Incredible Goa March 2024

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In the preceding section of our article, we delved into the enduring appeal of renewable energy sources such as solar and hydropower, highlighting the pivotal role played by GEDA in advancing this cause. Now, we shift our focus to other critical aspects of sustainability...



Over its 30-year journey, Manipal Hospitals has weathered numerous challenges, yet it has emerged as one of Goa's most esteemed healthcare establishments Delve into this section to discover the heroes behind this remarkable success story.


In the artistic haven of Goa, the Department of Art & Culture, led by Minister Shri Govind Gaude, fosters local talent akin to national and international levels. Recently, Incredible Goa team engaged with Mr. Sagun Velip, the department's Director, to uncover their impactful endeavors. Explore the highlights of this enlightening conversation here.

Manipal Hospitals Goa

Mr. Surendra Prasad Director, Manipal Hospitals Goa







In2022, the maximum loan amountavailableunderthe CMRY initiative was increasedfromINR10lakh to INR 20 lakh, enabling entrepreneurs to pursue



2020 - Dr Sawant launched this initiative, providing financial assistance and invaluable mentorship to burgeoning startups in Goa, fostering innovation and


2023 - In a bid to enhance employability, Dr Sawant launched the CMRY Skill Development Scheme, providing skill development training to unemployed



2021 - Recognizing the potential of women entrepreneurs, Dr Sawant introduced this scheme, offering financial support and training to empower


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EIH Unveils Plans for 421-Crore Luxury Oberoi Resort in South Goa


The Stars Of The Manipal Hospitals, Goa

Nurturing Goa's Cultural Tapestry Insights from the Art & Culture Department

tourism hub and a picturesque state



The 4th edition of GITM 2024 Scheduled To Take Place on 3rd & 4th April 2024




Modi Virtually Launches Amenities Development At Basilica Vishwas Media And Entertainment's Second Film Hazaar Vela Sholay Pahilela Manus Premiers At Inox Panaji
PRAMOD SAWANT WORKING TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY PART II One of the paramount challenges in forging a sustainable future lies in curbing the rampant use of plastics. In Goa, often touted as India's
06 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE

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The healthcare sector in the picturesque state of Goa is experiencing unprecedented growth, with a multitude of national and international brands setting foot in the region This surge can be attributed to heightened awareness and evolving lifestyles among its populace.

As spending power escalates, so does the propensity for lifestyle changes. However, this shift has brought about an increase in health complications such as hypertension, diabetes, and c a r d i o v a s c u l a r d i s e a s e s Consequently, there has been a growing reliance on supplements a n d m e d i c a l g u i d a n c e t o navigate these health challenges.

The emergence of super specialty hospitals in the late nineties marks a significant milestone in Goa's healthcare landscape The primary impetus behind this development was the burgeoning demand for superior medical facilities among the affluent segment of society. As incomes soared, individuals sought enhanced healthcare services, buoyed by the support of c o m p r e h e n s i v e m e d i c a l insurance.

crucial gap in the healthcare landscape.

With a legacy spanning numerous years in the healthcare domain, Manipal Hospitals recognized the untapped potential within the Goan market Its visionary founders astutely discerned the burgeoning healthcare sector within the region and seized the opportune moment to establish a presence. Indeed, their entry coincided perfectly with the nascent stages of the healthcare industry's development in the country.

The forthcoming cover story delves into the humble origins, remarkable evolution, and ambitious plans of Manipal Hospitals Goa, offering readers an insightful journey through its t r a j e c t o r y o f g r o w t h a n d innovation within the medical landscape of the state.

Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.

Social Media

Gauri Ghadge

Cover Page Credits STOCK IMAGES

Indeed, the convergence of heightened awareness, changing lifestyles, and improved economic fortunes has reshaped the healthcare panorama in Goa, paving the way for a more sophisticated and accessible healthcare ecosystem.

The inception of Manipal Hospitals in Goa in 1994 heralded a new era of advanced medical care in the state While the Goa Medical College has long held the distinction of being the largest medical facility with unparalleled infrastructure, equipment, and a robust cadre of physicians, its sheer volume of patients often renders personalized attention a challenge. This is where Manipal Hospital stepped in, filling a

This marks the second medical institution we've spotlighted in our publication, following our coverage of Goa's largest government-run facility GMC, the establishment that has undergone a remarkable transformation, now rivaling private medical facilities in the state. However, its status as a government-run entity means it grapples with the challenge of accommodating a vast number of patients.

In contrast, the institution we've recently featured boasts topnotch facilities and a professional team of doctors. It prides itself on providing personalized services tailored to those who can afford them.

We eagerly await your feedback on this story, as it fuels our commitment to delivering quality content. Your input motivates us to continually strive for excellence. Until next time, happy reading!

Rajesh Ghadge Editor





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Art of Blinks
Photography Aakash Ghadge
08 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE EDITORIAL incrediblegoaofficial



In an extraordinary testament to both human resilience and medical innovation, a 27-yearold man has defied all odds following a harrowing accident near Arpora on November 30th, 2023, at 11:30 pm. The collision inflicted severe injuries, including a shattered right leg, propelling the young man into a daunting battle for survival, ultimately relying on the skill and ingenuity of

his medical team.

After receiving initial emergency care at Azilo District Hospital, the patient's family refused to accept the grim prognosis of limb amputation presented at the Goa Medical College Hospital. Turning to Manipal Hospital in Goa around 2:00 am on December 1st, 2023, they found a glimmer of hope in the form of a team of experts led by senior Orthopaedic

surgeon Dr. Dipchand Bhandare, who embarked on a daring surgical journey to salvage the damaged limb.

The surgery, which commenced at 8:00 am and lasted an arduous six hours, showcased the pinnacle of s u r g i c a l e x c e l l e n c e a n d precision Dr Deep Bhandare, alongside his proficient team comprising Dr. Vikranth Kancharla and senior anaesthetist Dr. Dalia B h a n d a r i , e m p l o y e d a multifaceted approach to address the extensive trauma suffered by the patient.

At the core of this surgical triumph were innovative techniques meticulously tailored to the patient's specific needs The fractured right femur and shattered tibia were painstakingly reconstructed utilizing state-ofthe-art methodologies. Dr. Deep B h a n d a r e o p t e d f o r a n interlocking nail to stabilize the fractured femur while employing an external fixation technique to address the complexities of the

shattered tibia.

Furthermore, the surgical team navigated the intricate terrain of s o f t t i s s u e a n d m u s c l e reconstruction, sculpting a semblance of normalcy from the chaos wrought by the accident. With unwavering precision and determination, they meticulously cleansed the wounds of debris and contamination, laying the groundwork for the patient's remarkable recovery.

The success of the surgery not only averted the looming specter of amputation but also heralded a new dawn of hope and resilience for the young man and his family. Through their collective expertise and unwavering dedication, Dr. Deep Bhandare and his team at Manipal Hospital Goa have reaffirmed their commitment to the pursuit of excellence in patient care, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of medical history.


At the prestigious PATWA Travel Award Ceremony held during ITB Berlin 2024, Goa Tourism emerged victorious, clinching the coveted title of 'Destination of the Year'. This esteemed accolade celebrates the state's rich cultural

heritage and its enduring allure that continues to enchant travelers from across the globe.

Adding to the accolades, Shri. Rohan A. Khaunte, the Honorable Minister for Tourism of the G o v e r n m e n t o f G o a , w a s

honored with the prestigious 'Tourism Minister of the Year' award at the same event. This recognition underscores Shri. Khaunte's visionary l e a d e r s h i p a n d u n w a v e r i n g c o m m i t m e n t t o fostering sustainable tourism practices in G o a , t h e r e b y s i g n i f i c a n t l y contributed to the r e g i o n ' s s o c i oeconomic progress. T h e a w a r d s w e r e graciously accepted by Shri Sanjeev Ahuja, IAS, Secretary of Tourism, Government of Goa, during a ceremonious event in Berlin, Germany Expressing heartfelt gratitude for the esteemed recognition, Mr. Ahuja reiterated the Department of

Tourism's relentless efforts in s h o w c a s i n g t h e d i v e r s e a t t r a c t i o n s o f G o a w h i l e championing sustainable tourism initiatives.

Goa has set a pioneering example in India by embracing Regenerative Tourism, integrating elements of Spiritual Tourism into its tourism strategy These groundbreaking initiatives aim to revitalize and amplify the state's natural and cultural assets, offering visitors a holistic and enriching experience unlike any other.

With an unwavering commitment to promoting sustainable and regenerative tourism practices, enhancing visitor experiences, and solidifying its standing as a premier global destination, the Department of Tourism remains steadfast in its mission to elevate Goa's tourism landscape to greater heights.



In a virtual ceremony held on March 7, 2024, Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, inaugurated the development of amenities in the vicinity of the UNESCO World Heritage site, the Basilica of Bom Jesus, in old Goa. This initiative, undertaken by the

P R A S H A D ( P i l g r i m a g e Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive) scheme of the Ministry of Tourism,

Government of India, aims to enhance tourism infrastructure and experiences across India. Among the dignitaries present at the launch ceremony were Shri Shripad Naik, Hon'ble Union Minister of State for Ports, Shipping & Waterways & Tourism; Shri Sadanand Shet Tanawade, Hon'ble MP Rajya Sabha; Shri Rohan A. Khaunte, Hon'ble Minister for Tourism, Information

Technology, Electronics & Communication and Printing & Stationary, Government of Goa; and other esteemed officials and stakeholders.

Shri Shripad Naik highlighted the significance of preserving cultural heritage and improving visitor experiences, emphasizing the collaboration between the Department of Tourism, Goa

T o u r i s m D e v e l o p m e n t Corporation, and all stakeholders involved in this endeavor.

S h r i R o h a n A K h a u n t e underscored the transformative impact of enhancing amenities at the Basilica of Bom Jesus, aiming to elevate tourism infrastructure while preserving cultural heritage and promoting innovation.

Shri Suneel Anchipaka, IAS, Director Tourism & Managing Director GTDC, committed to e n h a n c i n g G o a ' s t o u r i s m infrastructure and presented an AV/Walkthrough of the project, f o c u s i n g o n a m e n i t i e s development at the Basilica of Bom Jesus.

Insightful perspectives on the project's significance were shared by Shri Sadanand Shet Tanawade, MP Rajya Sabha; Shri Ganesh Gaonkar, Chairman of GTDC; Shri Rajesh Faldesai, MLA Cumbhajua Constituency; and Fr Patricio Fernandes, Rector of the Church. Dr. Pramod Sawant, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Goa, conveyed his best wishes for the event, reaffirming the government's commitment to promoting tourism and preserving heritage structures.

The event garnered widespread support from tourism stakeholders a n d t h e g e n e r a l p u b l i c , highlighting the collective effort towards promoting sustainable tourism and preserving cultural heritage.

The development of amenities at the Basilica of Bom Jesus signifies a significant milestone in preserving and enhancing Goa's spiritual heritage, reflecting the commitment of both central and state governments to promoting s u s t a i n a b l e t o u r i s m a n d preserving heritage sites.


Determined in its pledge to prioritize women ' s safety, the Government of Goa has been actively spearheading innovative initiatives aimed at fostering a s e c u r e a n d e m p o w e r i n g environment for women across the state. Among these initiatives are the Goa Pink Police Force and the renowned "1364" helpline.

Exemplifying the ethos of "Atithi Devo Bhava," the 1364 Helpline represents a heartfelt endeavor by the Goa Tourism Department. Rooted in the hospitality that is intrinsic to Goa's cultural tapestry, this helpline ensures that every inquiry, concern, or need is met with a warm and efficient response. Designed to offer immediate aid to women in distress, the 1364 Helpline stands as a trailblazing initiative by the Goa Tourism Department, dedicated to safeguarding the well-being of residents and visitors alike. Serving as a round-

the-clock beacon for assistance, it provides a seamless avenue to address concerns, extend immediate aid, and elevate the overall experience of those exploring the vibrant landscapes of Goa, thus fortifying the state's endeavors in fostering a secure and hospitable environment.

I n a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e i r commitment to women's safety, these forward-thinking measures extend their focus to children as w e l l , u n d e r s c o r i n g t h e government's dedication to nurturing an environment where w o m e n f e e l s a f e a n d empowered, thereby setting new benchmarks for safety protocols and reaffirming Goa's reputation as a sanctuary for all The objective is to proactively prevent and address potential risks, ensuring that women can communicate their concerns effortlessly, thus establishing a seamless channel for swift

assistance and intervention. These initiatives reflect the government's steadfast resolve to create a secure space not only for Goa's residents but also for international tourists, particularly solo travelers Such proactive measures not only bolster the safety and well-being of women but also significantly contribute to the tourism industry As a favored destination for both domestic and international travelers, these initiatives guarantee a welcoming and secure atmosphere, thereby enhancing Goa's allure. Furthermore, this commitment to safety seamlessly aligns with the broader vision of the Goa Tourism Department, encompassing regenerative and spiritual tourism initiatives. By prioritizing safety and cultivating a conducive environment for all travelers, including solo and female t o u r i s t s , G o a i s n o t o n l y

reinforcing its identity as a c o a s t a l r e t r e a t b u t a l s o expanding its appeal beyond its beaches. This holistic approach positions Goa as a diverse and inclusive destination, offering enriching experiences that t r a n s c e n d t h e o r d i n a r y , solidifying its status as a coveted a n d r e s p o n s i b l e t o u r i s t destination.

This International Women's Day, Goa reaffirms its dedication to n u r t u r i n g a c u l t u r e o f empowerment and safeguarding for all, emphasizing that women's safety remains a paramount concern in the state's agenda. As w e c o m m e m o r a t e t h e accomplishments of women worldwide, the Goa Pink Police Force serves as a testament to t h e s t a t e ' s u n w a v e r i n g commitment to ensuring a secure and inclusive environment for every individual. incrediblegoaofficial
March 2024 11 GOA INCREDIBLE



V i s h w a s M e d i a a n d Entertainment, a subsidiary of Vision Dempo, celebrated the grand premiere of its latest M a r a t h i c i n e m a t i c masterpiece, 'Hazaar Vela Sholay Pahilela Manus,' in the opulent setting of Inox, Panaji, this Wednesday.

