Sagicor wellness Jan - Mar 2018

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Feng shui your way to peace and happiness


Your home should be your sanctuary, an escape from the hustle and

1. Flawless entry

bustle of everyday life. That being said, it should be decorated to look like your place of peace.

Your front door is usually the first and last thing you encounter when entering or leaving your home. You

Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years

might have become accustomed to that squeaking

ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that teaches us how

sound your door makes, but it can affect your mood

to balance the energies in any

without you realising it. Oil the hinges. The change may

given space be it a home, office,

be small but it will have a huge impact. Oil the hinges

or garden in order to assure good

on the other doors as well, you’ll feel much better.

energy and fortune.

2. Watch where you lay your head The art of feng shui, which is based on Taoist vision and

The bed is arguably the most important piece of

the understanding of nature,

furniture to put in the commanding position because

promotes good fortune in many

you spend so many hours sleeping. The rules of Feng

ways, such as health, career and

Shui suggest that you should face the door but not

love. It focuses on the idea that the

directly in line with it while lying in bed. Ideally,

land is alive and filled with energy

you can be diagonally across the room from your

or chi.

bedroom door. In cases where this is not possible, use a mirror and place it in a position where you can

“Feng” means wind and “shui”

see the door.

means water. In Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shui came to mean good fortune.

3. Clean windows and fresh air

At the same time, bad feng shui means bad luck or misfortune. The windows symbolise your eyes to the world. Get Here are some tips to incorporate good fortune into your homes

some old newspaper, grab a bottle of vinegar and

and lives.

water and clean away the grime. Open your eyes and brighten your space. Open the windows often, introduce feng shui air-purifying plants or use an air purifier and allow as much natural light as possible into your home.

4. Spring clean! Last but not least, clear your space. It is always good to just take a little time and burn off the old energy to welcome fresh and new chi. Whatever you use to clean, make sure to imagine the space being filled with positive energy and your dreams for the future. Get rid of everything you do not love in your house. Clutter clearing is a time-and-energy-consuming process that will feel like therapy, but it will help you “lighten up the load”. Do not skip this step, as it is an essential one in creating a harmonious home filled with good energy.


Checking in with your

thyroid Constant fatigue, the inability to tolerate cold temperatures,

thyroidism is too little iodine in the diet. In cases where there

constipation, depression and weight gain are all symptoms

is enough iodine in the diet, the cause is usually attributed

of an underactive or low thyroid, a condition formally called

to an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis,


where the body attacks thyroid tissue. The tissue eventually

This is a disorder of the endocrine system in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones.

Less common causes include previous treatment with ra-

Through the hormones it produces, the thyroid gland influ-

dioactive iodine, injury to the hypothalamus or the anterior

ences almost all of the metabolic processes in your body.

pituitary gland, certain medications, a lack of a functioning

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck. It has two side lobes, connected by a bridge (isthmus) in the middle. The thyroid secretes several hormones, collectively called thyroid hormones. Thyroid disorders can range from a small, harmless goiter (enlarged gland) that needs no treatment to life-threatening cancer. The most common thyroid problems involve abnormal

thyroid at birth, or previous thyroid surgery. Hypothyroidism is usually diagnosed with blood tests measuring thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine levels. People with hypothyroidism often have no or only mild symptoms. However numerous symptoms and signs are associated with hypothyroidism, and can be related to the underlying cause, or a direct effect of not having enough thyroid hormones.

production of thyroid hormones. Too much thyroid hormone

Symptoms and signs include: Fatigue, feeling cold, poor

results in a condition known as hyperthyroidism, Insufficient

memory and concentration, shortness of breath, weight gain

hormone production leads to hypothyroidism.

with poor appetite, hoarse voice and abnormal sensations.

Sufferers of hypothyroidism may occasionally experience a swelling of the front part of the neck due to goitre. Untreated hypothyroidism during pregnancy can lead to delays in growth and intellectual development in the baby.


dies and stops producing hormones.

