Issue 39 October 2016

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This month we visit the beautiful Clouds Estate

October 2016 Issue 39

ed’s note “People who love to eat are always the best people.” ―- Julia Child

October? Already? This year has flown by. This is the time of year when I start reflecting on the months that have gone by and asking myself - did I live my best year? Did I achieve my goals? And mostly, what more can I do to end the year on a bang? Three more months to go - that’s enough time to do all the things that you set out to do at the start of the year. It’s one of my most exciting times as we race to the yearly finish line. We hope that you like our new look and feel. We have an updated logo and a more cohesive look and feel. We cover the importance of re-branding in a blog post - so visit our website on www. to read it. We’ll be using the blog as an extension of the magazine - so lots of things to do with our three main headings: taste, create and discover. I hope that you enjoy our October issue this month. Slightly longer than usual but there was simply too much to share! If you want to get involved in Flat White Magazine, through articles or advertising, please contact me. We’d love to welcome you to the Flat White family! With love, laughter and a lot of coffee. Christine

@FW_Concepts FlatWhiteConcepts | Issue 39



They’re not only good for breakfast, lunch and dinner but loved for their versatility in both savoury and sweet dishes. Yes, we’re all about eggs today. If you have eggs in the fridge, a quick and nutritious meal is not far off. On the table we have this roast butternut and blue cheese frittata with caramel dipped cherry tomatoes. Whether you call it a frittata, tortilla or crustless quiche, it’s one superbly good vegetarian dish. It’s sure to keep both veggie lovers and meat eaters clamouring for more. My approach to cooking is always to maximise flavour, whether it’s meat or vegetable-dense dishes. One way of adding bags of flavour is by roasting. Another is to incorporate exciting textures and tastes like savoury and sweet. For this frittata I roast the butternut in ground coriander and all-spice. Next up are the creamy eggs. Softly whisked and puffed-up soufflé style with blue cheese and salty feta. How good? Waite, we’re not done yet. In for a penny…. A crown of toffee apple red cherry tomatoes are dipped in hot caramel and piled on top. Now we’re done. For the caramel I use Natura Sugars Golden castor sugar. It’s super-fine texture and golden colour makes for a deep amber coloured caramel. Natura Sugars are unbleached and non-irradiated, a process which helps retain a distinctive molasses-rich taste. They’re my go to range of sugars, especially when it comes to baking and savoury sweet combination cooking. Serve the frittata warm or at room temperature with a fresh garden salad for a delicious summer supper.

Ingredients • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 large brown onion, sliced into half moons • 500g butternut chunks, peeled • ½ teaspoon ground coriander • ¼ teaspoon all spice or mixed spice • 8 free-range eggs • 125ml cream (or half milk, half cream) • 1 teaspoon wholegrain mustard


• 125g blue cheese, crumbled into chunks • 100g feta, crumbled • A handful of pine nuts • Salt and black pepper For the caramelised tomatoes

• ½ cup Natura Sugars Golden Castor sugar • 250g vine cherry tomatoes

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200º C. 2. Line and grease a roasting tin. Place the butternut on the tray and drizzle with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Season with coriander, mixed spice, salt and pepper. 3. Roast for about 35 - 40 minutes or until fork tender and golden. 4. Heat the remaining oil in a pan and sauté the onions until caramelised and soft. 5. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, cream and wholegrain mustard. Season lightly with salt and pepper. 6. Grease a 23cm ovenproof pie dish. Lay the roast butternut, onions, half the feta and blue cheese on the base. Pour over the egg mixture. Scatter with remaining cheese and pine nuts. 7. Bake for about 35-40 minutes until puffed and golden. 8. In the meanwhile, start with the caramel. Place the sugar in a saucepan on a medium high heat. 9. Swirl the pan without stirring the sugar until the caramel is a dark amber colour. 10. Dip the tomatoes halfway into the hot caramel and place on top of the warm frittata. 11. Serve the frittata immediately with a fresh garden salad. Serves Six Bibby’s Kitchen @ Thirty Six | Issue 39

taste | Issue 39

taste A balanced life is coffee in one hand and chocolate in the other.

When I heard that there was going to be a coffee and chocolate expo in Cape Town I knew without a doubt that I was going to drop everything to be there. This was the first time that the they were launching in Cape Town, following sucessful shows in both Joburg and Durban. The expo was held on the 24th and 25th September and was a huge success. At only R100 (R120 at the door) we were given privy to a great selection of coffee and chocolate specialists in South Africa. We had a great time, and after a morning of tastings we settled down with a glass of wine and listened to the music. It was a day of indulgence - which we all deserve every now and again.

• Steampunk Experience: Here you could watch how to make a great cup of coffee from our SA Barista Champion 2016 and learn about the history and origins from Bean to Cup. Wine tasting is so 90’s, coffee tasting is where it’s at!

What was on offer?

For their first event in Cape Town I was impressed and I’m looking forward to 2017.

• Mardi Gras Experience: hosting a visionary sensation of coffee and chocolate and home to their famous pairing theatre, pairing whiskey, wine, liqueurs with chocolate. It was here that you could sample, taste and celebrate all things delicious and decadent.

• Daily news section, brought to you by Beyers Chocolates: the perfect place to learn about chocolate culinary delights and watch the chefs in action. • Cocoa Mokka Music Lounge: the perfect pace to chill while celebrating SA’s up and coming artists.

