Focus On Magazine - Edition 2, 2015

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Edition 2, 2015

Natural Arthritis Treatments Probiotics For Weight Loss The Causes of Depression




rthritis is a debilitating disease that affects almost 1 in 5 Australians. It is often referred to as a single disease but is in fact a collective term given to a range of diseases; the most common being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation in joints, which may lead to joint weakness, instability, and deformations that affect a person’s ability to perform even the most basic daily tasks, like opening a jar or turning a door knob. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis have different causes. Osteoarthritis results from damage to the joints and/ or general wear and tear over time. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is an autoimmune condition whereby the immune system ‘overreacts’ and attacks the delicate tissue surrounding the joints, leading to the symptoms of arthritis.

Despite the differences, there are some common strategies you can employ in order to reduce the symptoms associated with the conditions. Lose Weight

Losing weight means that much less stress will be placed on your weight-bearing joints (ankles, knees, hips, and vertebrae) when you perform everyday tasks. This may decrease further damage to the joints that results from simply carrying around excess weight. Furthermore, since excess bodyfat results in greater levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the body, which make arthritis worse, losing weight will lower the level of these chemical messengers too. Exercise Regularly Regular exercise is enormously beneficial for arthritis sufferers. Even though it

Losing weight means that much less stress will be placed on your weight-bearing joints.” was previously thought exercise would aggravate the condition, research has demonstrated that it actually reduces the symptoms associated with the condition by reducing inflammation in the body and promoting joint lubrication. However, it is important that you select the type of exercise that best suits your body. For example, a person with osteoarthritis in their knee joints may want to minimise or avoid running on hard surfaces. In this case, non-weightbearing activities may be best, i.e. swimming, rowing, and cycling.


Engaging in activities you enjoy may help to distract you from some of the pain you may be experiencing.“

Improve Your Dietary Habits Even though there is no single diet that has been proven to cure arthritis and there is no evidence that eating ‘acidic foods’, like tomatoes, can aggravate the condition, making healthier food choices can certain help relieve the symptoms of arthritis in several ways. Healthier foods may assist your weight-loss efforts, which, as mentioned earlier, will reduce the stress being placed on your joints. Also, by including anti-inflammatory foods in your diet the severity of arthritic symptoms may be dramatically reduced. Omega-3s from fish, flax seeds, walnuts, and green leafy vegetables, or their equivalent oils, are certainly worthwhile including in your diet. Garlic, ginger, turmeric, rosemary, and cloves are also beneficial in reducing inflammation in your body. It is also worthwhile avoiding sugar and high-sugar foods, processed foods, refined grains, trans fats, and cooking oils at high temperatures. These tend to cause greater inflammation in the body. Reduce Stress Stress is our response to fear or pressure. It tends to be a common part of everyday life for most people. The problem for arthritis sufferers is that it may lead to muscle tension and by doing so, cause pain in the joints. Therefore, it is beneficial to be aware of when you’re feeling stressed by recognising the signs. Then you can take the steps necessary to lower your stress levels or at least help your body deal with stress more effectively. Some strategies that have been found to be useful include: breathing techniques, meditation, relaxation 4

strategies, or using stress-relieving supplements, like BCN’s Rhodiola Advanced. Also, if muscle tension is a problem for you, then you may want to use a magnesium supplement, like BCN’s Rest & Replenish. Manage Pain Pain is often associated with arthritis and for some sufferers of the condition it is something they have to deal with on a daily basis. Nevertheless, pain doesn’t have to control your life, especially if your employ some of the strategies here. However, it is important to keep in mind that what works for one person may or may not work for another, so it is best to work with your healthcare practitioner to determine the best approach for you. Using a hot or cold pack (depending on your type of arthritis) placed over the painful joint(s), may provide relief as does having a hot or cold shower. Engaging in activities you enjoy may help to distract you from some of the pain you may be experiencing. Also, using pain-relieving natural supplements may be beneficial.

Some of these include, glucosamine/ chondroitin combinations, boswelia, and curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric), which is found in highly bioavailable forms in BCN’s Relieve Turmeric Forte+ and InflammaCALM. Even though arthritis may be something you need to manage for the rest of your life, by following the natural treatment strategies mentioned here, you should be able to make it relatively easy to deal with.

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May also assist in:THE WAY NATU • Symptomatic relief of medically diagnosed IBS • Reducing the symptoms of bloating, gas or flatulence • Restoring the levels of friendly bacteria that may have been disrupted when taking a course of antibiotics


WEIGHTLOSS By Peter Dingle, PhD


robiotics are the beneficial bacteria that help our bodies maintain the right balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in our digestive system. We have some 140 trillion bacteria in our gut, over a kilo in weight, which is known collectively as our gut flora. The gut flora aids in the digestion of food, provides a constant supply of nutrients, such as B vitamins and amino acids, produces important substances such as vitamin K, improves mineral absorption, and helps the body fight off harmful bacteria. These good bacteria are essential for a healthy gut and crucial to our overall health, wellbeing and weight loss.


