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MARCH 2022
Cover Story
Pramod Salgaocar
Elton D’Souza
Philu Martins
Chef Sunit Sharma Prathamesh Chari Vinho Fontainhas
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Goa Carnival is one of Asia's few carnivals and India's only carnival celebration. It is a colourful and vibrant festival that has been celebrated since the 18th century as a prelude to Lent's abstinence.
28 WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Having graduated from the Goa Medical College and soon marrying into one of Goa's most respected business families, Pramod Salgaocar has come a long way.
30 HOT PICKS Vinho Fontainhas is the revival of the Port Wine in the premium segment of the new generation spirit and it is a venture spearheaded by two Goan youths Tanishq Palyekar and Reuben Ramos.
Chef Sunit Sharma boasts a humble and down to earth personality. His journey of two decades in the culinary world has given him enough opportunities to become a celebrity chef by all means but he has remained humble
36 GOAN TALENT Prathamesh is a young musician who plays Indian tabla and western drums with the same passion and expertise at the same time, which is a magic in itself.
40 STARTUP GOA The Guitar Laundry makes your soiled, dirty guitars and musical instruments look as good as the day you got them brand new! Let's check out The Guitar Laundry - an emerging start-up of Goa.
42 FASHION TRENDS Philu belongs to a family of creativity wherein her grandfather was a suit maker who used to stitch suits for the film stars of yesteryear such as Rajesh Khanna
46 FITNESS TIPS BY NORBERT 48 EVENTS & HAPPENING www.incrediblegoa.org
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Back on the track... RAJESH GHADGE
Editor & Publisher Rajesh Ghadge rajesh@rajeshghadge.com
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Contributors Norbert D’Souza Anita Athi
Circulations & Logistics Aakash Ghadge subscribe@incrediblegoa.org ghadge.aakash96@gmail.com
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To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing the magazine to ensure it is free of any mistakes, any omissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly, please feel free to bring it to our notice. We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us make this publication even better and useful.
Finally, things have started getting back to normal, with almost no restrictions from the authorities, as cases have been on decline since February. Places such as malls and theatres have been allowed to operate with hundred percent capacity from the rst week of March and this brings us to the end of the pandemic! We have lost many jewels during the pandemic and Lata Didi is one of them. According to Lata didi, she never left her home during the pandemic yet she caught the virus from which she never recovered. Lata breathed her last on 6th February in a well-known hospital in Mumbai where she was admitted after detecting positive for Covid. The doctors had said that she was recovering from it and her condition was becoming stable, somehow she lost the battle and left this world for her heavenly abode. Although many know that Lata didi belonged to Goa and some think that she lived in Goa during her childhood, but that is not correct. Lata Didi was not born in Goa but she had roots in Goa as her grandfather was a pujari at Goa's famous Mangueshi temple. The cover story of this magazine is a tribute to legendary singer and India's nightingale who is worshiped like the goddess of usic, Saraswati, throughout the country. Although Lata didi reached the ultimate pinnacle of success, she always remained humble till her last breath. The cover story will take you through her journey of struggles and achievements and it will shed light on many facts that many of you
might have not have been aware about. Getting information on Lata didi was not dif cult as many stories surfaced online after her demise but the the major challenge in front of me was the selection process of the chronicles, as there is so much information to sift through. I have tried my best to compile the most important facts of her life journey and presented them before you and I am sure it won't disappoint, but in case you nd any of the things mentioned in her story incorrect or you know some more please do share the same with me and I will try to incorporate the same in our online version. We strive to bring the stories that are most relevant to Goa and that is the specialty of this magazine, and we will keep doing this for years to come. We make sure that we bring the stories of real heroes to you but many a time it happens that we miss out on something, not intentionally but due to the lack of information and at this juncture the support of our readers comes into the picture. We are on a mission of bringing to you the incredible stories of the incredible people, things and places in Goa and if you know someone or something that needs to get featured on this magazine, please do write to us on info@incrediblegoa.org and we will do our best to reach out to you take the case forward. We have all the regular columns in place and in the near future we will adding more sections to this publication. Till next time, happy reading…
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Printed, Published & Owned by GOA PRISM DIGITAL MEDIA. Printed at Printek Printers, and Published at Alfran Plaza, M G Road, Panaji – Goa. 403001 India. Editor & Publisher: Rajesh Ghadge
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GCCI Organised the Union Budget Presentation in the Goa Chamber Convention Hall
GCCI President Mr Ralph De Sousa said that the Hon. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s Budget for FY23 has been growthoriented, with an impetus on capital expenditure to fuel economic growth and employment generation. The F M m u s t a l s o b e commended for maintaining the scal de cit at 6.9% of GDP in FY22. GDP growth for FY 22 expected at 9.2% was the highest for any large economy he said. The hospitality sector rms are yet to regain their prepandemic level of business,
a n d t h e extension of E C L G S scheme is a w e l c o m e move. GCCI Vice President Mr S r i n i v a s Dempo lauded the Hon. Finance Minister for listing four priorities of the Modi government - PM Gati Shakti, inclusive development, energy transition and climate action and nancing of investments. The Business Community welcomes the initiative taken forEase of Doing Business & the bold step to repeal 1486 laws. One more important step was transparency in release of payments by Govt. Departments. Rationalisation o f t a x e s & re c o rd G S T collections are some of the other highs of this budget Mr Dempo added.
Former GCCI President Mr Manoj Caculo thanked the FM for not presenting a populist budget considering the on coming elections and taxing the Industry. There has been no such move by the Govt he said. Ease of Living which is the next step of Ease of Doing business is the right path for the Nation. Electric vehicles battery swapping Policy to be brought out with interoperability standards was a good step but the details need to be studied he said. Mr AtulJadhav CII president was happy that no new taxes have been introduced. He welcomed the extension of the ECLGS scheme & addition of Rs 50,000 Cr to the same. Mr Nilesh Shah Chairman of TTAG also was positive on the budget . The Road infra from Gati Shakti will boost tourism along with Vande Bharat trains &Parvat
Mala scheme aimed at Rope ways in the NE Region. CA Gaurav Kenkre- Vice President Institute of Chartered Accountants Goa said that this budget has increased Capex funding than any previous budget which will boost the e c o n o m y. T h e G S T Collection increase signi es economic recovery, more enforcement& ef cient data analysis he added. CA Rohan Bhandare, Chairman of GCCC Taxation Committee said that Introduction of Digital Rupee using blockchain technology givesastrong message that India is ready for any technology adoption. The Govt has gone a step ahead to take the tax payer into con dence in the process of tax declaration by opening up the options for updating tax returns with two years is a positive in this budget.
3rd Edition of Business Diva Organized by GCCI Women’s Wing in Association with FIIRE Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Women’s Wing was established in 2005 with the purpose of empowering women entrepreneurs, self-help groups and professionals. It conducts various programs & workshops to empower women entrepreneurs. Forum for Innovation Incubation Research and Entrepreneurship (FiiRE) is a Te c h n o l o g y B u s i n e s s Incubator established with the support of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and is hosted at the Don Bosco College of Engineering – Fatorda, Goa. FiiRE supports early stage technology ventures which work towards innovation,
d e v e l o p m e n t o r improvement of products, processes or services with a scalable business model. It offers incubation support, co-working space, testing laboratory, training halls and o t h e r f a c i l i t i e s t o i t ’s i n c u b a t e e s a n d entrepreneurs. FiiRE helps startups set up a sustainable business which solves a real pain, has a global impact, provides value to customers, livelihood and satisfaction to their employees. FiiRE t h r o u g h i t ’s s t r u c t u r e d incubation process, helps start-ups build prototypes, provides access to strategic mentors, early adopters and investors. Geno Foundation is a trust managed by Geno
Pharmaceutical Pvt Ltd a renowned Pharmaceuticals company based at Goa. Geno Foundation mainly focus on empowering women, promoting National sports and social welfare etc Pharmaceuticals company based at Goa. Geno Foundation mainly focus on empowering women, promoting National sports and social welfare etc To achieve our objective of promoting innovation and entrepreneurial speci c environment, GCCI Women’s Wing in association with FiiRE had jointly organized The Business Diva Competition 2022 powered by GENO FOUNDATION. The overwhelming response and positive feedback
received for the programme convinced us to make it into an annual event. The event is a business idea competition for women and would mainly focus on innovative solutions to women centric issues and problems. The aim of The Business Diva Competition 2022 is to reach a wider audience and positively impact and uplift more women entrepreneurs during these trying times. The event will be coordinated by Ms. Ashlesha de Noronha ( FiiRE), Ms. Pallavi Salgaocar (Chairperson, GCCI Women’s W ing) and Ms. Poonam Shirsat (Co-Chair, GCCI Women’s Wing)
Agriculture Entrepreneurs Felicitated by GCCI President Ralph de Sousa
Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry President Ralph de Sousa felicitated four ‘Young Goan Farmers’ for their outstanding contribution to
the agriculture sector. Goa ‘Krishi Ratna 2021’ awardee, Vandit R. Naik from MoisalMollem; ‘Krishi Bhushan’ awardee, Gautam Govind Kamat from KholaCanacona; and Fr. Inacio Almeida State Award for Organic Farming recipient, Deelip Pundalik N a r u l k a r o f Hassapur-Pernem, were present for the feliciation while ‘Krishi Vibhushan’ awardee Anitha Mathew Vallikappan was out of state and will be presented the citation later. The GCCI’s Agriculture &
Food Processing Committee felicitated the four young farmers along with its member, Sairaj Dhond who has successfully launched the brand Wakao Foods for processed jackfruit and won an investment of Rs.75 lakhs at Shark Tank India for his start-up. President de Sousa congratulated all the awardees and said that the India’s agriculture sector is not just self-suf cient but the technological advancements have made it a pro table and investor friendly enterprise. He complimented the budding entrepreneurs and startups for venturing into this sector, leaving behind government and corporate
jobs, to achieve their dreams. Chairman of the GCCI Agriculture & Food P ro c e s s i n g C o m m i t t e e , Orlando Rodrigues, and Mentor Dr Sangam Kurade complimented the awardeeentrepreneurs. Earlier, Miguel Braganza introduced the ve persons being felicitated and gave a brief background of their work. Ambika Dhakhenkar, Assistant Director of GCCI, ably anchored the felicitation program and proposed the Vote of Thanks. Vandit Naik spoke on behalf of the felicitees and invited the GCCI members to visit his RasRaj Farms at MoisalMollem.