Stay in touch by visiting and don’t miss out! Come on, it’s chocolate, coffee, beer and wine - how can you not? | Issue 39


We chat to Bonnie, from AllergyKids

full blood test was required as his allergies were not limited to one but many and all were life threatening. This is very scary to any mom and she knew then she needed to do whatever was necessary to keep him safe without limiting her other little boys or making Jacob feeling different from his peers. ​ Chantal and I have known each other since our early 20's and I introduced Chantal to the allergy awareness bracelets. Wearing the bracelet has allowed Jacob the freedom to go to playdates, parties and day camps in the school holidays. ​

Can you explain your two products/services? Tell us more about AllergyKids When my worst fears were confirmed and I was told that my 12 month old daughter was dairy allergic, Soy Intolerant and border line immune deficient, my research started. I realised that everything was US, UK and AUS based but nothing was relevant to me here in SA. Out of this Allergykids was born. It started as a support forum for other parents with kids with allergies but has evolved into producing a range of Allergy Awareness wristbands. Chantal and her husband discovered by accident, which is most often the case, that their youngest son was allergic to eggs. Upon further investigation and many doctors visits they realised a

The Allergy Awareness wristbands were designed initially with children in mind. They are adjustable to fit most wrists from as young as 18 months to adulthood and can be used by our toughest toddler and active outdoor enthuisist. We designed our wristbands using blue and white as these are the colours most often associated with Allergy Awareness. Through this when people see a blue and white wristband we want them to immediately make the association that an allergy is present. The wristbands are to create awareness amongs family, teachers, care givers and friends of any allergies the child has. This in turn will allow conscious decisions to be made when selecting the right food choices for the allergic child, therefore reducing the risk of acci- | Issue 39


harmful and dangerous invader. The body reacts by releasing antibodies called immunoglobulin E(IgE). The IgE in turn prompts the body to release chemicals known as histamines. When the histamines are released, the body reacts by producing symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes, a skin rash and in severe cases, anaphylaxis. In a food allergy, the body’s immune system is inThe Travel Assist has been designed to assist volved tourists travelling to South Africa with food allergies. Unfortuanlty we as a country are not yet How can we get on board with AllergyKids? on par with Europe and America and food labeling laws. One must always be very careful when We are always looking for new and exciting Allerreading food labels and know your products and gy free/Sugar free products to review and list on ingredients as they can vary from country to our website. These products as well as any hand country even amongst the most popular inter- tips, suggestions articles etc are shared bi weekly national brands. We source alternative products with our facebook friends and community and that the traveller or the child can eat here and we would love to share yours too. Our facebook where to find them whilst travelling in South Af- page is there for our Allergy community to suprica and what they should bring with them. port each other, ask questions and if we don’t know, we will find someone who will know or recommend a specialist that can assist you. What is the best way of establishing dental exposure. It can and should be personalised with ones contact information in case of an emergency like anaphylaxis. If a person does start to present with symptoms of anaphylaxis from an allergic reaction, the teacher or care giver will be aware of the appropraite setps to take in assisting the child from further trauma.

whether your child has an allergy?

The best way to determine if they have allergies is to have them properly allergy tested. If you or your Doctor suspects an allergy it is a matter of a blood test or a skin prick test. The blood test does sound scary but it takes two minutes. We suggest using something called an EMLA patch. This is a plaster with a local anaesthetic. So you would place a plaster on each arm in the crook of the elbow joint where blood is most often drawn. This should be done at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment to allow the patch to become effective. This will anaesthetise the area so they don’t feel the initial prick. Scariest part over and time for a favourite treat or toy with so they can chew or suck on something which usually distracts them quite well.

Our two Superheroes are ready and waiting to hear from all those fabulous real life superheroes out there. We love to hear from our AllergyKids and are always looking to feature an AllergyKid superhero. If you or a friend know someone please have them get in touch with us via our website or facebook page We also have an Educational talk which focuses on Healthy eating, how important exercising is and the basics of a food allergy, aimed at school ages 3 – 12 years old which we would love to present at your school and introduce them to our Allergy Superheros. Our wristbands are also available at Pick n Pay Pharmacies nationwide.

What is an allergy?

If you would like to get in touch with us, please An allergy is when the body’s immune system drop us a mail at or mistakes something like a food or pollen as a | Issue 39 | Issue 39

taste Click HERE to book dinner at Bliss Boutique Hotel and get a FREE Bliss Martini. Quote ‘FlatWhite’ Valid until end October 2016. T&C’s Apply.

Discover Bliss Boutique Hotel on Instagram. 25 Albus Drive, Sunset Beach, Cape Town | Issue 39

WIN TICKETS! See competitions page for details

Pinotage Day Saturday, 8 October Wellington Wines will be celebrating International Pinotage Day with a fun-filled Pinotage Celebration on Saturday, 8 October, to honour South Africa’s only indigenous grape varietal. The day promises lots of activities for young and old at the Bovlei tasting venue in Bainskloof Road, Wellington from 8am - 2pm. The festivities kick off with a hilarious Pinotage Pilates session during which standard Pilates equipment will be replaced with a wine bottle and tasting glass, which participants can take home afterwards. The first session is from 08h00 till 09hoo with more scheduled during the rest of the day. Pinotage food and wine pairings will be presented in the tasting venue and wine lovers can indulge in prime Pinotage wines and blends with perfect pairing partners such as biltong, boereworsfrikadelle and chocolate brownies. Special tasting sessions will also be held throughout the day. Wellington Wines will offer visitors a special 10% discount on any Pinotage sales and encourage consumers to donate these savings to the Pink Drive in aid of breast cancer awareness.

Tickets for the Pinotage Celebration are available at R150 per person at The day will end on a stylish note with the Pinotage long table at 19h00 in the evening. The formal gala dinner includes a sumptuous three-course menu paired perfectly with suitable wines. On arrival, guests can enjoy a glass of La Cave Pinot Noir MCC with mini bruschettas with roasted tomatoes, green pesto and a Pinotage reduction. For starters, bobotie spring rolls with Pinotage chutney will be served with the 2015 Pinotage from the W Range. The main course will feature slow-roasted lamb shanks on creamy cauliflower mash with a Pinotage sauce and vegetables and the 2014 Pinotage from the highly acclaimed La Cave range, recent winner in both the Terroir and Quest for the Best competitions.

