Stride Dec 2012

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December 2012 free

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December 2012

Stride Magazine is published 12 times a year and is free. Copies are available at over 1,000 Fargo-Moorhead locations along with digital versions at Publisher SPOTLIGHT MEDIA INC. President MIKE DRAGOSAVICH







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Spotlightmedia Stride Magazine is published by Spotlight Media Inc. Copyright 2012 Stride Magazine & All Rights Reserved. No parts of this periodical may be reproduced without written permission of Stride Magazine & Stride Magazine & will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions found in the magazine or on Spotlight Media Inc., accepts no liability for the accuracy of statements made by the advertisers.

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BEFORE Contents... 8



shape it up





from the

hristmas. Through the years my family and I have all been together, since the Fates allowed it. Everybody has their favorite traditions and stories of Christmas morning. This is my story. The year was 2000. I was 10 years old. I wanted a PlayStation 2 more than anything in the world. I felt like I had been asking for it for the last 10 years. (Really it had been two months, but I think that’s the equivalent of 10 years in kid years.) I knew that I had no chance of getting the gift. Everywhere was sold out. Every other kid was in the same boat as me. (I’m sure Santa could hear the outcry of children everywhere.) At the time my sister worked at Target. She was working

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Diva connection


Christmas Eve and they received a shipment of PS2s. Could it be? Could young Andrew get his Christmas wish? She called my dad who, without hesitation, told her to buy it.

Christmas morning I ran to the tree and experienced something that every child can relate to. I looked under the tree and I saw that there was no box shaped like the gift I desperately wanted. My heart sank. I opened my gifts half-heartedly. I watched everyone else open their gifts uninterested. Everybody finished unwrapping their gifts and we all sat around playing with our gifts. But wait. My mom had left and room and now had something in her hand. Could it be?! It was the perfect size.

I tore into that present like only a kid on Christmas morning can. Sure enough, it was my PS2. I was so happy. That’s one of my favorite Christmas memories. It wasn’t the gift that made it so great. It wasn’t the anticipation that made it so great. It was the fact that my family had cared enough to buy me the gift the night before Christmas. It was the fact that my sister took the time from work on one of the busiest days of the year to buy her little brother his Christmas gift. That’s why it’s one of my favorite Christmas gifts of all time. I hope I’m not alone in that story. I hope you have that one Christmas gift that you’ll never forget and I hope you have a family that is as great as mine. Andrew Jason



y h t l a A he

A S R E V CON Goetz with

e i n a h p e St

ga in the mornin d t u o g in k r o tan nd w and I unders ake fitness a a “I have to m ill always be an excuse w ve to make it a e h r e u h o T y . t y u it b r prio sy lives lead very bu else you do.� ll a e w t a th ing like everyth priority just

Valley News Live evening anchor, Stephanie Goetz,

is a young professional who has worked hard to get where she is and has a very promising future ahead of her. While she makes it look easy, there are certain expectations and standards that come with constantly being in the public eye. She has found that the perfect prescription for escaping the pressures and stresses of her industry comes down to three simple things. Fitness, nutrition and meditation. We spent a morning chatting with her to hear about how she manages her job, health and why the two go hand in hand.

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Photos by J. Alan Paul Photography • Interview by Kylee Seifert // 9

INTERVIEW As a public figure, what is the most important thing you want to convey to the community?

Coming across as a genuine person. A lot of people see you on the news and think you look rigid or very serious, but I’m just like everyone else. I go to the grocery store, I work out, I have fun with my friends and I love to do activities that everyone else does. The only difference is my life is much more in the public eye. I think one thing that I learned very quickly is the need to be respectful of others. There are many people we work within the business and outside of the business who are very cut throat and take advantage of others. I’ve learned that this doesn’t help you in any way, shape or form… Our job is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, there are a lot of rewards that come with it. You get to be part of history everyday! You get to be part of elections, part of a historic vote, historic happenings or breaking news. I mean those are the things you kind of live for in this business. Not everyone can handle it but it grows on you.

Can you give us a glimpse of what a day in the work life of Stephanie Goetz consists of?

I start at 1:30 p.m. and go until about 10:30 or 11 at night. When I get in, it’s checking wires, following stories, gathering all the information, what are the big stories that day, what are the important stories that we are tracking down. At 2:30, we have a big meeting, called our editorial meeting, where we put together the show. After the meeting, we break and start organizing the show. At this time, we also have to do our little promotions… We all contribute heavily into writing, editing and producing the stories. It’s a collaborative effort. We are writers as much as we are anchors. Frankly, I find that I identify more with my writing than just my on air presence at times.