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Prominent Goan Businessman Victor Albuquerque Passes Away
Victor Albuquerque, Chairman and Managing Director of Alcon-Victor Group and one of Goa's most respected business leaders, passed away on March 6 afternoon at the age of 81, following a brief illness. His life story is inspiring because he started his career as an Asst. Engineer in PWD in the mid-1960s and went on to establish one of Goa's l a rg e s t C o n s t r u c t i o n & Hospitality Groups. He was the Chairman and Managing Director of Alcon. Along with
Anil Counto, he founded his company AlconAnil Counto Enterprises. The Radisson Hotel G ro u p a n d t h e Victor Hospital are both parts of the Alcon Group. He was passionate about the hospitality industry and was concerned about the state's tourism. He stated that Goa will have to do something different in order to attract foreigners. V ictor Albuquerque, an Engineer by trade, with a degree in Civil Engineering and over 30 years of design and construction experience, gradually moved to the hospitality business, where he managed hospitals and hotels in the state with his two sons, Vinay and Varun.
He was also appointed Honorary Consul General of Russia in 2013. M r V i c t o r M . Albuquerque,.was also the Promoter / Founder and Chairman of the Goan People's Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd. in Goa. He had the vision to venture into alternative medicine as well, which led to the establishment of Devaaya Ayurveda & Nature Cure Centre & Mercure. Victor Albuquerque believes that medical tourism is a good industry with 10-15% occupancy during the season. Sensing a need, he established the rst superspeciality hospital in Margao, Apollo Hospitals, which perfor ms surgeries on foreign patients. Victor Albuquerque's long time business partner Anil
Counto who is now the Chair man of Alcon-Anil Counto Enterprises told Herald, “I lost a very good friend. For 27 years from 1971-to 1998, we worked together during our good and bad days. He always thought out of the box and came out with very innovative and brilliant ideas. In fact, we grew together and in the mid-60s we both worked for the PWD. He was very enterprising, daring and hardworking and hence we came close. In fact, our thought processes were the same. I feel extremely saddened.” Mr Ralph De Sousa, President of the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Managing Committee extend their heartfelt condolences on the untimely death of Mr Victor M. Albuquerque.
IHCL Goa Hosts Rajnish Kumar’s Book Release
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e Custodian of Trust
Amin Ladak
Oshrit Birvadekar
Suhel Seth, Puneet Kumar Goel and Rajnish Kumar releasing the book
The Indian Hotels Company L i m i t e d ( I H C L ) re c e n t l y hosted the book release of 'The Custodian of Trust' by Mr. Rajnish Kumar, Former Chairman – State Bank of India (SBI) at Taj Resort & Convention Centre in Dona Paula. The event commenced with Mr. Kumar in conversation with Mr. Suhel Seth, Founder and Managing Director of Counselage ndia followed by the I book release at the hands of Mr. Puneet Kumar Goel, Hon. Chief Secretary of Goa. In his memoir, Mr. Kumar narrates his journey as
a banker, from joining India's largest commercial bank as a probationary of cer in 1980 to becoming Chairman of the company in 2017. The book mentions many signi cant moments in the Indian banking sector that greatly impacted the country and its economy during the span of his career, including the challenges faced in postdemonetisation, Yes Bank crisis and the collapse of Jet Airways among others. Speaking on India's economy and the role of the tourism industry, Mr. Vincent Ramos, Area Director – IHCL, Goa and General Manager –
Taj Resort & Convention Centre, Goa said, “India is evidently among the fastest growing economies in the world. In the service sector, the travel and tourism industry is a major engine of growth contributing to a signi cant number of the total employment in the country. With the recent Government initiatives to boost the tourism and hospitality sector, the market size is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years.”
Shrinivas Dempo
Ajit Dalvi
Vincent Ramos
FEBRUARY 2022 ISSUE IS OUT!! TO READ FREE PLEASE SCAN THE QR CODE ON MAGAZINE OR VISIT foodandhospitality.incrediblegoa.org/magazine
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On the 6th February 2022, India lost its nightingale. A melodious voice of this millennium, Lata Mangeshkar, who reigned over the music industry for more than 7 decades creating history in the music world by singing more than 30,000 songs in 36 languages, sadly passed away. Although Lata didi lived most of her life in Mumbai and served the Mumbai film industry, her roots belong to Mangeshi in Goa where her father Dinanath Mangueshkar, was a temple pujari and handmaiden of the deity 18 / INCREDIBLE GOA / JANUARY 2022
Lata Mangeshkar, born in 1929 in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, was the eldest of the ve children of Dinanath and Shevanti Mangeshkar. She started her musical and theatrical journey at the age of 5 in her father's musical plays (Sangeet Natak in Marathi) when her father
in the family, the family's responsibility fell upon her and she also took the challenge head on. At a very young age, Lata started singing in Hindi lms and became the sole bread earner of her family. She worked very hard to support her siblings. Asha
Goa, they never lived in Goa. There are various stories about their family being mistreated by the local people of Goa during their bad times and that made them rebel and a decision was made to cut all ties from Goa and she maintained that status quo till her last breath.
1942 when she was just 13 years old. Since her father had expired due to heart related ailments, a close family friend, Master Vinayak Damodar Kar nataki, the owner of Navyug Chitrapat, a lm production company, took care of Lata and her siblings. He saw real talent in
started giving her singing lessons. Her father Pt Deenanath Mageshkar was well known in the eld of Marathi Theatre and India Classical Vocals. Destiny had other plans for Lata though and when she was about to start her music career, at the age of 13, she lost her father and since she was the eldest
(Bhosle), Usha, Meena, Hridaynath, and today all ve siblings are well-known names in the Indian lm industry. Despite all the ups and downs of life they have always remained together and even worked together on many projects. Although Lata didi and her family had roots in
Lata did come down to Goa on very rare occasions, maybe a couple of times, but she always preferred to stay away from all the invitations that were sent from Goa to her family. According to the mentions made in the various literatures, Lata didi started her journey into singing in
Lata at that young age and helped her to start her career as a singer and actress. Lata didi moved to Mumbai in 1945, (pre independence) along with the production company of Master Vinayak and she started taking lessons in classical music from Ustaad Aman Ali Khan who
belonged to Bhindibazaar Gharana. She and her sister Asha also played a minor role in Vinayak's rst Hindilanguage movie, Badi Maa (1945). In year 1948, Lata didi lost her support system, Master Vinayak, but she did not fall apart and continued her journey into the music industry with the help of music director Ghulam Haider who mentored her as singer and introduced her to lm producer Sashadhar Mukherjee, who produced a Dilip Kumar starrer blockbuster lm, Shaheed (1948). However, he rejected her voice suggesting it was “too thin” (patli awaaz)which annoyed Haider and he decided to make Lata such a
legend that the industry bigwigs would be begging to have her sing on their movie soundtracks. Keeping his selfmade promise in mind, Hairder soon gave Lata her rst major break in the movie Majboor (1948) with the song "Dil Mera Toda, Mujhe Kahin Ka Na Chhora"—lyrics by Nazim Panipati. The song became a mega blockbuster hit . In one her interviews Lata didi made mention of it saying, "Ghulam Haider is truly my Godfather. He was the rst music director who showed complete faith in my talent." Just like any other debutant, Lata also started her career by imitating famous singers and people
started comparing her with Noor Jahan, but Lata didi soon developed her own identity by developing a new style of singing and soon she become the one to bring a new signature style of singing that everyone tried to imitate but none succeeded till date. As she had already been rejected for her “thin voice”, she had developed a special soprano range of voice with less volume and amplitude. She developed a weight in her voice to give de nite shape to the melody of Indian lm songs. Lata Didi also mentioned an incident with Dilip Kumar Ji, wherein the late veteran actor made remarks of disapproval on her accent while singing Hindi / Urdu songs which she took
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very seriously and started taking Urdu lessons from an Urdu teacher named Sha . “Noor Jahan heard me as a child and told me to practice a lot and we stayed in touch with each other for years to come.” Lata has sung more than 30 thousand songs in 36 languages, this you know, but you may not know about what gave her fame initially? Which was her rst song that established her into this Bollywood Industry? It was t h e s o n g “A a y e g a A a n e w a a l a ” f ro m t h e movie Mahal (1949), composed and directed by Khemchand Prakash and lip synced on the screen by debonair actress of the www.incrediblegoa.org
black and white era, Madhubala. Remember, it was the era of screen stars and people would believe that the actors themselves were singing. Playback singers didn't get the same recognition back but it was Lata didi who broke this conventional dogma. The song became a big hit when Radio Goa revealed her identity and it made her star in her own right. This also led to open the doors for other playback singers to achieve the recognition they deserved and there was no turning back after that and she kept climbing the ladders of success with each blockbuster hit she gave. Lata didi left this world for her heavenly abode
on 6th February 2022 after ghting a 28 day battle with Covid-19,which she contracted on the 8th of January showing mild symptoms but later ended up on a ventilator. According to medical reports, Lata didi died of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome at the age of 92. The loss of Lata d i d i h a s c re a t e d a b i g vacuum in the Indian lm and music industry which may never be lled by anyone. What we are left with are just the memories. Here we have compiled the memoirs of Lata didi from various media sources. According to Asha Bhosle, Lata didi was a master in making paper airplanes. “I still remember
but it's blurry,” said Asha Bhosle recollecting the memories of Lata Didi. “In Solapur we had our company bungalow. I can see that we all siblings are playing and ghting occasionally. Lata didi was expert in making paper airplanes, as they would always y very high and we all used to urge her to make one for us too,” said Asha adding that she recollects one incident “Once our father was performing on the stage for a continuous two hours or more, and I was sleeping in the lap of my mother. The audience was cheering up and he was completely exhausted and next moment I see Lata didi on the stage, without any fear, started performing
