Flavah Magazine VOL 7

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Magazine VOL.7


Flavah CEO gets married! Flavah University of Graphic Arts

Love is in the Air Learn how to Find, Celebrate, Keep love

Short Novels Poetry

She Said, He said

STRAIGHT NO CHASER You favorite Show will soon be In your favorite Magazine!

Š 2014 by Flavah Magazine. All rights reserved

Things Unseen, Things Unheard Kail's Memory

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Con tent 6.................Straight No Chaser preview 10...............He said She said by DP 17...............Little big things by Daniel Tayler

Short Novels 14...............Kail's Memory 18...............Things Unseen, Things Unheard by Daniel Tayler

Love is in the Air 24...............Finding Love Do's&Dont's by Gia 28...............Engagement, Getting Married by Gia 30...............Husband and Wife Roles by Gia 34...............Successful Love Story by Gia

A word from the Editors Our March issue is dedicated to those planning on getting married in SL or even Real Life, but especially because our own Editor In Chief, Mandahlyn just got married this month. CONGRATULATIONS to Mandahlyn & Redeem !! We thank our readers for their loyality, our staff for their hard work and our sponsors for their support. 4 Flavah

Our team Editor in Chief mandahlyn

Layout Designer marysan2

Staff Writers Gia Daniel Tayler

Models marysan2 Talisker Braveheart Daniel

Photographer marysan2

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I just wanna say that i love the show and that you are the best and i hope you win your Dope Award. Now my question is, i was once partnered to a man, you know the deal... dinner and dancing, swept off my feet. Anyway, we got married and he didn't show up for the wedding. My family and friends were all there and i looked like like a fool. Now 7 months later he is back saying that he loves me and misses me so much and wants me back. I still have feelings for the man but, i don't know what i should do. Can you please help me out FELL TO HARD Thank you very much for the love. If the man was gone for 7 months, i mean really, You believe that??? Anyway, the thing is... no matter what i tell you, you are going to go back to him or should i say, take him back. This M-itch is not even worth the chance that you are going to give him. But you are going to take him back. So i would say make him earn it, i mean, work hard for a long ass time. Oh ...put yourself on Xcite Break for 6 months just throw it in the trash. DP........OUTTT! 6 Flavah

I think that your show is funny, but i don't know if I can say that you guys are the Dr. Phil's of the Grid. Now see... i got a problem I need help with. My wife wants to collar me. She knows that i don't cheat and i handle the things in the bedroom, but she keeps saying that it will add that extra super freaky sh** to the bedroom. Im thinking that she wants to just control me completely. I don't know what to do! I don't want to lose my woman, i love her, but i DO NOT OR AM NOT A M-ITCH!! icanttakeit Well we might be funny, but we do try and help people. Now i would have to say on this one. its up to you. Only you can decide this one my brother. but know this... if you put that collar on you will become a M-ITCH, and we will talk about your ass on the show. There shouldn't be that much love to where you need to show her that you should wear a collar, sh**. make her wear it......lmaooooooooDP..........OUTTT!

Advertising Sales Person Must be great with connecting with others, organized, confident, professional, love what He/she does and is motivated. Contact: Mandahlyn

Staff Writer

Must be creative and aware of what most people like to read. Open and willing to work on new projects, Work in a timely manner. Contact: marysan2

Public Relations Person Extremely intuitive and ready to go at the drop of a hat, great communication skills. Willing to speak with anyone and make sure Flavah clients are attended to and kept updated on their ads, confident, professional, ready to answer all inquires on Flavah magazine. Contact: Mandahlyn

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Register Today!

Available courses: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, SL Building Tool Contact marysan2 Resident for more info

About Us

Flavah University was founded by Flavah Magazine's graphic designer Ruby de rosemont (marysan2 Resident) in order to bring to Second Life a virtual Educational experience during which students will learn about various graphic Tools of their choice. Feel free to IM us for more info concerning courses and tuition fees. We are also hiring teachers!

