Issue 40 November 2016

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We visit the delicious at the V&A Waterfront


NOVEMBER 2016 Issue 40

ed’s note One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. -Virginia Woolf

It’s our 40th issue! 40! Wow, time flies when you’re having a good time. I’m so proud of every single one of our issues. I’ve met the most incredible people through this journey and I’m looking forward to another 40 more! We’re very excited about this issue. We have interviewed the manager of The Fat Duck - a restaurant that is definitely on my bucket list, we have dined at the delicious Dash restaurant (highly recommended), we have chatted to a man who has traveled to every single country in the world, and we have put together interviews with some amazing people in the culinary and creative space. It’s a fun issue and we hope that you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Have a wonderful November! Summer is finally here! If you want to get involved in Flat White Magazine, through articles or advertising, please contact me. We’d love to welcome you to the Flat White family! With love, laughter and a lot of coffee. Christine


Our cover this month is taken from Dash Restaurant. Photographer: Warren Bernard.

FlatWhiteConcepts | Issue 40


TASTE | Issue 40



If you’re looking for an easy summer dessert that takes 5 minutes to hustle together, these lemon curd yoghurt creams with syrupy summer berries, are it. They’re simple, refreshingly light and require only 6 ingredients. Tartly sweet lemon curd folded through softly whipped yoghurt cream and the best of summer’s ruby-hued fruits.


• ¼ cup chilled lemon curd • 1½ cups Greek yoghurt • ⅓ cup whipping cream • 1 cup blueberries • 1 cup sweet strawberries, washed, hulled and sliced • 1 tablespoon icing sugar


1. Place the blueberries and strawberries in a bowl, sprinkle over the icing sugar and toss to coat the fruit. Set aside for about 10 minutes. 2. Whisk together the lemon curd and Greek yoghurt. 3. In a separate bowl, whip the cream until it holds soft peaks. Lightly fold the cream into the yoghurt mixture. 4. Divide the lemon curd cream into four glasses or serving pots. 5. Spoon over the macerated fruit and serve immediately. Serves Four Bibby’s Kitchen @ Thirty Six | Issue 40

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15 questions with Dimitri Bellos

Manager of The Fat Duck.

Tell us a little bit more about The Fat Duck.

What are your responsibilies as a manager?

I joined The Fat Duck family in February 2014. My experience at The Fat Duck came in July 2008 when I dined at the restaurant for lunch. Since that meal I always considered the restaurant to be a completely different entity compared with any other restaurant. To be honest I believe The Fat Duck to be in a universe of its own. During that lunch I felt like I hadn’t felt for many years, it was a feeling I had completely forgotten. It made me feel like a kid in a sweetshop - a multisensory experience that triggers positive, nostalgic and happy emotions.

At the moment I am responsible for the front of house team and also managing the guest relations and menu pesonalisation teams. All three teams have merged recently which is really exciting for us. Together with my team we are here to make sure service runs smoothly, to take care of our guests, to organise training and make sure everyone is on form and sharp. I would say that my top priority is to take care of my team and to constantly look into new service ideas. At the moment I’m spending a lot of time working on our coffee. Earlier this year I visited Central America to learn about coffee | Issue 40

and to share my knowledge with the team. We were also looking to start working directly with farms and to serve tasty and interesting coffees in the restaurant. Visiting farms and meeting the people that produce coffee was a fascinating experience - very humbling and eye opening. We recently bought coffee directly from two fincas in Panama and we have started serving them in the restaurant.


Tell us something unknown about Heston.

That’s tough to answer. What I can say, in case people don’t know it, is that Heston is a very cool and down to earth guy. He listens to people and values the opinion of all the staff at The Fat Duck. Where does your team draw inspiration from for the menu?

What do you consider to be your single most memorable work experience so far? The current menu revolves around nostalgia and the positives effect it has on us. As a vehicle to When I look back at my early hospitality years, trigger nostalgia, we use Heston’s memories of a working with my family was a huge influence holiday day out in Cornwall with his parents. By in shaping my career in service. From early on I introducing the menu as a story and in particular was left to run the service side of the restaurant Heston’s story, we invite and nudge the guests which was an amazing learning curve at such a to relive their own memories. young age. There is a part during the meal where the guests are taken “out for dinner” for a three course In the last 3 years I’ve been fortunate to do stag- meal. At this part we showcase old Fat Duck a es in some incredible restaurants in the UK, Ger- la carte dishes, which have evolved and been many, Denmark and also in New York City. It’s reintroduced with a new twist. very hard to pick one, however the week I spent in Copenhagen staging at Noma, Amass and Ge- Does the menu change regularly? ranium was pretty awesome. All three restaurants had a unique, warm, friendly and attentive The changes in the menu vary. Parts of the menu approach to service. stay the same like the “Aerated Beetroot” and “The Mock Turtle Soup”. Some have seasonTell us something unknown about yourself. al changes like the fish and seaweed on “The Sound of The Sea” or the truffles and herbs on One thing I’m not known for is my singing. How- “The Walk in The Woods”. The part of the menu ever in my teens I twice sang in front of an audi- where we make the most changes is the “Are ence of about 2000 students. It was during my You Ready for Dinner?” chapter where we aim last year in high school on the eve of a national to change the starter, main course and dessert student celebration and I sang a popular Greek every 8 weeks depending on development. Indy rock tune with friends from school. It went down really well. It was the year before that I How much in advance must people book? remember the most. In front row of the theatre there were a number of high ranking signa- Tables become available online on the first tories. Together with two mates we decided to Wednesday of every month. Bookings can be sing “California Uber Alles” by The Dead Kenne- made up to 3 months in advance. We operate dys. I thought we did a great job, but the front on a ticket system, in the same was you would row wasn’t particularly amused. book for a show or a concert you pay for your table (tickets) the day you make the reservation. | Issue 40


