Issue 6 October 2013

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October 2013 Issue 6

Taste | Create | Discover


I am a big believer in celebrating. I love birthdays, Christmas, anniversary’s. Anything that gives me an excuse to whoop for joy and eat cake. So for this issue I’m proud to say we are celebrating six months of Flat White Magazine, in other words, it’s our HALF BIRTHDAY.

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How awesome is the cover? The talented Martinus van Tee created a ‘Mad Hatters Coffee Party’ for our celebratory issue. This guy is so talented, and one lucky ready will win a caricature done by him (see the competitions page near the back). We also have an amazing carrot cupcake recipe by The Gorgeous Gourmet, because all birthdays (even if they’re half ones) deserve some cake. I’m going to be making this recipe on the day the magazine goes out. Then I’m going to make some coffee and just eat cake all day. Who’s joining me?

I am looking forward to the next six months with you. The sun is finally starting to shine again, and we are excited for what’s to come. This magazine is how we live our life and we’d love for you to join us on this wonderful journey as we discover the creative, culinary and beautiful world around us. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to contribute articles or whether you’d like to advertise in an upcoming magazine. We’d love to get to you know and to shamelessly promote your company!

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Flat White Magazine - Made with love and a strong cup of coffee. Yours in Coffee,



Website: Email: | Issue 6



Bean There Coffee Appreciation Course Carrot Cake Cupcakes My Week Without Coffee Easy Eating Taste Experience Let’s Celebrate with Champagne


Don’t Monkey Around With Branch Designs The Woodstock Exchange What the Heck is Industrial Design? How To Have Cool Wedding Photos

DISCOVER Stellenbosch Green Habit Book Reviews

DIRECTORY Cool Companies

COMPETITIONS Win Win Win! | Issue 6

Bean There In Milpark, Johannesburg, in the heart of the trendy 44 on Stanley (, lies a refuge for lovers of all things coffee. A place where you can rest assured that your Flat White/Cappuccino will be served at the optimal temperature, free from the sacrilege of cheap cocoa sprinkles, the milk textured to perfection and poured lovingly to create a beautiful masterpiece of latte art. A place where you can buy beans without having to even check when it was roasted as you will never buy a pack which contains beans that are either too fresh or too old. A place where there is a passion for great coffee, where the often unappreciated drink is given it’s proper dues. I am of course referring to the Bean There Roastery (

you coming back for more, more of the Black Ichor Of Life, never again to have a mediocre or dare I even say it, bad cup of coffee. Life is too short for bad coffee. At Bean There you will find single origin beans, acquired through fair trade and hand-roasted in small quantities to ensure a wonderful marriage of aroma, body, acidity and flavour. Their secret lies in a combination of the selection of great green beans, an optimal roast, the right grind and baristas skilled in the perfect extraction for whichever type of coffee you might favour.

Some coffee terms you might want to throw around If you are unsure of the exact location of the Bean when frequenting Bean There: There Roastery at 44 on Stanley, you can simply follow the rich, enticing aroma. As soon as you walk Crema: This is what makes Espresso so special. through the doors the exposed rafters and eclectic Though it is not 100% understood what exactly credecor will capture your imagination and make you ma is, it is known to be a foam created by carbon feel like you somehow belong. The steam coming dioxide contained in emulsified oils, both of which from the Probat where the roasted beans have just have been forced out of the bean by the high presbeen dropped will peak your curiosity, whispering sure water during extraction. This is part of the to you that the instant stuff (no it cannot be called anatomy of espresso, and is the sweetest, most flacoffee) must now firmly be put in your past. And fi- vorful part of the experience. If there is no crema, nally the friendly staff and amazing coffee will have there is no espresso, and you would do well to find | Issue 6

TASTE either another barista, or another establishment. Latte Art: Art on top of milk drinks such as Latte, Macchiato, cappuccino, and more. Body: This is the liquid portion and mouthfeel, or texture-like weight of the drink on the palate. Roast Profile: The rate, timing, temperature, and homogeneity of roast rate at various layers of the bean (external and internal). Roast profiling is critical for allowing the coffee’s own characteristics to be highlighted as well as for blending different coffees to be used as espresso, or as brewed coffee. Light Roast: No oil, usually cinnamon or a little darker in color. Lighter body, more flavor of origin and acidity comes through. Medium Roast: Very little to no oil present. Milk chocolate in color, has added depth of body at the cost of some acidity, and possibly at the cost of some origin characteristics. Dark Roast: Dark, almost black, with ample amounts of oil present on the surface. Almost, or all origin characteristics are gone, the body is beginning to decrease, the flavor is thin, and usually tastes of the roast, including charcoal, bitter flavors, and very low acidity. Extraction: The brewing process is known as Extraction. Coffee solubles are extracted from the ground coffee and into the water. This process is what creates the beverage known as coffee. Too little extraction will yield a sour-tasting cup, while an over-extraction will result in a bitter brew. Source: PS: And whatever you do, never say Expresso unless you want a mob after you with pitchforks... it’s Espresso. Now sit back with a cup of the good stuff, because life is too short for bad coffee. Bean There Coffee is also in Cape Town. A great spot to visit next time you’re in the city. 58 Wale Street Written by Colette Marié Horter for Lovilee

