Sandveld Country Quilt Group Newsletter August 2019

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Sandveld Country Quilt Group Nuusbrief Augustus 2019 :Epos Sandveldquilters :FB :Blog Sandveldquilt :Instagram

Missie: Om jongmense te leer kwilt en die gehalte van kwiltwerk te bevorder. Ons wil met Gildes saamwerk en alle kwilters inspireer om saam te kwilt en om te groei as kwilters.

UIT DIE VOORSITTER SE PEN… 2019 is die jaar van feesvieringe! SAQG is 30 jaar oud en ons eie Kontreigroep amper ‘n volle 1 jaar oud. En dit vul ‘n mens met soveel dankbaarheid. Dit het my laat dink wat is dankbaarheid regtig. Dankbaarheid verander wat ons het, na genoeg, na meer. Dit kan ‘n maaltyd in ‘n fees verander, ‘n huis in ‘n tuiste en ‘n vreemdeling in ‘n vriend. Is dit nie presies wat in ons eie Kontreigroep gebeur het nie? Ons dankbaarheid om saam te kan kwilt, saam ons liefde vir lappe te kan deel, het van vreemdelinge in ons groep hartsvriendinne gemaak. Dit is iets om oor fees te vier! Kom ons vier ons suksesse, vriendskappe, hoogtepunte met ‘n dankbare hart. Sonder ‘n dankbare hart sal jy honger van ‘n tafel opstaan, ongeag hoe groot die oorvloed was wat voor jou neergesit was. Kom ons gebruik ons talente met dankbaarheid en wees dankbaar vir ons kwiltvriendinne. Vir ‘n gelukkige en dankbare hart is die lewe ‘n fees!

DAGBOEK ASB!!!... …ONS LAASTE Stikdag vir 2019!!!

8.30vm vir 9.00vm Oos – Kerksaal, Bultfontein.

7 Nov 2019

Gasvroue – Bloemfontein, Brandfort,Hertzogville,Dealesville

Kom maak `n oulike toiletsakkie!

Mari 083-2749161

Kwiltresep… Met die somer om die draai… kan hierdie reseppie van Emmie Swanepoel (Bothaville) net handig wees wanneer die braaivleisvure aangesteek word!

Mieliegereg by braaivleis… 3 eiers 1 blikkie heelpit mielies ( water afgegooi) 1 blikkie geroomde mielies 1 k gerasperde kaas (om in te meng en ekstra vir oorstrooi voor dit gebak word) 3 e koekmeel 3 e suiker 2 e gesmelte botter 2 koppies melk Sout, Aromat, marjolein en pietersielie na smaak. 2 t bakpoeier

1. Meng al die bestanddele goed MAAR gooi die bakpoeier laaste by. 2. Sprinkel `n bietjie kaas oor. 3. Bak by 180⁰ C vir ± 1 uur.

Die klas word aangebied deur Annie du Toit (SAQG teacher) Patroon R30-00

Toegang by deur: R10-00 Besoekers/gaste: R50-00

Wenner!!!! “Show & Tell”

TE KOOP KWILTHANGERS!!! Kontak: Alida Klopper 082 7887 617

Sandveld Country Quilt Group Komitee 2019

Veels geluk, Ansa! Pragtig en welgedaan! Ansa is `n ou Bultfonteiner. Sy maak al vir die afgelope 42 jaar klere en het so 4 jaar gelede begin kwilt en het by Mari Strydom kwiltklasse geneem. Ansa en haar man is afgetree en woon steeds in Bultfontein. Sy het 2 kinders – `n seun en `n dogter en 3 kleinkinders. Rooi is haar gunsteling kleur.

Voorsitter: Mari Strydom - 083 274 9161 O. Voorsitter: Hannelie de Wet – 083 305 6632 Sekretaresse: Elizé Grobbelaar – 083 458 1323 Tesourier: Michelle vd Westhuizen – 083 500 3841 Media: Sanet Olivier – 083 268 8398 en Frances vd Walt - 078 803 4019 Ander portefeuljes: Argief: Sanet Voordeur: Brenda en Elmé Uitstallers: Hannelie, Soretha en Mari “Sewing Room Sale” en Bib: Nieka en Maritha “Show & Tell”: Amanda & Frances “SAQG” – sake : Mari Strydom.