In a graceful address during t h e e v e n t , S u l a k s h a n a Sawant, esteemed wife of Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and former president of Goa BJP Mahila Morcha, expressed her admiration, stating, "It's truly a moment of pride when a member of the Konkani community delves into the realm of Marathi cinema.

V i s h w a s M e d i a a n d Entertainment, established in 2016, previously produced 'Ranga Patanga,' a film honored with a National Award. I firmly believe that 'Hazaar Vela Sholay Pahilela Manus' is equally deserving of such accolades."

The narrative of the film centers around Bapu, a traveling showman who brings

cinematic delight to rural villages However, his son, Nandya, pursues stardom, leaving familial bonds behind. A request from villagers for a special screening sets off a chain of poignant events, prompting Bapu to confront the dual nature of cinema's influence on their lives.

Gracing the screening were the visionary directors of V i s h w a s M e d i a a n d Entertainment, B h a k t i a n d Rajesh Dempo, who also serve as producers of this cinematic gem. Notable a t t e n d e e s i n c l u d e d

esteemed MLA Deviya Rane from Poriem, l e a d a c t o r S i d d h a r t h J a d h a v , t a l e n t e d a c t r e s s

Prajakta Datar, and acclaimed

director Hrishikesh Gupte

Also in attendance were Shehzad Sippy, custodian of the iconic film 'Sholay,' alongside Bollywood luminary Arjun Rampal, among other dignitaries.

This production, helmed by Mr. Rajesh and Mrs. Bhakti Dempo through their esteemed banner Vishwas Media and Entertainment, boasts a stellar cast featuring luminaries such


as Siddharth Jadhav, Dilip Prabhavalkar, Sonali Kulkarni, Prajakta Datar, and Kishore Kadam The stars were rightfully honored during the premier, adding to the grandeur of the occasion. With 'Hazaar Vela Sholay Pahilela Manus,' Vishwas Media and Entertainment adds another feather to its cap following the resounding success of their debut film 'Rangaa Patangaa,' starring Makarand Anaspure. Not only did 'Rangaa Patangaa' captivate audiences and critics alike, but it also garnered prestigious awards, including Best Film and Best D i r e c t o r a t t h e P u n e International Film Festival in 2016.

The presence of luminaries such as Mr. Shehzad Sippy, custodian of the legendary 'Sholay,' alongside the charismatic Arjun Rampal, further underscored the significance of this cinematic extravaganza.

12 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE GOA BUZZ incredible_goa



LIFE’S ON incredible-goa
March 2024 15 GOA INCREDIBLE

Goa stands as a pinnacle among global tourism destinations, drawing visitors worldwide to bask in its unparalleled charm. The allure of Goa is such that once experienced, the desire to return is insatiable, driven by an innate longing for rejuvenation and relaxation.

In the realm of rejuvenation, Goa has carved a niche for itself as a premier medical tourism hub in the global arena. This reputation was cemented during the tumultuous era of COVID-19, when Goa emerged as a beacon of solace, welcoming those fortunate enough to journey to its shores when all other avenues were closed. Indeed, Goa's resilience in adversity is attributed to its divine blessings, rendering it impervious to

who held sway over Goa for four and a half centuries, this institution stood as a singular beacon of healthcare during their reign. Following independence, it continued to serve the populace, albeit amidst shifting societal needs.

As lifestyles evolved, so too did the demand for sophisticated medical care. This prompted the emergence of several private entities eager to fulfill the growing need for premium healthcare services within the state. Among these pioneers was Manipal Hospitals, which made its foray into Goa in 1994, introducing advanced medical facilities previously unavailable in the region.

According to Mr. Surendra Prasad, Director of Manipal Hospitals Goa, the

calamity Here, amidst the tranquil embrace of Goa's shores, one finds the physical healing sought in medical tourism and solace for the soul. Goa offers a sanctuary where one can nurture both body and spirit, reaffirming its status as a sanctuary blessed by the divine. I have recently penned a narrative detailing the evolution of Goa's foremost medical institution, the Goa Medical College and Hospitals. Established in 1691 under the dominion of Portuguese rulers

state currently grapples with a deficit in advanced medical infrastructure, a pressing need in contemporary times "Goa faces a scarcity of specialized medical care centers and a shortage of a d e q u a t e l y t r a i n e d h e a l t h c a r e p r o f e s s

o n a l s , " h e

r k e d , underscoring the challenge of providing affordable healthcare within the region. He referenced data from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), highlighting a concerning trend: the

number of cancer patients in India surged from 14.5 lakhs in 2016 to 15.17 lakhs in 2017, a significant increase within just six years.

The Manipal Group traces its roots back to 1953 when Dr. T.M.A. Pai established the Kasturba Medical College on a desolate hill on the outskirts of Udupi in Karnataka. Over the ensuing years, a multitude of academic institutions emerged, transforming this once-barren landscape into the bustling town of Manipal These establishments were consolidated under the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), which attained the distinction of being India's first deemed university in 1993. Presently, MAHE, nestled within the university town of Manipal, hosts a diverse student body exceeding 28,000 individuals hailing from over 57 different nations.

"Recognizing the potential," remarked Mr. Surendra, "the Manipal Group envisioned establishing a Multi-Speciality medical facility in Goa, equipped with state-ofthe-art infrastructure to deliver effective medical care utilizing cutting-edge technology and innovative treatments." Since its inception in 1994, Manipal Hospitals Goa has undergone a transformative journey of evolution and expansion. "Our commitment," he emphasized, "to creating Life's On Moments in the lives of our patients has been the driving force behind Manipal Hospitals Goa, a mission we've realized to the utmost."

Today, Manipal Hospitals Goa stands as a premier medical institution within the state, boasting state-of-the-art facilities and a team of highly skilled medical professionals. "As we mark 30 years of dedicated service in Goa's medical landscape," remarked Mr. Surendra, "we take pride in our commitment to providing exceptional healthcare, underpinned by cutting-edge infrastructure and the expertise of our trained medical staff. Throughout our journey, we have remained steadfast in upholding ethical standards."

The hospital has garnered acclaim for its comprehensive Cancer Care Services, leveraging world-class equipment for both diagnosis and treatment "Our focus," Mr. Surendra affirmed, "remains

r e m a

on delivering holistic care to our patients, ensuring they receive the best possible treatment and support."

Another significant milestone attained by M a n i p a l H o s p i t a l s G o a i s t h e establishment of state-of-the-art facilities for Robotic Surgery "This advancement allows for minimally invasive procedures," explained Mr. Surendra, highlighting the hospital's position at the forefront of medical innovation He elaborated that this technology facilitates painless and comfortable surgeries, made possible through cutting-edge advancements. Mr. Surendra emphasized that Robotic Surgery ensures heightened accuracy in b o t h d i a g n o s i s a n d t r e a t m e n t .

explained Furthermore, the restricted access to specialized medical care and advanced treatment facilities compels patients to seek healthcare services beyond the borders of Goa This phenomenon often stems from a shortage of skilled healthcare professionals, encompassing doctors, nurses, and welltrained technical staff.

M r . S u r e n d r a a l s o u n d e r s c o r e d affordability as a substantial concern, impacting certain segments of society and impeding their access to the best available medical services within the state These multifaceted challenges demand concerted efforts from stakeholders to bridge gaps and enhance healthcare accessibility and quality for all

encompassing advanced surgeries and procedures to meet the diverse healthcare needs of society," Mr. Surendra emphasized. Additionally, the hospital boasts a team of highly skilled a n d e x p e r i e n c e d h e a l t h c a r e professionals, including doctors, nurses, and support staff, dedicated to delivering quality care and patient service. Moreover, Mr. Surendra reiterated that Manipal Hospitals Goa's commitment to providing affordable healthcare services without compromising on quality, thereby making healthcare accessible to all segments of society Through these measures, the hospital endeavours to bridge gaps in healthcare awareness and accessibility, ensuring the well-being of

Additionally, it contributes to shortened surgical durations and accelerated recovery times, all under the guidance of expertly trained super-specialized surgeons. This integration of advanced technology underscores the hospital's commitment to providing optimal patient care and outcomes.

Addressing the challenges confronting the healthcare industry in Goa, Mr Surendra highlighted several critical issues. Foremost among these challenges is the state's infrastructure and resource limitations. "The scarcity of resources and underdeveloped infrastructure presents a s i g n i f i c a n t h u r d l e i n d e l i v e r i n g comprehensive healthcare services, particularly in remote areas, " he

residents of Goa.

Despite concerted efforts to raise awareness about early disease detection and preventive healthcare measures, Manipal Hospitals Goa recognizes the persistent lack of awareness among a significant portion of the population, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment. "To address these challenges," explained Mr. Surendra, "we have spared no effort in introducing state-of-the-art equipment and modern medical facilities."

He elaborated that the facilities provided by Manipal Hospitals Goa are designed to ensure the delivery of comprehensive healthcare services. "Our hospital offers a wide array of medical facilities,

the community it serves.

Mr Surendra highlighted Manipal Hospitals Goa's active engagement in community outreach programs aimed at promoting health awareness and benefits. "Our efforts have been directed towards raising awareness on preventive healthcare, encouraging early disease detection," he stated. Through these initiatives, the hospital seeks to empower individuals to prioritize their health and well-being.

"We are dedicated to overcoming the challenges faced by the healthcare industry in Goa," Mr. Surendra affirmed, "by providing superior healthcare facilities to the people of the state." By actively engaging with the community

18 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE COVER STORY incrediblegoaofficial

and promoting preventive healthcare measures, Manipal Hospitals Goa endeavours to foster a healthier and more informed populace, thereby contributing to the overall well-being of Goa's residents.

Speaking about the cutting-edge cancer treatment facility, Mr. Surendra shed light on the significance of modern amenities in cancer care within the state. "When Manipal Hospitals Goa was established in 1994 under the ownership of the Goa Cancer Society, it marked a pivotal moment. The Society, recognizing the need for advanced medical services, forged a strategic alliance with Manipal Hospitals. This partnership brought forth not only Manipal's expertise but also ushered in a new era of advanced medical care in Goa," he explained. Today, the hospital stands as a beacon of excellence, boasting one of the most sophisticated medical facilities in the state. "The facility is meticulously d e s i g n e d t o d e l i v e r comprehensive cancer c a r e , e n c o m p a s s i n g diagnosis and supportive therapies for all cancer types. This includes medical o n c o l o g y , s u r g i c a l o n c o l o g y , r a d i a t i o n oncology, and palliative care."

pathologists, radiologists, nurses, and technical staff. Their dedication ensures top-notch care for cancer patients at Manipal Hospitals Goa.

In addition to its world-class cancer speciality treatment, Manipal Hospital Goa actively champions organ donation initiatives, aiming to save numerous lives.

"We have long been involved in organ donation awareness programs," mentioned Mr. Surendra. These initiatives collaborate with the India Medical Associations and SOTTO (State Organ Transplant Organisation). "We conduct awareness campaigns in schools and colleges, educating students about organ donation from brain-dead and deceased

development and addressing behavioural challenges in children," he noted. This specialized department focuses on implementing early intervention strategies to identify and rectify developmental delays and behavioural impairments in children.

At the core of this center lies a multidisciplinary team comprising p e d i a t r i c i a n s , p s y c h o l o g i s t s , occupational therapists, speech therapists, and special educators. Their c o l l e c t i v e e x p e r t i s e a l l o w s f o r comprehensive assessments and a holistic approach tailored to the unique needs of each child. Through thorough evaluations and diagnostic procedures, the center identifies developmental delays, learning disabilities, and b e h a v i o u r a l i s s u e s Subsequently, a range of therapeutic interventions, including occupational therapy, speech therapy, a n d e d u c a t i o n a l interventions, are offered t o a d d r e s s t h e s e challenges.

Manipal Hospitals Goa boasts an advanced diagnostic facility tailored for cancer patients, featuring PET-CT Scans, MRI, CT Scans, and Molecular Imaging. These cutting-edge technologies enable early and precise cancer detection, facilitating timely intervention. "Manipal Goa stands out as possibly the sole hospital offering PET-CT Scan and Molecular Imaging Facility," highlighted Mr. Surendra. He emphasized how these tools provide comprehensive insights into organ structure and function in a single imaging study "Moreover, they offer added advantages in diagnosing certain cardiovascular conditions, neurological diseases, and infections."

Complementing this state-of-the-art infrastructure is a proficient team comprising trained oncologists, surgeons,

individuals Furthermore, we hold meetings within the hospital premises to inform patients and their families about kidney disease and the process of organ donation, offering hope for a second chance at life."

Manipal Hospitals Goa achieved significant milestones, including declaring brain death in 2014 and orchestrating the first multi-organ donations in Goa in 2018. “We've also successfully conducted living kidney donations, where relatives generously donated kidneys to their loved ones, culminating in successful surgeries."

Mr. Surendra also shared insights into the recent launch of the Center for Pediatric Development at Manipal Hospitals Goa.

"The establishment of the Center for Pediatric Development signifies a crucial step towards fostering positive

Furthermore, Mr. Surendra e m p h a s i z e d t h e importance of parental education and support provided by the center.

" P a r e n t a l e d u c a t i o n s u p p o r t i s i n t e g r a l , empowering parents to comprehend their child's developmental requirements and implement effective strategies for fostering growth at home," he stated. Recognizing parental intervention as pivotal for children's overall development, the center prioritizes equipping parents with the knowledge and tools necessary to support their child's progress.

Lastly, through community outreach programs, the center actively raises awareness about child development, early intervention practices, and available resources. "In essence, the Center for Pediatric Development at Manipal Hospitals Goa plays a vital role in promoting the holistic development and well-being of children in Goa by offering e a r l y i n t e r v e n t i o n s e r v i c e s a n d comprehensive assessments," Mr Surendra concluded.

20 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE COVER STORY incredible_goa


Dr Mahesh Naik, one of the senior doctors at Manipal Hospitals Goa, embarked on his medical journey in 1987 when he joined Kasturba Medical College in Manipal as an assistant professor. Reflecting on his experience, he expressed admiration for the working culture at the esteemed institution. His dedication and expertise led to his promotion as a professor of Surgery in 1994, coinciding with the transformation of Kasturba Medical College into Manipal Academy of Higher Education, a renowned name in the academic world.

