Raghu Shetiye, is a very charming personality and comes from a middle-class family background but he always dreamt of scaling high into whatever domain he took the leap into and that trait led him to become one of Goa's leading self-made businessmen in a very short span of time.








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Aakash Ghadge
Every time I pen a new story it gives me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Every story I write also inspires and teaches me many things I didn't know before. It does not matter how old you are, learning never stops. On the other hand, knowledge and success cannot be measured by the age of the person and that has been proved in the various stories written by me. There is a big difference between earlier generations and generation X, Y and Z which is much more advanced. They may be also cited as the evolution of the generation. The knowledge of a person is directly proportionate to the accessibility of the information and in today's tech-savvy world where most of the information is available at our fingertips, the acquisition of knowledge is not a big challenge.
creation is a power of the imagination and it cannot be replaced by machines since they do not have the emotions, intelligence and imagination that a human being is gifted with. The same applies to coding, creating images and finding the best subjects for content creation. The new AIbased information superhighway will serve just as an information aggregator and nothing more than that.
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To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing the magazine to ensure it is free of any mistakes, any omissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly, please feel free to bring it to our notice. We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us make this publication even better and useful.
At every meeting or event I attend, people speak about ChatGPT, an AI (Artificial Intelligence) based information provider that can do things that can take a week, in a fraction of a second. It can write your articles, suggest SEO-based keywords, write codes for you or even create an image and video clip animations. The concern over here is if that ChatBot can do so many things then what is the need for manpower? And there is no specific answer to this which in turn makes the discussion more interesting and you tend to have a good time at the event.
According to me, content
The current job of the ChatGPT or any other such AI-based platform is to pull out the information available online and based on algorithms, creates content for various platforms. It cannot generate or create content that is not available on an online domain and that is the major drawback or inefficiency that will never be able to replace us or our human minds. I will be writing more on this subject as it interests me more than anything. Meanwhile, we have been trying to evolve our magazine with every issue that goes for print and I am sure you will find there's more unique information created by humans and not by a machine. Of course, later on the replication of the same elsewhere cannot be ruled out by us since as I said earlier, machines can only reproduce the information made available by us.
On a lighter note, Incredible Goa will keep getting better with time and we have many more jewels in our kitty that we will keep revealing with time. Till then happy reading…
Rajesh Ghadge
Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.
rajesh@rajeshghadge Editor
©AllrightsareReserved.Reprinting,publishing whole orpa rt without obtaining the express writtenpermission ofeditor and publisheris strictlyp rohibited All the images unless otherwise indi cated are used for illustration purposeonly Incaseyoufeelthatanyimage/sor content/sshouldnotbethere/needsduecredits/ havingcopyrights, you may pleaseimmediately inform thesameto editor/publisherin written format,theneedfulwillbedoneinthefollowing issue.


BITS Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus plans to host its Annual Technical Fest, Quark, in the month of March, 2023 We are looking forward to associating with Goa Prism for Quark 2023 as a partner for the festival.
From guest lectures by eminent personalities to events like the BITS Model United Nation, Quark has carved a niche for itself as one of the biggest technical fests in India.
Some of the highlights of previous editions of Quark are as follows: Aurora, our technical night, featured talks by technological geniuses like Vishal Gondal (CEO of IndiaGames and MD of Disney India), Angad Daryani (15-yearold Developer at MIT Media Labs) and Jun Fujiwara, inventor of the
ingenious Sound Bottle project. A guest lecture on The Birth and Death of Stars was delivered by Dr Walter Lewin, Emeritus Professor of MIT in Quark 2014. Red, a collaboration of Quark with the Red Cross Society became a nation-wide blood donation campaign successfully went a huge way in increasing awareness of blood donation in India.
Influential leaders such as Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, notable industrialists such as K.M Birla and Babasaheb Kalyani, Nobel laureates like Sir Harry Kroto (Chemistry, 1996) and Prof Douglas Osheroff (Physics, 1996), media personalities such as Prabhu Chawla and innovators like Vic Hayes (The Father of WiFi),
Archana Sharma (Physicist at CERN) and Tamer Nakisci (Nokia 888 designer) have addressed students in the previous editions of Quark.
Quark 2014 witnessed a funfilled official Ig Nobel event, Ig Nobel Conclave, which was graced by the Ig Nobel laureates like Elena N Bodnar, Kees Moeliker, Dan Meyer, Ilia van Beest and Lal Bihari.
A human Gyroscope was brought in to make the understanding of the concepts of a gyroscope simpler. It proved to be a great success.
A number of diverse workshops have been conducted by Cypress Semiconductors, Grant Thorton, Nex Robotics, Reuters Finance and LabVIEW.
A guest lecture on The Birth and Death o f S t a r s w a s delivered by Dr
over 500 colleges from all over India. The total turnover for Quark 2018 was over INR 40 Lakh. This year we wish to make Quark 2023 even bigger with invitations being sent to over 500 colleges and 800 corporate houses. We assure our Media partners incomparable forum for studentindustry interaction and a platform to target the finest technical minds of the country I have included everything in a detailed proposal attached to the email.
Thank you so much for your time and looking forward to a positive response.
a l t
e w i n , Emeritus Professor of MIT in Quark 2014.
Quark 2018 set a benchmark with footfalls exceeding 2 0 , 0 0 0 I t w i t n e s s e d participation from

p a n d a l , gallery etc for organizing the c a s h e w festival.
In view of the s a m e , a curtain raiser of the event was held on Friday, March 1 7 , 2 0 2 3
its traditional methods of cashew processing, cashew-based products, and a variety of cashew-based dishes. The event promises to be a treat for all food enthusiasts, cashew lovers, and those looking to experience the unique culture of Goa. With a lineup of exciting events and activities, the cashew festival is sure to be a major attraction for tourists and locals alike.
apple stomping. The idea is to put the fest on the annual tourist calendar, said the chairperson of G o a F o r e s t D e v e l o p m e n t Corporation (GFDC), Deviya Rane.
Goa, known for its sandy beaches and vibrant nightlife, is all set to add another feather to its cap with the upcoming Cashew festival. The First Cashew Festival of Goa 2023 will be hosted by the G o a F o r e s t D e v e l o p m e n t Corporation from April 15 to April 16 at Campal to showcase products of various Self Help Groups and other stakeholders in collaboration with the forest department Goa govt has floated Rs 41,57,000 worth of tender for the erection of a temporary stall, stage platform,
D u r i n g t h e event, the logo of the event, and a website dedicated to the Goa Forest Department Corporation were released along with a video on the cashew heritage of Goa.
In view of the same, a curtain raiser of the event was held on Friday, March 17, 2023. During the event, the logo of the event, and a website dedicated to the Goa Forest Department Corporation were released along with a video on the cashew heritage of Goa. Need of this Cashew Festival?
The festival is set to showcase the state's cashew culture, including

Chief Conservator, Rajiv Kumar Gupta, spoke about the scenario of cashew farming in Goa, and said that in the state, land has been given towards cashew cultivation; however, there is a need to increase production, and the corporation was working towards it.
M i n i s t e r f o r E n v i r o n m e n t , Vishwajit Rane, who was also present on the occasion, said that he would like to extend his full support to make the event a grand success.
The fest will be an annual event and will include a lot of fun activities for visitors, like cashew
“The cashew fest is a one-of-itskind state festival and will supplement our collective efforts to make Goa Atma Nirbhar and S w a y a m p u r n a i n c a s h e w production. It will also help the capacity-building of marginal farmers, self-help groups, rural women, and cashew growers T h e r e a r e 6 0 , 0 0 0 w o m e n employed in cashew plantations being operated by GFDC itself,” said Deviya. She also said that at the festival, Hansel Vaz will showcase the traditional method of making feni. Also, fashion designer Verma D'Mello will have a slot at the festival to showcase the Goan kunbi fabric. Byproducts made from cashews will also be promoted and sold at the event.
Goa Tourism actively participated in the international trade fair for travel and tourism, MITT Moscow 2023, a 3-day event from the 16th to the 18th of March.
The Tourism Department had put up an innovative pavilion showcasing the Goan culture, rich heritage, local festivals, landscape beauty, and tourism offerings such as different water sports, adventure activities, helicopter tourism, ecotourism, hinterlands, and much more.
Hon'ble Raksha Rajya Mantri Ajay
Bhatt visited Goa Shipyard Ltd on 6th March 2023. During an hour long visit, a presentation was made to Hon'ble RRM on the growth trajectory of GSL, its inhouse design capability, product profile and future potential.
Hon'ble Raksha Rajya Mantri was conducted around the shipyard by Shri B K Upadhyay, CMD, GSL and apprised of the ongoing series construction of Frigates being built for Indian Navy
Hon'ble RRM was also shown m a s s i v e i n f r a s t r u c t u r e augmentation undertaken for various future projects.
Hon'ble RRM was briefed on the new product designs being developed by GSL. Hon'ble RRM appreciated GSLs ongoing projects. He also lauded GSL's efforts in upgradation of the Shipyard to meet the future defence requirements coupled with quality and timely delivery of ships.