“Show en Tell” Bring asb. jul kwilte en kom stal dit uit tydens die Alg. Verg! Daar wag `n geskenkpak vir die kwilter wie se kwilt gekies word as die “Kykers se Keuse” van die dag!

“Sewing room Sale”… Kontak: Sanet Olivier – 083 268 8398 Verkoop jou afvallap of enige ander artikels – slegs 10% kommissie op jou verkope word afgestaan aan die Sandveld Country Quilt Group!

…en biblioteek! Het jy enige KWILT – tydskrifte of boeke wat jy nie meer gebruik? Kontak Nieka v Emmenes 071 682 5376 …sy sal jou meer vertel hoe ons jou boeke/tydskrifte binne ons biblioteek kan gebruik!

“Scrapquilts”… Bonnie K. Hunter van is een van Amerika se gewildste “quilt teachers”. Sy werk hoofsaaklik met afvallappies. Besoek haar webblad by – dit is `n bron van baie kwiltstories, wenke en idees! Hier is `n uittreksel uit haar artikel ”Scrap User's System!” - beskikbaar, met tonne meer wenke, op haar webblad – “I sort my strips in sizes of 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3" and 3.5". I've pretty much STOPPED doing the 3" strips because they don't seem to work with other strips in any combination. (They don't play nicely with others! ) The 1.5" and 2" and 2.5" can combine with each other in different combinations and then go with the 3.5", but there are not a lot of combinations that work with the 3" strips! (not a lot adds up to 2.5" finished) So I'm going to have to challenge myself this year to come up with some quilts that just use 3" strips and squares or something to deplete that drawer. It might be just ALL SQUARES, but I will use them. I consider a strip anything about 12" or longer. Anything shorter than that gets cut into squares and bricks. I have 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3.5" squares and I have bricks in 2"X3.5" and 2.5" X 4.5". A brick is the height of one square, with the width of 2 squares, plus seam allowance. If you wanted larger bricks, another useful size would be 3.5"X6.5". (finished at 3"X6", twice as wide as tall plus seam allowance, get it?) :c) Bricks are used for flying geese type units as well as by themselves. Some of my strips are separated by light/dark if there are enough strips to have 2 drawers of that size strip to contain them. My 2" strips are this way. One bin for light 2" strips and one bin for darks. I do have the 2.5" squares also separated into lights and darks. The 2" squares are all thrown in a bin together as are the 3.5" squares. I just don't have so many of them yet to need more than one bin for them. Some people are really into collecting "nickel squares". (5"X5" charm squares) I find that I can work up the nickel type patterns easier and faster with more variety by using my pre-cut strips, squares and bricks, than if I had cut my scraps into nickels only to have to cut them down again into smaller units in order to make the nickel quilts. Look at the block mock ups, see what the units are constructed of, use the pattern as an idea, but see what you can do with your strips and squares easier and faster because they are already cut and waiting for you to dig into! A lot of your scraps aren't going to be big enough to cut nickel squares out of in the first place...but you can often make the same blocks by using your 2" or 2.5" strips... *Note* Just for your information, did you know that you could get three 1.5" strips, three 2" strips and three 2.5" strips all from a 1/2 yard of fabric and it would be out of your nagging stash, into your strip bins and ready to be used? If you really want to slice up larger pieces, this is the way to go. Cut a few slices of different sizes and feed them into their bins! You'll be using those strips in no time.”


Kwetterkatte (Bultfontein) se Bargello-klas gedurende Junie 2019…

Bargello Quilts originated from needlepoint. Hierdie dames het onderleiding van Mari Strydom `n Bargello – kwilt aangepak.

History shows bargello needlepoint designs as far back as the 16th century, which was known as Florentine, Flame or Hungarian point.

