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CONTENTS JULY 21, 2016 | VOL 348

22. How Did He Get That Ass

We go straight to the source Ben Reznick to find out one boy's secret.


10. Gay D.D. 12. What's Next | Art: Vladonna


NEXT STEPS 31. Fitness: Building Beautiful Biceps 36. Travel: 10 Gay Travel Instagrammers You Should Follow

NEXT WEEK 39. Calendar of Events


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Cover Model Ben Reznick shows us his bounty. Courtesy of Kevin D. Hoover / Kid Dynamite Media, Inc. /



inside. 07-21-2016 Issue 348 PUBLISHER

Kevin Hopper EDITORIAL

Alexander Kacala - Executive Editor ART Kevin Broady - Art Director Dennis Dean - Photo Director Leo Winter - Graphic Designer CONTRIBUTORS Jon Ali, Tom Bonanti, Ed Cosman, Lawrence Ferber, Cody Gohl, Richard Hack, Michael Lambert, Justin Lockwood, Robert Maril, Roytel Montero, Kevin O’Malley, Matthew Wexler PHOTOGRAPHERS Adrianna Cortez & Michael Davis ADVERTISING Roberto Buckley - Silvio Carvana - Don Robinder - NATIONAL SALES Rivendell Media National Ad Representatives 212-242-6863



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A new doll is about to blow shit up Page 12 9



“I dedicate this nomination to outsiders everywhere,” said RuPaul on his Emmy nomination. “Brave souls who, against all odds, stick to their dreams and make the world a more colorful place. On behalf of those people—my tribe—I am so grateful.”.

JULY 21, 2016



From the hot topics to the hot messes, here’s what you may have missed last week. FAIRY TALE ENDING? Get out your roses! Logo announced today that "Finding Prince Charming," an all gay male dating competition hosted by Lance Bass, will premiere this fall. Currently in production, the show will feature 13 suitors viewing for the heart of the nation's most eligible gay bachelor. IT'S BRITNEY, BITCH Po p l e g e n d B r i t n e y Spears has revealed the first song from her upcoming ninth studio album, ‘Make Me’. The new track is a more laid-back affair, featuring vocals from rapper G-Eazy. It was cowritten by Justin Tranter, though he insisted that Britney was pretty heavily involved herself.


BUTTER QUEENS On the season finale of Maya and Marty, Maya Rudolph and Emma Stone performed Robyn's "Call Your Girlfriend" - accompanying themselves with butter tubs. Inspired by Swedish pop group Erato who covered the song the same way a few years back, Stone and Rudolph absolutely kill this rendition proving yet again why they are so freaking cool. RISE UP Pop princess Katy Perry hasn't released new music since 2013. Last week, that changed when she unveiled the anthem "Rise." Produced by Max Martin, the song will be the theme for NBC's broadcast of the upcoming 2016 Summer

Olympics in Rio. Watch the inspirational and moving video that accompanies the song on our sister's wedsite at A MOTHER'S LEGACY Britain’s Prince Harry has tried to help tackle the stigma around HIV by getting tested for the virus himself, and streaming the whole process live on Facebook. The royal has pledged to continue his mother Princess Diana’s work on HIV/ AIDS advocacy, and with that in mind today he visited London’s Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital to get an HIV test, and in the process prove how quick and simple it is.



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A new doll is about to blow shit up.


ig boobs. Tiny waist. Huge ass. Really long legs. Big lips. Man hands.

his drawings. “I was always drawing as a kid,” he told us at a coffee shop around the corner from his apartment in Williamsburg. No, that isn’t a description of the newest “I always loved to draw. It was my outlet. It queen to hit the stage at Metropolitan. It’s was my safe space. I never planned on dothe description of Vladonna, a new doll cre- ing drag. One year for Halloween, me and ated by Matthew James Lent and Gina Garan. Kim Chi got together and did it together. It You may know Lent by the name of his just took off and became its own beast and drag alter ego Pearl, who was born from we started getting booked for gigs all of a


