Agenda 052616 issue 340

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May 26, 2016



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May 26, 2016

News Briefs Go to for other exclusive stories. FLORIDA

Louisiana Senate kills LGBT anti-discrimination hiring bill

Bondi’s Follie Cost Florida Taxpayers $213,000

BATON ROUGE, LA (AP) - The Louisiana Senate has killed a New Orleans senator’s bid to ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, with no debate from lawmakers against the bill. The chamber voted 25-8 against advancing the measure to the House for debate. Only one Republican senator voted Tuesday in support of the bill. Democratic Sen. Troy Carter’s proposal would have applied to public and private business, but exempt churches and religious organizations. nn

TALLAHASSEE, FL (AP) - Florida is going to pay at least $213,000 for its losing battle to keep intact a voter-approved ban on gay marriage. State officials have agreed to pay that much to the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida to cover attorney fees and other costs. Attorney General Pam Bondi’s office is also actively negotiating a settlement with another group of attorneys involved in the case.

Wilton Manors Raise Gay Pride Flag

Washington DC Republicans Hit All-Time Low with Anti-LGBT Vote

WASHINGTON (AP)— Democrats shouted “Shame! Shame!,” but seven Republicans switched their votes under pressure from House leaders Thursday and defeated a measure to protect gay rights. The final vote was 213-212 after the chaos on the House floor. That was enough to defeat an amendment by Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, D-N.Y., aimed at upholding an executive order that bars discrimination against LGBT employees by federal contractors. Maloney and other Democrats were incensed. “They literally snatched discrimination from the jaws of equality,” Maloney said.


WILTON MANORS—Following lobbying by local residents Tim Evans and Jaclyn St. James, the City of Wilton Manors finally raised a permanent Pride Flag last Tuesday in a dusk ceremony, a move that was also supported by numerous LGBT and ally residents, businesses and community stakeholders and organizations. Commissioner Justin Flippen brought forward the measure to permanently display the Pride Flag, labeling Wilton Manors as the first city in the nation to do so. In reality, West Hollywood holds that honor, having had multiple Pride Flags on permanent display since 2013.nn

Trade associations tell North Carolina LGBT law hurts businesses

RALEIGH, NC (AP) - More than a dozen trade associations have written North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory telling him a new law denying anti-discrimination protections is causing business to rethink locating and operating in the state. The letter from the National Association of Manufacturers and others says dictating what bathrooms transgender people can use also could prevent businesses from hiring talented LGBT workers and skilled young people who might be offended by the law. The letter asks McCrory and lawmakers to consider changing or repealing the law passed earlier this year. nn

Judge tosses Rite Aid complaint in HIV drug disclosure suit

DOVER, DE (AP) - A judge says Rite Aid cannot blame a man who learned of his son’s HIV infection when the pharmacy told him about his son’s prescriptions. Michael Spence is suing the retailer for negligence and invasion of privacy after his father went to pick up a prescription for his mother. A clerk told him his son had two prescriptions available. Spence had not told his parents he was HIV-positive. But the father researched the drugs and learned they were HIV medicines. nn

Alabama GOP passes resolution to support Roy Moore

BIRMINGHAM, AL (AP) - The Alabama Republican Party has passed a resolution to support suspended state Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. Alabama GOP officials said in a statement Monday that the party passed a resolution in opposition to Moore’s potential removal from office. A Judicial Inquiry Committee complaint against Moore stems from a January order he sent to probate judges saying an Alabama court order banning samesex marriage remained in place despite a U.S. Supreme Court decision effectively legalizing gay marriage. nn May 26, 2016




May 26, 2016

T I C K E T S AVA I L A B L E O N L I N E AT W W W.T I C K E T M A ST E R .CO M T H E B ROWA R D C E N T E R B OX O FF I C E O R BY P H O N E AT ( 8 0 0 ) 745 - 3 0 0 0

May 26, 2016



The week reflected back through fabulously funny eyes

CLASS ACT. God, please bubble-wrap Celine. That voice, that talent, so lacking in Hollywood these days! A true rags-to-riches story! ANCIENT PROVERB. Sometimes “it’s just not meant to be” is the hardest reality to accept. Keep you head up, and March on. NEWS ALERT! NEWS ALERT! Just got one of those ridiculous phone calls from a 347 area code (Brooklyn) by an Indian guy that could barely speak English telling me that he was from the IRS and there was a warrant out for my arrest. LOL! I told him to go f*ck himself and at least if you’re going to pull a scam like that to speak English clearly. THIS BREAKS MY HEART. Even in liberal California, the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus is publicly humiliated at a public sporting event. A mistake? Ummm, I doubt it. This is what’s happening in our country when you have comical presidential hopefuls that say “the world is too PC, that Mexicans are rapists, and that women are fat pigs.” It becomes “OK” to be a bully. IT’S GETTING DIFFICULT TO STAY POSITIVE! Being in the staffing industry myself, I understand the necessity of it, but there’s just something so shitty about lining up back-to-back interviews with multiple candidates for a position. You walk out feeling disheartened. FASHION POLICE. I’m not even watching the Billboard awards because I’m really not that interested, but I’m looking at all these pictures on my newsfeed and casually wondering, whatever happened to class? All the performers look like hookers, and not even high-class hookers. I know it’s a different vibe than the Academy Awards, but can you imagine Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe showing up to an awards ceremony in dental floss thongs and nipple covers? I mean guuuuurl! SPEAKING OUT. These Republicans have become the most ridiculous human beings on the planet. Day by day all I read are news stories, from reliable news sources, about how this party wants to accept nothing new that is the reality of this world since…oh, 1925. It’s a party of rich white Christian men that want to dictate how everybody else in this country should live. I guess we should just kill the poor, kill the handicapped, kill the disadvantaged, kill the gays, kill the immigrants, stay racist, stay homophobic, deny cutting-edge scientific research, Carry a gun around because that’s normal, get women back in the kitchen barefoot, pumping out babies, and if she gets raped, oh well it’s a blessing from God. Oh, and I read that they’ve started segregating schools again in Mississippi! But history repeats itself, after eight years of a Democrat, the country is thirsting for another Republican who is hungry for war, hungry for economic deregulation, and will wipe out the country economically at the expense of the American people for his rich buddies. Then they’ll have to elect a Democrat to fix it all again. Rant over.

Adam Cohen is South Florida’s favorite and most fabulous social commentator. He’s also single. Find him on Facbook to keep up with his hilarious take on the week’s headlines. 8

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May 26, 2016



May 26, 2016


Random thoughts from social media and beyond this week


Whoopi Goldberg’s trans reality show to hit screens this year, “This show is important right now, because for all of the positive advances the community has made and continues to make, transgender is still a hot-button word that gets people hysterical,” Goldberg said in a statement. “This series will give viewers a unique opportunity to spend time with real people who are struggling with the same challenges we all face as we make our way through the world.”


Bernie Sanders continues to bristle at the suggestion that his staying in the race is hurting Hillary Clinton’s chances in November, “I guess if we take your assumption, and Clinton supporters’ assumption, that that is the logical conclusion, we should go back to a monarchy and not have any election at all.”

Laverne Cox responds to critics of Rocky Horror Picture Show remake, “People can be very challenging and critical, but I put everything I had into this. I gave 250 percent, and I hope people like what we came up with.”


