Agenda 082416 issue 353

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August 25, 2016



August 25, 2016

August 25, 2016



The week reflected back through fabulously funny eyes

IT’S CALLED A HANGOVER. Fell asleep in a wine stupor and came forth to something on my television called “Marriage Boot Camp: reality stars,” starring Tara Reid, who I thought was found dead between couch cushions in a Mexican thrift store in 2012, so I guess everybody wins? WAS I DREAMING? Just had one of those scenes happen right out of “The Shining” or something. Wake up out of a deep sleep, just as my phone cord dies. I run around the room, panicking, crying, pleading with God, as I pull random old charger cords and bases from drawers, boxes, outlets, nothing seems to work! I try plugging it into my laptop nothing! I scream to the Lord above, a la Shirley MacLaine in the “Give Her the Shot!” in Terms of Endearment and spot one last random cord sitting in the corner, it appears to work. Now I’m lying in bed staring at the ceiling wondering just what the f*ck that was all about.

MOVIN ON UP. Big day ahead--heading down to Wilton Manors to start closing my apartment up for good---donating furniture, packing up remaining items and closing up a chapter in my life. Some sadness attached, but it’s time to say goodbye and forge ahead with happy blinders on. THE LEISURE LIFE OF A HOUSEWIFE. So now that I’m an unemployed Palm Beach housewife, I watch tons of television and they’re pushing this new show on TLC about couples meeting for the first time on camera and kissing, scandalous! Obviously they’ve left out the gay demographic because I’d say that about 85% of my friends would hit that shit on camera without even thinking about it, without even looking. LOL. CHEERS RETURNS. Kristie Alley is on my newsfeed talking politics and disrespecting our President? Gurl, unless she’s shoving another cake down her throat or hawking her Jenny Craig meals, she’s had zero relevance since 1997. SOCIAL MEDIA SOCIALITE. Instagram knows me so well! Every suggested picture is either of a naked man or an inappropriate meme. I must say that social media has exposed me to some very interesting people that perhaps I would not have otherwise met in life. MY THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK. but nobody listens.

Everybody says they hear me,

Adam Cohen is South Florida’s favorite and most fabulous social commentator. He’s also single. Find him on Facbook to keep up with his hilarious take on the week’s headlines. 4

August 25, 2016

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING... Random thoughts from social media and beyond this week

Cher has hinted she will be releasing new music, but not before she works on getting Hillary Clinton elected President. Cher posted on Twitter, “Just walked out of the studio. Had a blast, put two songs down. Was dead from fittings. Wish I could go in jeans and high heels. When I get back from first leg of Hillary’s campaign, I’ll start new CD. So excited. Forget I love singing.”

US First Lady Michelle Obama has said that seeing LGBT people on television and in movies has been vital in the fight for equality. “For so many people, television and movies may be the only way they understand people who aren’t like them,” Michelle said. “The only way that millions of people get to know other folks and the way they live, is through the power of television and movies.”


Frank Ocean’s ‘Blonde’ Expected to Debut at No. 1 on Billboard Chart. He came out publicly in 2012. “I had the time of my life making all of this. Thank you all. Especially those of you who never let me forget I had to finish. Which is basically every one of y’all.” Ocean posted on Tumblr about the album.

Bette Midler is in a furious tweet storm after taking a dig at Caitlin Jenner on Twitter. Referring to the cancellation of Jenner’s show I Am Cait, Midler tweeted, “Now that @IAmCait has been cancelled, will she go back to being Brice? Will Kris take him back? Do I smell a re-wedding?!” The tweet was quickly deleted.

British Olympic racewalker Tom Bosworth speaks out about his own experiences as an out gay athlete and the plight of LGBT competitors from countries with repressive laws. “Can sport governing bodies do more to combat homophobia? Absolutely. But I think for athletes from countries where it’s not accepted, things have to change at home first – for their own safety, and for them to be able to come out and be those role models. The world needs to change.”

Retired Olympic diver Matthew Mitcham put on his kinky boots to promote the show’s Melbourne production. “Being myself hasn’t always been easy. It got better when I accepted who I am… it got a whole lot better when I became proud of who I am,” he wrote on Instagram. “Like seriously, just look at me: a full-grown man playing the ukulele wearing sparkly red boots… I couldn’t look happier if I tried!” August 25, 2016




Letter from the Publisher

The Strangest Summer Ever n

The hottest July and August on record. The sorrow of Orlando. The trials of business in the summer time. The fight with Zika virus mosquitos. Summer 2016 almost is over. We’ve extinguished the Olympic torch. We are ready to prep for Florida’s high season. Time to make things happen. Time to try new things, invent new steps and dust off tried and true remedies. We are better for the experience and inspired by our community resilience. Hello September! We’ve been waiting for you! Here at Agenda, we are full of exciting news for our BY audience and busiMAURA ness partners. As I LANE said in June, I am so proud of our team. The writers, art directors and our Editor Richard Hack push each week to make the next week better than the last. Richard carefully considers what is important to you and searches for the stories that you want, need and rely on us to 6

August 25, 2016

tell. The success of our Pet Issue in July further reinforces that you enjoy, share and respond to themes that are unique to our lives and are presented in fun and informative ways. The coverage of Rio 2016, the gayest Olympics ever, by our Creative Director Kevin Broady was groundbreaking, stunning and comprehensive. I know people referred to the LGBT Team guide as the games progressed. I don’t want to push my luck, but fingers crossed that this weekend’s impending storm will pass and we won’t have to pull out the Agenda Hurricane Guide (June 2) and figure out its gay hurricane name. A couple of weeks ago, we received our custom research report on the Agenda from Community Marketing & Insights. Community Marketing & Insights has been providing research on LGBT audiences to corporations, non-profits, universities and government agencies since 1992. You might remember advertisements this April and May asking you to participate in the LGBT survey. Thank you! So many of you completed the survey that we have a much better handle on who you are, what you want, how you feel and what you

are interested in. Again, the power of the vote shines through. Your input combined with audiences in the top LGBT markets provides our team with not only content focus but also equips our Media Sales Consultants with facts on LGBT buying power and buying behavior. Many times new clients ask us to advise them on the best methods and language to market to LGBT. They want to know how to ask for your business. That’s right, to ask for your business or even better to invite you to do business with them. Invitation is stronger than permission. When the LGBT consumer is invited to do business, we respond and we tell our friends. So off we go to September, focused on growth, armed with a strong content team, full of knowledge about what you like,, what you don’t like and what you buy—all the while jazzed that you dig our special issues (Home coming in October and get ready for Top 100 in November), poised with new experienced leadership and looking to add more to our superstar sales team. So long strangest summer ever; hello game changer Fall! (Yes, I am a Dolphin fan!)

Sue Hortujec

Director of Sales South Florida I invite you to join me in welcoming the newest member of the Agenda team, Sue Hortujec. Sue is our new Director of Sales South Florida. Sue brings 13 years of experience from WSVN (Channel 7 Fox) and WPLG (Channel 10 ABC) television, where she worked with local businesses and agencies to properly invest their advertising budgets to increase business. She is relationship focused, creative and driven to make a difference. Sue is hiring and managing our South Florida sales team working on the Agenda, Next, and Wirld City Guide brands. Originally from Pittsburgh, she now resides in Oakland Park with her partner Michelle who is a Pharmaceutical Rep. In the rare time that she is not working, she plays in numerous tennis leagues, loves to spin, golf, swim, spend time with family and be with friends who must have a large funny bone. Her personal goal is to dust off her drum kit and eventually play in an AC/DC cover band. nn

Welcome To T he Family, Sue August 25, 2016


News Briefs Go to for other exclusive stories. WASHINGTON

Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State WASHINGTON (AP) - More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money - either personally or through companies or groups - to the Clinton Foundation. It’s an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president. At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million. Among those granted time with Clinton included an internationally known economist who asked for her help as the Bangladesh government pressured him to resign from a nonprofit bank he ran; a Wall Street executive who sought Clinton’s help with a visa problem; and Estee Lauder executives who were listed as meeting with Clinton while her department worked with the firm’s corporate charity to counter gender-based violence in South Africa. The meetings between the Democratic presidential nominee and foundation donors do not appear to violate legal agreements Clinton and former president Bill Clinton signed before she joined the State Department in 2009. 8

August 25, 2016

But the frequency of the overlaps shows the intermingling of access and donations, and fuels perceptions that giving the foundation money was a price of admission for face time with Clinton. Her calendars and emails released as recently as this week describe scores of contacts she and her top aides had with foundation donors. The AP’s findings represent the first systematic effort to calculate the scope of the intersecting interests of Clinton Foundation donors and people who met personally with Clinton or spoke to her by phone about their needs. The 154 did not include U.S. federal employees or foreign government representatives. Clinton met with representatives of at least 16 foreign governments that donated as much as $170 million to the Clinton charity, but they were not included in AP’s calculations because such meetings would presumably have been part of her diplomatic duties. Clinton’s campaign said the AP analysis was flawed because it did not include in its calculations meetings with foreign diplomats or U.S. government officials, and the meetings AP examined covered only the first half of Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. AP has sought for years a complete set of Clinton’s detailed schedules covering her time in office, which she could have voluntarily released but did not. The AP sued the State Department in federal court to obtain the schedules it has received so far. nn