Research has shown that the most common cause of hypo-

Persons with the disorder may also suffer from extremely dry, coarse skin, cool extremities, slow pulse rate, delayed relaxation of tendon limbs, hair loss and poor hearing. Hypothyroidism may be prevented in a population by adding iodine to commonly used foods. This public health measure


d has eliminated endemic childhood hypothyroidism in countries where it was once common. In addition to promoting the consumption of iodine-rich foods such as dairy and fish, many countries with moderate iodine deficiency have implemented universal salt iodization (USI). Despite this, iodine deficiency has reappeared in some Western countries as a result of attempts to reduce salt intake. The World Health Organization recommends a daily intake of 250 micrograms for pregnant and breastfeeding women. As many women will not achieve this from dietary sources alone, the American Thyroid Association recommends a 150microgram daily supplement by mouth. Most




symptoms are treated with a synthetic long-acting form of thyroxine, known as levothyroxine (L-thyroxine). This medication is prescribed according to weight, age and general overall health.


Oh my BMI! Obesity vs Overweight The Body Mass Index calculator (BMI) is a widely accepted method used to measure health with regards to weight in humans. In more recent years, the accuracy with which the categories indicate health risks have come into question. Similarly, the question of whether the BMI calculator represents the same degree of risk, or takes into consideration various body types across racial and ethnic groups is being considered. The answers to these questions might affect how health providers counsel patients about weight loss. The BMI calculator attempts to quantify the amount of tissue mass (muscle, fat, and bone) in an individual, and then categorise that person as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on that value. This then leads to another question: what is the difference between being overweight and obese? Surely the health risks are different for someone who is 20 pounds overweight and someone who is morbidly obese. However, where is the line drawn? To be considered ‘overweight’, you would have to hold more body weight, whether fat or muscle, than is considered ‘normal’ or healthy for your


age, sex and height. On the other hand, obesity is a condition

bodybuilders would be considered overweight

where a person has an excessive amount of body fat to an extent

because muscles weigh more than fat.

that it becomes a health risk.

Overeating is not the only reason someone

Excess weight has been linked to a host of health conditions

might be overweight; other causes include a

including hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea,

sedentary lifestyle with no exercise, metabolic

cardiovascular disease, among others.

or eating disorders, or medical conditions like

Before we delve too deeply into the risks associated with weight, let us first discuss what obesity is. If your bodyweight is at least 20% higher than it should be, then you would be considered obese. How is this calculated? The BMI calculator measures your height against your weight. Your weight (in kilograms) is then divided by the square of your height in inches. You see here where muscles mass, bone density, among other such requirements are not taken into consideration. If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you are definitely in the overweight category. However, if your BMI is north of 30, you would be considered obese. The BMI measurement, however, can sometimes be misleading. A bodybuilder may have a high BMI but have much less fat than an unfit person whose BMI is lower. BMI doesn’t calculate the percentage of body fat but instead indicates what your ‘ideal’ weight should be. Therefore,

The BMI calculator measures your height against your weight.



committing to the results of the BMI calculator, take into consideration, your body type. To

imbalance. Disabilities that inhibit exercise and food allergies can also contribute to someone being overweight or even obese. Psychological




contribute to weight issues and make treating them difficult. For example, it is possible for someone who is bulimic to be overweight. There are several factors that can affect your weight. Here are a few: Genes – A faulty gene, known as FTO, makes 1 in every 6 people overeat. Medications – Some medications cause weight gain. Clinically significant weight gain is associated with some commonly prescribed medicines. Ensure you research side the effects of all medications before starting a new course. Leading a sedentary lifestyle - Since the introduction of television, computers, video games and remote controls, people have become a lot less active. Not getting enough sleep - Like to stay up



overweight, would mean that

thyroid problems or other types of hormonal




late? Well, your risk of becoming obese is now doubled. Do yourself a favour, turn off the TV, game or tablet and get some rest.

than the ‘typical’ weight

At the same time, don’t focus too much on

range outlined for your

weight loss, instead, focus on being healthy

age, sex, and height. Being

and happy and living your best life.








not excess

Am I obese or overweight? Is my BMI accurate?



