happy is obvious in everything they do. The place is filled with beautiful design elements, including many wood-based artwork that I loved. This is a place that would make tourists fall in love with Cape Town and a place that would make Capetonians never want to leave. If you want to come for the day they also offer day passes for those that want to make use of the pool, sun loungers, jacuzzi, steam room and sauna, or if you just want to come and enjoy a few drinks and some food on the terrace. So, see you for happy hour? Words: Christine Bernard Photos: Warren Bernard ( | Issue 24

DISCOVER | Issue 24

This month we test out CrossFit


I'm always interested in anything to do with health and fitness and CrossFit is one of those things that I've heard so many people talk about but something I knew very little about. So I sent Crossfit is definitely not gender specific. There Warren to give it a try and enrolled him at Cross- were both males and females in the classes that I attended and I have friends, both girls and guys Fit Impi for a month. who go to Crossfit and swear by it. A common CrossFit Impi is run from the Bishops School fa- mindset is that working out in a gym environcilities in Rondebosch and their sense of com- ment is a “guy� thing which needs to be eradimunity is apparent. Their website describes cated. Crossfit starts out at your own pace and Crossfit as a strength and conditioning program capability and from there, you progress by inthat combines functional movements at high creasing the intensity of your workout over time, intensity in an environment that is constantly thereby making you a better, stronger and fitter individual. Because of this, anyone can benefit varied. from it no matter how big or small they are. Warren has been going for two weeks now. Here's what he has to say:

Would crossfit suit men and women?

DOES crossfit give you fast results?

What has the experience of CrossFit been like for you so far? It has definitely been a challenge for me, but one that I have really enjoyed. I am always looking for various physical workouts to supplement my running days with, and this has certainly done the job.

Everyone wants to achieve results overnight. But the truth is, as with every other type of exercise, what you get out depends on what you put in. If you consistently go to class and train hard, you will definitely see results. With my class, everything was logged. From the amount of sets and reps you did, to which weights you used. That way, I could see week by week how I was progressing and getting better at what I was doing. That in itself was great motivation to keep it up!

What do you enjoy the most and what have you found the most challenging? Any tips for newbies? I enjoy the way each workout is varied and targets different muscle groups and body parts. Not only does it give you an all round workout, but it also lets you determine which areas you need to focus on and train more to become a much better athlete overall. In a sense that is what was the most challenging for me - doing exercises that I usually don’t or have never done, before whilst making sure that my technique was correct. And in between that, trying to find time to breathe...

If this sounds like something you would enjoy, I would certainly recommend going for it. Most places offer a free trial period so you can give it a try before deciding if you want to commit to it fully. From my own experience as well as what I hear from others, it is quite addictive so most people do continue especially after seeing the results and getting into better shape. So what do you have to lose? Besides a few extra kilos... Visit for more | Issue 24


What is CrossFit? A varied strength and conditioning program that combines functional movements at high intensity! CrossFit is a program that gets results! Schedule your free introductory session!

Bishops Diocesan College, Sandown road, Rondebsoch, Cape Town 021 - 683 4131 | 083 760 6902 | Issue 24


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Brookside Admin Brackenfell Expert Bookkeepers and Tax Practitioners 021 - 828 2119 | Issue 21


Time to win some competitions! Winners announced 25 June 2015 unless stated otherwise


Win a beginner’s coffee workshop for two valued at R2200 ENTER: Tell us either on Facebook or Twitter why you want to win this prize and who you will take with you. You must LIKE or FOLLOW Mischu to stand a chance to win. Twitter: I want to win a coffee workshop with @MischuCoffee and @FW_Concepts with (tag friend) because (reason) Facebook: Visit and let us know why you should win and who you will take with you. 85A Regent Road, Sea Point | Issue 24



Win a week at CrossFit Impi ENTER: Email with the subject line: CrossFit Bishops Diocesan College, Sandown road, Rondebsoch, Cape Town 021 - 683 4131 | 083 760 6902 |


Win A BOX OF TANGLED TREE WINES ENTER: Email with the subject line: TangledTree | Issue 24



Win one set of double tickets to the 7th shiraz showcase ENTER: Email with the subject line: Shiraz Winners announced on the 14th June.

7th SHIRAZ SHOWCASE COMES TO TOWN Producers of South African Shiraz will once again come together for the annual Shiraz Showcase on 18 June 2015 to tempt wine lovers with their latest releases and award winners. This event, in its 7th year, moves back to the Cape Town International Convention Centre after four years at the prestigious Vineyard Hotel in Claremont. Space and the growing number of participants as well as visitors have compelled the organisers to make this move. Starting at 18:00 until 21:00, the tasting is presented in a relaxed atmosphere that affords visitors the opportunity to sample wines at leisure, chat to the winemakers and getting acquainted with the impressive line-up of well-known Shiraz brands and blends. Tickets at R120 each are sold by Web Tickets who has partnered with Pick ‘n Pay, providing an alternative to purchasing tickets online only. Discount will be given for groups of 10 that make a block booking. Guests will receive a stylish tasting glass as well as a brochure with interesting facts and information about all the wines on show. CTICC will have an array of snacks that compliment Shiraz, on sale – an ideal opportunity to attempt your own food and wine pairing. With producers from all the different wine-producing areas of South Africa, there will be a wide range of styles to choose from and Shiraz fans will be able to taste to their hearts’ delight. Some of the best examples of South African Shiraz are going to be on show and the winners of the 2015Shiraz Challenge will also be present. The line-up is going to include new vintages, old-time favourites, and proud winners of local and international awards. This is going to be a feast of Shiraz, Shiraz and more Shiraz … Twitter @Shiraz_SA |Facebook | | Issue 24



Win a 1 x Value Red & White Mixed Case from Wine Web – This includes 6 bottles, 3 red and 3 white and includes delivery. ENTER: Email with the subject line: Wine | Issue 24


Do you want to advertise with us? Email Christine on Go on.. all the cool kids are doing it. | Issue 24

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