Zeb 2.3 - Winter 2011

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Juventus: What we did right. What we did wrong. How to fix it. Juve Club: Your membership advantages at work juventusclubdoctoronto.com

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TEXAS HOLD’EM POKER TOURNAMENT Get ready for another Juventus Club DOC Toronto Poker Tournament! The Texas Hold'em Tournament will take place on Friday, March 25, 2011 at our Club Headquarters (on 440 Edgeley Blvd., in Concord). Dinner: 6pm. Game: 6:45pm. Tickets are $50.00 each with 2 buy-ins. To purchase tickets call 905-856-0929, e-mail juveclubevents@yahoo.ca, or stop by the Club. EVENING OF WINE-TASTING The Juventus Club DOC Toronto has arranged for a delectable evening at Coppi Ristorante (3363 Yonge St) which will host our Evening of Wine-Tasting. The event will take place on Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 6pm, costs $80/person and includes a full menu. Those wishing to participate must pre-register with us by Tuesday, May 10th by calling 905-856-0929 or e-mailing juveclubevents@yahoo.ca. Cheers!! zeb 2.3 2


2.3 WINTER 2011

Table of Contents

2 Notes from the Editors 3 News and Notes Our Club’s headlines 5 The President’s Address 6 Juventus Club DOC Toronto Scholarship Program Requirements for qualification 7 Intervista Esclusiva con Valeria Ciardiello 8 Our New Club Headquarters 9 The Perks of Being a Member A list of benefits our members receive 10 Getting to Know You Member Rocky Cerone 11 L’Opinione di….Nicola Sparano 12 Serie A 2010-2011 Matches, Standings, and our Feature Match: Juventus-Lazio 14 Our Club Events Club Headquarters Inauguration, Annual Gala, Members’ Christmas Dinner 20 The New Stadium 21 Promote My Juve Club 22 Results Charts: Champions League/Italian Cup/ Europa Cup/European Cup Qualification 24 Dove Sono Adesso Paolo Montero 25 Top 10 Tifosi Bianconeri 26 Soccer in the City The Glen Shields Sun Devils OYSL U-15 Team 29 Giving Back to Our Community Sponsorship of the Agropoli Tournament 30 Kids Play Artwork of our youngest juventini 31 Juve Kids The next generation of Juventus fans 32 Posta per la Squadra 33 From the Nation’s Capital Juventus Club Ottawa also: On the Net Juve-inspired internet links 34 Wall of Fame Moreno Torricelli 35 Essentials Information all members should know 36 Say What? The ever-popular verbal slip-ups of our athletes

You can contact us by e-mail at juvemaga@yahoo.ca or by phone at (905) 856-0929

for any occasion triumbari1978@hotmail.com

Tiziana Pace

Julia Pace

Co-Editor in Chief

Co-Editor in Chief

Principle Writer Creative Director

Style Director

It’s always exciting when a new issue is due out. Researching, gathering information, reading member feedback and comments; it makes everything more interesting and thrilling. I have to admit that sometimes I really need to work on the magazine. Sometimes, when things are not-so-well with Juventus, it’s easy to get down. It happens to the best of us. The magazine helps keep me focused on why I became a fan in the first place. It reminds me the beauty of the game in general, and my allegiance to the team in particular. It reminds me of the promise I made; to love the team in good times and bad, to always defend my team, to help my team in spirit when it’s needed. I hope that zeb is there for you too….just in case you need reminding. Sempre Juve!

THIS IS A BI-LINGUAL MAGAZINE You can write to us in any language with your comments, suggestions and submissions. Noi pubblicheremo le vostre opinioni sia in italiano che in inglese. This magazine is for you so we are committed to making you comfortable to write in whatever language is easiest for you. Cosí partecipate all nostra iniziativa e fateci sapere cosa pensate del nostro giornalino. 2

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It has been said that, ―teamwork divides the work and multiplies the success.‖ In many ways, I attribute zeb’s achievements both to the core group of people who got this magazine off the ground, and to the growing number of people whose enthusiasm continues to grow—both through readership and written contributions. It seems as though the true measure of success is seeing how the Juventus Club continues to foster a sense of community and a renewed spirit of excitement for the magazine and for the team itself. I am proud to be part of this interconnected group of people, whose passion for the game inspires us at zeb to find new ways of expressing their sentiments. Please continue your support of zeb: we would love to hear any ideas you might have about how to add new dimensions to this magazine. Forza Juve!

Contributors Gina Pace Marketing Director / Editor Francesco Mastrorizzi Foreign Correspondent / Writer Gino Mete Contributing Editor Marisa Lombardi Writer Claudia Pace Editor

Download a Copy of Our Magazine! If you can’t find a copy of this magazine for yourself, if you want a digital copy, or if you want to share a copy with people that you know, you can visit our website at www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com and download a copy!



The Juventus Club DOC Toronto is excited to be able to tell our members about all the wonderful initiatives that we have on the go this year. First, we have opened up our Club Headquarters for weekly events and games (p.8). Then, we have our Soccer Scholarship Program (p6), helping to nourish soccer at the grassroots in our community. We have sponsored the U-18 Select Team in the Agropoli Tournament in Italy (p.29), helping a youth soccer team in their endeavor to grow within the sport. We have also scheduled our Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament and our Evening of Wine-Tasting (inside front cover). Remember, we are always out there working for you!

Happy events are plentiful among our Club members in these past few months!

WHAT’S NEW We would like to welcome Juventus’s newest acquisition, striker Luca Toni. We are sure that he has much to contribute to our team and we look forward to cheering him on during the games. Welcome aboard Luca!

DEPARTING Sadly, the Juventus Club DOC Board of Directors must say goodbye to Vice President Domenic Cataldi. Due to business commitments he is unable to continue to devote himself at a Director level and has resigned his position. While he, of course, remains a dedicated member of our Club, his presence on the Board will be greatly missed. We wish him all the best with the opening of the new Cataldi Foods in Vaughan and look forward to seeing him at our various events.

We ecstatically announce the engagement of Thomas Whitney to Claudia Pace, longtime member and zeb magazine Editor. We hope that their future is as bright as their personalities.

Member Mario Riossi and Tanya Pisegna happily announce that they are expecting their first child this summer. Ah, more juventini on the horizon! The Juventus Club DOC Toronto sends its most heartfelt auguri to Joe and Lauraine Callipari who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on January 7th. The couple, who reside in London, Ontario, will have their official celebration in Rome, Italy in June, where their mass will be officiated by Father Stefano De Fiores. Father Stefano was Joe’s best friend at the Seminary in Bergamo from 1949 to 1952. Joe later left the seminary to come to Canada with his family. After 59 years, they met again in Giovanni Di Gerace in Calabria. It is with great honour that he will preside over the ceremony of his longtime friend this summer.

SIDE KICK: "They can because they think they can.‖ - Virgil zeb 2.3



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The season is now in full swing and our beloved team has run into some problems on the field. Yes, there have been many (too many) injuries suffered and crucial absences, but it doesn’t appear that the Juventus Administration’s commitment to build a team for next year has been followed through with. We seem to let our young, promising players go to other teams and even those that are still the property of the bianconeri have not been called upon

when the opportunity arises. I have always been a great believer in the importance of the Italian youth teams and that they have been consistently underused by the Serie A teams who prefer to purchase established, higher priced foreign players. It’s really a shame. It’s one thing to miss the opportunity to obtain quality youth players. It’s another thing to have them in our hands and let them slip away. There has been much disappointment on this front. Hopefully we can What you think is very important to us. learn from this, Please let us know your comments about regroup and rally Juventus, our Club, zeb magazine, or whatgoing forward for ever is on your mind. Send the rest of this your comments to us by e-mailing season and into juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing them to the beginning of Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. the next. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7 On the local

scene, our Club is happily going s t r o n g . We’ve had several wonderful events for our members to enjoy in the past few months and the new year brings with it many more. Your support is important and much appreciated. I can’t wait to see you all at our next events! Tiziana Pace President

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What it’s about The Juventus Club DOC Toronto will facilitate a platform for competitive, regional level soccer players to qualify for an Athletic/Academic Scholarship. Both young ladies and young men playing competitive soccer in the GTA, (namely, in Southern Ontario) are eligible. We are a member-driven organization that promotes the drive for excellence both on and off the field of play. As such, we would like to recognize those individuals who best exemplify the spirit of fair play, who possess the ability to balance both academic and athletic success, and who display leadership skills in

the pursuit of excellence. The award will be aptly named the ―The Juventus Club DOC Toronto , Scholarship Award‖. A winner must demonstrate and possess all of the qualities of fair play and sportsmanship while in consistent pursuit of excellence.