The pavilion was inaugurated by Ms. Gina Uika, Deputy Chief of Mission, Indian Embassy Moscow, and in the presence of respected dignitaries from the Department of Goa Tourism.
On Day 1 of the exhibition, the Goa Tourism Department participated in several B2B meetings to strengthen its tie-up with the international market and explore possible business opportunities Perfect Flight, Progress Tour Group Ltd, and Ms Helene Lloyd - Managing Director of TMI Consultancy are a
few among them.
Day 2 and Day 3 turned out productive as the Goa pavilion was visited by numerous dignitaries and industry experts who took the time t o i n t e r a c t w i t h t h e To u r i s m department officials and got to know more about the updated Goa Tourism portfolio.
The last two days were a huge success, with several discussions a n d m e e t i n g s t o s t r e n g t h e n relationships that would bolster the a p p e a l o f t o u r i s m i n G o a w o r l d w i d e T h e d e p a r t m e n t officials had an interesting B2B discussion with Bagirov Sergei, a producer associated with KIT Film Studio, a Gazprom company, to explore the idea of Goa as a future film shooting destination for Russian feature films.
T h e D e p a r t m e n t o f To u r i s m , Government of Goa, witnessed a trend towards holistic well-being, and cultural immersion which is an indication of growing demand among travelers for experiences that nourish both the body and the mind.

only concerned about signing big names, and equally value p l a y e r development. It's one of the main reasons why I signed up t o b e t h e i r h e a d c o a c h last summer.
competition, now in its 4th season, sees over 1000 children participating (including over 200 girl participants) in the U6, U8, U10 and U12 categories in a threemonth long tournament which spans over 3 months.
FC Goa, along with Bengaluru FC, were honoured with the Hero ISL Grassroots Award for the 202223 season on account of their significant contributions to the development of Indian football at the youth and grassroots level.

Carlos Pena, the head coach of FC Goa, speaking after he collected the award and a cash prize of 10 lakhs in a special ceremony following the ISL final on Saturday, said, “I love the mentality of FC Goa - they're not
“The key with young players is to trust them a n d h a v e patience with them, and this is something that doesn't happen easily in professional football.”
The Gaurs, along with their community wing, the Forca Goa Foundation have launched the Little Gaurs League, one of India's biggest baby leagues. The
FC Goa, which launched its fullfledged youth structure in 2017, has over the years seen its teams win laurels both at the state and national levels with wins in the Goa Pro League and Police Cup to highlight other notable performances.
The Gaurs, this season saw the U17 side win the Goa Football Association (GFA) 3rd Division (Bardez zone) title whilst their U15 and U13 side romped home to c o n v i n c i n g w i n s i n t h e i r respective GFA championships. The U13 and U15 teams ended up s c o r i n g 9 5 a n d 4 5 g o a l s respectively from their 8 games, while conceding 5 each.
Goa Tourism was honored with “Best State for Tourism” at the Economic Times Travel and Tourism Conclave and Awards 2023 held in Delhi on 16th March.

Hon'ble Minister for Tourism, IT & EC and Printing & Stationery Goa, Shri Rohan Khaunte; Director of Tourism, Shri Pravimal Abhishek IAS; Shri Kuldeep Arolkar, Deputy. Director Goa Tourism; Shri Pramod Bdadmi, C. E for SPV GTDC were present at the event.
Hon'ble Minister for Tourism, IT & EC and Printing & Stationery Goa, Shri Rohan Khaunte received the
prestigious award on behalf of the department and entire Goa He e x p r e s s e d h i s g r a t i t u d e , a n d thanked his fellow p e o p l e a n d e v e r y o n e w h o made it possible. With this award, Goa Tourism has once again proved that it is a leader in the tourism industry in India and is committed to providing visitors w i t h a n u n f o r g e t t a b l e experience.
The Economic Times Travel and Tourism Conclave & Awards is an annual event that recognizes the achievements of the tourism industry in India. The awards are g i v e n t o i n d i v i d u a l s , organizations, and states that h a v e m a d e s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to the growth and development of the tourism industry in the country.
Greetings from the Cinephile Club! This Thursday, 9th March at 6.30 pm, we will be screening the documentary, Oh That's Bhanu, which won the National award for Best Direction. The screening will be attended by the director R.V. Ramani and artist Maya Krishna Rao, who features in the film.

Film: Oh That's Bhanu
Directed by: R.V. Ramani
Duration: 1hr 51 mins
Based on the late danseuse
Bhanumati Rao, the documentary was made over a period of a few years, from 2014 to 2019 A Bharatanatyam and Kathakali dancer who performed all over the world, Bhanumati is shown as an elegant and witty woman, whose hearing and memory doesn't usually stand up and led an enigmatic, passionate, yet simple and pragmatic life. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the director M V R a m a n i a n d B h a n u m a t i ' s daughter, Maya Krishna Rao.


Enterprising personalities always go the extra mile to achieve their dreams and that is the major difference between ordinary and extraordinary. Becoming extraordinary does not require superhuman powers, but determination and consistency that ultimately results in success. I have been penning down many success stories through the years. Finding new and exciting people to write about makes my work more interesting every time. The story of Raghu Shetiya is one of an ordinary man that elevated into the extraordinary sphere of the business arena.
Raghu Shetiya, is a very charming personality and comes from a middle-class family background but he always dreamt of scaling high into whatever domain he took the leap into and that trait led him to become one of Goa's l e a d i n g s e l f - m a d e businessmen in a very short span of time. Today, Raghu heads multiple business vertical in which the most prominent is DNA Network which provides high-speed internet services to more than 30 thousand households across the state of Goa with the catch phrase “internet in every home”.
Starting a business with the sole intention of profitability is not a wise move but bringing a change to society with that business is the better choice.
Raghu Shetiya, an automobile engineer by profession, is a true businessman who has b e e n w o r k i n g t o w a r d s

bringing that change to society with his enterprising activities. Raghu has been a pioneer in introducing TaxiGo i n G o a w h i c h c r e a t e d employment for many Goans.
“After my real estate business started gaining momentum, I decided to diversify into my d r e a m p r o j e c t o f automobiles- taxi services, to b e p r e c i s e M y f a m i l y , especially my wife, feels that I must have been a freedom fighter in a previous lifealways working for my state, country and the people. I always wanted to contribute to society through my actions, ideas and my work. When I noticed that Goa's name was being tarnished because of the “taxi mafia,” those highly manipulative and full of attitude taxi operators, I decided to step up and start a taxi service that would help tourists as well as locals to c o m m u t e e a s i l y a n d
affordable. That's how 'Taxigo City' was born.”
Raghu believes that you cannot become successful if you don't take risks. “I have always been a risk-taker and that is what I believe helped me gain success in whatever I ventured into. Every day is a struggle for me though. After completing my initial studies at a Government School, I went to do my diploma in Automobile Engineering and worked at various places before starting my own business in real estate and taxi services. I fully accept that tourism is a lifeline of Goa. I saw the state was lacking proper public transport services and so I decided venture into my first project of TaxiGo. Taxis are a part of the tourism wheel and without a decent service, we can't provide to visitors into the state. I wanted to set this up to give an efficient and cost-
effective transport service to people.”
“My idea has been to help society through my ventures a n d a t t h e s a m e t i m e generate revenue to sustain the business. And my focus has always been towards middle and lower-middle-class people in society.” When I asked him about his entry into being an ISP (internet service provider), he said that this was born from the crucial factor that Goa was lacking a decent and affordable service. “My idea was to provide the internet to every home in Goa at the most affordable rates and when the government distributed free laptops and tablet PCs to students from financially weaker sections of society, I saw that they could not afford to subscribe to the existing expensive broadband service so these devices without internet were rendered pretty

useless. That made me enter into the broadband business sector and then DNA Goa was born.”
When Raghu introduced DNA Internet Broadband service in Goa, it was the first service of its kind with fibre optic cables p r o v i d i n g h i g h - s p e e d broadband service across the state. “When other ISPs were charging around Rs 2500 per month, we started with a package of Rs 650 per month. I just brought reality into the picture which was distorted by these other service providers by marking high fees which was an injustice to the users since having a monopoly is not a good idea in today's liberal marketplace. Our entry into the market forced other ISPs to reduce their pricing resulting in greater benefits to the end users.”
Starting an ISP is a real challenge in Goa because of the laying of cables, the constant need to service the lines and the fact that it needs a lot of manpower with tech knowledge. “There were big players in the marketplace and people were advising me against it but I cannot take a step back when it comes to my venture and dreams. We faced many challenges but did not give up and today DNA is one of the premier internet service providers in Goa.
DNA broadband service has a special scheme for defence personnel. “We are providing broadband connections to the defence personnel at a very special rate which is almost 70% lesser than the market rates,” said Raghu When I asked Raghu about the areas covered by DNA, he said that “We have already reached all the major cities in Goa.I In the north, we have reached up to Sanquelim while Valpoi and Pernem are yet to be covered and in the south we have
reached Canacona while Quepem and Savordem are yet to be covered. The more area we cover the more manpower and infrastructure is required and being a service-oriented company we n e e d t o m a t c h t h e expectations of our clients, hence we are taking it a bit slow and as our strength grows we will cover more area.”
Speaking on the challenges faced by this industry, Raghu said that the major challenge is the running of this service without an ISP license issued b y t h e T R A I ( Te l e c o m Regulatory Authority of India).