WHAT’S sudden. Then there was no time to draw anymore.” But we aren’t here to talk about Pearl, whose time on RuPaul’s Drag Race thrust Lent into the spotlight. His newest creation was also born from his drawings, and her name is Vladonna. “Vladonna has always just been another character I have had. I was never necessarily drawing her, but I was always drawing super outrageous and extreme plastic surgery victims. Botched victims or extremists. The Pete Burns of the world. I have always wanted my own doll of that.” Lent was introduced to Gina Garan, a

video producer and photographer who specializes in creating photo books of dolls photography. “Detox was staying with me at my apartment in Brooklyn and she brought Matt over. We connected right away. I am a doll photographer and have a bunch of doll lines out already. He showed me some sculptures he had done and we joked that we should work together some day. We stayed in touch and then it just sort of happened.” The newly formed business partners then worked with an established doll maker to make the initial sculptures to present to a few toy companies. Garan looked at the possible strategic partners and decided to pitch Kidrobot first. “I wrote to them out of the blue and someone in charge there actually already knew me. So that helped. But they specialize in very edgy stuff,” she says. “So it wasn’t like approaching Mattel with, ‘We have this cute little doll.’ Kidrobot said, 'Go as far as you want with this doll.' And that really appealed to both of us because I have worked on other doll lines and you can’t do anything when you are with a really corporate company. That appealed to us and what we are doing really appealed to them.”

Kidrobot is acknowledged worldwide as the premier creator and dealer of limited edition art toys, signature apparel and lifestyle accessories. An innovative cross between sculpture and conceptual art, Kidrobot offers not only a powerful medium for today's international fashion designers, illustrators and graffiti artists, but also the creative canvas for emerging street trends and pop art. Their values on their website are listed as, “We make you react,” and, “Positive or negative but never indifferent.” “They responded so quickly that I thought it was bounce back,” Garan adds. “It was very lucky.”

So who is she? “Originally, we talked about Vladonna having a tuck,” Garan responds. “We wanted her to be very sexually ambiguous,” Lent adds. “Is she trans? Is she not trans? We changed our minds and decided to make her a woman. Full fish.” But maybe she is post-op? “She is whatever your heart desires,” Garan says. “It’s up for you interpretation. Whatever



your lifestyle is. Whatever suits your fancy,” one identifier and evolve. Vladonna’s birth Lent continues. “She is basically supposed is a milestone in that process. “I am always to be mocking what beauty standards are striving to follow my own path and do my here in America. It’s like how Barbie is so own thing. The other Drag Race girls may accepted as a child’s doll but really her not understand that because they are all proportions are so extreme when you max making an album or doing a one woman her out and scale her out to human size. show and that is fucking awesome. Good Vladonna is a mockery of that. So she has for them. But, that’s not what I want to do. a slight political statement behind her but I want to eventually not have to dress up every time I want to get a paycheck. I’m most of it is supposed to be fun.” Some of people have been offended by thinking about my future and what I really Vladonna, citing that she is an inappropriate want and I want to retire one day and not role model for beauty standards. “They missed have to wear a corset forever.” the joke. They think that it is being marketed “I like having my own thing. I just always as a real ideal beauty standard,” Lent says. have and always will. It’s never going to “We are an obvious mockery,” Garan con- change if it wasn’t this doll it would have tinues. “Barbie is not. But with Vladonna, been something else. Your fans sometimes we are making it obvious.” don’t want you to go away. They just want Many of Lent’s and Garan’s fans and fol- you to keep doing it but you have to emlowers are really excited about her. So ex- brace the evolution.” “But this doll is a perfect amalgam of cited, they are getting hordes of fan art designing different looks for her. The dolls will what Matt does as Pearl but also as an artbe released in limited edition batches, so ist before Pearl. So it’s sort of putting it all there will be three or four different themes together,” Garan confirms. “Yeah it’s not annually from Christmas Vladonna to maybe “doing drag” but it’s not like he is designS&M Easter Vladonna. Really anything goes. ing furniture. It’s still in the same space. The first will be designed by Lent, at the lat- So while it’s a step away from drag, it’s not est by summer 2016. Subsequently, different unbelievable.” Lent concludes, “Everybody hates drag queens or designers will imagine future incarnations of Vladonna, adding their own change but bitches if you don’t evolve.” fabulous flavor or flair to her identity, Vladonna is his latest step in an important Pegged as a drag queen, Lent is looking metamorphosis, and we can’t wait to see to establish himself as more than just that how she and he bloom. N











HOW did He Get That Ass? BY DAN WELDEN

We go straight to the source to find out one boy’s secret.


ancing in a spotlight off in the distance, you notice he has an ass-set unlike the rest. As you gaze upon this man, you catch yourself being lured in by his voluptuous mounds. As you draw closer, you feel yourself uncontrollably reaching into your pocket for as much cash as you can possibly pull out. It’s as if his movements have put you into a hypnotic state in which you cannot help but to watch in awe as you continuously handover your entire life savings.


on’t we all wish we could have an ass that captivates the attention of all who gaze upon it? So we decided to go straight to the source and ask, Ben Reznick, exactly how he got that ass.




