FLAVAH Magazine Vol.8

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Š 2017 by Flavah Magazine. All rights reserved

Magazine VOL.8

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2 Flavah

ups/MillenniumSchoolofDesign Subjects Available •Photoshop I for Beginners •Photoshop II (prerequisite: PS 1) •Adobe Illustrator for Beginners •Publication Design (Adobe inDesign) •Video Editing (Adobe Premiere pro) Contact marysan2 Resident for info.

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his issue is dedicated to Flavah Magazine's return on the grid under a new Editor in Chief and former layout designer of Flavah, Ruby Lisamba. Mandhalyn, founder and former Editor in Chief has passed the torch onto her sister thus establishing Flavah a family legacy. Where have we been you might ask and why come back now? Flavah Magazine has reached critical points throughout the year 2014 which have caused the magazine to slowly fade away from the grid towards an online facebook series of flash news reports, after which, Flavah was put to sleep by Mandhalyn. However, creative minds can not be silenced so easily. Creativity to the Artist is not only a trait but also a lifestyle; it is Flavah's oxygen, it is what generated Flavah several years ago and what inspires its revival today. It is a new era for the magazine as we proudly return, with a surge of motivation, higher goals and expectations but also with an old score to settle. I want to thank our readers for their loyalty (I know you all been waiting for this moment!), our staff for their hard work and dedication, our sponsors and partners for believing in us and last but not least my sister Mandahlyn for trusting me with her baby: Flavah. See you all next month!

Ruby L. 4 Flavah

Content 10...............NEWS-The Regrets of Isiah 16...............NEWS-Get with the Hype With Club Hyp3 12...............POEMS-I am leaving SL (again) 26...............POEMS-That's Not My prim Baby 22...............The Porchswing Diaries 20...............Bon Voyage 28...............Fun Spot 30...............Mr. Opinion

Our team Editor in Chief Ruby Lisamba (marysan2) Founder & Chief Advisor Mandahlyn Editorial Assistant Theo Thuthuka Layout Design & Photography Millennium Studios Staff Writers & Reporters Zariaunna resident Dp Xue Sr Tosca Jarvis Brett Peterson

featuring Willowdale Estates Rare Image Dream Fx Inc. Club Hyp3 Eloquence Design Center Ground Millennium Studios Millennium School Flavah 5

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Contact: Mandahlyn

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Sales Representative

Must be great with connecting with others, organized, confident, professional, love what He/she does and be motivated. Contact: marysan2


Must be professional, creative, reliable, have solid writing skills/ Contact: marysan2

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Written by Tosca Jarvis

It only takes seconds to destroy a reputation


veryone remembers their first rez day. Logging in and being overwhelmed with buttons and keys. Trying to find places to go, and people to meet and clothes to try on. But the first rez day of older residents wasn’t as welcoming and user-friendly as it is today. For many people, they were left with a question after logging in. What do I do now? What is the objective to second life? After all, the standard of online games came with at least some form of an objective to get ahead. And for those unlucky people, finding their path in second life did not come 10 Flavah

quickly, and they made a few casualties along the way. ake Isiah Zepp: a man who has been on second life for over nine years and who understands the damages that a bad reputation on second life can bring. When he first joined second life he was trying to make it on his own, to make a family and live the life of his dreams. Isiah tried joining the BDSM scene that is widely available on SL and along got wrong information that being the alpha Dom came with a constant rotation of expendable women. He doesn’t deny his bad


attitude in his beginning years here on second life and freely admits that he was a bully. He was out to get what he wanted and cared little for the people who got tossed aside in the process. That was until everyone had turned on him and left. He was faced with the only choice of either giving up on second life entirely or starting a new to rebuild his reputation. It would not be as simple as making a new avatar and clicking refresh to the whole experience. In the beginning, Isiah had made work on selling off Alt avatar accounts for

profit, so all those that had turned their backs on him were quick to spot one of his alt accounts and call him out for being who he was. He became isolated in second life and started the long process of re-branding who he was and what he was doing here in-world. irst, he started with leaving the BDSM community and giving up on the alpha ways, focusing instead on making profound and meaningful connections with those he crossed. He also launched a men's clothing line that has been very successful for him.


