Issue 38 September 2016

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We disconnect and reconnect at

Akasha Mountain Retreat

SEPTEMBER 2016 Issue 38


“I read; I travel; I become” ―- Derek Walcott

Our beautiful cover this issue was taken by our photographer, Warren Bernard of Flat White Images. It was taken at Akasha Mountain retreat where we enjoyed a blissful two day getaway. The photo says it all - relaxation! The two days was not long enough and it made me realise just how import it is to disconnect and reconnect from time to time. And how wonderful that this was only four hours away by car. We really do live in a beautiful country. I hope that you enjoy this issue. I urge you to visit all the creatives mentioned and support local businesses, and I highly recommend dinner at Bliss Boutique Hotel (where they’ve offered all Flat White Magazine readers a FREE cocktail with every booking!). Enjoy our September issue. If you want to get involved in Flat White Magazine, through articles or advertising, please contact me. We’d love to welcome you to the Flat White family! With love, laughter and a lot of coffee. Christine

@FW_Concepts FlatWhiteConcepts | Issue 38

TASTE | Issue 38


THE EVERYTHING-IN VEGETABLE SOUP After a recent sugary splurge, I felt it necessary to redeem myself by way of an everything-in vegetable soup. With no less than 10 vegetables, it rates as the ultimate fridge clear out and the best all-in-one winter immune booster. But we’re not stopping here. Swirls of peppery rocket pesto and toasted seeds make this soup an absolute joy that’ll have you ladling seconds.

Ingredients • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 large brown onion, diced • 1 garlic clove, minced • 1 medium sized leek • 3 stems celery • 2-3 carrots • 500g butternut • 2 orange sweet potatoes (kumara) • 3 medium sized zucchini • Half a head of broccoli • Half a head cauliflower • 800g tinned chopped tomatoes • handful fresh oregano, roughly chopped • 1 stem fresh rosemary, de-stalked and finely chopped • ½ teaspoon dried red chilli flakes (optional) • 1.75 litres vegetable or chicken stock • 1 cup milk • Salt and black pepper • 2 tablespoons pesto • Toasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds, optional

Method 1. Peel the carrots, butternut and sweet potatoes. Chop and dice all the vegetables. 2. Heat the olive oil and sauté the onion until soft. Add the garlic and cook for another minute or two. Add the leeks, celery and carrots to the onions and cook for about 4 minutes. 3. Add all the remaining vegetables, chopped tomatoes and herbs. Season with salt and pepper. Pour in the stock, cover partially with a lid and simmer for about 40 minutes until all the vegetables are fork tender. 4. Transfer to a blender and blitz until smooth. 5. Return the soup to the pot and add the milk. Heat through. Adjust the seasoning if necessary and add a little more water or milk if you prefer a thinner soup. 6. Serve with swirls of pesto and a handful of toasted seeds. Serves Ten Bibby’s Kitchen @ Thirty Six | Issue 38


We chat to the lovely Inge Loker from Snap, Sizze & Cook...

"I run so I can eat cupcakes" Tell me more about the concept of Snap, Is this a full time venture? Sizzle & Cook.

This is a full time venture but I also have a hand in another project. I teach basic cooking and baking skills to the children at iKhuthelo Children’s Village in Botha’s Hill situated in the beautiful 1000 Hills of KZN.

My grandmother, who made amazing food, didn’t record any of her recipes in paper form. She had them memorised in her head. But to this day it is something I wish that she had done. This was a trigger for me and I felt the need to record all the recipes that I baked and cooked. It Who created your logo? It's gorgeous. was important to me that one day my children could have access to all the meales that I ate My logo was created by the lovely Andrea Barand made. ras of Bird and Design. She is such a talented artist and I cannot begin to tell you how happy Snap, Sizzle & Cook therefore started out as a I am with my new branding. It’s beautiful, fresh personal venture for the benefit of my children and clean and I absolutely love the artichokes. but soon developed a wider interest from other Andrea is just phenomenal! You can visit her food lovers and home cooks. website on for more. | Issue 38

TASTE What 3 items are always in your fridge? • Fresh vegetables • An assortment of cheeses • Cream.

If you could eat the same meal every night for the rest of your life, what would it be? Taglietelle Alfredo with lots of garlic.

What has been your most shared recipe? When you're not cooking, what are you doing? The most shared recipe so far is most definitely the Granadilla Fridge Tart. It’s delicious, cheap I love running. I took up the sport last year in and easy to make. March and have completed a few 21k races as well as three marathons. My goal is to run and complete at least one Comrades. But let’s face it - I run so I can eat cupcakes. It’s all about balance.

What's for breakfast most days? Two slices of extra crunchy peanut butter toast (white bread, of course) with a large mug of tea.

If we were to find you at a cafe, where it would be? Waiting for my son to finish school, you’ll more than likely find me sitting at Café de More - a delightful little bistro situated on the school premises. It has a killer view of Durban, and they make a mean cappuccino. | Issue 38



We chat to the team behind this delicious brand...