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Poetry, She said/He said by DP

Where here today to witness the Wedding of Redeem and Mandy How these two got together is really beyond me But I’m going to try and tell you the story from what I heard But first I’m going to give it to you in their words Now Mandy says that she met Deem at church If you meet a woman at church that will always work She said he came in and cam-ed her up and down From the top of her head all the way to the ground He got in her box, and of course he said HI But the way that Mandy tells it you would have thought she would die She said after that day he never left her alone On their first few dates she had her friend come along She never saw it in the cards that one day they would wed I don’t know if that’s the truth but that’s what SHE SAID Now this is what Redeem had to say about the whole thing How he would up end up with the One who put his heart on a string He said they met at church just like Mandy did And we all know this all happened on the Grid He said he got in her box and he spoke But he said he did that because she was sitting with his folks He was just being polite and doing the nice thing I bet he never thought he would be buying a costly wedding ring She wouldn’t date him unless he asked her dad I wouldn’t have done it that would have made me mad Deem did ask but he didn’t wait to hear what he would say He was taking too long so they dated anyway 10 Flavah

I’m sure that Deem didn’t think on this day THAT HE WOULD WED But that’s his story yeah that’s what HE SAID You heard her side and then you heard his I’m going to tell you what I think but I know it’s not my biz They met at church I believe that part they both said that He cam-ed her and got in her box that just a fact Now the story gets different after that part They kept it the same when hey were at the start She said he chased her he said she chased him I do believe when they said that they never ever prim But I do believe that they did want each other And it was going to happen one way or another Oh Yeah….Her dad took two weeks to say they could date But by that time it was really just to late But no matter what the story it leads up to this day This is my story the is what I SAY DP ...OUTTT! Flavah 11

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Short Novels, Kail's Memory

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ail remembers sitting with her Daddy in the stands of the small race track Lonestar Horse Stadium, they were the only good times she could remember having him, the ones she treasured. He would go buy her a bag of peanuts and a soda...and tousle her auburn curls gently with a gleam of love and excitement in his old eyes. He would explain every detail of what was happening on the track, who had an advantage to the rider that had high hopes for nothing. She laughed so hard when she saw her daddy jumping to his feet yelling like a mad man "Go Thunder! Go!"


ow she wished Momma would come and be there, like all the other kids... they had both parents there... either in the stands or on the track, but Momma preferred to stay home too tired for fun and games. Kail wondered what she did in that small apartment by herself... she imagined her in bed just laying there in exhaustion. Sometimes her anger had burned in her as she watched her momma struggle to provide and the majority of the money with to Daddy


ears of living in poverty and seeing the wealthy for ones own eyes does something to you. Kail tirelessly devoted her life to becoming better than her past. She followed her dream to race horses, just as her father had said, and her mother scoffed at. It was a long journey from working late shifts as a waitress at Tony's Pub...trying to go to school to learn more about becoming a trainer... she babysat, did odd jobs like run errands for neighbors, wash cars, cut grass the list seemed to go off the page. But finally her hard work and determination paid off. She found a place she had dreamed of since her childhood. Everest Creek. Flavah 15

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16 Flavah

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Short Novels, Things Unseen, Things Unheard by Daniel

Things unseen


wwww!! Look at the cute puppies! Oh. My. Gosh! Those kittens are adorable! Who in the world would want a pig? Why are you looking at pigs for pets! I can’t believe the things people look at. It better not come near me if you get one. Eww! Ooohh! Look! There’s some new email! Way to go! An interview in three days! I can’t believe it! I’ll be rooting for you. What? You’re deleting it? No freaking way! Have you lost your mind! Or do you have a job that I don’t know about? What is your problem, dude! You’ve lost it! It’s all gone! I am interrupted as I hear a woman’s voice calling from downstairs. It’s Victoria, the head of the house hold; loving mother of four young kids, from tot to preteen, and devotedly faithful wife. “Honey, Martin? Dinner’s ready!” Martin sighs and continues to be wrapped in his own little world. I hear him mutter something but I can’t make out the words. It sounds like he’s tired and exhausted. His wife lost her job as a teacher due to some economic crisis, so he must work longer hours as a sales associate in a large department store for teenagers. Poor guy is killing himself. Martin! What are you doing! I would shake you if I could! Get off that page right now mister! This is the third time this week! Look at yourself! Just look at what you’ve become. If I could cry I would. If I could hug you I would. I can only stare. Just sit here and watch life happen. Your wife would be so hurt, Martin you should be ashamed and have more respect for her. 18 Flavah