“Many unorganised players are still providing a service without proper licensing from TRAI which opens the door to a high risk of cyber threats from hackers to the state and the second thing is that when these unlawful players give you the internet without proper billing, it causes a huge loss to the Government Exchequer. We have lodged c o m p l a i n t s w i t h t h e concerned authorities in this regard and I am sure the state g o v e r n m e n t w i l l t a k e cognisance of the same and take action against those u n a u t h o r i s e d s e r v i c e providers.”
Raghu has plans to bring a revolution in the education sector in Goa as well. His idea involves putting up an internet hub that will give an area Wi-Fi connectivity so that everyone including children will have ease of access to the internet and use this facility to improve their study and connect with each other freely. Nowadays everyone is using mobile phones, laptops, kindles, and tablets to read books, connect with people of social media and even study. Making the city Wi-Fi enabled will not only allow free internet anywhere and everywhere but also to

people, especially children, who cannot afford such services. It will also help enterprises and all other fields of trade to grow and help them connect with the outside world easily and quickly. “This is what the concept of 'Digital India' means and I want to make Goa also fully digital,” as quoted by Raghu Shetye. Raghu started in real estate business and slowly started diversifying into other areas. When I asked him about this, he said, “Yes I am aware that I have been concentrating more on the ISP side and somehow unwillingly, my real estate business became neglected, but soon I will revive it with big dream project of mine. I want to build small housing for locals which include the middle and lowerincome groups”.
When I asked about his political affiliations or opinions, he said that he likes
both music and politics. “I have been a part of many political rallies right from a young age and had attended the rallies of Shrimati Indira Gandhi ji, but now politics has c h a n g e d a l o t I t i s transforming and people have become knowledgeable about their rights and voting only for those who are welleducated and who can bring some change into society. I would also like to mention here that under the leadership of our Prime Minister Modi ji, India has crossed all the milestones of development in a very short span of time. India is marching towards real progress and soon we will r e a c h t h e n u m b e r o n e position. The only thing that hurt me is the politics done on religion and caste and I think if that is removed from this sphere, then it will be more refined. I am not interested in becoming a politician, but if
the government trust me with any position in social welfare, I would love to take that up.”
Raghu's message to the youth of today is that “Covid has changed the way we live and it had left a very bad mark on t h e I n d i a n e c o n o m y , especially on the youth which is the future of India. The trend which started during Covid called 'work from home' has continued long past Covid coming under control. People, especially the youth, do not want to come out and work from the office anymore. There are various terms being used instead of working from home, such as hybrid working or moonlighting but I'd like to tell our youngsters that there is no substitute to hard work and unless you give your 100% to the work there will be no success The only key to success is hard work without an alternative. I want to tell my Goan brothers and sisters to
keep a distance from bad things- our culture is different from the other states in the country: we love dance, music and parties, but keep away from the other substances. If you are in an ancestral business like a bakery or shop, you should continue with it. The bottom line is, do not shy away from taking a risk because if you don't, there is no success.”

Brokerage- if you hire an agent throughout the process. Maintenance fees and society deposits, while are considered to be lower as compared to some other places in India.
Legal Fees.
Tax Deductions at sources House tax.
CRZ Law in Goa
Buying a Home in Goa always comes with the imagination or a Dream that it should be seafacing, well that's great and not a hard nut to crack. But there is a Rule that comes into action which is called CRZ (Coastal Regulation Zone) which is an Environmental law. This says about the distance of the project from the coast to preserve the coastal region and maintain the decency of the Beach area Setbacks are important to take care of the shoreline.
Wrapping up
Serene Beach life, High-quality Lifestyle, and Scent of natural resources make fall for that place before anything. Fuss-free living makes Goa a positive experience.
To add further, Goa has a lot of demand on its real Estate side Goa is a peaceful place and it is even more fascinating to one who explores this place beyond beaches. Those people think of investing in Real Estate in Goa. Let us understand what the laws are, and whether you should buy property in Goa. What is the new normal of buying real estate in goa stay tuned till the end of this article?
Advantages of Buying Property in Goa.
Goa is the best destination when the vibes are about Relaxing, socializing, and Doing Activities.
Goa is not only a Tourist destination; many people do look at it as a Retirement choice because of its soothing tropical ambiance.
Many prefer buying property in Goa from a Commercial and Investment perspective. There are certain advantages while buying property in goa. There is a little math game to understand the Rental Yield in Goa.

Lands in Goa generate higher Rental Yield in Goa because the Short-term rental market has a great run. If you think of buying a property in Goa (Commercial Unit) and getting a tourism license, you can run it as a commercial enterprise. So, the Return on Investment (ROI) you get here in Goa in terms of Property is Higher.
The second key advantage is the prices of buying property in goa are not as high as it seems. The maintenance charge of property here is on the lower side as compared to the other cities across India.
What to know before you buy property in Goa?
There are some issues connected with buying property in Goa which is getting trapped by Builders. Many people from other regions of India believe in investing in Goa without understanding the terms of property wise and that makes many of the Builders bring up plans to trap outsider Buyers with some average lands but high prices. So, it is recommended that if anyone is ever planning to invest in property, come to Goa, stay here and understand the market by yourself.
Understand the Legal Approvals
The first and foremost suggestion is to Engage a lawyer in terms of Buying property who is based in Goa to understand Portuguese law and act accordingly. In some cases, it is better to consult two lawyers to get verified legal opinions.
There are some prerequisite permissions while Buying property in Goa Municipal Corporation and Panchayat permissions. Permission of Airport authorities if the property is in closeness to the airport.
Need NOC (No Objection Certificate) to ensure that there are no dues on the property seller while selling the property. Needs the permission of the F o r e s t a n d A g r i c u l t u r e department if it falls under the green zone.
Additional Tax and Costs deduction you will have to face while buying property in Goa
The price of land in Goa is not that expensive but there are some additional tax deductions to take note of while buying land in Goa. What are these taxes and costsStamp Duty and registration fees. GST
Shifting to Goa is undoubtedly a great Idea and it's also the safest choice. Goa is considered a safe place even at night. Ever since the pandemic hit people choose Goa as an ideal place to live and this brings a grooming wave to the Real Estate market.
Hope this article works as add-on information while making up the best deals.

India has every reason to celebrate as its two acclaimed productions have won top awards at the prestigious Oscars. The “Natu Natu” song won the Best Original Song award, while The Elephant Whisperer won the Best Documentary Short Film award The entire nation is ecstatic about these great

achievements, and they are being hailed as a source of pride and inspiration.
The Natu Natu song is a beautiful composition that celebrates the rich folk traditions of India. It is a song that has resonated with audiences across the world, and its win at the Oscars is proof of its universal appeal. The song is an
o d e t o t h e vibrant culture and heritage of India, and it is a shining example of the country's artistic and m u s i c a l prowess.
The Elephant Whisperer is a documentary short film that tells the story of a man who h a s dedicated his l i f e t o rescuing and rehabilitating e l e p h a n t s .
The film highlights man's efforts to save these majestic animals from captivity and cruelty and to give them a better life. The Elephant Whisperer is a heartwarming and inspiring film that has touched the hearts of audiences worldwide.
The wins of the Natu Natu song and The Elephant Whisperer at
the Oscars are significant achievements for India's film i n d u s t r y . T h e s e a w a r d s demonstrate the country's ability to produce quality films that can compete on the global stage. Prime minister Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, and Defence minister Rajnath Singh have also c o n v e y e d t h e i r h e a r t y congratulations to the winning teams.

The awards also showcase India's rich cultural heritage and its commitment to preserving its traditions and values.
The entire nation is celebrating these proud moments, and the winners have become overnight s e n s a t i o n s S o c i a l m e d i a platforms are buzzing with congratulatory messages, and people are expressing their joy and pride in their achievements. The wins are not only a source of inspiration for aspiring filmmakers and artists but also a reminder of India's potential to excel in every field.
report to have the fake review removed.
Regularly check your credit report and bank statements. Scammers are almost always after your financial accounts. Check for the warning signs of identity theft — such as strange charges on your bank statement or accounts you don’t recognize.
Received the unknown package! And the delivery boy asks you to cancel through the anonymous links! Be careful, that could be a scammer tracking through your bank details.
If a customer receives a package they didn't order, it could be a "brushing" scam. Brushing fraud occurs when campers send packets to publicly available names and addresses.
In July 2019 USA, consumers were warned to beware of unsolicited Amazon packages after people received packages they never ordered through such brush programs.
Your data may have been leaked or compromised. For security, you need to change your Amazon password and cancel your credit cards. If you have used the same Amazon password for other online accounts, you will need to change them as well.
These are not just the stories but the real facts that have made many struggles with financial loss. What is happening with Free or Never ordered packages?
Some of these scams are frequently taking place in India. You receive some unexpected yet never ordered a package from Amazon. You refuse to take the
order as it was placed with Cash On delivery. Once you deny accepting the package. You will be asked by the delivery Boy to give the OTP to cancel the order that you have just received on your mobile.
There you are hooked on the scam, as soon as you share the OTP, another team partner will hack your Financial Data, connect with your bank, and the money will sweep in just minutes. Multiple unwanted packets were received. The tracking number of one or more packages (provided on the shipping label).
The customer's address may have been obtained in advance from a third-party reseller or through a simple internet search. Receiving s u c h m a i l i n g s d o e s n o t necessarily indicate a major problem, but in some cases, it may i n d i c a t e a d a t a b r e a
Customers who believed they had been the victim of a brushing scam were asked to notify the merchant immediately, change their password and use credit monitoring services if necessary. Or there is a plan "B"!

