Agenda 081816 issue 352

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August 18, 2016


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August 18, 2016

August 18, 2016



The week reflected back through fabulously funny eyes

THE AFTER HOURS RETURNS. Lately, I’ve been having the sleeping habits of Richard Ramirez, the LA night stalker, vampire hours and had a face that only a mother could love and by that I mean Mother Theresa on a good day. REALITIES CHECK AT THE CAPITOL. I am predicting that the very sad day when Mitch McConnell’s neck eats him alive and then his house will be cleared out. I will put money on the fact that he probably has a basement similar to the one in ‘Silence of the Lambs’ with an extensive sensitive twisted leather collection and libraries upon libraries of unconventional, risqué pornography!

STARTING MY TRANSFORMATION. Thank God I finally received my Hillary 2016 woman card. I feel that right now I’m starting to develop slow but luscious breasts and him furiously underpaid!!! Yaaas Kweens! WAISTED BRAIN MOMENT. I think I just had a surrealistic moment while standing in line at the 7-Eleven. The guy in front of me didn’t look that old but had no idea what it meant that he had to put his chip in to the card reader to pay. I literally had to stand there and watched while he received a five-minute tutorial on what the chip is and how it’s used. I’m just wondering to myself, was this guy just released from prison or does he live in a cave? PREACH GIRL PREACH. I know I’m losing my gay card from a couple of queens by saying this but I don’t give a shit. Adele, the British singer, seems like a lovely girl and can write music, but I just simply can’t with that voice. Straining like a porpoise giving birth to a ginormous baby before having a giant aneurysm. I can’t last an entire song in the car. TRENDING THEME PARK RIDE. I’m so obsessed with white trash! I want to go into a trailer, they look fun! IF I HAD TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. I’d definitely go back to school to be a coroner. Fascinating science, steady work, excellent pay, and you get to work with dead people who don’t talk back and get on your nerves all day! Win win! MY THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK. Today I’m choosing to block the world out, and enjoy a facial masque and empty calories! Could somebody please unscrew my arm and beat me to death with it. lol!

Adam Cohen is South Florida’s favorite and most fabulous social commentator. He’s also single. Find him on Facbook to keep up with his hilarious take on the week’s headlines. 4

August 18, 2016

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING... Random thoughts from social media and beyond this week Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski married Betty Iverson on Sunday. “Yesterday our family was brought together by marriage,” wrote Biskupski on Facebook the day after the Aug. 14 wedding. “We have always been bonded by love, but now we are joined by law. As our dear friend Kate Kendell highlighted while performing the ceremony, our family and all families like ours have come so far to make joyous days like this possible,” wrote the Mayor.

Dancing with the Stars winner Nyle DiMarco has revealed he will be joining Las Vegas strip show, The Chippendales. “Chippendales is an iconic brand and legendary show – headlining a production like this with such a talented cast of performers is a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” DiMarco said.

Obama speaks out about Donald Trump, “Frankly, I’m tired of talking about Donald Trump, I don’t have to make the case against her opponent because every time he talks he makes the case against his own candidacy. There’s still a lot of uncertainty out there, and if we are running scared until the day after the election, we are going to be making a grave mistake.”

Olympic gymnast Danell Leyva and Miami resident speaks out for the rights of transgender people. “The love within the LGBT community is so much stronger than the hatred against it and it is our responsibility as nonLGBT people to emulate this love and create a world where LGBT people don’t need to crate their own safe spaces. That is a promise I’m making.” Leyva said while wearing his “Make America Gay Again” t-shirt.

a Michael Moore says the Donald never wanted the presidency, he is sabotaging his candidacy on purpose, he just ran to get more money out of NBC for his Apprentice deal: “‘Simply put, he wanted more money,’ Moore continued. ‘He had floated the idea before of possibly running for president in the hopes that the attention from that would make his negotiating position stronger.’” August 18, 2016


News Briefs Go to for other exclusive stories.

Governor criticizes education agency on after-school money


Marc Hansen Memorial The MCC Church’s Annex was filled with over 100 wellwishers to honor the life of Marc Hansen. The one-time president of Pride South Florida, (the organizer of Pride Fest, the annual Fort Lauderdale Pride Festival) died three weeks ago at the age of 53. Among those attending the Celebration of Life were Marc’s longtime partner Mark Maybee and his niece. The ceremony hosted by Rev. Joel Slotnick, included memories of his life shared by Pride Fort Lauderdale president Miik Martorell, and others. A general theme emerged: Marc said what he wanted and usually got his way! Refreshments were served. nn

Transgender prisoner sues Florida to get hormone treatments TALLAHASSEE (AP) - A transgender prisoner sued the Florida Department of Corrections on Monday to demand hormone treatments that she said were promised when she pleaded guilty to attempted seconddegree murder. The suit filed in federal court in Tallahassee says Reiyn Keohane, 22, is receiving cruel and unusual punishment because she needs the hormone treatments to avoid depression. Since being incarcerated in men’s prisons, she has tried to hang herself and attempted to castrate herself. “This treatment is absolutely necessary to my ability to mentally function,” Keohane wrote in one grievance to prison officials. “Without it I consider self-harm and suicide every single day. It is the only thing that matters in my life in this moment.” Keohane was arrested in September 2013, one month after beginning hormone treatments. Her decision to plead guilty to stabbing her roommate was motivated by a promise that hormone treatments would continue while she was in prison, accord6

August 18, 2016


ing to the lawsuit filed on her behalf by the American Civil Liberties Union. Keohane was sentenced to 15 years for the attack in Fort Myers. Keohane has felt she was born with the wrong gender since she was 12 and began seeing therapists when she was 13. By age 14, she began living as a female. She legally changed her name when she was 17 and began hormone therapy when she was 19. The lawsuit also complains that female underwear was taken from her when she was transferred to a new prison and officials refused to return them. The suit seeks to force the department to let her wear female clothing and to grow her hair so she can style it as a woman would. Her prison mug shot shows her with a crew cut. “I am a transgender female and am not comfortable wearing male underwear - it is a discrimination on the basis of sex or gender to force a person to act in a certain way because of their sex,” Keohane wrote in another complaint to prison officials. The Department of Corrections said it hadn’t yet received the lawsuit. nn

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Gov. Phil Bryant is calling for immediate action by the state Board of Education to remedy misspending of federal money that’s threatening the state’s ability to fund after-school programs. Superintendent Carey Wright last week told the state board that she was suspending federal money for after-school programs, after Department of Education officials mishandled grant money and tried to cover up mistakes by wrongly dipping into another pot of federal funds. Some programs that had previously received funding could lose it as Mississippi could have to repay up to $19 million in federal money, and it’s unclear if any new ones will get it. Federal officials haven’t yet proposed a remedy to Mississippi. The programs were supposed to serve 29,000 students in 67 districts and two charter schools this year. “This is the latest example of what has become a pattern of poor decision-making and mismanagement at the Mississippi Department of Education,” Bryant said in a statement Monday. “The State Board of Education must remedy this immediately.” It’s the latest potshot by Bryant at the leadership of Wright, although Bryant spokesman Clay Chandler didn’t reply when asked if Bryant wanted Wright to resign or be fired. Chandler wrote in an email that Bryant wants “a thorough and independent review of the internal controls covering grant proceeds and other expenditures to determine if other problems exist within the Mississippi Department of Education.” Board of Education Chair Rosemary Aultman said Wright is responding quickly to the problem and retains the board’s confidence. Aultman credits her for rising test scores and high school graduation rates. “Dr. Wright has the support of the board,” said Aultman, the former mayor of Clinton. “She immediately took action. She put a plan in place so that something of this magnitude will never happen again.” Aultman said she’d had no contact with Bryant regarding Wright. The board is independent, but the governor appoints five of its nine members. nn