Yes Coffee, I do appreciate you! People assume that because I love coffee that I drink copious amounts of it all day and know a huge amount about it. They’d be wrong. I stick to two cups a day (three only in the heart of winter or when the day really calls for it) and my knowledge is quite basic. I know what I like and what I don’t like. Okay I’m probably above your average Joe (see what I did there?) when it comes to coffee. I do grind my own beans (although my grinder is one everyone can afford), I do buy beans from really good roasters, and I do adhere to the no sugar rule (although I admit I need a few drops of milk). Having said that it is no secret that I love my coffee and I look forward to my first cup every single


day! So when I found out that Origin Coffee Roasting held ‘Coffee Appreciation’ courses I knew that I had to go. So I gathered a few friends and made a booking. At only R200 per person it is definitely worth it. The course was held by the fabulous Bilbo, who started off the course by taking us through the history of coffee, of which most of us were sadly lacking in information. It all started in Ethiopia, where legend has it that a goat roaming the highlands happened upon a tree full of berries. After tucking in to a mouthful of these berries the men noticed that the goat suddenly became very excitable,

jumping around and unable to sleep. The men decided to explore further by heating the beans over the fire and adding hot water and gave them to the monks who were now able to stay up all night in prayer. Word spread and soon the benefits of this delicious berry took over the world. So there you have it. You have a goat to thank for your morning brew. After the discussion we were taken upstairs to the roastery where we were shown the different types of beans before and after roasting, as well as being taken through the roasting process. Unfortunately it was after hours so the machines were not in operation; however Bilbo assured us that we were welcome to pop in at any time during café hours to visit the roastery and see the machines at work. I’ll definitely be doing this, after which I’ll sit down to a great cup of coffee and some delicious food! Yep, they have it all here.

that we each had a turn to taste every single coffee, by slurping two sips from our spoon. Placing our manners aside, we rushed through the tastings like animals, with only sounds of ‘hmmm’, ‘ooohh’, ‘aahhh’ being heard in the room. After the initial tasting we went through them again, writing down which cup we thought belonged to which coffee. It was confusing and although I could distinctly tell that they all tasted different I still couldn’t quite place which coffee I was tasting. Eventually though I thought I had it all down perfectly and sat down smugly to await the results. The winner was going to walk away with a batch of beans of their choice and I was eager to win. The results were terrible and I only got two right (one of which she had told us the answer to at the beginning). My friend walked away with the prize and I’ve already made him promise he’ll come over this weekend so we can make a cup together. I realised, though, that my coffee taste buds are not nearly up to the level I’d like. I realised something else though. In my journey to develop these taste buds there was only one thing I could do – drink more of course.

Then we went downstairs for the cupping process. Bilbo lined nine different coffees on the table. Each had a letter underneath the cup which correspond- Thanks to Origin for an awesome evening. ed to a certain coffee, of which only Bilbo knew the answer to. We were then shown how to break the By Christine Bernard coffee, by using two spoons to move away the top Photos by Warren Bernard layer and scoop it up into a spare ‘waste’ cup. After | Issue 6


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Carrot cake cupcakes 2 tsp bicarb 1 1/2 cups grated carrot 1 grated apple 2 cups flour 1 cup oil 1 small packet pecan nuts 2 tsp cinnamon For the icing: 62g butter 62g plain cream cheese 250g icing sugar 1 tsp vanilla Method: Cream the eggs and sugar, then add flour, baking powder, bicarb and cinnamon, alternating with the oil (I added all the dry ingredients on top of the mixture, then added the oil in a steady stream while beating. It worked). Add carrot, apple and half of the roughly chopped pecan nuts. My flatmate made these for her boyfriend one day, and of course, we had leftovers at home, and they were amazing! I craved them for days after, and eventually made them myself this past weekend, and they were even better than I remember. There are two types of carrot cake - a dense, closely packed one, and then a light fluffy one - this is the latter, and all the better for it! This makes 24 cupcakes (don’t worry about that being too many - I promise you will find a way to eat all of them!) Ingredients: 3 eggs 1 1/2 cups caster sugar 1 tsp baking powder

Fill cupcake liners about 3/4 full with mixture, and bake at 180 degrees C for about 15-20 minutes - I suggest testing them at 15 min, and seeing if they need longer. While you wait for them to cool, make your icing beat everything together in a bowl until combined and smooth (I used a hand blender to get rid of all lumps). Add more icing sugar if you find the consistency too runny. Top cupcakes with icing, sprinkle on reserved nuts, and start eating.... By The Gorgeous Gourmet Twitter: @GorgeousBlog | Issue 6