States file another lawsuit over Obama transgender rules AUSTIN, TX (AP) - Texas and four other Republican-led states filed another lawsuit Tuesday seeking to roll back the Obama administration’s efforts to strengthen transgender rights, saying new federal nondiscrimination health rules could force doctors to act contrary to their medical judgment or religious beliefs. The lawsuit is the second in recent months in which conservative states have sued over federal efforts to defend transgender rights. Social conservatives claimed victory Sunday when a federal judge in Texas halted an Obama administration directive requiring public schools to let transgender students use bathrooms consistent with their gender identity. Now they’re asking that same court to block new regulations intended to ban discrimination by doctors, hospitals and insurers against transgender persons. The latest lawsuit contends that the rules, which were finalized in May, could force doctors to help with gender transition contrary to their religious beliefs or medical judgment. Transgender rights advocates called that a far-fetched hypothetical, saying a person would not approach a doctor who lacked suitable experience and expertise. Joining Texas in the lawsuit are Wisconsin, Kentucky, Nebraska and Kansas, along with the Christian Medical and Dental Association and Franciscan Alliance, an Indiana-based network of religious hospitals. “It discards independent medical judgment and a physician’s duty to his or her patient’s permanent wellbeing and replaces them with rigid commands,” the lawsuit states.

Jillian Weiss, executive director of the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, said the new federal rules were groundbreaking and pointed out that other states already had similar protections. Ten states and Washington, D.C., require private insurers to cover transgender health care, while six states plus the nation’s capital cover such services through their Medicaid programs, according to advocates. “The only thing a doctor is obliged to do is treat all patients, including trans patients, with dignity and respect and to make treatment decisions free from bias,” Weiss said. “If a doctor has a sound, evidence-based, medical reason to delay transition care for a specific patient, that would be respected under the regulations.” The Obama administration finalized the regulations around the time it issued its directive to public schools regarding transgender students. Thirteen states signed on to fight that directive, including three involved in the latest lawsuit, and won a temporary injunction this week from U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor. O’Connor ruled that the federal anti-discrimination law known as Title IX “is not ambiguous” about sex being defined as “the biological and anatomical differences between male and female students as determined at their birth.” He also said federal officials skirted rules requiring a chance for input and feedback before new rules were implemented. The Justice Department has not said whether it will appeal the ruling. nn


INTERNATIONAL India plans surrogacy ban for foreigners, unmarried couples

NEW DELHI (AP) - The Indian government plans to ban foreigners, single parents and gay couples from using India’s surrogacy services under a proposed law intended to protect poor women from exploitation. Only infertile couples who have been married for at least five years could seek a surrogate, who must be a close relative, Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said Wednesday. The bill does not say which relatives are close enough to be considered as potential surrogates. The proposed law will soon be introduced in Parliament, where the governing Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party commands a majority in the lower house. Gay couples, single parents and foreigners would not be allowed to hire Indian women as surrogates under the proposed law, which would have to be passed by both houses of parliament to become law. Over the past few years, India has become a popular destination for people wanting to have children using surrogate mothers, partly because its doctors and clinics broker the service at relatively low cost. India’s surrogacy business was estimated at around $1 billion a year and growing, but it had few regulations governing it. In November, the government had instructed Indian embassies not to grant visas to foreigners who planned to come to India to engage a surrogate mother. The home ministry said a child born through surrogacy to foreigners would not be allowed to leave the country. nn


RALEIGH, NC (AP) - Supporters of North Carolina’s bathroom rules have urged a federal judge to closely consider a ruling in Texas that has temporarily blocked the Obama administration’s ability to withhold federal money from schools that don’t let transgender students use bathrooms matching their gender identity. But opponents and independent legal experts said Tuesday that the ruling in Texas won’t affect the North Carolina litigation. “Although it sounds like this is all part of the same pot, the fact is there are multiple pots in the kitchen and different things cooking in the different pots,” said Boston College law professor Kari Hong, who studies family law and LGBT rights. “The law is very good at compartmentalizing.” Attorneys for Gov. Pat McCrory, state legislative leaders and other defendants told U.S. District Judge Thomas Schroeder in WinstonSalem that the ruling in Texas “is pertinent and significant” to their defense of North Carolina law, which requires transgender people to use public restrooms matching the sex on their birth certificates. Late Sunday, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Wichita Falls, Texas, blocked the Obama administration from requiring public schools to let transgender students use the bathrooms consistent with their gender identity. Texas is one of 13 states challenging the White House directive; North Carolina is not among them. O’Connor wrote that his order would apply nationwide - an assertion immediately questioned by supporters of Obama’s directive, who noted that higher courts elsewhere have upheld gender rights. O’Connor himself provided some wiggle room, writing that his order “should not unnecessarily interfere with litigation currently pending before other federal courts on this subject.” The Texas order does effectively stop the Obama administration from withholding federal education money from states that don’t accept its interpretation that anti-discrimination protections based on sex in federal civil rights law extends to transgender students, said Duke University law professor Jane Wettach, who teaches education law. nn

Judge in Texas temporarily blocks Obama’s transgender rules

AUSTIN, TX (AP) - A federal judge in Texas is blocking for now the Obama administration’s directive to U.S. public schools that transgender students must be allowed to use the bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity. On Monday - the first day of class for most public schools in Texas - hundreds of school districts awoke to news of the order by U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor. His decision dated Sunday comes after Texas and 12 other states challenged the Obama directive as unconstitutional. O’Connor ruled that the federal education law, Title IX, “is not ambiguous” about sex being defined as “the biological and anatomical differences between male and female students as determined at their birth.” He also sided with Republican state leaders who argued that schools should have been allowed to weigh in before the directive was announced in May. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, had argued that halting the law before school began was necessary because districts risked losing federal education dollars if they didn’t comply. Federal officials didn’t explicitly make that threat upon issuing the directive, although they also never ruled out the possibility. “This president is attempting to rewrite the laws enacted by the elected representatives of the people, and is threating to take away federal funding from schools to force them to conform,” Paxton said. “That cannot be allowed to continue, which is why we took action to protect states and school districts.” The Education and Justice departments did not immediately react to the injunction. Paul Castillo, a Dallas attorney for the gay rights group Lambda Legal that had urged the court to let the directive stand, said the ruling was a continuation of attacks on transgender people. “I think today is going to be a hard day for transgender students,” Castillo said. “The decision is certainly emotional, and certainly an attack on transgender students’ dignity.” The federal government told U.S. public schools in May that transgender students must be allowed to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity. nn Assembled through Associated Press August 25, 2016


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Television LGBT Characters Who Rule Television The average American has four television sets in their homes, and receives over 180 channels of cable and streaming programming available at any time of the day or night. While much of those shows are encore presentations of hits from the past, there are any number of superb first-run series—an increasing number of which are featuring lesbian, gay, transgender or bisexual characters. Next week, marks the start of the Fall 2016 Television season which will unfold in the months ahead. Check out your favorites or discover new ones in our countdown to Agenda’s Gay Television Annual Roundup.


August 25, 2016



ussie Smollett Empire season three will return to FOX network on September 21, 2016. This series showcases Jamal Lyon played by Jussie Smollett in one of the most talked about TV series yet. Jamal, who is an openly gay talented singer/songwriter, is trying to take over his father’s empire, with the help of his mother Cookie (Taraji P. Henson). Lucious, who is Jamal’s father, despises him because of his sexuality; however, Cookie favors him and wants nothing but the best for her child. The question remaind: who will take over the Empire? Cookie or Lucious? At the end of last season, Jamal had been shot and his music career seemed over. Will Jamal re-think his decision to continue his music career in season three? A good question. Missed an episode? Catch up on seasons one and two on TVOne.

The Lyon’s Family

Season 3 Returns Septemebr 21st to FOX August 25, 2016



merican Horror Story FX’s American Horror Story is an LGBT’s wet dream. First and foremost, the show is written and created by openly gay TV industry icon Ryan Murphy, and has featured appearances from gay actors like Matt Bomer and Neil Patrick Harris. If you haven’t seen the show, its dynamic and setting changes year-to-year. A haunted hotel one season; a sideshow the next. If you like horror, sex, and blood, this is your kinda show. As the titles tell us: viewer discretion is advised. Sex, nudity, violence—they are here in spade. Previous seasons/titles were “The Coven,” “Freak Show,” and last years “Hotel” which featured Pop singer Lady Gaga. Viewers can expect our Gaga to be returning in season six on September 14, 2016. Ryan Murphy describes it as “more rogue” and “dark,” and will revolve around children. To stream previous seasons, catch them on Hulu.