Wilton Manors resident Larry Scott, “Today the Mayor and Commissioners did something historic. The rainbow flag was raised permanently on city property to commemorate the contributions of the LGBTQ community to the reshaping of Wilton Manors from a tired, aging town of poorly maintained properties to the beautiful city we enjoy today. May 26, 2016


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Martina Navratilova to receive Voice for Equality Award at Broward Gala BY RICHARD HACK


Martina Navratilova has been selected as the recipient of this year’s Voice for Equality Award to be presented at the 2016 Broward Gala, the largest annual fundraiser for Equality Florida. Event co-chair Nate Klarfeld, who’s leading the gala for the fifth consecutive year, told the Florida Agenda that this year’s event will be in an allnew setting—the still-to-beopened Grand Ballroom at the newly renovated B Ocean Resort in Fort Lauderdale, and that Martina is instrumental in getting attention to equality at all age levels. “This summer at Equality Florida, we’re launching a Safe and Healthy Schools project,” Klarfeld said. “By putting a name like Martina Navratilova up there, it translates across generations. Our teenagers and elementary school kids are sports crazy. And our anti-bullying Safe and Healthy Schools project is aimed at students beginning in the third grade. We’ll be training the teachers to recognize bullying, but it’s a sports figure like Martina that will actually get through to the students on either side of the bullying issue.” For the tennis player from Czechoslovakia, the ascent to


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the top of tennis was a lonely pursuit. Coming out of the closet in 1981, branding her forever at a time when out athletes were nowhere to be found. She went on to win six consecutive Grand Slam titles. “But her influence went far beyond numbers,” Robert Lipsyte and Peter Levine wrote in Idols of the Game. “As a lesbian, Navratilova expanded the dialogue on issues of gender and sexuality in sports. In the years that she and Chris Evert were locked in their fierce rivalry to be Number One, sports fans saw it was possible for two very different women, physically and emotionally, different in lifestyle and playing style, to both be great champions -- and friends.” For Equality Florida, an organization that is dedicated to breaking down barriers and securing equality for the LGBT community, Martina adds ammunition to its arsenal at a time when the political arena is more divided than ever. “We have a tough year coming up,” Klarfeld said. “In January, we’ll be back in Tallahassee facing an uphill battle regarding transgender bathroom access (again), but the real real issue is LGBT employ-


ment and housing. You can still be married at 10 o’clock, be thrown out of your house at noon, and be fired by 2. “Last year, Equality Florida had nearly 70 people up in Tallahassee for lobbying week. That was a huge amount of people who came up on their own dime, and worked with the legislators. We had 120 appointments with lawmakers, face-to-face with people who may or may not have been so cordial,” Klarfeld emphasized. “We have a strong Republican Senate and a secondterm Republican governor who is busy paying back political favors. He owes the LGBT community nothing and that is essentially what we can expect to get without putting constant pressure on the legislature to make our presence felt.” The money raised at the

2016 Broward Equality Gala in November will provide needed funds to continue the fight. “I run this event with just a 10% overhead,” Klarfeld said. “The rest goes to profit.” This year’s event is quite likely to exceed $500,000, and stands as the largest Equality Florida fundraiser in the state. “I personally have a feeling that non-profits have a responsibility to keep their big galas at the lowest possible overhead rather than having all the glitz at a huge monster affair that spends much on the money on the event itself.” Any funds donated before May 31 to Equality Florida’s new Safe and Healthy Schools project will be matched in a unique pledge. Open your wallets and help pave the path to the future. nn

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ANNOUCEMENT Dancing with the South Florida Stars Raises $30,000 WILTON MANORS—The 6th annual fundraiser “Dancing with the South Florida Stars” raised a record-breaking $30,000 in cash and advertising for two South Florida charities, SunServe and The Pride Center at Equality Park. Bobby Blair, speaking for the Wirld Foundation that produced the event, said, “Brian Neal and I are excited to identify other non-profits that serve the initiatives of LGBT homeless youth, and continue to provide HIV positive individuals with health and wellness programs. Our sole purpose is to give back to the community that we serve.” Both SunServe and The Pride

Center will receive $4,000 in cash as well as $11,000 worth of advertising in Next South Florida magazine and Florida Agenda newspaper as a result of the event. Mark Ketcham, Executive Director of SunServe said, “We are very thrilled to have this support for our LGBGT Homeless Youth Assistance Program and glad everyone had fun raising this money.” Chris Dunham of Dunham Insurance in Wilton Manors will join Bobby Blair on the Main Stage at the upcoming Stonewall Pride Festival on Saturday June 18 at 3:30 pm for an photo op and official check presentation.nn



Kevin Hopper Vice President l Operations

Maura “Mumball” Lane VP l Sales & Marketing

Dennis Dean Vice President l Creative

Richard Hack Vice President l Content

Michael Turner President l Digital Media Ventures

Jeff Sterling Vice President l Finance

Keith Chamlee Corporate Circulation Director

Peter Frank Chief Financial Officer

C. Lawrence Rutstein Chairman of the Board May 26, 2016








May 26, 2016

Wow, this is big! 2016 Stonewall Pride will be accompanied by an innovative experience never seen before. And it’s all thanks to Westfield Broward mall, which has built a LGBT zone that spans their entire shopping center from June 2 to June 13. For 10 days, Westfield Broward has crafted events all in the effort to show their support for our community. They will have everything from popup stores to runway shows to events off-location. There will be musicians, singers, dance groups and LGBT designers participating in their Shop with Pride extravaganza. “Every single day, there will be some event going on from happy hours to runway shows,” ensured Andrew Martineau, Westfield Broward’s Director of Marketing. Shop with Pride is just one of the many community outreach initiatives done by Westfield Broward. Martineau, himself, actually spearheaded the initiative three years ago with the desire to differentiate his mall from the many others in the surrounding area. He and his team created a whole new shopping scene where the experience comes first and shopping comes second. Throughout the year, shoppers can experience an array of activities both at the mall and offsite, all centered around different cultural experiences like a Caribbean and Hispanic theme. The idea is to share the wealth of diversity of the South Florida landscape with that of their existing shoppers while potentially attracting new ones--it’s Westfield Broward’s way of expressing their inclusivity thus respect and acceptance for all. Now for the first time since implementing the initiative, the Westfield Broward team will be showing their love and support for our community. Next magazine and Florida Agenda are the mall’s media partners and had a direct hand in developing the project alongside the Westfield Broward team. And we can’t be happier to present it to our community! “We definitely reach out to experts in different communities to find out what are the best ways to engage that group,” shared Martineau after explaining that the

MMP family played a big role in initiating Shop with Pride. There couldn’t be a better place than Westfield Broward to house this unique and exciting new adventure. The mall itself has recently gone through a $39 million renovation including upgrades to dining court with hand-painted Italian tile and a new state-of-the-art Regal Theater with 3D screens, RPX sound and picture quality and plush leather seats. The 12-screen Regal Theater is the newest in all of South Florida. Everything is new and fresh, just like Shop with Pride! Radio Station 93.9 is onboard as the music sponsor and the luxury department store Macy’s once again shows their love as an official partner of the entire event. The array of events themselves is reviving and luxurious. There’ll be two separate swimsuit fashion shows one by JCPenney and other by the designer department store Dillard’s. There’s a lot more happening at the mall and offsite: Macy’s Private Shopping event, a comedy event with cuddle bear comedian Peter Bisuito, Pride Brunch at Brio Restaurant, Movie Night at Regal Broward and a Macy’s fashion show at the W Hotel just to name a few. There will even be a live photoshoot in the heart of the mall by professional photographer Dennis Dean. What’s so rewarded about the project is that it’s all a push to support our community and giveback. Westfield Broward will be selling signature Shop with Pride gift bags for $20 with all the proceeds going to support the Pride Center. These aren’t your ordinary gift bags either: they are jute material beach bags with rope handles and the Shop with Pride rainbow logo -- they are crammed packed with gift cards and goodies worth well over the price of the bag. Shop with Pride’s kick off party will be hosted by the Pride Center in their very own boutique space in the mall called Pride Central. Enjoy light bites and music starting at 6:00 pm Thursday, June 2. To see all the many festivities look up Shop with Pride on Facebook for the event page. nn

May 26, 2016


2000 Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 106 | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Phone: 954-380-8563 |

Publisher: Maura Mumball Lane Editor-In-Chief: Richard Hack - Art Director: Kevin Broady





You know things are bad when even Republicans are questioning the recent behavior of other Republicans during a pivotal election year. Such was the case last week when Gregory T. Angelo, the president of the oftcriticized Log Cabin Republicans, wrote a scathing letter to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy was behind the backroom maneuvering that allowed a pro-LGBT amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to By fail after havRichard ing an initial Hack vote tally that indicated that the amendment had passed. The amendment was directed at Federal contractors who would have been prohibited from getting government work if they discriminated against the LGBT community. The amendment was sponsored by Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), who initially thought his measure was successfully passed when the monitor in the House gallery showed the amendment had received 217 yea votes (with 208 opposed). Yet, over the course of the next ten minutes, one by one, Republican House members began to silently change their votes, after some apparent armtwisting at the hands of the Majority Leader. No sooner did the final tally of 16

