Agenda 060216 issue 341

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June 02, 2016



June 02, 2016

June 02, 2016



June 02, 2016

June 02, 2016



T I C K E T S AVA I L A B L E O N L I N E AT W W W.T I C K E T M A ST E R .CO M T H E B ROWA R D C E N T E R B OX O FF I C E O R BY P H O N E AT ( 8 0 0 ) 745 - 3 0 0 0



June 02, 2016

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Random thoughts from social media and beyond this week

Christian rock star Trey Pearson has come out as gay saying, “I grew up in a very conservative Christian home where I was taught that my sexual orientation was a matter of choice, and I had put all my faith into that. I had never before admitted to myself that I was gay, let alone to anyone else. I never wanted to be gay. I was scared of what God would think and what all of these people I loved would think about me; so it never was an option for me. I have been suppressing these attractions and feelings since adolescence. I’ve tried my whole life to be straight. I married a girl, and I even have two beautiful little kids. I finally decided to come out because I couldn’t keep trying to be something that I wasn’t.”

WATER POLO STAR ON SPAIN’S NATIONAL TEAM HAS COME OUT AS GAY AHEAD OF THE SUMMER OLYMPICS IN RIO. Víctor Gutiérrez, 25, he said, “My family knows I’m gay, my friends too and I’m living in such a positive way with my sexuality that I felt a responsibility to share it with others.”

Richard Dreyfuss trolls Donald Trump on Twitter: “The saddest people aren’t Donald Trump’s supporters. They’re really struggling. It’s Donald Trump’s celebrity supporters who are whores.” Of having met Trump once at a party in Malibu, Dreyfuss says, “He acted like a small dicked prick.” The tweets have since been deleted.

In a recent interview, Nick Jonas said he can’t deny having had same-sex sex. On Kingdom, I have a sex scene with a guy. To clarify, Jonas says he’s only been intimate with men in front of the camera. He added, “But it’s my lips, it’s my hands, it’s my body, even if I’m playing a character. So technically I have done that so I wouldn’t say I haven’t, because that would be lying. But as me, Nick, I am very open about who I am and that I have nothing to prove. I know what I am, I’ve been honest about that.”

a President Obama’s official proclamation marking this June Pride Month, he said, “I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people” June 02, 2016



The week reflected back through fabulously funny eyes

GIVING UP ON HUMANITY. With the gorilla/zoo incident, parenting should be a privilege that comes with some sort of responsibility certification for all people. SOUTHERN FRIED FURNITURE. Why the hell does Paula Dean have a furniture line with Baer’s furniture? Do the beds come with butter dispensers or something? Do you get diabetes if you buy two bedside lamps and a coffee table? THE NEW VODKA DIET. I’m extremely health conscious! I always eat the celery in my Bloody Mary, god*mmit! A TRAIN WREAK WAITING TO HAPPEN. Oh my God, someone found Tara Reid along with some spare change between the cushions from a couch at the Salvation Army and gave her a new reality show. Why? At this point it’s bound to end up like a snuff film! HOW DO YOU SPELL SUCCESS. I’ve enrolled a life coach team to help me deal with my life. Halle Berry for dating/marriage advice and Toni Braxton as my financial adviser. What could possibly go wrong? SWEATING TO THE CRACK. It’s that lovely time of year in South Florida where you step out of the shower into a suit and tie, and immediately start sweating more profusely than Whitney Houston onstage or Lindsay Lohan at a random court-ordered piss test. PRANK PHONE CALLS. If anybody wants to have a little fun today, call this number. 904-410-8394 It’s another one of those IRS “we have a warrant out for your arrest” numbers. I got the woman so agitated she yelled, “f*ck you!” to me and hung up. Have fun! THE GOSSIP GAME. So I see that Donald Trump employs the old schoolyard bully “drive by shooting tactic” on all his opponents, both Republican and Democrat. Make up or support some absolutely flagrantly untrue rumor about somebody. Leave it out there cryptically, and don’t be man enough to correct himself or apologize if the report is incorrect. It is astounding to me that this man could potentially win the White House with the same tactics and mentality of the fat schoolyard bully picking on the smaller kids for their lunch money. Pathetic. BARBARA BUSH RULES. The Queen of Shade! Babs will cut a bitch without disturbing her pearls!

Adam Cohen is South Florida’s favorite and most fabulous social commentator. He’s also single. Find him on Facbook to keep up with his hilarious take on the week’s headlines. 8

June 02, 2016

June 02, 2016


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June 02, 2016

News Briefs Go to for other exclusive stories. FLORIDA

Massachusetts Gov. would sign pro transgender bill

Boyd Corbin in bid to unseat Wilton Manors mayor Gary Resnick

Longtime resident Boyd Corbin has filed to run for Mayor of Wilton Manors, a position currently held by Gary Resnick, now in his fourth term. Corbin lost his previous run for the office in 2014. Then, as now, Corbin is running on a platform that includes building a 300 space multilevel parking garage at the corner of 21st Court and Wilton Drive, stop the initiative to reduce Wilton Drive to a two-lane road from its current four lanes, police Colohatchee Park to deter sexual acts on the boardwalk and in bathroom, and make parking free until 6 pm on Wilton Drive.

POLITICAL Trump says it’s “too expensive” to give transgender rights

Last week’s The O’Reilly Factor, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump said that it would cost “hundreds of billions of dollars” to create gender-neutral bathrooms. Trump was responding to a question from host Bill O’Reilly about the federal Department of Education guidance to schools for the handling of transgender students. O’Reilly had incorrectly called the guidelines “a directive” and said it would “basically put people who are transitioning from one sex to another, but haven’t done it biologically yet in a locker room, so you would have little girls, 8 to 11 or 12, with a boy who wants to be a girl in the same shower, conceivably, that could happen.”


Amazon renews Jeffrey Tambor’s Transparent for fourth season

Transparent has been renewed for a fourth season, the Florida Agenda has learned. The series, starring Jeffrey Tambor, follows the adventure of a transgender woman who comes out to her three adult children, after having lived years as a lonely divorce man. Tambor won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series. Joe Lewis of Amazon Studios said: “As the quality of television rises to new heights, Transparent continues to stand out for its depth of character, compassionate storytelling and its infinite creative risk-taking. We’re grateful that customers have responded so enthusiastically to the Pfefferman family and we’re excited to bring them another chapter of their story.” nn

Putin refuses to see Elton John

MOSCOW--Elton John performed to a capacity crowd at a Moscow concert Hall last Monday, and during the performance thanked Russian president Vladimir Putin for inviting him to “discuss some serious issues in Russia, including LGBT and HIV and AIDS.” Unfortunately, Putin ultimately refused to see the worldfamous singer in a private audience. John said that he still held hope that “eventually” the two will meet. Earlier in the year, John had been openly outspoken about his disapproval of a Russian law which forbids gay “propaganda” in the country. In addition, Putin has gone on the record stating that he feels that gay people prey on children. nn