In 1994, as Manipal Hospitals planned its expansion into Goa, Dr. Mahesh Naik, being Goan himself with an educational background from GMC, was entrusted with the responsibility of spearheading the development in the region. Recalling the initial conditions, he described visiting the proposed site, a barren land with only a resident doctor and a security guard housed in a small building devoid of facilities.

Upon returning to Manipal, Dr Mahesh Naik provided feedback on the dire situation in Goa, expressing scepticism about establishing a hospital there However, Mr. Ramdas Pai, the head of the trust, reassured him of their ambitious plans to set up a 200-bed hospital in Goa. Dr. Naik was moved by Mr. Pai's sincerity and his deep-rooted connection to Goa, evidenced by his devotion to Devi Mahalasa, a deity in the region

Recognizing the genuine intent behind the initiative, Dr. Naik committed himself to the project, recognizing it as a step in the right direction.

At that time, Manipal Hospitals intended to enter into a joint venture with the existing Goa Cancer Society, which operated the facility in Dona Paula, Goa. Dr Mahesh Naik's involvement marked the beginning of a transformative journey for Manipal Hospitals in Goa, driven by a vision to provide quality healthcare services to the people of the region.

Expounding on the pivotal role of technology in healthcare, Dr Naik underscored the inevitable dominance of robotics in shaping the future of the industry. "Technology has consistently proven its superiority, and robotics stands poised as the future frontier," he a s s e r t e d A d d r e s s i n g c o n c e r n s surrounding early-generation robotics incidents, Dr Naik emphasized that advancements in robotic technology are o n g o i n g , w i t h e a c h s u c c e s s i v e generation refining safety protocols and enhancing performance.

Furthermore, Dr Naik highlighted the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing medical healthcare. He envisaged a future where AI seamlessly integrates into medical practice, not only augmenting decisionmaking processes but also rectifying any errors that may arise. Dr. Naik's insights reflect a forward-looking perspective, recognizing the transformative power of technology to enhance patient care and drive advancements in the healthcare sector.

Dr. Shekhar Salkar, a highly esteemed figure in the medical community of Goa, has been an integral part of Manipal Hospitals Goa since its inception. "Before relocating to Goa, I served at Tata Memorial Hospitals in Mumbai. However, in 1990, I decided to return to my homeland, Goa, to contribute to its healthcare sector," Dr. Salkar shared.

Upon his arrival, he found that the medical infrastructure in Goa was still in its nascent stages, prompting him to practice across multiple locations in both Goa and Maharashtra.

Initially attempting to secure a position at Goa Medical College, Dr Salkar encountered challenges due to the u n a v a i l a b i l i t y o f v a c a n c i e s .

Consequently, he began his private practice in Goa, becoming a familiar face in hospitals across the region, where he performed surgeries and provided consultations.

In late 1994, Manipal Hospital Goa reached out to Dr. Salkar for a thyroid

DR MAHESH NAIK Senior Consultant General Surgeon Senior Consultant & Oncologist DR SHEKHAR SALKAR

surgery, marking the beginning of his association with the institution. Initially serving as a visiting consultant, Dr. Salkar transitioned to a full-time consultant role in 2014.

When offered a full-time position at Manipal Hospitals Goa, Dr Salkar stipulated that he be allowed to continue his practice in Bicholim, his hometown. The hospital management agreed to his terms, and he has since been balancing his responsibilities, conducting major surgeries at Manipal Hospitals Goa while attending to his patients in Bicholim. Dr.

Dr. Murty, although not native to Goa, has called the region home for over two decades and has been closely associated with Manipal Hospitals during this time. "While I may not have pursued my studies in Goa or initially had acquaintances upon my arrival, having lived here for more than 20 years, I consider myself a Goan by domicile," Dr Murty shared.

Reflecting on his tenure at Manipal Hospitals, which has flourished over the past 30 years with over 70 consultants, Dr. Murty emphasized the remarkable professionalism and high standards of

Salkar remains dedicated to Manipal Hospitals Goa, focusing his practice exclusively within its premises.

Dr. Salkar highlighted the exceptional work culture at Manipal Hospitals Goa, attributing it as the primary reason for the enduring commitment of doctors like himself to the institution "I haven't e n c o u n t e r e d a n o t h e r h o s p i t a l d e m o n s t r a t i n g s u c h g e n u i n e consideration for its doctors," he emphasised Dr Salkar recounted instances where even the Vice President of the hospital would personally sit

work culture prevalent in Goa. He admired the conducive environment that fosters longevity in the careers of doctors like Dr Salkar and others This professional ethos, coupled with the conducive work environment, has enabled practitioners to forge enduring associations with Manipal Hospitals.

According to Dr. Murty, Manipal Hospitals Goa stands as the sole institution in the region equipped with cutting-edge technology and infrastructure tailored specifically for cancer patients. "We were pioneers in Goa, being the first hospital to install CT and MRI scanners, crucial tools in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer," he affirmed. Dr Murty emphasized the hospital's continued commitment to innovation, highlighting the recent addition of PET-CT scan technology, a resource unmatched by any other hospital within a 200 square kilometre radius. He noted that cancer care remains the hospital's primary focus, with Manipal Hospitals Goa likely treating a larger volume of cancer patients compared to other facilities in the area.

Furthermore, Dr Murty shed light on the strategic rationale behind establishing a multi-specialty hospital. He explained that while cancer treatment remains a central aspect of their mission, the diversification into multiple specialities also serves to generate revenue This revenue, in turn, helps offset the substantial subsidies required for cancer care, ensuring the sustainability and continued provision of high-quality services to patients in need.

Discussing the expansion plans of Manipal Hospitals Goa, Dr. Murty clarified

outside the OPD to meet with them "Instead of summoning us to their offices, they would make the effort to come and discuss matters of importance with us," he remarked, noting that this practice continues to be upheld to date This approach exemplifies the hospital's commitment to fostering a supportive and respectful environment for its medical professionals, a factor that has undoubtedly contributed to the longstanding dedication of its staff.

that there are currently no intentions to establish satellite clinics in the region. "Manipal Hospitals operates as a tertiary care facility, and our focus is not on creating unnecessary competition that may undermine the work of general practitioners," he explained. Dr. Murty emphasized a collaborative approach, preferring to partner with existing healthcare providers. Rather than setting up satellite clinics, Manipal Hospitals seeks to support local practitioners by assisting with cases beyond their capacity due to resource limitations or other constraints This collaborative stance reflects Manipal Hospitals' commitment to fostering a cohesive healthcare ecosystem and ensuring that patients receive the appropriate care they need, regardless of where they seek treatment. incredible-goa
Senior Consultant Department Of ENT
March 2024 23 GOA INCREDIBLE

According to Dr Bhandare, Manipal Hospital began its journey primarily as a cancer treatment centre, gradually expanding its scope to encompass

various medical specialities "When I commenced my practice at Manipal Hospitals Goa, there was no orthopaedic department in place. I vividly remember having to hand over all the necessary equipment to the nursing staff the night before surgeries for the following morning," he recounted Dr Bhandare p e r s o n a l l y s p e a r h e a d e d t h e establishment of the entire orthopaedic department at Manipal Hospitals Goa. He noted the initial challenges faced, including the lack of trained staff for orthopaedics. Despite these hurdles, Dr. Bhandare remained steadfast in his commitment, driven by his vision of witnessing Manipal Hospitals Goa evolve into one of the premier healthcare facilities in Goa.

Dr. Bhandare fondly recalled the support he received from Dr. Deepak Murty, who was heading the hospital at that time. With Dr Murty's assistance, arrangements were made for the necessary orthopaedic equipment. Over time, Manipal Hospitals Goa transitioned into a fully-fledged multi-speciality hospital, with each department equipped with its staff and facilities. This transformation underscores the hospital's journey from its humble beginnings as a cancer treatment centre

to becoming a comprehensive healthcare institution catering to diverse medical needs.

Addressing the future of healthcare at Manipal Hospitals Goa, Dr Dipchand Bhandare emphasized the institution's advancements in surgical technology "Today, Manipal Hospitals boasts robotics in surgery and endoscopy in spine surgery, innovations that are poised for further growth," he stated. Dr. Bhandare highlighted the hospital's prominent role in trauma care, noting that Manipal Hospital handles the majority of trauma cases in Goa.

He also highlighted the significant growth t r a j e c t o r y o f t h e o r t h o p a e d i c department, with over five thousand patients currently seeking treatment and a rapidly expanding patient base. This growth underscores Manipal Hospitals' commitment to providing cutting-edge healthcare services and meeting the evolving needs of the community. As technology continues to advance and patient volumes increase, Manipal Hospitals Goa is poised to remain at the forefront of healthcare excellence in the region.

24 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE SPECIAL STORY incrediblegoaofficial
DR DIPCHAND BHANDARE Senior Consultant Orthopaedics


Insights From Goa’s Art & Culture Department

The state of Goa boasts a vast reservoir of artistic talent, with m a n y a r t i s t s m a k i n g significant strides in industries as renowned as Mumbai's Bollywood and California's Hollywood. To foster and

empower this rich pool of talent, the Goa Government h a s e s t a b l i s h e d t h e Department of Art & Culture. Under the able leadership of Goa's Minister of Art & Culture, Shri Govind Gaude Ji,

the department is making remarkable strides. To delve deeper into their endeavors, the Incredible Goa Team had the privilege of meeting Mr. Sagun Velip, the Director of the Art & Culture Department. Here are the highlights from the insightful interview. Commencing his journey in government service in 2004, Mr. Velip traversed through various roles before assuming the esteemed position of Director at the Department of Art & Culture. Reflecting on his nearly two-decade-long t e n u r e w i t h t h e s t a t e government, he reminisced, "I began my journey as a Block D e v e l o p m e n t O f f i c e r , dedicating almost eight years to this role, before ascending to the positions of Deputy C o l l e c t o r a n d S D M o f Dharbandora, a responsibility I

held for nearly four years " Continuing his administrative journey, he undertook the mantle of Chief Officer for both Quepem Municipality and subsequently Curchorem Municipality.

In 2019, Mr. Velip transitioned to the role of Under Secretary at the Revenue Department, albeit for a brief period of one year. Subsequently, he was reassigned to Canacona as Deputy Collector for a mere nine months before his promotion to the esteemed position of Member Secretary at Ravindra Bhavan Madgaon. Reflecting on this trajectory, he remarked, "It has been a journey of diverse experiences and responsibilities."

Just before becoming the director of Art & Culture which is his longest tenure of service at the senior most position he


was promoted to various other positions. “From the position of the Member secretary of the Ravindra Bhavan I was once again promoted and this time it was on the position of Director of Tribal Welfare and from there I was shifted to Director of Civil Supplies for a very short span of three months and in the year 2020 I was taken over the position of Director of Art & Culture,” He narrated.

According to Mr. Velip, he has

directorship, he recalled, "My first major assignment was overseeing Lokotsav 2019. Despite the setback caused by Covid, this year's Lokotsav was executed on a grand scale, and I take pride in being a part of it. Lokotsav 2024 stood out significantly from similar events we have organized in the past."

According to Mr. Velip, the experience gained from L o k o t s a v 2 0 2 3 p r o v e d invaluable in laying the

emphasized the crucial role played by the Honorable Minister, Mr. Govind Gaude Ji, in guiding and supporting their endeavors.

"Mr Gaude's reputation precedes him, as he is not only a well-known and talented artist but also actively engaged in this field before venturing into politics," Mr. Velip noted. "His contributions t o t h e d e p a r t m e n t a r e immeasurable, given his personal connection with

challenges and hardships."

Speaking on the tasks falling under the purview of the Art & Culture Department, Mr. Velip emphasized the significant role that art and culture play in Goa's thriving tourism industry.

"Although Goa may be a small state in the country, it holds a prominent position as a major tourist destination globally," he stated. "From being integral parts of festivals like Shigmotsav to Carnival, it is the responsibility of our

served in this position for nearly four years, during which h e h a s s p e a r h e a d e d numerous initiatives under the auspices of the Art & Culture Department. "Upon assuming this role and embarking on efforts to promote and support Goan artists, the onset of the Covid pandemic interrupted our progress, causing nearly two years of l o s t p r o d u c t i v i t y , " h e lamented Reflecting on his initial tasks upon assuming the

groundwork for Lokotsav 2024. "The lessons learned in 2023 greatly facilitated the organization of the 2024 event on a larger scale, and the feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive," he remarked. He highlighted a significant improvement made for the 2024 edition, stating, "This year, for the first time, we designated a separate area for the food court, which was a p i v o t a l m o v e b y o u r department " Mr Velip

many renowned artists in Goa. For events like Lokotsav, his involvement is paramount," he added. Mr. Velip underscored Mr Gaude's unwavering s u p p o r t a n d g u i d a n c e , s t a t i n g , " H e p r o v i d e d guidance at every step, ensuring that our department prioritizes the welfare of artists in the state of Goa. Even during the challenging period of Covid, he spared no effort in assisting artists, u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e i r

department to showcase the talent of our artists. When tourists experience these vibrant festivals, they are captivated and spread positive word-of-mouth. While Goa is renowned for its beaches and nightlife, its rich culture and traditions also leave a lasting impression. Tourists are drawn to revisit to w i t n e s s t h e s e c u l t u r a l performances again," Mr Velip elaborated.

H e h i g h l i g h t e d t h e incrediblegoaofficial
March 2024 27 GOA INCREDIBLE

department's efforts in promoting Goan folk and craft within the tourism domain, benefiting both artists and tourists. "We spare no effort in showcasing Goan folk and craft to enhance tourists' experiences," he affirmed. Mr. Velip further emphasized that the performances of Goan artists extend beyond s t a t e b o u n d a r i e s " W e facilitate the participation of our artists in various programs and cultural events in other states. For instance, during the s t a t e f o u n d a t i o n d a y celebrations hosted by

demonstrated their skills, adding a cultural touch to the event," he noted.

Furthermore, he reminisced about the G20 event hosted in Goa, where hundreds of artists participated "During the G20 event, many artists were engaged in welcoming guests from various countries, adding a vibrant and culturally rich atmosphere to the gathering," he added. These instances highlight the significant role that Goan artists play in representing the cultural identity of the state on b o t h n a t i o n a l a n d

categorized based on the age groups of the artists, ranging from 25 to 45 years. We have the Yuva Srujan Puraskar, Kala Sanmaan Puraskar, and the p r e s t i g i o u s G o a m a n t V i b h u s h a n A w a r d s Additionally, we have the Kalakar Nidhi Scheme, through which we provide financial assistance to artists in need. These initiatives serve to m o t i v a t e a r t i s t s a n d encourage excellence in the field of Art and Culture," Mr. Velip elaborated.