Research during the past 10 years has shown that probiotics play an important role in weight gain and obesity. Disruptions in gut microbiota composition and function are increasingly implicated as a cause of weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. The probiotics in our gut can influence both our hunger and food cravings, primarily through our genes. A breakthrough paper published in the top scientific journal, Nature, in December 2006 reported that microbial populations in the gut are different between obese and lean people, and that when obese people lost weight, their microflora reverted back to that observed 6

Gut bacteria can improve our weight control through a number of mechanisms, including communicating with our genes and controlling our eating behaviours and cravings.” in a lean person, suggesting that obesity may have a microbial component. Since then, hundreds of studies have linked healthy probiotics with healthy weight and weight loss—primarily through changing how the genes are expressed. A study with 50 pregnant women revealed that women who experienced excessive weight gain during pregnancy had more Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria in their guts, and fewer bifidobacteria (good bacteria) than women with normal weight gain during pregnancy. Similarly, studies show that long courses of taking antibiotics (which destroy the good gut bacteria) put babies and toddlers at higher risk of obesity when they grow up. The research shows that low doses of penicillin early in life can alter natural populations of gut microbes, which in turn may affect metabolism and lead to higher rates of obesity later in life. Studies have found that children who had antibiotics before six months of age were more likely to be overweight as seven-year-olds than those who did not.

HOW PROBIOTICS IMPROVE WEIGHT LOSS Gut bacteria can improve our weight control through a number of mechanisms, including communicating with our genes and controlling our eating behaviours and cravings. They do this through changes in gene expression and cellular reactions in the human intestine. It seems that the bacteria within us, which can affect both our cravings and moods to get us to eat what they (the bacteria) want, are driving us toward obesity. The microbes influence human eating behaviour and dietary choices to favour consumption of the particular nutrients on which they grow best, rather than simply passively living off whatever nutrients we choose to send their way. Bacterial species vary in nutrient requirements—some prefer fat and others sugar, for instance. The gut bacteria may be affecting our eating decisions in part by acting

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DIETARY AND LIFESTYLE FACTORS WHICH CAN DISRUPT THE BALANCE OF THE GOOD BACTERIA, INCLUDE: •  Antibiotics •  Medications, including many over-the-counter drugs •  A diet consisting predominantly of processed foods •  Overeating and poor eating habits •  Illness •  Food poisoning •  Stress •  Food additives and preservatives •  Smoking and excess alcohol •  Drugs •  Household antibacterial washes and cleaning products •  Exposure to toxic substances

“Good” gut bacteria lead to a reduction in weight and food cravings while the “bad” bacteria lead to weight gain and food cravings.” through the vagus nerve, as it connects 100 million nerve cells from the digestive tract to the base of the brain. The metabolic products of the gut microbiota, including short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and amino acids, may also be important modulators underlying the development of obesity and weight gain. It appears that microbes have the capacity to manipulate behaviour and mood through altering the neural signals in the vagus nerve, changing taste receptors, producing toxins to make us feel bad, and releasing chemical rewards to make us feel good when we feed them what they want. 8

In one study the mean weight loss in women in the probiotic supplementing group was significantly higher than that of women in the placebo group after the first 12 weeks. Women in the probiotic group continued to lose body weight and fat mass during the weight-maintenance period, whereas opposite changes were observed in the placebo group. The probiotic-induced weight loss in women was associated not only with significant reductions in fat mass, but also with the relative abundance of “healthy” bacteria.


In another study, treatment with Bifidobacterium significantly decreased fat mass in obese and diabetic mice as well as improved glucose tolerance. In other studies with mice, altering the gut bacteria led to the mice taking on the characteristics of the gut bacteria. “Good” gut bacteria lead to a reduction in weight and food cravings while the “bad” bacteria lead to weight gain and food cravings.


It has also been suggested that gut microbiota may underlie the increased

risk for mental illness associated with obesity. In one study, changing the healthy bacteria to “obesogenic” bacteria in healthy mice disrupted exploratory, cognitive, and normal behaviours and increased inflammation in the brain of the mice.


It is relatively easy to improve your gut flora and therefore lose weight and improve your overall body functioning. The first step is to avoid the dietary and lifestyle factors that negatively affect the good bacteria (mentioned in the bullet points). The next step is to include more foods in your diet that contain the good bacteria. These include, yoghurt, sauerkraut, kefir, and other fermented foods. You may also want to use a high-quality probiotic supplement, like Healthy Essentials’ Broad Spectrum Probiotic 10. Another good option is BCN’s Nature’s Health Tonic. It is a great-tasting and refreshing probiotic liquid concentrate. Simply add 20mls to a glass of water and enjoy. Not only does it give you a healthy dose of 7 strains of good bacteria, but it also provides you with the nutrient content of coconut water or green tea!



facts! Depression

…and how to treat them successfully


ither directly or indirectly, depression is a condition that touches us all. It is experienced by approximately 10 to 15 percent of adults every year and rates are predicted to increase over the next decade. Depression is commonly treated with antidepressant medications and psychological therapy, which are both reasonably effective. Unfortunately, they are far from perfect with research indicating that approximately 30 percent of people receive no benefit from these treatments. From a biological standpoint, the most commonly-held belief is that depression is associated with a deficiency in certain brain chemicals (or neurotransmitters). These neurotransmitters help transmit information across the brain and can influence mood and behaviour. Serotonin is one neurotransmitter that is particularly implicated in depression. Low levels, or a reduced sensitivity to serotonin, are believed to impact on mood, leading to feelings of sadness, a lack of drive, sleep problems, appetite changes, irritability, plus many more. To combat this problem, serotonin deficiency is treated with antidepressant medications known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Prozac®, Lexapro®, and Zoloft®. Over the past decade researchers have confirmed that biological factors associated with depression are more complex than the simple neurotransmitter deficiency theory.