Season 6 Returns Septemebr 16th to FX Matt Bomer 12

August 25, 2016

Neil Patrick Harris

Mr. Terrific Echo Kellum In 2015, CW’s popular television series Arrow, cast Echo Kellum as Mr. Terrific who was the shows first gay African American superhero--a rarity on television. According to NewNowNext, actor Echo Kellum stated that it’s the fifth most interesting thing about him. His character Michael Holt is actually heterosexual in the comic books and is haunted by his wife’s death. However, on the show, he’s openly gay and is happily married. The CW has released a little teaser for the upcoming season (its fifth) stating that someone from Oliver’s past will return to threaten his legacy. Only question is who is the mystery person? Viewers will find out when it returns Wednesday October 5, 2016 at 8pm. If you’re a hardcore DC fan of the Green Arrow series, and if you like hot abs, this show has you covered!

Season 5 Returns October 5th to CW

Caity Lotz

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow season two will premiere on October 13, 2016 online at One of the show’s kick ass heroines, Sara Lance, (played by Caity Lotz), has women going crazy over her. From her relationships with Nyssa al Ghul and Oliver Queen, she just might have everyone wanting to get a kiss from her. Although Sara is one of the characters that joined with the other legends, she feels like she’s in this world all alone. Her past was dark, making her not have a care in the world. However, she does have a soft spot for new lover, Lindsey. Missed season one? No need to worry. You can catch full episodes online at

Season 2 Premiere October 13th to Amazon August 25, 2016


Season 3 Returns May 2017 to Netflix

Grace and Frankie

Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin

Netflix’s original series Grace and Frankie has been renewed for a third season and is coming to TV in May 2017. Stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as Grace and Frankie find their lives have been turned upside down when they’ve both found out that their husbands are in love with each other. Can you say messy love triangle--or is that love rectangle? Sam Waterson as Sol (Frankie’s former husband) says “they don’t expect such delicate and difficult and hard subjects as late-in-life sexual-orientation changes and divorce and death itself and aging to be funny at all.” Co-creator Marta Kauffman told Deadline, fans can expect “the subject of age and coming to terms with it more in season three.” Haven’t seen seasons one and two yet? Catch up and stream on Netfli--especially if you enjoy comedy and gay professional men.

Season 6 Returns in 2017 to HBO


Cast Members

TV series Girls have been renewed for its sixth and final season on HBO and will air in 2017. The show focuses on four young women living their lives in the “big apple” of Manhattan. Normally, the series shows the leading ladies and their sexual encounters. However this year, an early episode “Old Loves” took a turn by showing two male characters Elijah and Dill played by Andrew Rannells and Corey Stoll getting hot and heavy. This gay scene was definitely a first for the series! Also, fans are eager to learn how Hannah (Lena Dunham) and the rest of her girl friends wrap up their lives by the end of the season. Catch up on previous shows on HBO and stream it on Amazon Instant as well.


August 25, 2016

Season 7 Returns April 2017 to HBO


ame of Thrones HBO’s Game of Thrones has been renewed for a seventh season and will return next year April 2017. The mythical drama focuses on several powerful families fighting for control of the Seven Kingdoms. Viewers love the show because they want the good guys to win but the bad guys are so good at being bad. Throughout the years, sadly the gay characters on the show have met tremendous blood and death. In season six, viewers even had to say goodbye to its lovable oaf Hodor (Kristian Nairn), the only openly gay actor in the cast. To find more fantasy drama, catch up on previous seasons on HBO before the new one returns to slay. August 25, 2016



ow To Get Away With Murder will return on ABC network for season three on September 22, 2016. This series consist of law students working for series star Viola Davis who plays lawyer and law professor Annalise Keating. This series also showcases a hot gay student who is very promiscuous-- Connor Walsh played by newcomer Jack Falahee. Connor keeps his LGBT fans wanting to see more of his sexy, steamy, and super-hot love scenes with his partner Oliver Hampton (played by Conrad Ricamora) and other gorgeous men. The show concentrates on Annalise and her students trying to cover up murder crimes, so that she can save her students from going to jail as well as save herself from destroying her career and her life. Wanna catch up? Catch re-runs of the first two seasons on demand or on AmazonPrime.


August 25, 2016

The Cast Members including Star Viola Davis

Season 3 Premieres Septemebr 22nd to ABC

Jack Falahee

Conrad Ricamora

Jessica Jones

In January of this year, Marvel comics Jessica Jones was renewed for a second season on Netflix (with a release date TBA). This series stars smart and very dark character Jessica Jones (played by Kristen Ritter), a former superhero who has now opened up her own detective agency taking on cases dealing with people who have incredible abilities. Jones’ boss and ally Jeri Hogarth (played by Carrie-Ann Moss) is the epitome of a powerful lesbian. Moss described the character by saying that “she’s fierce, she’s strong, she’s powerful, and she likes that power.” In the comic book series, Jeri’s character was a man, but changed to female for the series and LGBT viewers are certainly down for that. Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg told Deadline that in season two, she wants to expand on the ensemble and on Jessica’s world. Stream season one only on Netflix.

The Cast Members including Star Jeffrey Tambor


Season 3 Returns Fall 2016 to Amazon

Transparent will return for season three on Amazon in the fall of 2016. This scripted TV series follows Maura Pfefferman (Jeffrey Tambor) is a retired college professor and a transgender woman who came out to her family and friends two years ago. It hasn’t been confirmed, but sources tell us that popular transgender person Caitlyn Jenner may have a supporting role in season three. Thanks to a show like Transparent, life inside a body of a transgender is explored, perhaps even help to give courage to closeted transgender people to open up to his/her family. Catch reruns all online at


Kristen Ritter

Season 2 TBA on Netflix

Miguel Silvestre

Season 2 Debuts December 2016 on Netflix

Sense8 will debut for its second season in December 2016 on Netflix. This TV series showcases eight strangers that live totally different lives, but somehow are suddenly linked together for a mysterious reason. The LGBT community is glued to this show because the gay association in this TV series is out of control. There are gay relationships, down low flings, cat fights, and juicy stories that Sense8 leaves viewers wanting more. Miguel Silvestre plays Lito, a closeted actor who lives with his boyfriend in Mexico City. Their love scenes will make you want to marry say, even if you’re straight. Wanna be up to speed? Catch full episodes of season one all on Netflix and get your life. August 25, 2016


Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey

True Detective

Ellie Kemper

Season 2 TBA on HBO

HBO’s anthology crime drama True Detective created by Nic Pizzolatto debuted in 2014 with stars Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey as the leading detectives on a seventeen-year pursuit for a serial killer. Second season focuses more on political corruption and gets a twist with a whole new cast, and a very interesting highway patrolman Paul Woodrugh (Taylor Kitsch). Paul is “straight” but uses Viagra to have sex with his girlfriend; his odd sexual behavior and closeted ways comes into the light when he is confronted by an ex-military pal and former lover. And soldier doesn’t even know about Paul’s association with a gay prostitute. Although a season three hasn’t been announced, HBO president Casey Bloys states, “It is not dead. I talked to Nic about it and both Nic and HBO are open to another season.” Until then, stream seasons one and two on HBO Go, HBO Now, and Amazon video.

The Walking Dead

Season 7 Returns October 23rd to AMC The Cast Memebers

The Walking Dead season seven will return on AMC on October 23, 2016. This bloody scripted series features Aaron (Ross Marquand) and his boyfriend Eric (Jordan WoodsRobinson). Aaron and Eric were introduced as a couple on the show. Cutely pie Aaron took care of Eric when he became immobile, poor thing. So far, both guys remain alive, but who knows when there are zombies walking about doing whatever it is zombies do. If you haven’t caught up on seasons one through six, you can catch up on demand or on Netflix. 18

August 25, 2016

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

On January 17, 2016, Netflix’s Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was renewed for a third season. The series focuses on 29-year-old Kimmy Schmidt (Ellie Kemper) as she adjusts to life living in New York City. The series also showcases Kimmy’s gay best friend/roommate Titus Andromedon (Tituss Burgess) as the bold and vibrant guy LGBT viewers love, and every girl wish they had in their corner. He’s an aspiring musical theater actor who’s had to deal with a lot of rejection in the past from the business, but still manages to stay strong and always carries a larger than life persona. Tituss Burgess’ hilarious performance on the show even earned him an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series at the 2015 ceremony. Though a release date for season three has yet to be revealed, season two left viewers with a cliffhanger as Kimmy received a phone call from the reverend. We don’t know what he wants, but whatever it is, it can’t be good. Season cliffhangers are like that. In the meantime, catch seasons one and two on Netflix.