Is there one particular dish that people always full of talented professionals. talk about? In the kitchen we have around 32 chefs for serThere are a couple actually. Throughout the vice, preparation and development. From Tuesyears The Fat Duck has produced some amazing day to Saturday you will see most of the team and incredible dishes. Heston is well known for in Bray with a few exceptions (days off, holidays, dishes like Snail Porridge and Salmon Poached in etc). In the kitchen during a typical service we a Liquorice Gel which used to feature on the pre- usually have 12 - 14 chefs. vious menu. The Sound of the Sea still features on the menu and is definitely one of the signa- The numbers are very similar for the front of ture Fat Duck dishes. house team. So for a normal 42 guest service we usually have circa 35 staff on. However, I would say it’s a dessert called Botrytis Cinerea that has a massive fan base, espe- When you’re not managing the restaurant, what cially since it featured on the final of Australian are you doing? MasterChef. The dish is a collaboration between our Head Sommelier, Isa Bal (MS) and The Fat I try to keep fit as much as I can. I go to the gym, Duck pastry team. It mirrors the effect that the run and do yoga. I’m also (still) learning how to noble rot has on grapes and also each element play tennis and recently I completed my first half on the dish is a flavour profile of Botrytis wines marathon which was amazing. It makes you real- in particular a sauternes from France, Chateau ise how tough a full marathon is. d’Yquem, which was the inspiration of the dish. It has 19 different elements, which makes it one of Otherwise I like to dine out quite a bit and go to the most complex dishes on the menu. the theatre. I took up photography last September which I love and when possible I try to get What is biggest challenge that you face when away for short trips around Europe. compared to a conventional restaurant? In between all of this, I drink coffee and look into new cafes and trends. I’m not sure if I would compare The Fat Duck to a conventional restaurant. There are definitely So you like coffee? What sort of coffee could we similarities however the differences are quite expect when coming to The Fat Duck? striking. I would say that for us, the biggest challenge that we set out to achieve on a daily ba- Moving The Fat Duck to Melbourne in 2015 was sis is to give our guests an amazing, positive and an awesome experience for all of us. Whilst unique experience which they will hopefully re- we were there we got to learn a lot about cofmember and cherish for years to come. The way fee and had the opportunity to work and learn the menu and concept have been developed we from some great professionals in the local coffee aim to get our guests to feel nostalgic while hav- scene. I can safely say that I fell in love with it and ing bags of fun with their friends, experience fine it has become a big focus of our service since we foods and exquisite wines. came back. How many staff members does it take to put out However what really cemented my love and ina 17 course tasting menu? terest for coffee and all its aspects, is the trip that I made to Central America in February. I We are fortunate to have a big team here in Bray joined Nolan Hirte from Proud Mary Coffee in | Issue 40

Melbourne on his trip to coffee farms in Panama, Costa Rica and Honduras. To put it simply it was an unforgettable experience. So from October till the end of 2016, on our coffee menu, we will be featuring almost entirely Geisha that we bought directly from two farms in Panama. As V60 we will be brewing 2 naturals, Camilina from Auromar and Zorro from Finca Santa Teresa as well as a washed Geisha, Estribi from FST. As espresso we will serve the washed from Auromar and a honey process, Manzana from FST. For our milky coffees we serve a single estate blend of Colombia & Cattura from the Santa Barbara estate in Colombia. Speaking of coffee, how much do you drink and how do you take it? I like my coffee black with no sugar. During the week when I’m working I tend to drink quite a bit, mainly because we are tasting coffee throughout the day. I would have 2 - 4 espresso and 2 - 4 V60s. On my days off I usually have an Aeropress at home in the morning and then it would depend where I go and how much time I have. Ever been to South Africa before? If so, what did you enjoy most about it? If not, why not? Unfortunately I haven’t made it to SA yet. Mainly due to limited time. It is definitely on my list of places to visit. I have many friends here in the UK from Cape Town so I feel like I know the place already. I’ve heard so many great things about the food and the coffee scene, the people and the scenery that I can’t wait to visit.

Visit High Street, Bray, Berkshire, SL6 2AQ | Issue 40


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taste | Issue 40

Photo Credit: Flat White Images.


Dash Restaurant

I’m excited to write this review because Dash Restaurant was one of the best culinary experiences I’ve had in a long time. As it’s situated in the Queen Victoria Hotel in the Portswood Precinct, we decided to arrive a little early and do a bit of V&A Waterfront shopping - sometimes it’s good to be a tourist in your own city. We worked up an appetite and then made our way to the restaurant where the staff (a special mention to Irene) made us feel very welcome. The restaurant itself is beautiful - think small and intimate, warm and inviting; decorated with local artwork and a beautiful fireplace. We sat down and enjoyed a delicious cocktail each after which we were treated to a four course meal and wine pairing special. It’s not often that I enjoy every single element on a menu. While I like most food it’s still surprising when a restaurant produces four dishes that I love that much. The starter was one of my best. This is unusual because I’m generally not a soup sort of person. Obviously I’ve been having all the wrong soups over the years. This Parsnip Soup with Bacon Jam and Olive Toast absolutely blew me away. It was beautifully presented and every element worked well with one another. I could easily have had another bowl and walked off satisfied. I’d go as far as to say it was one of the best soups I’ve ever had in my life. | Issue 40


The two main courses were just as beautiful on the plate as they were on the palate. The first was a Kingklip Carpaccio with Avocado Mouse and Salmon Tartar and the second was Seared Duck Breast and Confit Baby Chicken with Carrot Puree and Cranberry Jus. Perfect. By the time dessert arrived I was full. But I made space. Because there is always space for Chef Dayne’s Chocolate Surprise. The chocolate fondant revealed an oozing liquid of chocolate which was so delicious that I had to remind myself that I was in a restaurant and not at home. I didn’t think the people at the table next to us would’ve taken too kindly at me licking my plate - but trust me, I was close. The entire evening was wonderful. I loved every meal, I loved the wine, I oohed and aahed at the presentation of each meal, and I left determined to come again. Thank you to the staff at Dash for making us feel so comfortable and a big thank you to Chef Dayne for such incredible food. I’ll be back. By Christine Bernard

Fun fact: The restaurant is named after the Queen’s favourite pet. Dash Restaurant is part of the Newmark Hotel portfolio: To make a reservation: 021 - 418 1466 | Issue 40

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WIN! | Issue 40

See our competition pages for more!


Meet Garth, the man behind KayRin Coffee Roasters -

one of my new favourite coffees at the moment.

Tell us about the company...

After a holiday in Australia and visiting “The Rocks Aroma Festival” in Sydney in 2008, I realised that coffee was more than we were exposed to in South Africa and artisanal coffee roasters were relatively unheard of. I was keen to start roasting as a hobby and the quest for the perfect cup began. I started with a popcorn roaster and within no time managed to get my hands on a Has Garanti Drum Roaster. This was the start of KayRin Coffee Roasters in 2009. We continued to roast from home as a hobby, but when the demand increased we moved to Woodstock and the hobby became a business, but the passion remained. We progressed into a retail store, but have recently moved our focus back to wholesale distribution and currently roast out of Airport Industria.

