Issue 7 November 2013

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r e b m e v No e 7 Issu

Taste | Create | Discover

Summer is all about Ice Cream. Meet the lady behind this recipe!


I’m typing this while wearing a dress. This can only mean one thing. SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE!

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I say this with extreme excitement. Remember, I’m a Durban girl originally so cold winters are not quite something I’m used to. There’s something amazing about the start of summer. White legs and wide eyes start poking out of apartments, and people begin to exude an air of happiness and anticipation. Cape Town in Summer is a time where everyone finally comes out of the little duvet hole they had crawled into all of winter, and suddenly everything is alive. This issue we bring you a list of things to do in Cape Town in summer, but if you have any more ideas please feel free to share with us on Twitter or Facebook. It doesn’t have to just be Cape Town. Let’s get everyone involved! Summer is a time for fun and exploration! Do you have any exciting plans ahead?

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” F. Scott Fitzgerald Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to contribute articles or whether you’d like to advertise in an upcoming magazine. We’d love to get to you know and to shamelessly promote your company!

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Flat White Magazine - Made with love and a strong cup of coffee. Yours in Coffee,



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Haas It The Creamery Basil, Mozzarella and Avocado Salad Meet Candice, the lady behind The Gorgeous Gourmet The World’s Best Chocolate Ice Cream Home Brewed Opinions Keep Calm and Pass the Salt Get Festive with a big bowl of Andreas Shiraz 2010


Wooden Palettes, Recycled Tins and Colourful Paint How to be more Creative The Cut-Throat Economy of Creative Talent The Jes Foord Foundation


Meet Wayne from Growth Space Cape Town Summer Line Up Treat Yourself at the Suntra Spa Book Review - The Shock of the Fall Babylonstoren

DIRECTORY Cool Companies

COMPETITIONS Win Win Win! | Issue 7


Haas’it... sound familiar? Well if you have ever tweeted the gentlemen at Haas that will be their immediate response, one that most definitely reveals the affable nature of this coffee shop. Not just another coffee shop however, Haas is situated in Bokaap and right underneath the offices of Haas Collective Advertising Agency. Relatively new this coffee shop boasts a collection of South African merchandise by many a different designer, all available to purchase. Haas is undeniably artisan with a touch of home as you walk through the entrance to be greeted by waiters in top hats and an array of delectable treats. Their coffee is a unique blend and better yet Haas is one of the only coffee shops in South Africa to sell a cup of the infamous Kopi Luak coffee. Beans are available to buy over the counter or else you can sip on a warm flat white as you settle into the high back velvet corner chair.


is something not to pass up. True to its corner cafe roots this coffee shop is a Cape Town treasure. Not only the tasty coffee and refreshing decor, but the personality that exudes this coffee shop is captivating and enchanting all at once. Collective genius collaborating good food, coffee and design, what more could one want from a space? Take a trip through Cape Town city centre, straight through to Church Street and visit Haas. Sit down, take in the creative energy infused with the wafts of coffee and be sure to greet your waiter with a Haas’it in good spirits. Haas on Facebook: Haas on Twitter: @haascoffee

By Coffey and Cake *Coffey and Cake is a blog delving into the delicious world of coffee, cafes, sweet treats and the good things in life. LIKE the Facebook page to find your next coffee fix ( menu serves both breakfast and lunch custom- andcake) or follow the blog www.coffeyandcake. ers, but be sure to leave space for dessert because the baked goodness that looms throughout Haas | Issue 7


I’m not sure if it is a blessing or a curse that The Creamery opened up so close to my house. So close that I can walk there without breaking a sweat. So it’s not like I can even stuff my face and burn off the calories walking home. In this case, though, I actually don’t care. The waffles are THAT good. I’d happily eat two and then go home for a nap, putting all worries of burning it off aside. Then I’d wake up and go for another one.

the coffee as well as the coffee ice cream that I enjoyed.

My husband and I went to visit their new branch which opened up in Newlands and treated ourselves to a Sunday lunch of waffles. We opted for the coffee ice cream and the peanut butter ice cream and then shared it so that we could enjoy the best of both worlds. It was hard to say which one was better, the silky smooth coffee or the sweet rich peanut butter. Having both together was the perfect combination.

We could all use a bit more sweetness. So go visit The Creamery soon and get your share!

This cosy little nook is definitely going to be frequented by me very often this summer, so if you see a dark haired girl taking snaps of her waffles (to send to jealous friends of course) then come and say hi. I’ll be the one wolfing it down as soon as the appropriate picture is taken.

By Christine Bernard

The place was buzzing with people and we were lucky enough to find a spot to sit. With big hungry eyes the people around me weren’t talking so much as making random sounds of ‘hmmm’ and ‘ahhh’. If you don’t want a waffle you can opt for ice cream from a very large cone, a regular cone or a cup, or even just sit and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee. The beans are from Rosetta and are used in both | Issue 7


“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.� J.R.R. Tolkien | Issue 7


Basil, Mozzarella & Avocado Salad

How wonderful it was having 5 days of solid sunshine this past week. After living in tights and boots for months, it was lovely breaking out of the hibernation and feeling a little sunshine on my skin. Of course, this salad was the perfect way to celebrate the start of the new season - inspired by a colleague’s lunch at work, it’s a lovely combination of creamy mozzarella and avo, crunchy cucumber and sweet tomatoes, all on top of watercress, basil and English spinach. Drizzled with a little olive oil and balsamic reduction, it’s hardly a recipe at all - rather a simple way to enjoy a few wonderful ingredients.

Cucumber Baby tomatoes Watercress Fresh basil English spinach Olive oil Balsamic reduction (or vinegar)

Place the watercress, basil and spinach in your serving bowl. Top with chunks of the avocado, torn pieces of mozzarella, cucumber quarters and halved baby tomatoes. Drizzle with the olive oil and balsamic before serving.

I will leave the quantities up to you, but to make By The Gorgeous Gourmet this, you will need: Twitter: @GorgeousBlog Fresh mozzarella Avocado | Issue 7

TASTE Meet Candice The lady behind The Gorgeous Gourmet, and learn how to make The World’s Best Chocolate Ice Cream 1. When did you first become a food blogger? I started blogging just over 3 years ago - at the insistence of my now-husband. I was forever in the kitchen and he suggested I write about my experiences. I couldn't think who would want to read about my little ramblings, but three years on - my blog has grown and led to the most amazing experiences.