What makes Eat Naked different to love the style of your brand - who other honey products? was in charge of the art direction? We make tasty, good honest food that’s raw and uncomplicated, unadulterated and fair... Naked. In short, its straight-up goodness with nothing to hide. Our Raw Honey is the centre of this philosophy. Locally produced, always pure and of the highest quality. Most people don’t know that the majority of honey on our shelves in South Africa today is imported from China. This honey is highly processed and irradiated with all of the natural goodness taken out. We are trying to change this picture, so that people understand the difference and choose to buy local good-quality raw honey as their preferred choice.

How/why was the Eat Naked brand formed? We exist to promote good, healthy eating habits. We want to make it easy and enjoyable for people to eat consciously. Conscious of what they put into their body. Conscious of where it comes from. Conscious of how it was made. We source, authentic ingredients that are good for you, uplifting the local communities that produce them, and bring them to market. We want to make good food accessible to both the conscious consumer looking for convenient, healthier alternatives, and open the minds of those who haven’t yet discovered the benefits of raw, naked eating.

We wanted to try something that was different and would stand out on shelf. Something that people could relate to and not be intimidated by, a problem that many of the “health” food labels and brands have in SA. We engaged with a Cape Town agency called Utopia, a great team of young creatives, who with our direction came up with the look and feel of the brand.

Tell us more about AHB (African Honey Bee). African Honey Bee are our friends with Beenafits:) Eat Naked has a partnership with this network of rural beekeepers throughout SA that produce superior raw, non-irradiated, unadulterated honey of unrivalled taste. They help ensure that our honey products are of the highest quality, raw (naked as the day it was extracted) and made in local food grade facilities. All this means that every spoonful you enjoy supports South African beekeepers and rural agricultural communities. | Issue 38

TASTE What is your best selling product and where can we buy them? Our current best sellers are our Raw Honey and our Natural Peanut Butter. Available at Dischem stores nationwide.

Tell me ABOUT YOUR TEAM? And if we were to find you at a coffee shop where would it be? We are a family business - Andre, Janine, Lauren and Michael. As I am often teased about - If I’m not playing golf, I’m most likely to be at Deluxe or Truth coffee shops in and around Cape Town!

Win an Eat Naked product hamper. See competitions page! | Issue 38 | Issue 38


Click HERE to book dinner at Bliss Boutique Hotel and get a FREE Bliss Martini. Quote ‘FlatWhite’ Valid until end October 2016. T&C’s Apply.

Discover Bliss Boutique Hotel on Instagram. 25 Albus Drive, Sunset Beach, Cape Town | Issue 38


No sugar, No dairy, no gluten – the three week challenge I’ve suffered on an off from stomach issues and headaches for the past few years. On a mission to sort myself out I recently decided to try the elimination diet. It was recommended to me by my doctor but I had been putting it off because it seemed so difficult (bread and cheese, hello!). The challenge: three weeks of no sugar, no dairy and no gluten. After which begins the reintroducing phase: dairy for the first three days and then gluten the next. The no sugar is really just to keep your body as clean as possible throughout the process. You can still drink alcohol (if it’s sugar free) and caffeine as long as it is kept in moderation. There are variations to this diet,

but this is probably the most basic and easiest to follow. I decided to include no peanuts too – I snack a lot on these tasty little nuggets so was interested to see how I’d feel without them. And so, one dreary Monday morning, I began. As it turned out, gluten-free oats were delicious – far tastier than the normal ones I always bought. But, as with all healthier alternatives, it came with a price. What’s worse is that oats are naturally gluten free, but because of the conditions where they are packaged they are riddled with gluten (and who knows what else). Next on the breakfast list was coffee. I bought myself a box of unsweetened rice milk and tried my luck. For something that’s unsweetened I was surprised at how sweet it actually was – and delicious. But, not something that I personally enjoyed with coffee. I like my coffee strong and bitter and the added sweetness was nice but not preferable. After day one I switched to almond milk. Nevertheless, rice milk was amazing when used in smoothies. Again, milk alternatives are more expensive. So after the first week I switched to the powdered variety from Dischem and made my own – not as good but definitely doable. And soon, I got used to drinking my coffee this way. Side note – my biggest issue came when going for coffee. In the three weeks of doing the challenge I went to four different coffee shops. Not one had a milk alternative for me. Two conversations from two different cafes went like this: Me: Do you have any milk alternatives? Them: What? Me: Milk alternatives. I can’t drink dairy. | Issue 38

TASTE Them: Yes, we have low fat. Sigh. So, I had to drink my coffee black. The better the coffee the less milk was actually needed. Sadly, not everywhere had good coffee. I finally started carrying around a little bit of almond milk. I battled a little the first day from a slight headache, but nothing too bad. Mostly, I was surprised at how easy it was. Potatoes and rice were allowed – firm favourites of mine – and with that as a base it was easy to make meals. My biggest issue throughout was the sugar. Not because I eat a lot of sugar (I don’t), but because there are hidden sugars almost everywhere. I’m almost certain that I had sugar throughout the three weeks without even noticing. But I did my best to eliminate it as best as I could. Tinned food was the biggest culprit. It’s the sugary preservatives in tinned food that keeps it from staying ‘fresh’ for longer. And it’s that sweetness that I’m used to adding to my meals – even with something as seemingly guiltless as tins of tomato and onion. Now here’s where I actually saved money – I bought beans in packets and boiled them myself, I bought frozen peas and always had them on hand and I chopped my own tomatoes and onions to create a sauce. My food went further and cost me less.

