POSTAL LICENSE NO : Registered - G-2/RNP/MON/Goa/28/2022-24
JUNE 2022
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12 GOA BUZZ 26 IN FOCUS Massage parlour concept started growing in Goa with the mushrooming of the Ayurvedic massage centres across the state. Slowly the ayurvedic treatment started taking the turn of body massage and with the increase demand it went to become one the...
28 WOMEN EMPOWERMENT born in Mumbai in 1976 Dviti had completed her graduation from Mumbai University in 1997. She is a creative artist and Bharatnatyam dancer. She started her career in sales and marketing, married early, separated, but that did not dilute her...
30 HOT PICKS Located in the by lanes of Panjim City, you would come across one of the most popular restaurants of the current times, The Fisherman’s Wharf. It is nestled in a huge and spacious Portuguese house that...
A Gold Medalist and President's Medal recipient, Deep Madkaikar has always received accolades for his achievements, whether it was for coming 38th in the state in SSC or topper in the state with 5th Rank in HSSC. Deep is a real trend setter in the field of...
36 GOAN TALENT Barkha Naik a Political Science Graduate from Fergusson College, Pune has completed her master's in Film Making from the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Art in Prague. She had an opportunity to work in couple Konkani films and even assisted...
38 YOUNG GOA Johann belongs to a business-family background and he believes that business is in his blood. He believes in breaking the stereotypes of society. To inspire others, he wrote a book on finance and the stock market and he also runs an investment and stock market
40 STARTUP GOA Born in Dubai, UAE, in 1990, Anand had done his schooling and college at St Mary's Catholic School, and college at American College of Dubai. He also did his education in music and even performed with the Emirates Youth Symphony Orchestra...
42 FASHION TRENDS Whether you are travelling to Goa or you live in this tiny state, you cannot avoid the harsh monsoon of this tropical state. This article is all about the fashion trends to be followed during the monsoon time in Goa which includes the dress code, footwear, rainwear and more..
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Editor & Publisher Rajesh Ghadge rajesh@rajeshghadge.com
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GOA PRISM DIGITAL MEDIA North Goa : Vigo Bharati, 501, Suntek Kanaka Corporate Park Patto - Panaji - Goa. 403001 South Goa : FIIRE Business Incubator, Fatorda - Goa. 403602 Call: +91 89990 85172 / 96651 83739 Email: info@goaprism.org To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing the magazine to ensure it is free of any mistakes, any omissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly, please feel free to bring it to our notice. We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us make this publication even better and useful.
After two years of a pandemic which changed everything and has been completely out of our control. For almost two years the whole world went into hibernation mode, resulting in rehabilitation of natural resources. Due to the lockdowns, there was less movement of vehicles, less production and fewer carbon emissions causing the environment to breathe and get back to its normal. There were even incidents of rain even during December and May. It was even reported that our ozone layer's hole had shrunk. Global warming has resulted in frequent rains. And just as the Ozone layer, life has also repaired itself somewhat. We have come back to some interpretation of “normal”. We can now breathe without the fear of getting the virus, although it is still advisable to wear masks as the virus is still here and one needs to be cautious. Normal life is back on track with public transportation being restored and offices have opened up. We are freely visiting cinema halls and restaurants and celebrating just like we used to do before the pandemic was struck. The tourism and hospitality industry has been revived with a boost in business more than double fold, soon after its resumption. Now the monsoons have hit the state, Goa has gone back into its
off-season mode, giving access to many domestic tourists to take advantage of the monsoon packages from the best of the hotels in the state. The monsoon will bring many new things this year for tourists and locals alike, beginning with hinterland tourism. There is a lot to explore in the hinterlands of Goa and it is at its best during the monsoon time. A visit to a spice farm or ferrying in the backwaters of Goa with water-sport activities like kayaking, white water rafting, visits to the waterfalls in Goa and witnessing festivals like Sao Joao. Off-season is supposed to be the best time to visit Goa since you get everything right from the luxurious rooms to mouthwatering cuisine at the best bargaining prices. Flight travel tickets are also very cheap during the monsoon and in fact you are able to witness the real Goa during these rains. So make your monsoon trip plans if you are planning to visit Goa during the off season this year and if you live in Goa then you are lucky because there are many activities this time for Goans. You can also check out some of the best deals and places to visit on our website www.incrediblegoa.org this monsoon and explore Goa like never before. Till next time happy reading…
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Printed, Published & Owned by GOA PRISM DIGITAL MEDIA. Printed at Printek Printers, and Published at Alfran Plaza, M G Road, Panaji – Goa. 403001 India. Editor & Publisher: Rajesh Ghadge
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IHCL Celebrates World Environment Day By Distributing 4000 Plus Saplings Across Its Various Properties in Goa
The IHCL did it once again! After taking forward its journey towards a sustainable future last month they have conducted the plantation and distribution drive of 4000+ saplings across its various properties in Goa. On the occasion of the world environment day, the Indian
Hotels Company (IHCL), one of Goa's largest hospitality players has continued its journey towards sustainable social impact initiatives under the ESG framework “Paathya” based on this year's theme “Only One Earth”. The company has distributed more than 4000 saplings in its
various properties spread across the state of Goa. Speaking on the occasion of the world environment day Mr. Vincent Ramos, Senior vice president – of IHCL Goa spoke o n t h e n e e d f o r implementation of such an initiative. “It is crucial for each of us to work towards every aspect of the triple planetary emergency in order to maintain the balance with nature,” he said adding that IHCL's social and business responsibility is in their DNA. “Under the Paathya initiative“, IHCL will continue to lead its journey towards sustainable practices in a pursuit to create excellence and benchmark in the tourism industry of Goa.” The IHCL has also undertaken the tangible measures under Paathya's six key pillars, I.e. Environmental Stewardship, Social Responsibility,
Excellence in Governance, Preserving Heritage, Value Chain Transformation, and Sustainable Growth and they have set the goal for a longterm and short-term basis to fulfill the same by 2030. Under the Paathya, IHCL will continue its journey towards creating a better tomorrow with multiple initiatives including Earth Check Certification, Waste Management, Green Footprint, EV Charging, Energy Conservation, Livelihood Impact, and Heritage. The term Paathya ( ) has been derived from a Sanskrit term, inferring a path, that aims to lead positive change guided by IHCL's core values of Trust of all stakeholders, Awareness around the needs of our ecosystem, and Joy at heart.
AIC-GIM Foundation to disburse Rs 9 crores to Goa Startups Established under the aegis of Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog, AIC-GIM Foundation is a sector agnostic Startup Incubator based in Goa Institute of Management campus. Startup India, Government of India has selected AIC-GIM Foundation to disburse Seed Funds to Startups. AIC-GIM Foundation will disburse approx Rs 5 crores to about 16 certified Startups. AIC GIM will disburse up toRs 20 Lakhs as Grant or up toRs 50 Lakhs through Debt instruments to each Startup. Ministry of Electronics & I n f o r m a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y (MeITY) Startup Hub, Government of India has selected AIC-GIM as the 12 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
Implementation partner for SAMRIDH, MEITY flagship scheme to support & accelerate Startups. MeITY’s SAMRIDH Scheme aims to scale 300 Indian startups. Under SAMRIDH, AIC-GIM Foundation will select 8 Goa based startups. The pivotal component of SAMRIDH scheme is to Investors & Investment upto Rs 40 lakhs each to the eight selected Startups. Speaking on these latest updates at AIC-GIM, Professor Ajit Parulekar, Director Goa Institute of Management said “Startup Funding plays a pivotal part in building a vibrant Startup Ecosystem. Since Rajesh Joshi joined as CEO in January
2021, building a better startup Ecosystem has been our Mission. In line with this mission, AIC-GIM launched different initiatives & conducted various programs, activities, and organised marquee events in Goa and for the Startups community. We are also engaging with different Central Government departments, schemes and bringing these startup schemes for Goa Startups to take advantage of. Over the last 12 months, ourTeam also collaborated with Infotech Corporation of Goa Ltd (ITG) and enabled disbursal of approx Rs 75 lakhs to Goa based Startups.” AIC-GIM Incubation services include knowledge support,
legal assistance, networking opportunities and access to Finance, Market, Talent. Apart from above funding, as part of AIM upto Rs 1 crores will be disbursed by AIC-GIM Foundation to Goa Startups. AIC-GIM has launched GAIN (Goa Angel Investor Network) platform for HNIs, Professionals, Investors to angel invest in Startups in Goa. The platform url is www.goaangelinvestornetwo rk.com
The Women’s Wing Organised WOMEN IN FOOD
The Women’s Wing of GCCI in association with DITC ( Directorate of Industries, Trade and Commerce - Govt of Goa ) organised a program on WOMEN IN FOOD- which
had a session on "Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) scheme by DITC Goa under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. The
Presentation was by Ms Mayuri Naik, Project Coordinator South Goa of State Project Monitoring Unit. The program was in collaboration with Goa
Gowomania , WICCI - Food and Nutrition Council Goa and G 100 - Food and Innovation Wing. Besides this we had 3 women Foodpreneurs who spoke about their inspiring business journeys – Ms Laxmi Kunkolienkar - Kamaxi Foods , Ms Sarita Chavan - renowned Chef & Caterer and Ms Mayura Abhisheki - Chitramay products . WW committee members Ms Sheryl Afonso compered the program and Ms Sonali Nagvekar proposed the Vote of Thanks. Also present on the occasion were Ms Pallavi Salgaocar- Chairperson GCCI Women’s Wing and G 100 - Food innovation wing Goa Chair , Ms Siya Shaikh founder of Goa GoWomania group and Ms Sheryl Afonso Goa chair of WICCI food & nutrition council .