6. Kitchen accessory could you not live without? My KitchenAid Mixer. For everything from whipping egg whites to making pastry - and even ice cream! Small gadget - a wooden spoon. 7. You don't feel like cooking, so you grab some takeaway, what do you get? Chinese - normally Beef with Oyster Sauce and Noodles

2. What is your current day job? I work for KitchenAid - premium kitchen applianc- 8. What is your favourite restaurant in Cape Town? es. Match made in heaven. Impossible! It depends what I feel like. Value for money tasting menus would be La Mouette in Sea 3. Where did your love of food come from? Point or Myoga at the Vineyard Hotel. Pizza is alIt began when I was a little girl of four, with wild ways Col' Cacchio and sushi is always Sevruga at curls, and a plastic striped clown apron, helping my the Waterfront. Love Live Bait in Kalk Bay for their mom in the kitchen, pretending to stir when I was mussels and seafood pasta and Bistro Sixteen82 at really just licking the bowl. I grew up in a house Steenberg for the best breakfast in Cape Town. where small portions didn’t exist – there was always enough food for seconds, and for the rest of 9. What is your culinary dream? the street. To open a rustic cooking school in Noordhoek. It will be run from our "dream" farm house with long 4. Your ideal breakfast, lunch and dinner day? wooden tables, wellington boots by the front door, Breakfast - Eggs Benedict, preferably from Bistro an expansive vegetable garden, complete with Sixteen82 at Steenberg. (with a slab of homecured roaming chickens. People will come for the weekpork belly bacon!) end, learn how to do the basics properly and enjoy Lunch - A bowl filled with moules marinières and the fruits of their labour at the end of each day. lots of crusty bread Dinner - A dim sum and sushi feast - Sevruga is my 10. Other than cooking, what are your other favourite. loves? As an English Major, I love reading - although don't 5. Are you more of a savoury or sweet kind of girl? get nearly as much time for it as I'd like. I've also Definitely sweet. I sometimes feel having dinner is started paying more attention to our 'newly-wed' only something I have to go through so I can have home - a little decorating, homemaking...and dessert afterwards... learning how to be a wife! | Issue 7

The World’s Best Chocolate Ice Cream

Not too long ago, I was cautioned against naming anything "the best" or "delicious" - and advised rather to let readers taste for themselves and decide. Which does make sense - if you're in the Cape Town area and want to pop in and taste some - you're more than welcome. If you're not in the area, you'll have to take my word for it - this is the best chocolate ice cream you'll ever taste.

a texture halfway between chocolate ganache and chocolate mousse. If you're searching for a chocolate ice cream that actually tastes like chocolate : look no further. Makes approximately 800ml

Ingredients: 600ml cream I am classically, a non-chocolate ice cream eater. 1 tin condensed milk (around 397g) I've been put off my too many cocoa-flavoured 400g chocolate (I used half milk and half dark) anemic looking ice cream cones - you know the 3 tbsp cocoa powder type : a very pale brown, vaguely flavoured with something that at one stage could have been an Method: imitation of chocolate. So, I generally always avoid Break the chocolate into small pieces. Heat 100ml chocolate ice cream, as it's always led to disap- of the cream in a medium sized bowl until almost pointment. The challenge was then set : I had to boiling (microwave is easiest), then add the chocolate pieces to the bowl. Allow to sit for a minute, make a chocolate ice cream I actually loved. then stir to melt the chocolate. Microwave for 10 The base of this ice cream is not custard - so no seconds at a time if still not melted. Stir in the coneggs involved - it's a little trick with condensed densed milk and sieve in the cocoa powder. milk and cream I learned at the Lindt Studio. It means no cooking over a stove or waiting for it Whip the remaining 500ml cream to stiff peaks. to cool before churning. Naturally, there is quite Gently fold in the chocolate / condensed milk mixa bit of chocolate involved - 400g - but goodness, ture until combined. Churn and freeze according to it's a winner. It's unbelievably creamy, and sets to your ice cream maker's instructions.

Home-brewed Opinions: Chapter 1 I started my journey with Flat White Magazine with an article called Our Third Place, in which I said something about the growing trend of coffee shops as a third place. It’s not home, it not work, it’s that place in between, where it is sometimes a home, sometimes a place of work.

fidence to make a great coffee at home. This is coupled with a small amount of marketing, call it propaganda if you like, from the coffee roasters by placing espresso, and espresso based drinks on a pedestal. Or, the idea that they need to invest thousands of Rands into a home espresso machine.

I don’t want to repeat the whole article. It is a nice article, so push pause, make your way to Issue 1, and read it. Good. Now you know all about emerging coffee culture in Cape Town I can explain why I made you go all the way back to the beginning of time to read an article.

I don’t want to repeat what has already been said about espresso and I really encourage to watch this video ( by James Hoffmann, the 2007 World Barista Champion, sharing some of his thoughts on espresso.

The mistake that we easily make, it that of association. The association is that a great cup of coffee can only be experienced and enjoyed in such a setting, that the tools, and skills needed are far beyond the grasp of the average coffee appreciator. These establishments serve two purposes: to make great coffee, and to provide a social setting to enjoy it in.

As you can gather there have been many opinion fueled battles about how to make the perfect cup of coffee. Often, people will ask me about the best way to make coffee. One of my favourites amongst good old South African’s, is referring to espresso as ‘proper coffee.’

In her excellent work How to Drink, Victoria Moore tells us that espresso machines are only good for There is another element to coffee culture, and making espresso. I would add to this - they are only that is one of brining coffee back into the home. good for making espresso and wowing customers. The culture of home-brewed coffee also serves two purposes: to make great coffee and to enjoy it My irony, often, is that espresso can be the most in the social environment of your home with family disappointing methods of brewing coffee, and exploring the wonderful world of home-brewed cofand friends. fee often results in a more satisfying experience, What stops most people from going down the rab- as it does much more to showcase the bean itself. bit hole of home-brewed coffee is a lack of | Issue 7

TASTE One thing you cannot avoid is equipment. You need equipment to make coffee. However, you do not need a big shiny espresso machine to make a cup of coffee that is going to put you in an absolute state of bliss.

Fourthly, you need water. Obvious. Just to throw in a little something to leave you in anticipation for what the future holds - it does not have to be boiling water.

Brewing coffee at home will require a few things of Lastly, you need a brewing device. There are a few to choose from, each giving its own unique distincyourself, and your pocket. tive to the final outcome. Firstly, there is your attitude. You need to want to There is no exact science to making the perfect cup do this. of coffee. Using good quality water, freshly ground Secondly, you need beans. This is an incredibly crit- coffee, the correct ratio of coffee to water will reical step in the process because without them you sult in a great cup of coffee. cannot make coffee, and the beans you use will have a very significant impact on the taste of the Be patient with me as we draw out this journey into home-brewed coffee, and over the months to final outcome. come I am going to take you through various methI suggest to trot down to your local coffee roaster, ods to brew coffee at home, from the french press, ask for some advice, and buy some whole bean to filter coffee, and even cold brewed coffee. coffee. With summer holidays around the corner, I think Thirdly, you need a grinder - a burr grinder. These we will start with cold brewed coffee next month. are fairly inexpensive, and again you can trot down to your local coffee roaster and ask some advice on By Carl Anthony Badenhorst an inexpensive burr grinder for home.