To be considered The ―Club‖ will present one scholarship award annually, for an amount of $500.00, to a player/candidate who qualifies based on the following selection criteria: • A student enrolled in Grade 12 (or equivalent) and graduating during the current season • A student who maintains a minimum average of 75% during both Grade 12 semesters • A candidate that has played in a re co g n ize d C o m p e t i tive League for a minimum of 3 years A candidate that has best exe m pl if ie d th e aforementioned qualities of fair

play, academic and athletic excellence, and leadership skills both on and off the field • A candidate that has been accepted (or will be by the end of the current season) to a recognized Canadian College or University • A candidate that has completed community service work with their re spe ctiv e Clubs/ Districts o r Leagues (reference letter required) The winning candidate/player shall also agree to appear at a minimum of two ―CLUB‖ functions during the following season, including a personal photo at the attending College/University. If the player/candidate fulfills these qualifications, the respective applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and/or an Executive Panel and one award recipient will be chosen. The award will be presented at the conclusion of the U18 Ontario Cup Final each season. This award program will be reviewed annually and the Board reserves the right to make any necessary adjustments based on budgetary considerations. The deadline for submissions for consideration is July 1st of each season. Submitted by Tony Ciamarra

Submissions should be sent to Juventus Club DOC Toronto: Attn: Tony Ciamarra, info@juventusclubdoctoronto.com

SIDE KICK: "Every artist was first an amateur.‖ - Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer 6

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in italiano

CON LA PRESENTATRICE DELLA JUVENTUS CHANNEL a cura di Tiziana Pace Come mai hai deciso di fare la giornalista? Una bella domanda questa. É successo un pò per caso. Io mi sono laureata in scienze ambientali così il mio percorso mi portava da un altra parte. Però ho fatto teatro fin da piccola. Ho cominciato a lavorare con gli SPNtastic, il canale italiano di ESPN, sempre nell’ambito sportivo. Poi da lì mi ha chiamato Sky Sport per i mondiali di calcio del 2006 e quindi la juventus. Così ho visto che il percorso cominciava ad andare in un'altra direzione e, per specializarmi ulteriorarmente, ho dato gli esami di Io vi ammiro moltissimo perché nonostante ci sia un oceano in mezzo, veramente voi portate avanti l'amore per la Juve in una maniera estremamente determinata. stato e sono diventata giornalista. E devo dirti che adesso sono molto contenta. Che cosa ti piace di più del tuo lavoro? Mi piace la possibilita di raccontare le emozioni che la gente vive attraverso lo sport, sia quando sono in transmissione che anche in forma scritta attraverso la scrittura di articoli. Mi piace cercare di arrivare al cuore delle persone. Da una parte c'é un elemento sportivo: la partita, i giocatori. Però dall'altra parte c'é il racconto di tutto questo e secondo me, la capacità di un buon giornalista e proprio quella di sapere raccontare quanto accade ed andare là dove si muovono le emozioni, dove si muove il cuore. Ti rendi conto quanto é importante la tua presenza qui come l'ambasciatrice della Juventus? Come é un onore per noi averti qui? Io vi ringrazio ma mi rendo conto di quanto la juve sia amata veramente

tanto tanto, nonostante la distanza. Ogni volta per me e uno stupore perche forse nemmeno i giocatori si rendono conto della passione che c'é e di quanto fate davvero per tenere alto il nome della Juve ed i colori della squadra. L' impegno che mettete come adesso con questa nuova sede e con questa nuova organizzazione. Io vi ammiro moltissimo perché nonostante ci sia un oceano in mezzo, veramente voi portate avanti l'amore per la Juve in una maniera estremamente determinata. Io sono contenta di potere in qualche modo rapresentare la Juventus, visto che lavoro nella juve, lavoro vicino alla squadra. Mi rendo conto che sarebbe bellissimo se un giorno potrò venire qui magari con qualche giocatore. In due giorni hai incontrato due Presedentesse di Juventus Club. Che pensi di questa svolta di donne nei posti dove tradizionalmente ci sono degli unomi? Sono contentissima!! Sono molto felice perché é giusto. É giusto perché sicuramente ci dovrebe essere una co-operazione tra uomini e donne perché quello che portiamo noi non é quello che portanto i maschi e vice versa. Cosi sicuramente la possibilità di lavorare insieme é importante. Però allo stesso tempo credo che le donne abbiano una certa capacità organizativa, un ordine, un attenzione alle cose maggiore respetto agli unomi. Si vede anche a casa con la normale quotidianità. Quindi il fatto che ci sono due donne al capo di due Club, di due organizzazioni così importanti per me é un motivo di or-

SIDE KICK: "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.‖ - Robert Collier, writer

goglio, anche perché sono una giornalista donna ed anche io lavoro in un ambiente maschile, per cui a v a n t i cosi! Hai avuto l'opportunità di vedere il n o s t r o g i o r nalino? Che ne pensi? É bello, bello! lo con so sco zeb. É un o t t im a in i z i a t i v a che secondo me contribuisce a crescere il giornalismo anche qua, la sinergia nella communità italiana e anche tra i tifosi della Juventus. Assolutamente vi consiglio se potete di portarlo avanti e di aclo consosco zeb. É un ottima iniziativa che secondo me contribuisce a crescere il giornalismo anche qua, la sinergia nella communità italiana e anche tra i tifosi della Juventus. crescere tutte le initiative legate al giornalino. Penso che sia un cosa molto importante e anzi sarebbe bello se le nuove generazioni o i giovani si potessero avvicinare tanto al club per via del giornalino scrivendo, cercando magari di estendere anche gli articoli alla Juve ma anche a quello che si vive intorno all Juventus. Quindi complimenti anche per questo e mi auguro che lo portiate avanti. Tante grazie.

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Our Club Headquarters finally opened to our members and we couldn’t be happier. All dressed up in our team’s colours, our Club provides a place for our members to congregate for games and our numerous other events. Finally, home sweet home.

Our Club Headquarters is now located at 400 Edgeley Blvd. in Concord


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A copy of zeb delivered right to your house!

Want to know what benefits you receive by becoming a member of our Club? Here’s a quick rundown of the privileges of membership!

A membership card signifying Official recognition by Juventus FC, allowing members to receive privileged ticketing for games and entrance into DOC Clubexclusive events and contests (see juventusclubdoc.it). This year’s membership kit is comprised of Official Juventus woolen scarves. Just perfect for cheering our team on during those cold Canadian winters.

Our exclusive Juventus Club DOC Toronto Tote Bag, free to all our members upon signing. Help our future juventini live better lives by helping to save their environment today.

Another exclusive gift from our Club: our official Juventus Club DOC Toronto 2011 Calendar.

A complimentary summer picnic for you and your family.

Our Club Headquarters as a place to watch games and meet with other Club members.

Exclusive offers from our sponsors at our Club events.

Food and refreshments during game time at the Club Headquarters.

