Rental August/September 2022

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TIDBITSTELEMATICSBUSINESSP.TRAILERHEAVY-HAULSAFETY40GENERALTOOLMANAGEMENTMANAGEHIGHERINFLATIONP.34August/September 2022 A look at how telematics data helps rental store owners with maintenance schedules, theft prevention and more. Find the latest news at


It’s all about doing more with less. So we did, with the widest range of machines equipped with grade management tech to suit your job needs today, and tomorrow. From 2D Laser Control to fully-integrated SmartGrade,™ it allows any operator to grade with precision. Reducing passes, labor costs, and dreaded rework, to ultimately boost your bottom line. IDLE



44 36 4 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 RENTAL VOLUME 43 ISSUE 6 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 Experts weigh in on what to expect when incorporating telematics data into a rental business. COVER: TECH TIPS: NavigateBUSINESS34TELEMATICSMANAGEMENTHighInflation A look at the strategies available to lessen the negative impacts of rate hikes and inflation. EquipmentCONSTRUCTION36Automation The scoop on three emerging equipment automation and guidance technologies. IN EVERY ISSUE 06 Everybody’s Business 08 Digital Hits 12 Market Watch 50 Rental Snapshot 54 New Products 58 Eye on Rental 20 GENERAL40 TOOL Trailer Safety Tips Tips to ensure safe working conditions with heavy-haul trailers. ConnectedSUSTAINABILITY44Technology The details on how technology can help the construction industry leave a better world for tomorrow.

NET ZERO ©2022 Snorkel. All rights reserved. DYNAMIC energy The Snorkel S3970RTE compact rough terrain electric scissor lift delivers dynamic performance. Equipped with long-lasting lithium-ion batteries, this scissor lift offers clean and quiet operation. A compact design makes it easy to maneuver tight areas and powerful 4-wheel drive tackles tough terrain. DESIGNED SMALL. DELIVERS BIG. 100% EMISSIONSZERO 93% SERVICE REDUCTIONCOST 62% REDUCTIONNOISE 4 X 4 ELECTRIC FAMILY FROM 19’ - 53’9” 2 - IN -1 WORK INDOORS AND OUTDOORS ™ PRODUCT ■ NEWS ■ INSIGHT 201 N. Main Street, 5th Fl Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 (800) www.ACBusinessMedia.com538-5544 Published by AC Business Media 6 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 RENTAL EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS // BY SARAH WEBB Publication Staff Publisher Sean sdunphy@ACBusinessMedia.comDunphy Editor Sarah swebb@ACbusinessMedia.comWebb Managing Editor Gigi gwood@ACbusinessMedia.comWood Senior Production Manager Cindy Rusch Art Director Willard Kill Audience Development Manager Angela Franks Advertising Sales (800) 538-5544 Kris Flitcroft Sean Dunphy Nikki Lawson Megan Perleberg Kristin Pride Tadashi Soma www.F Digital Content Director Wayne wgrayson@ACBusinessMedia.comGrayson Manging Editor Gigi gwood@ACBusinessMedia.comWood Circulation & Subscriptions PO Box 3605, | Northbrook, IL 60065-3605, Phone: (877) 201-3915 | Fax: (847) 291-4816 Sr.Listcirc.rpn@omeda.comRentalAccountManager Bart Piccirillo | Data Axle (518) 339 4511 | Reprints Megan mperleberg@ACBusinessMedia.comPerleberg, AC Business Media Chief Executive Officer Ron Spink Chief Financial Officer JoAnn Breuchel Chief Digital Officer Kris Heineman Chief Revenue Officer Amy Schwandt VP ofOperations & IT Nick Raether VP Audience Development Ronda Hughes Director, Demand generation & Education Jim Bagan GM Online & Marketing Services Bethany Chambers Content Director Marina Mayer Published and copyrighted 2022 by AC Business Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. SUBSCRIPTION POLICY: Individual subscriptions are available without charge in the U.S. to rental centers, equipment distributors, and other businesses with rental departments. To subscribe please visit Publisher reserves the right to reject nonqualified subscribers. One year subscriptions for nonqualified individuals: U.S. $35.00; Canada and Mexico $60.00; and $85.00 all other countries (payable in U.S. funds, drawn on U.S. bank). Single issues available (prepaid only) $10.00 each.



Rental (ISSN 2375-9925, Print | ISSN 2471-7657, online | USPS 686-370) is published eight times per year: January/February, March, April, May, June/July, August/September, October/November and December by AC Business Media, 201 N. Main Street, 5th Fl., Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Atkinson, WI and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Rental, PO Box 3605, Northbrook, IL 60065-3605. Printed in the USA. Vol. 43, Issue 6, August/September 2022 A s the editorial staff compiled this issuemonth’sofRental magazine, I couldn’t stop thinking about how technol ogy is all around us. It’s become so com mon in my everyday life that I often take for grant ed that I can communicate with virtually anyone in the world within seconds from behind the screen of my laptop or cellphone. What I haven’t yet taken for grant ed is that heavy equipment and vehicles can also communicate using telemat ics. Run time, maintenance schedules, location—you name it, that informa tion can now be sent from a given piece of equipment to the end user or rental store owner to help with billing, safety, theft prevention, maintenance sched ules and more. The trick for rental store owners who incorporate telematics is to find the balance between having all the information at their finger tips and having an overload of data. The cover story on p. 20 delves into all of that and more.As for the rest of this issue, our business man agement department dives into how rental companies can manage high inflation (p. 34); our excavatorpaniesatdepartmentconstructiontakesalookthreepioneeringcomwhenitcomestoautomationand guidance (p. 36); our general tool high lights how operators can ensure safe conditions when working with heavyhaul trailers (p. 40); and columnist Dick Detmer explains why it’s vitally important to ensure that rental com pany employees are educated on all the various types of equipment in your inventory (p. 58). Keep an eye out for our next issue of Rental, which will include our new and improved Editor’s Choice Award, and as always, feel free to reach out with questions, story ideas and press releases via email at swebb@acbusi or via LinkedIn WITH QR code for link -


Power comes in a compact frame with our newest 1-ton excavator. The U10-5 is now available at participating dealers* to rent or own, and its size and ease of use make it great in tight spots. See why Kubota is the world’s #1-selling compact excavator for 20 years. it. Own it. Do big things in small places.

New U10-5 Minimal tail swing Compact design *Find participating dealers on the dealer locator on **According to 2021 data from Off-Highway Research including all Kubota Group brand sales.

** Rent

© Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2022. This material is for descriptive purposes only. Kubota disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, or any liability from the use of this material. For complete warranty, safety and product information, consult your local Kubota dealer. For the complete disclaimer, go to and see the posted disclaimer.

DIGITAL HITS // THE LATEST ONLINE ™ PRODUCT ■ NEWS ■ INSIGHT RENTAL8 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 NEWS YOU CAN USE STAY SOCIAL BE FEATURED Rental magazine wants to highlight your rental company, digging into your successes, challenges you’ve faced along the way and how you’ve overcome them. What are you most proud of? What would you do differently? What advice would you give to other rental company owners or those just starting out in the industry? We want to hear it all and feature you in an upcoming Rental Snapshot article. If you would like to share your story with the readers of Rental and your professional peers, reach out to Editor Sarah Webb at today. Would you like to stay up to date on the latest happenings across the rental industry but can’t wait for the next print issue of Rental magazine to come out? Be sure to subscribe to our e-newsletters—including Rental Watch, Rental Market Watch and Power Rental, just to name a few— using the QR code, so you can stay informed on what’s going on around the industry. To stay up to date on the latest happenings around the rental industry, be sure to follow Rental’s social media channels: Rental


SmartLoad Technology from ANA is an optional accessory that helps prevent light loading and wet stacking conditions. For best results, always match the generator size to the power requirements needed. Visit or call us to learn more. U.S. Patent Pending.

The SmartLoad™ System from ANA was developed to aid in the prevention of wet stacking and light loading issues for Tier 4 engines. ANA’s proprietary load bank will automatically optimize the load on the generator for maximum operating efficiency and reliability. In addition, the SmartLoad System allows you to add 30-40% load to the generator, monitor the load, and will automatically engage if the load falls below 30%. When the load exceeds 75%, the load bank will stop. SmartLoad Technology can detect a phase change in use and does not require adjustments or continual maintenance. Ensure power reliability, reduce maintenance, and help prevent wet stacking with the SmartLoad Fully Automatic Load Bank System from ANA.

DeJong began his long career with Bomag in 1986, when he joined the sales team at Bomag Canada in Mississau ga, Ontario. Displaying a true passion for building the brand and integrity when working with customers, DeJong worked his way up to general manager of Bomag Cana da. Bomag’s acquisition of the Stow Manufacturing equip ment line in the mid-1990s afford ed DeJong the op portunity to lead the North Ameri can rental equip ment business for the company. He worked with in ternal sales, deal ers and manufactur er representatives to successfully ex pand the Bomag brand and increase sales for the broad light equipment range throughout the United States and Canada. DeJong was instrumental in Bomag’s development of the articulat ed trench roller and its introduction to North America. The Bomag BMP 8500 quickly became the preferred trench roller among contractors and enjoyed a domi nant market share throughout North America.

FOR DIGITALIZATION Construction technology company InEight has released the results of its annual report, which provides an economic outlook of the industry. The second annual “Global Capital Projects Outlook” reports that 99 percent of North American capital project and construction professionals are optimistic about their organization’s future. That’s up from 97 percent in 2021. Digital technology is the top driver of growth, but change management must improve for successful Thetransformation.reportdraws insights from research conducted with 300 of the world’s largest capital project owners and contractor construction professionals across North America, Europe and Asia. All respondents work in construction. Several organizations have reported waning optimism for construction industry profitability in 2022 due to increased inflation, raw materials prices, continued supply chain problems and the perennial workforce shortage.




