Sagicor Wellness 2017

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Contents 4. FEEL IN COLOUR




14. OH ALOE!





FeelinColour We see colour and many of us associate these

Some colours give us a sense of calm; others make

colours with various emotions. For instance,

us feel excited, sad or even hungry.

when people say they’re seeing red, they usually mean they’re angry. Or if they’re feeling blue, they usually mean they’re feeling sad.


Colour perception is subjective, which is why certain colours have a sort of universal significance. This is why we get the instinctive

That’s basically what colour psychology is. It is the

feeling of fire being dangerous and the beach

study of hues as a factor of human behaviour. We

being relaxing. The impact that colours have on

can see colour and yes, even feel them. How they

our brains is used to manipulate our decision

affect us varies from person to person.

making processes.



Associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, love and desire.

It is believed that green has great healing powers.

Red attracts attention more than any other colour.

Associated with nature, growth, harmony, freshness and tranquillity.

Usually symbolizes danger.

Symbolizes trust, loyalty, confidence, wisdom and intelligence.

Associated with heightening metabolism, increases respiration rate and raises blood pressure.

Dark green is commonly associated with money.


Usually associated with joy, energy and the warmth.

Combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow.

Represents enthusiasm, happiness, creativity and attraction.


Associated with joy, sunshine, intellect and happiness.

Produces warmth, cheerfulness and stimulates mental activity.

Yellow also indicates honor and loyalty.

It is believed that babies cry more in yellow rooms.


Associated with wisdom, independence, creativity and dignity.

Combines the stability of blue and the energy of red.

Conveys wealth and extravagance.


A mysterious colour associated with fear and the unknown.

Usually has a negative connotation, while still depicting strength, authority and elegance.

The symbol of grief.


White is considered the colour of perfection, innocence and goodness.

Signifies safety, cleanliness and a successful beginning.

Depicts faith and purity.



Big Ones

Keep Them Healthy!

Being sick is a part of childhood and as a parent or caretaker, caring for a sick child can be hard. A sudden rash or cough may lead you to rush to one of the many ‘health’ web sites available. Children can pick up illnesses anywhere, from day-care centres to the sandbox, so it’s important that you’re informed. Thankfully some of them are preventable via immunisation.

Read on to learn about causes symptoms and when to see a doctor.


CHICKENPOX (VARICELLA) Chickenpox, which usually presents with rashes, bumps and a fever in children, is usually mild. A common childhood illness that can occur at any stage in life, chickenpox must be treated seriously in all cases because complications associated with the disease can lead to death. Immunisation can help prevent the spread of chickenpox. The incubation period for chickenpox is between one to three weeks. The most infectious time is usually between one to two days BEFORE the rash appears, but it continues

for the first few days. The blisters will eventually dry up and fall off. Expect your child to be miserable and incredibly itchy. Chickenpox can be severe at any age and have serious complications which include: • • • • •

Bacterial skin infections Pneumonia Meningitis Inflammation of the brain Short term effect on movement

to be infectious until the blisters have dried up and scabbed

Pregnant women should be extra vigilant in avoiding


chickenpox as it can cause malformations, skin scarring and

The illness usually presents as red, itchy spots that turn into

other serious problems in the unborn child.

fluid filled blisters. Some cases only present a few blisters,

There is no specific treatment for chickenpox, but there are

in other cases they can cover the entire body. The spots are

medicines and products like paracetamols and calamine

most likely to appear on the face, scalp, under the arms,

lotions that help with symptoms.

chest, belly, arms and legs. The child is likely to have a fever


COUGHS, FEVERS AND INFECTIONS It is common for young children to get coughs, colds and ear infections.

by a cold. If your child is feeding, drinking, eating and breathing normally and there’s no wheezing, a cough isn’t usually anything to worry about. If your child has a bad cough that won’t go away, see your doctor.

are some tips to ease the symptoms. •

Increase the amount of fluid your child normally drinks.

Saline nose drops can help loosen dried nasal secretions and relieve a stuffy nose.

Encourage the whole family to wash their hands regularly to stop the cold from spreading.

Causes of a more serious cough in children can include: • Whooping cough • Asthma • Pneumonia etc. If your child has a high temperature, is restless or overly tired, in pain or is relentlessly,


should take them to the doctor.