If the particular person denies giving the OTP. The delivery boy will ask you to click on the link for the cancellation of the order
Don't even click on that The results are going to be the same, it's just a different plan to convince you!
Pointers that grasp your safety! Don't be fooled into paying for a product you didn't order. Act smart and Consider denying taking any unnecessary packaging. A product whose origin is unknown can be dangerous. Protect your information. Change your passwords and monitor your balance if you ' ve received something you didn't purchase Receiving these boxes means someone has intercepted your personal information. Add Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to your account – but not SMS. 2FA is an additional security measure where sites send you a special code to enter along with your username and password. But don’t use SMS as it can be compromised if your phone is s t o l e n I n s t e a d , t r y a n authenticator email option. Contact the retailer you believe the product came from. If the package appears to have come from a platform such as Amazon or eBay where a scammer may have posted a fake review, contact the company and file a
Report the incident. In the case, a brushing scam leads to any type of identity theft, file a complaint on Consumercomplaint.info. If you have reason to believe your Social Security number, passport, or other personal identification details have been compromised. Brushing fraud occurs when campers send packets to publicly available names and addresses. Your data may have been leaked or compromised. For security, you need to change your Amazon password and cancel your credit cards. If you have used the same Amazon password for other online accounts, you will need to change them as well. You can also contact customer service which will help you report the issue to the investigation team.
E m a i l s t o pspoofing@amazon.com
Sending a suspicious email as an attachment is the best way to track it. If you are unable to send us a suspicious email as an attachment, you can forward it to the mentioned email Id. Stay safe! And alert!

By Rajesh GhadgePriyanka's Dance Academy, founded in 1998, is probably the first of its kind in Goa, dedicated to the age-old art of classical dance style Bharatnatyam Priyanka had done her B A LLB from Mumbai university & Visharad i n B h a r a t n a t y a m f r o m G a n d h a r v a U n i v e r s i t yMumbai. Priyanka is proud to say that “so far, 25 students have successfully completed their Arangetram in Classical Dance Style Bharatnatyam under her able guidance. A r a n g e t r a m m e a n s 'ascending the stage'. It marks the completion of the initial 78 y e a r s t r a i n i n g i n Bharatnatyam, whereby the student blossoms into a very good dancer. It is a very p r e s t i g i o u s a n d r a r e occasion,” she said. Priyanka is also a recipient of the Goa State award "Yashodamini" for her tireless and dedicated service in the field of art and dance, and the upbringing of young talent in Goa. “No one else in my family is into Indian classical dance apart from me. One of my close friends was learning classical dance when we were in c o l l e g e a n d I u s e d t o accompany her to her dance classes. I think that led to developing the spark in me and I started liking this art. The w h o l e t h i n g w a s s o mesmerising that I decided to join the classes. I enrolled myself to learn classical dance and continued for six years.”

practised in Mumbai High Court but after getting married I shifted to Goa and everything changed I00n Goa, I decided to continue with my passion for dancing and started teaching.”
In the first year, Priyanka had only one student but she did n o t g i v e u p h o p e a n d continued to train that student for the whole year. “I focussed on the fact that even if I have just the one student, at least I was keeping this art alive w i t h i n m e . I w a s a l s o practising at the same time and practice is key to success Soon that one student brought me 8 in the next year and numbers continued to increase after that in geometric ratio to 108 students,” she said. Her students has bagged p r i z e s i n i n t e r s t a t e competitions which she b e l i e v e s i s a g r e a t achievement of her work. “My students won the first prize on a television reality show in Maharashtra. I give the credit for all my success to my husband and in-laws who have always supported me wholeheartedly in all my endeavours. I started taking classes from my home and t h e n w e n t t o m o v e t o independent premises as the students started growing Today we have branches in Mapusa, and Panaji,” she said. Priyanka started the first Bhartnatyam School in Goa.
Born and brought up in Mumbai, Priyanka shifted to Goa after getting married. Her love for classical dance started when she was in college. After she was married, she decide to continue her passion and turned it into a full-time profession. Today Priyanka owns a very well-known dance academy in Goa which she has been running for more than two decades.
Classical dance needs proper training unlike casual dancing. Priyanka used to dance casually right from a young age. “I learned casual dancing from watching it on the TV but for the classical, I had no option but to join a class and learn under the guidance of my guru. After I completed my graduation, I did a postgraduation in Law. I also
“25 years back there were no i n s t i t u t e s t e a c h i n g Bharatnatyam in Goa and I was the first to do that and I have done 25 Arangetrams till date. The Arangatram is a solo performance by the students who completed their training in classical dance and t h e y h a d t o d o a s o l o p e r f o r m a n c e a n d t h i s happens in 7 to 8 years. My students have gone places-
one of my students is teaching the classical Bharatnatyam in Germany, one student is in the UK and teaching classical dance there.”

“Everything that I did, I had the complete support from my friends and family I never faced any major hurdles in my career of 25 years and thanks



By IG TEAMBorn in Karnataka, Shreya was no stranger to the beauty of Goa. Her father, who was born and raised in Goa, made sure that she felt at home in the state, while her mother's roots in Coorg kept her connected to the mountains and the aroma of coffee. Shreya's academic excellence and achievements in sports and extracurriculars in her earlier years at Father Agnels Ashram in Verna were no small feat. However, things changed for her when she shifted to Mushtifund High School in Cujira Shreya struggled to maintain her perfect grades
n d e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r achievements, and it seemed like her old self was nowhere to be found. But she refused to give up, and her passion for dance came to the rescue.
hreya's journey in dance began when she was just eight years old. She started with a mix of Kathak and hip-hop, but her mother soon realised her love for Bharatanatyam and nrolled her at Kalangana ance Institute in Margao hen her family shifted to Panjim, her mother found one the best teachers for haratanatyam, Mrs Nidhi anke. It was under her telage that Shreya fell in love with Bharatanatyam and began her journey to become successful dancer.
Shreya's dedication and hard work have paid off, as she has completed seven years in Bharatanatyam and answered four exams with flying colours and distinction. She is now on her fifth exam and hopes to complete all eight exams, i n c l u d i n g a d e g r e e i n Bharatanatyam While her ultimate dream is to become a medical professional, her love for dance remains an integral part of her life. What is most admirable about Shreya is that she never let n e g a t i v e c o m m e n t s discourage her from pursuing her passion She faced challenges, made mistakes, and embarrassed herself more than once, but she continued t o w o r k h a r d a n d s t a y dedicated to her art. Her success in Bharatanatyam is a testament to her supportive and loving parents, her teacher who always gave her o p p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d h e r determination to do what she loves.

Shreya Vishwas Bhonsle is a name that resonates with dedication, perseverance, and passion. Her story is a testament to the fact that hard work always pays off, and that success comes to those who are willing to put in the effort.
Shreya's journey in dance was not without its challenges, but she persevered and continued to work hard. From performing and practising alone in her bedroom to performing on big stages and answering exams, she never let anything stop her from pursuing her passion. She performed solo and in groups various events, including the inaugural function of Pink Force, events at Ravindra
B h a v a n , a n d L o k U t s a v Cancona, where she bagged f
Shreya Vishwas Bhonsle is a shining example of what it means to pursue one's passion with dedication and hard work. She inspires all those who have a dream and are willing to work towards achieving it. Her story is one of triumph and success, and we can all learn from her journey. Congratulations, Shreya, on all that you have achieved so far, and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for you.

Yash Apte comes from a family of music lovers and developed a love for the Ragas and Bandish from a young age. He used to accompany his mother and sister to music classes and from there, he developed an interest in Indian classical music. He used to watch them singing compositions and started singing along with them.
Yash Apte comes from a family of music lovers and developed a love for the Ragas and Bandish from a young age. He used to accompany his mother and sister to music classes and from there, he developed an interest in Indian classical music. He used to watch them singing
n o t e m a t c h e s w i t h t h e
never charged me any fees. Teaching music was his passion.” When I asked him how he got into playing the flute he said, "there are different types of flutes and I started learning the American type which is different from its Indian counterpart. But I found the real challenge in playing the Indian Bansuri (flute) which was more difficult to p l a y c o m p a r e d t o t h e American flute. The American f l u t e i s e a s i e r t o p l a y compared to the Bansuri. To play the Bansuri we need to adjust the angle depending on the amount of air pressure you are putting in it. Also, there are other technical things like creating the Komal Swara
I give one hour daily to my practice. My college finishes at 2 pm and from 3 to 6pm, I go to Kala Academy and after coming home I continue to practice what I have learnt in the class
Tanpura (a Musical instrument) I feel the connection with the music which one might feel with God and hence it is more a s p i r i t u a l a n d b e a t connection.”
Yash loves playing music and recording the Bandish. “I play a flute professionally which is my first love of music. I also play the harmonium and basics of mouth-organ and playing the flute is my speciality. I have reached the level of Madhyama 2nd level which means 'intermediate' in music.”

Yash is taking his music classes at Kala Academy. “I started learning with Sir Mohandas who used to take private lessons in Marcela where he
where you need to lift the finger a little to half open the hole and for the Lower Swara you need to touch the lowest note. All this makes it more challenging compared to its counterpart,” said Yash. Yash believes that the western flute is easier to play as it is more sophisticated compared to the Indian Bansuri so is capable of creating music with much easier compared to the Bansuri. “You just need to blow a western flute and it will create the tune and your task is only playing the right notes. There is no adjustment of the angles and it's more like a whistle that you can blow to get the results Learning Western flute is easier
compared to the Indian Bansuri,” he added.