Bert DeJong, a company leader at Bomag Americas and industry veteran of more than 30 years, passed away on May 26 at the age of 68. “Throughout his 32-year career with Bomag, Bert was a consummate pro fessional and team player, always will ing to put forth the dedication and ef fort required to support his fel low colleagues and customers. To day, Bomag com mands a large pres ence in the rental market, mainly due to Bert’s leadership and valuable com mitments to this customer segment, which is a true success story,” said Rob Mueckler, president of Bomag Americas. “More importantly, he was one of the most gen uine and respectful colleagues that I’ve had the privilege to work with, and he will be deeply missed by the Bomag family and our rental customers. Bert’s contributions and compassion for others will be long remembered by us all, and his family will remain a part of the Bomag family.”


THE PERFECT RENTAL PAIR L ind Equipment’s 7-time award winning All-In-One Beacon LED Tower has revolutionized the light tower world. This tower provides all the functionality of three separate lighting assets in a single package. An All-In-One Beacon LED Tower can be used as a remote generator powered light tower, as a no-glare diffused light tower to replace balloon lights and as an indoor/outdoor electric powered light tower. This is a full-brightness light tower that provides more mean light output than a traditional metal halide tower, but uses 80% less energy. The Beacon LED Tower provides little to no upkeep so rental companies can make a quick return on investment. Additionally, the new Beacon978 LED Light Cart is the highest quality light cart on the market. It is fully weatherproof with an all-steel construction and has no bulbs or ballasts to deal with, plus it boasts 22,5000 lumens per light head. The All-In-One Beacon LED Tower plus the Beacon978 LED Light Cart are the perfect rental pair. Tripling your ROI, with virtually no maintenance required, but with endless applications.


data capture accuracy to more than 99 percent by scanning ID barcodes instead of relying on optical character recognition. The Thales QS2000 scanner eliminates the need for recalibrations or maintenance on moving parts, while the company’s WizzForms software supports more than 2,700 ID formats including all government-issued IDs in the U.S. and Canada.


RentalofPoint Attentive


PARTNERS WITH IDSCAN.NET Point of Rental Software is partnering with to enhance the ID scanning process for rental businesses. Full integration with Point of Rental’s software means more than 15 fields are automatically imported into Point of Rental’s database, including name, address, ID number and photo. This cuts down on more than a minute of data entry and eliminates errors. “Our goal with this partnership is to help streamline operations for rental businesses and make data entry and identity capture easy and efficient. The Thales QS2000 is the perfect option for Point of Rental because of its durability, affordability and ability to scan all types of government-issued IDs, including passports,” said Denis Petrov, CEO of’

Attentive, a Delaware-based business management software provider for outdoor services industries, has launched an automated property measurement tool for paving maintenance professionals. This AI-based tool will allow paving professionals to obtain automated site measurements for asphalt area, crack length, parking stall striping length and more. This tool can be used by both commercial and residential paving and snow contractors.“Working with paving companies, what we often hear is a lot of time is wasted on traveling to the site and manually measuring areas for paving job estimates. Our tool will help sales teams cut down on time-consuming manual tasks like measuring sites for services like parking lot seal coating, line striping, sweeping even crack sealing, etc.,” said Shiva Dhawan, co-founder and CEO of Attentive. The company brings years of experience to this product. It has a similar product for landscaping and Aprilwasindustries,snowwhichlaunchedinlastyear.


MANUFACTURER PROFILE Advertisement AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 RENTAL BI_Rental_HIPPO_2022.psd @ 100% (MECHANX 185 The MechanX 185 designed to provide big air and e, RGB/8) * THE BOSS BULLET G+ T he BOSS Bullet G + Generator option! You now have the option of adding 6.0kW of AC power to the Bullet G. You can get 70cfm @ 100psi or 6.5 kw of power. Want both air and power at the same time? No problem with our multi-functional design you can get 30cfm @ 100psi and 6.5kW simultaneously.TheBossBullet offers a high caliber performance from a high caliber machine. The Bullet is a fully self-contained, gas engine driven rotary screw air compressor. It’s capable of producing 70 CFM and 100 PSI continuously, with plenty of reserve.Itsunique design allows you to utilize the Bullet just about anywhere. The Boss Bullet features make this engine the most fuel efficient, quite running, and maintenance free in its class. It is available as either a skid mounted unit or wheel mounted.




The legislation includes:

• Creates and sustains tens of thousands of good-paying American jobs by rebuilding infrastructure.

• Includes more than $2.6 billion to reduce emissions, increase resiliency and address historical inequities in transportation and housing programs

• Promotes safe transportation and housing with a skilled and growing workforce to conduct inspections, mitigate hazards and study emerging threats and innovative solutions.


The House passed the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) spending bill for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 along party lines, 220-207. The THUD funding bill includes almost 2,000 projects totaling $3.7 billion in earmarks. Of the transportation-related earmarks, highways got $1 billion, transit got $267 million and airports got $173 million. It would provide $4.57 billion in multimodal capital investment to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) for FY23. The legislation also fully funds Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) programs for highways and public transportation in FY2023. An additional $3.45 billion is provided for capital projects on top of IIJA levels. In total, USDOT would receive an increase of $833 million above FY2022 levels. Highway investments alone would increase by $602 million.

• Supports community projects identified by 331 Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle that increase the safety and viability of airports, highways and transit systems and strengthen housing, businesses and community infrastructure The Senate has yet to introduce its FY2023 spending bills at the time of publication. The fiscal year ends on Sept. 30.


Updates to the 7 Series excavators include a work group with reinforced castings and forged steel pivot points for withstanding high-impact work. A new Y-shaped seal at the end of the excavator’s arm provides sealing to the bucket connection. Doosan added material to the excava tor’s mainframe to support performance. The excavator’s X-Chassis undercarriage is durable and stable, while the track chain is sealed and self-lubricating for reduced main tenance. Cast-steel, heavy-duty sprockets are designed for challenging work environments, and track rollers and idlers are provided with oil level check plugs to support machine uptime. The redesigned models are built to reduce noise and vibration. Inside the cab includes an optional air-suspension seat that is heated and cooled, joystick controls and an 8-inch smart touch screen. The new cabs have a single wiper that clears both the top and bottom of the front window during inclement weath er. Also included in the 7 Series is the Doosan smart key. The smart key fob brings automotive features to construction equipment. Operators can easily unlock the cab and start the excavator’s engine with the push of a button. The multilingual Doosan smart touch screen displays settings and information on one screen. From the touch screen, operators can moni tor machine functions and control machine settings, rearview camera, heating and cooling, radio and Bluetooth wireless technology.


“I strongly believe that through raising awareness of NFPA 241 and providing construction site managers with the tools to be able to better respond to the threat of fire, by moving away from outdated air horns and embracing technology, we can reduce injuries, deaths and damage caused by fire on construction sites in the U.S.,” said Jim Mongeau, contributing author of the whitepaper and NFPA committee member and director of Space Age Electronics. “This whitepaper clearly sets out the challenges we all face, and I hope that my contributions will influence decision-makers to come together and work toward a more innovative approach to fire safety that’s fit for the modern day.”



(800) 821-4147.

“No Site Left Behind: The Modern Fire and Life Safety Solutions for Construction” includes industry insight from Turner Construction to help raise awareness of fire risk and the life safety solutions, including wireless fire evacuation system technology. The whitepaper also highlights how more awareness and understanding of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidance, specifically the NFPA 241 (Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations), must be prioritized to improve safety.


Ramtech, which produces wireless products for industrial and commercial purposes such as construction, has published a whitepaper about fire and safety challenges on jobsites.


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From World First to World Leader


akeuchi’s TB257FR hydraulic excavator, the newest excavator in the FR (Full Rotation) series, checks all of the boxes important to equipment rental dealers and their customers – it’s durable, versatile, powerful and easy to use. The machine’s unique side-to-side (STS) boom configuration sets it apart from the competition. The TB257FR also offers simplified maintenance and excellent serviceability, unmatched visibility and easy maneuverability, helping operators maintain optimum performance and efficiency on any jobsite.


Designed for maximum jobsite versatility, the machine’s STS boom configuration combined with its minimal tail swing allow for superior visibility and maneuverability when working in confined spaces, such as road and bridge construction or work within town. The TB257FR offers three working modes —Standard, ECO and High Altitude — allowing operators to choose the mode best suited for the job at hand. Additionally, this machine’s engine is Tier-4-Final compliant and provides 32 percent more engine output than its predecessor. Takeuchi Fleet Management

The TB257FR hydraulic excavator comes standard with Takeuchi Fleet Management (TFM) for two years at no additional cost. TFM provides valuable information about the machine’s health, run time and location, helping rental dealers control costs, minimize downtime, perform remote diagnostics and schedule maintenance. Contact your local Takeuchi dealer today and learn more about the difference the TB257FR can make for you and your customers.



Strength + Durability With an operating weight of 12,675 lbs. (canopy model) and 12,930 lbs. (cab model), the TB257FR is designed to be a powerful, reliable jobsite workhorse. This machine features a one-piece, heavy-duty, steel-reinforced boom and has a standard long arm with a maximum dig depth of 12 feet 9.3 inches. The TB257FR is also equipped with an impressive bucket breakout force of 10,431 lbs. and a maximum arm digging force of 5,190 lbs. The machine’s forward-tilting cabin and wide-opening service hoods provide exceptional access for daily maintenance checks and service.

Versatility + Productivity

COVER STORY // BY SARAH WEBB Telematics experts weigh in on what rental company owners can expect when incorporating telematics data into their operations. TECH TELEMATICSTIPS:

Telematics experts from Tenna, Geotab, GPS Fleet Consulting, EquipmentShare and DPL Telematics share why rental company owners should consider adding this technology to their companies—and what to look out for when they do.

n an increasingly technological world, a term like telematics may be written off as white noise. However, that shouldn’t be the case.

“This shift can be attributed to the growth of the rental industry,” Berube says. “As more construction companies look toward the benefits of renting construction vehicles, as opposed to buying, these companies require a connectivity solution to gain complete visibility into their fleet. By integrating a telematics platform, rental companies can gain access to real-time data insights to help optimize fleet operations, enhance reporting capabilities, reduce fuel and maintenance costs and more.”