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classical vocals and that mesmerised the entire crowd,” said Asha adding that incident took her into the ashback when Lata didi would keep pesturing her to get up early in the morning and practice Ragas “Sa re ga ma” “First of all rise early and on top of that sit with practice, when there is a time to play? And suddenly I woke up from the ashback with the big sound of applause and I heard people saying “Baap se Beti Sawai”. This incident shared by Asha in one her interview to the media shows how much Lata didi was dedicated to her work. There are many stories about Lata didi which surfaced after her demise www.incrediblegoa.org
and they tell how much she was loved and cherished by the Indian audience. The story goes back to the time when her rst hit song “Ayega Aanewala” from movie 'Mahal 'broke all the records of the music industry people started asking who is the singer. During those days the producers would not give any credits to the singer as people would believe that song was sung by the actors on the screen and the idea of Lip Syncing was non-existent in the public. As usual the name of Lata didi was not mentioned on the cover and when the song was aired on the radio it became popular instantly, the demand from the listener made radio stations to reveal the name of the singer and from that movement onwards Lata Didi became the household name in the country. Everyone knows the incident of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru when tears rolled down from his eyes listening to Lata Didi's song “Aye Mere
Watan Ke logon” but very few know about this following incident. 1950: when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had gone to Amritsar to meet Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan Sa'ab. It is for those who don't know, Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan was a renowned Hindustani classical vocalist and people worshipped him like a God. Khan Saab and Pandit ji were in the middle of conversation when the former abruptly asked pandit ji to stop talking. He was trying to catch the sound of the melodious voice of Lata didi entering the room they were sitting in. Lata didi was singing “Ye Zindagi Usiki Hai” from the lm Anarkali and when the song ended Khan Sa'ab exclaimed, "Kambakht, kabhi besuri hoti hi nahin!" (Damnit, she never falters.) The new era of playback singing began by 1950 and Lata didi was the pioneer of of that era. She started singing for Marathi and Hindi
lms. In one of her interviews Lata didi said that she never enjoyed acting and preferred to remain the playback singer. "I started out as an actor. but I never used to like acting. I used to hate putting on make-up and having to laugh and cry in front of the camera." There are many stories about the dedication of Lata Didi but this one is the most interesting one. It was when Lata had just started her career in the Hindi lm industry and superstar Dilip Kumar saab was a struggling actor. During those days in the lm industry, she would take the local train from her home to the studios. In one such incident Lata Didi happened to meet Dilip Saab on the train while he was travelling with music composer Anil Biswas. Anil ji knew Lata didi and he immediately introduced her to Dilip Saab saying meet this young talented singer. Dilip Kumar immediately asked what she sings on which
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Biswas said she is a Marathi singer to which Dilip Kumar responded saying how she will get the tallaffuz (Urdu diction) right? On that day Lata went home and started taking tuitions on Urdu and Hindi and that was the level of dedication she had. Soon Dilip ji and Lata didi became very good friends and when Dilip ji heard her song “Pyar Kiya to Darna Kya” from Muhal-e-Azam he called Lata's voice a miracle. Lata sang over 30,000 in 36 languages including Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati in her career spanning nearly 80 years. The actors would often say that Lata's singing made their job harder since she was not singing for them but instead, they had to perform based on the way Lata had decided to sing the particular song. The stories on Lata didi won't end even if I write thousands of more words but then good things need to end somewhere. Lata didi left us but her memories will linger around us forever. Her songs will keep her alive forever in our minds. Now I am going back to listening to my favourite albums of Lata didi but please let me know how you found this story and if you have any suggestions and inputs that we can add to it, please get in touch.
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is is the first Carnival “ Celebration on a large scale since the pandemic struck the world two years back and this is a clear sign of the pandemic coming under some control. Goa is known for its beautiful, sandy, palm-fringed beaches, warm sunsets and natural beauty. e Carnival is the icing on the cake.
Goa Carnival 2022 e Return of Festivities in Goa By Staff Reporter Goa Carnival is one of Asia's few carnivals and India's only carnival celebration. It is a colourful and vibrant festival that has been celebrated since the 18th century as a prelude to Lent's abstinence. The Portuguese, who ruled over Goa for over 500 years, introduced this exclusively to Goa. Every year, before the start of the Christian sacred observance of Lent, Goa hosts the Goa Carnival, which is a 40-day period of strict fasting and sometimes abstention from nonvegetarian food and alcohol, so Goans try to make the most of the days leading up to Lent. Here is everything you need to know about celebrating Carnival in Goa! A Brief History of Carnival
The Carnival was introduced to Goa by the Portuguese in the 18th century, and it is still celebrated in Goa with all of its Portuguese charm and fervour. It was believed, in the pre-Christian era, that the winter spirits had to be driven out in order for the summer spirits to enter - a sort of transition from darkness to light. Since then, the Carnival has been held to mark the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Based on the Christian tradition of Mardi Gras (Fat Wednesday), which refers to the events of the carnival celebrations, the Goa Carnival is an annual festival that celebrates Goa's culture and cuisine on a grand scale. Goa Carnival is a four-day razzmatazz that
originated from the tradition of Mardi Gras, a tradition of hedonistic feasts and dancing and drinking bouts. The carnival was more about Portuguese culture and traditions but as time went on the carnival evolved and became more about Goan culture. The candy-coloured beauty of parade Goa Carnival kicks off on Fat Saturday evening with an incredibly grand procession led by Carnival King Momo. Huge street celebrations take place throughout the state, with amazing parades full of colourful costumes and large incredible oats. Throughout the city, extravagant dance and music performances are held. The Goa Carnival is lled with a urry of tourist
activities, with people spending the entire day feasting, partying, and drinking. The huge parades t h a t m o v e t h ro u g h t h e various streets of Goa aggravate the festive mood even more. Live bands and dancers accompany these parades. During the carnival, Goa forgets to sleep because the parades last all night. The majority of the streets are adorned with beautiful lighting and grand balls. The Goa Carnival festivities include dancing troupes, revellers wearing masks and costumes, electrifying music that is usually performed live, sports competitions, oats and parades, and hedonistic pursuits such as great food and drinking. The night is www.incrediblegoa.org
IN FOCUS reserved for nonstop revelry and grand masquerade balls. Masked revellers in large crowds take to the streets and indulge in pursuits such as excessive drinking and food consumption. The Exquisite and exotic Carnival Food Wo W ! T h a t ' s w h a t G o a Carnival food will make you say. The cafes, hotels and restaurants serve luscious seafood and avourful meat. People attending the carnival can immerse themselves in the rich avours of Indian cuisine. The highest quality ingredients are collected with great care. There are numerous mouth-watering dishes to try. There are delicacies that will leave your taste buds tingling, whether you want something sweet or spicy! The Vibe of Red and Black Dance The Red and Black Dance is a special dance performed at the Goa Carnival. This dance performance takes place
prior to Fat Tuesday, the last day of feasting before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Women wear red tops with black shirts, and men wear red shirts with black pants. Dancers dress up in red and black costumes and have an enjoyable time dancing with their partners. They dance to the big musical bands' beats. The nal day of the festivities is thought to be the most spectacular because it is the last chance to conclude the Carnival. The Legendary King Momo Similarly to Rio de Janeiro's Carnival, a person from the state is chosen to play King Momo, who becomes the of cial King of Carnival. King Momo, presides over, on an opening day orders his subjects to the party that leads the parade on a magni cent oat, accompanied by an entourage of musicians, dancers, acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers.
King Momo, the mascot of the parade, declares that the carnival decree is "eat, drink, and be m e r r y. " F o l l o w i n g t h i s announcement, the celebration begins, and the entire city bursts out in joy. The lively streets of.. The parades in Goa are held in four cities: Panaji, Margao, Vasco, and Mapusa. The parades of Goa Carnival are large spectacles that feature dancers, musicians, rebreathers, jesters, acrobats, clowns, and brass bands performing spectacularly as they parade down main streets. During the annual carnival days, Goa is a lot of fun. During this time, cities such as Panaji and Vasco Da Gama are completely decked out, and the air is lled with the crackling energy of festivity and celebration. You can take part in activities at Maruti Temple, Vainguinim Beach, Reis Magos Fort, Fontainhas, Japanese
Garden, Mormugao Fort, St Andrew's Church, Monkey Beach, St Jerome Church, Milagres Church, Colva Beach Road, Municipal Garden, and other locations. A nal note… Goa Carnival also marks the climax of Goa's peak tourism season. So, book your accommodation well in advance, as prices in Goa skyrocket at this time of year, and last-minute bookings are often dif cult. There is no entry fee; all you have to do is show up and embrace the festivities! You can enjoy colourfully decorated oat parades and authentic Goan seafood with plenty of Feni. The non-stop music and street dancing adorn Goa to the fullest. Under the spell of Goa Carnival, the beach shacks are decorated, and you will see lively processions led by colourfully dressed men and women wearing goofy masks as they feast and revel.