F u r t h e r m o r e , M r . Ve l i p highlighted the department's

Governors, we dispatched groups of artists to perform at various venues," he recalled. "This not only promotes the art, culture, and traditions of Goa on a national platform but also enables our artists to earn their livelihood with pride," he concluded.

Mr. Velip also cited the recent National Games event held in Goa as a testament to the involvement of Goan artists in showcasing their artistic talents. "During the opening and closing ceremonies of the National Games, Goan artists

international platforms.

According to Mr. Velip, the G o a G o v e r n m e n t h a s established various platforms t o h o n o r a n d s u p p o r t deserving artists, providing them with financial assistance and broader recognition. "The Gomant Vibhushan Awards stand out as one of the most p r e s t i g i o u s a c c o l a d e s bestowed upon deserving artists," he mentioned, citing Mr Vinayak Khedekar as a notable recipient who has also been honored with the Padma Shri Award. "These awards are

These initiatives not only recognize artistic talent but also foster its growth and development, ensuring a vibrant cultural landscape in Goa.

Speaking about the Maand Culture Scheme, Mr Velip emphasized its pivotal role in preserving, promoting, and protecting the rich cultural heritage of Goa. "Last year, w e p r o v i d e d f i n a n c i a l assistance to four cultural groups under the Maand Culture Scheme, and this year, the number has already increased to ten," he stated proudly. This initiative plays a crucial role in safeguarding t h e M a a n d C u l t u r e , particularly prevalent in the remote regions of Goa, often showcased during the Shigmo Festival. By extending support to cultural groups, the department ensures the continued celebration and preservation of this traditional art form, contributing to the vibrant cultural tapestry of the state.

support for artists' research endeavors. "We provide funding for research purposes, with Goa University hosting seven chairs dedicated to artists Under this scheme, artists can conduct research in various fields of art These chairs are named after l e g e n d s s u c h a s M a r i o Miranda and D.D. Kosambi. Additionally, we offer the D.D. Kosambi Fellowship for studies in the field of Art. Moreover, scholarships are provided to students pursuing studies outside of Goa," he added.

T h e A r t a n d C u l t u r e Department is dedicated to promoting art and artists by providing them with suitable platforms "We ensure that every fund allocated to the department is utilized for the benefit of artists and the cultural landscape of Goa," Mr. Velip affirmed. He added, "Our responsibilities extend to the libraries across the state, which fall under the purview of t h e A r t a n d C u l t u r e D e p a r t m e n t . W e a r e committed to nurturing reading habits among the younger generation, taking every possible measure to e n r i c h t h e i r c u l t u r a l experiences."

28 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE SPECIAL STORY incredible_goa


In the preceding section of our article, we delved into the enduring appeal of renewable energy sources such as solar and hydropower, highlighting the pivotal role played by GEDA in advancing this cause. Now, we shift our focus to other critical aspects of sustainability, namely, the movement towards a plasticf r e e G o a , t h e G r e e n R e v o l u t i o n , a n d t h e burgeoning startup ecosystem in the region.

O n e o f t h e p a r a m o u n t challenges in forging a sustainable future lies in curbing the rampant use of plastics. In Goa, often touted as India's tourism hub and a p i c t u r e s q u e s t a t e , t h e proliferation of plastic not only contributes to a staggering volume of waste in urban centres but also poses a grave threat to the well-being of future generations when disposed of in landfills.

Chief Minister Pramod Sawant c o n v e y e d t o m e d i a representatives that Goa is poised to become the sole state in India equipped with facilities for treating diverse forms of waste, encompassing construction waste He underscored the government's concerted efforts towards achieving a garbage-free status by establishing multiple waste treatment plants Additionally, he expressed confidence in Goa's potential to lead the nation in waste management rankings should the Union government initiate such assessments.

Chief Minister Pramod Sawant m a d e a s i g n i f i c a n t announcement declaring the forthcoming ban on single-use plastic across Goa. According t o n e w s r e p o r t s , t h e government has already


issued an order prohibiting the use of single-use plastic items such as water bottles, glasses, and plates in government offices, canteens, meetings, a n d f u n c t i o n s . S a w a n t e m p h a s i z e d t h a t b y implementing this measure, approximately half of the plastic waste generation could be curbed. He stressed the importance of cleanliness,

particularly considering Goa's status as a tourism hub, and highlighted the necessity of transitioning to alternative options like cotton bags.

Sawant cautioned that penalties would be imposed on individuals who continue to use plastic despite the ban. Furthermore, he revealed p l a n s t o a p p o i n t a n implementing authority to

oversee the enforcement of the plastic ban shortly. Indeed, while concerted efforts are being made to minimize plastic usage, eliminating its use remains a f o r m i d a b l e c h a l l e n g e Plastic's affordability and suitability in the packaging industry make it difficult to r e p l a c e e n t i r e l y , a s alternatives often come at a higher cost. Therefore, the key to reducing plastic usage lies in educating the populace effectively.

The next topic of this article series is the Sustainable Startup Eco- System and Goa is at the forefront of that. It is a known fact that Goa has become a startup hub post covid and that status remains to date. Goa has all the ingredients to nurture the startup ecosystem which consists of its startup-friendly

policies, easy accessibility to funding, growing co-working places in the state, and ease of working.

Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant of Goa emphasized the importance of fostering a vibrant startup ecosystem, stating that it is a top priority for the state. He articulated the government's aim to facilitate the transformation of innovative ideas into highgrowth startups and attract funding to support their development. Speaking at the "Goa Innovation and Startup Times" (GIST) event held at the BITS Pilani campus in Vasco, Sawant highlighted the state's intention to capitalize on its strengths in industries, tourism, and sustainability. He outlined plans to utilize various Central schemes to bolster the startup ecosystem.

Dr Sawant stressed the


n e c e s s i t y o f m a k i n g e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p m o r e appealing to the youth of Goa and showcasing local startup success stories to inspire others. He affirmed the r e a d i n e s s o f t h e s t a t e government to actively support companies and startups that align with Goa's vision of becoming a thriving hub for research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Dr. Sawant emphasized the government's commitment to establishing a comprehensive s t a r t u p e c o s y s t e m , encompassing the nurturing of bright minds and ideas, as well as providing robust incubation support.

According to a recent media report, there has been a significant boost in the registration of startups in Goa, aligning with the state g o v e r n m e n t ' s v i s i o n o f establishing it as the creative capital of India. In 2023, the number of new startup registrations witnessed robust growth, nearly reaching preCovid levels. A total of 52 new units were registered with the

Startup Promotion Cell (SPC) of Goa during this period, indicating a strong startup culture in the state. The peak of startup registrations was recorded in 2019, with 60 startups being registered. The report underscores the immense potential for Goa to emerge as a prominent startup destination, as evidenced by the presence of

1,049 startup entrepreneurs in the state Furthermore, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) in New Delhi has granted recognition to 441 startups, further highlighting the conducive environment for entrepreneurial growth and innovation in Goa. Factually, approximately 60 per cent of Goa is covered by

greenery, thanks to vast expanses of forested areas and fields. However, the rapid conversion of these green s p a c e s i n t o u r b a n developments poses a threat to Goa's natural landscape. Preserving the state's green cover is crucial to maintaining its ecological balance and biodiversity.

Chief Minister Dr. Pramod


Sawant has reiterated the importance of enhancing forest cover and protecting biodiversity in Goa. According to the Indian State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2021, there has been a slight increase of 7 square kilometres in forest cover compared to the ISFR

2019 report Dr Sawant emphasized that Goa is dedicated to implementing various programs aimed at bolstering forest cover and biodiversity. Currently, 60.6% of the land in Goa is under forest cover, and initiatives such as the Compensatory

Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) scheme, along with other state government efforts, are contributing to a consistent increase in forest cover across the state.

W i t h t h e b a n o n mining, the primary threat of rampant deforestation caused by mining activities has been mitigated.

W h i l e m i n i n g

u n d o u b t e d l y

c o n t r i b u t e d t o G o a ' s economy, the ecological cost r e m a i n s a m a t t e r o f contention The debate surrounding the pros and cons of mining in Goa persists, with differing opinions among the populace.

However, the secondary t h r e a t o f r a m p a n t construction continues to escalate unchecked. Dr. Pramod Sawant emphasized the state's commitment to implementing programs aimed at enhancing forest c o v e r a n d p r e s e r v i n g biodiversity. Despite the challenges posed by ongoing construction activities, efforts to strengthen Goa's natural landscape remain a top priority for the government.




Goa is renowned for nurturing exceptional talent, with many individuals hailing from this v i b r a n t r e g i o n m a k i n g s i g n i f i c a n t s t r i d e s b o t h nationally and internationally. The burgeoning film industry is no exception, with numerous Goans leaving their mark across various facets, including technical expertise, direction, production, acting, singing, e d i t i n g , a n d m u s i c a l composition.

Turning our attention to a remarkable tale featuring a film director of Goan descent who has ascended to great heights in the industry, we spotlight n o n e o t h e r t h a n A d i t y a Jambhale. His monumental work, "Article 370," recently premiered in Goa, marking a significant milestone in his

career. The Incredible Goa team had the privilege of delving into Mr. Aditya's j o u r n e y , u n c o v e r i n g t h e essence of his remarkable story.

Here are the excerpts from our exclusive interview with Mr Aditya, shedding light on his remarkable journey and profound insights into the world of cinema.

Born and bred in Mumbai, yet deeply connected to his Goan roots through his father's heritage and his mother's M u m b a i o r i g i n s , A d i t y a Jambhale finds solace and inspiration in the picturesque landscapes of Goa, where he spends the majority of his time.

Recalling his formative years, Aditya reminisces, "My entire educational journey, from

primary school to college, unfolded amidst the serene ambiance of Goa. In many ways, Goa has left an indelible mark on me, shaping my identity more profoundly than Mumbai." Despite his strong ties to Goa, Mumbai held a special allure for Aditya. "I was captivated by the city's complexity, its vibrant culture, and the pulsating energy of its residents," he reflects. Academically inclined and drawn to the realm of science and technology from a young age, Aditya initially envisioned a future in the field of engineering. However, his passion for sports, particularly cricket, also burned brightly within him. "I delved into interschool cricket tournaments, facing off against bowlers of Ranji caliber. At that time, I was

convinced that my destiny lay in p u r s u i n g a c a r e e r a s a professional cricketer," he reveals.

The trajectory of Aditya's life took an unexpected turn upon completing his early education, as he contemplated his future p a t h " I e m b a r k e d o n preparations for competitive exams, a relatively uncommon pursuit in the Goan landscape at that time," Aditya recounts. "This phase marked a pivotal moment in my journey, as I refocused my aspirations towards the field of science. While aiming for admission to IIT and nurturing dreams of becoming an Aeronautical Engineer, I encountered setbacks when I failed to crack the IIT entrance exams, plunging into a period of selfdoubt and introspection," he shares.

However, adversity paved the w a y f o r n e w f o u n d opportunities, leading Aditya to explore alternative avenues.

"Amidst my contemplation, I realized the vast spectrum of possibilities beyond the confines of engineering. This revelation ignited my interest in theater," Aditya explains. Determined to pursue his newfound passion, he seized the opportunity to participate in inter-collegiate events in Pune and Mumbai, where the theatrical landscape thrived unlike in Goa "Fueled by ambition and creativity, I formed a theatrical group and v e n t u r e d i n t o t h e s e competitions, culminating in the establishment of the GEC


Drama Circle during my very first attempt," Aditya recounts with pride.

The inaugural production, titled "Are Manasa Manasa," marked a significant milestone in our theatrical journey. Crafted with passion and dedication in 2012, this play was a labor of love, where I assumed the roles of director, playwright, and actor. The narrative centered around a compelling character an e n i g m a t i c e u n u c h surreptitiously enrolling in an e n g i n e e r i n g c o l l e g e , concealing his true identity. As t h e c u r t a i n s r o s e , o u r performance transcended boundaries, propelling us from the shores of Goa to the bustling theater scene of Pune. Against the backdrop of intense competition, with over 200 colleges vying for top honors, our production soared to the finals, capturing the hearts of audiences and judges alike. The culmination of our e f f o r t s w a s m e t w i t h resounding acclaim, as I was honored with the prestigious Best Actor Award, while our play secured the coveted second place. The thunderous applause and a standing ovation lasting a remarkable ten minutes underscored the profound impact of our work, a f f i r m i n g t h e p o w e r o f storytelling to transcend barriers.

This triumph served as a pivotal m o m e n t o f r e a l i z a t i o n , crystallizing the importance of remaining competitive and pushing the boundaries of creativity. Venturing into unfamiliar territories such as P u n e a n d M u m b a i , w e embraced the challenge of conquering new horizons, leaving an indelible mark on the theatrical landscape. Our subsequent productions, i n c l u d i n g t h e c r i t i c a l l y acclaimed "Nat-SMRT," a contemporary reinterpretation

of a timeless classic, further solidified our reputation as innovators in the realm of theater.

Reflecting on the arduous yet exhilarating journey of crafting "Article 370," Aditya reminisces about his prior endeavor, the feature film "Baramulla," which preceded the former Shot amidst the snow-covered l a n d s c a p e s o f K a s h m i r , "Baramulla" captured the pristine beauty of the region, eliciting awe from both the p r o d u c t i o n t e a m a n d audiences alike. Produced by Jio Studios, B62 Studios, Aditya, and Lokesh Dhar the same creative forces behind "Article 370" "Baramulla" marked a testament to the team's resilience and ingenuity. Despite facing constraints in resources, Aditya and his team embarked on the ambitious task of completing "Baramulla" within a tight schedule of 24 days. Their determination and collaborative spirit enabled them to surpass expectations, delivering a remarkable cinematic experience against all odds. As they wrapped up filming in Kashmir, their focus shifted to the next phase of their journey—bringing "Article 370" to life.