Yash is a second-year student of the science stream at Dhempe College of Arts and Science in Miramar. “I will be taking Zoology as my thirdyear subject and I will be doing my PhD in Msc. and will try to attempt to crack the NIIT after the 3rd year to get into medicine. I will keep music as
my side profession. I am doing a15-year music course and I have just completed 5 years of it so there is a long way to go. It is an endless learning process and I am working on it with complete dedication as and when I get the opportunity I will surely grab it. In Goa, t h e r e a r e v e r y f e w opportunities and according to me most of them will come

from outside G o a . Meanwhile, I h a v e m y studies which will take me in t h e r i g h t d i r e c t i o n wherein I can take up a job in the field of research in Zoology or M a r i n e Science.” A l t h o u g h most of the time Yash is studying, he still manages to keep some time dedicated to his love for music. “I give one hour daily to my practice. My college finishes at 2 pm and from 3 to 6pm, I go to Kala Academy and after coming home I continue to practice what I have learnt in the class,” he said.

Speaking on the challenges Yash faced, he said that he had caught Covid and when he got infected, he had to stop practice due to weakness. “My teacher also advised me to not play the flute. I had to start everything from scratch and now I am back to the same position as before. Music is a continuous learning process and only practice makes you perfect,” he said.
Speaking on the message to the youth, Yash said, “Do what you love and dedicate yourself to what you are passionate about. Do not leave it in the middle for anything I have seen people giving it up in the middle but that does not take you towards success. Stick to what you are doing and it will g i v e y o u a s e n s e o f satisfaction in the end.”
Situated in the picturesque Interiors of the Heritage Campal neighborhood in one of Panaji's most unique quarters known for its riverfront gardens, aesthetic buildings, and a solid community spirit. The Red Ginger is one of Panaji’s most renowned Pan Asian spots that we checked out recently.

Placed inside an Old Portuguese
House and sharing space with one of Goa’s most renowned Seafood Restaurants “The Fisherman’s Wharf”, the Red Ginger has a variety of Seating options both indoors as well as o u t d o o r s b u t w e h i g h l y recommend seating inside as it has a very authentic oriental vibe about it that is hard to miss. We were greeted by Chef
Gulshan who handles the Restaurant at Panaji and he was kind enough to give us some solid recommendations on the dishes as well as the drinks that we should try.
The Red Ginger is known for its oriental cuisine and has an array of oriental options to offer ranging right from Chinese, Malaysian, Thai, and Japanese. For starters, we tried the Dragon Roll, Chicken Teriyaki Bao, and Classic Chicken Dumplings.

‘The Dragon Roll’ is a delectable serving of Sushi with an emphasis o n a u t h e n t i c t a s t e a n d presentation consisting of Crumb Fried Prawns, Avocado, and a hint of spicy Mayo. Prepared by The Red Ginger’s Sushi Master Chef, this was bound to be a delight and is a must for all sushi lovers out there.
‘Teriyaki Chicken Bao’ is one of the most interesting preparations that the place has to offer in terms of innovation and they s u r e l y d o n o t m i s s t h i s department! Juicy chicken blanketed with a sweet sticky glaze of Teriyaki Sauce stuffed between the super soft Chinese Bao Buns creates a burst of taste in the mouth. The Baos at Red Ginger is definitely something you shouldn’t miss!

Their ‘Classic Chicken Dumplings’ are glistening, steaming balls of joy stuffed with seasoned chicken cooked to perfection that will drive any Pan-Asian foodie crazy. Coming to the Mains, we tried the House specialty Kung Pao Chicken and the Mix Phad Thai Noodles.
The Kung Pao Chicken was a semi-spicy-sweet stir-fried dish made with chunky pieces of chicken, vegetables, and chili peppers, and the peanuts here were substituted with Cashew nuts instead making this a very interesting yet different take on the all-time oriental classic. It went rather surprisingly well with the Mix Phad Thai Noodles consisting of Egg, Chicken, Squids, Prawns, and a variety of vegetables cooked in a glaze of in-house sauces.
For the Final and most important course, we indulged in the “The Great Wall of Chocolate” which is a 5 Layer of super delicious and rich chocolate cake topped with white chocolate curls as fancy as it sounds, it exceeds the expectations in the taste department. This is a must-try for all those sweet tooth aficionados. So head on down to the Red Ginger today and don’t miss out on the amazing culinary offerings this Oriental flavor house has to offer!

Restaurant Details
Phone Number: +918888493333
Pan Asian Cuisine with a Covered terrace & Live music.
Service options
Dine-in Takeaway No-contact delivery
Average Cost 1200 per person (approx)
Address: House No 13, 139, 18th June Rd, beside Taj Vivanta, Campal, Altinho, Panaji, Goa 403001
Table booking recommended

If you are looking for a private, peaceful & picture-perfect vacation in Goa then look no further we have the best option for you the Sobit Sarovar Portico. Situated on Goa’s most famous Palolem beach, The Sobit Sarovar Portico is a tastefully built holiday location in Goa that is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city crowd. Situated in south Goa this hotel is hardly 500 meters a w a y f r o m t h e s e r e n e , picturesque, and verdant Palolem beach.
The Sobit Sarovar Portico is strategically located and reachable by road, air, and train, just 90 mins from Goa’s famous Dabolim Airport and just 10 mins from the Canacona Railways station. The hotel has the s e m b l a n c e o f P o r t u g u e s e architecture with combination roofs, lots of fine woodwork, and Goan & Portuguese style art and artifacts to give it a unique character. The central part of the h o t e l h o s t s a n a m a z i n g l y beautiful swimming pool with refreshing green landscaping.

The Rooms
Sobit Sarovar Portico has 48 wellappointed rooms encased beautifully by quaint architecture that reflects Goa’s history and Culture Intricate woodwork, hand-selected art, and sleek lines showcase a blend of Goan and I n d o - P o r t u g u e s e s t y l e s

Throughout the hotel, paintings
and other art narrate the tale of g o a ’ s h e r i t a g e , c u l t u r e , landscapes, events, and daily life.
The Deluxe and Delux King Rooms with Balcony, decked with comfortable furnishing and complimentary amenities, ensure to offer you a wonderful stay. furniture in the room includes a cozy double bed, sofa and tables, and a wardrobe, and amenities s u c h a s d r e s s i n g s p a c e , tea/coffee machine, and LCD TV a r e a p p o i n t e d f o r y o u r convenience. A spacious balcony provides a picturesque view of the surroundings and lets you sit back and destress.
The amenities include Pool View, Wi-Fi Internet Access, Bedside Table, Complimentary Cookies, Television, Fruit Platter (On Request), Mini Bar, RO water, Parallel Phone Line in Bathroom, Hair Dryer, Iron and Iron Board on request, Bathrobe on request, 24hrs In-room Dining, Laundry services chargeable basis & Safety Lockers.
The Dining
The Sobit Sarovar Portico has a d i n i n g f a c i l i t y t h a t c a n accommodate 75 pax at any given time Experience an unparalleled culinary journey with a host of wine and dining options.
C a p a c i t a t i n g a b o u t 7 5 individuals. The restaurant treats guests with contemporary music, a rich blend of Indian and Continental delicacies, and lip-
smacking Goan cuisine. Lingerover buffet service and a la carte options for a culinary retreat and soul-impressing ambiance. The myriad food and beverage outlets set themselves apart within the hotel, each offering a different atmosphere without losing that singular common thread of true Goan hospitality and quaint architectural style. Uzo, the bar, is well-stocked with a large international array of beverages styled in a chic, friendly manner. Flavors are Sobit Sarovar Portico’s multicuisine restaurant with popular dishes from around the world, served with flair. At Balcao, guests can lounge by the pool as they sip innovative cocktails and nibble on delicious snacks.
Conferences & Meetings
The Sobit Sarovar Portico has two banquet halls Sala De Cristal Banquet Hall and Summit Conference Hall, which serve as the perfect venues for business meetings, seminars, weddings, and get-togethers. Meticulously maintained, and adorned in warm color palettes, these halls turn y o u r e v e r y e v e n t i n t o a memorable one. Our hotel treats its guests with timeless comfort, well-decorated interiors, plush furniture, and modern amenities. Our professional banqueting team treats our guests with signature Sarovar hospitality, making the organization and
execution of every event a successful one.
With its gorgeous interiors, Sala de Cristal banquet offers the ideal venue for events of any sort, from weddings to private parties, and exhibitions to corporate retreats for up to 350 guests. To r e i n f o r c e t h a t f e e l i n g o f relaxation, Sobit Sarovar Portico offers O Spa, at which trained therapists ease and relax guests with a wide variety of treatments. Besides this, the property has well- equipped Gym and an activity center for children and adults with indoor games like snooker, carom, a mini library, and more. To keep in touch with the w o r l d a t l a r g e , t h e r e i s complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi.
Being located just 500 meters away from Goa’s Pristine Palolem beach it gives an advantage of reaching the nearby places of interest and famous tourist spots. Just a 6-minute of drive from the Hotel to Butterfly Beach, and it takes only 16 minutes from the hotel to Famous Agonda Beach. The party lovers can head to the Silent Noise Club which is about 5 minutes from our resort in Palolem or the Leopard Valley, which is 8 minutes from the resort and is known to host some of the best parties in Goa. The other places like the Basilica of Bom Jesus, Se Cathedral, and other UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