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CM Visit to Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry hosted Hon'ble Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant at the Secretariat on Friday, 19th May 2022. This was the maiden visit after the beginning of his second term as Chief Minister of Goa. President Ralph de Sousa, Vice President Shrinivas Dempo, welcomed him with a
floral bouquet and gave him a brief background over the rich history of the secretariat, and its past presidents. Chief Secretary Puneet Kumar Goyal, and his team of various IAS Secretaries also attended the meeting. Vice President Pratima Dhond, Hon. Secretary Yatin Kakodkar, H o n . Tr e a s u r e r
ChandrakantGawas, Dir. General Sanjay Amonkar along with Managing Committee members were present. Mr DeSousa made a comprehensive presentation on achieving the vision of 'Swayampurna Goa 2.0' and Aatmarnirbhar Bharat. To begin with GCCI has congratulated the Hon'ble CM for all his initiatives such as appointing professionals as heads of the departments, setting up world class medical hazardous waste management facility at Kundaim, and assured full support to create awareness about various schemes announced both at state and national level. The Chamber requested various administrative reforms; more focus on reduction in Transmission &
Distribution losses in the Power Sector, Formation of District level Committees for in EDGoa & more Power Sanction for Goa from the Centre. Regarding labour GCCI requested a dialogue with the Industry &Govt in labour related matters. Promote mass plantation of goan traditional fruit bearing trees along the National Highways was also one of the suggestions. M r Ya t i n K a k o d k a r Hon.Secretary GCCI proposed Vote of Thanks while thanking the Chief Minister for his initiative & valuable time and presence alongwith the Chief Secretary and the Secretaries of various department.
The Beginning of a New Chapter at Copperleaf, Panaji Grab Bars as well a s a B a b y Diaper/Nappy C h a n g i n g Station. Located on the outskirts of Panaji, this is a place that matches your style in every way imaginable. It opened its gates to its customers in October 2021 with 200+ seater Citrus and C i l a n t r o Sections, where you can enjoy an elaborate a la carte menu offering up to 4 different cuisines in one place. R e c e n t l y Copperleaf Panaji opened the first-floor dining area for their customers.
Tickle your taste buds as you celebrate life's special moments at Copperleaf where you can experience Goa like never before. If you like dining out, you will love this place for sure. Copperleaf Panaji is a testament to the beauty of tropical living. This massive fine-dine restaurant spread over 10000 sqft., offers a unique blend of luxury and comfort in the form of exquisite food choices and a soothing ambiance with world-class amenities which include Splendid International Standard Washrooms, Wheelchair Accessible Entrance & Washrooms with www.incrediblegoa.org
The minimal aesthetics of the interiors are accentuated with pops of color and some handmade pieces, reminiscent of
Infinity on the first floor can accommodate up to 80 people. Solitaire - Signature Private Dining for 8 people gives you a royal feeling with its high paneled walls, copper and gold adorned decor, a beautiful glass chandelier, royal blue cushioned chairs, and added complimentary benefits. Semi-private dining 10@Infinity complete with blush pink chairs and copper adorned white marble table with a modern approach to a
their brand's heritage. The new floor itself is divided into distinct spaces, each with a unique characteristic of its own. The entry to the Infinity area is through Citrus - There's
thought put into the staircase decor as well – amply lit, with green landscapes and metal collectibles.
metal chandelier is available for 10 people with closed doors separating you from the rest. Bellini Seating Bar provides a completely new outlook for the bar culture in Infinity as it provides classic beverages with innovation for a seating experience like no other. Copperleaf aims to honor its past and usher in the next chapter with the very best offerings of food and ambiance with every intention of creating a space for joyful gatherings. The Doors are already open and will be open seven days for lunch and dinner. For regular updates follow @copperleafgoa on Instagram or see www.copperleafgoa.com. JUNE 2022 / INCREDIBLE GOA / 15
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ESG Organised The World No Tobacco Day The Entertainment Society of Goa in association with the Department of Public Health Dentistry, Goa Dental College and Hospital commemorated 'THE WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY' by organizing “4th Goa Anti Tobacco Film Festival” on 31st May 2022 at 5 pm at Auditorium 1, Maquinez Palace, ESG. Those present on the dais were Dr. Geeta Kakodkar, Director, DHS, Dr. Shekhar Salkar, Oncologist, Manipal Hospital, Smt. Ida de Norohna de Ataide, Dean, Goa Dental College and Hospital, Smt. Swetika Sachan, IAS, Chief Executive Officer, Entertainment Society of Goa, Panaji, Goa and Dr. Amita Kenkre, Dentist and Professor, Goa Dental College. This competition was held in two sections, National Section
Ad films. and Goan section Ad films. We had received the following entries:- National Section: Ad Films = 9 Goan Section: Ad Films = 10 We had 3 members Jury Dr. Kedar Raikar, NCDC Nodal Officer, Dr Ivy Coutinho, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Goa Dental College and Hospital and Shri. Sachin Chatte, Film Critics, who judged all the entries of ad films. The winners of Ad Film for National Section: 1st Prize Winner of Rs. 100000/- (“Yes I Can”- Satish R. Gaonkar) 2nd Prize Winner of Rs. 5 0 0 0 0 / - ( “ Vo i c e o f Innocence” – Sunil H. Naik) 3rd Prize Winner of Rs. 30000/- (“ Mukhagni” – Kedar K. Manerikar)
The winners of Ad Film for Goa Section: 1st Prize Winner of Rs. 50000/( “ Ye s I C a n ” - S a t i s h R . Gaonkar) 2nd Prize Winner of Rs. 30000/- (“Carbon Copy” – Siddhi Upadhye) 3rd Prize Winner of Rs. 20000/- (“Inhale” – Runal Kolkankar) Dr Amita Kenkre Kamat of Goa Dental college welcomed all the Guests and also briefed the purpose of this festival, said the aim of the Anti Tobacco Film Festival was to spread the message of harmful or ill effects of tobacco use and also to decrease the occurrence of Oral Cancer in Goa. She also thanked the participants and audience present. Shri Shekhar Salkar in his speech quoted “Law should be
Atal Innovation Mission organized national outreach meet for second edition
Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog organised the National Outreach Meet for the second edition of the Atal New India Challenge at International Centre Goa, hosted by AICGIM Foundation. Atal New India Challenge is a flagship program of Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog. The program aims to seek, select, support and nurture 16 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
technologyb a s e d innovations that solve sectoral challenges of n a t i o n a l importance and s o c i e t a l relevance. Continuing on the path to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country, AIM has launched the Atal New India Challenge (ANIC) 2.0 program to proactively collaborate with esteemed Ministries and the associated industries, and provide a steady stream of innovative products & solutions. Each ANIC winner will be eligible for a funding of
up to INR 1 crore. These winners will get mentorship, networking and incubation support by Atal Incubation Centres across the country. The sectors in which ANIC 2.0launched the challenges include E-mobility, Road Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n , S p a c e Technology and Application, Sanitation, Medical Devices and Equipment, Waste Management and Agriculture. Mr. Pramit Dash, Program Director, AIM, NITI Aayog, interacted with Atal Incubation Centres and startups from Goa present at the event. He highlighted the relevance of ANIC 2.0 in current innovation landscape and encouraged the stakeholders to champion the program at national and state
strict to decrease the use of To b a c c o . C i n e m a i s a powerful medium through which audience grasp maximum and it has a big Impact and people have become aware of the ill effect of tobacco”. Dr. Geeta Kakodkar spoke about what the DHS is contributing to prevent the use of tobacco. She also said that these films will be used for promotions of ad campaigns of Anti Tobacco in cinema theatres across Goa, TV channels, schools, colleges and other government department programs. The winners were awarded at the hands of Dr. Geeta Kakodkar, Dr. Shekhar Salkar, Smt. Ida de Norohna de Ataide and Smt. Swetika Sachan IAS. Award winning films were screened for public.