Ability to participate in our Trip to Torino. This year’s proposed trip will bring our members to Torino to inaugurate the new stadium at the beginning of the 2011/2012 season. While there, members can participate in the Stadium Walk About and go to a Juventus team practice in Vinovo. zeb 2.3


Members share a bit about themselves, helping us to get to know them better

ROCKY CERONE About me: I'll never forget the day I became a Juve fan. I was 13 years old and spent the summer in Italy, in the town of Collelongo. It all began with me trying to impress a girl. As I started a conversation with her, one of the first things that came up was her question, "Di che squadra sei?" and before I answered her I asked her which team she liked. Her response was "La Juve". From that point on, I started following the team and became an instant fan. Being a fan for over 14 years has obviously had it's ups and downs, but watching the team get sent down to Serie B and work its way back up the ladder to where they are today is what makes me proud to be a Juventus fan. Growing up in a household with two Inter Milan (my father and youngest brother) and two Juventus fans (my other brother and I) makes the best Sunday lunch discussions of who played better this week or who is going to win the Scudetto or Champions League. There have been many arguments over the years, but I have


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found it makes watching the games a lot more fun an d in te re st in g . My most memorable Juve moment was when Italy won the World Cup in 2006. Watching all the games outdoors at Market Lane Shopping Centre, I remember looking around at all the people watching the game, majority of them were either wearing Buffon or Del Piero jerseys: one being the best goaltender in the world and the other one of the best leaders and veterans of our team. Although the Italian squad had players from all the Italian teams, to me it was because of the Juventus players that made us win that year. Our players played such a huge role in Italy winning the Cup that it was an experience I will never forget. Forza JUVE!!

Do you want our members to get to know you and your special Juventus moment? E-mail it to us at juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail it to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7 and you may see it in our next magazine

in italiano

JUVE, ADDA PASSÀ A NUTTATA Una volta, il mai troppo compianto amante della Signora bianconera, Gabriele Pedano, prese di contropiede il presidente Boniperti raccontandogli una freddura delle sue. Gabriele, accostò il presidente mentre la Juve era ospite di un ristorante torontino e gli disse: «La Juve è come la pulce». Mentre a Boniperti stava per venire un infarto per il poco piacevole accostamento, Gabriele aggiunse: «È come la pulce perchè è sempre in testa». Fosse vivo oggi, Gabriele non parlerebbe più di testa ma imiterebbe Odardo De Filippo e direbbe: adda passà a nuttata. La nuttata, la notte, della Juve prima o dopo passerà. Ma l¹impressione è che ci vorrà ancora parecchio tempo perchè da sei anni a questa parte nulla va più per il verso giusto. Calciopoli è stato per la Juve come il 9/11 lo fu per gli Stati Uniti: dopo niente è stato più lo stesso. A New York è rimasto il tragico buco di ground zero, a Torino stanno ancora cercando di riempire il vuoto creato dal cataclisma sportivo. E fino ad ora non ci sono riusciti. Senza entrare nel merito, o nel demerito, di quel periodo che non ha ancora scritto l¹ultimo verdetto (la giustizia in Italia cammina lemme-lemme), va detto che in casa Juve il dopo Calciopoli è stato gestito male, in maniera confusa da dirigenti improvvisati, privi di cultura e di sapienza calcistica. Il primo errore fu non rinnovare il contratto a Deschamps. Il francese aveva fatto rialzare la testa alla Juve ed ai suoi tifosi vincendo alla grande il campionato di B ma quando chiese acquisti mirati lo mandarono a cantare la Marsigliese in patria. Dopo venne Ranieri, mai ben visto perchè romano e romanista. All¹inizio fece bene, sembrava che la Signora potesse tornare a sorridere. Invece, spuntò Lippi che intanto aveva vinto il

Mondiale e che da dietro le quinte Le due facce del ridimensionamento era già l¹uomo in charge. Quanto di di metà stagione sono soprattutto i buono aveva tanti, troppi, infortuni che hanno fatto Ranieri andò in fumo e la sua panchina venne affidata a Ciro Ferrara, vice di Lippi in Germania. Il buon Ciro fu una delusione totale, ma il peggio doveva venire con Zaccheroni, triste traghettatore senza poteri di una squadra da rifare visto che i tanti giovani italiani non mantenevano le promesse e che gli stranieri presi a peso d¹oro l¹indisciplinato Melo, il fumoso Amauri e quel genietto incompreso di Diego - non rendevano per quello che erano stati pagati. Con l¹avvento di Andrea Agnelli, la Juve torna nella mani della famiglia degli storici trionfi. Il figlio di Umberto e nipote dell¹Avvocato comincia la sua rivoluzione dell¹alto, prendendo Marotta e Del Neri, il braccio e la mente della Sampdoria. Marotta vende Diego, ottiene in prestito Aquilani e acquista il nuovo Nedved, Milos Krasic. Queste le operazioni principali di un organico sempre privo di Buffon e con la ―bandiera‖ Del Piero a mezz¹asta, ossia impiegato marginalmente. La nuova Juve di Agnelli, Marotta e Del Neri parte col piede sbagliato (sconfitta 1-0 a Bari, pari interno con la Samp, 3-3). Il primo squillo di tromba a Udine (poker secco ai friulani), subito seguito dal primo crollo in casa (3-1 per il Palermo): sono le avvisaglie di un andamento a singhiozzo che continerà per tutto il girone di andata. Il pari senza reti a San Siro contro l¹Inter e la vittoria, sempre a San Siro contro il Milan, esaltano l¹ambiente bianconero. A tre turni dalla fine, il successo sulla Lazio (2-1), fa parlare di scudetto. Un miraggio svanito brutalmente negli ultimo 180 minuti: due sconfitte, sette gol subiti, uno realizzato.

perseguitato la squadra sino ad ora, ma anche il ―lavoro‖ di Del Neri che comincia a far storcere la bocca anche ai più fedeli fans bianconeri. Soltanto il resto del campionato dirà se Del Neri è da Juve o no, ma sarà essenziale che abbia dei rinforzi sia in attacco che in difesa: il reparto arretrato è troppo bucabile sia sulle fasce ma anche al centro, come Giovinco e Cavani hanno dimostrato. In avanti, invece, ci sono giganti dai piedi spezzati (Quagliarella), di argilla (Iaquinta, Amauri), pesanti (Luca Toni), perchè lo hanno preso, non sarebbe stato preferibile dare spazio a qualche ragazzo?), oppure semplicemente stanchi (Del Piero). Per rimediare a questa situazione Andrea Agnelli deve mettere mano alla tasca, magari attin gen do dall¹ingente parimonio familiare. Senza soldi, infatti, la processione non cammina. E la ―nuttata‖ non passerà facilmente. Nicola Sparano Caporedattore Sport Corriere Canadese zeb 2.3


Current Standings as of January 24, 2011 Results: 9a: Milan v Juventus 10a: Juventus v Cesena 11a: Brescia v Juventus 12a: Juventus v Roma 13a: Genoa v Juventus 14a: Juventus v Fiorentina 15a: Catania v Juventus

1-2 3-1 1-1 1-1 0-2 1-1 3-1

16a: Juventus v ILazio 2-1 17a: Chievo v Juventus 1-1 18a: Juventus v Parma 1-4 19a: Napoli v Juventus 3-0 20a: Juventus v Bari 2-1 21a: Sampdoria v Juventus 0-0


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26 Cagliari 25 Fiorentina * 25 Parma 24 Chievo 24 Genoa * 22 Catania 20 Lecce 19 Cesena 18 Brescia 14 Bari

By Julian McNaughton

Pre-Match Report This weekend’s match of the week features two top class teams, both in great form, playing clinical soccer. One team’s goal, to win the scudetto, the other’s, to simply erase the horrid memories of last