Our Caffe Origem combines beans from the Birthplace of Coffee with Central and South America to create a well balanced blend delivering an earthy aroma, sweet flavour with added crema, which suites most coffee lovers… a good Café Blend. It tastes great as an espresso based coffee or as a filter coffee. The Caffe Deno is a full bodied blend of Latin American and Exotic Indonesian Coffee delivering a seductive aroma, chocolaty, rich flavour and slight acidity. This too is popular with our customers. We only roast enough for the demand so our Customers are guaranteed Freshly Roasted Coffee.

When you're not making coffee, what What is the inspiration for the name? are you doing?

When I’m not roasting I’m with my family, kite Because coffee roasting was quite personal and surfing or running an automotive wholesale diswill remain my passion business, I thought it fittribution business of which I am a partner. ting to combine my daughter’s names: Kayla and Kerrin

Where can we purhcase the coffee?

How much/often do you drink coffee?

I enjoy my double shot flat white or two in the morning, an americano in the afternoon and if I We are a wholesale distributor of freshly roasted am not near my espresso machine an Aeropress coffee, so mainly supply other coffee shops, guest or mocha pot will do! houses, churches and corporate companies, but you can also enquire at How can others get hold of you? as we do deliver. You can mail us on, Take us through your blends... visit, www.facebook. com/KayRinCoffeeRoasters or call me on 083 We always roast the various origins by origin be644 77 22. We welcome any Trade Enquiries fore we blend as each bean behaves differently and have a very efficient delivery service. and this also allows our customers to purchase single origins if they wish. | Issue 40

Please note: prices may change.

taste /create


Each Faceblock image is professionally cropped into 15cm x 15cm squares, printed on high quality matt fine art paper and mounted on shutterply board for a striking effect. They are delivered ready to mount with an industrial velcro mounting system. Best displayed in batches. Selling price: R70 Available at

Juice till dinner This high energy package keeps you juiced up through the day until you have a solid meal for dinner. It works by simply replacing breakfast, lunch and snacks with our nutrient-dense juice plan while still allowing a healthy wholefoods dinner at the end of the day. Consider this a mini cleanse for newbies Selling price: R160 Available at

Large Gold Infinity Ring Gold plated infinity ring. All rings are Size K (15.9mm) Selling price: R150 Available at | Issue 40

Please note: prices may change.

taste /create

Bialetti Moka Express Stovetop Espresso Maker / Moka Pot

Walk into an Italian home and you’re more than likely to spot one of these distinctive octagonal contraptions. For over 8 decades, the Bialetti Moka Express has been used by coffee lovers in Italy and the world over to make fantastic espresso-style coffee simply and easily. All you need to do is fill the bottom with water, fill the filter basket with freshly ground coffee and put your Moka Express (or moka pot as some people call it) on the stove and within minutes you will have a rich and delicious coffe Selling price: R449 Available at

African Animal Print - Workout Leggings Full length workout leggings made from recycled plastic bottles (PET) and woven with spandex to create ideal moisture wicking, quick drying and 4 way stretch fabric. These creative leggings are individually designed for the trend setting active lifestyle with 50% UV protection, which ensures the vibrant designs and colors will not fade or run. Selling price: R950 Available at

Poetry Hot Cross Bun Chai Tea in Jar This Poetry Hot Cross Bun Chai Tea in Jar welcomes your taste buds to a whole new world. This loose, caffeine-free tea is locally made in South Africa and comes in a neat glass jar. Go ahead and take time out to enjoy the finer things in life with this warming full bodied spiced chai. How to make the perfect cup of tea: 4 teaspoons per 250ml, use more tea than normal and brew as long as possible. Selling price: R160 Available at | Issue 40

Please note: prices may change.

taste /create


WE LOVE CARBOHYDRATES! Say NO to banting with these fun carbs socks covered in pretzels, donuts, pizza and pasta. Selling price: R95 Available at

WINEFOLK Sauvignon Blanc 2015 We like our Sauvignon Blanc tropical and fresh. This wine displays a tropical fruit and fresh citrus character on the palate with and crisp acidity on the finish. Bottle size: 750ml Selling price: R50 Available at

Hot Man Pot Holder Red • Can be hung when not in use • Suitable for heavy weights • Silicon skid protectors against scratches. Selling price: R163 Available at | Issue 40

Please note: prices may change. Let’s stay home flag banner

taste /create

A banner flag saying Let’s Stay Home! Dimensions are 66cm x 42cm. 100% cotton fabric with black professionally screen printed wording. Selling price: R210 Available at

Storyteller’s Box - Fiction Box Storyteller’s Box is a Mystery Book Box that sends you books and assorted goodies to you. Each box is tailored to the book lover and will contain 4 books, a combination of new and pre-loved, as well as a treat to help you get your reading on. Selling price: R250 Available at

PYLONES Tartin Toaster In the kitchen in the morning, I‘ll prove myself as good as sliced bread. I’ll do all that I can to make your bread nice and golden. Only dilemma: butter or jam? Selling price: R1,299.95 Available at | Issue 40




Is it OK to want to make everything out of copper now? I think so. After making the mini pot plant holder, I just had to create more. My obsession with plants is growing, so naturally the next project was a way to bring a new plant into the house. This raised copper pot plant stand is a great way to add some height variation to your space or lift a plant off the ground to show off its beauty. And of course, it’s really simple to make and will impress your friends. WHAT YOU NEED: 15mm Copper Pipe (82cm / 34in needed) 8 x Copper Tee’s 8 x pipe caps / stop ends Pipe cutter Epoxy or other string, quick drying glue Pot plant (+-15cm diameter) WHAT TO DO: Cut your copper pipe into pieces these sizes: 4 x 15cm (6in) 4 x 9cm (3.5in) 4 x 5cm (2in) 4 x 2.5cm (1in)

Next, stick on your copper tee’s for the legs. Make sure to do this on a flat surface so that you can level all the tee’s. Work quickly with the Epoxy so that you have a little bit of time to correct. This step is what will ensure that your legs stand straight up. Allow the Epoxy to dry before adding the legs.