How he got that Ass

Ben Reznick




Cable kickbacks: Four sets of 15 reps per side. Attach an ankle cuff to a low cable pulley and then attach the cuff to your ankle. Step approximately two feet away from the pulley system. Grab the steel bar to which the pulley system is attached for support. Keep your back straight and abs tight while bending slightly at the hip. Slowly kick your leg back while contracting your glutes. Once your leg is kicked back completely, hold for a second. You don’t want to kick back so far that it changes your form; kick back just enough to have a complete glute contraction. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the movement. After completing the assigned repetitions, switch legs and repeat the movement. If your gym doesn’t have an ankle collar or you find this exercise too difficult, replace with standard glute kickbacks. EXERCISE Squats: Seven sets of six to ten reps. To begin, position the bar on the rack just below your shoulders. When positioning the bar on your shoulders, raise your chest, look straight ahead, and straighten your back. Bend at your hips and knees, but never your back. Perform this movement slowly in a controlled manner. Keep your knees centered over your third and fourth toe. Drive from your heels to push the bar back up to the starting position. Focus on form

over volume. If you can complete ten reps while maintaining good form, up the weight. Deadlifts: Seven sets of six to ten reps. This higher weight movement should be performed with lighter weights until your back is strong enough to support the demand. Your feet should be spread slightly wider than shoulder width. Position the bar directly in front of your shins. When lifting the bar, keep your back straight and bend at the hips. Your knees should be slightly bent while performing the lift and locked when standing upright and flexing your butt cheeks. Return the bar to the starting position while maintaining proper form and repeat. PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF BLACK CAT

WARM-UP Glute Bridge: Four sets until failure. To begin, lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands flat on the ground next to your body. Lift your hips off the ground while pushing from your heels, keeping your back straight. When you’ve formed a 45-degree angle, you should look like a sideways triangle. Contract your glutes and hold for a second, then return to the starting position and repeat until failure. If you find this exercise too easy, place a barbell across your pelvis and perform the movement while holding the barbell in place.

Dumbbell lunges: Seven sets of ten reps per side. To begin, stand in the upright position while holding dumbbells by your sides. While looking forward and keeping your back straight, step forward approximately two to three feet with either your right or left foot. Drop your back knee to just above the ground and make sure your front knee doesn’t go past your toes. When performed correctly, your thigh and torso should be vertical. After the move is complete, return to the starting position. Repeat the movement for the recommended amount of reps and then perform with the opposite leg. Before using dumbbells, do ten repetitions per leg to make sure you can complete the movement with no joint discomfort. Remember that these movements can put you at risk of injury if done incorrectly. Always warm up beforehand and start with no weight to make sure you can do the exercise correctly. If you need additional assistance, hire a personal trainer who can monitor your form and offer proper spotting assistance. As always, consult a physician before beginning any workout routine. N Follow Dan Welden on Instagram @Danwelden or visit for more information.






Building Beautiful Biceps BY TOM BONANTI




hey may be the smallest muscle group of the upper anterior body, but when you’re sporting a great set of biceps, you will certainly turn heads and garner admiration for all that hard work in the gym. Located in the front of the arms, these muscles flex your elbows and supinate the forearms. They are vital in all lifting and pulling movements, whether you’re doing sports, yard work or changing the water cooler at work. In short, they are useful… and they get noticed! Here in time to heat up your summer workouts are some exercises that are sure to increase size and strength and pump up those biceps to peak condition!

FITNESS Do it with Curls:

The basic exercise for the biceps is the curl and you can use dumbbells, a barbell, cables, or an E-Z curl bar (a barbell with V-shaped grooves in it to provide for a more secure grip and better isolation of the biceps). Starting with the weight held straight down, or at your side, simply “curl” the weight upward toward your chin by flexing your elbow. Remember to contract the biceps tightly at the top, then lower the weight to the beginning position slowly. The upward motion is the positive or concentric part of the exercise and the lowering which also incurs a stretch of the biceps, is the eccentric or negative phase of the exercise. Watch your form and never swing or jerk the weight.