Sagicor Gro WELLNESS P The Sagicor Group Jamaica Wellness Programme pro-

a Monday with Dance Aerobics; stretch and get centred on

vides an opportunity for our team members to take charge

a Tuesday and Wednesday with Pilates and Yoga; and “wuk it up”

of their health and well-being through a combination of

on a Thursday in our popular class for the week Zumba. Fridays

weekly exercise programmes. We conduct monthly “Lunch

are designated rest days and allow the team to recoup, rejuve-

and Learn” seminars and at the end of each year we host a

nate and get ready to do it all again the following week. Outside

Health Fair & Expo.

of our internal exercise programme; we have exclusive partnerships with fitness centres across the island. Team members can

Being the leading provider of health & life insurance as well

register or renew their membership and enjoy exclusive dis-

as other financial products and services in the Caribbean,

counts and other numerous benefits that membership provides.

Sagicor understands the importance of investing in health


today; so that we can reap wealth and longevity tomorrow.

Wellness is not only about exercise and exclusive discounts,

rather it is a holistic combination of mindset, behaviours and

Our weekly exercise programmes are led by trained and

attitudes which all fit together to improve your well-being. Un-

qualified fitness experts. Be sure to dance up a storm on

derstanding this, we (Sagicor) train our team members by pro-

oup Jamaica PROGRAMME viding access to information through monthly “Lunch & Learn”

general services is on display and this offers an opportunity

seminars on critical health topics delivered by esteemed

for the Sagicor Team to get information, try out or sample

health professionals. Some of our popular sessions in the past

an array of products and services and build relationships

included Diet and Exercise, Prostate and Breast Cancer, ChikV,

with the providers onsite.

& Zik-V to name a few.

At Sagicor we want to ensure that our team is safe, healthy

At the end of the year during our Staff Recognition & Appre-

and fulfilled through our wellness programme, we want

ciation Week, we invite external providers to participate in

them to be better able to manage and reduce stress, in-

our Sagicor Team Wellness Days. This is our exclusive internal

crease interactions, become more sociable, reduce their

wellness expo where we invite different businesses and ser-

overall health cost and risk of chronic non-communicable

vice providers to come and showcase their products and ser-

diseases. And without a doubt this is a good influence / in-

vices that are aligned to health and wellness, and cater to the

vestment in our most important asset, our team, as they

individual’s whole being. Everything related to health, fitness

improve the lives of the people in the communities in which

and exercise, beauty, food and drink, financial services and

they live and operate.


Tea Time! F

or centuries, people have been brewing various types of tea for both flavour and healing purposes, and any

Jamaican will tell you, a cup of tea is good for almost every ailment. Believe it or not, there is truth to this, as research has shown there are many health benefits that can be gained from different types of teas. Here are six types of teas and their many benefits.

Oolong tea activates enzymes that cut down triglycerides, a type of fat found in the blood. A study showed that women who consumed oolong tea burned more fat than those who drank only water.

Black tea is one of the most highly caffeinated varieties of tea, with about 40 milligrams of caffeine per cup. Black tea also contains thearubigins and theaflavins, two types of antioxidants that have been linked to lower cholesterol levels. Plus, according to research, drinking three or more cups of black tea a day can cut your risk of stroke by 21 %.


Chamomile tea has been praised over the years for its health benefits. The presence of flavonoids, sesquiterpenes, One of the more popular teas on this list, green tea is an

and other powerful antioxidants in this tea have significant

excellent source of catechins, another type of antioxidant.

effects on the human body. Easily accessible and delicious,

Regular consumption of green tea has also been found to

this tea can be topically applied in certain cases for a relief

reduce atherosclerosis, the risk of heart disease, lower

from various skin issues.

blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It has also been

Chamomile tea is an ancient natural remedy with many

found to reduce inflammation in those who suffer from

health benefits. Research shows that the antioxidants in

arthritis and helps to improve bone density and memory.

chamomile tea may help stunt the growth of cancer cells and

Green tea also has cancer prevention properties. One

prevent diabetes side effects such as loss of vision, nerve

study showed that drinking one cup of green tea per day

damage and kidney damage. It can also help to boost the

could decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease by 10%.

immune system, relieve menstrual discomfort, treat stomach issues and manage diabetes, among other amazing benefits. Chamomile tea is made from the flowers of the chamomile plant.

