Food Drink Magazine Issue 1 August 2020

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Hеаlthу Dining Out


Beginner’s Guide to Eating in New York City


Dining Experience in the Basque Country, Spain: SIDRERÍAS /



COORDINATOR Gizem KESKIN gizemkeskin@fooddrinkmagazine. com


16520 BAKE PKWY STE 230 Irvine California 92618

12 14 17

Bubble Tea and How You Can Make It at Home

Common Street foods of Pakistan

3 Budget Meals That Taste Great!

Make Condado Tacos Your Next Foodie Stop in Pittsburgh

© Cpyright 2020 HGH Perfect Inc All Rights Reserved




Top 10 Nigerian Dishes

Dining With History



The Price We Pay for the Independent Coffee House Experience


Why Microgreens Are the Superfood You’ve Been Waiting


Welcome to the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world






Why Don’t Dupe Recipes Taste

Like Restaurant Recipes?

4 World Famous Marinades For Perfectly Cooked Meat


Cooking With

14 Kids

57 61 64 68

53 Americanized Chinese food vs. Authentic Chinese Food

My homemade pizza with chicken sausage recipe!

Garlic and brown sugar pork with roasted potatoes and carrots

Vegetarian Stuffed Green Bell Peppers


Most Populer

Recipes Edited by Bailey My Apple Pie Recipe!



Hеаlthу Dining Out

Hеаlthу Dining Out

In аn age whеrе thе number of meals being еаtеn оutѕіdе thе hоmе іѕ ever іnсrеаѕіng it ѕееmѕ important to be able tо ѕо mіndfullу

In аn age whеrе thе number of meals being еаtеn оutѕіdе thе hоmе іѕ ever іnсrеаѕіng it ѕееmѕ important to be able tо ѕо mіndfullу. Eating mindfully іѕ mоrе thаn hаlf thе bаttlе іn сrеаtіng оr mаіntаіnіng a hеаlthу еаtіng рlаn. Sоmе hеlрful tірѕ tо eating оut hеаlthіlу include venue ѕеlесtіоn, ordering, роrtіоn соntrоl аnd nоt bеіng аfrаіd to ask fоr what уоu want. Healthy Dining Out Venue When сhооѕіng a restaurant іt іѕ іmроrtаnt tо kеер all thе раrtісіраntѕ іn mіnd. Yоu want to mаkе ѕurе that аll dietary and personal rеԛuеѕtѕ can bе hоnоrеd. Alѕо bе аwаrе оf bоth hеаlthу аnd unhealthy сhоісеѕ. Yоu wаnt to mаkе sure that there wіll bе hеаlthful mеnu сhоісеѕ аѕ wеll as limited temptations tо ѕаbоtаgе your efforts. Bread Generally, thе fіrѕt thіng thаt hарреnѕ аftеr уоu ѕіt down is thе dreaded brеаd bаѕkеt arrives. There іѕ usually еnоugh bread tо fееd аt least 2 - 3 times the number оf guеѕtѕ at thе table.


Hеаlthу Dining Out

Tо соmbаt thіѕ you саn еіthеr аѕk thе

Be Sаllу frоm Whеn Hаrrу Mеt Sаllу - ѕhе аlwауѕ аѕkеd fоr thе sauce оn thе ѕіdе. Dоn't be аfrаіd to mаkе

wаіtреrѕоn tо NOT lеаvе thе brеаd аt your

ѕресіаl rеԛuеѕtѕ; including аltеrnаtіvе wауѕ of сооkіng

tаblе, оr аftеr еасh guest hаѕ оnе piece аѕk to

оr substituting extra vеgеtаblеѕ fоr another calorie

hаvе the bаѕkеt removed. This wау no one

dеnѕе option. Aftеr all - you are рауіng fоr the mеаl;

fееlѕ deprived оf hаvіng brеаd, yet temptation

you mау аѕ wеll have іt thе wау thаt you wаnt іt.

іѕ limited. Thе nеxt step іѕ оrdеrіng drinks. Bе mіndful оf hоw mаnу calories аrе іn bеfоrе-dіnnеr drinks - ѕwіtсhіng tо a ѕраrklіng mіnеrаl water оr even a wine ѕрrіtzеr wіll save

Portion Control Tо hеlр wіth portion соntrоl уоu саn ask thе wаіtреrѕоn tо рut hаlf оf your dinner in a "tо gо box" bеfоrе hе brіngѕ іt to the table. If this іѕ nоt роѕѕіblе уоu can cut the еntréе іn half and move it tо one side оf your рlаtе - thеn only eat one hаlf. Mоѕt rеѕtаurаnt роrtіоnѕ аrе enough for twо mеаlѕ.

саlоrіеѕ thаt саn bеttеr uѕеd fоr food. Uѕе your аlсоhоl саlоrіеѕ wisely!

Dеѕѕеrt Whеn is comes to dеѕѕеrt - ѕрlіt оnе with уоur dining companion. This way уоu аrе nоt deprived but

Sресіаlѕ Whеn thе wаіtеr brіngѕ the mеnuѕ аlwауѕ аѕk іf thеrе are аnу ѕресіаlѕ. Often we аrе dіlіgеnt when rеvіеwіng the mеnu аnd then іt аll "goes оut thе wіndоw" whеn thе

are still ѕаvіng calories. Dіnіng out used tо bе reserved fоr ѕресіаl occasions since іt іѕ nоw аn almost еvеrуdау оссurrеnсе - mоrе dіlіgеnсе іѕ nееdеd.

waiter соmеѕ tо tаkе the оrdеrѕ аnd ѕауѕ "саn I tell уоu аbоut our ѕресіаlѕ today."


A Beginner’s Guide to Eating in New York City

HANNAH WYATT New York City is lauded for so many things – its fashion, culture, architecture, arts, business, and something that matters a lot to all of us: its food. One thing I didn’t realize when I went to New York

A Beginner’s Guide to Eating in New York City

City was just how overwhelming it would be to decide something

as seemingly simple as where to eat.


There are restaurants and food trucks around every corner, and unless they post a menu outside their door, it can be hard to figure out what kind of atmosphere or price range you’re going to walk into when you cross the threshold. On top of that, you may not even know what times of day certain restaurants or cafes are open, let alone when they are usually most busy.

A Beginner’s Guide to Eating in New York City

This is why it’s important to have a plan in mind for eating before

When I last went to the city, my feet

you go to New York City, especially if your itinerary includes other

were swollen from a full day of

things besides foodie ventures, because the act of finding a place

walking and riding the Subway by

to eat alone can be time consuming.

the point my partner and I wanted dinner. We walked up and down the

It might sound enticing to just go with the flow when exploring a

same couple of streets looking for a

new place. And this can be fun. It makes the things you come

place to eat without a wait until we

across all the more exciting and surprising, and it lets you get an

eventually ended up where we were

un-staged taste of the city. But believe me when I say, even if you planned an itinerary for a trip to New York City, from the moment you woke up and the moment you went to bed, there would still be at least a dozen things or people that were still able to shock you by the end of the day.

an hour earlier and settled with a random restaurant. Not to worry, though, because chances are, if you are in an up and

And when it comes to being hungry, you don’t want to find yourself at the end of a day of exploring by foot feeling achy and tired, wandering around the same three blocks of a city with hundreds of blocks. You are simply not going to know where to start when it comes to food, and further, you don’t want to get stuck in the miserable situation of walking out of restaurant after restaurant because of a wait going out the door. Trust me when I

coming area of the city, such as West Village where I was, pretty much any restaurant you walk into is going to be worthwhile. This being said, you can avoid a lot of extra stress while traveling if you just do a little research ahead of time, even if that

say that you’ll wish you had at least done a little research ahead of

means looking up places on Google


on your plane or car ride there.


Dining Experience in the Basque Country, Spain: SIDRERÍAS / CIDER HOUSES

Desirée Piña If you are looking for an epic night of fun, history, delicious food and unlimited drinks, a Cider House, Sidrería (Spanish) or Sagardotegi (Basque) is the place to go in the Basque Country.

Dining Experience in the Basque Country, Spain: SIDRERÍAS / CIDER HOUSES


Basque cider or Sagardo is not like your usual sweet and bubbly cider. Sidra is made out of a natural fermentation of apple juice. No carbonic gas is added to the fermentation process, unlike most of other ciders around the world, resulting in a more acidic (not sweet at all) and less bubbly beverage. Some may say it has a distinguished vinegary flavour, which makes sense since the fermentation process is the same.