Stick it all together with some Blu-Tack / Prestik first to check the size. Then follow through by sticking it together with Epoxy. Start by sticking the base together. Stick everything on the left and then everything on the right Add the legs and pipe caps and your very own and then slot the two halves together. If you stick DIY’d raised copper pot plant stand is ready to the pipe together by moving either clockwise or go! anti-clockwise you could end up with a piece of pipe that cannot be slotted in, as the pieces already stuck in will not bend to allow for the extra This DIY Tutorial is by the talented piece of pipe that needs to be glued into the copDeborah of Pure Sweet Joy. per tee. It’s difficult to explain, but trust me, if Visit her website on you do it that way, you may get stuck. for more creative ideas. | Issue 40

create EACH MONTH WE’LL BE FEATURING A SHORT STORY FROM A SOUTH AFRICAN WRITER. Please submit your stories (of no more than 1000 words in length) to

Joshua Knott Joshua Knott knelt in the parking lot. It was a small parking lot, surrounded by houses, including his own. If he looked up he could see his brothers and sisters through the kitchen windows of his house. They looked at him blankly and as they washed dishes or helped with chores. He quickly looked down again. He felt a bead of sweat run down his neck. The air buzzed around him. His skin was pale and his hair unwashed, his clothes were dirty. He knelt silent and motionless. Earlier that day, Joshua’s oldest brother Thomas had led him out the house, out to the small parking lot, told him to kneel down and walked away. It was Joshua’s first time out of the house. He was 15.

ago when they would play outside in the rambling patch of lawn. Football usually. Somehow these games would always end up with him getting taken down and piled on or laughed at and scorned for fouling the ball. So he stayed indoors. Avoiding his brothers and sisters as they ignored him, entering rooms once they had left. It began with Joshua’s mother. Something changed in her when she looked at him. She saw something, felt something in his quiet staring, needing, withdrawn, submissiveness. It made her uneasy, made her wonder what he was thinking, why was he looking at her, why didn’t he just go about growing up, like her other children. He needed something from her that the other children didn’t. She felt strange around him, watched, creepy, like he knew something about her that the others didn’t. What was he thinking? Why was he looking at her like that? Why was he so quiet? So she started to leave him out, and to say ‘not Joshua’ when it came his turn – out of plain fear and meanness and resentment.

Joshua was the third born, though you would think he were the last, for that was his station in the family. Three boys and three girls. Last on the list, last in line, last to get; hand-medown clothes after all the wear had been worn out of them, last to eat after they’d all eaten. He spent almost all his time indoors, hiding. He Soon the others took it on too. Without thinking used to play with his brothers and sisters, long or wondering why. After she died, the children | Issue 40


all had to fend for themselves. He was left to his his lungs, lifted his head, and clutching the $10 own devices, overlooked. His older sister Mary note, turned and ran, leaving the lucky packet would leave a little food for him but he would on the ground. usually wait till everybody had eaten and left the kitchen, before sneaking in and scrounging *** whatever cold remains he scavenge. The limousine slowly pulled up and parked He had never been outside of the house until alongside the small parking lot in the middle of today. He looked down at the cracked tar, fro- the run-down neighbourhood. It was a part of zen with fear. It was somehow hotter outside town that had seen better days, and was now than he had even experienced and yet he was earmarked for refurbishment. The parking lot shivering. The birds’ calls were loud, menacing. was overrun with grass and weeds growing He felt eyes on him, watching, waiting. Thomas through the tar. On the left side was a house had left him with a lucky packet (a leftover from with the kitchen facing directly onto the small little Sarah’s birthday). Inside were a few sweets lot. The house was derelict, ramshackle and and trinkets, and a $10 note. As he pulled the slated for demolition. The area had been cornote out of the packet, he looked up to see doned off and a team of workmen stood smokThomas, younger brother Robert and Mary ing cigarettes and waiting for the go-ahead. watching him. He began to scream, “Somebody A dump truck and bulldozer stood mute and help me, somebody come get me!” The words resolute, awaiting their noisy activation. In the were huge, “SOMEBODY HELP ME, SOMEBODY small parking lot, three people stood silent, COME GET ME!” they filled the small parking their heads down. Their clothing was dishevlot, they spilled out and filled the streets and elled, some ragtag belongings at their feet. homes around. Some people peered through their net curtains to see a young man, all alone, The rear window of the limousine rolled noisekneeling in a parking lot, screaming, then they lessly down. The waiting foremen approached went back to their lives. Joshua screamed and and bent to the window. A few words were screamed; “SOMEBODY HELP ME, SOMEBODY passed, the foreman looked over to the small COME GET ME!” Then, he suddenly stopped, huddle in the parking lot, turned to the win“SOMEBODY HELP ME, SOME…” He looked dow and nodded before walking back to his down at the lucky packet, his hands, the $10 crew and their waiting machines. bill, and he stopped. He didn’t look up at the house again, and didn’t move until it began to The driver’s door opened, and a black-&-whiteget dark. dressed chauffeur stepped out and walked around to the rear window. From inside the car, As the evening began to fall, Joshua looked up a $100 note passed to the chauffeur. into the darkening sky, the blues turning to oranges and reds, and then the deep indigo just “Yes sir Mr. Knott”, he nodded, then he turned starting in the furthest corner of the sky. He saw and walked toward Thomas, Robert and Mary the first stars begin to prick out. He levelled his Knott, standing silent in the parking lot. eyes on the windows of his house. The lights in the kitchen were on but there was no sign of any of his brothers or sisters. He pushed him- By Steven Albert self off the ground and onto his feet. Stiff and unsteady from kneeling but eventually upright. He stood for a moment, breathed the air into | Issue 40


We meet Claire Nieuwoudt... founder of Bella Chiara Tell me more about Bella Chiara.

runs in the family with both my father and two brothers being very successful businessmen. I alIt started by accident really. I was working in ways made things as a child, and rediscovering marketing at the time when a friend asked out this talent and ability has been the most incredif I could help out one of her brides who had or- ible experience. dered an accessory overseas and it still hadn't arrived. There were ten days left before her wedTell us about the name. ding so she was particularly worried. Two things convinced me to start the business. Firstly, play- It's Italian, Bella means beautiful and the name ing a small part in someone's wedding and ex- Chiara means light. For me, Bella Chiara captures periencing their joy and excitement is addictive. the beautiful light that shines from a woman Secondly, my Dad was utterly convinced I could when she feels truly lovely and beautiful. Which make a mad success of it and believed in me is how every woman should feel on her wedding completely. I really wasn't enjoying my job, which day. I specifically look out for that happy glow was the 4th in a very short string of jobs. Even when clients try on designs. That's how I know though I'd studied marketing, entrepreneurship they've picked out the perfect design. | Issue 40

What is your favourite part about working in the wedding industry? You literally get to play all the time. You work incredibly hard, and the pressure is intense, but honestly I think this is the most creative and fun industry to be a part of. It's definitely the happiest. There are crises and tears here and there too, but at the end of the day, you're helping couples celebrate their love and commitment to each other and that is so beautiful.