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How do health and fitness tie into being in the public eye?

My job is very stressful. You are on 24 hours a day. You never know what to expect or what changes are going to be thrown at you throughout the day. You have to be ready to adjust and move. Sometimes the video doesn’t come up when you are on air and the producer is in your ear saying, “We don’t have that video, go to the next story!” If it’s not on the prompter and you don’t have your script yet, what are you going to do? It’s constant stress all day long and you have to learn to manage that. Fitness, health

and especially your diet, go hand in hand with managing it. You have to enhance them even more when you are in this business. Most of the time, you don’t have time to make a meal and you end up running to the nearest fast food restaurant and grabbing something quick. What happens is you get a high from the sugars and preservatives, and then you crash so quickly. I’ve found that over the years, my diet has completely changed. I have always been healthy since a young age, but recently I have started eating a Paleo diet. It’s basically meats, nuts, lots of beans, greens and basically anything from the earth. Sugars, grains and dairy don’t sit well with me so I do my best

to keep them out of my diet. It’s a very basic way to eat and many people look at it and go, “My gosh, that’s rabbit food. How can you eat that?” But for me, it makes me feel so much better.

What are some favorite healthy meals and snacks you bring to work?

I do a lot of grilled fish. I absolutely love lentils. Those are probably my favorites. A lot of carrots, beans, cooked veggies. I’ll make a stuffed pepper with white beans and maybe some cauliflower and dill in there. I’ll put it in the oven and let it cook for 30 to 40 minutes. I have to make // 11

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INTERVIEW sure that I get some lean protein, like chicken or fish, in my diet. Since I can’t have regular chips, I do a lot of sweet potato chips, veggie chips and hummus chips. I have become the most frequent shopper at Hornbacher’s natural food section. (Giggles) I am there every single day. I can’t always stock my fridge Sunday and have it for the week. I have to go every other day because of the fresh produce in my diet. You must be vigilant about bringing your own food to work. A lot of people will say, “I don’t have time to make a meal.” I just get up half an hour or an hour earlier to make a meal and I will have it for that day or the next. It takes planning and looking ahead but once you do that for awhile, it just becomes second nature.

What does your workout routine consist of? I try to do everything in the books so I can confuse my body and muscles. I’ve always been the athletic type. I’ve been playing tennis since I was 5 years old. I did basketball, track and, thanks to my brothers, I was always running with the boys. Back in college I worked out with an offensive lineman who taught me the proper technique for squats and deadlifts. We would do the hardest workouts and strength training possible. Because of that, I like to do strength training classes like body pump. However, I really load on the weight because if I’m not sweating, I don’t’ feel like I’m working hard enough. I do a little cardio with step classes as well. If I had to choose one workout to do for the rest of my life, it would be hot yoga or bikram yoga… I find that I am most toned and lean when I include yoga in my regimen. In my workout, it’s not just strength, cardio and yoga… it’s the mental side as well. Meditating and giving myself that time to destress is just as important for my body as the physical part. Finding your center, finding yourself, and just giving yourself a break is where the real benefits come in. We push ourselves so hard every day and we never give ourselves a break or let ourselves slow down. // 13

Has maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet always been part of your life or has it become more relevant because of your job? I have stayed fit, healthy and had the fit mindset most of my life. However, my love for it grew immensely when I was in college. My friends were really health conscious and I loved being around that. You have to have that community of people. I will work my schedule around working out. I have to make fitness and working out in the morning a priority. There will always be an excuse and I understand that we all lead very busy lives but you have to make it a priority just like everything else you do. I think it became even more important, not necessarily being in the public eye, but more so with the stresses and demands of my job. You have to be healthy. I had to go to the chiropractor and get massages often because I found that when I’m getting really stressed out, my shoulders and neck will get very tight. Now that I’m eating healthier, and making sure I keep my stress under control, I find that I don’t get to that point as often. It’s a daily battle with trying to be healthy… I think also, in this job, you can’t deny there is some sense of wanting to look your best on camera. I will tell you hands down that the camera adds ten pounds, maybe 15 in some instances (laughs.) Then of course flat screens and wide screens came along and made it even worse. I feel healthy, fit and I love my body. Unfortunately, there are people who make comments or will send an email or call and say, “That person doesn’t look a certain way.” Is it disrespectful? Absolutely! But that’s what comes with the job. Am I starving myself? By no means am I. But, you have to know that on air, things will translate much differently than in person. I just know that by being fit and being healthy, my body will respond accordingly. Unfortunately, attention to how we look is just part of our society. You have to love yourself and be confident with the person you are. We put more stress and strain on ourselves than anyone else does. 14 //

In regards to fitness and eating healthy, I found that I can be really hard on myself. Even if I go off and have a tiny piece of chocolate. Everyday and every meal is a new start to be able to eat something better or have a smaller portion. We can’t be so hard on ourselves and I think that is what ends up happening. People, including myself, feel like we have to be perfect with our diet and fitness but we all are entitled to stumble from time to time. It’s just getting back up that is the important part.