My name is Carl Anthony Badenhorst and I am a freelance writer specialising in topics pertaining to coffee, culture, creative industries, education, learning, and anything I find interesting. You can read some of my work at Email me at to discuss your writing needs. | Issue 7

KEEP CALM AND PASS THE SALT When Zama Maleme asked me to host one of her Easy Eating Taste Dinners I immediately said yes. In a moment of food insanity I had obviously forgotten that although I love to eat, I am not a chef. The most I have cooked for is four people. So suddenly, here I am, standing in the kitchen and cooking up a starter, main and dessert for thirty people. From four to thirty is quite a jump. I had it all planned out in my head. Pfft.. it won’t be so hard. I’ll stick to what I know and keep it simple. So with a pinch of cockiness I strutted around buying my ingredients and looking forward to the cooking process. Then I started to cook and things didn’t go quite as smoothly as I had planned. I had to run to the shop about four times for things that I had either forgotten about or simply just run out of. I had no idea what forty portions looked like in a pot so the whole thing was quite an experience for me. I was having a bit of a panic attack on the actual night. Standing in the kitchen at Penthouse on Long I was struck with the notion that I had not cooked enough food. Warren, the husband, the photographer and the kindly assistant, ran to get me a glass of wine (of which I drank perhaps a bit too fast) and we set out to make a little bit more just in case. As it turns out, I made enough food to serve at least another ten more people. Even the staff were giggling at me. However, rather too much than too little I always say.

So what did I cook? And what is this Easy Eating Taste Experience all about anyway? Well the lovely Zama from Easy Eating has put together five small dinners to wet everyone’s appetites and get them ready for the main event on the 23rd November. The main event will see 10 people (some chefs, others just with a love and passion for food), each preparing something in order to bring you a ten course meal for the day. It’s going to be a taste sensation with everyone showcasing a meal they feel best represents themselves. Each cook will also be there to speak about their businesses, showcase their work and answer any questions. A fantastic way to network, socialise, and be part of a food revolution! So what did I cook at my event? I wanted my food to portray who I am. I chose Croque Monsieur Puffs for my starter (in celebration of my Father who is French), Chicken Curry with Rice and lentils for my main (for my mother who is Mauritian), and Milk Tart and Malva Pudding (in honour of my upbringing in South Africa). It was very interesting to be on the other side of the kitchen. I have a whole new respect for chefs. Come join us in November! I’m in charge of the dessert.. See the poster for details! | Issue 7 | Issue 7


Get Festive with a big bottle of Andreas Shiraz 2010 Christmas is around the corner and with the festive season’s usual ‘shenanigans’ comes plenty of gatherings in which wine always makes a tasty appearance. And whether arriving at your parents for a quiet dinner, cruising through to friends for a braai or just enjoying a peaceful evening at home with your partner, arriving with a bottle of wine is always a welcomed sight. The ‘thing’ about wine is it fits in with pretty much any occasion, and more often than not is the result of the first conversation sparked when arriving and people notice what you’ve brought. Wine’s a social magnet, and for this reason, amongst many, it’s a perfect accompaniment to any social gathering. The BIGGER picture Now, if you really want to WOW your friends, arrive with a larger-than-normal bottle of wine, which is also rare to find, has built up a cult following over the years … basically, arrive with a MAGNUM bottle of the Andreas Shiraz 2010! Andreas wines are produced on a small 4.5 hectare boutique wine farm in the Wellington area of the Cape’s wine lands. For those who enjoy the technicalities of wine, Wellington is a warmer-climate region and hence perfect for the bold, yet

TASTE friendly Shiraz grape varietal as it allows the fruit Why the hype about larger bottles though? to ripen well, resulting in those spicy, dark berry It’s simple … a 1.5 liter bottle of wine always stands flavours and aromas. out wherever it makes a presence. Not only that, Andreas Wines maiden 2004 vintage hit South Afri- but if you’re interested in ageing your wine for ca with a bang after receiving a Silver Veritas Award better sipping enjoyment a few years down the and a Double-Gold Michelangelo Award on its re- line, wine ageing in larger quantities is always betlease. Since then the Andreas Label has earned a ter as the ratio of wine exposed to oxygen is a lot cult-like following due to its rarity and consistently less (we’ll get into that in another article though). high quality. With only 1,584 cases produced from Whatever the occasion, a Magnum bottle shouts the little biodynamic-grown vineyards it’s with no “fun”, and there’s no better wine to be found in a amazement that the stock of this wine is swept up Magnum than Andreas’ 2010 Shiraz. during the release of each new vintage. CLICK HERE to Order your Andreas Shiraz 2010 Magnum @ ONLY R350.00 each (including delivHOWEVER … ery in SA!) … There is light at the end of this vineous vine tunnel. Andreas winery releases a selection of 1.5 liter By Richard Cranna Magnum bottles of their Shiraz every year. The good news is, we here at WineWeb have secured a few bottles, knowing they’ll be gone soon. | Issue 7

Wooden palettes, recycled tins & colourful paint!

This little DIY was done over two weekends. First mounting the wooden palettes, which was quite a job on its own, dipping the tins to allow time for them to dry and then the 'accessories'. I stole (not literally) the wooden palettes from my friend Ash's house, they were lying outside and I knew something had to be done with them. I only really figured out what that 'something' is quite recently. You can also get wooden palettes on Gumtree if you look around. I'm a huge fan of Plascon and their amazing colour range. I also really love paint dipping and really wanted to do it again with my new range of colours. This was my idea. Thank you to my lovely friend Lol for the tins. Lol is a REALLY strict recycler and when I asked for tins, she gave me a huge black bag full. Thank heavens, cause I don't know how many cans of beans it


would've taken me to get to my can requirement goal. Also, don't forget to nail holes in the bottom of the tins for drainage, if you plan on planting in them of coarse. Nic and I kind of figured things out as we went along, we went to the hardware store and browsed around for the best options. It's one big problemsolving exercise really. We had a bit of trial and error in the can hanging department, but we eventually settled on ‘S’ hooks which are quite pricey but they did the trick perfectly and effortlessly. I planted all my succulents (the only things I can keep alive) in the empty tins and hung them on the palettes. What do you think? By Nikki Smal | Issue 7 | Issue 7

How to be more creative Art is subjective and incredibly personal. Being creative doesn’t have to mean being universally good at one thing. Learn to be creative in a way that suits you. It is not about what you do but rather how it makes you feel. We all get stuck in a routine, and in order to feel creatively free we need to find ways of expressing ourselves. Here is my list of how to be more creative. Use what suits you, discard what doesn’t, but find your own way!