BOSTON (AP) - Gov. Charlie Baker says he would sign a bill banning discrimination against transgender people in public accommodations if it includes language sought by House leaders. The promise on Tuesday comes after the Republican governor for months declined to say whether he would sign the bill, which would allow individuals to use restrooms that correspond with their gender identity, among other things. Baker said in a statement the House version of the bill - scheduled for debate on Wednesday - would address concerns about people abusing the law by claiming gender identity for “improper” reasons. nn

Transgender man beaten to death in Vermont

BURLINGTON, VT (AP) – Vermont police say a man badly beaten at a homeless encampment in Burlington last week has died of his injuries. Burlington Police Chief Brandon del Pozo says in a statement that 38-year-old Amos Beede, of Milton, died May 29 at the University of Vermont Medical Center of injuries that included head trauma, facial fractures and broken ribs.Del Pozo says Beede was a transgender man and a hate crime hasn’t been ruled out as a possible motive. nn

Transgender person becomes face of job equality in China

BEIJING (AP) - A 28-year-old transgender man who goes by the name of “Mr. C” has become the public face of the fight for job equality in China, where sexual and gender minorities are only beginning to emerge from virtual invisibility. The man, who keeps his real name secret to protect his parents’ privacy, is fighting his dismissal from a medical testing center in court and is seeking a ruling stating that no one should be discriminated against on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. nn June 02, 2016


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SPECIAL FEATURE Revolutionary Singer/Activist

C y nd i L auper BY DARIUS DUPINS


Revolutionary is often used loosely to describe various pop artists. Certainly, Madonna was revolutionary in the way the toaster was in the early 19th century. Cyndi Lauper on the other hand is revolutionary. First song: “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” was a feminist statement that highlighted that females want the same equality and recognition that males had in society. Her enduring undulating, sparkling synths, her quirky voice and the pop sensibilities are straight from the pop music bible. Moreover, the revolutionary Lauper has made an impact not only in pop culture but in the LGBT community as well. She is an LGBT activist, and is a part of three different causes that cater to our community: True Colors Fund, The Forty to None Project, and the Give a Damn Campaign. The True Colors Fund, co-founded by Lauper, works to engage and inspire everyone, straight people included, to engage in activism for the LGBT community. Most impor-


June 02, 2016

tantly, this fund seeks to create safe spaces in which young people can be their true selves. The Forty to None program is a public engagement project that seeks to end homelessness among LGBT youth. Through community organizing, public engagement, public policy, research and youth collaboration programs this program strives to end homelessness among LGBT youth. The Give a Damn campaign is in the same vain as Lauper’s True Color Fund. It is for everybody who cares about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality and points out the fifteen issues threatening our community, including health care, immigration and hate crimes. Ellen Lauper, a name unfamiliar to the general public, is the catalyst for all the activist work her younger sister, Cyndi Lauper, has done and continues to do. With Ellen as a role model, Cyndi got involved in gay rights advocacy because of her passion for equality among all. For the past 18 years, Lauper has celebrated the memory of

Matthew Shepard, including writing her song “Above the Clouds” showcasing his life. Lauper also donates $1 from every ticket sold to her ‘True Colors’ North American tour to the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT civil rights advocacy group and political lobbying organization in the U.S. After starting up the Forty to None Project in 2012 and learning that 10 percent of the 40 percent of American youth that identify as LGBT are homeless, Lauper set up the True Colors Residence in New York City for these youths. The residence includes 30 beds and offers temporary shelter and job placement. While other celebrities has created charity foundations

aimed at HIV/AIDS research, it is refreshing to see Lauper step out of the box to encourage straight allies to take the initiative and become involved in LGBT causes as well. Lauper recently returned to the music world with Detour, a collection of country song covers. The album features Willie Nelson, Alison Krauss, Jewel, and among others. Lauper is currently on tour in support of the album. Accompany her on the road is longtime friend and fellow 80s icon, Boy George at select venues. Lauper is performing at the Mizner Park Amphitheater in Boca Raton, FL on June 11. Lauper is reportedly set to mix classic, country songs with some of her best-loved hits. Call it revolutionary. nn



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Robert “Bobby” Blair Founder & Chairman of the Board

June 02, 2016


2000 Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 106 | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Phone: 954-380-8563 |

Publisher: Maura Mumball Lane Editor-In-Chief: Richard Hack - Art Director: Kevin Broady





There is nothing more disappointing than unfulfilled promise. Such is the position in which many gays are now finding themselves when watching the performance of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders over the past several weeks. We’re certain By you’ve Richard heard about the ad hoc Hack group of HIV activists who scheduled an appointment with Sanders last month, only to have it cancelled two days before the event. (This after all the last minute highpriced plane tickets had been booked.) The meeting, of course, was rescheduled last week, and seemed to have been a success until after the meeting was over. In an official release from the Sanders campaign, the campaign said that, “U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday met with national HIV/AIDS advocates to discuss the epidemic and his support for a California ballot initiative to lower prices for taxpayer-supported AIDS treatments.” Unfortunately, such was not the case. 14

June 02, 2016

While the meeting took place, there was only a passing mention of the California ballot initiative, and that was from the ad hoc HIV advocates who are not in favor of the suggested legislation. In an open letter from the group to Sanders, the HIV advocates said, “As 19 representatives of the coalition, nearly half of whom are either based in or affiliated with organizations in California, we are deeply concerned as this may now appear as if we were exploited for short-term political gain leading up to the imminent California Presidential Primary Election. “Your campaign’s release title and the bulk of its content mislead readers and the press to believe that our May 25 meeting was primarily focused on your endorsement of a California ballot initiative on HIV drug pricing. By extension, it also implies that our national HIV/AIDS coalition also fully endorses this initiative. Both these characterizations are inaccurate.” Phone calls to the Sanders campaign for explanation remained unanswered, then as now. It is obvious this candidate who claims to represent the grassroots had his own self-interest at heart in a last minute effort to attract attention to himself for the upcoming California primary—a primary he is not expected to win. Michael Emanuel Rajner, our local activist who attended the

meaning continued to reach out even as he kept traveling for the HIV cause. After attending the meeting Rajner next took to the road to attend the HIV Is Not a Crime II Training Academy Conference in Huntsville, Alabama. Hillary Clinton opens the wellattended event. Bernie Sanders was nowhere in sight. According the Rajner, he had reached out to Sanders to at the very least record a video to be played at the conference. “I continually reached out to Senator Bernie Sanders campaign in not only the weeks and days leading up to the conference, but also during the conference to request they also provide a video message. Sanders campaign never provided such a video in the days after even though I strongly encouraged them to do so. So much for a grassroots campaign.” According to Rajner, posting

on Facebook, “The campaign has not apologized for their erroneous claims made against one of our members, nor have they returned any of my numerous emails or phone calls asking for them to meet with interested stakeholders in California to hear their concerns on the CA ballot proposition. Personally, I was more hopeful when the meeting initially concluded, but in the days following, deeply disappointed in a campaign that claims to be more in touch with the grassroots. How much more grassroots can you get then a group of AIDS activists?” A very good question.