NATIONAL Trump to call for new ideological test for admission to US

JERSEY CITY, NJ (AP) Donald Trump on Monday will call for a new ideological test for admission to the United States, vetting applicants on their stance on issues like religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. The policy would represent a significant shift in how the U.S. manages entry into the country. In a speech in swing state Ohio, Trump will also call for “foreign policy realism” and an end to nation-building if elected president. And he’ll argue that the United States needs to work with anyone who shares the mission of destroying the Islamic State group and other extremist organizations, regardless of other disagreements. “Mr. Trump’s speech will explain that while we can’t choose our friends, we must always recognize our enemies,” Trump senior policy adviser Stephen Miller said. Under Trump’s new immigration policy, the government would use questionnaires, social media, interviews with friends and family or other means to determine if applicants support American values like tolerance and pluralism. The U.S. would stop issuing visas in any case where it cannot perform adequate screenings. It is unclear how U.S. officials would assess the veracity of responses to the questionnaires or how much manpower it would require to complete such arduous vetting. The campaign has yet to say whether additional screenings would apply to the millions of tourists who spend billions of dollars visiting the United States each year. nn


CHEYENNE, WY (AP) - This time around, Liz Cheney’s the one to beat. Accusations of carpet-bagging, a ticket for illegal fishing and a family spat over gay marriage led up to Cheney abandoning her bid to unseat U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, a fellow Republican, last election cycle. Now, Cheney’s got credibility, money and momentum after a focused and far less dramatic primary campaign for Wyoming’s lone House seat. Eight seek Tuesday’s Republican nomination to replace retiring Rep. Cynthia Lummis. Former Sen. Alan Simpson also is among Cheney’s supporters for the job her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, first won 40 years ago. Hardly anybody of note in Wyoming backed her against Enzi a year after she moved to Jackson Hole from Virginia, where she lived for decades. Dick Cheney has kept a low profile but is a top donor, along with the likes of former President George W. Bush, Bush adviser Karl Rove and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. nn


JACKSON, MS (AP) - Mississippi’s law on religious objections to same-sex marriage will remain blocked while the governor appeals a judge’s ruling that the law is unconstitutional. The Republican-led Legislature passed the bill this year in response to the 2015 Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage nationwide. It sought to protect three beliefs: That marriage is only between a man and a woman; that sex should only take place in such a marriage; and that a person’s gender is determined at birth and cannot be altered. Republican Gov. Phil Bryant is seeking to overturn Reeves’ ruling, and he had asked the 5th Circuit to let the law take effect during the appeals process. nn

Wyoming Supreme Court to hear arguments on same-sex marriage

CHEYENNE, WY (AP) - The Wyoming Supreme Court is set to hear arguments next week on whether a Pinedale judge who has said she wouldn’t perform same-sex marriages because of her religious beliefs should be removed from office. Ruth Neely in April filed a petition asking the court to reject a recommendation from the state Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics recommending that she lose her job as a municipal judge and circuit court magistrate. Neely said in 2014 she would not perform same-sex marriages because of her religious beliefs. nn

Judge: Lawmakers, magistrates can’t enter gay marriage case

ASHEVILLE, NC (AP) - A federal judge won’t allow North Carolina legislative leaders and some state magistrates for now to become defendants in a lawsuit seeking to overturn a state law allowing magistrates to refuse officiate at gay marriages because of religious beliefs. U.S. District Judge Max Cogburn agreed Friday with the earlier ruling of a federal magistrate judge. They both rejected arguments by House Speaker Tim Moore, Senate leader Phil Berger and others that Attorney General Roy Cooper isn’t adequately defending the law. nn

New Jersey proposal expands infertility coverage to lesbians t TRENTON, NJ (AP) - A federal lawsuit brought by a New Jersey lesbian couple who want to have a baby may mean expanded insurance coverage for women who currently don’t meet the state’s definition of infertile. Erin Krupa was denied insurance coverage for infertility treatments essentially because she failed to show she couldn’t get pregnant by having sex with a man. New Jersey law for insurance purposes defines infertility as the result of failure to conceive after two years of unprotected sex. Krupa’s insurer eventually agreed to the coverage, based on her doctor’s diagnosis. But she says she is pursuing the lawsuit as a civil rights matter. nn Assembled through Associated Press August 18, 2016


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n LGBTs Slammed in New

“Truth for Youth” Cartoon Bible 8

August 18, 2016

The American Family Association, the non-profit organization intent on maintaining “traditional family values,” and best known for organizing boycotts against companies who it believes promotes homosexuality, has joined with Revival Fires International to print and distribute 65,000 of the Truth for Youth® Bible promoting gay cure therapy. According to Revival Fires website, the publisher is asking for teenagers’ help to bring the Gospel to “America’s youth and counter the ill-effect of the liberal agenda being promoted aggressively in America’s public school by helping to provide Truth for Youth® Bibles for every teenager in the United States. Included with each New Testament bible is a specially edited six-page comic book inspired by Revival Fires’ Pastor Tim Todd detailing God’s final word on the subject of homosexuality. Since the New

Testament makes no mention of homosexuality at all, Todd eliminates that challenge to teach his propaganda by creating anime characters involved in a cultural battle between LGBT activists and Christian protestors. In the Todd version of reality, the gays are militants attacking the Christians with tear gas and rocks. When a gay teenager named Sebastian questions why he should be considered any different in the eyes of God, he is told that “Whether you are homosexual, or have just been suckered into a few homosexual acts by some predators—either way Jesus can save and change you!” The cartoon goes on to quote 1st Corinthians 6: 9-11 in which we’re told “Homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (No mention that the King James version speaks to “adulterers, effeminates, and abusers of themselves with mankind.”) “This EMT guy and people in the Bible were homosexual… and changed?” Sebastian asks. “So I can change too?” “With God’s help,” comes the answer from a woman. Forget that conversion therapy has been disavowed by every single major medication association in the United States as well as the World Health Organization. According to the aforementioned “EMT guy,” there is no such thing as simply being

born gay, or “born this way,” as he says, calling it part of the “PR arsensal” of liberals. “We’re a fallen race, and so there is a condition in which we were ‘born that way’… it’s as sinners! We all have a ‘natural predisposition towards sin. We just ‘choose our poisons’… whether it’s hatred or homosexuality. “Turn your back on sin, Sebastian, and seek the narrow way that leads to life!” If only it were so simple. The comic then encourages teens to attend “confidential counselling” from a ‘gay cure’ group, Pure Life Ministries. On another page, the comic tells children to shun the “political correctness code word” of gay in favor of “homosexuals.”. Revival Fires also distributes comics cautioning against the sins of pornography, secular rock music, evolution and sexual impurity. To LGBT activists, packaging the anti-gay propaganda with the Bible gives it a legitimacy that is undeserved. Additionally, they object to the distribution of the books which are given free to teenagers if they promise to give it to “their unsaved friends in school.” Over one million copies of the book have already been distributed with American Family Association paying for 65,000 more. nn August 18, 2016


2000 Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 106 | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Phone: 954-380-8563 |

Publisher: Maura Mumball Lane Editor-In-Chief: Richard Hack - Creative Director: Kevin Broady



What homophobes really think about gays n

It’s just like our mothers always said: The bigger the gay bully, the more likely they’re gay. And while that logic may work to soothe the minds of the bullied, it certainly doesn’t make a whole lot of sense if you think about it logically. Or so we always thought until the Journal of Sexual Medicine published its latest findings on the subject. The Journal labels BY itself “The RICHARD Official JourHACK nal of the International Society of Sexual Medicine” which sounds rather self-important, but apparently there is such an organization based in the Netherlands, and presided over by an elected president—currently a professor of urology at Tulane University in New Orleans. A study recently reported in the Journal, titled “Homophobia: An Impulsive Attraction to the Same Sex?” had us glued to the pages. The report studied 38 heterosexual male students from the University of Geneva who first were given a survey to determine the extent of their homophobia. Apparently, there’s quite a lot of that going around in Geneva, because a good ¾ of the guys