44 Milan 40 Napoli 38 Roma 37 Lazio 35 Inter * 35 Juventus 34 Palermo 33 Udinese 28 Bologna 27 Sampdoria *

season and maintain a EUFA spot or higher. Coming off a huge 3-1 victory at the Angelo Massimino in Catania, Juventus is looking to continue winning. After just edging a UEFA Cup spot last year and being rec e n t l y knocked out of the EUFA Cup this year, Juventus can now focus on its main objective of vying for that scudetto win. One obstacle will be facing the high flying Aquile. In this weekend’s game, Juventus will look to Fabio Q uagl iarell a to provide the striking power up f ron t. Simone Pepe has found his form once again, after scoring a howler last w ee ken d

against Catania. Milos Krasic has proved to be a fish in water in Serie A and looks to continue his deadly crosses. Juventus has scored 17 out of their 29 goals at the Delle Alpi, which demonstrates its strength at home. On the other hand, 11 of its 15 allowed goals have also been at home. Juventus can score but also has trouble defending in front of its supporters. Lazio is in form and is currently the team to beat. After hosting and defeating defending Serie A champion, Inter, the laziali will have confidence on their side. The last time these two teams met the match ended in a 1-1 tie. Lazio will be without out the services of left back Stefan Radu, a key piece to Lazio’s success thus far. Lazio’s main four at the back line are Lichtsteiner, Biava, Dias and Radu. Filling in for Radu will be the inexperienced 18 year old Luis Cavanda. Cavanda has impressed Edy Reja in two appearances this season. There is a lot of speculation as to whether or not he is ready to face La Vecchia Signora or if he’s prepared to mark the speedy Milos Krasic.

SIDE KICK: "A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience.‖ - Elbert Hubbard, writer

Post-Match Analysis It didn’t take long for the game to get started, with il capitano Giorgio Chiellini powering in a header off a corner, muscling his way by two defenders to put Juventus up 1-0. At the 8th minute, the home team threatened once again. The speedy winger Krasic laid the ball off for Fabio Quagliarella who put it just wide. The game stayed level until the 14th minute when the fan favourite Mauro Zarate popped one in off of a corner. Lazio almost added to the score sheet once again, after Sergio Floccari dribbled his way passed two defenders before putting the ball just wide of Marco Storari. Later on in the first half, the ex-Romanista, Alberto Aquilani, bent a free kick off the wall, to only hit the cross bar before going out of play. Juventus showed a reluctant attack as it almost went ahead near the end of the half. Krasic had a go at a loose ball that just went over the cross bar. The

shot left the back four and Nando Muslera staring, hoping that it wouldn’t go in. The second half was not as lively as the first half was, with the only real scoring chance coming in the first minute of extra time when Alessandro Del Piero proved once again that he still has it. He bent in a brilliant free kick on net with Muslera just getting his finger tips on it and keeping it out of the back of the net. The biancocelesti’s luck ran out with just one minute remaining in extra time. With Krasic running circles around the 18 year old Luis Cavanda all night, all it took was for one little mistake for Kraisc to crash into the Lazio box at full speed. After a trademark run by the Serbian, he took a shot; while trying to block the shot, Muslera hit the ball into his own net. Juventus soared to a well deserved 2-1 win in front of its home crowd.

Milos Krasic proved once again to be the hero and it’s clear now why the juventini are all ―Crazy for Krasic.‖

When you are shopping, the Juventus Club DOC Toronto asks you to remember our sponsors. They are an important part of our community and, just as they support us, we would like to support them! zeb 2.3


November 7, 2010 The Juventus Club DOC Toronto inaugurated its new Club Headquarters with the help of Juventus Channel presenter Valeria Ciardiello.

The Board of Directors poses with our esteemed Italian ambassador.


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The cutting of the black-and-white ribbon to inaugurate our Club Headquarters.

Our Annual Gala proved to be an exquisite event with wonderful food, a magnificent live band, a dizzying dance floor, and words of encouragement from Valeria Ciardiello .

Photo: O.Scriuba

Photo: O.Scriuba

At left, Valeria speaking to our members about the Juventus of the past and The Juventus of the future. Above, she poses with the Board of Directors.

Photo: O.Scriuba

Above left, the lovely Juventus jersey, signed by all the players, donated by Valeria to the Club for our live auction. At right, Valeria with Board member Angelo Cofini. Below, Valeria meeting our members.

Photo: O.Scriuba

Above, Valeria with Club President Tiziana Pace. Below, the Juventus Channel presenter engages Vincenzo Solmito and Franco Costa in conversation.

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Photo: O.Scriuba

Photo: O.Scriuba

Photo: O.Scriuba

At left, our oldest member, Corrado Cosentini enjoying the evening. Above, Valeria visiting the Ciamarras. At right, she poses with the Carluccis.

Photo: O.Scriuba

Photo: O.Scriuba

Photo: O.Scriuba

Photo: O.Scriuba

At center, the dance floor heats up. Above, Valeria continues to visit our members. Below, the fantastic Marc Joseph Band who shook the dance floor.



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Photo: O.Scriuba


Photo: O.Scriuba

Photo: O.Scriuba

Valeria posed with members all evening, always with a smile on her face. Below, Club Secretary Marisa Lombardi, Board member Gina Pace and Club President Tiziana Pace present Valeria with a token of appreciation for her presence on behalf of the Club.

Photo: O.Scriuba

This year’s recipient of ―La Targa del Presidente‖ is Marisa Lombardi. Above, she is commended by the President for her unceasing commitment and enthusiasm for every aspect of the Club and its initiatives. Thank you Marisa!

Photo: O.Scriuba

The Black & White Sweet Table, furnished by Miniature Delights, were so delicious, we didn’t even make it in time to take a picture of it before someone already ate the ―J‖ in Juventus.



December 8, 2010

As part of our ―Member Perks‖, and in the spirit of Christmas, the Juventus Club DOC Toronto provided its members with a complimentary Christmas Dinner at Lanterna Ristorante in Vaughan. The food: delicious, the atmosphere: warm, the company: divine.

Above, from left, Marisa Lombardi, Tony Ciamarra, Lanterna owner Tony Triumbari, Norma Costa and Board Member Franco Costa. At right, more members with satisfied faces.

Members adding to the Christmas spirit. From left, (with scarf) Michele Lombardi, Rob Giombani, Pasquale Ranieri and Greg Checca.

Above, Giovanni Porco and Joe Anzini with their lovely wives.


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Above, back row, from left, Gina and Tiziana Pace. Front row, from left, Luca Solmito, and Mrs. And Mr. Solmito.

This looks pretty serious! Even the festive Christmas spirit could not stop members from engaging in some serious talk about their favourite black and white team.

Above, Club Treasurer Vince Carlucci thanks Tony Triumbari for the lovely evening he provided for us. Below, full tummies and happy faces.

GMS Artistic Wood Finish 40 Hanlan Rd., Unit #31 Vaughan, ON L4L 3P6 ph: 905-856-8266 fax: 905-856-7527


zeb 2.3


Gina Pace

Juventini around the world, this is it! Finally, after a long wait and many years of trepid expectation, the new stadium under construction in Torino will see its inauguration sometime at the end of August 2011. The ―Juventus Arena‖, the temporary name for the new soccer stadium, will host all the Juventus home games. The old Stadio delle Alpi, built for Italia ’90, has been demolished and, at the end of June 2009, the building of the new venue began on its site, at the cost of about 150,000,000 euro. It will have a capacity of 41,000 spectators with 4,000 parking spaces and access through four entrances. Its most important feature will be the short distance between the field and the stands, about 8.5 meters, unlike the Stadio Olimpico that the team is using now. Juventus will be the sole owner and we all hope that the old Italian saying will come true: ―Stadio nuovo, vita nuova!‖

SIDE KICK: "The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.‖ - Benjamin Disraeli


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Our members showing off their team spirit

Above, as Daniele Febbo can attest, sometimes it’s all in the attitude. At right, from left, Angelo Antoniazzi, Vince Carlucci, Paolo Panetta and Rob Chiappetta, at the Club’s 2009 Trip to Torino.

Now THAT’S a fan!8 month old Lola demonstrates her ItaloJuventino heritage by licking espresso from a Juventus cup.