He decided to take the final step in his journey of rebranding by coming to Flavah Magazine and agreed to lay out all of his misdeeds to the public so they may see that he has owned up to his mistakes and wants to correct them. Isiah was willing to give a list of his current Alt accounts, so that people may know who he is and that he isn’t hiding. (Steven Kirkland and Master farold). He was worried that a list of his supposed Alt accounts was going around and he was concerned that those with a name close to his, that were incorrect, might suffer

from his bad actions. Isiah offered me name of some of his biggest opponents that I may get their side of the story, but all declined to comment or give a list of supposed alt names. siah Zepp has learned the hardest lesson of life. It only takes seconds to destroy a reputation, but years to rebuild. And while many would choose to instead hide their mistakes and pretend like none of it ever happened, he is instead stepping out and letting the world know; he is done with that side of himself. He is a bully no longer.


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I'm Leaving SL...(Again) Poem by DP XUE

Being on the grid has its highs and its lows But its a lot of shit that's just fucking blows When you're on the grid you try and stay drama free Thinking “i cant let this shit stick to me� Well as hard as you try that shit don't work at all All that shit that you ding the shits going to hit the wall And when it does its going to slide down your face So let me just ask you how does it taste I'm sure that there's a bad taste in your mouth And all you thinking is sl you want When all goes down all you want to do is run But you cant hide or go get a gun that would be no fun So when you feel that on the grid you dont have a friend

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That's when you say “i'm leaving sl again” Giving up or turn tail and run you just gotta get away You just ant deal with shit today Today or tomorrow you just cant do it anymore The headaches start when you step in the door The four women you were primming found out about each other Your 12th baby moma found out you was primming her mother Baby moma number three she wont leave you alone You've told her a million times to run the fuck along Baby moma number 7 saying she's pregant again You know she's going to trip because you knocked up her cuz and her friend You made this mess and now you wanna cry You cant deal with it you feel you about to die You feeling that this here has no fucking end So you post in conference “i'm leaving sl again” Baby moma number 2 says “oh no you cant leave” Baby moma number 6 says “fuck em its just a tease” Baby moma number one says “bye with your no good ass” Baby moma number 5 just close the box and laughed Baby moma number 4 said “what the fuck eva!!!!” Baby moma number 8 said “dot hit my box again never” 9 Through 11 already left the grid Over some fucked up shit that your crazy ass did All your avi kids tell you “you need to stop crying” You say this all the time so we know that you lying Your mom and dad say think about this before you act Once you do it you cant bring it back But you already know what going to happen in the end Your ass won't be leaving sl ….Again Dp......................Outttttttttttttttt Flavah 13

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Bon VOYAGe Farewell frostbite, hello allergies. Spring is finally upon us; what greatest symbol than Cherry Blossoms to fully experience it? The meaning of cherry blossoms runs deep, not just for its overwhelming beauty, but also for its enduring expression of life, death and renewal.

What Are Cherry Blossoms?

Cherry blossoms, also known as sakura, are the small, delicate pink flowers produced by cherry blossom trees. The springtime bloom is a lavish spectacle but remarkably brief; after only two weeks, they drop to the ground falling like snow with the flow of the winds.

What Do Cherry Blossoms Mean?

Cherry blossoms signify love and the female mystique (beauty, strength and sexuality), but nowhere in the world are the flowers more cherished than in Japan, home to thousands of cherry blossom trees. Every April, families and friends across the country ceremoniously gather in large groups to celebrate.

Where can you enjoy cherry blossoms in SL?

