Flavah Magazine Issue 3

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The Premiere How did [NV.Designs] come to be?

What does the NV in NV.Designs stand for? NV.Designs began as a scripted clock The NV in NV.Designs stands for manufacturer after being contacted by NeoVoxx Software. NeoVoxx Software an administrator. Quickly branching off develops software for real-world into scripting, gadgets, gizmos, and after applications and external to the grid being requested to develop a vehicle services. system in October of 2012 (by the owner of LPK, Silver Howler) NV.Designs What sets your vehicles apart from other made its debuts. vehicle manufacturers?

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Driving Experience NV.Designs strives to make our vehicles as realistic and as low-lag as possible for a smoother driving experience. What our vehicles may be lacking in features as compared to some vehicle systems, we make up for in performance, handling, and realism. We want to attain great details in our vehicles and to keep the script count low to ensure that our vehicles can cross a sim as quickly and as

smoothly as possible. Our newer vehicles include a mechanism to compensate for sim lag, that way, the vehicle will continue to perform predictably even in laggy situations. As for those ‘largerthan-life’ avatars, our newer vehicles are even resizeable so that they can fit like a glove! What other products does NV.Designs sell? NV.Designs sells a variety of products, from clocks artwork, the best-selling RLV-enabled time-out chair on the marketplace, and a grid-wide accessible security systems. NV.Designs also has numerous management systems such as the lag mitigation system, sim scanner, and useful collaboration tools such as the notecard viewer that can display the contents of a notecard for all to see and update. Where is [NV.Designs] located? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Pug/47/46/98

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Wome Babies In SL An interesting trend has permeated SL in recent years, with some startling similarities to RL regarding women and having babies. It seems to have evolved from RL into SL as something 'normal' in both worlds. window? What happened to self respect? When did the Just as in real life, women order of common sense get these days have taken to put turned backwards? the 'cart before the horse', so to speak. Having babies Regardless of those that say, first with someone and then "Oh this is the 21st century, thinking of, or planning a so what?, who cares?" If not wedding or partnership after for the sake of how it affects the fact. What happens when the families involved, then you don't want that guy around what about the child's welfare. anymore or can’t stand him? Granted, it's not so much Then there's the issue of a stigma for a child inside having a baby and it totally Second Life, but the trend is changes the dynamics of the definitely there to get pregnant relationship after it arrives, first and think about marriage especially if a couple hasn't or a partnership after the fact, been together very long. especially in real life, with no obvious consideration for the Where is the common sense RL child. It appears to be more and logic anymore? about what the mother wants When did society's morals which looks more selfish than and judgements go out the considerate or well thought out. Flavah 12

Keeping in mind that the majority of SL residents find it strange and even bizarre that women here would want pixel babies. Actually, there's really not much of an explanation about that for them, except to say that it might be a virtual environment for women to have the child or children they couldn't have in real life. Or, that they just love the idea of having kids around them. Which brings up another topic; "why do adults want to be children in SL?" If you're a woman or couple that have babies or small children in SL, send us your story about why you decided to have kids in the virtual world.

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The Catch of the Day!

Dear Mr. Opinion

Dear Disillusioned: In response to your question, let’s look at this from a Man’s perspective. Most I would like to ask why do men go from one men think of SL as an all day fishing trip, they female to another in one sweep, filling women’s head with lies to make them think that they care come into game with bait, line and sinkers, go to a club or other social gathering and cast their when they really don’t. I met this guy who was lines into the sea of hungry females. If you have flirting with my friend and while he was flirting ever been on a fishing trip you know that the with her he was also in my box flirting with me and neither one of us had any idea he was doing more lines you place into the water, the better your chances of landing a fish, or in this case a this. We later found out and have nothing to do with this guy. The worst thing about him is he had unsuspecting female. I would go on to say that this is most likely the way he caught his current a girlfriend. What a pig! How should we handle girlfriend. He is an avid fisherman trying to keep men like this? Should we confront them? up with the other fishermen on the bank. If you Signed: Disillusioned are wanting to know how to confront or avoid Flavah 14

being the catch of the day? 1. Eat before you leave home, or copy-paste (im’s) and wait for a response. I find responding in local can shake even the sharpest hook!

Dear Mr. Opinion There’s this person who pretended to care and give their all and during the time he was around it seemed that this person was too good to be true. As much as he was giving of his time and energy, It was all fake. This person was an infiltrator who was only there to steal from me and use what he took from me to start something he would’ve never started had he not been with me. The worst thing is, this person wants me to believe that they are not a liar and that they still care. Should I delete this person or continue to have them on my list? I want to confront him even though I said I was over his betrayal. Signed: Burned Dear Burned - One, you are not over it!! The movie is still playing, you are just out in the lobby getting juju beans!! If it walks like a duck, quack likes a duck, then I would put money on it to say, you got yourself a duck!! Take your gun from over the mantle, load it, and fill his ass full of buckshot and have him for dinner!! Say your peace and then let the closing credits roll!! You may not be able to get back what you have lost, but you will damn sure know that there will not be a part 2!

