Agenda 081116 issue 351

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August 11, 2016


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August 11, 2016

August 11, 2016



The week reflected back through fabulously funny eyes

I MEAN, SERIOUSLY. Steele Johnson? One, the name speaks for itself. Second, thank you President Obama, for allowing the first gay porn star to participate in the Olympic games. We’re making one more crack in that proverbial glass ceiling! Purse first into the White House and gurrrrrrl, we be redecorating’! DEAR BRAVO/ ANDY COHEN. Gurrrrl, let’s talk! Do you realize that NBC has the Olympics? This is harsh treatment of your Housewives Queens, who have to go without our proverbial crack for weeks. I get that the Speedo factor plays a role, but I’m going to have to summon up the conservative in me to give you a little Maggie Thatcher on this decision. “No. No. No.”

FLASHBACK MOMENT. Wow! Temporary hallucination as I was flipping through the channels, and I thought I saw a music video on MTV. False alarm! It was just a highly styled pregnant teenager. FEELING HOT HOT HOT. All it takes for me is five minutes outside with the ridiculous Florida summertime humidity and I go from zero to Whitney Houston in a sauna in ten seconds flat. Just thought I’d try to sit poolside, but it’s a Heat Stroke hideaway out there. I think I’ll lay in the A/C, while a manservant fans me with palm fronds and feeds me frozen grapes. MY CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS ARE ALL SCREWED UP. Awake, sleep, awake, sleep and stressed! I am about to go REDRUM, a la Jack Nicholson in “The Shining.” With the constant change going on in my life, I am totally trying to embrace this as my new mantra, hard as it feels to agree with at times. Chin-up. Stay positive. Sigh. COMPUTERIZED ANSWERING MACHINES. Wow! FPL, amazing! I’ve given you so much money through the years and I’m this close to sacrificing a young child to actually speak with a human being! RELATIONSHIP VACATIONS. This week alone, I have seen three friends in serious relationships get so excited because their partner was either traveling or going on vacation. Not so that they could fool around or anything like that, but that they can eat like a pig, lie around, watch TV, and be a slob. Just makes me giggle! MY THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK. Dear World, after this political ridiculousness is finished in November, can we officially retire the word “folks?” Tired and gag-worthy!

Adam Cohen is South Florida’s favorite and most fabulous social commentator. He’s also single. Find him on Facbook to keep up with his hilarious take on the week’s headlines. 4

August 11, 2016

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING... Random thoughts from social media and beyond this week Singer, actress, and gay icon Barbra Streisand is set to headline a fundraising event for Hillary Clinton that is targetted at LGBT donors. The event is called “LGBT for Hillary” and will take place on September 9 at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. LGBT for Hillary will benefit the Hillary Victory Fund – a joint fundraising committee consisting of Hillary for America, the Democratic National Committee, and 33 state parties.

Ning Zetao (China 6’3” 23) Chinese swimmer who sent the internet into a tailspin this week after emerging from the pool during training on Wednesday, and flaunting a ridiculous glistening six-pack while hanging around the deck in a pair of skin-tight swim briefs.


Singer George Shelley who came out as bisexual in February has now backtracked about his gayness. Shelley said, “I would never come out as gay. I wouldn’t put a label on it because I do like girls, I’ve fallen in love with girls, and I could never close that off. I love both men and women.”

TIM TEBOW says he’ll pursue career in professional baseball: “Former NFL quarterback and current ESPN broadcaster Tim Tebow is actively pursuing a career in professional baseball and plans to hold a workout for Major League Baseball teams later this month, according to his agents Jimmy Sexton and Nick Khan. For almost the past year, Tebow has been training in Arizona and Los Angeles to hone his play as a professional batter and outfielder.”

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) says she can’t support Trump: “With the passage of time, I have become increasingly dismayed by his constant stream of cruel comments and his inability to admit error or apologize. But it was his attacks directed at people who could not respond on an equal footing — either because they do not share his power or stature or because professional responsibility precluded them from engaging at such a level — that revealed Mr. Trump as unworthy of being our president.” August 11, 2016


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Equality Florida Organizes Protest Against Anti-LGBT Rally

Donald Trump & Marco Rubio to Attend Anti-LGBT Event in Orlando Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to attend a radical anti-LGBT event in being held in Orlando this week exactly two months after the Pulse nightclub shooting, according to news reports from Jenna Browder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News, and blogged by Brian Tashman of Right Wing Watch. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and a host of anti-LGBT extremists are slated to address the “Rediscovering God in America” event, which is sponsored by the American Renewal Project. Self-described “political operative” David Lane founded the American Renewal Project as a way to mobilize conservative Christian voters and inspire right-wing pastors to run for elected office. He told Jacobs that he intends to quiz Trump on how he plans to fight “homosexual totalitarianism” and the gay rights “militants.” Lane, a vocal opponent of LGBT equality, has said that “homosexuals praying at the Inauguration” in 2012 would cause “car bombs in Los Angeles, Washington D.C. and Des Moines, Iowa” as a sign of God’s judgment and that the “pagan onslaught” of the LGBT rights movement will lead to the destruction of America. According to an invitation posted by the group Liberty Counsel Action, the speakers will also include: Mat Staver, whose Liberty Counsel Action sent out the invitation to the event and who is sched6

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uled to speak, has gained a national reputation by representing Kim Davis and Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore through the affiliated Liberty Counsel. Last month, Staver denounced memorial gatherings for the victims of the Orlando nightclub attack as “homosexual love fests.” Staver has claimed that gay people are “demonic,” seek to abuse children and are similar to terrorists, and has warned that gay rights victories could lead to “forced homosexuality” and “another civil war.” At the same time, he has praised countries that outlaw same-sex relationships. David Barton, a Republican Party activist who styles himself as a historian, thinks that God is justly preventing a cure for HIV/AIDS because it is a divine “penalty” for homosexuality, and has lamented that public schools try to “force” students “to be homosexual” when homosexuality really should be regulated by the government. (Learn more about David Barton here). Maine pastor Ken Graves preaches against “militant homofascism” that he says “seeks to take over our land and make it Sodom” and argues that gay people cannot build happy families because they are “depressed.” Bill Federer, a Religious Right activist and conspiracy theorist, believes that gay rights are bringing about the Islamist takeover of America. Despite his own anti-LGBT record, Trump depicts himself as a champion of the LGBT community and demands that reporters “ask the gays” how much they support him. nn

ORLANDO -Two months ago, on June 12, the largest massacre in recent history took place at Pulse Nightclub. As if to coincide with the anniversary, presidential candidate Donald Trump will join U.S. Senator Marco Rubio at a radical anti-LGBTQ event in Orlando. Equality Florida, joined by community partners and individuals directly impacted by the shooting, will gather Thursday, August 11 for a peaceful rally and press conference to demand an end to the hate and violence perpetuated by Donald Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio, and the religious extremists responsible for the event. The Rally to End Hate #Forthe49 will begin at 11 am outside the Orange County Convention Center - South Concourse, 9809 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819. “On the two-month anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shooting, we are outraged that Donald Trump and Senator Rubio have the audacity to headline an extremist anti-LGBTQ event in Orlando,”Equality Florida said. “In the midst of our grief, we demand an end to hatred and bigotry of all kinds, call for the passage of fully inclusive antidiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people, and urge our elected officials to support common sense gun violence prevention measures to honor the 49 lives cut short by hatred.” In addition to Equality Florida, the GLBT Center of Central Florida, Organize Now!, The Pride Fund to End Gun Violence, Human Link for Pulse, PFLAG - Orlando, Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida are also helping to organize the rally. nn



California lawmaker drops lawsuits in religious school bill

Activists protest Chelsea Manning’s prison treatment

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) Advocates for a transgender soldier imprisoned for sending classified information to an anti-secrecy website presented more than 115,000 petition signatures to the Army’s chief Wednesday protesting new charges Chelsea Manning faces related to her recent suicide attempt. Manning, serving a 35year sentence, tried to kill herself July 5 by unspecified means in a military lockup at Kansas’ Fort Leavenworth. The American Civil Liberties Union said Manning, 28, now faces administrative charges related to that bid to take her own life, with possible punishment including indefinite solitary confinement, loss of phone and law library privileges, and a delay to her parole eligibility. In a conference call with reporters Wednesday, the activists said the administrative charges against Manning are unjust, particularly considering what they called her “systematic mistreatment” in prison. The charges include having prohibited property, resisting prison staff and “conduct that threatens.” “The reality is that she’s not in a great place and getting the treatment she needs,” said Chase Strangio, an ACLU attorney for Manning. Strangio said Manning “continually expressed relief that she’s still alive,” but pressed that “the idea the government is punishing her for surviving is egregious.” nn