The sweet finale will be a decadent dark chocolate tart with poached Pinotage pear quarters served with the unique 2013 La Cave Cape Blend, a gold medal winner at the 2015 ABSA Pinotage Challenge, double silver winner of the National Wine Challenge, double gold winner in the Vitus Vinifera Competition and part of the top 10 wines in the 2015 Quest for the Best The Pinotage produce market is the ideal spot awards. for some shopping with delicious Pinotage inspired products, including jams, chutneys, rel- Tickets to the long table are R450 per person. ishes as well as other local products. Wellington Email: rock band The Inside Job will provide entertainment to ensure a festive atmosphere. Visitors can bring their own picnic baskets and enjoy the day with Wellington Wines. | Issue 39





Most healthy treats don’t taste like treats at all. After nibbling on a raw vegan “chocolate”, trying to convince myself that it’s a slab of Lindt in disguise, I usually end up doing the midnight run to Engen and eating a whole box of Jolly Jammers in the car to make myself feel better. (Which totally works, by the way). However, there’s one recipe in the universe that produces a healthy treat so perfect that I would choose it over any biscuit, chocolate or dessert. Coming from a girl who used to ask for Jolly Jammers for her birthday every year, this is not a statement to be taken lightly. Kate and I got this recipe from our mom, the ever-inspiring domestic goddess in our family. It’s super easy, requires just three ingredients and is a bazillion times more delicious than any store-bought date balls, which are usually laden with butter, cocoa and sugar. All you need is: • 1 cup of rolled oats • 1 cup of chopped dates • 1 cup of desiccated coconut You could literally memorise this recipe, and it’s the perfect amount for the average blender (in our case, a NutriBullet). Start by adding the chopped dates to your blender and a splash of water (just less than half a cup). Whizz it up to get a nice paste. Next, add the oats and a third of the coconut. Whizz again. It should become a really thick consistency that starts to make your blender strain a little. Depending on the type of oats you use, you might need to add a little more water – make like Jamie and experiment. Next, squish the mixture into balls between your palms and roll each one in the rest of the coconut. Pop them in the fridge to set for a couple of hours, and you’re done. They keep well for about a week, but will most likely be demolished in a day. Serve your date balls of happiness with a hot cup of tea and live your best life. Let us know how yours turn out! By Jenny Coulston | Issue 39



Nothing feels as great as klapping your body with some health first thing in the morning. After gulping down a smoothie filled with more fruit and veg than most people get on the daily, the last thing you want to do is reach into the cookie jar. Good on the hips, but – to be honest – Jen and I are even more concerned about what’s good on the lips. Which is why we’ve decided to start sharing some of our favourite smoothie recipes. Take all the ingredients, pop them in your NutriBullet (best thing everrr) or blender, add some ice and blend ’til smooth. Your lips and hips will thank you! Today we woke up overlooking beautiful Bantry Bay and felt as though we needed something a little more refreshing than a dense, leafy drink. To make the smoothie tangy-sweet we added lemon and apple, then chucked in a big knob of ginger for a kick to get us going. This spicy smoothie contains: • 2 oranges • 1/2 a lemon • 1 apple • 1 carrot • A knob of ginger (add more for a proper kick) • 1 tbsp. of Green Shake Powder We obviously named this morning’s smoothie The Flaming Carrot before we had blended it. Had we waited, we would’ve gone with Gary’s opinion and called it something related to vomit. However, avoid being perturbed by its colouring because this smoothie is delish and ohso-healthy (but to avoid its brownish colouring, leave out the Green Shake mix). Gulp it down, kick back and enjoy South Africa’s beautiful summer. By Kate Coulston | Issue 39


Caffeine Ready: Top Coffee Spots In Johannesburg.

I have a vague memory of my coffee drinking days, it started while I was studying (trying to study. getting distracted. …. what?) for matric finals. In case you were wondering – yes, I did pass. But leaving my studying to the night before & having the concentration level of a brick meant I required a bit of a boost. Caffeine. I’ve been drinking the beverage ever since those exam days. Since becoming a mama… Well now, I don’t need wine, just pass me the COFFEE, please. These are my top coffee spots in Johannesburg

(I drink a lot of coffee, I know what I’m talking about): The Grind Coffee Company: Whitley Road, Melrose Arch, Sandton. 011 - 614 1277 The Grind Coffee Company has quickly developed a reputation for having the country’s most Instagrammable coffee. Why? Their signature drink is a macchiato, served in a waffle ice cream cone – the inside of the cone is coated in chocolate. You can imagine what happens when hot | Issue 39


coffee meets chocolate cone. Decide for yourself by visiting the store, located at Melrose Arch, or spend your free time drooling over their Instagram account @thegrindza Bean There Coffee Company: 44 Stanley Avenue, Milpark. 087 310 3100 Bean There has stores in both Johannesburg & Cape Town & I really love the brand because of the emphasis on ethical coffee practices. The coffee is top quality & the Milpark store makes you want to whip out your phone & hit Instagram hard (caffeine minimalism – best). Follow their caffeine trail on the Bean There Coffee Company Instagram feed. Milk Bar: The Trumpet, 21 Keyes Avenue, Rosebank. Milk Bar started their coffee glory at a small spot in Desmond Street, Kramerville (trendy. lovely. with a vibe). Their newbie spot has recently opened in Rosebank & is also all sorts of lovely, quaint (still has serious vibe) & is lovely, again. Now it must be said, Milk Bar doesn’t just do coffee. There’s more to them. But they’re just so great, I had to put them on this list. Follow their coffee beans on @milkbarsa Motherland Coffee Co: Dunkeld West, Shopping Centre, Corner Jan Smuts Avenue & Bompas Street. 011 - 325 2324 Motherland Coffee Co & their “Share The Love” coffee wall had me at hello. Buy a coffee for somebody, mark their name on a Share The Love tag, leave a lovely message, let them know & they can claim their coffee. Motherland didn’t have to perform any other caffeine tricks to end up on this list, the love tag was enough for me (but they do make a mean cappuccino). Follow all the “Share The Love” caffeine loving on @ motherlandcoffee