Dear Mr. Opinion I just met the most interesting guy and he come across as very intelligent and business minded .This guy has shared personal information with me and expects me to do the same. I’m not ready to give up my information and have told him but as you know the pressure is on Signed: Seriously Apprehensive Dear Apprehensive -Great, he has chosen to share with you his info after such a short time. Sounds a little suspect to me!! I will say to you, what I mentioned to Burned above - If it walks like a duck, quack likes a duck, then bet money on it! The connection that you have could not be as strong as what you may think, if he can not understand your hesitation! Unplug, step back, and get yourself a flashlight! Best to see what you are really getting yourself into, before you try to light the house! Flavah 15

Advertising Sales Person Must be great with connecting with others, organized, confident, professional, love what he/she does and is motivated.

Staff Writer

Must be creative and aware of what most people like to read. Open and willing to work on new projects, work in a timely manner.

Public Relations Person Extremely intuitive and ready to go at the drop of a hat, great communication skills. Willing to speak with anyone and make sure Flavah clients are attended to and kept updated on their ads, confident, professional, ready to answer all inquires on Flavah magazine.

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Why being a chilD avatar? The


Being a child avatar is an experience that holds many opportunities for those behind the avatar. Those who sport the toddleedoo do so for different reasons; A childhood lost, yearning to be cared for, tired of the stress of being an adult avatar, or even just to have the ability to annoy the shit out of someone and still be as adorable as ever. The list is endless. It’s a whole different world. There are those who wonder why others become child avatars and what these individuals get out of it. This article is to shine a very small light into this world. In an attempt to give readers a better understanding an interview was conducted with two second life children, their responses does not represent the community of Second life children just their own experience.

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Child 1 What made you decided to become a kid avi? • I got tired of the drama on the adult avi What has your experience been like as a child avi? • I really love it. As a child you don’t have to worry about anyone messing with you for “adult activities” and it is more down to earth and peaceful. You get a certain kind of connection that it is hard to get as an adult avi. The bright side is, as a child, you are protected by the sl TOS and other rules while as an adult, they are easily broken by many. It is a lot more structured and loving. Esp. if you have a wonderful family to live that experience with. What is the best part about being a kid avi, the worst part? • The best part is the family and friend connections you develop. Yes, as a child, you may get into troubles, but it is worth it. Some adults are not fortunate enough in rl to have children. Here in sl, they get that opportunity. Both child avis and adult avis get benefits from that experience. It is a win win for both sides. The only thing I don’t like about being a child is that there is hardly any ways for a child avatar to earn money in sl. Most need to have an adult avi to fund things for the child avi, or they have to put their rl money into the game. Which is why, about half or more, child avi’s have an adult avi they play on to earn the L$. Most sl kids won’t ask their sl parents for L$ due to the fact that they wouldn’t want someone hounding them for money all the time. It is also hard for a child avie to get a family due to parents fearing that the child is only interested in money; which is not the case for most children. We aren’t in it for money, we are in it for the experience of of having a family.

up with two brothers, and I was the baby of the family. I love the attention my SL mom gives to me. What is the best part about being a kid avi, the worst part? • The best part is just that.. “BEING A KID” You just have fun and bring joy to others. Play, skip, jump rope, go to the zoo with your family or be tucked in at night. Cuddle in a big over sized chair with your grandpa or go fishing with your sister. The worst part? I would have to say when Adults treat us like we’re crap, calling us names for being a child in SL. Would they walk up to a child in RL and talk to them that way? I doubt. There isnt anything wrong with child avi’s and there isn’t anything wrong with the people who play as one. This is a game, and we’re all here for our own personal reasons. So next time you see a kid avi, act like you’re in RL and treat us as fairly as you would treat real children. Smile, be sweet. You may end up realizing how great we really are.