In a moment of insanity I decided to embark on a no coffee week. Why? I am asking myself that exact question now. It is day five, the last day of my mad week. Before you shout at me and tell me that a week is seven days, please be aware that I meant a work week! (although truthfully the thought of no coffee on a Saturday was too miserable to bear). As you know, I love coffee. However I believe in living a life of moderation (we’ll ignore my moments of complete pig outs here) and so I generally only have two cups of coffee a day. I wouldn’t say I’m addicted then, but I admit I do look forward to my first cup every day. Who doesn’t, though? Lately, also, I’ve been getting quite a lot of headaches, but having suffered from Anemia before I knew that this could possibly be the reason. Nevertheless I figured a week without coffee wouldn’t harm and sometimes a bit of a detox is just what the body needs. And so, the no coffee week began. My plan was simple, to keep a day to day diary of how I was feeling. In the end this wasn’t nearly as dramatic as I expected. I didn’t feel any cravings or extreme headaches or tiredness like I thought I would. Everyone told me that I was going to suffer

badly but this didn’t happen at all. I drank my Rooibos in the mornings and enjoyed a hot chocolate later in the day. Simple. The worst parts were the meetings. I get quiet weeks where I sit and work without needing to see anyone, however this week I ended up having four meetings at coffee shops. Typical. I’d either drink water or order a decaf coffee. I figured at least then I could pretend to be drinking the real thing. Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed the decaf. Sure it didn’t make the world shake or the ideas flow at accelerating speeds, but it tasted just fine. So after a week I have come to the conclusion that coffee isn’t effecting me negatively. I don’t feel any better or worse since giving it up. Although I’m sure my body enjoyed a small hiatus from the caffeine, I have to admit that a life without coffee is just boring. That is how I sum this week up, boring. It’s the last day of the week, and even though I’m going to friends for dinner tonight I will refrain from having a cup of coffee at the end of the night. I will see through the week as promised. But tomorrow.. tomorrow.. I love you tomorrow! | Issue 6

Back to the Basicscon Start the day off right with Peter’s House

This Breakfast menu is served daily till 2pm Breakfast Sundae - layers of fresh banana, bulgarian yoghurt and granola, topped with honey and dark choc chips Breakfast burrito - served with spicy tomato salsa and/or bacon, fried peppers, mushroom, onion, fresh avo and scrambled eggs served in a wrap Stuffed French Toast - our homemade bread stuffed with nutella and banana dipped in a cinnamon egg mixture dusted with icing sugar Peter's Omelette - served with toast of your choice. Veg or Bacon Our signature Pasta - omelette, mushrooms, onions, spinach sundried tomato and feta with a dash of our special Napolitana sauce. Kugel Breakfast - scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, fresh avo, creamy danish feta and wholegrain toast Introducing Waffle Weekends: Plain waffle with maple syrup Optional extras are: The Creamery Scoop of ice-cream (Peanut butter, sea-salt caramel or lemon curd) Plain vanilla ice-cream Fresh fruit Whipped cream Bacon and eggs 021 424 3451 | 14 Kloof Nek Rd | Cape Town

Easy Eating Taste Experience with Red Riding In Da Hood When Zama turned 10, her father sat her down on his lap and said, "Zama, you are the first girl born of this family. You have been raised by men that are constantly hungry. Come, let me teach you how to cook rice." And the rest is history! I was very fortunate to be invited to the amazing Easy Eating Taste Experience. Hosted by Zama Memela of Easy Eating and Food and Chaatter. She contacted me via Twitter asking me if food plays a part in my life and my work. The answer was simple... YES. If I’m not eating, then I’m talking about it or writing about it. Not only did Zama ask me to be a part of her night, but she has also asked me to host one of my own. Let me explain more.

TASTE tives cooking their one signature dish and taking time to share their food journey. Now I am no chef, but I do love to cook and more importantly I love to eat. So I am very excited for my night, which will be hosted on the 22nd October.

Zama kickstarted the Taste Experience with ease and imagination. Her night was themed ‘Little Red Riding In The Hood’ and her menu was as follows: Starter - Roasted beetroot and butternut salad, with toasted sunflower seeds and cranberry balsamic dressing. Main - Spicy fish salsa and sweet and sour chicken, both served with ruby red deep fried dumplings. Dessert - Red velvet cupcakes with cream The Easy Eating Taste Experience is a food cheese icing. conference that aims to showcase the synergy within the culinary industry that has It was so much fun to be surrounded with allowed creatives to economically incor- friendly, open strangers who all had one porate their passion for food in their lives. thing in common - their love of food. I Be it through photography, manufacturing walked away with a few numbers in my of kitchen equipment, pottery, cooking, phone and a satisfied stomach! food styling, writing, blogging - all these facets have played a role in shaping the cu- If you want to find out more, please visit linary industry leaving us spoilt for choice. their Facebook pages: Through this Zama has introduced five mini dinners that will introduce Cape Town to the main conference in November. The main conference will see 10 culinary crea- Come join in the fun! | Issue 6 | Issue 6


Let’s Celebrate! It was with great excitement that I accepted the offer from Christine to put together an article for her splendid magazine. Knowing that Flat White is celebrating it’s 6 Month Anniversary in October I thought I’d celebrate with her by sharing an article on a style of wine which I just love to enjoy whenever the opportunity arises … that being Sparkling Wine (a.k.a Methode Cap Classique)!