LOS ANGELES-- Revry is a recently launched groundbreaking streaming service which brings together specially curated content from across the digital universe. Created by and for the LGBTQ and allied communities, Revry provides a subscription service to a library of carefully selected short, medium, and long-form LGBTQ and other “snackable” digital content—made by indie creators from all over the world. Available for $4.99 a month or $54.99 a year, the service is available for AppleTV, Roku, Chromecast, iOS, and Android. Headquartered in Los Angeles, Revry’s diverse team brings more than 30 years of experience in tech, digital media, and entertainment. best in QUEER digital series, TV, music videos, movies, and podcasts! S, Android, Roku, and on “We were so excited when the new Apple TV with an App Store first came out,” said Revry’s CEO Damian Pelliccione told MacWorld, “but then we did a search for ‘LGBT’ and found nothing.” Revry currently has revenue-sharing partnerships with hit web shows like Starting From... Now, Australia’s most-watched lesbian series with 24 million views; After Orange, a documentary series about women’s lives after incarceration that can be considered a real-life followup to Orange Is the New Black; and Cooking with Drag Queens, which is pretty self-explanatory. “It’s extremely important for us to continue to expand the show’s reach to new audiences, but also that queer stories are told and are readily available to the community,” Starting From... Now’s writer/ director/producer Julie Kalceff said in a press statement. “The Revry team’s passion both for digital media, queer content, and the LGBT community were clear from our first meeting. nn

SACRAMENTO, CA (AP) - A California lawmaker is removing a contentious provision of his bill that would have allowed LGBT students to more easily sue religious schools for discrimination. A weaker version of the bill by Democratic Sen. Ricardo Lara of Bell Gardens will still mandate that institutions disclose exemptions from federal Title Nine rules against discrimination. SB1146 would also require universities to report if a student has been expelled for violating a school’s “moral code of conduct,” which is often tied to religious norms. Many religious schools had heavily opposed the bill, calling it an attack on free exercise of religion. Most had not opposed the mandatory disclosure of religious exemptions. The bill will be heard Thursday in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Lara says he’s aiming to protect students who are “loving openly.” nn

Texas AG ‘pleased’ ethics probe over gay marriage dismissed

AUSTIN, TX (AP) - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says he’s pleased an ethics complaint over his response to the U.S. Supreme Court legalizing gay marriage last year has been dropped. Paxton on Wednesday called the complaint co-signed by more than 200 attorneys “baseless.” It asked the State Bar of Texas to investigate whether the Republican violated professional conduct rules by telling county clerks they could still refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses on religious grounds. Former State Bar Director Steve Fischer, who helped organize the complaint, says he received notice this week the allegations were dismissed. The complaint accused Paxton of encouraging government officials to break the law in the face of the Supreme Court ruling. Paxton says he will “continue to speak out” in support of constitutional rights, including religious liberty. nn Assembled through Associated Press August 11, 2016


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“Crazy” Trump makes violent threat against Clinton:



Saying that Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has fallen to a “new low” and made a statement “unprecedented in the history of American presidential politics,” former CBS News anchor Dan Rather ranted on Facebook. The normally unfazed Rather was referring to a speech at a Trump campaign rally last Tuesday in Wilmington, North Carolina, when The Donald said, “Hillary wants to abolish— essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she get to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can 8

August 11, 2016

do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.” Seeing that as an invitation to instill violence against the Democratic candidate for President, Rather continued, “This is no longer about policy, civility, decency or even temperament. This is a direct threat of violence against a political rival. It is not just against the norms of American politics, it raises a serious question of whether it is against the law.” The reaction of LGBT leaders was immediate, with calls for the FBI to do a criminal investigation of his remarks. The

disguised threat came only a day after Trump revealed that he would be attending an anti-gay event in Orlando on the twomonth anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub massacre. “Just when you think Donald Trump and Marco Rubio couldn’t go any lower, they announce plans to court antiLGBTQ activists in Orlando. On Thursday, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio are going to seek votes from people who fundamentally believe we are not equal, who support dangerous and harmful conversion therapy and who have worked to export anti-LGBTQ hate abroad,” said

HRC Senior Vice President of Policy and Political Affairs JoDee Winterhof. “Donald Trump would put at risk all the progress the LGBTQ community has made over the last eight years. And we know all too well that Marco Rubio -- who has refused to stand up for LGBTQ Floridians time and again -- would be his loyal accomplice. Because of elected officials like Marco Rubio, LGBTQ Floridians remain at risk of being fired or denied a job because of who they are or whom they love.” While many believe that Hillary Clinton will act in support

of gay rights, she is equally as outspoken on her intentions to seek some sort of legislation regarding gun control, which sparked Trump’s latest accusations that had even Republicans questioning his reasoning. “During the primary season, as Donald Trump’s bizarre outbursts helped him crush the competition, I thought he was being crazy like a fox,” journalist Eugene Robinson wrote in an op-ed in the Washington Post this week. “Now I am increasingly convinced that he’s just plain crazy,” Robinson continued. “I’m serious about that. Leave aside for the moment Trump’s policies, which in my opinion range from the unconstitutional to the un-American to the potentially catastrophic. At this point, it would be irresponsible to ignore the fact that Trump’s grasp on reality appears to be tenuous at best.” Rather said on Facebook that he expects that will Trump will undoubtably issue an explanation, which he has, glossing over his statement as a misunderstanding meant to get gun rights advocates out to vote. To Rather, however, “Once the words are out there, they cannot be taken back. That is what inciting violence means. “To anyone who still pretends this is a normal election of Republican against Democrat, history is watching. And I suspect its verdict will be harsh. “Many have tried to do a sideshuffle and issue statements saying they strongly disagree

with his rhetoric but still support the candidate. That is becoming woefully insufficient. The rhetoric is the candidate. “This cannot be treated as just another outrageous moment in the campaign. We will see whether major newscasts explain how grave and unprecedented this is and whether the headlines in tomorrow’s newspapers do it justice. We will soon know whether anyone who has publicly supported Trump explains how they can continue to do. “We are a democratic republic governed by the rule of law. We are an honest, fair and decent people. In trying to come to terms with today’s discouraging development, the best I can do is to summon our greatest political poet Abraham Lincoln for perspective: “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” Lincoln used these stirring words to end his First Inaugural Address. It was the eve of the Civil War and sadly his call for sanity, cohesion and peace was met with horrific violence that almost left our precious Union asunder. We cannot let that happen again.” nn

Once the words are out there, they cannot be taken back. That is what inciting violence means.

August 11, 2016


2000 Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 106 | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Phone: 954-380-8563 |

Publisher: Maura Mumball Lane Editor-In-Chief: Richard Hack - Creative Director: Kevin Broady



Trump Takes Aim at 1st Amendment


As most of you know by now, I’m a writer by trade. It’s all I really know. (That, and how to make an incredible cherry crumb pie— but that’s a different story.) For years, I’ve written much of this newspaper every week. In addition, there are 27 non-fiction books out there in the marketplace with my name on the line reserved for the author. All of which is to say I know how to get BY the written RICHARD word on the printed page. HACK For this talent, I’ve also been sued many times. It comes with the territory, I suppose, in a country where anyone can sue anybody for anything— and usually do. That said, I’ve also never lost a case, or for that matter, even had to step foot into court. But if Donald Trump has his way, it’s going to get a whole lot easier to slam someone with a lawsuit—1st Amendment of the Constitution be damned. The Donald, he would have us believe, has been slandered by the press, of all people. That’s what he says. What he actually means is that he thinks he’s been libeled by the press, every time that journalists, including myself, say anything 10

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that he finds offensive. (Which, let’s face it, is just about every single article he reads.) Freedom of speech may seem like a right that even the LGBT community is free to enjoy. (We have so few actual rights that we hold on to the ones we’re sure about like dear life itself.) Unfortunately, under Uncle Don, we are jammed in the same pot as the rest of the soiled voters who are not allowed to bring up negative things to say about the Republican candidate. Interestingly enough, not even Trump followers have the freedom to show unbridled support for their candidate. At any Trump rally, according to his press advisories, there cannot be “homemade signs, banners, professional cameras with a detachable lens, tripods, monopods, selfie sticks, back packs or large bags.” The attempts to eliminate banners and signs have been repeatedly enforced at campaign stops, in blatant denial of 1st Amendment rights of free speech. The professional camera bans do likewise, as media crews have been limited photo access in preference to Trump’s own camera crew—presumably to allow the candidate to review pictures released to the media. Then there are the media organizations who have had their press passes revoked completely, like the Washington Post and the Des Moines Register. Donald didn’t like the way they were painting his policies, and called them “crazy.” Imagine that. If elected President, you would

think that the head of the free world would be open game for quotes and pics. Not so, according to Trump, who feels that he should have complete control on not only which words are included from his speeches, but which pics are taken when out in public. This stomping on rights business seems to be a Republican thing. If you’re old enough, you may remember that Dick Nixon, who ruled supreme from 1969 until he resigned from the Presidency in 1974, had an “enemies list” for whom he made life a living hell—just because they wrote negative comments about his presidency. George W. Bush and Dick Chaney upgraded the bending of Free Speech by creating “Free Speech Zones” around events. Disagree with their policies, and protestors were moved a mile away from the action so that “free press” would have ready access only to those who favored

the President and Vice President. This week, Trump made it clear that he intended to press for laws which would make it easier to sue reporters for writing negative critiques. It would be funny if he wasn’t actually serious in his intent. Almost as funny as his idea to build a wall across the entire Mexican border, and toss millions of legal Muslims out of the country solely on the basis of their religion—something else protected by the 1st Amendment. Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1789 that “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” Unfortunately, just like the Bill of Rights, Donald Trump hasn’t read that either. nn

Richard Hack is the award-winning author of 26 books, and the Vice President of Content for Multimedia Platforms’ publications.

Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.”



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August 11, 2016





Full disclosure: I did not watch the Republican National Convention. I just don’t hate myself enough. But I have watched clips online. And my belief that Donald Trump is a brainless sociopath has only been strengthened. The RNC this year was a clusterfuck battle over who could come across as the most paranoid and hateful. But one speaker stood out for a different reason: Peter Thiel, the first openly gay man to address the RNC. Oh, he’s also the billionaire cofounder of PayPal. So, totally average American gay. He claimed that the economy and the government were broken and that Donald Trump could fix those things. Never mind that the income inequality he cited and the gridlock in our government can largely be attributed to Republican-supported policies and Republican obstructionism. He also said he didn’t agree with every plank in his party’s platform – which makes sense since the platform literally says that he shouldn’t exist and if he insists on being a homo he shouldn’t have any rights. And after dismissing the “bathroom wars” as a distraction he said, “I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all I am proud to be an American.” And guess what? He got a standing ovation! From so 12

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many white people! And Scott Lively, professional homophobe, is SO PISSED! “It was with disappointment but not surprise that I read the news about the standing ovation that openly homosexual Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel received at the Republican national convention,” he wrote in a July 28 blog post. “There’s a serious problem of moral compromise on the homosexual issue in the GOP and we need to face it for what it is.” First of all I’d like to point out that he says he “read the news,” which means even he didn’t watch the convention. It was a terrible shit show for all! He then writes, and I am not making this up, “Ronald Reagan was not a perfect man.” WHAT? Isn’t that considered blasphemy in conservative circles? But don’t worry, he goes on to praise the shit out of Reagan for being the godfather of conservatism. Lively claims that the force of Reagan’s anti-gayness laid the groundwork for decades of an anti-LGBT GOP. And that things are changing and that change is BAD. “Ronald Reagan would never have allowed Peter Thiel to use the GOP stage to legitimize homosexuality,” Lively writes, “nor would the populist conservatives of the Reagan Revolution have ever applauded it.” If only Lively could reanimate Reagan’s corpse so that

they could link arms and shout, “Down with the gays!” “Reagan knew that true conservatism is absolutely incompatible with the ‘gay’ agenda. The two are as contradictory in principle and practice as marital fidelity and adultery,” Lively writes. In other words, you can’t be gay and conservative. You have to pick. Never mind that there are some gay people who are voting for Trump and consider themselves conservatives. Mind you, I don’t agree with them and think that Trump is a very bad choice, but I don’t deny that they exist. “Like the truth of the Bible, true conservatism doesn’t ‘change with the times.’ If it abandons its ... resolve to protect civilization from the cancer of sexual degeneracy, then it loses all moral authority,” he writes. Woah. The “cancer of sexual degeneracy,” huh? If that sounds extreme, remember that this is coming from the same man who claims that Nazis were gays and that’s why they were so vicious. He’s also praised the horrific anti-gay laws in Russia and had a hand in creating Uganda’s “kill the gays” bill. In other words: he’s the total package when it comes to moral authority. Something tells me that despite the RNC recognizing Thiel’s existence, Lively will still find it in his oh-so-moral heart to vote for Trump. nn




WHO IS? Planning A Party A gay Republican is an oxymoron, no matter what side of the aisle you’re on. It’s a scary thought for social conservatives, because what would happen to this party and what it stands for if it were taken over by immoral and reprehensible sinners? After all, gay Republicans are just liberal infiltrators who are trying to tear apart our nation’s moral fabric. It’s a scary thought for liberals, because what would happen if the Republicans came back into power? Gay Republicans are here to stay. There is obviously substantial representation for LGBT issues within the Democratic Party. Should we not also have representation in the Republican Party? A healthy nation has a balance of different perspectives. One-party rule is good for no one, no matter what party you identify with. To conservatives, stop being so afraid and obsessed with the gay issue. Equality and civil rights scared people in the 1950s. It should not be what scares us today, because we are facing financial and foreign crises that are much bigger and with more disastrous and damaging implications. The worst thing that could happen to this country is for it to become more partisan. But what is more important is that we listen to each other, really listen and consider others’ perspectives. If only we did that, perhaps we could come together as a nation that once again stands for freedom, equality, responsibility, justice and a future brighter than the one we are on the path to now. nn –Kevin Broady

August 11, 2016



August 11, 2016


Now What?


The Republican National Convention has come and gone. The Democratic National Convention has come and gone as well. The polls tell which candidate is ahead, however, I believe the polls only reflect the group that was targeted and no more. I feel the poll takers for the Clinton/Kaine or Trump/Pence teams will go to the areas they know the numbers will be to their advantage. We continue to hear the nasty comments come more from one side than the other, but that is to be expected. What isn’t expected in my opinion, are the words people have chosen to call one candidate over another. The beginning of the alphabet has started many words recently; A, B, C and on, even down to W (use your BY REV. imagination) to describe JOEL Hillary. I haven’t seen too SLOTNICK many of the alphabet used for Donald. I’m not prude, and I’m certainly someone who isn’t without tarnish on my halo. However, there are some things you just don’t put in print. It seems social media has no limits. The Presidential debates have been scheduled as follows: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2016: First presidential debate, Location: Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2016: Vice presidential debate, Location: Longwood University, Farmville, VA SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2016: Second presidential debate, Location: Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2016: Third presidential debate, Location: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV Whereas I didn’t watch all of the respective conventions, I do plan on watching all the debates - if they’ll happen. That’s what I said, “If.”

On July 31, 2016,’s headline was “Donald Trump and RNC attack presidential debate schedule.” It seems DJT and the GOP are upset NFL games are scheduled on some of the same nights as debates. According to the article “That’s true. (It was also true in 2012, and the debates were still high-rated.)” Trump has been unstable in endorsing people from his own party. One week he’s talking down about John McCain and Paul Ryan. When that made news, next thing you know, he’s endorsing them. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m far from saying Hillary is without her share of controversy. It always comes back to honesty and trustworthiness. Yes, they’re important issues against her. But in looking over several polls as of Sunday, Hillary Clinton is leading Donald Trump anywhere from 4 to 15 points. Again, as I stated earlier, it depends on who is taking the poll and where. What are some issues that we can compare side-by-side? I obtained the following information from: HILLARY: Abortion is a woman’s unrestricted right: Strongly Agrees Legally require hiring women & minorities: Strongly Agrees Comfortable with same-sex marriage: Strongly Agrees Keep God in the public sphere: Agrees EPA regulations are too restrictive: Strongly Disagrees Make voter registration easier: Strongly Agrees DONALD: Abortion is a woman’s unrestricted right: Disagrees Legally require hiring women & minorities: Neutral/No opinion Comfortable with same-sex marriage: Disagrees Keep God in the public sphere: Strongly Agrees EPA regulations are too restrictive: Strongly Agrees Make voter registration easier: Agrees


They’re just a glimpse at the future we could possibly have. Locally, many of us have continued a peaceful gathering of “Love Always Wins” each Monday evening at the famous northeast corner of Oakland Park Boulevard and Federal Highway. The gathering was started just after the mass shootings at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando by three community people: Derek Maingot, Tom Runyan, D.J.Michael Tank. It continues to be an amazing experience for all participants. This weekend, there were a group of Trump supporters in the spot, and interestingly, one of them was carrying a rainbow flag. It makes you wonder if these people are jumping on the “Love Always Wins” bandwagon by making people walking and driving by think the Monday night group are Trump supporters. I truly hope not, especially when one of the Saturday signs was very anti-Hillary, using a few of the letters I described above (B&W). It all goes back to educating ourselves and others, knowing the respective candidates as best as possible. There are many LGBT people who are for Donald and Mike. They feel they’ll be better for the USA. Sorry, I don’t feel that way. Setting us back decades and wanting my life being discounted or having basic equal rights taken away has ZERO economical value to me. The next President will also put new Supreme Court Justices in place. Think about that too. Your actions on 11/8/2016 can have a major impact on many lives, and perhaps not in a good way. I leave you with the words of Melchor Lim: “Every day brings new lessons and new possibilities. There is always a way to take the next step forward on the path you’ve chosen. Events may be terrible and inescapable at times, but you always have choice: if not when, then how, you may endure and proceed onward.” nn