The three weeks went by quickly. Only the first week was daunting. But once I got into a rhythm it was easy. So, how did I feel after the three weeks was up? Incredible. I did not have one headache the entire time, nor did I suffer from stomach issues, and I felt random bursts of happiness. Also, my stomach had never been flatter. Even though I didn’t need to lose weight, I have always battled with a slightly bulgy stomach. But it honestly flattened out and I felt great. I began the reintroduction phase with a lot of trepidation. As much as I was looking forward to bringing back all the things that I had cut out I was also worried about the inevitable returning headache and general sense of unease. My first taste of coffee with normal milk was, I admit, a little close to perfection. I really did miss the milk. And eating bread and cheese was wonderful. I’ll be honest – it tasted good great amazing. And strangely, I didn’t feel all that bad bringing it back into my diet again. Not at all the light bulb moment I thought I might get like ‘Ah! So it was the cheese all along’. I was hoping to find the culprit easily. But alas, it did not happen.

Mostly, throughout this journey, I had to find ways to be creative. I couldn’t rely on the same foods that I was used to eating and I still wanted to ensure that I enjoyed my meals. I did a lot of research and scoured the internet for recipe ideas. And thankfully, there were a lot of people out there doing the same thing. Recipes were easy to find and normal meals were easily adaptable to suit the diet. With a few changes it wasn’t at all difficult to still eat well. By far one of my favourite recipes was quinoa bread – which was so easy to make and incredibly delicious. And it really comes out like bread! I was so excited by And then, it happened… about a week after the this discovery and it’s for sure going to become a introduction phase had finished. I was back to eating the same as before – not bad, but withstaple in our household. | Issue 38

TASTE out much thought to dairy, sugar and gluten. It happened one random morning. My stomach started to hurt. Then bloat. And then the headaches started to follow. And not just little headaches. But full on migraine like ones. It lasted a week until it slowly started to subside. My plan hadn’t worked! All I knew for certain was that something didn’t agree with me, because cutting it out for three weeks had been almost revolutionary. I wanted that feeling back. And so, I’m starting again. This time I’m cutting out one thing at a time for a full month. I’m starting with dairy – back to carrying around those little bottles of almond milk again. Sigh. No matter what happens I will probably continue with a diet similar to what I had started. I’m not sure that I can fully commit to a NO sugar, gluten, or dairy lifestyle – because I really do love going out and treating myself. Also, I’d hate to be that girl that won’t eat anything at a party. But I’m most definitely going to be changing the ‘NO’ to ‘LOW’ because having a body that feels healthy is actually far better than that slice of cake could ever be – a statement I never thought I’d make. My biggest takeaway from this was that I’ve become a lot more aware about what I’m putting into my body. And equally I’m okay with the occasional indulgence. I’m still looking forward to finding out what it is that my body is so intolerant to and I’m hoping that my new journey brings me results. Have you tried something similar? I’d love to hear about your experiences. By Christine Bernard

Quinoa Super Seed Bread Ingredients: • 2 cups (380g) Quinoa (uncooked) • 1/4 cup (40g) Chia Seeds • 2/3 cup (160ml) + 1/2 cup (120ml) Water + extra for soaking • 1/4 cup (60ml) Olive Oil • 1 tbsp (20ml) Fresh Lemon Juice • 1 teaspoon (4g) Gluten Free Baking Powder • Pinch Pink Salt • 1/4 cup (35g) Pumpkin Seeds + extra to decorate • 1/4 cup (35g) Sunflower Seeds + extra to decorate • 1 tablespoon (10g) Sesame Seeds Method: • In a large bowl soak quinoa with enough water to cover by 3cm. Cover and allow to soak in refrigerator for minimum 8 hours (or overnight). • Soak chia seeds in 1/2 cup water, cover and soak overnight. • Pre-heat fan-forced oven to 180°C. • Drain and rinse quinoa. Allow to stand for several minutes to drain well. • In a high powered blender or food processor combine soaked quinoa, 2/3 cup water, soaked chia seeds, olive oil, lemon juice, baking powder and salt. Blend for approx 2 minutes* whilst scraping down sides to create a wet batter (with some whole quinoa seeds still visible). • In a mixing bowl combine quinoa batter with the seeds and mix well. • Pour batter into a lined loaf tin and sprinkle with extra seeds for decoration. • Bake in oven for 1.5 hours and golden on top. • Allow to completely cool before slicing. | Issue 38




The World’s Strongest Coffee sleeping is cheating

We chat to Sean Kristafor, the founder of Black Insomnia Company.