Tr a n s i t i o n i n g f r o m t h e breathtaking vistas of Kashmir to the vibrant ambiance of Goa, Aditya and his team confronted a new set of challenges With meticulous planning and unwavering dedication, they navigated through the intricacies of script development and casting, ensuring every aspect of the production was meticulously curated.

Setting their sights on a strategic release window, A d i t y a a n d h i s t e a m meticulously plotted the trajectory of "Article 370," strategically positioning it to carve its niche amidst the

cinematic landscape. Drawing inspiration from Aaron Sorkin's distinctive narrative style, they sought to delve into the t e c h n i c a l a n d l e g a l complexities surrounding Article 370, infusing the project with depth and authenticity. Driven by passion and a shared vision, the team embarked on a n e x h a u s t i v e r e s e a r c h process, laying the groundwork for a compelling narrative Casting actors before the s c r i p t w a s f i n a l i z e d underscored their unwavering commitment to the project, a testament to their collective dedication.

With the script locked down and the ensemble cast in place, Aditya and his team embarked on the production phase, tirelessly striving for perfection until the very last moment. Their c o l l a b o r a t i v e e f f o r t s culminated in a seamless fusion of storytelling and technical prowess, setting the stage for the cinematic masterpiece that would soon unfold before audiences.

A d d r e s s i n g t h e h u r d l e s e n c o u n t e r e d a l o n g h i s cinematic odyssey, Aditya candidly reflects on the challenges that punctuated his path to realizing his directorial dreams Despite boasting n a t i o n a l a w a r d s i n h i s repertoire, securing his debut feature film proved to be an arduous eight-year journey.

"Having two film releases in the same year and achieving this milestone at the age of 32 as a director is a rarity," he acknowledges. "Coming from Goa, where the film industry is still in its nascent stages, navigating the established landscape of Bollywood presented its own set of obstacles," he muses.

At each juncture, Aditya found himself tasked with the formidable mission of earning the trust and confidence of

industry stalwarts. Whether it was forging a partnership with Jyoti Deshpande of Jio Studios or collaborating with Aditya Dhar of B62, Aditya emphasizes the significance of building meaningful connections and fostering mutual trust. "The serendipitous alignment of destiny, luck, and goodwill played a pivotal role in f a c i l i t a t i n g t h e s e opportunities," he reflects, acknowledging the intangible forces at play.

The magnitude of helming a production of "Article 370's" scale, with a crew exceeding 300 members, underscored the weight of responsibility resting on Aditya's shoulders Every decision carried profound implications, with the director b e a r i n g t h e w e i g h t o f accountability for the project's outcome. Yet, Aditya remains resolute in his commitment to s t e e r i n g h i s c i n e m a t i c endeavors with unwavering conviction, undeterred by the specter of failure.

Looking ahead to future ventures, Aditya hints at an upcoming action-oriented revenge drama, following the r e l e a s e o f " B a r a m u l l a " Emphasizing the importance of carving his path and eschewing the temptation to emulate others' journeys, Aditya advocates for following one's instincts and embracing the unpredictable nature of the industry. "In an industry fraught with uncertainty, intuition reigns supreme, " he asserts, championing the ethos of selfreliance and resilience in the face of adversity As he continues to chart his course in the tumultuous waters of filmmaking, Aditya remains steadfast in his resolve to forge ahead, guided by the wisdom o f h i s i n s t i n c t s a n d experiences. incrediblegoaofficial
March 2024 35 GOA INCREDIBLE




Goa epitomizes fine art and a rich cultural heritage, with its legacy shaped by the 450-year Portuguese reign. This period ushered in a transformative era, where a fusion of cultures birthed new directions in artistry and expression Amidst the tranquil beauty and diverse cultural influences, Goa serves as a nurturing ground for gifted individuals, offering boundless opportunities for creativity and innovation The journey of Gracious Matheus stands as a testament to this ethos, exemplifying the remarkable blend of talent and ingenuity that thrives in this vibrant coastal haven.

Raised amidst the serene

beauty of Corjuem, a quaint island nestled within the heart of Goa, Gracious Matheus embarked on a journey of creativity that blossomed from the humblest of beginnings Reflecting on his childhood spent amidst the picturesque l a n d s c a p e s o f C o r j u e m , Gracious reminisces, 'My formative years were painted with the vibrant hues of my village Surrounded by a tapestry of diverse influences, I found myself captivated by the kaleidoscope of colors, shapes, and narratives woven into the fabric of my surroundings.'

It was during his schooling years at Mae de Deus that Gracious's innate flair for creativity began

to unfurl 'As I traversed the corridors of Mae de Deus, I discovered an undeniable passion for artistic expression,' he recounts. 'Finding solace in the act of creation, whether through sketching in my notebook or immersing myself in the study of nature's intricate forms, I realized that art was not merely a pastime, but rather a profound calling.

Gracious Matheus fondly recalls his initiation into the realm of art amidst the kaleidoscope of colors and the cacophony of childhood. Reflecting on those formative years, he recounts how he would eagerly attempt to replicate the world around him in his artwork "I vividly

remember a kindergarten assignment where I was tasked with drawing a coconut tree.

Clueless, I sought assistance from my cousin's sister, igniting a spark that would fuel my artistic journey," Gracious reminisces. "From that moment on, I immersed myself in sketching trees and other natural wonders that captivated my imagination. M y c o u s i n ' s u n w a v e r i n g encouragement and praise fueled my creative endeavors, propelling me further into the world of art."

Gracious's passion for art continued to blossom, fueled by his insatiable curiosity and eagerness to explore various techniques and mediums. "I absorbed knowledge like a sponge, eagerly experimenting with charcoal sketches and watercolor landscapes," he shares. "Each brushstroke felt like a revelation, offering a glimpse into the limitless p o s s i b i l i t i e s o f a r t i s t i c expression " Recognizing his talent, Gracious's teachers nurtured his passion, providing guidance and support that laid the foundation for his future pursuits in the field.

I n a d d i t i o n t o f a m i l i a l encouragement, Gracious's grandfather's fondness for paintings further enriched his artistic journey. "Surrounded by artwork adorning our walls, I spent my summer holidays meticulously replicating these pieces," he recalls. "Wandering through landscapes as a child, I would return home to sculpt mountains from clay and bricks, inspired by the wonders I had encountered." For Gracious, art


t r a n s c e n d e d t e c h n i c a l proficiency; it became a conduit for personal growth and self-discovery. "Through art, I've l e a r n e d t o e m b r a c e vulnerability, confront fears, and celebrate imperfections," he reflects. "Each mural serves as a visual diary, capturing the essence of my life's journey." In his formative years, Gracious Matheus found solace and inspiration in the boundless realms of imagination, where he would lose himself for hours, channeling his dreams into tangible creations through sketching, painting, and sculpting. "It was within these moments of creation that I first felt the stirring of a deep and abiding passion for art," he reflects. "For me, art is not a static entity confined to a single medium or style; it is a dynamic and ever-evolving journey of exploration and discovery."

Drawing from a diverse array of influences, Gracious's artistic journey encompasses a wide spectrum of mediums and styles. "From vibrant murals to intricately detailed mosaics, I have honed my skills over time, mastering various techniques," he shares. "My inspiration knows no bounds, as I constantly seek new avenues to expand the horizons of my creativity " Whether experimenting with unconventional materials like cement relief on walls or daring to blend different mediums such as found materials, cement, gypsum, and ceramics in mixed media mural works, Gracious is propelled by an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. "I am committed to pushing the boundaries of artistic expression, always e a g e r t o e m b r a c e n e w challenges and embark on fresh creative endeavors," he affirms. Experimenting with various mediums, techniques, and styles, Gracious navigated t h r o u g h m o m e n t s o f uncertainty, stumbling and faltering along the way, yet

a l w a y s e m e r g i n g w i t h newfound discoveries. "From my earliest mural endeavors to the present day, there's been a marked evolution in my work," he reflects. "I've dedicated myself to perfecting brushstrokes, mastering color blending, and striving for realism in my artworks. Each project serves as an opportunity for growth and refinement, whether on walls, canvases, or paper."

Central to Gracious's artistic journey has been the invaluable l e s s o n i m p a r t e d b y h i s professors: the power of observation. "I learned to keenly observe the world around me, drawing inspiration from everyday experiences and n u a n c e s , " h e n a r r a t e s Embracing feedback became a cornerstone of his artistic development "Welcoming critique from clients, architects, and interior designers with humility and an open mind, I seized each opportunity to learn and elevate my craft," Gracious shares. "Each suggestion, each critique, offered a fresh perspective and a new layer of insight into my work."

Despite initial warnings that w a l l s p o s e d f o r m i d a b l e challenges for painting, G r a c i o u s e m b r a c e d t h e opportunity to experiment and i n n o v a t e " W h i l e s o m e cautioned that walls were unforgiving and daunting canvases, I discovered that with vision and determination, any idea could be brought to life on the surfaces I was tasked with," h e a f f i r m s . T h r o u g h perseverance and a willingness to push boundaries, Gracious t r a n s c e n d e d p e r c e i v e d limitations, unlocking new realms of artistic expression. Reflecting on his artistic journey, Gracious Matheus candidly acknowledges the challenges that have punctuated his path to success. "Like any worthwhile endeavor, my artistic journey has been marked by obstacles and setbacks," he shares. "From

creative blocks to the relentless pressures of perfectionism, I've grappled with doubts and insecurities that threatened to hinder my progress. However, through perseverance and resilience, I've learned to view t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s a s opportunities for growth, pushing myself beyond my comfort zone and emerging stronger and more resilient as a result."

Recalling pivotal moments in his trajectory, Gracious highlights the transformative experience o f r e p l i c a t i n g m i n i a t u r e sculptures of abandoned Goan houses. "This endeavor ignited a n e w f o u n d p a s s i o n a n d prompted me to relocate to Mumbai, where I honed my skills and ventured into new artistic m e d i u m s , " h e e x p l a i n s . However, the true highlight of his journey came when he embarked on his career as an illustrator after graduating. "From collaborating with comic artists to delving into the realm of pottery, I embraced every opportunity to expand my artistic horizons," Gracious recounts. "I've never shied away from trying new mediums or learning new techniques, yet I've always remained grounded in my connection to nature, infusing my works with elements of flora and fauna."

Gracious acknowledges that adversity has been an integral part of his journey. "There were moments of doubt, frustration, and despair times when inspiration seemed elusive, and my creativity felt stifled," he admits "But through sheer determination and unwavering r e s o l v e , I p e r s e v e r e d , discovering the depth of my inner strength and the resilience of my spirit " Despite the challenges, Gracious finds solace in the recognition he has received for his work, viewing it as validation for the countless hours dedicated to his craft.

"Each word of praise and every accolade serves as a testament

to the passion and dedication poured into my art," he reflects. "Yet, I remain humble and hungry for more, knowing that my journey is far from over and that there are many more steps to climb."

Looking ahead to the future, Gracious Matheus eagerly a n t i c i p a t e s d e l v i n g i n t o u n c h a r t e d t e r r i t o r i e s o f creativity "I envision myself embracing experimentation as a gateway to unlocking new avenues of expression and unraveling the unexpected," he shares "Moreover, I harbor aspirations of expanding into the international market, aspiring to showcase my mural works beyond the borders of India."

For Gracious, art transcends mere hobbyism; it is a profession brimming with untapped potential "Many students proficient in art often believe there's no viable career path in the field. However, a glance at social media reveals the growing demand for interior and cityscape art," he observes. "Art has the transformative power to infuse life into mundane spaces, offering a vibrant palette of colors and l i v e l y c o m p o s i t i o n s t h a t captivate the imagination."

Acknowledging the challenges inherent in any endeavor, Gracious remains steadfast in h i s c o n v i c t i o n t h a t perseverance and passion are the keys to success "Every journey begins with tentative steps and initial hurdles, but if one finds joy in the process, there's no limit to what can be achieved," he affirms. "For me, each project represents a fresh chapter in my career, an opportunity to showcase my best work I derive immense satisfaction from what I do, and I remain confident that with dedication and determination, I will realize the goals I've set for myself."

March 2024 37 GOA INCREDIBLE



H u l a H o o p r e q u i r e s c o n s i d e r a b l e p h y s i c a l strength and a high level of flexibility, making it a favored activity among girls who typically exhibit greater flexibility compared to boys. In this feature, we delve into the captivating journey of Sheena D’Cunha, a remarkable Hula Hoop artist and trainer who, at the tender age of 18, had the honor of representing the s t a t e o f G o a w i t h h e r performance on Republic Day in Delhi. The Incredible Goa team had the privilege of sitting down with Sheena to uncover the secrets behind her


While many are familiar with the concept of Hula Hoop, it's worth providing a brief overview for those who may be less acquainted. The hula hoop, a simple yet versatile toy and fitness tool, comprises a circular hoop crafted from p l a s t i c o r a s i m i l a r l y lightweight material It is skillfully twirled around the body, typically the waist, in a rhythmic motion. Originating as a children's pastime in the 1950s, the hula hoop has evolved into a popular activity embraced by individuals of all ages. Whether employed for

traditional hula hooping routines, captivating dance performances, or invigorating fitness workouts, the hula hoop continues to captivate enthusiasts with its timeless appeal and ability to promote physical movement and coordination.

Sheena, a seasoned Hula Hoop artist and trainer, commenced her educational journey at Mary Immaculate School before pursuing higher studies at St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa Reflecting on her illustrious career, Sheena fondly reminisces about her momentous opportunity to

represent her home state on the grand stage of the Republic Day parade in Delhi. This proud achievement was made possible through her involvement with the National Cadet Corps (NCC), which selected and facilitated her journey to the capital.

Sheena's remarkable journey into the world of Hula Hoop commenced at the tender age of 4, sparked by a simple yet profound gift from her mother. Patiently guided by her mother, she embarked on a journey of learning the intricate art of maneuvering the hoop. Sheena vividly recalls the sense of joy and a c c o m p l i s h m e n t t h a t accompanied her early experiences with the hoop, igniting a passion that would shape her future endeavors. With unwavering dedication and perseverance, she honed her skills over the years, r e a c h i n g a s i g n i f i c a n t milestone at the age of 11. She emerged victorious in the esteemed "Goa's Got Talent" contest, securing the coveted 1st place in the open category, thus cementing her status as a rising star in the world of Hula Hoop.