“When you use telematics to increase your fleet utilization, decrease your downtime, improve compliance and avoid costly accidents, you boost your bottom line,” says Willy Schlacks, president and co-founder of EquipmentShare.

The original equipment manufacturer (OEM) telematics category is growing at a rate of 15.6 percent annually, as companies seek more insight into their fleet’s productivity, safety, cost efficiency and compliance, according to Steven Berube, senior business development manager at Geotab.

Additionally, the capabilities of telematics have increased while the size and cost of telematics units have decreased, according to Tony Nicoletti, director of sales and business development at DPL Telematics.

“Twenty-one years ago, when we first started as a telematics provider, the on-board hardware was the size of bread boxes with large, overt antennae, costing over $1,000 each and a monthly subscription fee north of $30 for location and daily runtime reports,” Nicoletti says. “The technology has evolved so much we even see customers track rental deep fryers and stump grinders. There is no longer a limit to what assets equipment owners can monitor and track.”



THE BENEFITS Maintenance intervals Using telematics data, rental company owners and end

“Plus, when you can track your people, assets and materials with precision, you gain a better understanding of your overhead and can generate more competitive bids—which means more money in your pocket.”

22 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 RENTAL COVER STORY // users can keep track of maintenance intervals.“With telematics, rental companies can implement a comprehensive and preventive maintenance schedule to help identify vehicle issues before they occur, thus improving the safety and efficiency of their assets while reducing vehicle downtime,” Berube says.

The data is so precise that rental rental companies can see fault codes, fuel consumption and other diagnostic data, empowering them to take proactive steps before a machine goes to failure, Nicoletti says. In the long run, keeping track of maintenance schedules can save thousands of dollars, according to Russ Young, chief business development officer at “ConstructionTenna. companies are famous for missing preventive maintenance windows,” Young says. “Instead of doing the oil change for 30 bucks, they end up having to replace the engine for $30,000. Prior to telematics data, the equipment operator would write down equipment hours at the end of every week on a piece of paper, and then the superintendent would drive it into the office and then some accountant person would type in those equipment hours. It’s not shocking that there were errors.”

However, with telematics data, that information is autonomously flowing into their system, and users can even create automatic work orders.

“Knowing which makes/models or even categories of assets have the most service problems helps companies make strategic decisions when sourcing their fleet,” Schlacks says.

Finally, maintenance diagnostics can help rental company owners make purchasing decisions in the future.

“Preventive maintenance is way less expensive than the maintenance because if something goes down on your jobsite, now you have to wait for it to either be fixed or have a new one delivered,” Young says. “Those equipment outages aren’t just the cost of the new engine; it’s also the cost of the data and your workers waiting to use that machine that’s down.”

“Telematics is key if you look at daily vehicle inspections and how much time the user has operated a piece of equipment, but some manufacturers have created a telematics system where you can only use it on their equipment, and that creates problems where the different systems don’t talk to each other, and it actually leads to people dying. Some rental companies have these different systems, but then people don’t use them because they are irritating.”

Telematics can also help protect against rental abuse and safety hazards on the“Wejobsite.haveintroduced tip and rollover detection in our devices, which GPS Fleet Consulting

Safety Choosing a rental software that can be used across multiple pieces and brands of equipment not only prevents frustration from the end user, but it can also save the lives of crew members.




• Compact power: With a 37 hp Yanmar® Tier IV diesel engine and 1,300 lbs. of rated operating capacity, the Dingo TX 1300 packs a powerful punch in a compact footprint.

• Extra reach: The exclusive INTELESCOPE® loader arm gives operators 26 inches of additional reach. Operators can also lift loads up and over the side of a dumpster or truck to maximize productivity, thanks to a telescoped hinge-pin height of 109 inches.

• User-friendly controls: The hydraulics and loader arm functions are integrated into one thumb-operated controller that can be operated with one hand while the patented Toro traction controls are operated with the other. It’s easy enough for operators at all levels of experience.

• Timesaving efficiency: Operators can step on and off the stand-on platform without having to climb into or out of a cab. This design also allows for increased visibility around the machine.

L ooking for equipment that delivers fast return on investment? Check out the new Toro® Dingo® TX 1300. This model brings a whole new combination of power, reach and convenient control to the versatile Toro Dingo lineup. Key features include:

• Multiple attachment options: The Dingo TX 1300 works with dozens of attachments, from buckets and forks to an auger or trencher head — so customers can tackle multiple jobs with a single machine. From a wide range of potential applications to durability and ease of use, the Dingo TX 1300 is designed to deliver return on investment rental after rental. For more information, visit PROFITABILITYYOUR WITH THE NEW TORO ® DINGO ® TX 1300 COMPACT UTILITY LOADER




“Theft is a huge problem in the industry, and recovery of assets, even if they’re covered by insurance, is so important especially with the growing supply chain issues,” Schlacks says. “Replacing stolen assets isn’t always immediately possible, and that cuts into revenue—telematics can both help reduce the likelihood of theft and help with recovery if it doesAdditionally,happen.”

Billing accurately Scheduling engine maintenance isn’t the only reason why tracking engine hour use proves useful, according to Berube and Corey Fongemie, president of GPS Fleet Consulting. It’s also useful for billing purposes.

“There is a huge amount of inefficiency, for example, with someone renting a piece of equipment even though there was an identical piece of equipment on the other end of the jobsite not being used,” Young says. “Now you can look on your phone to see if there’s the equipment you need on the jobsite that’s not being used somewhere.”

Going hand in hand with finding an asset  Smaller than GPS devices, Bluetooth tags are a costeffective way to track lower value asset inventory. Telematics

“This improved visibility enables the company to produce accurate billing, which can result in enhanced customer retention and return on investment (ROI) on their assets,” Berube says. Additionally, some telematics companies offer starter disable capabilities that allow rental customers to remotely lock out a machine from starting in the case of nonpayment or theft; similar to utilities, if the customer doesn’t pay, then it gets turned off, Nicoletti says.

For example, rental companies are not always able to pick up their equipment on the day the rental period ends, and without telematics, these companies cannot track if the renter is using the equipment beyond the paid rental period.

Berube adds that the increased visibility can also help with customer relations.

“Lots of companies will charge their customers by the hour, and if there is no telematics system in the piece of equipment, it’s all based on honesty,” Fongemie says. “So, proving that a piece of equipment was running certain hours a day and on certain days, rental company owners can then be able to bill based on that usage because the telematics system is tracking every single time that goes on or off.”

Location tracking Location tracking helps solve several issues rental companies and end users may encounter.

telematics can up the efficiency of workers on the jobsite because they won’t have to waste time tracking down a given piece of equipment.

26 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 COVER STORY // allows rental companies to know if their renters are operating the assets in an unsafe manner or potentially rolling them over,” Nicoletti says.

DESIGNING & CREATING QUALITY PUMP & POWER SOLUTIONS MANUFACTURER PROFILE 570-645-3779 | H ydra-Tech ofmanufacturesPumpsavarietyhydraulicpumps and power units for any rental operation. Hydraulically driven dewatering pumps range in size from a discharge1.25”to a 30” discharge and gallons60–24,000flowsboastfromper Hydra-Techminute.offersa full range of hydraulic power units for their pumps and many other hydraulically powered tools. Electric, gas, diesel, and propane fueled hydraulic power units are available in standard configurations that range from 3 to 200 horsepower. We custom design and build hydraulic power packs as well. What can we power beyond magneticcuttingreciprocatinghacksaws,powered:Hydraulicallypumps?Chainsaws,polesaws,saws,pipemachines,bandsaws,drills,rotaryimpact hammer drills, circular saws, core drills, impact wrenches, torque wrenches, angle grinders, horizontal grinders, peanut die grinder, vertical grinder, breakers, vibratory plate compactors, cut-off saws, profile grinders, bull nose grinders, rail drills, tie drills, lag drivers, spike pullers, post drivers 167 Stock St | Nesquehoning PA 18240 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 RENTAL Advertisement

“Like most technology deployments, it makes sense to pilot the selected solutions for a period of time to allow your team members to familiarize themselves with it and then gather their feedback,” Nicoletti says. “This is a critical stage, as many questions or concerns that were never considered come to light and must be addressed prior to full-scale deployment. If the required team members cannot or will not use the technology, then it has no benefit to the operation. Once everyone is on board and the road map is clear, it is safe to execute the larger deployment.”

THE CHALLENGES When the data becomes too much. One of the biggest challenges with telematics data is processing the large amount of data users can access at their fingertips.“Itistempting to think, ‘I want as much data as I can get; a deluge of data can be incredibly valuable;’ however, the reality is that many equipment owners are not yet capable of properly digesting available data and often become overwhelmed by it, essentially creating more work than benefit,” Nicoletti says. “If your goal is to improve billing and service scheduling, then you may only need location and usage monitoring, which is available in many telematics products. If you are concerned about theft or suspicious customers, you probably do not need a data-intensive hardwired product, but rather something you can ‘slap and track’ to make sure your rental asset is returned.” Marrying different systems. Rental companies should keep in mind that OEM manufacturers log telematics data differently, and if they are using multiple telematics providers, it is crucial to understand how OEMs, which commonly use a diverse piece of hardware set, normalize their data compared to a third-party telematics provider that uses a single piece of hardware.“Atelematics software solution that only lets rental companies manage vehicle data from one manufacturer will not provide the flexibility and capability needed to efficiently manage an entire fleet,” Berube says. A solution, Young says, is to seek out a telematics system that has the ability to communicate with other telematics“Havingsystems.telematics, instead of a paper driven process, is definitely a step forward,” Young says. “The next big move in telematics is having everything on one simple app, regardless of where you rent it, whether you rent it or own and whether it’s a piece of equipment or a truck moving down the road.” Security. It’s also important to choose a secure telematics“(Recently),provider.atelematics provider was hacked because every single device they built had a hard coded password of 123456,” Schlacks says. “Thousands of customers now have all their asset information displayed in real time and historically to anyone on the internet.”

