Issue 27 September 2015

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We visit the Spice Route

September 2015 Issue 27


“Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.” - Ruth Reichl This month is our first month living on the West Coast as we have moved to the beautiful area of West Beach. After two years of living in Rondebosch it was very hard to make the change. But as it turns out a change really is as good as holiday, and the whole experience has been nothing by uplifting and incredibly inspiring. So if you’re stuck in a rut and feeling frustrated then maybe you simply need a change! Thank you everyone who has helped us throughout the move! This month we have no specific theme and we’ve had fun discovering a lot of new places, trying new recipes, and finding people with creative passions that we had to share! It’s been a busy but good month and we’re excited about the year ahead. We hope you enjoy this issue. Lastly, if you want to get involved in Flat White Magazine, through articles or advertising, please contact me. We’d love to welcome you to the Flat White family! With love, laughter and a lot of coffee. Christine

Word of the day: Piquant

1 : agreeably stimulating to the palate; especially: spicy 2 : engagingly provocative; also: having a lively arch charm

@FW_Concepts | Issue 27

So you’re a coffee lover? You’ve tried most of the top coffee brands in South Africa, have your view on what’s good and what’s not, where the best coffee shops are and what’s the best on their menu... But have you tried to Roast Your Own Coffee yet? Commercially, you’d need a roasting drum set very specifically to a set time and temperature, but for home roasting, you can literally do it on the hob, or on the braai, just like the Ethiopians do. RYO Coffee is South Africa’s first dedicated green Micro lot distributor and we’re here to help you make amazing coffee, yourselves. You can find most required tools on our site (beans, grinder, measuring spoons, French Press), and everything else is probably already in your kitchen (pan / pot, stove, sieve), as well as a host of information to do with the roasting, grinding and brewing of your coffee, and some other interesting facts that you may not know. | 083 231 7439

TASTE | Issue 27


HOMEMADE BEETROOT VEGETABLE BURGERS I’ve never been a big burger person. Even when I ate meat, it was seldom a dish I craved – which is perhaps why the transition to becoming vegetarian was so easy for me – I rarely ate a big hunk of meat. However, sometimes I want an easy Friday dinner or quick Saturday lunch – you know the kind, to be whipped up and eaten on laps while catching up on series for the week. Sadly, I’ve come to realise that vegetarian burgers are often a soy-based homogenised mush and honestly, not particularly delicious. So, the challenge was set – could I make a great vegetarian burger? The short answer: I do believe so. My meateating Mr was also quite a fan and deemed it delicious. This burger is made from real food. There are vegetables, protein, starch – all whole, cooked, not-prepackaged food. We’re already off to a good start. On the vegetable front, we have beetroot, mushrooms, carrots, onion, garlic and corn – held together by cannellini beans and rice – the patties are actually vegan, but don’t tell anyone. Simply placing the ingredients in a pot, cooking and blending them, you form the mixture into patties. They’re quite tender and firm up quite nicely if you leave them in the fridge overnight. However, we enjoyed them immediately, with no complaints.

Ingredients 1 tin cannellini beans, drained 1 cup cooked brown or white short-grained rice 2 small beetroot, grated

1 carrot, grated 1 cup cooked sliced mushrooms 1/2 cup frozen corn 1 clove garlic 1/2 red onion 1 tsp olive oil 1 tbsp olive oil

Method Place a large non-stick pot on a medium high heat on the stove top and add the 1 tsp olive oil. Finely slice the garlic and add it to the pot, with the onion and fry until golden and softened. Add all other ingredients and reduce heat to medium. Cook until the grated vegetables have softened and the beans start to fall apart. Remove from heat. Using a stick blender, blend the ingredients in the pot until a chunky paste is formed – the smoothness should be to your liking. Once blended, allow to cook to room temperature. Form patties with your hands – you should be able to make 6 large patties from this mixture – pressing down until approximately 1.5cm – 2cm thick. Allow to chill overnight if you prefer a firmer patty, or cook immediately if you aren’t too fussed. To cook, add 1 tbsp olive oil to a non-stick frying pan over a medium- high heat. Place no more than 2 patties at a time in the pan and fry on each side until starting to colour – they won’t go golden like normal meat patties, but rather char slightly. Once coloured on both sides, remove from the pan and enjoy. Recipe by Candice Brestler || Issue Issue 27 27


We try out Reload in Tableview

and here’s what we thought:

We’ve just moved to the West Coast and so we’ve been on the lookout for new coffee shops and restaurants to try out. I immediately got an email from a friend who lives in the area saying I must try out Reload in Tableview. So that’s just what I did.

a drizzle of oil. Warren chose the open omelette stack. This was an open omelette base, layered with home-made Turkish spicy tomato and sweet pepper sauce, stacked with slices of grilled Bockwurst and bacon and topped with melted mozzarella cheese and wilted spinach. Uh... YUM!