made in the traditional method, and produced in the Champagne region of France, may bear this title now. Hence, we name our sparkling wines Methode Cap Classique to identify such wines produced in the aforementioned style. Since 1971 South Africa has been producing Methode Cap Classique, and perfecting the style ever since. Its production revolves around two careful fermentations (yes, Cap Classique goes through two fermentations) taking place in the bottle via a very specific, age-old process which is constantly being perfected by our top Methode Cap Classique producers here in South Africa. The first such wine was produced under the label Kaapse Vonkel (Cape Sparkle) … which I’m sure many of you can quickly link to one our favourite wine estates, Simonsig. Frans Malan, from Simonsig, paved the way for many to follow, and thanks to him we’re enjoying top class bubbly at every chance we get.

Just mentioning the name Methode Cap Classique (MCC) gets my taste buds dripping … We all know that sparkling wine has become synonymous with celebrations, a good party and laughter. The initial enjoyment of sparkling wine seemed to have been kept ‘exclusively’ for the elite of society, possibly due to French Champagne being the drink of choice when served at high-end events, paired with oysters and other such delicacies. However, thanks to the pioneering spirit of us South African’s, and specifically our wine industry, the quality and accessibility of these bubbly wines has resulted in us being able Taking nothing away from the French, we’re apto enjoy bottles of the highest quality Methode preciating the fruits of our winemaker’s hard efCap Classique’s in the world. forts whenever we’re able to enjoy a bottle or two of Cap Classique. What I love so much about If you need confirmation to back up this statement these wines is their sparkling elegance of the tiny that we’re producing world-renowned sparkling bubbles seen once a glass is poured. The attracwines in the traditional French methode Champe- tion of the nose with its fine, freshly baked biscuit noise style, let’s highlight the fact that at Nelson aromatics, and the palate which follows with a Mandela’s 1994 election celebrations the new smooth, crisp acidity synonymous with green appresident and his colleagues popped open a few ples and a touch of apricot to balance it all out. bottles of specially selected Graham Beck Brut NV. Sparkling wine is becoming more and more a drink Graham Beck cracked the nod again in 2008 when of choice, not only at celebrations but in everyday Barack Obama ordered 6 bottles of the Graham sipping … don’t be scared to pop open a bottle beBeck Brut NV to celebrate his imminent election fore dinner. as United States president! In celebrating Flat White’s 6 Month Anniversary World renowned I tell you … World renowned. we’d like to congratulate Christine on a fantastic magazine, which has kept me enthralled over Why don’t we call our MCC’s “Champagne” a few cups coffee, and wine, over the past few though? We’d love to, but a few years ago the months. “Cheers” Christine … thanks for giving us French objected to the name ’”Champenoise” be- an opportunity to crack open a bottle, or three, of ing used anywhere else in the world to describe the bubbly stuff! champagne-styled wines. Only sparkling wines | Issue 6

TASTE If you’d like to join us by getting your hands on some of SA’s top Methode Cap Classiques, including Simonsig’s first label Kaapse Vonkel, we are offering a six bottle Mixed Case of 6 of the best, at a special once-off price. By Richard Cranna

Get 15% off your purchase of the MCC Mixed Case! Enter the Coupon Code when you purchase online at Coupon Code: CelebrateMCC | Issue 6

Don’t Monkey Around With Branch Designs

I love Branch Designs. I love their attitude to their work, their creativity and their desire to preserve Mother Nature by promoting digital designs. Their aim: to unclutter the worldwide web. I had the pleasure of meeting the whole team recently and we had a lot of fun chatting over cappuccinos. It was so nice going out with like-minded individuals who spent more time perfecting the picture of their coffee as opposed to drinking it. Finally, people that get me. They were professional, down to earth and a lot of fun to be around.


I think that what impressed me most about these guys was their website. A fantastic introduction to what they are all about. A sense of fun, mixed with incredible design. The website is interactive and calls for the viewers to work with them and have fun with them. I’ve been honest with them... when the time comes for me to get my website updated then they will be the first people I call. They understand what design is all about and when I went onto their website I didn’t want to leave. It’s obvious that this is a company that knows how to create something that shows who they are while | Issue 6

still appealing to the public. This strong sense of identity will see them go a long way. The team work extremely well together and it was obvious by their interaction with one another that they work as a cohesive unit, each using their strengths when needed.

you? We are a team of tenacious qualified designers who specialize in print design, web design, 3D design and motion graphics. We are dedicated to delivering the highest quality work possible and we are driven by our passion for design and of course our deadlines.”

