Next 072816 issue 349

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CONTENTS JULY 28, 2016 | VOL 349



Photographer Sean Gomes takes us to his dark paradise with hot looks by C-IN2 in this underwear and swimwear special.

THE NEXUS 10. Gay D.D.

FEATURES 12. Brief Encounter: | Vivica A. Fox


NEXT STEPS 30. Fitness: Empower Your Pecs 36. Travel: 72 Hours in Costa Rica

NEXT WEEK 39. Calendar of Events


Javis, Freddy, Stephan, and Conrad in C-IN2’s latest underwear and swim collection.


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Freddy: “Blue Steel” Woven Trunk Stephan: “Pool Float” Lo No Show Brazilian Conrad: “Party Bomb” Lo No Show Brazilian Javis: “Bee America” Woven Trunk Photography by Sean Gomes |



inside. 07-28-2016 Issue 349 PUBLISHER

Kevin Hopper EDITORIAL

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Vivica A. Fox is having a moment – and we are watching.

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COMMENT OF THE WEEK: “I am proud to be gay,” Peter Thiel declared to the RNC. “I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all, I am proud to be an American.”

JULY 28, 2016



From the hot topics to the hot messes, here’s what you may have missed last week. FLOTUS FLAIRE Michelle Obama joined James Corden in the car last week for the latest edition of ‘Carpool Karaoke’, and the focus was firmly on feminism. Her and the Late Late Show host sang along to a bit of Stevie Wonder (“I know every Stevie song on the planet”) along with Beyoncé’s ‘Single Ladies’, before moving on to ‘This Is for My Girls’, a song backed by Obama to help promote education for girls, written by Diane Warren and featuring lots of lovable divas. COPY CAT Speaking of Obama, the episode came right as she was in the midst of the scandal surrounding Melania Trump’s plagiarized convention speech. The Trump campaign has finally fessed up to copying Obama’s words, with staff writer Meredith McIver stepping forward to claim responsibility — though in typical Trump fashion, there’s


now doubt as to whether McIver is even a real person. Obviously. CRAZY CAITLYN “It was easy to come out as trans. It was hard to come out as Republican,” said Caitlyn Jenner at a Republican National Convention event in Cleveland last week, as she discussed reconciling her politics with her gender identity. “I feel like our best hope to get back to constitutional government with 18 enumerated powers is in the Republican Party. And I have to admit I’ve been very disappointed over the last five or ten years and so I won’t give up hope on it.” Ugh. LOOKING FOR LOVE Mean Girls and Looking star Daniel Franzese is officially off the market for good — he just proposed to his boyfriend, dropping to one knee in the same Starbucks where the pair first met. The 38-year-old actor first met Joseph Bradley Phillips at a

Starbucks in North Hollywood, and arranged a plan with a barista there to make the big moment happen. “Joseph has given me the best of his heart and I’m so happy he said yes,” Franzese told People. “Finding my soulmate has made all the years I struggled with myself worth it.” BOOMING BUSINESS Looks like business is booming for male escorts in Cleveland during this year's Republican National Convention. The New York Post reports, " Male prostitutes contacted by The Post said business is booming and Republican National Convention attendees — most of them married — are clamoring for their services." If this is true, it's interesting how a group of people who fight against the rights of the LGBT community are the same ones participating in good old fashioned gay sex.



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Vivica A. Fox Vivica A. Fox is having a moment – and we are watching. BY ALEXANDER KACALA

The interview for this story was conducted before the senseless killings in Orlando, Baton Rouge, Minnesota, and Texas. Vivica was asked to make a statement to be added. Her statement follows the original interview.


he actress, producer, and television host is killing it right now. Last year, she was cast as Cookie Lyon's sister for the second season of Empire. In June, she reprised her Independence Day role in Roland Emmerich's Independence Day: Resurgence. Not to mention her popular collections of clothing and hair, Fox has her hand in many successful projects that continue to redefine her career. “It’s just a great time for me right now,” she told us over the phone from her home in The Valley. We chatted with the fabulous Fox. What came up during our lengthy conversation were names like Stacey Dash, Donald Trump, and RuPaul; and topics like women of color in Hollywood, the equality of transgender people, and one moment when she defined the role of ally with one simple gesture of love. Tell me about judging on RuPauls Drag Race this past season.