People turn to lemon ginger tea to improve their health, due to its ability to boost the immune system, reduce fever, improve cognition, regulate blood sugar, treat nausea and indigestion and soothe pain. Ginger has an active ingredient called zingiber, and lemon contains the immune-boosting compounds pectin and limonene. This makes lemon ginger tea an effective weapon against bacterial infections. According to research, drinking lemon ginger tea can kill the bacteria linked to salmonella. White tea, similar to green tea, contains catechins, which may help fight cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Drinking white tea might also reduce the risk of cancer recurrence for breast cancer survivors, according to the American Cancer Society. Composing of antioxidant agents and anti-aging properties, white tea also helps in maintaining healthy and youthful skin, improves oral health and controls diabetes. White teas also help to relieve the common cold and is a good remedy for other common diseases. White tea can also assist with weight loss.



with Andre Brown It’s usually during the holiday season that many people will fall off their fitness regimen. The abundance of food and the relaxed downtime that the season encourages will make you feel like taking a break from it all, including working out and eating healthy. However, remember this downtime is just a break, and what do breaks do? They end. Andre, also known as Supreme Fitness, a popular personal trainer and fitness enthusiast, shares some tips on how you can get back to fitness after the holiday season. Q: What are some exercises we can do to jump-start


our fitness regimen?

proteins, vegetables and

A: You can jump-start your fitness regimen by including


cardio, running, jogging, and biking. You should be mov-


ing fast enough to raise your heart rate and be breathing

for a cardio session re-

harder, but you should still be able to talk to someone

quires more carbohy-

while you’re doing it. Otherwise, you are pushing too

drates than protein. Carbs

hard. If you have joint problems, choose a low-impact

give you the energy to pow-

activity, like swimming or walking.

er through an intense workout.

You should also be stretching. You’ll become more flex-

For people who are strength training, your pre-workout

ible if you do this a couple times a week. Stretch after

meal should include low GI carbs to give you the energy

you’ve warmed up or finished exercising. Stretching

you’ll need, and protein-rich foods to store in reserve. Ex-

shouldn’t hurt.

amples include: egg white omelette with callaloo, whole

You should also incorporate strength training, using weights, resistance bands, your own body weight or yoga. Do this 2-3 times a week and allow your muscles to recover for a day between sessions. Q: What should our diets consist of?




grain toast, and skim or soy milk. Also you can have, smoothies made with protein powder, soy or skim milk, high GI fruit such as mango, peach, or pineapple and flax seed or Greek yogurt with banana, walnuts, apples, and honey. After a strength training workout, dietary protein is more readily used for muscle building, rather than fat storage. A

A: A balanced diet is required to complement a fitness

protein shake or meal within 2 hours of a workout will give

regimen. Your overall diet should include a variety of

your body what it needs to repair your muscles.




should we workout


to gain and maintain

in just one


area. If you want flat abs, you have to lose weight overall in addition

A: Beginners as well as more

to training your core.

advanced fitness levels will see the biggest benefits if they work out three to four times a week. The main thing is that

Next, women tend to believe that lifting weights will

you schedule a rest day between the different sessions. You

make them bulky. This could not be further from the

should take at least one day off after two consecutive days

truth. Lifting weights will actually help you to burn more

of strength training.

fat and eventually become leaner.

Q: What are some of the biggest myths you’ve heard

And finally, overexercising will not make you see results

about working out?

faster. We need to understand that everything in moderation is better. Excessive workouts will only make you burn

A: There are so many, but there are three huge ones that I

out faster and stop working out. Try to enjoy your work

want to tackle, mainly because they are so widespread and

outs, switch things up and observe rest days so your mus-

people are losing out because they tend to believe them.

cles get a chance to repair. At the same time, consume a co-

First, crunches are not the key to flat abs. You cannot lose

lourful, balanced diet and enjoy the process.



Many New Year resolutions are focused on diet and exercise, whether to lose weight or just to be healthier. Small changes and good choices are key to becoming successful and seeing results.