Tell us a bit more about you and how the concept of Black Insomnia came about... I retired from corporate life at the end of last year, after 20 years of running multi national retail companies. I am also a typical coffee-holic who loves a good cup of coffee in the morning at my local coffee shop while I go on through my social media and online news articles. I felt that there was a something missing in my coffee, that kick that makes you want to jump up and take on the world. I looked around to find that special brew, but could not find anything that could do that while tasting really good and smooth. At that stage the Worlds Strongest Coffee was

Death Wish and came out of the USA, and while it was quite strong, it did not taste really great. Also due to the exchange rates, Death Wish was prohibitively expensive. Therefore I decided to create my own. I did some online research to see if I could find a roaster based in Cape Town, who could make something for me. What I found surprised me: Cape Town city Centre has 25 micro roasters and over 100 in the greater Cape Peninsula area, and that we actually have one of the best roasters in the world (Gerald Charles a.k.a. Dr G). I contacted Gerald and asked him make me the strongest coffee in the world, but it also has to taste really good. | Issue 38

TASTE I bought a couple of bags of Death Wish from various locations around the USA and had them tested at SGS Laboratories for caffeine content using High Performance Liquid Chromotography method. Gerald’s first try knocked it right out of the ball park and developed something that was over 15% stronger than Death Wish.

When you're not drinking coffee, what are you doing?

On the 10th of June I brought Michael Van Den Heerik onboard, owner of a boutique creative agency called WebWiser. My brief was to develop branding and identity for the Worlds Strongest Coffee. He presented the concept to me on the Youth Day public holiday, 16th of June, where he had delivered on the brief spot on. So the brand was born on Youth Day 2016.

Besides Black Insomnia, what is your favourite South African coffee?

What makes Black Insomnia the strongest coffee in the world? It is a combination of high quality beans, consistently sourced from a specific supplier, as well as the roasting method. I have partnered with Gerald Charles (a.k.a. Dr G) who is also rated the 6th best roaster in the world. How would you describe the coffee? Black insomnia tastes like a hug from your gran.

Sleeping? I retired from corporate life last year and pretty much spend all my time in my coffices (coffee offices) - the coffee shops around Cape Town. So I basically drink coffee all the time.

I really struggle to decide which coffee is my favourite. Cape Town has a number of really good quality coffees and coffee establishments; Truth is a quality coffee and has an amazing ambience, Bootlegger is consistently good, Shift Espresso Bar in Green Point is my local hangout (09h00 to around 12h00). How much coffee do YOU drink a day? I wake up at 4am and usually have two cups of Black Insomnia by 9am. Depending on my meetings for the day, I will have anything between 4 and 10 cups of coffee. I don’t have anything after 4pm as I struggle to sleep. Where can people buy?

Black Insomnia Coffee is available online at www. With milk: it is comforting, rich and sweet, with as well as a variety of qualflavour components of roasted walnuts, caramel ity coffee shops around Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban and Port Elizabeth. You can go to and chocolate. our website to see who stocks Black Insomnia. As an espresso: it is rich, full bodied, syrupy with dominant flavours of nuts and caramel and don’t forget the caffeine kick! It contains more than 6% more caffeine than Death Wish – and also a similar amount of caffeine to many energy drinks on the market in South Africa. This is without the sugars and additives that are believed to be harmful if consumed in excess. We even encourage people to drink it without sugar because we don’t believe it needs anything else.



EACH MONTH WE’LL BE FEATURING A SHORT STORY FROM A SOUTH AFRICAN WRITER. Please submit your stories (of no more than 1000 words in length) to

Bloody Birthday I had been invited to Angie’s tenth birthday party. She was very excited to have all of us at her gran’s house. For weeks leading up to the event, she spoke of the ice-cream cake, of the pool at her Bobonne’s house where we could swim, and of her cousins that would be there. She wasn’t too happy that her oldest cousin, Marcel, would be there. He gave her the creeps.

spring had just started. Angie complained every year that all she ever wanted was a Hawaiian party but all she ever got was rain. I looked forward to swimming and eating ice-cream cake. I took a local taxi that stopped about a kilometre from Angie’s house. From there, I walked the rest of the way.

Before I even got there, I could see balloons The day of the party dawned. It was bright and blowing lazily against the blue of the sky. Musunny. The sky was the bluest I’d ever seen, sic was playing softly and I heard other children which was unusual because it was October and laughing. I walked in and Angie ran up to me, | Issue 38

create her eyes shone brightly with expectation. We didn’t have much money, so I only got Angie a small rag doll that my mom sewed for me. Angie squealed with delight over the doll and showed it to everyone. I was a little embarrassed, but that was Angie for you. She always made you feel good about yourself. Oh, what fun we had! We swam, ate Ice-cream cake, swam again, danced and talked and laughed about everything. I can’t quite remember when the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand. When I turned around, Angie’s cousin, Marcel, was staring at me. His eyes showed pure hatred and I couldn’t think why. I stayed until the very end. I said my goodbyes. Angie said she would walk with me to the taxi rank. I told her “No!” It would be getting dark soon and I wanted to savour the day and all the feelings I had. I was full and content and I wanted this feeling to last. I walked leisurely, all the while enjoying the early evening happenings. Birds were chirping in the trees, arguing about sleeping spaces, the noise sounding like bees, only louder. A cat slinked past, keeping in the shadows, eyes gleaming in the fading dusk. The first punch caught me unawares. I fell. A dirty rag was pushed into my mouth and I fought the urge to gag. Through the haze of blows, I saw my attacker. Marcel. Only not Marcel. Not this crazed madman with spittle flying from his mouth. He looked almost rabid. If hate were sweat, I would drown. Blows were still raining down on me only I didn’t feel them anymore. Marcel grabbed my feet and dragged me to the veld. I remember seeing the cat, quietly staring at me and the birds that had moments before been chirping were now silent. I could see the first star in the sky. And then nothing.