August 18, 2016

seemed to be homophobes. Both the bigots and the couldcare-less straights were then shown a series of homosexual visuals—both videos and photos. And just as the old-wives tale suggested, the men who held the most negative attitudes about homosexuality showed the highest interest in the material--far more than that shown by less antibigoted men. Dr. Boris Cheval, a PhD from Switzerland University of Geneva, who was the lead author of the study, said that his study confirmed previous research that found that about half of the anti-gay men became sexually aroused when shown erotic homosexual videos. “Nevertheless, I think that others studies are needed to correctly evaluate the importance of this denied attraction,” Cheval remarked. Cheval leaves no bully unturned. It was then that Cheval and his researchers made the participants take a computerized test known as a manikin task, clinically designed to measure unconscious, impulsive tendency toward homosexual images. Sort of like a lie-detector for the eyes. In all, there were 12 practice trials and 64 test trials in which the men rated 20 pictures of gay and straight couples on a 9-point scale from “very unpleasant” to “very pleasant.” During this portion of the experiment, the participants wore eye-tracking equipment to

precisely measure how long they looked at each photograph. It was a “gotcha” moment for Cheval and his colleagues who found that anti-gay men tended to spend more time looking at the homosexual photographs than the heterosexual photographs. And the bigger the bully, the longer the lingering over those gay pics. On the other hand, straight men who did not hold anti-gay views didn’t look at homosexual photographs any longer than their heterosexual counterpart pics. “Findings on the viewing time allow understanding why some (but not all) men high in homophobia have a sexual interest in same-sex individuals,” the researchers concluded. “This study provides a better understanding of the psychological processes involved in the processing of erotic gay material among men high in homophobia, and provides a fine-grained prediction of sexual related behaviors.”

The researchers acknowledged their findings are limited by their small sample size, and that it would have been useful to measure stress and anxiety to see how this was affecting the results. They concede that there is always the possibility that just the stress of looking at gay imagery influences their behavior. Dah, no doubt. These limitations and complexities aside, the researchers concluded that their findings provide more evidence consistent with the idea that “some men high in homophobia indeed have a sexual interest toward homosexual stimuli.” Just like your mother told you all along. nn

Richard Hack is the award-winning author of 26 books, and the Vice President of Content for Multimedia Platforms’ publications.

Some men high in homophobia indeed have a sexual interest toward homosexual stimuli.”



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August 18, 2016




nIt has come to the attention to many people, including and especially many Republicans, that Donald Trump is a Looney Tunes character come to life who would probably throw a fit and blow up the planet if, say, Vladimir Putin didn’t retweet him often enough. He’s a giant egomaniacal man-baby who cannot be trusted with any public office, let alone the presidency. But he’s totally going to be ready by November. I mean, he gave a speech in Detroit on Aug. 8 about the economy during which protesters disrupted him many times. And he didn’t call for any of them to be carried out on a stretcher or punched in the face. What brave restraint! Anyone who lives in Reality America knows that Trump is bad news. Even people who don’t particularly like Hillary Clinton know that. But if you live in Right-Wing America, then reality is just a pesky detail that you keep swatting away because it’s annoying your otherwise terrifying nightmare version of the country. Take former 700 Club cohost and founder of the African American Political Awareness Coalition Ben Kinchlow, for example. He really does NOT want Clinton to be President. And he laid it all out in an unhinged Aug. 7 World Net 12

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Daily editorial in which he reveals a very surprising theory about President Obama’s election: Americans only elected him because he’s black. “It wasn’t because he was the most eminently qualified individual,” Kinchlow writes, “but because America wanted to prove to itself, and the world, that it was not racist – ergo they elected Barack Hussein Obama.” And since America did such a shitty job of “proving” we aren’t racist, we elected him again. And somehow we’ve still done a really shitty job of proving we aren’t racist and now he’s term-limited. Thanks, Obama. And now Americans, in our quest to show the world what a wonderful, peaceful (drone strikes aside) people we are, are going to elect Hillary Clinton as our next President in order to finally put to bed the ridiculous notion that we are sexist. Because that’s totally how presidential elections work. Need proof? Oh, Kinchlow’s got proof. Check out these action-packed stats: “America has an extremely high percentage of voting-age college students, millennials, transsexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals and feminists,” he writes. “In addition, many normal Americans want to demonstrate that they are not racists, homo-

phobes or anti-feminist.” Woah, did he just use “extremely high” as a way to quantify a percentage? How high is “extremely,” exactly? Well, it’s higher than “really” and “very,” duh. And this very specific and no doubt exhaustively researched number is apparently enough to tip the election to Clinton. But note his use of “normal Americans.” He deems LGBT people and feminists as abnormal, which isn’t surprising considering his ideology. But he also seems to be including voting-age college students and millennials as abnormal. Wut? It’s interesting, too, that given his explanation, it appears that racist, homophobic, and sexist are the default settings for “normal Americans” who go out every four years and choose the President based on what moral failings they need to atone for. Kinchlow states more than once that Clinton is unqualified, though he offers no examples of what qualifications she lacks. So my guess is she just doesn’t hate gays and Muslims enough. If she wanted to nab Kinchlow’s WND readers’ votes, she’d need to turn up her hatred level to “extremely high.” Thankfully she’s running to lead Reality America, not Kinchlow’s bizarre version where no one, not even him, wants to live. nn




WHO IS? Ben Kinchlow An American evangelist best known for being co-host of the 700 Club from 1975 to 1988 and again from 1992 to 1996. He also hosted other shows on the Christian Broadcasting Network such as Straight Talk and a radio talk show, Taking It To The Streets. Kinchlow, the son of a Methodist minister, came to Christianity in the 1970s after a period as a Black Nationalist influenced by Malcolm X and the Black Muslims. He then served in the United States Air Force for thirteen years and earned his MBA, later becoming a Born-Again Christian and then, soon thereafter, being ordained an African Methodist Episcopal Church minister in 1971. Kinchlow became the executive director of a Christian drug and rehabilitation center and appeared as a guest on the 700 Club in order to speak about the people he saw coming to Christ through the center. He was asked back to host the show while Robertson was in Israel and later became the 700 Club’s Director of Counseling in 1975, as well as the 700 Club co-host and Christian Broadcasting Network vice-president for domestic ministries in 1982, then was promoted to executive vice-president in 1985. He left CBN and the 700 Club in 1996 to pursue an independent ministry. Kinchlow is founder of Americans for Israel and the co-host of the Front Page Jerusalem radio show. nn –Kevin Broady

August 18, 2016



August 18, 2016



FUNDAMENTALISM IS FEAR [Christian] Fundamentalism grew in opposition to the discoveries of the 19th and 20th centuries. As new information changed how we understood ourselves and our world, some people of faith became anxious. They thought they knew everything of value and could look up the answer to any question in their sacred texts; but evolution, depth psychology, changing economies, and new social theories shook their world like a shockwave. By Rev. These discoveries Durrell came after other discoveries had already left the Watkins faithful a little wobbly. The discovery that ours is a heliocentric rather than geocentric universe was devastating enough, and the discovery of the egg cell pretty much ended any reasonable debate about virginal conceptions; and the world going to war in 1914 and again in 1939 with atomic power being unleashed in war in the summer of 1945 made everything seem

utterly uncertain, fragile, uncontrollable. As the myth of predictability and control was shattered, fundamentalism struck back by saying that not only is Christianity the only “true” faith, but one must accept certain fundamentals in order to be a true Christian. It was a desperate attempt to freeze time and to feel secure in a world of constant change. Of course, the only constant in the universe is change, so to refuse to accept or even acknowledge change can’t be a healthy choice. But fundamentalism isn’t about health; it’s about feeling secure and right. Saving others from afterlife perdition not only is part of the fundamentalists’ own “fire insurance” plan, it is also part of making them feel at least a little safer in this ever changing, unpredictable world. They need others to agree that they have all the answers so that they can continue to pretend to believe that they have all the answers. Fundamentalists then were those who insisted that there were fundamentals necessary to embrace in order to be a true Christian—aka, to be “saved” [to feel eternally safe, secure]. There were only five fundamentals, the first being the inerrancy of “their” scriptures (which robs scripture of the beauty and abstract power of its many

myths, allegories, and idioms while ignoring its scientific inaccuracies, internal contradictions, and moral indiscretions). The other four fundamentals were opinions that they insisted be held about Jesus – his virgin conception, his divinely ordained execution, his physical resurrection and literal return in the future. You will notice, however, that critical thinking, new discoveries, understanding religious stories as allegories rather than literal facts, or even love itself are all glaringly absent from the list of fundamentals, which I, for one, find problematic. Fundamentalism in any religion is about fear; and obsessive fear leads to intolerance, hatred, and the need to control. Fundamentalism is never healthy, never life-giving, never joyful, never harmonizing, and never empowering for anyone beyond its own cultic system. Let me hasten to add that I am a religion guy. I am religious to my core. My world view is spiritual. My self-understanding is rooted in liberal faith. I have spent my life using religion to encourage people, to share hope, to cultivate peace, and to build loving, generous communities of faith. My critique of fundamentalism is not a rejection of faith, or spirituality, or even religion; it is, however, a rejection of the fear-mongering, the meanness, and the psycho-spiritual abuse to which fundamentalism’s misuse of religion inevitably leads.