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213 against, 212 in favor, post on the House monitor then chaos broke out on the floor with cries of “Shame” from Democrats. According to Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, the flip-flopping Republicans were California Reps. Darrell Issa, David Valadao, Jeff Denham, Mimi Walters, and Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon, Rep. David Yong of Iowa and Rep. Bruce Poliquin of Maine. The outrage was not limited to Democrats however as even the 29 Republicans who voted in favor of the amendment chimed in. The next day, the Log Cabin Republicans, the nation’s largest organization representing gay conservatives and their allies, condemned the leadership of their own party in uncamouflaged indignation. In part Angelo wrote: Leader McCarthy, Yesterday the House of Representatives, in an unprecedented and likely unparliamentary act, affected the defeat of an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act proposed by Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney. Log Cabin Republicans finds this alarming for a number of reasons. Rep. Maloney’s amendment merely would have upheld President Obama’s Executive Order stating that no federal contractor can discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity—an order that was a simple extension of a non-discrimination order that existed during the administration of President George W. Bush. The circumstances surrounding the defeat of this amendment are highly suspect, as the apparent rules of regular order were

not observed in allowing several members to change their votes after they had already been cast following what should have been the conclusion of the allotted time for voting. These actions fly in the face of promises from Republican leadership as well as Speaker Ryan to operate the House under regular order, and the resultant defeat of the amendment does a disservice to the Republican Party’s roots supporting equality, rather than fighting it. What occurred Thursday appears to be a flagrant violation of House procedure, and—more importantly—an indication that House Leadership is willing to sacrifice ethics under the false pretext of “religious freedom.” Log Cabin Republicans believes these actions require public explanation.

around and twisted their arms, and they voted for discrimination,” Maloney later said. When Maloney complained directly to McCarthy, he said the majority leader told him “to get back on your own side.” Rather than admit the obvious, House Speaker Paul Ryan instead worked to control the damage with more closed-door meetings. Afterward, Ryan announced that in the future amendments would have to be printed ahead of time, a procedural change that allows the GOP to better manage problematic votes. Unfazed, Angelo refused to stand down, demanding that “those congressmembers who perpetuated this fraudulence be held accountable.”

In addition to McCarthy, the letter was cc’d to all the representatives who changed their votes as well as House Whip Hoyer. “The leader [McCarthy] went

Richard Hack is the award-winning author of 26 books, and the Vice President of Content for Multimedia Platforms’ publications.

The Florida Agenda agrees.

The leader [McCarthy] went around and twisted their arms, and they voted for discrimination”



SHARING OUR TRUTH there isn’t another approach worth considering as well. In addition to correcting hate speech when it is hurled at us and/or ignoring some of the hateful rhetoric that some religious types use against LBGT people, we can also simply tell our stories. When we share our perspective, it doesn’t necessarily need to be in response to negative comments made to or about us, or least, it need not be only in response to such comments. We can, to borrow from religious parlance, “bear witness” to our own sacred encounters, our own experiences of the Holy, our own deeply treasured values, our own true love, our own hopes, gifts, and dreams for the world. Let’s be very clear: a lot of the homophobia and transphobia that people are so disturbingly comfortable voicing these days are responses to marriage equality and other civil rights gains made by the LBGT community. What might change some hearts and minds, however, is for more people to see us as we are, to get a glimpse into our hearts, to hear our lived experiences and personal stories, to discover that we are fully human, our love

is life-sustaining, and our lives have sacred value. Those who fear difference, who marginalize those they don’t understand, who can only seem to find personal validation by contrasting themselves to an “Other” have learned in many cases to feel comfortable with that pathology by claiming their fears and hatreds amount to righteous compliance with divine demands. They aren’t hateful, they insist; they are merely following divine dictates of a loving deity who somehow can’t love people who don’t fit into constructed heteronormative binary power dynamics. They can feel good about their hate as long as they can blame their hate on religion and even dare to call it love. Such dysfunctional views of love and faith will not be defeated by arguments or apathy, but by our living out loud for the world to see that we are not a subject for debate, we are human-beings. We are not an issue; we are people. We are not a sin; we are part of the beautiful complexity and diversity of life. The opinions, views, and angry rants of the religious far right have been heard. Now, let’s let our voices, our lives, our truth be heard - not as an argument or an apology or a defense, but as simply the affirmation of our truth by the people who know it best: ourselves.. nn Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins is the senior minister of the Sunshine Cathedral, “a different kind of church.”



When religious conservatives go on the attack, the Queer community often responds defensively, and why not? When being pelted with vilifying insults, one naturally enough tries to quench the fiery darts coming one’s way. Another response is to avoid the religious attackers as much as possible. We often simply ignore those who cloak their fears, hatreds, and prejudices in the language of piety, values, By Rev. and religious dictates. Durrell I can’t really find fault Watkins with either approach. When our dignity is assaulted, we have every right to challenge the unkind and unwarranted assumptions being made about us; and, if we are certain that various communities will be unkind toward us, of course we may not want to engage them. Why walk intentionally into a raging storm? But I do sometimes wonder if

What’s your opinion?

The Florida Agenda welcomes signed Letters to the Editor, up to 400 words in length, on topics of general interest to our readers. You may e-mail submissions to Editor@ We welcome comments on our Facebook page also. May 26, 2016


NatioNal News


San Diego Padres Accused of Homophobia After Pride Event Error BY RICHARD HACK

SAN DIEGO—One hundred members of the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus stood midfield at Petco Park prepared to sing the National Anthem for a capacity crowd that had paid $87 for a seat at the Out of the Park Pride Night to watch the San Diego Padres vs. the Los Angeles Dodgers. Instead the park’s PA system unspooled the voice of a woman singing the Star Spangled Banner. The response to the enormous gaff was quick and accusatory. On its website, the SD Gay Men’s Chorus said: No attempt was made to stop the recording and start over. No announcement of apology was made to the singers or their friends and families in the stands. No attempt to correct the situation occurred other than to force the 100 men to stand in the spotlight of center field for the song’s duration and then be escorted off the field to the heckles of baseball fans shouting homophobic taunts including “You sing like a girl.” This incident followed several days of troubling comments and behavior within the San Diego Padres organization. Three days before the game, San Diego Padres representatives aggressively sought to prevent singers from performing the National Anthem unless they purchased a ticket to the game—even if they did not plan to stay for the game—which was not part of any previous discussion or written or verbal agreement and would have cost the small, community-based 18

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non-profit thousands of dollars. The demand eventually was rescinded on Friday following repeated complaints made by SDGMC and San Diego Pride to San Diego Padres management. With this as background, we call on the San Diego Padres and Major League Baseball to immediately launch a full and transparent investigation into the incident to determine if someone or some people intentionally engaged in anti-gay discrimination or a hate crime by playing a female’s voice to represent a group of gay men with the purpose of denigrating and/or ridiculing gay men. The historic significance of such an act is not lost on the LGBT community—especially in relation to professional sports—and added to the depth of embarrassment experienced by the singers and their families. We also call upon the City of San Diego City Attorney’s Office and the City of San Diego Human Relations Commission to independently investigate this incident to determine if members of the San Diego Padres organization engaged in activity in violation of the San Diego Human Rights Ordinance or engaged in any deliberate hate crimes based on sexual orientation. For its part, the Padres’ management issued a statement via Twitter “This evening, during the pregame ceremony, a mistake was made in the Petco Park control room that prevented



the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus from performing the National Anthem as scheduled. We apologize to anyone in the ballpark who this may have offended, and have reached out to the Chorus to express our deep regret for the error.” In a late Sunday night update, the Padres tweeted: “After a thorough examination of the events that occurred during last night’s National Anthem, we have concluded our internal investigation and found no evidence of malicious intent on the part of any individuals involved. Based both on the unintentional mistake that was made, as well as the failure to immediately intervene and correct the situation

by those who had oversight, we have terminated our relationship with the third-party contractor who was responsible for the error, and taken disciplinary action against our employee who was responsible for the game production on Saturday.” Billie Bean, Major League Baseball’s Ambassador for Inclusion, said via Facebook, “Unfortunate error during the National Anthem in SD last night, but the Padres have been incredibly supportive and visionary with support of my work, and our inclusive at MLB.” During his professional baseball career, Bean played outfield for the Padres, among other teams. nn