How did I get here? I see Angie. I walk slowly towards her and I see that she is crying. She is looking straight ahead as if she is afraid to look at anyone. Clutched in her hand is the rag doll I gave her. “Angie!” I hiss, expecting to give her a fright. I get no reaction. I try to touch her but my hand can’t quite seem to reach. I look at my mother. Why is she crying like that? I’ve never seen her cry. I feel scared. I scream to get my mother’s attention. There’s no response from anyone. Can no one see me? I walk to the front of the church where I see a casket too small to hold a grown up. A picture of me stands on top of the coffin surrounded by my favourite flowers, cosmos. That was it for me. Life. Ten years of it. Icecream cakes and swims and friends who made me laugh. Marcel will never see a trial. I know this. Angie will never know who betrayed her by taking away her best friend. I begin to cry. I walk away.

By Angelique Pacheco Angelique Pacheco is a karate ninja by day and a writer by night, plotting to take over the world and write awesome children’s books at the same time. She enters every competition she can to gain experience and has been writing ever since she can remember. She speaks three languages. She has been published in Author’s Mag as well as Today’s little Ditty.

Why is my mother wailing like that? I blink my eyes and look around me. I am at church. | Issue 38


Photo Credit: Michelle Du Toit - Michelle DT Photograph

We chat to Rouxmia Bougas - the creative behind Romeo Foxtrot | Issue 38

create Tell us about Romeo Foxtrot Designs...

Tell us about the classes..

I was working a full time office job - with all the stress and lack of creativity that comes with it. After work I would go home and release tension by making jewellery for myself. The skill developed over years of playing around with different pieces. Eventually, as friends would see me wearing my own little hand-made pieces, they wanted some too! That is how it all started. Over night, it became a business. I call it a hobby gone well.

People book me for kiddies jewellery lessons and birthday parties in the comfort of their own home. They get to choose the designs from package deals and I bring all the tools, charms, and fun things with. I then sit with the kids and help them to make their own jewellery which they get to keep. It’s fun, creative and educational for kids to enjoy. I love children, so what better way to spend time with them by helping them express their creativity.

Describe your brand in one sentence..

When you're not designing what are you doing?

Jewellery made with love and happy thoughts.

Watching The Bachelor! Judge me. Judge me hard! I love reading, spending time in nature and I am addicted to Pinterest. I love coffee and spending time with my amazing friends, so that goes hand in hand too. Oh and I love hanging Oh goodness. These horrible earrings for my with my cats. Matric dance when I was 18. But that was 8 years before it became my business. My first piece sold was a Charm Wrap and Anchor Bracelet.

What was your very first design?

Tell me about your team..

A lovely lady called Sizipiwe helps me with mass production. She is amazing! We are a pretty casual little business. I am Batman and she is my I was at a party one night and there was this guy, Robin. who didn't know how to pronounce my name and called me "Romeo Foxtrot". I thought it was hilarious. About a year later, I was thinking of a name and that just seemed to stick. I LOVE Chelsea Cafe in Somerset West, you will see me there most days.

Tell me more about the name..

If we were to find you at a cafe where would it be?

Where do you sell your products?

I have an online shop which is the main place to shop! Other than that, Romeo Foxtrot exclusively exhibits at the Lourensford Market, which is reopening the 2nd of September. I also do private pop up parties that can be booked via email, where I come to offices, tea parties or host them myself at different venues collaborating with other brands.



See the competitions page at the back for more details! | Issue 38


THINGS WE LOVE The best from Bose just got wireless and they have officially arrived in South Africa. Selling price: R8,800 Available in black and silver Available at

Zipped Cross-Body in Tan Selling price: R1,050 • Measures 30cm (W) by 28cm (H) • Lined in cotton twill • Exterior zip with pocket for quick access • 24cm zip across the top • Inner pocket for smaller items • Adjustable strap with 40 – 60cm handle drop Available at

Book Guardian This little guardian is customised and will ensure that you never lose the place in your book. Selling price: R150 Includes local postage (R50 for tracking number). Visit to place your order. | Issue 38

create Big and Little Spoon Cushion Set Selling price: R390 - R470 These cushions are printed onto an off-white 100% Cotton Fabric. Available at

Milk Jug - Sugar Skull This milk jug forms part of the Sugar Skull collection. The combination of a menacing skull decorated in pretty flower and delicate motifs creates a delightful design. Think rock n roll meets the secret garden. Available at

Marble Inspired Range Selling price: R170 - R220 Available at MASH Boutique, Fabricate, Amiti and Tribute in Cavendish Square, all these shops are located in and around Cape Town. Products also available in online stores at Scandi Home Decor and Chocolate Cherry Store. | Issue 38

We enjoy some Spanish flair with designer Vicky Alvarez, from Mocho Loco.

Tell me a bit more about Mocho Loco..

What design services do you offer?

Mocho Loco is a boutique graphic design studio based in Cape Town run by me, Vicky Alvarez Campos. I specialise in branding, illustration and wedding stationery and started Mocho Loco in 2009 as an outlet for creativity, inspiration and expression, but it soon became much more than that. “Find a job that you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” is how I like to describe my journey. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina but have lived in Cape Town since 2007. With an Honours degree in Business Management and work experience in the marketing and hospitality industries, I decided to follow my heart and do what I love most; design.

