Puglia, Italy
francesca cisaria | portfolio 2018 - 2022
C.V. / Curriculum vitae
Architectural project / Be Gatherd Tower
Interior design project / Mercato Fusina: un mercato da riscoprire
Structural and sustainable project / The Sustainable Student House
Urban design project / Parco Italia, Bioconnections
Urban design project / Criss Cross HUB
Restoration project / The Stronghold of Arquata del Tronto
1 - 2 3 - 6 7 - 12 13 - 18 19 - 26 27 - 32 33 - 37
Via Benedetto Marcello 18 20124 Milano, MI
Via Angelo Solari 2 72107 Ostuni, BR cisariafrancesca@gmail.com francesca.cisaria@mail.polimi.it +39 3459434567
Francesca Cisaria
Booking manager and Responsible of incoming July 2019 - To Date
Booking and management of the website and instagram page of two accommodation facilities in Ostuni, Puglia. Responsible for the reception and accompaniment of guests in the facilities. Casa le Mura. http://www.lacalce.it/casa-le-mura-ostuni/ Casa la Calce. http://www.lacalce.it/casa-la-calce-ostuni/
Internship - Studio Flore architettura, Ostuni BR February 2021 - June 2021
Intern at “Flore studio”, firm of architecture and design. The firm is located in the city of Ostuni in Puglia and deals with the design and restoration of typical Apulian structures, such as trulli, masserie and historic buildings. Worked on the development of a restoration project, starting from the analysis and redesign in plan, section, elevation and 3D model.
Internship - IMIEL/METTINLUCE, Ceglie Messapica BR June 2020 - August 2020
Mettinluce, a brand of Imiel A&G s.r.l., was founded in 2012 with the aim of creating a centre specialized in lighting, technological innovation and design and for over 40 years leader in the distribution and sale of electrical equipment. I worked there as a designer and I especially did a lighting job of a wine cellar.
Exchange (Postgraduate) Non-Award at University of Western Australia (Perth). 27/02/2023 - 17/06/2023
Master of Science in ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN at Politecnico di Milano (Milano). September 2021 - To Date
Bachelor of Science in ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN at Politecnico di Milano (Milano). September 2018 - September 2021
First degree in ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN at Politecnico di Milano (Milano). Thesis: SITE AND SERVICE: UN’ALTERNATIVA ALL’ABITARE INFORMALE. “Sites and Services: An alternative to informal living” Grade: 110/110 22/09/2021
Diploma, Classic High School A.Calamo, Ostuni (BR) September 2013-June 2018
Adobe Autocad
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Rhino - Rhinoceros 3D
Lumion 3D Rendering Software
Sketchup Pro
Skiing and mountain walks Diving Making maquettes
Photography Editorials
Travel Cooking italiian food
Politecnico di Milano- 2022
BE GATHERED TOWER: A place for everybody
Architectural design studio. Milan,Italy.
team: F.Cisaria, A. Loney
prof : N. Bassoli, S. Tropea
Typology 6
Typology 5
Typology 4
Typology 4
Typology 3
Typology 3
Typology 2
Typology 1
Be Gathered is a tower located in the Crescenzago neighborhood in Milan. And old area that back in the 50´s had a big urban sprawl with working class houses. Nowadays people who live here are the former tenants and foreign families.
Be Gathered Tower has been designed to create a new green and social complex capable of integrating the old buildings with the new tower and develop 10% (420 sqm)of the capacity for public interest functions and 90% (3.780 sqm) devoted to residential use programs.
The tower is composed by 3 common terraces, (one of them unified with the main old building), vertical distribution of the tower (composed by elevator and stairs), the House of culture (in the first floors before the first terrace) and the housing. The combination of open and closed spaces like balconies, common spaces and terraces provides the best solution for adapting to the life experiences of different groups of inhabitants by generating a transition space between nature and the human living environment. We can understand how the structure is working and the composition on the walls, by the articulation between housing and common space which is the terrace. The materiality is formed by the rhythm of the 3 terraces (6m) and apartments (3m). The materiality is constructed with the same materials.