This triumph not only fueled S h e e n a ' s p a s s i o n f o r p e r f o r m a n c e b u t a l s o unlocked a realm of boundless opportunities, exposing her to a diverse array of events and


shows where she could s h o w c a s e h e r t a l e n t s . Reflecting on her early success, Sheena embarked on a journey of exploration, venturing into various artistic pursuits such as skating, gymnastics, and beyond However, it was amidst the unprecedented challenges of the 2020 lockdown that she found solace and reignited her love for hula hooping. Despite t h e u n c e r t a i n t i e s a n d restrictions, her commitment to the craft only intensified, offering her a sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcended the confines of isolation.

As Sheena matured, her journey with the hula hoop took on a deeply personal dimension. "While my mother provided initial guidance, my continued growth and mastery b e c a m e s e l f - t a u g h t endeavors Hula hooping transcended mere artistry; it became the very essence of

my being, intricately woven into the fabric of my identity," she explained.

Beyond the physical motions, hula hooping evolved into a sanctuary where Sheena found harmony within herself.

"In its rhythmic dance, I discovered a profound sense of unity, connecting mind, b o d y , a n d s o u l i n a m e s m e r i z i n g f l o w o f movement. Through countless hours of practice, it instilled in me the virtues of patience and understanding, teaching me t o e m b r a c e b o t h t h e challenges and triumphs with equanimity," she added. According to Sheena, one of the biggest challenges she faced throughout her journey was finding the perfect hula hoop. "Here in India, we couldn't find suitable Dance h o o p s f o r a d v a n c e d movements I searched tirelessly, even attempting to make hoops from scratch After numerous trials and

errors, I finally crafted an imperfectly perfect hula hoop for myself. Eventually, I launched my hoop brand, which now boasts over 10,000 happy customers worldwide," she shared.

At the age of 17, Sheena harbored a strong desire to leave a lasting impression on p e o p l e ' s m i n d s . " W i t h determination and passion, I achieved just that by setting a remarkable world record documented in the Harvard Book of World Records. The record I set involved skillfully maneuvering the most number of hula hoop rotations on both m y h a i r b u n a n d w a i s t simultaneously, all within the intense timeframe of 3 minutes," she recounted. "This accomplishment not only brought me recognition within my state but also provided me with a platform to share my expertise and love for hula h o o p i n g I c o n d u c t e d numerous workshops across

schools in both north and south Goa, spreading the joy a n d k n o w l e d g e o f t h i s captivating art form far and wide."

Sheena firmly believes in the importance of encouraging young individuals to pursue their dreams and aspirations. "By fostering a mindset that e s t e e m s a m b i t i o n a n d foresight, I aim to empower them to reach for greatness," she emphasized. "It's crucial to remember that achievement has no age restrictions. Regardless of youth, one can embark on a journey toward success. I stand as living proof of this reality, having realized my own dreams through sheer d e t e r m i n a t i o n a n d perseverance. Therefore, I urge you to dream boldly, set lofty goals, and pursue them w i t h u n w a v e r i n g determination. Your potential knows no bounds," she concluded.

March 2024 39 GOA INCREDIBLE


After schooling at a prestigious Dehradun boarding school, where he spent twelve years until finishing his higher secondary education, Anil Kumar pursued his undergraduate studies at Delhi University. Unlike many luminaries in the hospitality sector, Anil Kumar did not graduate in hotel management. However, driven by his passion and guided by destiny, he found his calling in this industry, where he has excelled for an extensive period.

Reflecting on his journey, Anil Kumar acknowledges the pivotal role of Mr. Sanjay Kaushik, Senior Regional Director at Radisson Hotels, who served as his mentor.

To d a y , a s t h e s e c o n d - i ncommand at Radisson Group, Anil Kumar oversees operations for its entire portfolio of ninety hotels. Remarkably, like Anil Kumar, Mr. Kaushik also lacks formal education in hospitality. Anil Kumar, a commerce graduate,

talent for communication within me, he offered me a position as a telephone operator," recalls Anil Kumar. This marked the humble commencement of his journey at one of Starwood's flagship properties in Abu Dhabi, boasting 272 rooms.

Through unwavering dedication and diligence, Anil swiftly ascended the ranks, progressing from his initial role to receptionist, and then to team leader within a remarkably brief timeframe Reflecting on his trajectory, Anil Kumar recounts, "In this journey, I steadily advanced, transitioning from Receptionist to Team Leader, then Front Office Manager, Duty Manager, until ultimately, in 2009, I decided to return to India permanently."

leadership at that property, it was deemed my inaugural assignment a s G e n e r a l M a n a g e r Subsequently, I was transferred to the Holiday Inn Express at the International Airport, which proved to be my final assignment for a brief period. Deciding to return to my roots in Delhi, I embarked on an entrepreneurial venture, albeit briefly, before the onset of the Covid pandemic," he elaborated.

Initially, optimism prevailed as Prime Minister Modi mentioned a 14-day timeline for Covid containment. Unfortunately, the pandemic persisted for almost two years, thwarting business revival efforts.

recalls a time when uncertainty clouded his future path.

Despite not having pursued formal education in hospitality, Anil Kumar's affinity for the industry runs deep in his lineage. His father, a chef in Abu Dhabi, instilled in him a passion for hospitality from an early age. Anil Kumar's interest in dance led him to enroll in the prestigious Shiamak Davar Dance Academy.

Yet, when he sought his father's blessing to pursue dance p r o f e s s i o n a l l y , h e w a s discouraged, being advised to focus on his career instead.

In 2003, Anil Kumar embarked on a short vacation to Abu Dhabi at the invitation of his father. During his stay, he crossed paths with Robert Van Merendonk, the General Manager of Abu Dhabi Sheraton Resorts and Hotels, who extended Anil his inaugural opportunity in the hospitality industry "Recognizing a latent

Returning to India, Anil Kumar embarked on his journey with Country Inn during its preopening phase, marking his first managerial role in the country. "I spearheaded the pre-opening of Country Inn and Suites in the Delhi NCR region, serving as an assistant front office manager. Following this, I transitioned to IHG Holiday Inn Cochin, where I spent five years as the front office manager In 2012, I had the privilege of representing the IHG brand from India at the London Olympics," he recounted.

A n i l K u m a r ' s p r o f e s s i o n a l trajectory saw him ascending the ladder of success with each assignment Subsequently, he assumed the role of Executive A s s i s t a n t M a n a g e r i n Ahmedabad, contributing to the pre-opening phase of the hotel under the guidance of General Manager Mr. Sanjay Kaushik. He w a s t h e n d i s p a t c h e d t o Chandigarh to establish the Holiday Inn in Panchkula, subsequently shuttling between Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, and Pune before finally relocating to Crown Plaza Chennai, formerly an ITC Brand.

His tenure at Holiday Inn Whitefield in Bangalore marked his debut as a Hotel Manager or General Manager "Given my

It proved to be a significant setback for Mr. Anil Kumar, having invested his entire savings into the venture. "We established a fine dining restaurant and a cloud kitchen, but after two years of struggle, I had no choice but to seek employment elsewhere. With a solid background in hotel and restaurant management, I was fortunate to secure a position w i t h R a d i s s o n , w h e r e I spearheaded the pre-opening of a new hotel Subsequently, I transitioned to Goa to oversee the existing project of Ramada by Wyndham Goa Arpora as the General Manager," he explained. For Mr. Anil Kumar, this venture marks his first foray into the vibrant state of Goa. "While I've visited Goa several times for leisure, this is the first time I've come here for work," he shared. When asked about his decision to c h o o s e G o a a s h i s n e x t destination, he expressed enthusiasm for the pre-opening phase of the property. "I've always been drawn to pre-openings, and working with Ramada is a new and exciting opportunity for me.

Prior to this, I've worked with IHG and Radisson, so joining Ramada presents a fresh challenge Moreover, the franchise model of Ramada allows for greater owner involvement, offering me more autonomy in decision-making," he added.


Reflecting on his experience with the Ramada property, Mr. Anil Kumar expressed immense satisfaction "Upon joining this property, my initial responsibility involved coordinating with the

project team to procure all necessary items. I was deeply i n v o l v e d i n t h e h o t e l ' s construction and interior design, with a primary focus on efficient space utilization One of the

major challenges was optimizing space, and I'm proud to say that we managed to fit many essential elements, including our back office, under the swimming pool area," he explained.

Discussing the challenges encountered, Mr. Anil highlighted the unique aspect of managing manpower in Goa. "One of the major challenges, as is often the case in Goa, pertains to the work c u l t u r e a n d m a n p o w e r management Due to limited r e s o u r c e s i n t h e s t a t e , m a i n t a i n i n g a c o n s i s t e n t workforce over an extended period can be quite challenging," he elaborated.

Highlighting the unique selling proposition (USP) of the property, Mr. Anil Kumar emphasized the exceptional quality of food, which he considers a fundamental requirement for any successful establishment. He described the property as "Goa's Freshest Destination for Holidays," boasting spacious rooms and a Roman-themed structure that exudes a distinct ambiance upon stepping inside. He attributed much of the property's success to its committed and well-trained

team, emphasizing that a combination of top-tier products and outstanding service creates a memorable experience for guests. He noted that this sentiment is echoed in the genuine feedback received from guests.

Beyond his roles as a hotelier and entrepreneur, Mr. Anil Kumar is an avid fitness enthusiast. Reflecting on his passion for fitness, he r e m a r k e d , " I b e l i e v e i n maintaining a youthful spirit at heart. Since childhood, I've had a love for biking, which I've kept alive by riding the Royal Enfield. Additionally, I prioritize regular workouts to stay fit." Despite the demands of his schedule, he ensures to carve out time by waking up at 4:30 am daily, making morning beach walks a part of his routine. This early start grants him ample time to strategize before attending to his duties at the hotel. He also mentioned that his business strategies are planned for three m o n t h s , e n a b l i n g h i m t o effectively drive business growth for the property.


The rhythmic crash of waves, the caress of a warm sea breeze, and the vibrant tapestry of Goa –these elements combine to create the perfect symphony for a romantic escape If you ' re yearning to reignite the spark with your significant other, look no further than the Fairfield by Marriott Benaulim. This haven in

meticulously crafted to indulge your senses and nurture your love.

A Seaside Sanctuary

I m a g i n e w a k i n g u p t o a breathtaking vista – the turquoise expanse of the Arabian Sea glistening under the morning sun. At Fairfield by Marriott Benaulim, this picture-perfect scene becomes your daily reality Nestled just a stone's throw from the pristine Benaulim Beach, the resort offers the ultimate beachside retreat Imagine strolling hand-in-hand along the soft sand as the gentle waves serenade your steps. Collect seashells, build sandcastles like carefree children, or simply soak up the sun while basking in the serenity of each other's company.

A Haven for Rekindled Passion Fairfield by Marriott Benaulim transcends the realm of stunning settings. It fosters an atmosphere specifically designed to reignite passion and create lasting

S o u t h G o a p r o m i s e s a n u n f o r g e t t a b l e s o j o u r n ,
March 2024 4 GOA 1 INCREDIBLE

memories. Dive into the inviting outdoor pool, surrounded by swaying palm trees, and let the cool water wash away any lingering stress. Enjoy a couple's yoga on the Yoga Lawns, synchronizing your breaths and movements as you find a deeper connection.

Culinary Delights to Set the Mood

They say that food is the language of love, and Fairfield by Marriott

Benaulim ensures your taste buds embark on a romantic adventure. Spoil yourselves with a lavish breakfast buffet, a delightful spread brimming with fresh local offerings and international favorites. Savor the delectable aromas wafting from the resort's restaurant Kava, and indulge in a candlelit dinner featuring a specially curated menu that tantalizes your palate and ignites your senses Imagine clinking

of time Delve into the local markets, browsing through colorful handicrafts and savoring the aromas of exotic spices, a sensory experience that will forever be intertwined with your love story.

Tailor-Made Experiences for Unforgettable Moments

The attentive staff at Fairfield by Marriott Benaulim understands the art of romance. Let them know your desires, and they'll curate a personalized experience that surpasses your expectations

Imagine and enjoy a gourmet picnic basket customized to your preferences. Surprise your loved one with a spa treatment, i n d u l g i n g i n r e j u v e n a t i n g massages that melt away stress and leave you feeling pampered and reconnected.

A Celebration of Love

glasses of sparkling wine under the starlit sky, sharing laughter and whispered secrets as you create a tapestry of memories that will forever be etched in your hearts.

A Tranquil Haven for Two

After a day of exploration and shared experiences, retreat to the sanctuary of your well-appointed room. The hotel's thoughtfully designed accommodations offer a haven of tranquility, perfect for unwinding and reconnecting. Plush queen-sized beds draped in linens invite you to sink in and embrace the comfort Private balconies overlooking the pool or lush gardens provide a serene escape, allowing you to steal intimate moments and whisper sweet nothings under the Goan sky.

B e y o n d t h e R e s o r t W a l l s : Adventures for


While the resort itself offers a plethora of romantic experiences, Goa beckons you to explore its vibrant tapestry Witness the captivating beauty of sunset, a spectacle that will leave you breathless and create memories that will be cherished for years to come. Explore the rich heritage of Goa, visiting ancient temples and charming Portuguese churches, each whispering tales of love and devotion that have stood the test

Whether you ' re celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking to rekindle the magic in your relationship, Fairfield by Marriott Benaulim provides the perfect setting. The resort offers a dedicated team to help you plan a romantic surprise, from intimate candlelit dinners by the pool to personalized vow renewals under t h e G o a n s k y . I m a g i n e exchanging heartfelt promises under a canopy of twinkling stars, the sound of the ocean waves serenading your love.

Fairfield by Marriott Benaulim goes beyond just a vacation destination; it's a symphony for two, a melody composed of breathtaking settings, amenities, and experiences designed to reignite the spark. So, pack your bags, hold your loved one close, and get ready to write your own love story in the idyllic embrace of Goa.

42 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE HOSPITALITY BUZZ incrediblegoaofficial

A Path to Environmental Harmony


Goa, known for its vibrant culture and lively festivals, attracts tourists from around the world to partake in its celebrations. However, with this influx of v i s i t o r s c o m e s a s i g n i f i c a n t environmental impact, as festivals often generate excessive waste, pollution, and strain on natural resources. To preserve the beauty and integrity of this coastal paradise, it is imperative to adopt sustainable practices in organizing and attending festivals in Goa. By embracing sustainability, we can ensure that future generations continue to enjoy the rich heritage and pristine environment that define this region.