SORE THROATS Sore throats are often caused by a cold or flu. Most sore throats clear up on their own after a few days; however, if your child is in pain you can administer paracetamol or ibuprofen to help. If the sore throat persists for more than four days and is accompanied by a high temperature, take your child to the doctor. Especially if the child is having a hard time swallowing.

COLDS Eight or more colds a year is normal for children. This is due to the fact that many different cold viruses exist and the immune systems of young children have not developed enough to fight them all.


up immunity and get fewer colds: Most colds get better in five to seven days; however, here

A cough is a common symptom which is commonly caused


The more viruses they are exposed to, they gradually build

Nasal decongestants can make stuffiness worse. Never use them for more than two or three days.

EAR INFECTIONS Ear infections are common in babies and small children. A child will most likely cry and pull on or rub the ear that hurts. Ear infections usually follow a cold and will sometimes present with a fever. Most ear infections are caused by viruses, which can be treated with antibiotics, but they usually clear up on their own. If your child has an earache, but is otherwise in good health, administer infant or child dose of paracetamol or ibuprofen for 12-24 hours. Do not put oil, eardrops or cotton buds in their ear unless advised by a doctor to do so.

Trouble hearing for two to six weeks after an ear infection is common, however if the problem persists for longer, go to the doctor. Repeated middle ear infections (otitis media) may lead to ‘glue ear’. This occurs when sticky fluids build up in the ear and this could affect the child’s hearing. This could then lead to unclear speech or behavioural problems.

CROUP Croup is a childhood condition that affects the windpipe, the lungs and vocal cords. This illness is very common in young children, mainly under five years old. It is not usually serious, as the inflammation is usually caused by the same viruses that cause the common cold. Croup presents with a distinctive barking cough known as stridor. The condition usually causes a blocked airway which causes a hoarse voice and breathing difficulties. You should take your child to the doctor if: •

Your child is having trouble breathing.

Your child is having trouble swallowing.

You can easily hear your child’s noisy breathing, even when they are resting quietly.

MUMPS Mumps is a contagious viral infection that is most common in children between 5 and 15 years. This illness is rarely seen anymore because of effective immunisation. Mumps is recognized by painful swellings under the ears. Mumps also gives headaches, joint paints and fever. Mumps is caused by the mumps virus, which belongs to a family of viruses known as ‘paramyxoviruses’. It’s spread by close contact or by coughing and sneezing. Paramyxoviruses are a common source of infection, particularly in children. This illness usually resolves on its own; however, see your doctor if there are any concerns.


Pull Oil, Not Teeth

Most people haven’t heard of the practice of oil pulling, however, we’re here to tell you that the benefits are incredible! Oil pulling, an oral detoxification procedure, is the act of swishing oil around in your mouth on an empty stomach, for about 20 minutes. Just as people use oil to cleanse their skin, oil pulling can help rid the body of toxins and impurities from the mouth and digestive track.

Oil, whether coconut, sunflower or sesame oil, will help to

Various studies have looked at the effectiveness of oil

cut through toxins and dental plaque in the mouth without

pulling. A 2011 study from the Department of Public Health

harming your teeth or gums, since the oil has no harsh

Dentistry, the People’s College of Dental Sciences and

chemicals. The oil will suck away dirt from the inside of your

Research Centre in India found that the results of effective

mouth, leaving it clean. Regular oil pulling will then lead to

oil pulling are comparable to using mouthwash. The results

the prevention of diseases of the mouth and gums as well as

of the study found that oil pulling showed a reduction in

other oral problems.

plaque and gingivitis, proving that oil pulling is an effective way to reduce plaque and the risk of gingivitis.