What is your most popular product? Each bride is unique, but my favourite accessory is definitely the garter. I'm currently the only designer in SA using a unique corset design and it transforms the garter into an exquisite piece of lingerie worn on the wedding day and kept for the honeymoon. I include a separate tossing garter so that brides can keep their luxury garter.

Tell me a bit more about you. I always thought I should have been born in a different era, I would have loved to be a milliner in Paris in the 1950's. I'm an odd mix of being quirky and outgoing and yet I love nothing more than quietly reading a good book at home with a cup of hot chocolate. For example, when I lived in Cape Town I used to dress up like Audrey Hepburn, even just to do a bit of grocery shopping, but I've never been keen on bars and clubs. I'm a total tea snob and quite addicted to French pastry. I work from home and just love it, it's incredibly peaceful and I get to play housewife when I'm not working in the studio. I have a very pretty cat who charms my clients to bits and I'm married to my very own Mr Darcy who completes my world and is my greatest support.


Where do you get your inspiration from?

One of my favourite things is to throw down a bunch of lace and pretty materials on my table and just start creating something. Pinterest is a great source of inspiration, but my clients inspire me the most. They challenge me and get me out of my box. I've had a client request a design that involved creating autumns leaves by cutting and shaping feathers. I've had to teach myself millinery and all sorts of skills (thanks Google) and as a result and now I find I often attract brides who have unusual and challenging designs in mind.

If we were to find you at a cafe, where would it be? Paris, every time. Just before I made the decision to quit my job and start my business, my husband and I were on holiday in Paris and we stumbled upon this exquisite atelier in the Marais district. It sold the loveliest hair accessories and fascinators and that sowed the seed for me. If it can happen in Paris, then why not in Cape Town?

I'm incredibly fortunate to live such a charmed life, not a minute goes by that I'm not incredibly grateful for what I have. I went through a very serious and extended illness and it taught me that life is frightfully fragile and to be healthy and content is one of life's greatest gifts. | Issue 40

We chat to the Mevrou behind this new and refreshing Afrikaans tee company.

How would you describe Mevrou & Co.?

Mevrou & Co. started as a fun and lighthearted ‘thursday morning company’ and developed into a full functioning business in a matter of a few months. The business idea was born from the desire to manufacture and sell high quality slogan tees with Afrikaans sayings for our friends, and friends of friends. Our aim was and is to make people smile and enjoy South Africa’s togetherness as opposed to our otherness. What you’ve seen so far is just the first of many collections. We are planning on featuring other South African cultural groups with their funny and popular expressions on our tees.

Tell us about the name/concept. The business started on Whatsapp when Catherine Raphaely, “the original Mevrou”, created a group called “Mevrou & Co. Secret Stuff” inviting us to start a small company called MEVROU & CO. which would make and sell t-shirts with

expressive Afrikaans sayings on them. Afrikaans sayings being, as we all know, particularly effective at summing up emotional disorders and, in fact, any state of mind in general. The company name came about because, much to our amusement, some people from Vermaaklikheid (yes that is a place) insisted on calling Catherine “Mevrou” and it became a “thing” between our friends. The & Co. represents both “die ander mevrouens” (Maybe and Mary-Anne) as well as our many wonderful and creative friends with whom we have collaborated to develop the product and brand and who also generously represented us on our first collection campaign.

I LOVE your models - tell us more. The models featuring in the first Mevrou & Co. campaign represents the brand’s “..& Co.” through and through. Ex colleagues, friends, and friends of friends have lent their beautiful and original features and style to support our 100% South African brand. | Issue 40


Which shirt has been your most popular?

Tell me more about the team.

Most slogans from our first collection have had their moment to shine. When we first launched, "SE DANKIE VIR DIE TANNIE" was the first tee to sell out, however at the moment, "Lekker by die See" is the best seller - it must be the weather and people’s lust for summer.

There are three mevrouens in the team: we all have other businesses besides making Afrikaans slogan tees! Maybe Corpaci owns an aerial film service company called SkyLab, and having worked in publishing (Elle Magazine SA) she still freelances on editorial shoots. Mary-Anne Grobler is the founder and owner of Matter of Fakt, a local jewellery brand. Catherine Raphaely, has other creative projects running that include a board game about consciousness called Escape from Samsara, a children’s book called A Mermaid’s Towel and a company called Hypopure that sells machinery that disinfects water and creates disinfectant water – this subject is usually a complete conversation killer. You would find us sipping on steamy flat whites and lattes at Giovanni’s Deli in Green Point or Rosetta at the Woodstock Exchange, Cape Town.

Where can people buy your shirts?

We’ve recently launched our e-commerce site, where people can shop online and have their tees delivered for free in South Africa’s main cities. We also ship internationally and to date have received orders from Amsterdam, London, Melbourne and the US from SA’s expats. We don’t have a retail shop, but have participated at the Sanlam Handmade Contemporary Fair in Johannesburg last October and will soon start selling at one of Cape Town’s Tell us about the tees. most popular Saturday markets.

What is your favourite Afrikaans word?

