Incredible Goa September 2023

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In the realm of power and influence, one often finds that it is accompanied by an equal measure of responsibility. This truism holds especially true in the case of Shrinivas Dempo, affectionately known as "Baba"bythosewhoholdhimdear.Hailingfromabackgroundofaffluenceandprivilege,Babaisabeacon ofhumilityandremainsfirmlygrounded









2021 - Recognizing the p o t e n t i a l o f w o m e n entrepreneurs, Dr Sawant introduced this scheme, offering financial support and trainingtoempowerwomenin business.



2023 - In a bid to enhance employability, Dr Sawant launched the CMRY Skill Development Scheme, providing skill development training to unemployed youth inGoa.


2020-Dr Sawantlaunchedthis initiative, providing financial assistance and invaluable mentorship to burgeoning startups in Goa, fostering i n n o v a t i o n a n d entrepreneurship.



In 2022, the maximum loan amount available under the CMRYinitiativewasincreased from INR 10 lakh to INR 20 lakh, enabling entrepreneurs to pursue larger-scale ventures.









Spandan Global Art Unveils Ambitious European Art Carnival

Save Our Looms - Rotary Clubs Of Margão & Dona Paula Unite For A Pop-up Event

Empowering Entrepreneurs: Gcci Women's Wing Launches Mentorship Program

Hdfc Bank And Marriott Bonvoy Launch India's First Co-brand Hotel Credit Card

Goa Cm Pramod Sawant Launches Statewide Taxi App For Hassle-free Travel

Goa Governor Releases Former Cm

Luizinho Faleiro's Book 'battle For Konkani & Statehood


Chief Minister Rozgar Yojana scheme have gone a long way in providing opportunities to Goan youths in becoming entrepreneurs and employ others in their establishment.






Goa Must Get Zero-carbon Emission Tag

Before 2050 - CM

What Is Goa’s New Beach Shack Policy

What Concerns It Raises

Scottish Legend Enters India; Scotch Whisky Lovers Rejoice!

Byd India Launches Its First Car Dealership In Goa






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Rajesh Ghadge

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Rajeshree Naik Ghadge

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Kalyani Merawade


Norbert D’Souza

CA Gaurav Kenkre

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Aakash Ghadge


In recent times, the discourse surrounding sustainability has taken centre stage, captivating the m i n d s o f i n d i v i d u a l s a n d communities alike. As we delve into this crucial topic, it's imperative to ponder: why has the concept of "sustainability" garnered such prominence in our collective consciousness, and what precisely does it entail?

The beautiful land of Goa, with its unique culture and natural splendour, serves as a poignant backdrop for this mission. It's a call to arms, a summons to embark on a journey of resolute commitment to sustainability. It's time to take bold, substantive steps towards a future where sustainability is not just a concept but a way of life, deeply embedded in our collective consciousness.

"Sustainable Goa" marks a transformative initiative by Goa

P r i s m D i g i t a l M e d i a , a n organization renowned for its leadership in lifestyle, news media, and the food and hospitality sectors In our unwavering commitment to this cause, we are prepared to go to great lengths to a c h i e v e o u r o b j e c t i v e : disseminating knowledge, actively engaging with stakeholders, and cultivating widespread awareness regarding the pressing need for sustainability in the exquisite state of Goa.

Circulations Manager

Aakash Ghadge


Team Incredible Goa

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Gauri Ghadge

Cover Page Credits

Image by Art of Blinks

Sejal Gupta

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To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing the magazine to ensure it is free of any mistakes, any omissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly please feel free to bring it to our notice. We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us make this publication even better and useful.

To embark on this enlightening journey, let us first decipher the essence of "sustainability." In its broadest context, sustainability signifies our ability to endure, to p e r s i s t o v e r a n e x t e n d e d timeframe without inflicting s i g n i f i c a n t h a r m u p o n o u r environment, society, or the prospects of generations yet to come. This aspiration is particularly noteworthy in an era where we have grown accustomed to modern conveniences, we cannot live without an Air Conditioner even during the Monsoon and Winter so how can we practice Sustainability? This is a question that merits introspection, an inquiry that each one of us should undertake individually. How can we a u t h e n t i c a l l y e m b r a c e sustainability while respecting the practicalities of our existence in a w o r l d w h e r e c o m f o r t a n d convenience often hold sway?

This has truly ignited a profound c o n t e m p l a t i o n w i t h i n m e regarding the critical issue of sustainability. As a publisher of a magazine dedicated to the vibrant society of Goa – a place deeply cherished in my heart due to my Goan roots – I am compelled to recognize that the time is ripe for action It's time to catalyze a m o v e m e n t t h a t d e l i v e r s a r e s o u n d i n g m e s s a g e a n d motivates each one of us to wholeheartedly embrace the urgent cause of sustainability.

Our journey towards this goal encompasses a comprehensive approach, leaving no avenue u n e x p l o r e d T h r o u g h o u r publications and on-ground efforts, we aim to mobilize and e m p o w e r i n d i v i d u a l s a n d c o m m u n i t i e s t o e m b r a c e sustainability as a guiding principle, ensuring a brighter, more harmonious future for Goa and its cherished inhabitants.

Indeed, the topic of sustainability is vast, and our desire to explore it is b o u n d l e s s H o w e v e r , t h e constraints of time and space compel me to defer further discussion to our upcoming issue. Until then, Happy reading, and stay tuned for the continuation of this important dialogue in our next edition.

Rajesh Ghadge

Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.




rajesh@rajeshghadge Editor

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Printed, Published & Owned by GOA PRISM DIGITAL MEDIA. Printed at Printek Printers, and Published at Alfran Plaza, M G Road, Panaji – Goa. 403001 India. Editor & Publisher: Rajesh Ghadge EDITORIAL incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa


international a r t i s t i c exchange.

New Delhi, September 12, 2023 — Spandan Global Events & Publications proudly announces its global venture, "Spandan Global Art," following the triumphant conclusion of the "National Art Journey" across India's 29 states and 8 Union Territories. This new initiative aims to showcase Indian art and foster

H a v i n g kickstarted with exhibitions in L o n d o n , Georgia, and N e p a l , " S p a n d a n Global Art" is poised to host art exhibitions in 100 countries across seven continents over the next 100 months, providing a global platform for artists.

The first phase entails the S p a n d a n I n d o E u r o p e a n International Art Festival, spanning 27 European Union countries. A curtain raiser event is scheduled from October 27th to 3 1 s t , 2 0 2 3 , a t t h e N D M C

Convention Centre, New Delhi, as stated by Shri. Anant Vikas Jain, Curator and Organizer of Spandan Global Events & Publications.

Jain shared, “The event will be a t t e n d e d b y H o n o r a b l e Embassies of European Union Countries, Government of India M i n i s t e r s , D i s t i n g u i s h e d Dignitaries, and the Media. Highlights include a poster release, unveiling of the 18th edition of 'Spandan Artbeat Magazine,' initiatives for cultural exchange, and the Spandan International Social Award ceremony, celebrating a Decade of Anant's Spandan Art Journey. The five-day international art exhibition and cultural programs promise to be a pinnacle of this event.”

Over the next 100 months, "Spandan Global Art" will support

and encourage thousands of a r t i s t s g l o b a l l y t h r o u g h promotional events, social a w a r d s , a n d a w a r e n e s s campaigns, with the aim to boost tourism, culture, and artist recognition.

S h r i . A n a n t V i k a s J a i n passionately invites the Tourism departments of various states to p a r t a k e , e m p h a s i z i n g i t s potential to amplify both tourism and the export of India's renowned arts and crafts Six exclusive issues of the esteemed quarterly art magazine 'Spandan Artbeat' will comprehensively cover all events, artist profiles, and the art and culture of the 27 European Union Countries. Reflecting on Spandan's past successes, Shri Jain remarked, "Genuine talent, coupled with dedication and recognition, leads to success.”


partner Umiya Mercado, took p l a c e o n Sunday, 3rd September, in the heart of Margão, Goa. T h e inauguration of " S a v e O u r L o o m s " w a s graced by Mr. D i g a m b a r

spirit between our two Rotary C l u b s a n d t h e i r s h a r e d commitment to community development and cultural preservation” - said CA Gaurav Kenkre, President of Rotary Club of Dona Paula.

weavers and artisans, ensuring the continuity of their traditional practices and livelihoods.

The Rotary Clubs of Margão and Dona Paula have joined hands to present "Save Our Looms," a remarkable pop-up flea market a i m e d a t p r e s e r v i n g a n d c e l e b r a t i n g t r a d i t i o n a l craftsmanship. This unique event, held in association with venue

K a m a t , Margão MLA a n d F o r m e r Chief Minister of Goa, who l a u d e d t h e Rotary Clubs' c o l l e c t i v e e f f o r t s i n s u p p o r t i n g local artisans and preserving the cultural heritage of Goa.

Among the esteemed guests present were Mr Chirag Naik, President of the Rotary Club of Margão, and Mr. Rajesh Kakodkar, Secretary of the Rotary Club of M a r g ã o “ T h e i r p r e s e n c e underscored the collaborative

Viresh Vazirani, Vocational Director of the Rotary Club of Dona Paula, Atithi Gupta Dalvi, Treasurer, and Saurabh Dalvi, Literacy Chair, were also in attendance, representing the Rotary Club of Dona Paula. Their dedication and passion for making a difference in the c o m m u n i t y w e r e e v i d e n t throughout the event.

The "Save Our Looms" pop-up flea market offered attendees a chance to connect with local weavers and artisans while indulging in a delightful shopping experience. It was also a platform for the Gujarati Samaj School for Special Children, who showcased their unique products and talents, f o s t e r i n g i n c l u s i v i t y a n d community engagement.

"Save Our Looms" is more than just a market; it's a movement. Every purchase made during the event directly supports local

"We are thrilled to have united with the Rotary Club of Margão to bring 'Save Our Looms' to Margão, and we are grateful for the support of our distinguished guests, including Mr. Digambar Kamat," said Viresh Vazirani Vocational Director of the Rotary Club of Dona Paula. "We extend our heartfelt thanks to Umiya Mercado for being our venue partner and to the Gujarati Samaj School for Special Children for their inspiring participation Together, we are weaving a brighter future for our artisans and preserving the essence of our culture."

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Ajgaonkar. These mentors were: Christabel Menezes from Panjim, Tushar Sawant from Margao, Siddhi Porob from Sanquelim, Priti Kerkar from the neighboring villages of Margao, Shweta Harmalkar from Parra, Rina Baretto from Taleigao, Pratiksha Chanankar from Bicholim, G a u t a m K h a r a n g a t e f r o m Porvorim, Sneha Bhandare from Vasco da Gama and Priti Narkar from Ponda

mentorship programs and having mentors in one's life. They also touched on various relevant t o p i c s r e l a t e d t o entrepreneurship.

Ms. Minu Jain, Chief Manager S M E C i t y C e n t r e o f B O I , discussed the various schemes and funding options available to women entrepreneurs and small entrepreneurs in general.

The Women's Wing of the GCCI o f f i c i a l l y l a u n c h e d t h e i r Mentorship Program on Saturday, September 2, 2023, at the Surendrababu Timblo Convention Hall This program received support from the Bank of India, Zonal Office, Panjim, Goa. The event was inaugurated by the esteemed Chief Guest,Ms. Sulakshana Sawant, and was graced by the presence of President, GCCI Mr Shrinivas Dempo, Vice President Ms Pratima Dhond, and Director

General Mr Sanjay Amonkar. Ms. Rahila Khan, Member, Women's Wing Committee hosted the event.

WW Chairperson Ms Asha Arondekar warmly welcomed the guests and provided insights into the mentorship program. She also p r e s e n t e d a t o k e n o f appreciation to the Chief Guest, Ms. Sulakshana Sawant. The ten distinguished mentors selected and trained for the GCCI were introduced by Ms. Gouri Joshi and Adv.Ms Poonam

The mentors were felicitated by our Chief Guest and the President of GCCI. Each mentor shared a f e w w o r d s a b o u t t h e i r experiences and their journey as mentors with GCCI. The Women's Wing of GCCI made a concerted effort to ensure that these mentors represented various corners of the state of Goa.

WW member Sonali Nagvenkar introduced President Mr Shrinivas Dempo and the Chief Guest, Ms. Sulakshana Sawant. Both of them emphasized the significance of

Ms. Asha Arondekar presented a memento to the chief guest, and tokens of appreciation were also extended to Bank of India officials and the Master Trainer, Mr Divyanand Deshbhandare, who played a pivotal role in mentoring GCCI mentors.

W W C o - C h a i r M s S a n d r a Fernandes delivered the Vote of Thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants, including Ms Shweta Goel for the wonderful mementos and Ganesh Savaikar of Goan Fest for the complimentary drinks. The program received significant attendance and support.


HDFC Bank, a leading private sector bank in India, has joined forces with Marriott Bonvoy, the esteemed travel program of M a r r i o t t I n t e r n a t i o n a l , t o introduce India's inaugural cobranded hotel credit card - the "Marriott Bonvoy HDFC Bank Credit Card". Operating on the Diners Club International® platform, part of the Discover Global Network, this card aims to establish itself as a premier travel card within the Indian market. This strategic partnership promises cardholders an array of

u n p a r a l l e l e d travel-related a d v a n t a g e s , including Silver Elite Status within t h e M a r r i o t t Bonvoy loyalty program This i n c l u d e s privileges like p r i o r i t y l a t e c h e c k o u t s , e x c l u s i v e member rates, bonus points within the Marriott Bonvoy program, and more.