“For example, the diversity of equipment forces the rental customer into a less machinespecific maintenance schedule. Also, if the rental company is managing thousands of equipment, it would be too difficult to understand the maintenance schedule of each piece of equipment,” Berube says. “Therefore, rental companies with a small fleet of equipment are less likely to need telematics compared to a larger rental company that will benefit from insights collected from hundreds or thousands of theirRentalfleet.”company owners should also confirm that a provider can cover and grow with their fleet and that company staff has the capability to use the software properly.

Rental companies should select a provider is best suited to meet their fleet management needs and goals and one that can communicate with other providers when needed. “While OEMs provide a telematics solution that is preinstalled with costs already baked into the cost of the machine, the OEM telematics platform needs to integrate data from multiple pieces of telematics hardware that need to be manually maintained or updated,” Berube says. “With this in mind, many rental companies prefer to go with a third-party telematics provider, which may be considered an easier option when it comes to integrating data from a variety of OEMs into a single platform.”Inaddition, Berube adds that rental companies should consider the size and diversity of their fleet to determine the actual benefits of implementing a telematics platform.

COVER STORY // quickly, delivery and pickup of equipment can be streamlined using telematics.“Locating an asset for pickup on a jobsite can be time consuming, so having telematics locations can take out the guesswork and save the driver time,” Schlacks says.


HOW TO CHOOSE When deciding on a telematics system, rental company owners should consider their regional market. “Depending on the market, you’re going to want a piece of equipment that can endure the elements,” Fongemie says. “If you’re in the South, get something that can withstand the heat, but if you’re in the North, get something that can tolerate the cold.” MMP-3027-00-EN | © Ammann Group YOU CAN BRING COMPACTION PUNCH TO YOUR LIGHT EQUIPMENT FLEET WITH: • A comprehensive product lineup that offers the optimal weight, dimensions and engine for your needs. • A powerful vibratory system that puts any material – from wet clays to dry aggregates – in its place. • Controls that are intuitive so even inexperienced operators can be productive. • A robust customer service network that supports the machines – anytime, anywhere. • Extended service intervals that minimize maintenance costs and maximize uptime. Ammann compaction equipment provides all that –and more. You’ll never a miss round with these lightweight champions. Interested in becoming a dealer of Ammann Light Compaction Equipment? Please contact us at or call (954) 493-0010 for more information. VISIT AMMANN.COM AND SPEAK TO OUR TEAM TODAY DEALERS WANTED MEET HEROES THE

Light Towers Scissor Lift

In the early 1900s, Hatz Diesel made the momentous decision to design and manufacture their own internal combustion engines. Starting with the first groundbreaking diesel injection design in 1906 to the first all-aluminum air-cooled diesel engine in 1958, through todays fully electronic product line-up. The story of four generations of Hatz leadership is a story of innovation.

The latest innovation from Hatz is the Flywheel-Integrated Permanent Magnet Generator (fiPMG). This efficient hybrid solution is engineered for minimal size and weight compared to conventional generators. Whether you require AC or DC the fiPMG ensures consistent high-power, in a compact, quiet, and fuel-efficient package for a low total cost of ownership. The E1 technology, which is at the core of the fiPMG, provides all necessary electronics for maximum efficiency. Numerous applications such as mini-excavators, light towers, skid steers, utility vehicles and more, will benefit from these technologies. When size, weight, and efficiency are critical, Hatz Diesel offers solutions that are four generations in the making. Applications (but not limited to)

The most innovative of its kind Four generations of innovation


Compact Size

Mini Excavator Skid Steers

Kato’s best-in-class HD823MR-7, 54,050-pound excavator is leading the way in power and innovation. With a 22’ maximum digging depth, this minimum radius machine gets the job done. See it and more from KATO-Compact Excavator Sales at ConExpo Booth #W42769.

Up your rental fleet with a CL35 track loader. Starting with the highest quality of equipment, KATO’s CL35 is built to handle the toughest projects and the most rugged terrain. KATO’s versatile CL35 Compact Track Loader meets the needs of any job site. The CL35 features an operating weight of 7,800 lbs. and is easily trailered to your next job site. The CL35 also features a comfortable cabin and pilotresponsivecontrolsfor a superior experience.operator

In the market for a smaller excavator that still packs power and precision in tight spaces, KATO’s line of mini excavators are perfect for any job. Ranging from the HD17V5 4300pound mini excavator to the 18,600-pound HD85V4 mini excavator. While the line has gotten bigger, CES is really separating from the pack with battery-poweredfirstthe9VXB,carriesexcavator.battery-poweredtheirCEStheoneofindustry’s100% excavators. This revolutionary machine has numerous applications for indoor excavation, changing emissions standards, and any contractor working in close proximity to the public.


The 823MR is a minimal radius powerhouse, driven by the 172hp ISUZU 4HK1X. The four-pump hydraulic system and nearly 22 feet of digging depth will move heaven and earth on your job site. KATO, as has two other large excavators, including the 28,500-pound HD512LC-7 and the 31,000pound HD514MR-7.


Power, performance, and versatility. The KATO CL35 is built to handle the toughest projects and the most rugged terrain. The CL 35 Compact Track Loader meets the needs of any job site. The CL35 features an operating weight of 7,800 lbs. and is designed for comfort, ease of use, eco-friendliness, durability, and reliability! Not to mention easy to maintain. With a proven track record in heavy equipment, IHI’s hydraulic system accurately responds to the operator’s will. The CL35 offers comfort, ease of use, eco-friendliness, durability, and reliability, as well as easy maintenance. Developed through the pursuit of what a track loader should do and what it should be, the CL35 is ready to revolutionize the way you work, wherever you are.

T he business climate of 2022 is one of high inflation and rising interest rates. While everyone can debate causes, effects and lay blame, none of that changes the fact that these are the con ditions all of us are forced to reckon with.Over the past few months, the Federal Reserve has twice raised rates—a quarter point in March and a half point in May (the half point rep resenting the largest single rate hike in two decades). Most economists and pundits feel this will be ongoing— if you believe the talk, rate hikes are almost certain to continue through 2022 and likely into 2023. These hikes happen slowly, quarter and half points at a time, presumably to avoid upset ting the apple cart too much. While it’s easy to look at this busi ness climate with a resigned sigh, there are certain strategies available to lessen the negative impacts of rate hikes and inflation. IF YOU DO BORROW, INSIST ON A FIXED RATE


Business and commerce are not stop ping, so there will still be many companies who need to borrow money.

And, if they do, they should insist on nothing but a fixed rate loan. Getting a fixed rate (meaning the rate never rises or falls for the life of the loan) is usually desirable anytime. Put simply, having a payment that’s stable and predictable is easier to manage and plan for, but this takes on an increased importance in a “rates are rising” busi ness climate. Since the rate pendulum tends to swing very slowly, and we’re likely at the beginning of a rising direc tion, there is good reason to believe rate increases will continue for some time.In other words, the rate you are see ing right now is likely the lowest rate you will see for the foreseeable future. If you are looking to borrow over the next year, locking in at a fixed rate is preferred. You’ll simply pay less for your loan today than you will next quarter. Plus, with a fixed rate, you’ll keep paying less.

SECTION 179 IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER Ensuring you take a full Section 179 deduction has never been more important.Forthose who don’t know (and it’s always surprising how many don’t), Section 179 allows a company to A look at the strategies available to lessen the negative impacts of rate hikes and Navigateinflation.

HIGHER Inflation and HIGHER Interest Rates


deduct the full price of nearly all busi ness equipment purchased and put into service during the calendar year. In other words, instead of yearly depreci ation, a company can deduct the entire cost this Thereyear.are a lot of good reasons to take a full Section 179 deduction, but the simplest and most straightfor ward is it amounts to a discount equal to whatever a company’s tax rate is. In other words, if the company’s tax rate is 35 percent, then deducting the full cost of a purchase from said taxes amounts to a 35 percent discount on the price of the item. That’s a healthy discount, especially in an inflationary or highrateWithenvironment.Section179’s total deduction a little north of $1 million, almost every company can benefit by taking as high a deduction as they can for 2022. This also ties into the next tip. USE TVM TO YOUR ADVANTAGE If you were offered $5,000 in cash right now, or $1,000 a year for five years, which would you take? Almost every one would take the $5,000 right now. Not only because $5,000 at any time is good, it’s also because that $5,000 right now is worth more than $5,000 later. That’s largely due to the time value of money (TVM), which contends that money today is always worth more than the same dollar figure in the future.The reason for that is the number of compounding periods. This virtu ally guarantees that a $100 bill today is always worth more than that same $100 bill in the future, because today’s $100 bill can theoretically build upon itself via compounding. Let’s circle back to rates because they do work both ways. Yes, rates are going up on borrowed money, but at the same time, they also go up for your bank balances. The numbers may be smaller (virtually nobody is earning big numbers on bank balances these days), but every single percentage point still affects the TVM in a positive way, which is always preferable. This is another good reason to take full advantage of Section 179 instead of yearly depreci ation and take the lump sum right now. Even if the raw paid interest increase isn’t earth shak ing, it’s zero.preferablestillto UPWRAPPING waters we’ll line: speak to

be operating in over the next year or so. Bottom

companies should

In a gatebetterhelpgently,usedamakelinedstrategiesAndiseverytionhigher-inflaer-ratehighandclimate,dollarimportant.whiletheoutwillnotorbreakcompany,intellitheycanabusinessnavithechoppy financial

their tax professionals and utilize every strategy and advantage possible. They are out there, and they can make a positive impact over the next few years. Senior VP of National Accounts Crest Capital Chris Fletcher @SERSOLL - See our full range of aerial platformsworkand more at 900 lbs Platform Capacity With a 7' 7" Basket Continuous360° Rotation HANDLING


SODEX EXCAVATOR AUTOMATED MEASUREMENT An Austrian company, Sodex Innovations came to market in March 2022 with an automated measurement tool targeted at small excavators. The company’s technology automates the surveying, documentation and billing of excavated material on construction sites through continuous measurement of the three-dimensional terrain. To accomplish this, Sodex combines a camera and laser technology with several sensors to record and measure the environment in the excavator’s working area, geo-referencing all measured points through a GNSS/GPS system to determine their absolute position. This creates a digital record of volume of material removed or inserted in a format that other software applications can use for billing and real-time analysis.