Reducing Single-Use Plastics

One of the most pressing issues during

festivals is the proliferation of single-use plastics. From disposable cutlery and p l a t e s t o p l a s t i c b o t t l e s a n d decorations, these items contribute to pollution and harm Goa's delicate ecosystem. Organizers must prioritize the use of biodegradable or reusable alternatives to minimize waste. Encouraging attendees to bring their own water bottles, providing water refill stations, and utilizing compostable materials for packaging can significantly reduce the festival's environmental footprint.

P r o m o t i n g E c o - F r i e n d l y


Traffic congestion and carbon emissions escalate during festivals due to the influx

of vehicles. To alleviate this strain on the environment, festival organizers can promote eco-friendly transportation options such as cycling, walking, or carpooling Establishing designated parking areas and offering incentives for attendees who choose sustainable transport methods can encourage participation in these initiatives Additionally, investing in public transportation infrastructure and promoting the use of electric or hybrid vehicles can further reduce emissions and ease traffic congestion.

Embracing Renewable Energy

Power consumption spikes during festivals, often leading to increased reliance on fossil fuels and heightened


carbon emissions. To mitigate this impact, organizers can harness renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power to meet electricity needs. Installing solar panels, utilizing energy-efficient lighting systems, and implementing smart grid technologies can not only reduce the festival's carbon footprint but also set a precedent for sustainable event management practices in the region.

Supporting Local and Organic Vendors

Festivals provide an excellent platform to showcase Goa's rich culinary traditions and vibrant artisanal culture. By prioritizing local and organic vendors, organizers can support small businesses while promoting sustainable agriculture and production practices. Encouraging vendors to source ingredients locally, use e c o - f r i e n d l y packaging, and minimize food waste can foster a m o r e sustainable food ecosystem within t h e f e s t i v a l grounds.

Educating and E n g a g i n g Attendees

Education plays a crucial role in f o s t e r i n g a c u l t u r e o f s u s t a i n a b i l i t y among festivalgoers. Organizers can incorporate workshops, panel discussions, and

interactive exhibits that raise awareness about environmental issues and highlight actionable steps individuals can take to reduce their ecological footprint. Engaging attendees through social media campaigns, onsite demonstrations, and interactive activities can inspire behavior change and empower them to make informed choices that benefit the environment.


As guardians of this picturesque coastal haven, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that festivals in Goa align with principles of sustainability and e n v i r o n m e n t a l s t e w a r d s h i p B y implementing initiatives to reduce waste, promote eco-friendly transportation, embrace renewable energy, support local vendors, and educate attendees, we can pave the way for a more sustainable festival culture that respects and preserves the natural beauty of Goa for g e n e r a t i o n s t o c o m e T h r o u g h collaboration and conscious action, we can transform festivals into platforms for p o s i t i v e e n v i r o n m e n t a l i m p a c t , celebrating not only our cultural heritage but also our commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.

46 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE

an overview of the startup ecosystem in Goa NURTURING INNOVATION

In recent years, Goa has emerged as a promising hub f o r i n n o v a t i o n a n d entrepreneurship, with a burgeoning startup ecosystem that reflects the region's unique blend of cultural vibrancy and economic potential From the serene beaches to the bustling urban centres, Goa offers an inspiring backdrop for creative minds to flourish. In this article, we delve into the current landscape of the startup ecosystem in Goa, examining the number of startups, key industries, funding sources, a n d s u p p o r t n e t w o r k s available to entrepreneurs.

Number of Startups

While Goa may not rival the startup hotspots of Bangalore or Mumbai in terms of sheer numbers, the entrepreneurial spirit is palpable. According to recent estimates, there are over 300 startups operating in various stages of development across the state These startups span a wide range of sectors, from technology and tourism to agriculture and sustainability. While the number may seem modest c o m p a r e d t o o t h e r metropolitan areas, Goa's startup scene is characterized by its diversity and resilience.

Key Industries

Goa's startup ecosystem reflects the region's diverse


economy, with startups emerging in key industries that capitalize on the state's strengths and opportunities Tourism remains a dominant sector, with startups focusing o n e x p e r i e n t i a l t r a v e l , hospitality technology, and sustainable tourism initiatives. Additionally, Goa's rich agricultural heritage has spurred innovation in agritech s t a r t u p s , l e v e r a g i n g technology to enhance productivity, sustainability,

a n d m a r k e t a c c e s s f o r farmers. Other notable sectors include information technology, healthcare, renewable energy, and creative industries such as d e s i g n , m e d i a , a n d entertainment.

Funding Sources

Access to funding is crucial for s t a r t u p g r o w t h a n d sustainability, and Goa offers a variety of funding sources to support entrepreneurial ventures. While traditional

sources such as bank loans and government grants are available, startups also have access to angel investors, venture capital firms, and crowdfunding platforms

Moreover, Goa's proximity to financial hubs like Mumbai and Bangalore provides opportunities for startups to tap into larger investment networks and gain visibility on a national and international scale.

Support Networks

Entrepreneurship can be a daunting journey, but in Goa, startups are not alone. A robust network of support organizations, incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces exists to nurture and guide budding entrepreneurs. Organizations like the Goa Startup Promotion Cell (SPC), the Centre for Incubation and Business Acceleration (CIBA), and the Startup India initiative provide mentorship, training, networking opportunities, and infrastructure support to startups at various stages of development Moreover, initiatives like the Startup

Policy of Goa aim to create an enabling environment for e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p b y streamlining regulations, providing incentives, and fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors.


As Goa continues to evolve as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, the startup ecosystem holds immense promise for economic growth, job creation, and societal impact. With a diverse range of startups, spanning various industries and sectors, Goa exemplifies the spirit of innovation and resilience. By l e v e r a g i n g i t s u n i q u e s t r e n g t h s , f o s t e r i n g collaboration, and investing in talent and infrastructure, Goa has the potential to emerge as a leading destination for startups in India and beyond. As the ecosystem continues to mature, nurturing innovation a n d s u p p o r t i n g entrepreneurship will be key to unlocking Goa's full potential as a vibrant and sustainable startup hub.



Nestled along the pristine coastline of the Arabian Sea, Goa stands as a beacon of leisure and delight for tourists from all corners of India Renowned for its sun-kissed beaches, vibrant culture, and eclectic nightlife, Goa holds a special allure that captivates the hearts of travellers seeking respite and adventure. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the desires and expectations of Indian tourists a s t h e y f l o c k t o G o a , unravelling the elements that make this coastal paradise an irresistible destination.

Beachfront Bliss

Undoubtedly, the allure of Goa lies in its sun-drenched beaches that stretch for miles along the coastline. Indian tourists yearn for the tranquil ambience of sandy shores where they can soak up the sun, take strolls, and indulge in water sports. Whether it's the bustling shores of Baga and Calangute or the secluded coves of Palolem and Agonda, each beach offers a unique charm that beckons visitors seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. Additionally, the presence of beachside shacks serving authentic Goan c u i s i n e a n d r e f r e s h i n g beverages adds to the appeal, providing a perfect spot for lazy afternoons and sunset gazing.

Cultural Riches


Beyond its picturesque beaches, Goa boasts a rich tapestry of culture and heritage that enthrals Indian tourists. From its colonial architecture and ancient temples to its vibrant festivals and culinary delights, Goa offers a glimpse into a world s t e e p e d i n h i s t o r y a n d tradition. Indian tourists are drawn to the colourful markets of Mapusa and Anjuna, where they can immerse themselves i n t h e l o c a l f l a v o u r s , handicrafts, and music that d e f i n e G o a n c u l t u r e Additionally, exploring the quaint villages of Fontainhas and Old Goa provides a deeper insight into the region's Portuguese influence, with charming cobblestone streets, ornate churches, and historic monuments.

Gastronomic Delights

No visit to Goa is complete without indulging in its tantalizing culinary offerings, and Indian tourists are eager to savour the flavours of this gastronomic paradise From fresh seafood delicacies served at beach shacks to fiery v i n d a l o o c u r r i e s a n d

mouthwatering bebinca desserts, Goan cuisine tantalizes the taste buds with its fusion of Portuguese, Konkani, and international influences. Indian tourists flock to Goa's bustling eateries and beachside cafes, eager to embark on a culinary j o u r n e y l i k e n o o t h e r Moreover, the opportunity to attend cooking classes or food tours allows them to learn the secrets of Goan cooking and bring a taste of Goa back home.

Thriving Nightlife

As the sun sets over the horizon, Goa comes alive with an electrifying nightlife that beckons Indian tourists seeking excitement and entertainment From beach parties and trance festivals to c h i c n i g h t c l u b s a n d waterfront bars, Goa offers a plethora of options for revellers to dance the night away under the starry skies. Indian tourists flock to hotspots like Tito's Lane in Baga and Club Cubana in Arpora, where they can mingle with fellow travellers and locals alike in an atmosphere

of pure revelry. Additionally, the rise of alternative nightlife experiences, such as silent discos and moonlit beach bonfires, adds to the diversity of options available, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Adventurous Escapades

Goa offers a playground of exhilarating activities for thrillseekers and adventurers that promise adrenaline-fueled excitement. Indian tourists flock to Goa's watersports hubs, where they can partake in jet skiing, parasailing, scuba diving, and snorkelling amidst the azure waters of the Arabian Sea. Additionally, Goa's lush hinterlands beckon adventurers with opportunities for trekking, cycling, and wildlife safaris, allowing them to explore the untamed beauty of the region The presence of adventure parks, zip-lining tours, and ATV rides f u r t h e r e n h a n c e s t h e adventurous spirit of Goa, p r o v i d i n g e n d l e s s opportunities for outdoor exploration and excitement.


In the hearts and minds of

I n d i a n t o u r i s t s , G o a epitomises the perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, culture, and excitement. From its sun-kissed beaches and v i b r a n t c u l t u r e t o i t s tantalizing cuisine and thriving nightlife, Goa offers a myriad of experiences that cater to every traveller's desires As Indian tourists continue to flock to this coastal paradise in search of respite and adventure, Goa remains a timeless destination that captivates the imagination and leaves an indelible mark on the soul. With its diverse array of attractions and activities, Goa promises an unforgettable journey filled w i t h m o m e n t s o f j o y , discovery, and wonder.



Practical Steps to Safeguard Goa's Coastal Ecosystems

Nestled along the sun-kissed shores of the Arabian Sea, Goa's coastal ecosystems are under threat from pollution, coastal development, and climate change. To ensure the p r e s e r v a t i o n o f t h e s e invaluable habitats, it's imperative to take practical steps towards conservation. In this article, we delve into actionable measures that individuals, communities, and policymakers can undertake to protect and sustain Goa's coastal treasures.

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

Establishing marine protected areas is a critical step in safeguarding Goa's coastal ecosystems. These designated zones provide legal protection for marine habitats and species, regulating human activities such as fishing, tourism, and development. To s u p p o r t t h i s i n i t i a t i v e , stakeholders can advocate for the expansion of existing MPAs, the creation of new protected areas, and the

enforcement of regulations to ensure compliance.

C o a s t a l C l e a n - U p


Engaging in coastal clean-up campaigns is a hands-on approach to combat marine d e b r i s a n d p o l l u t i o n . Individuals and community groups can organize regular c l e a n - u p d r i v e s a l o n g beaches, riverbanks, and mangrove forests, removing litter and waste that threaten marine life. Additionally, promoting waste reduction

practices such as recycling, proper waste disposal, and plastic alternatives can help mitigate pollution at its source.

S u s t a i n a b l e F i s h i n g


Promoting sustainable fishing practices is essential for maintaining healthy fish populations and preserving marine biodiversity Fishers can adopt techniques such as selective fishing gear, fishing quotas, and seasonal closures to prevent overfishing and


minimize bycatch. Consumers can support sustainable fisheries by choosing certified sustainable seafood products a n d a d v o c a t i n g f o r responsible fishing practices within their communities.

Mangrove Reforestation and Restoration

Mangrove forests play a crucial role in protecting coastal areas from erosion, providing habitat for diverse m a r i n e s p e c i e s , a n d sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere To s u p p o r t m a n g r o v e conservation, initiatives such as mangrove reforestation

and restoration projects can be implemented. Community participation, stakeholder c o l l a b o r a t i o n , a n d government support are essential for the success of these efforts.

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Addressing climate change is paramount to safeguarding Goa's coastal ecosystems from rising sea levels, ocean acidification, and coral bleaching Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by adopting sustainable lifestyle choices such as reducing energy consumption,

u s i n g

r e n e w a b l e

e n e r g y sources, and m i n i m i z i n g

w a s t e

Additionally, advocating for climate action p o l i c i e s ,

s u p p o r t i n g

r e n e w a b l e

e n e r g y initiatives, and participating in

c l i m a t e resilience programs can contribute to mitigating the impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems.

Environmental Education and Awareness

Raising awareness about the i m p o r t a n c e o f c o a s t a l ecosystems is key to mobilizing c o m m u n i t y a c t i o n f o r conservation Educational programs, workshops, and outreach campaigns can inform individuals about the value of coastal habitats, the threats they face, and the role they play in supporting biodiversity and human well-

b e i n g B y e m p o w e r i n g communities with knowledge and resources, Goa can foster a culture of environmental stewardship and collective responsibility towards coastal conservation.


Preserving Goa's coastal e c o s y s t e m s r e q u i r e s a multifaceted approach that i n v o l v e s c o l l a b o r a t i o n b e t w e e n i n d i v i d u a l s , c o m m u n i t i e s , a n d p o l i c y m a k e r s B y implementing practical steps such as establishing marine protected areas, engaging in coastal clean-up campaigns, promoting sustainable fishing p r a c t i c e s , s u p p o r t i n g mangrove reforestation, addressing climate change, a n d r a i s i n g a w a r e n e s s t h r o u g h e n v i r o n m e n t a l education, Goa can ensure the long-term health and resilience of its coastal treasures. Together, let us take action to safeguard Goa's natural beauty and ecological richness for generations to come.



The Public Relations Council of India (PRCI) proudly unveils a new chapter in the picturesque state of Goa, marked by an elegant installation ceremony at the opulent Hotel Fortune in Miramar. The event welcomed esteemed industry leaders, dignitaries, and notable personalities, setting the stage for a remarkable journey ahead.