Little Miss Leils... Who Are You? I write about the latest eateries joining the culinary circus (including travel experiences. Anywhere that has a unique appeal). Sometimes I also write about the newest kitchen gadgets & products. I know how to cook (some say pretty well) because I grew up in my family’s restaurant, stirring pots, rolling meatballs & waitressing. Lots & lots of waitressing. Because people often ask me about places. And spaces. And recipes. Pass The Salt combines them all. I’m also just better on paper (screens). Pass The Salt. Please.

By Leila, Pass the Salt. | Issue 39


Finding that perfect wine pourer.

We all know that every guy loves his gadgets, but now so can every girl, as we have the perfect accessories to go with the favourite part of our day; wine. Perfect for stocking fillers, unique gift ideas, or add to your own collection, pourers and aerators are the new “it� thing to have with that perfect bottle. We have put together a list to suit any budget or need as each one is unique in its own way.

Cork Pops VinOAir

This sleek, compact size aerator could just be everything you are looking for. With the threein-one function, it serves up the perfect pour, fully aerates your wine to ensure maximum fla-

vor and makes sure that not a drop is wasted. Its brand new technology sets it aside from other aerators as its dual ventri chamber pulls twice the vacuum as other aerators. This not only enhances the flavour of the wine by oxygenating it, but also unlocks the aromas for a gorgeous nose on almost every wine. For R350, it is the top of the line accessory.

VacuVin Crystal Wine Server

Although not made out of real Crystal, this wine server is the perfect addition to the bottle if you simply want an elegant pour. It is specifically designed to prevent any dripping and ensures | Issue 39

any excess is returned straight into the bottle. No more red wine stains on your table cloth! The rubber seal makes it perfect for any bottle and its glossy appearance will match any table setting. R119 will add this to your collection

Carrol Boyes Wine Aerator and Holder Full Bodied


This aerator has been designed specifically for red wine, with the creators taking into consideration how normal decanters work. This patented technology speeds up the aeration process which is usually time consuming, and inconvenient. Designed to soften the harsh tannins, create body and extract the nose of the wine, you can ensure a perfect glass of wine is poured every time. Find it on Cybercellar for R595.

Eva Solo Catalyzer Bottle Pourer

If you are looking for something special, you have found it. The aerator will speed up the micro-oxygenation of the wine that you are pouring, allowing for old and young wines alike to be fully enhanced. The delicately designed holder simply adds a touch of class to the aerator and if you are already a Carrol Boyes collector, you simply canWe all have that bottle in our collection that has not go wrong with adding this as an accessory for been staring at us, waiting for just the right time your wine. Get it for R1495. to open it. It is just calling our name, but needs another year or two to age. Here is the answer to popping that cork this weekend and relishing that much anticipated bottle! This pourer uses a unique magnet system to treat the wine. It unlocks the flavours and softens those harsh tannins, allowing you to enjoy that bottle today instead of in two years! R450

Vinturi Red Wine Aerator

For more information visit | Issue 39

taste /create


Free Range Bacon, Caramelized Onion, Feta, Avo*, Roma Tomatoes & Baby Spinach*, topped with Quinoa drenched in a Lemon Parsley Balsamic Dressing & Mixed Seeds Selling price: R60 (also R20 deposit on first jar and R5 - R10 delivery) Available at

Just Add Water Tin 500g Just Add Water! And enjoy a cup of chocolately comfort, in an instant! That’s the deliciously yummy promise of NOMU’s Brand New Instant Hot Chocolate, perfected by NOMU to produce amazing taste, delicious, chocolatey flavour, on the go and whenever you please! Selling price: R59.95 Available at

Dekat Housing a Japanese Miyota movement, the traditional 40mm polished stainless steel case with Italian Suede Leather band presents a timeless everyday unisex option. Selling price: R1099 Available at | Issue 39

First Coffee Poster

taste /create

This printable poster is part of Seven Swan’s Happy Thoughts collection, designed with the coffee lover in mind (because people who love coffee love life!). Print and frame this poster and display it in your work space or gift it to a fellow coffee fan. This is a digital file that you will be able to download after making payment. No physical product is included. Selling price: R60 Available at

Instax Mini 8 Instant Film Camera The Instax Mini 8 is approximately 10% smaller than its predecessor - the Instax Mini 7S - in volume ratio. It automatically determines the best brightness for taking a picture, and informs you of the suitable setting by lighting the corresponding lamp. Selling price: R1099 Available at

Nessie Ladle - Turqouise The perfect ladle, Nessie peeps out your pot keeping watch Adding a bit of drama to your cooking Measures 240mm high x 80mm wide at its base Nessie is free standing with four little feet at the base. Selling price: R190 Available at | Issue 39

taste /create

THINGS WE LOVE Scrabble Ring

Limited edition scrabble rings from Oh So Charming. Selling price: R150 Available at

Black Insomnia Beans 250g For the serious coffee lover. Our blend of some of the best Ugandan, Guatemalan, and Brazilian beans is roasted to just right to give you the hardest caffeine kick you’ve ever had with a smooth, hazelnutty flavour. Get them, grind them, and add water (but not too much). Serving suggestion: no sugar, less milk, more Black Insomnia. Selling price: R150 Available at