Politecnico di Milano- 2020
Architectural and interior design project: Fusina market in Milan, Italy.
prof : Roberto Rizzi, Silvia Cattiodoro
Perspective section
The plan provides for the requalification of the current market Fusina in Milan, currently used only to the purchase and sell alimentary products. The project is characterized by the presence of differences in height both inside and outside that allow to reach the different environments of the sale and sociality through ramps, steps and an elevator. The outdoor square is located at a low altitude and allows direct access to the market. As soon as you cross the threshold you are on a ramp that leads to a lowered central environment at -0.55 m. This route draws a slightly raised perimeter space that becomes itself a point of sale. On top of it, in fact, there are stables that allow the sale on one side and form a double skin of the building itself. They are all around the route and alternate with other set-up elements such as metal grids and bookcases. In the central part stands the core of the main stables ( butcher shop, fish shop, fruit and vegetables, bakery and fresh pasta) and the block of services and staircases.
The central sales core consists of five aggregated and chained stalls that work all together. Externally, they have a light wood and laminate cladding in beige and dark grey lacquer. The whole core is surrounded by an upper band on which the signs are affixed. The stalls open and close by means of sliding tracks placed on the floor in order to give access to the sellers. Following the analysis of the existing building and the consequent development of the architectural project, the Fusina Market now assumes a new identity. It has a much more defined role within the neighborhood and, through the redevelopment of indoor and outdoor environments, allows all brackets of the population to live during the different hours of the day. The market is no longer just a place of commercial exchange but becomes a more complex and organized entity that hosts the most varied activities. The layout is accurate and detailed and makes the market attractive, inclusive and familiar.
Zoom- First floor and section
Politecnico di Milano- 2022
THE SUSTAINABLE STUDENT HOUSE Construction and Sustainability Design Studio Milan, Italy
team: F.Cisaria, A. Colombo, S. Horakoava, D. Peralta
prof : Daniele Fanzini, Giuliano Dall’O
Urban masterplan 1.500
The Sustainable Student Housee is a project part of the urban regeneration plan of Milan. Nowadays, indeed, the area is an abandoned site once used as railway station in the South-East of the city. Since the site plan is huge, the design concept is a complex archtectural object that is translated into a single long narrow building hosting various functions. It is a big system where every spaces work together and provide new functions to the district, especially cultural and social ones. Due to this, one of the main goals is to design a new meeting point that could be an attractive spot for every category of people. In the center of the site we can see a big underground square that allows the entrance to the pubic and semi-public facilities. On the opposite site the external space is mainly designed for students and for who is gonna live there. The gren area not only provides an efficient noise protection from the stret but it’s also a way to make Milan greener and implement public spaces.
As for the architectonical project, the main goal is to design a sustainable building and achive a high LEED level. For this reason, a steel structure and dry materials with an external alluminium cladding are used. The main feature that guarantees the flexibility of the space and a good indoor enviromental quality is the presence of winter gardens on the facades.
Groundfloor 1.100
section and facade 1.20
Politecnico di Milano- 2021
Urban design studio: Puglia, Italy.
The goal of the project is to create biological corridors to conceive new habitats for plants and animal species whilst increasing green areas throughout Italy. The work summarises the main intervention projects and shows how they are connected to the different natural areas in Puglia. The Gargano and Alta Murgia national parks are the areas with a high grade of wilderness and biodiversity, with one or more habitats and species of interest at the regional level, which must be preserved to maintain vitality of biological populations between the different nodes of the network. These extensive environmental systems alone are able to ensure the maintenance of numerous and significant populations of flora and fauna and represent source areas for populations of the same species. Gargano park is linked to rivers and Alta murgia park is linked to Lame, Gravine and Valloni that are now dry rivers and are functional territorial areas to allow the connection, and the displacement of populations (animals and plants) between the area and within the main and secondary nodes. The goal of the project is to reforest these natural existing connections creating new habitats for trees and animals and new ecological paths for humans.
Through reforestation and phytoremediation the project aims to depollute industrial areas and make greener the abandoned industrial areas and parts of the cities. Connections are somewhere interrupted, so the project would aim to reconnect them to big national parks through existing roads and the creation of buffer zones. The buffer zones also provide for small areas of forest, small water collections. These are particularly sensitive to external pressures, but close to them, such as alteration of the hydrographic grid, increase in noise…
Section- topography of lama 30 year reforestation evolution
Politecnico di Milano- 2020 CRISS CROSS HUB
Gruppo n° 8
Francesca Belmonte, Alice Bronzato, Alessandra Bruno,
Urban design studio: Milan, Italy.