Dining Experience in the Basque Country, Spain: SIDRERÍAS / CIDER HOUSES

FUN FACT: If you let cider ferment for longer you can achieve apple cider vinegar. The apples are harvested from September to November and the cider season officially starts in January, going on until the end of May. Nevertheless, there are a few share of cider houses that are open until the end of summer and even all year round. Cider houses

Kupelas, Sidrería Satxota, Aia

Astigarraga, a small

(Guipúzkoa), Basque Country

town located 15

Source: Haritz Satxota & Desirée

minutes away from


the city of San

Today, these cider houses offer not

Sebastian is called

only cider but a delicious set menu

the Capital de la Sidra

as well. There is usually a set price of

or the cider capitol city because it has the most number of cider houses per capita in all of Spain. My personal favourites are Sidrería Petritegi in Astigarraga, Sidrería Satxota in Aia, Sidrería Iparragirre in Hernani and Sidrería Zapiain in Astigarraga.

25 to 40 euros (depending on the Sidrería of choice) per person. This includes unlimited amount of cider and a set menu that is usually shared by your group in big wooden tables. Starting with some chorizo a la Sidra, followed by tortilla de bakalao (cod omelette), grilled or confit cod with a typical Basque sauce (Pil Pil, Vizkaína, Piperrada) and some Txuleta (aged steak).

A cider house is the place where cider is made and then usually stored in huge barrels, called A bottle of Satxota Cider, Sidrería Satxota, Aia (Guipúzkoa), Basque Country Source: Haritz Satxota & Desirée Piña

Kupelas. Back in the days, people would bring their own food and enjoy drinking

Txuleta, Sidrería Iparragirre, Hernani

and tasting that years

(Guipúzkoa), Basque Country

cider production.

Source: Irene & Desirée Piña


Dining Experience in the Basque Country, Spain: SIDRERÍAS / CIDER HOUSES

Back to the table and the the king of the night is served. A huge piece of Txuleta (grilled aged steak) is cooked to perfection (maybe too raw for your taste but you can always order to cook it more and they will happily do so) and served in the middle of the table in order for you to indulge.

Txuleta, Sidrería Iparragirre, Hernani (Guipúzkoa), Basque Country Source: Irene & Desirée Piña

Kupela, Sidrería Satxota, Aia (Guipúzkoa), Basque Country Source: Haritz Satxota & Desirée

While you are pleasantly enjoying dinner with your friends and/or family you will randomly hear a very loud man screaming TXOTX (pronounced choch) at the top of their lungs. This mean, everyone stops what they are doing and head to the Kupelas or barrels of cider. A barrel is open, a lined is formed and sidra starts pouring out. There actually is a correct way that you need to catch the cider: from a distinct angle and distance. This is done in order to open the air particles in the cider and which makes the flavour and texture optimal. You should pour a little bit of sidra at a time and is usually drank on the spot.

Piña Dessert consists on an assortment of Basque cheeses, quince jelly and walnuts. Even though you will usually be provided with a nutcracker it is common between male Basque friends to crack the walnuts with their forehead. Do not be alarmed if you see people crushing their heads in the table in the middle of the night.

Remember, this goes on randomly throughout the whole night. So be prepared to drink the night away!

Most will succeed, many others, specially giris or tourists will go back home with a bloody scar in their forehead.


Bubble Tea and How You Can Make It at Home

Bubble Tea and How You Can Make It at Home


If you’ve ever tried bubble tea, also sometimes called boba or milk tea, then you know just how delicious this delectable treat is. Bubble tea gets its name “bubble” from the bubble-like tapioca pearls that sit at the bottom of the drink and can be sucked up through the straw. The tea itself comes in many flavors and colors, and it gets its opaque appearance from the mixing of different flavored tea brews with sweet milk. When put with the boiled tapioca pearls, the drink makes a sweet and refreshing combination that goes great solo or with a meal. Bubble tea is a traditionally Taiwanese drink, but as its popularity has been on the rise, it can be found in most towns and pretty much all cities where there is an abundance of different types of restaurants. Some towns are too small to have places that sell bubble tea, though. And if you’re in the situation that you have to travel to get bubble tea or it’s too expensive to go out and buy, you can actually make it at home with a few simple ingredients that you can find at an Asian market or online if you don’t have a local Asian market.


Bubble Tea and How You Can Make It at Home

Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients that make up a DIY bubble tea:

While your tea is steeping and cooling, you’ll want to start boiling the tapioca. Different packages of tapioca

- 2-3 tea bags (depending on how strong you want the tea flavor) of green tea, Thai black tea, Chai tea, or any tea of choice really. You’ll want to pick something that will go well with a sweet taste, though.

pearls have different instructions, but you’ll generally boil water, add the pearls, let them rise to the top of the water, then pull them out and drop them in ice-cold water for about 20 or 30 seconds. Once they’ve quickly cooled, you can put them in a bowl. I

- Sweetened condensed milk

suggest adding sugar or honey and letting them soak in it so that they

- Tapioca pearls (colored, flavored, or not)

become sweet and remain moist and

The first thing that you will want to do is steep the tea bags. I recommend steeping a couple of tea bags in a tall cup’s worth of really hot to boiling water and letting the tea steep until it is quite strong. This is important because the milk will dilute the strength of the tea. You want to do this ahead of time and may even want to do it hours before the next steps, as you’ll want the tea to be cold when you add the milk and cold enough that the ice doesn’t melt.


soft. Once these steps are done, you can add the sweetened condensed milk to your tea. Do so to taste, whether you like it sweeter or milder. Some like to shake this mix up to properly combine, but you can just stir if you desire. Then, add your tapioca pearls, let them sink, add some ice, and drink up!

Common Street foods of Pakistan

Common Street foods of Pakistan Ammar junaid n Reema Junaid P.

Gol Gappay Street foods vary from region to region. As Pakistan lies in South Asia and has a great history and culture, it is rich in a variety of food items that are full of flavor and are loved by all. Some of the famous street food items are dahi bhallay, Gol gappay, Channa chat, Samosa, Pakora, roll paratha, bhunnay sittay (roasted corns) Bun kabab, Jalebi kulfi and Falooda.

Gol gappay. SOURCE: Reema Junaid Gol gappay is also known as pani puri. It is a very common street food in India and Pakistan. Gol means round and pani means water. Gappay or puri refers to a deep fried round hollow puri that is crispy. It is served with flavored water made with tamarind and various spices. The round puri is filled with chickpeas, onion, potatoes, yogurt and sweet and chili sauce then either it is dipped in flavored water or water is sipped with it. The blend of sweet and sour creates a unique


burst of flavors that is enjoyed by all.

Bubble Tea and How You Can Make It at Home

Dahi bhallay


Dahi bhallay. SOURCE: Reema Junaid SDahi bhallay is a Punjabi dish made from yogurt. It can be used as a side dish or as a snack. Bhallay is made from a batter of gram flour fried in round shape. It is then dipped in

Samosa. SOURCE: Reema Junaid

yogurt along with potatoes, onions, tomatoes,

It is a fried or baked savoury triangular

some spices, sweet tamarind sauce and a

pastry that is eaten as a snack. It is filled with

green chilies sauce. It is found in most of the

vegetables or meat. Mostly, potato filled

cities of Pakistan.

samosas are the most common ones.

Pakora Chana chaat

Chana chaat . SOURCE: Reema Junaid

Pakora SOURCE: Reema Junaid SIt is a snack made from chick peas. It is also

SIt is a snack made from chick peas. It is also

easily available across all of the Pakistan. It

easily available across all of the Pakistan. It

consists of chickpeas, tomatoes, onions,

consists of chickpeas, tomatoes, onions,

potatoes, a little yogurt and tamarind sauce

potatoes, a little yogurt and tamarind sauce

topped with chaat masala (special spices

topped with chaat masala (special spices

mixed together). Flavor of the chaat can be

mixed together). Flavor of the chaat can be

mild to very spicy according to the taste of

mild to very spicy according to the taste of

the consumer.

the consumer.


Bubble Tea and How You Can Make It at Home

Roll Paratha

Falooda Falooda is a drink or a dessert that contains a lot of ingredients like basil seeds, vermicelli, flavored syrups, nuts and ice cream. It has a cooling effect and is loved during summers.

Paratha roll SOURCE: Reema Junaid A paratha is a flatbread made of wheat dough made with layers of oil and wheat flour in

Makai (bhutta)

between. The word Paratha is an amalgamation of two words parat and atta which means layers of cooked dough. A paratha roll is mainly filled with cooked chicken and vegetables. There is a huge variety of roll parathas like chicken tikka roll

Makai SOURCE: Reema Junaid

paratha, chicken and cheese roll paratha, hot and spicy roll paratha and many more.

Makai or bhutta is corn. Corn is one is of the street food of Pakistan that is eaten very often

Bun Kabab

in the boiled or roasted form topped with salt, spicy masala and lemon juice. Even separated seeds of corns are also roasted in the hot salt

It is a local version of burger, also known as

that gives it a crunchy texture from outside

desi burger. The patty is known as kabab

and soft in the inside.

which is made up of lentils, chickpea or meat. It is affordable street food that is easily available across Pakistan.