Preacher Curls for Isolation:

This exercise is excellent for achieving almost perfect isolation as you concentrate on working only biceps and eliminating the action of the helper muscle groups like the deltoids and back. The preacher curl is done on a specialized bench usually with dumbbells or the E-Z curl bar. Simply sit with your chest against the pad, lean slightly forward, arms extended as you grasp the weight. Now curl the weight by flexing your elbows. Because of the restricted position you are in,

it’s much easier not to swing the weight. The focus here is to isolate the biceps so that you can build those mighty twin peaks.

My own personal favorite:

Incline Dumbbell Curls: Dumbbell curls performed while seated on a bench at a 45degree angle are great for making the biceps grow. You also allow each bicep to work separately. You should feel tension throughout the entire range of motion when doing these curls. When you get to the top of the movement really squeeze your biceps and hold for a second. Envision your biceps as boulders as you flex them, knowing that the harder you flex, the denser they will become. This exercise should be performed slowly and in a more controlled manner so as not to strain or sprain tendons and ligaments. Remember, connective tissue once injured takes longer to heal because it has less blood supply. Perform these three variations of curls once or twice a week with moderate to heavy weight. Three to four sets of 10 to 12 reps should give you a great burn with each exercise. Allow for 48 to 72 hours between biceps workouts. For best results, never work biceps on the same day as back since a great lat and trap workout will always wipe out biceps pretty well, leaving them tired and spent. N

Tom Bonanti is a personal trainer and licensed massage therapist (MA#40266) with his own one on one gym and massage at 1271 NE 9th Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33304. Contact Tom with questions or call today (954) 557-1119 to schedule a free consultation.





YOU SHOULD BE FOLLOWING Have wanderlust but don’t know where to start? Follow these 10 gay travel Instagrammers before you book your next trip. BY ALEX KACALA

There are quite a lot of destinations to eat, stay, party and play. It can also be challenging to navigate what are LGBT inclusive places and what are not. Lucky for us, these gays have already done some of the work and have taken to Instagram to show off their fabulous travels. So if you are looking for excuses to plan your next trip, hit follow and track their journeys across the world - one fabulous pic at a time.

1. @mrdavidduran

2. @nomadicboys

3. @2guys1world

4. @lesbinomadic


TRAVEL 5. @thegaytraveler

6. @globetrottergirls

7. @justinliv

8. @travelsofadam

9. @twobadtourists

10. @karlisworld




Photo: Sean Gomes


BARTENDERS BOXERS AND BRIEFS AUCTION Fundraiser for Tuesday's Angels July 25



FRIDAY JULY 22 IML LEATHERWERKS KICKOFF PARTY. LeatherWerks 1226 NE 4th Ave Fort Lauderdale Florida 33304; 954761-1236, Join Tigger in kicking off his tour across the nation in the right way. The kickoff party will be hosted at the LeatherWerks store on from 9 pm to midnight. It's one of our typical, l but not so typical parties. There is a $20 cover.

DAVID “TIGGER” BAILEY. Ramrod 1508 NE 4th Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33304; 954-783-8219, ramrodbar. com. The new International Mr. Leather 2016 meet and greet at 11:30 pm, he will also be there on Sunday 24th at 10 pm. BUBBLE GUM FRIDAYS. The Manor Complex 2345 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-626-0082,

Featuring Rupaul’s Drag Race runner-up Kim Chi performance and a meet and greet for the first 100 people in line at 11 pm. LATIN NIGHT. Wolf Bar 2203 Wilton Dr Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-3062510, Latina noche with dj Nina and MC Natasha with, $3. Cuba libre and $3. Coronas. The party get’s started at 10 pm.

SATURDAY JULY 23 D R AG YO U R S E L F TO BRUNCH. Georgie’s Alibi Monkey Bar 2266 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954565-2526, alibiwiltonmanors. com. It is a weekend brunch special with your local entertainers that know how to give a show, like wig maker extraordinaire Carmen Adore. Enjoy the fantastic shows at 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm. GAY MEN'S CHORUS OF SOUTH FLORIDA PRESENTS FRATERNIDAD. Sunshine Cathedral 1480 SW 9th Ave Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315; 954-462-2004, sunshinecat- From 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm. The Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida present Fraternidad (Brotherhood) with special guest artist from Cuba “Mano a Mano” Tickets can be purchased from gaymenschorusofsouthflorida. org. MANARTICA THEME PARTY. The Manor Complex 2345 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-626-0082, Featuring superstar, Dj Scott Shepard, direct from San Francisco spinning the beats with some of the hottest sounds from the west coast

along with special drag performances from 11 pm to close. $3. Well drinks from 11 pm to midnight. BLACK PARTY. Rumors Bar & Grill 2426 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-565-8851, A gear up, leather up event, all proceeds benefit Sunserve’s domestic violence program from 9 pm to 3 am. Music by Alex Ramos. Make sure you wear your leather and show your gear. Tickets $20.