Depression is actually caused by several physiological disturbances associated with inflammation, a hypersensitive stress response, free radical damage, and neurodegeneration. Inflammation In terms of inflammation, it is now confirmed that on the whole, people with depression have greater inflammation. Certain proteins in the blood called cytokines and C-reactive protein are increased during times of inflammation. People with depression have consistently higher levels of these markers compared

to non-depressed individuals. While acute (short-term) inflammation is necessary for healing and recovery, chronic (long-term) inflammation can affect the brain. In fact, inflammation can actually lower levels of serotonin. So it is possible that the lower levels of serotonin in people with depression may actually be caused by inflammation. Oxidation Free radicals are unstable molecules circulating in our body. When levels of free radicals are consistently elevated, they can damage cells, tissues, and 11

IMPROVE YOUR MOOD ...naturally!

organs. Antioxidants combat free radicals so that they do not run rampant in our body. Unfortunately, people with depression have higher free radicals, and lower antioxidant levels. This creates a condition known as ‘oxidative stress’, which can affect brain function and possibly mood. Stress Our fight or flight response is part of our stress response. When danger is real, this stress response is important as it helps our body to get ready to fight or flight. Hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are increased during times of stress, and have the effect of mobilising our internal organs to do the necessary tasks they need to do to protect ourselves. The problem is that when this stress response

is turned on for too long it can damage our organs, including our brain. On the whole, people with depression have an increased (hypersensitive) stress response. All these mentioned biological factors can significantly affect our brain function. Low levels of neurotransmitters, increased inflammation, oxidative stress, and a hypersensitive stress response can lead to degeneration in certain parts of the brain. In fact, the longer someone suffers from depression, or the more episodes they experience, the greater the brain damage. To make matters worse, people with depression have lower levels of brain-protective proteins, called neurotrophins. So what can be done to reverse these physiological disturbances? Well, our lifestyle is extremely important. Eating a healthy diet, with lots of healthy fats, lean protein, and complex carbohydrate as well as having low levels of takeaway or ‘artificial’ foods will greatly improve these disturbances. Eating foods high in antioxidants is also crucial. These












St John’s Wort


S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)






Omega-3 fish oil Pharmaceutical antidepressant e.g., SSRI

* Greater number of ticks indicate greater potency on physiological process




include fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. Getting an adequate amount of sleep is also really important as sleep seems to restore some of these hormones to normal levels. Exercise, relaxation practice, reducing unnecessary stresses, and engaging in pleasant activities are also extremely important as they can all balance hormones and chemicals in our body associated with mood. Limiting alcohol intake to safe levels, and stopping nicotine or other drug intake, also plays a big part in balancing our system. Recent research shows that getting enough sunshine and ensuring we have good levels of vitamin D in our body is also important. While medications can influence some of these hormones and chemicals, and are beneficial for many people, they are often quite specific in their function. That’s because they have been ‘artificially’ created to help balance our system. Practitioners of natural medicine believe that consuming substances in their ‘natural’ form is the best way to balance our body. In their whole, natural form they may have several influences on the body and therefore can target many of the biological disturbances that are commonly found in depression. Some of the most common natural ingredients with good supportive research include saffron, St John’s wort, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil), and even curcumin (from turmeric). In the table, the positive effects that these different compounds have in balancing the disturbed physiological processes associated with depression are summarised. While depression is a common condition suffered by many people, there are effective treatments available. Given the complexity of depression, a simple ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution is unlikely to be the most effective. Treatment should be multi-targeted comprising psychological, lifestyle, nutritional, and biological treatments.

Suffering from mood swings? Want to maintain a positive, healthy mood?

BCN’s Saffron Ultra May Help to Maintain a Positive, Healthy Mood and May Relieve Mood Swings! Saffron has a long history of use as a medicine and has traditionally been used in Persian herbal medicine as a calming agent. Saffron may help maintain wellbeing and a positive, healthy mood, and assist in the management of mood swings. It may also be beneficial during times of stress and may help promote mood balance. Saffron may also be used as an eye formula to support healthy eye function.

BCN’s Saffron Ultra may help to: Maintain a positive and healthy mood Assist in the management of mood swings Support healthy eye function Relieve stress

Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904


4 4 4 4

IMPROVE YOUR MOOD ...naturally!

Depression and Gut Health


It is imperative that researchers discover novel ways to reduce the incidence of depression without necessarily resorting to antidepressant medications.”


y 2020 it is estimated that depression will be second to heart disease as a major cause of morbidity worldwide. Therefore, it is imperative that researchers discover novel ways to reduce the incidence of depression without necessarily resorting to antidepressant medications. Although helpful for many people, these drugs are associated with a high rate of side effects. In fact, almost a third of users in clinical trials experience side effects from antidepressant use. Furthermore, Australia has become the second highest prescriber of antidepressant medication with prescription rates doubling between 2001 and 2011! Therefore, finding alternatives to antidepressant medication is the primary focus of many mental health researchers. However, it is important that we look for effective and safe strategies to address the underlying causes of depression rather than simply looking for ways to mask the symptoms. There is a growing area of interest of mental health researchers and it is the relationship between the gut and brain, and the effect that each has on each other. Although this area of research is in its infancy, there does appear to be a relationship between depression and poor gut health, especially since depression is associated with gut conditions, like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Furthermore, high stress levels contribute to gastrointestinal hyperpermeability (‘leaky gut’), which also seems to influence brain function. Plus, animal studies shows that a sterile gut (a gut with no bacteria) leads to an overactive stress response (known as the HPA axis response). This stress response can be lowered by the addition of a single strain of ‘good’ bacteria! Therefore, if future research proves that improving gut health does reduce the symptoms of depression, then healthcare practitioners around the world can offer probiotics, prebiotics, healthy foods, and other natural products to their patients as a simple, inexpensive, and healthy way to improve their depressive symptoms. Best of all, this strategy is associated with far fewer side effects when compared to conventional treatments using antidepressant medication and provides a range of additional health benefits.