Chicken Tikka


Chicken Tikka is a delicious street food. A chicken is marinated with yogurt, lemon juice, ginger, garlic and Tikka masala (a

It is a local version of burger, also known as

special blend of spices) and is roasted over

desi burger. The patty is known as kabab

coals. The marinating is mostly done

which is made up of lentils, chickpea or meat.

overnight in order to get amazing flavors and

It is affordable street food that is easily

served with chutney and Naan(a flat bread

available across Pakistan.

baked in oven).


3 Budget Meals That Taste Great!

3 Budget Meals That Taste Great!


Trying to be a great cook can be a little discouraging if you are not aware of some easy recipes that actually present and taste like gourmet food. There is a lot you can do with a few ingredients; using food that is simple and fresh will go a long way when it comes to eating on a budget and making food that you will actually like the taste of. I’ve compiled here three relatively easy recipes that I like to make for dinner often because of their rich tastes and short preparation time. Pasta with homemade pesto This one is really simple to make because boiling pasta is about the easiest thing you can do in a kitchen, aside from chopping fruits and vegetables. Another great aspect of this dish is the fact that I can guarantee that the most expensive thing you will have to buy is the fresh basil, which will probably total around four to five dollars, depending on where you live or if you have access to your own homegrown herbs. The rest of the ingredients are cheap, and chances are you probably already have them in your pantry. You want to boil a pot of pasta. While that is going, you’ll use a blender or food processor to pulverize and make a pesto sauce out of fresh basil leaves, olive oil, salt, pepper, and fresh garlic cloves. The ratios you use are up to personal taste because some people like their pesto spicier or runnier than others. But, once it’s mixed, just pour it over your pasta, and sprinkle with mozzarella for a creamy texture!


3 Budget Meals That Taste Great!

Baked chicken breasts with rice I love to make chicken for the main reason that if you buy boneless, skinless chicken, the only task remaining for you is to season it and stick it in the oven! It’s so much simpler to make than grilling steaks or preparing burgers, for example. I like to start with a package or boneless, skinless chicken breasts, place them on a flat pan, coat them in olive oil, then sprinkle salt, minced garlic, dry basil, and turmeric on each side. I then stick them in the oven at around 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and flip them when the tops start to get opaque and bubbly. Make sure the internal temperature of the chicken is at least 185 degrees Fahrenheit before eating. Serve with rice, and you’re good to go!

Seared prosciutto-wrapped asparagus with fresh mozzarella slices This is my favorite dish because it has the richest flavors and is so easy to make. Start with a package of asparagus stalks, cut off the purple rind at the bottom, and rinse them thoroughly. Then, take a package of prosciutto slices, and wrap each stalk of asparagus individually. It’s okay if they don’t stick perfectly. Next, place the wrapped stalks in an ungreased skillet on medium-high heat and turn occasionally until the meat has crisped and the asparagus is bright green and somewhat moist. This dish is pretty salty, so I like to complement the flavor of the prosciutto with slices of a mild, fresh mozzarella on the side.


Make Condado Tacos Your Next Foodie Stop in Pittsburgh

Make Condado Tacos Your Next Foodie Stop in Pittsburgh

Hannah Wyatt

If you’ve been to Pittsburgh, or know a little bit about it, you know that it’s food and restaurant reputation is stellar. Pittsburgh is rich in neighborhoods that are worlds apart, but all share the quality of having great places to eat, whether you go to a bar, gastropub, sushi shop, taco stand, or pizza point. I traveled to one neighborhood in particular recently for a concert that I had never visited before. The show was in Lawrenceville, a neighborhood in Pittsburgh just above Polish Hill that sits against the Allegheny River.

Lawrenceville is a hip, trending neighborhood, like many of Pittsburgh’s neighborhoods, that is rich in the arts and good eats. It sits tucked into an array of art galleries, boutiques, restaurants, theaters, and music venues on the main Butler Street. Like any good fan of food, I decided that in order to get a true taste of Lawrenceville, I needed to seek out what they had to offer in terms of tacos. So, I got on Apple Maps, searched for taco restaurants, and found a place with good reviews called Condado Tacos.


Make Condado Tacos Your Next Foodie Stop in Pittsburgh

IAs I walked down Butler Street towards the

The drinks are also a must-do if you are of age

restaurant, I was overwhelmed with a sense of

and want to try something different. Condado

liveliness. People were out and about, traffic was

has a large and unique menu of cocktails, beers,

moving, and you could tell that things would be

and wines, and they are reasonably priced, too.

going on all night. Condado Tacos sits on a street

The third good thing I have to say about this

corner, and when you get inside, it is instantly warm

restaurant is that it is just fun to be there. The

and inviting.

atmosphere is totally welcoming and casual, which I think is a must when exploring a new

I have three things to say good things about at this

city or part of a city. The staff are attentive and

taco restaurant. First, I have to obviously say that the

friendly, and the aesthetics of the space are

tacos were amazing. Not only are their tacos

really exciting. The walls are colorful and painted

delicious, as a restaurant known for its tacos should

in a mural style with cartoons of roller derby

be; they came in all varieties of meat, shell, and

girls and skate rinks. The seating is at the bar or

topping. Conveniently enough, you get to build your

high-top tables that are pushed together to

own tacos based on what meats, cheeses, salsas, and

make rows of tables where you can sit close to

toppings you want, and you get to check off these

others while still maintaining your privacy.

preferences on a little paper menu. I recommend the brisket.

I have no bad things to say about Condado Tacos, and I would recommend newcomers to and veterans of Pittsburgh to try it out!



Top 10 Nigerian Dishes

Top 10 Nigerian Dishes

Morenike Okebu

If you have the opportunity to come to West Africa and you happen to fly into the tropical country called Nigeria, you would certainly be in for a treat. Nigeria is very rich in culture and tradition, with over 527 languages and 1150 dialects, it is little wonder you have a wide variety of food dishes to tantalise your tastebuds. So what would I call the top 10 Nigerian dishes? I caught up with Chef KD and John Ude who have helped me showcase some of the delicious dishes I would be talking about today.


Top 10 Nigerian Dishes

JOLLOF RICE How can I describe this delicious dish that would do it justice. It is prepared with tomatoes, rice, onions and secret Nigerian seasonings. There is current food war between Nigeria and Ghana about who makes the best jollof rice. Don’t say you heard it from me, but Nigerian jollof rice is 100% better.

SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons

AMALA AND EWEDU This dish is purely of Yoruba descent, powdered yam, cooked over a slow blaze to form a jelly like ball served with Ewedu, stew and delicious meat. You won’t forget the taste and it is best served hot. Be careful, because the stew could be abit spicy. SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons

OKRA SOUP How can I talk about top ten Nigerian dishes without talking about okra soup. This is a delicious soup made from okra with palm oil and traditional spices Chef KD’s okra variation is all in one. Some serve Okra with stew on top depending on how it is prepared. It is served with pounded yam or semovita. SOURCE: Chef KD


Top 10 Nigerian Dishes

NKWOBI Goat meat is delicacy in Nigeria and among the Igbo people of Nigeria. Nkwobi is a popular dish but Chef KD puts a delicious twist to it by swopping the goat meat with pork.


BITTERLEAF SOUP THave you ever had a bitter – sweet feeling in your heart about something? Well this is the same thing but the taste is in your tummy. Bitter leaf soup is prepared from vegetable leaves that are very bitter indeed. Most of the bitter taste is washed away and whats left is converted into a delicious soup. SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons

AFANG SOUP This traditional Calabar dish is a show stopper. The taste is very interesting and its something you have to taste to describe. A delicious burst of succulent flavours is sure to await you. It is served with pounded yam, ebaor even semovita. SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons


Top 10 Nigerian Dishes


PORRIDGE This is not your traditional porridge as you can see. The Nigerian porridge can be garnished with what we describe as pomo as was done by Chef John Ude in this picture. It is made with palm oil, yam and sometimes sweet potatoes, when nextin Nigeria, be sure to check this out.

SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons

EGUSI SOUP I love, love, love Egusi soup. It is easy to make and very nutritious. It is made from ground melon seeds, spinach and what Nigerians like to call ‘water leaf’. It is also served with pounded yam, eba, semovita and soon.


Top 10 Nigerian Dishes

PEPPER SOUP They say if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, this spicy starter is sure to give you a kick. It is made with traditional spices and is spicy to say the least.

SOURCE: Wikimedia Commons

RICE AND STEW Its easy to overlook rice and stew as a Nigerian dish but it is popular, delicious and served in almost every household. It is simply rice served with a sauce made from tomatoes, pepper (atarodo), bawa (another type of pepper), tatashe and garnished with various types of meat. Thank you for reading. There are more delicious dishes in Nigeria, you can share your experience in the comment section.