Send us your photos as you promote your Juve Club by e-mailing them to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B77 zeb 2.3


As of January 24, 2011



November 2, 2010 Tottenham vs Inter 3-1 November 3, 2010 Basilea vs Rome 2-3 Milan vs Real Madrid 2-2 November 23, 2010 Roma vs Bayern Munich 3-2 Auxerre vs Milan 0-2 November 24, 2010 Inter vs Twente 1-0 December 7, 2010 Werder Brema vs Inter 3-0 December 8, 2010 CFR Cluj vs Rome 1-1 Milan vs Ajax 0-2


GROUP A Tottenham




Feb 15, 2011

Mar 9, 2011





Feb 15, 2011

Mar 9, 2011





Feb 16, 2011

Mar 8, 2011

Werder Brema




Feb 16, 2011

Mar 8, 2011

FC Copenhagen Chelsea

Feb 22, 2011

Mar 16, 2011


Real Madrid

Feb 22, 2011

Mar 16, 2011


Bayern Munich

Feb 23, 2011

Mar 15, 2011


Man United

Feb 23, 2011

Mar 15, 2011

GROUP E Bayern Munich






CFR Cluj




Real Madrid








qualified for next round

All the teams from Serie A e Serie B participate. In the first two rounds all the Serie B teams and 2 Serie A teams play. From the third round other Serie A teams join, while the first 8 Serie A teams classified join the competition in the round of 16 * First phase: one-leg fixtures o First round: Serie C and Serie D clubs are paired o Second round: Serie B clubs enter o Third round: Serie A clubs not com peting European cups enter o Fourth round: the 16 winners of Round 3 are paired * Second phase: one-leg fixtures o Round of 16: 8 first phase winners are inserted into a bracket with seeds 1-8 o Quarterfinals: pairings based upon bracket * Semifinals: two-leg fixtures * Final: one-leg fixture

As of January 24, 2011


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Quarter-finals, 1st leg Quarter-finals, 2nd leg

April 5, 2011 April 13, 2011

Semi-finals, 1st leg Semi-finals, 2nd leg

April 26, 2011 May 4, 2011


May 28, 2011

Round of 16




Dec 9, 14, 2010

Jan 25, 26, 27, 2011

Apr 20, May 11, 2011

May 29, 2011

































Napoli Inter

Juventus Roma

Palermo Parma

Sampdoria Milan


As of January 24, 2011

GAMES PLAYED November 4, 2010 Juventus vs Austria Salisburgo 0-0 Sampdoria vs Metalist Kharkiv 0-0 Liverpool vs Napoli 3-1 December 1, 2010 Lech Poznan vs Juventus 1-1 Sampdoria vs PSV Eindhoven 1-2 Utrecht vs Napoli 3-3 December 16, 2010 Juventus vs Manchester City 1-1 Debrecen vs Sampdoria 2-0 Napoli vs Steaua Bucarest 1-0

GROUP A Man. City


Lech Poznan




Aus. Salisburgo


GROUP I PSV Eindhoven


Metalist Kharkiv






GROUP K Liverpool




Steaua Bucarest




qualified for next round

NEXT ROUNDS Ottavi, 1st leg / 2nd leg Quarter-finals, 1st leg / 2nd leg Semi-finals, 1st leg / 2nd leg Final

Italian National Team World Cup 2010 Qualifiers games played in Group C: Italy vs Serbia 3-0 (match forfeited due to crowd trouble) Upcoming games: Mar 25, 2011 Slovania vs. Italy June 3, 2011 Italy vs. Estonia Sept 2, 2011 Faroe Islands vs Italy Sept 6, 2011 Italy vs Slovania Oct 7, 2011 Italy vs Serbia Oct 11, 2011 Italy vs N. Ireland

European Cup current rankings in Group 8 Italy 10 Slovania 7 Estonia 6 N. Ireland 5 Serbia 4 Feroe Islands 1

As of January 24, 2011

March 10 / 17, 2011 April 7 / 14, 2011 April 28 / May 5, 2011 May 18, 2011


Manchester City

Feb 15, 2011 Feb 24, 2011



Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011


Spartak Moscow

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011

Bate Borisov

Paris S.G.

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011



Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011


Dinamo Kiev

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011

Glasgow Rangers

Sporting Lisbon

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011

Lech Poznan

Sporting Praga

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011


PSV Eindhoven

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011

Metalist Khara.

Ba. Leverkusen

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011


Villa Real

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011

PAOK Salonicco

CSKA Mosca

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011

Rubin Kazan


Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011



Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011

Spartak Praga


Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011

Young Boys

Zenit San. Pietro.

Feb 17, 2011 Feb 24, 2011

zeb 2.3


in italiano

Il nostro corrispondente estero, Francesco Mastrorizzi, continua a darci notizie sui giocatori che hanno lasciato la nostra squadra ma non i nostri cuori

Montero, l’ultimo guerriero Non è da molto tempo che il difensore Paolo Montero ha appeso le scarpe al chiodo. Ha lasciato la Juventus alla fine della stagione 2004 -05, per andare a giocare un anno nella squadra argentina del San Lorenzo e tornare l’anno successivo nel suo Paese, l’Uruguay, chiudendo la carriera da professionista lì dove l’aveva iniziata, nella squadra del Peñarol, il 17 maggio 2007. In Italia è da poco uscita una biografia a lui dedicata, dal titolo ―Paolo Montero, l'ultimo guerriero‖, scritta da Alvise Cagnazzo e Stefano Discreti, con un’intervista introduttiva a Luciano Moggi. Il libro racconta Montero dentro e fuori dal campo, attraverso numerosi aneddoti e le migliori interviste rilasciate alla stampa. Nato nel 1971, fa il suo debutto con il Peñarol all’età di diciannove anni, ma nel 1992 è già in Italia, scoperto dall’Atalanta. Marcello Lippi, allora allenatore dei nerazzurri, lo fa esordire il 6 settembre a Bergamo contro il Parma: l’Atalanta vince per 2 a 1 e Montero è tra i migliori in campo. Con il suo inserimento la squadra diventa più solida e a fine stagione riesce ad ottenere un lusinghiero settimo posto

in classifica. All’Atalanta Montero disputa ottimi campionati e diventa il pilastro della difesa, ma i grandi club lo snobbano a causa del suo stile ruvido e della 24

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sua eccessiva fallosità, nonché per il suo carattere difficile. Nel 1996, però, Lippi, allenatore della Juve già da due anni, lo rivuole con sé e ne suggerisce l’acquisto alla dirigenza. C’è da mettere a punto il reparto arretrato e la presenza di un giocatore come Montero, tempestivo in fase di chiusura e anche tecnicamente dotato, è indispensabile per continuare a vincere. Lo stesso Paolo racconta il suo immediato amore per la maglia bianconera: ―Sono diventato juventino il primo giorno che sono arrivato a Torino, quando mi sono reso conto quanto la Juventus fosse odiata dal resto delle tifoserie d’Italia. Il loro odio io l’ho trasformato in amore per la Juventus. Contro tutto e tutti. Quella maglia era una corazza...‖ Sin da subito diventa titolare irremovibile e con Ciro Ferrara forma una coppia di centrali tra le più forti della storia della Juve. A Torino vince una Coppa Intercontinentale (1996), una Supercoppa Europea (1996), tre Supercoppe Italiane (1997, 2002, 2003) e cinque scudetti (1997, 1998, 2002 e 2003 e 2005). Disputa, inoltre, tre finali della Champions League (contro il Borussia Dortmund nel 1997, il Real Madrid nel 1998 e il Milan nel 2003). Pur detenendo il poco invidiabile record di cartellini rossi nella storia della Serie A (16 espulsioni per lui), Montero ha sempre dimostrato ai

suoi compagni e ai suoi allenatori di essere un grande uomo, sensibile e con dei valori profondi, tra cui quello dell’amicizia. Prova ne hanno potuto avere sia tifosi che detrattori quando, nel giugno del 2006, partì dall’Uruguay appena saputo del gravissimo fatto che era accaduto a Gianluca Pessotto, recandosi immediatamente dall’amico che lottava tra la vita e la morte e restando accanto a lui per giorni e giorni. Attualmente Montero svolge il ruolo ,di procuratore per alcune giovani promesse uruguaiane. Subito dopo il ritiro, infatti, ha aperto un'agenzia, la ―Pro Futbol‖ insieme al suo amico Gustavo Mendez (excalciatore del Vicenza), attraverso cui va alla ricerca di nuovi talenti del calcio uruguaiano da proporre, poi, ai club europei. Il suo obiettivo è di dare la possibilità a quanti più ragazzi di compiere il suo stesso percorso: passare per una società di provincia seria e organizzata, che insegni loro a giocare e vivere - come è stata per lui l'Atalanta – per poi fare il grande salto in una squadra importante.