It was on one of those typical Cape Town winter’s day. The sun was hiding, the wind was blowing and the rain was peltering down. We ran for shelter inside Reload Cafe and found ourselves a table. This small cafe is just brimming with character and I immediately felt at ease. One wall is adorned with a huge set of shelves showcasing a vareity of different mugs, cups and saucers to buy, and from the ceiling hung potless plants. It gave the cafe a sense of creativity and life.

Of course, we both ended off our meals with coffee. An Americano for me and a Cappuccino for Warren, which were made using the beans from Flat Mountain Roasters. All in all, a wonderful find and a great start to my new West Coast life. I’ll definitely be back again! By Christine Bernard

Reload The staff were friendly and the food was deli- The Piazza Centre, Cape Town cious. I ordered a onion and herb bagel with 021 - 556 3344 hummus, grilled aubergine, avocado, greens and | Issue 27


Coffee and Wifi

Morgan’s - my new local Moving has both its ups and its downs. The worst part, the part I was dreading, was the amount of time we'd be waiting to be connected to the world again. And by connected I mean 'having the internet' of course. With both of us working from home it is crucial that we have the Internet but we also knew that we might be without it for awhile. So my first thought was 'where can we go for coffee and wifi in the area?'

I spoke to the owner, Morgan, who said that the cafe will be celebrating its one year in November. For a shop that has only been going for one year it is doing incredibly well and I've heard nothing but positive comments from all those that have come.

For me, personally, it's already become my local. And even though I know have Internet sorted out at home I find myself still holding my meetThat's when we found Morgan's. A very popular ings here. This is a place that deserves a lot of cafe right by the beach. Incredibly chilled and praise. laid back it seems to attract a wide variety of people from those that are heading straight to As I type this I'm sitting at Morgan's, waiting for the beach to those who are heading straight my Flat White to arrive. The perfect start to the to work. Either way they all come here for the day. same things: good coffee, good food and a good vibe! I'm yet to eat here but I have my eye on By Christine Bernard the Make Your Own breakfast. But other than this they also have a normal breakfast menu or Morgan’s you can order toasted sandwiches, croissants or 2 Marine Drive, Table View 081 846 1222 toasties. | Issue 27



hen I first heard about The Coffice I knew that I had to find out more, and I fell in love with their coffee mobile cart. I wonder if they wouldn’t mind just parking in my garden? We chat to Shaun Benater, creater of The Coffice, to find out more about this amazing new coffee concept. tell me more about The Coffice.

(we found that many employees do not have the opportunity to go out for a coffee so we So I am an attorney and have been for approx- have decided to bring great coffee to them) imately 10 years. My wife and I have our own and on weekends we focus on events. practice. I have always wanted to get into the coffee market, for two reasons, firstly I have How long have you been trading? a passion for coffee specifically because there are so many facets to the industry and sec- We have now been trading for 8 months. ondly because there is a massive market for coffee in South Africa. I had the opportunity Where are you based? last year of being able to explore my dream. I initially looked at opening a shop but decided We are based in Waverley, Johannesburg. against it because one is never sure that the location will work out. After many months of Tell me more about your coffee, research I decided on a mobile concept and and who is your barista? took it from there. We have decided to focus our attention on servicing small to medium Morris is our amazing and talented barista. We size businesses in our vicinity on weekdays are so lucky to have him as part of our team.

TASTE As with regards to our beans, we have decided not to commit to one roaster, rather we are serving great coffee based on the taste of our clientele. To give you a couple of examples, we have used Urban Grind in Parkhurst to provide Gautamala Antigua and Africblack to provide their Vintage Black which is a blend of Brazil, Guatemala, Uganda.

of hot drinks, and in summer we will be serving iced drinks. If you work in an office park in Joburg and would like us to visit you on a regular basis please make contact with us. How can people get in touch?