G u i d e d b y t h e s e a s o n e d e x p e r t i s e o f S h r i D e e p a k Narvekar, a distinguished professional in the realm of public relations, the newly established Goa Chapter of PRCI promises to be a vibrant hub for professional advancement, networking, and

knowledge sharing within the d y n a m i c f i e l d o f P R . T h e ceremonious occasion witnessed the induction of a dedicated executive committee, comprising luminaries renowned for their prowess, commitment, and foresight in advancing the PR landscape of the region.

In a momentous address to the gathering, MB Jayaram, the Chief Mentor & Chairman Emeritus of PRCI, graced the occasion with his presence, expressing his boundless optimism for the chapter's forthcoming endeavors. He emphasized the importance of proactive initiatives that would not only elevate the PR industry

but also enrich the broader community.

T h e e v e n t w a s f u r t h e r distinguished by the esteemed presence of Smt Geetha Shankar, the National President of PRCI, who officiated as the installing o f f i c e r . H e r p r e s e n c e underscored PRCI's stature as the apex body for PR professionals, with a global footprint spanning across nations Smt Shankar underscored the significance of f o s t e r i n g c o l l a b o r a t i o n , innovation, and ethical standards within the PR fraternity to drive positive societal change.

The evening's proceedings were seamlessly orchestrated by the accomplished duo of Mrs Milan Vaigankar and Jones Samuel, both seasoned PR professionals, who ensured a delightful and engaging experience for all attendees.

The distinguished members of the PRCI Goa Chapter's executive committee, formally installed during the ceremony, include luminaries such as Shri Waman Prabhu, Shri Gurunath Pai, IIS, Shri Nikhil Wagh, and a host of other esteemed individuals who bring a wealth of experience and dedication to their roles.

In a heartwarming gesture of


Renowned hospitality major EIH Ltd has set its sights on South Goa's pristine coastline with the greenlighting of a grand venture: The Oberoi, Goa. Set amidst the idyllic environs of Cavelossim beach, this opulent resort promises to redefine luxury living with its exquisite offerings. The resort, spanning a sprawling 52-acre site owned by the c o m p a n y , w i l l b e a r t h e distinguished name, The Oberoi, Goa. With meticulous attention to detail, the property is set to feature 90 meticulously designed rooms and suites, each exuding sophistication and charm.

In a recent announcement, EIH Ltd disclosed that the project entails an estimated investment of 421

c r o r e , u n d e r s c o r i n g t h e company ' s commitment to delivering an unparalleled

Scheduled to welcome guests from October 1, 2027, The Oberoi, Goa, is poised to become a beacon of luxury and indulgence on the Goan coastline.

With a financing plan leveraging internal accruals and debt, EIH Ltd is poised to bring this ambitious project to fruition. The company's unwavering dedication to quality and excellence ensures that every aspect of the resort, from its architectural design to its service offerings, will reflect the Oberoi brand's hallmark standards of luxury.

But that's not all. In a move that

appreciation, Senior Journalist Shri Waman Prabhu and other dignitaries were felicitated with traditional Goan Kunbi Shawls and mementos, honoring their invaluable contributions to the realms of public relations and journalism.

Accepting his appointment as chairman, Mr. Deepak Narvekar expressed profound gratitude, stating, "I am deeply honored to lead the Goa Chapter of PRCI. Together, we shall uphold the h i g h e s t s t a n d a r d s o f professionalism and make meaningful contributions to the PR landscape of our region."

With a captivating blend of professionals, academicians, and media luminaries gracing the occasion, the inauguration underscored the PRCI Goa Chapter's pivotal role as a beacon of excellence, industry growth, and societal impact in the region.

We extend heartfelt gratitude to all attendees and stakeholders for their unwavering support in heralding the inauguration of the PRCI Goa Chapter, marking a significant milestone in the realm of public relations in the region.

underscores its strategic vision for expansion, EIH Ltd has also entered into a hotel management agreement for another luxury Oberoi resort at Bogmalo beach in South Goa This additional venture further solidifies the company's footprint in the region, catering to the discerning travelers seeking unparalleled hospitality experiences.

The announcement has already elicited positive responses from investors, with shares of EIH Ltd witnessing a notable uptick. The stock ended trading at 455.25, marking an impressive increase of 16.05, or 3.65%, on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

As EIH Ltd embarks on this ambitious endeavor, the unveiling

of The Oberoi, Goa, heralds a new era of luxury hospitality in South Goa. With its pristine location, impeccable service, and worldclass amenities, the resort is poised to captivate the hearts and imaginations of travelers seeking the ultimate indulgence on the sun-kissed shores of Goa.

54 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE BUSINESS BUZZ incredible_goa
o s p i t a l i t y e x p e r i e n c e .


The Goa International Travel Mart (GITM) is all set to make a grand return with its highly anticipated 4th edition scheduled to take place on the 3rd and 4th of April 2024. The event, which serves as a pivotal platform for the tourism industry, promises to usher in a new era of innovation and collaboration in the realm of travel and hospitality.

At a press conference held at the D e p a r t m e n t o f To u r i s m , Government of Goa, Mr. Suneel

Anchipaka, IAS, Director of Tourism, along with esteemed members of the Empowered Committee including Mr Mark Mendes, Mr. Ernest Dias, Mr. Carlos D'souza, and Mr. Nilesh Shah, TTAG President, unveiled insights into GITM 2024. This edition of GITM holds particular significance as it marks the first physical gathering since the pandemic, with the event set to take place at the prestigious Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Indoor

Stadium. Additionally, GITM 2024 will also feature a virtual component, ensuring broader participation from industry leaders, stakeholders, and enthusiasts worldwide from the 3rd to the 9th of April 2024. A highlight of GITM 2024 is the panel discussion titled "Goa: The F i r s t S t a t e t o F o c u s o n Regenerative Tourism Leading to a New Road Map of Goa Beyond Sun, Sand, and Sea " This discussion aims to delve into the future of tourism in Goa, exploring themes such as diversification, sustainability, and public-private partnerships. With an emphasis on fostering meaningful dialogues and collaborations, GITM 2024 strives to drive the sustainable development of tourism in the region and beyond.

M r S u n e e l A n c h i p a k a emphasized the significance of GITM as a catalyst for Goa's tourism sector, highlighting the state's potential as a premier tourist destination. With a robust lineup of trade exhibitors, knowledge-sharing sessions, and networking opportunities, GITM 2 0 2 4 p r o m i s e s t o b e a n

unprecedented success, offering a p l a t f o r m f o r f r u i t f u l engagements and partnerships. With a focus on regenerative, spiritual, and hinterland tourism, GITM 2024 aims to redefine Goa's tourism landscape and set new standards for sustainability and inclusivity. Featuring over 250 national and international buyers across 15 sectors within the tourism industry, the event provides a unique opportunity for participants to connect with industry professionals, showcase products and services, and explore new avenues for growth and collaboration.

Innovative features such as a virtual 3D immersive platform, video conferencing systems, business card exchange, and product video showcases will enhance engagement and interaction, ensuring a seamless experience for attendees.

As Goa International Travel Mart emerges as a catalyst for change, GITM 2024 invites participants to register and be a part of this exciting journey towards a brighter future for Goa's tourism sector.

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58 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE EVENTS & HAPPENING incrediblegoaofficial

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting has gained significant importance in the Indian context, with the introduction of the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework.

CA Gaurav Kenkre is a CA in practice for the last 11 years. He is a regular s p e a k e r a t v a r i o u s p r o f e s s i o n a l organizations, trade b o d i e s , M N C s a n d Government bodies. He also writes regularly in local as well as national publications. Besides this he holds various positions in bodies such as ICAI, GCCI, College bodies, Rotary etc.


Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting has gained significant importance in the Indian context, with the introduction of the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework. This framework is currently mandated for the top 1000 listed companies in India by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), but it will play a crucial role in enhancing transparency and accountability in non-financial reporting not only in the above 1000 listed companies but also amongst the step-down suppliers and customers of these entities. We will explore the key aspects of ESG reporting in India, including the BRSR framework, regulatory

Businesses should conduct and govern themselves with integrity, and in a manner that is Ethical, Transparent, an d Accountable.

Companies are expected to report details such as Details of fines / penalties /punishment/ award/ compounding fees/ settlement amount paid in proceedings (by the entity or by directors / KMPs), anti-corruption or anti-bribery policy, Number of Directors/KMPs/employees/wor kers against whom disciplinary action was taken by any law enforcement agency, Awareness programmes conducted for value chain partners


Businesses should provide goods and services in a manner that is

e m p l o y e e s u n d e r v a r i o u s insurances such as health, accident and other benefits such as paternity/maternity, Are the premises / offices of the entity accessible to differently abled e m p l o y e e s a n d w o r k e r s , mechanism available to receive and redress grievances, Health and safety management system.


Businesses should respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders.

Companies are expected to report details such asprocesses for identifying key stakeholder groups of the entity, Identification ( i f a n y ) o f Vu l n e r a b l e & Marginalized groups, frequency, P u r p o s e a n d s c o p e o f

updates, and the evolving trends i n E S G r e p o r t i n g B y understanding these aspects, companies in India can better navigate the challenges and opportunities associated with ESG reporting and position themselves as responsible corporate citizens in the global marketplace.

The BRSR framework in India is guided by nine key principles that aim to steer companies towards c o n d u c t i n g b u s i n e s s i n a responsible, sustainable, and ethical manner. Below are the principles outlined in the BRSR framework along with a brief explanation of each and the expected reporting:


sustainable and safe.

Companies are expected to report details such as Percentage of R&D and capital expenditure (capex) investments in specific technologies to improve the environmental and social impacts of product and processes, processes in place to safely reclaim your products for reusing, recycling and disposing at the end of life, Life Cycle Perspective / Assessments (LCA) for any of its products or for its services


Businesses should respect and promote the well-being of all employees, including those in their value chains.

Companies are expected to report details such as coverage of

engagement including key topics and concerns raised during such engagement


Businesses should respect and p r o m o t e h u m a n r i g h t s

Companies are expected to report details such as Employees and workers who have been provided training on human rights issues and policy(ies) of the entity, m i n i m u m w a g e s p a i d t o employees and workers, Median remuneration/ salary/ wages ofBoard of Directors (BoD), Key Managerial Personnel, Employees other than BoD and KMP and finally Workers. change!

60 GOA March 2024 INCREDIBLE FINANCE incrediblegoaofficial

Skeletal muscle is


of the three major muscle types. Tendons attach these muscles, which contract and cause movement, to bones.

R e g u l a r e x e r c i s e strengthens your heart and lungs and it can s t r e n g t h e n b o n e s , s l o w i n g d o w n t h e process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your j o i n t s , t e n d o n s a n d ligaments more flexible. Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.


Muscular hypertrophy describes an increase in muscle mass. People can achieve muscle hypertrophy by correctly performing certain e x e r c i s e s a n d c o n s u m i n g sufficient amounts of the right foods.

Skeletal muscle is one of the three major muscle types Tendons attach these muscles, which contract and cause movement, to bones.


Age, sex, and genetics can all affect the rate at which a person can grow muscle Muscle size i n c r e a s e s w h e n a p e r s o n continually challenges the muscles to deal with higher levels of resistance or weight. This process is known as muscle hypertrophy. Muscle hypertrophy occurs when

stimulate testosterone release, improve the sensitivity of the muscles to testosterone


A variety of factors — including genetics and the levels of estrogen and testosterone in the body — can affect how rapidly a person can develop muscle.Regardless of biological sex, muscle grows at different rates for people with different body types.

Both males and females can have the following body shapes, and e a c h r e q u i r e s a d i f f e r e n t approach to muscle building:

MESOMORPHIC: People with this body type tend to be muscular and generally build muscle mass far more quickly than people with other body types.

E C T O M O R P H I C : T h i s t e r m

the fibers of the muscles sustain damage or injury. The body repairs damaged fibers by fusing them, which increases the mass and size of the muscles.

Certain hormones, including testosterone, human growth hormone, and insulin growth factor, also play a role in muscle growth and repair.

These hormones work by:improving how the body processes proteins, inhibiting the breakdown of protein, activating satellite cells, which are a type of stem cell that plays a role in muscle development Stimulating anabolic hormones, which promote muscle growth and protein synthesisenhancing tissue growth.

Strength and resistance training can help the body:release growth hormone from the pituitary gland,

e x e r c i s e i s : c o n s i s t e n t , challenging and long-term, People also achieve the best results when they follow exercise with enough rest.

The best type of exercise to build muscle is strength training, although cardiovascular activity can also provide benefits.


It takes several weeks or months of consistent activity and exercise before muscle changes become visible.According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans 2015–2020Trusted Source, adults should engage in musclestrengthening exercises that involve all major muscle groups at least twice weekly.

Examples of strength training activities include: Lifting free weights, using stationary weight machines,' resistance band activities,body weight exercises, such as pushups and squatsetc


describes a slim or straight frame. Ectomorphs have a lower chance of building muscle mass but can increase their strength through resistance training.

ENDOMORPHIC: This body type is more rounded or curvy People with an endomorphic body can build muscle most effectively through strength training. However, there are several traits that are more pronounced in males and support faster muscle growth. These include a larger muscle mass, higher testosterone, and tighter joints.


People build muscle at different rates depending on their age, sex, and genetics, B u t m u s c l e d e v e l o p m e n t s i g n i f i c a n t l y i n c r e a s e s i f

As a person's age increases, so does the risk of limited mobility and other skeletal and muscular problems, such as osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.Strength training is beneficial for older adults to prevent injury and aid recovery. However, older adults should try to meet adult exercise guidelines if they can. If they are unable to do this, they should remain as physically active as their physical limitations allow.


Rest plays an integral part in building muscle. By not letting each of the muscle groups rest, a person will reduce their ability to repair. Insufficient rest also slows fitness progression and increases the risk of injury.Getting enough sleep is also important for the process of muscle growth.


Eating a balanced and healthful diet is key to staying fit. For people who wish to build muscle, protein intake is especially important.

Sources of protein include: meat,fish,eggs,milk,cheese,soybe a n s , t o f u , b e a n s a n d lentils,nuts,seeds

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