Dining with History

Dining with History

Mary E Harris

The truly unique experiences are the ones your least expect. It wasn’t until I started working at an operating, historic village fit with costumed residents that I realized just how much living history museums have to offer. These offerings include deliciously historic taverns, inns, and restaurants that, you, the visitor can enjoy as part of your overall experience into the past. There are even options to dine after hours in intimate settings. Imagine being able to step back in time, to the beginnings of our country and sitting down to dine in an 18th century tavern. The lighting is low, the dining room set with fine china and an elegant cherry table with high back chairs. You choose from a menu of historically accurate food and are served by interpreters in historic costumes. You may not know it, but these restaurants are more common than you think.


Dining with History

Colonial Williamsburg


Colonial Williamsburg has four historic dining options to choose from. From

Williamsburg has four

this author's perspective, the King’s Arm Tavern is the finest choice. Although the recipes are inspired by

historic dining

the 18th century, they are fitted to please modern taste buds. The first

options to choose

chophouse to open in the States was

from. From this

Williamsburg’s current King’s Arm

by Jane Volpe in 1772. Colonial Tavern is a period correct reproduction, inside and out. The

author’s perspective,

menu is highlighted by prime rib, game hen, and roast tenderloin. There are both lunch and dinner servings

the King’s Arm Tavern

along with a kid's menu. The food is delectable, the entertainment soft

is the finest choice"

and beautiful, and the ambiance like nothing you have every experienced.


Dining with History

Genesee Country Museum Genesee Country Museum in upstate

The MacKay family were wealthy mill owners from

New York has two historic dining

Caledonia, NY. With the home being right within the

options. One similar to Colonial

historic village, as soon as you step on site you feel

Williamsburg, but with a more

transported back in time. Although the home is one of

laidback country charm at Hosmer’s

a wealthy businessman, there is still a simplicity within

Inn and one inside a 19th century

the home. Only a few people can share the dining

landed gentry’s home. The receipts, or

space, making for an intimate experience. The dinners

recipes, used at both locations are

are only served after hours and with reservations

more authentic, straight from 19th

required, so the rest of the site is peaceful and

century cookbooks. The museum’s

welcoming to after dinner walkers. Hosmer’s Inn does

newest venture, starting in spring

often offer during regular hours dining, if you would

2019, are the MacKay House family

like to partake in the whole Upstate New York historical


experience during your visit.


Dining with History

Mount Vernon, Virginia TThere is even historic craft fermentation to explore at historic sites such as Mount Vernon, Virginia. Our first president was more than a great political leader, he was also a successful businessman. By 1799, George Washington was one of the largest whiskey producers in the newly founded United State of America. Although the original structure burned down in 1814, it was rebuilt by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association in 2007. The building was restored to the minutest of detail; hand hewed wood boards gracing the exterior of the building and blacksmith forged iron nails brought it all together. Although tastings are not available, you can purchase bottles to take home with you from the organization’s website or gift shop. These living history sites are absolutely worth the trip no matter what, but knowing that there are excellent and exciting dining options laced within the overall historic experience makes the trip all the more alluring.

Photo Courtesy of the Genesee Country Village and Museum, Mumford NY


The Price We Pay for the Independent Coffee House Experience

The Price We Pay for the Independent Coffee House Experience HANNAH WYATT

If you’re a regular coffee drinker, or even have the occasional trip to a café, then you know how this goes. You peruse the menu, full of exotic-looking specialty drinks, to find that the cheapest is at least three or four dollars. And then, you start thinking to yourself, four dollars?! That’s like the price of a meal, or several meals if I push pennies. So, you move down to the simple drip coffees, cold brews, and house blends... only to find that, yes, they’re expensive, too. Sometimes, you can’t even get an iced coffee for much less than four dollars at some of these coffee shops. In fact, pretty much everything you buy when you go to an independently-run or local coffee shop is going to be a little bit more expensive than at chain businesses that sell coffee like, say, Dunkin’ Donuts or McDonald’s. The thing is, though, this has become a normal expectation, because, really, you’re paying for a unique experience, atmosphere, and quality of goods when you go to a small business. There are a few reasons to be understanding of this price spike.


The Price We Pay for the Independent Coffee House Experience

IPeople who run small businesses spend most of

And because of our understanding that it can be

their funds on paying building rent and other

cheap – as it is at some chains – it becomes easy

exorbitant costs that come with the turf. It’s also

to believe that it must be cheap anywhere we

likely that small coffee shops are sourcing their

buy it. But the next time you go to a small coffee

coffee beans from another independent

shop or café, consider the thought behind it.

business or even roasting them in house, which

Whoever had the gull to spend their hard-earned

comes with another whole host of expenses.

money to open the shop amongst heavy competition probably was not doing it for a

And because of all these interfering factors, it can

solely money-based venture. They probably

be hard for small businesses like independent

seriously care about coffee. Maybe it’s their

coffee shops to stay afloat in a world where you

passion, even. Just like people who open shops

can walk down the street and buy an iced vanilla

dedicated to selling their art care about the

latte from McDonald’s for just a couple of dollars.

quality of what is sold and the customer

The competition is fierce. Coffee is now a thing of

experience, small coffee shops care about these

second thought. Students drink it, working

things, too.

adults drink it... heck, even children drink coffee now. It has become a necessity, a norm,

If you want this detailed and cared-for

something which we all, for the most part,

experience, then be ready to pay a little more,

believe we would be amiss without its

because you probably are getting better


ingredients and quality of goods, not to mention the personal aspect of a store that is not a chain.


Why Microgreens Are the Superfood You’ve Been Waiting For

Why Microgreens Are the Superfood You’ve Been Waiting For

Hannah Wyatt

If you’re unfamiliar with this superfood, microgreens are pretty much exactly what their name implies. They are tiny versions of the leafy greens we buy at the grocery store, usually only a few inches long, and they look like bigger versions of plant sprouts. Given just enough time to move past the sprout stage and flourish with some small, leafy bits, their harvest results in a tender, soft and rich green. In short, they are the young, immature versions of greens that we normal buy, harvested at or around the third or fourth week of growth. They can include the young versions of greens like spinach and kale, but what some don’t know is that they also contain the young sprouts of other produce, like radish, broccoli, and cauliflower before they become the vegetables we see in the grocery store. There are many benefits to substituting your regular greens diet (or supplementing it) with microgreens, including taste, texture, accessibility of gardening, and nutrient levels. Here are some of the best benefits of trying microgreens. Many turn to microgreens for the taste. These small, immature versions of greens are extremely tender, and since they are so small, the flavor and richness of taste is very concentrated, as opposed to fully grown, harvestable greens, where the flavor is a little duller and diluted.


Why Microgreens Are the Superfood You’ve Been Waiting For

Microgreens are extremely easy to grow. You

There are so many reasons to get hooked on

can actually save quite a bit of money by

microgreens, but if the aforementioned

investing in some seeds and letting them

reasons don’t already have you sold, you

germinate and grow at home. Not only do

might consider just how healthy microgreens

they harvest within just a few weeks, but they

are for your body. Not only are they healthy;

require very little maintenance besides

they are arguably more healthy than regular

having a solid pot with good drainage, a

lettuces and greens you can buy packaged at

countertop space, and a fair amount of

the grocery store, because, like it was

sunlight in your windowsill. And a benefit of

mentioned before, they are at their early

growing them yourself is that you know

stage of life, which means that they are rich

exactly how they were grown. You don’t have

and packed with nutrients like Vitamin K,

to worry about the possibility of pesticides or

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and lutein.

harmful chemicals being used on your crop, because you are the one caring for your

With all the benefits of this food –

microgreens. Additionally, you don’t need a

accessibility, cheap cost, and rich nutrient

garden or even an outdoor space to grow

value, they pass my test for superfood value. If

microgreens, and what’s even better is that

you’re looking to spice up your salad world, or

you can continue growing these tasty greens

even just try something that will give you a

into the cold season without worrying about

little more nutrition than iceberg lettuce, then

pesky factors like frost damage.

I would definitely suggest trying out microgreens.