Ranju Alex, Area Vice-President for South Asia at Marriott I n t e r n a t i o n a l , e x p r e s s e d enthusiasm for the launch, highlighting the successful rollouts of the card in Japan and South Korea. She emphasized its potential to introduce a new generation of Indian travelers to the world of exploration, aligning seamlessly with Marriott's comprehensive hospitality vision.

Parag Rao, Country Head for Payment Business, Consumer

Finance, Technology, and Digital Banking at HDFC Bank, conveyed the bank's pride in introducing India's inaugural co-branded hotel credit card in partnership with Marriott Bonvoy This strategic alliance reflects HDFC Bank's commitment to providing innovative financial solutions catering to evolving customer needs. The card aims to elevate the travel experiences of valued cardholders by offering exclusive benefits, rewards, and seamless access to Marriott International's esteemed travel program. Chris Winter, Vice President of International Markets at Diners Club International, emphasized the value of this collaboration for travel rewards enthusiasts He highlighted the card's access to travel privileges and benefits offered by Diners Club in both the local market and globally. Winter stressed the card's potential to benefit individuals traveling for both business and leisure purposes, along with those leveraging the card for everyday

local expenditures.

The "Marriott Bonvoy HDFC Bank Credit Card" is tailored for the modern generation of travelers. Cardholders earn Marriott Bonvoy points on eligible expenditures, redeemable at participating Marriott Bonvoy portfolio hotels. These points can be used for a range of offerings, from free nights and upgrades within the extensive 31-brand portfolio to exclusive experiences through Marriott Bonvoy Moments. Additionally, points can be easily transferred to nearly 40 global airlines.

The launch of the "Marriott Bonvoy H D F C B a n k C r e d i t C a r d " represents a significant milestone in providing exceptional travel benefits and rewards to Indian consumers This collaboration between HDFC Bank and Marriott Bonvoy is a testament to their dedication to innovation and meeting the evolving preferences of customers while enriching their j o u r n e y s i n t h e w o r l d o f hospitality.

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I n a n e f f o r t t o i m p r o v e transportation services and provide a safer and more convenient travel experience for tourists and residents, Goa Chief M i n i s t e r P r a m o d S a w a n t launched a state taxi app. Initially introduced at the Manohar International Airport in Mopa earlier this year, the app has now been extended to cover other areas of the state.

The newly launched taxi app is primarily targeted at local taxi drivers and operators who had previously declined to join the GoaMiles platform, which was introduced in collaboration with the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) Chief M i n i s t e r S a w a n t , w h o inaugurated the app alongside Tourism Minister Rohan Khaunte, stressed the importance of embracing technology in the modern era and encouraged taxi owners to register on the platform.

S a w a n t e m p h a s i z e d t h a t technology is essential for the advancement of Goa and the overall convenience and safety of tourists visiting the state. He also

pointed out that ensuring affordable and reliable taxi services is crucial for the tourism sector's success.

T h e t a x i a p p w i l l e n a b l e passengers to easily hire cabs 24/7 and provide immediate feedback, contributing to an improved travel experience. Both Sawant and Khaunte highlighted the importance of offering competitive taxi fares to avoid leaving a negative impression on tourists.

Tourism Minister Khaunte noted that the app's introduction had already led to over 500 vehicles b e i n g r e g i s t e r e d , s e r v i n g approximately 30,000 tourists The service aims to expand not only along coastal areas but also near industrial estates to promote carpooling and provide hasslefree travel options to a wider range of passengers.

The launch of this taxi app represents a significant step f o r w a r d i n i m p r o v i n g transportation services in Goa and enhancing the overall experience for both visitors and locals.

Goa's Governor, PS Sreedharan Pillai, unveiled "The Battle for Konkani and Statehood of Goa," a book authored by former Chief Minister Luizinho Faleiro. This book offers a firsthand account of a pivotal period in Goa's history, drawing on Faleiro's memories, supported by newspaper reports a n d l e g i s l a t i v e r e c o r d s . I t chronicles a significant movement in Goa that aimed to safeguard the land, preserve the people's identity, and protect the Konkani language for future generations. During the book's launch event, Faleiro refrained from discussing its contents but did touch upon the historical context. He noted that the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP), which governed Goa post-Liberation, advocated for Marathi as its guiding philosophy and sought to merge Goa with Maharashtra Even after the Opinion Poll, which confirmed Goa's preference to remain a s e p a r a t e e n t i t y , t h e M G P persistently introduced bills and resolutions in the legislative assembly to establish Marathi as the official language of Goa. Governor Pillai expressed his

c o n c e r n a b o u t t h e p r e s e n t political landscape, where many politicians fail to meet the expectations of the people. He e m p h a s i z e d t h e n e e d f o r politicians to be well-versed in the s u b j e c t s t h e y a d d r e s s , acknowledging that there are exceptions.

Pillai also remarked on the democratic process, highlighting that individuals who may not be literate or well-informed still exercise their right to vote, underscoring their supreme role in democracy.

The discussion about Goa's political history and contemporary challenges took place against the backdrop of recent advisory notices warning Canadian tourists about safety concerns in the region Domestic tourists and social media users joined in the conversation, with some refuting the claims in the advisories.

One tourist, Manish Godara from J a i p u r , s h a r e d h i s p o s i t i v e experiences in Goa, describing it as one of the friendliest places in India. He countered the advisory's assertion by highlighting the welcoming nature of the locals.


Goa's Chief Minister, Pramod Sawant, took a significant step towards empowering homemakers in the state by distributing sanction orders for the Griha Adhar scheme. This initiative, spearheaded by the Directorate of Women and Child Development, aims to provide financial support to homemakers, recognizing their invaluable contributions and seeking to improve their socio-economic status.

The Griha Adhar initiative is a

significant stride towards women's empowerment, aiming to make homemakers self-reliant and enhance their overall quality of life.

The sanction orders distributed during this event underscore the government's commitment to the welfare of women in Goa.

In addition to Griha Adhar, Chief Minister Sawant launched the Chavath-e-Bazaar program under the Swayampura Goa Programme. This digital initiative is designed to empower Goan entrepreneurs and

self-help groups by harnessing the p o t e n t i a l o f e - c o m m e r c e Chavath-e-Bazaar provides a platform for local artisans and entrepreneurs to showcase their products to a wider audience.

Chief Minister Sawant reaffirmed his government's dedication to uplifting both the common people and local entrepreneurs, aligning with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of 'Vocal for Local ' This commitment reflects a steadfast dedication to promoting indigenous

industries and empowering grassroots-level businesses.

The Griha Adhar initiative has resulted in the distribution of 11,500 newly sanctioned orders across the state, with a substantial allocation of 6,000 orders to the North Goa district alone. This distribution has significantly increased the number of women beneficiaries, now totaling an impressive 1.5 lakh.

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Shrinivas Dempo




In the realm of power and inuence, one oen nds that it is accompanied by an equal measure of responsibility. is truism holds especially true in the case of Shrinivas Dempo, affectionately known as "Baba" by those who hold him dear. Hailing from a background of affluence and privilege, Baba is a beacon of humility and remains rmly grounded. Baba is the torchbearer of the illustrious Dempo legacy, which was established by his great-grandfather, Shri Shrinivasa Shenai Dempo, during the Portuguese regime in Goa. Today, he carries the mantle with grace and distinction, having assumed the role of the rst third-generation president of the Goa Chamber of Commerce—a position of profound signicance within Goa's business landscape, where the chamber plays a pivotal role in shaping state policies.

COVER STORY incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa INCREDIBLE - SEPTEMBER 2023 - GOA 18

A f t e r a l o n g - a w a i t e d opportunity, I finally had the chance to interview Baba and delve into his life journey. We discussed his journey, from a young and curious child to his formative college years, and ultimately, to his ascent as the head honcho of the esteemed Dempo Group of Companies, is a narrative that resonates with inspiration and purpose. Here are the insightful excerpts from my conversation with Baba, a man whose story is as c a p t i v a t i n g a s i t i s enlightening. When I asked him about his recent appointment as the third-generation president of one of Goa's premier business associations, a position previously held by both his father and grandfather, Baba responded with characteristic humility. “I am deeply humbled to be part of the third generation representing one of Goa's most influential business communities. This chamber boasts a rich legacy spanning a hundred and fifteen years, and I view my role here not merely as a privilege but as a profound responsibility. What is t r u l y r e m a r k a b l e i s t h e unanimous support I received from the association members, who elected me unopposed. It is not just the absence of competition that matters; rather, it's the profound faith and trust they have placed in m e t h a t e l e v a t e s t h i s responsibility to a higher plane,” he said and continued, emphasizing the vital role of the chamber in addressing the myriad challenges faced by businesspeople. "In the lives of business leaders, there are numerous issues that warrant attention, and they turn to the chamber for effective policy advocacy to address these concerns I foresee the next two years as a period of immense learning and a thrilling roller

coaster ride for me. I am fully committed to giving my very best to the chamber This entails organizing impactful events, and engaging in constructive dialogue with governmental bodies to implement innovative policies that will benefit our business community.”

The mere mention of "Dempos" carries significant influence, and assuming the role of President of GCCI while h o l d i n g s u c h p o w e r i s undoubtedly poised to greatly benefit the association in n u m e r o u s w a y s . To t h i s statement, Baba responded with characteristic humility, s h e d d i n g l i g h t o n t h e significance of the Dempo legacy and the power it inherently carries. "For me, more than the power itself, I consider the goodwill we share with people to be of greater value," he conveyed with sincerity Reflecting on his extensive experience in the business world, he continued, "I've been involved in this business for a substantial period, facing numerous challenges along the way These challenges have been a profound learning experience. Over the course of nearly a quarter of a century, I've built a robust network within the business community This network has blossomed into genuine friendships with fellow businessmen and government officials in Goa. I am confident that these relationships will prove invaluable in my role as President of the chamber, enabling me to contribute significantly to its mission."

Baba, recognizing the evolving role of the Chamber as a dynamic force for positive change, articulated his vision for enhancing its effectiveness further. He shared, "For the first time, we have embarked on the path of defining a thematic

approach for the Chamber, and our chosen theme is S u s t a i n a b i l i t y a n d Inclusiveness This theme underscores the need for all business operations and economic activities to be sustainable in the long run. We are confronted with pressing issues like climate change that s i g n i f i c a n t l y i m p a c t businesses. It is crucial that businesses operate with a sense of responsibility. While p r o f i t a b i l i t y r e m a i n s a f u n d a m e n t a l a s p e c t o f business, this is also a time for businesses to demonstrate t h e i r c o m m i t m e n t t o environmental stewardship and responsible practices." He went on to elaborate on the d i v e r s e i s s u e s t h a t t h e Chamber has taken up, d e m o n s t r a t i n g i t s comprehensive approach to shaping Goa's future. "We are a c t i v e l y e n g a g e d i n conversations about the future o f G o a , e n c o m p a s s i n g domains such as Education, Women Empowerment, and the strategic choices for industries in the region To a c h i e v e t h i s v i s i o n , w e collaborate closely with all stakeholders, including the G o v e r n m e n t a n d o t h e r industrial bodies. Our goal is to formulate a holistic plan for the economic development of Goa. The formation of various committees is a testament to our commitment to working cohesively towards a shared vision and a common goal," he emphasized. Baba's forwardl o o k i n g a p p r o a c h a n d commitment to sustainability and inclusiveness signal a promising future for the Chamber and the broader business community in Goa. When inquired about his plans f o r a d v a n c i n g t o u r i s m activities in Goa to benefit industry stakeholders, Baba underscored the immense

economic potential within the tourism sector. He stated, "The tourism and allied activities in Goa are pivotal components of the state's GDP To foster sustainable tourism, we must t a k e a c o m p r e h e n s i v e approach, delving into various facets of the tourism industry. This includes Heritage Tourism, Medical Tourism, and Lifestyle

To u r i s m . I t ' s c r u c i a l t o acknowledge that tourism in Goa extends far beyond its pristine beaches, although they are undoubtedly a great attraction. We must leverage Goa's inherent strengths, and o u r d e d i c a t e d t o u r i s m c o m m i t t e e h a s a l r e a d y embarked on this mission Collaborating closely with the s t a t e g o v e r n m e n t i s paramount, but equally important is the need to elevate the quality of tourism and tourists. An enhancement in the quality of tourism experiences will naturally translate into increased revenue."

Baba also commented on the substantial infrastructure d e v e l o p m e n t s i n G o a , including the construction of the second airport in Mopa and the proliferation of bridges and flyovers He remarked, "The expansion of Goa's infrastructure, facilitated by two airports, has significantly boosted connectivity and, consequently, tourist arrivals. This presents a demand for complementary infrastructure growth, such as an increase in the number of hotel rooms, the establishment of a state-ofthe-art convention centre, and the development of larger hotels capable of hosting grand weddings. It's time to cater to a larger volume of t o u r i s t s , i n c l u d i n g t h e burgeoning middle class in India, who now have higher disposable incomes. Goa has become their preferred

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destination for weddings, parties, and leisure vacations. Capitalizing on this trend, we must continue to invest in infrastructure to harness the full potential of tourism in our state."

