Sagicor Wellness - Jan - March 2019

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Contents USELESS SUPPLEMENTS -Capitalization of Money

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GYM CLASSES YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS! – Exploring some of the latest fitness trends

Pg- 5

IS THE HAIR RELAXER DEAD? -Straight hair without the chemical

Pg- 6

Financial Wellness in 2019 - 5 tips that can help

Pg- 8

RICE IS OUT…QUINOA IS IN! – The perfect substitute for rice

Pg- 9

DETOX DELICIOUS – Delectable foods with dual functions

Pg- 10


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Dietary Supplements… What you need to know


any persons across the world start each day with a plethora of dietary supplements that they believe is key to their pursuit of eternal life and wellness. Is the answer to our wellbeing really inside a bottle? Or are we just wasting money and fooling ourselves that dietary supplements can undo the damage caused by all the unhealthy food that we we put into our bodies? Currently, there is no scientific evidence specifically addressing this, however, admittedly, there are specific supplements that are actually necessary for certain situations for example, folic acid for women who are trying to conceive and who are already pregnant. Let’s weigh the pros and cons, using this short checklist of information about dietary supplements. A HEALTHY DIET SHOULD BE ALL THE GOODNESS YOU NEED. No one is 100% healthy all of the time. “Everything in moderation” is what we tell ourselves as we indulge in some sweeties or sugary pastries. However, a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fresh air and exercise should remove any need for supplements, especially in the Caribbean where we are blessed with an abundance of locallygrown fruits and vegetables.


SUPPLEMENTS MAY BE USEFUL SOMETIMES. Persons with certain health conditions can actually benefit from dietary supplements, as long as they seek professional advice and don’t self-medicate. Persons with an iron deficiency can take an iron supplement; women hoping to get pregnant or who are pregnant need folic acid and a number of other vitamins; vitamin B12 is essential for vegans and for older adults with low B12 levels; and vitamin D and calcium are crucial for persons with osteoporosis or who are lactose intolerant. Yes, all these vitamins and minerals are found in food, but sometimes we need a boost to reach the necessary levels. Be extremely careful never to overdose. TOO MANY SUPPLEMENTS CAN DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD. Just like conventional medicines prescribed by your doctor, you can overdose on dietary supplements which causes toxicity. If you have an underlying health condition, a supplement you’ve started taking could exacerbate the symptoms. For example, large doses of antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin E can be dangerous. According to experts, fat-soluble vitamins, A and D in particular, have greater potential to cause toxicity than water-soluble ones like Vitamin C. Also, there are supplements that can damage and alter the effectiveness of your regular medication. So beware of the warning labels! THE CLUE IS IN THE NAME. Some supplements are hailed as the answer to all your health and wellness needs, but don’t be sucked in by the clever marketing. They are NOT drugs, they are ‘supplements’ and therefore if you have a serious health condition, you should not substitute these little pills and potions for treatment. DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS AND CANCER. There is evidence to show that people who take more dietary supplements than needed, tend to have a higher risk of developing cancer. Some studies have shown that some high-dose dietary supplements (meaning supplements that provide far more than the daily recommended intakes of micronutrients) increase cancer risk.


he regular humdrum gym routine is dead. You don’t have to bore yourself on the way to sculpting the perfect gym body, nor do you have to spend a fortune. We all know how hard it is to get motivated, so we’ve looked at some of the most exciting trends in recent times.


your hum-drum

gym routine

The newest gym classes in session… Trampoline…Pilates…Spin, etc.


NOW WE TURN TO OUTSIDE OF THE GYM FOR SOME OF OUR MORE UNCONVENTIONAL EXERCISES. The Sigh - Yes! You read correctly, sighing could be a great form of exercise. Hold your shoulder up to your ears for 5 to 10 seconds eventually letting out a sigh dropping your shoulders when you do. Repeat this for 10 to 15 minutes. This helps build your trapezius muscles (this is your upper back muscle).

Plyometric popularity - How do we work smarter and not harder? By focusing on making the transition phase as short as possible. What does that mean? Think about it as the phase before you EXPLODE - the squat before you jump. Plyometric exercise is about doing the full exercise and then going straight back into the explosive phase of the exercise as quickly as possible. The H.I.I.T. (High intensity interval training) - What is the fastest way to get fit? By combining a series of high intensity workouts. In 2018, that means cross training with a twist. Mash-up cross-training emphasizes making the most of your time; one week you can be doing a circuit, the next week yoga. Have you ever tried capoeira? You will

pushing yourself forward and backward, while holding onto a desk consistently for 10 minutes, works your abdominal muscles.