Judging on RuPaul’s Drag Race was another dream come true. I love fashion, I love drag, and I love RuPaul. I have known him for years and I always wanted to be on the show. So when the opportunity came up, he said, “Hey Viv, come judge!” I was like first of all I have to get my outfit ready. So I wore this beautiful green Cavalli gown. It was just fun - that amazing transformation when they came out looking like girls and then you ask them a question and hear their voice you’re like, “Shit! That’s a guy!” But the makeup and the talent that goes into it is so impressive. The hair and makeup, they all did a great job. I was very honored to be on. Do you remember the first time you met Ru? Wow. I don’t remember the first time. It has been years. I have known RuPaul for such a long time. To see him just become this mega, mega star, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving and rewarding person who works so hard. I mean even while we were there doing the taping that day, then on his lunch hour he was doing his podcast! It’s

BRIEF ENCOUNTER just like, “Wow, when do you sleep? All you do is work.” He is such a hardworking person. I find that so inspirational. Lets me know that if you keeping working harder you can do it and have it all. What was filming Independence Day: Resurgence like? It was a beautiful high school reunion with the OGs - Jeff Goldblum. Bill Pullman. Jud Hirsch. And with the newbies - Liam Hemsworth, Maika Monroe, Jessie T. Usher as my son, Sela Ward playing the first female president. It was a wonderful combination of the old and the new. So now we get to introduce kicking some serious alien butt to the next generation. The whole family can go and check this film out together from mom and dad to the kids, there is something for everyone. It’s one of the great summer blockbuster films everyone can and see enjoy together. That’s what makes me really happy. Most of the time that doesn’t happen. Has it been 20 years? 20! Can you believe it? 20. I felt like that same young girl when I got that phone call. They have bene talking about it happening for the last five years. On and off. The fans have been requesting a sequel for the past 15 years! So finally when my agency said to hold these dates, I was like, “Yes!” I did back hand springs in my front room. I couldn’t wait to be back. Do you remember where you were when you got the first call 20 years ago? What was that like? I was living in Inglewood up to no good. I had auditioned six times to get the part because I was on a soap opera. And I remember hearing about it and I reached out to my agent and they said, “Oh honey, you don’t have a big enough name. You’re on a soap opera.” And I was like, “Oh. Ok. Thanks.” And then two weeks later she gave me a call and I asked, “What happened?” The producer’s wife was at home pregnant and saw me on The Young and the Restless. And she said, “Hey, I think I found the character of Jasmine.” And he told her they were having a tough time casting. She said she had found this cute girl on The Young and the Restless. So they called me up. I got the audition. And six auditions later I got the part. That is an incredible story. Being an ally to our LGBT community, can you talk about a time or moment in your career when you had to stand up for someone? A moment you did something

that represents your status as an ally? I have had a good association with the gay community forever. I had a friend who was really struggling with his sexuality. He thought that I wouldn’t like him if he came out. He was kind of bringing girls around but then one day I just said, “You’re gay, right?” And he was like, “Yes! I am but I was scared we won’t be friends if you knew. And then I responded right away, “Absolutely not. You are a good man and you being gay doesn’t have any effect on our friendship at all. Be happy. Live your life. You deserve to love whoever you want to love.” And it was like freeing his soul. It was just me letting him know, “Love who you love.” Who you are on the inside doesn’t change because your sexual preference. Just be a god person. Do the right thing. Now if you get out of line, I’m gonna get your neck. I am gonna call your ass out as a person. Not because you’re gay. In 2016, the gay community - men especially have come a long way and entered mainstream culture. But the trans community still has so many struggles. Just the fact that a bill like this in North Carolina is the topic of conversation is appalling. Where it really can do a lot of harm against a community already fighting for visibility is a shame. It’s important for us how we can help the trans community when it comes to LGBT equality. Absolutely. You just have to realize that the old in certain parts of America, how they just they aren’t ready to evolve. Which is unfortunate. It makes them uncomfortable, that idea of evolving. Everyone is into their own rights. It’s another form of prejudice. Back in the day black and whites couldn’t use the same damn water fountain! How ridiculous is that. It’s almost like the same thing. Whatever they can do to one of group of people to make themselves feel more comfortable, they will do. That’s why they make up these laws. To make themselves feel more comfortable. I bring this up a lot in interviews, but RuPaul talks about the popularity of Drag Race and how that it’s a moment happening right now and that door is open and he is going to keep walking through it but it will close one day. That life is very cyclical and there are waves and moves and movements and shifts. Homophobia, racism, transphobia, and what is on the news is constantly evolving. We should always be talking about equality and be pro-active in our acceptance because there will always