I mainly focus on brand design (logo, stationery, website and other collateral design elements), but also offer illustration and wedding stationery design services. Besides the graphic design side of Mocho Loco, I have just launched my first stationery range which I’m very excited and proud of. This includes sets of notebooks, cards, gift tags and party decorations. They are available on my online store and selected shops in South Africa.

I'd love to know more about the name.. Hehe, this is a nice question! I like to say that Mocho Loco translates to “Crazy creative”. When I was in the process of naming my business I wasn’t sure if I should use my name or create one. I thought that my name would give the brand a very serious look so after thinking of options I decided to go ahead with “Mocho Loco”, which was the nickname I was given when I moved to South Africa. I think that describes me and the brand pretty well… bold and out-of-the-box with a bit of Spanish flair and lots of “loco”.

What project are you most proud of? There are many projects that I’m proud of and loved working on but if I have to choose only one it would be the Gibraltar Music Festival. This two-day event takes place in UK and I’ve been involved as the Creative Director and head of design for the last 3 years. We usually start working on the festival’s poster first drafts in January and only finish all the work mids September after the festival is done. I love this project not only because it’s super fresh and colourful but also because it’s a huge project where I’m involved in creating a variety of elements such as billboards, social media videos and even the artwork for the 5 stages on-site. I must also confess that the little groupie in me loves preparing artwork with some of my favourite international artists. | Issue 38

DISCOVER When you're not designing, what are you doing?

ing projects. This is a retro looking font with an amazing 3-dimentional feel to it.

At the moment I’m pregnant and expecting a baby boy so as first time mom-to-be, you’ll find me reading a lot about pregnancy, babies and decorating the nursery! Otherwise, I love doing crafts and being outdoors – either surfing or hiking or just snapping photographs around beauti- Definitely at Deckle Edge (art supply store in ful Cape Town. Woodstock). I love their massive paper collection, paints and all crafting and calligraphy supplies – every time I go in there, I feel like a child in the coolest toy store you can imagine.

If you could have R20,000 to spend at only one shop where would it be and why?

3 websites do you frequent most often?

At the moment I’m spending a lot of time on Skillshare doing some awesome tutorials. I also regularly read where they feature great branding and packaging work from all over the world and that it’s packed with amazing creative inspiration and fun articles.

Do you have a favourite font?

What cafe would we find you at? I love coffee a lot so always make time to take a break and sneak a cappuccino or flat white. I go regularly to Bootleggers in Sea Point (just a few blocks from my home/studio) and I also love Giovanni’s in Green Point (I feel that I’m back in Buenos Aires every time I sit by their coffee bar).

I don’t have one only favourite font but I go Visit through stages of what I like. At the moment I’m loving LULO CLEAN from Yellow Design Studio which I have recently used for some nice brand- | Issue 38


GETTING TO KNOW OUR READERS We chat to Nicola Meyer from Run On Coffee | Issue 38

DISCOVER What are you watching at the mo- What are you most proud of? ment? My husband and two kids. I’m also I don’t really watch much TV but I do proud of the fact that at age 40 I deneed to catch up on Game of Thrones cided to start a blog and I am having and I would love to watch the Vikings more fun in my 40’s because of that. series. What is your guilty pleasure? What are you reading? Ooh it can only be fudge and dark The Wilder Shores of Love by Lesley chocolate. Since I started banting I Blanch. It is a biography of four 19th have had to stay away from fudge (so century European women who leave sad). behind the industrialized west for Arabia in search of romance and fulfil- What cafe are we most likely to find ment. The book was published in 1954 you at? and I bought it for R1 at our local Hospice shop. Lineage Coffee in Hillcrest. With one hour free wifi and the best cappucciWhat was the last photo you took? nos! A picture of Red Truck Coffee Roastery Who would be your top five famous beans. dinner guests? Three items always in your fridge.

Ed’ s n ot e I’ m co m i n g o ve r!

Bacon, cheese and cream.

Audrey Hepburn, Mata Hari, Agatha Christie, Amelia Earhart and Julie Andrews

What did you have for breakfast?

If a movie of your life were to be made - what would it be called, who Neil and I are Banting and he is in would play you and what would the charge of the breakfast.This morning soundtrack be? we had 2 fried eggs, banting bread, grated cheese and bacon. I definitely know that the songs used would come from the 80’s as I have so What is your dream profession? many fond memories linked to songs from that time. I would ask Jennifer Owning a craft and coffee shop! They Lawrence to play me and of course the go so well together. I would also love movie would have to be called Run On to be asked to write an article or two Coffee. for a magazine or newspaper one day. | Issue 38