level. He emphasised on supporting 100+ innovations in year 2022-23 through ANIC 2.0, across sectors. The first edition of the ANIC program received more than 1000 applications for 24 challenges and is currently supporting 30+ startups through grants, partnerships, networking, tech support, mentorship, infrastructure and access to investors. Rajesh JOSHI CEO, AIC GIM Foundation said “ This is A huge opportunity for GOA startups & innovators to participate and recognised at national Level by delivering products, services & solutions to Government of India Ministries & Department. We will also assist and mentor ANIC 1.0 & 2.0 startup applicants to get pilot opportunities with Government of GOA Departments”
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Born and raised in Kuwait, Xavier Furtado did his studies at boarding school in Mount Abu in India for four years before going back to Kuwait to finish his high school. Xavier did his bachelor's in Hotel Management from Oklahoma University in the USA followed by a Diploma in Food & Beverage service from Cesar Ritz Le Bouveret, in Switzerland before going back to Kuwait to assist his father in his well-developed F&B business. www.incrediblegoa.org
COVER STORY Xavier didn't know that his destiny was in Goa and that he would be running a business empire set up by his father in his motherland. Before we go ahead with the story on Xavier, let me give you a brief story about his father. Mr. Avertano Furtado, also known as AJ was the founder o f Av e r i n a I n t e r n a t i o n a l Resorts which set up a chain of premium hotels in Goa and laid a strong foundation in the hospitality sector for his children, was a visionary. He was born in Goa during the Portuguese regime and having lost his father at an early age his mother took care of him and two older siblings with meager income coming from working in paddy fields. The adverse circumstances around them made him a strong man with strong values and he decided to take up any
work that came his way which led him to climb the ladder of success, till he started his own venture in Kuwait in 1960 that went to become one of the most successful companies in Kuwait City with more than 2000 employees working under him. They had all facilities provided by the company such as housing, electricity, water, and transportation and having own football ground, indoor games, and fully stocked cafeteria. Although AJ was doing very well in Kuwait, his heart was always where his home was, and that is Goa. He decided to come back to Goa and set up a hospitality business in his motherland and to do that he purchased a big plot of land in the not so welldeveloped Mobor village situated in south Goa and the rest is history.
“My father was a visionary: when he purchased the land in Mobor Village in 1986, it was not even on the tourism map of Goa, unknown and completely disconnected from the rest of the state with no roads developed,” he said adding, that they had to travel in a canoe to reach there. “I was just wondering why we even came here and when I asked my father he said don't worry about the roads, there will be roads in the future.” According to Xavier, they started the construction of a hotel in 1989 in Mobor. “But due to the Kuwait invasion by Iraq, the work here got delayed for a long time due to situation in Kuwait and because we had payments to make to thousands of employees during the time of adversity, we almost ran out of money but my father said not
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to worry and things will improve soon,” he said adding, the construction of the hotel was completed in 6 years. “It was supposed to be 140 rooms but due to the setback in Kuwait, we reduced it down to 60 rooms to begin with, while the rest of it was still under construction.” When AJ bought the land to build the Averina Beach Resort in Mobor, two more big hospitality players, Leela and Ramada bought the land next to it and both started construction and finished before Averina could complete. “In fact, the Leela were keen to buy our project but my father said no to them while I was very pessimistic about the whole thing then. My father was very headstrong and he said we will finish it no matter what happens the property started with the 60
COVER STORY employees during the time of adversity, we almost ran out of money but my father said not to worry and things will improve soon,” he said adding, the construction of the hotel was completed in 6 years. “It was supposed to be 140 rooms but due to the setback in Kuwait, we reduced it down to 60 rooms to begin with, while the rest of it was still under construction.” When AJ bought the land to build the Averina Beach Resort in Mobor, two more big hospitality players, Leela and Ramada bought the land next to it and both started construction and finished before Averina could complete. “In fact, the Leela were keen to buy our project but my father said no to them while I was very pessimistic about the whole thing then. My father was very headstrong
and he said we will finish it no matter what happens the property started with the 60 rooms,” said Xavier adding, slowly things started getting better over a period of time wherein we started breaking even, paid off our loans and after running it for a long time we have decided to tie up with the international chain, Holiday Inn. My father left for his heavenly abode in 2006 at the age of 87, however his legacy at the Holiday Inn Resort Goa remains one of the most preferred holiday destinations and a formidable force in south Goa amongst other 5-star properties situated in south Goa.” The Birth of Fisherman's Wharf There is a very interesting story about the emergence of one of the leading restaurant chains in Goa, The Fisherman's
Wharf. “When the construction of the hotel was going on we had a riverside property where all the laborers lived and I had a vision of making a riverside restaurant there,” he said adding that his wife thought of building a house but he remained firm on a restaurant, “I spoke to my father and suggested why don't we move the laborers from there and start a restaurant on that property and he immediately approved of it and this was the beginning of the new brand “The Fisherman's Wharf” and then there was no looking back soon we started our next chain of restaurants in Bangalore.” After Bangalore, Xavier started the Fisherman's Wharf at Dubai Marina but it did not work due to the absence of a liquor license and that project collapsed, “We had no option
but to give up on the Dubai project and decided to move back to India and then we started another one in Bangalore followed by one in Hyderabad,” he said adding that the second restaurant at Bangalore they had to shut down, “Then we opened in Panaji, and Calangute, so now we have 5 Fisherman's Wharf restaurants and a couple more in the pipeline.” The Red Ginger Another branding that Xaviers started was the Red Ginger which is a Pan Asian Restaurant chain unlike Fisherman's Wharf that is a multi-cuisine outlet. “After setting up the 5 restaurants under Fisherman's Wharf branding we decided to have a separate section of Asian Cuisine and we started the first Red Ginger in Panaji and soon opened the second one
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in Hyderabad,” said Xavier adding, the Hyderabad one will be opened next to the Fisherman's Wharf which will be a fully-fledged independent unit in the Hyderabad city. “The one in Bangalore we have opened is called Express which is a smaller version of Red Ginger and it is attached to the F i s h e r m a n 's W h a r f . T h e Bangalore one has a separate kitchen and Gazebo and it looks like a little China Town.” The Emergence of Essentia Brand Xavier, just like his father, believes in doing something new and setting up the new ventures, and soon after the success of the Fisherman and Ginger branding he set up the new venture called “Essentia Hotels” wherein they lease the properties in the long term. “We are coming up with another Fisherman's Wharf in Bangalore, we already identified the place and things will start moving soon and in the meantime we have started a company called Essentia, where we lease the property for 15 to 20 years and we deploy complete manpower,” he said adding that it is a luxury brand under which they have premier luxury hotels, and palace hotels. “The first one we have started in Indore which is a luxury brand and we are starting the next one in Chennai and we will have the rooftop Fisherman's Wharf in the Chennai property. Pune is under construction and Udaipur will be next on the list and meanwhile the team has identified one running property in Bangalore which will be resumed soon. Our idea is to have a nationwide hotel chain across India.” A Passion for Power Cars Besides running multiple ventures successfully, Xavier has also acquired an interest in luxury cars with power. “I 22 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
COVER STORY have a great passion for big cars ever since I was a kid,” said Xavier adding, when he was younger, he had small cars and now he's got a collection of big cars, pointing out the scaled cars he has kept in his office. “These are the scaled ones and real model of the big cars and that followed by the fleet of real cars full of luxury and power. The power of the car gives me real excitement and joy. In Goa it is not possible to achieve the maximum speed on the roads but whenever I get the opportunity for a fraction of time, I make sure that I take advantage.” Xavier has a very good collection some of the top branded cars in his garage. “I prefer to remain low profile, but I possess a good collection of luxury and power cars,” said Xavier adding that is his only passion besides traveling. Travelling Around the World According to Mr. Xavier, he
loves to travel, loves to visit different countries and visit different restaurants. “Travelling is my passion and I love to travel to different parts of world, visit new places, dine at different restaurants. I love the hills as I enjoy the cold weather which we miss in Goa. I love climbing hills, visiting the countryside, camping at lakesides and this way I have been to lot of places and explored many destinations,” he said. Contribution to Society “My father has done a lot for the Goan society: we were flushed with funds when he was running a successful business in Kuwait,” he said adding, he remembers his father had provided employment to thousands of Goans abroad. “People used to come with money to my dad to get a job abroad but he never took the money. In fact he arranged even the flight tickets for them. The only thing
that the candidates had to do was get their medical tests done at their own cost. He created employment for our village boys and for youths from various parts of Goa.” According to Xavier, they also done lot for the church and even his company employs 80% Goans till date. “We have around 500 to 600 employees who are Goan. We were always generous towards donating for a good cause, whether it is temple or mosque we have never differentiated,” he said. The Way Forward Mr Xavier has a huge vision for the Food & Hospitality industry in Goa and other parts of the country. “I want to grow the Essentia brand to next level, and also want to take the Fisherman's Wharf chain across the country. We are growing slowly and steadily as it takes time to setup ventures in new places, for example setting up one Fisherman's
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Wharf takes 6 to 8 months. Right from identifying a location to setting up the restaurant is a long process,” he said. “We have plans of starting a Fisherman's Wharf in Pune, Mangalore and in Mumbai we might go for a partnership instead of having our own unit,” he added. According to Mr. Xavier, Goans are very honest and down to earth people and they are also God-fearing. “Here people are very attached to their religion but at the same time they do not differentiate in the religions, for them all religions are same and I feel this should carry on. People live in harmony and it's amazing. There is a need of carrying on that harmony. Finally, I believe that we Goans should more respectful towards the nature and keep Goa clean and green,” he concluded with these words.