Child 2 What made you decided to become a kid avi? • I was actually a grown up avi.. and I had adopted a child avi. And fell in love with the idea of being a kid in SL. I had shown my Adopted Child so much love (not meaning lindens) but love. I cannot have children in RL, so this was as close to as I could get to it. But then she moved on, and I just didn’t have it in me to adopt again. So I became a child and hopes to finding a SL mom who would treat me as good as I had treated mine. The choice of being a child avatar comes with its negative and What has your experience been like as a child avi? positive sides. It’s a choice that the • I have seen lots as a child avi. Families growing together and drifting person behind the avatar makes. apart. Just like real life I suppose. I have made many good friends and They live their second life that way have met some not so nice people. But one thing that really sticks out because it makes them happy. for me is for the first time, I’m the center of my mommy’s world. I grew Lillian Swag-Beres (Lillian.Landfall) Flavah 19

Solving Your Problems with Innovation Flavah 20

CPAN is a gaming lounge designed and marketed in a way that attracts business professionals here in Second Life. Everyone that develops content no matter the scale and distributes it for the purpose of a profit or to just make the world of Second Life a better place, falls under this umbrella of "professionals" that we entice. Come join us for some gaming fun at are new sim! Along with me owning this gaming lounge, I also develop innovative content with my Inov team. Being a child from the 90’s, I was brought up in an era full of technological breakthroughs and advances. The first product I brought to grid was the well known InovCard (should we put a description of it here?), my next product will reflect my aspirations and objectives of giving businesses eccentric, innovative and non- invasive tools to advertise themselves. With that said, you should anticipate a recreational tool to be released within the next 4 months, which will be released on this sim first. I promise you, this will be big. IF you would like to get involved with the CPAN gaming lounge, we are hiring hosts for our greedy games. We are paying them L$150 per game hosted along with 100% tips, as well as the perks that come along with being part of a very innovative family of people. Join the team, join the fun!

Steamer Inc STEAM E R INC is a custom building company. We do anything from small builds, full sim builds, and beyond. We build anything from homes, cars, boats, planes, clubs, schools or even hospitals. We build your imagination. We also do full theme landscaping. If you would like anything built or want a one on one consultation about a build, just leave a note card or IM with BigBey Steamer. Someone from Steamer Inc will contact you back as soon as possible. We thank you for contacting Steamer Inc your custom building company. You can also visit our store on the Marketplace to see some of the great builds we have to offer. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/10459

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Dating SL

10 Guidelines


It’s Ok To Bend the Rules. I know there’s a lot of conflicting information out there, regarding whether or not the woman should make the first move. Yeah I know, it’s 2013. We’ve won the right to vote, run companies, and don’t feel a tinge of guilt about buying $300 shoes. So if you find someone appealing, it’s perfectly acceptable to show interest. I wouldn’t go so far as to ask him out, unless, of course, it’s Sadie Hawkins Day.


The Devil Is In the Details. There is a direct proportion between looking really awful and seeing the guy you are crushing on. Brush your hair, throw on some lip gloss. Look in the mirror before you leave the house and say, “Would I hit on me today?”

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If the answer is, “Hit on this? Hardly. You should probably rethink that Starbucks run until after you shower.


Be Luscious, Not a Lush. This rule is for everyone. The first date is critical. It can be nerve-wracking, getting to know someone, especially if you think you might like them. Keep a two drink maximum. You want to be in control of your tongue in both ways. You also want to be able to evaluate objectively whether this person is a fit for you.


Be Hard To Get, Don’t Play Hard To Get. Have a life. One that is filled with whatever it is that makes you wholecareer, kids, hobbies, travel etc. If you are out living to the fullest, you won’t even notice that they haven’t texted, IM’d, or e-mailed you back in 24hrs. Neediness

is not an attractive quality. Don’t overdo it with mind games and purposely delay interaction. We are an instant gratification society, and technology-fueled shortened attention spans will demand they move on to someone else.


Yes, You Can Be Too Sexy. That’s right. Keep your ASSets mildly under cover. There’s something to be said for a little mystery. Don’t give away tickets to the peep show. So many women mistake sleazy for sexy. But the men know it when they see it. Cheap, revealing outfits just translate the same to a man. Learn what classy is and what it looks like for a little mystery. Flavah 23

someone over, you go into fullfledged #4 mode. It’s a very precarious tightrope to walk. The majority of people cannot handle sex without emotions. Look at all the messed up Friends with Benefits movies doesn’t one inevitably fall for the other? If your track record says you can’t handle sex without turning into a big sobbing mental mess once it ends, don’t start it.



Men call. Boys text. Ladies, this one goes for you too. No one can come up with more excuses than why a text is more efficient than a phone call, but here’s the deal. You need to be a man and call her to ask for a date. Texting for a date is just plain lazy. Pick up the phone. And if you accept a text request for a date, you’re stupid no more.