Feeling Tense? Mind Racing?

BCN’s Tranquil Mind May Help to Relieve Nervous Tension and Mild Anxiety! BCN’s Tranquil Mind contains the amino acid theanine, derived from Green Tea. Theanine may have a relaxing effect on the mind and help relieve nervous tension and mild anxiety. Theanine may also help with sleep and green tea is a potent antioxidant that may assist with the body’s antioxidant defences Contain s Theanin e

BCN’s Tranquil Mind may help to: Relieve nervous tension and mild anxiety Induce relaxation Relax the mind Improve sleep Assist with the body’s antioxidant defences

Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904

CHC43032-05/13 CHC42143-08/11

4 4 4 4 4




eurotransmitters are chemicals in our brain that help transmit information across neurons. Some neurotransmitters are classified as inhibitory neurotransmitters, others are excitatory, and some are both. Excitatory neurotransmitters such as glutamate and noradrenaline stimulate the brain, while inhibitory neurotransmitters calm the brain. Inhibitory neurotransmitters include serotonin and gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA). Each of these neurotransmitters have different influences on mood, behaviour, and motivation. The neurotransmitter, GABA, is the focus of this article as it can have profound effects on mood and sleep. GABA is the main neurotransmitter linked to anxiety. In fact, GABA levels are targeted by pharmaceutical anti-anxiety medications called benzodiazepines. By increasing GABA, these medications have the effect of calming the brain, reducing excessive overthinking, and also calming the body. Unfortunately, the problem with benzodiazepines is they can be quite addictive and people can build up a tolerance to them very quickly. This means that greater dosages are often needed over time; with this comes greater side effects. 16

DEFICIENCIES IN GABA ARE ASSOCIATED WITH SEVERAL SYMPTOMS INCLUDING 99 Feelings of anxiousness or panic 99 Feelings of inner tension and inner excitability 99 Feelings of being overwhelmed 99 Restless mind/ unable to turn mind off 99 Excessive worrying 99 Insomnia

Currently there is no reliable physical test to determine whether someone has a deficiency in GABA. It is simply impossible to get inside someone’s brain to measure GABA levels, so the best way to guess whether someone is low in GABA is to consider their symptoms. If you suffer from two or more of the above symptoms, GABA deficiency could be a problem for you.


GABA is likely influenced by a range of biological, psychological, and lifestyle factors. Genetics probably plays a part as

anxiety-related disorders and insomnia run in families. Our coping skills are also important. If you try to cope with things by trying to analyse everything you are more likely to stimulate excitatory neurotransmitters, rather than the inhibitor ones like GABA. Too much or too little exercise likely influences GABA levels as does eating an unhealthy diet. Consuming artificial foods, colours, and ingredients as well as drinking too much caffeine will negatively affect GABA levels. Interestingly, alcohol increases GABA levels in the brain. This is why at moderate levels, alcohol can have a relaxing effect. While this may sound like good news for many people, chronic, excessive alcohol consumption likely negatively affects GABA function over time. So, no more than 1 to 2 standard drinks a day is recommended. Sleep also affects GABA levels. The problem is that while low GABA adversely affects sleep (due to a racing mind), poor sleep also negatively affects GABA concentrations in the brain. A downward cycle then develops, where one adversely affects the other.

HOW TO INCREASE GABA IN THE BRAIN As discussed earlier, GABA can be increased with medications and alcohol.

When Was the Last Time You Had a Quality Night’s Sleep?

BCN’s Rest and Replenish (R&R) May Help to Promote Restful Sleep R&R contains ingredients that may provide relief from insomnia and help support a quality night’s sleep. It also contains magnesium which may provide relief from muscle cramps and spasms, aid muscle recovery from physical activity, and reduce the risk of magnesium deficiency.

BCN’s Rest and Replenish (R&R) may help to: Promote restful sleep Provide relief from insomnia Allow you to wake up refreshed Relieve muscle cramps and spasms Aid muscle recovery

Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904


4 4 4 4 4

However, these certainly are not ideal long-term solutions as they are associated with several adverse effects. Learning relaxation and meditation will likely help, and engaging in pleasant activities that calm the body will also increase GABA concentrations. Engaging in regular exercise and eating a healthy diet, comprising natural, ‘real’ foods is also important. There are also several natural compounds that can increase GABA concentrations. In most countries except Australia, GABA can be purchased as a supplement. While some people claim that this helps, there are no good-quality studies 18