successful black woman in Hollywood? Well, how do I reflect on what? Stacey Dash? As far as her being the sellout queen of life? Well I guess you said that! (Laughs) Now just about her but the challenges or obstacles that women of color have to overcome in Hollywood. Well, it’s a wonderful time to be a sister in Hollywood. Finally. I’m on Empire playing Taraji’s older sister. Look at the success of Empire, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder. You are seeing black women as producers like Shonda Rhimes. Ava DuVernay being a successful director. Regina King being a successful actress and director. Finally, we are in powerful positions. We are writing, directing and producing. We have a true voice to how we really are. I think that is what America is gravitating towards. For so long they were just trying to dim our light. Telling us we couldn’t get ratings. We couldn’t get an audience. Ha! We are proving them wrong.

people who are trying to push it back. Absolutely. That is also happening with women. Right now it’s a great time for women. Think about the battles over the years that women have had to fight for equal rights, equal pay, the right to vote. You know what I mean? The world is evolving. But we got those fucking assholes that are still trying to pull us back in and keep us down. Stay strong. Let people live. If they aren’t doing anything wrong, stop with your prejudice. That’s why we really have to make sure we are paying attention to this election and what is going on. Donald Trump in my opinion is trying to make America mighty white again. He is going to bring people with prejudice into the White House where they will rear their mighty head with racism. Once he gets this nomination and goes up against Hillary mark my words. Shit about gays is gonna come out. He is gonna say something about black people. Just a matter of time and when that happens – Alex – I want you to think that Vivica told me first. There wasn’t a lot of black visibility at this year’s Oscars. People’s statement on both sides of the table were intense, like Stacey Dash and her additional comments about minority media like BET and the BET Awards. What are your thoughts about these topics and how have you reflected on them as a woman of your stature, a


That’s true. What you just said is very powerful. It’s not just about having black women on the screens it’s about having black women in powerful positons behind the scene because they are the ones writing, directing, producing and creating these roles. To be honest, white men, straight or gay, they can only do so much when it comes to writing these roles. Because they don’t really know us. And then they think they do and they try and put us in boxes. This is how you are all act. This is how you all talk. This is kind of the relationships you have. And they are mainly negative. That’s what is so important about minority media. That is what is so important about LGBT media. These stories being written for the LGBT community by the LGBT community. That is the same thing can be applied to the black community. That is why there needs to be Ebony or BET or Jet. If a black person is going to write about their community, it is going to be more authentic than if someone from the outside wrote it. That goes for LGBT. That is why I always stand up for what I do. Exactly. You get true stories. You get true experiences. It’s not satiric. What you see is what you get. It’s raw and it’s in your face and it’s happening. The recent shootings in Orlando, Minnesota, New Orleans and Dallas have all saddened my heart deeply. These senseless killings must stop as I truly believe that united we stand, divided we fall. #LoveWins. N








o begins Lana Del Rey’s seasonal anthem Summertime Sadness that rings so true during scorching weekends in South Florida where absolutely anything goes. Where all the boys from the urban jungle come out onto the sandy beaches of this gay destination. We teamed up with underwear and swimwear brand C-IN2 to show their latest summer 2016 product line. C-IN2 Fashion Designer Tim Dejsiriudom is looking forward to the good energy that this photo shoot will bring to their sexy new line of underwear and swimwear. “We create products for our customers that are sophisticated and fashion forward with an unparalleled level of excellence and craftsmanship,” he says. “C-IN2 is an industry leader in innovation and we provide the greatest array of fabrics, in different fiber combinations, in unique styles. “

To get ready, we choose the Terrace at Boxers Hell’s Kitchen as the backdrop for this hot photo shoot along with photographer Sean Gomes and a few beautiful boys to have a kiki of our own. There, we mimic the vibe with Lana's Summertime Sadness as our soundtrack.