We use the following equipment: Nouva Simo- I will respond on any of the below platforms: nelli “Compact” Appia 2 Group Volumetric and Facebook: Twitter: @TheCofficeSA Nouva Simonelli Mythos grinder Email: Cell: 072 059 7640 What type of events are you most used at and what do you serve? How much coffee do you drink? We have been requested to serve our specialty coffee at shop openings (most recently the Cor- Anywhere between 5 – 7 cups. I have a law pracicraft flagship store in Kramerville, Sandton), en- tice to run as well so the coffee is a necessity and gagement parties, baby showers and kids par- it is a pleasure when you have great coffee on ties, so a very wide variety. We have a big variety hand 24/7 Visit for more | Issue 27


Food Nostalgia Ilse Du Preez is a passionate food blogger, recipe developer and content contributor – her blog is called where she shares her own recipes, restaurant reviews and buzzes all about food, life and love in the Mother City. For some inspirational recipe ideas, restaurant reviews, hot spots to visit and a free copy of her e-cookbook please subscribe to Follow her on Twitter: thefoodbuzzSA, Facebook: thefoodbuzzSA and

Food nostalgia is a powerful feeling and it’s one I am experiencing a lot lately, especially the older I get. I grew up in a small town on the West Coast in the early eighty’s and on most Saturday mornings the local fisherman would go out in small boats and catch fish in their nets to pull onshore where the locals including my dad would come and buy the fish, which would usually be of the “Harder Mullet” variety, a small-ish white, meaty fish with a centre bone which is incredibly flavourful. My dad would bring the Harder’s home and “braai” them for breakfast while my mom baked a fresh bread and served thick, buttered slices with homemade apricot jam. To this day I can remember the taste, the smell, the excitement of knowing what I am waking up to.

My dad was also an avid diver and here he is in the background getting ready for one of his crayfish and perlemoen dives while my sister, Adele and I play on the beach, I’m the one in the green hot pants ooh la la! This is when crayfish and perlemoen was still very much in abundance and crayfish and rice salad or fried perlemoen with lemon was a regular meal in our household how lucky we never knew we were.

Here a bunch of the locals are sorting through a In the crazed hustle and bustle of today’s life and pile of the Harders they purchased together. the two working parent scenario, I often wonder how many parents still prepare a meal for their | Issue 27

TASTE kids from scratch and realise what an important My sister too had her favourite dish my Gran role that plays in a child’s memories and the nos- would make her which I could never understand, “boontjie bredie” which was green beans and talgia of that moment. beef stewed with potatoes, way too healthy for my taste. My Grandmother could rock a Christmas lunch table, every kind of meat under the sun would make an appearance from Pork Chops, Lamp rib, Beef fillet, Roast Chicken to Gammon to every kind of starch imaginable rice, roast potatoes, baby potatoes, potato salad not to mention the salads, beetroot salad, coleslaw, “slaphakskeentjies” (pickled onions in a creamy sweet and sour egg sauce), greek salad, waldorf salad other sides included pumpkin fritters and of course my sweetcorn dish. Then came a trio of desserts, malva pudding with homemade custard, fridge cheesecake with conI remember a particular sweet corn bake that my densed milk and strawberry jam, chocolate cake Grandmother would make specifically for me as with caramel topping and coffee and tea afters she knew it was my favourite thing at the Sunday with Quality Street Chocolates. lunch table and I would one day eventually get the recipe from her only to be shocked at the in- Now admittedly my Gran was on the extreme end sane amount of sugar and butter that went into it of things but the Lady showed her love through and can now understand why I loved it so much. her food and the preparation thereof and that’s how my family instilled in me a love for cooking, Here Gran is in her favourite place, her kitchen. so I know that it is possible, with a little effort, to make quick yet delicious dishes to create some long lasting memories with your own family.