The Epiphany Journal Perfect for those moments of pure enlightenment! Keep it bedside for those eureka moments or tote it around with you for contact collecting. Perfect for those with small hands or hobbits. Selling price: R280 Available at | Issue 39

Zero Phone Cover

taste /create

Modern smartphones are sleek and sexy, so why ruin yours with a bulky, ugly cover? Zero Phone Covers are impossibly thin (just 0.35mm), super-lightweight and feature zero branding, offering full protection for your phone from everyday bumps and scratches. For Samsung and iPhone. Selling price: R289 Available at

Isabella Blend Capsules Isabella’s Coffee Blend (named after Mikhael’s firstborn who decided to arrive the very week her dad first released his coffee blend to the South African market) is a 100% premium quality washed Arabica coffee, freshly roasted in South Africa in a state-of-the-art coffee roaster. X10 (5g) Capsules per box. Nespresso® compatible coffee capsules. Selling price: R75 Available at

CBC Amber Weiss A German-style Craft Amber Weissbier. Fruity and satisfyingly aromatic. Selling price: R300 (23 x 440ml) Available at Also, visit the Cape Brewing Company for more details on this beer: | Issue 39


We chat to Kristi, the founder of Lokal. LOKAL is a curated collective guide to all your favourite local brands & small businesses! #LoveLOKAL Tell me a bit more about Lokal and how the Tell me more about yourself, what do you concept came about? do when you're not helping local brands? I worked abroad for about five years, and noticed that even in a country as big as America, there was still this unity and a big want to support small local businesses.

The funny thing is, I actually do the complete opposite for a living! I'm a full time au pair, and do some writing and social media freelance work on the side. Obviously my main goal is to have LOKAL become a full time thing (over When I returned to South Africa, I started time), and go into full time social media, but choosing local businesses over big imported that will come. mass produced companies, and through sharing these on my personal social media, people How have you managed to source so many started telling me to start a page and a blog to amazing local products? showcase these brands - because they had no idea some of them existed! It's really just been shopping around at markets, stores where local goodies are sold, and just And just like that - LOKAL was born. scouting social media. But the thing with LOKAL | Issue 39

is that we won't feature or showcase a brand that we don't believe gives amazing customer service and an amazing product. But it's definitely incredible how many local brands we really have to choose from in South Africa.

What are your top three local brands/companies at the moment? Oh my gosh this IS hard! Okay my three local brands that I hold very close to my heart would be Famke Jewellery, Studio Melissa Louise soy candles, and Thalia Strates leather bags. They're all locally made, and they have a very special spot in my heart.

What is the future for Lokal - what can we expect? The future for LOKAL is big. Readers and followers can expect more and more local brands that they may not have known about. We have plans to have a market, an online store, a brick & mortar store, and much more. I can’t go into major detail because that’s the big 5 - 10 year plan. But stay tuned, because LOKAL is only getting bigger.

What is the best way for people to get in touch with you? The best way to get in touch at the moment would be via any of the social media channels, or via email. Email - Twitter - @LOKALza Instagram - @lokalza Facebook - Website - | Issue 39


create EACH MONTH WE’LL BE FEATURING A SHORT STORY FROM A SOUTH AFRICAN WRITER. Please submit your stories (of no more than 1000 words in length) to

A Chance Meeting A little old Toyota pulled jerkily into the nonspace between two parking spaces. Its faded Behind the counter of the tyre fitment shop, paint didn’t gleam in the sun like it had the day stood an old black gentleman. His back ached from standing there, but he would not complain it rolled off the Toyota production line. to his young boss. He couldn’t afford to comOnly one brake light lit up as it came to a halt plain. He knew he was lucky to have a job at his too far from the curb. The rattle of pre-ignition age in that economic climate, and without it he and a last puff of blue smoke from its puny ex- would be on the street. So he took whatever inhaust signalled its misfiring engine with its worn sensitivities his boss dished out, and stood resolutely. piston rings had stopped. That old car looked like it didn’t belong in this The old black man saw the Toyota arrive and take world anymore, just like it had no business tak- up two places. He watched as the old white lady made her way gingerly to the shop. There were ing up two parking spaces. many customers that came through that place The driver’s door squeaked slowly open. After with their shiny new cars and their fat wallets a few laboured moments, a stocking-clad leg buying mag wheels and low profile tyres. This swung leadenly out onto the tarmac. Then an- old lady was an unusual visitor. For the first time other. An old white lady attached to the legs in a long while, the old man actually wanted to followed. She painstakingly pulled herself out help the person walking toward his counter. of the Toyota’s seat. Musky warm air rolled out over the top lip of the door frame, as fresh cool “Hello Ma’am, how may I help you,” he said, as she approached and made eye-contact with air slid in over the floor pan. him. Then she was upright and the closing door interrupted musky and fresh air currents. She turned “Uh, hello. I believe I need new tyres for the careful so as not to damage her hip again and Toyota outside there.” walked slowly toward the tyre fitment shop. Today she was going to buy her trusty old Toyota He looked at her and he saw himself. The wrinkly skin around her eyes pointed inward to some new shoes. | Issue 39

slightly hazy pupils behind unfashionable spectacles. The old vessel was no longer shiny like the day it rolled off the production line. But the old man could see the spirit of the woman in her eyes. She had years of wisdom built up behind that haze. He could see it because he had the same wise spirit in his old body. The old man’s young boss couldn’t see anything like it as he wondered which one of them was older. He was amused by them – and relieved he didn’t have to deal with the old lady and her ugly little car. “Let’s have a look,” said the old man as he walked around the counter. She swivelled gently again on that gammy hip. As he drew alongside her, he put out his arm and she instinctively took hold of it – the contact was a tonic. They hobbled out the shop and across the tarmac to the car together to the amusement of the insolent young boss.


needed new tyres, and back then it had been her late husband who had seen to it. So, she had no idea what tyres cost. He was glad he’d had a chance meeting with her. But he was sad because he knew he’d never see her again. He’d never be able to follow through on that rare connection they’d experienced. What would be the point? They were better off savouring the moment and then letting go, for he knew neither of them would be around in their old bodies much longer. Somehow, at their wise old ages, that brief love tasted and not held was the best love they’d ever known. It rained the next day. The old man was behind his counter staring aimlessly at the exit sign above the door, thinking of the old lady.