Learning relaxation and meditation will likely help and engaging in pleasant activities that calm the body will also increase GABA concentrations.” confirming the anti-anxiety benefits of GABA supplementation. In fact studies have confirmed that the GABA molecule is actually too large to get into the brain; it cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. Fortunately, there are several

supplements that can increase GABA concentrations in the brain. These include magnesium, taurine, theanine and glycine. The muscle relaxing effects of magnesium are well-known as research confirms that magnesium can have several physical effects in our body. While magnesium does not increase GABA directly, it seems to increase the sensitivity of GABA receptors in the brain. This means that the GABA that is already in our brain becomes more effective in calming brain function. Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea and also seems to influence GABA levels. Interestingly, taking theanine with caffeine reduces the stimulating effect of caffeine, probably due to theanine’s effect on GABA. Theanine also positively influences the neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine, which are both associated with mood. Taurine and glycine are amino acids that can also influence GABA concentrations in the brain. Ironically, because taurine is found in energy drinks many people wrongly believe that it has a stimulating effect. However, the stimulating effects of these energy drinks are primarily due to the caffeine and sugar concentrations. Taurine is actually very calming and assists relaxation and sleep through its effect in boosting GABA nerve transmission. Glycine, which is an amino acid, is also an inhibitory neurotransmitter that is naturally found in our brain. Glycine can make receptors in the brain more sensitive to GABA, leading to increased relaxation. Glycine has actually been shown in several studies to have antianxiety effects and there are numerous studies confirming that it is effective in reducing insomnia and increasing sleep efficiency. Glycine, magnesium, and taurine are all found in BCN’s Rest and Replenish, which has been designed to improve sleep and increase relaxation. Theanine is found in BCN’s Tranquil Mind. While theanine can be ingested by drinking green tea, you would need to drink a lot of it to have an immediate effect on GABA levels. In fact, 2 capsules of BCN’s Tranquil Mind contains more theanine than 25 cups of green tea!




Volunteers are needed for a study on curcumin and saffron for the treatment of depression

Curcumin (from turmeric) and saffron are spices believed to have several health benefits and are receiving increased attention for the treatment of a range of health problems. Recent research has shown that both these spices have moodlifting effects and there are promising findings for the treatment of depression. The aim of this study is to investigate the antidepressant effects of either curcumin only capsules, or a combination

of curcumin and saffron capsules for the treatment of people with depression. As a result, we are seeking volunteers suffering from depression to participate in this 12-weeks study. Volunteers must be aged between the ages of 18 and 65 years, be living within 60 km of the Perth metropolitan region (travel to Murdoch University is not required), be of good general health, and not currently taking any medications (except for antidepressant medications or the contraceptive pill). Volunteers will be randomly allocated to take either (1)

curcumin, (2) curcumin/saffron, or (3) placebo capsules daily for 12 weeks and be willing to participate in a 20-minute interview with the investigator (by phone). They must also be willing to complete brief questionnaires every 4 weeks and provide a morning urine and blood sample at the beginning and end of the study. These samples will be collected in the comfort of your home, so no travel is required. This is a study undertaken through Murdoch University and has been approved by the Murdoch University Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval No 2014/241).

DOES YOUR CHILD SUFFER FROM ADHD OR SIGNIFICANT ATTENTION PROBLEMS? Volunteers are needed for a study on curcumin for the treatment of youth attention problems Research has shown that ADHD is caused by several psychological and physical factors. One potential cause relates to damage associated with an imbalance in free radicals and antioxidants. Free radicals are unstable molecules that naturally occur in our body but in recent research it has been shown that people with ADHD have high levels of free radicals and low concentrations of free radial-fighting antioxidants. We are interested to learn whether

providing a potent antioxidant, through a natural supplement, called curcumin (derived from the spice turmeric), can be a potential treatment for children and adolescents with ADHD or significant attention and concentration problems. Volunteers must be aged between 6 and 14 years, be suffering from significant attention and concentration problems, be of good general health, not currently taking any medications, are able to swallow small capsules, and living within 60 km

of the Perth metropolitan region (travel to Murdoch University is not required). Volunteers will be randomly allocated to take either curcumin or placebo capsules daily for 12 weeks, and parents must be willing to complete brief, monthly questionnaires. A morning urine sample will also be collected at the beginning and completion of the study. This study has received approval by the Murdoch University Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval No 2015/002).

For further information or to express your interest, contact Dr Adrian Lopresti on email: or phone 08 9248 6904.

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5 Conditions That Can Be Treated With


robiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for our health, particularly for our digestive system. Furthermore, recent research now confirms that probiotics may be helpful for a range of diseases and medical conditions. These micro-organisms, which can be delivered in supplemental form, have a range of benefits in our body and some of their benefits are reviewed below.

hormone, cortisol. Interest in probiotics to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems is increasing rapidly as research confirms that probiotics can increase levels of serotonin and GABA, and lower levels of cortisol. Preliminary research has confirmed that probiotics can have positive effects on one’s mood[2].




Several human-based studies have confirmed that probiotic supplementation can improve blood glucose control. Blood sugar imbalance can be harmful to our body, causing significant strain on our organs. Probiotics are great news for diabetics who have difficulty keeping blood sugar levels within a healthy range. In a recent analysis of seventeen randomised controlled trials, researchers concluded that the modification of gut microbiota by probiotic supplementation may be a method for preventing and controlling hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar) in clinical practice[1].