Rev. Joel S. Slotnick is an ordained Interfaith minister and full time digital court reporter. He can be found on Facebook and followed on Twitter. August 11, 2016


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LGBT Alliance Endorsements Florida Primary Elections: Cast Your VOTE on Tuesday August 30th




Important Reminder for the National Elections On Nov 8th You must be a citizen of the United States as well as a resident of Florida in the county in which are registering to vote. Only those 18 years of age are eligible to vote. Your voting location will vary depending on your home address which must be listed on your voter’s registration. Last day to register October 11. Via mail or on-line at


August 11, 2016



23RD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Debbie Wasserman Schultz

CIRCUIT JUDGE GROUP 15 Matthew I. Destry








COUNTY COURT JUDGE GROUP 7 Nina Weatherly Di Pietro

CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Mitchell “Mitch” Ceasar




SHERIFF Scott Israel










COUNTY COMMISSION DISTRICT 9 Christopher “Chris” Smith



August 11, 2016


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Poll: Young Americans favor LGBT rights on adoption, more


WASHINGTON (AP) Young people in America overwhelmingly support LGBT rights when it comes to policies on employment, health care and adoption, according to a new survey. The GenForward survey of Americans ages 18-30 found that support for those policies has increased over the past two years, especially among young whites. But relatively few of these young adults consider rights for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender to be among the top issues facing the country. According to the findings, 92 percent of young adults support HIV and AIDs prevention, 90 percent support equal employment, and 80 percent support LGBT adoption. Across racial and ethnic groups, broad majorities support training police on transgender issues, government support for organizations for LGBT youth and insurance coverage for transgender health issues. GenForward is a survey by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago with The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. The first-of-itskind poll pays special attention to 18

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the voices of young adults of color, highlighting how race and ethnicity shape the opinions of the country’s most diverse generation. In the past two years, support has increased from 69 percent to 84 percent among young whites for policies such as allowing gays and lesbians to legally adopt children. Support among this group for employment equality for LGBT individuals rose from 84 percent to 92 percent. The poll also suggests support for allowing adoption by gays and lesbians has increased among Hispanics over the past two years, from 65 percent to 75 percent. Christie Cocklin, 27, a self-identified multiracial American from Providence, Rhode Island, says that LGBT rights are just common sense. “People who don’t identify as heterosexual are human like we

are, and should be entitled to the same kind of rights,” she said. “I have friends who are LGBT and I feel that it’s discrimination to not allow them adoption or employment or whatever.” Young Asian-Americans, African-Americans and Latinos are more likely to support insurance coverage for transgender health issues in general than when certain specifics are mentioned. Eighty-three percent of AsianAmericans support insurance coverage for transgender health issues, but only 63 percent say so when gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments are specifically mentioned. Similarly, support for insurance coverage drops from 69 percent to 57 percent among African-Americans, and from 74 percent to 57 percent among Latinos. Sixty-two percent of young

People who don’t identify as heterosexual are human like we are, and should be entitled to the same kind of rights.”

whites favored insurance coverage of transgender health issues regardless of whether that specifically included gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments. While young Americans favored LGBT rights on every issue in the poll, only 6 percent, including fewer than 1 in 10 across racial and ethnic backgrounds, consider the LGBT rights one of the top issues facing the country. Among those who self-identified as LGBT, 17 percent said it is one of the country’s top issues. The poll of 1,940 adults age 1830 was conducted July 9-20 using a sample drawn from the probabilitybased GenForward panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. young adult population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.8 percentage points. The survey was paid for by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago using grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation. Respondents were first selected randomly using address-based sampling methods, and later interviewed online or by phone. nn

The Joys of Summer To Be Found Here Can We Talk? Discussion Group

Tuesday, August 16, 7pm Jews & Food: What’s kosher about kashrut?

First Friday Dinner Returns

Friday, August 5th, 6pm Our first meeting is at the Peter Pan Diner

Special Event

Tuesday, August 9, 7pm Kenneth Bricker, from The Israel Project

Summer Book Club

Saturday, August 13, 11am Born To Kvetch, by Michael Wex Shabbat services every Friday night at 8pm

Congregation Etz Chaim 2038 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-9232 August 11, 2016




The HIV Vaccine Search: 20 Years and Counting


Mark Feinberg, MD, PhD, is the new president and CEO of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI). He took over as head of the organization in September 2015. He leads a global team of scientists, clinicians and advocates in the search for preventive HIV vaccines that are safe, effective and accessible. Prior to joining IAVI, Feinberg was the chief public health and science officer for Merck Vaccines. He served 11 years in total at Merck & Co. in various leadership roles, working on the pharmaceutical company’s vaccine and infectious disease efforts, which included rotavirus, human papillomavirus, shingles and HIV. Most recently, he led the company’s efforts on a promising Ebola vaccine. Feinberg has more than 30 years of experience in HIV care and research. He was on the faculty at the University of California, San Francisco and the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. He was on the medical staff at San Francisco General Hospital and Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, and he was a medical officer in the Office of AIDS Research at the National Institutes of Health. What are your thoughts on IAVI marking its 20th anniversary this year? It’s both a chance to reflect on what the organization has accomplished, as well as to think about its future. This year also marks 20 years since the advent of effective antiretroviral therapy. Before IAVI, that was a time when the most effective approaches to treating HIV had not yet been codified. However, the discussions to create an entity like 20

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IAVI predated the biomedical success of effective therapy. IAVI is committed to the overall goal of ending AIDS. We recognize that AIDS will only come to an end if an effective vaccine is developed, but while that work goes on, every aspect of the response to HIV needs to be maximized. That includes getting as many people as possible who have HIV to know they have the virus and getting as many people with HIV on therapy as soon as they are able. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) should also be widely available. When an HIV vaccine is developed, it will coexist with other treatment and prevention modalities. That creates complexity, but it also creates opportunity and is a testament to how much progress has been made in 20 years. That

IAVI is committed to the overall goal of ending AIDS. We recognize that AIDS will only come to an end if an effective vaccine is developed. said, the needs remain enormous. Most people living with HIV don’t know their status, most with the virus are not on treatment around the world, and most who could benefit from PrEP have no way of getting access to it. A vaccine would be the best possible solution to address a lot of the barriers that currently limit the impact of available interventions in protecting at-risk populations. A characteristic that distinguishes a vaccine from therapy or PrEP is that you can have a defined regimen of administration that would take place over a short period of time and would offer long-term protection.

What is IAVI’s mission? IAVI is focused on the goal of developing an HIV vaccine. That includes work that we do in our own research labs and programs. But I think even more important than that is our commitment to maximizing the success of the overall HIV vaccine field. That means that we want to put in place resources that can support the work of investigators outside of IAVI, whether they’re from academic labs or government labs. One example of that is a service that we provide to investigators who don’t have experience taking promising ideas from the labora

tory into the clinic. That involves all kinds of complicated issues, like properly manufacturing the vaccine candidate, assuring its quality, dealing with regulatory issues and designing appropriate clinical trials. Many of the most brilliant scientists don’t have that expertise and it wouldn’t be the best use of their time to try to acquire it. We provide that as a function to investigators. In many ways, what IAVI has designed itself to be in 2016 is an organization that seeks to identify opportunities for greater collaboration in the field. And it seeks to both identify and solve barriers that exist. We are advanc-

ing candidate vaccines that have demonstrated promise. What are some of IAVI’s successes? IAVI, our scientists and our collaborators have made major contributions to understanding the immune response in people with HIV and to using that information to guide vaccine development. In the course of that work, we have a much more detailed understanding of the structure of the key components of HIV that will likely be the target of protective immune responses, and we have a much better idea about how to design vaccines. Part of that work has led to the isolation of a series of monoclonal antibodies, both by IAVI and other investigators, that are now being explored for passive administration to prevent HIV infection. The goal would be to serve the same purpose as oral PrEP, but you might administer it once every three or six months via an injection rather than having to take a pill every day. There are lots of other, even more promising, antibodies including a number that IAVI and partners helped discover, isolate and characterize, that are also being explored as therapeutic or curative agents. Are there other interventions, including immunologic ones like broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies, that could help promote clearance of infected cells that are not somehow reached by drugs themselves? Are there ways of activating the expression of HIV proteins that could then be targeted by immunologic intervention, such as antibodies, to work in concert with the antiretroviral drugs to cure people of HIV? And if it’s not a definitive cure, can you achieve a so-called functional cure? That exploratory research is going on. Why is this process so difficult? Developing an HIV vaccine or some modality to cure people of HIV is dependent upon solving many complicated – and currently incompletely understood – aspects of the biology of HIV infection. They’re much more complicated than anything the scientific community has ever been asked to solve for before. HIV causes an infection that the