Richard Hack is the award-winning author of 26 books, and the Vice President of Content for Multimedia Platforms’ publications.

It is obvious this candidate who claims to represent the grassroots had his own self-interest at heart”


A Bad Discount n The one thing about social media is it isn’t always social. All one has to do is post a comment or an article that someone disagrees with and you’d think it was the 4th of July the way what I’ll call “firewords” show up--and a lot. It happens almost, if not daily and without fail, and in every election year. What some see as their passion actually draws disrespect toward others. Each of us has a soap box we stand on when it comes to the cause(s) that are near and dear to our heart(s), whether it be from our community involvement or candidates running for office, both local and not. By Rev. Many times (not all), discussions become very Joel heated and sometimes Slotnick downright indignant. It is one thing to have a strong opinion and voice what you believe in, but when you start calling someone else (especially those who are supposedly “friends”) truly nasty or vile names or wishing death on another, it makes you step back and re-think the actual relationship (if there is one) with that person. Words like dumb and ignorant come to mind too, but I guess that becomes petty and thin-skinned. Face to face conversations/debate is usually a good thing to happen when possible, because you’re right there looking at one another. However, having a debate over social media is a whole different ballgame altogether. You can’t hear a tone, you can’t see body language, or any human action for that matter. Instead, you read words, which many times are taken out of context, because we all have a tendency to read something which may have a different intent than was to be portrayed. And there are other times when what you read is what the person meant. Eventually, you’ll find out which. There are also those who get upset if you don’t see eye-to-eye when talking about candidates, especially within your own party and no matter what the comment. You dared to oppose. A little over two months ago, I posted on

Facebook my feelings about the endorsement of a particular person. The person is considered an ally. It’s great when a person is there to support the LGBT community, but that doesn’t mean other parts of that person don’t exist. It shouldn’t mean that person is can only be seen in a favorable light; nor does it mean any negative things about the person should be overlooked. Good Lord, you would have thought I was asking for the person be executed the way I was jumped on by one of their supporters. Looking at myself, there are people who value my opinion and consider my words worthy. But that doesn’t negate that there are others who don’t, and I’m fine with that. When you’re in the public eye, it goes with the territory. That’s life and we can’t please everyone. However, I’m not going to chastise someone because we’re not on the same page. That’s why it’s called an opinion, and each of us are entitled to our own. Now that people are feverishly discussing Bernie, Donald and Hillary (let me clarify I put the names alphabeticall--not any other reason), people are getting even more hyped and calling


others out like there will be no tomorrow and many comments are far from standard dislike. The next few months will be far from pretty. What happened to the old phrase agree to disagree? IT IS OKAY to think unlike someone else. IT IS OKAY not to see eye to eye. IT IS OKAY to not like the same thing someone else does. IT IS OKAY to be different. IT IS OKAY to disagree. IT ISN’T OKAY to discount someone because they aren’t you. I leave you with the words of Bernice Johnson Reagon: “There is nowhere you can go and only be with people who are like you. Give it up.” nn

Rev. Joel S. Slotnick is an ordained Interfaith minister and full time digital court reporter. He can be found on Facebook and followed on Twitter.


June 02, 2016



The War on LGBT Rights Just Got Worse



In the first four months of 2016, 200 anti-LGBT bills were introduced in 34 states, according to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Things were only getting started. War has now been officially declared. Just this past week, Republicans in Congress took their persecution of the LGBT community to new heights — or should we say lows — when they voted down their own energy and water bill in order to defeat an LGBT rights amendment embedded within it. The amendment had been introduced by Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY) to restore the rights of LGBT employees by barring the BY government LINDA from payPENTZ ing federal contractors that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. The House passed it 223-195 with the support of 43 Republicans. It was the second attempt by Maloney, who is openly gay, to get the legislation into a bill after some 11th hour shenanigans by Republican House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) caused a surprise defeat a week earlier. Also passed — before the energy and water bill was itself


June 02, 2016

defeated — was an amendment introduced by Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) that would exempt religious groups from the Obama administration’s directives to federal contractors and public schools. Minority Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) denounced the Byrne amendment as a “vile crusade against LGBT Americans” and “a complete disgrace.” Doubtless this is not the end of the story and not just for the LGBT community. There is an all-out assault on civil rights going on in this country. Just look what’s happening on abortion. The battle over LGBT rights in Congress is reflective of what is happening in the states as well. A recent example that highlights just how obsessive things have become took place in Tennessee, where the legislature just stripped the University of Tennessee’s diversity office of its funding. Over grammar. The diversity office had suggested using gender neutral pronouns for its transgender students. This was apparently serious enough to warrant removing $446,000 in state funding. Yes, things are that insane. The lawsuits are flying too. After North Carolina passed its discriminatory “bathroom” law, forcing people to use the restroom of their birth gender, Obama’s Department of Justice sued the state. And the state sued right back. Then, when Obama, like a righteous Jason, unleashed his hugely important transgender

rights directive to schools on Friday, May 13, the backlash was inevitable. Eleven states so far have fired back with law suits of their own, accusing the White House of “a massive social experiment,” designed to put children in harm’s way and demanding the directive be overturned. So bent are they on their persecution of the LGBT community, they are deaf and blind to the illogicality of their arguments that thousands of photos posted by beefy and tattooed transgender men have failed to silence. Instead, the mere whiff of trans rights prompts predictions of Armageddon — “the end of public education,” proclaimed Republican Texas talk show goon turned Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, if not the end of the world. As White House spokesman, Josh Earnest, wryly observed, “I think this does underscore the risk of electing a right-wing radio host to elected statewide office.” That warning should not go unheeded as we face the far more dangerous prospect of electing a right-wing television host to the highest national office. At that point, civil rights may no longer be a contentious issue. They will have gone up in flames. nn

Linda Pentz is the Washington correspondent of the Florida Agenda. She can be contacted at Follow her on Twitter @CapitolAgenda


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I’M JUST SAYIN’ Sean Maloney (born July 30, 1966) is an American politician and member of the Democratic Party who has served as the U.S. Representative for New York’s 18th congressional district since 2013. He is the first openly gay person to be elected to Congress from New York.

SEAN MALONEY Maloney has been with his partner Randy Florke since 1992, when they met in New York City where Maloney was helping plan the Democratic National Convention. Together they have three adopted children. Florke is an interior decorator who has been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine. Maloney and his family live in the Putnam County community of Cold Spring, New York. On January 14, 2014, Maloney announced that he and Florke had become engaged on Christmas Day 2013. On June 21 2014, he and Florke were married in Cold Spring, New York. Maloney became the second member of Congress to legally marry his same-sex partner while in office, the first being former Congressman Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts), in 2012.