Conrad “Going Blue It” Lo No Show Brief

PHOTOGRAPHY: Sean Gomes STYLING: Tim Dejsiriudom & Alexander Kacala MODELS: Conrad Clevlen, Javis Williams, Stephan MacGuire & Freddy Rio



Conrad: “Balls Blue” Low Rise Brief


SUMMERTIME SADNESS Javis: “Wild Bubble” Low Rise Brief


Freddy: “Airforce Blue” Tackle Gear Strong Arm & “White” Lowest Punt Stephan: “Red Baron” Lift Tank BY TOMJock BONANTI & “White” Strap


NATIONAL ANTHEM Conrad: “Airforce Blue” Lift Tank & “Red Baron” Lowest Punt Javis: “White” Tackle Gear Strong Arm & “Airforce Blue” Jock Strap


SHADES OF COOL Freddy: “Blue Steel” Woven Trunk Stephan: “Pool Float” Lo No Show Brazilian



Conrad: “Party Bomb” Lo No Show Brazilian Javis: “Bee America” Woven Trunk






our pectoral muscles, also known as your chest muscles, play a crucial role in just about every move you makefrom pushing and shoving,

Empower Your Pecs BY TOM BONANTI

to pulling and lifting. Every sport from badminton to wrestling requires you to bounce those pecs into action. Think of your pecs as a badge of honor that you wear proudly for all the work and sweat you expend in the gym. 30



his week I present a workout program that will add size, strength, and definition to these oh, so awesome pectoral muscles. Go for 3-4 sets of eight to twelve repetitions of each exercise and you’ll see and feel the difference in no time. Barbell Bench Presses: (overall chest) Lie on a flat bench with your feet on the floor and grasp the barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Lift the bar off the rack and slowly lower it to mid-chest level. Try not to let your elbows go down much past 90 degrees since this can unduly irritate your rotator cuff muscles. Pause, and then drive the bar upward until your arms are almost locked. Repeat. Flat bench chest presses can also be performed effectively holding a dumbbell in each hand rather than a barbell. Incline Dumbbell Presses: (upper chest) Lie on an incline bench set at a 15-30degree incline. Hold a pair of dumbbells over your chest, palms facing forward, knuckles aimed at the ceiling. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the sides of your chest until you feel a nice stretch in your pecs. Pause, then drive the dumbbells straight upward until your arms are nearly locked. Repeat. Dumbbell Flies: (definition) Lie on a weight bench set at a 15-30degree incline. Hold a pair of dumbbells over your chest, palms facing inward, knuckles pointed toward the ceiling. Keeping your arms slightly bent, slowly lower the dumbbells in an arcing notion until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Return to the top of the motion. Repeat. Cable Crossover Flies: (definition) Stand in the middle of the cable apparatus with feet slightly spread, your body tilted slightly forward, and elbows slightly bent. Grasp the handles with arms spread; you should feel a stretch across your chest. Inhale and squeeze your pecs together as you press the cable handles forward until your hands touch. Exhale as you complete the contraction and return handles to starting position. Repeat.

Parallel Bar Dips: (mass, definition) Find the parallel bars in the gym. Support yourself with your arms straight and torso hanging down from your shoulders. Inhale and bend your elbows to allow your body to sink down between the bars as far as possible. Reverse the motion and return to starting point, exhaling as you complete the movement. The more you bend forward the more you target the pecs. Here are some pointers to help you maximize that chest workout. First, free weight compound exercises like the five mentioned above are the fastest, most efficient ways to build overall strength and bulk. Do them often and heavy. Remember, machines are never as effective at training a muscle group as good old fashioned free weights. Second, eat to grow when you’re lifting, especially feed those muscles with quality protein. Lastly, for best results, work chest 2x a week with 3 days rest between your chest workouts. Tom Bonanti is a licensed massage therapist (MA#40288) and fitness trainer with his own one on one gym ( at 1271 NE 9th Avenue in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33304. Contact with questions or call Tom (954) 557-1119 to schedule a free consultation today! N




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72 hours


There’s plenty to do in this naturalist’s paradise, though doing nothing can be just as rewarding. BY TRISTAN SCHUKRAFT LA FORTUNA MARKET




arm water and remote, gold-sand beaches are now within three hours of Miami, thanks to American Airlines and others offering regular nonstop service to Liberia, Costa Rica. The country shrugs off two of our seasons, offering “gold” (dry) and “green” (wet), equal in temperature though the wet season (from May to November) is accompanied by heavy afternoon rains that cool things down and turn the forests a vibrant green.