Season 3 TBA on Netflix

O Lavern Cox

The Cast Members

range Is The New Black

Orange Is the New Black will be back on Netflix for season five in summer 2017. Gay characters fly all over this female series set in prison where orange uniforms are de rigueur. One in particular: popular transgender model/actress Lavern Cox who plays Sophia Burset on the show. Sophia was sent to prison for credit card fraud and she is someone who speaks on the rights of transgender people. This show is similar to the series Oz, but even better because that show was more focused on men and their issues, whereas this series concentrates more on woman and their erotic, crazy, hot, and steamy behavior with one another. It’ll make a straight woman second guess her sexuality. Thirsty for more? Catch seasons one through four on Netflix.

Season 5 Returns Summer 2017 to Netflix August 25, 2016


2000 Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 106 | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Phone: 954-380-8563 |


Publisher: Maura Mumball Lane Editor-In-Chief: Richard Hack - Creative Director: Kevin Broady Director of Sales South Florida: Sue Hotujec -


Donald Trump on Blacks: “They Love Me” (all one of them) n

There are only so many excuses you can make for the man. In this case, the man to whom I’m referring is Donald Trump who seems to have as many lives as cats, lions and tigers—oh my. His latest prediction in his crazy Republican campaign is that he will receive 95 percent of the Black vote in America. He based this numBY ber not on RICHARD polls, which HACK clearly show he has zero percent of Black support. Rather, he based it on his “recollection” of black neighborhoods, an area of which we imagine he’s visited preciously few times. “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs. Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?” Trump was speaking at yet another of his rallies that feature over 90 whites in attendance.” Trump said, “And at the end of four years, I guarantee you that I will get over 95 percent of the African-American vote. I promise you. Because I will produce.” He says that blacks will vote for him because they have NO


August 25, 2016

other choice. “We can never fix our problems by relying on the same politicians who created our problems in the first place. A new future requires brand-new leadership.” The blithering continued as if no-one cared to find the off switch on the teleprompter. “No group in America has been more harmed by Hillary Clinton’s policies than African-Americans. No group. No group,” he said. “If Hillary Clinton’s goal was to inflict pain on the AfricanAmerican community, she could not have done a better job. It’s a disgrace. Tonight, I’m asking for the vote of every single AfricanAmerican citizen in this country who wants to see a better future.” Of course, there was no proof offered for these allegations, which comes as no surprise since they are not based on truth. In the background, poor Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s new campaign manager, was pacing the floor and looking as if she needed a stiff Knob Creek without ice. You’ll remember of course that Kellyanne, who’s 49, was brought on-board to keep The Donald from running his mouth and sticking to the message. This was only his second rally with Kellyanne in charge, but— gee—the 98% black vote comment was nowhere to be found on any teleprompter in the room. So much for keeping his nose to the grindstone and following the script. There was no mention of the

recent Washington Post that suggests that Black’s favor Trump’s opponent Hillary Clinton 99-1. Kellyanne is of the impression that these numbers mean nothing because Blacks don’t want to be publically seen endorsing Trump, even though they do. “He’s cares about them and they know it,” she said. While that statement was already as hard to swallow as a swordfish, the situation was further complicated two days later—at another rally, this one in Florida. It was there that Sean P. Jackson, the head of the Black Republican Caucus in Florida was literally removed from backstage at a Trump rally by Karen Giorno, Trump’s Florida campaign manager. Karen confided that it was all a misunderstanding. She didn’t “recognize” Jackson, she said. Jackson’s take was considerably different. “It all starts with

Karen Giorno. She has repeatedly failed at embracing blacks across the state.” “I have been saying repeatedly that you cannot go into a black community in the ninth hour of a campaign and ask them to vote for a GOP candidate,” Jackson says. “The party has done a pisspoor job of courting the black vote over 50 years. So you have to have more vested interest in time and in your financial effort for the whole campaign, not just in the last 100 days.” Well, with less than 70 days until Election Day, the Blacks seem to have spoken. Just not to Donald Trump. nn

Richard Hack is the award-winning author of 26 books, and the Vice President of Content for Multimedia Platforms’ publications.

The party has done a piss-poor job of courting the black vote over 50 years.”



Peter C. Frank Chief Financial Officer

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August 25, 2016





It is no secret that Olympic athletes have sex. It’s also no secret that they hook up with each other in the Olympic village. I mean, we’re talking about a land full of young people with chiseled bodies and lots of stamina. So, yeah, there’s a whole lot of humpin’ going’ on. It is also no secret that some Olympic athletes are gay. Actually, secret is a problematic word here because often the specific identity of gay athletes are secret. Sometimes this is because a particular athlete isn’t out yet for a variety of reasons. Maybe they fear losing sponsorship opportunities, maybe they fear what their teammates will think, maybe they just aren’t fully accepting of who they are yet and are not ready to publicly declare a sexual identity. But other times the reason for staying closeted are much more dire, especially for athletes from notoriously antigay counties where homosexuality is severely punished up to and including death. Uganda, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Yemen, for example, are places where being gay can cost you your life. In any country under sharia law gay people are in danger. And, of course, any place where ISIS 22

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has taken over. They reportedly just threw a man off of a building for being gay. They are sick fucks. So you’d have to be a pretty big douche bag to out Olympic athletes just for the fun of it. Alas, this is essentially what journalist Nico Hines did for a Daily Beast article titled, “I Got Three Grindr Dates in an Hour in the Olympic Village,” complete with a collage of a rainbow flag, the Olympic rings, and the Grindr logo. Very subtle. The article has since been taken down, but it was up long enough to do real damage. Hines wrote about cruising the Olympic Village for sex using Grindr, a gay hook up app, and finding a whole host of guys who were DTF. In the article he included identifying characteristics that could be used to out the athletes he had “dates” with. And even if none of the athletes mentioned face any direct repercussions, the article was a romp through homophobic tropes, as if the fact that gay sex even exists among Olympic athletes - you know, “real men” - is newsworthy. Hines, who is a heterosexual married man with kids, is essentially clueless about the subject he decided to write about

in a piece that was nothing but clickbait to begin with. How could he possibly know the fear and the shame that closeted LGBT people live with - not to mention the fear and the shame that out LGBT people live with and struggle against daily? However, being ignorant does not give him a pass. He knew that this subject was titillating and so he went for it, consequences be damned. The Daily Beast did pull Hines out of Rio and they edited the piece before ultimately taking it down. But as we all know, once on the Internet, always on the Internet. In a statement on the Daily Beast page, they write, “The article was not intended to do harm or degrade members of the LGBT community, but intent doesn’t matter, impact does. Our hope is that removing an article that is in conflict with both our values and what we aspire to as journalists will demonstrate how seriously we take our error.” Which is all well and good. But it was a big mistake. Mistakes suck, but ideally we learn from them. The Daily Beast seems poised to get schooled. Let’s hope Hines does, too. But above all, let’s hope that nobody gets thrown off of any buildings. nn




WHO IS? Wearing a Condom Seventeen days,10,500 athletes, 33 venues, and 450,000 condoms. That’s how many camisinhas (little shirts in Brazilian slang) was supplied by the International Olympics Committee for the 2016 Rio Summer Games. Forty-two per athlete, to be specific, which, even by Olympic standards, is a hell of a lot. So why do they need 450,000 condoms? The record-breaking allocation for Rio is reported to be so high because female condoms were being given away for the first time. The Zika virus, which has spread across Brazil and dominated Olympic discussions. These were not the reasons given, but British athletes have been issued key guidance rules and the Australian team arrived armed with antiviral condoms to provide extra protection. Welcome to the most promiscuous Olympics in history. The provision of 350,000 condoms, 100,000 female condoms and 175,000 packets of lubricant for Rio’s Olympic Village – the usual mix of ripped athletes, condos, shops, bars, clubs and sex. That what was distributed to make these games smooth out the performance of the world’s elite sports people in the arena and under the covers. nn –Kevin Broady

August 25, 2016





Important Reminder for the National Elections On Nov 8th


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You must be a citizen of the United States as well as a resident of Florida in the county in which are registering to vote. Only those 18 years of age are eligible to vote. Your voting location will vary depending on your home address which must be listed on your voter’s registration. Last day to register October 11. Via mail or on-line at


August 25, 2016


Not My Job


When this article goes to print, it will have been 74 days or 10 weeks since the Pulse Nightclub mass shooting. There are people who will forever live with the pain of a loved one who is no longer alive. The pain of seeing friends and neighbors gunned down. The pain of dealing every day facing a community to help them cope, while you yourself have seen the worst of what life could put in front of you. No matter who you talk to about it or how often, it doesn’t go away. It’s something people will live with for the rest of their lives. Why do I bring this up again? In the face of tragedy, people step forward in many ways. Some do it because they feel it’s the right thing to do. Some do it to feel good. Sadly, some do it to look good. BY REV. When the tragedy quiets JOEL down, so do some good SLOTNICK intentions. Since June 13th, a group of people have been relentless about reminding people Love Always Wins. At the first “rally,” there were over 100 people present-some say as many as 150--to show their love for and stand in solidarity with Orlando. Here we are, some ten weeks later and the group has been averaging 20 persons. I realize the majority of us have jobs, have full plates, and find “me time” very important. But where has everyone gone? No matter, as long as people show up, the rally will too. Speaking of finding time -