The tees are simple - unisex, crunchy cotton and cut in a boxy, relaxed style. The neckline is not too This is a hard one - the beauty of Afrikaans lan- scooped, nor too high. Anyone can wear them guage is that its words are extremely expressive. male, female or kids no matter size or shape. Our And, it depends on the mood of the day! But, lek- product is proudly designed and manufactured from scratch in Cape Town, South Africa. ker will always be lekker! | Issue 40


We chat to the very talented Monja Viljoen From Deerly Studio

How would you describe Deerly Studio?

passion and the workings of their business, branding is so much easier. I love it when I see Deerly Studio is a design company that focuses that sparkle in a client’s eye when they have to on crafting beautiful designs for special events describe their company. We spend a lot of time and branding of companies. I think Deerly Studio on conceptualizing of ideas for clients. can be summed up in our motto; Live. Love. Inspire. We live for beautiful design. We love what What are you doing when you're not designing? we create. And we hope to inspire through our You can find me running after my adorable 21 work. month old son. He keeps me on my toes, and I started Deerly Studio a little more than a year there are so many special moments. ago. When I started the company I wanted to bring a sense of beauty and meaningfulness to Tell me about your daily weekly routine. design. We also strive to add value and to beThe week kicks off with a planning session on a come in intrinsic part of a client’s work. Sunday evening; I have to write everything down. Lists are imperative to running your own comWhat project have you been most proud of? pany. Then some days will be spent painting up I think it has to be the first show we did as Deerly a storm; meeting clients and tending to emails. Studio; at the Kamers show in April. It was a steep We strive to reply to emails as soon as possible. learning curve for us, but it also was an amazing The most fun days have to be when we receive experience. I learnt that hard work really pays off the work we have created from the printers, and then styling them for photoshoots. and that consistency is key. Are you working on anything exciting now?

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

We are very excited to be in the final stages of introducing our first range of semi-customised wedding stationery. These designs will feature our signature watercolour work and calligraphy.

Inspiration comes in all shapes and forms. Sometimes it is a beautiful quote that I have read, song stuck in my head or a beautiful art piece. Inspiration is all around us.

How important is brand identity to a company? Which cafe would we most likely find you at? I think a brand’s identity can be seen as your own fingerprint; it is a subtle mark that ties all the disparate elements of a company together. And with clever branding you have the chance to leave a lasting mark on a person.

I have to say any place that has really great coffee and a nice atmosphere. But more often than not, you can find me at our dining room table painting and designing the day away.

What is your creative process when it comes to business branding? It is imperative to get to know the client, usually over a cup of coffee, and discuss their company. As soon as you as a designer understand their | Issue 40

create | Issue 40

create Your Festive Season Gift Guide takes the hassle out of Christmas shopping and the headaches of scrounging through shops to find that perfect something-something for the special people in your life. To make Festive Season shopping a little easier for you, has come up with a list of goodies to either fill a stocking or to be opened first thing on Christmas morning.

Devils Peak Exclusive 12 Bottle Mixed Case

Stuck for ideas on what to get the guy that has every gadget or dad who simply cannot get another pair of socks? Why not order the Devils Peak mixed case? This allows him to sip on the entire range and decide for himself which one he prefers. Why don’t you add a basket of biltong to go with it; you will have a happy dad sipping on cool beer in the long December heat. For R275 it’s a great hamper pack idea!

Vacuvin Wine Essentials Gift Set

Looking for the perfect gift for your wine loving friend? This is the ultimate gift set and contains the essentials of pouring the perfect glass of wine. It includes a Waiter’s Friend and Crystal Pourer, Active Wine Cooler, Vacuum Pump and Stoppers. All packed together, this is the perfect box to wrap up and pop under the tree. Get the full wine kit for R439. | Issue 40

Glass and Bottle Holders

La Motte Pierneef Gift Box


Summer in South Africa is the best time to go picnicking. Whether it be visiting the gardens to take in some of South Africa’s best musicians on stage, or a warm romantic evening under the stars, you cannot go wrong with these bottle and glass holders. We have all been there, trying to balance the wine glass on the grass, and this simply takes the hassle out of trying to have a gorgeous afternoon. We know that you will love this as much as we do, why not pick up one for yourself when you buy it for all of your friends? R160 will get you the set La Motte is a beloved estate name in South Africa, of 4! and you cannot go wrong with this gorgeous gift box. The case holds the Pierneef Syrah Viognier, which is a Rhone Style Blend with a deliciously silky palate. If you are looking for something to Spiegelau Anniversary Decanter treat a wine collector or investor, this is the perLook no further if fect gift as the wine can age for another six to ten you want to spoil years. For R1290, this is a great gift for the wine that dinner host or connoisseur in your life. hostess. This absolutely gorgeous decanter is the perfect fit for any Christmas dinner For more information visit table. Its beautiful linear design is The widest selection of South African wines at delicately designed the best prices. Voted SA’s Top Online Wine Reto get the most out tailer. Get the latest deals and specials, discount of the wine. This vouchers, wine tips and more. particular decanter commemorates the initial hand blown glass design by John Willsberger which has been produced at Spiegelau for over 30 years. For R799, it will be an absolute treat with a beautiful sentiment. | Issue 40


Getting to know our readers! We chat to Mariette du Toit-Helmbold

Mariette du Toit-Helmbold is an international destination marketing and tourism thought leader, a writer and public speaker on tourism, destination marketing, brand innovation and digital marketing. She established Destinate, a boutique international destination and tourism marketing agency, in 2013 after an enviable tenure of 10 years as the CEO of Cape Town Tourism. The Destinate team is a collective of passionate, specialised individuals with combined experience across brand and destination marketing strategy, change management, digital marketing, communications, events management, photography, video, journalism, web development, public relations, design and online reputation management. Visit to connect with Destinate or follow Mariette on Twitter at @MariettedTH or Destinate at @Destinate_co. Mariette is also on Instagram at, on Pinterest at and on Snapchat at mariettedth. | Issue 40


What are you watching at the mo- If you could trade lives with one ment? person for just one day, who would it be and why?

I do not watch much TV, in fact, I am not watching TV at all at the moment. Janis Joplan. Man she could strum a If I do have spare time, I prefer to read guitar! or run around outside with my girls.

What are you reading? I have just finished The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd and before I start a new book I am reading poetry by some of my favourite African poets like Chinua Achebe, "Wole� Soyinka, Antjie Krog and Keorapetse (Bra Willie) Kgositsile.

Three items always in your fridge. Bubbly, cheese and baby spinach.

What did you have for breakfast? Green smoothie with lots of ginger.

What is your dream profession? Full time travel blogger.

What was the last picture you took with your phone? I took a picture of my feet in my new white Birkenstocks. I am so excited for summer!

What is your guilty pleasure? Dark chocolate and a silky smooth Shiraz.

Who would be your top five famous dinner guests? Sir David Attenborough, Michelle Obama, Hugh Masekela, Nik Rabinowitz and Elon Musk

Which websites do you use as part of your daily routine?

What are you most proud of?