June 02, 2016





OK, I’m not trying to alarm anyone, but I think Glenn Beck is planning on molesting kids at Hersheypark (you know, the amusement park where everything is made of chocolate, I’m pretty sure). I know that sounds alarmist. But hear me out. On May 20, Hersheypark announced that employees and visitors are welcome to use whatever restroom corresponds to their gender identity. “(T)he Park has and will always strive to accommodate all guests and employees -- including members of the LGBT community -- to ensure those visiting or working at Hersheypark are comfortable and feel secure,” the statements reads in part. “Guests and employees may continue to use the restrooms with which they gender-identify, or are welcome to use the many family restrooms available across the destination.” In a sane country, this would hardly be exceptional. In fact, the statement wouldn’t have needed to be released at all because of how trans people using bathrooms isn’t a problem in real life, but it has been made into a problem by the bigoted and fantastical imaginations of our nation’s right-wing loons. And that includes Beck. In response to Hersheypark’s statement, Beck went nuts. Or nuttier, I guess. “(T)his is not normal,” Beck said on May 23. “The velocity of the way this is being jammed 18

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down everybody’s throat is not normal. This isn’t an outcry from the people. This is .3 percent of the population.” While nobody really knows what percentage of the population is transgender, Beck seems to be saying that if a group is small enough then “the people” have no obligation to treat them with basic human decency or allow them basic rights like taking a leak at Hersheypark. I’d also like to point out that Beck and people who think like him are the only ones trying to jam anything down anybody’s throat. The North Carolina law dictating where people can and can’t pee helped spark “the bathroom fight” by addressing a nonexistent problem. And Beck’s right. That’s not normal. Places like Hersheypark and Target are merely reacting to this insanity. They didn’t start this fight, but props to them for being unwilling to sit on the sidelines while douchebags with Jesus complexes try to bully an already vulnerable group of people. Beck goes on to make a comparison to “the gay marriage thing that was pushed through by the administration,” adding that in “another five or 10 years, we would have gotten there anyway. It was already on that path.” (A personal note: I’m sure as hell glad I didn’t have to wait another decade or so before Glenn Beck decided I was allowed to be married. Thank you, Supreme Court.) “Transgender bathrooms have

come out of nowhere, and are being jammed down our throat,” Beck went on. I’d like to point out that “transgender bathrooms” isn’t even, like, the issue. By and large, people aren’t demanding that trans people get their very own bathrooms (though there are some folks who think that banishing trans men and women to some “other” bathroom is a solution to this “problem”). But then Beck goes off the rails. “I guarantee you,” he says, “I guarantee you the next stop on this train is pedophilia. I guarantee it.” Wait, what? Back up the train. There is no logical or evidence-based connection between transgenderism and pedophilia. We’re talking about gender identity, not molesting or raping children. Of course, Beck thinks that allowing trans women to use the women’s room is the same thing as letting any and all men use the women’s room. Men like, um, him? Because, by and large, cis gender men are those most likely to molest kids. So really the only way that Beck can “guarantee” us that pedophilia comes next is if he, himself, plans on making it so. The man has never been of sound mind. Let’s just hope his “guarantee” is just more of the wacky hyperbole that he likes to spout. In the meantime, let’s go buy a Hershey bar at Target, everyone! nn





Glenn Beck American television personality and radio host, conservative political commentator, author, television network producer, filmmaker, and entrepreneur. He hosts the Glenn Beck Radio Program, a popular nationally syndicated talk-radio show that airs throughout the United States on Premiere Radio Networks. Beck has authored six New York Times–bestselling books. Beck is the founder and CEO of Mercury Radio Arts, a multimedia production company through which he produces content for radio, television, publishing, the stage, and the Internet. Beck has described himself as a conservative with libertarian leanings. Among his core values Beck lists personal responsibility, private charity, the right to life, freedom of religion, limited government, and family as the cornerstone of society. He believes in low national debt, and has said “A conservative believes that debt creates unhealthy relationships. Everyone, from the government on down, should live within their means and strive for financial independence.” He supports individual gun ownership rights and is against gun control legislation. The disparity between Beck’s favorability ratings and how people feel about him as a religious leader suggests that people are more drawn to him for political reasons than religious ones. His strongest supporters, such as Republicans and white Evangelicals, perceive real differences between their own faith and his Mormon faith, may become a liability in his efforts to lead as a religious figure. nn --- Kevin Broady

June 02, 2016



June 02, 2016

THE EYE IS PAINTED: b June 02, 2016


The Sissies’ Guide to Hurricane Season


urricane season begins this week in Florida as well as the rest of Eastern seaboard. All of which means it’s time to prepare your strategy in case another number five comes our way. The National Weather Service tells us that this will be a robust hurricane season—not that we’ve ever really believed a weatherman. However, just in case they’re right for once, better safe than sorry. While there are those of us that actually use Home Depot for hardware rather than cruising, if you’re reading this article, chances are that you’re not among them. If such is the case, following is a simple list of items to have on hand (and handy) for that rainy day that’s accompanied by 120 mile-an-hour winds. Richard David Chamberlain Graphics By Kevin Broady


June 02, 2016

JUGS OF WATER. And lots of them. Remember, when hurricanes hit, there’s no such thing as safe water running from your spigots. Who knows what kinds of contamination has flowed into our water supplies with the heavy rain and winds. Four gallons of water per person is what’s you’ll need to get you over the initial period when you’ll be washing your body in the intimacy of a stiz bath and washing your hair with frugality. Prop it up and push it out will become your new hairstyle of choice as hair spray becomes your new best friend. CASH. As we all know, a girl has her needs. The extra set of nails, a new pair of fishnets, a new tube of glitter lipgloss. Whatever the purpose, we all need cash. During hurricanes, however, our go-to ATM machines will most likely be out of commission. Stack up some $20 for these rainy days; and don’t forget to keep a stash of $1 bills. Strippers need to eat too. TOILET PAPER. The simplest things can make a sissy feel at home during an emergency. Toilet paper is among those things. You can’t have too much. Double-ply is the best. DISPOSABLE PLATE. Make this plastic, not paper, is a delicious tone of pink. It will set off your heavy duty silver plastic utensils, and allow you to continue to maintain some sense of a party life—even in candlelight. NEW FLASHLIGHTS AND BATTERIES in every bedroom in your house, apartment or love nest. Do not depend on that little sequined LED light you have hanging from your keychain. We’re talking industrial strength light here—for when the power goes out, as it usually does in areas without buried utility lines (which is to say most of Fort Lauderdale and much of Miami). A fresh roll of DUCT TAPE in a complimentary color. There are those who insist that purple is de rigeur for hurricane season. This is useful to repair any number of items that will break at the first hint of a tropical storm—not the least of which is your flashlights. (See item 1, above.) PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY. Needs no refrigeration and can be eaten right out of the jar, Peanut Butter and Jelly will provide you necessary fiber, carbs and sugar, which, hurricane or no hurricane, our bodies need. CANNED FOODS that you don’t mind eating cold. Ordinarily, no self-respecting queen would be caught dead opening a can of beans or any other food group. However, this is one time that you simply must not stand on principle. No one need know that you’ve got canned goods in the house, hidden behind your linens. A HAND-OPERATED CAN OPENER. We suggest the Zyliss EasiCan Electric Can Opener available from It uses two AA batteries for power, and not only operates with a single push button, it leaves no sharp edges. FIRST AID KIT, for when you cut yourself because you didn’t follow the suggestion in item 5. A LOUD WHISTLE. It works better than your normal squeal to attract attention, and hangs around your neck as a fashion accessory. The color choice is optional, depending on your shoes. Continued on Page 27 June 02, 2016