have done it by the end of your mash-up routine. Mash-up cross-training means you add more disciplines to your workout and become a master of a variety of disciplines. Yoga Wheeling - Now you can have the fun of yoga (if you are flexible and good at yoga) and the fun of... wheels? Well, the yoga wheel has become the latest must-have accessory for yogis. The wheel is a good accessory because it can lessen the impact of some of the more strenuous yoga poses. The wheel can be used to support you in child’s pose and in a variety of other poses. Ab Swivel - The wackier the technique, the better the results, and we all love a little wacky! If you own a swivel chair (or have one in your office),

Walk it off - Walking as a form of exercise is an oldie but still a goodie.. It is important to make walking a lifestyle choice and to include it in your modern exercising mix. As opposed to running, walking puts less stress on your body, as it’s not high impact but still manages to help your cardiovascular health. So get a good playlist on your phone and get moving. These exercise tips will help you live a better and healthier life, making the most of your time and helping you regulate your day-to-day lifestyle.


Is The Hair Relaxer DEAD?


he natural hair phenomenon has taken over and women everywhere are loving the versatility that their natural tresses offer. Gone are the days when only a chemical relaxer could make curly hair straight, as naturalistas are proving there are multiple methods that can be used to achieve the same effect. (Thank you, Miss Universe Jamaica 2017 Davina Bennett for showing off your natural hair on the Miss Universe stage.) If you want to ditch the chemicals, here are three non-relaxer hairstraightening methods that are sure to get the job done: 1. THE BLOW OUT METHOD - All you will need for a great blow out are a blow dryer, a wide-tooth comb, a paddle brush, hair clips and a head of wet hair. Simply divide your hair into sections and pin it with the hair clips. Starting with the back of your head, and working forward, divide the hair into smaller sections and detangle with the wide-tooth comb. Use the blow dryer and the paddle brush to dry, stretch and


straighten your hair. Pro-tip: Use the blow dryer on the lowest temperature to avoid frizziness and protect your hair from heat damage. 2. THE FLAT IRON METHOD - For this method you will need a flat iron, a wide-tooth comb, a tail comb and hair clips. Divide your hair into sections and pin them to the top of your head. Starting with the back of your head, divide the hair into smaller sections, detangling with the wide-tooth comb. Use the tail comb to hold the small section of hair about an inch away from your scalp. Place the flat iron on

the hair between the scalp and the tail comb, then pull the tail comb and flat iron downwards simultaneously. Repeat these steps until your entire hair is straightened. This method should only be used on dry hair. Pro-tip: This method uses some amount of heat to get your hair straight, so protect it by using a heat serum. 3. THE WET WRAP METHOD - Do you remember Rihanna’s hairstyle for the 2013 American Music Awards? That’s the look you can achieve with this method. If you have hair that’s not very thick with a loose curl pattern, then the wet wrap method would work great for you. For this method, you will need a wide- tooth comb, a tail comb, bobby pins, and a scarf. When your hair is freshly washed and still wet, use the tail comb to make a small horizontal part in the middle of your head. Using the wide-tooth comb, detangle the hair by combing the hair down, and away from the part. Use the tail comb to further detangle and comb the hair in a clockwise/counterclockwise direction around your head. Use bobby pins to secure the ends of your hair, then tie with the scarf. Let your hair air-dry thoroughly overnight or for several hours before combing out. Pro-tip: Ensure that you detangle the hair as you wrap, by using the tail comb and wrap the hair as tight as possible.


Financial Wellness

in 2019 Welcome to 2019! It’s an all new year and with it comes a blank slate for you to list and achieve all your goals. While you make those goals and resolutions for 2019, let’s resolve to have better financial affairs as well. Saving more and spending less or more wisely are key to financial wellness. And with that in mind, here are 5 tips that can help get you started and stay on the right track this year. Write down your financial goals: Make a note of what your financial success looks like for the next year, five years, and 10 years. If you can clearly map this out, it will help you visualize the destination you are working towards and to craft the right strategy to get there. Make a monthly budget: A budget helps to put your financial flow into perspective. Make a clear note of all your income and all your expenses. Optimize your budget frequently by identifying areas where you can cut back and areas where you may need to stop spending altogether. Track your spending: Grab a notebook, your smartphone, or simply keep all your receipts and check how much you are actually spending in a day, a week, etc. This will help you to spot where you may be wasting money and help you to curtail excessive spending. Diversify your income: Find a way to bring in more income this year. It could be by monetizing a skill or talent that you currently have, purchasing and renting out a piece of real estate, or starting a small business. Whatever it is, a great way to accelerate your financial goals is to have multiple streams of income. BONUS TIP: Pay your bills on time! Paying your bills late attracts a late fee. While these fees may seem miniscule compared to the total of the bill, these late fees really add up and eat away at your income.



Quinoa is in


uinoa has been hailed by foodies as a nutritional powerhouse that is superior to rice and couscous. There are numerous online sites extolling its virtues, and it is increasingly featured on restaurant and café menus.