Their website gives a little more insight into who Contact them for 3D Modeling, Corporate IDs, Ilthey are and what they do: lustration, Motion Graphics, Packaging, Print Design and Web Design. “In this every changing world it has become somewhat easy to lose your identity in a sea of designs Don’t monkey around. and fashion. Like branches we bend with the winds Visit of constant change. We adapt to change but we don’t change to adapt. We know who we are, do | Issue 6


The k c o t s d Woo e g n a h c Ex | Issue 6

CREATE From their website: The Exchange in Woodstock, otherwise known as The Woodstock Exchange, is about the giving and receiving of energy and ideas from like-minded creatives and businesses. It’s really a place to work, play, interact, exhibit, flourish and be yourself. It’s an incubator for young fledgling businesses as well as a home to international market makers. The common thread is creativity. This perfectly sums up what the Woodstock Exchange is all about, a place I finally went to visit over the weekend. I’m still fairly new to Cape Town, however every time I drove past this big grey and yellow building I have wondered what it was all about. Through Twitter and Facebook feeds I kept seeing the name being thrown around and this weekend I decided it was time to go and see it for myself. What a cool place! Brimming with creativity, it offers space to a wide variety of individuals from photographers, jewellers, crafts, furniture designers, fashion designers, traders and so much more. It is definitely the place to go if you want to buy something creative yet unique, if you want to collaborate with someone, or if you just want to sit and enjoy local and organic food with an amazing cup of coffee. It’s all about the vibe, and even though we just walked around, poked our noses into all the shops and then sat down to enjoy some coffee, we still walked away bursting with our own ideas. Our creative void had been filled just by being there. We ended up at Pedersen + Lennard, a furniture design company, where we sat at their café, The Field Office. We enjoyed a cappuccino and a to die for red velvet cupcake! I loved the simplicity of their design alongside the warmth of the coffee shop. I’d definitely recommend a visit soon and see what Cape Town creatives are up to! Share the journey with them! 66 – 68 Albert Road, Woodstock Cape Town 021 486 5999 | Issue 6


We asked you: Do you have a to-do list that you follow everyday?

Yes 60% No 40% | Issue 6 | Issue 6


What the heck is Instructional Design? You are at a party. People you do not know sur- Instructional Design has gained a lot of traction in round you and someone moves in for the small recent years, particularly with the influx of technoltalk. ogy based education and its impact on new ways of education and the future of learning. One parRandom person: So, what do you do for a living? ticular example is eLearning, or sometimes known Me: I’m an Instructional Designer. as online learning, where learning utilises various Random person: Oh.....*look of complete confu- digital technologies such as the internet and multision in eyes. Dazed and confused and dares to ask* media to instruct a learner and facilitate learning. What. Is. That? The role of teacher significantly changes in this enInstructional Design, sometimes known as learn- vironment whereby the teacher is no longer standing design is a lesser known concept in the design ing in front of a class full of people teaching through community and this article will begin to explore the material. Instead the learner assumes responthis ancient, yet fairly unknown design concept. sibility for learning in what has been designed as a self organised learning environment. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev once said, “there is nothing more practical than a good theory.” The most prac- This is where an instructional designer begins to tical way to introduce you to this design concept play a pivotal role in the future of learning. It was is a talk about the theory of instructional/learning Robin Mathew who said, “design is where science design. and art break even.” The instructional designers role is to create an environment that will generate Instructional Design is a design concept that blends a learning experience and as it is with any design what we know about learners, the subject matter process there is an art and a science to it. (any topic or subject that’s needs to be taught), how people learn, and the capabilities of an in- The science behind instructional design is to do a structional medium to produce instruction (teach- needs analysis. In other words, this involves doing ing) that will facilitate learning. an analysis of what must be learned and what is the most efficient way for a person to learn what In other words Instructional Design is a process needs to be learned utilising various learning theowhereby a person designs an environment to gen- ries (how people learn). For example, if a person erate an experience that makes the acquisition of needs to learn a skill such as utilising a software knowledge and skills more efficient, effective and application the learning design is going to be vastly appealing. different to learning the concepts of modernism is | Issue 6

CREATE • Assess the learning. • Answer learner questions. A needs analysis of the learning goals will deter- • Provide feedback to learners. mine what, and how, learning materials will be deIn other words the learning materials need define signed as well as the delivery system. what needs to be learned, provide information, exAs I mentioned earlier the history of education has amples and so forth. been classroom based teaching where the teacher is the central resource who may utlise other re- Instructional Design to produce these 9 deliverables is a fairly complex process with a certain art, sources such as textbooks. or intuition involved. The Instructional Designer In technology based approaches to education such will often work closely with a graphic designer, web as eLearning, resources such as textbooks (usually designer or videographer to create effective and in the form of e-books and PDFs) and and other efficient delivery systems such as interactive PDFs, multimedia resources such as videos assume the websites, or videos to deliver the material. role of teacher. This article has only touched the surface of instrucInstructional designers need to design these ma- tional design but my hope was to introduce you to terials, which, in a sense replace the teacher, and a strong and fast emerging concept in the design community where the instructional designers job these materials need to accomplish 9 things. is to design a learning experience that is effective, efficient and meaningful where clear thinking is They need to: made visual. • Define for the learner what needs to be learned. My name is Carl and I am an Instructional Designer. • Provide information. • Give examples. By Carl Anthony Badenhorst • Explain theory, concepts and paradigms. • Ask questions. • Set task and activities. renaissance art.