At that moment, the bald tyres on the trusty Toyota lost traction somewhere nearby in the rain and the car skidded off the road into a There was so much respect between them. ditch. A broken telephone pole impaled the old They could both feel it. They had both lived long lady. lives and they instinctively knew their common humanity was connected without any effort as The exit sign disappeared from the old man’s they walked slowly back to inspect the tyres on blurry vision as he collapsed to the floor behind that old car. his counter. The instant that the broken telephone pole impaled her, was the same instant Although they’d grown up in a racially divided his heart pulsed for the last time. society, there was absolutely no division between them that day. By the time she left, they In a ditch nearby, the rattle of pre-ignition and had sunk into each other with child-like inno- a last puff of blue smoke from the Toyota’s cence and openness. A profound meeting of puny exhaust signalled its misfiring engine with two human souls had occurred. Not wrinkly its worn piston rings had stopped… for the last skin, black or white, nor a gammy hip or an time. And two old souls soured away togethaching back, could stop their souls from sour- er… for good this time. ing away together. By Michael Howard As the little old Toyota pulled jerkily out of the Michael Howard’s extraordinarily non-space between two parking spaces, the new novel, On The Fifth Night, old man’s eyes welled up with tears. He wished is available from he could have fitted new tyres for her. But he www. couldn’t help her. The old lady couldn’t even afford one. It had been ten years since she’d | Issue 39


We chat to author Michael Howard and find out more about his new book, On The Fifth Night. Tell me more about your most recent book. “On the Fifth Night” is the fictional tale of a man who loses his first wife to a rare terminal disease and punches his second wife in the face in a moment of madness. That all happens in Part 1. In Part 2, things get crazy for Mark as he deals with the fallout from his loves lost, including a criminal conviction and the guilt and the pain along his personal journey to forgiveness and deeper understanding. Mark finds himself in extraordinary situations which are rich in quiet truths that explore the nature of love, life and the illusion of time and death. His journey ends with a big twist in Part 3.

Tell us about The Seven Aspects of Spiritual Intelligence.

I started developing The Seven Aspects of Spiritual Intelligence in the late nineties. The whole thing has evolved into a series of courses. In a nutshell, it’s about our ultimate intelligence. Everyone knows we measure rational intelligence by IQ tests. Many people have also heard of EQ or emotional intelligence. But not many know that there’s a thing called SQ or spiritual intelligence as well, which is really the highest form of intelligence we humans are capable of. The aspects of SQ are things that start growing in your life as you become more spiritually intelligent. We use them in our courses to help My inspiration came from two women. One was facilitate growth in SQ. my first wife who died of Huntington’s Disease in 2009, and the other is my second wife who You've also started a retreat? occasionally brings out the worst in me, but mostly absolutely inspires me. Ah yes, I’m so excited about this. I was looking for property in the Magaliesburg MounHow long have you been writing? tains area to develop into a retreat centre and a hub for my courses and for lovers of peace, I’ve been writing all my working life. I’m a reg- quiet, nature and art. On my first trip out with istered professional engineer so I do a lot of re- a real estate agent, he showed me this piece of port writing in the railway engineering field and land on a hillside overlooking a beautiful valley. I have a few internationally published technical When I walked on it I just knew this was it. Funpapers on very dry and boring engineering stud- ny how sometimes you just know. So, I bought ies, I’m afraid. it and plans are well underway for developing it. In fact, I’ll be running the first SQ seminar there I also have degrees in theology and philosophy this October. so I’ve done a lot of academic writing in these fields. I’ve had a few magazine articles pub- There are beautiful walking paths through a lished as well as a spiritual/psychological non- gorge and thick bush going up to the top, which fiction self-help book published in 2002, titled we are making into a journey along the seven “Quest for Meaning. My Life With Gina”- much aspects of spiritual intelligence. From the top more interesting than dry engineering, I think. we have a 360 degree view of the mountains all the way to the Hartbeespoort Dam. | Issue 39


When you're not writing, what are you doing?

Where can we buy your new book?

Thinking of writing… ha ha. No, at the moment I’m spending a lot of time at the new property, so it’s pretty hectic. But I always value spending as much time as possible with my family and close friends. They feed my mind with creative ideas about life and love. I spend a lot of time with my three children on extra-mural sports and cultural activities. I value my bit of daily alone time – time for meditation, time for switching off the noise and connecting to an energising, deeper reality.

Paperback versions are available by emailing It will be on the shelves of major bookstores during the course of October. There’s a major launch event on the 31st of October at Skoobs Theatre of Books in Monte Casino, Fourways. Email to attend the event.

And about once or twice a week I go for a slow and easy jog around the neighbourhood. My days of sub-five-minute kilometres are gone (actually even sub-six-minutes are rare these days) but I still enjoy the suffering and the reward of road running.

Visit for my short stories, blog articles, information on my courses. And, of course, follow me on Facebook and Twitter (MichaelHowardZA).

Any advice for new writers? The first thing to remember is we’re all new writers. If we don’t appreciate that, then we stop being true writers. So never feel you’re at a disadvantage if you happen to have not been published yet. Each idea, each word you write is no more new than Stephen King’s next word.