Fundamentalism is just a system of fear, and the cure for fear is love. Luckily, love is something LGBT people have in abundance. nn



Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins is the senior minister of Sunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale. Sunshine Cathedral’s website is

What’s your opinion?

The Florida Agenda welcomes signed Letters to the Editor, up to 400 words in length, on topics of general interest to our readers. You may e-mail submissions to We welcome comments on our Facebook page also. August 18, 2016




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It’s a record:

10 LGBT candidates running for Florida legislature





Important Reminder for the National Elections On Nov 8th

You must be a citizen of the United States as well as a resident of Florida in the county in which are registering to vote. Only those 18 years of age are eligible to vote. Your voting location will vary depending on your home address which must be listed on your voter’s registration. Last day to register October 11. Via mail or on-line at


August 18, 2016

David Richardson is finally about to get some compadres in the Florida State legislation. Since 2012, Richardson has been the only openly gay state legislator out of a total of 160. That, however, is all about to change with a record number of eight LGBT candidates running for a legislative seat. Locally in Broward County, Paulette Armstead and Ken Keechl are setting their sights on Tallahassee. Armstead is running to represent District 92, encompassing Pompano Beach, Oakland Park, Tamarac, Margate and sections of Fort Lauderdale including Lake Ridge, Coral Ridge, Victoria Park and Rio Vista. Ken Keechl (pictured) is a candidate in District 93, covering the beach areas of Deerfield, Pompano, Lauderdale-By-the Sea, Oakland Park, Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood, as well as a small eastern bit of Wilton Manors. The State Legislature is clearly broken,” Armstead says, “and there are too few strong, ethical voices on behalf of the middle class, education, and local businesses. I will use my broad community experience and background to help Democrats expand their fight for workers, children, and the elderly.” Keechl says, “My opponent has spent the last six years in Tallahassee voting for every piece of anti-woman and anti-LGBT legislation to cross his desk, to allow the dangerous practice of fracking, and to cut education funding by $1.3 billion, all the while denying the looming threat of climate change to our community. When I’m in Tallahassee, I will fight for the rights of every Floridian no matter who they love, their gender, or their ethnicity, to find responsible solutions to combat the threat of climate change and to ban fracking, and to provide our public schools with the resources our students and teachers need to give every child the excellent education they deserve. It’s time to take the power

back from the special interests and put the people in charge in again.” In Miami-Dade, Michael Góngora and Kevin Burns face one another in the state senate race in District 38 currently held by Sen. Gwen Margolis who dropped out of the race she after called her five opponents “three Haitians, some teacher and some lawyer.” “I will lead the charge for sensible, achievable victories in alleviating traffic and flooding, restoring quality and affordable education, and increasing jobs paying decent wages,” Góngora said in an official release. “I will hit the ground running to keep Floridians safe and to implement achievable solutions to obstacles currently impeding Floridians from fulfilling their American Dream.” Burns and Góngora face each other in the August 30 Florida primary for the seat, competing with four other candidates. Valleri Crabtree, Bob Poe, Carlos Guillermo Smith, and Beth Tuura are running in the Orlando area with Jennifer Webb running in a district that covers parts of St. Petersburg. “The more gays and lesbians that are involved on the floor of the House, the more the other side is going to see that we’re not different than anybody else,” Keechl told the Sun Sentinel. It’s a very toxic environment to begin with, and we’re only there for two or three months (a year), but I’m hopeful that it can make a difference.” nn

August 18, 2016


Rio 2016 Team

Britain had a fantastic Olympics, finishing an impressive sixth in his event and even leading the pack for a good chunk of the race. Bosworth’s Olympics got even better when he proposed to his long-time boyfriend, Harry Dineley from Liverpool, on the beach in Rio. Bosworth posted the photographic evidence on Instagram.

nIt took Italy’s Rachele Bruni almost two hours to

Tom Bosworth & Harry Dineley


Rafaela Silva, Brazil, Judo Women’s 57kg Won first gold medal for Brazil and Team LGBT


Carl Hester, Great Britain, Dressage Team Dressage Spencer Wilton, Great Britain, Dressage Team Dressage This is Wilton’s first Olympic medal

Rachele Bruni

canoe slalom, missing out on the final by four spots. She is the only publicly out gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans or intersex competitor in kayak. She had finished ninth in the preliminary round.

Tom Daley, Great Britain, Diving Men’s synchronized 10-meter platform Edged out German duo on last dive for bronze

August 18, 2016

who are widely speculated or known to be intersex. An intersex person has anatomy generally attributed to both men and women. The first and most widely discussed is Caster Semenya. This past weekend Chand started and finished her 2016 Olympic participation with one heat of the 100-meter. Her time of 11.69 seconds was off her personal best, good enough only for 50th place of the 64 competitors. Her competition is over, unable to get even close to the top 24 who advanced to the semifinal.

nOut American kayaker Ashley Nee finished 14th in



complete the women’s 10km swimming marathon and capture a silver medal, but it didn’t take nearly as long for her to take the opportunity to come out publicly. The distance swimmer on Monday dedicated her Olympic medal to her girlfriend, Diletta Faina, who accompanied Bruni to Rio for the competition. “I dedicate this victory to my family, my coach and my beloved, who have followed and supported me,” Bruni said. “I’ve always lived naturally, without problems, I’ve never done a big coming out. Undoubtedly there are people who have too many prejudices, but I live peacefully. I do not think about the prejudices, I live for myself, for my passion for swimming and for the people who love me.”

nIn the Olympics this year there are two athletes

Rachele Bruni, Italy, Swimming 10km Swimming Marathon

Jen Kish, Canada, Rugby Women’s sevens Beat Great Britain, 33-10, to win bronze nn


nOlympic speed walker Tom Bosworth of Great

Medal Breakdown nWith so many athletes participating in track & field, soccer and basketball, the final medal count will be expected to increase in week two of the Olympic Games. Still, our athletes are holding their own early on.


nAri-Pekka Liukkonen, the openly gay Olympic Carl Hester & Spencer Wilton

swimmer from Finland, finished his competitions in Rio with a 23rd-place finish in the competitive 50meter freestyle on Thursday. There were 85 different competitors in the event, 16 of whom advanced to the semifinals. Liukkonen missed the semifinals by 0.15 seconds, with a time of 22.25 seconds

August 18, 2016


FITNESS your lower back. Once you have descended so your thighs are parallel to the floor, extend your legs and straighten your torso to return to the starting, upright position.