My name is Carl Anthony Badenhorst and I am a freelance writer specialising in topics pertaining to coffee, culture, creative industries, education, learning, and anything I find interesting. You can read some of my work at Email me at to discuss your writing needs. | Issue 6

How to have ‘COOL’ Wedding Photos | Issue 6

CREATE A lot of the time my husband is asked how they can make their wedding pictures – cool. I have travelled near and far with Adrian. I have seen awesome weddings, I have seen stressful weddings, we have had weddings where everything worked out perfectly for the lovebirds and then sometimes grans get sick at weddings. Sometimes the groom says all the right things and sometimes he gets so drunk from being nervous that he says the worst things. At the end of the day, your memories lie in the hands of your Photographer, and although there are some things you cannot control there are some that you can. The interesting thing about the answer to the earlier question is that it very much comes down to what is interpreted by the individual as to what is “cool”. For instance, Adrian is an open-minded guy, he enjoys taking different images, and he sees things often overlooked by others, so essentially he the eye as they say. The clients, or more specifically the couple, have chosen Adrian because they enjoy his work, because they think it is cool. So without sounding random or judgmental, from the assistant, editor, and sometimes-creative director of the shoots point of view – maybe I can only give you a smattering of what I think, is cool, as it were. What I think is cool is firstly knowing what you want from your pictures. The wonderful tool, the Internet, allows us to view as many portfolios as we want, searching out the perfect match in Photographer. Something Adrian has always maintained is that if you page through even a couple images and nothing grabs your attention, maybe this person is not for you. Choosing a Photographer is very personal,

“What I think is cool is firstly knowing what you want from your pictures”.

CREATE their style, their demeanor, the way they respect their subject (in this instance a bride and groom) and how they view themselves will make a huge difference in you achieving beautiful photos from your special shoot or wedding day. So be picky and choose carefully. Once you have established what kind of portfolio is cool and you have met with and chosen your Photographer you need to ask them how you can be involved creatively in your shoot. For instance, some Photographers may insist on a pre-wedding shoot to ease your nerves and learn their shooting style. Another may have various meet-ups with you, learning and chatting to you about your style and taste. Or maybe your Photographer will ask you to send them some reference images and that although they may not copy the image, they can draw inspiration from the type of photographs you enjoy. This way the lines of communication stay open and you get to be involved in this special creative process. Some things to be aware of is that many Photographers take their creative process very personally, they develop their portfolios based on the way they see the world and challenge themselves as many artists do. You need to make sure you never ask a photographer to copy someone else’s work. Why? Well firstly it is impractical to photocopy moments and secondly, an artist will never steal another artists work. Remember that if you ask for your Photographers advise on timing, props and lighting try and adhere to this, there is always good reason for their advise. They want you to be relaxed and you want them to enjoy shooting you, these simply courtesies can go a long way in giving you access to the best Photographer your Photographer can be. Bearing in mind that not all of us are the type of control freaks as mentioned here (guilty as charged, I am) – there are some simpler tactics to getting the look you want. The simplest is to be you. Do not copy another bride, especially one you know! Use Pinterest and Blogs as inspiration not a road map | Issue 6

CREATE to the perfect wedding. Choose a theme and stick to it, simple is always better, do not theme-clutter your wedding day. If you love romantic photos, you are so allowed to have romantic photos, you do not need black make up and a Ford Mustang if that is not you! The main thing to remember is that the shoot is about you, you as a person and the person you love. Do not dress the way you would not like to dress, do not have props you think are stupid and do not waste money on shoes you hate just because the popular bridal blog says they are in season. Talk to your Photographer, plan well, be inspired and be yourself. That’s cool. By Jaimi Shields Photos by Adrian Shields

“There are some simpler tactics to getting the look you want. The simplest is to be you. Do not copy another bride, especially one you know!”



Everyone gets really excited about the Stellenbosch wine region to the point where they actually overlook the town of Stellenbosch itself. Stellenbosch has got some serious hidden gems that are just as worthy of your excitement. The deli at Tokara is wonderful - but I would trade it any day for Lunch at De Stomme Jonge. J C le Roux sparkling wine tasting is a treat – but so are half price cocktails at Celebrate. And very few bakeries can compare to the Oude Bank Bakkerij in Stellies. De Stomme Jonge De Stomme Jong is one of my favourites in Stellenbosch for authentic and fresh food. The deal with De Stomme Jonge is that you order platters with various cheeses, meats and assortments of dips and spreads and share with the table. We ordered the Stomme Jonge and the Simon van der Stel. I have developed such an addiction to rooster koek because of De Stomme Jonge. The bread was fantastic and wonderfully fresh - like eating a savoury cloud! Some of the wonderful options on the platters: Biltong, salami, ham, rare roast beef, pesto, rosa tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, whole grain mustard, apricot jam, camembert, brie, cream cheese, blue cheese and plenty of fresh rocket. So many incredible choices! All the food was wonderful and fresh - great cuts of cold meats and wonderfully gooey and mature cheeses. I would highly recommend De Stomme Jonge for a lunch stop for any adventure out in Stellenbosch. The communal casual dinner is an absolute pleasure and allows for more of a social interaction than many of the formal fine dining experiences that can be had in Stellenbosch. Whilst we were having lunch two men across from us were enjoying their tea over a game of chess!! Our main course came to R198 for both the platters and the extra roosterkoek at R8. The amazing meal only set us back R50, an absolute bargain! Especially considering the high quality of food we received. Location: 3 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch. Opening times: Mon – Sat: 10am – 2am Oude Bank Bakkerij Another Stellenbosch must is Oude Bank Bakkerij, which is a semi famous bakery in Stellenbosch. I had heard about these amazing chocolate sour dough sticks- and with sour dough and chocolate being winning foods who could resist? I expected some good bread, and those chocolate stick things, but what I found was AMAZING bread and one of the most beautiful bakeries I've ever had the luck of gracing. | Issue 6