THINGS TO DO WHEN A STORM IS APPROCHING qBring in loose items like lawn furniture, garbage cans and plants that could fly around in the wind. Even heavy planters can be moved by the storm, so at least put them as close to the house as possible. qPhotograph or video tape your house, as well as your personal belongings to help document any loses. Put pictures or tapes in a waterproof container, a safe deposit box or send to a friend out of town. Place valuables and important papers in waterproof container and store at the top of an interior closet. qPut up hurricane shutters, be sure to secure them correctly. Shutters that come off during a storm are very dangerous. If you have a pool, add extra chlorine. DO NOT drain your pool. DO NOT put lawn furniture in the pool. HOW TO USE THIS CHART qUse this hurricane tracking chart. qWhen a storm is announced, plot the storm’s position using rainbow push pins. When a hurricane threatens, newspapers and radio and television stations will give its latest position in latitude (the vertical numbers at the right) and longitude (the scale across the bottom). qPlotting the storm’s position as a series of points lets you follow its track.


June 02, 2016

HURRICANE NAMES 2016 GAY HURRICANE NAMES Alex Bonnie Colin Danielle Earl Fiona Gaston Hermine Ian Julia Karl Lisa Matthew Nicole Otto Paula Richard Shary Tobias Virginie Walter

Alexis Bonnie Boy Colinade Daniellea Earlene Fiona Hemsley Gasey Release Hermine Hemorrhoid Ian Sharknado Julia Childs Karlotta Liza Matty Anna Nicole Otto Do Me Paula Dean Dickey Dick Shary Away To B Us Virginie Lose Walter Who? Plezze Gurl

TERMINOLOGY TROPICAL WAVE A disturbance in the tropics without a defined circulation. TROPICAL DEPRESSION A rotating system of thunderstorms in the tropics with winds less than 39 mph. TROPICAL STORM A rotating system in which the maximum sustained surface wind speed is between 39 - 73 mph. Storms are named when they reach this strength. HURRICANE An intense rotating tropical weather system with maximum sustained surface wind speeds of 74 mph or higher. STORM SURGE An abnormal rise in sea level accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm, and whose height is the difference between the observed level of the sea surface and the level that would have occurred in the absence of the cyclone. Storm surge is usually estimated by subtracting the normal or astronomic high tide from the observed storm tide. TROPICAL STORM WATCH An announcement that sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph is possible within the specified area within 48 hours. TROPICAL STORM WARNING An announcement that sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph are expected somewhere within the specified area within 36 hours. HURRICANE WATCH An announcement that sustained winds of 74 mph or higher is possible within the specified area. Because hurricane preparedness activities become difficult once winds reach tropical storm force, the hurricane watch is issued 48 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical storm force winds. Be ready to implement your hurricane preparation plans immediately if a warning is issued. HURRICANE WARNING An announcement that sustained winds of 74 mph or higher are expected somewhere within the specified area. Because hurricane preparedness activities become difficult once winds reach tropical storm force, the warning is issued 36 hours in advance. All preparations should be completed immediately. If you are evacuating you should travel outside of the evacuation zone. It is strongly recommended that you stay in a safe building until the storm has passed. June 02, 2016


Evacuation Route


EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS BROWARD COUNTY Storm Information Line Emergency Mgt. Office Special Needs Registry Special Needs TDD/TTY General Assistance

311 954-831-4000 954-831-3900 954-357-6385 954-357-5608 211

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Emergency Mgt. Office Special Needs Registry Special Needs TDD/TTY General Assistance

311 305-468-5400 305-513-7700 or 311 305-468-5402 211

PALM BEACH COUNTY Information Anytime MONROE COUNTY During a storm Emergency Mgt. Office Special Needs Registry FLORIDA Florida Div Emerg Mgnt TDD/TTY 26

June 02, 2016


Count on your local stations for the most accurate information on storms. Here is the listing of stations and formats in the Miami Fort Lauderdale market. WIOD-AM (610) News Opinion

WMIA-FM (MIA) 93.9 FM 80s 90s Now Valentine

WFEZ-FM (Easy 93) 93.1 Jeanne Ashley

WEDR-FM (99 Jamz) 99.1 Hip Hop and R&B Ricky Smiley

WKIS-FM (KISS Country) 99.9 FM Bryan

WPOW-FM (Power 96) 96.1 FM Wil Calder

WHYI-FM (Y-100) 100.1 FM Top Hits Elvis Duran

800-955-5504 305-289-6018 305-292-4591

850-413-9969 800-226-4329

WLYF-FM (Lite FM) 101.5 FM Julie Guy

WHQT-FM (HOT 105) 105.1 FM R&B Tom Joyner

Evacuation Zones

GO WEST YOUNG MAN Continued from 23

SOLAR CELL PHONE CHARGER. We recommend the iBeek Portable USB Solar Charger. It will keep you in contact with your friends, even if the power is interrupted. $21.99 on One cannot expect to live without the basics—and your cell phone is included. GAS FOR YOUR VEHICLE. If previous hurricanes are any indication, the majority of gas stations will be unable to pump gas as soon as utility lines fail. This means that you should fill your car’s tank in advance, and keep it full, even if it means returning to the pump frequently. As well know, pumping gas is an art and requires individual outfits designed to attract attention to your finest features as you wrestle with the gas hose. Dress appropriately and you may not even have to touch a gas pump. Remember your knight or damsel in shining armor is as near as your brightest smile PREPLAN YOUR EXIT ROUTE which takes you away from the beach. While we realize that the beach is your second home, resist the temptation to check out the waves during the eye of the hurricane which occurs mid-way through your adventure. Head west, honey, and don’t stop until you’re well past Plantation. That’s a town, not a cotton field. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. Remember every sissy’s fallback position. Keep the telephone number of your favorite butch lesbian taped on the refrigerator in two-inch high numbers. As a last result, call the number. Lesbians are always guaranteed to have a power generator (which they can actually start), and a functioning chain saw to turn that fallen tree blocking your driveway into logs for the fireplace.