in italiano

Momenti storici della nostra Vecchia Signora

TOP 10 TIFOSI BIANCONERI 10. Eros Ramazzotti. Oltre che uno dei cantanti italiani più famosi nel mondo, è anche un grande appassionato di calcio (da anni è il migliore attaccante della Nazionale Cantanti) e da sempre un accanito tifoso juventino, nonostante sia nato a Roma.

9. Gigi Moncalvo. Giornalista e conduttore televisivo, dal 2006 porta avanti una campagna di difesa dell’operato di Moggi e di accusa alle sentenze di Calciopoli. Ha scritto il libro ―I lupi & gli agnelli‖, dedicato alla famiglia Agnelli, in cui si parla ovviamente anche di Juventus.

6. Piero Ostellino. Giornalista ultrasettantenne del Corriere della sera, di cui è stato direttore in passato, sin dallo scoppio di Calciopoli ha evidenziato le pecche del processo sportivo e l'ingiustizia perpetrata ai danni della Juventus. 5. David Pratelli. Cabarettista e straordinario imitatore (tra i suoi personaggi ci sono anche Lippi, Capello e Ranieri), ha una grande passione per la Juventus, sulla quale non si stanca mai di rilasciare interviste e commenti, spesso condivisibili per chi ha in comune con lui l’amore per la maglia bianconera. 4. Christian Rocca. Giornalista de ―Il Sole 24 Ore‖ e in precedenza de ―Il Foglio‖, da maggio del 2006, attraverso il suo blog, è stato uno dei pochi che ha cercato di spiegare le incongruenze e gli "strani" comportamenti dei mass media nei confronti di Moggi e della Juventus durante l'estate del 2006.

8. Mario Mattioli. Giornalista sportivo della Rai, ha fondato lo ―Juve Club Rai‖, che riunisce tutti i tifosi juventini che lavorano per la rete pubblica italiana. Ha provato ad indagare su Calciopoli dal punto di vista giornalistico, trovando molti ostacoli che lo hanno fatto desistere. 7. Claudio Zuliani. Telecronista ufficiale delle partite della Juventus sui canali di Mediaset Premium, si è fatto conoscere come opinionistatifoso sulla rete televisiva 7 Gold, soprattutto per alcuni memorabili collegamenti dagli stadi in cui era impegnata la nostra squadra.

sicuramente più valide di quelle dei dirigenti che hanno permesso la distruzione di una grande squadra nel 2006. 2. Pietro Sermonti. Attore televisivo e teatrale, nel 2010 ha interpretato la parte di Giulio Cesare "tifoso della Juventus" nello spot pubblicitario per promuovere la costruzione del nuovo stadio. Da ragazzo ha giocato nelle giovanili della Juventus ed è nipote di Susanna Agnelli, sorella dell'Avvocato. 1. Giampiero Mughini. Giornalista e scrittore, dal 1998 al 2010 ha partecipato come ospite fisso al programma televisivo ―Controcampo‖, in qualità di rappresentante del tifo Juventino. Oltre che per la spiccata cultura, si distingue per l’ironia e il sarcasmo, spesso indirizzati sulla squadra dell’Inter e sui suoi ridicoli tifosi. Celebri le sue sfuriate contro chiunque mettesse in dubbio la regolarità delle vittorie bianconere.

3. Mariella Scirea. Sarebbe l’ideale Presidente Onorario della società juventina, sia per essere stata la moglie di uno dei più grandi calciatori italiani della storia, sia per le sue tante dichiarazioni a difesa delle vittorie della Juve, zeb 2.3


Keeping our members informed as we highlight local soccer events in our community.

by Tony Ciamarra

The Club, the Team, the Player…It is with great respect and appreciation that we feature the GU-15 OYSL Sun Devils Girls Team in this issue of zeb magazine’s ― Soccer in the City‖. As a past Coach with the Glen Shields Soccer Club, my team accom-

The Coaches see Gabby Kim as a player that sets the tone and standard for hard work at Glen Shields. She is a tenacious player who never stops running and winning battles on the field. She is a midfielder who has the ability to play all positions. Her Favorite player: Ji-Sung Park - Manchester United. Dajana Solomun is one of the most creative and exciting players to watch in Ontario. She is an attacking midfielder who possesses vision and skill to make everyone around her a better player. Her Favorite player: Lionel Messi - FC Barcelona

Above, Michaela Di Cianna. Below, Taylor Pryce and Dajana Solumon

“Coming together is a beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success.”

Above, Emma Pozzulo and Gab Kim.

plished three consecutive League and Cup Championship years, namely 2006 CGSL U-17, 2007 CGSL U-18 and 2008 OWSL U-21. I can definitely admire and recognize the efforts and commitments required to field a great team like this, especially at such a young age. I like to think that my team set a high standard, and that this group of young ladies and its coaching staff raised the bar even higher. Congratulations to everyone volved with this team!


This is the team history as seen from the eyes of Gabby Kim and Dajana Solomun, two of the star players on the Glen Shields 1996 girls Team. 26

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The beginning for the Glen Shields Sun Devils 1996 girls team was at the age of 8 when the team formed together with the ambition to grow together, not only as players but as individuals. With supportive coaches and a group of talented, yet diligent girls, a solid team was built and a great story began. Over time, the players learned to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses in order to function as a team. Throughout their existence, like any organization, the Glen Shields Sun Devils experienced challenges, frustrations, and excitement. These were stepping stones that lead them to success. Even from the very beginning, it seemed inevitable that the team would flourish. In 2005, the team entered and placed second in its very first tournament. Along with their experience and confidence, there was something on the field that kept the girls coming back stronger, leading

to five championships and titles in the same year. The success continued in 2006 as the team won the York Region League and cup. There were challenges ahead as the team had to transition to play from 6 aside to 11 aside in 2007. The team had to adjust to a bigger field and focus on improving endurance, technical abilities and advanced tactics. With the addition of many new players, the team once again had to unify. The players ability to focus on their new roles and responsibilities on and off the field resulted with yet another York Region League title. In 2008, the team was promoted to the Central Girls Soccer League. This league was much more competitive, and consisted of the top eight teams in the York, Huronia, Toronto and

Durham regions. To sustain their competitive edge, Glen Shields had to develop new habits. This included proper nutrition, sleep, and preparation. It turned out to be very worthwhile as they managed to win both the league title and cup. In 2009, the team persevered and continued its success by winning both its indoor and outdoor league. In addition, the team won the Ontario Indoor Cup, league cup and several tournaments. Its success earned it a promotion to play at the highest level in 2010 – the Ontario Youth Soccer League. 2010 was a year of memorable experiences and emotions, both happy and sad. With eight players selected to represent Team Ontario throughout the winter season, the Sun Devils had limited training time together during the indoor season. They encountered some challenges at the start of the OYSL season. Although they won, the quality of their game was not up to their expected level. But it didn’t take long for the team to begin to click. The chemistry came back and they really started to play the game with style. On the field, unity along with skill helped the Sun Devils control their games and maintain first place in the league. As the season progressed, the Ontario Cup tournament took place. The Sun Devils passed through the round robin and quarterfinals with ease. In the semi final game, victory was just a shot away against the established Brams United Angels. In terms of pos-