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The massage parlour “concept has taken off
By IG Team
SHUTTING DOWN OF MASSAGE PARLOURS IN GOA The massage parlour concept has taken off rapidly across Goa and now many Ayurvedic centres have also mushroomed. Massages have now become a major tourist activity in the state and tourists come for treatments especially because many salons continue with cross massages which is where a female masseuse would give a male a massage and vice versa.. However, many parlours had started operating without proper certification and licensing which has become a topic of great concern. Lucrative returns made parlour owners greedy and many resorted to violence and bullying tourists. One example in Mapusa, 11 tourists from Maharashtra were robbed and brutally beaten by the massage parlour operator. The news of robbery and assault became a hot topic with many media houses covering this news and finally the Chief Minister of Goa had 26 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
rapidly across Goa and now many Ayurvedic centres have also mushroomed. Massages have now become a major tourist activity in the state and tourists come for treatments especially because many salons continue with cross massages which is where a female masseuse would give a male a massage and vice versa.
to intervene with the decision of cracking down on the illegal massage parlours in Goa. What is an Illegal Massage Parlour? According to the state government, illegal massage parlours are those who have not registered themselves with the concerned authorities and provide cross-massage services. Cross-massages are in very high demand in the state attracting even solo men to travel to Goa in the search of these services. This is basically a poor man's Thailand. The existence of illegal massage parlours isn't new according to a report by RTI Foundation. Based on the information obtained through RTI (right to information) out of the 91 spas and 2 massage parlours, the DHS (Directorate of Health Services) had granted licenses to only 73, meaning there are many spas and massage parlours operating in the state and the www.incrediblegoa.org
IN FOCUS DHS has not taken any penal action till date, though it has powers under the Goa Public Health (Amendment) Act, 2014, to levy penalty on spas or massage parlours which are operating illegally. How can Illegal Massage Parlours Run? Although the state government are now calling cross-massages illegal, they have been allowed to continue for many years. But how? Simple, the police and state administration have been turning a blind eye towards these activities for various reasons including the regular kickbacks from the parlour owners. Otherwise, how it is possible that the massage parlours are running and nothing is done about it? There are advertisements in the local and national dailies in Goa offering door-step massages by many individual and organised operators, but
there has hardly been any action taken by the state administration or the police. It is quite possible that none of them read the newspapers. Goa is Becoming Famous f o r “H a p p y E n d i n g ” Massages According to an article published by a national news portal, India dot com, Goa is becoming famous for “guys only” trips. . There is a risk of being thrown out and hence it is better not to ask for the same, states the report. The story goes on suggesting the possibility of massage services on the beach as there are many male and female masseuses roaming around offering foot and body massages for a nominal price, obviously without any favours in the end. Shutting Down of Massage Parlours from June 2022 Meanwhile, the Chief Minister
of Goa had made an announcement that all illegal massage parlours providing cross-massage services will be shut down from June 6. Although he did not speak about those with valid licences. We wonder if there are any. According to the CM, only the registered Spa and Beauty Parlours have been licensed to operate in the state along with the Ayurvedic Treatment Spas. “There are illegal massage parlours operating in the state under the garb of health treatment and our government will not allow to carry on their operations in the state,” said the CM.
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“ born in Mumbai in 1976 Dviti had completed her graduation from Mumbai University in 1997. She is a creative artist and Bharatnatyam dancer. She started her career in sales and marketing, married early, separated, but that did not dilute her confidence and she persevered with her journey. Today she runs a successful business.
By Rajesh Ghadge
NAVIGATING THROUGH TOUGH TIMES Dviti Bhalla was born in M u m b a i i n 1 9 76 a n d completed her graduation from Mumbai University in 1997. Dviti is a creative artist and Bharatnatyam dancer. She started her career in sales and marketing, married early, separated and sadly had to stay away from her children for almost 6 years, but that did not dilute her confidence and she persevered with her journey. Today she runs a successful business. “I was married early, when I was hardly 19, and I continued my graduation when I was already married,” she said adding that due to some adverse circumstances she separated from her husband in 2005. “It was an abusive relationship and I could not continue to live with it. I was forced to stay away from my kids for 6 years. My real struggle started after the separation in 2005 when I was left all alone without any support.” “Slowly and steadily I started 28 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
getting accustomed to my new life and with the help of one of my friends, I got the chance to work with a reality show in Mumbai,” she said adding that first opportunity she received was from Sanjiv Kapoor's Food Food reality show. “I was working as an executive producer for the reality shows. I worked for almost a decade in this industry and during this time I did Indian Idol, Masterchef India and Ex Factor India shows.” She worked there for almost a decade but owing to illhealth, she decided to leave. “I was opertated and decided to leave the shows and during that time my son was doing his masters in Prague and I had to visit him there,” she said adding that it was this time when she decided to stop working and start something of her own. “I always wanted to start my own venture right from the beginning but never got the opportunity or suitable environment.”
Dviti got married once again when she met her soulmate in 2008 while working on the sets of a reality show. “I was the executive producer and he was a photographer. When I decided to start my own business, my husband and kids supported me wholeheartedly in my plans,” she said. After she decided she wanted to do something of her own there was no looking back. “I started soap-making in 2017 and we shifted to Goa.” There is very interesting story behind Dviti shifting to Goa in 2019. “Goa was always on our bucket list as my husband is from Chandigarh and I belong to Gujarat, but we both needed to live in a warm tropical climate.” “The soap making venture started due to a push from my aunt who was into the same business and when I quit my job in 2017, I was doing nothing although I had a plan of starting something of my own. My friends and family helped me
in my journey and my aunt's push made me go for it.” Starting a new venture and running it successfully are two different things. “For almost one year I was struggling. I used to make small quantities and sell them and then make a new stock and this continued for some time. During that time my unit was also in Mumbai and I had to do lot of up and down travelling. I had also faced loses during that time but I did not give up and persevered.”. Soon Dviti decided to plough on ahead and she started a company called Nature's Point with the brand name of Merak Naturals. “Under the Merak Naturals brand we manufacturer soaps, shower gels and body wash,” informing us that this different from the soaps that is available off the shelf. “We have different processes and formulations that makes this soap different from the ones available on the market. We use glycerin extracts in the www.incrediblegoa.org
soap.” Dviti has developed a wide range of products that include haircare products such as shampoo, hair masks and hair gel. “We have a range of products that also includes serum and soon we will be launching travel kits, face
packs and hair tonic,” adding that she had also applied for the Khadi License. “We use oil, butter and natural fragrances in our products making it more organic. We don't use of any kind of preservatives in our products.” Dviti believes that her
products last longer than a year due to the use of organic ingredients. “We don't use of any chemicals. Many of our products include herbs, for example our best-selling product is a hair oil that is made from 32 herbs and 5 oils and vitamin E. I have always got the good reviews from my friends and family ,” said Dviti. Dviti is not doing any big promotions or advertising at the moment since this is a selffunded product. “Currently, I am dependent on my Instagram and Facebook pages for promoting my lines and I have around 1500 followers at the moment,” said Dviti adding that initially she did some popups and participated in exhibitions, “but now we have appointed three dealers in Goa and we are negotiating with a forth one from Jhansi.” “Initially the supply of the raw material was major challenge as I was unable to procure large quantities and that was making the end products
expensive.”. “My husband has been a huge support for me. He even helps me with the designs and branding and now I have hired a team who look after the social media content and design for us. Now people come to me for the consultations for hair fall issues and skin problems and I suggest to them the best solutions as I have done studies in this field.” Dviti has big plans lined up for the future to reach out to a wider customer base. “I want to approach boutique hotels, private villas and appoint more dealers.. I also want to create the awareness on the difference between natural and organic products. Once I get my KVIC license, I will start approaching hotels,” she said. Dviti's journey has just began and she has a long way to go. She is a determined and strong willed woman and she will not leave any stone unturned to reach to her desired destination.