to enjoy my food without guilt, I have to exercise. You need to find what works for you. Luckily I have. With hot yoga I have found a stillness within me, a confidence and peace that I never knew existed. In that hour of exercise I give little thought to anything other than the moment. I also love running. With this I spend my time using those endorphins to work for me, coming up with new ideas and releasing any bad thoughts that have crept inside me. Yoga and running work for me in different ways, Try a new method but both are important to help with any creative I recently won a design competition and my prize process that I go through. was a Bamboo Drawing Tablet. I was so excited to win this prize but as soon as I got home I looked at Draw even if you’re terrible the tablet in confusion. I tried it, found it hard, and People often assume that because I’m a creative went back to my old ways. My husband, however, person I must be able to draw. They soon realise, is a photo retoucher and uses a tablet every day. He normally through a game of Pictionary (stick figencouraged me to try it and promised it would be ures all around), that this is not true. I absolutely worth the time and effort. So I took an afternoon love design and creativity, and when it comes to and spent time playing around with it as much as abstract work I can definitely hold my own. But ask possible. I created childlike designs which eventu- me to draw anything realistic and you’re left with ally started looking a little more refined as time something that looks like a child did it. This has alwent on. Okay, I admit, this was fun. I still have a ways annoyed me because I so desperately want to long way to go but I realised how trying something be good at drawing. So today I decided to draw for new took me out of my comfort zone and pushed the sake of drawing. Paper out, pencil out, I spent a few hours doodling away to my hearts consent. I me just that little bit more in my creativity. loved every moment of it. Read more I love reading. Yet as the years go by I have real- Drink Coffee ised that I am spending less and less time with my Of course I’d bring up coffee! Do yourself a favour, books. So I had a reading day. This was so much make a deliciously strong cup of coffee (preferably harder than I thought it was going to be. At first my grind the beans yourself or pop over to a coffee mind kept wondering to my computer. Was I miss- shop that knows what they are doing). Then either ing out on some important emails? Every so often sit alone with a white sheet of paper or invite a I’d get up and check, convinced that the world friend along to join you. Then as the coffee starts would fall apart if I wasn’t constantly checking. I taking effect just let the ideas flow. My first cup soon realised the effect that modern day was hav- of coffee in the morning is my best time for ideas. ing on me, so I switched off the computer,made a There’s something magical in those little beans. cup of coffee and snuggled in bed with my book for the rest of the afternoon. I allowed myself to enjoy Whatever your method is for staying creative, it, to really lose myself in the story and to finally make it work for you and have fun doing it. What take time to breathe. I forgot how good this feels. are some ways in which you try to live more creatively free? Email me on – I’d love to hear and share your ideas. Exercise This is not too hard for me. It’s a little known fact that I love my food. If I’m not eating then I’m talk- By Christine Bernard ing about it or writing about it. So in order for me | Issue 7 | Issue 7

CREATE Warren Bernard | Issue 7


The Cut-Throat Economy of Creative Talent One of the many benefits of attending the Loerie Awards is the chance to catch-up with great creative people working in advertising. All the best local Creative Directors are in town and you have the time to hear what’s happening with them, their teams and the company they find themselves in. I spoke to at least 3 CD’s at the Loeries and before who have all stepped away from strong international or local digital agencies and to be appointed as CCO’s at traditional agencies tasked with “upping the digital game” of the agency. This typically means attracting skilled new talent, winning awards and most importantly producing better integrated work for their clients. There’s a whole different business problem behind why this is happening which I won’t get into right now (competing for business from alternatives, eroding margins etc), but suffice to say… They have their work cut out for them.

“The thing I hate the most about advertising is that it attracts all the bright, creative and ambitious young people, leaving us mainly with the slow and self-obsessed to become our artists.” -Banksy I have to digress for a while and mention that even though there is a LOT of rhetoric claiming that advertising is a place where creative minds go to die, I should say I don’t necessarily agree with this. Advertising can be a wonderful and fulfilling career choice. I’ve had the opportunity to work in an agency environment that was creatively inspiring and I also worked in an equally toxic environment. It happened to be the same place, 6 months apart. I honestly believe that you can be creative in an agency, if you want to be.

It’s not only cut out for them, but the entire advertising industry faces huge competition for creative talent. Agencies no longer compete for talent amongst each other, but against a whole host of other non-traditional avenues for young people to explore. Talented young creative people no longer need to work in advertising agencies to express their creative side. A career in advertising is not a But that doesn’t mean you HAVE to be. prerequisite for young creatives to make money. | Issue 7

CREATE There are more options for people to live out their lives creatively. We have two whole sections on 10and5 dedicated to alternative creative careers and people who are creative entrepreneurs. Especially in the digital world, your agency dev team is not competing with other agencies, they are competing with the hot new tech start-ups, in-house dev teams and even starting their own start-up by getting funded through a tech incubator. This isn’t only true for the digital and tech world, as a copywriter you have even more options available to you than ever before. The content and writing industry is exploding, freelance work is abound and if you are worth your salt you can easily pickup your own clients. Why not start your own jewellery label? Apart from joining an alternative creative company, I feel it has never been a better time for creative entrepreneurs in South Africa. Great talent migrates to the most exciting option, leaving mediocre people left on the table for uninspiring agencies to fight over. Deloitte recently released a whitepaper on the open talent economy, underscoring exactly this point. While they don’t necessarily discuss this in direct relation to the advertising world, it’s easy to see how the megatrends shaping the talent economy have a direct impact on what makes agencies an attractive option for creative people to work at. Old Dog’s, New Clients A big agency with strong advertising credentials used to be able ride on their laurels and expect you to come work for them. The attitude being “if you don’t want to work with us, we don’t want you here”. In an era where there was little competition for talent you could do this, but that’s no longer the case. That hottest new director fresh out of film school doesn’t need your stable career option. He has a Canon 5D, some business savvy and is already shooting freelancer fashion films for all his fashion designer friends while brands are standing

in line to work with him directly. You also can’t ride on your laurels. Your agency needs that next Mark Zuckerberg. In fact, your clients are expecting you to have them in your agency. They want the next hot developer-geek who’s hacking away for endless nights on the latest new API’s to be doing that for their brand. And actually, if you aren’t going to hire them they might just hire them directly. It’s a very real option for the bigger clients to take creative technologists in-house and not rely on their agency for these creative ideas. Even agencies looking to get into “big data” face competition from in-house data scientists. Some analysts also suggest the recent merger between Publicis and Omnicom is a move from an advertising and media business to counter the growing threat of clients going direct to Google and Facebook. It’s not just talent heading away from agencies. What’s an agency to do? Is there a solution for the agency? Yes, and I believe some are already getting it right. The first thing to understand is what drives young people. What is it that gives them job satisfaction? For young talent the trick is to keep them interested and allow them to follow their passions. Host a hack-a-thon, provide a good working environment and allow them options to grow their careers. And most importantly, keep them stimulated. You can find some great examples of companies that have created environments that creative people find interesting, and with that inspiring to work at. It’s not that young creative people aren’t driven, it’s just that you’re a bit boring. By Uno De Waal Twitter: @unodewaal | Issue 7 | Issue 7