S odex, Built Robotics and Unicontrol are offering affordable technologies that may either push the boundaries of construction equipment autonomy or enlarge the addressable market for equipment automation.Asmore government infrastructure projects call for construction equipment automation, contractors involved in other types of work are also attracted to technology that makes earthmoving and other equipment easier to use, captures production data or increases safety.

Sodex, Built Robotics and Unicontrol are among a growing number of insurgencies angling for a share of the growing market for excavator automation and guidance.

Emerging Equipment Automation and Guidance Technologies to Watch For

The SDX-4DVision is designed as a retrofitting solution that can be directly upgraded to any excavator regardless of brand, size or age without major conversion work. Contractors can integrate the SDX-4D Vision System with conventional GNSS systems, such as those from Leica Geosystems to automate production recording and billing.

The automation delivered by an excavator equipped with Built Robotics technology enables ingestion of a design, along with GPS coordinates, so the excavator can know its position and localize on-site.


The product is in distribution in Europe but Sodex is looking for distributors in North America, including rental organizations that can retrofit their fleets as a differentiator in the market.

A machine operator would still need to provide documentation on the type of earth moved—gravel, sand, topsoil or other material, but the technology eliminates the need for surveying for invoicing and harnesses automated data captured on productivity to streamline the billing process further. So, Sodex is offering a licensed software and hardware product, centered around an 800,000 pointsper-second laser scanner capable of creating a very detailed and continuous map of the surroundedground by the Currently,excavator. the fractionandstoredeverything“RightHafteltheupansoclouddevelopingBluetooth.thecomputerainsteadconnectingwithcommunicatedoestechnologySodexnotthecloud,totabletincabthrough“Weareasolutionyoucanhaveappandlookthedataonexcavator,”,islocally,justawill be sent frequently to the connected computer. Not all the data is sent. Our sensors are directly connected to the control cabinet, and the tablet is connected by Bluetooth.” on the product road map Sodex’s technology automates the surveying, documentation and billing of excavated material on construction sites through continuous measurement of the threedimensional terrain. forklifts


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Installation, according to Sodex Research and Development Hardware Engineer Markus Haftel, takes about 10 hours of shop time. “You need not that high a level of skill, but some basic mechanical skills and skills in electronics,” Haftel says. “You have to mount the contour cabinets to ensure everything is connected correctly—not just physical mounting of some sensors.”

“If a distributor already has a fleet of excavators, they can mount our system on it and rent them out,” Haftel says. “It is also possible the distributor can sell our product independently to the fleet owner and mount it into the excavator, but in the rental channel, we anticipate they will be renting the excavator with our system installed. Our current distributors focus on small excavators between 2.5 and 15 tons.”

While technology is coming to market to automate functions of excavator operation, Sodex only focuses on data capture, measuring the dimensions of surrounding material in the area around the excavator and detailing the volume of material moved from one place to the other. “Our users get a detailed map afterward of the surrounding area, including scans by time. The camera can see below grade, and based on the changing dimensions, they can calculate the volume of earth moved. The technology can perform a billing calculation based on this data, on the volume excavated, along with documentation of the work.”



An edge computing device on the excavator runs the algorithms that direct production, collecting insight from the environment including resistance from the ground and track slip as it goes that results in modified tactics and approaches. Built Robotics also includes camera-based machine vision, used primarily for pedestrian detection. High-fidelity radar, meanwhile, helps the excavator avoid buriedRoadinfrastructure.mapitemsinclude capabilities for pile driving, backfilling and compaction and loading trucks—which has been a challenge for researchers working to help an automated wheel loader identify the truck where material is to be deposited, resulting in efforts to teach the machine learning algorithm using videos of scale models. In the meantime, though, the Built Robotics team is on the road doing installations and educating end users. “Today, we provide high touch through more of a partnership model with our customers,” Kikani says. “Long term, we are building an ecosystem and have talked with dealers and third party installers, but a lot of our customers will in-house the installation. It is worth noting that we try to rely more on the software as opposed to hardware, and we have pushed sophistication to the software side—we can push an update over the air to the entire fleet, just like Tesla pushes updates.”

BUILT ROBOTICS AUTOMATED EXCAVATION San Francisco-based Built Robotics has aftermarket solutions to fully automate 15- to 60-ton excavators, and in April of 2022 secured an additional $64 million in Series C funding in a round lead by Tiger Global. The company in 2019 announced a partnership with Sunstate Equipment designed to funnel automated light excavators into the rentalHowever, March 2022, Built Robotics Vice President Guarav Kikani suggested equipment in the rental channel seemed a ways off, despite a partnership with a major rental industry player. Instead, the company seems to be pursuing trenching on runlarge“Wecustomers,”workincludinginfrastructurelargeprojectssolarfarms.“Today,mostofourisdirectwiththeKikanisays.areworkingwithcontractorswhoalotofequipment and have large fleets. As we grow, our partnership with Sunstate Equipment and other equipment rental houses will become a critical part of our strategy to scale.”Theautomation delivered by an excavator equipped with Built Robotics technology helps the robot know what it needs to produce, so the technology enables ingestion of a design, along with GPS coordinates, so the excavator can know its position and localize on site. A series of sensors collect information on its orientation in space including tilt and velocity. “The excavator takes all of these data points and uses them to pinpoint the end effector—the tip of the bucket teeth—by knowing exactly where it is digging, comparing it to what it knows about the site,” Kikani says. “It can turn the existing world into the design it has been given.”

38 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 RENTAL CONSTRUCTION // include additional integrations with third-party software that can consume the data and AI tools for differentiating various types of subgrades.

Founded in 2018 in Odense, Syddanmark, Norway and with boots on the ground in North America as of early 2022, Unicontrol has launched Unicontrol3D, a straightforward guideon-the-side interactive tool to make excavation easier. Unicontrol COO Ehsanullah Ekhlas describes how the Unicontrol is offering a software-centric approach that makes using excavators, wheel loaders and backhoes more intuitive. Unicontrol has launched Unicontrol3D, a straightforward guide-on-the-side interactive tool to make excavation easier.



Heights of 19 -


of RENTAL Designed to

ft Reliable Lifting Up to 12,000 lbs

company is offering a software-centric approach that makes using excavators, wheel loaders and backhoes more intuitive, putting technology in the hands of even the smallest contractor and potentially making rental equipment easier to use. While dominant excavator technologies focus on automating operation of components including the arm, dipper arm, bucket cylinder and the swing gear that controls the turret—plus forward motion of the vehicle itself—Unicontrol is focused on improving operator effectiveness and efficiency, eliminating the need for site surveyors because the operator can see the project plan superimposed on represented on a screen in the cab. The Unicontrol3D system includes sensors for the boom, dipper arm, swing arm and on the bucket to sense tilt. Also included is a GPS receiver and control box, GPS antennae and tablet display. Operators can share design files between multiple machines equipped with Unicontrol3D, orient and execute a design with GPS guidance or operate in 2D mode when not connected to GPS by zeroing out the height of the bucket each time the machine is moved.Unicontrol3D is a product for companies or individual owneroperators who want the ability to dig more effectively and collect productivity information for billing without plunking down the pile of money required for automation. “The contractor is asking for help because they have to document everything they are doing,” Ekhlas says. “Some need GPS to get the job. For them, getting into a bigger brand has been quite expensive and quite complicated. They may be afraid of machineWhilecontrol.”Unicontrol does not automate production and doesn’t automate the machine itself, it does automate data collection for production reporting and as-builts. This, along with eliminating the cost of a third-party surveyor or flag man, makes for rapid ROI. “We help operators avoid rework and avoid surveyors telling you where to dig, all in machine,” Ekhlas says. “This is a tech they know they need to use. If they don’t do it, they will not survive.”Unicontrol is also open to multiple nonproprietary file types when it comes to project models, including XML and DXF files. “Our system is built by equipment users for equipment users,” Ekhlas says. “When we started, we reached out to howoperatorbyequipmentcapacitytheautomatingeasier—notmakepreciselyisUnicontrolofferedtechnologytothebelievecycles—weshortthatimplementedfeedbacklevelsoperatorsequipmentatallandgotandwithintimethatisrightwaygo.”Thebydesignedtooperatingbyproductiveofthebutenablingthetoseetheyare doing when the machine conforms to the BIM model, improving quality and consistency.Thetablet application is updated from a cloud application running on AWS. The cloud application also enables the operator to upload projects, and the computer guidance technology then assists the user in executing against that project plan or model. There is also a diagnostic tool that enables the Unicontrol support team to see operational data from the last 30 days—a valuable troubleshooting tool. Unicontrol3D includes both hardware that collects data from the equipment and the software, which is their main focus, but they source the hardware components. our full range Reach 55


Tips to ensure safe working conditions with heavy-haul trailers.


S afety is a top priority on any jobsite. Moving loads from one site to another comes with a great deal of responsibility, as does loading and offloading equip ment. It all comes down to the load and the road.


It’s important to keep in mind that the 1.8 multiplier is only an average. On any given haul, the stress placed on the trailer can go above that level multiple times. If no cushion is built into the trailer to handle those spikes in stress, there will be more potential for long-term progressive structural dam age, which can lead to trailer failure off or on the road and

Choose a trailer that’s built for the operation’s specific load requirements, especially if multiple pieces of equipment are being transported. A trailer designed to handle the load safe ly eliminates the risk of structural failure as well as associated accidents and injuries. Start with a trailer from a high-quality manufacturer that emphasizes safety and durability. For users looking to move larger-capacity equipment, such as small dozers and excavators, opting for a 10- 30-ton self-clean ing tag-a-long trailer or wood deck beavertail trailer design with ramps or a lift and deck style is a common choice. These trailers are capable of carrying multiple pieces of equipment, and the ramps provide easy loading and unloading. It can also handle rough road conditions.