Gaby Kim.

s e s s io n and goals, the game was even at 2-2. Skill, determination and smart tactics were shown on both sides of the pitch; however, the deciding penalty kicks were in favor of Brams who later went on to represent Ontario at the National Above, back row L to R: Mike Pozzulo, Alanna Domaoang, Daniela championships Dell'Aquila, Michaela Di Cianna,Taylor Pryce,Jessica Reyes, Mark in New Goldasic. Middle Row Patris Alves,Emma Pozzulo,Jordane Cavery, Brunswick. Emily Goldasic, Gaby Kim, Edan Young, Bottom row Sara Lamanna, Despite the loss, Ocean Parr, Devon Kerr, Dajana Solumon, Amanda Bianchi. the Sun Devils were able to stay focused and win After winning 24 tournaments, cups another league title. Finishing on top and titles since 2005, this was only the of the East division of the OYSL gave beginning. the team a chance to play the West Comments from coach Mark: division champions for an opportunity Success for our team comes down to to travel to Quebec. Once again, o n e s im pl e w o r d : C O MMI T luck was not on their side. MENT. From the very beginning, six The game was lost in a very close years ago, we knew we had a spepenalty shootout. These two losses, although very disc o u r a g i n g , showed the true strength of the team. Players were able to set aside the losses and continued to play to the best of their ability with pride and determination. Dedication and hard work in every game and practice paid off in the end. In the Ontario Terra Power Rankings, the team is now ranked first among the hundred and fifty-five 1996 girls teams in Ontario and number five for all ages. All of these upsets and experiences will only make the team stronger next season. zeb 2.3


cial group of talented players. More importantly, they were serious about training, extremely competitive and showed a level of commitment that was second to none. As one of our captains, Emma Pozzulo pointed out, "As a team we may not win every game, but no team will work harder than we do." Good players come and go. Many players who were dominant at age nine are no longer

playing soccer. The difference always comes down to commitment. There are no shortcuts to success or any great secrets to training. You simply have to put in the hours to train and have a competitive and structured environment that allows players to succeed. When others are relaxing and playing with friends, great players are training. Support and positive reinforcement from a player’s family is crucial. Spending endless hours of driving and

hanging around the soccer pitch is not easy, but parents who show a great affection for their child and the game of soccer can make all the difference in the world. At Glen Shields, we take our soccer seriously. The 96 Girls team is a wonderful group of girls that exemplify our club philosophy – commitment to excellence. Now the challenge is to not look back and chart a new course in this beautiful game. Well done Sun Devils.

2010 Glen Shields ’96 Ontario Youth Soccer League summer roster: Patris Alves Amanda Bianchi Jordane Carvery Daniela Dell’Aquila Michaela Di Cianna Alanna Domaoang Emily Goldasic Devon Kerr Gabrielle Kim Sara Lamanna Ocean Parr


zeb 2.3

Emma Pozzulo Taylor Pryce Jessica Reyes Dajana Solomun Eden Young Mark Goldasic – Coach Mike Pozzulo – Assistant Coach Paul Dell’Aquila – Assistant Coach Raquel Kerr - Manager

Marisa Lombardi The Juventus Club Doc Toronto is proud to announce that it will sponsor the Caledon Canadians U-18 Select Team for its upcoming tournament in Agropoli, Italy. It is with equal pride that our 2nd Vice President and General Manager; Tony Ciamarra has been invited to Coach this team. The Canadians will bear the Juventus Club Doc Toronto logo on their jerseys when they play their matches in Italy. Good luck from the Juventus Club DOC Toronto.

competitive soccer and to give them the opportunity to experience the culture and history of Italy.

Agropoli Tournament U-18 Select Team

Toursnsports and Turisport (Italy) are dedicated in providing Canadian young players with a soccer and cultural experience of a life time, that one can ill afford to miss.

Agropoli is located in southern Italy, on the Mediterranean Sea, just one hour South of Naples. This tournament is regarded as a very prestigious one, for it has an international feel, and the caliber of the participating teams is well above average.

April 15, 2011 to April 25, 2011 Toursnsports is a non profitable organization. Issi Seminara is coordinating the above educational and cultural event for a Canadian youth soccer team.

ToursnSports 4 Trailview Bolton, On L7E 2V7

The purpose of the tournament is to expose Canadian young soccer players, both male and female, to

Tel: (905) 951-3309 or (905) 965-1140 E-mail: toursnsports@gmail.com

zeb 2.3


Our young aspiring artists

10 year old Emma Sintz dazzles us with her zebra renditions. Thank you Emma!


Is your child a little Picasso? Send your children’s artwork to: juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail it to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St., Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7.


zeb 2.3

Showing off our Juventus children

At left, Club members Stefanie, 5, and Alessandro, 8, the beautiful grandchildren of members Joseph and Nancy Balsamo.

Have a cute photo? Send your pictures to: juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail them Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7 and you may see them in our next magazine

zeb 2.3


in italiano

Se volete mandare le vostre lettere alla squadra, mandatecele via e-mail a juvemaga@yahoo.ca o per posta a Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7

Toronto, 23 novembre 2010

Resto nella speranza di un Suo ripensamento.

Ill.mo Sig. Presidente Agnelli,

Distinti saluti.

Lascio da parte i preamboli e vengo subito al sodo.

Marisa Lombardi

L'annuncio di voler riconoscere il Sig. Boniek con una stella, nel nuovo stadio, ha provocato in me una tale nausea che non provavo da quando, mentre leggevo "La Nausea" di Sartre, l' autosuggestione me ne provoco' una veramente indescrivibile.

Toronto, 3 dicembre 2010

E' impensabile permettere a uno che sistematicamente, e senza alcun ritegno, attacca la squadra e la sua dirigenza, di entrare a far parte di una storia illustre come quella della Juventus. I traditori non lasciano mai un' impronta positiva nella storia dei grandi. Se, pero', si scegliera' di conferirgli una stella, allora io proporrei di conferirne una anche a Giuda... E perche' no?

with over 30 years of experience

Alla Dirigenza, Nel 2011 la Juventus sicuramente avra' un ruolo piu' importante, sia nel calcio italiano che in quello europeo. I giovani avranno piu' esperienza e con qualche innesto importante, potranno aspirare a molti traguardi. Il nuovo stadio non puo' che aiutare, non solo le casse, ma anche il prestigio della nostra squadra. Vorrei, pero', che non si facessero passi falsi... Il gruppo dovra' essere compatto: dagli Agnelli al magazziniere. Le decisioni dovranno essere ben ponderate. Per esempio: l' idea di dedicare una stella a coloro che hanno contribuito alla storia bianconera e' veramente sublime, queste pero', dovrebbero essere dedicate solo a chi veramente le merita, cosi' facendo si manda un segnale forte e preciso a tutto il mondo juventino. L'idea che una stella venga, pero', dedicata a Boniek non la vedo proprio... Prima di tutto perche' ha giocato pochi anni con la nostra maglia, poi perche' ho ancora le orecchie piene delle sue pesanti critiche a tutto l'ambiente bianconero. Ed anche adesso, che ha la possibilita' di avere la sua stella, continua a dirne di cotte e di crude, per non parlare, poi, del soprannome che l'avvocato Agnelli gli assegno': "Bello di Notte", quando quasi tutte le gare venivano disputate di pomeriggio. Questa la dice lunga sull'apporto dato da questi. Per le suddette ragioni non meriterebbe di esssere preso in considerazione, ma se la dirigenza decidesse di onorarlo vorrei almeno che quancuno mi spiegasse che cosa c'e' dietro la loro decisione; cosi', forse, potro' capirlo anch'io. Forza Juve! Vincenzo Solmito