Jaimi Shields gets involved with the Jes Foord Foundation and Adrian Shields does a ‘This is Me’ shoot with Jes to promote this amazing foundation. It is funny how when you think back over events that have passed you somehow realise how incredible our journeys can be. How things happen to us, rather than being planned by us. Thinking back to 2012 I never realised I would be able to end up working so closely with such a phenomenal foundation and become like family with Jes and the team at the foundation.

gang rape of his daughter by four of the men. Jes’ next words ring in your head “You have taken my body, and you are NOT taking the rest of my life”.

In 2012 a mutual friend introduced us to Jes, a local hero in our community. To this day I remember typing into browser and then being almost paralysed, gripped by a story of a 21 year girl on a walk at a dam with her dad and their dogs one Sunday when they were approached by armed men wanting to rob them, her father Tim was then beat, tied up and forced to witness the

Instead of letting her traumatic experience consume her she decided to become not a victim but a rape survivor and with the help of counselling and standing up to her now convicted attackers, the Jes Foord Foundation was founded in 2008 and now serves the community educating at schools and companies, creating awareness, fundraising and supporting survivors with the main objectives of

It seems unthinkable, something that never happens; you only learn about it in the newspaper or fictional crime movies. Wrong, this happens every 17 seconds in South Africa. | Issue 7

CREATE helping turn rape victims into survivors and show- nations, support by means of your time or services can be of use to the foundation, and can greatly ing them that there is life after rape. assist them in making further advancements and One of Jes’ major victories was a clinic that opened headway in this war against rape in South Africa. at Durban’s, Jes Foord Netcare Center at St Augustine’s hospital where a rape survivor can visit im- In line with that the images in this article are by mediately after their ordeal and receive medical Adrian Shields, my husband who did a “this is me” attention. A rape kit can be performed by a hos- shoot with Jes in order to promote the projects the pital doctor and they can meet with a counsellor foundation is currently focusing on through the immediately after their crisis. She wanted a home press and publications such as this one to help people learn about Jes and how they can be involved and so far she has a hospital. in this journey. Now I find myself the primary fundraiser organiser for 2014. What an honour! It is also a huge respon- For more information or to donate visit www.jff. sibility though and I hope to use my time and re- or follow Jes on Facebook via /jesfoordsa or sources to make more caring corporates aware of twitter @jesfoord – you can make a difference with what Jes does for every survivor regardless of their us. Join our forces. gender, skin colour or financial status and how By Jaimi Shields their involvement can make all the difference. Photos by Adrian Shields This is also teaching me that anyone can help foundations like this. Although they rely heavily on do-

DISCOVER | Issue 7

DISCOVER “Build something you love and you’ll never have a problem getting up for work, staying late or going the extra mile.” THE START OF GROWTH SPACE I started Growth Space in May this year after 2 years of talking about it. Having worked from home for almost 8 years I was at the end of my tether. I was creatively drained and my business network was non-existent. Upon coming to the conclusion that I couldn’t be the only one going through this, I found the premises, bought and built the furniture and opened the doors. Internationally, coworking has been around since about 2007 but it wasn’t until I started planning my own offices that I realised what a hit it had become in other countries. THE FUTURE OF CO-WORKING I can even see a difference in just the past 6 months with spaces popping up all over the place. I’m fortunate enough to have contact with a lot of entrepreneurs and it’s so incredible to see people readily accepting the concept and jumping in head first. Since before our launch, I said that Growth Space was going to change the coworking landscape and be a leader in the field and we’re already proving that to be true. Our approach centres on the community we’re building around our spaces and what sets us apart is that we truly are the coworking space for everyone. Our members range from lawyers and accountants to web designers and social media marketers and through our unique networking events, we manage to create collaborations and referrals which simply wouldn’t have happened if they weren’t all members of our community. Our plan to create micro-communities and give our members access to all our spaces is also very unique and gives our members an opportunity to expand their business networks far beyond what would have been possible had they been working from home. FINDING CLIENTS Until a few weeks ago I’d have said social media was my primary source of new business but I’m proud to say that word-of-mouth has recently overtaken Facebook as my primary source of new members and I think this says a lot about the way we do

business. Our members are my primary focus and if they’re telling people about Growth Space, that must mean they’re happy with what they’re getting here. HOBBIES I enjoy surfing and spending time with my family. My 4 year old son keeps me entertained and living in the beautiful winelands means there’s never a lack of outdoor activities. MUSIC TO WORK TO My brother in law who lives in London introduces me to all the coolest indie bands doing the rounds so I’m never short of new music but I do often come back to old favourites like the Foo Fighters, Kings of Leon and Matchbox 20 which remind me of my younger years. TIPS FOR ENTREPRENEURS Start something. Forget about funding. Successful, sustainable businesses aren’t built on big awards, radio interviews or flashy marketing stunts. Solid businesses are built by the unseen actions which take place in the background every single day. Build something you love and you’ll never have a problem getting up for work, staying late or going the extra mile. FAVOURITE COFFEE SHOPS TO POP OPEN YOUR LAPTOP Anywhere with free wifi. I don’t believe in paying for an internet connection in a public place. COFFEE Black, 2 sugars. I stopped drinking milk about a year ago and never looked back! Growth Space offers a free trial to anyone interested in trying coworking. Just bring your laptop and join them for a day or two at their offices in Somerset West or Cape Town. Book your trial by contacting Wayne on | Issue 7


Cape Town Summer Lineup!

All the signs are there. It’s light at 6 a.m. The Egyptian geese wake me up every morning with their loud calls. The air-con is humming overhead, despite the grumblings from several cold-blooded colleagues. It’s nearly here. Summer is on its way, just another week of chilly nights before we’ll be packing away our winter duvets and hauling out the cushions for the outside furniture. And guys. As much as I love my duvet, I am still super excited. Last year I did a post of things to do and experience in a Cape Town summer. This might be a little premature but some of these things need tickets, and I don’t want anyone to miss out on tickets. I love tickets. But no worries, there are also free things on the list. I’m trying to do a fresh list, no repeats from last year. But do yourselves a favour and go have a look at last year’s list because there is a bunch of stuff on there that happen every season and are not worth missing out on!