things unheard


he door creaks open and he quickly minimizes the screen, and greets his wife,” Hi babe..” She looks at him a tender gaze and gently pulls him up to her. They stare at each other for what seems like eternity. They look as if they are young again, head over heels for each other. “Your foods getting cold honey.” she tells her husband. He softly kisses her lips and says in his gruff yet soft voice, “I love you.” Martin clatters down stairs; I hear the kids squeal and laugh delightfully as he makes his big entrance. Victoria heads toward the door, but hesitates. She turns toward me and moves the mouse to go to shut down mode. You can’t close yet, there are still programs open, Vicky. She reads my message and clicks on the blinking Internet Explorer icon on the bottom of my screen. She gasps at what she sees, and looks ready to slam her fist on the desk. I sense her anger and sadness. She quietly falls back into the office chair and sobs. No noise escapes her, only tears roll down her cheeks. Victoria whispers to herself “Why are you doing this Martin? You’ve got everything. This is the third time this week.” She silently fixed herself up; that was all I saw and heard. It’s pretty crazy what a monitor can hear and see, yet they can’t tell a soul; let alone be heard.

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Contact us: Princess Zelmanov

Multi-Scene magic Multiply you prims up to 1000 Times! Our Magic Rezzers expand your options 28 Beautifully Landscaped Connected Regions For: * Animations * Boating * Dancing * Flying * Horses * Motorcycles

* Romance * Sailing * Scuba * Skating * Sky Diving * Swimming


20 Flavah

* 50 Nicely Furnished Homes * 58 Detailed Animated Scenes * 2,900 Unique Scenes Possible * 16,000 Total Prims in 2 Rezzers * Sexy Animations in Every Home * Sexy Animations in Every Scene * BIG - 16,385 to 65,536 sq.m. * CHEAP - L$195 TO L$2,495/week. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VALUES TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE IN SL!

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Love is in the air

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Love is in the Air, Gia Robbiani

First things first... Obviously the hard part is finding that one special person. Or is it? Sometimes it seems to happen by accident, by chance, by fate or good timing, but rarely because of it being planned. As in real life, Second Life is no different in your approach to better your chances of finding that special someone into your life. The Dating Phase - In Second Life, there is a phenomena that seems to consistently happen here, especially with women. They oooze desperation. And yet they are the ones who always wonder why they're not attracting the right men. Are they using the wrong bait? Are they giving the wrong signals? In a word, YES. Men can smell needy, clingy and desperation right through your computer screen. And as in Real Life, this is why they run in the other direction. Men love their independence. Men love to pursue. Men love the chase. But mostly, men love a challenge. If he can't have something or someone, he wants it even more and works twice as hard to get it. He has the need to conquer and capture the 24 Flavah

subject of his desires. Read that last paragraph again ladies... and then read it again. This is what you should be remembering when dating that potential suitor you have your eye on... RL or SL. What should you (ladies) be doing? Nothing. Yes, that's it... Nothing. Don't try to impress. Don't talk his ear off with everything you think you know. Don't monopolize the conversation... converse with him. Don't talk about where you bought your outfit or all the shoes you have. Don't talk about all your other 'married' friends. Don't discuss everything about your personal life. Don't be clingy or ask too many 'needy' questions. Don't argue his points or ideas at this time. Don't and I stress, DON'T ask, '"where is this relationship going?" Do look at his profile first. Maybe there are indications he's a player. Do listen to what he has to say. Do be attentive and sweet.

Do show confidence. Do ask questions about his interests, likes, dislikes, etc. Do tell him a few of the things you enjoy doing inworld. Do keep the conversation light and fun. Do make notes on what he tells you in his profile notes box. Do be yourself, be engaging, be fun, be spontaneous, be adventurous, be informed on events and be charming. Do invite him to explore and find some new things and places with you. Do let him offer friendship to you first. Do bid him a good day/evening and let him know you hope to hear from him again soon. It doesn't matter what dress or shoe label you're wearing. Men don't care about those things. But he does care about finding someone who can stimulate his mind, keep him energized and interested. A confident creature who will captivate him and want to hold her close to him. Watch how many men are drawn to you with this new attitude you demonstrate.

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Contact: marysan2 resident

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Once you've met and made your relationship an exclusive one and your man has popped that important question, this is the time meant to enjoy the special event planning on the upcoming wedding. Spend time together planning your wedding, making sure you are both on the same page as to your wants and ideas for your big day. That will leave little to no misunderstandings or complications. Ask those friends who are special to you if they would do the honor of being in your wedding. Try not to make it a circus with 10 bridesmaids and ushers and 3 flower girls. Have 2-3 bridesmaids and the same with ushers. Better to just invite the others to the wedding and make it easy on yourself.