Early voting began this past Saturday, August 20th at 10:00 a.m. and ends this coming Sunday, August 28th at 7:00 p.m. for the Florida primary. Voting day is Tuesday, August 30th. Then Tuesday, November 8th is General Election & Municipal Elections. These statistics are from the Broward Supervisor of Elections website ( from the 2016 Presidential Preference Primary as of 03/25/2016 5:30:54 pm:

Registered Voters: 824,135 / Ballots Cast: 298,664 / Voter Turnout: 36.24% 36.24%? Really? What goes through people’s minds to keep them from voting? lists “The 7 Reasons Most Americans Don’t Vote”: They think their vote won’t count Too busy Registration requirements Apathy Lines are too long Don’t like the candidates Can’t get to the polls To me, voting is a right, a privilege AND a responsibility. Every person who doesn’t feel the same way and doesn’t vote should be ashamed. No matter how one feels about the process, no matter what the results are of any election, we as U.S. citizens are allowed to have our voices heard. Passing up the opportunity to cast a vote is beyond comprehension of many. Why does it appear that some of the biggest complainers and hard-core whiners are the ones who don’t vote? According to The NSW Electoral Commission in Australia, there are consequences for not voting (in part) [ voting/penalties_for_not_voting ] “Penalties for not Voting: PAUL BERGE The penalty for failing to vote at a State election or Local Government election is $55.00. Penalty payments are remitted to the NSW Treasury and not retained by the NSW Electoral Commission.” Are penalties what it would take for people to get to the polls here in the US? Personally, I’d like to see some penalty for not voting


in a Federal election. I’m just that serious when it comes to casting a ballot. Unless you’re near death’s door, or have some unfortunate crisis that prohibits you from absentee voting or will take you past the length of early voting days or the main day to vote, THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO VOTE. I look forward to seeing the Broward County primary numbers by the time my next column comes out. Will it beat 36.24%? Lord, I hope so. As I get older, I get more frustrated at those who seem to always want to leave it up to others to fight a cause, elect the people who make decisions in our lives or doing things for others. The days of the “It’s not my job” outlook on things needs to become the past. Times have changed and so must we. I leave you with the words of Paddy Ashdown: “It’s not my job to be popular. I’m goal-driven; my job is to get results.” nn

Rev. Joel S. Slotnick is an ordained Interfaith minister and full time digital court reporter. He can be found on Facebook and followed on Twitter.

August 25, 2016


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New senior housing being built at Equality Park


WILTON MANORS—The Residences at Equality Park, Florida’s first senior housing development designed specifically for the LGBT community, will break ground in late 2017. The first 48-unit development will be built on the campus of the Pride Center which has formed a partnership with Miamibased Carrfour Supportive Housing, Florida’s largest nonprofit affordable housing developer. The first phase will include 48 apartments – 34 of which will be designated for low-income seniors living with disabling conditions, such as physical illnesses or disabilities due to complications from HIV/AIDS. The remaining units will provide affordable low-income housing for seniors earning less than 60% of the area’s median income (AMI) – or approximately $35,000 a year. The project’s proposed second phase, which will 26

August 25, 2016

abilities,” said Stephanie Berman, President and CEO of Carrfour Supportive Housing. “Beyond providing a place to call home, Carrfour will partner with The Pride Center to ensure that residents at The Residences at Equality Park have convenient access to community services, healthcare, financial planning, and social networks that combat isolation.” “Broward County has a rapidlyexpanding population of aging LGBT adults and unfortunately, very limited There’s a growing need for afhousing options,” said Robfordable housing in South Flor- affordable ert Boo, CEO of The Pride Center. “The ida, particularly among under- Residences at Equality Park, coupled The Pride Center’s ever-growing served populations such as the with seniors programming – the largest LGBT seniors program in the nation – will help senior LGBT community and give these residents a permanent and those living with disabilities.” safe place to live along with the supportive services they need to stay there.” nn include an additional 74 units, is expected to be developed at a later date. “There’s a growing need for affordable housing in South Florida, particularly among underserved populations such as the senior LGBT community and those living with dis-

August 25, 2016


Half of Team LGBT Wins a Medal in Rio


The Olympic Summer Games of 2016 held in Rio, Brazil have been recorded into our history books, as the biggest out athlete LGBT presence ever recorded. Although, we won’t be able to see the bulging muscles of the gymnasts, the hairless swimmers at the pool or the lycra shorts on the track for another four years, in Tokyo 2020, team LGBT did make a statement in Rio. However, in 2018 at the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang,


Nicola Adams Great Britain, Boxing 51kg weight class Kate Richardson-Walsh Great Britain, Field hockey Helen Richardson-Walsh Great Britain, Field hockey Susannah Townsend Great Britain, Field hockey

Korea, we are sure team LGBT will have a presence again. Who could resist the gay snow bunnies on the ski slops, the glitter turns in the skating rinks and better yet the lycra jumpsuits at the speed skating track? YAAAS Queen! Anyway, back to Rio, almost half of the publicly out LGBT athletes competing in the Rio Olympics won a medal, which is a drastically higher percentage than the athletes in general. All told, 25 of the 53

Elena Delle Donne United States, Basketball Team USA Brittney Griner United States, Basketball Team USA Angel McCoughtry United States, Basketball Team USA Caster Semenya South Africa, Track and Field 800 meters

Rafaela Silva Brazil, Judo Women’s 57kg


Seimone Augustus United States, Basketball Team USA

Lisa Dahlkvist Sweden, Soccer


August 25, 2016

Alexandra Lacrabère France, Handball

Nilla Fischer Sweden, Soccer Hedvig Lindahl Sweden, Soccer Caroline Seger Sweden, Soccer Carlien Dirkse van den Heuvel Netherlands, Field Hockey Maartje Paumen Netherlands, Field Hockey Sunette Viljoen South Africa, Track & Field Javelin

publicly out athletes that we know of -- a full 47% -- won a medal, including 10 athletes winning gold. This number was made higher, thanks in part to the success of the Swedish women’s soccer team and the American women’s basketball team, which combined account for almost a third of the athletes winning medals. It is odd that being publicly out would translate to Olympic success in the Summer Games. You have to wonder if there is a correlation.

Rachele Bruni Italy, Swimming 10km Carl Hester Great Britain, Dressage Spencer Wilton Great Britain, Dressage

BRONZE MEDALS Stephanie Labbe Canada, Soccer Marie-Eve Nault Canada, Soccer Tom Daley Great Britain, Diving Jen Kish Canada, Rugby Women’s sevens nn

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Wilton Manors, FL Are you one of the 100 million Americans who are suffering from chronic back pain? Is your back pain stopping you from doing the things you enjoy? Are you using pain pills regularly just to get through the day? Are you afraid this may eventually lead to surgery? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help. We have put together a free report filled with tips to help you avoid the most common mistakes made by back pain sufferers. Back pain is not something you have to learn to live with. There are solutions, and we can help you find them. Claim your copy of “Erasing Back Pain: How to Avoid the 9 Most

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n n n n n BY TOM BONANTI

It’s Not Too Late To Put Some Sizzle Into Those Summer Workouts!


Everywhere you go, people are talking about and/or watched the 2016 Summer Olympic in Brazil. Athletes made headlines, broke records and turned heads with their antics south of the border! Gorgeous gymnasts, sleek divers, and muscular wrestlers from all over the world caused a sensation and brought home medals for their physical excellence. Yes, the Olympics are an inspiration. And those bodies: well, who can’t help being a little intimidated? Summer is a perfect time to tweek your present workout or begin a new and challenging routine that will net results. It’s not too late to put some sizzle into your summer exercise program. Need a little inspiration to hit the gym and improve that body? Check out some pix of our athletes in action on line, on TV, or on the covers of every major publication.