Need to know: 22 – 24 November Hamilton’s Rugby Club, Greenpoint R120 presale (Tickets available through Paygenius). There will 200 craft and home brews to choose from and taste. Food stalls, bands and a whole bunch of like-minded people. And by like -minded, I mean day drinkers. 3. The Boomslang Treetop Canopy Walk

1. Russell Brand: The Messiah Complex

Who’s got tickets? I GOT TICKETS! Need to know: 19 & 20 November, 20:00 Artscape Opera House R300 – R500 (Tickets available through Computicket. Booking essential). 2. Fest of Beer I can’t find much about this one online. They have an active Twitter account (@FestofBeer) but all the information available last year seems to be lacking a bit. But here’s what you should know anyway: It’s going to a massive jol.

This is probably one of the things I am most excited for. In honour of its centenary, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens (with the help of generous benefactors) are constructing a treetop canopy walk through their Enchanted Forest. The walk, which is wheelchair friendly, will end above the treetops with a panoramic view over the southern suburbs and the Cape Flats. The walkway curves up through the trees, around the tree trunks and through the branches like a boomslang. Need to know: It’s not complete yet but they’re hoping it will be by the end of October and I have every intention of being the first up there. 4. The Galileo I know this was on last year’s list but I felt it deserved a second mention because they have opened up two new venues! In addition to the Kirstenbosch screen which plays every Wednes- | Issue 7

DISCOVER I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews. So rave that what was meant to be a winter run musical has been extended to January of 2014 which is fantastic news for hermits like me who prefer not to engage in anything too exciting during the winter months. Hibernation is a sensitive period.

day, there are now screens at The V&A Waterfront (every Thursday) and at Hillcrest Quarry in Durbanville (every Tuesday). I spent many, fantastic nights on the grass at Kirstenbosch last year. We watched Top Gun, Frankenstein, Pulp Fiction. And others too I think although my memory is failing me. Need to know: 5 November – 24 April, 19:30 (every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) Hillside Quarry, Kirstenbosch Gardens, V&A Waterfront’s Croquet Lawn R70 – R95 (Tickets available through Webtickets. Booking essential). Always, always book one of those backrests. They are a godsend, the only way to be comfortable for two hours and still be able to see the screen. Bring a picnic. If you like. And if you think you won’t be jealous of my paella while you’re chewing on cold Woolies mini burgers. No really, the food sold is spectacular and the choice is vast. Bring cash and your appetite. And definitely bring a blanket, especially for Kirstenbosch. All Capetonians know that Newlands is always five degrees colder than anywhere else. 5. The Rocky Horror Show

It is, FYI, the first time in the 21st Century that this show has been staged in Cape Town. And also, if you haven’t been to the Fugard theatre before, you must. It’s beautiful. And has a full bar. True Fugard enthusiasts will begin their theatre evening with a meal at the best Portuguese restaurant in town, Dias Tavern, which is just on the next corner. You sit on plastic chairs in what looks like and possible is an old sports hall. But let me tell you, the food will not disappoint. Need to know: Until January 2014 The Fugard Theatre Tue – Fri 20:00 | Sat 16:00 & 20:00 | Sun 17:30 R90 – R230 (Tickets available through Computicket. Booking essential.) Contact the Dias Tavern on 021 465 7547 to make a booking. You won’t get a table without one. 6. The West Coast Flower Route The Darling Wildflower show has unfortunately already passed but luckily the flowers haven’t. My family take a day trip up at the beginning of spring every year, it’s a beautiful (and short) drive and the fields of purple and yellow and white flowers against a backdrop of the wild west coast is truly exquisite. Last summer was very hot but winter started early and the regular rainfall and cold air has ensured that this season is one of the best flower season’s the area has had in years. Need to know: All day, every day All along the West Coast road Free. Aside from your petrol. R 880 for the Guesthouse (sleeps 6 guests) R 770 for the Bush Cottage (sleeps 4 guests) | Issue 7

DISCOVER R250 per tent in the Bush Village Camp (R250 per tent; the whole camp sleeps 20 people) On your way up, stop for lunch at !Khwa Ttu, which is the San Cultural and Educational Centre. They have a fantastic restaurant, serving only venison all of which is raised on their land. I had a mouth-watering eland burger with easily the fattest, crunchiest onion rings I have had in years. They also have overnight facilities, including a bush village camp (permanent tents) and two houses, and are set on top of a hill overlooking fields of flowers stretching out towards the ocean. It’s quite amazing.

Need to know: Four-week camps, which run year round All over Cape Town, All times of day Price depends on individual camps and decreases the more camps you partake in. My camp’s prices were: R590 for 3 sessions a week R690 for 5 sessions a week (Book through the website. Booking essential). 8. First Thursdays

7. Adventure Boot Camp for Women

Listen, I’ve been doing this for four weeks now and I have determined that there is no greater way to start your day sweating in nature. I signed up for the 6:00 class in Kirstenbosch gardens and can honestly say I have loved every single session. I have seen the most incredible sunrises, done squats surrounded by proteas and crunches with a guinea fowl pecking at the grass next to me head. I have splashed my sweat away with water from the stream and lay on my back breathing in sweet, fresh air to bring down my heart rate.

Every month, on the first Thursday (you guessed it) the galleries of Cape Town open their doors late and, armed with a glass of wine, you are invited to wander from gallery to gallery taking in the art and design that Cape Town is known for. Need to know: The first Thursday of every month, Cape Town CBD Use the map on the website to find a place to start, then follow the crowds. Until 21:00, Free Every month they post a map with participating galleries and shops. The next event is 7 November. 9. The V&A Boardwalk

They’re great. Women of all ages and fitness levels take part and when the first person finishes the set, everyone takes a break. You go at your own pace. They have camps at different times and locations all over the city. I recommend finding one somewhere beautiful, it’s great motivation. And it’s a fun, healthy way to really make the most of the long summer days.

There is a boardwalk running around the Waterfront. Bet you didn’t know that. There are two | Issue 7

DISCOVER routes, the red route is 5km and the yellow route is 2.2km. They both begin and end at the Tourist Information centre but it’s not just for tourists. The boardwalk offers a safe, beautiful route for Capetonians to walk or jog while taking in the beauty of the city. Which you can do along the Prom too but a change of scenery is also nice. The route takes you past the Waterfront, the One and Only, the Bascule Bridge and all the way over to Breakwater. Need to know: Open during daylight hours Map available from the Tourist Information Centre FREE! And when you’re done with your jog, pop in to the V&A Market on the Wharf for a bite to eat or an ice cold beer. What. You deserve it. 10. Up Cycles The Prom is one of my favourite places in Cape Town. I love the vibe about. The families, the kids. People going for a run. Taking their dogs for a walk. The outdoor gym. It has such a wholesome, pure feel to it and really brings out the best of the Cape Town lifestyle. One of the things you can do there now is to hire a bicycle from Up Cycle and pedal

Green Camp

your way all along the sea towards Green Point Park or the Waterfront, or in the opposite direction to Camps Bay (where they have another station). Need to Know: Two stations, at the Sea Point Pavilion and along the Camps Bay Strip Starts at R40 per hour, discount in the hour before sunset. Helmets and locks are included. I’ve left the obvious ones off the list. I mean you know about all the many amazing markets and you know about Lions Head sunsets and cherry picking and the Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concerts. I don’t need to tell you these things. There are probably a hundred things I don’t know about. I want to know about them though, so please comment with everything on your summer list! By Kirsten Bohle


Green Habit

Imagine your child in a beautifully natural place, where he or she will be empowered to think like a scientiest and have a space to foster an understanding and appreciation for nature.