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in the by lanes “ Located of Panjim City, you
By Aditi Malhotra
NOTHING FISHY ABOUT FISHERMAN’S WHARF... ONLY GOOD FOOD AND GOOD VIBES! Located in the by lanes of Panjim City, you would come across one of the most popular restaurants of the current times, The Fisherman’s Wharf. It is nestled in a huge and spacious Portuguese house that is exemplary from the word go. The place has multiple seating options, both indoor and outdoor and the pathway boasts an open kitchen that is a delight to watch. The hustle-bustle of chefs dishing out culinary delights and the aroma of food being cooked alone are enough to keep you intrigued. The way each room and wall is decorated with art and artefacts that reflect true Goan-Portuguese culture is hard to miss. You cannot help but admire them while you patiently wait for your food to be served. As we seated ourselves in one of the air-conditioned rooms, chef Joel personally came to check on us and gave some recommendations on what dishes we should try from the 30 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
would come across one of the most popular restaurants of the current times, The Fisherman’s Wharf. It is nestled in a huge and spacious Portuguese house that is exemplary from the word go. The place has multiple seating options, both indoor and outdoor and the pathway boasts an open kitchen that is a delight to watch.
menu. Although I have been a regular and some dishes are already a part of my favourites, it's always good to know from the man behind the brand to ask for his suggestions. Fisherman’s Wharf is especially known for its fresh sea-food preparations along with local Goan delicacies and offers a wide array of dishes from multiple cuisines as well. For starters, we tried Fish Tikka, Butter Chicken Bao, Southern Fried Fish and Chilly Paneer. Let me give you a word of caution, the Fish Tikka and Butter Chicken Bao are definitely going to explode a burst of flavours in your mouth, so just be sure to take a small bite and let them tingle your taste buds slowly and gradually. The Fish Tikka was perfectly spiced and charred to perfection and makes for a perfect appetizer for a lazy afternoon or a charged-up evening. The Butter Chicken www.incrediblegoa.org
Bao is the most suitable example of dishes where fusion works beautifully. One of the most sought-after preparations of Indian gravies meets a super soft Chinese bun and together they create a riot of flavours. This is for sure a dish you must try, and trust me, you won’t forget it ever. I mean I keep going to Fisherman’s for this again and
again and again. The Southern Fried Fish reminded me of cafés in the Fort area of Kochi that serve fresh catch and fry them in front of your eyes. The flavours were on point. Coming to mains, Chef Joel who is a master of Italian and Goan culinary cuisines, dished out a creamy Chicken Penne Pasta in white sauce which was to die for and must be
given a try. Next on our table was a traditional prawn curry with rice and with Fisherman’s Wharf you can be assured of getting the authentic Goan curries to savour. It was to perfection, and I am sure you would enjoy it as much. For me, continental food is something I can never get enough of, so I also tried Country Fried Chicken.
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Marinated chicken breast, crumb fried and served with a side of fries and garlic mayonnaise. The garlic mayo is like magic that elevates the taste to another level. With a fully loaded bar that crafts out amazing cocktails and mocktails, you can never have a hard time finding your perfect match for the food at Fisherman’s Wharf. Most days they have live music and sports screening too are a regular part of entertainment at Fisherman’s. So if you are looking at spending some great time over good food and cocktails, Fisherman’s Wharf is your place to be. Restaurant Details Phone Number +919075018463 Cuisines - Mughlai, North Indian, Goan, Chinese, Biryani Average Cost - 600 for two people (approx) Address - Ground Floor, Esmeralda Casa de Povo St. Inez, Taleigao, Panaji, Goa 403001 Table booking recommended
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“ A Gold Medalist and President's Medal recipient, Deep Madkaiker has always received accolades for his achievements, whether it was for coming 38th in the state in SSC or topper in the state with 5th Rank in HSSC. Deep is a real trend setter in the field of academia.
By Rajesh Ghadge
OBSTACLES IN THE WAY MOLDS YOU INTO THE PERSON YOU ARE TODAY A Gold Medalist and President's Medal recipient, Deep Madkaiker has done his primary education at People's High School, Panaji and his secondary education at Mushtifund High School. He always received accolades for his achievements, whether it was for coming 38th in the state in SSC or topper in the state with 5th Rank in HSSC. Deep is a real trend setter in the field of academia. After finishing his secondary education, Deep decided to pursue his MBBS and joined Goa Medical College (GMC) in 2010 and here he received a distinction in biochemistry, ophthalmology and pharmacology. He also cleared the NEET with allIndia Ranking of 792 in year 2018. His list of achievements does not stop here. While pursuing his MD in in Transfusion Medicine at Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, he participated in several competitions and won an 34 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
International research grant of 5000 Euros (around 4.16 lakhs in INR) for a research project which is currently in progress. Apart from this, he has also pursued a management degree in Healthcare Management which he completed in 2020 while simultaneously completing his MD program with distinction. “Last year I answered a national level DNB exam in which I was awarded the highest accolade President's Gold medal for highest marks in the speciality,” he said. Dr. Deep Madkaiker belongs to the capital city of Goa and currently working as a Senior Resident in the Department of Transfusion Medicine at the Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), R&D branch of Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. “I completed my schooling from P e o p l e 's H i g h S c h o o l , followed by Mushtifund Higher Secondary School. I then
chose to pursue MBBS at Goa Medical College, Bambolim,” he said adding that he is married to Dr. Jennifer Mendes. “My parents live in Goa and I have a younger sister who is pursuing her masters.” According to Dr Deep, medicine has been his passion right from his childhood. “I'm glad to have found my calling. As a career, it also provides vast scope for clinical research which I find really interesting,” he said. Dr. Deep has always remained enthusiastic about competitions. “I was always motivated by my parents right since my childhood,” he said adding that from participating in spelling bee, to language quizzes, he has really enjoyed the thrill associated with such events. “Even during my MBBS course, I have participated in several quizzes and have been a runner up in the psychiatry quiz and the IAP pediatrics quiz. Even recently, me and my colleague have won a
national level quiz in Transfusion Medicine. Such competitions really improve one's quick thinking skills and memory.” Dr. Deep believes that the field of Transfusion Medicine is still in its nascent stage. “Most hospitals have not yet started this department as it involves significant investment and expertise. I chose this speciality as it provided me a gateway to clinical research involving stem cells, CAR-T cell therapy, Apheresis technology and a wide exposure to different patient groups. These innovations are known to significantly improve patient outcomes and quality of life. This branch also allows me to have a great work-life balance viz. work satisfaction as well as plenty of personal time to pursue my hobbies,” he added. When asked about his degree of Management in Healthcare, he said, his branch involves liaison with different stakeholders such as www.incrediblegoa.org
TREND SETTERS hospital administrators, clinicians, patients, and external agencies. “I pursued a management degree to better understand the working environment of a hospital. This allows me to have a better perception about the administrative and financial aspects of an organisation, as well as, for departmental quality improvement. Continual quality improvement is key for success of any organisation and this degree would allow me to improve patient services as well as the working environment for the employees.” Dr. Deep started out with the degree in MD Transfusion Medicine which he pursued from Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai, “The DNB exam is an additional qualification which is conducted by the National Board for Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) for all specialities,” he said adding that he was awarded the President's NBEMS Gold Medal which is awarded to the candidate scoring the highest
marks in each speciality. “I will be felicitated at a convocation ceremony in New Delhi by Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, Hon. Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare of India on 20th June 2022.” Although Dr Deep is serving at the moment at Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, he has a plans of coming back to Goa and serve his motherland. “I would love to come back to Goa as we have a lot of scope for the development of this speciality. I am definitely keen on exploring new avenues in this branch and further enhancing my skillset,” he said. According to Dr Deep, Goa has immense potential to develop the state-of-the-art hospital at Goa Medical College, Bambolim. “The main advantage being that, unlike other states which have several tertiary level hospitals to manage, Goa can focus completely on expanding the existing infrastructure at GMC, Bambolim which would be financially viable as well as
beneficial to the Goans as they would not have to travel to other states for treatment,” he said. Dr. Deep has many big plans for the society and medical fraternity besides his career growth. “I am looking forward to teaching activities for budding post-graduates. And as far as my personal life goes, I love travelling and I'm looking forward to visit a lot of the countries on my bucket list, with my wife,” he said adding that passion, hard work and perseverance goes a really long way in helping one achieve their dreams. “One should remember that all the obstacles you face are molding you into the person that will make all of the difficult times worth it in the end,” he concluded.
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“ Barkha
Naik a Political Science Graduate from Fergusson College, Pune has completed her master's in Film Making from the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Art in Prague. She had an opportunity to work in couple Konkani films and even assisted well known film maker in his projects in Goa.
By Rajesh Ghadge
WE MUST GROW TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY TO GROW AS INDIVIDUAL FILMMAKERS Barkha Naik graduated in Political Science from the Fergusson College, Pune she completed her master's in Film Making from the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Art in Prague. She also had the opportunity to work in a couple of Konkani movies in front of a camera and she has worked on short films and even assisted experienced filmmakers in their projects in Goa. The reason Barkha went to do the post-graduation in film making is that she felt that political science was not the field of work that she was planning to pursue in the future. “By the time I finished my graduation from Fergusson College, I realised that didn't want to continue in the field I had chosen and I decided to take a break here and during my break, I got an opportunity to work in Konkani film followed by a break from documentary filmmaker, Anand Patwardhan, whom I assisted on his project in Goa,” she said adding that later on, 36 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
Mr. Patwardhan invited her to assist him in his projects in Mumbai. “A few months later when his assistant quit the job he invited me to assist him in Mumbai. I got to learn a lot while working in Mumbai, I assisted him in his recent documentary “Vivek” and that experience was very enriching. I was almost doing everything in that job, like recording sound, researching, I shot and I also carried heavy equipment and ran around but overall it was a great learning experience,” she added. Following the enriching experience in Mumbai, she decided to join the filmmaking institute. “It was a lot of hard work but it also gave me a lot of joy and I knew this is what I wanted to do after which I decided to join the Film School,” she said adding, that she had also applied for the FTII in Pune and at the same time she applied for the FAMU. “B u t I w a s l o o k i n g f o r something very specific. I wanted to take up a long course, at least 3 years instead
of just one year, and I found that Prague is a fairly cheap city to live in, and the course was also affordable and is why I decided to shortlist that school.” According to Barkha, her experience at FAMU was very enriching and that changed her life. “I met some professors there who changed my life and my approach towards filmmaking. I met many people who came from different backgrounds. According to me, Europe is fairly famous for its cold weather but also its attitude and that really pushed you to do better every time,” she said adding that now when she looks back at the film that she had submitted, which is her application film and the Graduation film which is made there is a big Arc. “It was a big journey that I have gone through and also the opportunity of meeting people from a different country was very helpful and enriching.”