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graduated from “theHaving Goa Medical College and soon marrying into one of Goa's most respected business families, Pramod Salgaocar has come a long way. Her journey was not a bed of roses and she faced many challenges on the way, including playing many roles of supportive wife to caring mother, a wonderful mother in law and remarkable social worker. Now at this juncture in life she wants to give back to society in whatever way she can and her story is a truly inspiring story of a
” Empowerment is Not a Vaccine It Has To Come From Within By Rajesh Ghadge “I had completed my Graduation from Goa Medical College (that time it was the Bombay University) in the year 1972,” she said adding that she topped at Bombay University and received a gold medal in surgery “and after that, I joined the GMC to do my post-graduation in Gynaecology. But destiny had other plans and I got married while doing my second year and things changed completely,” said Pramod adding it was her parents who insisted to get married. She also could not say no as she was getting married into one of the most respected and big business families: the Salgaocar's. “I wanted continue my practice as a Gynaecologist but that
was not possible since I was staying in Vasco da Gama and travelling to Panaji on daily basis. It was too hectic a task after getting married with other responsibilities around, even my in laws were not in favour of me working at that moment and I had decided to take a back seat and wait for a couple of years but then I had my rst child, my son, and things kept pulling me back into my responsibilities as a mother and wife.” Although she could not take up a job due to her responsibilities, she never regretted that as she was more interested in family than a career at that point of her life. “The birth of our son, kept me busy and I could not pursue my career, but I never
regretted that anytime for not going back to work as I enjoyed every moment of my family life which I think I was lacking as child myself,” she said adding that she was out of her parents' home for a long time while doing her studies in Panaji. “I spent long time in Panaji, I left at the age of 15 my home for the purpose of studies and when I came back, I got married, I hardly had any time to spend with my family and that is why I was enjoying every moment of my family life with my husband and son.” “I could not continue my medical practice but I never wanted to give up hence when I got the opportunity to work at Red Cross in Vasco, I immediately
grabbed it,” said Pramod adding, Red Cross was the beginning of journey into the eld of social work at that time for her. “I used to take care of the Red Cross clinic and at the same time, I was carrying my two-year-old son with me. Red cross was not just a medical facility but there were so many things like providing the nutritious meals, milk products to the underprivileged and poor people. I started enjoying every bit of work I was doing at the Red Cross. Here I got connected with the problems of women and developed an urge to do something for them.” Pramod believes that despite there being much hype around Women Empowerment, women still www.incrediblegoa.org
WOMEN EMPOWERMENT don't have the independence to decide for themselves. “It always goes like this: parents will decide, husband will decide and in laws will decide. T h e re i s n o i d e n t i t y f o r women- they can't even decide which college to go and which eld of work to take is decided for the women by their parents initially and later on by the husband, in-laws and children when they grow up,” she said. The entire picture changed when her husband decided to get into the pharmaceutical business and b o u g h t G e n o Pharmaceuticals. “My husband's family in been into the mining business but he decided to take up the eld of his own interest,” said Pramod a d d i n g t h a t t h e pharmaceutical business was his rst generation business that he started almost from scratch. “Since it was his rst step into the pharma world, I decided to step in as a support system to him, since I already had a medical background . We both ran this business for 30 plus years and let me tell you the journey was not a cakewalk at all. Doing business is not easy and we had also seen troubled times, but we came out of that with our hard work and dedication.” According to Pramod the initial 10 years was a very dif cult period in their business but she stood by the side of her husband and supported him in every possible way by bringing the business back to a pro tmaking organisation. “With God's grace and all our hard work the business is doing tremendously well with a huge turnover,” she said adding she decided that it's time to work towards the empowerment of the women and she started her new journey in that direction. “The beginning of the journey started with joining the Congress Party and taking
care of the state Mahila Congress as a member and after a few years, I became the state president and soon I was given the charge of vice president of National Mahila Congress and till date I am holding that position.” In 1997, the state commission of women was formed by the Congress party in Goa. “The commission was formed with my initiative with the help of women organisations in Goa. All the major women organisations, such as Bailacho Saad, Bailancho Ekvott, run by Sabina Martins, Auda Viegas we all came together and formed the state commission for Women in Goa,” said Dr Pramod adding, she became the chairperson of the rst State Commission for the Women in Goa in 1997 and I carried that responsibility for 3 consecutive terms a Chairperson. “Now I have decided to step down from the board and shift the responsibly to our son Sagar Salgaocar who is taking care of the day-to-day operations at Geno,” she said adding that she wanted to shift her focus more on social causes and things that interest me. “I have many things on my bucket list and I am already involved in so many other activities, I am also into movie production wherein we produce regional language lms. Award- winning lms such as Mare Paryant Phashi was my rst movie which I produced in 2007 and then I produced “Baga Beach” which got a national award and recently I have produced two more movies - the rst is D'Costa House and the second one is still under post production. These are my activities which keeps me busy throughout the day.” When I asked Dr Pramod about the “Diva” content she said that this is just started 2 years back and the
purpose behind it is to give platforms to women entrepreneurs. “The idea behind this contest was to bring a real essence of the woman. When we talk about the 'diva', what rst thing comes into mind? A beautiful woman, and it shows that people objectify women, they don't see beyond their body and face, but in reality a woman is much more than just an object: she is more powerful than a man and the bottom line is, when you think of a woman, you think of your mother and you will see the real woman behind the object.” “According to me when you think of the term Diva, think of a woman who is empowered and who is capable of doing so much more work and that is why I told my daughter in law, Pallavi, that a Diva should be an entrepreneur,” said Dr Pramod. When I asked Dr Pramod about her future plans, she said that “I am only retiring from the Geno and not from my responsibilities. Now I will get more time for myself and to pursue my dreams. I want to spend my time doing things that I like. I want to make more lms, since I was the part of Indian Medical Association, I also want to work in that direction and keep on with my association with Congress.” She also has a lot of interest in art and painting for which she never had time and that she wants do now. According to Dr Pramod, empowerment is not a vaccine: it has to come from within. “Most important is knowledge and that comes from education and hence the girl child needs to be educated at whatever cost. Getting just a book education and degrees is not empowerment- they need to light up their inner power and once that happens the women
empowerment will happen in reality,” she said adding, if they don't know their rights and they don't respect others right then there will be no empowerment. “I feel that m o s t i m p o r t a n t empowerment is nancial. Every woman should try and stand on their own feet. There should be nancial independence at the initial stage of her life. She needs to ask for the money from her father, or husband later on. Another thing I want to bring to light is about acquired skills. Every woman has some skills for sure and she needs to identify her skills and work towards them. One is good in cooking while others may be good in stitching, some may be good in painting while other may be skilled in doing embroidery, the possibilities are endless. Even bringing the skilled people together is a business and that can help generating revenue for everyone and bringing people together under one roof is also a skill. Hence my nal appeal to all those people who talks a b o u t t h e w o m e n empowerment is to educate the girl child and control the boys and most crime will automatically vanish from the society. Whatever shackles they are putting on girls should be imposed on the boys. Instead of telling girls to be at home early at home, it's better to tell the boys to not to go out in the night and the girls will become safe automatically. When this happens in reality, it will be the best women empowerment formula. Woman needs to be respected at all the time since she represents the goddess,” Dr Pramod concluded with these words.
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Vinho Fontainhas is the “revival of the Port Wine in the premium segment of the new generation spirit and it is a venture spearheaded by two Goan youths Tanishq Palyekar and Reuben Ramos. Both the lads in their mid 20s having a background in engineering and food & hospitality decided to enter into the unexplored market of the premium port wine which is considered to be a Goan Wine that is being used for decades to celebrate the spirit of festivals.