Baba, while addressing the prominent issue of taxis in Goa, expressed his empathy for the necessity of a well-structured public transport system. He remarked, "The development of a comprehensive public transport system is crucial, whether it involves the Metro, Railways, or the introduction of high-quality buses. This initiative is imperative for the greater good and progress of the state."


e Early Days and Education

Baba, as a scion of the illustrious fourth generation of the Dempo Legacy, shared insights into the impact this heritage had on his upbringing and formative years. He reflected, "Growing up, our family upheld conservative values and maintained strict boundaries. This, in turn, meant that there were certain things I refrained from doing, unlike

other kids. I missed out on some of the mischievous adventures and pranks that are part of a typical childhood. The weight of the legacy and family name demanded a particular code of conduct."

However, he was quick to emphasize that despite the constraints, his childhood was a happy one "We were raised

Investing in Football Academy

Venturing into the world of football, a sport close to Baba's heart, was another avenue for diversification. However, his motivation was driven more by a genuine love for the game and a desire to contribute to its development than by financial gains. Baba shared, "Though I never played football myself, as my complete focus was on education and later on the

family business, I felt a deep commitment to do something meaningful for the sport in Goa. This led me to invest in the creation of a Football Academy in Goa."

Today, this academy stands as a testament to his vision. Baba explained, "Our fully-fledged football academy is dedicated to nurturing young talent from villages across Goa. We provide

e Diversification and Expansion

As previously mentioned, Baba's primary focus has been on diversification and expansion, driven by the understanding that mining, once a core b u s i n e s s , m a y n o t b e a sustainable endeavour due to evolving government policies and mounting pressure from various quarters, including s o c i a l a c t i v i s t s a n d

e n v i r o n m e n t a l i s t s B a b a provided insights into the legacy businesses passed down through the generations, highlighting the unique nature o f N a v h i n d T i m e s , t h e newspaper.

He remarked, "Among the various businesses initiated by my grandfather and later managed by my father before

with discipline and a strong sense of values,

a n d m y g r a n d f a t h e r instilled in us the importance o f understanding the value of money, " Baba recalled. When

r e m i n i s c i n g a b o u t h i s college days in Mumbai, Baba s h a r e d a n important life

l e s s o n H e recounted, "I was told that I wouldn't have the luxury of a car and would need to rely on public transportation to commute to college in Mumbai. This experience taught me a valuable lesson that money isn't the sole measure of one ' s worth."

After completing his B.Com and M Com degrees in Mumbai, Baba ventured to the United

these young individuals with not only free boarding and training but also access to free school education. Our aim is to identify and groom the most promising talents, preparing them for the competitive world of football." The academy currently hosts approximately thirty boys from different corners of Goa, each with a unique story and talent. Baba's commitment to the

States to pursue his MBA at Carnegie Mellon University. He specialized in corporate finance during his tenure from 1993 to 1995. His initial plan was to gain work experience in the USA, but fate had other plans. He shared, "I had aspirations to work in the USA for a few years a f t e r m y M B A , b u t circumstances led me back to Goa. My father, who was unwell at the time, needed my support, and I returned to Goa to assume the responsibilities of the Dempo Group."

During this period, he spent a valuable year by his father's side, absorbing essential lessons about the family business. He recounted, "During that time, our business was primarily centred around mining. However, I recognized the need for diversification, and over the years, we expanded into various sectors. I am deeply grateful for the support we received from people across the state during this journey of growth and diversification."

cause extends to organizing football festivals and creating opportunities to spot and n u r t u r e y o u n g s t e r s w i t h e x c e p t i o n a l s k i l l s f o r competitive sports. His efforts are a testament to his passion f o r t h e g a m e a n d h i s commitment to empowering youth through football.

coming into my stewardship, Navhind Times has always stood apart This newspaper was never viewed as a mere business venture; it was conceived with a deeper social purpose to be a beacon of unbiased reporting and a catalyst for societal awareness.

To this day, we uphold the principles of fair and impartial


Baba went on to underscore his grandfather's vision for social p r o g r e s s i n G o a , w h i c h culminated in two pivotal initiatives: Dhempe College and the newspaper. He explained, "My grandfather established two institutions in Goa, both dedicated to the well-being of society. The first was Dhempe

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College, which came into being in the post-Portuguese era. Its purpose was to offer quality higher education to the people of Goa, eliminating the need for them to seek education in neighbouring states. His p a r t i c u l a r c o n c e r n w a s w o m e n ' s e d u c a t i o n , recognizing that many parents were hesitant to send their daughters out of state for higher education due to safety concerns Establishing the college in Goa was the solution."

Baba added, "The second initiative was the creation of the newspaper, which served as a platform for fostering the free thoughts and expressions of the younger generation. It aimed to empower them to voice their opinions and ideas in a free India. I am delighted to say that we have upheld the standards of free expression and unbiased

e Final oughts

While Baba had no aspirations for a career in politics, he provided insightful perspectives on the political landscape in G o a . H e b e g a n b y acknowledging the immense challenges that come with p o l i t i c a l e n g a g e m e n t , describing it as a demanding, round-the-clock commitment He expressed his deep respect for friends and individuals who have chosen the path of politics, recognizing their sacrifices and relentless dedication to public service.

B a b a u n d e r s c o r e d t h e importance of having good people in politics, emphasizing that while politics often bears a negative reputation, there are positive changes happening with the entry of genuinely dedicated individuals. He stated, “It's crucial that i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h s t r o n g character and values consider a role in politics. While there may be negative stereotypes associated with politics, times

reporting that my grandfather envisioned."

In essence, Navhind Times remains not just a newspaper but a testament to the enduring commitment of the Dempo legacy to the principles of education, social progress, and the unfettered exchange of ideas.

When discussing diversification and his investment in various startups, Baba revealed his unwavering belief in the vast potential that India offers for new ventures. He expressed, "I have faith in the immense potential that our country holds for launching new ventures. As our honourable Prime Minister has pointed out, India is on the cusp of becoming the world's third-largest economy. We Indians are renowned for our hard work and dedication toward achieving our goals. There is a pressing need to

foster an ecosystem that i n c u b a t e s a n d s u p p o r t s entrepreneurs, given the abundance of brilliant ideas Those of us with the financial means and resources should step forward and provide support. This will contribute to the development of a robust startup ecosystem in our country."

Baba acknowledged the inherent risks and rewards associated with startups, highlighting the high-risk, highr e w a r d n a t u r e o f t h e s e v e n t u r e s H o w e v e r , h e emphasized that beyond the pursuit of profit, his business house also carries a significant social responsibility. He stated, "Diversification into various sectors is one facet of business expansion, but supporting startups represents another avenue. While startups come with elevated risks, they also

promise substantial returns

Above all, we, as a business entity, recognize our social responsibility to nurture and cultivate other businesses. This is why we have dedicated a vertical within our organization to focus on startup funding. We are committed to encouraging as many startups as possible, especially if any Goans aspire to embark on entrepreneurial journeys. I am wholeheartedly dedicated to supporting them in their endeavours."

Baba's commitment to nurturing s t a r t u p s a n d f o s t e r i n g entrepreneurship in the country is a testament to his belief in the potential of Indian innovators and his dedication to the growth and development of the startup ecosystem, particularly in Goa.

are changing, and we are witnessing the entry of sincere and well-intentioned individuals who are making a difference. However, the more good people we can encourage to join the political arena, the greater our p o t e n t i a l t o a c c o m p l i s h significant tasks."

He also highlighted the shared responsibility of citizens in shaping the future of Goa. Baba stressed that each person should take a role in building the state and preserving its unique characteristics. He remarked, "We cannot solely blame politicians for everything; as c i t i z e n s , w e a l s o h o l d r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r o u r surroundings. It is incumbent upon all of us to contribute to the development of Goa By t a k i n g o n s p e c i f i c r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , w e c a n collectively create a different scenario."

Baba held a perspective of inclusivity, recognizing that Goa is not exclusive to Goans alone.

He believed that individuals from various backgrounds could contribute positively to the state's development while preserving its unique identity. He stressed the importance of integrating newcomers into the culture, architecture, and cuisine of Goa In his view, politics played a significant role in achieving this balance. He concluded by emphasizing the collective responsibility of multi-stakeholders in preserving the spirit and traditions of Goa while progressing toward its growth and development as part of the larger Indian nation. When offering advice to the aspiring business community in Goa, Baba emphasized the profound significance of having a dream, being passionate about it, and pursuing it with unwavering patience and determination. He underscored that life inevitably brings its share of highs and lows, regardless of one ' s financial s i t u a t i o n W h a t t r u l y

d i s t i n g u i s h e s s u c c e s s f u l individuals is their resolute commitment to their passion and their unwavering work ethic.

B a b a r e f l e c t e d o n t h e importance of persistence and resilience, highlighting that success often eludes those who give up too easily. He extolled the "never say die" attitude as a crucial mantra for achieving one's goals. Drawing inspiration from his grandfather's legacy, Baba acknowledged that even the most determined individuals may encounter setbacks and failures along the way, but the key is to never surrender. Ultimately, in his view, the most essential element is to identify and pursue one's passion with dedication and unwavering commitment. Building upon that passion can lead to remarkable achievements in both business and life.

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Dr. Pramod Sawant's Contributions to the Beerment of the CMRY Initiative in Goa

The state of Goa, known for its pristine beaches and vibrant culture, has been making s i g n i f i c a n t s t r i d e s i n addressing unemployment among its youth through the Chief Minister's Rozgar Yojana (CMRY) initiative. Under the dynamic leadership of Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant, the CMRY program has seen remarkable improvements and has become a beacon of hope for the state's aspiring e n t r e p r e n e u r s a n d j o b seekers.

A Vision for Progress

Dr. Pramod Sawant, the Chief M i n i s t e r o f G o a , h a s d e m o n s t r a t e d a c l e a r c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e betterment of the CMRY initiative since taking office. This flagship program aims to p r o v i d e e m p l o y m e n t opportunities to the youth of Goa and has seen substantial growth under his leadership.

Financial Boost

One of Dr. Sawant's pivotal contributions to the CMRY i n i t i a t i v e h a s b e e n a substantial increase in its budget. In 2019-20, the program operated with a budget of INR 50 crore. However, under Dr Sawant's stewardship, the budget has been amplified to INR 100 crore for the fiscal year 202324. This substantial increase in funding has allowed the government to expand its support for entrepreneurs and offer more employment opportunities to Goa's youth.

Streamlined Application Process

D r . S a w a n t h a s t a k e n significant steps to simplify the application process for the CMRY initiative By r e d u c i n g b u r e a u c r a t i c hurdles, he has made it easier for entrepreneurs to apply for and access the program ' s

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support. This streamlined approach has encouraged more individuals to explore entrepreneurship as a viable career option.

Tailored Schemes

Recognizing the diverse needs of Goa's entrepreneurial landscape, Dr Sawant introduced specialized s c h e m e s w i t h i n C M R Y

Notable among these are the CMRY Startup Scheme and t h e C M R Y W o m e n Entrepreneurs Scheme. These targeted initiatives provide f i n a n c i a l a s s i s t a n c e , mentorship, and training to s t a r t u p s a n d w o m e n entrepreneurs, respectively, fostering a more inclusive and d y n a m i c b u s i n e s s environment.

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M o n i t o r i n g a n d


To ensure the effective implementation of the CMRY i n i t i a t i v e , D r S a w a n t established a dedicated team of officials responsible for program oversight. This commitment to monitoring and accountability has led to improved transparency in the p r o g r a m ' s o p e r a t i o n s , ultimately benefitting both the g o v e r n m e n t a n d t h e beneficiaries.

Tangible Results

D r . P r a m o d S a w a n t ' s contributions have translated into tangible results for the CMRY initiative. In the fiscal year 2022-23, the program played a pivotal role in generating over 10,000 new job opportunities in Goa, s i g n i f i c a n t l y r e d u c i n g unemployment rates in the state.

Noteworthy Milestones

Here are some specific milestones achieved under Dr. Sawant's leadership:

C M R Y S t a r t u p S c h e m e (2020): Dr. Sawant launched

this initiative, providing financial assistance and invaluable mentorship to burgeoning startups in Goa, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

CMRY Women Entrepreneurs Scheme (2021): Recognizing the potential of women

entrepreneurs, Dr Sawant introduced this scheme, offering financial support and training to empower women in business.


Loan Amount

(2022): In 2022, the maximum loan amount available under the CMRY initiative was

increased from INR 10 lakh to I N R 2 0 l a k h , e n a b l i n g entrepreneurs to pursue larger-scale ventures.

CMRY Skill Development Scheme (2023): In a bid to enhance employability, Dr Sawant launched the CMRY Skill Development Scheme, providing skill development training to unemployed youth in Goa, and aligning them with market demands.

Beyond the Numbers

D r . P r a m o d S a w a n t ' s commitment to the CMRY initiative extends beyond financial aspects He has introduced several other i m p r o v e m e n t s , s u c h a s expanding the program ' s coverage to more sectors, reducing interest rates on l o a n s , o f f e r i n g l o n g e r r e p a y m e n t p e r i o d s , simplifying documentation procedures, and providing ongoing support and training to beneficiaries.

A Brighter Future

D r P r a m o d S a w a n t ' s unwavering dedication to the CMRY initiative has yielded i m p r e s s i v e r e s u l t s . T h e

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program has not only reduced u n e m p l o y m e n t b u t a l s o c r e a t e d a v i b r a n t entrepreneurial ecosystem in Goa. Under his leadership, the CMRY initiative has emerged a s o n e o f I n d i a ' s m o s t s u c c e s s f u l e m p l o y m e n t generation programs, lighting the path to a brighter future for Goa's youth.