Once you’ve landed in Liberia, it’s just a 25-minute drive from the airport to the Andaz Peninsula Papagayo Resort, a naturalist’s paradise among the trees, where the gulf meets the waters of Culebra Bay. It’s a place where you ‘check out’ as soon as you check-in, leaving all your stress behind (an idea reinforced by the tags the hotel places on your luggage upon arrival).

mingo (also 90 minutes south), has managed to hold onto its ‘local secret’ badge of honor. Playa Cabuyal (30 minutes north), touted for having Costa Rica’s most romantic sunset, is beautiful any time of day, and you’re likely to be solo on the sand minus the occasional bovine companion.

After check-in, expect to be whisked away by golf cart from the cocoon-like, lounge-inspired lobby to your suite. The décor is minimalist yet luxurious, with charming touches of local flare that create a warm, authentic feel, including local Costa Rican hats you’re invited to take home. Polished cement floors, a bay-facing balcony and wrap-around windows give you the feeling you’re luxuriating in a tree house.

Set back in the bay’s waters, you’ll arrive at Playa Iguanita (30 minutes south of the resort) after taking a dirt road off Route 253, through a stream or two. As it’s a wildlife refuge, there’s no fishing allowed, in case you brought your fishing pole. And Rincón de la Vieja Volcano National Park, located in the country’s northeast, is home to hot springs, vapor geysers, waterfalls and rivers that take you back to the Jurassic era.

The hotel offers three restaurants on-site, live music, two infinity pools, a spa and a 24/7 gym. It also puts you near two great beaches, one right on the bay at the resort, perfectly tranquil. You’ll find the other at Prieta Beach Club, a short ride on the hotel’s beach bus through the Arnold Palmer championship golf course, which offers one breathtaking view after another (14 of its 18 holes offer water views). At the Beach Club you’ll also find a lap pool, dining and the shade of native Pochote trees.

Those seeking a more adventurous visit than days whiled away on the sand can experience zipline tours of the jungle canopy as well as river rafting. A premier ecotourism destination, there’s plenty to do in Costa Rica, though doing absolutely nothing can sometimes be equally rewarding. N

Those looking to leave the comforts of the Andaz resort will need to shift to 4X4 mode. With a coastal drive not an option, as there are no roads along the coast, you’ll need to drive inland and back out to explore other beaches. To surf, opt for Playa Tamarindo, about 90 minutes south, but avoid the tourist trap that is Playa del Coco. Playa Penca, near Playa Fla-









FRIDAY JULY 29 CIRQUE ELOIZE CIRKOPOLIS. Adrienne Arsht Center 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami FL 33132; 305-949-6722, Cirkopolis is a feast for the senses combining the worlds of circus, dance and theater to create what is "jaw-dropping, dazzling, a body-twisting delight!" Show time 8:00 pm.

601 Sansbury Way West Palm Beach, FL 33411; 561-7958883, The ever-evolving Dave Matthews Band melds bits of rock, country, and jazz into its sizable discography of studio albums and live recordings. Each performance offers fans a unique experience.

DAVE MATTHEWS BAND. Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre

BUBBLE GUM FRIDAYS. The Manor Complex 2345 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-626-0082, Featuring Rupaul’s Drag Race runner-up Kim Chi performance and a meet and greet for the first 100 people in line at 11 pm. LATIN NIGHT. Wolf Bar 2203 Wilton Dr Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954306-2510, Latina noche with dj Nina and MC Natasha with, $3. Cuba libre and $3. Coronas. The party get’s started at 10 pm.

SATURDAY JULY 30 D R AG YO U R S E L F TO BRUNCH. Georgie’s Alibi Monkey Bar 2266 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954565-2526, alibiwiltonmanors. com. It is a weekend brunch special with your local entertainers that know how to give a show, like wig maker extraordinaire Carmen Adore. Enjoy the fantastic shows at 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm. OLYMPIA THEME PARTY. The Manor Complex 2345 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-626-0082, Featuring super-

star, Dj Guy Scheiman, direct from Tel Aviv spinning the beats from 11 pm to close. $3. Well drinks from 11 pm to midnight. BRING IT LIVE. Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW Fifth Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33312; 954-462-0222, Straight out of the Dollhouse Dance Factory, come see the main event featuring Miss D’s top girls as they high kick, shake and flip their way to the top. Tour features the hottest, show-stopping routines with all the bucking, hair flips and

death drops you can handle. Show time 8:00 pm. SUMMER CABARET: IT TAKES TWO. Sunshine Cathedral 1480 SW 9th Ave Fort Lauderdale, FL FL 33315; 954-462-2004, Performers will be Durrell Watkins, Sara Burns, Tara Sperry, Kurt Litzenberger, Isidora Jovanovic, Barbara Ramcharitar and there may even be a special guest or two, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

SUNDAY JULY 31 MONA’S CLOSING PARTY. Mona’s Bar 502 E Sunrise Blvd Fort Lauderdale FL 33304; 954-525-6662, monasbar. com. After 19 years, this local favorite bar is closing it’s doors, Come say goodbye and celebrate the end of a legend and Jerry’s 69 birthday party. Hot diggity dog cookout starts at 4:00 pm.