It is an unfortunate reality that it only takes one accident to pay for a trailer. A trailer’s safety rating helps paint a more comprehensive picture of load capacity and indicates how much stress a trailer can safely handle. That stress comes from driving over uneven ground or off the road, hitting chuckholes, bouncing over bumps and crossing railroad tracks. Historically, the magnification of payload weight on a trailer due to road dynamics is a 1.8:1 ratio.

Some trailer options provide a lower center of gravity, allowing operators to safely transport their equipment under low clearances and maneuver around tight corners in urban and residential areas.

Another safety feature is the trailer’s center of gravity to maintain load integrity and securement with each haul. Some trailer manufacturers offer a loaded deck height of 32.25 inches, which is up to 2 inches lower than other models. This design provides a lower center of gravity, allowing operators to safely transport their equipment under low clearances and maneuver around tight corners.


AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 RENTAL diminish the life of the trailer. Since there is no universal measure for safe ty ratings, they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer from no margin to an industry high of 2.5 to 1, which is con sidered ample cushion. Overall, it’s important to take trail er capacity seriously and to be wary of overloading a trailer. Each time it’s overloaded, the dynamics of the steel change, much like a rubber band. Eventually, the steel and therefore, the trailer, will break, increasing the risk for damage, accidents and injuries. Purchasing the right trailer can be com plicated, but selectbottomcapacitymanufacturersmanyknowfromtoptoandcanhelpthebesttrailer for their application.

rating, inhibiting them from carrying the weight like they should, which adds stress to the trailer. Also, traveling with improper tires can cause a blowout when hauling heavy loads. Drivers can find the psi, size, ply and load rating on the manufacturer’s VIN tag. Refer to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s part 396 webpage and the Driver-Vehicle Inspection Report. The Motor Carrier Safety Compliance also outlines pretrip inspection guidelines, as does FleetClean USA. Vice President of Sales and Marketing Talbert Manufacturing Troy Geisler Users should check a trailer’s load requirements before purchasing. ManufacturingTalbert ManufacturingTalbert Designed to Reach Heights 51 - 114 ft Equipped to Lift Over 15,000 lbs NEEDS See our full range of andtelehandlersrotatingmoreat

CONDUCT A PRETRIP INSPECTION Once a unit is matched to the load, conduct a pretripWalkinspection.aroundthe trailer and ensure there are no damag es or cracks. Look for visible damage, such as chafed hydraulic hoses, which could spring a leak and cause the system to fail. thetiresunderinflatedOverinflatedmendedtoarefirmbrakestoingtrailerAlso,beingequipmentfoundratingspriately.aremakeandforerschains,ment,tie-downInspectequipsuchasbindandstraps,brokenpartspiecesandsuretheyratedapproThesecanbeonthehauled.ensuretheisn’tleanorsaggingoneside.Checkandconthetiresinflatedtherecompsi.orwon’thaveproperload

For many applications such as tree maintenance, the light-weight design of Spider lifts is a huge advantage, as it allows them to be towed behind a variety of vehicles.

A Spider lift is a self-propelled boom-type mobile elevating work platform which is designed to be light in weight, as compact as possible, and uses 4 stabilizer legs to achieve stability and levelling. More business owners are choosing to rent or purchase a spider lift as they offer several benefits compared to trailer mounted lifts. This includes their compact size for accessing difficult locations and their 4WD self-propulsion to move quickly and traverse terrain that would stop other heavier or more cumbersome machines. They are used in multiple industries including tree care professionals, solar turbine maintenance, stadium maintenance, TV & Film crews, painting contractors, restoration contractors, building maintenance, construction sites and utility work.

Spimerica is the authorized Palazzani distributor for all of North America, Mexico and Caribbean Islands representing the highest level of spider booms and spider cranes in the industry. Spimerica is committed to representing the most innovative, dependable and trustworthy solutions in our industry.

What is a Spider Lift?

A spider lift is an ideal solution when working on great heights indoors, but can also be used on construction sites outdoors, in any weather condition. The lift is specially designed to access areas that more traditional cherry pickers can’t reach, and is often used instead of traditional and expensive scaffolding systems. Its light weight, flexibility, versatility and movability guarantees workers access to any small or narrow spot, effortlessly.

A spider lift is the ideal aerial work platform to perform tasks at great height in limited spaces. With its four legs, a spider lift provides extra stability at every construction site. The light weight that characterizes this type of aerial platform makes the spider lift ideal for working in spaces that are easily damaged, for example when performing maintenance tasks indoors.

Spimerica offers accessibility options to facilitate safer work environments and improve efficiencies within workplace productivity by providing world class spider booms and cranes to the USA Rental Industry market.

SPIMERICA is active in the sales of rental of a variety of industrial machines and equipment including spider platforms, aerial work platforms, elevating work platforms, mobile elevating work platforms.




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While the construction industry is responsible for incredible feats of engineering and for building the places where


hen I was younger, I started working in a cabinetry shop, sparking an interest in construction that would change the course of my life. The idea of building something out of nothing, of creating a project that was lasting and meaningful, fascinated and inspired me. To this day, I’m still passionate about learning how things are built. After multiple decades in the construction industry, and after building a family and having a son, I’ve come to appreciate that what makes this industry’s work so impactful is not just what we build, but also what we leave behind in the process. I’ve developed an increasing appreciation not just for building things, but for building better. Those of us in construction leave a legacy behind, one that will outlast all of us. I want to leave a legacy that I can be proud of and that sets up future generations for a healthy future.

The Key to Unlocking a More ClimateConscious Construction Industry





we live, work, learn, play—and the infrastructure that powers and brings these places to life—its impact on the environment is undeniable. The construction industry is one of the largest industries in the world, with buildings accounting for nearly 40 percent of annual global carbon emissions. According to the World Green Building Council, construction materials specifically account for approximately 11 percent of global carbon emissions. And, according to a report from Transparency Market Research, the volume of solid construction waste generated worldwide every year clocks in around 1.3 billion tons. This number is expected to nearly double to 2.2 billion tons by One2025.ofthe causes of this waste comes from people working off of outdated information and showing up to the wrong jobsite at the wrong time, with the wrong materials and equipment. Often, there’s one culprit that lies at the heart of these inefficiencies: outdated communication channels such as fax, phone and paper. These cause poor communication, which can lead to costly rework and immense time and material waste. In other words, this waste is avoidable. In recent years, the industry— and owners in particular—have turned their attention to tackling this growing challenge. This, in turn, has put pressure on general contractors to deliver more sustainable projects and track their ESG metrics. In a recent McKinsey study, where 100 senior construction executives were asked what trends they expected to accelerate due to the COVID-19 crisis, 53 percent citedHowever,sustainability.thismove toward sustainable construction began long before the pandemic. Businesses are increasingly looking for ways to better track and report on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts, with an initial focus on impacting climate change such as carbon, waste and energy usage. Energy use involves both operational carbon and embodied carbon. Operational carbon is from the in-use phase of a structure. Embodied carbon, on the other hand, includes carbon from the manufacture, transportation and assembly of materials used to produce a structure (commonly thought of as all the greenhouse gas emissions before the doors of a building open).Notably, businesses are using digital tools to track and report on their ESG efforts. While technology offers a wide array of solutions, connected technology—which connects people, systems and data all in one place— will be the true game-changer when it comes to reducing construction’s impact on the environment. Unlike point solutions, connected technology reduces the miscommunication and errors that lead to rework, which cause a significant amount of construction waste. Connected technology also gives teams a more holistic picture of their data, enabling them to make better decisions so they can build more sustainable and resilient buildings, emit less carbon and reduce their overall environmental impact. While there is a growing recognition that businesses need to track and reduce their carbon footprint, new environmental legislation may move faster than many companies have prepared for and force businesses into a space where they may not be equipped. The truth is that the process of measuring and  While the construction industry is responsible for incredible feats of engineering and for building the places where we live, work, learn, play—and the infrastructure that powers and brings these places to life—its impact on the environment is undeniable. Africa –



The construction industry is taking steps in the right direction. One of the companies leading the charge has been Skanska, which has become a global sustainability leader in the industry today. Among many other sustainability “firsts,” Skanska was the first international general contractor ever certified under the ISO 14001

There are two key pieces to improving one’s ESG efforts. The first is to bring experts, across various teams and disciplines, together to collaborate and find ways to build more sustainably through improved design and construction processes. Connected technologies support this by bringing all people, systems and data under one roof to improve transparency and reduce the inefficiencies in construction, thereby reducing costly rework and waste.

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The other big component of ESG efforts comes down to tracking and reporting on environmental impact and carbon emissions. This is likely to soon become a requirement of construction companies and will ultimately create more opportunities to build more efficiently as the data is collected, tracked, analyzed and used to provide predictive insights to make informed, data-driven decisions. Building embodied carbon tracking and reporting holistically into connected platforms takes time and collaboration, but it has the potential to revolutionize the industry’s ESG efforts.