CUT THE OIL If frying, use a good non-stick pan and dry fry (do not use oil). Eliminating the oil could cut 45 calories per teaspoon in your meal. If your food begins to dry out, do not add

Here are some small changes that you can adopt to make

oil, instead add some water. If you have to use oils, reach

your meals a little bit healthier, while remaining just as tasty.

for those that are high in good fats (poly- and mono-

TRIM YOUR MEATS. Trim the fat from meats and remove the skin from poultry

unsaturated fats), e.g. olive oil. BE STINGY WITH THE SALT.

before cooking. Also, though we all enjoy some crisp fried

Instead of sprinkling salt on your meals, replace the white

chicken, in order to cut down on the saturated fats in the

stuff with pepper, herbs, spices, lemon juice, vinegar or

oil, opt to bake, grill, roast or poach instead of frying. When

mustard. You could be eating more salt than you think and

roasting, place the meat on a grill rack – this allows the fat

you don’t need it.

to drip away. If you are cooking minced meat, brown it and drain away the fat before adding other ingredients.


Try using less sugar when you bake. Most cakes will be scrumptious even if the quantity of sugar in the recipe


is halved. Fruit cakes, fruit scones and tea breads can be

of fatty meats, try using beans; this will save you calories and

made without adding sugar as the dried fruit will provide

add some fibre. Win, win!

sweetness. NO, NO, NO, MAYO!

NOT TOO CHEESY. Use strongly flavoured cheeses like mature cheddar or blue

Mayonnaise is delicious but oh so fattening. Replace

cheese in savoury dishes - you can use less and still get all the

mayonnaise in salads with natural yoghurt or low-fat

flavour. If you don’t like the strong taste of such cheeses, simply

fromage frais or vinaigrette dressings. Also, serve these

use low-fat alternatives of your favourites. Grate cheese instead

dressings on the side. When making sandwiches, choose

of slicing as it will spread across a dish more easily and you can

mayonnaise or butter; do not use both.

use less. Replace cream cheese with low- fat cream cheese.



Skim the fat that gathers on top of your broth, stew and

Don’t pile your plates too high. You can still enjoy a little bit

soup, this will save you unnecessary calories. Also, instead

of everything at the table, just control your portions.


AVOID TEMPTATION Do you find yourself going to your favourite store (online or in-person) just to ‘have a look’? Stop that! More often than not, you will find something that you just have to have. You might end up spending money you don’t have on items you don’t need. Avoid stores and unsubscribe from email lists, no matter the offer.

Reco the ho

PAY YOUR BILLS ON TIME Before you start spending on fun items or activities, pay your bills. It’s easy to forget the usual obligations, or opt to put them off until ‘next pay cycle’. This is a bad idea, the amount will only grow and can create unnecessary financial implications that are associated with late payments.

MAKE SOME SACRIFICES In an effort to get back on track financially, you will have to make some sacrifices. You might have to miss a few nights out or cancel your Netflix account for a while. This will all be worth it in the end. Every drop in the bucket will help towards getting you back on your feet.

CONSIDER DEBT CONSOLIDATION Depending on how much debt you have acquired, debt consolidation could be a good option for you. Consider consolidating your debt by transferring all your balances to one financial institution. This way, you will only have one company to deal with and one loan to keep track of.

MANAGE YOUR CREDIT CARDS They’re tempting, we know. So easy to use to get what you want right now. Take it from us, the growing debt can become difficult to manage if you exceed your budgeted payback limits. Focus on reducing your balance to a manageable amount before reaching back for your card. Minimum to no debt feels a lot better than anything you could possibly purchase. Also, if you have a credit card that earns point, you can always check to see how much you have earned which can be used to help clear your balance.


overing from oliday splurge If you’re looking at your bank account and your January credit card statements and wondering what happened to all your money between the holiday season and now, we can assure you that you’re not alone. We usually feel the need to be a lot more generous around the holidays, spending like there is no limit. We buy lavish, expensive gifts, attend all the parties we can and purchase full outfits and tickets for each one. We fully enjoy the festive season without much thought about ‘Ben Johnson January’. The damage has already been done, so let’s figure out how we’re going to recover.

GET A BUDGET IN LINE To get out of the stressful debt cycle, get into the habit of budgeting. Track your expenses as the months go along and eventually you’ll learn how much you can afford to spend comfortably.

MAKE A REALISTIC PLAN Make a realistic plan to pay off your debt as soon as possible. There are many budgeting tools and debtmanagement facilities available that you can partake in. Also, decide that you will chip away at your debt and make the sacrifices to do so. However, if you have savings, do not use it to pay off debt. Leave your savings alone. Another tip to note, your bills won’t go away on their own. Do not ignore your debt and try to pay extra whenever you can.


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