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o C a v i D Article by Andrew Jason

Photos by

J. Alan Paul // 20

These are the women who have made Diva Connection a success. There are many more who help to make women’s dreams come true.

n o i t c e n n world, one woman at a time. Diva Connection hopes to change the original Latin word, divus, The word diva can be traced to its ures what Diva Connection which means divine. That word capt book of Angels. is doing. They are out to create a Face

r wit’s end? You can’t Women: Have you ever been at you need to find a ride to work. You afford those groceries this week. en face everyday. Oftentimes These are problems that many wom many of the organizations they have nowhere to turn to because with problems like this. around town aren’t able to help out comes in. Well, that’s where divaconnecti // 21




woman moved up to Casselton, ND from Texas. She spent all her money to get herself and her fiance up there. The fiance and the woman were going to stay with one of their friends. However, it turned out that the fiance was having an online affair with their friend and he just wanted to be with her. The woman was stranded in

North Dakota, 1,200 miles away from home. The woman had no money, no place to live (a landlord took pity on her and let her sleep on a couch.) She posted on Diva Connection saying, “I just want to go home.” She needed $200 for a bus ticket. Somebody read her story on Diva Connection, stepped forward and bought her a ticket to send her back to Texas.



n a world where many feel that social media is driving people apart, Diva Connection hopes to drive everyone together. With a group of 15 volunteers, Diva Connection hopes to expand throughout the country, and


The work they’re doing isn’t rocket science. What they’re trying to do is ignite a spark that they hope turns into an all out fire. As with all great ideas, they started with something simple and hope to expand it into something that will change the world for the better. “Why we do this is truly not a big deal. If you think like a lot

eventually, the world. “We are going to be the Facebook of angels.” said founder, Chris Linnares. “In the future, people are going to say, ‘do you have Facebook?’ ‘Are you a part of Diva Connection?’ ‘No?’ ‘Oh, I’m so sorry.’” (Laughs) of us, when you want to help someone, we email our friends. We’re just here to create a sizzle that is easier to help each other,” said Linnares. “I think a lot of people believe that compassion is just when you feel for somebody. I believe that true compassion is fighting for social justice. Get out of your comfort zone, reach out and help somebody. That’s what true compassion is.”

THE WORK THEY’VE DONE According to Director of Operations, LaurelLee Loftsgard, since last December, 138 people have received help through Diva Connection and 84 people have given help. Although it’s difficult to calculate since some posts just went up, about 70 percent of needs are met. Nicole Phillips summed up what they do in two simple sentences:

“We don’t give a hand out. We give a hand up.” Check them out at


Diva Connection First row, left to right MARY MURCHIE Social Media


Director of Operations


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Diva Connection is a Craigslist style website that allows women to help other women. When a woman doesn’t know where to turn, that’s where Diva Connection comes in. Women can post what they need, whether it’s $30 for gas money or a ride to work. The hope is that somebody will step forward and give from their heart.

NICOLE PHILLIPS Executive Director

AMANDA LEA Events Coordinator

TRACY BRIGGS Blog and Area Voices

HANNAH SORENSEN Social Media // 25

t i E SHAP Brian Lee tive a n d a e h r o o H m IT W



rian Lee is Moorhead’s very own hometown celebrity. The 25 year-old NHL player unexpectedly began his hockey career at a young age when his mom signed him up to play hockey while his dad was away on a hunting trip.

Not only did she sign Lee up, she also surprised her husband by signing him up as the hockey team’s coach. It was a family affair from the get go as his younger brother, John, is also a hockey stud. After graduating, Lee joined the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux Hockey team and played with them for two years. He then decided to take his hockey career to the next level and go pro. He began his training in Ottawa, where he would


spend the next four and a half years playing for the Ottawa Senators. He was then traded to the Tampa Bay Lightning on deadline day. (Talk about waiting until the last minute.) Since the lockout, Lee has been skating with our very own Fargo Force a few times a week. While it’s been nice enjoying the finer things in life, like hunting, Lee is looking forward to heading back to Florida to get his head back in the game.