Regs bo: Hannelie se Bargello in wording. Kort net `n “binding” Regs: Patrys se Bargello.

In more recent years, it has been adapted into a quilting technique with endless possibilities for designs.

Pragtig julle!!! Welgedaan! Ons kyk uit vir die ander dames se Bargello`s!!!

Using Starch for Quilting When you are dealing with 1/4” seam allowances, you know that quilting is a precise craft. Which is why wobbly, stretchy fabric can cause big headaches, even on small projects. But there is a solution that will keep your fabric in place while you work, and that’s spray starch. You have probably thought of, or used, spray starch on your clothing, but its uses go far beyond that. Spray starch for quilting can be your secret tool for award-winning quilts.

Spray Starch for Quilting

Starch your fabric before you cut out your pieces to help stabilize the fabric and prevent it from stretching. This results in more accurate piecing. Begin by pre-washing and drying your fabric as you usually do. Then starch your fabric in layers. You only need to use a little bit on each layer. Plan to starch your fabric 2-3 times on each side. Once your fabric is starched, you can iron it. Always use a dry, hot iron, set to medium-high heat, and no steam. Ideally, your iron should be 1600 watt or more. Remember to put the side of the fabric you sprayed with starch down toward the pressing board. You will be pressing the dry side of the fabric with the iron. Your pressing board, or table, should be harder than a standard ironing board. A soft ironing board will cause issues when trying to press your fabric. Don’t worry about getting starch on your pressing board while you are working. When you are pressing your fabric, press your iron. Don’t rub or move the iron too quickly or too roughly. Don’t worry about how the fabric feels at this point. You are looking to create stiffness with your fabric. The starch will wash out when you wash the final quilt and become softer.

Quilting Techniques

Different types of quilts will require different starching and pressing combinations. If you already have some small pre-cut pieces, these can be starched as well. You will need to take extra care to gently press them so that they do not become distorted or stretched during pressing. For patchwork quilts, you can use starched fabric for gridded half-square triangles. The fabric will be more stable for easy marking. In appliqué quilting, you can lightly mist the starched patch with water before ironing the turn-under allowance over the template. For pieced quilts, you can starch each block when finished. Simply spray starch lightly on the back side only. Also, remember when you are pressing a finished block, be sure to pay close attention to the seams. Seams that were all pressed open need to stay pressed open. When it comes to finishing quilts, there are a few more things to keep in mind. If you are basting, pins need a bit more push to slide through starched fabric. Quilting by machine is best for a quilt top of starched fabric. Hand quilting is difficult through starched fabric.

Spray Starch Suggestions

Starch only as much fabric as you will be working with in the near future. Try to avoid storing starched fabrics for long periods of time. After pressing, you can roll the starched fabric on a cardboard tube to avoid folds. Starching is an easy way to tame your fabric when you are quilting. It keeps your fabric from wobbling and stretching which allows patches and blocks to keep their shape. And after your quilt is assembled the starch will wash out when the quilt is laundered. Hang up your finished quilt and get ready for admirers to ask you for your precision quilting secret. **** Stikdag 7 Augustus 2019 Pynappelblok Maak `n loper, kussing of volledige kwilt met die leer van hierdie tegniek!!! Benodigdhede vir 2 blokke: 1 x Fat Quarter (lig) 1x Fat Quarter (medium/donker) Stysel (in aanspuit bottel) Dan ook jou: masjien, “lead”, bord, snylem, strykyster en handdoek om op uit te pak. Kom leer `n nuwe tegniek!

`n Voorbeeld van “starchs” wat in SA beskikbaar is. Kyk by die afdeling met waspoeiers en ander skoonmaakmiddels van jou winkel.