May 26, 2016


SunShine State newS


TRANSforming the Workplace BY MAURA MUMBALL LANE


FORT LAUDERDALE--The Greater Fort Lauderdale Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and TD Bank presented TRANSforming The Workshop Seminar at Hyatt Place in Fort Lauderdale. The workshop was expertly presented and provided crucial information for all employers and highlighted the benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The session was moderated by Gina L. Duncan, Transgender Inclusion Director for Equality Florida and panel guests included Richard Gray, Greater Fort Lauderdale Visitors Bureau, Roxanne James TD Bank, Chris Courtemanche Central Intelligence Agency, and Atticus Ranck of Sunserve. While Fort Lauderdale prides itself as being a top destination for LGBTQ travelers, the outreach to transgender visitors is recent. Richard Gray described his “aha” moment. “One of the things that I like to do is run. One day while on my usual route on A1A, I was thinking about work and I keep thinking, ‘What is this forgotten T?’ I became inspired by the story of Robina Asti and went to my boss and told her that we needed the funds to focus on this important segment of the LGBTQ community. We commissioned a transgender travel study with Community Marketing Insights and learned some important points. The transgender traveler prefers medium sized hotels. Flying is not a problem and TSA is not a problem. Safety from physical and verbal threats are priority. I am proud to report that Fort Lauderdale is the first destination to market to the transgender community. Our campaign is called ‘Where happy meets go lucky.’” TD Bank is insistent on diversity in all aspects of their business. According to Roxanne Jomes, Diversity Relationship Manager, “It’s not only what is right for business but the right thing to do. Employees have the right to be authentically who they are.” TD Bank covers 100% of 20

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transition medical expenses (feminization cosmetic not yet included) and has guidelines for all employees for workplace culture. Roxanne hosts “I’m coming out” podcast for employees focusing on a safe, open and accepting workplace. The Central Intelligence Agency’s missions is to protect all Americans. “We need people Gina L. Duncan, Transgender Inclusion with diverse backDirector for Equality Florida grounds if we are going to protect all Americans,” said ship are helping with the changes in the Chris Courtemanche, the CIA’s LGBT workplace. “There’s a lot of ignorance out outreach program manager. “Twenty years there, we just need to educate.” ago, you could be fired for coming out. “If you hire a transgender person, they My goal is to dispel the question, “You will be your most loyal employee,” acwouldn’t hire me?” The CIA has partnered cording to Atticus Ranck, Director Transwith the NGLCC and many organizations gender services at Sunserve who brought to change the culture. Heritage month, the session to the real world workplace. milestones and reinforcement from leader“Before you recruit, you must train.” Atticus offers employers and staffs training sessions to become transgender competent. “It is important for everyone in the organization to have understanding from the CEO to the receptionist. Preferred names vs legal names, health insurance companies that are transgender inclusive and antidiscrimination policies are all elements of the material provided. Another discussion is the understanding of those who prefer to remain in stealth mode and the necessary understanding of privacy.” “It has never been more important to according to Atticus Ranck, pass than it is now,” said Gina Duncan. Director Transgender “This is more than a discussion of bathrooms. This is an opportunity for emservices at Sunserve ployers to recruit talented and dedicated employees.” nn

If you hire a transgender person, they will be your most loyal employee,”

May 26, 2016


T he

GayborhoodReview By Maura Mumball Lane



witchbox Coffee Roasters opened this week in the new Oakland Park culinary district. Brian and Miriam Protsman are delighted to part of the craft coffee community in South Florida and promise to bring the coffee experience to “the way it should be enjoyed.” Switchbox prepares the beans on site in their shiny and stunning roaster which is the focal point behind the slow brew bar. Pull up a chair and get educated on what a good cup of coffee should be. From the filtered water to the presentation in the cup, you’ll have your brew prepared manually. The name just came from an idea that popped into their heads while brainstorming. The name Switchbox fits as the space is a four-walled box made warm and welcoming with reclaimed wood accents and industrial fixings. “This is meant to be a community space, welcome to everyone,” said Brian. “We liked what is happening in Oakland Park and thought this space was a perfect fit.” On the menu are artesian baked goods from Daniella at Tartastic and treats from local chocolatiers. Tarts, empanadas, loaves, truffles--your barista will suggest the perfect pairing with your coffee. For the tea lovers, Switchbox has joined with a tea master offering a full selection of JoJo teas. Switchbox is located at 3446 NE 12th Avenue and is open daily from 6:30am to 6:00 pm.


May 26, 2016



May 26, 2016



Summer is officially here as the Memorial Day weekend takes center stage. What better way to honor and remember the men and women who died while serving in the country’s armed forces than by enjoying South Florida’s natural splendor. Sometime throughout this weekend, make sure you, your friends and family take advantage of some summer adventures like boating, kayaking, jet skiing and horseback riding. Or kick off the official beach season by attending the Great American Beach Party. 24

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If a group scene is your thing, spend Saturday, May 28 from 10:00 AM until 8:30 PM at the annual Great American Beach Party. This beach bash will include live bands, a DJ, art show, life-size beach games and other activities sure to entertain. Take advantage

of the free transportation to the beach if you park downtown. Take a ride on the Sun Trolley or hop aboard the Water Shuttle to kick start this day of fun in the sun. The South Stage is located at Las Olas Blvd. and A1A; the North Stage is opposite Castillo St. and A1A.

Get out of the city and head fifteen miles southwest of Fort Lauderdale and visit American Horse Trails (4928 SW 198th Terrace, Southwest Ranches, FL 33332; 954-680-8888). For $45 an hour, the friendly guides here will give you the ultimate tropical, wilderness experience as they take you through South Florida’s finest trails. Share the day at this horseback riding location with family and friends and revel in this special Florida naturefest.

Feeling more aquatic? Jet skiing, kayaking and boating are great options for an exciting romp in the water. Head to either of the Atlantic Beach Club’s locations (3008 Alhambra St Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316; 1005 Seabreeze Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316) for a onestop shop offering all ocean sports. Kayak rentals are available for $35 per hour with either single or double capacity. Twelve feet in length, the kayaks include paddles and life preservers. Make an afternoon of it out on the ocean or in the shallow Mangroves and get in some great exercise while you’re at it.

Boats are available from either Atlantic Beach Club location. The 24-foot Four Winns Funship holds a maximum of 13 passengers and rents for $150 an hour, $449 for four hours, or $649 for eight hours. A variety of other boats are also available including ski and fishing boat rentals. For a more in-water experience, hop aboard a Yamaha VX110 jet-ski. Holding one or two passengers, the jet-skis rent for $65 a halfhour or $95 an hour. Atlantic Beach Clubs have some of the newest rentals in Fort Lauderdale at competitive prices.

May 26, 2016


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May 26, 2016

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May 26, 2016





If you’ve never listened to Caffeinated Thoughts Radio, let me get you up to speed. It sounds a lot like one of those drive time morning shows with the chattering hosts who think they are hilarious and laugh at themselves a lot. Except Caffeinated Thoughts is a rightwing Christian show dressed up to seem a little hipper than most (and there are so many) right-wing radio shows. On May 14, hosts Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers interviewed Congressman Steve King, R-Iowa, about President Obama’s directive that public schools must let transgender students use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. The directive comes on the heels of Obama’s Justice Department suing the state of North Carolina over its anti-LGBT law. In fact, if you haven’t seen Attorney General Loretta Lynch affirming her support for trans people and her blistering take down of the law, you need to find it on the interwebs {BOLD now}. You can probably find the video by doing a Google search for “Loretta Lynch punches NC Gov. Pat McCrory in the dick.” Anywho, not everyone is happy about the directive and one of those unhappies is King. Never a friend to 28

May 26, 2016

LGBT people, he has some very inspired thoughts about providing trans students basic decency. “(Obama has) issued a federal decree that they’re going to come after any school that doesn’t allow boys in the girls’ room, girls in the boys’ room, anybody to go into any room that they happen to feel at the moment,” laments King, “and genders can switch on the way to the bathroom.” Granted, Obama did not just call for a bathroom free for all. But considering King’s masterful understanding of gender identity, Obama might as well have. In King’s mind, not only is the girls’ room fair game for boys now, but, like Mike Huckabee before him, King has a weird idea about what presumably cis gender boys with Senioritis are going to do now. “All over America, they’ve got to be lined up right now, the pranksters, going, ‘I’m going to go into the girls’ room,’” King says. “There’s a line-up in some school right now and no school can discipline them because the federal government will come in with the Justice Department and jerk their No Child Left Behind funding and who knows, they might even decide that they’re going to cut the calories and the protein back in

the school lunch program.” Um, yeah. Somehow I doubt this line-up of “pranksters” exists at all, let alone “all over America.” Besides, the directive isn’t about protecting students who are just being little shits and trying to cause trouble. But thank you for sharing what you would do if you were in high school right now, Rep. King. But wait, what’s he saying about the school lunch program? King jokes that Obama wants to make students vegan. “Transgendered (sic) vegans would satisfy them,” King says, cracking up the hosts. Ha. Get it? Transgender vegans. Because both vegans and transgender people might as well be space aliens to King. Lest his hosts think that he’s just kidding, King adds, “It’s the unhumorous humorous reality of how perverse our society has gotten under Barack Obama.” The cure for what ails the U.S.? Prayer in schools, which, according to King, the Supreme Court had no business eliminating back in 1963. I suspect, however, that if anyone has kept prayer in school alive, it has been transgender students who hopefully will no longer have to spend valuable class time praying that they can manage to either pee in peace or hold it until they make it home. nn





