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1. The latest headlines in the franchise industry 2. Quick news bites to inspire you
Growth Spurt JUST LET ME DO IT! COMMERCIAL SERVICES WELCOMES ITS LATEST FRANCHISEES Colleen and Curtis Pyle are thrilled to welcome Randy Fett and his sons Tyler and Kyle as the latest members of their franchise family. The owner of several businesses, including golf courses, a strip mall, and a resort, Randy Fett (second from right) knew a great opportunity when he saw it. “This was a no-brainer. They put together an amazing opportunity. Corporate handles all the back-office tasks and marketing, plus there are amazing B2B relationships already in place,” he says. Fett and his sons, plus family friends, are starting their Just Let Me Do It! Commercial Services location in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and hope to scale the business throughout all of Minnesota. For more information, visit www.justletmedoit.com.
June 2019 37