News 24 for news. Twitter for breaking news and trending topics. FaceMy kids. book for friends and family. Instagram and Pinterest for creative inspiration If a movie of your life were to be and expression. Snapchat for fun.

made - what would it be called, who would play you and what would the What cafe are we most likely to soundtrack be? find you at?

This one beautiful life. Kate Winslet. My two local favourites are Schoon A strange, but beautiful mix of Indie, de Companje in Stellenbosch and PaBlues and Alternative. jamas and Jam in Somerset West. | Issue 40


Full-time travller

We chat to Henrik Jeppesen who has visited every country in the world.

Socotra When and why did you make the decision to visit every country in the world?

How much planning did you do beforehand?

A journey to every country in the world takes Just after reaching 100 countries. It's a process. many, many trips. I do a lot of planning before First I wanted to do 50 countries, then 100 and each trip. Especially the ones where there are then I felt comfortable doing them all. Why? I security concerns and/or visa requirements. think because I could. I had the chance to visit every country, and I love travelling. When I real- The first and the last country that you visited? ised I could actually do them all both safely and The first country outside Denmark was Germafinancially, I decided to go for it. ny. The last country I visited was Eritrea on April 1st. Eritrea is number one on the list of counWhere are you from and where do you now tries with the least amount of press freedom. call home? North Korea is number two. That gives you an I'm from the Thy-district of northwestern Jut- idea about what kind of country it is. It is actuland in Denmark, where Denmark later got its ally pleasant to visit for a traveller and I actually first national park. I've travelled full-time since enjoyed my final country. July 2010 and have no intention of finding a place to call home at the moment. | Issue 40



How much money was required? Did you travel constantly or work in between? Constantly. I would say an average of 20 - 25 dollars a day in a period of around 3,000 days of travel. That's around 75,000 - 80,000 dollars. It would have been way more expensive to have stayed back in Denmark where it's almost impossible to live on 20 - 25 dollars a day. Which were your top three countries and why?


It's such a difficult question to answer. I love many countries for different reasons. Italy and France for the food. South Africa has a lot to offer for travellers while Iran probably has the friendliest people in the world. The most difficult part of the challenge? Africa by far. Difficult visas, bad infrastructure, pollution, dusty roads, corruption and safety concern. Also, visiting Syria during the war was a big challenge. How long do you keep your visits to? I have travelled for months in many countries, but some just a few days. Like Libya recently. For security reasons I was just there for three days.

Interview by Yemen Today

Most dangerous place? I would say the most dangerous was Syria because of the war. It was a surreal experience visiting it and was told I was the only tourist there. It | Issue 40


Hitchhiking in Mauritius on a motorbike

fine. If you do have a bit of money, keep a small budget for accommodation and use Airbnb as your plan B. On Airbnb tell the host you are on a low budget and on a journey to every country and bargain hard. Part of your plan B could also be the last-minute hotel booking apps such as HotelTonight and HotelQuickly. I don’t like staying at hostels, but if you do that is of course also an option. If you are like me and need a private room, some hostels have private rooms, and If someone wants to travel on a budget, what again: bargain hard and explain your project. tips could you give them? 3. Low-Cost Airlines and no check-in bag. Low1. Decide if you really want to do this or not and cost airlines are the way to go, and they are all then give it a hundred percent. Keep in mind it over the world. Sign up for their newsletters with takes a lot of time to plan trips on a very low special offers and get tickets for close to nothing. budget. I made a decision early on to sacrifice Ryanair, Easyjet, Air Asia, Tiger Airways, Spirit Air and reminded myself often, ‘You can’t have it all’. (travel light), Wizz Air, Norwegian, Wow Air and Fastjet are especially valuable. 2. Have a zero budget for accommodation. Use and other sites to stay in the 4. Low-cost buses. While low-cost airlines have private homes of travellers around the world. If been around for years, lowcost buses are the you don’t manage to find a place to stay for the new thing, and they are all over the world. Book night, sleep in public places. Many airports are in advance and you can get bus tickets nearly free took months to get the visa, but even with the visa it was hard to get in as the border staff had a hard time believing I was there as a tourist. With Libya, many of their embassies refused to help me, but I got in with help from the foreign press and even met the Prime Minister in Tripoli. Other so-called dangerous places would include places like the Central African Republic, Afghanistan, Yemen and Iraq. | Issue 40

of charge in many countries. is a website where you should spend a lot of time. New York to Atlanta for a dollar is not a scam; it’s a reality. You should also check out Greyhound Express, Naked Bus,, Ouibus, Berlinlinenbus, National Express, Mein Fernbus, Rød Billet, Abildskou, Polskibus, Simple Express, Swebus, Omnibus, Student Agency Bus and hundredths of other low-cost bus companies around the world. Google is your friend. Were visas and passports difficult to obtain?


Who is the most interesting person you met? The prime minister in Tripoli.

In your opinion, which country offered you the best in terms of food? Italy and France. When it comes to food you pretty much get what you pay for. Never had anywhere near as great as I've had at Michelinstarred restaurants.

Lastly, now that you’ve completed your Easy to get a new passport each time. I’ve used challenge, what’s in store for you? up many passports. Visas can be very difficult. Saudi Arabia, where you need a business visa or I would like to visit all territories. There are 325 countries and territories combined. I've been to Equatorial Guinea were the two most difficult. all the countries and 289 on the list combined. That means I have 36 left. Some are a big chalWhat would we typically find in your suitcase? lenge and difficult to visit, but like with the counI don’t travel with a suitcase. I travel extremely try; I'll do my best. light. Just a laptop, toiletres and a bit of clothes. Visit to follow his journey!

On a safari in South Africa | Issue 40

Meet Helga:


part artist, part mother, part traveller

Artist, Helga McLeod, has recently moved from Cape Town to Thailand with her husband and two kids. We chat to her to find out what life is like as an artist, a mother and a traveller... Tell me more about your work as an artist?

What was the first artwork that you ever sold?

I paint primarily in watercolor. I attempt to capture the moments that most of us can relate to, especially those moments that make us feel something. In my art, what is seen is as important as what is unseen. Paintings tell half a story, the rest is left to the viewer’s imagination, and to their own interpretation.

My first sale ever was in grade two to a classmate's brother. Does that count?

As much as I enjoy the creative process, I also love painting portraits and clients' photographed memories. I am also sometimes asked to paint clients’ past dreams, which I find most intriguing. Has art always been your passion?