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It’s also about building tools that can impact countless generations to come. A big piece of moving toward a climate-conscious future is having access to better data and guidance on how to reduce overall emissions. One way connected technology delivers on this is by helping teams better leverage their data so they can improve the way they build and lessen the environmental impact for future generations.Asmore businesses adopt these ESG-forward digital tools, tracking and recording carbon emissions will become as essential as tracking and reporting on one’s safety, financials or productivity.Thereisan enormous opportunity ahead to further drive ESG efforts in the industry. Collectively as an industry, we have the incredible opportunity to leave behind a positive and lasting legacy for future generations. Together, we can build a better, more sustainable future. CEO Procore Technologies Tooey Courtemanche Read more at:

AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 RENTAL standard. Companies under this framework continually improve their environmental performance and ensure compliance with any new regulations or legislation.“Thatbecame the foundation of how we looked at doing the right thing, both by the planet and by the communities we worked in,” says Steve Clem, head of sustainability for Skanska’s U.S. Building Operations. “Instead of thinking about how to do less harm, we started thinking about how we can do good by the environment, how we can ingrain sustainability into our core values and how we can leverage the supply chain and everything else we influence to make a difference.” However, making this difference goes beyond supporting today’s teams.


he XCMG XE80U excavator has an operating weight of 20,944 pounds and is powered by a 74.2 horsepower diesel engine. The maximum digging depth is 13 feet 1 inch, the maximum digging reach is 23 feet 5 inches, and the maximum dumping height is 16 feet 4 inches. Customized Kubota engine delivers 74.2 horsepower and 195 lb.- ft. of torque at 1,500 rpm, which makes the customers achieve higher performance in a mini design. There are three working modes in XE80U: N(normal), P(power), and T(turbo) for adapting to different work conditions. In particular, the design of the T model has solved the needs of some customers to use excavators in highaltitudeDifferentareas.from the energy-saving modes designed separately by other brands, the XE80U can realize the economical mode by adjusting the gears in all three existing modes. When the XE80U is in gears 3 to 4, the small leaves representing the energy-saving mode will light up on the multi-function display in the cab. Many major components have been fully new-designed for improved durability and performance. The reinforced boom and arm can withstand heavy loads and harsh breaking operations. Its standard 0.46 yd³ bucket is equipped with more volume of wear-resistant plates to increase more than 10% life cycles.The standard ROPS/optional OPG cabin maximizes your safety. Features with a suspension seat, adjustable armrests, storage compartments, and one powerful AC help keep you working comfortably all day long. And the color LCD display with comprehensive machine information, along with ergonomically designed control layouts and roller switch makes your jobs easier. The menu screen facilitates the reading of important information including working mode, maintenance intervals, fuel consumption, and hydraulic flowrate modes of attachments. The XCMG XE80U comes with every feature you expect from a small excavator in its tonnage. |





Rental: How did you first get your start in the rental Judyindustry?Fishgold: I met Jim Pedulla, CEO and owner of the company, in the summer of 2014, and we have been together ever since. My background is in agriculture, real estate and retail. Jim was a general contractor who used to loan his tools to his friends. They would break them or not return them, so he started renting them. Altra has grown from a small shop with two employees to 20,000 square feet of space and 23 employees. Jim asked me to come work for the company in the spring 2017. We added 16,000 square feet of space that year and opened our new state-of-the-art showroom. Rental: Can you give us some insight on your current Fishgold:company?

JUDY FISHGOLD of Altra Rental & Supply

Judy Fishgold, vice president of Altra Rental & Supply, in Ontario, N.Y., shares how she got her start in rental, her favorite part of the workday and more.



We are a construction supply superstore, celebrating 25 years in business this year. We have sales reps come in all the time and say they have never seen anything like our store. We do sales, rental, service, parts, lawn and garden, concrete consumables, work boots and clothing. Our latest venture is our new “store within a store” work shoe and safety clothing division. We call it the Shoe Lodge, and we carry well over 200 styles of work boots, safety clothing, personal care items and accessories.Wehave a diverse customer base that includes contractors, municipalities, farms, masons, carpenters, utilities, mechanical and serious DIYers. We carry only major brands, contractor-grade equipment and supplies. We’re a complete one-stop shop where you can rent anything from a wallpaper steamer to a telehandler, and you can purchase things like construction equipment and supplies, concrete consumables, power tools, fasteners, garden equipment, socks and more.






Many factors make us think that unfortunately, this situation is going to last for a long time: the war in Ukraine, the shortage in the international supply chain, and in general the frustrating feeling of instability that has been felt in America since the beginning of the pandemic.Theprice crisis affects us all, but our industry can be seriously damaged by this particular situation. We are consumers of some of the most affected products at the moment: energy, machinery, and electronic components.Whatare your plans to tackle these changes? How is your business entering this challenging environment? In Cojali, we develop three solutions that are intended to increase your savings and improve your long-term management strategy by reducing expenses on fuel, new machinery, and electronic components:

• Diagnostic tools: they will boost your in-house repairs and ensure your maintenance independence.

• Telematic solutions: these will reduce fuel consumption and increase the life of your assets by improving predictive maintenance and reducing your repair expenses.

• Fleet Management Software Solutions: they will help you to coordinate your team, enabling better management of your resources and increasing your overall business efficiency.

S ince 2020, many things have changed and evolved. Now, countries and businesses are fearing some new uncertainties. It looks like inflation and a global economic slowdown is looming, slowly but surely.


Rental: What have been some of the challenges and successes you’ve had over the years you’ve been in Fishgold:business?

One of the biggest challenges right now is keeping up with all the continuous price increases and surcharges on nearly every product and freight, as well as the slower delivery times on new equipment and parts. Our other most recent challenge over the past two years has been finding qualified employees with the right skill sets during the pandemic. Increased wages and benefits have also been a consideration for us during this time, so we’re paying up to 30 percent more per employee and introducing more robust benefits packages to keep up with retention. New York State labor laws and mandates continue to change, allowing employees more paid leave time that impacts coverage, scheduling and increased cost per employee.


Freelance Columnist Alexis Sheprak Altra Rental & Supply

Rental: What is your most used business technology or aid, and why is it important for your Fishgold:business? We are currently looking at new rental software that includes rental equipment conditions. It’s a real challenge for us as we have a very large retail division, along with our rental division, and we’ve found that strong rental software doesn’t support our retail requirements, but strong retail software doesn’t support our rental side. We are currently onboarding with SmartEquip and look forward to getting that up and running for ordering parts as we have a strong parts business and service department.

Rental: OK, fun question! What is your favorite hobby? Fishgold: My favorite hobby is repurposing old items into art! Like taking antique costume jewelry and making it into wearable modern pieces. Or making bracelets out of old cufflinks. Or even converting your grandmother’s baby pearls into earrings you can wear every day. I also really enjoy converting old furniture too. Painting old furniture and lamps is alwaysAlso,fun!we live on Lake Ontario where I can gather amazing driftwood and build pencil trees for the holidays. I used to own a wholesale florist supply company and like to keep my hands in nature. It grounds me.

China·Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center

Specifications include:

• 9-inch height by 6.6-inch width, 2.75-inch •diameter2.9 pounds


The stationary work light has a heavy-duty aluminum body with bumper protection to withstand the toughest job sites. The COB LED produces 3000 lumens. The ratcheting handle provides easy porta bility and doubles as an adjustable stand to easily position the light wherever it is needed.

The new release can be experienced across CM Labs’ fleet of construction and forestry training packs. The lifting simulations include the luffing tower crane, flat-top tower crane, crawler crane, rough terrain crane, boom truck and forklift. The earthmoving simula tions consist of the excavator, dozer, wheel loader, backhoe and motor grader.

CM Labs Simulations, developer of Vortex training simulators, has issued a new software release for its construction simulator training

• 3000-lumen light output

Caterpillar CT3550 Jobsite Work Light


• 70-meter beam distance release is designed to boost trainee engagement by fea turing heightened visuals, greater training immersion and increased learning retention. The result is faster, more efficient operator skills development, according to the company.

CM Labs Simulations Simulator Training Packs

• Water and impact resistant

The HyMax Pro dedicated size coupling is the newest addition to the HyMax repair and installation portfolio for the North American mar ket. This line of dedicated couplings, also known as flexible couplings, is engineered for new construction projects to provide a safe method for joining same-size plain-end pipes without the need for welding or special pipe fittings. Applicable to water and wastewater, irriga tion and industrial markets, the HyMax Pro dedicated size couplings are available from sizes 4 inches to 24 inches. The 4- to 10-inch sizes feature two-bolt, stab-fit construction. All couplings from this HyMax Pro line conform to AWWA C219, NSF 61 and NSF 372 standards for drinking water system components. The 304SS stainless-steel fusionbonded epoxy coated hardware and EPDM gasket are built into the standard product specifications of this line without addi tional cost. This provides corrosion resistance and afford ability for all water utilities.

The new graphics provide a level of depth and realism that, in conjunction with CM Labs’ machine simulation, further reduces the gap between classroom training and the worksite.

Mueller HyMax Pro Dedicated Size Coupling

Ditch Witch MT164

Honda EU3200i Generator

Ditch Witch’s MT164 microtrencher attach ment is designed for trenching operations and cable installations. The attachment is designed for fiber-optic contractors and facilitating the creation of a clean, narrow trench in one pass. Equipped with a standard hydraulic plunge and option to offset the frame, the MT164 provides variable depth control and gives contractors the ability to cut right up next to a curb. The MT164 can trench up to 2 inches wide by 16 inches deep, allowing crews to cut deep enough to get through a standard-sized curb. It can also be set up for a push or pull application depending on the jobsite. The microtrencher’s compact foot print ensures application in surrounding infra structure in urban areas. Additionally, contractors can cross cut roads, trenching from curb to curb. The MT164 is part of a complete microtrenching system that includes a construction-grade lineup of the Ditch Witch SK3000 stand-on skid-steer and the Ditch Witch HX75 vacuum excavator.


LGMG H-Series High Capacity Booms

LGMG H-series boom lifts are diesel engine powered with four mod els: T65J-H, T72J-H, T85J-H and T92J-H. These models have working heights ranging from 72 to 98 feet, 661/992-pound dual capacities and large working platforms with triple entry. The new models enrich the LGMG boom lift lines so they can meet the working condition needs of customers in the boom lift market. All H-series products are four-wheel drive, rough terrain ready with full-time floating axle oscil lation, which ensures the machine’s safety. They have a max 5-degree tilt angle of the chassis and 45 percent gradeability that allows the wheels to traverse hard, uneven ground in rough working conditions. Proportional lift and drive controls of the H-series deliver smoother operation, precise positioning and comfortable operation. They are equipped with automatic engine speed control, and the boom descends by its own weight, which helps to achieve smooth movement. Adjustment of the engine speed according to functional needs is also possible.

