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Fan Club

The Franchise Action Network (FAN) is the International Franchise Association's grassroots network of over 65,000 advocates across the country, serving as the voice of America's 733,000 franchise businesses. Franchise Dictionary Magazine's CEO/Publisher, Alesia Visconti, attended the FAN's annual meeting last year in Washington D.C. This year, the event is scheduled for September 9-11.

HERE’S MORE ABOUT FAN: • FAN ensures the personal stories of local small business owners are heard by lawmakers and administrators at government agencies. For instance, FAN lobbies on behalf of franchisees about business taxes and minimum wage changes. FAN protects and serves franchisees, franchisors, and suppliers. • FAN members can contact their federal, state, and local officials about concerns through the Phone2Action platform. • FAN members receive email industry updates via bimonthly FANmail. • FAN will meet with members of Congress from September. 9 to 11 in Washington. Franchisees may attend these meetings free of charge. IFA schedules the meetings and briefs

What Does the Franchise Action Network Do? The Franchise Action Network of the International Franchise Association (IFA) is made up of more than 65,000 advocates who serve as the voice of America’s 733,000 franchise businesses in meetings, phone calls, and correspondence with lawmakers and government officials. Members of the Franchise Action Network, or FAN, lobby on behalf of the industry in Washington, D.C., in state capitals, and even at local levels to stop or change legislation and regulations that negatively affect the franchise industry.



attendees beforehand. Topics are wide-ranging: marketing, innovation, financing, women’s and veterans’ issues, a supplier forum, and much more. To see the full agenda, register, and/or reserve a hotel room, visit www.franchise.org/events/fan. To learn more about FAN, including how to become a member, visit www.franchiseactionnetwork.com. Email IFA’s Patrick Pitts at ppitts@franchise.org to find out more. —Mary Vinnedge

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