Don’t overwork any particular body part while neglecting others. That should keep you functional and proportionate. There’s nothing more hilarious than a guy with a huge upper body and tiny legs cruising the beach.

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PIRED S N I E ON, B // 29

I like to do a variety of exercises that strengthen not only the abdominal area, but the entire core. Lots of stability ball work, work with cable machines and plank-like exercises.


I prefer to do most of my cardio on the ice. In practice we generally mix our cardio up with different short and explosive skates. This helps to work our fast twitch muscle fibers. Other days, we focus on building endurance in our legs by doing long skates and lunges. When summer hits and it’s too nice to be inside, I’ll take my cardio outside and play some racquetball.


Suns out, guns out! Show off the hard work you have been putting in.

Set goals! Once you achieve them, set new goals.

Change things up fairly often. Don’t overtrain to the point where your body becomes bored with your workouts.


I love pizza! You can’t beat Pizza Patrol pizza in Moorhead and Hotel Shoreham pizza at the lake.


My main course can be anything from steak and potatoes to beef tacos to salmon and rice. I think variety is good, not only for your physical health, but your mental health as well. For desert, I’ll enjoy some yogurt and cut up fruit.

Dinner I start with some sort of salad with veggies and fruits mixed in.

at home, my meal will generally consist of two meat and cheese sandwiches with some sort of sauce so it’s not so dry. I will also have some fruit and a little yogurt.

Lunch I usually eat out for lunch so my dish really varies. If I’m eating

a couple ham, egg and cheese open-faced sandwiches on wheat toast.

Breakfast Either four eggs over medium on buttered wheat toast or


Lots of quad, hammy and glute exercises. To help with our skating stride we do things to work our hip flexors, as well as, calf strengthening exercises.


Improve Your Health With Soy hether it’s for the Friday night lights, the love of your favorite college team (like the Bison), or the familiar tune of Monday night football you enjoy, tailgating season is upon us and it’s time to break out your team colors and the mini-grill. Tailgating is a great time to get together with friends and enjoy a variety of foods. While hotdogs, burgers and chips are common staples, tailgating also allows for some creativity to keep things interesting through the long football season. With that in mind, adding a soy-spin to some classic recipes will give your dishes a high quality, protein punch.


•8 ounces soy cream cheese, softened •1/2 cup firm silken tofu •1/2 cup soymilk •1 egg •1 tablespoon taco seasoning mix •1 cup shredded, cheddar flavored soy cheese •1/4 cup salsa •1/4 cup black soybeans, mashed •Soy sour cream •Soy crisps and/or blue soy chips


Recipes and Photos Courtesy of The Soyfoods Council

Western Tofu Black Bean Cheese Dip

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine soy cream cheese, tofu, soymilk, egg, and seasoning mix until well blended. Stir in shredded soy cheese, salsa and mashed black soybeans. Pour into a 6-inch spring form pan or 1- quart casserole. Bake in a 350°F oven for 30 to 35 minutes or until browned around the edges and a knife inserted near center comes out clean.

2.Cool. Refrigerate. Garnish as desired with soy sour cream, salsa, and black beans and serve with soy crisps and blue soy chips.

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Casselton, North Dakota //

n o i h s a F n o i h s a F ayon d i i l h s o Hsahion F FaFASHION n o i h s a FS n o i h s a F n o i h Fas potlight Media’s 2012 Fashion Shoot showcased the individual styles of each of the ladies that work so hard every month to bring you this magazine. As the holiday season is upon us and you start checking off your list of gifts for friends and family, don’t forget to treat yourself to some new clothes for all of your hard work. Check out these great 2012 Holiday styles that are sure to keep you feeling warm and cozy, no matter how blistering cold this North Dakota winter becomes. You can curl up next to the fire in winter wear featured by Apricot Lane and Lake Girl, or ring in the new year with some sparkle by 3 Chicks Boutique and Proper and Prim.