In conclusion, Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant's contributions to the CMRY initiative in Goa have been transformative, paving the way for increased employment opportunities, entrepreneurial growth, and a more prosperous future for the state and its people. His vision and leadership continue to drive positive change and inspire hope among the youth of Goa.

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Dubai: The Turning Point

Dubai, a city that never sleeps, became the backdrop for Roque's transformation. It was here that he embarked on the path of event management, introducing the innovative concept of 'ONE STOP EVENT MANAGEMENT.' This innovative a p p r o a c h s e a m l e s s l y coordinated every facet of event execution, from inception to realisation.

Dubai was more than just a geographical shift; it was a pivotal moment that awakened Roque's entrepreneurial spirit. He honed crucial business skills, forged invaluable connections with international figures and global brands, and realised that entrepreneurship wasn't just a career choice but a calling—a pathway to transform dreams into reality.

R e t u r n t o G o a : T h e


The sands of Dubai eventually gave way to the serene shores of Goa, where Roque found himself back amidst the roots that had shaped his identity. He re , h e e nco u n t er ed a profound realisation - that true fulfilment stemmed from aligning one's deepest desires with a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Stepping away from the events business, Roque returned to his passion, martial arts. With the launch of his martial arts academy, he embarked on a mission to inspire and empower others, sharing his expertise and love for martial arts.

In the bustling city of Bombay, woven into the fabric of daily life, Roque Quadros embarked on a journey that would defy boundaries and inspire generations to come. His narrative is a testament to the unrelenting pursuit of ambition and the harmonious balance between dreams and reality.

A Dream Begins in Bombay

Roque's story is a testament to the power of ambition and determination. Born and raised in Bombay, a city that embodies diversity and energy, Roque was exposed to the vibrant tapestry of life from a young age. His upbringing, with roots stretching from South Goa to North Goa, instilled in him a deep appreciation for the rich culture and natural beauty of Goa. However, the young dreamer yearned to venture beyond the familiar. It was a desire to explore the world and seize opportunities that led him to Dubai, a city synonymous with ambition and endless possibilities.

Roque's message was clear: life is too precious to squander on work that doesn't ignite your passion He urged others to embrace their true callings, prioritise health and happiness, and find meaning in every pursuit. Collaborating with likeminded professionals and partners who shared his ethos, he continued to craft a fulfilling and inspiring chapter in his journey.

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A Journey Redefined

Roque Quadros' voyage from Bombay to Dubai and back to Goa mirrors a rollercoaster ride, marked by challenges and triumphs. It is a living testament to the resilience and perpetual learning that define the path of an entrepreneur. Through his book, "The Day I Lost," and his life experiences, Roque aspires t o k i n d l e t h e f l a m e o f i n s p i r a t i o n i n o t h e r s , encouraging them to chase their dreams, transform setbacks into stepping stones, and embrace the enterprising spirit that can shape their destinies.

In his own words, "Life is like a vast, blank canvas, and my journey from Bombay to Dubai to Goa is akin to a constantly evolving work of art It illustrates that regardless of where we commence, our dreams and actions determine

where we end up."

Roque Quadros' journey is a testament to the human spirit's boundless capacity to turn aspirations into reality His story is a living embodiment of the adage that dreams, when pursued with unwavering determination, can indeed come true.

Unlocking Your Own Path to Success

As you delve into Roque's inspirational journey through the pages of his book, there's an exciting bonus waiting for you—a chance to embark on your own path to success R o q u e i s o f f e r i n g a personalised consultation session, designed to enhance your journey in the events industry or career aspirations. When you immerse yourself in the knowledge contained within his book, you not only gain valuable insights but also

unlock the door to a one-onone conversation with Roque. This 15-minute personalised consultation session is a token of appreciation, tailored to empower your unique journey.

D u r i n g t h i s i n s i g h t f u l conversation, Roque will delve into the topics most relevant to you Whether you aspire to l a u n c h y o u r o w n e v e n t management venture or are eager to make your mark in this vibrant industry, Roque will provide guidance, advice, and a roadmap aligned with your dreams. This isn't a one-size-fits-all i n t e r a c t i o n R o q u e i s committed to personalising your talk to align with your aspirations and goals Your success story matters, and this conversation is designed to propel you toward it This unique opportunity is more than a token; it's a chance to

connect, to learn, and to grow. By taking your book experience a step further, you're investing in a personalised journey toward success in the events industry. Together, you'll unlock doors and create pathways to achievement.

Roque Quadros' book is not just a captivating narrative; it's a beacon of inspiration that illuminates your path to realising your own dreams and aspirations It's a reminder that, with determination and the right guidance, you can turn your ambitions into reality.

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guided him towards the world of photography.

The turning point in his journey occurred in 2014 when he won a photography contest held by Vidhya Vrudhi Sanstha. "I saw my dreams turning into reality," Mohin recalls with a smile. It was the moment when he realized that photography was not just a hobby; it was a way of life. "When I started enjoying my work with my lens, I started LIVING my life," he adds, reflecting on how the joy he found in photography transcended the realm of mere hobby.

Victories That Inspire

Winning prizes in photography contests is a testament to Mohin's exceptional talent. He shares his emotions and experiences from his victories in the Vidhya Vrudhi Sanstha and Rotary Club competitions, stating, "Every time I look back to the times of my victory, I feel proud, proud of that soul who was courageous enough to present his art in front of others."

While all his achievements hold a special place in his heart, winning for the first time at Vidhya Vrudhi Sanstha remains an unforgettable memory "No words can describe my feelings," he says, emphasizing how these v i c t o r i e s p r o v i d e d t h e motivation and belief in his capabilities that have shaped his career.

Shaping Skills at Seamedu Media School

In the world of photography, there are those who take pictures, and then there are artists who capture life's moments and emotions through their lens. Mohin Sawant, a passionate photographer from the vibrant state of Goa, belongs to the latter category. His journey into photography began as a hobby, but it didn't take long for him to realize that it was much more than that.

A Passion-Turned Profession

For Mohin, photography was not just a hobby; it was a calling that ignited a spark within him like nothing else. Despite initial familial opposition, his determination to pursue his dreams remained unwavering. "Photography is a work of art, a skill that should be mastered and executed well," Mohin emphasizes. Coming from a scientific background, it was his unwavering dedication that

Completing his photography degree from Seamedu Media School marked a significant milestone in Mohin's journey. He fondly recalls how the school provided him with knowledge and experiences that were unmatched. "It improved my skills at its best,"

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Mohin says, his gratitude a p p a r e n t L e a r n i n g photography professionally w a s a t r a n s f o r m a t i v e e x p e r i e n c e , a n d t h e approaches he learned continue to play a pivotal role in his career.

A Glimpse into Goa's Wildlife

Mohin's portfolio boasts a special place for wildlife photography. He shares a memorable experience from his state-level competition win in 2016 by the Gomantak Times. Imagine the thrill of capturing a rare and elusive species of bird in the dense forests of Goa. Hours, if not days, spent patiently waiting in a hidden spot, camera in hand, hoping for that perfect shot. Then, one morning, as the first light of dawn breaks through the trees, the majestic bird emerges from the foliage. With bated breath, Mohin manages to capture a breathtaking image of it in its natural habitat.

This connection with Goa's wildlife, frozen in time through his lens, is not just a personal victory but also a profound appreciation of the beauty and biodiversity that Goa has to offer. Winning a competition like the one mentioned validates not only his dedication to wildlife photography but also inspires him to continue exploring and preserving the natural wonders of the region.

Nurturing Young Talent

Serving as a judge at Solapur University for their youth festival, Mohin Sawant had the opportunity to witness a wide range of creative works and gain insights into the evolving trends and styles in photography and other art forms. This experience exposed him to diversity in

artistic expressions, and e m e r g i n g t r e n d s , a n d e n c o u r a g e d

experimentation Mohin believes in the importance of mentorship and support, recognizing the responsibility

o f n u r t u r i n g t h e n e x t generation of creative talent.

A Diverse Portfolio

Mohin's work with the Indian Express and Literature Studios showcases a diverse r a n g e o f p h o t o g r a p h y genres. Every project and assignment has been a source of gaining knowledge, and Mohin views each one as an opportunity to learn and grow as a photographer.

The Art of Blinks

Under the Instagram handle "art_of_blinks," Mohin shares his distinctive style He explains, "ART OF BLINKS shows my work and skills. For a photographer, every photo that he clicks is special. Every moment that he captures through the lens is special."

H e b e l i e v e s t h a t h i s photographs speak volumes, each one unique and special in its own way.

Capturing the Essence of Goa

In a place as visually rich as Goa, Mohin has his favourite locations and subjects that he believes truly capture the essence of this vibrant state. From its picturesque beaches and historic forts to bustling s t r e e t m a r k e t s a n d Portuguese architecture, Goa offers a myriad of o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r photographers to convey its vibrant spirit through their lens.

Evolution in the Digital Age

Over his eight years in photography, Mohin has witnessed the field evolve, especially in the digital age. The transition to digital cameras and smartphones,

high-resolution imaging, post-processing software, social media platforms, and emerging technologies like d r o n e s a n d A I h a v e significantly influenced the field. Mohin emphasizes the importance of adaptation and embracing new tools and techniques to stay relevant in t h i s e v e r - c h a n g i n g landscape.

A d v i c e f o r A s p i r i n g


To aspiring photographers, especially those based in G o a , M o h i n o f f e r s a fundamental tip: "Practice Patience and Observation."

H e e n c o u r a g e s photographers to observe their surroundings, wait for the right moment, learn from their mistakes, experiment, and innovate. He emphasizes the importance of studying

community, respecting the environment, mastering their gear, and telling a story through their photographs.

As Mohin Sawant continues to capture life's moments through his lens, his journey serves as an inspiration to all aspiring photographers. His dedication, passion, and willingness to embrace change are the hallmarks of a true artist who has found his c a l l i n g i n t h e a r t o f photography.

t h e w o r k o f o t h e r s , c o n n e c t i n g w i t h t h e photography
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A Quest for Excellence

What sets Gaurav apart is his r e l e n t l e s s p u r s u i t o f knowledge and ethical practice He firmly believes that finance professionals should be pillars of both client service and education. While many professionals in the finance industry might be content with just serving their clients, Gaurav's vision extended beyond this He firmly believed that finance professionals should serve as pillars of both client service and education. For him, ethics w e r e n o t j u s t a s e t o f guidelines but the very essence of his practice. He understood that ethical conduct is not an option—it's a responsibility.

The Scholar's Arsenal

Gaurav's pursuit of excellence led him to pursue various courses, including a Diploma in Information Systems Audit, a C e r t i f i c a t e C o u r s e o n Valuation, and a Certificate Course on GST, all with the p r e s t i g i o u s I C A I H i s commitment to continuous l e a r n i n g r e f l e c t s h i s dedication to staying at the forefront of his field.

Mastery in Taxation

In the intricate world of finance and taxation, where the rules are ever-changing and the stakes are high, there exists a guiding light, CA Gaurav Kenkre. His journey through the labyrinth of financial intricacies has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Gaurav's story is one of relentless pursuit, unwavering ethics, and a commitment to illuminating the path for others.

A Remarkable Journey Through the World of Finance and Taxation

Gaurav's journey began in 2011 when he earned his CA designation, setting the stage for a remarkable career. Since then, he has remained in full-time practice, demonstrating a profound dedication to his craft. He believes that the role of finance professionals extends beyond serving clients—it encompasses educating and empowering society.

Gaurav is a member of the GCCI Taxation Committee, where he has not only honed his expertise but also actively contributed to shaping India's tax landscape. His extensive experience in Indirect Taxes, I n c o m e Ta x , a n d o t h e r financial areas makes him a trusted authority in the industry.

N u r t u r i n g To m o r r o w ' s Finance Leaders

Gaurav's role as a faculty member at the Goa Branch of I C A I e x e m p l i f i e s h i s commitment to education. He skillfully maintains a fine balance, representing himself

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Gaurav Kenkre

as both a government body and a private individual. His dedication to ethics and timely work is a beacon for a s p i r i n g f i n a n c e professionals.

Bridging the Knowledge Gap

Gaurav Kenkre's dedication to education and expertise in taxation is a cornerstone of his illustrious career. His passion f o r s i m p l i f y i n g t h e complexities of tax systems has made him a sought-after resource in the world of finance.

O n e o f G a u r a v ' s m o s t remarkable achievements is his involvement in conducting over 100 seminars on VAT & GST These enlightening sessions have reached diverse audiences, including the Goa Branch of ICAI, the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Confederation of Indian Industries, Banking Institutions, Educational Institutions, Goa government departments, and even Multinational Companies.

Gaurav's seminars are more than just presentations; they are journeys into the intricate world of taxation made comprehensible. His ability to b r e a k d o w n c o m p l e x concepts into easily digestible information has earned him the reputation of being the go-to resource person for s t u d e n t s e m i n a r s a n d government officials. Through his efforts, he has made the often daunting field of finance accessible to a wider

a u d i e n c e , e n s u r i n g t h a t knowledge is not c o n f i n e d t o select circles but is a resource for all.