You can also get e-book versions of the book from most on-line stores, including Amazon.

Win a copy of On The Fifth Night.

See competitions pages for details.

But what I can say to anyone reading this that wants to write is make time every day for getting away from the mundane aspects of life. Make time to go into a dream world. The formal name for this practice is meditation. But really it’s nothing more than switching off the clutter in your brain and letting newness emerge from the silence. Let the writing in you come out… we all have it in us to some extent. Then, when you’re inspired by ideas, start the hard work of correlation and integration. | Issue 39

Win a cloud pattern house shelf. See competitions page. | Issue 39



We meet the talented Genevieve Motley, founder of Olly Polly. Tell us about Olly Polly

What inspires you?

I guess you could say it all started with my daughter Olive. Having always been creative and not overly fond of branded merchandise I've made things for her bedroom since she was born. I started to get a lot of requests to make similar decor items for friends as well as help with decorating and styling their kids rooms and it was from those requests that Olly Polly was born. My daughters name is Olive and we've always called her Ollie or Olly Polly as a nickname and seeing as it was because of her that the whole business came about I thought why not name it after her.

I adore scandinavian design.

How has being a jewellery designer helped your new brand?

What was the first product you ever created for Olly Polly? My felt cloud cushions with smiley faces and the house shadow boxes.

Where can we buy from? I sell through my facebook page (website launching next month yay!) and now stock some beautiful shops too. One of a Kind, Lia and Reece, Monkeybum, Little love kids and Full of beans boutique. Visit

Lastly, if we were to find you at a cafe,

Having being formally trained in design it definitely helps with seeing how things can be put where would it be? from paper to realisation as I have a good understanding of construction. I do occasionally Earth mother organic for their delicious vegan make jewellery but Olly Polly is my focus and carrot cake and soy red cappuccinos. keeps me so busy!

Most popular item so far? My teepee shelves (I cant seem to keep up with the demand) followed closely by my little house shadow boxes and baby gyms.

When you’re not designing, what are you doing? Spending time with family and friends over good food with lots of laughter. | Issue 39


LOKAL is a curated collective guide to all your favourite local brands & small businesses! #LoveLOKAL Twitter: @LOKALza Facbebook: lokalZA Website: | Issue 39

GETTING TO KNOW OUR READERS We chat to Elize Striker


What are you watching at the moment? Need to start watching Narcos as I just loved season one. What are you reading? I just started reading Girl Online by Zoe Sugg Three items always in your fridge. Eggs, Cheese and Yoghurt. What did you have for breakfast? I usually have 2 scrambled eggs, with avo and bacon. What is your dream profession? To work with kids What are you most proud of? For who I am today. My family. What is your guilty pleasure? Chocolate - BIG sweet tooth. What cafe are we most likely to find you at? Hmm, I love town. Truth and Giulio’s Café stand out to me. I love to walk and find hidden cafés that I haven’t been to. What was the last picture you took with your phone? It is a recipe for a 3 ingredient cookie . I took it from YouTube Who would be your top five famous dinner guests? Freddie Mercury, Rebel Wilson, Julia Roberts, Anthony Hopkins and Jonah Hill. If a movie of your life were to be made - what would it be called, who would play you and what would the soundtrack be? It will be called “From where I came” . Actor to play me, Sandra Bullock. The soundtrack will definitely consist of music from the 80s, some from Judy Boucher, and some trance . | Issue 39



I was very excited when I came across DateFactory, and I knew immediately that I had to try it for myself. I went straight to their website and ordered the Ahoy, Me Hearties box.

The description read as such: Are you up for an adventure with a scavenger hunt for loot or just a kick back and relax type of evening with a movie and popcorn? Well, in this box you’ll get both! Just watch out for the snakes and sharks. Brush up on some Pirate lingo and a few Trivia questions. This box promises to be treasure chests full of fun! We recommend you get fish and chips for dinner and have lemon juice available.

paid a little extra and received my box the very next day. It was suggested to me that I get fish and chips to go with the pirate theme. I chose sushi because it’s my husband’s favourite - and I was all about scoring more brownie points.

The box arrived and I quickly hid it away and then went to buy the food. I decided that I wanted the box to be a surprise for me as well and so we opened it together for the first time. It was very exciting. I’m not going to tell you what was in the box because the element of surprise is half the fun. What I am going to tell you is that we had a fantastic evening together and it was far better than a night out at a restaurant. I am already exIt was hard to decide on a box but the idea of the cited about trying out some of the other boxes and glad that date night now comes fully prescavenger hunt appealed to me. pared in box for me! The box was R490 and included delivery. However, because I left it for the last minute, I simply I emailed Karien du Plessis, the founder of | Issue 39


Factory, a few questions to find out how the tend to go for the cliche type of boxes. I would whole thing started... say Romancing the Cookie Monster and Let’s Fall in Love again have been our best sellers.

How did you come up with the idea for DateWhere do you ship to? Factory and how long has it been around? My husband and I started the business in February 2016. We saw a gap in the market when we realised that we weren’t the only ones that didn’t know what to do during date night anymore. It is something that MOST couples that have been together for some time struggle with. Even more so if you have a busy lifestyle. We all tend to end up doing the same lame thing EVERY date night. So why not outsource it?

How often do you bring out new boxes?

We ship all across South Africa.

Do the boxes include food/snacks/drink or do these have to be organised beforehand? Yes, most of our boxes include something to eat and something to drink. Our way of catering for people with strict dietary needs are by bringing out Prints and Non-Edible versions of the boxes, then the customer can buy their own snacks and drinks according to their preferences.

We release at least one new box each month and Visit to place your order. then keep it available for a couple of months until we take it away.