In Prague, Barkha had an access to really good equipment, “Not the best in the world but they were surely good, and most important thing that I come across was the good amount of discipline, which I am not sure is the same in India,” she said adding, she had never worked professionally here, “but I do feel that learning in Prague made me more disciplined. To start with when we went on the set we had a very clear picture of the shot, like a storyboard, and floorplans and we know where each prop is going and where the lights will be placed. There everything is on paper and the shoots are just an execution.” After coming back to Goa, Barkha had to shoot her graduation film here in Goa. “Covid had prolonged that process but I had completed it and now I am working on the Netflix project and after completion of my graduation in September, I will be looking for the work in Mumbai,” she said. www.incrediblegoa.org
GOAN TALENT Barkha wants to make the film in Konkani and she wants to contribute to the Goan film Fraternity but that is not possible at the moment due to her lack of experience and financial limitations. “I have decided to go back to Mumbai and work there for some time to assist the directors I like and admire and may be working in Ad Films and build some contacts and the big picture is come back here in Goa and make the film in Konkani,” she said. Barkha believes that Goa is a very small industry, “Goans have created some good content, we don't have a big list of good content but it is not zero either. We have made films that did very well at festivals. Earlier making those numbers commercially wasn't possible until a few years ago but with the emergence of OTT platforms and the international market opening up to more local content, I think soon we will be able to make Konkani films on a commercial platform,” she
added. “There is a fresh new crop of filmmakers who have gone out of the state and learned filmmaking and have come back to Goa. I want to give the example of Deep Sawant who went to the New York Film Academy, who studied cinematography, and is very sought after in Mumbai. There is Mukund Shinkre who went to Vancouver and learned VFX, Heramb Kirtani, Akshay Parvatkar, Sainath Uskaikar studied at FTII and Suyash Kamat, who is part of this Take-10 competition. These are the fresh new talents of filmmakers and technicians in Goa,” said Barkha. Barkha enjoys acting as much as direction and filmmaking. “I think if I like the director and the character is great and if I am not making and directing the film of my own then I would love to act in the films. It is only that I thoroughly enjoy the power and control of being a director more than acting in a film,” she added. “The Take 10 project is going to
give me an opportunity to connect with a lot of wellknown professional from the industry through the workshops we are going to have,” said Barkha adding that she will have a decent portfolio to present after this. “I will still be new but I will have the comprehensive portfolio from my filmmaking school and Take 10 project.” Goa has no dearth of talent and there is a new generation coming up in the field of f i l m m a k i n g a n d entertainment. Barkha Naik is one such talent who recently got selected for the short filmmaking competition floated b y t h e w o r l d 's t o p O T T platform, Netflix. “When I was applying for this Take 10 project, I had many friends who had gone out and got trained in the filmmaking, we all decided to apply and whoever get the opportunity we all will work on the project and now all my friends are working on this film and helping me in whatever capacity they can and this is
very important, we all Goan filmmakers should work as a community and support each other and only then we will also grow as an individual.” THE LATEST ISSUE OF FOOD & HOSPITALITY MAGAZINE IS OUT!! TO READ FREE PLEASE SCAN THE QR CODE OR VISIT
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belongs to a business-family background and he believes that business is in his blood. He believes in breaking the stereotypes of society. To inspire others, he wrote a book on finance and the stock market and he is an Equity Research Analyst.
By IG Team
ALWAYS SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE SMARTER THAN YOU! Johann belongs to a businessfamily background: all previous generations were into business and he believes that business is in his blood. Johann surprised everyone though by entering the commerce stream after getting the good grades in 12th Standard but he believes in breaking the stereotypes of society and continued his journey. To inspire others, he wrote a book on finance and the stock market. “Everybody needs money,” says Johann grinning, “business is in my blood and this what I breathe every single day and along the way I realized that what I loved most about business was the part everyone loves the most, which is making money. I realized finance was what I loved, investments in particular, you know stock markets and all of that,” he added. Born in 1999, Johann grew up in Altinho Panaji, did his studies in Sharda Mandir and later on went to do his secondary 38 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
education at Don Bosco. “After finishing my 12th, I joined SS Dempo College of Commerce, where I did my graduation (BCom) and postgraduation (MCom). Right from my school days I always wanted to take the commerce line because I come from a family that was always into business so this was my path.” Since childhood, Johann knew one thing for sure -that he wanted to be self-employed and work in the financial field. “My dad is an industrialist by profession and an engineer by education. He has also been an active investor in the markets for as long as I can remember,” said Johann recalling an incident in 2016 when he was on a summer break with his family. “My dad called me to show me the stocks, of course I did not understand much that day but being a curious person, I continued to research it to get acquainted. Later on, my dad introduced me to the partners of Milestone Financial Consultants, Arjun
Rebelo and Suraj Betkikar, both of which went on to become my mentors later. They invited me to be an intern in their office that vacation, and on the first day itself I knew that this is where I belong: in the stock markets, in investments and there has been no turning back since then.” In October 2021, Johann received an offer to work for a startup from Bangalore called “Bluelearn”. “I was appointed the head of the Finance club where my role was to instill a strong sense of financial literacy among college-going students from across the country through teaching and organizing events,” he said adding, “Bluelearn had a community of over 55,000 students and so it was no easy task. I love teaching and I guess I get it from my mother who is a teacher herself, but combining my love for teaching and the stock markets helped me serve this community in the best possible manner.”
While heading the student community, he realised that they had no understanding whatsoever of the stock market and debt cycle which is an important part of commercial life today. “Goans are fluent in English, but some parts of India isn't. So I wrote my book, The Incessant Debt Cycle, to fill this gap. It's a book that has the complex cycle broken down for beginners and also in the simplest English possible. Being an avid reader right from my school days helped facilitate and support the progress I would make with the book while I was writing it,” said Johann. Talking about the challenges while writing a book he said that many a times he felt like giving up. “I would think to myself, why would someone read a book written by a 23 y e a r o l d ? B u t t h e n I 'd remember why I started in the first place. This book wasn't meant to be a best seller, it was meant to solve a social problem. It became my way of www.incrediblegoa.org
YOUNG GOA giving back to a nation that has given me so much opportunity and growth.” According to Johann, the stock markets isn't an easy place to be in. “I have been in the markets since 2016, and I always lost money. I made my first profit in 2019, 3 years after being in the market,” he said adding, others in his situation would have given up. “But I would always think, there are people who are successful in the markets, what are they doing right that I am doing wrong? The pursuit to the answer to this question had brought me a long way and has helped me grow a lot. In this profession, every day is a new day, a new challenge, so in the markets you're always learning, nobody can say they are perfect. What's more important than making money is to make sure you never lose it.” Johann wanted to be an equity research analyst. “I don't see myself managing a fund but
more so being a professional who gives the best stock ideas in the market. I also founded a side hustle called JDS Investors which was created to ensure optimum financial literacy to Goans. An important thing to understand is that when you teach something, you're also revising the matter yourself, this would help me revise my fundamentals constantly making sure my base is strong. My main goal even today, is to give my best and to strive to be the best, always,” said Johann. After getting an offer to work with the Chief Investment Officer of a Hong Kong based Hegde Fund, Johann left his job in BlueLearn. “It's been a fantastic experience so far and every day is exciting. I see myself inching closer and closer to my goal with every passing year which is the most important thing for me. Where do I go from here? I honestly don't know. If the pandemic has taught us one thing, it's
that we can never plan. Life is super unpredictable, but I know that, so as long as I am in the markets and growing closer to my goal of being one of the best Equity Research Analysts out there, I am in the right place,” he said. Johann believes that it's hard work that is key to success in this highly competitive market. “It needs lot of hard work, sacrifice, grit and dedication. Always remember, nothing is impossible. It's important for you to believe in yourself always. The earlier you start, the greater the advantage. One piece of advice that always sticks with me is: to be the best at something you have to complete 10,000 hours of dedicated focused work and practice at it. Make sure to find good mentors too. I have been very fortunate to have had very good mentors and bosses throughout, which has made all the difference to me. One principle I live by is to always surround yourself with
people smarter than you. Building a strong network in this industry is also essential: in the modern world, your network is your net-worth. The stock markets are a beautiful place and I have never heard anyone say they are bored of the stock markets. Every day is a new day, every day is a challenge and the one thing the market is constantly asking for is for you to be at your best. Believe in the Indian growth story because it's very real and always remember, when opportunity doesn't knock, build a door!”