My search for Cherry Blossoms on the grid took me to a sim named Yosemite where I found a beautiful, peaceful Japanese garden worth visiting whether you need some tranquillity away from SL preoccupations or a poetic place to visit with that special someone. LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Yosemite/61/214/21 Flavah 15

Written by Tosca Jarvis


pon entering the sim that houses Club Hyp3, it is easy to see just where the party is, as a pulse of music floods by you. A walkway featuring seemingly innocent trees and benches leads you towards the club where a fantastic stage dominates the dance floor. A neon blue light show mixed with dark metallic faces are reminiscent of the rave parties in their hay day and fits perfectly with the sounds that are emitted from the DJ of the night. This is not the first-time Club Hyp3 has ventured into the 16 Flavah

nightclub scene here on second life. Several years ago, its traffic and popularity made it a club not to miss in your travels, and the owner and staff hope to recreate that same excitement and energy with its new location. Club Hyp3 is not your standard electronic club with its music selection either. The owner ChaoticChris702 works hard on his track selections to feature a multitude of genres from House to Rap and Rock making it a pleasing experience for everyone, no matter their individual tastes.

ChaoticChris702 sat down with us to explain his thoughts on music for the second life club and his own personal history with DJ’ing, “I have been a DJ for a long time. I am 24 now, and I started learning back on vinyl when I was 5 years old and have just progressed from there. It is something that runs in my family. My dad was a DJ before I was born. I believe music is a very powerful thing, from not just second life but real life as well. Working in music you can control a crowd’s whole emotion with the beat of a song and its lyrics. It truly is a powerful feeling to

have. The crowd is important. Your job as a DJ is to make them have a great time and feel welcomed.” Chris is so passionate about DJ’ing that he also offers instructional help for those also wanting to learn the craft. “A lot of it is track selection. A DJ is only as good as his music. Have you ever been to a set where you didn't like the DJ’s music? If so, you probably left very fast. The music is the thing that pulls people in.” he said, explaining what made a good DJ in second life and first life. Flavah 17

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Chris has learned to take that knowledge and channel it into his club making it an optimum experience for any user of second life. He is determined that his club never becomes stagnant, promising that as time goes on his club will continue to evolve and improve to match the audience that calls it home. The most exceptional part of Club Hyp3 is its determination to make it a home for any individual, no matter who or what they are. The owner and staff go out of their way to make Club Hyp3 a place for people to come and enjoy the party without being insulted or ridiculed. It is truly a placed focused on the music and vibe and they make it as inclusive as possible. The only thing that could make this place more attractive was if they offered shops to rent

an advertising space. Which of course they do! And these are not your typical nightclub shops where they are tucked away in some dark alley that is difficult for an avatar to get to, these shops are prime real estate that are bright, open, and surrounding the walkway to the main club. Meaning these shops are IMPOSSIBLE to miss! The Ad space is prominently displayed in the club and not clustered together where everything fades into each other. In other words, it's easy to tell the love and hard work that the creator and staff have poured into Club Hyp3. Make sure to stop by there when you are in the mood to dance your night away and it will not be a wasted experience. And as the staff likes to say, Get with the Hyp3!

LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Herston%20Isles/65/171/23

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THE NILE Experience exhilaration and relaxation in a simulated environment at The Nile through yoga, tai-chi, aerobics and African dances. LP Kidd, Founder of The Nile, brings to the grid every month an exceptional breeze of tranquillity. Tired of your 24/7 SL drama? Get your yoga pants on and see you at The Nile! For a LM & a Group invite contact: LP Kidd.

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Welcome to the Porch Swing Diaries! Chicken soup for the soul on topics we can all relate to with a pinch of comic relief for both SL Residents and RL Ladies & Gents. by Zariaunna Resident.

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P l ac e s I

noticed as I sit back and peep game in SL…there are a lot of self-proclaimed “bad bitches” and not enough women. A woman can be self-sufficient and successful without all the extra-curricular adjectives. There are too many females playing the position of men and to many bitch ass males sitting back and letting it happen. If both parties would own and play their assigned position, there would be no women attempting to dominate men, no women trying to fight men and that world star hip hop bullshit would be non-existent. If enough men would stand up and take their place, maybe women wouldn’t find it so easy to hold the position. For this reason, I call this post trading places. 22 Flavah


he differences between men and women besides our anatomy are the positions that we play in life. Genesis 2:22, reads, ”The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.” In elementary terms, woman was created to compliment, or a help to a man. The man was fashioned to be the head of the household, director of steps, responsible for making the big decisions, including responsibility and sometimes headache of making sure that everything is taken care of.


hat happens when those roles are switched?