Desperation stinks. There is absolutely nothing worse than the

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If it doesn’t feel good, chances are its not. When you start following this philosophy, your whole dating life can change for the better. smell of Desperate. Wear it, If a situation leaves you sad, and you won’t just NOT attract upset, or miserable, why are anyone, you will actually you in it? Life’s too short to repel them. Sure, we all have waste a minute on the crappy moments we get lonely or find stuff or crappy people. ourselves really fixated on a certain someone. That’s when Honesty. When we date, you have to step back and sometimes it blows to see #7. Learn to recognize be honest. No one really likes when you take a wrong turn to look at another person and and end up on the crazy path. say, “As great as you are, you Back up and start over. just aren’t working for me.” When you are the one on the Sex For Sex’s Sake. Yes, other end of that sentence, you can get your groove however, you’d take the on “just because.” It actually humane kill over a drawn out can be a great cure for #4. excruciating death. Give what But the moment you try to you’d prefer to receive. leverage sex for winning



By Giadda Robbiani, Editorial Head Staff Writer

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Never quite



Deciphering the SL Women Codes Every man in both SL and RL seems to have the same questions and concerns when it comes to understanding women. Men are in total confusion at times as to what women really mean when they say something, or why they do certain things. They think women talk in code and don’t know how to break that down. This section is designed to assist men better understand what women mean and to decipher their actions and words. Send me your concerns and questions for a little insight of what to do.

Question: I go to a lot of events and

clubs in SL. I usually go to enjoy the music and maybe say hi to a few people. But one of the things that keeps happening are women will IM me, or maybe we have a single dance, and then they act like we’re a couple and become insulted or think I’m strange because I don’t jump on them. I never indicated I was interested in pursuing it further, but they get hostile when I don’t act like they want me to. What’s going on here? -Confused

Answer: Dear Confused: There seems to have always been this phenomena inside SL between women and men. It’s due to the fact there are usually more women than men in world, and so the ‘pickin’s’ are slim at times. But on the personal side, there is also a clear, obvious female behavioral issue, in that the majority of women seem to be desperate, needy and clingy. They think they have to belong to someone, anyone, to show their SL worth. Hence, you see many women chasing after men, Flavah 34

Femme Mysteries rather than acting more like a lady worth pursuing and letting the man show his interest. I would recommend you run. Run very fast, and very quickly. These type women usually have emotional and mental baggage. (sorry ladies, but you do). And this type of relationship never improves, it only gets uglier.

Question: I am generally an outgoing

type, always friendly with everyone, women included. My gf had told me I should be aware of my ‘friendliness’ around certain types of women. She says there’s many in world that look for someone like me to take advantage of or ‘manipulate’ to get what they want. Is this true? -Wondering

Answer: Dear Wondering: The short

answer is, your girlfriend is correct. This type of behavior happens all the time. The female who discovers a really nice guy who’s outgoing, friendly, generous and fun to be around. You bet, you’re a target for those females who see an opportunity. Whether the women own up to it or not is irrelevant. It’s true. You’re also a target for those arrogant types who like a good challenge and to test if you can be lured away from your gf. Stick to what you know and are comfortable with. The gf who can be trusted because you know her well and know she isn’t trying to play you. There’s players in both males and females, and females are usually the more treacherous of the two.

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Cheaper & Affordable Maternity Packages starting at

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Interview with creator Nickki Romano

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Summer is coming and that means it’s luau season. Aloha shirts, sandals, shorts and even grass skirts all come out for those summer parties. Nickki Romano is one of the premiere designers for island wear here in SL, called “Island Style”. We’re taking a look at her ideas and how she started this business inworld. To the novice in SL, how would you describe your clothing line? I create Clothing with an Island feel. Mainly Pacific island, but I also have things you could find worn in the Caribbean or any warm weather Beach location. when It comes to my Hawaiian (Aloha) wear, I try to stay as close to traditional as I possibly can. I’d like to be known as the “Hilo Hattie” of Second life. I make Hula wear for men and women, traditional muu muu’s, Holuku, beach wear, flip flops, swim wear and Hawaiian style jewelry. When did you first decide

to create your island wear designs inside SL? About 5 years ago When I rented land on an island sim. I went looking for a little Hawaiian style Dress to wear and couldn’t find one. I had no building or clothing design skills but I had a Hawaiian texture that I liked and an old Vints skirt rezzer. So I fooled around and made a simple very system clothing dress because I had no idea how to use photoshop or gimp. It turned out pretty cute even if it was crude. and it was unique to sl. Lady Sakai saw what I had done, she was very encouraging and said that if I could make 25 boxed dresses she would let me have a shop on one of her sims rent free for a few months.

try to keep it as traditional as I can. I find it hard to break from the beautiful classic traditional look. I might be missing out on sales by not converting to the sexy side of sl, but there is enough of that in sl. Have you ever received unusual design requests? Most of my customers are familiar with my style they make suggestions or requests for specific items for contests, or weddings. I guess the most unusual request I got was to make mens costumes for an sl version of “Chippendales dancers”

Where do get your inspiration for your designs? My inspiration comes from many sources. Mainly my passion for Hawaii and Island life, the people and the Hawaiian culture. In every design I make I Flavah 55

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