The Honda EU3200i delivers more power than the Honda EU3000i Handi generator and in a portable package designed for smaller jobs and backup power. The EU3200i offers a range of features such as two-step starting, remote smartphone control, fuel efficiency, extend ed run times and a portable design. The Honda EU3200i provides 3,200 watts of power, a full 200 more watts than a Honda EU3000i Handi generator, and in a smaller package. Further, users can double the available power by using an optional parallel kit linking a second EU3200i, boosting the total power to 6,400 watts with less space and weight than a single, high wattage generator. At 22.5 inches by 12.0 inches by 17.8 inches, the EU3200i has the smallest footprint of any model in the Honda 3000-watt generator class. The generator also has integrated upper and lower handles at a weight of 59.1 pounds. A no-choke design requires only a flip of a switch and a pull on the recoil rope to power the unit on, and the user can monitor operations through a smartphone or the control panel.

Mecalac 106MRail


The 135VRT has a 4,150-pound rated operating capacity with integrated coun terweight or hydraulic winch kit and is pow ered by a 132-hp Cummins 3.8L Tier 4 Final engine. A 50-gpm auxilia ry attachment flow provides 119 hp to the VM602SS Bull Hog Forestry Mulcher or other attachments; a 16-gpm reserve allows full machine control without loss of attachment performance. A bite-limiting rotor is fitted with 30 carbide or double-sided tools and maintains rotor rpms to easily mulch material up to 8 inches in diameter. An improved loader arm design enhances attachment visibility. The full forestry spec cab includes 1/2-inch polycarbonate side windows, a Level 2 FOPS and a complete guarding package, while the more spacious, comfortable operator station includes an 8-inch color display.

• They do it all, prep, smooth, set grade, level, till, remove rocks and create the perfect seedbed Electric Frontier 400X Pipe

• Auto adjust chain tensioner is standard on all models

newPRODUCTS PROFESSIONAL GRADE ATTACHMENTS BUILT FOR HARD WORK! Worksaver, Inc. Litchfield, IL • Phone: 217.324.5973 VISIT WSSITEPRO.COM TO LEARN MORE MINI SKID STEER POWER LANDSCAPE RAKES Designed for Category I tractors with 1,000 lbs. or greater 3-pt. lift capacity • Working width of 48” - 72” and working depth of 0 - 2.5”


• Choice of rotors - 2” Sabre Tooth or 1-3/4” Carbide Tooth

The Frontier 400X features the latest operator-focused technology, such as the CrossLinc technology for at-the-arc welding control while reducing cable clutter on the jobsite, along with autostop and start technology to minimize idling and engine wear while helping save on fuel.

Mecalac’s tracked 106MRail drives on and off rails by lowering or raising the integrated rail gear. It is designed for working in light to medium applications, as well as tunnels and confined spaces for urban railways, subways and tramways. The 10-ton 106MRail is a tracked model based on Mecalac’s MCR crawler skid excavator concept and serves a variety of service and maintenance tasks, such as fine grad ing, working with ballast and ditch cleaning. With a 75-hp engine, it can travel up to 6.2 mph on the ground and 14.3 mph on rails. The machine’s articulated two-piece boom with offset provides operating support. Operators who are working in confined areas like tunnels, for example, can position tools in various positions. At the same time, operators can work on tasks alongside the tracks, such as clearing vegetation and cleaning ditches, while positioned on the tracks. Using a wide, high-capacity skid bucket, the machine can scoop up ballast and rotate to load it into a railcar located on a parallel track. It can also unload ballast from a parallel railcar and rotate to deposit and spread it on the track. When compactness is required, the boom can be tucked in against the machine. The model can also support larger equipment thanks to its lifting capacity. When the machine is on the rails, for example, it can reach 7 feet from the center of the machine and lift up to 6,000 pounds with the arm at 90 degrees. Rather than using two large machines, the 106MRail can help a larger machine lift small rail panels, carry sleepers or move equipment or materials to where they are needed. To save on fuel, the 106MRail has an engine with automatic low idle. After a preset amount of time, the engine will switch to low idle when not in use.



Diamond MulcherExcavatorMowersDrumDCProX

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BossEnergyANA ANA’s Energy Boss hybrid technologywithgratesplatformsitesinenergygenerationsystemsenergyforpowerandstorageconstructionisamobilethatintegeneratorsnewbatteryand control systems to minimize fuel, emissions and service while also meeting power demand. Energy Boss is available in a variety of battery capacity options and can be stacked. These models are powered by fast charging and discharging, long life cycle batteries, coupled with a generator providing a recharging current when the load is higher or for extended runtimes. Energy Boss is an automated power solution providing continuous power in any environment, while maintaining power quality. By utilizing the newly developed battery technology, the hybrid energy systems reduce generator run time and decrease carbon dioxide emissions. The ANA Energy Boss battery technology will aid in reducing operating and maintenance expenses by 50 per cent to 80 percent (depending on the site load and operating hours).

Diamond Mowers’ mulching heads are designed for use with midi excavators and tractors. The excavator drum mulcher DC Pro X and boom drum mulcher are the next products to be rolled out in Diamond Mowers’ portfolio of mulching attachments for vegeta tion management professionals. Designed for tackling mulching or brush clearing, the drum mulcher cuts back and processes unwanted vegetation, making the product applicable for land clearing, vegeta tion management, utility and roadside maintenance. Offered in two widths (30 inches and 50 inches) to accommodate excavator carri ers from 4.5 to 10 metric tons, the excavator drum mulcher comes equipped with a Rexroth 63-cc adjustable displacement hydraulic motor that provides heavy-duty torque to power through material up to 8 inches in diameter. The motor is protected by a rugged chassis designed to help withstand loads up to 10 metric tons. Severe-duty bearings, rated to 77,000 pounds, and a labyrinth design with triple steel ring seals ensure durability, while an abrasion-resistant AR 400 liner minimizes wear from debris. Oversized, serrated skid shoes hang off the sides of the attachment head to control, position and manipulate downed material for material processing.

Bobcat TL723 and TL923 The TL723 and TL923 telehan dlers from Bobcat are designed for a variety of demanding tasks requiring precision and performance. These newest models, in addition to the TL619 launched in 2021, round out the R-Series telehandler lineup. The telehandlers have redesigned comfort cabs, turbo-charged Tier 4 engines and accessible service points. The TL923 hydraulic system offers fast boom speeds and heavy lifting, pro viding operators with consistent handling and control when loaded, and fast boom cycle times when empty. The patented hydraulic lift system provides high-flow technology to optimize lift capabilities. Both the TL723 at 100 HP and the TL923 at 135 HP come equipped with a Bobcat Tier 4, turbo-charged engine, which has cold weather starting and a variety of features for maintenance and service. The units are also equipped with automatic ride control, which reduces materials pillage. The low-profile boom sits below operator eye level to provide an open view of the surroundings. The redesigned engine basket sits lower for increased line of sight. Front, top and rear window wipers help keep windows free of debris and precipitation. Multiple mirrors on the operator’s left and right provide added visibility when work ing in confined areas. An optional rear mirror kit, rearview camera kit and boom work light kit also are available. The TL723 and TL923 both have a wraparound rearview window that gives operators a clear view of the side and rear of the machine. Bobcat R-Series telehandlers are built with a box-welded frame for rigidity, plus a low center of gravity for stability. The shielded bottom plate protects components, and the engine, cooling system and critical components are pro tected within the center of the chassis.

ANA Energy Boss models include telematics for remote monitoring, locating and controlling power during off-peak hours.

■ Don’t assume that those who have some rental experience are well prepared.

■ Be certain that those receiving specialized education are teachable. You may be attempting to make a round peg fit into a square hole. Size up each person’s potential as objectively as you can.

■ Fortify your company with staff who are well educated in every piece of rental equipment you stock.

C ustomers like doing business with rental companies that have employees who know what they are talking about. So, having a better equipment-educated staff leads to more repeat customers and greater profitability. Develop and use a structured equipment education program and ensure that your employees are educated on all the types of equipment in your inventory. Here are just a few of the benefits: ■ It helps them to become better solutions providers. Undereducated employees are not likely to ask the appropriate questions to match the customer’s need with the correct piece or pieces of equipment. Also, undereducated employees are not going to have the knowledge to advise customers on the proper “do’s and don’ts” when operating the equipment.

■ Stress the basics first.

■ Involve everyone in your training effort. It is natural to think that training should be only for the lowest performers. Everyone, including your star performers, should receive advanced training.

■ Be sure that your managers receive management education. As I mentioned in last month’s column, far too many managers do not have the leadership skills needed to take your company to the next level. Most have no formal education in the subject at all. However, I have found that most can become proficient with proper coaching.

■ It helps to reduce damage to your equipment. Again, properly educated employees will be able to know the correct applications of each item and will be able to advise customers accordingly. This reduces the chances that the equipment will be used for projects that would damage the equipment and helps prevent potential injuries to customers.

■ Teach them how to be safe on the job and specifically what they must do to help keep others safe.


■ It makes the employee’s job more interesting and satisfying, which helps with your staff retention efforts. If employees feel confident and strong in the performance of their duties, they tend to stay longer. Here are a few of my other thoughts on this important topic:

■ Test to make sure the education “sticks.” Reteach where and when needed.

■ Develop and use a comprehensive training program designed exclusively for your company. ■ Make education a real priority. Set up a schedule that makes sense. ■ Use repetition in your education effort. ■ Let the “students” know what is in it for them.

■ Be careful who you assign as the teacher. Don’t have the newly hired employee assigned to just anyone.

Why it’s vitally important to ensure that rental company employees are educated on all the various types of equipment in your inventory.

Dick Detmer is a nationally recognized consultant, lecturer and writer with 40+ years of experience in the equipment rental industry. In 2018, he celebrated the 30th anniversary of his business, Detmer Consulting Inc., and his column in Rental. Dick can be contacted at, (309) 781-3451 or by visiting his website

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