On the next page Ilse shares one of her favourite recipes with us | Issue 27


Baked Bacon, Spinach and Cheddar Frittata THE STUFF: MEAT MIX • 200g extra lean beef mince • 3 rashers bacon chopped • 1 white onion • 1 tbsp tomato paste • 2 tbsp ketchup • 1 tsp origanum • 2 tbsp olive oil

• 1 tablespoon spring onion & mustard low fat smooth cottage cheese THE WAY:

• Heat oven to 190deg C • In your pan, heat oil on medium heat and sauté white onion until soft, then add bacon pieces. • Season mince with salt, pepper and origanum and add to pan, add tomato paste and ketchup while mince is cooking. EGG MIX • Once mince is browned remove from heat and • 8 large eggs • ½ tub spring onion & mustard low fat smooth distribute mince evenly in the pan, then whisk or blend together all ingredients from the egg cottage cheese mix list and add to pan. • 1 tbsp english mustard powder • Then add the toppings similar to picture or as • 100ml milk your creativity speaks to you, then press toma• ½ cup grated cheddar cheese toes softly into egg mix so as to bake into egg • 2 handfuls english spinach leaves • Remove pan from stovetop and put in oven • 1 tsp origanum for 10 – 15 minutes just until eggs get some • Salt nice golden colour, remove from oven with • Ground black pepper your oven mitts. Put a toothpick in the centre of the pan and if it comes out clean you frittata TOPPING is ready, allow to cool for 5 – 10 minutes before • 9 large red onion rings cutting. • 5 large rosa tomatoes halved | Issue 27


The wait is finally over! Hot Chocolate Capsules Free delivery on all orders over R280!

We always have steaming hot specials. Win 20 hot Nespresso速 compatible capsules.chocolate capsules

See competitions page for details.

Come in

www The Palms,

Our life is coffee, and we strive to know everything Byblos, you’re dealing with the experts – uny | Issue 27

n! Ahla w Sahla! 145 Sir Lowry Rd, Woodstock

there is about it; so that’s why, when you deal with yielding quality backed by years of expertise. | Issue 27

CREATE | Issue 27


Small art for big people Vin d’Easel was created by Christine and Warren Bernard, a husband and wife team. Together they joined forces to create a project that’s all about art, photography, and having a bit of fun. They wanted to produce artwork that didn’t cost a fortune and that was small enough to display anywhere in the house or office. Great gift ideas for others or even yourself!

Get yours now! Visit | Issue 27

CREATE | Issue 27


We get an inside glimpse into the life of photographer,

Robert Timothy | Issue 27



aving taken photos since he can remember Robert Timothy turned professional in May 2014, following an award-winning career at the BBC where he produced some of the Corporation’s most high profile TV output. Zimbabwe-born, he divides his time between London and Cape Town. We chat to him to find out more...

How did you get into the world of Photography?

If you could have any photographer in the world photograph YOU who would it be? Helmut Newton. Selfishly so that I could watch him work. But I'm not sure how good I'd look just wearing a Tiffany diamond bracelet and glossy red high heel shoes.

What type of photography do you enjoy doing the most?

I've always loved taking photos, since I can remember. But it was at President Mandela's funeral that I just twigged that life was too short not to be following your passion so I gave up I would turn that around and say that the work my nine-to-five job to practice photography full I do is what I enjoy most. It's a bit like the adtime. vice writers are always given; "write what you know". In my case, I only photograph what I would want to see, which happens to be people.

I see you come to Cape Town often, any favourite spots? What photograph are you There are far too many to mention! The four most proud of? Clifton beaches probably rate top because the setting is so exquisite. That said, sitting on the terrace of the Alexander Bar in Strand Street with a cold glass of sauvignon blanc on a sunny Friday afternoon watching Cape Town go about its business is just as satisfying.

How different is it to work as a photgrapher in London and Cape Town? The weather! I prefer location shoots, preferably outdoors because I love natural light and in Cape Town it is heavenly. In London it can be very hard to focus on the photography when every sentence ends "...if it isn't raining."

I would say 'the next photo I take' because your latest photo should always be your best one. However, "Dwayne in the swimming pool" stands out, taken in Bantry Bay last December. It's memorable because someone wanted to buy and licence it as a commercial poster. But I'm not willing to part with it just yet.