What has been the most popular box so far? We are always playing around with new types of boxes, for example, we have the Zero calorie box at the moment where you and your partner will do a fun and sexy workout together along with delicious snacks and it includes various things that you will be able to use over and over. This is obviously more for the health-conscious and active couple. But due to the fact that most people associate date night with soppy romance, they


Win a voucher worth R490 towards a box of your choice. See competitions pages for details. | Issue 39

We visit the beautiful

Clouds Estate | Issue 39

discover Clouds Wine and Guest Estate is the perfect name for this luxury accommodation in the heart of Stellenbosch. Because you really do feel as if you’re floating on a dream. Upon arrival we were given a glass of wine while we filled out our details. I sat outside and simply took in the view. I knew then that my stay was going to be too short, but I was determined to make the most of it. We dropped off our bags and immediately came back outside to relax in the garden. The hotel staff went over and above to make sure that we were happy and comfortable and it didn’t take me long to sink into the plush cushions and feel at home. We invited some friends over to sample some of the Clouds wine and spent the rest of the afternoon doing nothing but enjoying our surroundings. The vision of the estate started in the year 2000 by Dutch couple, Paul Burema and Jolanda van Haperen, who were on holiday in South Africa. It didn’t take long for them to fall in love with the beautiful landscape. Being lovers of wine, food and design they decided to combine these passions and make their dreams come true. They purchased the estate and remodelled it into the Clouds Estate that we see today. Their love for design is prevalent in all the details, with suprising features such as the pig sulpture and the lampshade horse. I had endless fun walking around and discovering all the different elements around the hotel. Everything has a very fun, elegant and warm feeling that instantly makes you feel comfortable. | Issue 39

Discover | Issue 38

Now, let’s talk about the wine...


I’ve always stood firm in my faith that I was simply not a white wine sort of gal. But I wanted to try the ‘Pink’ Sauvignon Blanc because it was one of the prettiest colours of wine I’d ever seen. Also, it was a hot almost summer’s day and it just felt right. Well, I take back what I said. The wine was beautiful. Easy to drink and very light on the palate. The website describes it best: TASTING NOTES With a subtle salmon colour, this sauvignon blanc rosé shows freshly picked strawberries on the nose, which continues on the palate and compliments the racy acidity from the sauvignon blanc. ENJOY If there was ever a wine to be enjoyed by the pool, it’s this one – no matter what the time of day… BLEND INFORMATION 98% sauvignon blanc, 2% shiraz After a day spent drinking in the sun we were looking forward to our meal. For starters we chose the Irish scallops with onion marmalade, peas, sundried tomato and balsamic reduction - a perfect option with another glass of Pink. For mains I went for the Duck breast with spinach, leeks, pickled onion, sweet potato and Asian sauce while Warren chose the Crab ravioli with micro leaves in a light tomato cream sauce. The food was delicious and looked beautiful on the plate. Clouds Wine and Guest Estate is the perfect setting for a holiday, a wedding, a conference or a quick getaway. It’s perfect for both locals and tourists alike and offers something for everyone. I fell in love with its charm and the instant relief of relaxation. Visit to make your booking. Choose between hotel rooms or villas. | Issue 39

discover | Issue 38

DISCOVER | Issue 38

Comp 1


Win double tickets to the Pinotage Day Celebrations in Wellington. 2 double tickets up for grabs. HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Pinotage Day’ Entries close: 5 October Wellington Wines will be celebrating International Pinotage Day with a fun-filled Pinotage Celebration on Saturday, 8 October, to honour South Africa’s only indigenous grape varietal. The day promises lots of activities for young and old at the Bovlei tasting venue in Bainskloof Road, Wellington from 8am - 2pm. | Issue 39

Comp 2


Win Win a voucher worth R490 towards a box of your choice from DateFactory. HOW TO ENTER:

Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘DateFactory’ Entries close: 27 October Please note that all email addresses will be added to the DateFactory database.

DateFactory Everybody wants to feel special, and by letting DateFactory plan your date…both of you will have time to kick-back, relax and feel special. They have a team dedicated to do all the DIRTY work…(you know, planning and tying everything together)…and let YOU have all the FUN! | Issue 39

Comp 3


Win a copy of On The Fifth Night by Michael Howard (paperback). Including delivery.

HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Michael Howard’ Entries close: 27 October

Michael Howard Author and Creator of the Seven Aspects of Spiritual Intelligence | Issue 39

Comp 4


Two lucky readers can win two boxes of coffee capsules each from mischu. (To be collected in Sea Point, Cape Town) HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘mischu’ Entries close: 27 October

mischu mischu first opened its doors in 2012. Since then, this quaint coffee café, nestled in the very heart of Sea Point, has been spoiling its customers with award-winning, great tasting, superior quality coffee. They have won the titles of Best Espresso & Cappuccino in Cape Town and Best Cappuccino in South Africa! | Issue 39

Comp 5


Win a cloud pattern house shelf from Olly Polly. HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Olly Polly’ Entries close: 27 October

Olly Polly - Scandinavian inspired hand made kids decor. | Issue 39

Comp 6

win Win a Eva Solo Wine Pourer from worth R450 (including delivery)

We all have that bottle in our collection that has been staring at us, waiting for just the right time to open it. It is just calling our name, but needs another year or two to age. Here is the answer to popping that cork this weekend and relishing that much anticipated bottle! This pourer uses a unique magnet system to treat the wine. It unlocks the flavours and softens those harsh tannins, allowing you to enjoy that bottle today instead of in two years! HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘’ Entries close: 27 October - The widest selection of South African wines at the best prices. SA’s largest online premium wine, craft beer and liquor store. Get the latest deals and specials, discount vouchers, wine tips and more. | Issue 39

the end

Do you want to advertise with us? Email Christine on | Issue 39

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