Steve King Steven Arnold “Steve” King, born May 28, 1949, is the U.S. Representative for Iowa’s 4th Congressional District, serving in Congress since 2003; the district is located in the northwestern part of the state and includes Sioux City. King is a member of the Republican Party. On April 3, 2009, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that a state ban on same-sex marriage violated the Iowa constitution. King soon commented that the judges “should resign from their position” and the state legislature “must also enact marriage license residency requirements so that Iowa does not become the gay marriage Mecca.” King, along with others, mounted a campaign against the retention of all three Iowa Supreme Court judges who ruled on the gay marriage case. King bought $80,000 of radio advertising across the state calling for Iowans to vote “no” on the judges. Subsequently, all three judges were not retained. On October 7, 2014, King was one of 19 members of Congress inducted into the LGBT civil rights advocacy group Human Rights Campaign’s “Hall of Shame” for his opposition to LGBT equality. In response to the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, in which the court ruled that same-sex marriage is a constitutionally protected right, King has called for a non-binding resolution saying that states may refuse to recognize the decision. King has also called for the abolishment of civil marriage. nn---Kevin Broady

May 26, 2016



May 26, 2016



CORN ON THE GRILL! Planning your Memorial Weekend barbeque? Sweet corn from Florida is a perfect choice. In addition to great taste, corn is also good for you. A whole grain choice, a single ear of corn provides 10% of your daily fiber, contains vitamin folate for cardiovascular health and thiamin (vitamin B1). Whether you call them ears or cobs, it’s time for corn on the grill! Pull out the antique corn holders, open up your spice cabinet and let’s get started. Grilling corn is the best method for cooking corn. Done correctly, you’ll create an almost caramelized crust that will serve as your canvas for adding flavor. Grilling method: Partially husk the corn leaving a handle to tie around the base. Remove any silk between the kernels. Line your naked ears along the grill and rotate as they turn brown. Try these variations for toppings.

All American 5 ears of grilled corn-no husks 4 tablespoons butter Salt and Pepper 10 strips of bacon Preheat oven to 425. Line baking sheet with foil. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter in microwave. Line grilled ears on baking sheet and pour melted butter over ears. Wrap each ear in 2 strips of bacon and cook until bacon is crisp about 25 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Mango Mania 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro 2 large (3 medium) diced mango 1 diced red onion 5 ears of grilled corn with husks ½ cup fresh lime juice 1 diced red pepper 3 tablespoons melted butter Kosher salt Pinch of paprika

In a large mixing bowl toss together mango, red onion, lime juice and red pepper. Brush grilled corn with melted butter and top with mixture. Sprinkle Kosher salt and paprika on top. Honey Siracha Butter You can make this ahead of time and bring out when the cobs come off the grill. 2 sticks of unsalted butter 2 tablespoons minced garlic 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons Siracha ½ teaspoon salt Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Spoon mixture onto a sheet of plastic wrap and roll forming a log. Refrigerate until solid. For more corn recipe ideas, visit May 26, 2016




Romeo San Vicente never feuds, he merely triumphs quietly in all ways.



the Ellen Digital Network, a programming slate that includes the Damn, Daniel kids, an animated series about her own pets called Ellen’s Pet Dish, new episodes of Dance Challenge, a user-generated content show called #MadeByYou, the Ellen Show game called Epic or Fail, and a content development deal with social media star Tyler Oakley. Bottom line: Ellen is taking your mom into the future with her, and you’ll know your own life has jumped the shark when she makes a show out of unicycling frog meme, “Here Come Dat Boi.”


hile you weren’t paying attention, Ellen DeGeneres was gently promoting digital content on daytime TV, making YouTube, Vine and Snapchat understandable and accessible to an entire population usually ignored by those platforms. Who cares if some of it is remedial (like explaining Ryan Gosling “Hey Girl” memes years after their inception)? The point is that she’s basically explaining the internet to people who didn’t know they wanted to care. And this is why her next step as an all-powerful mogul is so potentially lucrative. She’s launching


GBT film has moved past the moment when virtually all the stories produced were about AIDS, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t many more stories to tell about the trauma and devastation of the first wave of the disease. After Louie, a film by first-time feature director Vincent Gagliostro, co-written by Antony Johnston, will look at the perspectives of two generations of men on either side of the timeline. Alan Cumming has been cast as an older artist and activist, a man who survived the ’80s and 32

May 26, 2016

’90s, and who now finds himself in a relationship with a younger man (Zachary Booth) for whom the era is something only heard about second-hand. The film is in the middle of a Kickstarter funding campaign, but the technical team and cast are ready to go: attached in supporting roles are Wilson Cruz, David Drake, Justin Vivian Bond and Joey Arias. We wish them all the Kickstarter luck in the world, but could some power-gay producer just step in and handle this, please? You know who you are.







y now, if you even come close to other human beings who have access to the internet, you’ve already heard about this one: Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange will play Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, respectively, in Ryan Murphy’s new eight-part limited series, Feud. Murphy’s TV domination is an uncontested fact these days, recently bolstered by American Crime Story: The People Vs O.J. Simpson’s sweeping critical approval and great ratings. And this latest effort is going to be catnip to Baby Boomer and senior-age gay men who grew up obsessed with the very real ongoing battle between Crawford and Davis, two stars who loved to hate each other so much that their stunning early 1960s collaboration, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? felt more like real life than fiction. Our not-so-secret wish, though, is for some women on the writing staff to have a Marcia Clark-level of empathy for these two vintage Hollywood warriors. The last thing anyone needs is a typical gay male wallow in comic misogyny. Look, someone has to say this stuff out loud, you know?




S Photo:

till not sure who Teyonah Parris is? Then you’re not watching the right stuff. Already called the “Next Big Thing” by industry trade The Hollywood Reporter, Parris made a big impression as Dawn, the first black secretary hired on Mad Men, before moving on to Justin Simien’s feature Dear White People and starring in Spike Lee’s Chi-Raq. And now she’s in talks to star in Buffalo Soldier Girl, to be directed by Christine Swanson (the upcom-

ing TV movie The Miki Howard Story) from an original script by 2015 Texas Writer of the Year, author Sarah Bird. Set up by the production company Pantheon of Women, the script is based on the true story of a woman named Cathy Williams, who, disguised as a man, enlisted and fought with the African American postCivil-War-era Buffalo Soldiers. The film is expected to shoot in Texas this fall for a 2017 release. Be on the lookout for this one. May 26, 2016




Grace and Frankie - Portrait on a Chair

1 Start of a favorite holiday 6 Drag queen on the make 10 Orchestra section 15 Stroke your boa, e.g. 16 La Traviata solo 17 Porno film ___ 69 18 Spanish painter, with “El” 19 Part of Mapplethorpe’s equipment 20 Try a Susan Feniger cookbook, e.g. 21 Start of what Grace said to Robert about a portrait on a chair 24 P-town summer hrs. 25 Rubber 26 Cluck of condescension 27 B. Bean’s greatest hits 29 Come out on the beach 31 Hot stuff 34 Army base 38 Greek fabulist 42 Composer Copland 43 Soothing agent 44 Words before evil 45 More of what Grace said 48 Scores by David Kopay 49 Arena cry, to Lorca 50 ___-Magnon man 51 On the other hand 52 Suffix with prefer 54 Inventor Otis 57 Xena deity 58 End of what Grace said 61 Opportunity for Glenn Burke 63 Soon, to Shakespeare 64 My Fair Lady composer 67 Elizabeth Perkins’ role in Weeds 68 Billy Masters’ specialty 69 Wong in a 1960 film 70 Went down on a body part 71 Groups of games, to Navratilova 72 Playground retort