August 25, 2016


POWERFUL HELPFUL TIPS GET ENOUGH SLEEP No athlete ever hit the mats, pool or high-bar without first getting enough sleep. The same holds true for you if you’re really hitting the gym and doing regular cardio to burn fat, build mass and improve your cardio-vascular system. Skimping on sleep and giving into stress can increase the levels of cortisol and estrogen in your system which can lead to an increase in deep abdominal fat, reduced muscle mass, and extreme fatigue Sound ugly? It is, but besides that expanding waistline, you are more susceptible to colorectal cancer and heart disease. Relax this summer and sleep – 8-10 hours a night and THEN hit the gym like a tiger! STAY HYDRATED Michael Phelps and H2O, they’re a natural combination. Right? You should be chugging water and staying hydrated, too, especially if you’re working or exercising outdoors. The International Sports Sciences Association recommends 8-10 eight ounce glasses of water per day. Bored with H2O? Instead, try a few cups of hot, freshly brewed green tea every day. It is a powerful antioxidant which is good for your skin and it helps fight cancer. WALK AND RUN Add a little diversity to your cardio training this summer. If you prefer walking, pick up

your pace and you’ll likely burn 25% more calories. Try interval training three times a week for 30 minutes. Interval training alternates brisk walking and running with shorter intense periods of jogging, running, calisthenics, etc. When walking, your intensity should be such that you can only speak a few words at a time. Carry 5 or 10 lb dumbbells with you as you’re moving. WEIGHT TRAINING Doing cardio burns fat, but pumping iron builds muscles, increases strength, and revs your metabolism. Moderate to high intensity weight training twice a week is a great place to begin. The more lean muscle you carry, the more calories and fat you burn all the time. If you’re already doing this, then add an extra hour a week of weight training to your workouts. Use the extra time you have this summer to try different free weight routines and new machines in your gym. NUTRITION Looking fit and feeling healthy is about 75% good nutrition. Never skip breakfast and remember to eat smaller meals/snacks every 2-3 hours each day to keep your body from storing fat. Never eat within three hours of retiring. Eat lighter this summer by eliminating as much fat, processed foods and junk from your diet as you can. nn

ABOUT TOM Tom Bonanti is a certified personal trainer and licensed massage therapist (MA#40288) with his own one on one personal training gym and massage studio at 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33304. Contact with questions or call Tom (954) 557-1119 to set up a free fitness consultation today! August 25, 2016


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The Sky Is Falling n

We all remember the folktale of Chicken Little who believed that the world was coming to an end. He would run around yelling, “the sky is falling” because an acorn fell and hit him on the head. The moral of this folktale was to show how we can blow things out of proportion and assume the worst-case scenario. This is called catastrophizing. In one of BY my earlier JAMES articles, I MILLER discussed thinking errors. Thinking errors are essentially the lens we use to skew our perception. In psychology, we teach the following regarding our perception: whatever our belief is about a situation determines what we feel. What we feel then tells our body how to react. The

thinking error is the film or template we use to skew our perception and it then messes with our emotions and actions. Any time we have worry or fear we are activating this thinking error. Catastrophizing is making a mountain out of a molehill. Many of us are aware of when we have these worst-case scenario thoughts but there are many subtle ways this mindset flares up in our belief system. We especially experience these worries at night. We catastrophize the events of the day or future events that have not yet transpired. Many of us lie awake at night spinning the worry wheel and start our next day exhausted. When you are paralyzed with fear or worry, it is important to ask yourself, “What is my worst-case scenario thought about this situation?” Often we don’t realize that we, in fact, do have a worst-case scenario thought. Actually, you may have

several worst-case scenario thoughts that you lump together. When you slow your thoughts down and either write what you are feeling or speak your thoughts aloud, you will recognize what catastrophe is skewing your perception and causing so much worry. Next, it’s important to ask yourself, “What is the likelihood that this worst-case scenario event is going to happen?” When you can be realistic with the outcome of your worry and realize that the chances of your fear actually happening are slim, it takes away from the power of the catastrophe. In fact, ask yourself, “Has this worst-case scenario ever happened?” You have experienced similar situations before and no catastrophe has transpired. Now, ask yourself, “What is the more realistic outcome in this situation?” When you can use logic to ground your thoughts, it reduces your fear and anxiety.

It’s important you compartmentalize each of your worries. Meaning, let’s say you are anxious about going on a trip. You are worried you won’t wake up in time. You are worried you will miss your taxi. You fear you will forget your passport. You worry you will sit next to a talker on the plane, etc. When you compartmentalize each worry and focus on it separately, it reduces each catastrophe so they individually become manageable. Believing the more realistic outcome for each worry will allow you to enjoy your trip without worrying about unlikely catastrophes. From the moment you start to worry, it’s imperative that you implement the techniques in this article. The longer you worry about something, the greater the influence it will have over you. When you are proactive and can overpower catastrophic thoughts, you won’t be like Chicken Little and think the sky is falling. nn

James Miller is a licensed psychotherapist and a piano composer who is known for his weekly podcast, YouTube channel, and his Academy where he teaches successful people to simplify and transform their lives. James’ latest album, Restoration, is available for purchase on all digital music stores. 32

August 25, 2016

August 25, 2016




Foster a Pet:

A Good Deed that Keeps on Giving n

There is so much talk about making our county shelters No-Kill as other cities have done over the last few years. Broward County passed a No-Kill initiative back in 2012. Miami Dade passed one as well in 2012 and Palm Beach County in 2014. Unfortunately, these all were turned into a wish list idea for the future as an immediate mandate wasn’t passed. The realty is it can’t happen now. Not because the counties don’t want it. It is because our cities are hugely over-populated with strays and abandoned animals, and there are simply not enough places for them to go. That is why so many are euthanized every year. Published statistics at Broward County Animal euthanized over 5,800 animals, Miami Dade Animal 3,000 and Broward Humane Society 5,600 and 6,100 in Palm Beach County. These are staggering numbers. We have many animal rescue groups in the Tri County area but each has the exact same problem. They can only take in as many animals as they can afford to care for, many needing to be placed in a safe environment until that animal can be adopted. Some choose boarding as an answer, but it is not always the best answer for these animals. They need a home, love and stability to heal 34

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and be able to transition into a new permanent home. That is where the lifesaving gift of fostering an animal comes into play. When you foster, you agree to take a homeless dog or cat into your home and give them love, care and attention, either for a predetermined period of time or until the dog is adopted. They pay for all the expenses. Sometimes the animal is too young to be adopted and needs a safe place to stay until they are old enough to go to a forever home usually at 8 weeks old. Sometimes they are recovering from surgery, illness or injury and needs a safe place to recuperate. Many times a dog shows signs of extreme stress while in the horrible shelter environment and needs to be pulled immediately for their safety. In order for a rescue to do, it needs a foster home to keep them temporarily. Often the shelter runs out of room for adoptable dogs and they will be euthanized/ killed for no other reason then for space unless a rescue/foster can be found. These are all preventable deaths if we had more people fostering. Fostering a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. By taking an animal in need temporarily into your home, you are literally saving its life, and they

know it. Rescue dogs are the most loving and appreciative beings there are. So how can you sign up to foster a dog or cat? If you know of a rescue group, contact them. They’ll likely have you fill out a foster application and, if you are approved, they will work with you to figure out the right foster dog/cat for your household. In addition, every shelter has a foster program and you can contact each of them and register with them under their foster program. If you aren’t familiar with a group, please visit my website and view the rescue and resource tabs. Many of the bigger rescues are listed as are the shelters. Please consider opening your home and save a life!!! It is an amazingly good good feeling right down to your soul.

Dr. Donna Watson is a chiropractic physician and founder of Dr. Donna’s Pet Foundation, a non profit focused on animal overpopulation and animal welfare. Follow us on Facebook

August 25, 2016



August 25, 2016



By Hannah Machado Hannah Machado is a blogger and freelance writer from Pompano Beach, Florida, focused on social activism, the LGBT community, and culinary arts.

LASAGNA ROLLS Ingredients: 1 box uncooked lasagna noodles 1 lb. ground beef ½ cup chopped onion 3 cloves minced garlic 1 jar of pre-made pasta sauce 1 cup of whole milk ricotta cheese 2 cups of mozzarella cheese, shredded ½ cup parmesan cheese, divided 1 tbsp. chopped basil 1 tsp. sugar (optional) Salt and pepper to taste Tips and tricks You can substitute the ground beef for ground turkey, or combine with Italian sausage for a more zesty lasagna. To cut down the acidity of the sauce, you can add a carrot to the sauce and meat mixture while cooking, then take it out before making the rolls. Directions: Preheat the oven to 375, and set aside a large baking dish. Put a large pot of salted water to boil and follow directions on the pasta package to cook the lasagna noodles. Heat up a skillet, add onions and garlic and cook for 2 minutes. Add the ground beef and cook until browned. Drain the fat and return to pan. Add the pre-made sauce, or your own homemade sauce. Throw in the salt, pepper, and sugar. Set aside. Once noodles are cooked, drain them and lay them flat on a clean surface. Combine half of the parmesan cheese with the ricotta and mix together, with another dash of salt and pepper. Spray baking dish with cooking spray or put a thin layer of sauce on the bottom of the dish. Spread a layer of the ricotta cheese down the length of each noodle, followed with a layer of the meat mixture, and a sprinkle of the mozzarella cheese. Roll up and line in the baking dish, seam side down. When finished, use the remainder of the sauce and meat mixture to cover the top of the rolls. Add the mozzarella cheese and chopped basil over the top. Bake for 40 minutes. August 25, 2016



n n n n n BY MIKEY ROX


Scientific Reasons You Should Laugh More in Bed


August 25, 2016

This may sound odd to you, but I love laughing during sex. No, I’m not laughing at my partner (well, maybe sometimes I am), but rather, we’re usually laughing together. Maybe we missed each other’s mouths while kissing in the dark, or perhaps a hand went someplace unexpected (but probably welcomed). I enjoy laughing in bed because I don’t take sex seriously. Sex should be fun and exciting and it should feel good – and as it turns out, laughing can contribute to all those things that make doing the deed so great. In fact, it’s quite common – and healthy. Here are a few educated reasons why.