Another study from the Department of Pediatric Dentistry

So, now that we know all the wonderful benefits of oil

and Meenakshi Ammal Dental College in India in 2009,

pulling, how do we do it?

found that coconut oil contributed to the reduction of Streptococcus mutants or S. mutants in the plaque, which is a positive result as S, mutans are bad for your oral health. Coconut oil is particularly effective at killing S. mutants, which is a leading cause of tooth decay. The lauric acid in coconut oil attacks harmful bacteria in the mouth that can cause bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. While a second study from the same institution showed that oil pulling is an effective treatment for halitosis, which is the medical term for bad breath, just as effective as using chlorhexidine mouthwash. An ancient type of Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling dates back to about three thousand years ago. The science behind the tradition is linked to the fact that the cells within our bodies are covered with a fatty membrane which quickly sticks to oil. So, just how effective is oil pulling?


breakfast. You can use sunflower oil, sesame oil or our favourite- coconut oil.

So far we’ve seen that there are a lot of different benefits to oil pulling, but we’ll go ahead and list a few more.

Put one tablespoon of oil in your mouth before

Swish oil around slowly in your mouth and through

Effective oil pulling, and by effective we mean, consistent

your teeth for 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, the

use with quality oils will boost oral hygiene. This is the most

enzymes from the oil will mix with your saliva and

obvious benefit of the ancient practice. The oil will aid in

become active, and work to remove toxins from your

the removal of plaque and toxins, thus reducing the risk of


gingivitis. Oil pulling will aid in the removal of toxins from your body through your mouth. As mentioned before, the

Spit the oil out when it becomes white and thin. If the oil is not white and thin, keep swishing it around for a few

fatty membranes in the mouth will stick to the oil. As a result


of this, the toxins and dirt from your teeth, gums and even saliva will become stuck in the oil and expelled.

Wash your mouth with water when you are done.

Another surprising benefit is that regular oil pulling will

Brush thoroughly.

whiten your teeth! This is due to the natural antibiotic and antiviral properties of the recommended oils.


Oil pulling can also reduce the risk of headaches. When the mouth and body are overloaded with toxins, this will increase the chance of stress headaches. Through oil pulling, the toxins will be pulled and expelled, thus offering relief in the long term.


Move it, Lose it 12

Losing weight can be difficult and popular misconceptions and myths that have the ring of truth can actually work against you. If you’re on a mission to lose weight, we’re sure that you’ve met upon tonnes of literature telling you what you should and shouldn’t be doing and eating. However, how much of what you’re reading or hearing is true? Here are five (5) common misconceptions about weight loss you should avoid:

SKIPPING MEALS MAKES YOU LOSE WEIGHT FASTER Studies show that people who skip breakfast tend to be heavier than those who don’t. Skipping meals tends to make you overeat later. It is important to keep up a steady intake of small portions throughout the day. Studies state that 5 to 6 small meals per day is ideal to keep the metabolism working, keep your blood-sugar levels stable and reduce the risk of hypoglycaemia, which is also known as low blood sugar and which occurs when blood sugar decreases below normal levels.

QUICK FIXES ARE HARMLESS There is no quick fix! Juice cleanses, miracle shakes only work for a short time, which means they do not work at all, according to experts. According to the founder of The Health Clinic, Pip Reed, fad diets make you feel lighter in the short term but it’s simply due to fluid loss.” This means you are only losing water weight. Therefore, by going on juice cleanses for extended periods, you’d essentially be starving yourself. In the long run, after you begin to eat normally again it is highly likely that you would regain the weight you lost and then some more. In reality, there is no such thing as a quick fix. Stick to a proper exercise and nutrition plan to lose weight and keep it off.

NEVER, EVER EAT FAST FOOD Choose well and fast food could work well with your diet. There are options on fast food menus that won’t derail your efforts; all you have to do is pay attention. Choose foods that are grilled instead of fried, avoid high-fat condiments like mayonnaise and reduce your portions. You’ll be fine!

WORK OUT THEN YOU CAN EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT! Exercise is an important element in reaching your weight loss goals and maintaining them. However, you can’t cut calories in one area and increase them in another, this is counterproductive. Work out and eat well to lose weight.

YOU CAN’T HAVE THE FOODS YOU ENJOY. Eat the foods you enjoy, but do this in moderation. There is room in any diet for any kind of food, as long as you control your calories. Denying yourself the foods you love will only lead to binge eating and discouragement.

Nestlé Jamaica How Nestlé is helping 50 million children to lead healthier lives by 2030.