For anyone who is serious about weight training, you know that “leg day” can be pure hell! Your leg muscles (quads, glutes, ham- strings and calves, among others) are some of the deepest and hardest muscles to train thoroughly and effectively. Leg routines require, above all others, exacting and proper form, serious concentration, and set after set of some of the most important and grueling exercises known in bodybuilding. Yet, strong legs are an important asset in all sports and daily activities. Here are my choices for some of the best leg exercises for developing overall strength, mass, and symmetry. FULL BARBELL SQUATS: When you do squats, place a barbell on a squat rack or set up the bar on the Smith machine. Doing squats on a Smith Machine at the outset at least can be safer, but the apparatus does restrict the range of motion of


August 18, 2016

your squat somewhat. Whichever you prefer, use light weight when you begin. Duck under the bar and position it across your shoulders on your trapezius, slightly above the rear deltoids. Grasp the bar using a grip width that is comfortable for your body and pull your elbows to the rear. Inhale deeply, rotate your pelvis forward, keep your head up, look straight ahead and carefully lift the bar off of the rack. Move back a step or two from the rack and set your feet shoulder width apart, keeping your toes pointed at an angle slightly outward. Try for 3 to 4 sets of eight to twelve reps with squats at every leg training session! Let me share a few more pointers/cautions about this most essential exercise, the squat. You must maintain a very erect body position when descending into the deep squat position. Leaning too far forward, or flexing the spine as you squat can be dangerous for

DEADLIFTS: Barbell deadlifts are superb for developing legs, butt, and hamstrings and along with squats, this movement will increase overall body strength mightily! Stand up straight before an Olympic bar (use a manageable amount of weight), feet firmly planted, knees unlocked. Bending at the waist with knees bent, reach down and grasp the bar with a shoulder width grip. Bring the weighted barbell up to your waist, pushing through your feet when lifting the weight to ensure your legs and glutes are powering up the weight and not your lower back. 3 or 4 sets of eight to twelve reps of these deadlifts every leg day should solidify things nicely! STATIONARY LUNGES: Stand facing an aerobic step or stair about mid shin height. Your feet should be a long stride away from the stair or step. Begin by taking an exaggerated step forward with your right leg, stepping with your foot onto the stair. Bend the forward knee in line with the floor, but keep your rear leg as straight as possible as you drop it down to stretch the glutes. Push off with the front foot and return to starting position. Alternate legs and repeat the exercise. Perform 3 to 4 sets of twelve to fifteen reps per leg. nn

ABOUT TOM Tom Bonanti is a certified personal trainer and licensed massage therapist (MA#40288) with his own one on one personal training gym and massage studio at 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33304. Contact with questions or call Tom (954) 557-1119 to set up a free fitness consultation today!


n n n n n



Workout Mix


Last week we talked about how sometimes getting motivated to exercise can be harder than the workout itself. This is part two of our favorite workout tracks, from remixes to old favorites. So get ready and don’t be surprised if you end up keeping a steadier pace while listening. MUSIC WITH A STRONG BEAT has been found to help people’s movements stay consistent during exercise. nn Kevin Broady 1.“FREAKNESS”

No Way Josie


Justin Timberlake


Ariana Grande, Zedd


Rihanna, Calvin Harris




Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé


Iron & Wine




Billy Idol




Katy Perry


Martin Garrix, Tiësto

August 18, 2016



August 18, 2016


By Richard Hack



Sizzling! That’s the only word to describe the weeks of sweltering weather that have been driving South Florida’s visitors and residents to catch some cooling breezes at area beaches which have been uncommonly packed for summer. This week’s Secret Recipe is just as refreshing and doesn’t require any extra sun-screen. It combines the wonderful taste of apple-flavored Sauvignon Blanc with the newest cool-chic dessert—Sorbet. INGREDIENTS: - ¾ cup of sugar - 1¼ pound of Granny Smith apples, cored and cut into with 1-inch chunks and skin left on - ¾ cup of ice chilled Sauvignon Blanc (we love Scratchpad Cellars) - ¼ teaspoon of kosher salt - 1 teaspoon of lemon juice - 1 cup water DIRECTIONS: 1) Heat 1 cup of water, ¾ cup of sugar, and all apples in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat until it’s gently boiling. 2) Reduce heat to low, partially cover the pan allowing steam to escape and simmer until apples are tender (about 15 minutes). 3) Remove apples from heat and stir in wine, salt, and lemon juice. 4) Place the mixture in a fine-mesh strainer and mash into a bowl to remove skins. Use a Cuisinart with mixing blade to blend leftovers into an even consistency. 5) Pour the puree into a small rectangular baking dish. Place dish in freezer for 20 minutes to initially harden, then transfer to an airtight container to freeze for another 8 hours. 6) Serve and expect a flood of compliments. August 18, 2016




Romeo San Vicente’s wet hot American summer is simply too wet and too hot for cable TV.




ean Hayes will play the role of Hefty Hideaway Dress Shop proprietor Mr. Pinky and Rosie O’Donnell will play the gym teacher in NBC’s holiday season production of Hairspray Live! The 1960s-set musical – based on the John Waters film – about a young Baltimore girl named Tracy Turnblad (newcomer Maddie Baillio) who dreams of appearing on, and then desegregating, a local TV teenage dance show, already features an enticing cast of queer audience favorites. Hayes and O’Donnell join Kristin Chenoweth, Dove Cameron, Ariana Grande, Jennifer Hudson and Harvey Fierstein (who’ll reprise his Broadway role as Edna Turnblad). In the wake of the ambitious and wildly successful Grease Live, the live-musical-on-TV genre was put on creative notice, so expect a lot of extravagant, inventive staging for this one. And while we’re on the subject of Broadway we can flop on the couch for, we would like to request Grey Gardens, Fun Home, Hamilton, and possibly Carrie. Not necessarily in that order, mind you, but at least before and/or instead of Les Miz and Phantom. Please.



ou knew Colton Haynes from Teen Wolf. Then you knew Colton Haynes from Arrow. Then you knew him because he came out. Then you knew him from that wild, unscripted moment when Noah Galvin from The Real O’Neals attacked him in an interview for not coming out the right way (and, come on, this is a far preferable set of circumstances than trying to figure out who to fake-hetero-marry to keep your career intact). So now Colton Haynes is working on making himself known to movie audiences in the upcoming teen drama Triumph. Yes, that title is the essence of corniness, especially when you learn that the plot involves RJ Mitte (Breaking Bad), an actor with cerebral palsy, as a teenager who must overcome adversity, join the wrestling team, and win over the girl of his dreams. But we’re going to give all of it the benefit of the doubt, if for no other reason than it’s long overdue that Hollywood stopped being so horribly ableist all the time and gave some leading roles to guys like Mitte. Haynes, it can be assumed, will play a friend or foe of the hero, possibly a fellow wrestler, maybe someone’s parent (he is nearly 30, after all, and this is Hollywood). Whatever happens, we’ll be watching.

Ingrid Jungermann takes F TO 7TH TO SHOWTIME

ou don’t know Ingrid Jungermann yet. That’s fine. You will. Her first feature, Women Who Kill, is bringing her film festival acclaim from Outfest to Tribeca, and her popular web series, F to 7th, is headed for Showtime. The half-hour comedy follows a young woman in her 30s navigating New York’s queer terrain, a cultural space where the old ways of being a lesbian have given way to newer understandings of gender and sexuality. The web series starred Jungermann – who has not signed on to 24


August 18, 2016

appear on the Showtime version – and featured people like Amy Sedaris, Michael Showalter (Wet Hot American Summer), Gaby Hoffman, Olympia Dukakis and Janeane Garofalo. Jungermann will produce the adaptation alongside Showalter and lesbian filmmaker Jamie Babbit (But I’m A Cheerleader). It’s been way too long since Showtime gave us any women-who-lovewomen content to fill the dark, nonsenseshaped void left by The L Word, so really it’s about time. Hurry up and bring this to series, Entertainment Power Lesbians. We’re waiting.