immune systems of people with the virus aren’t able to get rid of and persists in them throughout their lives. We don’t yet have vaccines that protect against infections the immune system itself is not naturally able to clear. Making an HIV vaccine means that we’ll have to do better than the immune system normally does itself. There are a number of exciting ideas about how to do that. Will they work? I don’t know. Is it important to find ways of testing them as quickly as possible? Definitely. The main barrier is the science, but other barriers relate to how effectively people work together to address complicated challenges like this one, which involves a long-term effort. It involves stakeholders from the public sector, the private sector, academia, government and nonprofit organizations. We’re gratified to see increased collaboration in the field. We want to do everything we can to foster that. What can individuals do to help? I started working in HIV in 1984. I had no idea at the time that I would be spending my entire career on it. This will outlast me for sure. One of the real challenges is the level of public attention to HIV has waned. Maintaining a durable commitment for as long as it’s going to take to get rid of AIDS is something that I think is an important area for advocacy, not only for IAVI. Individuals can make sure that the world doesn’t forget about the importance of continuing to pay attention to this issue. Continue to advocate for the development of new innovations. In addition, there is always the opportunity for participation in research studies. There’s a lot of work that will need to be done that will require clinical trials involving both people with the virus and HIV-negative people. Without the commitment of people who have been in clinical trials to date, we wouldn’t have the modalities that we have today.

Oriol R. Gutierrez Jr. is the editor-inchief of POZ magazine. Find him on Twitter @oriolgutierrez. nn August 11, 2016


L Team G B T

Rio 2016

NEW TEAM MEMBER Update qAMINI FONUA (TONGA, 6’0”, 26) Is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to swim the 100-yard breaststroke at the Olympic games for his homeland of Tonga. But when he’s not wearing his official swimwear, the gay athlete often sports a tight blue and pink pair of men’s bikini swimming trunks, emblazoned with the words “L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center” on the back. Fonua replied, “Having the words ‘gay and lesbian’ over my butt is my way of announcing my queerness for the swimming world to see.”

nNew Zealand rower Robbie Manson and his double sculls partner Chris Harris fell one place short of securing a spot in the Olympics final when they finished fourth. nAfter Beach Volleyball player Larissa França and her Brazilian beach volleyball partner Talita Antunes won, to advance to the Olympics Round of 16, the first person she kissed was Liliane Maestrini, whom she married in 2013. nTom Daley, an openly gay diver from Britain, won a bronze medal at the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics with teammate Daniel Goodfellow in the men’s 10-meter synchronized platform diving. nHelen Richardson-Walsh and Kate Richardson-Walsh of Great Britain made history Saturday when they took the field for their first match of the Rio Olympics, becoming the first married couple to play together on the same team at an Olympics. Great Britain won the match over Australia, 2-1.


August 11, 2016

tELENA DELLE DONNE (USA, 6’5”, 26) U.S. professional basketball player for the Chicago Sky in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA). In February 2014 Delle Donne was named a Special Olympics Global Ambassador. In August 2016, Delle Donne’s engagement to long-time partner Amanda Clifton was announced in Vogue’s August issue. It was the first public acknowledgment of Delle Donne’s sexuality, although numerous photos of the two had already appeared on social media.

nNetherlands gymnastics team member, Jeffrey Wammes did not qualify for an individual event dashing his hopes of getting a medal. nMelanie Henique from France will compete Friday in the women’s 50m butterfly. nRudgy, Soccer, Handball and Basketball players are all still in elimination competition, so no medals have been awarded yet. nEquestrian competition starts Thursday. nn

The Gayest Olympics Just Got Gayer


RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) - Isadora Cerullo got no medal at these Olympics. A ring will have to suffice. Cerullo is a rugby player for Brazil and her team finished ninth at the Rio Games out of a 12-team field, well out of medal contention. When the competition was over, a volunteer walked onto the pitch and eventually got around to asking her a question. The volunteer was her girlfriend, Marjorie Enya. The question was “will you marry me?” And as others surrounded them and held red heart-shaped balloons, Cerullo said yes. Unlike the Sochi Games two years ago, where gay rights were called into question over anti-gay laws enacted by Russia’s government, the Rio Games seem to be increasingly tolerant by comparison. It hasn’t been flawless - for example, homophobic slurs were shouted by some in the stands at a U.S. women’s soccer match as the games opened - but there’s certain signs of progress on the inclusion front. “That’s what I hope for and I feel like our society is going in the right direction,” said U.S. women’s basketball star Elena Delle Donne, who came out and announced her engagement last week. “That’s not a story. It’s normal.” The new normal, perhaps. Gay marriage is legal in Brazil, though tolerance seems far from universal. One gay rights group says that on average since 2013, about one LGBT person each day has been killed in Brazil. The organization called Grupo Gay da Bahia calls Brazil “the world champion of crimes motivated by homophobia and-or transphobia.” “I know all the prejudice that exists in society against homosexuals,” said 2012 Olympic beach volleyball bronze medalist Larissa Franca of Brazil, who is competing again in Rio. “We don’t choose our feelings, let alone control them.” So far in these Olympics, there seems to be far more cheering than prejudice. Whether it was a transgender model appearing in the athletes’ parade at the opening ceremony, two men kissing during their leg of the torch relay along Copacabana Beach or the British women’s field hockey team including two teammates who are married - an Olympic

first - it has already been a games unlike any other for the LGBTQ community. “A lot of support,” Delle Donne said. That’s as the International Olympic Committee intended, too. After Sochi, the IOC required future Olympic host cities to abide by rules that forbid any kind of discrimination, including with regard to sexual orientation. “It’s in the charter that we don’t accept any discrimination on grounds of race or religion and sexuality is now included in that. But this kind of takes it even further,” IOC spokesman Mark Adams said Tuesday. “It’s a celebration of that and certainly made me feel good this morning when I heard about the story. So it’s excellent, excellent news.” Cerullo’s engagement quickly made global headlines given the stage on which it occurred. Enya appeared, gave a rather impassioned and emotional speech about how Cerullo is the love of her life, and the couple sealed the moment with a kiss. “That certainly made her very happy,” said Brazil rugby player Rachel Kochhann, one of Cerullo’s teammates. “We felt this joy in our group.” reported that there are at least 46 publicly known LGBT athletes in the Rio Games, the highest number of any Olympics. British diver Tom Daley won a bronze medal in the synchronized competition, with his fiance in the stands to cheer him on - and whatever buzz that created didn’t seem to overshadow the medal accomplishment whatsoever. Daley came out in 2013 and said he’s never been happier. “I’m at my most consistent,” Daley said. “I

feel ready physically, psychologically, everything, so I’m really excited.” Daley said the support he’s gotten has been empowering, and British racewalker Tom Bosworth can relate. When Bosworth revealed his sexuality publicly last year, he said he was blown away by the support from those who already knew and people he never met. “It’s actually spurred me on,” Bosworth said. “It’s actually given me more motivation. ... Now I feel like I’m doing it for even more people than before.” For Cerullo and Enya, it was an Olympic moment they’ll never forget. The stadium was largely empty when Enya walked onto the grass with a microphone, volunteers gathered around as she spoke about what Cerullo means to her. The “ring” that Enya gave Cerullo was a simple piece of ribbon. Gold ribbon, that is. After all, it was at an Olympics. “I wanted to show people,” Enya said, “that love wins.” August 11, 2016



By Chuck Nicholls Master Gardener


cheverias/succulents have recently become very trendy plants in the horticultural industry. Fortunately for those of us living in South Florida, it is possible to grow many of them either directly in the ground or in containers. Because of their popularity, there are many new and colorful varieties that have become available. They are not only used for landscaping purposes, but also have become increasing popular in the floral industry. Mark Turner, a local event planner, has used them in bouquets and centerpieces. He recently completed a magnificent topiary tree for one of his clients using them. Echeveria is named after a Mexican Botanist/ artist Atanasio Echeverria y Godoy. Echeverias are included in a very large group of plants within the Crassulacea family mostly originating from Mexico and Central/South America. The plants grown in this area are evergreen with flowers that come from the base of rosettes from the succulent leaves. The flowers are not generally showy and do not last although there are exceptions. Older plants often produce new plants by off-