Here are my beautiful sour dough sticks. I opted for the chocolate sticks at R15 but there are seedsticks for R12 and olive sticks for R15 too. The chocolate stick really was quite amazing, huge chunks of dark chocolate in chewy sweet sourdough bread. I bought one and, after eating the whole stick, went back and bought the remaining stock (which was only 4 by 11am) to put in my freezer for a rainy day. There are little rickety tables, with little rickety chairs and charming little menus. Unfortunately we were in too much of a rush to have breakfastbut I enviously stared at a little girl with a tall glass of hot milk and a big bowl of chocolate chunks to drop into the milk turning it into hot chocolate with a few stirs. The menu looked amazing and I will be rushing myself back to the Oude Bank Bakkerij as soon as I can. The beautiful bread options include dark rye bread, sourdough, baguettes and a peasant bread looking kind of loaf. I brought home two huge baguettes. I was very excited to try the baguettes but by the time I got round to wanting to eat them they had been devoured! So I cannot comment on the baguettes but the fact that two huge loaves were eaten within a half an hour time period is a pretty good indicator of their quality. Location: 7 Church Street, Stellenbosch. Opening times: Tuesday to Friday 8am - 3pm, Saturday 9am - 3pm, Sunday 9am – 1pm; dinner and live music: Wednesday and Saturday 6pm - 10pm

termelon infusion, lime and cranberry juice - delicious but very strong! The hazel milkshake looking drink was the winner of the show! goodness me! amazing amazing cocktail! The hazel vodka mixed with hazel, cream and coffee liqueur and then blended with vanilla ice cream, truly a TOP notch cocktail and my recommendation. Overall - great cocktails, lovely venue to watch people going by. Service is very slow, but it's Stellenbosch, so calm yourself and just smile. Location: Eikestad Mall, Andringa St, Stellenbosch. Lecca il Gelato Lecca il Gelato was my Stellenbosch pilgrimage on my Gelato tour. My favourite scoop was the Amarula, this was absolutely delicious! Creamy buttery custard'ish Amarula flavour. Really delicious! Subtle whilst still carrying perfect flavour. Our other chosen scoops were lemon sorbet and chocolate orange, weird combination but it actually turned out pretty good. The chocolate orange was a dream!! I don't normally order chocolate orangebut I was SO tempted with this one! The chocolate was rich and dark and they used orange zest grated into the chocolate to give it that beautiful authentic orange flavour. Truly a high quality, high flavour scoop of gelato. Italy would be proud of you Lecca il Gelato! My list of stellenbosch recommendations is getting longer and longer every time I visit! Who knew this charming little town would capture my heart. Give the town of Stellenbosch a chance you’re bound to be impressed!

Celebrate for Cocktails If you’re looking for cocktails in Stellenbosch your By Tahlia Hamilton best bet is Celebrate. Celebrate can be found along Andringa Street just up the way from the Mc Donalds. I had the watermelon Cosmo with vodka, | Issue 6


Monica Grace Giermek moved to Cape Town for Urban Farming: love, and has since found additional love, by start- Whether your goal is to help rid your waste bin of ing her own company. vegetable scraps, collect your own eggs for breakfast or taste a spoonful of homemade honey– home She recognised a need in Cape Town for people to farming is one of the hottest environmental trends get onto the right track, the green track! With so at the moment and a great step towards a green many people busy with work and children it was no home. wonder that they weren’t taking the time to care for the environment. Instead they were creating waste Home & Office Environmental Auditing: on a daily basis without so much as a thought as to Ever wonder how altering your daily habits and what it was doing to the world around them. They home may help ‘green’ your planet? With a personjust needed someone to set up a system for them, alised home audit, Monica will thoroughly assess someone to show them what to do. specific areas in your home which you would like And so, Green Habit was formed. investigated. Options are both in waste and energy audits Calling on her love of science, environmental education and entrepreneurship, Monica Giermek cre- Monica has always gravitated towards children and ated Green Habit in early 2013. The vision is to take knew that her company needed to have an aspect her global knowledge of environmental science and just for kids. This is where Green Camp sprouted education and be the link to individuals and families from, a day camp for children grades one through in the Western Cape. Monica is acutely aware of the five. She spent almost six months searching the pride and pleasure that comes along with knowing greater Cape Town area and finally came across a how to be green. She is equipped with the tools and local NGO, Soil for Life, a magical place for children knowledge to create a green home, lifestyle and to learn about nature and green habits. Monica family. Green Habit is proud to be based in the city realises the potential in teaching children to learn of Cape Town, an urban centre surrounded by spec- how to live the green way, after all our future detacular natural landscapes. pends on this. Green Habit offers personalised consulting options, so whether you’d like to learn how to recycle your waste, begin urban farming, change lighting fixtures or generally assess where you can improve your home or office – Green Habit’s consulting will be customised specifically for your needs.