Vinho Fontainhas e Nostalgia of Goa In A Bottle! Text & Images - Anita Athi
“Vinho” means W ine in Portuguese and we wanted to capture the Nostalgia of Goa,” said Tanishq adding that the idea Vinho Fontainhas occurred to both of them as they wanted to create something colourful. “Fontainhas is the only Latin Quarter located at Goa, India. This, in particular, is associated with Portugal and the Portuguese and this is something we went ahead with,” said Reuben. According to them, the Port Wine concept is not new but there is no premium brand in this segment. “All the other Wine Bottles and especially the GOAN PORT Wines that we see in the Market usually look dull with no vibrant colours and they have pretty standard labels with no
uniqueness into it,” they said adding “We wanted to bring the Goan culture back as we felt it was slowly dying out, and in order make an attempt to preserve that we thought this would be an ideal step. This is the age of start-ups and young minds always look for something out of the box and most of them are attracted towards the IT side but Tanishq and Reuben decided to do something different, something related to the spirits of Goa. “It was essentially the idea of Tanishq, who thought that both of us could do something related to this segment which is unexplored and since we had a background together in this FnB Industry on my family side and Tanishq comes from
a Background of being an Engineer,” said Reuben. According to Tanishq and Reuben, they decided to enter into the Wine market as the market for Whisky, Rum and Vodka were already saturated hence they decided to tap the Port Wine M a r k e t i n t h e p re m i u m segment. “After we decided we wanted to create something together, the rst thing we did was started working on the packaging because the branding and marketing mattered a lot,” said Reuben adding, In order to be ahead of the others, this is really important and this is what catches people's eyes. “The quality might be good, but people won't know if it is not branded effectively. If you see the
label of the bottle, it is a hand-painted art which was designed specially by an artist in Goa. We then used this to blend it in with the other parts of the label, and created the nal output of the artwork with this.” The product was nalised and packaging and branding were also nished, now the main challenge was identifying the professional distillery. “We had to tie up with a professional distillery, and we wanted the process to be done in the right way and as close to the original ways of making the Port Wine,” said Reuben adding that Production of the 1st batch started in September 2021, and because of COVID-19 we got delayed but still managed to keep the www.incrediblegoa.org
HOT PICKS production of the batch on track. After the production was nalised the next step was to identify the retailer who will sell the brand to the consumers. “We had identi ed a few retailers, and started keeping the product on their shelves,” said Tanishq. “We wanted to showcase our product at well-known retailers since it is a premium port wine hence after getting on the shelf in some well know places tourist spots in North Goa we decided to focus on Panaji c i t y a n d “ To m ' s W i n e ” became our rst choice for Vinho Fontainhas in the capital city. This was of cially the 1st place we started off with and for a very long time, it was only exclusively available at Tom's Wine Panaji. The response towards the wine was pretty good and we were quite happy with it too, after which we started placing the same at various other outlets around Goa,” he added. According to Reuben now they are looking to enter into the hotel industry which is very vast in Goa. “Our next step is to tie up with the hotels and we are currently supplying to the Hotel ITC Fortune Miramar, and they use VINHO FONTAINHAS by placing it in the Minibars of every room of their hotel. After this we are targeting the restaurants and other such establishments where we are placing the same,” said Reuben adding that the growth is quite exponential in
a very short span of time. “People have started picking up the bottle from shelves. “The placed like K-Bar, Joseph's Bar, Whiskey's Bar where the response is really positive, and the orders for the batches come in quickly as they go through the bottles quite fast. We had patrons who initially bought 12 bottles in the start and after this when they got in touch with us they said they would now prefer 2 cases.” Currently, Vinho Fontainhas is available only in 375ml bottles. “This is mainly done because we wanted to keep it unique, ergonomically easy to carry around bottles. All the other wine bottles that you see is have two sizes, the small and the big size and here we wanted to be different. Even when the Hotel wants to place the bottles in their rooms it would be easier and when the customers purchase the bottle they can do so with much ease of carrying it around too. People are more open to trying out the Wine when it's a smaller bottle. Another reason is consumption which is timebased for the wine and smaller bottles make the job easier,” he said. “There are essentially 3 types of Wine, Sweet, Semi-Dry a n d D r y, ” s a i d R e u b e n adding, Usually Goan Port Wines aren't quite authentic and come under the Sweet Category and the Authentic Port Wine comes between the Category of Semi-Dry a n d D r y, a n d V i n h o
Fontainhas comes under this. “ T h e re ' s a l i t t l e b i t o f sweetness, and there are a lot of consumers who want to try out Wines and when they directly go for Red Wine there are chances they might not quite like it as it's an acquired taste and this is where Port Wine comes and can be the entry into the Wine side of things.” “We are looking to tap into the younger segment who is just starting into the Sangria and Vinho Fontainhas is the best available option for Sangria. We have already tried this at a few places, and the response for the Sangria has been overwhelmingly good,” they said. “Quality wise, Vinho Fontainhas is de nitely a much better option than the other wines available in Goa. We utilize a natural process in the making of this wine, whereas the other people don't utilize this process. If you try tasting those wines, they aren't dealing with the Quality side of things,” said Tanishq who is also taking care of the production. “In Goa, Port wine has an overall lukewarm reputation because of these underlying issues over the years and here we are trying to reduce this image by being natural in our method and having more quality as compared to anybody else in the market,” he added. Vinho Fontainhas is packaged into a glass bottle compared to the other port wines that are made available in plastic bottles. “This shows
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in the quality of the wine, the taste and the packaging too. We don't go with plastic bottles as it's anyways bad for the environment, so our bottle is premium glass and this way we made sure we put in the hard work to make our product stand out even with the hand-painted label,” said Tanishq. Reuben and Tanishq believes that since they are new to the business they wanted to maintain the quality and make sure it remains consistent for a long time. “We want to see that the same quality is maintained throughout whether the wine is bought now or bought after 1 year. We want to maintain the Taste and the Quality of the same, and as we move forward we will make a few more improvements to the same in terms of packaging being, even more, premium, or utilizing newer ideas, etc,” said Reuben. Vinho Fontainhas has completed 6 months into the market in the month of January. The things were quite down because of COVID related restraints, and the response was quite low. Keeping all this in mind, we still feel we have a long journey ahead of us in terms of growth and the market, and we are still at a very young and hopeful stage too so our concentration is on this product. Maybe as time goes by, we will surely consider diversifying more,” said Tanishq.
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Chef Sunit Sharma “boasts a humble and down to earth personality. His journey of two decades in the culinary world has given him enough opportunities to become a celebrity chef by all means but he has remained humble, calling himself a student of the culinary industry where still he's learning every day.
ere are no Cultural and Religious Barriers in Food Text - Rajesh Ghadge “I am nothing: it's the people around me who make me feel important by coming to me and learning from me, said Sunit adding that “they are the ones who give me an opportunity and I just deliver. I haven't achieved much and I am learning a new thing every day. When I read about how the food industry had evolved with time, and how migration of people has spread awareness of various cuisines, and how the food has changed over centuries, it is not even the tip of the iceberg that we know today and whatever things I have learnt in my 25 years journey, I think I am just doing my bit to serve.” Chef Sunit believes that food & hospitality is such a vast eld that has endless possibilities. “There is no limit to how much we can do
in this eld,” said Sunit adding, however big the jump, it still feels that we have not reached the goals. “I am doing my bit and 25 years have passed since I nished college, but still I feel that it was just yesterday, while in reality, so many years have gone by and this happens because of the endless possibilities. There is so much to do and so much to learn.” Sunit is a rst-generation hotelier and culinary expert and this has been passed on to him by his mother who was a very good cook. “I have developed an interest in cooking due to my mother. My mother was a very passionate cook and was a very hospitable person: she knew how to welcome people and feed them with the mouthwatering food,” he
said adding that amongst 3 brothers he is the one who developed an interest in cooking. “My mom was always a vegetarian but she would still cook non-veg for us. She used to make eggs for us and now I am a preferred vegetarian but I still make and taste the non-veg food I make. The life of a chef is such that he cannot stay limited to one segment of food.” Chef Sunit maintains that there are no cultural and religious barriers in food. . Sunit had done his initial schooling at DBMS School in Jamshedpur from where he moved to IHM Hyderabad to complete his studies in Hotel Management. “After completing my 3 years course at IHM in Hyderabad I was placed at Taj Hotels in Bangalore, through campus
i n t e r v i e w, a s a h o t e l operations management trainee, and from there my journey into the hospitality industry began,” said Sunit. Sunit started his journey into the culinary world as a trainee chef at Taj Bangalore and he went on to become a fullyedged chef in charge within 5 years. “Then the Taj hotels transferred me to Yemen on deputation and after completing my 2 years contract, I came back to India and joined the Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai,” said Sunit, adding that from Taj Mumbai, he was sent to Aurangabad on deputation to teach young students at Taj Residency in Aurangabad. “After working a total 12 years in the Taj Group, I resigned and went abroad but soon I came back to India and joined Planet www.incrediblegoa.org
TREND SETTERS Hollywood in Mumbai as an executive chef, but due to the terrorist attacks, the plans of Planet Hollywood in Mumbai were scrapped and I was forced to move to Pune and this became the turning point in my life. The Pune project of Sheraton Hotels was a pre-opening and that gave me the idea of dealing with pre-openings and re n o v a t i o n s a n d t h e n I decided to move to Goa in 2012,where I did the work of renovating the complete kitchen setups and from there I decided to move to my own space and left Cidade after working with them for 4 years.” In 2018, Sunit left Cidade to start his own entrepreneurial journey into consultation. “In year 2018, I, with my wife Vaishali, started a consultancy rm called Modern Hospitality Consultants,” said Sunit adding that his wife is a partner and she looks after the room booking section, and he looks after the food & beverages part. “We currently work as a consultant for various food & hospitality brands. We not only take up new projects but we also upgrade running businesses in the F&B sector. We do everything right from the audits to training, destination weddingsbasically anything related to the food & hospitality sector
is within the ambit of our work.” In just 1 ½ years after Chef Sunit Sharma started his entrepreneurial journey in food & hospitality consultancy, the pandemic hit the world and the entire hospitality industry was shut down. “The major issue was the investment in the industry which has come down substantially due to the lockdowns. Food and beverage is a high-risk taking business but now from January onwards, things are back on track and the future seems to be very promising,” he said. Chef Sunit also did lots of social activities during the pandemic like delivering free food to the poor and homeless during the Covid times. “We need to do the community service and this I had been doing for a long time, pandemic or no pandemic, but during the pandemic the situation was different. Shops were closed, restaurants were shut, people were jobless and homeless and in that situation,” he said adding he was doing this even while he was in a job. “We realised that we had the resources to feed people so we had just reinforced what we were doing earlier but on a larger scale.” A c c o rd i n g t o M r S u n i t , although his journey has
started in Goa, he has plans out of Goa to cater the bigger market. “After the pandemic, we have realised that we cannot keep ourselves limited to Goa and w e w a n t t o s p re a d t h e goodwill across all the states in India and may be across the world too,” said Sunit, adding that Modern Hospitality will be going worldwide soon. “I would say that we have been very partial to Goa since we have been here for a long time, almost a decade, and lived a very good 'susegad' life in Goa and now it's time to take Goa to the rest of the world. If the world comes to Goa then why cant Goa go to the world?.” Ta l k i n g a b o u t G o a n s migrating abroad, Sunit said that he has seen lots of Goans leaving Goa to settle down abroad, “But I have not seen the cuisine going with them . I am really surprised to see that everyone loves Goa but why is Goan cuisine not available in those places? According to me, it's high time to address that concern,” he said, adding that he has been in Goa for the longest period of time compared to any other state. “I believe that we have become Goans. I have a few things in the pipeline and you will hear about these ventures soon.” As a consultant, we play a
very important role in the business which doesn't subside over time, Businesses will keep needing us time to time, just like a f a m i l y d o c t o r. W e a r e associated on a long-term basis with the businesses and we are the resident consultants so our expertise and knowledge is something that is always required,” said Sunit, adding that the owners know that what he brings to the table is invaluable. “It is not just that we go and deliver once and the work ends there. It's a continuous process and the brands have realised the value of us - the consultants - and they want to work with us on a longterm basis.” According to Sunit, if someone has a passion, this is a great industry to be in. “This is a very rewarding industry. It may not be initially, but one has to stick around for some time to get re c o g n i t i o n a n d i f t h a t happens then only the sky is the limit,” said Sunit. “This industry has its own rewardsit gives you the opportunity to travel, it helps in developing your personality and these are the bigger bene ts of the industry than just monetary bene ts. This industry is growing very rapidly and many brands are getting involved here more than ever before and things are only going to get better with time, and Goa is a growing story for sure.”