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y by


aul J. Alan P

y Makeup bic helle Elyse M

Models dies of The La ia Med Spotlight // 35


Lake Girl

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Lake Girl

Lake Girl is based out of Detroit Lakes. You can find Lake Girl online at // 37


Proper and Prim

You can find Proper and Prim at 317 Broadway N, Fargo and find them online at 38 // // 39


Apricot Lane

Steph Apricot Lane

40 //

Alizabeth Apricot Lane

3 Chicks Tracy Boutique

You can find Apricot Lane in West Acres or find them online at // 41

42 //

Proper Kylee and Prim // 43

3 Chicks Kelsey Boutique

You can find 3 Chicks Boutique inside Baker Garden and Gift at 2733 S. University Dr. Fargo. 44 //


Proper and Prim // 45

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ON THE BRAIN With Dietitian Lindsay Vettleson


oderation is key. That might seem a little obvious when you’re talking about your diet but Lindsay Vettleson wants it to be known that moderation

can’t be stressed enough. Vettleson is a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer who specializes in diabetes and weight loss. She works

Interview By: Andrew Jason

Photography: J. Alan Paul Photography

I have a lot of Holiday parties coming up that I would like to have a few beverages at. What are the best choices of alcoholic beverages to sip on without consuming a high amount of empty calories? In comparing calories of alcoholic beverages; 4 ounces wine, 12 ounces light beer and 1.5 ounces of hard liquor each contain 100 calories. The trouble lies in the “mix” part of mixed drinks. Pop, juice and syrups all contain extra calories and carbohydrates. My suggestion is to stick to a dry wine or shot of hard liquor mixed with a non-calorie/non-carbohydrate beverage. When I go to the grocery store, I get overwhelmed with choosing between the fruits and vegetables that are organic and the ones that aren’t. I’ve heard that I should only eat organic produce. Is this true? Fruits and vegetables with soft skin are more susceptible to contain higher levels of pesticides. A list called the “Dirty Dozen” states the top 12 produce with the highest levels of pesticides. Consider purchasing organic fruits and vegetables from the following list: 48 //

for Internal Medicine Associates as well as Valley Bariatric and Wellness Clinic. She is here to tell you how to stay healthy this holiday season.

celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, cherries, potatoes, imported grapes, lettuce and spinach/kale. I’m so busy this time of the year that I’m having problems preparing healthy meals. What advice do you have to keep me eating well? The key is moderation. Enjoy a holiday treat on occasion, but just limit your portion size and try not to overindulge. Remember to bring healthy snacks to work so you won’t be tempted by the goodies in the break room, which you may think are calling out your name! Snacking helps prevent overeating at mealtime. Great snacks include protein with some carbohydrates: cottage cheese with fresh fruit, low fat cheese and whole grain crackers, hummus and pita chips, peanut butter on rice cakes or homemade trail mix with nuts and dried fruits.

Lindsay Vettleson is a registered dietitian. She has been working in this field since she graduated from NDSU in 2003. // 49




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“Positive Motion is all about mind, body, fitness and team building. When going into schools, we want to focus on giving them positive, interactive things to do and good communication skills with people. Rather than saying, ‘don’t do this’ or ‘don’t do that,’ what we try to do is work with the kids and build their self-esteem with productive and focused activity. That way they’re busy and their self-esteem is built up and they can deal with things like bullying, obesity and decisions they have to make.”

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e v i t i s o P MOTIONKasper WITH Patrick Photography by J. Alan Paul • Article by Andrew Jason Patrick Kasper and Positive Motion has helped thousands of children change the way they look at their lives.

Patrick Kasper isn’t afraid to strike a pose. He often does it in front of thousands of teenagers. This audience is one of the toughest crowds a teacher can face. Kasper would have it no other way. // 53

The Beginning The start of Positive Motion began a lot longer than 15 years ago. It goes back to when Kasper was an overweight, shy teenager. One day he got on his bike and found himself at Trollwood Performing Arts School. He enjoyed watching the dancers. He eventually looked up on the hill and saw Kathy and Eddie Gasper running the show. Eddie was standing there in jeans and a Yankee baseball cap, a symbol of a laid back guy. Kasper’s interest was peaked. Next year he tried out at Trollwood and made the show. Kathy Gasper saw Kasper in the show and recognized his potential, although Kasper will be the first to admit that he was no good. The Gasper’s then gave him a scholarship to learn dance and he dedicated himself completely to his new found art. That bike ride forever changed his life.

Changing lives one class at a time However, the story of Positive Motion is so much more than the story of Patrick Kasper. Whether it’s a 4,500 person national FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America) conference held in a

54 //

giant theatre or a class of kindergarteners, Positive Motion is out to positively affect the lives of children everywhere. “Hopefully if they’re filled with Positive Motion then they’ll have the ability to make intelligent and productive decisions,” Kasper said. “…I do a lot of interactive movements during the exercises so they really relate to other people and get energy from other people around them. Hopefully they get that energy and share it.” Through large portion sides and less activity, childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic. According to the Dakota Medical Foundation, in a class of 25 FM students, eight will be overweight. That’s why the work of Positive Motion is so important. Patrick Kasper and Positive Motion are making kids get out there, get active and get healthy. Afterall, Kasper makes a good point with this simple theory.