Hiranyakashapu to torture Prahlada to stop him from chanting the name of Lord Vishnu. And then Holika was hunted by humans and finally burned alive. Other folklore suggests that S h i g m o i s c e l e b r a t e d t o commemorate the death of Putana at the hands of Lord Krishna.
The significance of the Shigmo Festival
Don't miss Goa's Shigmotsav celebrations. It is coming up right, with folk dances, parades and a merry display of colours On happy holidays, people smear themselves with paint. The houses are beautifully decorated to welcome the holiday spirit. The Western Ghats seem awash in colour and come alive during the Shigmo Festival.
The Shigmo festival is one of the most popular Hindu festivals in Goa. During the festival, people paint intricate murals and carve idols depicting figures from Hindu mythology.
Also known as Shigmotsav, it is celebrated a few days before the full moon night of the Indian lunar month of Phalgun, which usually falls in March. During the festival, the famous Y a t r a s T e m p l e takes place a n d t h e processions i n t h e temples add e x t r a dynamism. You can see c o l o u r f u l costumes, s p e c i a l multicoloure d flags and u n i q u e m u s i c a l instruments l i k e d h o l tasha and f l u t e s Locals also c a r r y b i g drums from h o u s e t o house and d a n c e t o the sound of
The origin and History of the Shigmo Festival
The Shigmo festival in Goa is celebrated in the month of Phalguna according to the Hindu community's Saka calendar. The month of Phalgun is linked to the lunar calendar, so the date changes every year. The Shigmo festival information is obtained
The essence of Shigmo is to celebrate spring and the renewal of life that comes with it. It is a time when people come together and celebrate the culture and traditions of Goa. The festival is also a way for people to express their joy and happiness and to worship gods and goddesses. During the festival, people dress up in traditional costumes and perform various rituals such as singing, dancing and playing musical instruments. The festival a l s o i n c l u d e s v a r i o u s competitions such as tug of war, kabaddi and other traditional games.
Shigmo Festival 2023!
The Shigmo festival is celebrated a few days before the full moon of
from the Puranas The word “Shigmo” is a Konkani term, which has been coined from the Prakrit, The word "Shigmo" comes from the Sanskrit word "Sugrishmaka" a n d t h e P r a k r i t w o r d "Suggimaho".
Puranic legends give rise to this festival. According to one such legend, Prahlada's aunt Holika p r o v o k e d h e r b r o t h e r
the Indian lunar month Phalgun, which usually falls in March. The celebrations culminate on the full moon night, which marks the beginning of Vhadlo Shigmo for the next few days. Therefore, the festival has two variants: Dhakla (younger) and Thorla (older). The former is celebrated in Tiswadi, Ponda, Calangute and Quepem and the latter in Bardez, Sattari,
The essence of Shigmo is to celebrate spring and the renewal of life that comes with it. It is a time when people come together and celebrate the culture and traditions of Goa. The festival is also a way for people to express their joy and happiness and to worship gods and goddesses.
Bicholim and Pernem. This year there will be around 17 major and minor cities, the most important being Ponda, Vasco, Mapusa and Panjim. The panel also reported that parade routes have been revised and that excited parties have been advised to coordinate with Goa Police and choose floats

Mr Nikhil Desai, Managing D i r e c t o r , G o a To u r i s m Development Corporation (GTDC) announced“One important announcement that we have made this year and asked all the committees to follow is that the Shigmo parade will not be allowed post 10 pm,
and this rule has t o b e s t r i c t l y followed by the organisers."
T h e v i l l a g e r s smear colours on each other in a playful way. On the 11th and 15th d a y s , t h e villagers dress up in vibrant and flashy costumes, carry flags, beat the drums, and blow the flutes as they assemble at t h e v i l l a g e temples. They perform many folk dances like Ghode-Morni, Talgadi, Hanpet, L a m p d a n c e , G o p h a , Rommatamel, and 'Fugdi' as part of the festivities.
“If the music does not stop by 10 pm, we will be forced to shut it down So we request all the participants to take note of these timings. This is due to the recent
ruling by the honourable High Court on playing of amplified music as well as to ensure that we follow all the legal requirements."
The festival's grand finale is the i n t r i c a t e l y d e s i g n e d a n d beautifully lit floats that float in the state capital of Panaji and other locations such as Ponda, Vasco, Madgaon and Mapusa. The celebrations begin with prayers to the village gods and goddesses. Parades are held on the last five days of the fortnight.
Wrapping up
It is a great experience to witness t h e s e e v e n t s w h e n G o a n traditions come to life. The main attraction of the Shigmo festival is t h e d a n c e p e r f o r m a n c e s performed at night by the peasants and rural class in the remote villages of Goa.
Another focal point of the festival is the parade, which features the many painted Hindu idols and folklore depicting scenes from ancient mythology and tales. Keep your carnival mode on!
The iPhone's Passcode isn't safe anymore and it is not enough to secure your money and data!

What happens when your iPhone is stolen? iPhone thieves does not only steal your phone and your identity but they can block you out from logging into your own Apple accounts and illegally withdraw money from your bank accounts, sometimes before you even realise what has happened, many such thefts have led to severe financial losses across US.
The primary function of iPhones can be used as a weapon to help criminals steal a victim's entire digital life, including photos and debit card information, in minutes.
How do they do it and how can you protect yourself?
Keep your gaze fixed on this article till the end!
What happens when your iPhone gets snatched in public places? What do the previous cases say?
Nicole Nguyen, WSJ personal technology columnist joins moderator Zoe Thomas to explain how theft works, what victims have experienced and how iPhone users can protect themselves.
The authorities said sometimes the stealer would try to befriend
alphanumeric passcode, which would be more difficult for thieves to spy on. This can be done in the Settings app under Face ID & Access code Change access code.

iPhone users should use Face ID or Touch ID in public places to prevent thieves from spying on their passwords In situations where password entry is required, users can hold their hands over the screen to disguise the password entry.
To protect your bank account, you should store your password in a password manager that doesn't include a device passcode like 1Password.
you. They will then ask you to add them on social media, forcing you to open your iPhone in front of
iPhones were stolen while in other public places at night Some victims said their iPhones were snatched from their hands by strangers, while others said t h e y w e r e p h y s i c a l l y assaulted and intimidated
The report contains concrete examples of such cases.
If a thief knows the iPhone password, they can easily reset the victim's Apple ID password in the Settings app, even if Face ID or Touch ID is enabled. The thief can then disable Find My iPhone on the device, preventing the device owner from tracking its location or remotely erasing the device via iCloud The thief can also remove other trusted Apple devices from the account to further lock the victim out. Solutions to make the data safe even if the iPhone is lost or robbed
A l w a y s u s e a t w o - f a c t o r authentication (2FA) method if your bank's app allows it, and make sure it's a dedicated authentication app and not an app that works over SMS. If the thief has access to your iPhone, they can read any 2FA code received via SMS.
Instead, choose an app like Aegis or Raivo that lets you set a onetime app password instead of relying on your iCloud password to sign in. Just like a third-party password manager, hackers can't hack the Authenticator app without your Master Password Even if they have your bank password, they will be blocked. Finally, go through the photo gallery and notes and delete any entries that contain credit cards, bank details, social security numbers, or identification documents.
All of the victims were interviewed and it was reported that their
There are some simple yet very effective solutions to ensure your iPhone passwords are not easy to get. cybersecurity experts have suggested, Apple allow customers to disable iPhone passcodes. They added that there might be a way to reset Apple ID passwords at any time.
Users are advised to switch from a four-digit passcode to an

Vineeta's name are far more to prove her caliber and her expert hand in business. She has a total net worth of 8 million dollars. She is a recognized investor in Shark Tank India and was also called an 'expert' in a famous TV game show KBC (Kaun Banega Crorepati).
Vineeta has also been included in various rankings such as Top 100 mindful Women in the World, Economic Times' 40 Under Forty Award in 2020, and One of the most powerful women in India according to Forbes India Magazine 2021.
B e h i n d e v e r y s u c c e s s f u l entrepreneur lie the sheer willpower and unwavering perseverance to bring about a change in society. This line can be said to hold true for Vineeta Singh, CEO and Co-founder of Sugar Cosmetics and Fab Bag. Although Vineeta has always been a bright student who realized her dream of becoming a businesswoman in her school days only, the meritorious student w h o n o t o n l y graduated from one of the most renowned colleges in India, IIT M a d r a s b u t a l s o completed her postgraduation from the t o p i n s t i t u t e o f management, Indian I n s t i t u t e o f Management (IIM), Ahmadabad. She d i d n ' t t a k e t h e conventional path l a i d o u t b y t h e colleges for their students. Singh decided to pave her own way with her own ideas and hard work while challenging the social norms and stereotypes.
heavy rainfalls and water seepage. With a basic income of 10,000 Rs only, she was living in a small apartment, what she describes as a 'matchbox'. The first few months in Mumbai, as per Singh, were hard because of several rejections from rickshaw drivers.
The basic pay of 10,000 Rs then turns into 50,000 which eventually
I always felt strongly about building something with women as the core customer, so when my first startup didn't scale, I decided to launch a beauty subscription company with my co-founder, Kaushik, in 2012. The 200,000 women who shared their detailed beauty preferences with us were at the heart of our pivot to SUGAR Cosmetics, which launched as a direct-to-consumer makeup brand in 2015