Welcome to the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world

Tamara Marie Johnson

Welcome to the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world Haus Hiltl in Zurich, Switzerland

Do you enjoy quality vegetarian food, excellent service, and a multicultural selection? Then this restaurant is for you. 34

Welcome to the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world

If you’re ever in Zurich, Switzerland, you should definitely check out Haus Hiltl near the main train station. Founded in 1898, Haus Hiltl is the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world – and to this day it is jam-packed full of people. Always. If you don’t want to eat dinner at 11pm, you should definitely reserve a table, at least a week in advance. Haus Hiltl does have a menu but it is best known for its extensive buffet: over 100 homemade, vegetarian and vegan dishes from around the world await you here. There are hot and cold main courses, sides and salads, cakes, puddings, and ice cream. How it works You pay by weight until you reach around 50 dollars. And for every plate, guests get one complimentary piece of fresh bread and as much tap water as they want. That might not sound like much but Swiss tap water tastes amazing – and most restaurants charge you for it. There is a fancy, sit-down restaurant as well as an informal café-style bistro area (where you cannot reserve a seat). Additionally, you can get all buffet items in a biodegradable take-out box. Fun fact: Haus Hiltl is actually just the main restaurant, there are more than 10 smaller locations in the city that belong to it, including a vegetarian butcher’s shop and a

Me getting lunch at Hiltl on a sunny November day.

night club down the street.

SOURCE: Tamara Marie Johnson


Welcome to the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world

My buffet selection last week (clockwise): roasted carrots and brussels sprouts, red braised cabbage with caramelized chestnuts, Quorn tikka masala, and buttered Knöpfli (Swiss fresh noodles). SOURCE: Tamara Marie Johnson What to expect

Quality food

Great service

Again, Haus Hiltl hasn’t ever disappointed me. There are so many things to choose from and

Even if you opt for the buffet, a waiter will

they are all good. Of course, it helps that they

bring you your drinks and ring you up (a

label every dish so that you can check whether

receipt comes out of the scale each time you

it is vegetarian or vegan, spicy or mild, and

weigh a plate at the buffet). I go to Haus Hiltl at

generally has anything in it you know you

least once every two months and I have never

don’t like. In my case, I like to steer clear of

had a bad experience. All of the staff are

anything made with raisins.

friendly and fast and most speak English very Broad selection

well. If you enter through the sit-down restaurant entrance, you will be greeted by a concierge and shown to your table almost

You can choose from a broad selection of


traditional Swiss delicacies, Indian curries,


Welcome to the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world

My buffet selection last week (clockwise): roasted carrots and brussels sprouts, red braised cabbage with caramelized chestnuts, Quorn tikka masala, and buttered Knöpfli (Swiss fresh noodles). SOURCE: Tamara Marie Johnson

Italian pasta dishes, a salad bar, desserts, and

That is the only downside to this restaurant: it’s

so much more. Over 100 different items in

too popular. Other than that, I give it five stars.

total – and that’s not even counting the à la

Just don’t go here for a romantic evening of

carte menu. In addition, Haus Hiltl offers a

shouting sweet nothings in each other’s ears

fantastic selection of vegan wines. My

and you’ll be fine.

personal favorite: white Riesling-Silvaner By the by, you don’t have to take my word for

from Küsnacht on the shores of Lake Zurich.

it: more than half of the people on TripAdvisor say Haus Hiltl is ‘excellent,’ the overall rating is

Yuppie atmosphere

4.5 stars.

Haus Hiltl may be old – but it’s one of those

Hiltl Vegimetzg

‘in’ places. As such, it is always very busy and loud and there isn’t ever much room for

St. Annagasse 18 8001 Zurich

shopping bags or anything else you may have with you.





In the modern world, thanks to the wonders of industry, one kitchen can contain spices from all over the world. And with rising health concerns centered around sodium, this is a colossal benefit. Salt enriches the tastes of foods, and processed foods are often loaded with it. So much so that it can impact health. Many people turn to premade seasonings to flavor steaks, chicken, and other dishes. But sadly, most of these pre-made seasons still contain sodium, and often in large quantities. Instead of relying on salt to enhance your meals, all you need to know is how to mix spices properly. Spices can flavor a dish while broadening your palate and decreasing your dependence on sodium. All you need is a few skills, and perhaps a mortar and pestle. I have an extensive collection of spices and herbs from typical ones such as garlic powder, dried thyme, and plenty of cayenne powder; to more exotic ones like berbere seasoning, cardamom, and garam masala. I prefer to mix my own seasonings whenever possible, and it’s significantly reduced my need to add salt to my meals.



Spices can also bring the world to your kitchen.

Try Cardamom with lemon for a great way to

A chicken is just a chicken but when you add

enjoy chicken. And you don’t have to stick to

the right spices, and you can transform it. Add

sources and instructions when blending spices

some ancho and chipotle chili powder, some

either. You can make your own unique blends.

cumin, and perhaps a little lime, and you can

Don’t be afraid to experiment with spices. You

add a Latin flare to that bird. A mix of curry

may not like every single outcome but don’t let

powders, cumin, cardamom, and turmeric can

a couple of failures stop your continued

give you a taste of India. If you get your hands

exploration of spices.

on some Szechwan peppercorns, all you have to do is mix cinnamon, star anise, fennel, and

So shop online or visit your favorite spice shop

cloves together and you have a quintessential

because it’s not just flavor that spices enhance.

addition to any Chinese dish: the Chinese five

There are many health benefits associated

spice powder.

with them as well. Turmeric, ginger, the world of chili peppers, even chocolate powder, many

Spices don’t have to just enhance your dinners

of them have been part of world herbal

either. Imagine being able to enjoy your own

remedies for thousands of years. While reliance

homemade chai tea. All you have to do is mix

on such herbal remedies should never take the

cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, coriander,

place of sound medical advice from a

ginger, and white pepper together in accurate

practiced medical practitioner, the health


benefits of spices and herbs can’t be denied.

Spices come with a rich and varied history as

So if you are ready to lay off the salt and take

well. Thanks to the spice trade, places like India

control over what you and your family eat, dig

were able to share their many spices with the

into the world of spices and make them part of

world, and many places these spices passed

your own culinary adventure in the comfort of

through became cultural centers and used the

your own home.

spices to create their own culinary identities. There is an entire world to explore through the use of spices and herbs in your life. They are a way to step outside your cultural comfort zone and expose yourself to exotic tastes you may not have considered before. Now is a great time to add to your kitchen spice collection. If you want to kick your dependance on salt and dive into the world of flavor and seasoning, don’t be afraid to experiment. Cardamom and turmeric are great spices to add first hand. There has been a lot of hype centered around the yellow root, and it’s health benefits. Try turmeric lattes and teas or sprinkle it on beans or put it in soups. It’s excellent in more than just curries.


4 World Famous Marinades For Perfectly Cooked Meat

Maja Bilbilovska

4 World Famous Marinades For Perfectly Cooked Meat Marinade, one amazing way to maximize the flavor of the meat. This is a very old method, which is also the most popular global technique and it is suitable for every cooking style and cuisine.


4 World Famous Marinades For Perfectly Cooked Meat

All over the world, wheatear fish is cooked, or steaks are grilled or chicken is stir-fried, marinades deliver a fail-safe method to infuse many different flavors. In fact, each country has its own traditional marinade that gives the meat a special flavor. So, if you really want to bring the flavors from a different culture into your home is by cooking meat using their popular marinade.

1. Caribbean Marinade Directions:

This marinade will give you a taste from the beautiful islands. It is an amazing spice and citrus blend that you must try. Plus, it is super

1. In a glass pan or Ziploc bag combine the

easy to make.

ingredients. Mix well.


2. Add the meat you like, fish, chicken, beef or pork.

1 tsp. Chili powder

3. Marinade for 2 hours or more.

1/8 tsp. ground Cloves 1⁄2 tsp. Cinnamon, ground

4. Grill, stir – fry, bake... cook as you like.

1⁄2 tsp. Nutmeg, ground 1 tsp. Ginger, ground 1 tsp. of Salt 1 tsp. Cumin, ground 2 tsp. Black pepper, ground 1⁄2 cup chopped Onion 2 – 4 cloves of garlic, minced 2 tbsp. lice juice 2 tbsp. Orange juice 1⁄4 cup of Olive oil


4 World Famous Marinades For Perfectly Cooked Meat

2. Thai Marinade Simple and diverse marinade that is packed with Asian flavors. It is a combination of well known Thai mix, salty and sweet. Ingredients: 2 tbsp. Honey 2 tbsp. Ginger root, minced 1 tbsp. Garlic, minced 4 tbsp. of Caster sugar 1 tbsp. of Sesame oil 2 tbsp. dry sherry or Rice wine 3 tbsp. Fish sauce Directions: 1. In a bowl combine all ingredients. 2. Add the meat and coat well. 3. Cover and marinate in the fridge for 6 hours or for better taste overnight. 4. Cook the meat the way you like.