SUNDAY T-DANCE. Scandals Saloon 3073 NE 6th Ave Oakland Park FL 33334; 954567-2432, Their T-Dance is from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm, and it’s packed to the rafters. Karaoke starts at 9:00 pm so sing-along or join in.

CLASSIC 54 T-DANCE. Hunters Nightclub 2232 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-6303556, Dj Richie Rich spins the beats with low “T” at 7 pm and high “T” from 9 pm to 2 am. One of Fort Lauderdale's hottest nightclubs.


MONDAY AUGUST 01 MUSICAL MONDAYS. Georgie’s Alibi Monkey Bar 2266 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-565-2526, Join celebrity impersonator Michael l Walter as Dame Edna for laughter and live show tunes in the all-new Manchester Room starting at 8:00 pm until 10:30 pm.

N.E.R.D. GYM Sportsbar 2287 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-3685318, Plug in and hangout for nocturnal electronic recreational devices. As you play and throw a few back with friends. $2 Rolling Rock and $5 Tito’s vodka.

WEEK PITBULL IN CONCERT. Hard Rock Live 1 Semonole Way Hollywood, FL 33314; 954-7975531, Miami native, Pitbull has dominated the charts with his unique combination of Latin musical influence, house dance beats, and rap lyrical styles. Now known to fans as “Mr. Worldwide.” 8 pm.

TUESDAY AUGUST 02 INDUSTRY NIGHT. Progress Bar Wilton Manors 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-5334916, progressbarsouthflorida. com. This fun and trendy bar is paying respect to the hard workers of our community with 50 percent off all drinks for those of you who are in the biz. For everyone else enjoy 2-4-1 drinks.

GET YOUR GAME ON. Rumors Bar & Grill 2426 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-565-8851, Try your luck, or skill, with poker in the red room from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm. While your're there, enjoy some discounted beverages from 9:00 pm to close: $2 domestic, $2.50 imports and $5 Absolut.

BEEFCAKE’S GRILL. 1721 N Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33311; 954-463-6969, 69-cent Jumbo Chicken Wings all night long along with Hot Days of Summer frozen drink specials. House specialty, cool and refreshing frozen lemonade just $8, all others $10.

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 03 THE GO -GO’S FAREWELL TOUR. Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW Fifth Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33312; 954-462-0222, From their days as America’s sweethearts to their current status as superstars who pioneered a genre, The Go-Go’s helped cement the foundation of the early 80’s punk-pop-rock sound. The Go-Go’s still have the beat! Show time 8:00 pm.

LIP SERVICE WEDNESDAY. Progress Bar Wilton Manors 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-533-4916, Gets a nothing put sweet lips all night long with Amanda Austin and her special guest entertainers. She likes to include the audience too with their own lip-sync contest at 11:30 pm.

THURSDAY AUGUST 04 THE KING AND I: A SUMMER THEATER. Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW Fifth Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33312; 954-462-0222, browardcenter. org. Experience the roles of the prim and proper English widow, the headstrong King of Siam and his unruly flock of children. It's a Rodgers and Hammerstein classic that you won’t want to miss. Show time 6:00 pm.


THE DIRTY GAME SHOW. Village Pub 2283 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305; 754200-5244, villagepubwm. com. Renica and Bernadette from Kansas City bring their dirty game show to South Florida. Win great prizes and benefiting Show time 10:00 pm.

NEW MEAT CONTEST. Boardwalk Bar 1721 N Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33311; 954-463-6969, Contestants compete for cash and prizes as the audience selects the winner. Hosted by drag legend Daisy Deadpetals. Special drink prices all night long and 75 cent drinks from 9 pm to midnight.

LIT THURSDAYS! Georgie’s Alibi Monkey Bar 2266 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-565-2526, This night belongs to none other than $5 long Island Ice Teas. There’s no better place to start your pre-game for the weekend. The music is great, the crowd is chilled and the drink jogs are huge.







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