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“ Born in Dubai, UAE, in 1990, Anand had done his schooling and college at St Mary's Catholic School, and college at American College of Dubai. He also did his education in music and even performed with the Emirates Youth Symphony Orchestra. Anand runs a startup called Lobo Audio that deals with Audio Engineering.
By IG Team
FINDING A NICHE IS VERY IMPORTANT IN THIS COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT Born in Dubai, UAE, in 1990, Anand had done his schooling and college at St Mary's Catholic School, and college at American College of Dubai. After completing his education there, he shifted to Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, where he further studied for 4 years. He also did his education in music and even performed with the Emirates Youth Symphony Orchestra. Anand runs a startup called Lobo Audio that deal with Audio Engineering. The Incredible Goa team met Anand Lobo to find out more about his startup and here are the excerpts of the interview. TEAM IG - Lets us start with your formal intro including your educational b a c k g r o u n d a n d specialisation. AL - I was born in Dubai, UAE, and lived there for 18 years. My primary education was done at St Mary's Catholic School, and college at American College of Dubai, after which I 40 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
went to join University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, and studied there for 4 years. I was fortunate to also have music education and performed with the Emirates Youth Symphony Orchestra, and the Old Dominion University Orchestra. I started college with the intent of studying Physics (with a side of music), but later switched to Electrical Engineering. So I graduated in 2011 as B. Sc. Electrical Engineering and a minor in Computer Engineering, Physics, and Music Performance (on viola). I moved to India (for the first time) in November 2012, after being unable to secure employment in the USA. TEAM IG - Tell us about your entry into the field of Engineering your own Microphone/Pickup Products and what makes it so unique. AL - As a lifelong amateur musician, I had been hoping to emulate some of the popular
recordings I had become accustomed to watching on YouTube over the years. I was very fortunate to meet a classical guitarist in 2014 who also shared some of the same goals as myself, and along with his sister, we formed an acoustic trio: Lemongrass. My microphone came mostly out of trying to build items for our band to perform better, while being unable to afford professional / premium products. My first build was a battery-powered speaker that we used to perform “busking” in Goa, under the sponsorship of Natural Streets for Performing Arts (NSPA). I worked in Mumbai from June 2018 to Sept 2020, and came up with my current microphone design while I was there. Piezoelectric microphones are not unique, but the way I have designed mine is. It rejects noise and does not require a battery, and gives a much clearer / natural sound than I have found from commercially
available piezoelectric units. TEAM IG - How did you pick this up and how was the process of learning and understanding for you, WRT the startup that you have been funded for. AL - I approached FIIRE seeking sponsorship to offset some of the cost of importing parts that are unavailable in India. I had previously worked in a startup at CIBA Verna, and as it turns out, the same manager is now at Fiire. I still have a decent amount to learn about navigating the bureaucracy of setting up an actual business entity. In the meantime, I am trying to come up with a process that will make it easier to manufacture my microphone, as well as get comparative recordings and electrical measurements to empirically improve the microphone's performance. TEAM IG - Any challenges that you faced along the way. AL - Yes, as my main income is performing with my band, I www.incrediblegoa.org
have to be proactive and vigilant about getting music performances and staying in practice. One of the reasons I went to Mumbai was that
Lemongrass had stopped performing for some time, so I had to find other employment. But that gave me some of the free time and income to work
on the microphone idea. Finding reliable parts and connectors in India is also quite a minefield. TEAM IG - What were some of the key events or programs that you might have been a part of? How would you highlight your journey into this side of the engineering and startup field and what was the main goal for you? AL - I have not been a part of many technology events or programs as such, but my microphone was a byproduct of a personal need, as a musician performing in a band. Fortunately, I had the skills to make it as well as to sort through the many confusing resources available online to find the right combination. I was fortunate to be able to use my microphone at a fairly large event (TedXGateway, Mumbai, March 2020) and it was a success. I performed with the Bombay Chamber Orchestra, where everyone else had a commercial microphone, while I just used my own. This gave me the impetus to make it into a product that other people can
use. TEAM IG - What are your future plans? AL - If the microphone performs the way I intend, there is a very large market for it; mostly in live music, but also in other niche audio-recording applications. I intend to keep manufacturing the microphones in-person so that I can be assured of the quality, and I can also spread the word through other musicians and professionals that I meet. But I will most likely need to get additional help to add some functionality that others have suggested. I am invested in my b a n d a n d m u s i c performances, so that will also take a significant fraction of my time. TEAM IG - Any messages for the people who are aspiring to enter this side of the career that you have taken up? You have to find your niche, because competition is rife. Always give credit where credit is due - you are most likely NOT the first person to come up with a certain idea, you may just be the first person to make it successful. Learn as much as you can about different fields to understand how they relate together.
@incredible_goa /
Whether you are “ travelling to Goa or you live in this tiny state, you cannot avoid the harsh, tropical monsoons. This article is all about the fashion trends to be followed during the monsoon time in Goa which includes dress codes, footwear, rainwear and more.
By IG Team
smelling after getting soaked whilst synthetic clothes dry
Whether you are travelling to Goa or you live in this tiny state, you cannot avoid the harsh, tropical monsoons. This article is all about the fashion trends to be followed during the monsoon time in Goa which includes dress codes, footwear, rainwear and more. Monsoons last for more than 4 months in Goa. It starts in June and ends mid-October. Goa turns green, lush and beautiful 42 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
during the monsoon season. This is also known as the offseason and you will get some attractive packages if you have plans to travel to Goa. Make Use of Synthetic Clothing However many precautions you take, getting wet in the rain in Goa is inevitable and hence synthetic clothing will help a lot. Cotton clothes start
fast and it is advisable to wear them during the rains. Also try to wear short, knee-length pants and avoid long sleeve shirts and tops. No High-Heels! If you're looking to strut your stuff, forget height because it's not advisable to wear high heels during heavy rains. Roads are not very good and it's www.incrediblegoa.org
FASHION TRENDS uncomfortable to walk during the rainy season. Avoid Chunky Metal Accessories Goa has always been a fashion destination and people change their fashion code once they arrive in Goa. Wearing lots of accessories will only make things worse and hence it is advisable to avoid them during the rainy season. It may look good on you but it not practical unless you are planning to do some photoshoots or influencer videos for social media.
Raincoats, Gumboots and Umbrellas In Goa you get all sorts of trendy umbrellas and raincoats and hence you don't have to carry one: just pick one up from practically anywhere! Make sure that the umbrella is big enough for a heavy shower though. Raincoats and gumboots will help a lot if you are planning to visit the spice plantations in Goa which are situated in hilly areas and are prone to heavy rains and water clogging. A good pair of Gumboots can save your feet from the mud and casualty.
Wearing flip flops can also be a good idea since they're comfortable, easy to slip on
and waterproof. There are many options available in Goa, especially from the Mapusa Market on Friday at
very reasonable prices. There are many different things you can try during the monsoon season in Goa. Ideas are unlimited and you can t r y o u t different o p t i o n s depending on your choice a n d preferences. If you have more ideas, please do share them with us at info@incrediblegoa.org
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GCCI Organises A Seminar With EXIM Bank on 'Capacity Building Session on Export Opportunities from Goa
Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry in association with India EXIM . Bank organised a seminar on 'Capacity Building Session on Export Opportunities from Goa and Exim Bank's Financing Programme Ubharte Sitaare' on 8th June, 2022. The chief guest was Mr Ralph de Sousa, and EXIM bank senior officials Ms Chitra Raste, Deputy General Manager, Mr Mayank Khurana, Deputy Manager, Mr Prashant Kumar, Chief Manager, Mr Sanjay Amonkar, Director General, GCCI were present. Around 80 participants benefited from the session. Ms Ambika Dhakhenkar, Asst Director, GCCI compered and Mr Sanket Kaskar, Foreign Trade Officer, GCCI coordinated the event. Mr Ralph de Sousa, President, GCCI while giving the inaugural speech, mentioned that GCCI, Goa's apex industry association, represents several renowned businesses houses from the state, and that collectively they raise various issues that concerns the overall growth and development of the state. Ms Raste, presented a brief history of the India EXIM bank, 44 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
its operation and highlighted its presence globally in 7 different countries. While stating that bank's vision has evolved from product-centric to customer-centric, she said that, under its mission to facilitate globalisation of Indian business, 310 Line of credits, covering 66 countries with credit commitments of over US$ 31.96 bn have been extended. Mr Kumar, spoke about Ubharte Sitaare Programme (USP) of EXIM bank that identifies Indian companies that are future champions with good export potential. The identified Indian company should have potential advantages by way of technology, product or process, but are currently under-performing or are not able to tap their latent potential to emerge bigger. The nature of assistance under the USP includes a mix of structured support, both financial and advisory services through (a) debt (funded and non-funded facilities) at competitive rates and elongated tenors; (b) investments in equity / equity like instruments; and (c) technical assistance to Indian
companies. The Programme is anchored by Exim Bank together with SIDBI and has an initial corpus of 1,000 crore. Selected proposals till date include various sectors such as auto components, consumer goods, industrial warehouse automation, GNSS semiconductor chips & system, miiltary electro optical and infra red systems etc. He said that Goan MSMEs can avail this opportunity to scale up and have the ability to perform wonders in global markets through exports. Mr Mayank Khurana, Deputy Manager, Exim bank presented an overview on the India's foreign trade which stood at USD 2432.5 million which is 0.6% of total country's export, and also spoke on export opportunities from Goa. Highlighting the composition of Goa's top merchandise exports he informed that Drug formulation, Biologicals constitute 47% of total exports which is the highest followed by Iron & Steel, Iron ore which together constituted 15% for FY22. Also, the data for export destinations from Goa showed that highest was done to USA, followed by 10%, 5% to China and UK respectively. He also mentioned that due to increased digital modes of work (work from home) and companies preferring Goa as one of the key destinations, services exports have the potential to grow exponentially in the coming years. Mr Rajkumar Kamat, President, Vibrant Goa Foundation, Chairman, GCCI Industry Committee summarised the whole event with taking excerpts from each session
earlier. He concluded that Goa has huge potential eco tourism, agro & food processing, I.T., GI tagged products, ODOP etc to increase export output from Goa. He also added that various industry associations alongwith Government can be the facilitators and take up issues concerned with the exporters limiting the sector. He applauded the Government of India's initiative Ubharte Sitaare program through EXIM bank to select the niche players, talented and having great potential MSMEs to access the global markets. The Director General Mr Sanjay Amonkar informed that during discussions with the participants the Exporters opined that the Mormugao Port is not at all being utilised for exports due to stoppage of the Container service. To promote exports in the state more importance needs to be given to Exports. Govt of Goa should appoint a Secretary Exports who will b a single point contact for all Exports related support be it Finance, logistics, basic infrastructure or promotion & coordination with the Central Govt Dept. Today export related matters are spread with various Central Govt Dept & difficult to access. Infact the DGFT office is yet to reopen in Goa. It will be a welcome move for EODB in Exports for Goa to have a Secretary level administrator for Exports.