4 World Famous Marinades For Perfectly Cooked Meat

3. Spanish Marinade for Beef and Pork

Ingredients: 4-5 tbsp. Vinegar 5-6 tbsp. Olive oil 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced 2 tbsp. Oregano, dried 1â „4 cup of Spanish paprika 3-4 tbsp. Water Directions: 1. In a bowl combine the garlic,

This marinade is perfect for beef

oregano, and paprika. Mix well.

and pork and it is enough for

3. Place the meat of choice in a

about 2lb. meat. Bring the Spanish

rub the meat.

flavors into your own home.

max and minimum 2h. Coat the

2. Add the water, vinegar, and oil. container. Pour the marinade and 4. Let it sit in the fridge for 24h sides occasionally. 5. Roast, bake or fry the meat and



4 World Famous Marinades For Perfectly Cooked Meat

Ingredients: 1 tsp. pepper flakes 1 tsp. black pepper, freshly cracked 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. sugar 1 tbsp. of chopped basil leaves 1 tbsp. fresh oregano leaves 1 tbsp. Thyme leaves 1 small bay leaf 4 garlic cloves, chopped 1⁄4 cup lemon juice, fresh

4. Italian Marinade

1 Lemon, the zest 3⁄4 cup wine vinegar, red 1 cup Olive oil Directions: 1. In a bowl add all ingredients.

Italy is known for its amazing

2. Mix well.

cuisine. Everyone loves Italian

into cubes). Cover. Refrigerate for 24-36

food, well, who doesn’t love

refrigerate for 12 hours.

pasta and pizza? But pizza and pasta is not the only thing that

3. Add the meat (beef, lamb or chicken cut hours but for chicken, you should 4. Cook and enjoy! Start cooking right now. Call your friends and family for a nice lunch or dinner party

represents Italian cuisine. Here

and surprise them with the smell and taste

is a marinade recipe to give

you. What is important is that now you will

you meat an Italian touch.

and friends.


of Italian meat or maybe Thai. It is up to be the executive chef between your family

Why Don’t Dupe Recipes Taste Like Restaurant Recipes?

Ossiana Tepfenhart Did you ever go to a restaurant, adore the food, bought a

Why Don’t Dupe Recipes Taste Like Restaurant Recipes?

cookbook with their restaurant recipes, and try to recreate what you had? If you did in hopes of getting the same dish you loved eating, you might have noticed that it didn’t really live up to your expectations. It’s disappointing, to say the least.


Why Don’t Dupe Recipes Taste Like Restaurant Recipes?

Flats In most restaurants, recipes aren’t done dish by dish. Many restaurant meals are

Many restaurant-goers seek

prepped in bulk batches called “flats,” then

out dupe recipes that claim to

to serve them. The bulk preparation means

taste “just like” their favorite

are put together and cooked when it’s time that ingredient quantities aren’t always going to match up with the smaller

meals, only to have their hopes dashed by dinnertime. Believe

portions one would use in a regular homecooked meal. While restaurant recipe books can try to

it or not, there are several

give similar proportions, the truth is that it’s

reasons as to why the home-

flavor when you’re going from kilograms to

exceedingly hard to nail down that exact cups. Large batch cooking also means

cooked restaurant versions

cooking times differ, which in turn, can cause food to have a slightly different

never seem to taste right...

texture as well.


Why Don’t Dupe Recipes Taste Like Restaurant Recipes?


Trade Secrets

I’ll be honest—restaurants are kind of

If you were a restaurant owner who was famous for

cheating when it comes to the way they

a particular dish, would you ever give that recipe

prepare food. Most people don’t have the

away? Of course not! It would be foolish to publish

type of technology that restaurants rely on

it anywhere, because competitors would want to

at home. They have sous vides that are

get a sneak peek at it. It also would potentially hurt

designed to cook meats and stews to

your restaurant’s ability to keep clients in the door.

perfection. They have high-grade food processors. Some even have equipment

Even if restaurants do put together epic cookbooks,

that lets you vaporize food!

it’s extremely rare that you’ll find a recipe that’s pulled directly from the kitchen for this reason. It

If you’re looking to recreate food made in a

simply doesn’t make financial sense to do so. What

super-techy restaurant, you’ll be

usually happens with the “from the kitchen

disappointed. The recipes in their

recipes” is that the writers of the book tend to leave

cookbooks are designed for home use, and

our an ingredient that gives it flavor, or make subtle

therefore won’t use the same methods. As

changes to the recipe. This will make the food taste

a result, the food will rarely (if ever) taste

good, but not taste identical to the stuff you

the same.

enjoyed at the table.


Why Don’t Dupe Recipes Taste Like Restaurant Recipes?

Skill IFinally, the last reason why restaurant recipe books tend to disappoint is because of the skill level they’re written for. Chefs undergo years of training to learn how to prepare the dishes we adore, and so do most kitchen staff. Most restaurant-goers don’t have any formal training in culinary arts. Chef-level cookbooks are a whole ‘nother animal compared to the ones you pick up at Whole Foods. In order to make restaurant recipes seem approachable to the masses, writers of cookbooks have to change some of the techniques and terms used in them. This, unfortunately, often takes away from the quality of the food. Though it may seem like I’m bashing restaurant cookbooks, I’m really not. They offer a great way to learn how to make awesome meals and also act as a great gift for fans of upscale dining. However, it’s important to realize that you can only do so much in a typical kitchen—and cookbook writers have to work with what you have available to you, too.


Cooking With Kids

Bailey Woodean

Cooking With Kids


Why Don’t Dupe Recipes Taste Like Restaurant Recipes?


Cooking can be such a therapeutic part of your day. For some, it is nearly a form of meditation. But what about cooking with kids? There can be both benefits and added stress when it comes to cooking with your children. However, it can’t hurt to try to introduce it to their lives and add responsibilities to them as they age. So, what are the facts behind cooking with your children and is it really a good idea? Let’s sift through the following sections to learn more!


Cooking with your kids

You should cook with your kids 1. It is no surprise that parents are busy. Today, most households rely on daycare, babysitters, and schools to care for their children while both parents go out to work. The economy practically demands this kind of structure. The result is then that parents are not able to spend as much time with


their children as they should or would like to. Including your child in the meal prep or cooking of family meals can be one way of spending together! IFinally, thetime last reason why restaurant recipe books tend to disappoint is 2. Teaching your aboutwritten proper because of the skillchildren level they’re nutrition and safe years cooking techniques for. Chefs undergo of training to is important their futures. Onewe day they will learn how tofor prepare the dishes adore, grow yourstaff. nest.Most When this day and so up do and mostleave kitchen comes it will be entirely on any them to restaurant-goers don’t have formal purchase groceries, store them and training in culinary arts. eventually cook them all properly. Without your guidance in their early years,‘nother they may Chef-level cookbooks are a whole enter their teen and adult years animal compared to the ones youwith picklittle up to knowledge how healthy food atno Whole Foods.of Infood orderand to make can benefit their seem overallapproachable health. restaurant recipes to the masses, writers of cookbooks have to 3. Encouraging their curiosity about cooking change some of the techniques and terms is imperative! Some children are often born with a used in them. This, unfortunately, natural giftfrom and the sense for flavors may takes away quality of theand food. express a passion for cooking early on. If this is the case, it isseem important tobashing encourage the Though it may like I’m passion rather than squander In fact, restaurant cookbooks, I’m reallyit.not. Theythis is true regardless whathow they offer a great way tooflearn toare make passionate about. awesome meals and also act as a great gift for fans of upscale dining. However, it’s 4. Children to feel they important tolove realize thatwanted you canand only do love tomuch help out. example, my son likes to so in a For typical kitchen—and help me clean uphave at the the what day. So, cookbook writers to end workofwith when I run the vacuum clean the floors, you have available to you,to too. he will find and turn on his toy vacuum to ”help” me clean the house. He also likes to help me cook in the kitchen. It makes him


feel important and needed.

Cooking with your kids

What you should cook with your kids 1. What do kids love more than sugary treats? Probably not much! So a great food to make with then is something sweet that they can decorate themselves. For example, Christmas cookies, cupcakes, or donuts! 2. Not everything they cook and eat should


be sugary. They need to find healthy foods that they enjoy to keep their bodies growing big and strong! Making a veggie pizza from scratch can be fun for them. They will love the idea of having pizza for dinner and if you have more than one child you may consider making individual mini pizzas so everyone can have the veggies and toppings they want! 3. Other foods to make with your kids should include salads, zucchini fries, or smashed potatoes!

How to cook with your kids

4. Keep dangerous knives and utensils out of their reach until they are old enough to handle them. Safe utensils include wooden

1. Make sure everyone washes their hands! It

spoons, spatulas and rolling pins.

is critical that they learn this step early on. Hands are one of the main transportation

5. If raw meat is involved make sure great

devices of germs and if germs are spread to

care is taken to handle the meat yourself

the utensils and food then people can end

and assign a different, safer task for the

up getting very sick.

children to help with.

2. Once everyone has clean hands you

Take the time to teach your children about

should gather all required ingredients to

safe and healthy cooking practices early on.

make the desired recipe.