What exactly is this superfood most people mispronounce? (It’s keen-wah, by the way!) Most people assume it is a grain, but in fact, quinoa is actually the seed from a plant in the same family as chard and spinach. It arrived in the modern culinary world from the Andes Mountains, where for thousands of years it was a staple for the indigenous peoples of Peru, Bolivia and Chile. There are about 120 varieties, but the most commonly-sold products are white, red and black quinoa. Nutritionists love it because it is high in fibre and a complete protein – which means that quinoa contains all nine amino acids your body needs. This is rare in a plant-based protein, making it a good choice for vegetarians and vegans who are not getting amino acids from meat. It is also gluten free and rich in vitamins and minerals. Traditionally, quinoa was roasted and then made into flour for bread. Best of all, cooking quinoa doesn’t take long. Remember to wash it thoroughly first, to remove the bitter outer coating (although some products on sale have done this for you) and then simply simmer it for about 15 minutes. When it is done, you might be able to see a little white tail – actually the sprout that feeds the seed – sticking out. Now it’s time to eat! There are tons of great recipes online, but a simple way to incorporate quinoa into your diet is to substitute it for rice as a side dish or to accompany meals like stir fries. It can be delicious in a salad with lots of nicely seasoned fresh vegetables like peppers, black beans and cherry tomatoes. It also goes well with seafood-based salads or with feta cheese or squash. So why not give this protein-packed seed a try?




he buzzword today is detox. With all the environmental pollution and chemicals in the foods that we eat, there is a huge push to get people to eat clean and detox their bodies. When most of us think about detoxing, however, we think about weird vegetable juice combos or herbal potions that make you wretch, but detoxing doesn’t have to be dull and boring, it can actually be fun and delicious. Here are three delicious foods that taste good and are great for the body. POMEGRANATES Great in salads, pomegranates are filled with antioxidants such as punicalagins which are found in the peel and the juice and are said to have three times the antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea. Anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that gives the seeds their deep, red colour, may protect against DNA damage and inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. AVOCADO Avocadoes aren’t just tasty and great in salads or sandwiches, they also have great health-promoting properties. They are loaded with fibre, contain more potassium than bananas and have heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, the same kind found in olive oil. Studies have also shown that avocadoes can reduce total cholesterol levels significantly, reduce blood triglycerides by up to 20 per cent, lower LDL cholesterol by up to 22 per cent and increase HDL, the good, cholesterol, by up to 11 per cent. APPLES There is an old adage that says, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away,” and here’s why. Apples are a great source of soluble fibre, they help to detox your liver, prevent gallstones, reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of some cancers. Best of all, they’re delicious! So get your food basket filled with these yummy foods and experiment with them in different dishes and recipes.


Wellness Centre C

aribbean Producers (Jamaica) Limited (CPJ), is known locally as one of the leading food, nonfood, wines and spirits distributors, and also for manufacturing their own line of beverages and meat products. While they ensure their customers only have the finest and most high quality products, CPJ is also committed to the holistic well-being of their staff members. And to ensure they are focusing on helping to meet the various needs of their employees, in 2013 CPJ officially opened its Staff Wellness Centre. The Wellness Centre is fully equipped with a canteen and gym, and also hosts monthly wellness programmes. These wellness programmes aim to provide employees with the convenience of being able to access various services at the office. The wellness programmes are also complemented by special dance and aerobics sessions which are taught by invited professionals. Here’s a look at how CPJ is using their Staff Wellness Center to serve the various needs of their staff members: To make financial institutions and products more accessible to staff members, the Wellness Centre hosts frequent financial sessions where various financial entities are invited to introduce their products, and host informative sessions on topics such as investment and budgeting. Physical wellness is also a core part of the operations of the Staff Wellness

Centre. In addition to having a gym, the centre also invites physicians/ specialists so that employees can schedule appointments to address their medical needs. The medical practitioners who have already been invited include: opticians, general practitioners, podiatrists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and dentists. Feeling good on the inside is as important as looking good on the outside, and as such Emotional Wellness is also an important part of the CPJ Staff Wellness Centre. To meet this need, psychologists are invited in, especially for those employees who have undergone traumatic life experiences, and to provide advice for dealing with parenting or other life challenges. The annual Spa Day is also an added bonus that helps employees to relax and feel rejuvenated. Social Wellness is the final key component of the holistic programme at the CPJ Staff Wellness Centre. Government and non-governmental agencies are invited to speak to team members and offer services. Through these sessions, employees have been able to apply for passports, birth certificates, and submit applications for housing. There is also the annual backto-school session where employees are able to buy school supplies for their children from the comfort of the office, which reduces some of the hassle involved with preparing for the new school year.


Fun fruit Crossword



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