PLAN A Evacuation Typically a Category 1-2 hurricane

PLAN B Evacuation

Typically a Category 3 or higher hurricane





Portable generators are used in areas where there are frequent blackouts, or where a power source is not available from the local municipality. Knowing how to properly start your generator during an emergency situation prevents panic when the time comes. Things You’ll Need: Gas and Oil Lift out the oil cap and dipstick and wipe away the old oil. Dip the cap in again so the cap is all the way on, and pull it out again. The oil level will be clear on the dipstick. Fill the oil level so that you can touch the oil with your finger. Roll the generator to a well ventilated area, with the exhaust pipe leading away from the home. This prevents carbon monoxide poisoning. Keep the exhaust away from windows and doors. Turn the fuel valve to the “On” position, which is usually in a vertical position. Pull the choke to the “On” position. Pull it all the way out. Press the control switch to the “On” position to turn on the generator (if it’s an electric start) or pull the cord to start it. Push the choke in once the generator has started June 02, 2016


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HURRICANE SALAD When disaster strikes I channel my inner 4-Her. Slightly more country than the Girl Scouts, the 4-Hers mixed the boys and the girls and loved to teach survival. We moved to Fort Lauderdale in May 2004 and experience Charlie, Wilma and Katrina. We lost power for a month a learned that living without a fridge or running water requires creative cooking. At the time I was working in radio, during a storm,

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radio shows its power providing updates and alerts for the entire community. The team practically lived at the station and brought in meals to share. This recipe was shared by Gary, one of my coworkers. It’s been changed a bit but I credit him with the base. To adequately prep for a storm, overload the pantry with the condiments, you’ll be pleased to have the flavors on hand. Many appear in this recipe.

HURRICANE DRINK RECIPE You don’t need the special sexy shaped glass to enjoy this New Orleans favorite. You will be the hit of the neighborhood and find it easy to get help with those shutters if you show up with a pitcher of Hurricanes and red solo cups. The Hurricane was invented by Pat O’Briens and the secret is the passion fruit juice. Goya makes a great passion fruit juice and you can find Goya in most grocery stores in South Florida. THE HURRICANE COCKTAIL Ingredients 2 oz light rum 2 oz dark rum 2 oz passion fruit juice 1 oz orange juice ½ oz fresh lime juice 1 Tablespoon simple syrup 1 Tablespoon grenadine Shake. Pour over ice garnish and with whatever you can find. Shake, Pour over ice garnish with whatever you can find. nn

INGREDIENTS 1 large head of green cabbage shredded 1 small head of red cabbage shredded 3 carrots shredded 2 Green (spring) onions diced 2 packages chicken flavored ramen noodles- broken up 1 cup sunflower seeds ½ cup golden raisins ½ cup vegetable oil 1/3 cup rice vinegar ¼ cup honey 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 cup sliced almonds Kosher salt Black Pepper 28

June 02, 2016

In a small bowl create sauce by mixing together rice vinegar, oil, honey, soy sauce, and I packet of the seasoning from ramen noodles. (toss the second packet or save for bouillon soup). Set mixture aside. In a large bowl mix cabbages, carrots, raisins, noodles, sunflower seeds, and almonds. Pour in sauce mixture over vegetables and cover. Place bowl on ice for at least 1 hour. This chilling will soften the noodles and give time for flavors to blend. nn

June 02, 2016



June 02, 2016

June 02, 2016


ADVERTORIAL Does Back Pain have you Frustrated….. Are You Worried You Will Have to Take Pain Pills For The Rest of Your Life?…….. If this is you or someone you love, keep reading to learn about an amazing free report helping back pain sufferers!

Wilton Manors, FL Are you one of the 100 million Americans who are suffering from chronic back pain? Is your back pain stopping you from doing the things you enjoy? Are you using pain pills regularly just to get through the day? Are you afraid this may eventually lead to surgery? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help. We have put together a free report filled with tips to help you avoid the most common mistakes made by back pain sufferers. Back pain is not something you have to learn to live with. There are solutions, and we can help you find them. Claim your copy of “Erasing Back Pain: How to Avoid the 9 Most


June 02, 2016

Painful Mistakes and What You Should Be Doing Instead” today to take charge of your pain and get back to doing the things you love! In this report you’ll find  The 3 things you can do to avoid back surgery that will cost you nothing.  How to save yourself time and money by making the right choices for your back pain today.  How to avoid the biggest mistake made by back pain sufferers. Call (954)-351-2299 now for your FREE report or request it online at back.php

June 02, 2016



June 02, 2016

June 02, 2016


PUZZLE Trans-sylvania


1 Whack, off, or delight 5 Bit of salt, for Stephen Pyles 9 Rubber-stamp 13 “Hi” to Lorca 14 Man, as a cruising goal 15 Six Feet Under box material 16 Gomer’s “anti” 17 Coldcock 18 Barry Humphries’ Dame 19 With 55-Across, upcoming TV movie with Laverne Cox 22 “___ little silhouetto of a man ...” 23 Large phallus painter 27 Isle of exile in Brando’s Desiree 30 Quite a bargain 31 Lance in a robe 34 “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina,” e.g. 37 Guy into bottoms? 38 Character played by Laverne Cox 41 Bro of Jacko 42 Pillow covers 43 Queer 44 Train that comes quickly 46 It’s hard and woody 48 Book that mentioned Adam but kept Steve a secret? 51 Les ___ of Broadway 55 See 19-Across 58 Some eagle feathers 61 Composer Thomas 62 Cub slugger 63 Scat queen Fitzgerald 64 Pal from Down Under 65 Genie portrayer Barbara 66 Bedfellow 67 Creature in a Star Wars sequel 68 Comes out with


1 She had her hand up Lamb Chop 2 HRC’s equal sign, and others 3 Gertrude’s partner 4 Doodle in a musical 5 Gossip 6 Memo start 7 Sucking sound 8 Painter Matisse 9 Lily Tomlin’s Ernestine, for one 10 Dan Savage memoir, with The 11 Beebo Brinker creator Bannon 12 Oral vote 20 Where Franklin, Winston, and Josef had a threesome 21 Place for future Lts. 24 ___ music (do Britten’s job) 25 Satisfied fully 26 Words said from one’s knees, perhaps 28 Just says no 29 Ornament in Cleopatra, perhaps 31 Where to see Tom, Dick, or Harry 32 Brief moment 33 When to have sex 35 Alice’s insect tour guide in Wonderland 36 “All ___” (1984 Tomlin film) 39 Be able to say, “I’m not myself”? 40 The way we word 45 “___ was saying ...” 47 Lip service? 49 Start of Caesar’s boast 50 The Scarecrow’s “viscera” 52 Mary’s The Mary Tyler Moore Show girlfriend 53 Film director Joseph 54 Lake ballet dancers 56 Gay Talese’s ____ the Sons 57 Have on too much perfume, e.g. 58 Some like it hot 59 The whole shebang 60 Not in the pink

For the solution to this puzzle go to: 36

June 02, 2016

June 02, 2016



     BY MIKEY ROX


Reasons Why Being a Gay Extrovert Is Sometimes The Pits

Being gay and an extrovert seems to go hand-in-hand. Many of us have an innate ability to connect with others that makes being outgoing look effortless, but the truth is, sometimes we need a break just like the rest of the world. Take a breather and reflect on everyone else’s obsession with you with these five reasons why being an extrovert is sometimes the pits--even though you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Happy When You Pop Out of Bed

1 I

wouldn’t say that I’m not a morning person--I like to think I’m fairly agreeable when I wake up--but I also work from home on a regular basis and generally take my time getting ready for the day, which probably contributes to my upbeat demeanor. But even when I have an off day, people notice, and I’m sure you’ll recognize the same. Just try keeping to yourself during the first couple hours at the office and see what happens. By noon, an all-hands meeting will be scheduled to discuss how your personality is affecting productivity, your cube mate will have a doctor’s appointment on your calendar, and your mother will be blowing you up on text because your boss called with concern. Alas, this crisis can be avoided; you just have to grin and bear it on life’s rainy days too.