SUNDAY JULY 24 THE NAKED MAGIC SHOW. Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW Fifth Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33312; 954-462-0222, A perfect night of comedy mixed with some risqué moments, exposed butts only! As a heads up, the two magicians never get fully nude and they keep their "junk" covered. There


is a great deal of ass and abs throughout the performance. Show time 6:30 pm. SUNDAY T-DANCE. Scandals Saloon 3073 NE 6th Ave Oakland Park FL 33334; 954-567-2432, Their T-Dance is from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm, and it’s packed to the rafters. Karaoke starts at 9:00 pm so sing-along or join in.

CLASSIC 54 T-DANCE. Hunters Nightclub 2232 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-6303556, Dj Richie Rich spins the beats with low “T” at 7 pm and high “T” from 9 pm to 2 am. One of Fort Lauderdale's hottest nightclubs.


MONDAY JULY 25 MUSICAL MONDAYS. Georgie’s Alibi Monkey Bar 2266 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-565-2526, Join celebrity impersonator Michael l Walter as Dame Edna for laughter and live show tunes in the all-new Manchester Room starting at 8:00 pm until 10:30 pm.

N.E.R.D. GYM Sportsbar 2287 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-3685318, Plug in and hangout for nocturnal electronic recreational devices. As you play and throw a few back with friends. $2 Rolling Rock and $5 Tito’s vodka.

WEEK BARTENDERS BOXERS AND BRIEFS AUCTION. Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar 2266 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-565-2526, Bid on your favorite bartender’s underwear proceeds goes to Tuesday’s Angels. This annual event is hosted by Miss Kitty, Russell and Nikki Adams. 8 pm.

TUESDAY JULY 26 INDUSTRY NIGHT. Progress Bar Wilton Manors 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-5334916, progressbarsouthflorida. com. This fun and trendy bar is paying respect to the hard workers of our community with 50 percent off all drinks for those of you who are in the biz. For everyone else enjoy 2-4-1 drinks.

GET YOUR GAME ON. Rumors Bar & Grill 2426 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-565-8851, Try your luck, or skill, with poker in the red room from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm. While your're there, enjoy some discounted beverages from 9:00 pm to close: $2 domestic, $2.50 imports and $5 Absolut.

BEEFCAKE’S GRILL. 1721 N Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33311; 954-463-6969, 69-cent Jumbo Chicken Wings all night long along with Hot Days of Summer frozen drink specials. House specialty, cool and refreshing frozen lemonade just $8, all others $10.

WEDNESDAY JULY 27 TODRICK HALL: STRAIGHT OUT OF OZ TOUR. Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW Fifth Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33312; 954462-0222, The show is interactive and like a big party. You will definitely scream and laugh, and have a good time. Not only are the people on stage interactive with the crowd, the crowd get’s to react back. Show time 7:30 pm.

LIP SERVICE WEDNESDAY. Progress Bar Wilton Manors 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-533-4916, Gets a nothing put sweet lips all night long with Amanda Austin and her special guest entertainers. She likes to include the audience too with their own lip-sync contest at 11:30 pm.

THURSDAY JULY 28 CAPITOL STEPS: WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE ELECTING. Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW Fifth Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33312; 954-462-0222, Hillary, Ted, Bernie, and Donald, all will be here! While the laughs are unlimited, this is a strictly limited engagement you won’t want to miss. The Capitol Steps will


perform songs from their newest album. Show time 7:30 pm. POVERELLO'S CELEBRITY LIP SYNC BATTLE. Hunter’s Nightclub 2232 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305; 954-630-3556, Celebrity Lip Sync Battle, a benefit for the 26th Annual Bowling to

NEW MEAT CONTEST. Boardwalk Bar 1721 N Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33311; 954-463-6969, Contestants compete for cash and prizes as the audience selects the winner. Hosted by drag legend Daisy Deadpetals. Special drink prices all night long and 75 cent drinks from 9 pm to midnight.

Fight Hunger to benefit Poverello. Local celebrities and business owners will take the stage and "battle" it out. There will be a $15 suggested donation and all of the tips each performer receives will go to there bowling team or team of their choice. Tickets available from







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