If you and your partner are laughing in the midst of the bump-and-grind, you’ve reached the ultimate relationship goal – in my opinion, at least – of being totally comfortable while you’re naked together. I don’t enjoy being guarded when I’m otherwise completely exposed, and I want my partner to be relaxed as possible too. It stands to reason then, as a result of your superior senses of humor, a greater sense of security is established in the relationship – a positive byproduct of giggling at each other’s real-time sexual misfortune – according to licensed marriage and family therapist Lori Schade. “When a couple can be playful and laugh together and it is accepted, the relationship feels safer, and then they feel safer to explore various options in their sexual relationship,” she says. Which is just one more reason for your wall-to-wall neighbors to be envious.


We’ve all had those nights – thank you, Thirsty Thursdays – when we’re not in the right frame of mind when it’s time to show that bar trick what’s good. That’s because we’re so concentrated on performing well – and striving for climax – that the anxiety we’ve caused ourselves overshadows the carefree romp we should be having. “When couples get fixated on goal-oriented behavior in bed (i.e. orgasm), it often generates pressure and anxiety, which are counter to performance,” Schade reveals. “When they instead are just experiencing each other in the moment and can laugh together, they are more likely to increase the quality of the sexual interaction.” The takeaway? Let out a few belly laughs in bed to blow a better load.


Sex feels great – or at least it should – but there are exercises we can do before getting down to the nitty-gritty that can heighten the experience for even more pleasure. You won’t break a sweat, either – because all you need is a robust chuckle. Scientifically speaking, laughter can release endorphins that promote stress reduction and pain for an overall more satisfying outcome, says licensed sex and relationship therapist Courtney Geter, “During sexual activity, our bodies may be tense and tight from stress during the day or anxiety about the sexual activity,” she explains. “Laughing before or during sexual activity is one way to help relax muscles to prevent pain or possible injury during sex. For clients experiencing anxiety during sexual activity, I help them incorporate ways to ‘play,’ including laughing with each other long before the sexual activity. This helps prep the brain and body for activity.”


Any couple who have been together for a length of time, let’s say two years or more, knows that sex can become routine, commonplace and, dare I say it, boring – because, as Schade admits, “Sexual experiences and relationships wax and wane.” Hope is not lost, however. The first thing you need to know is that it’s totally normal; every relationship deals with this at some point. Secondly, being able to laugh about it to keep the affection running steady when the physical aspect of your sexual relationship experiences hills and valleys is a sign that you’re in a good place. “Laughing implies acceptance of a variety of levels of desire and performance,” Schade adds. Your relationship may not be perfect, but your ability to laugh with each other suggests that there’s a level of openness and honesty that many other couples lack. Hold tight on that revelation when things get wonky down there and you’ll be A-OK.

August 25, 2016




Chris Azzopardi is the editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBT wire service. Reach him via his website at



usic Row’s renowned wordsmith Lori McKenna doesn’t exactly bury this casual burn, but still, you might miss it. You might because Lori McKenna’s exceptional 10th studio album teems with lines that sear and stick; that’s just what happens when you’re as seasoned at breathing new life into familiar tropes as the 47-year-old Massachusetts-based musician. The burn? “You can have him / I hope you have fun / I guess wife number three could be the one.” “Old Men Young Women” opens with that zinger, wryly tearing down ageist patriarchal values. On The Bird & the Rifle, McKenna’s poeticism endures throughout all 10 tracks, while Dave Cobb’s rustic production is appropriately lean, letting her gentle Southern drawl guide her engaging narratives, as it should. (McKenna’s writing chops are, in fact, Grammy-certified; she recently won the coveted award for co-writing Little Big Town’s “Girl Crush”). On “Giving Up On Your Hometown,” McKenna depicts a picturesque scene of childhood nostalgia, while “We Were Cool” recalls young love and cruising around in an old car listening to Duran Duran, with all the hindsight of a grown adult. The album’s opening track, “Wreck You,” is a brutally honest portrait of a relationship gone awry, and that title track – oh, it’s a stunner. During the song, McKenna draws on metaphors to tell the tale of a dreamer seeking to set herself free from her husband’s oppressive ways. Like the bird McKenna sings about, her voice flutters. It’s beautiful. Her singing, that song, this album.



f you’re still lamenting the loss of Tegan and Sara’s grunge-y, string-strumming past (RIP guitars), it might be time to move on. Because have you heard Love You to Death? It’s the next obvious step in the gay sisters’ glossy pop career, wherein – after 2013’s Heartthrob, their full-on pop initiation – they continue to fulfill their childhood music fantasies to become, to some extent, the boombox pop icons they admired as kids. Buoyant synths. Throbbing basslines. Deep ’80s. If Amy Grant was recording a pop album in 2016, this might be it. That’s only a slightly weird observation, though also a compliment 40

August 25, 2016

– remember Grant’s own ’90s popcrossover Heart in Motion? So much of Love You to Death is, like that album, served sunny side up, romping through pop pleasures like the invigorating, drum-happy “Faint of Heart” and “BWU,” a standout merging a thoughtful marriage-centric commentary with a punchy and distinctly queer chorus. Leaning heavily on keyboard for downer ditty “100x” is a nice touch – it’s appropriately minimalistic, a quiet moment of reflection during an otherwise spirited outing. The song might be underwritten, even slightly amateurish considering their impressive catalog of more intricate compositions, but clearly the twins are embracing the simple pleasures of pop music. It’s perfectly OK if we do too.

ALSO OUT Fantasia, The Definition Of... It’s been 12 years since Fantasia Barrino gave us eternal life as she sobbed her way through “I Believe” after winning the third season of American Idol. Those tears were the tears of a dream being realized. The 32-year-old singer is still living that dream on The Definition Of..., her reflective fifth album. Fantasia’s evolution over the last decade has been met with Grammy nominations and critical acclaim, and she’s still taking charge of her artistry. Here, she bridges her old-school roots with a contemporary zest that’s in full bloom on the deep blues of “Sleeping With the One I Love,” “Ugly,” a welcome country detour, and the vintage, Patti LaBelle-esque ballad “When I Met You.” Prepare to be inspired all over again.

Michael Blume, When I Get It Right Close your eyes and imagine a world in which Sam Smith’s songs are as impressive as his voice. Or just listen to Michael Blume, a New Jersey native who, because he’s not run by a major-label machine (don’t be surprised if that changes by the time you read this), can nonchalantly mention going down on a guy during an impressive rap break on “Relationships.” When he’s not rousing with his rhymes, Blume is a blue-eyed soul treasure singing passionately about queer issues and civil rights. The truth is, if there’s any justice in this fickle music industry, both he and his intoxicating debut EP will reach Smith-level success sooner rather than later.