9 - 13 December, 9:00 - 14:00 daily Grades 1 - 5 in the Southern Suburbs of CPT to learn more visit • Eco-Education • Personalised Home Consulations • Urban Farming Design & Install • | Issue 7


Treat yourself at Suntra Spa “The Rasul treatment is a traditional Arabian cleansing ritual, which leaves you feeling calm, and your skin beautifully exfoliated. This ritual is experienced in a private room under the light of a thousand stars. This self application of salt and mud detoxifies and rejuvenates the body. Warm steam envelopes the room, and allows you to comfortably relax and unwind. To conclude this experience, warm tropical rain pours down from the dome to gently wash the mud away. This ritual can be enjoyed with loved ones and friends, and is an effective treatment prior to additional treatments offered at the spa” Is it possible to read this without wishing and pray- sues. Work hard, and then reward yourself. ing you could be transported to this room? The best thing about Suntra Spa is that it is affordIf there is one thing you can do for yourself it is able, allowing you to really take the time to treat to book yourself a Rasul Treatment at Suntra Spa, yourself every now and again. They have a long list a treatment I was lucky enough to experience for of treatments available, they offer laser hair remyself. It really is magical, and for a short while you moval and sell a wide variety of products, so there are taken away to a beautiful world where peace really is something for everyone. and harmony are your only emotions. I was very impressed by the friendliess of the staff Situated at the stunning 15 on Orange Hotel in Or- and the way they made me feel. I was instantly soothed and comforted by their happy smiles and ange Street, the spa beckons you in. professionalism. Which is lucky, because they will I honestly don’t think that any of us take enough probably be seeing my face a lot more now. In fact, time out for ourselves. Personally, I never go for I wonder if I could just move in there and make it massages, for manicures or pedicures. I always my second home. I better start working even hardsee it as a luxury that is perhaps unnecessary. How er now, so that I have an excuse to reward myself wrong I was. After experiencing the Rasul Treat- on a more regular basis. ment followed by a half an hour neck and back massage I was reminded as to why taking time for Peaceful life, here I come. yourself is so important. We are constantly putting others before us, and then we wonder why we By Christine Bernard burn out and why we snap at the smallest of is- | Issue 7 | Issue 7


“Please be a traveler, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in” - Andrew Zemmern | Issue 7


Nestled amongst the oaks, this charming heritage house that was once a pottery, is now a small personalized bed and breakfast. Greyton is well known for its idyllic calm and our lodgings offer easy access to the gentle pace of this historic town. Also Ideal for hikers and mountain bikers with the choice of both rooms and self catering cottages. So spend a few days with us and enjoy all that the Overberg has to offer! 16 Main Road, Greyton, 7233 076 441 5753 | Issue 3


The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer Dear Bibliophiles This book review was harder to write than I had anticipated. Sometimes writing about a book that you love is easier and sometimes harder than writing about a book that you have lukewarm feelings for, or dislike. I fancied this book when I saw it and read the title. I developed a crush when I read the

back. I really liked it by the end of the first page. By page five it was love. I started The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer on a flight from Johannesburg to Durban and didn’t open it again until I was on the plane back to Johannesburg two days later. Waiting was agony. I finished it on that flight. When you start reading a brilliant book, it’s like the beginning of a relationship – passionate, you want to be to- | Issue 7

DISCOVER gether all the time, you can’t get enough of each other. It’s all terribly exciting, but good books and good relationships stick around long after that first intense period. My relationship with The Shock of the Fall will be a long and happy one. I just know.

rushing?) into mental illness which started in the devastation of the aftermath. The writing is raw and honest. I was completely drawn in. No part of this fascinating story was melodramatic, which it most certainly could have been given the subject matter. Matthew the child, Matthew the troubled teenager, and Matthew the narrator are all so easy to relate to which is evidence of Filer’s skill. In all of Matthew’s pain at the loss of his brother, his loneliness, his self-blame, and his confusion, there is something of redemption in this book which makes it such a satisfying experience. For me, The Shock of the Fall is as close to perfect as someone who is not Jane Austen is going to get.

Do you remember falling as a child? Time slowed down, but at the same time, you see the floor rushing up, and then that hard, sharp, bursting hotness of the landing. Maybe it’s just me. I ride horses. I fall far more often than the average person. Also, I’m clumsy. Or, have you ever had that feeling like the world is falling away from your feet, or you’ve tripped over an experience? The Shock of the Fall is about Matthew Homes doing all sorts of falling. Matthew narrates the story that begins with a fall when he is a child and is tended to by his older brother, Simon. Tragedy strikes on the same holi- By Lisa Wiebesiek-Pienaar day also involving a fall. As a young man, Matthew recounts his slow descent (remember that slow

Meet Cape Town’s best local chefs face-to-face Meet the chefs behind the books! Local Cape Town chefs visiting are Jan Braai, Reuben Riffel, Jenny Morris, Justin Bonello, Karen Dudley, Tina Bester and Marlene van der Westhuizen. All seven authors will be signing books at tables within the Tokai branch. It is a chance for them to chat to the public and for people to get a signed book or even kick start your Christmas shopping with an inscribed book for a loved one. All the latest titles from the cookery authors will be available at an exclusive price for the event only, and we will have the backlists in stock where relevant. Date: Saturday, 30 November 2013 Time: Event is officially from 12 noon to 1, but may continue at the discretion of the authors Address: Reader’s Warehouse Tokai branch, Block 1, No 1, South Palms Centre, Corner Bark and Main Road, Tokai Contact: 021 701 0632, | Issue 7

The ancient, mythical Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which were rumoured to be built by a long ago emperor for his wife have long since disappeared if they ever existed at all. But the gardens of Babylonstoren bring you right back to that mythical time when you walk between their sunflowers, apricot blossoms and prickly pears. The Hanging Gardens may be considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world but I do not doubt that babylonstoren must give them a good run for their money.

you to taste. The garden tour is so informative and involved that you would truly be missing out on all they had to offer should you forgo the tour. The garden tour happens every day at 10am. You need to pay an entrance fee of R10 (which goes towards uplifting their community) but the garden tour is free. The garden tour is hosted by one of the main gardeners who all have plenty of charming stories and facts to share.