Mental health problems such as depression and anxiety are believed to be associated with disturbances in several brain chemicals and hormones. These include serotonin, GABA, and our stress 22

The fact that the majority of our immune system is located in the digestive tract is often overlooked. Improving gut health will therefore have a positive effect on our immune response. Researchers have confirmed that probiotics may help manage upper respiratory tract infections in children and adults[3,4].



Several skin-related conditions are associated with an increased autoimmune and inflammatory response. There are several promising studies demonstrating the benefits of probiotics in reducing the incidence of atopic dermatitis, reducing the severity of acne, and increasing wound healing[5].

ORAL HEALTH 5 IMPROVE Investigation of the effects of

probiotic bacteria on oral health is still in its early stages. However, results show that probiotic bacteria are effective

against tooth decay, periodontal disease, oral mucosal lesions, and bad breath[6]. Although further research is required to help understand the potential benefits of probiotics, the findings so far are very promising. Probiotic supplementation, along with eating a healthy and nutritious diet, are natural and safe ways to improve the health of our body. Probiotic supplementation has traditionally occurred through the intake of probiotic capsules or consumption of fermented foods. However, a new, effective, and simple way to supplement with probiotics is to consume drinks containing live probiotic strains. BCN’s Nature’s Health Tonic is a tasty, liquid concentrate that can be added to water to create a nutrient-rich, probiotic, everyday drink. It contains 6 billion probiotic bacteria strains per serve and is suitable for the whole family. References 1.

Ruan, Y., et al (2015) Effect of Probiotics on Glycemic Control: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 10;10(7):e0132121.


Dinan, T.G. et al (2013) Psychobiotics: a novel class of psychotropic. Biol Psychiatry. 2013 Nov 15;74(10):720-6.


Hao, Q. et al. (2015) Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Feb 3;2:CD006895.


de Araujo, G.V. et al. (2015) Probiotics for the treatment of upper and lower respiratory-tract infections in children: systematic review based on randomized clinical trials. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2015 Jun 6. pii: S0021-7557(15)00068-6.


Baquerizo Nole K.L. et al. (2014) Probiotics and prebiotics in dermatology. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Oct;71(4):814-21.


Gungor, O.E., et al (2015) Probiotics: can they be used to improve oral health? Benef Microbes. 2015 Jun 30:1-10. 23

HEALTH FACTS! Curcumin may reduce pancreatic cancer risk Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all cancer types. Therefore, finding novel ways to reduce the development and spread of cancer in the body is extremely beneficial. Population studies have shown that curcumin, one of the active ingredients in turmeric, is associated with a decreased incidence of certain types of cancer. A recent study published in Molecular Medicine Reports found that curcumin was able to induce apoptosis (cell death) of pancreatic cancer cells by stimulating genes that affect the expression of specific enzymes. Curcumin also inhibited other enzymes responsible for cell proliferation. This study demonstrated the antineoplastic (stops tumour development) effect of curcumin and justifies further investigation into its usefulness for cancer prevention and treatment.

Reference: Zhao, Z., Li, C., Xi, H., Gao, Y., Xu, D. (2015). Curcumin induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells through the induction of forkhead box O1 and inhibition of the PI3K/Akt pathway. Molecular Medicine Reports.

Magnesium deficiency linked to depression A paper published earlier this year in the Internal Medicine Journal found that magnesium deficiency may be linked to depression. The paper was a systematic review and metaanalysis. This means that all the high-quality research studies were compiled together and reviewed in order to come to a definitive conclusion. Furthermore, the results of the studies were analysed statistically in order to try and determine patterns between the studies. The results suggest that there may be a relationship between magnesium deficiency and depression. However, whether supplementation with magnesium can help treat depression is yet to be assessed. Nevertheless, the results of this review certainly look promising. Reference: Cheungpasitporn, W., Thongprayoon, C., Mao, M.A., Srivali, N., Ungprasert, P., Varothai, N., Sanguankeo, A., Kittanamongkolchai, W., Erickson, S.B. (2015). Hypomagnesaemia linked to depression: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Internal Medicine Journal. Apr;45(4):436-40.


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Rhodiola may increase lifespan Researchers have found that a unique herb, Rhodiola rosea, which grows primarily in the extremely cold temperatures around the Arctic Circle, has the effect of increasing the lifespan of flies, worms, and yeasts. Whether or not this extends to humans is yet to be proven but it is an interesting concept nonetheless. The mechanism through which Rhodiola is able to extend lifespan is unknown at this stage. However, it appears to be independent of dietary restriction, which has been shown in other research to extend lifespan. Reference: Schriner, S.E., Lee, K., Truong, S., Salvadora, K.T., Maler, S., Nam, A., et al. (2013). Extension of Drosophila Lifespan by Rhodiola rosea through a Mechanism Independent from Dietary Restriction. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63886

Theanine may help to overcome nicotine addiction A study published in the journal, Science China Life Sciences, has found that L-theanine, an amino acid from green tea, may help to overcome nicotine addiction. It works by inhibiting a particular dopamine reward pathway in the brain, normally stimulated by nicotine. This is exciting news for current smokers who want to give up the habit. Furthermore, L-theanine is completely safe and can be used in conjunction with other methods. Even though this study identified the mechanism through which L-theanine works to help overcome nicotine addiction, dosages have yet to be determined. Reference: Di, X., Yan, J., Zhao, Y., Chang, Y., Zhao, B. (2012). L-theanine inhibits nicotine-induced dependence via regulation of the nicotine acetylcholine receptor-dopamine reward pathway. Science China Life Sciences. Dec;55(12):1064-74.