began to run, at every finish line she reached, she was filled with the greatest zeal and zest. She continues to have faith that running gave her the boost she needed to complete the Ironman Triathlon, which is a significant accomplishment. She started with a beauty subscription firm known as Fab Bag. While she worked there and r e s e a r c h e d t h e beauty and makeup field, she realized the importance of quality cosmetics that Indian Women need. There, she founded SUGAR Cosmetics in 2012 with her husband, Kaushik Mukherjee as co-founder.
When they started
Vineeta, a proud mother of two and a trendsetter has always been a hard worker who doesn't believe in shortcuts and hustles through their way to the top. “I always felt strongly about building something with women as the core customer, so when my first startup didn't scale, I decided to launch a beauty subscription company with my co-founder, Kaushik, in 2012 The 200,000 women who shared their detailed beauty preferences with us were at the heart of our pivot to SUGAR Cosmetics, which launched as a direct-to-consumer makeup brand in 2015.”, she said in an article by Entreprenuer.com
V i n e e t a s t a r t e d h e r entrepreneurial journey after her graduation, aged 23, she shifted from Delhi to Mumbai in July which she says is the worst possible time to come to Mumbai due to the
grew into Sugar Cosmetics having a turnover of 104 Crores in 2019.
At a point, after facing some setbacks she started to doubt her decision to reject the job offers from big giants in her IIT and IIM days. But later on, she eventually found her way out of the depressing times through her motivation i e running As she
g e n e r a t i n g b u z z through social media c h a n n e l s , t h e i r m a r k e t i n g strategy to create customized makeup products specifically for Indian skin tones that will be made in India for India—proved to be a huge success. She invested her own money in starting the business along with outside funding With 1500 employees, 75% of whom are women, Sugar Cosmetics has grown into a successful business.
Today the achievements under

Car insurances are least understood and mostly misleading. What a big statement!
Car insurance policies make a safety guard around the vehicle owner against the financial loss caused due to any damage or theft of the insured vehicle. Car insurance offers aren’t complex but maybe your car dealer presents you with a handsome p i t c h , w h i c h ultimately fills his p o c k e t s w i t h commissions.
So here are some fine and clean points that you can take care of in case of buying or renewing your Car insurance:
Consider the brandUnderstanding that c h e a p i n s u r a n c e plans are not always the best or you can say they could easily make you regret after a specific period These plans seem to fit in the budget but they bring a lot of hidden policies that don’t get you the deserved claim when needed. These includeLower IDV (Insured Declared
GST is added much later. Missing basic Add-ons. Understand the coverage offered-
You need to get the right coverage for your situation and for that you need to understand what’s available. Let’s break down the four-basic coverage: Liability coverage- provides you

So, if you accidentally hit someone else’s car or injure the other driver then your liability coverage will pay for that.
Medical Payment coveragebecause liability coverage only provides coverage for injuries caused to the other people involved you’ll need medical payments coverage to help pay medical expenses related to injuries This coverage comes into play no matter who is at the fault.
Uninsured motors
Well, add-ons can be customized according to your situation. There are four most important car insurance add-ons you must know.
Engine protection cover. Roadside assistance cover. Consumables cover.
Zero deception cover. Take the insurance policies directly to avoid unnecessary commissions.
Most of us prefer directly doing our car insurance from the car dealer itself As car insurance details seem to be complex and confusing, indirectly you get fooled by them and pay higher amounts. But if you try and break down the details to understand, there are several online sites like ACKO and PolicyBazaar. Where you can compare and get the best deals according to your situation.
Take the Defensive driving course.
with the coverage you need if you’re at fault in an automobile accident This coverage offers two types of protections: Coverage for injuries to other people.
For damage to someone else’s property while you or a family member are operating any
c o v e r a g e - U M coverage protects you if you’re involved in an accident by someone who breaks t h e l a w b y n o t carrying their auto liability insurance. It does this by helping pay for any medical expenses you inquire as a result of getting hit by an uninsured driver. This makes protecting yourself an absolute necessity.
Physical damage coverage- Pays for direct and accidental loss to your vehicle. There are two parts to physical damage.
Check the Add-on:
The defensive driving course is t h a t y o u a r e m a k i n g a n allowance, and you have skills and strategies in place that are compensating for the errors of other drivers. This one course can help you save 10 to 20% off on your Car insurance premiums. Right, here are 5 best practices you can follow while doing your car insurance to slow down the complex game built by the agents or car dealers You can make customized insurance policies as per the situation. Now every one of you can have your 100% expertise while buying or renewing your Car Insurance.
5 best practices you can follow while doing your car insurance to slow down the complex game built by the agents or car d e a l e r s . Y o u c a n m a k e customized insurance policies as per the situation.
The Goa Value Added Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2023 has been passed in the Goa Legislative Assembly on 18th January 2023 which contains certain ease of doing business measures for the taxpayers under the VAT regime. It also got the assent of the Hon. Governor of Goa and is notified vide notification no 7/6/2023-LA dated 27th February 2023 A copy of the notification is enclosed.

Unlike other tax laws such a s T h e G o o d s a n d Services Act and the Income Tax Act, wherein a GSTN or PAN obtained once will remain valid until the cancellation of the r e g i s t r a t i o n , t h e registration obtained under the Goa VAT Act, 2005 had to be renewed every three years. This registration has to be renewed by submitting an application for renewal of registration along with a copy of the payment of prescribed fees. The year 2017 was the time when taxpayers were gearing up for the new Goods and Services Tax (GST) Since the GST was a monumental shift in indirect taxation, many taxpayers were still unclear on the scope of the
law and inadvertently did not renew the VAT registration in the prescribed time Similarly, the year 2020 was the year of the pandemic wherein taxpayers had to follow COVID norms and restrictions of movement. Further, COVID-19 had put the taxpayers
causing undue hardships to genuine businesses who had inadvertently not renewed the registration in time. The taxpayers primarily affected in these matters comprised of dealers in alcohol for human consumption, i.e. wine and liquor retailers, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels etc. Considering the hardships faced by the taxpayers, and in order to have a fair tax mechanism for the genuine taxpayers and to strive for ease of doing b u s i n e s s , t h e G o a Chamber of Commerce & Industry had represented:
2. That the periodic renewal of registration of VAT is scrapped, and that any taxpayer who has obtained registration under Goa VAT Act, 2005 be deemed to be registered unless the registration is cancelled.
The GCCI has been representing on this matter since March 2022, whereby a letter was addressed to the SGST Commissioner on 17th March 2022 and followed by letters to the Principal Chief Secretary, Government of Goa and Hon. Chief Minister of Goa. The requests were also part of Pre-Budget Submissions of the State Budget for the year 202223 submitted by GCCI vide letter dated 25th March 2022 to the Hon. CM of Goa. GCCI Taxation Committee led by Chairman, CA Rohan Bhandare, played a prominent role in addressing this matter.
The requests were followed by several meetings and discussions b y G C C I w i t h t h e S G S T Commissioners, the UnderSecretary(Finance), the Principal Secretary (Finance), Chief Secretary and Hon. Chief Minister, with the latest meeting taken up on this matter on the 5th January 2023.
into severe health and financial constraints, and thus could not renew their VAT registration on time.
The implication of not renewing the registration in the prescribed time resulted in the denial of benefits of the value-added taxation, including availing of Input tax credit to such taxpayers.
T h e i n p u t t a x c r e d i t w a s disallowed and demanded by the Department as tax payment, along with interest and penalties,
1. That the taxpayers who have inadvertently not renewed their registration in time for the period starting from 01/04/2017, during which the taxpayers were gearing up for the transition to the Goods and Services Tax regime and the following period from 01/04/2020, during which the country was experiencing pandemic induced constraints and restrictions of movement, be treated as registered taxpayers and the benefits under the Act, including availing of Input Tax credit be allowed to them for this period.
The Chamber is glad to inform you that the Goa Government has considered both the requests of GCCI favourably and introduced the necessary amendments in the G o a V a l u e A d d e d T a x (Amendment) Bill, 2023. The Bill has been passed in the Legislative Assembly. Got assent of the Hon. Governor and is notified vide notification no. 7/6/2023-LA dated 27th February 2023.
This is a great relief to the taxpayers under the VAT Regime, especially for the alcohol dealers. The scrapping of periodic renewal has also been a long-standing matter and will greatly help in the ease of doing business.
The Chamber thanks the Goa Government under the leadership of Dr Pramod Sawant, Hon. CM of Goa, the SGST Commissioner and his team and also Principal Secretary (Finance ) and his team from the finance Department.
Goa Value Added Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2023. The Bill has been passed in the Legislative Assembly. Got assent of the Hon. Governor and is notified vide notification no. 7/6/2023-LA dated 27th February 2023.