Few fun facts: One of Monica’s favourite ‘green’ things to do is to upcycle. She has recently upcycled and old lamp and a desk! She is also in the process of obtaining a few urban chickens and a beehive. She is busy collecting scrap wood so that the hen house can be built with 100% recycled material.

Kitchen Audit: Let’s all make a difference. Contact Monica and GO Here they work with you in the kitchen to create a GREEN! list of your frequently used ingredients, followed by either a kitchen garden design and/or a customised local shopping guide. By Christine Bernard | Issue 6 | Issue 6


“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people” – Leo Burnett | Issue 6


Nestled amongst the oaks, this charming heritage house that was once a pottery, is now a small personalized bed and breakfast. Greyton is well known for its idyllic calm and our lodgings offer easy access to the gentle pace of this historic town. Also Ideal for hikers and mountain bikers with the choice of both rooms and self catering cottages. So spend a few days with us and enjoy all that the Overberg has to offer! 16 Main Road, Greyton, 7233 076 441 5753 | Issue 3


Dear Bibliophiles

Apocalypse Now Now by Charlie Human

I love the smell of books in the morning! Well, at any time of the day, really; but the reference was too delicious to pass up. Apocalypse Now Now by Charlie Human is a sci-fi, psychological thriller set in Cape Town. Sound exciting? It is! The story is fast-paced, dark, funny and bizarre. I’m not a huge fan of sci-fi, but the cover of the book and the title intrigued me, and when I discovered the book was written by a South African writer, I whipped out my bank card immediately – it’s worth every penny.

The story revolves around unusual teenager, Baxter Zevcenko, the heartless mastermind behind an impressive school-yard porn-distribution syndicate. When Baxter’s girlfriend, Esmé is kidnapped suspicion falls on Baxter not only for her disappearance, but also as a suspect in the Mountain Killer case. Vowing to find Esmé, Baxter embarks on a journey through the supernatural underworld of Cape Town, through time, and through his own psyche. There is so much going on in this book – a serial | Issue 6

DISCOVER killer, gangs in a turf war, shifts in time and space, supernatural beings, a government conspiracy, and a love story. Too much? Maybe, but it really works. I didn’t feel at any time that I was reading every story idea that had ever occurred to Human squished into one book. The story is chaotic, but not in a bad way, and it’s never confusing. Human’s references to South Africa’s social, cultural and political past and present are astute and insightful, and are intricately woven into the story. There is a political and social commentary in the book that one becomes increasingly aware of as the story progresses, but it never disrupts the sheer entertainment offered by the book.

that I have to quote some of my favourites here: • The unbearable inconvenience of having a heart • I think you’re phoney and I like you a lot • Elemental, my dear Baxter Aside from a few references in the book revealing the insidious creep of American pop-culture into everything we do (For example, Human refers to the school janitor. As far as I’m aware, we don’t have janitors in South Africa) which I find inexplicably annoying, the book is a marvellous surprise, a masterful full package – even the cover art is brilliant!

I’ll get back to work now now and start on next The book is so clever: from Baxter’s view of the month’s review just now. world and peculiar way of expressing himself, to the references to the South African War and a se- By Lisa Wiebesiek-Pienaar cret unit of the apartheid-era defence force. Even w the chapter titles are witty. I love them so much, | Issue 6

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Win a Coffee Appreciation Course for 2 people valued at R400 Send your details to, Subject: Origin | Issue 6



Two readers can win these coffee bean studs from Long Jean Silver. There are two ways to enter: Through Twitter: Please tweet: I want to win coffee studs from @LongJeanSilver and @FW_Concepts Through Facebook: Post on the Flat White Wall ( AND the Long Jean Silver wall ( I want to win coffee studs from Long Jean Silver and Flat White Concepts The first winner will be chosen on the 15 October and the second winner will be chosen on the 30 October. Facebook: Twitter: @LongJeanSilver


Win a 1 x Value Red & White Mixed Case from Wine Web – This includes 6 bottles, 3 red and 3 white and includes delivery. Email, Subject: Wine | Issue 6



Win a 1 month membership to the Sports Science Insitute of South Africa Including a comprehensive fitness assessment and personalised training programme. Prize value R1492. Email, Subject: SSISA


Win a dinner for two on HUMP DAY WEDNESDAY! 2 Pastas and 2 glasses of wine Email Subject: Flat White | 021 424 3451 | 14 Kloof Nek Rd | Cape Town | Issue 6


Do you want to advertise with us? Email Christine on Go on.. all the cool kids are doing it. | Issue 6

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