City in flux

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When looking into the typography within York, the typographic zone has shown the variety of differen tpye and depending on where abouts in the city I am withint eh grid shows a change in the typography used in different places inc. shops, signage, houses etc.







aking a look into the typographic zone within York and how it has been split up on the page opposite this book will show the findings of the fonts used and the typographic design around the city.

The main focus being on the logo designs of the shops and how the different places have displayed the words and logos around there shop and the materials they have used. During each double page spread I have allocated a colour to which I feel is suitable to that area of the typographic zone, I have

come to the choice of these colours after visiting York to both get the pictures and also find out what the population there feel when they are in the different areas of the city, when I have put all of the words together from the zone I have chosen a colour the most suitable.

welcoming classic artifacts scener y interesting old mature appealing safe war m comfor ting bloom environment brick English safety country surronded contrast traditional


The main findings that was seen during zone 1 was the obvious that there wasnt many shops or areas that could be photographed to gauge how this area is different from other places

similar within the other areas of the city. The other thing that I found while spending time in these streets was the variety of different shops and type that was displayed,


there is no obvious art and design movement that can be found here, as shown on the right the top image and the two below where all shops within 10 steps of each other however they vary from modern design and printing on the walls to the old fashioned type used on the bar sign. This also says something about this zone and carried on throughout my findings, these you will see later on, but the older the shop or place the old fashioned the type is, therefore it hasnt been updated or modernised but only kept in the same type that it was probably first done in. This says a lot about the city:

“...Old, reliable, well known!� This area of the typographic zone is the very start of York, it shows what else is too come further on within the city, it shows the values which is seen throughout York city with the cobbles and the old brick work.


o r i g i n a l s p e e c h l e s s f o o t p a t h s a l l e y s l i t t l e t r a n s p o r t r e l i a b l e Yo r k c e n t u r i e s h a b i t a t s c l e a n e n c h a n t ing entrerance station fields public romans cobbles country patreotic drink warmth compact friendly

river water original contemporary mixture unique new old bridge safety reflection bars clubs vintage special clear view scene boats crowd images cameras student toursits blue movement transport

2 One thing that stand out throughout this type zone, as shown within the colour scheme, is the river that you cross to get into the center including the shambles, kings square etc. This is a

river that has been used as a tourist attraction and is a prime spot for tourists to take pictures do to the amount of boats, brick work on the side of the river and also the relfections that are


shown onto the river. However the typography and the buildings surrounding are a massive influence to the look of this area of the city, many of the shops and places have used the original brick work yet have used a modern twist and changed it to look more up to te to get custom etc. The perfect example of this being a rendered church which has been turned into a nightclub, the typeography that they hve used has been on signs, posters and boards outside the build so to not ruin the original building. Many of the typography hwoever is displaying ont he shops sign posts above the shop, this tends to be the way in this typographic zone.


rendered changes footpaths bridge shine boats pathway variety friendly photography reinvented traditional romantic environment stunning trips sociable views populated families water educational

contrast old vintage new unique fashion inspiration traditional landmark minister known shops audience historic stone old shops design decorated mixture walking site seeing toursit attraction

3 This zone is split with both the unique and the new designs of the city in regards to the shop fronts as they are glass fronted and modern exteriors and logos in the windows etc, this being different to the signage

that is n the more traditional shops and buildings, these however are also located withoun this zone. Especailly when you near the minister it begins to get older and more traditional like the rest of York.


Due to this being one of the larger typographic zones on the map, there is a bigger divid and a bigger area to show the differences from one side of the city to the other, it shows how walking 15 minutes to a different area of the city can make such a big difference. Within this area of the city there are multiple shops all in a row and together that are more modern and up to date with large signs and the type being less cluttered and more plain and sophisticated, the fonts used or mainly sans serif as it is bold and easy to read, this type is easy to recognise and is maining displayed in one area in the center of the shop window for all to see. Another area of this type zone has a mixture of all different types of fonts, styles and tpography. One shop that caught my attention with the styling of their type was Urban outfitters who is displayed in the middle of this zone, they use more unique features that follow in to the inside of the shop. it uses differnt types of materials to show what they want to say, for example displayed on the opposite page is a lok inside the shop how they have used vinyls to write the words on. The last area of this type zone is nearest the misintier where it goes back to traditional and old and use serif for the font ,more recognisable to the city.


redesigned original trademark branding graphic large designer changing variety known landmark minsiter bright original happy new everyone unite individual contrast comparison open spacious

Shambles old traditional english brick shops antique small compact chocolate cobbles signage york secretive rustic old english patriotic well known kings sqaure traditional pasteries variety brick

4 In this typeogrpahic zone is one of, if not the most famous streets in York, The shambles. This street has a number of shops that are all simialr with the same type of ty-

pography, although the font and the style is the same throughout the layout of these shops how theyve presented there shop title etc varies slightly making


them all unique. Although the majoirty of the shops within this zone and especially down the shambles have the singin signs to show there shops from further away they all display there name and logo on the shop front also but just in a different sytle and layout. The typography is a traditional layout throughout the majority of the shops which fits in with the style of the street. Although the shambles are a big part of this typographic zone there are also other areas within, most of which follow the same style as the shambles but then there are others which are more modern and use different materials and venture out from the traditional well known way of the signs. In this zone is also kings square which is more open unlike the shambles. Here is the choclate shop which is a prime example of the using different mediums to promote and advertise, they have displayed theire typogroahy only an old fashioned bike and cart (as shown to the right).


Shambles old traditional english brick shops antique small compact chocolate cobbles signage york secretive rustic old english patriotic well known kings sqaure traditional pasteries variety brick

less populated culture old new mixture traditional new building work pubs shops renovate expansion building accustomed york outskirts of town museum railway locals DIG english sans serif new build


Although this is still part of the typographic zone of the city it is on the outskirts of the city. This area of the city is less populated than the rest of the center. However this area of the city

is different from the others as it has no set style. The buildings and the type reflect and match each other. There are certain areas of this zone that are modern and new building and their


typography is simple, plain and stands out which is put somewhere on the building which is different and more unique than plain on a sign etc. However there are also older builds which are more traditional and stick to serif fonts and is displayed in set areas and is in a style that is old english.


less populated culture old new mixture traditional new building work pubs shops renovate expansion building accustomed york outskirts of town museum railway locals DIG english sans serif new build

Created by: Francesca Rowley BA Hons Graphic Design

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