Coffee drinker? Too much, so I have to limit myself. Coming to Cape Town often means I know of THAT diet and I read the recommendation that coffee is OK, if you use cream. Except it's even more amazing when you use thick English double cream in a cafe americano! Hence the need to keep a lid on how many I drink... | Issue 27

CREATE | Issue 27



Business of Design, the conference aimed at creatively revolutionising the way you work, returns to Cape Town and Johannesburg this October for its Spring 2015 edition. This third installment of the bi-annual programme boasts an all-new talk schedule, including first-time Business of Design speakers and fresh topics, with the Cape Town conference hosting guest international speaker Jim Brett, President of West Elm, the US-founded homeware retail store. Business of Design is a two-day conference led by

top industry experts and design professionals to guide, inspire and offer practical tools to change the way people do business. Says Co-Founder Laurence Brick, MD of Platform Creative Agency and Creative Director of 100% Design South Africa: ‘We’re proud to already have had 69 of South Africa’s best minds speak on our stage during the previous two conferences in both cities. The networking that has taken place between them and the over 500 alumni delegates we now have has been invaluable.’ | Issue 27

CREATE ‘Business of Design appeals to all industries,’ adds Co-Founder Trevyn McGowan of Source, Southern Guild and GUILD. ‘We’ve not only had designers and architects attend, but people from retail, accounting and marketing. Because the programme is geared towards both business skills and design thinking, it bridges the divide between the two, encouraging new ways of going about one’s work.’ Alumni delegate architect Andrew Nimmo says: ‘Business of Design is the most enlightening conference I have been to. It changed the way I perceive business, and other creative people.’ Interior designer Neydine Bak agrees, adding, ‘It is going to become a must-do calendar event for any designer and business entrepreneur in the years to come.’ Vasili Sofiadellis, of Silicon Cape and Visions2Ventures, attended the Autumn 2015 conference, noting: ‘Business of Design is an incredible platform, showcasing some of our most talented, inspirational and entrepreneurial creatives. The networking sessions were wonderful – they not only resulted in good friendships, but in great business opportunities.

• Feeding Creativity / Lianne Burton, Creative Consultant • Case Study: Keys to Success / Kirsten Goss, Kirsten Goss; Di Marshall, Wonki Ware in conversation with Julian McGowan, Source, Southern Guild, GUILD • Africa: Growth of a Continent / Terry Behan, Social Entrepreneur and Brand Builder • Designing a Customer Experience / Laurence Brick, 100% Design South Africa and Platform Creative Agency • Right Product, Right Price, Right Market / Trevyn McGowan, Source, Southern Guild and GUILD • Stand 47: A Study in Lifestyle Innovation / Gavin Rooke, The New Order in conversation with Malibongwe Tyilo, Visi • Don’t Go Into Food: A Cautionary Tale About Food Packaging Design / Paul Raphaely, NOMU (JHB)

This event is not to be missed!’

• Top 10 Tips to Running a Creative Studio / Adrienne Sparks, Mr Price Home

Spring 2015 talks include:

With special international guest speaker in Cape Town: Jim Brett, President of West Elm

• Trends to Track in 2016 / Chris Reid, International Trend Institute

CPT and JHB Dates:

Cape Town: 7 -8 October • The Secrets to Developing a Brand / Mike Johannesburg: 21 - 22 October Schalit, Net#Work BBDO (CT) • The Art of Curation / Cathy O’Clery, 100% De- Tracy Lynn Chemaly sign SA and Platform Creative Agency 021 - 461 2856 / 2097 • Funding: How to Tap into Resources / Kgosi Monametsi, African Century Ventures | Issue 27


DIY Profile Pictures How I Photographed My New Profile Photos So recently I chopped off a rather substantial portion of my hair, and being one to walk my talk, I had to update my profile pictures across my social media profiles, to ensure that the real me reflects what people see online.

The second thing you need to know is, as well as being the DIY Queen, I’m also the Duchess of Quick and Easy. So when I do things for myself, I generally don’t like to faff. I save the faffing for my clients and keep the Quick and Easy for myself. (That way, my clients know they’re getting value for money.) Plus if you’ve ever been photographed by me – you’ll know that I choose natural light over studio light, any day of the week!

[Side note & shameless plug] If you look nothing like your headshot photograph on your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or any other online profile, then you NEED to book a Profile Picture photo shoot with me. You’ll damage trust with your potential clients, the minute they realise So in this case, quick and easy means no studio that in real life you look nothing like the image lighting, just natural light and reflectors. you’re using online.