Food is not just a source of nutrition, it also brings us together as families or friends. It is part of every culture. It also presents one of the largest public health challenges ever. According to the WHO, obesity has more than doubled worldwide since 1980. More worryingly, since 2014 almost 2 billion adults globally, were overweight and over one third of those obese. Likewise the number of children under 5 considered overweight or obese has risen to over 40 million in the last 3 years. The trend is similar in Jamaica. At the same time, hunger and inadequate nutrition poses a serious threat in many countries. The UN estimates that over 795 million people around the world do not get enough food to eat to lead a healthy, active life. That is 1 in 9 people. Inadequate nutrition is a contributor to chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart-disease. At Nestlé, we, like the UN believe the food industry has a vital role to play in helping enable healthier lives. We

want to help shape a better and healthier world. This was how we started more than 150 years ago when our founder Henri Nestlé created an infant cereal that saved the life of a child.

Today we support individuals and their families with tastier and healthier choices. We know how important it is for people to enjoy a healthy diet so we are reducing salt, sugar and saturated fats in our products. We are also adding more wholegrains, fibre and vegetables. In Jamaica we have determined that iron is critical for our population and have already fortified some of our products with this essential nutrient. In addition to our product reformulations and consumer communication, at Nestlé we have many educational programmes and tools to help individuals and families lead healthier lives. Research shows that children who develop healthy habits are more likely to grow into healthy adults. Some of the programmes and tools that we have in Jamaica include:

Start Healthy Stay Healthy: An online education programme where caregivers such as parents, teachers and healthcare professionals can access nutrition information on how to care for children from birth to preschool ( 0 to 2 years). Visit to access this platform. Nestlé Healthy Kids: An educational programme for children 6 years and above designed to help children develop healthy habits to support them in growing into healthy adults; MILO Energy Zone, MILO PTA Talks and the MILO Sports Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinics: These educational programmes in schools include content and activities showcasing the role of balanced nutrition and physical activity in promoting children’s normal development. Driven by our company purpose to enhance quality of life and contribute to a healthier future, Nestlé Jamaica will by 2030, through all our programmes help approximately 300,000 children to lead healthier lives. This will also support the Ministries of Health and Education in their goal to reduce obesity and non-communicable diseases. As a Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company, helping individuals and families lead healthier lives is an embodiment of our purpose and values.


Oh Aloe! W

e know, we know‌the magical aloe vera plant needs no introduction. Its benefits are well known, which is why so

many people, especially older folks, praise this plant. This succulent, fleshy plant produces two substances: the gel, which is basically water and other nutrients mixed in, and the sap, which is known as aloe latex.

So what are some of the benefits of using aloe vera on our skin and hair? Skin

Reduces Acne

Aloe vera prevents premature signs

If you suffer from acne, the gentle

of aging.

cleansing and antimicrobial properties

Rich in vitamins C, E and beta carotene, aloe may have some anti-aging qualities. Due to the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and its ability to lighten blemishes, the gel of the aloe vera will take years off your face.

of the aloe vera gel can help. The antibacterial, inflammatory

antiseptic properties




the skin from bacteria and other pathogens which lead to infection and inflammation. The aloe vera gel contains gibberellins and polysaccharides which stimulates growth of new cells, while


glycoproteins reduce the inflammation and redness. The

vera will soften stool, making it easier to pass, thereby

gel also works to reduce pore size.

reducing pressure.

Hair Promotes healthy hair growth

How to Store Aloe Vera

By increasing blood circulation to the scalp and delivering

The aloe vera plant thrives in hot and dry climatic conditions.

several vitamins and minerals, aloe vera may help to

So, if you want your plant to grow properly, it is important

activate new hair growth. The gel contains proteolytic

that the plant receives enough sunlight and warmth. While it

enzymes which repair dead skin cells on the scalp. Â Studies

certainly needs water, too much of it can actually hamper its

show that keratin, the main protein in hair, has a chemical

growth and cause it to rot. You also should not use fertilizers

makeup similar to that of aloe vera, which means this

on the soil that the aloe vera plant grows in. Rather than

healing gel rejuvenates hair while giving it more elasticity.

helping the plant, it may also hamper its growth.

By improving elasticity, you will prevent breakage of the delicate hair strands.