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is a young “ Prathamesh musician who plays Indian tabla and western drums with the same passion and expertise at the same time, which is a magic in itself. ere are very few musicians who at this tender age can play both these instruments simultaneously. Prathamesh is a 3rd Generation musician and artist in his family and through handwork and dedication, he's created incredible things.
In Music Regular Practice is
e Key to Success
By Rajesh Ghadge For Prathamesh, playing multiple instruments is just a cakewalk. Tabla is played with bare hands while drums need sticks. “I belong to a dedicated arts and musical family” said Prathamesh adding his mother, Sita Chari, is a trained classical (Kathak) dancer. “My sister is also a trained classical (Kathak & Bharatnatyam) dancer and my uncle, Pandit Ravindra Chari, is a sitar maestro. The music in my family goes back several generations: my great grand father, Late Prabhakar Chari, was a tabla maestro and that makes me a 3rd generation tabla player in our family.” Prathamesh is among those who started learning high level skills at a very young age. “I started learning tabla when I was hardly 4 years old but I became serious about them at the age of 6,” said Prathamesh, adding that he
does not want to boast about his learning process, but due to his love of the instruments, he started learning very fast. “I have had teachers such as Mr. Sarvesh Gaonkar, and I have also learnt the best tabla from the Late Pandit Sir Maruti K u rd i k a r a n d S h e r A m i t Bhosale, and I am currently learning under Shri Mayank Bedekar in Goa.” Talking about learning the drums, Prathamesh has a very interesting story to share. “It goes back into the year 2008. There was a concert in Kala Academy called “Indo-Jazz Fusion” and it was curated by my uncle Pandit Ravi Chari,” he narrated, “It was a tribute to my grandfather, and there was a band called “Crossing” which my uncle was a part of, and it featured amazing musicians such as Merlyn D'Souza and Gino Banks from Mumbai,” he said adding, on
the day of the event “I heard my uncle play the song called “Yogi,” which was his signature piece, and that kind of inspired me and I thought to myself that one day I would play that song with my uncle. After that song, Gino Sir played an amazing drum solo and this made a profound impact on me. The very next day I told my father that I want to be like Gino Sir anyhow.” My father observed the talent in me and next day he arranged a drum teacher for me. “Mr. Joquim Menezes would come over to our place to teach me the drums. He taught me the important fundamentals of the drums right from the correct sitting posture to holding the drum sticks and to reading the notes. It was all about understanding and learning the instrument, after this I went on to learn the instrument
further under Mr. Glenn Pinto, a n d l a t e r i t w a s M r. Assumption Nunes who is currently in London, as of now I am learning it under Mr Lester Godinho and Mr Gino Banks himself,” said Prathamesh. According to Prathamesh, the process of learning never stops regardless of how old you are. “I have played in many concerts and shows and I realised that learning is a long process and it never ends re g a rd l e s s o f h o w m u c h knowledge you have acquired. There are a lot of musicians that learn based on levels, and then move on to play for bands. But according to me, learning never stops as it helps trying out new and better techniques in music which should be your own,” he said. Prathamesh did his schooling in Mahila Nutan English School Margao. “Later
GOAN TALENT on, I did my graduation from Parvatibai Chowgule College, Margao. In terms of musical education, Sharad Pratham in tabla through Gandhar Maha Vidhyalaya and I did my 8th Grade in drums through Trinity College London,” he added. Prathamesh started performing at stage shows at the age of 13. “My 1st show/concert was at my hometown in Varca, which was in 2009 and the event was a football tournament at Varca at the time. The organiser called me, and he had an idea about me playing the drums but this was when I was about 5-6 months into the drums playing. He then requested me to play for the tournament, a tabla and drum solo. This was my rst concert and I would like to thank Mr Ramiros w h o g a v e m e t h e opportunity,” he said adding that this was the rst time he played two instruments simultaneously. “It was quite challenging because there was a tabla and a drum kit, so
the transition process was quite dif cult. For this I had a tabla stand, but usually it's played sitting down and I was switching to and from the drum kit.” Prathamesh also recollects about playing on the stage with his uncle and Sir Gino Banks. “Here I got to perform on his drum kit and right in front of the people, this i t s e l f w a s a b i g accomplishment for me. I remember asking him permission to play on his kit. I went up to him, and said “Sir today I will be performing and I hope I can get permission to play on your kit.” He said to me, “Go ahead, just chill and beat the drums a little hard!” as the pedals are harder than what I had felt or played before. He was con dent that I could play it well,” he narrated the incident. Prathamesh travels across the country along with his uncle. “I do travel around for shows with my uncle. He has a band called 'Sitar
Symphonies' where there are more than 10 sitar players playing together, there's a keyboardist, tablas, one bass guitar and drums. We travel all over India, and recently I was at Indore, and before that I was at Mumbai and I've been to Delhi and so on.” Speaking of a career, Prathamesh said that he want to travel with his music all over the world. “This way I want to play great music with great musicians, and this means I also want to play my own music but keep learning more and more about this eld as I move ahead.” “I want to create and play my own music, and also associate and play with other great musicians. In this COVID situation, I have got the opportunity to make my own original music. I am currently working on my own album, so this process is ongoing as of now. It will be based on instrumental music, and different musicians will be featured on this album too.
The unique thing I would say about my playing is that I play tabla Bandish on the drums and the western pieces on the tabla and this is done simultaneously. Since the last 3 years, I play the drums with the Nagma which are used in tablas, and play the typical tabla solo on the drums. Prathamesh believes that a musician should practice regularly no matter how much expertise you have acquired. “The key is to practice daily if you are a musician, and listen to other artists that inspire you whether it's a big or small artist. This is because you get to learn a lot from each other. There's always going to be better than you, but the key is to be unique in what you do. Being humble, down to earth and respect the music and each other is how you can grow,” he concluded with these words.
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Today the young generation is advancing on all fronts like IT, Startups, Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Art. is is a story of one such young creator Elton D’Souza who makes music. is young lad started his journey into the world of music at the age of 13 and went all the way to creating his own original scores and his work is also available on big platforms such as iTunes and Spotify.
Flush the Bad ings Out and Good ings Will Surface By Rajesh Ghadge
According to Elton, he started his stint into the music world at the age of 13 and at that time he was not quite sure of making it so big. “I started with music right from an early age of 13-14 and my parents enrolled me for music lessons, where I started off learning keyboard and piano,” said Elton adding that at that time his interests were in playing football than learning musical instruments. “I didn't quite enjoy it at that age and I would rather have played football instead with my friends. I left music classes after a few years, as I never really picked up any interest in the same.”