1 Car ad stat 2 It’s for sweaters 3 Boat bottom bumpers 4 Jenner’s Olympic event 5 Party to 6 Balls in battle 7 Gladiator area 8 Works the shaft 9 Out 10 Mel’s role with Jodie in Maverick 11 Signature dish of Auden’s land 12 Rainbow flag sticker sites, often 13 Are lousy 14 DC figure 22 “Let’s do it!” 23 Land of singer S. O’Connor 28 Drummer managed by Brian Epstein 30 Opera villain, usually 31 Montmartre menu 32 “Surprise Symphony” composer 33 Like Pepper on Modern Family 34 Social workers’ work 35 “I Could Have Danced ___ Night” 36 Francois Ozon, to himself 37 Inclinations 39 South Beach cooler 40 When actors should come 41 Bishop and Teasdale 46 With 40-Down, Jackie’s designer 47 Interest, slangily 53 Intercourse while surfing? 55 Lint collector 56 Stallion’s sound 57 Colette’s love 59 “Now!” in a hospital 60 Lanchester of Bride of Frankenstein 61 When doubled, defensive fire 62 Ann Heron’s One Teenager in ___ 65 Ill. neighbor 66 Antidiscrimination letters

For the solution to this puzzle go to: 34

May 26, 2016

May 26, 2016





The Unruly World of

Rufus Wainwright

Singer-songwriter on being ‘the gay Elizabeth Taylor,’ giving up on Björk and not jibing with the LGBT community. “I’m not at the psychiatrist’s office.” Rufus Wainwright realizes that now, years later. There was a time, he acknowledges, amused by the notion, that interviews such as the one we’re engaged in passed as therapy. For that reason, the singer and composer is transparent, a book that never closes. 36

May 26, 2016

That frankness has long marked his raw musings, windows into his life as a gay man, as a former drug addict, as a son, as a father. The personal catharsis of his latest work is less discernible. Featuring guest collaborators Helena Bonham Carter, Carrie Fisher, William Shatner, Florence

Welch and sister Martha Wainwright, Take All My Loves: 9 Shakespeare Sonnets adapts the Bard’s work within noticeably non-traditional sonic structures, because this is a Rufus Wainwright album. Before we launch into a wide-ranging conversation – encompassing

issues he sorted through while recording the Shakespearian project, how his “very wry” personality rubs gay people the wrong way, and the Benedict Cumberbatch conundrum – Wainwright says “don’t worry,” reassuring me that even though this isn’t quite psychiatry, “I’m still pretty open.”


AZZOPARDI: Just when I think you’ve reached peaked ambition, you release an album of Shakespeare sonnets set to music. Where do you think your desire to be so outside of the box comes from? WAINWRIGHT: Well, I was never in the closet, I was never in the box… I was never in my right mind! I don’t know. This album, in a lot of ways, is kind of a miracle in the sense that it’s nothing that I ever really planned on or was working toward; it sort of made itself, and all in conjunction, of course, with the 400-year anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. It just so happens that many years ago I was working on a project of the sonnets (Five Shakespeare Sonnets, in 2010) and somehow the work that I was doing with these poems really resonated with all sorts of people, whether it was the San Francisco Symphony wanting arrangements of them or Songs for Lulu (his 2010 album grieving the loss of his mother, Kate McGarrigle) or other singers performing them. In fact, there are a few dance choreographers now who have started to choreograph pieces to the work, so it’s just something that happened, and lo and behold it fell right in line with this 400th anniversary. I just had to facilitate that as much as I could. What a lot of people think is outside of my box is really just me following my brute instincts and going with that fully. I’ve never been able to work otherwise, so I suppose that will continue to be the case. AZZOPARDI: Yes, you seem a bit artistically restless. WAINWRIGHT: Yes. Also, for me, music is where I really – I


mean, speaking about being in a psychiatrist’s office – exorcise a lot of my demons and emotionally confront issues, and in order to do that I can’t really coast now. I have to crack the ice a little bit. That’s the way it is. AZZOPARDI: With this piece in particular, what issues are you confronting? WAINWRIGHT: I think a lot of this is centered around my mother’s illness and death (in 2010), and also aging is in here. I think one of the reasons “A Woman’s Face” is repeated several times – it’s really about an older man kind of fawning over a younger man and that’s a tradition that now I’m on both sides of (laughs). I’ve been a


younger man and I am that older man now, and so I see it from both sides. To have a woman (Anna Prohaska) sing it is very interesting, because that takes it into a whole other mirrored image, which is what’s amazing about Shakespeare – how many reflections (we) can illustrate depending on how old one is or how young one is or what gender one is relating to at that moment. It’s a vortex of possibilities. AZZOPARDI: When it comes to aging, what has been your experience as a middle-aged gay man who’s a public figure? WAINWRIGHT: The catch-22 is that in 20 years – I’m 42 now – I’ll probably look back at this period as really my zenith, when


I was probably the most attractive I’ve ever been. But now that I’m in the middle of it, I’m looking backwards to when I was 22... and when I was 22, I was really miserable! (Laughs) So it’s, “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone,” as Joni Mitchell said. But I think artistically in one’s 40s, you do feel the joint rapture of both experience and still a sense of youth that can combine and really make you feel like you’re in the present. AZZOPARDI: Your cross-genre collaborations are constantly surprising people, and there are some unexpected ones on this album. Who is someone you want to work with that we wouldn’t expect? WAINWRIGHT: The other day my sister Martha had her 40th birthday and we had some people up to the house. One of them was Sufjan Stevens, who I’ve admired for a long time and, yeah, he’d be fun to write a song with. I’ve given up on Björk. She’s not taken my lead. (Laughs) I’m like, “Hey Björk, let’s do this” and she’s, like, hanging out with aliens or something. AZZOPARDI: I saw you in Toronto in 2014 for If I Loved You: Gentlemen Prefer Broadway, which was wonderful. WAINWRIGHT: Thank you. AZZOPARDI: And I’ve seen you many times before, but not in that dynamic, with a bunch of men, many of whom were straight. So I was watching you and, of course, admiring the performances, but I was also noticing the way you interacted with the other fellas on stage and I’m like, “Rufus is such a shameless flirt.” May 26, 2016


WAINWRIGHT: (Laughs) I know! I’m terrible! AZZOPARDI: Have you always been that way? WAINWRIGHT: I have. I’m just built that way. I’m sort of a gay Elizabeth Taylor. AZZOPARDI: When you’re singing a love song with Josh Groban, I can’t blame you. WAINWRIGHT: Yes, yes. He’s a handsome man. AZZOPARDI: Did you get a chance to meet Benedict Cumberbatch while recording the BBC’s The Shakespeare Show: Recorded Live from the Royal Shakespeare Company? WAINWRIGHT: Yeah! I’ve hung out with Benedict a couple of times. He’s... he’s quite the figure. Most amazing thing is, I can’t tell if he’s gorgeous or incredibly ugly. (Laughs) It’s a weird combination. At certain angles, he looks like my aunt, and then at certain angles he looks the man who’s gonna ruin my marriage. AZZOPARDI: A couple of years ago, I was surprised to hear you say you didn’t think you had a big gay following. I’ve been following you since “Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk” and I’m definitely gay. WAINWRIGHT: Aww! Well, thank you. I guess I just feel with the gay community my kind of very wry and frank opinion on things can be misinterpreted. Us queers are kind of a sensitive bunch, so sometimes there’s a bit of a tempest in a teapot (reaction) when I put out certain concepts. Some people enjoy the dialectic of that and other people shy from it and, well, the gay community... it can get a little insular. AZZOPARDI: You never had to make a coming out announcement, so I wonder: How do you feel about famous people coming out making headlines in 2016? WAINWRIGHT: Yeah, well… I mean, it’s good that they’re doing it. (Hesitates) I don’t know. I just... it’s still to be applauded because the sad truth is we are living in reactionary times now and whether it’s Donald Trump or ISIS, there is this kind of tremendous backlash to a lot of the advancements that have been made in the last 20 38