@incredible_goa /
Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and it can strengthen bones, slowing down the process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.
The lower abdominal region is a very tough area to develop and remove excess fat from. I see many clients dropping their overall body fat levels way down only to be disappointed by that little extra fold of fat on their lower abs. losing fat in this region comes down to really focusing on three main areas: 1. Eating clean diet You need to really focus on eliminating all of the empty calories from your nutritional plan. Stick with lean protein like egg whites, fish and fibrous, non-starchy carbohydrates throughout the day. Starches can be eaten before your workout and early to mid-morning but should be cut by 5 pm. Fibrous carbohydrates should contain mostly vegetables. 2. Switch up your Cardio
Try cardio cross training to add a shock to your body and to start burning more fat. Make sure to mix in low-intensity with high-intensity sessions. The best cardio exercise is simply the one you will do day in and day out consistently. Choose one which you enjoy doing and don't be afraid to mix the exercises up. Perform Interval cardio which consists of moving from one exercise to another in set of time intervals. For example, you could do the elliptical trainer for 15 minutes, then switch to the stationary bike for another 15 minutes and finish off on the treadmill for the last 15 minutes. Interval training is a great way of burning maximum fat. Below are the top five cardio exercises which burn the most calories in 30 minutes and that will provide amazing results!
All this exercises can be used for High Intensity Interval Training. è Swimming is an excellent cardio exercises as it is a full body exercise. Swimming is a great cross-training for other cardio activities also. Doing the breast stroke can burn approx. 400 calories in 30 minutes. è Running - Running is an excellent cardio exercises because all you need is a pair of quality running shoes. Running burns serious calories. A 70 kg individual can easily burn 300 calories in 30 minutes. è Elliptical Trainer - is an excellent cardio exercises and a great way to build endurance. A 70 kg person can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes. è Jumping Rope - This is one of the simplest, yet most effective exercises one can do. In just 15 to 20 minutes, jumping rope will give you an unparalleled total body workout. Jumping rope is ideal for cardiovascular endurance and enhances performance in virtually any sport. This simple exercise is also great for eyehand coordination, foot and hand speed and agility. è Sprinting - Sprinting not
only burns HUGE amounts of calories, it also keeps your metabolism flying for days after. Sprinting combined with running / jogging can bring amazing results. And finally 3. Abs exercises that will provide an intense workout for your stomach. Focus on these abs exercises below for working the lower area of your abdominal region: è Hanging Leg Raises: This is a relatively new abdominal exercise that is rapidly gaining popularity in gyms hanging leg raises place intense stress on the entire rectus abdominals especially the lower part. è Seated Flat Bench Leg Pull Ins: Lie on a flat bench with your legs extending off the end. Place your hands under your buttocks with your palms down and extend your legs straight out. Bend your knees and pull your upper thighs into your midsection. Return to the starting position. è Exercise Ball Crunches: The exercise ball crunches is an excellent tool to strengthen the abs and comes out number three for working the rectus abdominis. By combining all three factors above, you should start seeing results in your lower abs!
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Smilecraft is one of the top rated dental clinic’s in Goa. Dr Schuyler Pereira completed his dental studies from the renowned New York University in USA. He maintains state of the art dental practices at Goa and Bangalore. At Smilecraft a holistic treatment approach is taken when it comes to dental health. We offer a wide range of dental services ranging from teeth cleaning to cosmetic dentistry and implant. We indeed craft smiles that will last you miles!
For years missing teeth have been replaced by methods such as removable dentures and fixed bridges. While they are still being used even today, modern technology has enabled far better options for missing tooth replacement which is dental implants. Here are a few reasons why dental implants stand out when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Why dental implants? While it is very important to replace missing teeth to prevent changes and collapse of your bite, dental implants are the next best option to replace a missing natural tooth or multiple teeth. What are dental implants?
Dental implants are basically titanium screws that come in different sizes and are fixed
into your jaw in position of the missing natural tooth.
How are they better than other fixed teeth options? Dental implants unlike conventional fixed bridges do not require the teeth besides them to be trimmed. Thus, they are very conservative. Furthermore, they are the only option that also replaces the root portion of the tooth and maintains the jaw bone height. Is getting an Implant a painful procedure? While the procedure itself is not painful due to the anaesthesia given, mild post operative discomfort can be anticipated during the initial few days which can be easily managed with medication. Are dental implants
invasive? No, with the advent of guided implant surgeries, getting an implant has become a minimally invasive procedure and is usually completed in under an hour. What are the different types of dental implant options? Dental implants can vary from a single missing tooth replacement to something more extensive like full mouth dental implants, all on 4 dental implants and implant supported dentures. It varies depending from case to case, on an average a dental implant can cost anywhere between 25000 to 40000
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Vandit Naik being felicitated by Ralph de Souza while Orlando Rodrigues and Priyanka Naik look on.
GCCI Agriculture & Food Processing Committee with all the participants group photo
Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry President Ralph de Sousa felicitated four ‘Young Goan Farmers’ for their outstanding contribution to the agriculture sector. Goa ‘Krishi Ratna 2021’ awardee, Vandit R. Naik from MoisalMollem; ‘Krishi Bhushan’ awardee, Gautam Govind Kamat from Khola-Canacona; and Fr. Inacio Almeida State Award for Organic Farming recipient, Deelip Pundalik Narulkar of Hassapur-Pernem, were present for the feliciation while ‘Krishi Vibhushan’ awardee Anitha Mathew Vallikappan was out of state and will be presented the citation later. The GCCI’s Agriculture & Food Processing Committee felicitated the four young farmers along with its member, Sairaj Dhond who has successfully launched the brand Wakao Foods for processed jackfruit and won an investment of Rs.75 lakhs at Shark Tank India for his startup. President de Sousa congratulated all the awardees and said that the India’s agriculture sector is not just self-sufficient but the technological advancements 48 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JUNE 2022
have made it a profitable and investor friendly enterprise. He complimented the budding entrepreneurs and startups for venturing into this sector, leaving behind government and corporate jobs, to achieve their dreams. Chairman of the GCCI Agriculture & Food Processing Committee, Orlando Rodrigues, and Mentor Dr S a n g a m K u r a d e complimented the awardeeentrepreneurs. Earlier, Miguel Braganza introduced the five persons being felicitated and gave a brief background of their work. Ambika Dhakhenkar, Assistant Director of GCCI, ably anchored the felicitation program and proposed the Vote of Thanks. Vandit Naik spoke on behalf of the felicitees and invited the GCCI members to visit his RasRaj Farms at MoisalMollem.
Gautam Kamat being felicitated by Ralph de Souza while Orlando Rodrigues and Pradnya Kamat look on.
Deelip Pundalik Narulkar being felicitated by Ralph de Souza while Orlando Rodrigues look on.
Sairaj Dhond being felicitated by Ralph de Souza while Orlando Rodrigues look on
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