“It’s hard to eat a bowl of chili while running on a treadmill.”


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Julie Garden-Robinson Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D.

Julie is a professor and food and nutrition specialist with the NDSU Extension Service

HOLIDAY EATING Moderation is key


couple years ago, I bought a glass gingerbread chef decoration with a removable plate. I filled the plate with 50 red, green and gold foil-wrapped miniature candy bars that looked like festive little presents. I told my family that the candy bars were “for decoration only.” I don’t think they heard me. Within three days, only one bar remained. No one ever eats “the last piece” in our house. I teased my family by conducting an investigation. I unsuccessfully looked for telltale melted chocolate

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smudges on their faces. I couldn’t detect chocolate on their breath, either. They each admitted they had “a couple of bars.” OK, I confessed that I snuck two bars from the plate myself. That accounted for 10 bars. Someone ate at least a couple dozen bars. Tempting holiday treats are hard to resist. Unfortunately, calories from little treats can add pounds to our frame. In theory, without compensating exercise, 3,500 extra calories from any food or beverage adds a pound of body fat.


GAIN how much weight do we


esearch has shown most people are not gaining as much weight as was once believed. The average weight gain is about a pound during the winter holiday season; however, some people gain more than the average, according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine. Once weight is added, it’s often hard to subtract. Researchers found that the 165 subjects in their study did not lose the extra weight they gained from



gain at holiday time?

Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. In fact, by the following year, some of the subjects had gained an additional half pound. In 10 years, that small 1.5-pound yearly weight gain adds up to 15 pounds. Continuing to accumulate extra weight can lead to obesity, which is linked to diabetes, heart disease, joint problems and other health issues.

Avoid the winter bulge!

Plan ahead for parties. Have a snack such as an apple or banana at home so you’re not “starving” by party time. Or have a large glass of water or a bowl of broth-based soup. Position yourself across the room from the buffet line or snack table. Beware of high-calorie beverages, such as alcoholic drinks. Limit yourself to one beverage of choice, then switch to calorie-free beverages such as water. Spend more time visiting than eating. After all, talking with your mouth full is not polite.

Use a small plate or gather your goodies on a cocktail napkin. This may help deter you from choosing drippy, high-fat foods. Fill your plate with fruits, vegetables and whole-grain crackers. High-fiber foods are filling and lower in calories. If you’re the chef, use lower-calorie ingredients such as reduced-fat cream cheese, salad dressing and sour cream in place of “regular” versions. Contribute to the party by offering to bring the fruit or vegetable tray. Bundle up and get some regular, moderate exercise. // 57

Steve Walker

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NEW EXCLUSIVE FRAMES Dr. Mark and Deb just returned from the International Vision Expo with the latest frame styles and unique eyewear designs. At the Expo Deb hand-picked, from over 5,000 frame lines from 14 different countries, the perfect frames for her Optique.





kylee seifert



b e l COaHNSON J

Caleb johnson was once a tough fighting sioux but now he’s out to make your life healthier. Find out how to eat like an athlete from this health nut.


ormer University of North Dakota wide receiver, Caleb Johnson, spills about his power diet. OK, before you make any judgements about his choice of college football team, give the guy a chance. We like to think he has converted over to the green and gold side, at least for this article we will pretend he has. This YMCA Healthy Living Director is surrounded by active people from the second he walks into work until the moment he leaves. This makes leading a healthy life quite a bit easier. Here is his healthy guide to eating, drinking and staying on top of your motivation.



Breakfast Oatmeal with crushed almonds and raspberries or blackberries. Eggs, eggs, eggs!

Lunch Anything leftover from the night before. Turkey sandwich on bagel thins.

Dinner Stir-fry, anything with chicken and tilapia. (I have my girlfriend to thank for the delicious meals.)



My motivation comes simply from staying competitive. Working in a fitness center is motivation in itself. It’s encouraging to see others have success with their fitness goals. My family and friends are also a huge source of motivation for me. If my mom makes it to the Y for more workouts than me in a week, I usually hear about it.

I stick with water, Gatorade, Powerade or lemonade. No pop for me!


FAVORITE QUOTE TO LIVE BY “Do what’s right. Do your best. Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

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