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years, and so I think it’s probably harder in certain places to be gay now than it was a while ago. The pendulum has started to swing the other way. So, as long as people are coming out and continuing the battle, then I think it’s good. AZZOPARDI: I know you have a lot of opinions on today’s pop divas. So Lady Gaga, Adele and Beyoncé: Which would you f*ck, marry, kill? WAINWRIGHT: F*ck, marry, kill – oh boy. Dangerous. I guess I would marry Adele. Ahh, I would, you know, f*ck Gaga and kill Beyoncé. AZZOPARDI: Did you not like Lemonade? WAINWRIGHT: I just, ahhh... whatever. I was only given a few choices, so it’s not my fault. (Laughs) AZZOPARDI: You don’t have any tour stops in North Carolina, but what’s your take on how artists are handling the situation regarding House Bill 2, the “bathroom bill”? And if you did have a date there, what would you do? WAINWRIGHT: This relates back to what I said before: I think that any kind of pushback against this rising wave of right-wing extremism coming from large sectors in the world is a positive act. What’s good about the North Carolina thing is, I mean, I think the artists are doing their part, which is great, but I think it’s also the business leaders who are really pulling the money out of the state that’s gonna really make a huge difference. It’s all people working in conjunction from all different fields that’s important. And yeah, I’d probably pull out. AZZOPARDI: So, no North Carolina shows anytime soon? WAINWRIGHT: No, and I don’t have any gigs there. I’ll go to the ladies room one time in protest and scare everybody. (Laughs) AZZOPARDI: You’re restaging Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall on June 16-17 in New York and June 23-24 in Toronto. How will the music and the show reflect the way the world’s changed in the last 10 years since you first performed it? WAINWRIGHT: The main reason I’m doing the show again is to


see what condition my voice is in. I mean, I have an inkling that it’s at the top if its game, and the only way to really prove that is to sing that material, so it’s more of a practical exercise for me to do this show again. I’ve been working very hard on my singing over the years and I want to show that off, but on a more philosophical level: I originally did this show because of my broken feelings toward the Iraq War. I needed something to remind me of how great America could be when it wanted to be, and sadly we’re in the same predicament with Donald Trump and this racist, sexist blowback. I don’t know, it just seems to be something that occurs every 10 years in the United States and I’m happy that the Judy show is gonna be back out there again because it is all the good that this country can represent. AZZOPARDI: Regarding your

voice: Haven’t you already proven yourself as a singer? WAINWRIGHT: Well, I’m a big opera fan and in the world of opera, you don’t really hit your stride until you’re in your 40s vocally. That’s when you get all the big roles, so it’s just more of a personal thing. I’m not trying to prove it to anybody; I’m just proving it to myself, and also just to be really on top of the material. I loved doing Judy the first time because it was this kind of mad rollercoaster ride that I just attached myself to with handcuffs (laughs) and went along with, but this time I feel like I can hold onto the reigns a little better and just really nail it. AZZOPARDI: You’ve done Judy and Shakespeare. Which other legendary figures intrigue you enough to make you want to dedicate an entire album’s worth of material to their work? WAINWRIGHT: The figure that’s

kind of looming all of a sudden – I’m just hearing little squeaks of this in my psyche, but I’m a big (William) Blake fan. I love Blake. Who knows. Maybe something like that. I’d also like to do a French record at some point to just sort of, you know, loosen it in up a bit. (Laughs) And of course there are my own songs from my own life, so there are a lot of possibilities. AZZOPARDI: And the Shakespeare character that you call your spirit animal? WAINWRIGHT: Oh, gee. I would say I’ve always wanted to be Titania from a Midsummer Night’s Dream, because I’m a sad queen, really. (Laughs) Chris Azzopardi is the editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBT wire service. He once made Jane Fonda cry. Reach him via his website at and on Twitter (@chrisazzopardi).


n August 23, 2012 Rufus Wainwright and Jörn Weisbrodt married in Montauk, New York. Wainwright and Weisbrodt have a daughter in a parenting partnership with friend Lorca Cohen. May 26, 2016


n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n By Patrick Robert

T he Week entertainment calendar



nevents nnightlife ntheatre nexhibits


THURSDAY 5/26 @ 8:00PM Delray Beach Playhouse Agatha Christie’s first stage play Black Coffee follows her beloved detective Hercule Poirot and his friend Arthur Hastings as they visit the famous physicist Sir Claud Amory. Unfortunately, upon arriving at his estate, they find Amory murdered. They must figure out who the culprit is amongst such interesting suspects as a doctor who is an expert in rare chemicals, a famous female spy, and a manservant who may be working for a foreign government. 8:00 p.m. Delray Beach Playhouse. 950 Lake Shore Dr. Delray Beach. 33444.


FRIDAY 5/27 @ 11:00PM Faena Theater Miguel’s sleeper hit debut All I Want Is You showcases the acclaimed singer’s versatile songwriting and vocal ability and became a minor hit in 2010, garnering the LA-based recording artist critical acclaim for his mix of R&B, funk, hip hop, rock, and electronic styles. His 2012 album Kaleidoscope Dream brought him more commercial attention and a Grammy Award for Best R&B Song for the single “Adorn.” Tonight’s performance will include music from his recent, most successful album Wildheart. 11:00 p.m. Faena Theater. 3201 Collins Ave. Miami Beach. 33140.



SATURDAY 5/28 @ 3:00PM Actors’ Playhouse Actors’ Playhouse’s free film series matches theatre with live movies. Tonight’s film is Richard Donner’s 1980s staple The Goonies. Stephen Spielberg and Chris Columbus wrote the screenplay for the film which follows a group of misfits who try to find a pirate’s ancient buried treasure in order to save their home from foreclosure. Hijinks, relationships, and mysterious booby traps make this a classic film beloved by children and young adults for decades. 3:00 p.m. Actors’ Playhouse. 280 Miracle Mile. Coral Cables. 33134.



SATURDAY 5/28 @ 8:00PM Palm Beach Improv Frequent The View cohost Rachel Feinstein enjoys tackling issues of both ethnic and gender stereotypes in her hilarious standup routines. The comedian was a finalist on season 7 of Last Comic Standing and has made frequent contributions to Amy Schumer material, including appearing in the show Inside Amy Schumer and the film Trainwreck. Feinstein also had a bit part as a comedian playing herself in the recent Stephan Littger film Her Composition. 8:00 p.m. Palm Beach Improv. 550 S. Rosemary Ave. West Palm Beach. 33401.


FRIDAY 5/27 @ 8:00PM Fort Lauderdale Improv This high-powered comedienne has become a sensation across the country with her telling-it-likeit-is brand of humor. She first started perfecting her skills while working as a postal worker, keeping nightshift workers alert with her humor. Since then, she has broken through big time, even having once acted as the opener for Tracy Morgan, a huge influence on her work. Her comedic sets have been featured on shows like Def Comedy Jam, Chapelle’s Show, and O.W.N.’s Herlarious. Her newest series Black Jesus currently airs on Adult Swim. 8:00 p.m. Fort Lauderdale Improv. 5700 Seminole Way. Hollywood. 33314. 40

May 26, 2016


SUNDAY 5/29 @ 1:00PM Revolution Live Since their eponymous debut album, Young the Giant has found relative alternative music scene success with singles “My Body,” “Cough Syrup,” and “Apartment.” The Californian quintet are known for their poppy vocal hooks and their intense guitar riffs. They will be performing at Revolution Live along with Joywave, Bear Hands, Jr. Jr., the Strumbellas, and Finish Ticket. 1:00 p.m. Revolution Live. 100 SW Third Ave. Fort Lauderdale. 33312.

Margo Price, Midwest Farmer’s Daughter Rural flavor meets Southern sizzle and, naturally, the dive bar down the street on Margo Price’s superbly drawn Midwest Farmer’s Daughter. The Nashville singer-songwriter is heated during the jukebox jam “Since You Put Me Down,” directing her drinking problem – and a prayer that requests her “voice haunt you above the ground” – at a cheat. A compliment to both Price and her throwback style, the cheeky song could be mistaken for a Tammy Wynette cover. Heck, the entirety of Midwest Farmer’s Daughter, with its hardwon narratives and vintage production, and all the way through the mellifluous coda “World’s Greatest Loser,” is a classic country stunner.

Lukas Graham, Lukas Graham At 11, Danish child actor-turned-pop star Lukas Graham Forchhammer was “smoking herb” and heeding to his father’s advice to “go get yourself a wife or you’ll be lonely” because he didn’t know the difference. He distills that truth into “7 Years,” his personal verity and the launch track for his band’s respectable debut. Ed Sheeran, Jason Mraz, Gavin DeGraw, Five for Fighting – the comparisons are apparent. From the rollicky Annie-sampled “Mama Said” to the pained “Happy Home” and the churchy campfire sing-along “Funeral,” this is old-soul folk-pop designed for maximum cross-generational appeal.

May 26, 2016




entertainment calendar

T he Week nevents ntheatre

nnightlife nexhibits


MONDAY 5/30 @ 2:00PM South Florida Fairgrounds The 13th Annual Jerk and Caribbean Culture Festival celebrates the exotic food and rhythmic beats that make Caribbean culture so special. The Memorial Day event includes a Jerk Cook-Off Competition along with live music from a range of entertainment acts. Expected performers include Luciano, Dexta Daps, Elephant Man, and Freddie McGregor. The event will also have a special section devoted to kids’ activities. 2:00 p.m. South Florida Fairgrounds. 9067 Southern Blvd. West Palm Beach. 33411.