A u t h o r i n g

C l a r i t y i n


Gaurav Kenkre's commitment to simplifying the t a x a t i o n l a n d s c a p e extends beyond seminars. He has a u t h o r e d numerous articles and papers on GST and related issues. His written work has graced t h e p a g e s o f n e w s p a p e r s , e d u c a t i o n a l institutions, and other esteemed p u b l i c a t i o n s Through these writings, Gaurav not only showcases his in-depth knowledge but also acts as a guiding beacon, providing clarity amidst the intricacies of GST. In a world where tax codes and regulations can seem like an impenetrable labyrinth, Gaurav Kenkre's dedication to education and his ability to make complex concepts accessible have made him an influential figure in the field of finance His seminars and writings serve as a testament to his mission of shedding light on the often convoluted world

of taxation, ensuring that individuals, businesses, and institutions alike can navigate the financial landscape with confidence and clarity.

An Enduring Legacy

In summary, CA Gaurav Kenkre is more than a Chartered Accountant; he is a beacon of knowledge and ethics in the world of taxes and finance. His commitment to education, ethical practice, and societal w e l f a r e s e t s a s h i n i n g example for all finance professionals. As he continues to evolve and inspire, Gaurav Kenkre's influence on the financial landscape of India is

bound to be enduring and farreaching His journey is a testament to the limitless possibilities that arise when dedication, knowledge, and ethics converge in the world of finance. Gaurav's relentless pursuit of knowledge and unwavering commitment to ethical practice make him a role model for aspiring finance professionals His story serves as a reminder that excellence is not an endpoint but a continuous journey. It's about pushing boundaries, embracing challenges, and always striving to be better.

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In the realm of culinary mastery, Executive Chef Amit Dash has earned his prestigious role at the Goa Marriott Resort and Spa through a remarkable journey of passion and innovation. In this exclusive interview, Chef Amit shares insights into his culinary journey, the unique dining experience at the resort, the incorporation of Goa's rich flavours, memorable moments, sustainability efforts, and the perfect balance between tradition and innovation.

"My culinary journey has been a thrilling adventure..."

Chef Amit Dash's journey in the culinary world has been nothing short of a thrilling adventure. A graduate of the International

I n s t i t u t e o f H o t e l Management (IIHM) Kolkata, he boasts over 1 8 y e a r s o f experience in r e n o w n e d establishments s u c h a s Ta j Hotels by IHCL, I T C H o t e l s , M a r r i o t t International, a n d A t m o s p h e r e H o t e l s a n d Resorts in the Maldives. His p a s s i o n f o r c r a f t i n g d e l e c t a b l e recipes has led h i m t o t h e p o s i t i o n o f Executive Chef a t t h e G o a Marriott Resort and Spa, India's first Marriott property.

I n h i s r o l e , C h e f A m i t i s responsible for overseeing every facet of the kitchen's operation, from meticulous planning and inventory management to introducing innovative culinary concepts, all while sourcing quality ingredients locally from Goa's rich agricultural traditions.

"The dining experience at Goa M a r r i o t t R e s o r t a n d S p a stands out..."

What sets the dining experience at Goa Marriott Resort and Spa apart is the perfect marriage of exceptional culinary offerings and captivating ambience. "One notable highlight is the themed Sunday brunch that offers a

delightful array of flavours and dishes, creating a unique and indulgent experience for guests." Guests can choose from diverse culinary offerings, including AZ.U.R, the lobby bar and lounge, Simply Grills by the Bay, and the exciting food truck, 'T3- The Tr a n s i t i o n a l Tr u c k , ' w h i c h transforms from day to night, offering a truly unforgettable dining journey.

The resort's strategic bayfront location provides breathtaking vistas, making every meal a memorable experience. Whether you ' re savouring local Goan specialities or international favourites, the resort caters to every palate, enhancing the dining experience with its inhouse deli, the Goa Baking Company.

" W e a r e p l e d g e d t o b e committed to delivering an a u t h e n t i c G o a n d i n i n g experience..."

Chef Amit's commitment to delivering an authentic Goan dining experience shines through in every dish. Guests can enjoy traditional Goan delicacies made with locally sourced ingredients during breakfast, while lunch offers a selection of Goan thalis, both vegetarian and nonvegetarian, complemented by authentic Goan beverages.

The resort's menu boasts popular Goan dishes like Xacuti, Ambotik, Rawa fry, and Cafreal, ensuring t h a t g u e s t s c a n i m m e r s e themselves in the rich culinary heritage of Goa with every bite.

"At Goa Marriott Resort and Spa, we are dedicated to sustainability..."

Goa Marriott Resort and Spa's

commitment to sustainability is evident in its culinary operations. "We have eliminated the use of p l a s t i c m a t e r i a l s i n o u r restaurants, opting for glass bottles and paper straws to minimise our environmental footprint." Additionally, "We take pride in our on-site cultivation of c o c o n u t t r e e s , u s i n g t h i s sustainable resource in many of our dishes " At Goa Marriott R e s o r t a n d S p a , w e a r e dedicated to sustainability in our culinary operations. We proudly implement a sustainable seafood program, source ingredients locally within 200km of Goa for our coffee shop, offer up to 30% plant-based options in in-room dining, and ensure our menu includes gluten-free and vegan choices, all contributing to our commitment to eco-conscious practices. By utilising homegrown ingredients and minimising plastic usage, we aim to not only provide exceptional dining experiences but also contribute to the preservation of our beautiful natural surroundings in Goa.

"Crafting seasonal menus that showcase the best of each s e a s o n ' s p r o d u c e i s a collaborative process..." Crafting seasonal menus that highlight the best of each s e a s o n ' s p r o d u c e i s a collaborative effort The team closely monitors ingredient availability, leading to creative dishes like mango-infused delights during mango season and locally sourced delights in the " L o c a v o r e B r u n c h " . " T h i s collaborative effort always involves brainstorming sessions,

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tasting trials, and input from our skilled kitchen staff, ensuring that every dish reflects the essence of the season and captivates our g u e s t s ' t a s t e b u d s " O u r dedication to sourcing the freshest seasonal ingredients and continuously experimenting with

new culinary ideas allows us to curate menus that are not only in harmony with nature but also a delightful culinary journey for our patrons.

"Innovation plays a pivotal role in s h a p i n g o u r r e s t a u r a n t ' s c u l i n a r y


Innovation plays a p i v o t a l r o l e i n s h a p i n g t h e r e s t a u r a n t ' s o f f e r i n g s " T h e balance between traditional Goan dishes and contemporary food trends is achieved through themed Sunday brunches and non-repetitive menus." This approach seamlessly integrates Indian and Western f l a v o u r s a n d t e c h n i q u e s , delivering a dynamic and

innovative dining experience while honouring Goan culinary traditions.

"The success of the dining establishment at Goa Marriott Resort and Spa is intrinsically linked to the camaraderie..."

The success of Goa Marriott

R e s o r t a n d S p a ' s d i n i n g establishment is rooted in the camaraderie and behind-thescenes dynamics within the kitchen The culinary team operates as a close-knit family, f o s t e r i n g c r e a t i v i t y a n d i n n o v a t i o n t h r o u g h o p e n communication channels. "High standards, attention to detail, and a commitment to excellence are core values." This harmonious b l e n d o f c a m a r a d e r i e , dedication, and expertise ensures exceptional culinary experiences for guests.

"For aspiring chefs aiming to excel in the dynamic world of the hospitality industry..." Chef Amit offers valuable

guidance to aspiring chefs. "He emphasises continuous learning, creativity, a strong work ethic, t e a m w o r k , a n d e f f e c t i v e communication " Respecting local culture and ingredients is crucial, especially in a diverse place like Goa. These principles will help aspiring chefs excel in the dynamic hospitality industry, creating exceptional dining experiences in unique settings like Goa Marriott Resort and Spa. In conclusion, Chef Amit Dash's culinary journey at Goa Marriott Resort and Spa exemplifies the fusion of passion, innovation, and d e d i c a t i o n t h a t d e f i n e s exceptional dining experiences. W i t h a c o m m i t m e n t t o authenticity, sustainability, and creativity, Chef Amit and his team continue to elevate the culinary scene in Goa, ensuring that every meal is a memorable journey of flavours and experiences.


elevate the resort into a leading d e s t i n a t i o n f o r l u x u r y experiences. Known for his adept tactical transformations and resultsoriented leadership style, Varun has a proven track record in various areas including preopenings, orchestrating visits by Heads of State, and devising and executing effective strategies to boost revenue, market share, and m e e t o c c u p a n c y t a r g e t s Notably, Varun played a pivotal role in the successful pre-opening o f T h e W e s t i n M a l d i v e s Miriandhoo Resort in 2018, helping establish the Westin brand's wellness identity in the Indian Ocean.

Director of Sales and Marketing at Taj Exotica Resort & Spa and Taj Coral Reef Resort & Spa in the Maldives. Prior to joining The St. Regis Goa Resort, Varun oversaw revenue and profitability at The Raffles Maldives Meradhoo.

Varun eloquently describes The St. Regis Goa Resort as an embodiment of the brand's luminous heritage harmoniously blended with 49 acres of lush flora and fauna, offering a unique fusion of luxury and nature. The resort's offerings, including a golf course, three lagoons, verdant landscaping, and a serene beach, create an idyllic haven for both relaxation and recreation.

Varun Bharadwaja has been appointed as the Director of Sales and Marketing at The St. Regis Goa Resort, as the resort embarks on an exciting phase of

enhanced operations following its phased upgrade. Varun brings with him a wealth of experience in the luxury resort industry across global markets, positioning him to

Satish Kumar, General Manager of The St. Regis Goa Resort, expressed enthusiasm about Varun's addition to the leadership team, emphasizing the resort's a m b i t i o n t o b e c o m e a distinguished global leisure destination after its upgrade Varun's career began with Indian Hotels Co. Ltd, starting in Mumbai and progressing to New Delhi, culminating in his role as Cluster

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by Marriott Benaulim’s spa offers a spectrum of rejuvenating treatments, from soothing massages to invigorating facials and body wraps, ensuring you e m e r g e s t r e s s - f r e e a n d revitalized.

Delicious Evenings

various cosy rooms, all equipped with complimentary Wi-Fi and dedicated workspaces.

In today's fast-paced world, where work and leisure intertwine more than ever, Fairfield by Marriott, Benaulim, emerges as y o u r u l t i m a t e w o r k c a t i o n destination. This splendid resort effortlessly harmonizes your professional responsibilities with the allure of a tropical paradise, promising a stay that's both fruitful and rejuvenating.

A Great Start to Your Day

Imagine commencing your workcation mornings with a scrumptious breakfast at Kava, the resort's delightful restaurant. The breakfast buffet boasts an

array of mouthwatering options to invigorate your day. Following this culinary treat, retreat to your cosy room, thoughtfully designed to serve as your dedicated workspace. With complimentary Wi-Fi and a comfortable desk, you ' re perfectly poised for a productive day.

Relax and Recharge in Nature

When it's time for a breather, the natural beauty of the resort beckons. Take a refreshing dip in the inviting outdoor pool, soak in the warmth of the Goan sun on the poolside deck, or surrender to the serenity of the spa. Fairfield

As the sun sets, the resort transforms into a culinary haven. Relish delectable meals at Kava, where an array of flavours and cuisines await your discerning palate. After dinner, adjourn to the resort's bar, offering an extensive selection of libations, including signature cocktails, refreshing mocktails, and premium beers On select evenings, live music adds to the vibrant ambience. For those in search of adventure, a brief excursion to the nearby town of Benaulim reveals charming shops, delectable restaurants, lively bars, and the pristine Benaulim Beach with its golden sands and crystal-clear waters. Why Choose Fairfield by Marriott Benaulim?

Fairfield by Marriott, Benaulim, Goa, presents a wealth of advantages that make it the quintessential choice for your workcation:

1. Convenient Location: The resort is a short drive from Dabolim International Airport, ensuring seamless travel logistics.

2 C o m f o r t a b l e Accommodations: Choose from

3. Comprehensive Amenities: The resort offers a range of amenities for both work and leisure, including an inviting outdoor pool, a state-of-the-art fitness centre, a c h i c p o o l s i d e b a r , a rejuvenating spa, and a delightful restaurant.

4. Flexible Workspaces: Fairfield b y M a r r i o t t p r o v i d e s a n a s s o r t m e n t o f f l e x i b l e workspaces, allowing you to work from the comfort of your room, the picturesque poolside deck, or the well-appointed business centre.

5. A Productive Environment: The resort's serene and inspiring ambience provides the perfect backdrop for focused work, enabling you to meet your professional commitments with ease.

6 Leisure Activities Galore: During your well-deserved breaks, indulge in a medley of leisure a c t i v i t i e s o n - s i t e , f r o m invigorating swims and suns o a k e d r e l a x a t i o n t o s p a pampering and exploration of the enchanting town of Benaulim. A d d i t i o n a l T i p s f o r a Successful Workcation: To make the most of your workcation at Fairfield by Marriott, Benaulim, consider these additional tips: Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your work

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hours and leisure time to stay focused and productive during work and fully unwind during your

v a c a t i o n moments.

Take Breaks: Regular breaks are essential Step outside for some fresh air or a brief stroll to refresh your mind and maintain focus.

Explore Your Surroundings: When off-duty, take time to e x p l o r e t h e l o c a l a r e a

Discovering the local culture and attractions can be a great stress


Don't Forget to Have Fun: Remember, workcations are about striking a balance between work and enjoyment. So, don't forget to relax, unwind, and relish your time in Goa.