Rowan Blanchard taking a trip to



hat kind of teen actor comes out in the middle of her tenure on a popular sitcom? The kind who grows up in an accepting environment that lets her know it’s fine to be exactly who she is. And that’s exactly the situation 14-year-old actor Rowan Blanchard is in. She stars on Girl Meets World as, you know, The Girl, and this year she made the decision to talk about her queerness as naturally and easily as a human being should be allowed to discuss the subject. There’s already some fan discussion on whether or not her character on the show should

also be allowed to come out (though if she continues to play a heterosexual teen, to paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, there’ll be nothing wrong with that). But in the meantime, the kid has a movie career to kick-start. She’s starring in the upcoming adventure film, A World Away. The plot revolves around six kids who take a trip to the Grand Canyon, but who them find themselves in what is being referred to as “a whole other world.” So… Land of the Lost? With some dinosaurs? Talking caveman-esque friends? Wherever she winds up on screen, this young woman is clearly on her way.

August 18, 2016



August 18, 2016

August 18, 2016



August 18, 2016




A Moment with


Acting luminary opens up about being ‘in love with gay people,’ the Snapchat conundrum and her beloved LGBT roles



eryl Streep is laughing her signature laugh. You know it: Sometimes light and airy, sometimes a surge of boisterous euphoria that carries well into the next question – but always unmistakably Meryl. Cinema’s grand dame cracks one of her warm, famous chortles during our recent interview, while entertaining the idea that her latest chameleonic role, as real-life opera diva Florence Foster Jenkins in the movie of the same name, could once again spur drag queens to emulate another one of her queer-loved characters. Then she laughs again as she fondly remembers locking lips with Allison Janney in 2002’s The Hours. Meanwhile, the mere mention of 1992’s Death Becomes Her has Meryl unleashing a hearty roar. Another laugh, too, when she ponders how sexting and Snapchat are related. Gay audiences know this laugh because they know Meryl Streep. They also know her compassion for LGBT issues, both as an extension of her queer-inclusive acting repertoire and more explicitly, when, during her Golden Globe acceptance speech in 2004, she slammed then-president George W. Bush by condemning his antigay marriage stance. They’ve learned the art of shade from her sharp, searing tongue in The Devil Wears Prada, and they live for all the campy one-liners in Death Becomes Her. And during Angels in America, HBO’s 2003 watershed miniseries about the AIDS crisis, they wept. Now, Streep, 67, sheds her skin once again to portray Jenkins, one of the worst singers in the world. In the poignant dramedy Florence Foster Jenkins from Stephen Frears, director of The Queen, the esteemed once-in-a-lifetime luminary plays a wannabe opera singer with a voice so hysterically appalling her loyal husband (Hugh Grant) bribes critics into letting her think she can sing. Here, during this rare and revealing one-on-one conversation with Streep, the three-time Academy Award winner and record holder for most Oscar nominations discusses why she regards Angels in America as one of the most important LGBT-themed films she’s done, and how she feels about gay men performing Meryl monologues. And looking ahead, is the biopic queen ready to consider her own story becoming a feature-length film in the future? Streep laughs at the very thought, of course, but she’s not kidding when she says, “I hope I fade into oblivion.” August 18, 2016



You’ve given the gay community a breadth of greatness over the last four decades. When you look back at your gay roles, which has been the most important to you? Oh, gosh. To me, I mean, Angels is such an important piece of history, and I felt really lucky to be part of that because I don’t think there was anything like it before. It really felt like being at the Democratic National Convention in the moment that Hillary shattered the glass ceiling – a big deal. The Hours was important too. And of course I got to kiss Allison Janney, which was a perk! (Laughs)


Don’t tell Emma Thompson, who famously tongue-kissed you and gave you an orgasm in Angels. (Laughs) Yeah, right! (The Hours) was nothing like that! I remember Emma talking about that kiss in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. She’s very proud of it. She said she learned that “you have to use tongues even if you’re not a lesbian.” Oh yeah, you really do. (Laughs) 30

August 18, 2016

When you look back at that moment, how does your takeaway from that kissing scene compare to Emma’s? It’s just, you can’t take the baby from the bathwater. You can’t. It’s just the whole thing of it – that (orgasm scene) was just like the culmination of it. But what (screenwriter Tony Kushner) was doing was for a really mainstream HBO audience at that point – just groundbreaking. That hadn’t been on television. Movies, yes. But not television. So it was very cool. You discovered you were a gay icon in 2012, when you found out about Streep Tease – gay men taking on Meryl monologues in West Hollywood. Did you ever get a chance to see it? I didn’t. We went immediately to London to shoot something else. How do you feel about watching other people – gay men, for instance – do Meryl? I love it when they do other people! (Laughs) I don’t know. I’m sure it would tickle me, but I’m just not – I don’t have a distance on myself yet that I probably should have. It’s like when

my kids imitate me. I laugh but I kind of don’t like it. (Laughs) Do they imitate you often? Oh my god, yes. Endlessly. Especially when I answer the phone and they can tell that it’s (me pretending to be), like, a Jamaican operator or something, because I sort of start talking in the accent of the person I’m talking to. Oh, they’re merciless. Do you feel a connection to the LGBT community? I just can’t remember when LGBT people were not in my life. You know, gosh. My piano teachers when I was 11 and 12 were two gay men in a little town in New Jersey who had a collection of Mexican art and piñatas and silver lantern covers, and their house was wonderful, not like anybody else’s house in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. And yeah, I came of age when everything was kind of opening up and that’s a good time, right like now. This film harkens back to the ’40s when communities were kind of cloaked and undercover, and yet in Greenwich Village and just communities of people in the artistic world, they were always

embracing of people, every kind. That freedom – very staid people were drawn to that world because of its imagination and exoticism and willingness to embrace life in a different way. How do you think the message of Florence – doing something you love because you love it and not because of what other people think – will resonate with the LGBT community? Well, to the extent that anybody tells you that you can’t be a certain way or you shouldn’t be a certain way. You know, I think the limits other people put on you are the least valuable. A child announces who they are and people who encourage them are the ones to be around... and you have to get rid of everybody else who doesn’t help! (Laughs) I feel that way about everything, but certainly LGBT audiences will understand that. In 1979, when you played a lesbian in Manhattan, being LGBT wasn’t cool. Why did you take on a role that might’ve been deemed “too much” during that time period? I didn’t think of it that way. I

ENTERTAINMENT mean, I was coming to movies sort of sideways from the theater. I got an early movie and I thought, “Well, this is a one-off; they’ll never ask me again.” I was fine with that. I was happy in the theater. And in the theater I had lots of gay friends and my longtime collaborator Roy Helland is gay. I’ve grown up with gay people and been in love with gay people.

actresses and actors. I grew up in a time when people emerged – like, there were a handful of people. Now, there’s like 35, 40 people who are just beyond talented, and because of the opening up of long-form television and all the other platforms – webisodes and things like that – I think there are more opportunities for people to demonstrate their talent. There are so many talented people.

Romantic love? Oh no, not that kind!

And streaming – I heard you say you’re learning about it. Getting on that, yes. Not really. (Laughs) Somebody told me that I Snapchatted but I don’t know how to Snapchat and I thought it was the thing that you do when you’re sexting sort of and then you want it to be erased. I didn’t know what they were talking about!