August 11, 2016

sets that originate at the base of the mother plant. Another method of propagation is relatively easy by taking leaf cuttings (removing the leaf from the central core of the plant) and placing in a very loose and moist soil within a flat or pot that should be located in a shady location. A light misting of water during the hot weather is essential. New plants will develop within 6-8 weeks. Experienced gardeners many want to plant seeds only if the plant is not a hybrid. Good drainage is essential whether they are grown in the ground or in containers. A good mix is ½ organic material sand ½ materials that can be used for drainage such as course sand, perlite or pumice. Do not feed them a fertilizer high in Nitrogen. I recommend bone meal which is 2-1010. Plants can be grown in full sun. Generally speaking plants should be watered thoroughly twice weekly during the hot summer and once in the winter months. A good rain counts as one good watering. Plants are widely distributed and can be found at most nurseries and Garden Centers. Home

Depot and Lowes generally have a nice collection in their garden centers. You can learn more about echeverias and other plants by attending The Equality Park Garden Club which meets at the Pride Center every third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm. The Pride Center is located at 2040 North Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors. Chuck Nicholls is Past President and founder of The Equality Park Garden Club and founder of the The Annual Tropical Plant Fair held in Wilton Manors.


By Maura Mumball Lane

PICANHA WITH BRAZILIAN RICE “When my baby, when my baby cooks for me she thinks of Rio” In celebration of the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil, this week’s Secret recipe is all about Brazilian cuisine. We start with Picanha. Picanha is the rump, the butt cut. This cut has the fat attached which means marbled and juicy. Ask your butcher for Top Sirloin cap. A perfect complement to this meat is Brazilian rice. Garlic and onions are almost infused in the rice and once you make it this way, you’ll be reluctant to return to plain white rice. Top Sirloin Cap (2-3lbs) Rock Salt (Plenty to pack meat) Bunch Cilantro Garlic Head Start by scoring the fat on the Top Cap. Trim the fat that hangs over the sides so you don’t flame up. Slice 2-3 pieces and fold onto a large

kebob skewer. Fold meat side in and skewer the fattest end first. Put your grill on medium heat. Pack both sides of meat with kosher salt seasoning the meat not the fat. Set aside for

20 minutes, brush off the salt and put on your grill to rotate. Cook on open flame until the meat turns golden brown and to your desired taste. Mix cilantro, garlic and olive oil in food processor for accompanying sauce. Brazilian Rice 2 cups water 1 tablespoon olive oil I medium onion 3 cloves garlic I cup jasmine rice 1 teaspoon kosher salt Fill a kettle full of water and heat to boil. Dice onions and mince garlic. In a medium pan, sauté onions in olive oil for 3 minutes. Add garlic to pan and stir for one minute. Add dry rice and cook for another 3 minutes. Add 2 cups boiling water to mixture and cover. Cook on medium low heat for 20 minutes.

August 11, 2016





me Aweso ers! Should



A crucial muscle group that that you should never neglect or train routinely, are the deltoids, or what some call the shoulder muscles. Whether you’re jogging shirtless on the beach, sunning yourself at the pool, or wearing your best suit for an important job interview, an awesome set of shoulders will help you tower above the rest. The deltoids are located at the top of each arm and consist of the front (anterior) deltoids, mid (lateral) deltoids, and the rear (posterior) deltoids. Well-developed deltoids resemble canon-balls, and they add a broadness and dimension to your upper physique. Because of their size and difficult location, you need a variety of specialized exercises in order to develop them. Also, the stronger your deltoids are, the more protected and the less stress you will place upon those deeper rotator cuff muscles. Here are five of my favorite 26

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weight training exercises for the deltoids. Try a combination of 3 or 4 of these exercises with every shoulder workout. Also, you can train shoulders on their own separate days or you can combine them with just about any other muscle group!

SEATED DUMBBELL PRESSES are great for front and mid deltoids as well as for traps and triceps. Sit on a bench with your back straight. Grasp two dumbbells with an overhand grip and lift them to your shoulders, palms facing forward. Inhale and press your arms to an extended overhead position. Exhale as you lower them back to your shoulders. SIDE RAISES are great for the mid deltoids and they help you to achieve a broader look to the upper body. Stand with your feet slightly spread. Keep your back straight, your arms hanging at your sides. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, raise the dumbbells

to shoulder height, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Return to your sides. You can also do this exercise seated on a bench with your back straight and simply raise the dumbbells to your sides as if you were standing. Doing these exercises in a seated position helps you to isolate the side deltoids better, and yep, they’re more difficult! FRONT RAISES are superlative for the front and rear deltoids. Stand with your feet slightly apart. Hold the dumbbells with your palms down (overhand grip). Resting the dumbbells on your thighs or slightly to the side, raise the dumbbells forward to shoulder height alternating each side. BENT OVER LATERAL RAISES are great for the overall shoulder, but especially for the rear deltoids and upper back. Stand with your feet spread apart and your knees slightly bent. Bend forward at the waist and keep your back straight. Hold the dumbbells with your elbows slightly bent. Inhale and raise the dumbbells to your sides. Exhale as you complete the movement. THE UPRIGHT ROW is another exercise for the mid and rear deltoids. Holding a weighted bar in front of you with an overhand grip, pull it to your chin while keeping your elbows above the bar. Keep the bar close to your body. With each of the above exercises try performing three to four sets of 10 to 12 reps with manageable but challenging weights. Also, remember to watch your posture. Don’t slump! Shoulders back, head up, chest out! nn

ABOUT TOM Tom Bonanti is a certified personal trainer and licensed massage therapist (MA#40288) with his own one on one personal training gym and massage studio at 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33304. Contact with questions or call Tom (954) 557-1119 to set up a free fitness consultation today!


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Workout Mix Sometimes getting motivated to exercise can be harder than the workout itself. With that in mind, I’ve rounded up my favorite workout tracks, from fresh remixes to old favorites. Get ready to catch yourself humming through your jog, training circuit, or yoga practice. Don’t be surprised if you end up keeping a steadier pace while listening. MUSIC WITH A STRONG BEAT has been found to help people’s movements stay consistent during exercise. nn Kevin Broady




The Karate Kid


Moving Pictures


Kenny Loggins






Rihanna, JAY Z


Eve, Gwen Stefani


Nelly Furtado, Timberland


Beyonce, JAY Z




The Chainsmokers

August 11, 2016




The Pet Store and Puppy Mill n

A puppy mill is a large-scale commercial dog breeding facility where profit is given priority over the well-being of the dogs. These dogs are raised in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions without adequate veterinary care, food, water or socialization. In order to maximize profits, female dogs are bred at every opportunity with little-to-no recovery time between litters. Puppy mill puppies are sold to pet shops or directly to the public over the Internet, through newspaper ads, and at swap meets. Dogs are often kept in cages with wire flooring that injures their paws and legs— and it is not unusual for cages to be stacked in columns. When female breeding dogs reach a point of physical depletion and can no longer reproduce, they are often killed. These puppies are prone to congenital and hereditary conditions including heart disease and blood and respiratory disorders and often arrive in pet stores and in their new homes with diseases or infirmities ranging from parasites to pneumonia. Florida has virtually no animal mills, but what it does have is one of the largest number of pet stores in the country. Over 45 ordinances have been passed just in Florida in an effort to shut them down. We have some notorious pet stores here in South Florida that have each been sued numerous times for selling sick dogs for enormous profit. Where they buy these dogs to sell to the public is where the tragedy 28

August 11, 2016

begins. They buy them at puppy mills, not private breeders. As of today Palm Beach County has passed bans in 7 cities. Miami-Dade bans have won approval in 15 cities. Broward now has 12 cities which include Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, Dania Beach, Deerfield Beach, Hallandale Beach, Lauderhill, Margate, North Lauderdale, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Sunrise, Tamarac, Wilton Manors, and Hollywood—but not Fort Lauderdale. Hallandale city commissioner Michelle Lazarow is the leading expert and legislator getting most of these bills passed. ”I have advocated and educated colleagues in close to 40 communities in Florida and helped pass legislation in over 35 of those cities, saving residents heartache over sick and ill puppies while at the same time helping to stop massive animal cruelty,” she said. The days of the “Norman Rockwell” paintings of puppies in the windows are over. We have pulled back the curtain of cruelty and deception. It is time for the officials to listen and learn why this form of commerce must cease in their communities. We do not suggest that these pet stores that sell these dogs close their stores. That serves no one. What they can, and should, do is change the model of their business to where they can sell our wonderful shelter animals. Pet Supermarket and others do that now, and they stay in business. We want these stores to stay in business and prove that they can make this transition.