To get to the gel, it is best that you use the outermost leaves. They tend to be fleshier than the newer ones, and therefore contain more gel. Make a clean cut as close to the base as

Prevents dandruff

possible, then place the leaves upright for a while so that the sap drains out. This is a very important step if you are

Dry skin, fungal infections and oily skin can all contribute to

planning on consuming aloe vera. After the leaves have

dandruff build up on the scalp. Studies show that aloe vera

been cleared of the sap, peel off the outermost green layer.

helps with all of these conditions. The anti-inflammatory

This leaves you with the clear gel, which you can scoop out

properties in aloe vera fight fungus, while the gel hydrates

with a spoon. If you are planning on ingesting the aloe vera

your hair. Aloe vera also moisturizes the skin and scalp, and

gel, do so immediately.

softens and conditions the hair.

For topical application, it can be stored for a longer time in the refrigerator. Always use a sterilized container to store


your gel in order to keep it from spoiling. For a longer shelf life, add a few drops of vitamin E.

Aloe vera can soothe heartburn Aloe vera juice has been used in the treatment of heartburn and chest pain. The anti-inflammatory properties in aloe vera soothe the stomach lining and the oesophagus. This will help fight against the pathogens that cause gastrointestinal problems.

It can heal haemorrhoids The anti-inflammatory properties in aloe vera will diminish inflammations inside and out and help alleviate bowel irregularities and intestinal problems. Ingesting aloe


Wake Up and

Stay Up!


f you’re anything like me, you’ve been telling yourself for the longest time that you’re going to wake up earlier and become more productive so you can make the most out of the day. How many times have you told yourself that you’re going to start each day with a healthy bang? You find some motivation and get all pumped up. Wake up early two mornings in a row and then…never again, until you find some motivation again, and the cycle continues. We all go through these cycles, and so we know we can’t be motivated 100% of the time, however, there are tips and tricks we can use to sustain a level of motivation and feel better about our lives. Here are some changes you can make to wake up and stay up every day.


1. Get up to turn off your alarm This one might seem simple, but it’s super effective. When all you have to do is stretch to turn off your alarm, it’s easy to roll back over and go back to sleep. However, if you have to get up and walk to turn it off, how likely is it that you’ll go back to bed? Up and at them!

2. Wake up ‘cold turkey’ Take a quick, cold shower. Or just splash some cold water on your face, whichever floats your boat. A cold shower in the morning will increase your alertness and overall oxygen intake. Cold showers can also improve circulation by encouraging blood to surround your organs.

3. Make your bed! As soon as you get up out of your bed, make it. This will make it harder for you to get back in it and will help to keep your space looking clean and organized. Make this a habit.

Get your blood pumping by moving your body

4. Get moving Get your blood pumping by moving your body with 10-15 minutes of exercise each morning. Jumping jacks, running in place or burpees, whatever you choose, will get your blood pumping and your energy up. You will be ready to take on the day. Stretch and start slow, you’ll be a pro in no time.

5. Get enough sleep! Researchers recommend seven to eight hours of sleep each night for adults. If you sleep the correct amount, you’ll feel better in the morning, we guarantee it. Be sure to stick to your bedtime in an effort to get your body into a rhythm. Sleep deprivation is no joke, get enough rest.



Can Be Healthy Too!


The word “fat” has negative connotations, we

regulating cardiovascular system, the nervous

know this all too well.

system and the brain. Contrary to popular belief,

We have been conditioned to believe that all fat is bad fat.

Fats are actually a vital part of our everyday diet,

eggs do not raise blood cholesterol and instead improves heart health.

Full Fat Milk Fat in dairy products is critical for the absorption of vitamins D and A, because they are soluble in fats. One cup of full fat milk a day should be enough.

Fatty Fish Fatty fish like salmon contains Omega 3-acid which

is very good for the skin. Albacore Tuna, Sardines, Lake Trout and Mackerel also contain Omega-3.

Nuts Pistachios, cashews and almonds have a lot of

and when consumed in moderation, they are

unsaturated healthy fats. Doctors recommend

extremely beneficial to our body’s daily function.

a quarter cup serving each day for maximum

Some fats can be good for you and are a necessity for a balanced diet. Healthy



benefits. Walnuts contain good omega-3 fats.