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Ottawa, November -- The Club Juventus Ottawa Sezione Gaetano Scirea celebrated 2010 by hosting Miss Valeria Ciardiello from the Juventus Channel in Ottawa. The intent of the trip was to strengthen ties between the Club Ottawa and the Juventus Headquarters in Torino, in the hopes that one day the Club Ottawa could become a Club Juventus DOC. It was Valeria’s first time visiting Canada’s Capital Region. Members welcomed her with open arms and arranged tours to the Parliament buildings and the Museum of Civilization, as well as introduced her to some of Ottawa’s finest restaurants. The highlight of Miss Valeria’s visit was her presence at the Club’s Annual Gala where she was able to socialize with members and friends of the Ottawa Italian Community. The evening was filled with many surprises, one of them being an international telephone connection with Mariella Scirea, who

By Christina del Castello congratulated the club for its hard efforts. In addition, members watched a video called ―Saluti Bianconeri‖ from Torino, showing Juventus players greeting Ottawa fans. Although the players were not able to attend the event, their presence was marked with autographed jerseys by DelPiero and Buffon, put on display for silent auction. The evening continued with the famous ―Deal or No Deal‖ game show hosted by Miss Valeria, as well as an appearance by the popular Montréal comedians Nonna Maria. The event was a great success and an important milestone for the Club. We sincerely thank Miss Valeria Ciardiello and the Juventus Channel for making 2010 a special and unforgettable year. Grazie di cuore Valeria!!! Torna presto che Ottawa ti aspetta a braccia aperte!

Above, Valeria and the Executive Committee for Club Juventus Ottawa Sezione Gaetano Scirea: from left, Filippo Falsetto, Francesca Ruscito and President Cristina del Castello. Below, Valeria and the Deal or No Deal girls with autographed jerseys from Del Piero and Buffon.

Links to Juventus moments every fan should see Accendi una stella www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k-ggtoFilA Capezzone: la Gazzetta raccontò solo una parte di verità www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaCYbl5uh6g Come sarà il nuovo stadio della Juve www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBLaMho55oY Franco Causio goal vs Argentina 1979 www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvtFIr1Wu_w Giulio Cesare era juventino www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1ugQzAbyE0 Milan - Juventus 0-1 Finale Coppa Italia (25-4-1990) www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzkVUZ0QT_8 Compilato da Francesco Mastrorizzi zeb 2.3


When Moreno Torricelli started playing soccer at 8 in Verano Brianza, Italy, he never dreamed that he would reach heights that he later would with Juventus in such a short span of time. In this issue of zeb magazine, we honour Moreno Torricelli. The right-back captured the hearts of juventini everywhere with his no-holds-barred work ethic, and determination on the field, making him worthy of a place on our Wall of Fame.


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In 1990, he started playing with regional team Caratese while working in a factory. It was when his team played a pre-season friendly against Juventus that Torricelli caught the attention of thenJuventus coach Giovanni Trapattoni and was snatched up by the Italian giants, making the jump from regional team to Serie A. He made his debut for Juventus in the 1992-1993

season where he quickly became a permanent starter, going on to play in the UEFA Cup as well, which Juventus won that year. A player with a lot of heart and determination, he was able to play in all the defensive roles, though he preferred playing right-back. One of his most famous games was the Champions League final of the following year against Ajax, where his stamina and tremendous work on the field was noted by all and his presence was touted as one of the reasons f o r J u -

You can vote for an inductee on the Wall of Fame by e-mailing us at juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing us at Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St., Maple, Ontario, L6A 1B7

ventus' success in that game (and in the tournament). At the international level, Torricelli was called up to the National Team 10 times, playing on the squad for both the 1996 European Cup and the 998 World Cup. In the 6 years he played for Juventus he won 3 scudetti, 2 Italian Cups, 2 Italian Super Cups, 1 Champions League Cup, 1 UEFA Cup, 1 European Super Cup and 1 Intercontinental Cup. The carpenter from Brianza lived the "Cinderella story" and no-one will every forget his contribution to our beloved bianconeri.


Becoming a Juventus Club DOC member

It’s easy! Pick up a membership form from our Club Headquarters or print one out from our website: www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com Then fill it out and mail it into the Club with your membership fee. Just by following those simple steps, you will become an officially recognized member of a community dedicated to unity and the sharing of the joy of soccer. Welcome!

Contact our magazine via e-mail: juvemaga@yahoo.ca Contact our magazine via mail: zeb magazine – 48 Sonny St., Maple, On. L6A 1B7 Visit our website: www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com Mail Official Club correspondence: 2550 Finch Ave. West, P.O. Box 72061 Toronto, On. M3M 3A6 Call us at the Club: 905-856-0929 Drop by our Club Headquarters: 440 Edgeley Blvd., Concord, On. L4K4G4 Join our Facebook account: Juventus Club DOC Toronto Follow us on Twitter: juveclubto

Being a Juventus Club DOC means that the Club is

The Board of Directors. From top left: Joe Bonavota, Franco Costa, Dino DiGennaro, Vincenzo Carlucci, Gina Pace, Franco Luciani, Angelo Cofini. From bottom left: Tony Ciamarra, Marisa Lombardi, Tiziana Pace, Nadia Ciccone, Alfredo Olivieri.



President / Presidente 2nd Vice President / 2 Vice Presidente General Manager Treasurer / Tesoriere Secretary - Public Relations / Segretaria - Pubbliche Relazioni Membership Co-Ordinator / Co-Ordinatrice Tesseramenti Director of Marketing / Direttore di Marketing Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere


Immediate Past President


officially recognized by the parent club, Juventus F.C. in Torino. We are bound by the same rules and regulations as the Torino club. Being officially recognized as a member of a large family of Juventus supporters, we are united by the love of our team and our passion for the game, stimulated by the black and white, and pushed forward by the fervor of our cheers. Being an official card-carrying member of the Club allows you many special perks, such as privileged ticketing services at the stadium and Juventus F.C. Club events. For more information, visit www.juventusclubdoc.it DISCLAIMERS The opinions expressed by zeb magazine are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the Juventus Club DOC Toronto, Juventus F.C., the publisher, or its advertisers. Zeb Magazine is an independently produced magazine and is not officially endorsed by Juventus F.C. The names "Juventus" and "Juve" are the sole property of Juventus F.C. S.p.a. Unless otherwise specified, all images and articles remain the property of the individual authors. If you are a copyright owner and you believe that something has been utilized in our magazine in such a way that constitutes an infringement of copyright, please contact us and we will remove your work. Where zeb Magazine contains links to other sites, such links are not endorsements of any information, products or services available from or promoted by such sites, and no information offered by external sites has been endorsed or approved by zeb Magazine. Where zeb Magazine displays advertisements, such advertisements are not endorsements of any information, products, or services available from or promoted by such advertisers, and no information offered by these advertisers has been endorsed or approved by zeb Magazine.

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Having a few chuckles at the expense of our celebrity athletes

"I can play in the center, on the right, and occasionally on the left side."—David Beckham, when asked if he was a “volatile” player

“I was thinking about making a comeback, until I pulled a muscle vacuuming." -Johnny Bench, MLB Hall of Famer

"Sorry, I don't know much about you. I don't follow tennis.” Christina Aguilera to Tiger Woods, after he told her that he loved her music

"We're not attempting to circumcise rules." -Bill Cowher, Pittsburgh Steelers coach

"I don't care what the tape says. I didn't say it." Football coach Ray Malavasi

“My sister's expecting a baby, and I don't know if I'm going to be an uncle or an aunt." – Chuck Nevitt, former American basketball player "I am the most loyal player money can buy." -Don Sutton, Pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Houston Astros, Milwaukee Brewers, Oakland Athletics and California Angels

"Baseball is 90% mental the other half is physical." Yogi Berra Don’t forget, if you see a quote that makes you laugh, share it with us. E-mail it to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail it to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7


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