It was later on that he realised that his destiny is connected with the music. “I was always had fascinated with the guitar and later on I decided to learn it on my own,” said Elton adding that he took guitar lessons from a YouTube channel. “I did go for lessons, which lasted about a month, but the pacing of the same was slow so I left that and started learning by myself.” Elton also realised that his inclination is more towards English music. “But that does not mean I did not like Hindi music, I loved to listen to a very small set of artists such as Prateek Kuhad, and Hindi Rap artists like Divine and so
on. So overall I would say that my musical taste is more modern and linked to new genres,” he said. In the eld of creativity and art, one needs an inspiration to follow and for Elton it was 'Tsumyoki' a music creator from south Goa. “One day I came across this artist and musician called 'Tsumyoki' who was from South Goa. He had just started his musical journey and he had signed up with a label called Gully Gang: India's biggest Rap label,” said Elton adding that he really started liking him after listening to his rst album. “I thought to myself if he was doing something like this and creating his own
music, why can't I? And this is how I thought about getting into writing my own music and how people actually listen to your creation.” Soon Elton decided to connect with Tsumyoki and sent him a message. “I wrote in the message that I want to get into original music as I had a very basic microphone w h i c h I h a d p u rc h a s e d because I wanted to make cover songs to post on social media at the time, and after getting in touch with him he advised me to just get started on making the songs in an attempt to start somewhere and eventually I would get better at it as he said you can't be good at it directly www.incrediblegoa.org
YOUNG GOA which made a lot of sense,” he said. When you start working on a new project or idea, it may not be successful at the rst attempt but that does not mean that you give up of feel discouraged, in the case of Elton it was no different. “Initially, when I started writing my own lyrics, honestly they weren't that good,” said Elton adding that he was just starting, “I used to write just 4 - 5 lines and leave it as I realised that it wasn't going anywhere, but the situation changed suddenly when the pandemic struct, I had nothing much to do, so I decided to go back to my hobby of creating music and with the time it started getting better and better and during that time only 'Tsumyoki' moved to north Goa and joined the same college where I was studying and the rest is history.” “I started learning by observing his (Tsumyoki) music and realised why things were the way he made them. I learnt quite a lot from his stuff and this way he helped me make my 1st song which I wrote in around July 2020 and after nishing it I decided to release it on all platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music and elsewhere in August 2020,” said Elton. Just creating music and uploading it on on big platforms is the not an easy task said Elton. According to him, there are many hurdles and fees that you need to bear. “We need to pay the distributors to get the music uploaded on all the available platforms, after the upload it g o e s f o r t h e re v i e w i n g process and will then nally be sent to the streamers to be uploaded on the platforms for all the listeners to enjoy,” said Elton. He also said that www.incrediblegoa.org
Spotify and Apple do pay for music once it's played on their platforms, but it is hardly anything that would help to recover the cost involved in the process of making the same. After a long wait, Elton managed to make 3000INR for the entire year for music played on these platforms. “But from time to time, I withdraw from this account so that I can pay for things such as the cover art which is designed by a proper artist. But honestly it isn't about making money, I actually enjoy making music,” he said. Till date, Elton has made around 10 songs which include songs in collaboration with other artists. “Speaking of videos, as of now I do not have any of my own but I am planning and working on my own video that I will be uploading soon and for this I am working with someone who is well versed in video-making. Prior to this, I was part of the music video that was for Tsumyoki's song with this artist called S k e l e t ro n a n d t h i s w a s showcased on VH1.” The creation process of original music is not xed says Elton. ““There's no xed process, I start with producing the beat and create the melody in my head which is basically the tune which I hum, and eventually I add the lyrics to it and this is always my process. According to what I feel, the vibe is how I work on the music as I don't work on the lyrics beforehand.” Every artist has an inspiration that prompts him do something creative and for Elton it is “Juice WRLD” and “iann dior”. “My inspiration comes from these 2 artists,” said Elton adding that “you could say that my music is like
theirs but for each song in particular I write about something related to my life. It is something that if I feel happy or sad, I would write the song based around that, and the idea is to write things based around your experiences where people can connect to feelings behind the songs and I believe that feelings are the best inspiration.” “As far as music production goes, I have an approach that utilises both type of style which is creating music using instruments and digital production. Recording guitars and other instruments directly into the computers via the interface is how we go about the process. Nowadays everything is done using digital interfaces, where we record and layer things such as instruments, audio tracks, and vocals and later the process is mixing and mastering where we tweak everything up to the levels needed and to sound good. The process of mixing and mastering too, is something I learnt all by myself and I would say that YouTube is a blessing,” he added. Elton has a plan of making m u s i c a s h i s c a r e e r. ““Honestly, I am going to keep making music and I really want this to work out and make it as my main career. If that wouldn't work out as I want it to be, I would enter the eld of mixing, mastering and producing music because I feel that it is de nitely my strong suit. I currently do this for other artists in Goa, so I earn some cash from there as well,” he said adding that he does not ask money from his parents for all his expenses as he remains dependent on his music. “The guitar I use is
belongs to my Father, I have the old keyboard that was mine since I was young but all the work I do now is done on the PC. The expenses that I incur are the ones I pay for by earning whatever I make in the music line and I don't believe in asking my parents for the money because it is my passion.” “As far as the future growth goes, I am constantly working on my music so one day if it clicks it clicks,” he said adding, “The latest track released last month is “Games with my Heart”. It is my rst song that has gone into an of cial Spotify playlist called “Fresh Finds India” a n d t h i s i s w h e re t h e y showcase all the new talent and music of India. I consider it quite an achievement in just a year. But in all this there is still a long way to go and I say that there are absolutely no shortcuts in this line and the key is to keep at it and make good music.” “As an artist or someone who creates, you hit mental blocks where you sit down and try to write something but it just d o e s n 't c o m e , o r y o u r melodies don't sound good. In that scenario, people say that keep at it and ush out the bad songs and lyrics and that eventually the good stuff will surface. But the idea also is to take a break once a while and not overwork yourself because you do not want to
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will most definitely “You know about laundries which clean your clothes and iron them for you but this may be the first time you'll have been introduced to a “Guitar Laundry”! Well, just as we received our clothes from a laundry nice, fresh and crease-free, e Guitar Laundry makes your soiled, dirty guitars and musical instruments look as good as the day you got them brand new! Let's check out e Guitar Laundry - an emerging start-up of Goa.
e Guitar Laundry A Laundry for e Guitars! By Incredible Goa Team Aakash Ghadge spent most of his time doing new stuff out-of-the-box. A graduate in the Arts stream, Aakash developed a love for music at a very young age. In school, along with some of his classmates, he formed a band, and lled in as a guitarist in various bands over the year. He enjoyed playing instruments from where his love for the guitar grew to the extent that he decided to set up Goa's rst guitar refurbishing centre called “The Guitar Laundry”. Aakash relays that the idea of setting up 'The Guitar Laundry' came to him when he was just 17 years old. “I was in the 11th grade and wanted to be independent in terms of having my own pocket money or having a side hustle as they call it
today,” he said, adding that by the age of 17 he was already well versed with the guitar. “I started playing musical instruments at the age of 6, although on and off, but I had always been curious to understand the instrument more as time went by.” His interest in these instruments kept growing and he started xing them as and when the opportunity arose. “That is the effect the musical instrument had on me as a young, curious kid and later, a teenager, who was introduced to this life of music growing up as this was my one comfort zone as well as a challenging sphere as I would say,” he added. The Idea The basic idea behind The Guitar Laundry was pretty simple: it was a
workshop/startup solely for servicing, restoring and customizing and refurbishing guitars. “Many people had guitars lying around that needed a fresh touch in terms of services, cleaning and that is where my idea came in,” said Aakash adding the initial response to this was good. “I had a few regular customers who wanted strings changing, paint jobs and other customization jobs done but as the years went by and I got into college and later on started working, it was just barely functioning basically.” The Journey F ro m a n i d e a t o actually starting the journey is no easy task and it demands blood and sweat. “In the year 2020, I got a job at a company that was
manufacturing and producing guitars and other musical instruments,” he narrated. Here Aakash was exposed to the retail musical instrument industry and started honing his skills in understanding the instrument industry even more. “But this job lasted only for a short stint as they were only dealing in sales of the and not the service side of the instrument, and this is when I decided to re-start my workshop full time and started taking up guitar jobs more than ever,” he added. It was during 2020 when the pandemic struck and this made people stay indoors and many of them started pursuing their passion in their free time sitting at home. “This is where a lot more people began taking up the www.incrediblegoa.org
STARTUP GOA guitar, either by starting to learn fresh or just realizing that they had an instrument lying around that needed a little fresh touch,” said Aakash adding that this came to him as a new beginning. “I put my skills, understanding of the instrument that I had garnered over the years to use and my workshop for the instrument picked up and has been doing well in terms of building the customer base as well as an identity for itself.” The Hurdles Every start-up business has to face hurdles and roadblocks sooner or later and for Aakash, it was not different. “The problem that I faced initially was the lack of business as the people were not willing to try out the service as they were keen to go to bigger stores and the music stores in Goa,” he said adding “But that approach slowly changed and by word of mouth and reviews regarding my work were spreading around in the
community and between the people”. “This helped me grow my workshop and my reach quite organically. I restarted my workshop in November 2020 and ever since then, I haven't looked back. This approach, if taken earlier would have helped but I guess things have a way of falling into place at their own time.” According to Aakash, Goa does not have an adequate amount of service spots that are easily accessible or are functioning on an economical side. “It is tough for some people to get their instruments xed and yet be happy or satis ed at the same time, and so this is something that I am actively working towards changing,” he said adding that the purpose of starting the workshop was to change this scenario. “When people think of repairs for musical instruments, they normally think about expensive repairing charges which result in them discarding their
old instruments altogether or sending it to a neighbouring s t a t e f o r re p a i r s w h i c h shouldn't be the case at all. This is something that I am trying to reduce but at the same time maintain customer satisfaction and happiness overall.” The Future Plans Currently, Aakash is working towards building a culture of service stores in Goa. “When you look at the other states in India or even other countries, there are a ton of these musical instrument workshops and spots that people can visit and get their instruments checked up, get it serviced and repaired. With this in mind, The Guitar Laundry is already working towards this idea as we speak and it is in the pipeline to start another workshop pretty soon in South Goa. I am solely looking forward to working towards the service sector in the State of Goa and hopefully beyond in terms of building a more professional
touch, creating more opportunities for people to receive cost-effective alternatives and grow this culture of music in Goa,” said Aakash. Aakash believes strongly that his idea has a big potential to grow beyond the boundaries of the state. “There is so much scope here in India and especially Goa where we can utilize the right minds, and together I feel that there is so much more potential to help make Goa know again for what it is already known, 'The Land of Music',” he said.
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belongs to a family “Philu of creativity wherein her grandfather was a suit maker who used to stitch suits for the film stars of yesteryear such as Rajesh Khanna, and her grandmother was a florist who used to make artificial flowers so she has seen creativity around her right from a very young age. Philu always loved creativity
Creativity Comes from Careful Observation By Rajesh Ghadge “I am born and brought up in Mumbai but Goa has been my second home right from my childhood,” said Philu adding that she used to come down to Goa during the vacations and used to enjoy the nature and beauty of this place. “I always loved the nature and its colours, I still remember playing with the fallen leaves of the banyan tree and enjoying the crunchy sound of the dry leaves: it was like music for me played by nature. Maybe this is something that helped me later on getting into the fashion designing and understanding the colours of fabric.” According to Philu, as a young girl she decided to join the medical eld after completing her primary education but soon she realised that's not where her
passion lay. “ I was brilliant in studies and got good marks in subjects I decided to get into the medical eld and also joined the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Belgaum but after looking at the way we had to work on the dead bodies at our learning stage I decide to quit the course,” she said. According to her it was not her fault as in most cases when your score high in science, the general consensus is that you're supposed to become a doctor or engineer and it was no different for her. “The idea was that if you are good in studies go become the doctor or engineer and everyone wanted you to become that whether you liked it or not, but as said in the beginning, my world was completely different from this,” she added.