Bringing them into the kitchen as your sous chef is more appropriate for 2+-year-olds.

3. If your children are shorter than the

Children at two years old and older are able

counter then you may want to find a

to follow directions and comprehend more

stepping ladder or stool for them to stand

of the tasks being done than they would

on. Make sure it is level and stable before

prior to two years old. Let the wheels start

they climb aboard.

turning and the creativity flow!


Americanized Chinese food vs. Authentic Chinese Food

Bailey Woodean

Americanized Chinese food vs. Authentic Chinese Food 53

Americanized Chinese food vs. Authentic Chinese Food

I hate to break the news to anyone that enjoys

Types of Chinese dishes

Chinese food takeout as much as I do, but the chances of that takeout resembling authentic

There are many dishes on the takeout menu

food from China is rather slim. Chinese takeout

that come with sauces on the side or are

that we have come to know and love is

even smothered in sauce. Sauces are not

generally Americanized or Westernized

common in authentic Chinese cuisine as

versions of authentic Chinese food.

they prefer spices and herbs to add flavor. These dishes include sweet and sour

The Cooking Methods Much of the

chicken, orange chicken, or General Tso’s. In

Americanized or Westernized Chinese food

fact, these dishes are in no way authentic to

takeout is fried. That is a very uncommon

the dishes you would find in China.

cooking method in China. Very few of their authentic dishes involve frying any of the

Meals in China are also not primarily focused

meats or vegetables. Typically, the Chinese rely

on meat as the star of the plate. Primarily,

on steaming, braising, boiling and other

they plan their meals around vegetables,

healthier cooking options compared to deep

noodles, and rice. In fact, tofu can often be

frying. Some dishes at Chinese takeout

found in their dishes to boost the protein

restaurants can be made either fried or

factor. This is not to say that the authentic

steamed, such as dumplings. Most menus will

Chinese dishes do not include meat at all.

list both options and leave it up to the

They simply include it substantially less than

customers to order the cooking method they

we do here in America.



Americanized Chinese food vs. Authentic Chinese Food

Traditional Chinese dishes will likely include soy sauce, noodles, cabbage, pork, tofu, and much more! Dumplings, while made and served in American Chinese restaurants, they are an authentic dish in China, as well. You may also consider trying Spinach Noodles, Mutton Stew or Fried Mashi. Spinach noodles are named accordingly! They are noodles that are actually made from spinach and then combined with spicy sauce, carrots, beef, potatoes, chili and egg. Dumplings are an incredible Chinese meal even though they are often seen as an appetizer. They can be stuffed with pork, vegetables, or beef. As previously mentioned, dumplings can be made steamed or fried. Either cooking option is ridiculously tasty! The choice is yours whether you want a crunchy or a soft outer dumpling. Fried Mashi is a bit of a sweeter dish. The Mashi is very similar to gnocchi in look, softness, and thickness. The dish often includes vegetables with a crunchy texture. The dish is composed of completely complimentary ingredients and is a must-try! The Mutton Stew is a very traditional Chinese meal. The stew can be made with pork, beef or mutton. It also comes with bread, chili sauce, and pickled garlic as a side dish.


Most Populer Recipes Edited by Bailey Woodean

Bailey Woodean

Most Populer Recipes Edited by Bailey Woodean 56

My homemade pizza with chicken sausage recipe!

My homemade pizza with chicken sausage recipe! 57

My homemade pizza with chicken sausage recipe!

This homemade pizza recipe includes a

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

homemade pizza crust, roasted garlic alfredo


sauce, baby spinach leaves, spices, and apple-

2. Begin by pouring the yeast packet into a

flavored chicken sausage. I’m sure that this

mixing bowl.

must sound unique and maybe even a little

3. Add warm water, stir and allow to rest for

bold but I can assure you that it was one of the

about 5 minutes.

very best homemade pizzas that I have

4. Then, slowly add the flour (up to #.5 cups)

personally ever made!

and try to mix the ingredients together as you go. 5. Add in the olive oil and salt and continue

The homemade pizza crust

mixing the ingredients until a smooth dough ball forms. If the dough ball is more sticky than smooth then slowly add in more

This crust involves a few ingredients that you

flour, mixing until desired consistency is

probably have on hand already and I also added


a shake or two of garlic and herb seasoning

6. Allow dough ball to rest for about 5

mixture (without salt) to add flavor to the crust.

minutes 7. After 5 minutes of rest, divide it into two

1 packet of instant dry yeast

even sections. Knead and form each into a

1 cup of warm water (not too hot, not too cold)

smooth dough ball of its own

2.5 -3 cup all-purpose flour or bread flour

8. Prepare a floured surface to continue

2-3 tablespoons of olive oil

kneading and begin rolling out the dough (you can also hand press the dough ball into the cake pan instead of rolling it out first) 9. Prepare two round cake pans by spraying them with non-stick cooking spray. 10. Use your hands to press out the dough ball and form a pizza crust 11. Once each ball is pressed into pizza crust form, use a fork to make several pokes into the dough 12. Insert each cake pan pizza into the preheated oven for about 10 minutes 13. Remove and top with alfredo sauce, spices, Apple flavored chicken sausage slices, cheese, baby leaf spinach, and another layer of cheese to help “seal� the toppings. 14. Bake the pizzas at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes or until desired doneness is achieved.


My homemade pizza with chicken sausage recipe!

The toppings

The sauce For these particular pizzas, I chose to use

1.My husband likes to make his food spicy

roasted garlic alfredo sauce instead of a

and he usually does so by adding jalapenos

tomato-based sauce that is typically used for

or hot sauce. So, while he too used the

pizza. This choice was made for two reasons.

alfredo sauce and tomato basil mozzarella cheese on his pizza, he added freshly

1. I believed the flavor of the alfredo sauce

chopped ghost peppers, hot sauce, crushed

would be more complimentary to the flavors in

red pepper flakes, and jalapenos. I’m sure his

the chicken sausage than a tomato-based

mouth was on fire!

sauce (and I was right) 2. It was the only sauce I had in my pantry

My toppings were much more simple, far less spicy, but packed a punch of flavor! I chose baby leaf spinach because I try to add

The cheese

dark leafy greens wherever I can! I also chose to slice up some apple-flavored chicken

I chose to use was a block of tomato basil

sausage that we had on hand. I then placed

flavored mozzarella cheese. I shredded it myself

the slices around the top of my pizza and it

as I believe freshly shredded cheese will taste

nearly resembled pepperoni (visually, not in

better and will melt better than store-bought


shredded cheese.


My homemade pizza with chicken sausage recipe!

The toppings

The sauce

The end results My husband’s pizza came out perfectly cooked, cheesy, and super hot! I got the impression that it got a little too close to his heat tolerance level (which far exceeds my own). My pizza also came out perfectly cooked, with a creamy alfredo sauce that didn’t make the crust soggy. The spinach had wilted from the heat of the oven, but still added flavor. The cheesy levels melted nicely and sealed the toppings just as planned. Of course, the star of the show was the apple-flavored chicken sausage which added a level of unique flavor that I had never experienced on a pizza before! We both agreed that this one was “one for the books”! I hope you think so, too!


Garlic and brown sugar pork with roasted potatoes and carrots

Garlic and brown sugar pork with roasted potatoes and carrots 61

Garlic and brown sugar pork with roasted potatoes and carrots

FI’m not a giant fan of pork, probably because


my mom made pork chops a lot when I was a

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

kid. I’ve avoided most forms of pork as soon as I

2. Mix 1/4 cup canola oil, salt, and pepper with

moved out of my parent’s house for college,

sliced carrots and potatoes.

with the exception of bacon of course! However,

3. Mix 1 tbsp canola oil, brown sugar, garlic and

I thought I would give this recipe a try! The

rub all over pork loin.

results were mixed between “pretty incredible”

4. On one large cookie sheet, put down some

and “I’d probably never make that again”. The

foil and add the carrots and potatoes.

recipe (thanks to

5. Spread apart the vegetables to make an

is as follows.

opening in the pan for the pork. 6. Add the pork to the pan.

Brown Sugar Garlic Pork with Carrots & Potatoes

7. Roast the pork and vegetables for 40-50 minutes, or until a meat thermometer registers at 150 degrees in the center of the roast.

2 lb pork loin, trimmed of excess fat

8. Open your oven and remove the pork onto a

4 garlic cloves, minced

plate or cutting board to let it rest and cover it

4 tablespoons brown sugar

with a piece of foil.

1 tablespoon canola oil

9. Let the pork rest for 5-10 minutes, then

2 lbs carrots, peeled and sliced

remove the veggies from the oven once you are

2 lbs potatoes, scrubbed and cut into 1-inch

ready to serve the pork.