So deurnag die Bultfonteiners!!! 2 Julie 2019 Foto`s - Soretha v Rensburg

SAQG CHALLENGE - TIME TO CELEBRATE Uit die Sandveld Country Quilt – groep is daar 5 kwilte gekies. Baie geluk aan die volgende kwilters: Rika Lombard, Mari Strydom (2), Annelize van den Berg, Frances van der Walt Die volgende terugvoer het ons via epos van Antionette Kriel ontvang – ”I can report that we received a total of 60 quilts:) You had the option to select your top 3 by way of Viewer’s Choice in your guild, but since we were getting worried that we might not receive enough entries to choose our top 30 from, we let you send whatever entries you could master… The breakdown is as follows: (in no particular order) Regional Guilds: Jakaranda: 3 Good Hope: 6 Dias: 5 Outeniqua: 4 Golden West: 4 GRG: 2 Vaal Triangle: 2 East Coast: 2 Oranje: 0 Lowveld: 0 KZN: 19* (received 20, but had to disqualify one quilt, for no entry form could be found) Country Groups: Sandveld: 5 TAGS: 6 Kouga: 2

*Please note that KZN’s entries include entries from the smaller groups in the Guild, e.g. Village Quilters, Grassroots, Kloof, Quilters by the Sea and Midlands

The next process will be to select the 30 quilts that will form the SAQG’s 30th Birthday Collection, to be displayed at our Stall at Festival and from which a Viewer’s Choice will be awarded. Thank you Jenny for making the beautiful rosette: These 30 quilts will also form part of the next SAQG Travelling Exhibition:! I have secured the services of two fellow judges to help me, in Roma Dunn and Shan Fox. The selection will be made this coming Saturday, 27 July in PE. As we promised, no formal judging will take place, but the interpretation of the theme, the use of the (correct) colours and the correct size will be looked at. We would like to present the best 30 quilts in celebrating our birthday, especially as it will also represent the SAQG around SA for the next two years! Please note that the remaining 30 quilts will still be exhibited at our Stall at Festival, but will not be eligible for Viewer’s Choice. ” Antoinette Kriel South African Quilters' Guild – Treasurer, Teachers Forum, Dias Guild Representative

…die gekose kwiltjies!


So laat waai onse Meraai!!! Ons Sandvelders is trots op jou!!! `n Artikel oor Mari soos dit verskyn het in die Volksblad van 14 Junie 2019. U

*Erkenning aan Siska Martin en die Volksblad 14 Junie 2019.

STIKDAG 2 Mei 2019 …”mile - a - minute”!!! Baie dankie aan die Gasvroue ( Bultfontein) vir `n heerlike en suksesvolle Stikdag!

…lede stik ywerig aan hul projek!

Van die lede het die oggend al hul “mile – a – minute” voltooi. Welgedaan!

Vir meer inligting en nog foto`s besoek ons by of ons fb by sandveldquilters.

South African Quilters’ Guild

SAQG – Celebrating 30 years of Quilting since 1989 – 2019

SAQG BIENNIAL GENERAL MEETING to be held on Wednesday 21 August 2019 at 17h15 for 17h30 in the Acacia Room auditorium at Heronbridge College, Fourways in Johannesburg AGENDA 1. ATTENDANCE (Sign in) 2. WELCOME 3. APOLOGIES 4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS BIENNIAL GENERAL MEETING held in PE 5 July 2017. The minutes of the SAQG BIENNIAL GENERAL MEETING 2017 will be available from all Regional Guild Representatives and Country Group leaders from 31 July 2019. Any matters arising from these minutes must be sent in writing by email before 7 August 2019 to the President. 4.1 MATTERS ARISING FROM BGM 2017 MINUTES and Adoption of Minutes 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 6.



GENERAL 7.1 Membership fees 7.2 Quilters’ Hall of Fame


JUDGES and MASTER QUILTERS 8.1 Accredited Quilt Judges – presentation of Badges and Certificates 8.2 Presentation of Master Quilter badges to new recipients


TEACHERS 9.1 Quilt Teacher Accreditation Course – 2020 9.2 Presentation of badges and certificates to Accredited Quilt Teachers (2018)

10. PRO DEDICATE AWARD 2019 11. SAQG’s 30th BIRTHDAY 12. CLOSING NOTE: Any matters to be included under GENERAL in the Agenda for the BGM 2019 must be sent in writing by email before 7 August 2019 to the President, after which the Agenda will be or

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