What happens when the man becomes to the woman what the woman was intended for the man? Welp, as I have said several times before, sometimes a man and a woman have an understanding that no one else

understands. Regardless of whom is in what role the people in the relationship have to have an understanding of what is expected from the other; you can’t expect to be treated like the decision maker as long as you have relinquished all rights to do so.


es, I am speaking to the man who does the nothing or the bare minimal while his female counterpart has taken on his responsibilities. The man who has handed over his balls but still expects to be treated like a man. The one who wants to beat his chest and tell her to respect him as a man….all the while he is playing the position meant for the female. So you went out and got you a woman who has been taught to be able to make it on her own. According to Genesis 2:22, that is NOT what GOD intended, but she has been taught this so that she is not dependent on a man and if she HAD to be alone, she wouldn’t be broken by the situation. ndependent women can be a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it takes some of the load off of the man, a curse because in some cases, the man can get comfortable with not having such a heavy burden on his shoulders and lose sight


of biblically intended existence. f you are a man and you are at a place where you feel your woman isn’t respecting you as a man is probably because she feels she doesn’t have to. If she’s tasked with wearing the pants AND the skirt…da hell she need you for? Contrary to popular believe, she hasn’t grown a pair of balls of her own, just taken control of yours…and you let her. Quite frankly, as long as she is a major contributor in bringing home the bacon, you can’t complain about how she cooks it. You have stepped aside and allowed someone who GOD intended to be a compliment the majority. You have handed over the responsibilities of being head of the household, director of steps and responsible for the major decision making to HER.



he only good thing about a woman having your balls is that she can’t hit you in them…. but don’t think she won’t utilize the power that comes with having them. Now, she is the superior while you sir, are the subordinate, she is Senior, YOU are Jr. She’s wearing the pants and YOU the skirt and from where I sit honey your slip is showing.

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T h at ' s not my

prim baby Poem by DP XUE

On second life it follows real life sometime to damn close A lot of women on the grid be doing the most Let me explain it for you in case you don’t understand A lot of women on he grid will do anything to get a man I’m not saying that they're thirsty but that throat may be a little dry And no they didn’t get that way from getting high They might see something they thought that they might get They think they found someone whose life they could wreak Somewhere in there minds a wheel didn’t turn They hopped in there feelings and then they start to burn What can I do to get what it is you got? Scheming on some linden you just an sl thot So you come up with some shit you think.....You going to betray me But before you even think that is not my prim baby Two years ago we started to talk the flirting back and forth You was married and collared but your relationship wasn’t headed north Your thing wasn’t working out and i had just got out of mine Yeah I would be the side dude i mean hell you are fine But being your side guy you never had time for me If my name was on your list it was the one you didn’t see You was to busy dancing on poles and seeing other guys What the hell you need with another guy on the side 26 Flavah

N you I’ve seen you in person alone maybe 10 times Now if I’m not telling the truth please tell me that I’m lying Now in two years we prim two times and you say one time we wore the hud You must thin you talking to fucking Elmer Fudd Yeah I say I’m famous but not dumb you can’t play me You can have 27 seats with that, that’s not my prim baby I got 12 prim babies and their initials are d. P. The only one that doesn’t is the one that with me 4 Prim baby momas and one left the game Its been that way for along time I don’t think that it will change Now don’t get me wrong I have my thotting spells But primming with my hud on now that would ring a bell Keep fucking with me ill start sl maury After they run he scan...You are not the father end of story S l child support girl you better quit When i know for a fact a bunch of other guys hit You should work at McDonalds because you reaching for straws I’m sure I’m not the only one you might try to play us all Your ass been watching to much damn t v There is no way in hell....that’s my prim baby Dp...................Outtttttttttttttttttttttt Flavah 27

Center Hey! Have you discovered the low lag sim that offers something for everyone? An eclectic blend of

Art Entertainment Dancing Dining News Apparel and more?