DISCOVER | Issue 38

DISCOVER Disconnect and Reconnect It’s been a hectic month. Lots of deadlines, worries and stress. So I cannot explain quite how much I was looking forward to getting away. And what better place than Akasha Mountain Retreat – tucked up and away in the Heidelberg mountains. Who knew heaven was such a quick drive from home? The drive was roughly four hours (including a coffee stop of course) and soon I was welcomed by the most breathtaking view that I had ever seen. It was one of those ‘blink, look again, blink, look again’ moments when you can’t actually believe how anything could be so beautiful. Owners Chris and Elana were perfect hosts and upon arrival Chris took us for a tour of the property where he showed us wildlife, flora and points of interests. Then he let us settle in to our home away from home and told us that he was only a phone call away. Once he left it really was just us sitting on top of the mountain – with no other sounds other than the birds that came to say hello. I’m not used to quiet like that. It’s only then that you notice just how noisy your normal life usually is. The retreat itself is perfectly positioned so that the view of the mountain range and the lake below is available from all vantage points. The Moroccan theme runs through the entire house from the overall look to the finer details. I spent a lot of my time just admiring these details. The retreat consists of a main house and a suite, each 20m apart and they are rented together as a single unit. The suite has one extra length king size bed with an en-suite shower and tea/ coffee making facilities, and is great for anyone that wants a little space from the rest of the group (or, you know, the snorers). The main house comes with a fully equipped kitchen (and trust me – they’ve thought of everything!), three bedrooms (one en-suite), one main bathroom, a large living/dining area with a fireplace and a large shaded courtyard. There are braai facilities, board games, books and even a Bluetooth/ analogue speaker for your iPod or phone. | Issue 38


It was easy to switch off at Akasha. I pulled my blanket down to the grass and settled down with a glass of wine and my book – and ended up staying there a few hours. We took music to listen to but in the end we decided that we preferred the silence. The only sounds coming from the creatures around us. Occasionally we tried our hand at some of the musical instruments on offer – some djembe drums and marimbas. I wasn’t very good – but hey, there was nobody there to tell me that. We went for two days and it wasn’t enough. I’d recommend at least a week. The morning of our last day we woke up to the sound of horses running towards us. They stopped in front of the sliding door of our bedroom and ate some grass. Then they galloped off. It felt as if they had come to say goodbye. We’ll be back, Akasha. We’ll be back. Visit to make a booking. By Christine Bernard Photos by Warren Bernard | Issue 38

DISCOVER | Issue 38


HOW TO LIVE A NOMADIC LIFE. Meet Vaughan and Lauren - digital nomads, modern day explorers and "style your own life" advocates. They take us through tips on how to live a nomadic life. | Issue 38


fore you quit your job and tell your boss to stick it, explore the option of your job being location independent. If yours is a job that can be done successfully online, ask if you can continue to do it from anywhere in the world even if it’s for the first three months. This will prolong you going broke and having to beg people to let you sleep on their couch.

Not tomorrow, not next year, not in five years time now. Leaving your hometown and country never gets easier and you’re not getting any younger. And you’ll always find excuses for why you should settle at home- mortgages, cars, things, people, your job. For the most part these things will all still be there when you return (probably not your job) So if you’re lucky enough 3. FIND WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ON THE GO. to own a house, rent it out. Sell your car, sell or store your things and go. I’m a planner and before moving to South Korea, I found a job, got my visa and had my place The older you get, the more responsibility tends of accommodation sorted before I even left the to follow you and latch on such as taxes, loans, country. But after Vaughan and I got married, bonds and kids so go now. Travelling with kids two weeks later we up and left to honeymoon is more than possible and I suggest it but trav- and live in Thailand. We had no jobs lined up and elling in your twenties sans kids is the easiest and most carefree travel will be for you, so don’t waste time. Pack your luggage, book your ticket, and go. 2. PUT IN THE PREP.

had no idea where we would end of living. So fresh off the boat on Koh Samui island, we instantly decided this was a place we wanted to live. Island life was and still is very appealing to us so we looked for ways to make money.

While some people can just get on a plane and land wherever they may, many people cannot. Especially if you’re from South Africa, travelling with a weak currency or if you’re a forward planner. So unless you have a trust fund you’ll want to do some research and make tentative plans We prepared cvs and drove around the island for the places where you’ll find temporary shel- on scooters handing them in to every English ter. language school available. Instead of the usual bikini and sarong attire foreigners always wear, Start with a country, what opportunities it pro- we got dressed in our business best to make a vides for you working and earning money. Be- good impression. Vaughan got a job at a English | Issue 38

DISCOVER Language school and I taught a year 2 homeroom tacular places for up to a few months at a time class at a British school. and not have to pay a cent ( except to have membership on the website). There are also options So even if you’re heading for beach paradise for free accommodation and meals like working pack work clothes, research what the profes- at backpackers or working on farms (hard slog). sional dress code is in each country as it will differ e.g Korea and Thailand your shoulders always 6. DOCUMENT YOUR TRAVELS AND START A have to be covered, but in Malaysia your elbows BLOG. and ankles have to be covered in certain towns and work places. If you’re not keen on teaching While every Tom, Dick and Harry have started a english there are other options such as working travel blog, you may have a very niche market on cruise ships, becoming a dive instructor ( lots which would love to read your articles. e.g You of money and courses to get there) or working may be volunteering in marine conservation and on yachts. take great underwater photography. If you do something that most people don’t or can’t do 4. LIVE LIGHTLY everyday, share your knowledge, experience and photography with them. I’ve never been one of those carry-your-life-onyour-back people; but if you are this is a great Along with an audience and traffic may come adway to keep your load light and not have to wor- vertisers who wish to pay for the eyeballs you’ve ry about lugging tons of bags. You’re choosing to accumulated. If you need help starting a blog/ be semi-nomadic, travel long-term and therefore running social media channels, email me as our choosing to place more importance on experi- Digital Agency offers all of these epic services: ences and not things. As difficult as it is not buy- ing beautiful wood crafts from Bali, lanterns from Thailand and hats from Vietnam, try. Visit That being said, I’ve bought all of these things but only at a later stage along my travels when I knew I was ready to have one home and a base from which to move from. That hut on the beachfront will have no space for your collectibles, airlines will not protect your fragile goodies and taking trains, buses and ferries are that much easier without millions of bags and souvenirs. 5. A PLACE TO REST YOUR WEARY HEAD. If you’re wanting to mission around Europe which is crazy expensive and where your cash won’t get you near as far as in Asia. Then options like couch surfing and housesitting may work for you. Sure there’s options like staying on friends couches but if you sign up with trusted websites like you can stay at | Issue 38