June 02, 2016

The Social Director


4 The Wedding Savor


hen I go out on the town, I’m usually the axis of my group. It’s not that I surround myself with wallflowers either; all my friends are perfectly social, yet they seem to like it when I take the wheel. We go to sporting events, shows, bars, restaurants--all the typical things you do with friends. Not only am I the one planning the activities, but it also happens that I’m literally and physically the center of attention. I’m smack dab in the middle of the situation so everybody can benefit from my wit and charm equally while not worrying about having to work so hard for laughs themselves. It’s tiresome, and it’s resulted in canceled plans more than once when I’m not up for being everybody’s tour guide/comedian/camp director.

Social Media Break


’m asked one specific question by nearly every bride to whose wedding I’m invited: “You’re gonna dance, right?” You see, over the years I’ve built a reputation of being a mover and shaker on the dance floor--so much so that that reputation precedes me, and even before I accept the invitation I’m expected to be part of the evening’s entertainment. There have been a few weddings, however, where I just wasn’t feeling the boogie. Perhaps the music wasn’t right, maybe I was a little hungover from the previous night’s festivities, or, and this is the most likely scenario, I didn’t feel like being a show monkey for a free buffet and a slice of stale cake. Just let me be. Just once I’d like to select a couple overpriced kitchen items from the gift registry like the rest of the guests and be allowed to sit at my assigned seat while getting blitzed on the open bar as I cry inside about how I’ll never find someone to love me. You know, like a normal person.

Rainbows Shooting Out of Your Butt


3 T

rue story: I’m currently traveling as I write this column and I haven’t had time to post my quippy and, oftentimes, hourly observations on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as much as my friends and followers are accustomed. Hand to God, earlier today I received a message from one of my social media contacts asking me if I’m OK because I “haven’t posted in days.” In reality, I updated my status about 24 hours ago, but he’s about to call in a missing person’s report because I’m enjoying my vacation. Next time, I’ll send out announcements so people can prepare.


on’t get me wrong here. Even though I’m probably sounding a little complain-y, I’m glad I’m an extrovert. I mean, I can’t imagine what it’s like being a gay introvert who inevitably gets treated like the extrovert everyone else wants you to be because me and the rest of the constant attention seekers in the LGBT community have ruined anonymity for you. But even though it seems easy being us, we have a lot of the same insecurities, feelings of isolation, and even loneliness. We’re just better at hiding it, mostly by bending over backwards to please other people--or else. Frankly, I wish rainbows did shoot out of my butt just so I didn’t have to talk so damn much. Wouldn’t that be nice? I’m sure my hangers-on would agree--if they could ever get a word in edgewise. June 02, 2016





THURSDAY 6/02 @ 8:00PM Miami Theater Center Annie Baker’s winner of the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Drama takes place in a run-down movie theater in central Massachusetts where three underpaid employees work one of the last 35 millimeter film projectors in the state. Their heartbreaks and mini victories mirror the second-run movies and empty aisles surrounding their lives. The three-hour play mines comedy by delivering mini-conversations focusing on the mundane aspects of everyday life. 8:00 p.m. Miami Theater Center. 9806 NE Second Ave. Miami Shores. 33138.


FRIDAY 6/03 @ 7:00PM American Airlines Arena Ellie Goulding has been creating British pop songs since 2009 when she released her debut extended play An Introduction to Ellie Goulding. It wasn’t until last year, though, that Ellie Goulding found her first gigantic hit, and that was “Love Me Like You Do” from the film 50 Shades of Grey. Not only does the public love Goulding but royalty does as well. Prince William is known to be a huge fan. 7:00 p.m. American Airlines Arena. 601 Biscayne Blvd. Miami. 33132.



FRIDAY 6/03 @ 8:00PM Arts Garage Tito Puete Jr. has very large shoes to fill. His father, Tito Puente, is heralded around the world as one of the greatest salsa musicians and Latin jazz composers. Known as “The King of Latin Music,” Tito Puente endured a 50-year career, guest starring often on Sesame Street, The Cosby Show, and quite memorably on The Simpsons. He died in 2000, leaving a meteorologist daughter named Audrey Puente, and Tito Puente Jr., who follows quite literally in his father’s footsteps, performing almost exclusively Tito Puente’s signature songs. 8:00 p.m. Arts Garage. 180 NE First St. Delray Beach. 33444. 40

June 02, 2016




SATURDAY 6/04 @ 8:00PM Kravis Center Music satirist “Weird Al” Yankovic has somehow remained relevant for almost four decades in the industry. That might be because his fun send-ups of both popular music and popular music videos include equal amounts wit and sophomoric humor to appeal to a wide range of demographics. His latest album Mandatory Fun was his first number-one album, proving that the guy’s still got it. His concerts are known for utilizing the same costumes seen in his wacky videos—expect to see the “Fat” costume, the bizarre Lady Gaga “Perform this Way” frock, and, of course, something “Tacky.” 8:00 p.m. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts. 701 Okeechobee Blvd. West Palm Beach. 33401.



SATURDAY 6/04 @ 7:00PM Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre Before embarking on a solo career, Rucker had found worldwide success with radio-friendly 1990s pop band Hootie and the Blowfish, releasing five studio albums with six top 40 hits. Rucker’s solo career took him on a different path with a more diffuse focus, singing in such variated genres as rock, R&B, and even country. Rucker recently released his fourth county album, titled Southern Style. Dan + Shay and Michael Ray open. 7:00 p.m. Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre. 601-7 Sansburys Way. West Palm Beach. 33411.


SUNDAY 6/05 @ 4:00PM Empire Stage David Dillon’s classic comedy Party seems to almost be a reinvention the 1960s theatrical classic The Boys in the Band but without all that messy and controversial self-hatred spilling from the characters’ lips. The plot finds seven hysterical gay friends convening for an evening of pop cultural references and party games. The fun morphs into a highly sexualized version of truth or dare called Facts and Fantasies. The show is known for exploring sexuality earnestly and for its ample amounts of gratuitous nudity. 4:00 p.m. Empire Stage. 1140 N. Flagler Dr. Fort Lauderdale. 33304.