10. This allows them to finish cooking while only

1/4 cup canola oil, for vegetables

using one pan and makes sure they are hot

salt and pepper, to taste

when the pork has rested.


Garlic and brown sugar pork with roasted potatoes and carrots

I followed the instructions the best that I could with the ingredients that I had. The chopped garlic cloves were mixed with the oil and brown sugar just as the minced garlic would have

My notes and result

been. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out so

I had to make several substitutions in this

and the garlic bits became dark and crispy

recipe including the cut of meat, the oil used,

during the cooking process.

well in terms of rubbing the pork with flavor

and the form of garlic. I had three pieces of boneless pork shoulder. I The recipe calls for a pork loin but I chose to use

rubbed the mixture on them and baked them

three boneless pork shoulder cuts since it’s

on a cookie sheet with the carrots and potatoes

what I had on hand.

but the end result was flavorless pork fat blobs that were 98% inedible fat.

I only ever buy olive oil for cooking and occasionally I buy olive oil and sunflower oil

The one aspect of the meal that turned out

blend which is fantastic! The recipe calls for

flavorful, cooked well, and delicious was the

canola oil but obviously, I used olive oil. I believe

carrots and potatoes! They were also very

it worked well in the dish and is a valid oil

complimentary flavors to the very little bit of


unflavored pork that I was able to eat.

I also had to substitute minced garlic for

Overall, I would recommend this recipe to

chopped fresh garlic cloves. I can say that both

someone who enjoys eating pork loin. I would

of these substitutions did not provide the end

also recommend following the recipe fully as

result that I would have expected from the pork

most substitutions will not give a pleasing end

part of this recipe.



Vegetarian Stuffed Green Bell Peppers

Vegetarian Stuffed Green Bell Peppers


Vegetarian Stuffed Green Bell Peppers

One of my favorite things about cooking is experimenting! I love to try new things, new cooking methods and new ingredients. Growing up, I always knew stuffed green bell peppers to be a mixture of meat (usually ground beef or ground turkey) and cheese. Don’t get me wrong, my mom makes delicious stuffed bell peppers this way. But, my husband limits his meat consumption to chicken and I simply did not have any ground chicken on hand. So, what do I do? I experiment! My vegetarian stuffed green bell pepper recipe is as follows!

Vegetarian Stuffed Green Bell Peppers 2*ingredients listed are to split between two green bell peppers. You may need to add or subtract the measurements according to the number of green bell peppers you plan to stuff* One green bell pepper (can also use yellow, orange or red bell peppers), hollowed (per person) 1 can black beans 1 cup steamed brown rice 1⁄4 cup finely chopped red onion

3. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees

1⁄4 cup favorite queso


1 tablespoon Herdez Guacamole Salsa(optional)

4. While the oven is warming up to the

1-2 tablespoons favorite salsa (optional)

desired temperature, gather all of the

1⁄4 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

ingredients needed for stuffing the bell peppers.


5. Using a can opener, cut open the top of the can of black beans and drain the fluid of it, set

1. First, begin by slicing the top of the green pepper (the stem and surrounding area) off and tossing it into your compost or trash

aside 6. Chop 1⁄4 cup red onion, set aside 7. Steam the brown rice. I used a

2. Once the tops of all of the bell peppers are

microwavable steaming dish, about a cup of

off, carefully remove all of the insides including the seeds. Toss them into your compost, trash

water and minute brown rice, steamed in the

or plant them in your garden

microwave for about 4-5 minutes.


Vegetarian Stuffed Green Bell Peppers

To begin stuffing the green bell peppers, you will need a spoon. Each of the ingredients will be added in layers and split between the two green bell peppers. 1. Spoon a layer of black beans into the bottom of each green bell pepper 2. Spoon a layer of brown rice onto the layer of black beans of each green bell pepper 3. Spoon a layer of queso onto the top of the brown rice of each green bell pepper 4. Spoon a layer of red onion onto the top of the queso of each green bell pepper 5. Spoon a layer of salsa (your choice) onto the top of the red onion of each green bell pepper 6. Repeat steps one and two if you have room to add more black beans and rice. You may need to tap the green bell peppers to help the ingredients settle so that more layers may be added. 7. Once the green bell peppers are nearly full, pour the Herdez Guacamole Salsa over the stuffing ingredients and into the pepper itself 8. Finally, top the whole green bell pepper with the sharp cheddar cheese 9. Bake the stuffed green bell peppers in the oven for about 30 minutes or until cooked through


Vegetarian Stuffed Green Bell Peppers

To begin stuffing the green bell peppers, you will ned into the pepper itself 8. Finally, top the whole green bell pepper with the sharp cheddar cheese 9. Bake the stuffed green bell peppers in the oven for about 30 minutes or until cooked through

Now, I had no idea what else to serve with the

NBoth were delicious and ended up being

stuffed green bell peppers because they had

appropriate side dishes. However, I strongly

been stuffed with black beans (source of

encourage biscuits as a side with stuffed green

protein), brown rice (source of fiber) various

bell peppers because as you cut into the

sauces for flavor, stuffed inside of a bell pepper

pepper, the delicious ingredients baked inside,

(vegetable) and topped with cheese (dairy). So,

come out and can be eaten either with the

as part of my experimentation, I searched my

pepper itself or scooped up and eaten with the

refrigerator to see what could serve as a side

biscuit (similar to eating stew and biscuits)!

dish. I found my leftover macaroni and cheese bake from a few days before, and a tube of flaky ready to bake biscuits.


My Apple Pie Recipe!

My Apple Pie Recipe! 68

My Apple Pie Recipe!

12. Once dough is chilled, place dough piece number one on the bottom of the pie dish to fit 13. Add filling to the top of dough piece number one 14. op filling with dough piece number two 15. Pinch or fold ends all the way around the pie dish to enclose ingredients 16. Add ventilation slits in the top dough 17. Rub top dough piece with egg wash 18. Bake at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 50 minutes to 1 hour Instructions for pie filling Have the oven preheated to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and dough pieces rolled out and chilling While dough pieces are chilling in the refrigerator, prepare filling Wash, peel, and slice each of the apples you choose to use for your pie filling (an apple slicer would make slices even) Place apple slices into a large mixing bowl In a separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, and cinnamon Coat the apple slices with the sugar mixture, stirring in-between coatings to make sure they are evenly coated Continue shaking mixture over apples and stirring until sugar mixture is gone Once all of the apples are evenly coated in the sugar mixture, prepare the bottom layer of pie

The end result should be a beautiful apple pie

crust with dough piece number one

(similar to the one pictured above) that has

Pour apple mixture over dough piece number

filled your home with an aroma every baker

one Slice thin layers of cold butter and place around the inner edge of crust/apple mixture

yearns for! This pie recipe takes a good chunk of the day to make between getting the

Top with dough piece number two, pinching

dough just right, thinking it, preparing and

the edges together all the way around the pie

mixing the filling and finally the baking but I


have to say that it is well worth it! Every time I

Cut ventilation slits into the top of dough piece

make this apple pie recipe people go nuts for

number two

it and beg for more!

Rub with egg wash Bake at 425 for about an hour or until apples are tender and crust is golden brown


My Apple Pie Recipe!

A warm and delicious apple pie recipe made from scratch by yours truly! Months ago, I had bushels and bushels of apples that we could not eat fast enough! So, I sought to make an apple pie from scratch. When I looked for recipes online, I often found that they required store-bought pie crusts. This baffled me because by using store-bought crust, it is no longer a “made from scratch” pie. So, I did what I should have done in the first place, I asked my grandma! She then gave me tips on pie crust and other aspects of creating a pie recipe. The following is what I finally was able to come up with and the result is delicious!

Apple Pie completely from scratch! Ingredients for pie crust 2 1⁄2 cup flour 1⁄2 teaspoon salt 1⁄4 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup butter 1⁄3 cup cold water (add more if needed, up to 1 cup likely) Ingredients for pie filling Five or six good-sized apples (apples of your

4. Blend ingredients

choice, I used Snapdragon)

5. Slowly add water to the blending

1 cup sugar

ingredients, starting with 1⁄3 cup cold water

1 to 2 teaspoons cinnamon powder

6. Continue to add cold water (likely up to 1

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

cup) until dough ball forms

1 teaspoon butter

7. Remove dough ball from mixing bowl and separate into two even pieces

Instructions for pie crust

8. Roll one dough ball out until it evenly covers the pie dish, with a little overhang

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit

9. Place dough on a large plate and

Cut butter into cubes and place them in a glass

refrigerate for at least 30 minutes

mixing bowl Add flour, salt, and baking powder to the butter

10. Repeat for dough ball number two

in the mixing bowl

11. Grease pie dish with butter or nonstick

Blend ingredients

cooking spray

Slowly add water to the blending ingredients, starting with 1⁄3 cup cold water



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