Lean meats

monounsaturated fats that have heart health benefits and reduce bad cholesterol that usually

Lean meats, like grass-fed pork and beef, are

clogs arteries.

the right source for zinc, iron and protein which are important for active women. Processed and

These are the foods with good fat that you should

cured pork contains preservatives like nitrates and

be eating:

sodium that increase the risk of contracting cancer

Avocados (Pears)

and heart disease.

Avocados are naturally cholesterol free, have

Parmesan Cheese

natural sodium and the right source of lutein,

Hard, full fat parmesan cheese gets a bad rap for

which is an antioxidant that protects vision.

having a high saturation of fats. However, they


contain important nutrients like calcium for the bones and body.

Eggs are an easy and inexpensive source of proteins. Don’t leave the yolk either, eat the whole egg. Whole eggs have choline, which is great for


Can You Really Keep Your Lifestyle

In Retirement?

consistently, for a long period, will guarantee a larger nest egg and allow for the magic of the compounding

Can you really maintain your current lifestyle in

interest. All is not lost for the elderly; just a more

retirement? The answer is contrary to popular belief.s

disciplined approach is required.

It is possible! One of the biggest challenges faced today, is


It starts with proper life planning. You need

recognising that retirement planning is a must, and

approximately 70% to 80% of your current salary

not an option. The working population of Jamaica

to comfortably retire, provided you are now at a

roughly consists of 1.3 million people of, which only 9%

reasonable comfort level.

are engaged in a private sector pension arrangement.

The myth that retirement planning is only for the

This statistic is frightening and illustrates the reality

elderly has to be removed as this discussion begins

that retirement planning needs to be a priority,

when you are young. The only way your retirement

even for young employees. Retirement planning is

dreams can be realised is to start saving early

our responsibility - not that of the government, our

when time is in your favour. Saving small amounts

children, other family members, nor employers.

A comfortable retirement is achievable by focusing on

Your strategy should also give consideration to the

the factors that will ensure your retirement journey is a

Phases of Retirement Planning.

success - setting and implementing your goals; getting off to an early start; exploring all the different options available for saving; investing; and understanding the various retirement planning phases. One very successful strategy is to include the three most important sources of income, inclusive of those you hold from an approved

During the Accumulation Phase, 18 to 30 years old, make sure to invest! When investing, adopt a prudent aggressive approach and your portfolio should reflect investments with higher risk, long-term growth prospect and provide good returns and inflation hedge.

pension arrangement, the National Insurance Scheme,

The Consolidation Phase, 30 to 50 years old, is where

and personal investments. Sagicor offers an approved

you should have solid financial planning and a moderate

retirement scheme (Sagicor Lifestyle®), occupational

investment approach, with consideration given to risk

approved superannuation funds and a wide variety

controls. Investments should be in stocks with high

of personal investment and annuity products, ideally

capital gains potential and good income streams from

suited for you. Sagicor Sigma offers an ideal choice for

dividends and your portfolio should be skewed to more

your personal investments.

fixed income investments.

Sagicor’s experienced pensions team can help you to

In the Spending Phase, age 50 and over, you are

enroll in Sagicor Lifestyle® arrangement, which is

approaching retirement and the importance of your

designed to provide individuals, not participating in an

retirement income is now more a reality. A very prudent

approved pension plan or retirement scheme, with the

investment strategy should be adopted; concentrating

option of saving for their retirement in a tax efficient

on secured investments offering growth and inflation

manner. At retirement age, the total savings with


interest will be used to purchase a stream of income, which is paid monthly for the rest of your life. In order

Proper life planning is the key to successful retirement.

to determine eligibility for Sagicor’s retirement scheme

Sagicor can help you pursue your plan in a structured

arrangement, you have to be a Jamaican resident

and focused manner. With this structured approach,

between 18 and 65 years, self-employed, on contract

you will without doubt, keep your lifestyle in retirement.

or not actively participating in any other approved pension plan.

For further information, please contact: Marlene Motta at 876.936.7059 (m), email:

Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited, 28-48 Barbados Avenue, Kingston 5, Tele#: 876-929-8920-9, Fax#: 876-754-4366



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