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Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional

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4 Provide temporary relief of arthritic pain 4 Reduce joint swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis 4 Fight against free radical damage 4 Provide temporary relief of the pain of osteoarthritis 4 Increase joint mobility associated with arthritis

PRODUCT REVIEWS ProBlend DairyFree Protein is an essential part of everyone’s diet because it serves so many functions in our body. Some of the best protein sources are animal products because they supply all of the essential amino acids. However, more people are looking for vegetable-based protein sources instead of animal products in order to ensure they consume an adequate amount of protein every day. BCN’s ProBlend Dairy-Free is a high-quality, greattasting, vegetable-based protein powder containing a combination of pea and rice protein. It is a quick, easy, and convenient way to get the extra protein in your diet every day without the problems associated with consuming dairy products or artificial sweeteners.

Pura Veda Pura Veda is a wholesome, nutritious, high-protein food source filled with unprocessed, uncut seeds and grains. It is packed with vitamins, minerals and Omega 3s and 6s. Pura Veda is sweetened with the natural goodness of sun dried raisins and contains no added sugars, salts or fats. It is free from gluten, yeast, wheat, nuts, preservatives, additives, flavourings and genetic modifications. Pura Veda is a high fibre, low GI food and may be used as a delicious breakfast cereal, on salads or on its own.


Bilberry 12,000mg Macula & Eye Health Healthy Essentials Bilberry 12,000mg Macula & Eye Health formula now contains clinically proven high levels of lutein, the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin plus betacarotene, zeaxanthin and much more. This formula may assist with visual acuity & performance, visual fatigue & eye strain and overall healthy eye function. Low allergen formula in a vege cap. Vegan friendly. Available in health food stores nationally.

Thyron Thyroid problems affect up to 10% of the population and are particularly prominent in women over the age of 50. Thyroid problems may result from a number of factors including, nutritional deficiencies and adrenal dysfunction. Thyron contains a range of ingredients that support normal, healthy thyroid function and help relieve the stress that may lead to adrenal dysfunction.

Gastro Forte AG BCN’s Gastro Forte AG contains a prebiotic, soluble fibre called Arabinogalactins, which is derived from the Western Larch tree. It is a potent prebiotic and has been shown to have enormous benefits in supporting the immune system. Gastro Forte AG mixes easily in water or juice or may be added to food. It may also be better tolerated than other dietary fibres.

Nature’s Health Tonic BCN’s Nature’s Health Tonic is a great-tasting liquid concentrate that contains 6 billion ‘good’ bacteria per serve (from 7 strains). It may be added to water or your smoothies. It is a great way to quickly and easily re-inoculate your gut and improve your gut function. It comes in two delicious flavours: •  Green tea and lychee •  Coconut water and lemon myrtle Each provides a range of phytonutrients (nutrients from plants) that offer a range of health benefits, particularly antioxidant benefits, in addition to the probiotic benefits. Furthermore, one serve (20mls) of the organic coconut water concentrate provides the same nutritional content as a 500ml container of coconut water. One serve of the green tea and lychee formula provides all the phytonutrients contained in a cup of green tea!

Broad Spectrum Probiotic 10 Healthy Essentials’ Broad Spectrum Probiotic 10 has 10 strains, 35 billion organisms and a prebiotic. It is also low in d-lactate and is histamine free. Broad Spectrum Probiotic 10 has been scientifically formulated to deliver good bacteria to all areas of the digestive tract. It is formulated using freeze dried form bacteria for a more stable product that does not require refrigeration. It contains clinically proven strains to assist with the symptomatic relief of IBS, bloating and flatulence and is recommended for restoring the levels of friendly bacteria after taking a course of antibiotics. When taken daily it may help maintain a healthy digestive tract and immune system. Available exclusively from health food stores in 30, 60 & 90 vege-caps. 29

Good Reads



By Peter Dingle, PhD and Martine Dingle, ND RRP: $25.00

Calorie counting, low-calorie, low-fat restrictive diets and excessive exercise programs don’t work for the average person. These programs are going against millions of years of evolution and are a total mismatch with what our genes really need. Without considering how our food and lifestyle influences our genes, weight loss is short lived. Learn the key to unlock your genes for weight loss. This program reveals the research that works and how simple changes can translate into big differences to your waist and weight. Learn to differentiate between foods that will switch the genes on for hunger and weight gain and others that increase your body heat, burn calories while you sleep, and make you feel full. Learn how our gut bacteria determine many of our food cravings and how toxins help you hold on to your weight. Learn how our sleep, stress, and busy lifestyles can play havoc with our genes; or why physical activity plays only a small role in weight loss but how changing the time when you are active can work with your genes to burn more calories. This is a unique research program which shows you how to plan for successful weight loss. This book puts it all in perspective, not just giving all the reasons how and why but also giving you an incredible weight loss program. You can’t lose weight unless you speak the right language to your genes! To pick up a copy of Unlock Your Genes For Weight Loss, please visit:


Working with your hands is one of the best ways to soothe anxiety and eliminate stress. This stunning, pocket-sized colouring book offers a practical exercise in mindfulness that draws on your creativity and hones your focus. Beautifully illustrated, The Mindfulness Colouring Book is filled with templates for exquisite scenes and intricate, sophisticated patterns, prompting you to meditate on your artwork as you mindfully and creatively fill these pages with colour. Take a few minutes out of your day, wherever you are, and colour your way to peace and calm.