I mean, I know women who’ve had gay boyfriends and gay husbands. No, no. Well… not that I know of! (Laughs) If you were to play another lesbian role, who would be your dream co-star? Oh, well, someone younger, clearly. (Laughs) But who? I mean, you and Sandra Bullock have already had practice making out at the 2010 Critics Choice Movie Awards. Yeah! That was famous. But I don’t know! I can’t pick! There are so many. One thing I think is, there are so many young talented

It’s very confusing out there, Meryl. Stay in your bubble. OK, fine! (Laughs) Emily Blunt said she’s interested in doing another Devil Wears Prada if everybody else returns. Would you be interested in doing a sequel? In theory. But the heart sinks until you read the script. It’s like, somebody said (they want a)

Mamma Mia 2! and it just – ack! I thought, Gram-Mamma Mia!? Really? No. (Laughs) So it would depend on the script; the script is everything. If somebody has the imagination and wit to apply and has an interesting story, yeah, sure. But absent that, no. Your gay fans wouldn’t mind, I’ll tell you that – as long there’s a solid script, of course. No, I wouldn’t mind either if the script were good. Your Death Becomes Her costar Isabella Rossellini said that she didn’t know she was making what became a gay cult film until after some market research. When did you realize Death Becomes Her would become a gay cult classic? I knew when I met the writer! (Laughs) When I met Martin (Donovan), I thought, “OK, here we go.” And then (when I sang) my first number, I thought, “Oh, all right, I’ll see this in a club somewhere.” I mean, with lines like, “Now a warning?!” – I mean, come on! It was so much fun, and it’s sort of a documentary on aging in Los Angeles now, it seems to me. For years, you’ve been playing real-life people: Julia Child, Margaret Thatcher, now Florence Foster Jenkins. If one day

there’s a Meryl Streep biopic, what do you hope it captures about your life and career? I hope that doesn’t happen! You know, I treasure my life and the fact that it’s not on Facebook, and I really love my solitude and privacy – all these old-fashioned concepts. In a job where I’m with hundreds of people all the time and going on these press things, I just really love to get away and not be in the chattering world. That’s really important to me. So, I hope I fade into oblivion. We rode in from the airport and Roy – my hair and makeup guy – pointed out the Will Rogers museum here in LA that’s closing and I said, “Why?” He said because nobody knows who he was and nobody cares, and there was no more central figure in his time that could sort of translate the best of the wit and charm of his era. So, you know, then it’s over. He’s gone. Nobody cares. And you’re OK with that happening to you? Yeah, I’m fine with that! (Laughs) I seriously feel like you can only speak to your moment, and right now your work should reflect it. Your work has to just be important right now. And in 10 years, if it looks obsolete or like you were overdoing it, that’s fine, because for that time you were. nn August 18, 2016



August 18, 2016


n n n n Across 1 Activist Milk of this puzzle’s quote 7 Street in San Francisco where Milk was “mayor” 13 Like the naked eye 15 Tip of a thick tool? 16 Coming 17 Lincoln’s side of the penny 18 Big top performer 19 The Batmobile, e.g. 21 Market corrections 22 Area of tongue usage 27 Talk and talk 30 With 47- and 59-Across, what a gay activist said about the shot that would kill him 31 IRS info 34 Crack fighter pilot 35 Suffix with bear 36 JFK debater in ‘60 37 The, to the Greeks 38 Statue’s modesty protector 40 Phrase before “forgiven” 42 Open your mouth to let it out 43 Bert’s roommate 45 Head lines? 46 After Delores author Schulman 47 See 30-Across 50 Italian well 51 Long pants, for short 52 Lorca’s grocery 55 Activity of a siren 59 See 30-Across 63 Split 64 Eagle appendage 65 Drag queen’s leg scraper 66 They’re performing, in Fame 67 Garbo, for one 68 Tasty tubers Down 1 The rainbow flag has six 2 Hathaway of The Devil

Got Milk Wears Prada 3 Uncommon, to Caligula 4 Early fiddles 5 College web address suffix 6 To date 7 Where a trucker parks his bottom 8 Off-rd. ride 9 You can stick your tools in these 10 Polo of The Fosters 11 Sound grate? 12 Lines from Lesbos 14 Bruce Jenner at the Olympics 15 Straight to the point 20 Offspring of a queen 23 Giant quarterback Manning 24 Hill with a flat top 25 Some bitches put it in their mouths 26 Cigarette pkg. 27 Larry Kramer’s alma mater 28 Like sourballs 29 Reeves of My Own Private Idaho 31 Dinah of a golf classic 32 Whale finder 33 Close at hand, to the Bard 39 European nuts 41 ____ Miz 42 Night alright for fighting, to Elton John 44 Whitman work 46 Like Edna Turnblad 48 Makes into law 49 Dahl of Hollywood 52 Martin’s Ed Wood role 53 Bucatinsky’s All ___ the Guy 54 Good with the hands 56 “I” of Socrates 57 Cheers barfly 58 Mardi ___ 60 Perry Mason’s field 61 Grand ___ Opry 62 Gay guy, to Brits August 18, 2016









THURSDAY 8/18 @ 8:00PM Hard Rock Live Heidi Klum’s recent ex-husband has had a large range of hits throughout his over 20-year career. 1991’s “Crazy” began his prominence on the American music charts. That single would reach the top five on the US charts and would later spawn a slew of cover versions by famous singers like Alanis Morissette. He followed “Crazy” with his biggest hit, 1995’s “Kiss from a Rose,” which appeared in the film Batman Forever. In total, the artist has sold over thirty million albums. Recently, Seal has had a second career as a coach on Australia’s version of The Voice. 8:00 p.m. Hard Rock Live. 5747 Seminole Way. Hollywood. 33314.

SATURDAY 8/20 @ 7:00PM Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre During the Bush era, the members of the Dixie Chicks (especially lead singer Natalie Maines) were perhaps W’s most vocal critics, having announced to a London crowd that they were ashamed to be from Texas. That led to a complete negative reaction from their country music audience, highlighted by a threatening letter from an ex-fan telling the group to quite impossibly “shut up and sing.” They had a major comeback with the album Taking the Long Way which explored their tumultuous political experience; it earned them the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. 7:00 p.m. Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre. 601-7 Sansbury’s Way. West Palm Beach. 33411.


FRIDAY 8/19 @ 8:30PM Colony Hotel Cabaret and jazz performer Carole J. Bufford has become one of the most popular young performers on the scene. She has won a bevy of awards, including a Nightlife, Bistro, and Broadway World Award for Outstanding Vocalist. Recent performances include a feature in Michael Feinstein’s Great American Songbook series at Jazz at Lincoln Center and a starring role in Scott Siegel’s 11 O’Clock Numbers at 11 O’Clock. Her influences include Liza Minnelli, Judy Garland, Patsy Cline, and Bessie Smith. 8:30 p.m. Colony Hotel. 155 Hammon Ave. Palm Beach. 33480.



FRIDAY 8/19 Various times at various locations During the lazy summer days off-season in Fort Lauderdale, various restaurants participate in a Miami Spice-esque promotion in which three-course meals for $36 are offered at participating restaurants. The hope is that foodie locals will push money into restaurants which notoriously struggle during this time of the year. Over 35 restaurants will be participating, including Seasons 52, Beauty and the Feast, Bistro at Sonesta Fort Lauderdale, The Capital Grille, Cafe Primavera, Casa Calabria, Indigo Restaurant, and 15th Street Fisheries. Enjoy locally celebrated chefs’ masterpieces at gorgeous restaurants at a discounted rate. Various times at various locations throughout Broward County. 34

August 18, 2016

By Patrick Robert

T he Week entertainment calendar

nexhibits n PSYCHO AND DUMMY

MONDAY 8/22 @ 7:30PM Miami Theater Center Mad Cat Theatre presents a reading of Cliff Burgess’ play Psycho and Dummy as part of South Florida Theatre League’s annual Summer Theatre Fest. The play involves two amateur criminals who attempt to rob a bank but get accidentally trapped inside the bank vault. These brothers must now confront their past resentments and the unfinished family business. 7:30 p.m. Miami Theater Center. 9806 NE Second Ave. Miami Shores. 33138.




TUESDAY 8/23 @ 6:00PM Mardi Gras Casino The local blues songstress has had a long career that has flirted with mainstream success. She initially sang with a girl group named Betty and the Q’s before pairing with Joey Gilmore in the mid-90s. She would leave that pairing to release a solo album, which included the hit 1998 single “30 Second Man.” In 2006, her album Never Coming Home made an impact in the Southern Soul market, allowing her to tour both Europe and Central America. Tonight she performs her signature style at the Mardi Gras Casino. 6:00 p.m. Mardi Gras Casino. 831 N. Federal Highway. Hallandale Beach. 33009.