Babylonstoren is heaven on earth. It is truly one of the most beautiful places to spend a day. The gardens follow a French garden structure divided into 15 clusters, all of which offer something different and wonderful. Babylonstoren means Babylon’s tower, which they carry through the gardens with giant pergolas. Each pergola is covered in a different type of rose that the gardeners believe best represent that individual cluster.

One of my personal highlights as a long time city girl was pulling carrots out the ground! A new experience for me! Kind of thrilling (yes - I’m a nerd!). It was interesting to see white carrots and not the orange variety I’m used to finding in Woolworths. Babylonstoren’s gardens are filled with charm and quirk. One of the things I love most about them is their attention to detail. When you walk into the stone fruit gardens, for example, the paths are covered in stone pips which give you an auditory and I had been lusting over visiting Babylonstoren’s visual awareness of the change in garden. garden for over a year! But every time we were in the area the garden tour was fully booked! My rec- Some other garden favourites include the wild bird ommendation would be to book your spot at least garden with little bird houses on tall sticks and gia week in advance and even earlier now that sum- ant bird nests filled with pillows for the human vamer is approaching. Your first visit really should be riety. Climb inside the big bird nests and take in the with the guided garden tour because all the little beautiful environment! details and bits of magic can be so easily missed by just walking around on your own. On the garden Whenever you decide to visit there will always be tour your guide will fill you in on the history, pick something wonderful and exciting to see. In these herbs for you to smell and pull down ripe fruit for pretty months of spring Babylonstoren is all about | Issue 7

DISCOVER the clivias. Clivias are beautiful trumpet like flowers that traditionally grow in bright orange but can be found in shades of peach, red and yellow and are commonly referred to as bush lilies. Babylonstoren boasts a gorgeous forest of clivias along their stream. It is dark and cool and filled with bright, beautiful clivias.

licious and just what I needed to fill my stomach before the wonderful wine tasting! You really could spend all day at Babylonstoren! The wine tasting is 7 wines for R30 – which is for nothing! And the tasting becomes literally nothing if you buy a bottle of wine after your tasting. I would strongly suggest buying a bottle as their wines are affordable and easy drinkers. My favourite wines of the tasting were the Viognier which has gorgeous caramel toffee flavours and the Shiraz which was a very fruity light red wine with apricot flavours.

If you’re looking for lunch you have the option of two award winning restaurants. They are the more casual and budget friendly Greenhouse or the upmarket and gourmet Babel. I have dreamed of lunches at Babel but unfortunately these dreams have yet to become a reality. The farm is 200 hectares and all the grapes used in the wines are from Babylonstoren. They are a The Greenhouse is lovely and hosted in a giant relatively new wine farm and the wine is made for glass conservatory. Not very often does the food immediate drinking. They have a charming logo for have to compete with the venue on appearance! their farm made up of a pipe, little bird and a flowThe gorgeous glasshouse is just so wonderfully er. They are supposed to represent the three eleunique and eye-catching. The menu is very simple, ments of the farm; the comfort and welcoming of very healthy and very fresh. There are build-your- the guests through the pipe, the natural element own sandwich options and a couple of other choic- from the bird and the flower for the gardens of Baes. You choose a sandwich with a cheese and salad bylonstoren. for R65 and with a meat option for R75. Pretty easy - until you see the options and spend ages trying Babylonstoren is an absolute treat and I find myself to choose! And we were pretty hungry after the returning time and time again. Whether you visit amazing garden tour. for the wine, the flowers or the food you will leave satisfied and stocked up with instagram photos for The food arrived in a beautiful wooden box with the next week! gorgeous dressings and condiments! The salad dressing was a gorgeous oily pesto combination • Location: R45, Simondium which I put on everything! And the chutney was • Opening times: Gardens open Monday to Sunday made of persimmons! How brilliant! The chutney 9am til 5pm. Tours are daily at 10am was sweet and tart and so fantastic! I should have • Contact details: bought a jar... The sandwiches arrived with unusual salads filled By Tahlia Hamilton with whatever was fresh from the garden. My sandwich with goats cheese and biltong was so de- | Issue 7

DIRECTORY The Gorgeous Gourmet Twitter: @GorgeousBlog 16 Main Road, Greyton, 7233, 076 441 5753, yuppiechef Twitter: @yuppiechef

Leauge of Beers 021 824 1893 Brookside Outsource Franchise Business Opportunities with Brookside Outsource We are looking for Experts in their Field, who would like to join a growing brand, of Business Growing Business. Mail your c.v. to

Madison Boutique Shop 17, Constantia Courtyard, Constantia Main Road, 7806 Cape Town, 021 794 4447 | Issue 7

*All competitions MUST be entered by 28 November 2013

WIN WIN WIN Win a caricature of yourself


Email, Subject: martinus van tee


Win a set of Mokador Espressor Cups and Saucers together with a 1kg bag of Mokador Brio. Send your details to, Subject: Mokador Entrants must be willing to collect from Roeland Street, Cape Town or Rondebosch.


Win a dinner for two on HUMP DAY WEDNESDAY! 2 Pastas and 2 glasses of wine Email Subject: Flat White | 021 424 3451 | 14 Kloof Nek Rd | Cape Town | Issue 7


WIN WIN WIN Win a copy of Goblins’ Guild Ages 8 - 12 (or adults that think like kids!) ‘Goblins’ Guild’ is a book bought to you by a very Goblin-like human, a creature in her own right, and member of the ‘Humans Who We Like’ society formed by the Goblins of Goblinia. The Goblins kindly let this human into their homes to document their lives and have allowed this book to be published so as to give others a small insight into what they are all about (and to be famous of course). This book highlights the personalities of 30 chosen Goblins who have generously posed for photos as well as helped with the editing of the book. Through this book they hope that the humans will finally learn how to have fun, Goblin style. Email Subject: Goblins


Win a 1 x Value Red & White Mixed Case from Wine Web – This includes 6 bottles, 3 red and 3 white and includes delivery. Email, Subject: Wine Must reside in Cape Town | Issue 7



Win a 1 month membership to the Sports Science Insitute of South Africa Including a comprehensive fitness assessment and personalised training programme. Prize value R1492. Email, Subject: SSISA

7 Win a box of mixed beer (The December Case) from The League of Beers. Email, Subject: League of Beers Must reside in Cape Town | Issue 7


Do you want to advertise with us? Email Christine on Go on.. all the cool kids are doing it. | Issue 7

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