DISCOVER | Issue 38

Comp 1


Win a Black Insomnia hamper to the value of R1500. 1 x 1kg bag, cup, cap, hoodie, plus 2 tickets to the Coffee & Chocolate Expo. Including delivery. (Cape Town only). HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Black Insomnia’ Entries close: 20 September

Black Insomnia Coffee The world’s strongest coffee is a real caffeine infused kick in the face to the tired, the old and the mediocre. It’s time to wake up. They’re done with craft. They’re done with washed out hippy packaging and washed out hippy coffee. Black Insomnia is made with love. It’s made with passion. But it’s also made with loads of integrity and without any frills. | Issue 38

Comp 2


Win a camera necklace, coffee mug lucky charm bracelet and feather wrap from Romeo Foxtrot. HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Romeo Foxtot’ Entries close: 27 September

Romeo Foxtrot Romeo Foxtrot Designs is a Jewelry Business owned and founded by Capetonian Rouxmia Bougas. There is something for everyone! | Issue 38

Comp 3


Win an Eat Naked product hamper.

HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Eat Naked’ Entries close: 27 September

Eat Naked Eat Naked promote good, healthy eating habits. Why? Because they want it to be easy and enjoyable for you to eat consciously. Conscious of what you put into your body. Conscious of where it comes from. Conscious of how it was made. At Eat Naked, they source superior, authentic ingredients that are good for you, good for the planet, and good for the local communities that produce them. They make tasty, honest food that’s raw, uncomplicated, unadulterated and, well, nude. In short, they’re about straight-up goodness that has nothing to hide. | Issue 38

Comp 4


Win an easel of your choice from Vin d’Easel HOW TO ENTER: Visit and choose your easel! Remember to look under both ART and PHOTOGRAPHY for product choices. Then email your choice, along with your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Vin d’Easel’ Entries close: 27 September

Vin d’Easel Vin d’Easel - small art for big people. The concept arose from our love of photography, illustration and art. We wanted to combine those elements to produce a tangible product to share with the public. All our art is supplied with miniature easels and comes in a gift box. | Issue 38

Comp 5


Win a Carmién Tea Gift Hamper to the value of R140 (gift bag included). HOW TO ENTER: To win answer the following question: On what farm is Carmién Tea grown and harvested? Visit to find the answer. Then email your answer and your full details to with the subject line: ‘Carmién Tea’ Entries close: 27 September

Carmién Tea Carmién Tea producers are taking the lead in organic rooibos cultivation and ensuring best farming practices in protecting the natural fauna and flora, endangered wildlife species and scarce natural resources, like water. Carmién organic rooibos is a superior well-balanced tea with a natural full aroma and soft sweet taste. A product of superior quality, exclusively cultivated and carefully processed & selected. The perfect way to relax and to rewind during your day. | Issue 38

Comp 6


Win a customised Book Guardian from Mischief Managed. HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Book Guardian’ Entries close: 27 September

Mischief Managed From website: I’ve been blogging for 10 years this year and 5 of those ten years I’ve been doing book reviews. In that time I’ve made really great friends and a lot of those friends are authors. When you get to really know published authors you get to learn all about the stuff that readers don’t know they worry about like how much they actually make on a book, the publish process and then their biggest deal - trying to get readers to actually leave reviews. And that’s where all this comes in. Reviews (particularly on Amazon) are like diamonds to an author and as such I did a little research and decided to put my blogging knowledge, social influence and intimidation qualities to good use. I have the skills I may as well help the people that have helped me get through some really dark times in life. Instead of an author having to do all the work of sending out books to people and then hoping and praying that they actually get a review out of it those authors are going to come to me and they’re going to give me ebook copies of the book they would love reviews on and I am going to give it to you for free! BUT, as we know, nothing in life is truly free so yes there is a catch. You HAVE to leave a review. You need to leave an Amazon review as well as one more of your choice (blog, goodreads, etc) and though you aren’t obligated it would be awesome if you posted a pic to instagram or tweeted a link because I know that authors LOVE to share those (which means you get a little love in return). And that right there is the gist of what all this is and why I’m doing it! | Issue 38

the end

DO YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE WITH US? Email Christine on | Issue 38

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