August 25, 2016



August 25, 2016


n n n n Across

1 Slang for vagina 5 Barneys event 9 Refrain from using the tongue 13 Shirley’s la Douce role 14 Zip 15 Northern metropolis 16 Positions for Patty Sheehan 17 Took one’s turn 18 Top priority of a top 19 Where Old Man River makes deposits 21 2015 Tomlin movie 23 1984 Tomlin movie 26 Mag. execs 27 Reined in 29 Bannon of lesbian pulp fiction 32 Put the top on the cake 36 Cole Porter’s “___ America First” 37 Homophobia, in enlightened societies 39 Animated TV series in which Tomlin had a voice role, with The 42 Broadway backer 43 Abe Lincoln’s boy 44 Window piece 45 Rainey and Kettle 46 Pairs of brides walk them 49 Double curve in a pipe 50 Tomlin’s role in a Netflix comedy series 55 Tomlin was in this TV show hosted by Rowan & Martin 59 Susan’s Thelma and Louise partner 60 Ingrid in Casablanca 61 Temporary superstar 64 Disney pictures 65 Do a banker’s job 66 Very, to Verlaine 67 You may go down on one 68 Oral votes 69 Scout’s promise to be “morally straight” 70 Groups of games, to Mauresmo

Get a Life (-time Achievement Award) Down 1 Baba Wawa portrayer Radner 2 Moon of Uranus 3 Cologne queen characteristic 4 Can’t help but 5 Emulate Betsy Ross 6 Maugham’s Cakes and ___ 7 “Big Boned Gal” singer 8 Main dish 9 Band members blow them 10 Thrift shop condition 11 Kind of dunk, to Sue Wicks 12 Hour on the Costa del Sol 20 Colts’ org. 22 Expand upon 24 Make messy 25 Becomes hard 28 Sake 29 “Dancing Queen” band 30 Tom or dick, but not hairy 31 Sam’s Bewitched twitcher 32 Mosque leader 33 Water-to-wine town 34 They get laid only once 35 Cube with pips 38 “Climb Ev’ry Mountain” peak 40 Butt heads 41 River of Ulrichs’ country 47 Really loves 48 Give in the middle 49 “Great balls of fire!” 51 Head turners? 52 Carolyn who wrote about a Nancy 53 Coastal recess 54 Makes less difficult to bear 55 Tomlin, who will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from SAG 56 Toward shelter 57 Annapolis inst. 58 Mother of Brothers & Sisters 62 Doc for lions and tigers and bears 63 What hangs from a Cuban

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August 25, 2016






THURSDAY 8/25 @ 5:00PM Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre The Oddball Comedy and Curiosity Festival Tour is the premiere touring comedy festival in America, featuring a prominent number of major comedians thriving in the industry today. The headliners for the West Palm Beach show include Sebastian Maniscalco, Gabriel Iglesias, and Jim Jeffries. Other performers include Bert Kreischer, Iliza Shlesinger, Martin Moreno, Sarah Tiana, and Tom Segura. Music is provided by DJ Trauma, and there will also be an IFC Slightly Off Comedy Stage hosted by Big Jay Oakerson, featuring local comics. 5:00 p.m. Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre. 601-7 Sansburys Way. West Palm Beach. 33411.


FRIDAY 8/26 @ 7:00PM Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre Created in the second season of the X Factor USA, American girl group Fifth Harmony achieved success in 2015 with their debut studio album Reflection. The singles “BO$$,” “Sledgehammer,” and “Worth It” have all been certified platinum, each selling over one million digital downloads. “Worth It,” in particular, has become a major hit, peaking at number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100. Over the summer their next hit “Work from Home” off of 7/27 became both a commercial and a critical smash. Jake Miller and Victoria Monet open. 7:00 p.m. Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre. 601-7 Sansburys Way. West Palm Beach. 33411.



FRIDAY 8/26 @ 8:00PM Rose and Alfred Miniaci Center Sawyer Fredericks became the youngest winner in the history of realitycompetition show The Voice when he won its eighth season in 2015. The show allowed him to release a slew of hit cover songs including versions of “I’m a Man of Constant Sorrow,” “Imagine,” “Simple Man,” “A Thousand Years,” “Old Man,” and “Please.” In May of this year he released his first album, A Good Storm, which includes the released singles “Take It All” and “4 Pockets.” Mia Z opens. 8:00 p.m. Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center. 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd. Davie. 33314. 44

August 25, 2016




SATURDAY 8/27 @ 8:00PM Hard Rock Live Not too long ago, Ricky Martin was the most successful performer in the world, riding the wave of the Latin music boom in America. His first Englishlanguage album Ricky Martin is one of the best-selling albums of all time, having sold 22 million copies. Since that time, Martin has come out of the closet, released multiple Spanish language albums, broken up with his boyfriend Carlos Gonzalez Abella, and become a father of twins. As one of the most vocal LGBT icons, Martin continues to fight for equal rights, delivering a speech at the UN homophobia conference in 2012. His newest album A Quien Quiera Escuchar recently won the Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop Album. 8:00 p.m. Hard Rock Live. 5747 Seminole Way. Hollywood. 33314.


SATURDAY 8/27 @ 8:00PM South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center Puccini’s three-act, through-composed opera, based off of Victorien Sardou’s 1887 play La Tosca, is known for having one of the most memorable scores of all time, full of well-known, dramatic arias. The melodramatic show involves Napoleon’s invasion of Italy, threatening the Kingdom of Naples’s control of Rome. The many dramatic flourishes throughout the opera include torture, murder, and suicide. 8:00 p.m. South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center. 10950 SW 211th St. Cutler Bay. 33189.



SUNDAY 8/28 @ 10:00AM Bank United Center Fieldhouse Snake, iguana, and chameleon owners all descend on Repticon Miami, the area’s premiere reptile and exotic pets show. Thousands of reptiles and exotic pets from the top breeders and educators in the world will be on display, showing off their dangerous personalities. Raffles, seminars, and children’s activities will also be a part of the weekend long event. The vendors typically offer reptile pets, supplies, feeders, cages, and merchandise. 10:00 a.m. Bank United Center Fieldhouse. 1245 Dauer Dr. Coral Gables. 33146.

By Patrick Robert

T he Week entertainment calendar

nexhibits n GIRLS AND GUNS

MONDAY 8/29 @ 6:00PM Rosemary Duffy Larson Gallery As this art exhibition’s title suggests, Girls and Guns focuses on the relationship between women and firearms, highlighting the mixed messages on gender roles throughout society. Nancy Floyd, Susan Graham, and Felice House are the featured artists. Floyd specializes in videos and photographs of competitive female shooters while Graham has created lacy and delicate porcelain guns. House’s paintings show female heroes in Western motifs. The exhibition runs until September 28th. 6:00 p.m. Rosemary Duffy Larson Gallery. 3501 SW Davie Rd. Davie. 33314.





TUESDAY 8/30 @ 8:00PM Fillmore After finally joining the American public and denouncing her initial support of alleged serial rapist Bill Cosby, Jill Scott is ready to perform her innovative mixture of poetry and music at the Fillmore. Scott has won three Grammy Awards throughout her music career, and her debut album Who Is Jill Scott? Words and Sounds Vol.1 was certified platinum in 2000. The single and accompanying video for “A Long Walk” charted well and contributed to Scott’s success. 8:00 p.m. Fillmore. 1700 Washington Ave. Miami Beach. 33139.

WEDNESDAY 8/31 @ 6:30PM American Airlines Arena Before his big break, Drake spent much of his time on television on the Canadian hit series Degrassi: The Next Generation. His tenure as physically disabled teenager Jimmy Brooks lasted for 138 episodes. In 2010 his life changed even more drastically—his first album Thank Me Later sold the most single copies in one week in 2010. Since then he has become one of the biggest names in hip hop. Some of his most popular hit singles include “Hotline Bling,” “Best I Ever Had.” 6:30 p.m. American Airlines Arena. 601 Biscayne Blvd. Miami. 33132.

August 25, 2016





Sterling Tax & Accounting 2435 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-667-9829 /

EVENTS Source Events 605 Lincoln Road, #410 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-9779 /

Dean Trantalis Attorney 2255 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2226 / Ken Keechl Attorney 612 NE 26th St Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-1480 /

CHURCH / SPIRITUAL Center for Spiritual Living 1550 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2868 / Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 / Etz Chaim 2038 N Dixie Hwy Pride Ctr Bldg B Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-9232 / 46

August 25, 2016


Diana’s 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Orlando, FL 32828 407-207-0205 /

Home Essentials 2212 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-651-7407 /





FITNESS Pump’n Inc Tom Bonanti 1271 NE 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-557-1119 /


Acute Hearing & Balance 1881 NE 26th St, Suite 223 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-640-3200 Ocean Therapy Center 2530 NE 15th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-351-2299/

INCOME TAX Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-1041 /

INSURANCE Dunham Fort Lauderdale 2601 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 303 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-564-7772 / We Insure 1975 E Sunrise Blvd, Suite 602 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-903-7519 /

MASSAGE SPA 11 Lic#MA75718 2000 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 103 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-945-5133 /

MORTGAGE Donn Rubin 2810 E Oakland Park Suite 310 Fort Lauderdale FL 33306 954-557-3100 /

MUSIC Sell Us Your Records! We Buy Collections. 5130 N. Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale 954-671-9482 /



Island City Eyecare 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite C1 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-764-6906 /

ORGANIZATIONS The Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-463-9005 / Out of the Closet 2097 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-358-5580 /

PET AND HOUSESITTING Paulette’s Pet and Housesitting Caring Professional Excellent References 954-821-9682 /

REAL ESTATE Robert Geary MacKilligan on Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-234-8759 / Joe Grano Realtor 1881 NE 26th Street, Suite 212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-931-0031 / Proudly serving the LGBT community since 2002

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August 25, 2016



















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Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating the representations of the developer, for correct representations, make reference to this brochure and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Obtain the property report required by federal law and read it before signing anything. No federal agency has judged the merits of value, if any, of this property.


August 25, 2016


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