Future Ready Tech Events, a venture of UMANG Group was held on Friday, 17th March 2023 at Double Tree Hilton, Kadamba Plateau, Panaji, Goa. The event brought together industry experts, innovators, and entrepreneurs to discuss the latest trends and advancements in the world of technology. The forum in which Leaders from different sectors who understand the worth of technology come together and keep themselves updated about the futuristic technology. FTlF focusses around the following sectors, Healthcare & Pharma, Travel & Tourism, Banking & Finance, eGovernance, Construction & Real Estate, Education & Skilling, Transport & Logistics, Marine & Aqua Culture ,and Media & Entertainment.
Mangirish Salelkar, CEO & Co-Founder, UMANG Group gave the welcome address. He stated that the purpose of this summit is to bring together some of the brightest minds in the technology industry and provide a platform for sharing ideas, networking, and exploring new opportunities. With the rapid pace of technological advancement and innovation, it is essential for us to stay informed and adapt to new developments in order to remain competitive and achieve success.

Kenkre is a CA in practice for the last 11 years. He is a regular speaker at various professional organizations, trade bodies, MNCs and Government bodies. He also writes regularly in local as well as national publications. Besides this he holds various positions in bodies such as ICAI, GCCI, College bodies, Rotary etc.

In the previous edition, we had discussed the significant changes in GST, proposed by Budget 2023 Prior to that, we had proposed to cover two important changes in respect of claim of input tax credits, which had been enforced after the 48th GST Council Meeting. One of the changes was discussed. We will now discuss the second change. The entire basis of the concept of input tax credit in GST is that, if the supplier has collected and PAID the GST to the government, then the recipient of such goods/services will be given credit of such GST which has already been paid to the government by the supplier.
supplier declares a higher GST liability versus the actual GST liability paid by him i e GST payable in GSTR 1 or IFF is more than the GST liability actually paid in GSTR 3B.
In the above scenario, the officer would issue a notice to the assessee, based on which either the assessee has to pay the differential amount OR explain the reason for non-payment of the amount.
If the amount remains unpaid or explanation is not satisfactory, then further proceedings would follow.
This move will hopefully benefit recipients in the sense that now the suppliers have to be worried
after the end of the financial year in which the recipient took the credit i.e. if the recipient took GST credit in June 2022, and supplier does not file GSTR 3B even till September 2023.
In such a case, the recipient must reverse the GST input tax credit in relation to such purchases (i.e. purchases for which GSTR 3B is not filed) by the GSTR 3B he will file before 30th November after the end of the financial year i.e. in our example, the GST credit must be reversed in GSTR 3B filed before 30th November 2023
Such reversal will be without any interest liability on recipient, and any reversal after this date will incur interest.
The rule further allows that once the supplier files the GST 3B, recipient can re-claim the reversed input tax credit.
As can be seen, both the above rules lay heavy emphasis on GST payment by supplier i.e. only if supplier pays GST, recipient gets the credit, and to ensure supplier pays GST, more tools are given to the department to monitor those who donot pay GST.
Therefore, the corollary is that, if a supplier has NOT PAID GST to the government, then the government would be within its right to deny input tax credit to the recipient.
F r o m t h e g o v e r n m e n t ' s perspective, this may make sense i.e. how can they give credit of an a m o u n t w h i c h t h e y n e v e r received? But from the recipient's view, this is patently unfair since he has no control over his supplier and his compliance. The change we are discussing today impacts this very same concept. This change has been given effect by insertion of two new rules:
a. Rule 88C
This rule simply states the process which will be followed in case a
about such notices for nonpayment of GST and hence would hopefully pay GST on time. At the same time, it is hoped that this provision is not misused to harass taxpayers in cases where the difference in GST liability and GST payment is due to genuine issues.
b. Rule 37A
This rule specifies what is to be done by the recipient, in case his supplier has filed GSTR 1 i.e. uploaded the invoice details which are then visible to recipient in Form GSTR 2B, BUT has not filed GSTR 3B for that period. This rule applies in cases where such noncompliance i.e GTSR 3B is not filed before 30th of September,
Going forward, businesses will now have to not only check their GSTR 2B i.e. the report which shows invoices filed by their supplier via GSTR 1/IFF, but recipients will also have to obtain higher assurances on GST payment by their suppliers. One way to check this is by checking the compliance status of the supplier on GST portal, where it shows all the past GST returns filed by any taxpayer. This can be seen even without logging in to the GST portal.
CA Gaurav
As can be seen, both the above rules lay heavy emphasis on GST payment by supplier i.e. only if supplier pays GST, recipient gets the credit, and to ensure supplier pays GST, more tools are given to the department to monitor those who do not pay GST.

Circuit training, great to counter plateauing in workouts, combines several elements of physical conditioning into a series of exercises employing several
system many vouch for as an efficient means to push the body beyond the plateau-inducing comfort zone is circuit training.
It as a method which combines several elements of physical conditioning into a series of exercises employing various stations. Multiple exercises targeting different body parts are done one after the other, measured in time, with rest of few seconds (usually 2 0 - 3 0 s e c o n d s ) between stations.
Once a cycle ends (five or six exercises), a two-to-five-minute rest is usually taken.
a rest period of, say, 20-30 seconds can be kept between each exercise. A break of two to three minutes between cycles is ideal A typical schedule lasts anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes. However, pre- and postworkout routines are necessary: 10-15 minutes of warm-up and warm down.
“If a person does weight training for six days a week, then circuit training can be included two or three days/sessions. “It is much like how you incorporate cycling, running and other activities into a routine.”
A full-body workout, the very thing that makes circuit training effective, can be a hazard. So, experts suggest a gradual increase in intensity. It is a strict no-no for those with health complications.

stations or exercises
Even as fitness routines and systems evolve — new replacing the old and the ancient getting refined with larger understanding of the human body through science — the basic goals remain the same. The quest is to find novel means to burn calories, condition muscles and the
Those who have cardiac or blood pressure issues should stick to doing light-intensity circuit training. That too after getting clearance from a doctor. Experts also prescribe monitoring of the heart rate while training to ensure it remains in the green zone and does not cross the maximum threshold.
The fitness, flexibility and lifestyle of the person should be taken into account while planning a circuit training routine. For instance, someone with a sedentary lifestyle will invariably have less flexibility. That directly impacts their ability to do certain exercises, and could lead to injuries.
Circuit training is a full-body workout which offers benefits of strength training as well as cardio exercises.
“Circuit training burns more calories in less time, it is a good cardio exercise and when combined with weight training, it also helps in increasing muscle endurance Thus, it is a good exercise for overall health While multiple exercises are performed in quick succession in circuit training, that within a cycle

Those with cardiac and blood pressure issues should first get a fitness clearance from a doctor before undertaking circuit training. They should initially stick to low-intensity training.
Pre- and post-workout warm-up and warm down are of utmost importance to avoid injuries.
Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and it can strengthen bones, slowing down the process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible.
Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.
Those with cardiac and blood pressure issues should first get a fitness clearance from a doctor before undertaking circuit training. They should initially stick to low-intensity training. Pre- and post-workout warmup and warm down are of utmost importance to avoid injuries.

been placed.
By Dr. Schuyler PereiraGoa is a very popular tourism destination in India. It's pristine beaches and lovely culture makes it a hotspot for tourists from all over the world. Many tourist opt at getting medical and dental treatment done while in Goa as the standard of treatment is high and also the prices are more affordable when compared to clinics abroad. Here are some of the frequently asked questions regarding getting dental implants done in Goa.
1) Are getting dental implants done while in Goa safe?

Yes, getting implants or any other dental treatment is safe We follow strict sterilisation protocols using Class-B surgical autoclaves which is the gold standard. Plus, the procedure is carried out by experienced specialists only.
2) How long do I have to plan my stay?
This depends upon the treatment plan. Usually , your dentist will place your implant in the first appointment and ask you to come back after 6 months to a year for the crown This is to allow adequate healing time for the implant to fuse to your bone.
3 ) H o w d o I k n o w w h a t treatment I require?
You can get in touch with us via email. We will advise a couple of pictures, X-rays and scans to enable us to get a rough idea and give an estimate. The final estimate will be provided upon a proper clinical examination following which a treatment plan will be made and all costs involved will be explained.

4) Is it possible to get crowns done on the same day?
In certain cases yes. This depends upon the amount of initial support available after the implant has
If your dentist f e e l s t h e s u p p o r t i s sufficient, he will go ahead w i t h t h e c r o w n placement as well.

5) What is the c o s t f o r g e t t i n g d e n t a l implants in Goa?
The cost of d e n t a l i m p l a n t s v a r i e s a n d d e p e n d s upon the type of implant used, quality of bone and if other procedures such as a bone graft is required. In general the cost of dental implants in Goa ranges between 25000-40000 Rupees.
6) What is bone grafting?

Bone grafting is a procedure done when there isn't adequate natural bone available to support the implant. Your dentist will use synthetic bone to support the implant adequately.
7) Are getting dental implants done painful?
No, the procedure is painless as it is done under local anaesthesia. Post the implant placement, mild to moderate swelling and discomfort for about 4-7days can be anticipated and is easily taken c a r e o f b y p r e s c r i p t i o n medication that your dentist will provide.
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Smilecraft is one of the top rated dental clinic’s in Goa.
Dr Schuyler Pereira completed his dental studies from the renowned New York University in USA. He maintains state of the art dental practices at Goa and Bangalore. At Smilecraft a holistic treatment approach is taken when it comes to dental health. We offer a wide range of dental services ranging from teeth cleaning to cosmetic dentistry and implant. We indeed craft smiles that will last you miles!