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Oh, the business of finding your one true love and getting married to seal the deal. Where do we start? Planning a wedding can be complicated and confusing and most couples don't know where to start. As a Wedding Planner& Consultant and who ran a Wedding business, I've seen the couples who are lost and scared about not knowing where to begin the process. My advice is... *Start making notes on your plans and ideas. *Plan your date well in advance to ensure you aren't rushed. *Small ceremony or big, elaborate blowout wedding? *Don't let all your friends make your plans for you. This is the grooms and your day. You make the plans. *Decide on your colors, your

theme (if any) and the general look of your wedding. *Start looking for your gown and the grooms tux/suit. *Look for your bouquets, boutineers and other floral arrangements you would like. *Decide on a wedding venue and if they provide the minister, poses, etc. *Are you having a reception and where? Do they provide dances? *Do you want a DJ? *What about a photographer or videographer? *Do you want a horsedrawn carriage, or fireworks, or any extras? *Are you planning a honeymoon? Make sure you go over your notes with each other to make sure you have everything you want for your big day.

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husband and wife roles

One of the most damaging aspects and the demise of most couples inworld is lack of respect and trust. If you don't have that in either RL or SL, plan on separation or divorce. It's that simple. Many couples think that the attitude of dating... the sweetness and gentle demeanor... no longer has to be practiced after marrying this person you tried so hard to snag for your own. Count on a breakup if you don't change your thinking. Ladies, praise the things your man does, no matter how little, and remind him of those little things that make you love him.

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Men, make it a habit to tell your wife how much you love her or something about her appearance that day that you particularly like. Everyone enjoys getting a little praise and recongnition. The most successful couples are those who are kind, considerate and thoughtful to their mates. They are attentive and communicate clearly and avoid the silly misunderstandings that most suffer here. They have become best friends and show it. Treating each other well ensures and guarantees that your relationship will be a long, enduring, lasting love that will make you both happy and hold you together for the long haul.

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Golden Flames

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Animation, Sound, Gesture SL Women's first perfume choice! contact: Bigdaddyfr33ks Ghost

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Love is in the Air, Gia Robbiani

There are a small percentage of Second Life's population that has had success in pairings, partnerships or marriages in this world. Some were years in the making, others happened in a short time, and still others combined both Real Life and Second Life into their worlds. The road sometimes might have rocky and certainly not all smooth and easy, but it can work and it can happen for many. One of those couples is our 34 Flavah

own Head Editorial Writer, Gia being watched... Robbiani and her husband Aaron Munforth. Here's their story. Aaron:- I had been at the club for a short while and was Met on - August 2nd, 2009 just watching and listening to Location - Sweethearts Club music when I saw Gia. She arrived and I was standing there Gia:- I went to Sweethearts one watching her circle the club as night to see what was happening she got closer, I sent her an IM, and maybe just listen to some saying Hi. music. Upon arriving, I made my way around the club (which Gia:- I responded with, "hi" was much different than it is back and we started talking. now) and then stopped to look As we talked I noticed there around. Little did I know I was was something different about

Aaron than I had experienced from most guys in here. He was quiet, kind, polite, a nice conversationalist and not pushy or aggressive. I started keeping notes on our times together. Things progressed quickly and I knew we had a special connection. By 8/13/09 Aaron told me he was falling fast and hard for me. On 8/14 Aaron said he was in love with me. And on 8/20/09 he proposed at

my club in front of everyone.

As always happens in this virtual world, you move on and Gia:- We started making see what happens next. I had our plans together for our other boyfriends. Aaron had wedding. We wanted something other girlfriends. We both tried different and unique so we went being with others and it didn't Moroccan! It was fun. work out. They were all shortOn 10/10/09 we were lived, and we both moved on. married with all our friends in I started spending more of my attendance. time running businesses in SL Unfortunately, as in RL, we and building and creating to had some issues in SL that satisfy my natural abilities and we couldn't resolve, and so desires to create. on 12/4/09, we ended our relationship. Flavah 35

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Live in the sky in your own private sky box / apartment! Includes a private patio and roof garden with integrated teleporter! •Teleport directly into your new home, and teleport between floors easily. •You can set home, and rez up to 75 prims!

Only L$129 per week * Rent week-to-week, or longer - it's your choice * Customizable Interior * Locking door * Cancel anytime (system refunds rent if you have at least 3 days left) * No long term commitments For more info contact: justbecauseIcanbefriendly

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Š 2013 by Flavah Magazine. All rights reserved

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