After leaving Medical College, Philu decided to follow her dreams and she decided get into the eld of fashion designing. “I call myself a messy creative person, which means I stay far from the measuring the s c a l e i n g e o m e t r y, a n d fashion designing was the right eld for me as it never demanded the geometrical drawings from me,” she said adding that she nally managed to get into the Sophia College of Fashion Designing in Mumbai and completed the 3 years course in fashion design from there. Although she did a fashion designing course, what actually inspired her was the glittering world of the fashion. “I want to tell you about a small incident on how the fashion entered into my life and decided to go for
it seriously. I went for the Miss India pageant that took place for the rst time Goa and that changed my entire perspective about the real fashion world and I decided to dive into it.” The beauty pageant in Goa was the turning point in her career. “I met Wendell Rodricks at that show and he was the one who guided me on how to go about the fashion industry and hid guidance helped me to get into the eld of fashion designing,” she said. After completing the 3 year fashion design course, Philu came back to Goa and got married to her long time love Oscar Martins. “Oscar and I were dating for almost 7 years and being a student of mass media and creative line, he also helped me a lot in my eld. Soon after getting www.incrediblegoa.org
FASHION TRENDS married, I had a baby and then there was no time to pursue my passion and it continued for couple of years till my son grew up and I decided to start my career and joined Wendell Rodricks Fashion Studio where I worked for almost two years,” she added. “When I started, just h a d a d re a m b u t a f t e r working with Wendell for two years I had gained experience. I met so many top fashion designers, top models in the industry and many lm stars which gave me the con dence to start my own label on a small scale,” said Philu, adding that Oscar, her husband, helped her in her dream and gave her the initial funding of rs10,000. “In year 2000 that amount was very big and my father-in-law allowed me to start my business from his garage where I installed one sewing machine and employed one tailor and with the money that my husband gave me, I went to Mumbai and picked up the raw material for the business and made a collection comprising 7-8 pieces and invited some close friends to see and to my surprise on that rst instance all the stuff was sold out and they went and told more people about my work and word of mouth did magic wherein I went from having one machine to
suddenly half a dozen of them and around 15 - 20 people working under me.” According to Philu, after that day, there was no looking back. “I cannot forget the beautiful experience that I had in this i n d u s t r y w h e re i n I w a s appreciated for my work and the most important thing that you write in your interview is 'I Just loved what I am doing, I believe that I am the luckiest in this universe that I found the joy in what I am doing, do things for the other,” said Philu adding that by nature she is very short tempered but when it comes to her clients, she the coolest one. “Whatever grievance that client has, whether she is right or wrong I just wanted to nd out what is that she did not like about it and I would leave no stone unturned to make things right even at the cost of changing the whole out t, I made sure that the my client got back with the complete satisfaction,” she added. According to Philu, despite of doing everything there are times when you really cannot satisfy the customer no matter what you do and, in such cases, the only thing that works are the remarks from the others. “There are cases when the clients were not satis ed even after doing everything that is possible from my side
but when they donned in that out t and went to their functions, they have called me back telling me about the amount of positive comments they received from the people for the dress they were wearing and this my biggest earning- more than the money,” said Philu. Another thing that Philu said, which is the most important thing - a lesson for others - is about the good money and bad money, according to her the good money is the one that comes from the customer satisfaction. “What you earn from the arguments and unsatis ed customers is the bad money because according to me money is also one of the energy of the universe and if it is not good then it will bring you only bad energy. That's why I believe that do something that will bring a smile on your face and your customer's face too. I follow this principal in my life and like everyone I also want to earn lot of money but it has to be a good money. According to me they should pay for happiness and satisfaction,” she said. To d a y t h e P h i l u Martins label has become a very well-known brand available across the country in various stores. “Currently I am catering to around 6 to 7 stores across the county and I am in process of expanding
to couple of more depending upon the situation,” she said. Philu has a plan of setting up her own agship store in Goa but it may take some more time looking at the current market scenario. “When I have my agship store it is going to be huge with the whole building having the s e p a r a t e s e c t i o n s f ro m production to the marketing and branding but it is still in pipeline.” Philu struggled at every step but with her hard work and dedication she nally made to being one of the Goa's leading fashion designer. “What I have seen in the new generation is that they don't have the re within them and they lack of passion. They are too laid back and they don't have the hunger for learning things and according to me this needs to change. I feel sad because I believe that they have so much exposure and potential but they do not realise it. According to me the new generation's fashion enthusiasts need to develop the good habit pattern. It is not that they don't have talent, in fact, they possess more talent that what we had and this is due to their exposure to the world what they need is inspiration and hunger do something and once that comes in, only the sky will be the limit.”
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Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and it can strengthen bones, slowing down the process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.
HOW TO BURN FAT followed immediat ely by on set of leg curls, completi ng two sets for each of y o u r muscle groups. Y o u should k e e p y o u r heart rate u p througho ut your workout, a n d a session o f weights should only take Here are some tips to help you burn more fat. START A WEIGHT TRAINING PROGRAM The more lean muscle tissue you have, the higher yo ur metabolism and the more calories you burn during your workout and at rest. To maintain or build muscle mass you need to do resistance training. This means using your muscles in a repetitive manner with exercises such as Squats and Bench press. COMPOUND TRAINING The idea is not to rest between sets of repetitions during your workout. For example, during your resistance training complete one set of bicep curls
approx. 20 mins. GO CARDIO! To burn fat, your body needs oxygen - this is why c a rd i o v a s c u l a r e x e rc i s e (which relies on oxygen for energy) is essential for fat burning. Include 40 minutes of varied aerobic activity at least three times a week. UNDERTAKE HIGH INTENSITY WORKOUTS The best way to burn fat is to undertake highly intensive aerobic exercise. A highintensity aerobic workout will burn more calories than a more gentle, lower intensity workout. Going for a run uses more energy than walking the same distance. Highintensity training has also been shown to produce
By - Norbert D’Souza
greater energy expenditure and fat utilisation following a workout. MIX IT UP WITH INTERVAL TRAINING Interval training is a technique that can optimise fat loss during exercise. In the same exercise session alternate between short periods of low-intensity and high-intensity. For example, if your session is 30 mins on the treadmill, do 2 mins running followed by two minutes fast walking and repeat this throughout the session. BE MORE ACTIVE IN YOUR DAILY ROUTINE No matter what you do during the day you use up calories - even sitting on the sofa watching television. By changing your routine you can increase your energy expenditure and lose weight without having to undertake a diet or join the gym. Simple. Walk instead of drive, take the stairs instead of the lift, and meet a friend in the park for a walk instead of at a cafe or bar. DIETARY THERAPY The majority of overweight and obese people, adjustment of the diet will be required to reduce caloric intake. Dietary therapy includes the modi cation of diets to achieve a decrease in caloric intake. A diet that is individually planned to help create a de cit of 500 to 1000 kcal/day should be an integral part of any program aimed at achieving a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week. One pound of body fat is equal to 3500 kilocalories.
Therefore a de cit of 500 kilocalories per day for 7 days is a 3500 kcal de cit. -Enough to lose a pound of body fat. BE SENSIBLE If you eat an increased amount of calories and do not increase your energy output with additional exercise, the surplus calories will be stored as body fat. There is no reason why you should not be able to enjoy good food, but think about what you are going to do about additional calories. EAT SMALLER AMOUNTS MORE OFTEN Eat More Often - sounds good!. Eating produces heat and energy and revs up your metabolism. A faster metabolism will eat through the calories quicker. That's why eating small meals regularly is the best way to keep your metabolism ring. E V E R Y T H I N G I N MODERATION Yes, you can eat what you like, but only as part of a healthy diet, having a nice fry up once in a while is not a problem, but eating a fry up every day is not healthy. BE STRONG MENTALLY Try not to be obsessed by your weight or every piece of food that you eat. Try to lose any guilt and obsession around food. Next time you contemplate a treat; ask yourself if you really need it. If the answer is "yes", then have it and say "I deserve it and I know my body is an ef cient machine that will burn it off". Again, everything in moderation. Eat it and move on.
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Goa’s First Food & Hospitality Magazine Launched! Incredible Goa Food & Hospitality, Goa's first and only Food & Hospitality magazine was officially launched on the 25th February'22 at Caava Courtyard in Anjuna. This new magazine on the subject of Food and Hospitality comes from the makers of “Incredible Goa” an already well-established media house Goa Prism Digital Media. Food and Hospitality Magazine aims to cover stories related exclusively to the food and hospitality industry and features sections like Industry Buzz, Chef Speaks, GM Interviews, Recipes, Spirits of Goa, Restaurant & Hotel Reviews, Start-ups Stories, Latest Trends and a lot more. The magazine is led by Aditi Malhotra as the Managing Editor while Rajesh Ghadge who is the founder of Goa Prism Digital Media is the Editor – In – Chief and Publisher of the magazine forms the strong backbone of the project.
Rajeshree Ghadge
Gauri Ghadge
Manisha Khanna
Saurabh Khanna
Gauri Ghadge
Sunil Malhotra & Rani Malhotra
D.S. Prashant
Rajesh Ghadge
Sonia Shirsat
Prashant Kumar
Nolan Mascarenhas
Pramod Rane
Raghu Shetiye
Rohan Warty
Aditi Malhotra
Adtiya Malhotra
Bobby D’Silva
Mahesh Patil & Smita Patil
Mithun Rao
Nilesh Lawande
Conrad Stephen
Rohan Pai Darkar
John Buckenham
David D’Souza
Sanjeev Mohan
Ravi Khamboj
Shailesh Shet
Ratish Nambiar
Rajkumar Ghadge
Cari D’Souza
Sunit Sharma
Vaishali Sharma
Armaan Malhotra
Jui Damle & Nikhil Mirkar
Atul Mulgaonkar
Dr Nanda Pandey
Aakash Ghadge
Ranjit Pandey
The Live Performance & A Cocktail Bar DECEMBER 2021/ INCREDIBLE G O A / 49
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