Who is your favourite local artist? I have so many favourite artists which makes this is an impossible question! I will single out Lien Botha. Her work is always layered with complexity and beauty and has a rhythm built into every collection . . . it has the ability to make me stop and stare. She is a true genius and a South African gem. Other than an artist, you're also a mother and a wife. Tell me a little about your family.

Yes, I have always loved creating, whether it is Our tribe consists of my husband and best with brush and paper or in a garden with grand friend Ashley, daughter/best friend Eden (13) and son/best friend Jack (8). All three are imideas and enthusiasm. mensely funny, fiercely loyal and very easy to adore. | Issue 40


Recently you made the big decision to move Moving with children - difficult? from SA to Thailand - tell us more . . . My children are accustomed to new places and For us, it’s all about slow travel. We enjoy ex- they understand that we have the same daily ploring new horizons at our own leisurely pace, routine wherever we are. My husband and I bewhich allows us to live a more nomadic lifestyle. lieve in stability through family routines and traCurrently we are island hopping in the Far East ditions - and we do not depend on the outside and loving it! Malaysia comes after Thailand and world to provide that stability. In our home all following that, we have a three month learn-to- meals are eaten together, mornings begin with surf date with an Indian Ocean island. beach walks, and each day ends with a family card game. That's the deal no matter where we What is your favourite part about Thailand? are on the globe. My favorite parts of Koh Samui are the beautiful sunrises and sunsets. During our magical sunrise walks we see monks collecting rice and spreading blessings, fisher-couples on traditional boats filling the quiet air with their soft song, and an amazing profusion of birds and butterflies. I have never seen so many butterflies in one place.

Where do you find your inspiration?

I find inspiration in the random moments of life that evoke emotions and memories. Sensory experiences, such as familiar smells and hearing a specific song can often evoke memories and transport us back to a specific place in time. The moments that inspire my paintings are snapAt sunset, this peaceful setting transforms into a shots that act like that too. vibrant and magical street life. Pop-up food stalls create mouth-watering dishes and scent the air with enticing aromas. Every front door seems to Visit Helga’s art here: be framed with fairy lights, as our little village Etsy: turns into a make-believe Neverland. Red Bubble: Our scooters are also so much fun; I can't imagine this island without them. The sensory experience Facebook: of the ride connects us to the sights, sounds, and smells of this island paradise. | Issue 40

discover | Issue 38


LOKAL is a curated collective guide to all your favourite local brands & small businesses! #LoveLOKAL Twitter: @LOKALza Facbebook: lokalZA Website: | Issue 38

Comp 1


One lucky reader can win 1 x 1kg Café Origem, 1 x 1 kg Café Deno and 1 x 250g Decaf from KayRin Coffee Roasters. HOW TO ENTER:

Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘KayRin Coffee’ Entries close: 27 November Ever wanted the aroma of a good coffee to match the taste? Well, that’s what Karyrin Coffee Roasters strive to deliver. They source only the finest Arabica coffee beans from around the world and passionately roast them to provide an emotional blend of aroma, flavour body and acidity. They believe in freshly roasted and freshly served. | Issue 40

Comp 2

win Two lucky readers can win two paperback copies each of The Underachieving Ovary. One for you, one for a friend! HOW TO ENTER:

Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘The Underachieving Ovary’ Entries close: 27 November

The Underachieving Ovary by J.T Lawrence Does the word ‘endometriosis’ make you want to stick a fork in your eye? No? Then perhaps this book isn’t for you. It’s funny, and (sometimes alarmingly) frank. It contains an impressive array of synonyms for ‘vagina’ and it’s certainly NSFW. It’s about having a devil womb and a hot knife lodged in my shoulder. It’s about becoming blackly bitter and twisted in my infertility, and then slowly finding a way to untwist myself. It’s part memoir, part dark comedy, wrapped up loosely as a journal full of TMI and quirk. Let me put it this way: If Helen Fielding and Marian Keyes were to go through IVF, and use Caitlin Moran as a surrogate, this book would be their baby. | Issue 40

Comp 3


Win a Fiction Box from Storyteller’s Box HOW TO ENTER:

Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Storyteller’s Box’ Entries close: 27 November

Storyteller’s Box Storyteller’s Box is a Mystery Book Box that sends you books and assorted goodies to you. Each box is tailored to the book lover and will contain 4 books, a combination of new and pre-loved, as well as a treat to help you get your reading on. | Issue 40

Comp 4


One lucky winner can win a 4-piece rock n rolla, a 2-piece salmon roses and a new juice of their choice at Salushi. TWO WAYS TO ENTER:

1. On Twitter: Tweet, ‘I want to win with @salushi and @FW_Concepts.’ Or 2. Visit and write: I want to win with Salushi and Flat White Concepts. Must be follow or like both accounts. Entries close: 27 November

Salushi The new juices: The Nourish: Carrot, Beetroot, Apple, Cucumber, Lemon, Parsley The Detox: Apple, Cucumber, Kale, Lemon, Ginger The Cleanse: Apple, Pineapple, Ginger, Mint 25 Protea Road, Claremont, Cape Town. | Issue 40

Comp 5


Win a comprehensive wine tasting and a cheese platter for 2 at at Dieu Donne Vineyards. HOW TO ENTER:

Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘Wine and Cheese’ Entries close: 27 November

Franschhoek Boutique Hotel Nestled in the Food and wine capital of South Africa, at the base of the Franschhoek mountains, is an eclectic mix of old world sophistication and contemporary design. Often said “home is where the heart is” Franschhoek Boutique Hotel have offered their souls to create a destination you will covetedly call home. Their hotel offers high end hotel styled service with the comfort of country living. | Issue 40

Comp 6


We all have that bottle in our collection that has been staring at us, waiting for just the right time to open it. It is just calling our name, but needs another year or two to age. Here is the answer to popping that cork this weekend and relishing that much anticipated bottle! This pourer uses a unique magnet system to treat the wine. It unlocks the flavours and softens those harsh tannins, allowing you to enjoy that bottle today instead of in two years! HOW TO ENTER: Email your name and contact details to with the subject line: ‘’ Entries close: 27 October - The widest selection of South African wines at the best prices. SA’s largest online premium wine, craft beer and liquor store. Get the latest deals and specials, discount vouchers, wine tips and more. | Issue 40

the end

Do you want to advertise with us? Email Christine on | Issue 40

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