Behind the Scenes

Over the years, I’ve become rather adept at shooting my own profile pics out of necessi- You can see here that my desk at home, which ty. From trying out lighting setups, to practic- is my chosen backdrop, is in close proximity to ing poses, to just satiating my need for instant a large window. gratification rather than organising a shoot with another photographer. I’m a serious DIY girl at heart. So today’s new profile pictures were no different. I’m the DIY Queen! I thought I’d show you some behind the scenes to show you how I get my results. So first thing you need to know is, I usually shoot all my own profile pictures at home in our apartment. It’s a small space, but it has loads of So then I just used 2 reflectors to bounce the natural light. So even on a day like today when window light back to my desk where I’ll be sitit’s overcast and drizzly, I can still get loads of ting. beautiful light flooding in. | Issue 27

CREATE I set the lamp up on the chair in approximately the position that my face would be and focused the camera. Then I press the shutter button and simply move the lamp out of the way. The Final Photos And hey presto….my new profile pics! I like to shoot a series of images so I have a few to chose from and to use for various purposes over a period of time. I had the best of intentions of sitting calmly on my chair and using my remote trigger to fire the camera but then, as luck would have it, technology failed me, and my remote trigger decided not to work. I think it’s got something to do with that one time when the batteries leaked out their white, crusty innards all over the transmitter. I’ll have to sort that out at some point. So Plan B – trusty Plan B – was to set the 10 second timer on the camera and run back and forth from the camera to the chair. Of course the problem there is that the camera doesn’t know where to focus, because while I’m pressing the shutter button, there’ nothing but a blank wall to focus on. So that’s where the lamp comes in…

To book your photoshoot with Abigail visit: | Issue 27


Taking it slow...

Our Old Mac Daddy experience




e were invited to spend the night at Old Mac Daddy with one condition - that we take it easy. The aim was simple: slow down, relax and enjoy. Of course what better place to do that in the beautiful region of Elgin, home to apple picking, good wine and hills that never end. It took just over an hour for us to arrive, where we were greeted with cappuccinos and shown to our room. Our trailer was one of thirteen luxury airstream trailers and ours was fashioned after the romantic notions of Mills & Boon (insert appropriate ‘ooh la la’ exclamations here). Each trailer comes with it’s own built-on living unit, including a fully equipped bathroom and a patio to enjoy the views. We dropped off our bags and headed down to meet the group, who had all settled in the restaurant for a few drinks. After that we were whisked away for a ride on a tractor (as one does!) and despite the chilly air we were

blessed that it didn’t rain. We stopped half way through the 8km trip for some much needed sherry before finally arriving at our destination, Charles Fox. Greeted by Charles himself (who shook hands with every single one of us) and his lovely wife, we were given a tour of the cellar and given the opportunity to sample three of his delicious Cap Classiques. By the time we headed back home the wind had picked up and their was a slight drizzle in the air, but after three glasses of wine nobody seemed to mind in the slightest. We even passed around another bottle to share while we got to know each other quickly. When we got back to Old Mac Daddy we were treated with some snacks and some warm cider around the fire in their newly built man-made beach. Now I’m generally not a fan of warm alcoholic drinks so I was suprised at just how much I enjoyed the Everson’s mulled cider. They basically took their original apple cider and | Issue 27

DISCOVER blended it with their spice-infused cloudy apple juice which they then submerged in a pot of boiling water to heat up. I’m going to get some soon, while it’s still a bit chilly outside, because you can warm it up yourself at home. From there we went back to the restaurant and I found myself standing conveniently at the Paul Wallace Wines tasting table. Well, well, well, how did I end up here? I was lucky enough to get talking to the owners who were very passionate about the wines and eager to let me try them all. Delicious! I fell in love with two in particular - The Brave Heart Pinot Noir and the Black Dog Malbec, both of which I sneakily paired with some dark chocolate that was on offer. I’m definitely going to have to go back to Elgin soon to buy a few bottles to take home with me. As a designer myself I was immediately drawn to their beautiful labels too. After that we all went to create our own pizzas from Brinny Breezes, Old Mac Daddy’s resident restaurant. Thin based and delicious.

This was my second time at Old Mac Daddy and I’m already planning to go again soon. There’s just something about this place that makes you fall in love with it more each time. Mostly, it’s the reminder to stop, relax and take it slow. Something we don’t do enough of in our normal lives. Thanks for having me Old Mac Daddy! And a special big thank you to the lovely Sascha Polkey from Rabbit In A Hat for the invitation. By Christine Bernard To find out more: | Issue 27

DISCOVER | Issue 27


We visit Spice Route {Destination: Delicious} A sensory journey of discovery for the modern-day explorer


w as very excited when one of my best friends decided to have her birthday at The Spice Route. I’ve had my eye on this place for a very long time so this was the perfect excuse to visit. Now that I’ve been I am already planning another trip soon because it’s impossible to do it all in one day.