Yes I’m talking about Center Ground! Home to the fabulous “Club Center Ground” with top rated Djs & welcoming hosts! Come dance, or listen and chill in the adjoining bar and lounge. But Wait There's More! Center Ground is also home to “The Center Ground Gallery of Art” presenting the artwork of Real Life artist Judilynn India. Right next door is the ever popular SL Parade bringing you insightful views affecting your sl and rl! And just a few steps away, let all your troubles melt in the Healing Space, or Digital Alchemy Park!

28 Flavah

ground Take a stroll down Center Ground Boulevard and enjoy one stop affordable shopping at “Royal Spools Fashion”, “Elegance Boutique” “My Diva’s Closet” Digital Paintings by Marie DK, and more. For a change of pace check out the NEW “SugarHill Lounge” and the "Book Nook" . Did I mention home rentals? Center Ground has affordable apartments and homes based on the sustainable living model, which means creative living space and less lag for you! For shopping, dancing, relaxing, living, Make Center Ground your new destination spot! Make your Next move Center Ground! Contact Luchenpur Darwin or Share.Genesis for further information SLURL: http://maps. secondlife.com/secondlife/ Han%20Loso/152/63/65

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30 Flavah

Dear Mr Opinion, It is so hard to find the right man in SL. The only thing most men seem to be interested in is the pixels panties. Most would not settle down and build a family with me. I am scared I might end up spending the rest of my SL alone, help! Signed: Desperada Dear "Desperada", I would say that you shouldn't worry about it. You will meet that right guy just hold on and stick to your guns don't settle.

Dear "Pest Control", there is nothing that you really can do about that but trust him...or collar him... but I don't see any man doing that.

Dear Mr Opinion, My partner and I have been together for almost 2 years and we have had a lot of ups and downs but every time we fight we seem to be more preoccupied on our negative emotions rather than actually finding the right solution to our problem, How can we improve Dear Mr Opinion, our communication? My wife is always monitoring Signed: Harmony my every moves, always asking Dear "Harmony" all you can do where I've been, with whom on that one is to be like a nike I've been and teleporting on me commercial and JUST DO IT. without warning. I'm worried if the feelings are there that's that one day look out my RL half the battle. window and see her staring back from behind a bush. Dear Mr Opinion, Signed: I fear for my life My best friend stopped talking Dear "I fear for my life" you much and hanging out with me need to leave her alone if she since she found a boyfriend. I is on you like that on sl it can am very disappointed in her and only get worse! No one needs a feel like deleting her because stalker...no one! she seems to have forgotten or to be neglecting our friendship Dear Mr Opinion, now that she has someone new I need a permanent solution for in her life. Why shouldn't I any woman that would come forget about her too? near my man. They are always Signed: Betrayed buzzing around him wherever Dear "Betrayed" she's your best we go and that really pisses me friend you should just chill and off! be her friend, and be happy for Signed: Pest Control her and be there for her if she

needs you that's what friends are for. Dear Mr Opinion, My husband and I have been together for a long time. He recently told me that he needed space from me, which I couldn't understand because I assume that when you love someone you want them to be close to you most of the time. Long story short he got hurt by my defensive reaction and I by his request. Is there another to look at the this situation? How to solve it? Signed: Complicated Dear " Complicated" give the man his space like they say if you love someone set them free. If he comes back it was meant to be, if not then it wasn't. Dear Mr Opinion, How can I trust again after having my trust broken so many times? Signed: Suspicious Eye Dear "Suspicious Eye" all you can do about that one is to put your heart on your sleeve and keep trying its not always going to be bad believe me. Do you have questions for Mr Opinion? Feel free to submit them to Flavah @ marysan2 Resident Flavah 31

millenni studio

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ium Photography Weddings Videography Graphic Design Contact: marysan2 Resident

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