Cyndi Lauper, Detour


irls just want to have… a country album? If you’re Cyndi Lauper and your repertoire is as delightfully ADHD as hers – the American Songbook, pop ear-candy, the blues, a damn musical (she won a Tony for Kinky Boots) – the next “logical step” is, well, inevitably illogical. But hearing the “Time After Time” singer channel good ol’ honkytonk alongside a mélange of veterans isn’t so unusual after all; in fact, Lauper sings this collection of country classics as if she never even turned the pop world upside down three decades ago with a string of bubbly hits and timeless power ballads. She did, of course, but on Detour, she sinks her cowboy boots so far into Nashville soil it’s hard to believe this is the same Cyndi whose polished pop songs continue to abide under the disco glow of the gay clubs. Even so, Cyndi’s personality and charisma is intact, from the yelpy runs on Guy Mitchell’s 1959 No. 1 single “Heartaches by the Numbers” to the husband-and-wife razzing she and Vince Gill partake in on “You’re the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly.” Lauper’s version of Patsy Cline’s “I Fall to Pieces” is a staggering achievement. Just listen to the way Lauper enters the track, her voice low and husky and, through and through, divine; yes, hand over the Best Female Country Vocal Grammy right now. Skeeter Davis’ 1963 hit “End of the World” also gets a lovely Lauper reading as well. That quiver near the end? Ah, nice touch. Though the singer recently confirmed that she’s working on another Broadway musical, let’s hope she laces up her cowgirl boots and takes another detour as radical and rich as this. 42

May 26, 2016

Rihanna, ANTI


ihanna can sing. Soar and dip and drop – she’s no Adele (because who is?) but when the unassuming Barbadian pop princess commits herself, it’s a magical awakening. So if creative differences are the reason behind RiRi’s decision to split with longtime label Def Jam (she’s now with Jay Z’s Roc Nation), going in for the vocal kill, as she does on “Love on the Brain,” is the best kind of record-label retribution. The swaying slowie is refreshingly not-Rihanna, unless you’ve envisioned that Ri’s time offstage is spent belting Etta James’ classics. That’s what this soul throwback resembles, after all. Her fluttery voice is dramatic and full, and she slays every syllable, channeling her inner vocal goddess. ANTI, the “Umbrella” singer’s surprise drop, then, resists the Rihanna we knew, the one who wasn’t known for the kind of avant-garde, Beyoncé-like wildcard that ANTI is. Let her pointedly remind you that she, too, can dig deep and pour her innermost feelings all over a solo piano, which she does on “Close to You.” Listen as she lashes out at an ex-beau, which she does atop the slinky grind of “Needed Me.” Yes, like 2009’s head-turner Rated R, Rihanna excels when she challenges not just herself but those who expect the superficiality of her baity-and-sometimes-bland singles, from “S&M” (bland) to “We Found Love” (not bland). That’s not to say that now, eight albums in, Rihanna is getting everything right (that grating Drake collaboration, “Work,” is a bust), but her persona-altering diversions are less eager to please and more eager to be everything you thought she couldn’t be.


TUESDAY 5/31 @ 8:00PM Delray Beach Playhouse Tonight’s program focuses on the Broadway shows known as “jukebox musicals”—a term that was first used to describe Ain’t Misbehavin’, the popular 1978 revue of Fats Waller songs. That musical was followed by a string of revues showcasing the songs of other songwriters like Duke Ellington, Johnny Mercer, and Leiber and Stoller and critics began using the phrase “jukebox musical” to describe this hybrid shows. 8:00 p.m. Delray Beach Playhouse. 950 NW Ninth St. Delray Beach. 33444.

n SATCHMO AT THE WALDORF WEDNESDAY 6/01 @ 8:00PM Palm Beach Dramaworks Wall Street Journal theater critic Terry Teachout’s play follows Louis Armstrong (nicknamed Satchmo) backstage near the Empire Room at New York’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel in 1971. Armstrong is four months from death, breathing into an oxygen tank, but he is full of stories and music. He talks of his humble beginnings in New Orleans, his musical triumphs, and how he knocked the Beatles off the top of the charts with the song “Hello, Dolly!” 8:00 p.m. Palm Beach Dramaworks. 201 Clematis St. 33401.

May 26, 2016


n n n n n


Making Your Summer Body a Lifestyle n Many people start their new year with a resolution to lose weight. Some break the pledge right away, while some keep up their weight loss goals for a few months before giving up. No matter how long the initial New Year’s resolution lasts, however, most people need help to make their weight loss goals and summer body a consistent reality. At our offices, we’ve found that many people get discouraged because, consciously or unconsciously, they think of health and weight loss as a seasonal thing. Once summer weather cools and they get back into jeans and sweaters, many of our patients give themselves permission to indulge in unhealthy food and By sedentary living. A better Dr. Ferdinand solution is to make your Cabrera summer body part of your lifestyle—not a seasonal goal. This isn’t about being a certain clothing size or weight; it’s about maintaining optimum health for twelve months of the year. Here are some key tips for staying healthy year round.

wEATING RIGHT When you talk to a doctor about health and weight loss goals, the first thing that comes up will probably be your diet. We all know what eating right means—plenty of leafy greens and lean proteins, whole grains, and small amounts of sugar. However, most of us don’t eat right consistently. There are many reasons for not eating right, but one of the biggest is feeling deprived and hungry. Many of our patients have tried diets that restrict food or require heavy caloriecounting. For example, they go on diets that stipulate not having any carbs for two weeks

or eating only vegetables and fruits. As a result, these patients battle food cravings and end up “cheating” on the diet. You shouldn’t go on a diet unless your doctor recommends it, and even then, the diet should be healthy. I recommend the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fruit, vegetables, and whole grains but also allows “splashes” of healthy fats like those found in olive oil.

wEXERCISE Our bodies were designed to move, so regular, moderate exercise is a must. Many people say they don’t have time for exercise and that they find it difficult or boring. This is why it’s so important to find exercises that work for you. If you only have 10-20 minutes per day, lift weights at home or do short aerobics videos. Anything that works your muscles and heart is good for you. Also, make sure you aren’t bored with exercise. Change up the machines you use at the gym. If you’re comfortable with only a few machines, change factors like speed or resistance. Listen to a book on tape or music, or watch television if you’re exercising indoors. If you prefer to exercise outside, take your pet or a friend with you so you can all get fit together.



Of course, the best thing you can drink to maintain a healthy body is water. Many studies have been done on how much water you should drink daily, but the answer varies depending on many factors. While a glass of red wine is beneficial to your health, overindulging in alcohol is not wise! Whenever possible, drink in moderation, and always drink plenty of water when consuming alcoholic beverages.

w SEE YOUR DOCTOR Sometimes, weight loss doesn’t seem to happen no matter what we eat or how much we exercise. In these cases, factors like genetics, thyroid, or hormones may be to blame. For instance, if you’re a man with low testosterone, your hormone levels could be keeping you from peak physical performance. Women can have similar issues because of the imbalance of estrogen and other hormones.nn

See your doctor right away for a personalized nutrition plan if you suspect problems like these. If you need more information or want to schedule a consultation or appointment, Dr. Ferdinand Cabrera can be reached at his Genesis offices at 954-956-9556. 44

May 26, 2016

May 26, 2016





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HEALTH Ocean Therapy Center 2530 NE 15th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-351-2299/


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The Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-463-9005 /


Out of the Closet 2097 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-358-5580 /


Dennis Dean Images 3554 NE 12th Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 954-240-8307 /

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Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-1041 /

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INSURANCE Dunham Fort Lauderdale 2601 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 303 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-564-7772 /

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FITNESS Pump’n Inc Tom Bonanti 1271 NE 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-557-1119 / 46

May 26, 2016

REAL ESTATE Robert Geary MacKilligan on Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-234-8759 / Joe Grano Realtor 1881 NE 26th Street, Suite 212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-931-0031 /

We Insure 1975 E Sunrise Blvd, Suite 602 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-903-7519 /

Etz Chaim 2038 N Dixie Hwy Pride Ctr Bldg B Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-9232 / Source Events 605 Lincoln Road, #410 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-9779 /


Genesis Health Institute 1001 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-561-3175 / Better Hearing-World of Sounds 2450 E Commercial Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954-491-2560

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May 26, 2016




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May 26, 2016

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