SATURDAY 8/20 @ 8:00PM Actor’s Rep Renee Taylor and Joseph Bologna’s semiautobiographical two-character play finds Theda Blau, a failed actress and health food nut, trying desperately to make it big in the entertainment industry. At her wit’s end, she decides to hold successful TV commercial director Vito Pignoli hostage in her apartment on a snowy Christmas Eve. Throughout the evening, she manages to convince Vito to both work with her and marry her. The show is presented by KWP Productions, promising a heartfelt and hysterical evening. 8:00 p.m. Actor’s Rep. 1009 N. Dixie Highway. West Palm Beach. 33406.


SUNDAY 8/21 @ 4:00PM Meyer Amphitheater On the third Sunday of every month, downtown West Palm Beach presents free live musical performances from both regional and national recording artists. Tonight’s show Station to Station pays tribute to the recently deceased and famously sexually fluid singer David Bowie. Bowie is heralded to this day as a musical genius who pushed music to deeper and more beautiful spaces. Expect to hear covers of all of his classics, including “Heroes,” “Space Oddity,” “Under Pressure,” “Let’s Dance,” and “Changes.” 4:00 p.m. Meyer Amphitheater. 104 Datura St. West Palm Beach. 33401.

WEDNESDAY 8/24 @ 6:00PM North Beach Bandshell. Zona de Bomba performs amongst a sea of food trucks as participants dine on delicious food while enjoying exhilarating music. Zona de Bomba specializes in the Puerto Rican tradition of Bomba music, which utilizes only two hard hitting instruments: percussion and voice. The six-piece ensemble includes Latin Grammy Award winner Jose Javier Freire, Keinny Merchan, Johnny Frias, Cintia Lovo, Charley Rivas, and Deanette Rivas. The fest also includes theater by Front Yard Theater Collective. 6:00 p.m. North Beach Bandshell. 7275 Collins Ave. Miami Beach. 33141.

August 18, 2016


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Stunning new treatment to tighten sagging necks and wrinkled brows n

Ultherapy is the newest trend in noninvasive lifts. As the only non-invasive skin tightening procedure the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared, more and more men and women are choosing Ultherapy to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles in the neck, chin, and brow – and the results are stunning. HOW ULTHERAPY WORKS

Ultherapy is a nonsurgical neck and face treatment developed by Ulthera, Inc. This treatment uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology to By stimulate natural collagen Dr. Ferdinand production in the skin’s Cabrera foundational layer. This layer of skin is the area doctors address during cosmetic surgery, but Ultherapy requires no blades or skin disruption. Ultherapy introduces zero toxins or needles into patients. Instead, it uses the power of energy to trigger a regenerative process under the skin. The focused ultrasound device generates an image of tissue layers within the skin, which enables me to pinpoint the optimal level of the skin to trigger. Activating the device releases vibration energy through the contact gel and deep into the dermis, creating friction between molecules. This in turn activates collagen and leads to skin tightening. Since Ultherapy triggers the skin’s natural collagen production, it leads to long-lasting results that grow more prominent in the few months after the procedure. The results are fast, noticeable, and completely natural. Ultherapy is a clinically proven non-invasive alternative for a surgical facelift.


August 18, 2016

BENEFITS OF ULTHERAPY OVER OTHER LIFT PROCEDURES The main draw patients feel toward Ultherapy is that there is no surgery or needles required to see real results. Ultherapy produces a noticeable difference in the appearance of the chin, neck, décolletage, knees, arms, and more. The benefits of choosing Ultherapy include: The only FDA-approved lift procedure Safe and effective Fully customizable treatments Non-invasive No surgery No downtime Fast, noticeable results Natural-looking enhancement Long-lasting results For younger-looking, tighter, and rejuvenated skin, Ultherapy is an excellent choice for patients who do not want to undergo a surgical procedure. I recommend Ultherapy to anyone with mild-to-moderate lines, wrinkles, crepey skin at the décolletage, or sagging skin beneath the chin. In addition, a study released in the Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications showed improvement and tightening when using on the hands, knees, arms, and more. Ultherapy has zero downtown since it’s non-invasive. This is perfect for patients who do not want to miss work or go through a lengthy recovery process. THE RESULTS OF ULTHERAPY The results of Ultherapy typically show within two to three months and are long-lasting. How long the results last from this treatment vary according to each individual’s natural aging process. Most patients only require one treatment but can choose additional treatments depend-

ing on the degree of skin laxity and the body’s biological response to Ultherapy. Future touchup treatments can help extend the results of Ultherapy. The effects of Ultherapy continue to improve skin for months after the procedure according to your body’s natural collagen production. Patients see optimal results between 90 and 180 days but can experience further improvement even beyond this. Ultherapy effectively lifts, smooths, and tightens common problem areas, leading to a younger-looking you. You can view the before and after photos of patients who chose Ultherapy on our web site to see the results for yourself. If you want to tighten skin without going under the knife, Ultherapy is the only FDA-approved non-invasive solution. It provides real, naturallooking results without interrupting your life with a major procedure. Ultherapy is available at Genesis Health Institute, along with other IV therapies to help patients achieve and maintain their optimal appearance and heath. Contract Dr. Cabrera at 954-561-3175. He will personally answer your questions and concerns regarding our Ultherapy procedure. nn

ADVERTORIAL Does Back Pain have you Frustrated….. Are You Worried You Will Have to Take Pain Pills For The Rest of Your Life?…….. If this is you or someone you love, keep reading to learn about an amazing free report helping back pain sufferers!

Wilton Manors, FL Are you one of the 100 million Americans who are suffering from chronic back pain? Is your back pain stopping you from doing the things you enjoy? Are you using pain pills regularly just to get through the day? Are you afraid this may eventually lead to surgery? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help. We have put together a free report filled with tips to help you avoid the most common mistakes made by back pain sufferers. Back pain is not something you have to learn to live with. There are solutions, and we can help you find them. Claim your copy of “Erasing Back Pain: How to Avoid the 9 Most

Painful Mistakes and What You Should Be Doing Instead” today to take charge of your pain and get back to doing the things you love! In this report you’ll find  The 3 things you can do to avoid back surgery that will cost you nothing.  How to save yourself time and money by making the right choices for your back pain today.  How to avoid the biggest mistake made by back pain sufferers. Call (954)-351-2299 now for your FREE report or request it online at back.php

August 18, 2016





Sterling Tax & Accounting 2435 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-667-9829 /

EVENTS Source Events 605 Lincoln Road, #410 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-9779 /

Dean Trantalis Attorney 2255 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2226 / Ken Keechl Attorney 612 NE 26th St Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-1480 /

CHURCH / SPIRITUAL Center for Spiritual Living 1550 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2868 / Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 / Etz Chaim 2038 N Dixie Hwy Pride Ctr Bldg B Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-9232 / 38

August 18, 2016


Diana’s 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Orlando, FL 32828 407-207-0205 /

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FITNESS Pump’n Inc Tom Bonanti 1271 NE 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-557-1119 /


Acute Hearing & Balance 1881 NE 26th St, Suite 223 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-640-3200 Ocean Therapy Center 2530 NE 15th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-351-2299/

INCOME TAX Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-1041 /

INSURANCE Dunham Fort Lauderdale 2601 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 303 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-564-7772 / We Insure 1975 E Sunrise Blvd, Suite 602 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-903-7519 /

MASSAGE SPA 11 Lic#MA75718 2000 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 103 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-945-5133 /

MORTGAGE Donn Rubin 2810 E Oakland Park Suite 310 Fort Lauderdale FL 33306 954-557-3100 /

MUSIC Sell Us Your Records! We Buy Collections. 5130 N. Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale 954-671-9482 /



Island City Eyecare 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite C1 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-764-6906 /

ORGANIZATIONS The Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-463-9005 / Out of the Closet 2097 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-358-5580 /

PET AND HOUSESITTING Paulette’s Pet and Housesitting Caring Professional Excellent References 954-821-9682 /

REAL ESTATE Robert Geary MacKilligan on Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-234-8759 / Joe Grano Realtor 1881 NE 26th Street, Suite 212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-931-0031 / Proudly serving the LGBT community since 2002

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August 18, 2016



















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August 18, 2016


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