• Spice Route Viognier 2014 • Spice Route Grenache 2014 • Spice Route Mourvédre 2013 • Spice Route Pinotage 2014 • Spice Route Chakalaka 2013

The weather at this time of the year is quite unpredictable but we were blessed with a day that felt just like summer. The trip to Paarl took about an hour but the scenery along the way is so beautiful that time goes by quickly.

The tasting we chose was the Spice Route Wine Journey. Some of the other tastings are:

My favourite was definitey the Grenache!

• Flagship Wine Journey - R50 per person A selection of five of their single vineyard and flagship wines. • Malabar Journey - R30 per person A tasting of their flagship red blend. Tasting fee is refundable on purchase of one or more bottles. • Wine & Charcuterie Journey - R75 per person A selection of four Spice Route wines paired with four Richard Bosman Quality Cured Meats.

There are so many things to do and we only managed a handful. As we arrived we popped first into DV Cottage Café which is a gorgeous coffee shop boasting both a beautiful inside and outside area. We sat outside and ordered a round of coffees. If you don’t know what to order or you’re unsure about which bag of beans to take home, then they allow you to taste a round of all their beans, which I gratefully ac- After the wine tasting we made our way to Bilcepted. tong & Barley for some much needed lunch. Here they offer a wide selection of food, inAfter that we headed straight to the wine tast- cuding a carefully selected range of beef, kudu, ing room, which is renowned for its hand-craft- eland and springbok biltong. I chose the Sied wines from the Swartland region. We chose monsberg Burger which was topped with bacon the selection of five different wines for R30. The and blue cheese with a portion of chips. It was wines we tasted were: absoultey delicious. | Issue 27

DISCOVER Two hours later, and we were off again, decid- and buying some of the cured meats and enjoying that the only way to end off a good meal was ing some pizza and tapas at La Grappperia. to visit the De Villiers Artisan Chocolate Roastery and sample some of their chocolate. The Chocolate & Confectionary Tasting is only R15 per “The vision for Spice Route is to offer loperson and well worth the visit. There is also a Single Origin Chocolate Experience for R25 and cal and international tourists a selection a Chocolate Truffle Workshop for R125 (booking of hand-picked artisanal producers who required). Then, near the end of our day, some of the guys decided that they could not leave without first visiting CBC - Cape Brewing Company. Here they enjoyed six tasting samples of some of the beers on offer. On my next visit, when I have more time, I’d like to come back and do the beer tour where you can follow the entire beer production process.

put as much thought, skill and passion into their products as Spice Route Winemaker, Charl du Plessis, puts into his wines,” says Spice Route Wines Owner, Charles Back.

Words by Christine Bernard I so desperately wanted to see it all, but a day is Photos by Warren Bernard simply not enough. I’ll definitely be back again soon, and next time I have my eye on sampling Visit | Issue 27

DISCOVER | Issue 27

DISCOVER | Issue 27

DISCOVER A tour with West Coast Way at !Khwa ttu San We were lucky enough to be invited by West Coast Way to visit the Cultural and Educational Centre of !Khwa ttu San, only 70km from Cape Town, and just a stone's throw away from my new home in the West Coast. They offer an interesting insight into the world of the descendants of the first indigenous people of Southern Africa where you get to meet and interact with the San themselves. Upon arrival we were offered coffee and scones and given some background into the story behind the village and centre. After that our San guide took us for a walk to explain the history behind the San people and to show us how to identify different species of plants as well as what they are used for. Our guide was hilarious and incredibly knowledgeable and I found the whole talk fascinating. He even picked some leaves off a Wild Wormwood plant to give to each of us, explaining to us how to dry it correctly and how to create a tea out of it. I realized how much we rely on modern medicine when everything we need is growing all around us. The reason we don't know what is good for us and what isn't is purely because we've become so far removed from nature. It made me look at my own life in a completely different way. From there we were taken to see the replica huts to show how the San people lived. Here we were given some of their homemade tea while we sat around the fire to listen to one of the San women speak to us in her home language. The translator explained to us what she was saying which included her hilarious rendition on how the San men show the women that they are interested in them. I won't say more because this is definitely a tour you have to experi-