There are plenty of full breed dogs in the shelters and others that are just as adorable and loving, and in need of a good home. This encourages a more “Humane model of pet stores” and decreases the large number of euthanasia’s happening at the shelters due to over population. They can also sell supportive items for pets like the commercial stores do and still make a profit. It is truly a winwin for all. They should not be able to make large profits on the souls of these helpless animals. Recently the Broward County commissioners refused to pass the ordinance in an abysmal display of lobbyist pressure. Many Broward residents wanted the ban, but did not appear at the hearing and voice their opinions, since it was scheduled in the middle of the work day. Miramar is up next on August 17th to hopefully embrace the ban. I urge all of you to attend this meeting, email the commissioners and let them know we support the humane treatment of animals over big profits by these pet stores. One city at a time, we are making a difference in this most important subject of animal rights.

Please follow us on Facebook as we continue this fight. https://www.facebook. com/drdonnaspetfoundation5. nn

August 11, 2016



n n n n n BY MIKEY ROX


Pieces of Financial Advice for Living With a Roommate Splitting rent with a roommate saves money – and it can be the ticket out of your parents’ house (which means no more sneaking those Grindr tricks in through the basement window, much to his delight). But while living with a gay brother from another mother can be rewarding, it’s important to protect yourself and make decisions that don’t hurt your finances. To make this living sitch work with few financial disagreements, here are five money tips for bunking with your bestie.


If you’re renting an apartment, you and your roommate will have a lease agreement with the landlord. But in addition to this agreement, you should also establish a roommate agreement between the two of you. Before moving into the apartment, you obviously sat down and discussed how to handle expenses – or at least you should have. Since money can be a touchy topic, the agreement you come up with shouldn’t be a verbal one. Even if you walked away from the discussion on the same page, you need to get everything in writing so there are no misunderstandings down the road. Some roommates choose to split all expenses evenly down the middle, but you and your roommate may come up with a different agreement – perhaps a 70–30 split, for instance. If you don’t get anything in writing, the person paying more may later claim that he’s being taken advantage of. Creating a separate roommate agreement may seem like an unnecessary step, but it can save you from a lot of heartache and stress.


August 11, 2016


When furnishing the new place, some roommates decide to purchase furniture together so it’s not a burden on one person. But in all likelihood the two of you will not live together forever – and even if you don’t realize it today, buying furniture together can create problems once you make the decision to part ways. This can start disagreements about who gets what items, and if you and your roommate part on bad terms, these disagreements do nothing but add fuel to the fire. To make it easy on yourself, agree that everyone buys their own furniture pieces. Once you’re ready to move out of a shared apartment or house, each person leaves with what they brought into the living arrangement.


When you and your roommate apply for an apartment together, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to confirm your employment and income. But if it’s your home and you bring in a roommate, it’s your job to act as a landlord. This can be awkward and uncomfortable, especially if you don’t have landlord experience. You may not feel comfortable asking a stranger or a friend for their financial information. But if you want to avoid potential problems, never choose a roommate based solely on what they say they earn. If you don’t confirm this information, you could end up with a roommate who’s not capable of covering their expenses. You don’t have to get too personal, but you should at least call your roommate’s employer to confirm they work for the company, and get a copy of their most recent paycheck stub. Don’t feel bad; you’re doing what any landlord would do, which is ultimately protecting yourself.


Although getting a roommate can improve your finances and help you save money, you

shouldn’t blow all your extra cash. It’s important to maintain a financial cushion – just in case your roommate bounces. If your roommate moves out before the end of the lease, and you move out because you can’t afford the rent by yourself, you’re also in breach of contract. This can trigger litigation and credit damage. But if you prepare for the worst-case scenario and build a “just in case” fund, you can possibly save enough to cover the rent until the end of your lease.


Regardless of whether your roommate is a best friend, never combine finances. This person is not your spouse, so there’s no need to combine your bank accounts. Some roommates have one joint bank account exclusively for household bills, and each person deposits their share into this account. To each his own. Just know that this approach can lead to problems, especially if one person isn’t as responsible with money. This person may dip into the account to cover personal expenses or fail to deposit his share, which forces the other roommate to pick up the slack. A better, safer approach is each person writing a separate check from their own checking accounts, and then including both checks in an envelope to the landlord or a utility company. Or if you’re paying bills online, one person can give the other cash to cover his share. Your landlord and utility companies don’t care how you pay a bill, as long as you pay it.

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.

August 11, 2016



August 11, 2016


n n n n Across

1 Da Vinci’s bridge 6 Rock Hudson’s A Farewell to ___ 10 Vegetable dildo, for short 14 The Seven Samurai director Kurosawa 15 The African Queen, e.g. 16 Baldwin’s The ___ Corner 17 Provide food for 18 Brought forth fruit 19 Deli jarful 20 56-Across played Mary Epps in this 2013 movie 23 Noise at the Roxy 24 Brunch entree 27 Semen may be evidence on this program 30 Faith in music 33 Like a stifling relationship 35 Hosp. worker 36 Express pleasure orally 37 Scroll for the cut 38 Sandy’s sound in Annie 39 56-Across played Harriet Hayes in this 2006-07 TV series 43 It gets laid on some streets 44 Gather, after spilling one’s seed 46 Run-down neighborhood 47 Same-sex vow 48 Let the Dead Bury the Dead author Randall 50 Conductor Georg 51 Beauty and the Beast film frame 52 Meryl of The Hours 54 Star Trek sequel, briefly 56 Actress in “a number of performances” 62 Gay-friendly area of London 65 Trojans’ org. 66 8-Down had his last one in Paris 67 Think out 68 In stitches, to Edith Head 69 Dirty Dancing director Ardolino 70 Bow source in Robin Hood - Men in Tights 71 Little biker in a Gay Pride march 72 Satisfies fully

Down 1 Conference of the UCLA Bruins 2 “I’ve had better...” 3 Evening, in ads 4 E.M. Forster’s Where Angels Fear to ___ 5 Pair of studs, e.g. 6 “Dancing Queen” band 7 Hoppers down under 8 Streetcar guy 9 Type of room at a bathhouse 10 Robert Goulet musical 11 Thurman of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues 12 F, in the orchestra pit 13 Bowie collaborator Brian 21 Stallion’s sound 22 Doc for lions and tigers and bears 25 Kind of dancer or fruit 26 Tongue-lashing 27 Marcia ___ (American Crime Story role for 56-Across) 28 Abercrombie & Fitch buying binges 29 Little one 31 Lucy of Charlie’s Angels 32 “___ it goes” (Ellerbee line taken from Vonnegut) 34 56-Across played Abby in this 2015 film 40 Not in the pink 41 “The closet” opening? 42 TV newsmagazine with Anderson Cooper 45 Jim of The Big Bang Theory 49 PBS helper 50 Kevin of American Beauty 53 German Surrealist Max 55 Type of award for singers, e.g. 57 Overhead predator 58 Material for Philip Johnson’s Glass House 59 Prissy hissy 60 Enjoy the scenery at a gay bar 61 Discouraging words 62 Undercover agent 63 Cheer for Lorca 64 Left in the field

In a Number of Performances

August 11, 2016





THURSDAY 8/11 @ 7:00PM Broward Center 13-18 year old inspiring thespians perform one of Broadway’s greatest recent revivals at the Broward Center. The 1970s musical revolves around the identity quest of a young prince as he searches for the meaning of life. Breathtaking acrobatics and extreme magic tricks are thrown in with Bob Fosse-style dance routines. Some of the most popular Broadway standards stem from the Stephen Schwartz songs, including “Corner of the Sky,” “Magic to Do,” “Spread a Little Sunshine,” and “Morning Glow.” The revival in 2013 won Tony Awards for Best Revival, Best Actress, Best Featured Actress, and Best Direction. 7:00 p.m. Broward Center for the Performing Arts. 201 SW Fifth Ave. Fort Lauderdale. 33312.


FRIDAY 8/12 @ 8:30PM Broward Center The indisputable king of horror hard rock in the early ‘70s, Cooper is known for elaborate, violent stage shows. Songs such as “I’m Eighteen” and “School’s Out” solidified his notoriety and place in music history. His songs have become the quintessential anthems of aggressive, male teen discontent. Despite pushing seventy, Cooper continues to tour, including tonight at the usually elegant Broward Center. His last album Welcome 2 My Nightmare was released in 2011. 8:30 p.m. Broward Center for the Performing Arts. 201 SW Fifth Ave. Fort Lauderdale. 33312.