Final Thoughts

If you're seeking the perfect blend of work and leisure in a tropical paradise, Fairfield by Marriott, Benaulim, Goa, is your answer. With its strategic location, comfortable accommodations, extensive amenities, versatile w o r k s p a c e s , a n d t r a n q u i l ambience, it's the ideal setting to make your workcation dreams come true. Don't hesitate – to

book your workcation at Fairfield by Marriott, Benaulim, and Goa, and experience the seamless fusion of work and leisure in a tropical haven. Your journey to a productive and enjoyable workcation begins here.


Indore Marriott Hotel, The Westin Pune, Renaissance Hotel and Convention Centre in Mumbai, and more.

Responsibilities and Goals

As the Director of Operations, Sandeep Kaul is tasked with a range of responsibilities aimed at enhancing the guest experience and optimising resort operations. His duties encompass ensuring h i g h l e v e l s o f c u s t o m e r satisfaction, devising innovative and cost-effective strategies, and driving revenue generation. Kaul's role extends to managing hotel operations, coordinating with various divisions within the resort, and leading his team towards achieving excellence.

E n d o r s e m e n t f r o m Management

s e a s o n e d p r o f e s s i o n a l i s reflected in his commitment to aligning the resort's operations to deliver exceptional guest experiences. With his guidance, the Goa Marriott Resort and Spa aims to continue its legacy of p r o v i d i n g a w a r d - w i n n i n g hospitality and top-notch services Kaul's vision for excellence extends beyond the confines of the resort, as he seeks to contribute to the broader landscape of Indian hospitality.

A Glimpse Beyond Work

In a significant development for the hospitality industry, Sandeep Kaul has taken on the role of Director of Operations at the renowned Goa Marriott Resort and Spa With his extensive expertise and experience, Kaul is poised to oversee and elevate the overall operational aspects of the resort, including its 190 rooms, food and beverage offerings, and spa division.

A Vision for Excellence

Sandeep Kaul brings a wealth of knowledge to his new position, having accumulated over 18 years of experience in the hospitality sector. His professional journey has encompassed notable stints with esteemed brands both within India and overseas Kaul's previous roles include positions at prestigious establishments such as the JW Marriott Bengaluru Prestige Golfshire Resort and Spa, Sheraton Colombo Hotel,

Gaurav Apte, the General Manager of Goa Marriott Resort and Spa, expressed enthusiasm about Kaul's appointment. Apte noted that Kaul's extensive background in the industry would infuse a dynamic approach into guest experiences and overall resort operations The luxury beach resort, which boasts a scenic location on the edge of Miramar Beach with stunning views of the Arabian Sea and Mandovi River, anticipates benefiting from Kaul's strategic leadership.

Striving for Excellence

Sandeep Kaul's reputation as a

Beyond his professional pursuits, Sandeep Kaul enjoys a wellrounded life. His interests include indulging in cricket, exploring the world of automobiles, savouring cinematic experiences, and cherishing moments with his family.


Sandeep Kaul's appointment as the Director of Operations at Goa Marriott Resort and Spa marks a significant stride in the hospitality domain. His wealth of experience, combined with his dedication to enhancing guest experiences, is expected to contribute to the resort's continued success. As Sandeep Kaul embarks on this new chapter, the future of the Goa Marriott Resort and Spa holds the promise of elevated service standards and memorable stays for its patrons.

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Goa, an Indian state noted for its gorgeous beaches and extensive cultural legacy, is moving toward a greener and more sustainable future. Goa is located on India's western coast. Through several innovative renewable energy projects, the state has been using the power of nature to propel its development in recent years These initiatives represent a significant move towards energy independence and a cleaner environment in addition to a commitment to lowering carbon emissions. Goa is embracing the promise of renewable energy sources to not only power its present but also define it's sustainable tomorrow as the sun kisses its coasts and the winds blow across its landscapes.

Solar Power

The extensive use of solar energy is one of the distinctive aspects of Goa's renewable energy projects. The state is utilizing its natural resources to harness the power of the sun because it is blessed with enough sunlight Rooftop solar panels are now typical sights in both Goan cities and the c o u n t r y s i d e T h e s t a t e government has started incentive programs and subsidies to entice

people to put solar panels on their h o m e s a n d b u s i n e s s

h e r organizations Through the generation of surplus energy, these projects not only lighten the load on the traditional power system but also create a revenue stream.

In Goa, solar energy has evolved into a viable and cost-effective option in addition to being environmentally benign. The solar revolution in the state has not only helped to lower greenhouse gas emissions but also reduced the state's reliance on fossil fuels and created jobs in the solar industry. The sun fuels a brighter and cleaner future for this coastal state as it illuminates the Goan landscape with golden beams.

Wind Energy

The 101-kilometer coastline of Goa offers more than just a refuge for beachgoers; it also holds a wealth of untapped wind energy possibilities In certain places, wind turbines now mark the horizon with their towering presence. Onshore and offshore wind farms use the powerful coastal winds to produce electricity. These installations not only help produce sustainable energy but also boost the local economy by generating jobs

Additionally, they demonstrate Goa's dedication to a sustainable future in conjunction with its natural surroundings.

The promise of a cleaner and greener Goa is now conveyed by the coastal winds that earlier carried the tranquil sounds of the sea. Wind energy not only reduces the state's reliance on fossil fuels but also diversifies its energy mix, making it more resilient to power d i s r u p t i o n s a n d p r i c e

fluctuations As wind turbines continue to spin along the Goan coast, they symbolize not just a shift in energy production but a wind of change towards a more sustainable future.

Biomass and Biogas

Goa has achieved notable advancements in its biomass and biogas projects to both reduce organic waste and produce sustainable energy Anaerobic digestion is increasingly used to

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i p
t h o
e s i n p a r t n e r s h
w i

turn organic waste into biogas, including food and agricultural waste. The methane-rich biogas is then used to generate energy and as a cooking gas Such programs not only address waste management issues but also give rural communities a sustainable energy source.

Goa's efforts to turn garbage into electricity serve as an example of the state's dedication to resource conservation and sustainability.

G o a n o t o n l y l e s s e n s i t s environmental impact through the use of what was previously regarded as waste, but it also offers a localized and sustainable energy source that helps local people. It's a win-win approach that turns a challenge into an opportunity for a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Hydroelectric Power

A valuable source of renewable energy is Goa's network of rivers and streams. In several regions of the state, mini- and microhydropower plants have been created. These initiatives lessen dependency on fossil fuels and

reduce negative environmental effects by harnessing the energy of moving water to produce e l e c t r i c i t y . S m a l l - s c a l e hydropower facilities frequently have a negligible environmental impact, making them a viable option for producing energy in Goa's scenic surroundings.

Goa's hydropower initiatives d e m o n s t r a t e t h e s t a t e ' s dedication to using its natural resources sustainably Goa minimizes its carbon emissions and increases its energy security by utilizing the energy potential of its rivers and streams. These projects also offer an opportunity for sustainable development by creating local jobs and providing a reliable source of electricity to remote and underserved areas.

As the rivers flow through Goa, they not only nourish the land but also power its sustainable future.

Community Awareness and Involvement

It is essential to note that Goa's transition to renewable energy i n v o l v e s m o r e t h a n j u s t infrastructure development; it

also involves raising community awareness. The development and execution of renewable energy projects have been actively supported by the neighborhood residents. Communities are made aware of the advantages of clean energy and how they can help create a more sustainable future through educational programs and seminars. In addition to e n c o u r a g i n g a s e n s e o f ownership, this involvement gives Goanese peasants the tools they need to actively participate in the state's transition to a greener economy. The secret to Goa's success with renewable energy is community involvement. These efforts make certain that the advantages of c l e a n e n e r g y r e a c h t h e grassroots level by including local inhabitants in decision-making and execution Additionally, sustainability measures in Goa h a v e b e e n a m p l i f i e d b y awareness campaigns and educational programs that have m a d e l o c a l p o p u l a t i o n s champions of sustainability, serving as a powerful model for similar initiatives around the world. In Goa, it's important to empower local communities to create a sustainable future for themselves as well as to produce clean energy.

A Model for the Future

G o a ' s j o u r n e y t o w a r d s a sustainable future through renewable energy initiatives serves as an inspiring model for other regions. It proves that even

tiny states can significantly aid in the fight against climate change and the switch to cleaner energy sources on a global scale. Goa is serving as an example of how a dedication to sustainability can sculpt a brighter, greener, and more resilient future by utilizing its copious natural resources, involving its communities, and encouraging an innovation spirit. Beyond its borders, Goa's renewable energy programs have been successful. It demonstrates that sustainability is a practical and attainable objective rather than an ethereal idea The example of Goa shows how renewable energy can promote economic expansion, provide employment, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance energy security all while safeguarding the state's natural splendor and cultural heritage. Goa serves as a ray of hope in the world's search for solutions to the climate issue, demonstrating that a sustainable future is not only conceivable but also within our grasp This coastal beauty is keeping its attractiveness and paving the road for a more sustainable globe by embracing renewable energy.

SUSTAINABLE GOA incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa



b e c o m e s a n a c t i v e

c o n t r i b u t i o n t o t h e preservation of Goa's natural beauty.

2 Supporting the Local Community: Many ecofriendly accommodations are locally owned and operated. Your choice to stay in such places bolsters the livelihoods of the local community, strengthening Goa's cultural fabric.

3. Embracing Local Culture: Nestled in rural areas, ecofriendly accommodations offer an authentic glimpse into Goa's rich culture and way of life. You can immerse yourself in local traditions, culinary delights, and unique experiences that go beyond the typical tourist trail.

E m b r a c i n g N a t u r e , Supporting Communities, and Enhancing Your Stay

Goa, a coastal gem nestled in the western part of India, has long been celebrated for its sun-kissed beaches, vibrant

nightlife, and captivating culture. However, as the influx of tourists soared, so did the environmental challenges. In response, the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) has embarked on a

journey to foster sustainable tourism, with a key focus on encouraging eco-friendly accommodations.

E c o - F r i e n d l y

A c c o m m o d a t i o n s : A Sustainable Haven

E c o - f r i e n d l y accommodations, also known as green lodgings, are havens that prioritize minimizing their ecological footprint while providing a comfortable and immersive experience for g u e s t s . T h e s e accommodations embrace sustainable practices by utilizing renewable energy sources, conserving water, and actively reducing waste. Why Choose Eco-Friendly Accommodations?

1 R e d u c i n g Y o u r

E n v i r o n m e n t a l I m p a c t : Staying in an eco-friendly accommodation allows you to become a conscious traveller. These lodgings are designed to minimize water and energy consumption, curbing waste

p r o d u c t i o n Yo u r s t a y

4. Enhancing Your Experience: These accommodations prioritize your comfort and relaxation With natural materials like wood and b a m b o o , e c o - f r i e n d l y lodgings create an ambience of serenity. Many offer amenities such as yoga classes, nature walks, and r e j u v e n a t i n g m a s s a g e treatments, elevating your overall experience.

GTDC's Initiatives for EcoFriendly Accommodations

The Goa Tourism Development Corporation is actively promoting the development of eco-friendly accommodations in the region They have introduced several initiatives to encourage sustainable practices:

1 Subsidies for Sustainable Practices: GTDC is providing financial incentives and subsidies to hotels and resorts that adopt eco-friendly and sustainable practices. This e n c o u r a g e s e x i s t i n g establishments to transition towards greener operations.

2 Raising Awareness: The

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GTDC is actively working to p r o m o t e e c o - f r i e n d l y accommodations among tourists Through education and awareness campaigns, they aim to inspire travellers to m a k e e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y

c o n s c i o u s choices. Choosing the Perfect EcoF r i e n d l y Accommoda tion

W h e n selecting an eco-friendly l o d g i n g i n Goa, consider the following factors:

1. Third-Party Certification: L o o k f o r accommodati ons certified by recognized eco-labels such as LEED or G r e e n G l o b e . T h e s e certifications ensure that the property meets stringent environmental standards.

2. Renewable Energy: Seek accommodations that harness

renewable energy sources like solar or wind power to reduce their carbon footprint.

3 Water Conservation and Waste Reduction: Opt for accommodations that actively conserve water and minimize waste generation through eco-friendly practices.

4 Community Engagement: Choose lodgings that actively engage with and support the local community, thereby

c o n t r i b u t i n g t o t h e sustainable development of the region.

B y a d h e r i n g t o t h e s e guidelines, you can select an eco-friendly accommodation that not only aligns with your values but also contributes to t h e p r e s e r v a t i o n a n d sustainable development of the enchanting state of Goa.

Final Thoughts

Goa's commitment to ecofriendly accommodations is a

significant step towards preserving its natural beauty and cultural heritage As a conscious traveler, your choice to stay in such lodgings can make a meaningful difference, ensuring that future generations can

c o n t i n u e t o e n j o y t h e splendors of this coastal paradise. So, plan your next G o a g e t a w a y w i t h sustainability in mind and embark on a journey that leaves both you and the environment refreshed and revitalized.

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Goa's Lighthouse Heritage and the Transformation of Aguada Jail

Goa is renowned for its pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and eclectic history. While many flock to this paradise for its leisurely pursuits, few are aware of the hidden gems that dot its coastline – the resplendent lighthouses of Goa. These towering sentinels, standing tall against the relentless tides, have silently witnessed the flow of time, guiding seafarers and illuminating the state's maritime legacy.

The Guiding Lights of Goa

Fort Aguada Lighthouse

Imagine standing atop a historic fortress, gazing out over the endless expanse of the Arabian Sea, with the salty breeze tussling your hair. This is the experience offered by the Fort Aguada Lighthouse, a time-honoured sentinel built in 1612. Perched majestically on Sinquerim Beach in North Goa, it not only guides ships to

safety but also offers visitors breathtaking vistas that are nothing short of enchanting.