ence yourself and hear the stories firsthand, but I will tell you this much: It involves a bow and arrow! It was then time for lunch in the original farmhouse which, for the last four years, has been restored to create a restaurant that can hold up to 60 guests at a time. Dinner was incredible and we feasted on a delicious cheese souffle starter (my favourite), followed by a venison potjie with mashed potatoes and vegetables, a lemon ice cream palate cleanser and then a chocolate mousse layered cake for dessert. Ending off with coffee and biscottis. Each course was paired with a delicious glass of wine from the Ormonde cellars and we were lucky enough to have the general manager of Ormonde AdrÊ Rheeder explain each glass to us. A beautiful compliment to the food. After that we headed out to the cultural centre where we got to see one of the classes in action and meet some of the amazing students. The !Khwa ttu Training Department is where young San from all over southern Africa come to learn more about their roots, history, culture and traditional knowledge and where they are equipped to teach others about it – whether to their own communities or the broad public. What a beautiful and special day. It's so important to get out there and to see what incredible things people are doing to preserve their culture and their heritage. Thank you to West Coast Way for including us! Links: | Issue 27


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Brookside Admin Brackenfell Expert Bookkeepers and Tax Practitioners 021 - 828 2119 | Issue 27


Time to win some competitions! Winners announced 25 September 2015 unless stated otherwise | Issue 27



win a mixed double pack of wine with port2port Port2Port aims to personalize the online wine experience through a number of unique features including: • User-built Mixed Cases; • Featured Farms; • Archive Vintages of Specific wines; • Specially curated Mixed Case offers; • User Rating and Review System; • Weekly Newsletters; • Responsive design to encourage mobile browsing; • In-Depth tasting notes and pairing suggestions. The platform is designed to facilitate a truly unique wine conversation. The goal, not only to sell distinctive South African wines but also build a community of wine-lovers around it. Port2Port users are encouraged to share their opinions and preferences, in order to tailor the site directly to their interests. In effect: A platform for wine-lovers by wine-lovers. How to enter: Email your full name to with the subject line: Port2Port | Issue 27



Win 20 hot chocolate capsules from coffee capusles direct • Rich, decadent and chocolaty • Only 30 calories per serving, made for a 110ml shot. • Contains: Milk and Soy • NESPRESSO® COMPATIBLE How to enter: 1. To win all you have to do is tweet: I want to win hot chocolate capsules with @coffee_direct and @FW_Concepts 2. OR visit and write on their wall: I want to win hot chocolate capsules with Visit for more. | Issue 27



Win an A1 framed print from PrintWild, online picture printing and framing specialists, worth R2,000. PrintWild turns any image into a work of art. Order online and your loose prints, stretched canvas, photo blocks or framed image will be delivered to your door, ready to hang. Easy peasy! Call on 086 999 0233, email or view product range at How to enter: Email with your name, tel and what image you’d like to be printed and framed if you won. Subject line: Flat White Comp Ts & Cs: Prize is either an A1 Framed Canvas R1’509 or Contemporary White/Black frame R1’735 including delivery to a South African address. Prize is not transferrable, and needs to be claimed within a year. Prize not transferable for cash. Email addresses will be added to our newsletter database, with an unsubscribe option. Image to be printed to be supplied by winner, image must be A1 in size at min 150dpi and good enough quality to handle printing at these dimensions. Have fun! | Issue 27



three lucky readers can win a box of bootlegger coffee capsules Bootlegger brings you their unique premium blend in a capsule Hints of toasted hazelnut, caramel and a subtle touch of dark chocolate Made with perfection Compatible with ALL NESPRESSO速 and Caffeluxe machines, the Cafelaane and Vittora system. How to enter: Email your full name to with the subject line: Bootlegger 39 - 41 Regent Road, Sea Point


Win a 1 month membership to The Sports Science InsTitute of SA This fantastic prize includes a comprehensive fitness assessment and personalised training programme. Prize value R1492. How to enter: Email your full name to with the subject line: SSISA | Issue 27

WIN | Issue 27


Do you want to advertise with us? Email Christine on | Issue 27

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