INVISIBLE ILLNESS: COPING WITH MISUNDERSTOOD CONDITIONS By Dr Megan A. Arroll and Professor Christine P. Dancy RRP: $18.99

Chronic invisible illness affects hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom feel misunderstood and even stigmatised. This book aims to give visibility to misunderstood illnesses, to legitimize them, and to enable people to understand and manage an unpleasant and demoralising illness. Topics include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Body-brain-mind interactions in illness. Psychosocial factors. Misunderstood conditions, such as ME/CFS, IBS, fibromyalgia, migraine, Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS). Effects on work, social life, relationships, etc. Depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbance. Types of fatigue - physical, emotional, and mental. Treatments - medical, psychological, and alternative. Lifestyle measures that may help, e.g. diet, pacing, graded exercise. How to boost confidence. Explaining your condition to others. Asserting yourself with health professionals.

PLANNING YOUR FINANCIAL HEALTH IN RETIREMENT Many Australians will spend more than a quarter of their life in retirement and you’ve probably got a clear vision of how you want your life to be. But, the question from many people is, ‘How much money will I need to maintain my current lifestyle?’



Even though everyone’s lifestyle is different, we can use a very rough ‘rule of thumb’, where we take 65% of our pre-retirement income and multiply it by 20. So, for someone with a desired retirement income of $65,000 per annum, they would need around $1,300,000. This assumes that your retirement assets are not drawn down and that you simply live off the income. In reality most people will draw down their superannuation (or sell other assets) and some people will be eligible for a Government Age Pension too. So, the good news is that you probably won’t need 20 times your desired income.

If this all seems a bit daunting, then it pays to seek financial advice. A good financial planner is worth their weight in gold and they can set you onto the road to a much healthier financial situation in retirement.

THINGS TO CONSIDER In determining what asset base you will need in retirement, consider the following: • Will I pay tax on the income from my assets? For example, if the assets are outside superannuation the income will be taxable. • Can I slowly draw down on my assets? For instance, you can’t slowly sell down an investment property, but you can sell down shares. • Will I receive the Age Pension?

THINK YOU NEED ADVICE? Call Kristy Smith for a consultation today. T + 61 08 9204 2222 M + 61 0457 023 710 Precept Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 67 167 930 741), trading as Precept Financial Services Authorised Representative of Charter Financial Planning, Australian Financial Services Licensee, Licensee Number 234665


B.Bus, B.Econ (Hons), Adv Dip FS (FP)

Authorised Representative

Disclaimer: This document contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information.

HEALTH CHECKS FOR MORTGAGES? Of course getting a regular check up with your local GP is something that most of us do as a matter of course, but what about a health check for your home loan? As your most significant ongoing expense, your mortgage is not something to be complacent about. Interest rates are at an all‐ time low and new products are entering the market every day; loans with better features and greater flexibility than ever before. So, unless you’re keeping up-to-date with all the changes and new products available, the financial consequences to you could be huge if you’re not aware of them! What’s more, your personal circumstances have probably changed since you first secured your mortgage. How do you know if it’s still the best fit for you? Finding savings of $30,000 to $40,000 over the life of a mortgage is not uncommon and if the savings are used to make additional repayments to your home loan you can reduce the loan term by many years. But before you ask your bank for a more suitable loan, first ask yourself, ‘Is my bank manager independent?’ Even though they may have access to a range of loans, they’ll all be from the one bank! To ensure you get the best possible loan, you need someone with broad

market knowledge, independent expertise, and an extensive choice of lenders in their portfolio; you need an experienced and trusted credit advisor. With access to more than 700 loans from over 30 lenders, Rob can cast an expert eye over your current loan and tell you if a review is worthwhile. Best of all, if he finds that a new loan makes good financial sense, he’ll manage the application and approval process from start to finish. All at no cost to you! If you would like to see what other satisfied clients have had to say about Rob, please check out the reviews at

TO BE SURE YOU’RE NOT PAYING TOO MUCH ON YOUR CURRENT LOAN, CONTACT ROB BARTON TODAY ON 0499 658 710. Robert Barton is a credit representative (CR Number 450153) of au Pty Ltd (Australian Credit License No. 384404)

Nature’s Answer For

Good Health! We all know the importance of gut health when it comes to the health of our whole body. Therefore, using a probiotic supplement is enormously beneficial. Best of all, there’s now an easy way to get more ‘good’ bacteria into your body, with BCN’s Nature’s Health Tonic. It is a great-tasting liquid concentrate that contains 6 billion ‘good’ bacteria per serve (from 7 strains). Simply add 20mls to a glass of cold water or your smoothie for a quick and easy way to help re-inoculate your gut and improve your gut function. Even your kids can have it too!

BCN’s Nature’s Health Tonic may help to: 4 Contains 6 billion ‘good’ bacteria per serve (from 7 strains) 4 Suitable for all ages 4 Available in 2 delicious flavours: Coconut water and lemon myrtle & green tea and lychee 4 Provides the phytonutrients content of either 1 cup of green tea or a cup of coconut water 4 May be kept on the shelf until opened 4 37 serves per container

Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Available from selected health food stores and pharmacies or online

For more information visit or call 08 9248 6904

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