Cabo de Rama Lighthouse Venture south to the Cabo de Rama Lighthouse, a towering testament to Goa's maritime legacy. Erected in 1870, it stands tall as one of India's tallest lighthouses. Perched on the southern tip of Goa, it

illuminates the coastline with i t s r e a s s u r i n g b e a m , safeguarding seafarers from the treacherous waters.

Anjediva Lighthouse

For an adventure off the beaten path, journey to Anjediva Island, a mere 10 kilometres off Goa's coast. Here, you'll discover the Anjediva Lighthouse, a unique

structure surrounded by a protective moat. Isolated yet resilient, it has faithfully guided vessels through the r e g i o n ' s w a t e r s f o r generations. These lighthouses, along with several others dotting Goa's coastline, continue to be steadfast guardians of maritime safety, defying the

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Adjacent to the Fort Aguada Lighthouse, a sombre history lies hidden within the walls of Aguada Jail. Constructed in 1884, this formidable structure

once served as a place of

colonial rule. The jail's reputation for harsh conditions and its role in the Indian freedom struggle, hosting notable figures like Mahatma Gandhi, makes it a poignant symbol of Goa's past.

I n 2 0 1 0 , a r e m a r k a b l e transformation breathed new life into the Aguada Jail. It underwent a metamorphosis, shedding its role as a prison to become a museum. This museum, carefully curated and thoughtfully designed, stands as a living testimony to the jail's storied past. It offers visitors a compelling journey through time, illuminating the struggles and sacrifices of those who fought for freedom on Goan soil.

The museum within Aguada Jail is a place where history comes to life. It delves into the annals of the jail's past, the Portuguese colonial era, and the vibrant Goan way of life. It is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of Goans who, in the face of adversity, fought for their rights and identity.

W r a p p i n g u p - G o a ' s l i g h t h o u s e s a r e n ' t j u s t towering structures of stone and steel; they are guardians of history, guiding lights that have watched over the

region's shores for centuries. And in the heart of this coastal paradise, the transformation of Aguada Jail into a museum is a shining example of how Goa cherishes its heritage. Goa's lighthouse heritage is more than just a chapter in history; it's a living testament to the state's rich maritime traditions. As you explore the sun-soaked beaches and cultural treasures of Goa, don't forget to embark on a journey to these towering beacons and the Aguada Jail Museum. In doing so, you'll not only witness the beauty of the present but also discover the enduring echoes of the past, forever etched in the sands of Goa's history.

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i n c a r c e r a t i o n u n d e r Portuguese
HERITAGE incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa


When one thinks of Goa, images of pristine beaches, vibrant nightlife, and Portuguese architecture often come to mind However, beyond the bustling tourist hotspots lies a hidden treasure trove waiting to b e d i s c o v e r e d – G o a ' s countryside. This lesser-known facet of Goa boasts a lush and verdant landscape, adorned with picturesque villages, emerald rice paddies, swaying coconut groves, and fragrant spice plantations. It is a place where you can escape the crowds and immerse yourself in the authentic tapestry of Goan culture and life.

Village Chronicles

To truly appreciate Goa's rural charm, venture into its heart by visiting one of its beautiful villages. Each village in Goa's countryside has its own unique allure Ponda, Quepem, and Canacona are among the popular choices. As you stroll along the narrow streets of these villages, you'll find yourself captivated by the traditional houses, ancient temples, and quaint churches that whisper stories of a bygone era.

Embrace the Freedom of Two Wheels

To truly commune with Goa's countryside, embrace the freedom of a bike ride. Rent a bike from one of the many shops scattered across the tourist areas, and embark on an adventure that unveils the natural beauty of Goa. As you cruise through the countryside, take your time to pause and soak in the breathtaking scenery. Don't hesitate to stop by the villages, strike up conversations with the locals, and delve into the depths of their culture.

The Aroma of Goa Goa's reputation as a spice hub is well-deserved, and its countryside is where these a r o m a t i c t r e a s u r e s a r e cultivated Spice plantations like Savoi Plantations, Tropical S p i c e P l a n t a t i o n , a n d Dudhsagar Plantation open their doors to curious visitors. Here, you can immerse yourself in the world of spices, learning a b o u t t h e c u l t i v a t i o n , harvesting, and processing of these fragrant ingredients. Guided tours provide an educational and sensory

experience that will forever change the way you perceive the spices on your plate.

Hiking Adventures Await

For the adventure seekers, Goa's countryside offers a network of hiking trails, ranging from easy to challenging. The

TRAVEL incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa

Dudhsagar Falls Trail and the Netravali Waterfall Trail are among the most popular. As you traverse these trails, you'll be surrounded by lush greenery and awe-inspiring vistas, creating a sense of connection with nature that's hard to replicate elsewhere.

Backwaters Serenity

Goa's backwaters, where rivers and streams gracefully meet the sea, provide a tranquil escape from the bustling world. Glide through the calm waters on a boat ride and savor the serene ambiance These backwaters are also a haven for

birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts, offering glimpses of the region's diverse fauna. P r a c t i c a l T i p s f o r Yo u r Journey

To make the most of your adventure in Goa's countryside, remember to dress comfortably in loose-fitting, breathable clothing suitable for the hot and humid weather. Sun protection is a must, so pack sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses Staying hydrated is essential, so carry an ample supply of water. Respect for local customs is paramount in this conservative state. When exploring villages, dress modestly and avoid public d

prepared for the unexpected. Carry a first-aid kit, a map, and a flashlight, and inform

whereabouts and expected return time.

Exploring Goa's countryside is an enriching journey that allows you to witness the authentic side of this vibrant state. With its lush landscapes, traditional villages, and rich cultural heritage, Goa's countryside p r o m i s e s a m e m o r a b l e experience that complements the allure of its famous b e a c h e s S o , d o n y o u r explorer's hat and venture beyond the ordinary to discover the rural beauty of Goa.

TRAVEL incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
i s p l a y s o f a f f e c t i o n A d d i t i o n a l l y , a l w a y s b e
o m e o n e a b o u t y o u r


stated that the government is pursuing sustainability. "Today, we are focusing on long-term sustainable tourism by making investments in the environment, the climate, and the people. The tourism minister stated, "We need to have a concrete plan for the next 25 to 30 years, and it is time for us to start thinking creatively and about Goa beyond beaches.

According to Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Wednesday, the state government is building infrastructure to achieve the zero carbon emission label before 2050, but it requires help from the business sector "We think Goa should be designated as having zero carbon emissions by 2050. In every manner, we strive to be the best state. We are constructing green energy infrastructure, including charging stations,

a d d e d S a w a n t D u r i n g discussions on tourism and green investments at an event held to commemorate World Tourism Day, the chief minister made the audacious assertion that Goa was in a position to become the first state to accomplish the feat. The Travel and Tourism Association of Goa (TTAG) and SKAL Goa jointly organized the event. Rohan Khaunte, the minister of tourism, added his support and

Sawant emphasized the value of public-private partnerships in his speech, particularly for the tourist industry. Over the next four to five years, he claimed, the tourism industry has the potential to generate 2 lakh jobs for young people in the area.

“People should be ready to skill, upskill, and reskill, and they should have the urge to work. If they do this, they will get employment,” said Sawant. While Khaunte also touched upon the aspects of local e m p l o y m e n t a n d entrepreneurship, he called for regulation. “We are committed to ensuring traditional businesses remain with the locals, but at the

same time, they need to be regulated. We have to start encouraging rural tourism, which will help sustainable tourism,” said Khaunte.“Despite discussing with shack owners and having several meetings, they still have a problem with the shack policy. We had eight meetings with the taxi operators, but they are still not willing to join the Goa Taxi app. Watersports operators are accusing me of bringing outsiders into the traditional business,” He added.

TTAG, SKAL Goa, and Goa Tourism honored the family of Vincent Ramos, senior vice president of the Indian Hotels Company Ltd. An annual scholarship and a citation in Ramos’ honor were launched, with the first citation being presented to Devansh Cholera for running an ‘Innovation S t a r t u p i n To u r i s m ’ T h e scholarship of Rs 1 lakh in Ramos’ memory was awarded to Joshua Fernandes, a first-year student studying at the Institute of Hotel Management (IHM)-Goa.


p o l i c y a l l o w s unemployed persons of Goan domicile to operate ‘temporary’ s h a c k s o n t h e beachfront during the peak tourist s e a s o n f r o m

September 1 to May 31. By June 10, the shacks have to be m a n d a t o r i l y d i s m a n t l e d .

The Goa government recently approved the ‘Goa State Shack Policy 2023-2026’, for the erection of temporary seasonal structures, beach shacks, deck beds and umbrellas along beach stretches for the next three tourist seasons.

Beach shacks typically built from eco-friendly materials such as bamboo, wooden poles, and thatched palm leaves have become a popular attraction for domestic and international tourists visiting Goa. The shack

According to the policy, 259 s h a c k s a r e p e r m i t t e d o n nominated beach stretches in North Goa, and 105 shacks are allowed in South Goa. The licenses for operating these shacks are allotted based on categories of experience by drawing lots, and one shack is permitted per family.

I n t h e d r a f t p o l i c y , t h e

g o v e r n m e n t i n s e r t e d a contentious clause, stipulating that the age of applicants for

allotment of beach shacks should be between 18 and 60, sparking outrage among traditional Goan shack holders The previous beach shack policies had no bar on age. In another move aimed at “encouraging newcomers” in the business, the government has relaxed the eligibility criteria for experience, with 90 percent of s h a c k s t o b e a l l o t t e d t o applicants having at least one year of experience running a shack and 10 percent to those with no experience Citing complaints from tourists about Goan food missing from shacks, t h e n e w p o l i c y m a k e s i t mandatory for shacks to serve Goan cuisine.

After objections and protests by shack owners, who termed the government’s decision to insert an age cap for allottees an “agenda to drive out shack holders” and “encourage outsiders’ entry”, the government has now decided to

scrap the clause.

Tourism Minister Rohan Khaunte, after a meeting with shack owners’ associations and coastal MLAs last week, said, “Some shack operators had claimed that when an allottee is aged 70 or 75, there are chances that they may sublet the shack. This is the reason we came up with an age limit… If a traditional shack owner is aged between 65 and 70 years, they can apply and allow their next generation to take on the business.”The tourism department said 194 applications were received previously from shack operators who were above the age of 60, and 90 applicants were allotted licenses Cruz Cardozo, president of the Goa Shack Owners Welfare Society, an umbrella body of shack owners, criticized the government for not discussing issues with the stakeholders.

BUSINESS BUZZ incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa INCREDIBLE - SEPTEMBER 2023 - GOA 50


Unlock the mystique of a worldclass spirit--Scotch! Scottish Legend blended Scotch whisky is the latest brand from Cheers group's award-winning portfolio launched in India, to satisfy both its loyal enthusiasts and new aficionados Scottish Legend, sure would entice consumers into the fairy tales of Scotland, a land rich in myth and legend. The exquisite diamond cut bottle of Scottish Legend Scotch whisky represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship and refinement in t h e w o r l d o f s p i r i t s T h i s e x c e p t i o n a l S c o t c h i s meticulously crafted using the finest ingredients, traditional techniques, and often lengthy ageing processes which impart rich and complex flavours. "Only the finest aged Scotch

whiskies are married together for this legendary blend of Scottish Legend. Every drop is meticulously blended to rekindle the delicate intensities and subtle textures" says Dr. Mohan Krishna, founder of Cheers group "Scottish Legend is smooth, rich and generous. It's a blend of the finest malt and grain whiskies matured in oak barrels, that deliver luxurious flavourful notes" adds Ashwin Balivada, CEO, Cheers group who mastered Business Management from Cambridge University.

Cheers group has been in the Scotch whisky business since 2016 and owns few flagship Scotch brands world-wide: Labrodog Aged 12 years, Labrodog Deluxe, Mc Glenn, Glendog. "The spotlight on the design of Scottish

Legend bottle has opened avenues that add to the legacy of the spirits The masterpiece Scottish Legend bottle is as exquisite as the whisky it holds" says Dr. Divya Balivada, Global Creative Director of Cheers group, who acquired business talent from Edinburgh University Scotland. This liquid gold-- Scottish Legend, aged to perfection, embodies the artistry of distillation and the a l l u r e o f t i m e - h o n o r e d craftsmanship Its remarkable complexity, characterized by rich caramel notes intertwined with hints of toasted oak and a subtle k i s s o f v a n i l l a , o f f e r s a n unforgettable journey for those seeking the best of whisky excellence.

S c o t t i s h L e g e n d i s a n extraordinary blended Scotch whsky-- exclusive travel retail collection, each expression celebrating a legendary story of the highlands of the Scotland. The timing of the launch of this premium Scotch is perfect as the Scotch sales are on the rise Scotch sales nearly doubled in India over the past two years, spurred by higher consumption among millennial drinkers as well as a growing middle class which gradually shifted to the pricier whisky. India consumed 7.5 million cases of Scotch whisky in 2022 as compared to 3.9 million in 2020.

One case has nine litres of whisky. Already, 40% increase in Scotch whisky imports in the first eight months of this financial year is seen against the full fiscal 202122. Amid, the ongoing India-UK negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA) there's a scope for reduction in the current 150% Import duty on Scotch to a lower level.