By Patrick Robert

T he Week entertainment calendar

nexhibits n SHOP WITH PRIDE

MONDAY 6/06 @ 6:00PM Westfield Broward Mall Westfield Broward Mall not only has a diverse collection of stores ranging from Sears to Aeropostale to Express, but they also support the LGBTQ community as their celebration of LGBTQ-Pride month kicks off with a ten-day shopping event full of fashion shows, entertainment, and community pride. Participants can purchase a Shop With Pride Tote filled with goodies for twenty dollars with all of the proceeds going to The Pride Center at Equality Park. Special events will also be taking place throughout the ten days, including tonight’s comedy night with Peter Biscuto at Macy’s Court. 6:00 p.m. Westfield Broward Mall. 8000 W. Broward Blvd. Plantation. 33388.


TUESDAY 6/07 @ 8:00PM Gusman Hall The Greater Miami Symphonic Band’s 37th season comes to a close with this grande finale concert. Trumpet virtuoso Brian Neal, formerly of The Dallas Brass, will be performing “La Virgen de la Macarena” and “Gabriel’s Oboe” during the show. The band will also be performing “Twelfth Night (Reed),” “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” and an array of classical band pieces and famous marches. Robert Longfield conducts. 8:00 p.m. Gusman Hall. 1314 Miller Dr. Coral Gables. 33146.



WEDNESDAY 6/08 @ 7:00PM Revolution Live Hardcore Swedish punk band Refused formed in 1991 but didn’t find real popularity until after they disbanded in 1998 when they began to garner cult status. They recently released their first album since reuniting, Freedom, and the first single “Elektra.” The Coathangers will start things off. 7:00 p.m. Revolution Live. 100 SW Third Ave. Fort Lauderdale. 33312.

June 02, 2016



June 02, 2016

June 02, 2016



Setting healthy boundaries


We’ve all seen those medieval movies where the castle walls defend the townspeople from the invading army. The purpose of the castle walls is to keep the people safe. Many of us don’t realize that, just like those castle walls, setting healthy boundaries keep us safe. A boundary is the demonstration of how we protect ourselves when a situation causes us to feel in danger or disrespected. Boundaries can be set by voicing By them or by James our behavMiller iors. Unfortunately, many of us struggle with setting limits. Some of us are conflict-avoidant while others are passive aggressive. When we are not assertive, the power of the boundary is lost in the delivery. There are actually two types of boundaries: internal and external boundaries. However, most people are only familiar with external boundaries. Being assertive is one of the best attributes we can demonstrate for self-advocacy. The formula for setting a healthy

boundary is: Use “I” statements. “I” statements are statements that only use the word “I” and not “you.” Anytime you use the word “you” when you are setting a boundary, the person will hear it as an attack and become defensive. For example, “I am feeling frustrated because I am not being heard in this conversation.” Explain which behavior is causing your discomfort. Tell the offender what the consequence will be if the behavior continues. Follow through with your boundary/consequence. For example, you are on the phone with someone who starts to yell at you. A healthy boundary would be, “I am feeling attacked in this conversation. If the yelling does not stop, I will hang up.” The person yells again. You hang up the phone. Did you realize that it is just as important to set internal boundaries with yourself? The part of us that advocates and protects others should also be just as active inside our head. However, most people don’t pay attention to that voice and don’t internally self-advocate. For example, if I’m always telling myself I can’t do something, or I’m always a failure, my own selfconfidence will continue to falter. This then opens the

door for more negative selftalk and negative self-belief. Did you realize that you are emotionally abusing yourself? Setting an internal boundary is essentially treating the negative thoughts or behaviors as you would treat a person who is being disrespectful to you. (Obviously for internal boundaries, you may use “you” statements.) Pretend as if the negative self-talk is like a person bullying you. How would you respond? For example, “I don’t appreciate you beating yourself up by this negative self-talk.” “I am not ok with you telling yourself you are a failure, or always staying up at night worrying.” “This needs to stop now.” When we allow the internal advocate voice to tell us to, basically, snap out of it, we realize that the emotions and thoughts we are having are detrimental and negative. Without creating an internal self-boundary, you will not be able to regulate your thoughts and emotions and will live in self-defeat. When you learn to set healthy boundaries with the people around you and the internal negative self-talk, you will live a life full of emotional, physical and spiritual safety. You are your biggest advocate. The more assertive you are, the more enriched your life will be. nn

James Miller is a licensed psychotherapist and a piano composer who is known for his weekly podcast, YouTube channel, and his Academy where he teaches successful people to simplify and transform their lives. James’ latest album, Restoration, is available for purchase on all digital music stores. 44

June 02, 2016


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ince ancient times people have noticed that there are days when one can work nonstop with different ideas floating in the head while there are days when you can hardly create anything. Nowadays we use a more scientific approach, but we are still struggling to explain where inspiration comes from and why some days are so productive and some are not. Here are five other brainy quotes, that just might make your day better.


FRANCIS OF ASSISI Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.


VINCE LOMBARDI Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.


JIMMY DEAN I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

4 5

HELEN KELLER The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. STEVE JOBS Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. When you look for inspiration, you will always find it. Often you may discover it by going for a walk and taking the moment to look at the sky, to listen to the birds singing and the whistle of a wind; sometimes all is needed is a little time and effort spent, which will, eventually, be rewarded. nn ---Kevin Broady


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juice & coffee bar

deli & salad bar

7 days 7am-9:30pm 954-771-9770 1305 E Commercial Blvd, Oakland Park Fl June 02, 2016





Sterling Tax & Accounting 2435 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-667-9829 /


HEALTH Ocean Therapy Center 2530 NE 15th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-351-2299/


Island City Eyecare 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite C1 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-764-6906 /


Dean Trantalis Attorney 2255 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2226 /

The Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-463-9005 /


Out of the Closet 2097 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-358-5580 /


Dennis Dean Images 3554 NE 12th Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 954-240-8307 /

Diana’s 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Orlando, FL 32828 407-207-0205 /


Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-1041 /

Center for Spiritual Living 1550 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2868 /

INSURANCE Dunham Fort Lauderdale 2601 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 303 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-564-7772 /

Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 /



FITNESS Pump’n Inc Tom Bonanti 1271 NE 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-557-1119 / 46

June 02, 2016

REAL ESTATE Robert Geary MacKilligan on Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-234-8759 / Joe Grano Realtor 1881 NE 26th Street, Suite 212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-931-0031 /

We Insure 1975 E Sunrise Blvd, Suite 602 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-903-7519 /

Etz Chaim 2038 N Dixie Hwy Pride Ctr Bldg B Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-9232 / Source Events 605 Lincoln Road, #410 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-9779 /


Genesis Health Institute 1001 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-561-3175 / Better Hearing-World of Sounds 2450 E Commercial Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 954-491-2560

SPA 11 Lic#MA75718 2000 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 103 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-945-5133 /

MUSIC Sell Us Your Records! We Buy Collections. 5130 N. Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale 954-671-9482 /

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June 02, 2016




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Developed by Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating the representations of the developer, for correct representations, make reference to this brochure and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Obtain the property report required by federal law and read it before signing anything. No federal agency has judged the merits of value, if any, of this property.


June 02, 2016

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