FRIDAY 8/12 @ 7:30PM Culture Room The Minneapolis based rock band has released six albums and has toured heavily throughout their nearly twenty year career. Their 2005 breakthrough album Commit This to Memory featured help from Blink-182 bassist Mark Hoppus to pen such singles as “Everything Is Alright,” “Hold Me Down,” and “L.G. FUAD.” Despite consistent critiques throughout their career of being “punk poseurs” the band is receiving kudos in the late stage of their career. Their current tour is a So Long, Farewell Tour which will end with the band’s retirement. A Great Big Pile of Leaves and Rozwell Kid open. 7:30 p.m. Culture Room. 3045 N. Federal Highway. Fort Lauderdale. 33306. 34

August 11, 2016






SATURDAY 8/13 @ 7:30PM Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre For a time country music singers who supported LGBT issues were few and far between. Those times may be changing, but it’s important to honor trailblazers like Brad Paisley, who came out in favor of gay marriage way before it was considered faux pas not to. The popular singer has won three Grammy Awards, fourteen Academy of Country Music Awards, fourteen Country Music Association Awards, two American Music Awards, and, most importantly, has earned the greatest honor bestowed upon a country music singer when he became a member of the Grand Ole Opry. 7:30 p.m. Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre. 601-7 Sansburys Way. West Palm Beach. 33411.

SATURDAY 8/13 @ 7:30PM BB&T Center Watching demolition is somehow a primal and viscerally exhilarating experience, as can be seen by the longevity of Monster Jam spectacles. Here, giant custom-designed trucks crush over lesser cars and school buses in a bizarre yet strangely fascinating competition. Monster Jam includes high speed side-by-side racing, four-wheeler ATV action, and jaw-dropping aerial motorcycle stunts. Come watch all the brightly painted, monster trucks destroy tiny, blandly painted cars while vicariously releasing your inner road rage. 7:30 p.m. BB&T Center. 2555 NW 136th Ave. Sunrise. 33323.


SUNDAY 8/14 @ 8:00PM Parker Playhouse. As a reality show, RuPaul’s Drag Race has reached critical mass: it has become the most successful LGBTQthemed reality show of all time. This American Idol-esque tour lends credence to such assertions. The Queens: Season 8 Tour includes such beloved performers from the last season of the show as Bob the Drag Queen, Kim Chi, Naomi Smalls, Chi Chi DeVayne, Thorgy Thor, and Robbie Turner. The show is hosted by Katya Zamoldchikova and presented by Murray and Peter and is tailor-made for people of all ages. 8:00 p.m. Parker Playhouse. 707 NE Eighth St. Fort Lauderdale. 33301.

By Patrick Robert

T he Week entertainment calendar

nexhibits n UB40

MONDAY 8/15 @ 8:00PM Pompano Beach Amphitheater British reggae and pop band UB40 found most of their success in the United Kingdom before becoming a worldwide sensation with hit singles “Red Red Wine” and “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” They are one of the best-selling music artists in the world, having sold over seventy million albums. Jo Mersa Marley opens. 8:00 p.m. Pompano Beach Amphitheater. 1806 NE Sixth St. Pompano Beach. 33060.



TUESDAY 8/16 @ 7:30PM Harriet Himmel Theater Doctors not only can diagnose sick patients, but they also have unique talents which may be less obvious at first sight. In the fifth annual Physicians Talent Showcase doctors will be performing their “secret talents” along with their spouses and/or children. Expect to see dancers, pianists, vocalists, instrumentalists, and even an all-doctors band. The profits raised from the event will help the Kretzer Piano Music Foundation as it tries to expand music education to many more deserving children. 7:30 p.m. Harriet Himmel Theater. 600 S. Rosemary Ave. West Palm Beach. 33401.



WEDNESDAY 8/17 @ 10:00AM Miami Children’s Museum. With the Rio Olympic Games in full swing, the Miami Children’s Museum honors the event with their newest exhibit. Multiple innovative and interactive components focus on teamwork, fitness, and healthy lifestyles. The exhibit showcases the different nations from around the world and their various contributions to athletic competition. Sports such as gymnastics, swimming, cycling, running, badminton, and golf will all be featured. 10:00 a.m. Miami Children’s Museum. 980 MacArthur Causeway. Miami. 33132.

August 11, 2016


n n n n n


When all hope is lost


There are times in our lives when we are blindsided by an event and we feel paralyzed. We feel as if all hope is lost. A pervasive sense of hopelessness permeates our thoughts and it feels like our world is caving in. How you respond to these feelings determines how quickly you are able to overcome them. Often when we are in the thick of a situaBY tion, it is JAMES hard to find MILLER the way out. We have all witnessed when a person is heavily immersed in a situation and they have no perspective. Their judgment is clouded and they feel they have no choices. When your thoughts tell you that there is no hope, it causes you to flounder in all areas of your life. However, there is always hope. The key to finding hope is first finding perspective. Research shows that fog permeating the equivalent of seven city blocks with the height of one hundred feet can be condensed into one cup of water. This is a good analogy to help you realize that the

struggle you feel today may not be as all powerful as what you think. Using this analogy, if you were to walk to the perimeter of the fog, you would see your way out. This is exactly what we need to do to find our perspective. How do you find perspective when it feels like hope is lost? It is vital that you surround yourself with individuals who can help you find perspective, give you insight, and offer suggestions through this tough time. However, it’s your responsibility to let them know what you need. If you need a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board, someone to facilitate options, then you let them know. Your friends and family want to see you succeed. In a previous article, I discussed using your past to help your present. Meaning: you’ve felt helpless, hopeless, depressed, lonely and so forth before. How did you overcome those feelings? Your current situation today may be more intense than before, but you’ve previously experienced these emotions and you did something

It is vital that you surround yourself with individuals who can help you find perspective, give you insight, and offer suggestions through this tough time. to overcome them. This is great data for you to use. Yes, your external circumstances may be different, but the emotions you are experiencing are not new. Reflect on how you overcame these emotions in the past. If you did it before, you can do it again. Focusing on what you cannot change versus focusing on what you can change is another big factor. A sense of helplessness is paralyzing. It causes you to feel crippled and all you can feel is there is no way out - no hope. When you switch your perspective to focus on what you can change, that starts to empower you to eventually find a viable strategy to beat your current

situation. For example, you can focus on your self-care, eating, sleeping, exercise, thoughts and emotions. Being mindful of these factors gives you an internal strength you may not have realized you had before. Remember, when you feel all hope is lost, you have simply lost perspective. Removing yourself from that fog, so to speak, gives you the assurance that your current situation may not be as great as what you originally thought. You have previous data to help you overcome the emotional turmoil as well as friends and family who want to help you succeed. There is always hope. nn

James Miller is a licensed psychotherapist and a piano composer who is known for his weekly iTunes podcast, YouTube channel, and his Academy where he teaches successful people to simplify and transform their lives. James’ latest album, Restoration, is available for purchase on all digital music stores. For more information visit: 36

August 11, 2016

ADVERTORIAL Does Back Pain have you Frustrated….. Are You Worried You Will Have to Take Pain Pills For The Rest of Your Life?…….. If this is you or someone you love, keep reading to learn about an amazing free report helping back pain sufferers!

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Painful Mistakes and What You Should Be Doing Instead” today to take charge of your pain and get back to doing the things you love! In this report you’ll find  The 3 things you can do to avoid back surgery that will cost you nothing.  How to save yourself time and money by making the right choices for your back pain today.  How to avoid the biggest mistake made by back pain sufferers. Call (954)-351-2299 now for your FREE report or request it online at back.php

August 11, 2016





Sterling Tax & Accounting 2435 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-667-9829 /

EVENTS Source Events 605 Lincoln Road, #410 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-9779 /

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August 11, 2016


Diana’s 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Orlando, FL 32828 407-207-0205 /

Home Essentials 2212 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-651-7407 /





FITNESS Pump’n Inc Tom Bonanti 1271 NE 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-557-1119 /


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INCOME TAX Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-1041 /

INSURANCE Dunham Fort Lauderdale 2601 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 303 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-564-7772 / We Insure 1975 E Sunrise Blvd, Suite 602 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-903-7519 /

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Island City Eyecare 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite C1 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-764-6906 /

ORGANIZATIONS The Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-463-9005 / Out of the Closet 2097 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-358-5580 /

PET AND HOUSESITTING Paulette’s Pet and Housesitting Caring Professional Excellent References 954-821-9682 /

REAL ESTATE Robert Geary MacKilligan on Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-234-8759 / Joe Grano Realtor 1881 NE 26th Street, Suite 212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-931-0031 / Proudly serving the LGBT community since 2002

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August 11, 2016



















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Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating the representations of the developer, for correct representations, make reference to this brochure and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Obtain the property report required by federal law and read it before signing anything. No federal agency has judged the merits of value, if any, of this property.


August 11, 2016


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