India's burgeoning love affair with Scotch whisky is well-known Scotch whisky entered the Indian scene during the British colonial era. The British influence brought not only the spirit itself but also t h e d r i n k i n g c u l t u r e t h a t surrounded it Scotch whisky today has become an integral part of Indian celebrations and social gatherings, where toasting with a glass of fine whisky is a symbol of camaraderie and joy. Drawn from renowned distilleries, the collection nods to the hidden gems that can be found in each corner of the Scottish terrain amongst the lochs and rugged highlands. Its appeal lies in the mastery of blending that brings together the best of Scotland's whisky regions. Scottish Legend allows collectors, connoisseurs and enthusiasts to enjoy and e x p e r i e n c e t h e u n u s u a l expressions of various Scottish distillery's character - a treasure trove of priceless Scotch whisky.


A subsidiary of the top New E n e r g y Ve h i c l e s ( N E V ) manufacturer in the world, BYD India, opened its first showroom for passenger cars on Tuesday in Taleigao. BYD Bavaria operates and manages the showroom Vishal Agarwal, Dealer Principal, BY

Gopalakrishnan, Senior Vice President of Electric Passenger Vehicle Business at BYD India, as well as important representatives from BYD India, the Bavaria Group, and esteemed clients, attended the opening. The 1783 square foot showroom will give consumers access to

BYD's lineup of all-electric vehicles, including the All-New e6 and the BYD ATTO 3. It also boasts well-trained sales advisors, a c u s t o m e r l o u n g e , a n d a showroom exhibit floor to provide customers with a pleasant instore experience The new dealership, the first for BYD in the State, is a critical step in revolutionizing the state's a u t o m o b i l e i n d u s t r y a n d advancing environmentally friendly transportation options. It will also act as a hub for those who are interested in electric vehicles, giving them access to a variety of cutting-edge electric

vehicles and associated services. This covers the most recent models from BYD, which are famous for their outstanding p e r f o r m a n c e , a d v a n c e d technology, and sustainability.

Mr. Sanjay Gopalakrishnan, BYD India's Senior Vice President of Electric Passenger Vehicle Business, said, "As we approach our 16th year in India, we remain committed to technological innovation aimed at improving lives. Collaborating with Bavaria Motors further strengthens our efforts to advance green transportation and electric mobility, significantly broadening

our reach and presenting our toptier electric vehicles to discerning customers. This partnership with Bavaria Motors, which has now extended to Goa, brings us great excitement as we seek to i n t r o d u c e c l e a n e r , m o r e electrified, and accessible mobility solutions that light up Indian roads."

Bavaria Motors Pvt Ltd, a prominent automobile dealership, is a part of the prestigious Bavaria Group. This is the second BYD showroom from the group after its first showroom was launched in Pune last year.

BUSINESS BUZZ incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
a v a r i a , a n d S a n j a y


The GCCI's Leaders @ GCCI lecture series held on September 13, 2023, at Taj Cidade de Goa Heritage Dona Paula featured Ms. Shazia Ilmi as the keynote speaker in conversation with Mr. Shrinivas Dempo, President of GCCI. Special Guest Mrs. Sulakshana Sawant emphasized the significance of inclusivity and outlined the four pillars: family, work, community, and state, highlighting the vital role of women in various spheres.

Ms. Ilmi, renowned TV news anchor and activist-politician, shared her journey from Kanpur to Cardiff and New York, stressing the evolving narrative around women and inclusivity. She touched upon critical issues such as gender ratio, biases, and women's empowerment, emphasizing the importance of mentorship and humor in her path. She underscored that cultivating an inclusive mindset starts at an individual level and legislation acts as a catalyst for change.

Mr. Dempo addressed GCCI's commitment to women empowerment and inclusivity, including initiatives like GCCI Women's Wing and a mentorship program for women entrepreneurs. The event also marked the launch of GCCI's Theme document on Inclusive and Sustainable Growth for Goa @ 2047. Notable attendees included Ralph de Sousa, Manoj Caculo, Dean Menezes, Pratima Dhond, Yatin Kakodkar, Rohan Bhandare, and Lalit Saraswat. The gathering brought together Goa's industry leaders, civil society representatives, and academia for a discourse on fostering inclusivity and sustainable growth towards 2047.

EVENTS & HAPPENING incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
EVENTS & HAPPENING incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa INCREDIBLE - SEPTEMBER 2023 - GOA 56


CA Gaurav Kenkre is a CA in practice for the last 11 years. He is a regular speaker at various professional organizations, trade bodies, MNCs and Government bodies. He also writes regularly in local as well as national publications. Besides this he holds various positions in bodies such as ICAI, GCCI, College bodies, Rotary etc.

The Government had notified certain changes in Table 4 of Form GSTR-3B to enable taxpayers in reporting correct information regarding ITC availed, ITC reversal, ITC reclaimed and ineligible ITC vide Notification No 14/2022 –Central Tax dated 05th July, 2022 (read with circular 170/02/2022-GST, Dated 6 th July,2022). A new GSTN feature has now been enabled in line with these changes.

Vide the above notification and circular, the GST department had explained how they expect taxpayers to fill the ITC table of GSTR 3B, which is being shown below by way of illustration: To keep a track of this ITC which is reversed in 4(B) 2 and then reclaimed later, GSTN has introduced a new feature called Electronic Credit Reversal and Re-claimed statement (ECRRS) The flow of data is expected as below

1. Sr no 4(A) 4 will have autopopulated amount of ITC as per GSTR 3B. The ITC entered here will increase ITC in electronic credit ledger.

2. Sr no 4(B) 1 can be used to r e d u c e t h e a b o v e autopopulated amount Here, all permanent ITC reversals are to be entered i.e. ITC which you never intend to claim or amounts which came in GSTR 2B which are not at all relevant. The ITC entered here will reduce ITC balance in electronic credit ledger.

3. Sr no 4(B) 2 can be used to reduce above autopopulated amount in case of temporary reversals i.e. ITC which has come in the GSTR 2B, which you

increase ITC in electronic credit ledger. Also, once you enter ITC h e r e i e y o u a l t e r t h e autopopulated ITC as per GSTR 2B, you will create a mismatch in the GSTN system.

b. To avoid this mismatch, such reclaimed ITC but also be disclosed in Sr no 4(D) 1. The amount entered here will decrease the balance in ECRRS i.e. your your balance of ITC which is temporarily reversed and which will be claimed later. It is expected that the ECRRS balance will help in avoiding the ITC mismatches created by reclaim of ITC in future months (which will be more than GSTR 2B)

To operationalise this new statement of ECRRS Taxpayers are being provided a facility to report their cumulative ITC reversal (ITC that has been reversed earlier and has not yet been reclaimed) as opening balance. The menu to open this facility is:

Login >> Report ITC Reversal Opening Balance or Services >> Ledger >> Electronic Credit Reversal and Re-claimed Statement >> Report ITC Reversal Opening Balance

reversal Until 30th November 2023.

4. The taxpayers shall also be provided 3 (three) amendment opportunities to correct their opening balance in case of any mistakes or inaccuracies in reporting. Importantly, until 30th November, both reporting and amendment facilities are accessible.

5 . H o w e v e r , a f t e r 3 0 t h November till 31st December 2023, only amendments will be permitted and the option for fresh reporting will not be available. This amendment facility shall be discontinued after 31st December 2023.

cannot claim in this month due to various reasons, but wish to re-claim in future months. The ITC entered here will reduce ITC balance in electronic credit ledger BUT INCREASE the balance in ECRRS i e it will increase your balance of ITC which is temporarily reversed and which will be claimed later.

4. In future months, once this ITC reversed in 4(B) 2 becomes eligible, you will want to reclaim this ITC. Here you need to give 2 effects:

a. Claim such ITC in Sr no 4(A) 5. The ITC entered here will

The important points to note are

1. Taxpayers having monthly filing frequency are required to report their opening balance considering the ITC reversal done till the return period of July 2023.

2 In contrast, quarterly taxpayers shall report their opening balance up to Q1 of the financial year 2023-24, considering the ITC reversal made till the April-June 2023 return period.

3. The taxpayers have the opportunity to declare their opening balance for ITC

6. With the provision for taxpayers to report their accumulated ITC reversal balance, the portal will subsequently maintain a record of reversal and re-claimed amounts on a return period basis in statement Hence, a validation mechanism is incorporated into the GSTR-3B form. This validation mechanism will trigger a warning message if a taxpayer attempts to re-claim excess ITC in table 4D(1) than the available ITC reversal balance in the statement along with ITC reversal made in current return period in Table 4B(2). This warning message would facilitate accurate reporting but the taxpayers will still have the option to proceed with filing However, the taxpayers are advised not to reclaim ITC exceeding the closing balance of “Electronic Credit Reversal and Re-claimed Statement” and may report their pending reversed ITC, if any, as ITC reversal opening balance.

FINANCE incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa


Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and it can strengthen bones, slowing down the process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.

counterclockwise, to i m p r o v e n e c k mobility.

Shoulder Rolls: Roll y o u r s h o u l d e r s f o r w a r d a n d backward to relieve tension and enhance shoulder mobility.

Arm Circles: Extend your arms and make circular motions with them, both forward and backward, to increase flexibility in your shoulder joints.

Extensor Stretches: Stretch your wrists by extending your arm forward with the palm facing up, then down, and gently pull back on your fingers.

Take a step forward into a lunge position, keeping your back leg straight, and gently push your hips forward to stretch the hip flexors.

Leg Swings: Stand next to a support, like a wall, and swing o n e l e g f o r w a r d a n d backward to enhance hip and leg mobility.

Ankle Circles: Sit or stand and rotate your ankles in circular motions to increase ankle mobility.

Spinal Twists: Sit or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and twist your upper body to each side to improve spinal mobility.

Deep Squats: Squat down as low as you comfortably can to work on hip, knee, and ankle mobility.

Being fit and healthy isn't just about running fast or lifting heavy. It's also important to have ease of movement during your workouts and in everyday life. That's why i n c o r p o r a t i n g m o b i l i t y sessions into your routine can help.

Mobility is " your ability to achieve and control a certain range of motion “In order to perform daily activities or

simply function pain-free long-term, you need to find ways to properly work through full range of motion. Mobility exercises are essential for improving flexibility, range of motion, and overall fitness. Here are some mobility exercises you can incorporate into your fitness routine: Neck Rotations: Gently rotate your head in a circular motion, b o t h c l o c k w i s e a n d

Cat-Cow Stretch: Get on your hands and knees, arch your back up like a cat, then lower your belly down like a cow to mobilize your spine.

Hip Circles: Stand on one leg and make circles with your free leg to improve hip mobility.

Butterfly Stretch: Sit with your feet together and knees bent, then gently press your knees toward the floor to open up your hip joints.

Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch:

Remember to warm up before performing these exercises and to perform them gently and gradually to avoid injury.

I n c o r p o r a t i n g m o b i l i t y exercises into your fitness routine can help prevent stiffness and improve your overall physical fitness

FITNESS incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
Norbert D’Souza
W r i s t F l e x o r a n d
PROPERTY incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa Farm Land Available Farm Land in Valpoi With lots of plantation, mainly Supari, Mango, Jackfruit, Natural spring flowing all around the plots Area 1,50,000 Sq mtrs - Rate 700/- sqmtr - Status- Freehold clear title - OwnerSingle Ownership Beautifully Constructed Row Villa available in Village Bastora in lush green Surrounding of Gated Complex. Swimming pool Gym, Security Villa Area 150 Sqmtrs-Price:8cr -Status:FreeHold/UnusedTitle:SingleOwner 3 BhK Row House in Assgao In Gated Complex with all amenities Area 150 sq mtrs - Price 3Cr - Status: Free Hold - Title Single Owner Old Portuguese Type house buit More than 100 years ago available just 1 Km away from Capital Town Panaji - Land Area 2000 Sq mtrs - Villa Area 4000 Sq mtrs - Price : 8cr - Status: Free Hold - Title : Single Owner Agriculture land in VALPOI With ample water, arecanut, jackfruit, coconut and other trees, ideal for farm house and small cottage industry. Rate 500/- Sq mtr INCREDIBLE FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACTUS ON Email: +91 966 518 3739 PROPERTIES *All properties are subjected to title clearance from the client's lawyers and valuer 2 x 2BHK row villas at Gera River of Joy, Kadamba Plateau, available for sale @ 1.25Cr each. Villas are 103sqm each, superbuiltup. GF-hall, bathroom and kitchen, 1st floor- two bedrooms with attached toilets. Covered parking and private garden area. Child centric homes, wide concrete roads, pool, playhouse, basketball court, other sports facilities, Gera School, all amenities, 10mins from Panjim. Hotel for Sale, Land area 6000 Sq mtrs with 40 rooms ,Swimming pool, garden Parking Old Portuguese Villa for SALE near Panaji, plot size 1900 Sq mtrs built-up 400 Sqtrd Rate 9cr Industrol Land 1700 Sq mtrs Corner plot with two side roads in Kundai industrial area Rate 10000/- Sq mtr Spice farm for sale in Ponda, area 14000 Sq mtrs with water fall and trees of different verities. More details contact. VILLA FOR SALE 3 bhk ,3 toilets, Kitchen ,2 balconies, Terrace,Parking, office with attached toilet , compounded,Clear Title located in Gogol Margao for sale. 1.15 cr CHECK OUT GOA’S BEST KEPT POPERTIES HERE...
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